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party a: xxxx


party b: xxxx

本合同由如上列明的甲、乙双方按照《中华人民共和国合同法》、《建筑安装工程承包合同条例》以及国家相关法律法规的规定,结合本合同具体情况,于xx年x月x日在xx签订。 this contract is signed by the two parties in xxxx on xxxx according to the “contract law of the people’s republic of china”, the “regulation on building and installation contracting contract”, and other relevant national laws and regulations, as well as the specific nature of this project


article 1 general principles


contract documents


this contract includes the contract itself, exhibits, construction drawings, explanations of work procedures, tender documents, as well as other documents specified by the contract. the contract documents should be mutually explainable and mutually descriptive. the documents that constituted the contract and the priority hierarchy of explanations of the documents are as follows: this contract; the official letter of winning the tender; letter of bidding and its annex, standards, guidelines, and relevant technical documents, drawings, bill of quantity (boq), quotation of prices, and project budget. during the implementation of the contract, any written agreements or documents between two parties such as change-orders are also regarded will be deemed as part of this contract.


project introduction

1.1.2工程名称:xxxxname of project: xxxx


location of project: xxxx工程范围:除了本合同其他条款另有说明外,乙方应提供为履行合同所需的所有服务,用品以及其他保障工程进行所需的必要花费以完成下列工作:

scope of the project: unless otherwise explained by other articles in this contract, party b shall provide all services, utensils, and other necessary cost for the implementation of this contract; the scope of project includes, but not limited to: ※室内装饰工程,详见附件一和附件二

inner decoration, see appendix 1 & 2


fa?ade(including doors, windows, roof and stairs) see appendix 1 & 2


electronic engineering, see appendix 1 & 2


air conditioning system, see appendix 1 & 2


water supply, sewage and heating system, see appendix 1 & 2


fire control system, see appendix 1 & 2


other items listed in the construction drawings (any changed drawings shall be provided and confirmed by party a). all these aforementioned items are generally referred as “project” hereafter.承包方式:乙方以包工包料,包工程质量,包安全,包文明施工的方式承包工程nature of contracting: party b shall be responsible for both labor and materials for this project, and will responsible for the quality of this project, safety, as well as code of conduct during the construction project.


on-site representative of party a shall be appointed by party a


date of the project beginning: xxxx





contract amount

本合同价款为人民币 xxxx,为固定总价合同价款。

the total contract amount is xxxx, which is fixed contract amount



final audit of project


this project is using fixed total amount according to gb50500-2008 the pricing guidelines by code of quantity in construction projects, except that party a may make price adjustment in the event of the existing construction drawings are changed or add or remove any construction work according to the request of party a

1.3.2 所有的人工费用都不得以任何理由进行过调整,结算时只接受投标文件中约定的价格。第二条:政府批复

article 2 government approvals

2.1 乙方负责协助甲方办理此项施工需要办理的所有政府报批,包括但不仅限于消防、环保的报批与其他与本工程相关的报批,甲方负责政府行政审批的费用。

party b shall be responsible to process government approvals related to the project, including but not limited to: fire control, environment protection and other approvals related to this project. party a is responsible for the costs of these approvals

2.2 乙方负责其工程报备

party b shall be responsible for construction applications, approvals and related costs.

2.3 乙方应承担2.2所述报备不全而导致的政府罚金,并且不能顺延工期。


article 3 rights and obligations of party a

3.1 向乙方提供经确认的施工图纸或做法说明五份,并向乙方进行现场交底,向乙方提供施工所需要的水电设备,并说明使用注意事项。

party a shall provide five copies of confirmed construction drawings and explanations of work procedures, and shall conduct technical clarification. party a shall provide party b with necessary water and power equipment and the instructions on using the equipment.

3.2 指派xxxx为甲方驻工地代表,负责合同的履行。对工程质量、进度进行监督检查,办理验收、变更事宜。甲方的工地代表如果认为乙方的某雇员行为不当或散漫不羁,或甲方认为该雇员不能胜任,则乙方应立即进行撤换,并且未经甲方实现书面许可,乙方不得在施工中再行雇佣该等人员。被撤换的任何人员应尽可以能立即由甲方代表所批准的胜任的人员代替。party a appoints xxxx as the on-site representative to supervise the fulfillment of contract

obligations, to oversee the quality control and check the project progress, and to handle issues such as acceptance and variations. in the event of the on-site representative of party

party a should make payments to party b according to the payment terms.

3.4 如甲方认为乙方确已无能力继续履行合同的,则甲方有权解除合同,乙方必须在接到甲方书面通知后两周内撤离场地以便乙方继续施工。对乙方完成工程量的结算不作为撤离场地的条件,结算应在竣工一个月之内完成,付款方式按照本合同条款。

3.5 甲方有权要求乙方按照甲方的组织设计和施工工期进行施工,乙方如对甲方的要求和指令不予执行的,则按照乙方违约处理,乙方应承担违约责任。

party a has the right to instruct party b to do the construction according to party as organization and planned construction period; in the event of party b ignores and refuses to observe party as instructions, party b will be deemed as breach of the contract, and party b shall be held responsible for the liabilities of breaching the contract.

3.6 甲方有权要求乙方服从甲方的统一安排和管理,乙方的施工人员必须遵守各项规章制度。对于乙方施工人员违规操作所产生的后果,乙方承担全部责任。甲方有权从工程总价款中扣除相应的款项。

party a has the right to instruct party b to observe the general arrangement and management by party a, and the construction staffs of party b must observe all rules and regulations. party b shall be fully responsible for the consequences of such violations by the staff of party

b. party a has the right to directly deduct the corresponding amount from the total contract amount.

3.7 甲方所有的通知可以以书面或口头形式发出,乙方接获甲方的通知后应根据通知规定的内容执行。

all notices from party a can be made both in writing and orally, but the oral instructions are only applicable to the representative of party a. party b shall, upon receiving notices from party a, execute the corresponding matters according to the content of the notices.

3.8 未经甲方同意,乙方不得将工程转让或分包,对于乙方将工程擅自转让或分包的,甲方有权解除合同,乙方必须接受并承担由此造成的一切后果。

party b shall not transfer or subcontract the project to any third party without the consent of party a; in the event of party b transfers or subcontracts the project to any third party without the consent of party a, party a has the right to terminate the contract, and party b must accept and be responsible for any consequence of such violation.

3.9 甲方有权制定专业分包商,并按照乙方在投标文件中承诺的配合管理费率向乙方支付配合管理费。

party a has the right to appoint special sub-contractors, and shall pay the management fee to party b according to the rate of subcontract management and coordination fee stipulated in篇二:完整工程施工合同英文版


construction contract

party a: (developer)


this contract is signed by the two parties party a and party b according to the contract law of the people’s republic of china, the contraction law of the people’s republic of china , and other relevant national laws and regulations, as well as the specific nature of this project. on the basis of honesty and credit, equality, voluntariness, party a and party b have reached consensus through negotiations and signed this contract.

1. project introduction

1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 the design of construction drawings:

2. nature of contracting

3. construction period

4. quality of project

5. contract amount

5.1 5.2

6. final audit of the project6.1 the condition and steps for party a pay the project funds to party b:

6.2 6.3 party b shall submit to party a equivalent invoice before party a’s each

period payment, otherwise, party a can refuse to pay until the receiving of the party b’s invoice.

6.4 the invoice provided by party b should be valid. any falls invoice provided by party b which are found by relevant office, the party b should not only provide the valid invoice to party a, but also bear the responsible caused by the invalid invoice.

7.variation of design and visa

7.1during the process of the project, any contract list, technology checking list ( not include the variation, addition, substitution, and reduction on the drawings and project fee) concerning about this project shall only be regarded as effective with the confirmation of the representative party a in writing.

7.2 any variation notice list, technology checking list, contract list, technology checking list ( include the drawings design) concerning about this project shall only be regarded as effective with the confirmation of the seal of party a.

7.4party b shall take full responsibility for any loss caused by delaying for more than days applying for extension vise from party a changed design.

8. acceptance and final audit of the project

8.1 acceptance of the project

working days after receiving the notification.

8.1.2party b shall be responsible for the re-inspection cost, and the project periodshall not be extended.

8.2 final audit of the project

if the result of re-inspection has passed acceptance standards, party b shall submit the audit report and materials to party a for verification within

9. obligations of party a and party b

9.1. obligations of party a:

as the on-site representative to supervise the fulfillment of contract obligations, to oversee the quality control and check the project progress, and to handle issues such as acceptance and variations and withdraw the

representative at any time.

9.1.2. design drawings and scheme to party b.

9.1.4.party a shall be responsible for coordinating the relationship with the engining.

9.2.2.party b shall observe safety

policies of on-site management by the state and guangxi , nanning government authorities and shall independently and fully assumes responsible for the loss caused by violation.

9.2.4.during construction, party b should make such adjustment to the construction plan and the progress schedule per party as instruction and change-orders.

10.agreement on safety

party b must strictly adhere to the safety and technical standards of construction and infrastructure installation and regulation of china, guangxi zhuang autonomous region, nanning safety standards and other relevant regulations and standards.the construction spot should meet all standards of the peoples republic of china. and bearing the safety fees which are not caused by party a.

11.the concerning material supply

11.1. party a or party b should be responsible for the material ,equipments,which should meet the qualified design request with qualification guarantee books.

11.2. any material,equipment which is bought by the party b, if not agree with the quality request or specification contain difference,should forbid any usage.the party b should rebuy the equipment and bear the responsibility to make sure no delay on the project.if party b refuses to change the materials, party a has the right to terminate the contract and asks for loss from party b.

11.3 any material,equipment which is bought by the party a, if not agree with the quality request or specification contain difference,should forbid any usage.the party a should rebuy the equipment and bear the responsibility to make sure no delay on the project.


12.1.warranty scope: as state in the contract.

12.3during the warranty period, party b shall fix within days after receiving the notice from party a. in the event of party b fails to fix the defects on a timely manner, party a has the right to hire a third party to do the repair, and any costs incurred shall be burdened by party b.

12.4. mode of notices: phone, fax, e-mail, and so on.

12.4.1 in the way of call the phone or faxing: party b ’s tel: these contact ways will be regarded as the evidence of warranty notice to party b after the calling and faxing.

12.4.2.in the way of posting: party b ’s address: these contact ways will be regarded as the evidence of warranty notice to party b after e-mailing.

12.4.3. in the way of e-mailing: party b ’s e these contact ways will be regarded as the evidence of warranty notice to party b after e-mailing.

12.4.4. the fees of noticing party b will be borne by party b.

12.5. project quality retention fee(tip: the blue words will be suite for under the condition of withing the project quality retention fee)

13. liabilities for breach

13.3.party a can terminate this contract and party b shall take full responsibility for any loss caused by this when one of these condition takes place.


13.3.2party b transfers the contract and any part of the contract and its corresponding to any third party without party as consent in writing.


13.3.4.safety and quality accidents.

13.3.5. the materials provided by party b differs from the qa

certificate and the report of quality assurance test. and party b can not make change on these material.

13.4.party b should make salary/wages payment to all construction staffs in time on a monthly basis, and will be fully responsible for any liabilities caused by any loss or damage to party a as a result of party bs failure to pay salaries and wages according to the requirements. in the event of migrant workers create a disturbance

on group site, party as premises, office space, party b should paid penal sum yuan each time.

13.5.in the event any

13.6. penal sums and other penalty fees that party b should to party a , party a can take out the same amount of money directly from the project fees. (including quality retention fee).

14. other provisions

14.1 party a and party b will deal with each party’s property and life insurance and assume their insurance costs respectively.

14.2.both parties shall timely discuss each other for the settlement of any dispute 篇三:工程承包合同中英文


contract of construction project

合同编号: contract number:

工程名称: project name:


employer (party a): international consulting engineers ( beijing) limited


contractor (party b): zhong huanyigao building decoration engineering co. , ltd 根据《中华人民共和国合同法》和《建筑安装工程承包合同条例》及有关规定,为明确双方在施工过程中的权利、义务和经济责任,经双方协商同意签订本合同。

in order to make definite of the rights, obligations and economic responsibilities of both parties during the construction, the parties, in accordance with the prc contract law and construction engineering contract regulations and relevant provisions, agree to sign this contract.

第一条工程项目article 1, project item

1.工程地点: ,project site:

2.工程范围:scope of project

3.工程造价:人民币元整 (该造价为包工包料价) (cost of this contract is the contract price for labor and materials)

第二条施工准备 article 2, preparation for construction


party a shall assists party b to deal with the procedures of temporary hydropower and vertical transportation and provide architectural drawings and documents of relevant concealed obstacles .

2.乙方:. party b:

①负责施工区域的临时设施、水电管线的铺设、管理、使用和维修工作; be responsible for the works of laying, management, use and maintenance of the temporary facilities, water and electricity pipeline in the construction area.

②组织施工管理人员和材料、施工机械进场;organize construction management staff and construction materials, construction machinery enter the site.


be responsible for keeping public places clean during construction and packing construction material and leaving in the garbage collection place designated by management office each day.

第三条工程期限 article 3 period of construction

1.根据工期和使用需要,商定工程总施工期为天(日历天),自年月日开工至年月日完工1. according to the period of construction and the use need, the total


construction period shall be prolonged upon party a site representatives confirmation when the matters occur as follows.


according to the requirements of construction preparation, party a fail tot assist party b to apply for temporary water and electricity and vertical transportation and have an impact on party b construction;


the material modification or change of design due to the party a’ s requirement of addition or deletion of project have the effect of hindrance on the progress of works.


party a fail to pay the advance payment and construction cost to party b and impact the construction progress;


the delay of schedule of construction due to force majeure.

第四条工程质量article 4 the quality of project


the quality of project should achieve the requirements of acceptance agreed by both parties.




all materials provided by party b should be subject to the approval of party a prior to use,

and none of the same being bought without conformity with party a requirements can be used.


the concealed works should be checked by both parties before the next progress; 3.工程竣工后,乙方按规定对工程实行保修,保修时间自通过竣工验收之日算起,保修期一年。

第五条工程价款的支付与结算article 5 payment and settlement of the contract price 合同总价× 50 %, 即元

the total contract price ×

中期款the payment of medium-term


within 3 (three) days after the progress more than half.

合同总价× 40 %, 即元

the total contract price ×

尾款final payment

合同总价× 10 %, 即元the total contract price × 10%, which is yuan.

第六条施工与设计变更article6 the modification of construction and design


ⅰ. design drawing, illustration and relevant technical data consigned by party b are the basis for construction and shall be confirmed by party a’s signature, which is deemed as the supplementary basis and shall be modified by any party without authorization.


if and when any error or material ueasonable problem of design due to party a’s requirement, party b shall notify party a promptly in writing and decide the amendment or modification of the design documentation by the consultation and negotiation between parties and units concerned. party b shall carry out

construction according to the design documents modified or changed. if project cost increase (including the actual loss of rework loss, stoppage or slowdown, personnel and machine equipment relocated, material structures, fixtures

backlog), shall be responsibility by party a, and be adjusted the contract price together with party b.

三.乙方在保证工程质量和不降低设计标准的前提下,提出修改设计、修改工艺的合理化建议,经甲方、设计单位或有关技术部门同意后采取实施。 any reasonable suggestion on the modifications of design and craft proposed by party b, subject to the quality and without reducing standards of design, could be carried out upon the approval of party a, design unit or concerned technical department.


party a should, if any necessary design change, make the formal amendment and modify drawings for party b’s implementation.. material changes and cost increased must be negotiated by both parties before party b implement the same.

第七条工程验收article 7 acceptance of project一.工程施工中地下工程、结构工程必须具有隐蔽验收签证、试水、抗渗等验收合格记录。甲方须及时办理验收签订手续。

the underground engineering, structural engineering in the construction of project should be checked and with issue of certificate and the record of

acceptance of water test, anti-permeability and so on. party a should deal with the acceptance signed formalities timely.

在规定的保修期内,凡因施工造成的质量缺陷应由乙方无偿保修。其保修条件、范围和期限按城乡建设环境保护部(84)城建字第79号通知印发的《建筑工程保修办法(试行)》执行。in the provision warranty period, any construction quality defects, party b should make maintenance free of the quality defect due to construction, the scope and duration carry out according to the issuance of cheng jian no. 79 notification

construction engineering guarantee measures (trial) by urban and rural construction and environmental protection department (84).

第八条违约责任article 8 liability for breach of contract

乙方的责任:responsibility of party b:


take charge of gratis repair and rework if project quality doesnt meet contacts stipulation


if fail to deliver the construction according to the contract on time, the overdue fines according to punishment or award of the provision concerning the delivery or delay.

甲方的责任:the responsibility of party a:




( 合同范本 ) 甲方: 乙方: 日期:年月日 精品合同 / Word文档 / 文字可改 高速公路承包合同(合同示范文 本) Constrain both parties to perform their responsibilities and obligations together, and clarify the obligations that both parties need to perform within the time limit

高速公路承包合同(合同示范文本) 高速公路承包合同范文篇一 甲方:法人代表: 乙方: 一、承包范围: 二、合同开工、竣工日期:年月日至工程全部完工结算完毕自行终止。 三、承包方式:全过程承包,招投标、工程材料、施工、技术、意外风险等所有费用由乙方自行承担,自负盈亏,甲方不提供任何材料和资金。 四、承包工程结算与财务管理办法: 1、工程按甲方与建设单位签订的施工合同有关结算条款进行结算。 2、所有工程竣工结算,经甲方授权委托以甲方名义,由乙方负

责办理,乙方认可并承受由其负责办理的工程结算结果。 3、甲方按结算总价的3.0%向乙方收取配合费、营业税、个人所得税等按国家相关规定由乙方自行交纳,本项目工程由甲方财务统一做帐,工程款(进度款)汇入甲方后,甲方扣除3%管理费后,甲方必须在3个工作日内将工程款汇给乙方指定帐户。超过7个工作日,甲方向乙方承担按银行最高利息的损失给乙方,如公司无能承担工程款(进度款)、包括利息,由刘建光个人财产担保乙方的所有款项给乙方。 4、工程款(进度款)由乙方负责催收甲方配合,如有建设单位未按合同约定向甲方支付工程款(进度款),甲方不承担因此不支付工程款(进度款)的任何责任。 本协议一式二份,甲乙双方各执一份,签字盖章生效。。 甲方: 年月日乙方: 高速公路承包合同范文篇二 甲方:


承包人签订建设工程施工合同应当注意的问题 建设工程施工合同是指发包人和承包人为完成特定的建筑安装工程明确相互权利、义务关系的协议。依据建设工程施工合同,承包人应当完成发包人交给的施工任务,发包人应当按照约定提供必要施工条件并支付工程价款。建设工程施工合同是保护发包人、承包人双方合法权益的法律文件。本文以承包人的视角讨论在签订建设工程施工合同时应当注意的问题,提醒承包人应当充分认识并积极行使法律所赋予的合法权益。 下面结合建设部和国家工商行政管理局1999年修订的《建设工程施工合同 (示范文本) 》(GF-1999-0201)有关条款,说明承包人在签订建设工程施工合同时应当注意的问题。 一、签订建设工程施工合同之前应当注意的事项。 在签订合同之前,承包人应当对工程的真实性、可靠性及发包人的资信情况尽可能详细的了解,必要时要做详尽的调查。只有在工程合法、相关手续完备及发包人资信情况良好的条件下,承包人与之签订合同,其合法权益才能得到最大限度的保障。在实践中,经常会有一些不法分子利用承包人急于取得工程的心理,编造一些虚假信息,伪造审批文件,从事诈骗活动。因此,如不对工程情况进行仔细、详尽地了解,则有可能掉入陷阱,产生巨大的经济损失。 对发包人主要了解以下三个方面,第一发包人的主体资格,即其是否依法取得企业法人营业执照及相应的经营资格,是否具有签订和缔约资格。根据我国法律的有关规定,建设工程施工合同的缔约当事人均应为法人或其他

经济组织,自然人不能成为建设工程施工合同的当事人。第二工程是否是依法批准的合法项目,相关手续是否齐全,如建设用地是否批准?规划、设计是否得到批准?是否进行了招标等等。第三发包人的资质情况、社会信誉、财务状况如施工所需资金是否已经落实或可能落实等。 在签订合同之前,审查发包人的资信情况是一项重要的准备,为将来合同能够全面履行奠定一个良好基础。 二、签订建设工程施工合同时应当注意的事项 1、仔细阅读《建设工程施工合同 (示范文本) 》(GF-1999-0201)有关条款,掌握相关的法律、法规。 《建设工程施工合同 (示范文本) 》(GF-1999-0201),由协议书、通用条款、专用条款及合同附件四部分组成。签订合同时仔细阅读和准确理解“通用条款”十分重要,这一部分内容不仅注明合同用语的确切含义,引导如何签订“专用条款”,更重要的是当“专用条款”中基本条款未作特别约定时,“通用条款”中对应的条款会成为签约双方一致同意的合同约定。 2、合同价款应当明确约定。 (1) 填写《协议书》中“合同价款”,应当根据工程是属于招标工程,还是议标工程?招标工程的合同价款由发包人、承包人依据中标通知书的中标价格在协议书内约定。非招标工程的合同价款由发包人、承包人依据工程预算在协议书内约定。 (2)合同价格是签约双方共同约定的条款,第一要双方协商,第二要明确。暂定价、暂估价、概算价均不能作为合同价款,约而不定的价款也不能作为合同价款。 (3)填写合同“通用条款”第23条“合同价款及调整”时应当按照其所


高速公路承包合同 高速公路属于高等级公路。对于高速公路承包合同你了解多少呢?以下是第一的高速公路承包合同,欢迎参考阅读。 甲方:法人代表: 乙方: 一、承包范围: 二、合同开工、竣工日期:年月日至工程全部完工结算完毕自行终止。 三、承包方式:全过程承包,招投标、工程材料、施工、技术、意外风险等所有费用由乙方自行承担,自负盈亏,甲方不提供任何材料和资金。 四、承包工程结算与财务管理办法: 1、工程按甲方与建设单位签订的有关结算条款进行结算。

2、所有工程竣工结算,经甲方授权委托以甲方名义,由乙方负责办理,乙方认可并承受由其负责办理的工程结算结果。 3、甲方按结算总价的3.0%向乙方收取配合费、营业税、个人所得税等按国家相关规定由乙方自行交纳,本项目工程由甲方财务统一做帐,工程款(进度款)汇入甲方后,甲方扣除3%管理费后,甲方必须在3个工作日内将工程款汇给乙方指定帐户。超过7个工作日,甲方向乙方承担按银行最高利息的损失给乙方,如公司无能承担工程款(进度款)、包括利息,由刘建光个人财产担保乙方的所有款项给乙方。 4、工程款(进度款)由乙方负责催收甲方配合,如有建设单位未按合同约定向甲方支付工程款(进度款),甲方不承担因此不支付工程款(进度款)的任何责任。 本协议一式二份,甲乙双方各执一份,签字盖章生效。。 甲方: 年月日乙方: 甲方:

乙方: 为开发本村山区经济,经生产队长以上会议决定,将本村车站至双坑口路段进行路面硬化。路段长约4.5公里,工程款以上拨资金为准。工程以议标方试承包,与乙方订合同如下: 1. 工程规格:路面硬化宽度3.5米,包括路基整平,涵洞设施(15cm水泥管埋设),双坑口车站,不包括路肩。 2. 工程质量:按康庄工程标准施工,以上级相关部门验收合格为准。 3. 施工期限:20xx年12月31日前完工。(公历) 4. 付款办法:以上级部门拨给本路段路面硬化工程款如数给乙方。甲方提供乙方相关证明,乙方负责办理相关验收手续。(含路肩未做) 5. 包工包料:工程涉及的人工,材料,机械,水电等由乙方负责。填充料可以到水库采取,里翁通往水库路道,由乙方处理。村方指定场地(大会堂)。

TISCO二期扩建工程项目总承包(EPC)合同 中英文

TISCO 二期扩建工程项目总承包(EPC)合同 技术附件
TISCO 二期扩建工程之总图运输,公路,铁路,各种 管网

ROADWAY, RAILWAY AND PIPELINE WORKS OF THE WHOLE PLAN (STAGE II) 全厂 TISCO 二期扩建工程之总图运输,公路,铁路,各种管网的概述 二期扩建工程之总图运输, 公路, 铁路,各种管网的



协议书 甲方:中铁十八局集团有限公司乐雅高速公路TJ12 合同段项目部路基工程施工队 乙方:身份证号: 为满足甲方承包国高网成渝环线乐雅高速公路TJ12合同段路基土建工程施工的需要,经甲、乙双方友好协商,达成如下协议,望双方共同遵守。 一、工程内容: 1、工程名称: 2、工程地点: 3、工作内容: 4、承包方式:单价承包。 二、合同清单及价款 1、单价及清单见附表 2、附表上的上工程量作为参考量,计量时以乙方实际完成工作量为 准。 3、附表上单价为乙方施工单价,甲方不再收取任何费用,项目部扣除 甲方的管理费和其它费用均与乙方无关,支付时甲方按监理工程师认可方量和以上单价之积支付与乙方。

4、由于乙方原因中途退场,上月余留金不再退换。乙方施工进度必须 跟上甲方进度。否则甲方有权中止合同。 三、工程质量管理: 乙方必须按图纸及国家工程质量管理规范进行施工,因甲方原因造成损失,由甲方负责,因乙方原因造成损失的由乙方负责。 四、工程款支付 1、工程量原则:本工程合同为单价合同,结算数量依据业主确认乙 方完成工程量。确认原则:按图纸计量,有变更的按实际工程量 结算。 2、每月25日报计量。 3、每月根据监理工程师确认工程量进行计量,合同中的单价为乙方 直接施工单价,乙方不再承担其它任何费用,在业主工程款到位 后,三天内按乙方工程量×附表单价的90﹪支付给乙方。余款 10﹪在竣工决算后支付5﹪给乙方,余5﹪作为质量保证金,待 保修期满后甲方一次性支付给乙方。工程保修期为一年。 4、甲方不能按期支付工程款,造成的一切后果由甲方负责。 五、其它 1、本协议一式二份,甲、乙双方各一份。 2、本协议自双方代表签字之日起生效,竣工决算并付清工程款后 失效。 3、本协议未尽事宜,经双方协商解决。 4、本工程安全事故由乙方负责,与甲方无关。


民用工程承包合同书(附英文译本)目录 1.工程范围 2.合同文件 3.履约保证 4.工程差价和完工时间 5.转包和分包 6.图纸 7.一般责任 8.完工 9.工程保险 10.人员和财产的损害 11.第三方责任保险 12.人员的意外事故或伤害 13.对承包方未履行保险义务的救济 14.应当遵守的法规和规章等

15.其他承包方的加入 16.承包方保持施工现场的清洁 17.劳工 18.材料和工艺 19.施工的检验 20.不适当工作和材料的撤换 21.工程的中断 22.开始和终止的时间 23.工期的延展 24.工程的进度 25.工程的延期的损失计算 26.工程完工的证明 27.工程缺陷的保证和不履行义务的责任28.合同条款的变更、增加和删减 29.由于工程数量变更所做的合同价格的调整30.设备、临时工程和材料

31.工程量的计算 32.临时款项 33.付款和保留的余额 34.对承包方违约的救济和权力 35.特殊风险 36.合同的落空及其补偿 37.争议的解决--仲裁 38.通知 39.发包方违约 40.文字 41.应当遵守的法律本合同由_________代表的 _________(公司),以下称“发包方”,和_________代表的 _________(公司),以下称“承包方”,于_________年_________月在_________(地点)订立。承包方在_________国注册为法人,其主要办事机构位于_________,其代表已经被授权签订约束该法人的合同。双方达成如下协议: 第一条工程范围

考虑到发包方将如下文所述付款给承包方,承包方特此与发包方订立协议,以执行、完成和继续与合同规定相符合的工作。 承包方负责提供与第二条所列文件的条款、条件和要求相一致的、执行和完成工作所必需的所有劳工,包括其管理,材料,工具,建筑方法,设备和装备。 第二条合同文件 下列文件应当被认为并被解释为合同的组成部分,即: 1.投标须知; 2.特别条件(如果有); 3.详细说明; 4.图纸等。 第三条履约的保证 在合同签订日,承包方应当向发包方提供总额为_________的履约保证金。该保证在指定的担保和/或持续期间到期后方可解除,并且承包方因此应当在此期间维持保证的有效性。如果承包方的义务和责任无论因为任何原因迟延超过规定的完工期,承包方应当同样地延展担保以覆盖这种迟延期间。 第四条工程总价和完成时间


高速公路承包合同正式模版 Contracts concluded in accordance with the law have legal effect and regulate the behavior of the parties to the contract ( 合同范本 ) 甲方:______________________ 乙方:______________________ 日期:_______年_____月_____日 编号:MZ-HT-018235

高速公路承包合同正式模版 高速公路承包合同范文篇一 甲方:法人代表: 乙方: 一、承包范围: 二、合同开工、竣工日期:年月日至工程全部完工结算完毕自行终止。 三、承包方式:全过程承包,招投标、工程材料、施工、技术、意外风险等所有费用由乙方自行承担,自负盈亏,甲方不提供任何材料和资金。 四、承包工程结算与财务管理办法: 1、工程按甲方与建设单位签订的施工合同有关结算条款进行结算。

2、所有工程竣工结算,经甲方授权委托以甲方名义,由乙方负责办理,乙方认可并承受由其负责办理的工程结算结果。 3、甲方按结算总价的3.0%向乙方收取配合费、营业税、个人所得税等按国家相关规定由乙方自行交纳,本项目工程由甲方财务统一做帐,工程款(进度款)汇入甲方后,甲方扣除3%管理费后,甲方必须在3个工作日内将工程款汇给乙方指定帐户。超过7个工作日,甲方向乙方承担按银行最高利息的损失给乙方,如公司无能承担工程款(进度款)、包括利息,由刘建光个人财产担保乙方的所有款项给乙方。 4、工程款(进度款)由乙方负责催收甲方配合,如有建设单位未按合同约定向甲方支付工程款(进度款),甲方不承担因此不支付工程款(进度款)的任何责任。 本协议一式二份,甲乙双方各执一份,签字盖章生效。。 甲方: 年月日乙方: 高速公路承包合同范文篇二


Contract of Construction Project 合同编号:Contract Number: 工程名称:Project Name: 发包方(甲方):工程设计顾问(北京) Employer (Party A): International Consulting Engineers ( Beijing) Limited 承包方(乙方):中寰艺高建筑装饰工程有限公司 Contractor (Party B): Zhong Huanyigao Building Decoration Engineering Co. , Ltd 根据《中华人民共和国合同法》和《建筑安装工程承包合同条例》及有关规定,为明确双方在施工过程中的权利、义务和经济责任,经双方协商同意签订本合同。 In order to make definite of the rights, obligations and economic responsibilities of both parties during the construction, the parties, in accordance with The PRC Contract Law and Construction Engineering Contract Regulations and relevant provisions, agree to sign this contract. 第一条工程项目Article 1, Project item 1.工程地点:Project site: 2. 工程范围:Scope of project 3. 工程造价:人民币元整(该造价为包工包料价) Project cost: PMB Yuan only(Cost of this contract is the contract price for labor and materials) 第二条施工准备Article 2, Preparation for construction 1.甲方协助乙方办理临时水电及垂直运输,提供建筑图纸及有关隐蔽障碍物的资料。 Party A shall assists party B to deal with the procedures of temporary hydropower and vertical transportation and provide architectural drawings and documents of relevant concealed obstacles . 2.乙方:. Party B: ①负责施工区域的临时设施、水电管线的铺设、管理、使用和维修工作; Be responsible for the works of laying, management, use and maintenance of the temporary facilities, water and electricity pipeline in the construction area. ②组织施工管理人员和材料、施工机械进场; Organize construction management staff and construction materials, construction machinery enter the Site. ③负责在装修期间保持公共地方清洁及每天负责将装物料弃置于由管理处指定的垃圾收集


高速公路承包合同 甲方:法人代表: 乙方: 一、承包范围: 二、合同开工、竣工日期:年月日至工程全部完工结算完毕自行终止。 三、承包方式:全过程承包,招投标、工程材料、施工、技术、意外风险等所有费用由乙方自行承担,自负盈亏,甲方不提供任何材料和资金。 四、承包工程结算与财务管理办法: 1、工程按甲方与建设单位签订的施工合同有关结算条款进行结算。 2、所有工程竣工结算,经甲方授权委托以甲方名义,由乙方负责办理,乙方认可并承受由其负责办理的工程结算结果。 3、甲方按结算总价的3.0%向乙方收取配合费、营业税、个人所得税等按国家相关规定由乙方自行交纳,本项目工程由甲方财务统一做帐,工程款(进度款)汇入甲方后,甲方扣除3%管理费后,甲方必须在3个工作日内将工程款汇给乙方指定帐户。超过7个工作日,甲方向乙方承担按银行最高利息的损失给乙方,如公司无能承担工程款(进度款)、包括利息,由刘建光个人财产担保乙方的所有款项给乙方。 4、工程款(进度款)由乙方负责催收甲方配合,如有建设单位未按合同约定向甲方支付工程款(进度款),甲方不承担因此不支付工程款(进度款)的任何责任。 本协议一式二份,甲乙双方各执一份,签字盖章生效。。

年月日乙方: 甲方: 乙方: 为开发本村山区经济,经生产队长以上会议决定,将本村车站至双坑口路段进行路面硬化。路段长约4.5公里,工程款以上拨资金为准。工程以议标方试承包,与乙方订合同如下: 1. 工程规格:路面硬化宽度3.5米,包括路基整平,涵洞设施(15cm水泥管埋设),双坑口车站,不包括路肩。 2. 工程质量:按康庄工程标准施工,以上级相关部门验收合格为准。 3. 施工期限:20xx年12月31日前完工。(公历) 4. 付款办法:以上级部门拨给本路段路面硬化工程款如数给乙方。甲方提供乙方相关证明,乙方负责办理相关验收手续。(含路肩未做) 5. 包工包料:工程涉及的人工,材料,机械,水电等由乙方负责。填充料可以到水库采取,里翁通往水库路道,由乙方处理。村方指定场地(大会堂)。 6. 押金:乙方交甲方押金壹万元,自合同签订之日起10日内未动工,没收押金。硬化至山黄桥退回押金。 7. 施工期间,发生本合同不可估计费用乙方自理(一切意外事故,路段沿岸自来水管损坏维修)。 8. 本合同一式叁份,供双方参照执行。本合同未尽事宜参照相关法律。


建设工程施工合同订立过程中,通常要经过招标、投标、定标这几个过程,形成招标文件、投标文件、中标通知书三个主要文件。中标通知书对招标人和中标人均具有法律效力。依据《中华人民共和国招投标法》第四十六条:“招标人和中标人应当自中标通知书发出之日起三十日内,按照招标文件和中标人的投标文件订立书面合同。招标人和中标人不得再行订立背离合同实质性内容的其他协议”。由此,我们可以看出,从合同法角度分析,招标文件是要约邀请、投标文件是要约、中标通知书是承诺,所以,依据合同法,中标通知书的发出就表示合同成立。但考虑我国传统观念,或招标文件中有“以签订正式合同书为合同成立”的约定,所以要十分注意建设工程施工合同的签订工作,维护自身权益,防范合同风险。 目前,发包人和承包人多采用由建设部与国家工商行政管理局共同制定的《建设工程施工合同(范本)》(GF-1999-0201)签订施工合同,下面笔者拟从协议书、通用条款、专用条款三部分浅谈合同签订的注意事项。 第一部分协议书 《建设工程施工合同(范本)》(以下简称《施工合同》)由四部分组成,即协议书、通用条款、专用条款、附件。协议书作为《施工合同》第一部分,在整个合同中具有最高法律效力,签订其应注意以下几个方面: 一、合同主体 协议书中发包人、承包人应与中标通知书上所确认的招标人、中标人相吻合,更应注意其主体资格和履约能力。合同签字、盖章的主体应与发包人、承包人主体相一致。 二、合同工期 合同工期应与投标文件、中标通知书所确定的工期相同,并应在“开工日期”这一栏明确“以书面开工通知为准”的条款,以避免因发包人自身原因,致使承包人不能如期进场施工的被动局面和纠纷。 三、工程质量标准 工程质量标准应达到国家标准规定的合格标准,但发包人亦有在招标文件中提出更高要求,在签订此条款时,可以约定“合格,力争获奖”,以降低风险。 四、合同价款 此条款应是被发包人经招标程序确认的承包人投标报价,若合同为可调价格合同,在此处可注明“暂定”字样。 五、组成合同的文件


高速公路隧道工程施工合同 甲方:湖北长江路桥股份有限公司湖北宜昌至巴东公路YBE1段项目部 乙方:宜昌超越路桥有限公司 甲方承建湖北宜昌至巴东高速公路YBE1合同段工程任务,根据工程需要,甲方将本合同段内李家湾隧道交给乙方施工,本着遵循平等、自愿、公平和诚实信用的原则,为保质、保量、按期完成施工任务,明确甲方双方的权利和义务,特签订本合同协议书: 一、工程概况 (一)、工程名称:李家湾隧道; (二)、工程地点:宜昌市夷陵区鸦鹊岭镇; (三)、工程规模:303m; (四)、承包范围和内容包含: 1、洞身开挖(围岩级别分类情况见工程量清单)。具体内容包括:临时设施建设、设备调遣及进出场,搭、拆脚手架,测量,人工挖除整修,钻眼、爆破、通风、出碴、运料、防尘、照明,三管两线及出渣道路养护,排水,木支撑制、安、拆,整修边沟,超挖回填等为完成隧道开挖所需的一切工序施工、完成和缺陷修复工作(弃碴运距从出碴洞口算起1 公里、弃碴场用地由甲方负责)。 2、支护(包括A 砂浆锚杆、中空注浆锚杆、B 超前小导管、C 注浆、D 喷砼、E 挂网、F 格栅钢架、G 联结钢筋)。具体内容包括临时设施建设、设备调遣及进出场及脚手架:A、砂浆锚杆、中空注浆锚杆--搭、拆、移动脚手架、加工制作锚杆及垫板、钻孔、砂浆制作、灌浆、装树脂包、安装锚杆、上垫板、锚固、焊接、运输等全部制、安过程;中空砂浆锚甲方统一供应。B、超前小导管--钢管加工制作、运输、布眼、搭、拆脚手架、钻孔、顶管等全部制安过程; C、注浆--搭、拆脚手架,运料、浆液制作、压浆、检查、堵孔等全部施制过程; D、喷射砼--搭、拆脚手架,安、拆转移机具设备,砼制作,喷射及养护等喷射砼所需的所有工序施工、完成和缺陷修复工作; E、挂网-制作、运输、挂网、点焊、加固等挂钢筋网所需的所有工作内容; F、格栅钢架—加工制作、运输、安装、加固等格栅钢架制安全部施做内容; G、联结钢筋加工制作、运输、安装、焊接等全部施做内容; 3、衬砌(包括正洞衬砌、仰拱及其钢筋、仰拱填充、铺底、大小避车洞衬砌、水沟、电缆槽、盖板、电缆余长腔、电缆槽内铺砂);具体内容包括:临时设施建设、设备调遣及进出场、脚手架及衬砌平台制、安、拆,模板制、安、


工程施工合同中英文 xxx engineering contract xxx工程合同 Contract No.: 合同编号: Party A: xxxCompany Limited 甲方:xxx有限公司 Party B:xxx Company Limited 乙方:xxx有限公司 This contract is made and entered into on the day of , XXXX by the following Parties in . 本合同于XXXX年月日由以下当事方在签署。 Party A: xxx Company Limited, 甲方:xxx有限公司,xxx经营的公司,住所地为xxx,(下称“甲方”),法定代表人:xxx Party B: xxx Company Limited, 乙方:xxx有限公司,一家xxx经营的公司,注册地址是:xxx,(下称“乙方”),法定代表人:xxx Party A and Party B are called by a joint name of Both Parties under this contract, each of which is called as A Party. 甲方和乙方在本合同项下统称为“双方”,单独称为“一方”。 1. Work Content and Requirements 1. 工作内容、要求 1.1 In accordance with the items stipulated in this Contract, Party B shall conduct the project as per the Project standard and quality standard stipulated by Ministry of Engineering of the Union of xx. 1.1 依据本合同所限定的条款,乙方应以xx工程部规定的建筑标准和质量要求执行本工程。 2. Contract Period 2. 合同期限 2.1 Work period for the Road Construction Project: the work shall be completed within 2 month upon signing the Contract. The condition of handover is that the Project Inspection & Acceptance Team constituted by Party A, shall issue the Inspection & Acceptance Sheet after onsite inspection. 2.1 本次工程时间周期:合同签订后14个工作日内完成,并以甲方组成的竣工验收小组现场检验并出具验收单为竣工交接条件。


高速公路施工合同 篇一:格式(高速) 合同协议书 山西忻阜高速公路建设管理处(发包人名称) 河南省*******工程有限公司(承包人名称) 山西忻阜高速公路建设管理处(发包人名称,以下简称“发包人”)为实施(项目名称),已接受河南省*****工程有限公司(承包人名称,以下简称“承包人”)对该项目第三标段施工的投标。发包人和承包人共同达成如下协议。 1.第标段由至,长约,主要工程内容为隧道供配电照明、通风系统工程,(文山隧道、长江塘隧道、长城岭隧道)。 2.下列文件应视为构成合同文件的组成部分: (1)本协议书及各种合同附件(含评标期间和合同谈判过程中的澄清文件和补充资料); (2)中标通知书; (3)补遗书; (4)投标函及投标函附录; (5)项目专用合同条款; (6)山西省公路行业标准专用合同条款; (7)公路工程专用合同条款;

(8)通用合同条款; (9)技术规范; (10)图纸; (11)已标价工程量清单; (12)投标人信用承诺书及目标承诺书、承包人有关人员、设备投入的承诺; (13)根据承诺提供的详细人员、设备清单; (14)施工组织设计安排; (15)农民工工资支付承诺书; (16)其他合同文件。 3.上述文件互相补充和解释,如有不明确或不一致之处,以合同约定次序在先者为准。 4.根据工程量清单所列的预计数量和单价或总额价计算的签约合同价:人民币(大写)叁仟伍佰贰拾柒万伍仟肆佰壹拾陆元叁角肆分 (小写)(¥元)。 5.承包人项目经理: ***。承包人项目总工: *** 。承包人主管施工副经理 *** 6.工程质量符合合格标准。 7.承包人承诺按合同约定承担工程的实施、完成及缺陷修复。 8.发包人承诺按合同约定的条件、时间和方式向承包


工程合同签订必须注意的23个“坑” 1、如何认定内部承包合同?如何认定其效力? 建设工程施工合同的承包人与其下属分支机构或在册职工签订合同,将其承包的全部或部分工程承包给其下属分支机构或职工施工,并在资金、技术、设备、人力等方面给予支持的,可认定为企业内部承包合同;当事人以内部承包合同的承包方无施工资质为由,主张该内部承包合同无效的,不予支持。 2、如何认定未取得“四证”而签订的建设工程施工合同的效力? 发包人未取得建设用地规划许可证或建设工程规划许可证,与承包人签订建设工程施工合同的,应认定合同无效;但在一审庭审辩论终结前取得建设用地规划许可证和建设工程规划许可证或者经主管部门予以竣工核实的,可认定有效。 发包人未取得建设用地使用权证或建筑工程施工许可证的,不影响建设工程施工合同的效力。 3、如何认定当事人就工程价款计价方法所约定的条款的效力? 建设工程施工合同约定的工程价款的确定方法虽然与建设工程计价依据不一致,但并不违反法律、行政法规强制性规定的,该约定应认定有效。

4、如何认定当事人约定的保修期低于法律规定的最低保修期限的条款的效力? 建设工程施工合同中约定的正常使用条件下工程的保修期限低于国家和省规定的最低期限的,该约定应认定无效。 5、如何认定开工时间? 建设工程施工合同的开工时间以开工通知或开工报告为依据。开工通知或开工报告发出后,仍不具备开工条件的,应以开工条件成就时间确定。没有开工通知或开工报告的,应以实际开工时间确定。 6、如何认定工期顺延? 发包人仅以承包人未在规定时间内提出工期顺延申请而主张工期不能顺延的,该主张不能成立。但合同明确约定不在规定时间内提出工期顺延申请视为工期不顺延的,应遵从合同的约定。 7、发包人已经签字确认验收合格,能否再以质量问题提出抗辩,主张延期或不予支付工程价款?


工程承包合同 Contract of Construction Project 合同编号: Contract Number: 工程名称: Project Name: 发包方(甲方):工程设计顾问(北京)有限公 司 Employer (Party A): International Consulting Engineers ( Beijing) Limited 承包方(乙方):中寰艺高建筑装饰工程有限公司 Contractor (Party B): Zhong Huanyigao Building Decoration Engineering Co. , Ltd 根据《中华人民共和国合同法》和《建筑安装工程承包合同条例》及有关规定,为明确双方在施工过程中的权利、义务和经济责任,经双方协商同意签订本合同。 In order to make definite of the rights, obligations and economic responsibilities of both parties during the construction, the parties, in accordance with The PRC Contract Law and Construction Engineering Contract Regulations and relevant provisions, agree to sign this contract. 第一条工程项目Article 1, Project item 1.工程地点: ,Project site: 2.工程范围: Scope of project 3.工程造价:人民币元整 (该造价为包工包料价) 3, Project cost: PMB Yuan only (Cost of this contract is the contract price for labor and materials) 第二条施工准备 Article 2, Preparation for construction 1.甲方协助乙方办理临时水电及垂直运输,提供建筑图纸及有关隐蔽障碍物的资料。 Party A shall assists party B to deal with the procedures of temporary hydropower and vertical transportation and provide architectural drawings and documents of relevant concealed obstacles . 2.乙方:. Party B: ①负责施工区域的临时设施、水电管线的铺设、管理、使用和维修工作; Be responsible for the works of laying, management, use and maintenance of the temporary facilities, water and electricity pipeline in the construction area. ②组织施工管理人员和材料、施工机械进场;


工程承包合同例文 Project contract example 甲方:___________________________ 乙方:___________________________ 签订日期:____ 年 ____ 月 ____ 日 合同编号:XX-2020-01

工程承包合同例文 前言:承包合同是指买卖双方在经济活动中对基建产品约定的价格,由双方通过谈判,以合同形式确定,承包合同是确定发包与承包双方的权利与义务,并受法律保护的契约性文件。本文档根据承包合同内容要求和特点展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文档下载后内容可按需编辑修改及打印。 发包方(甲方)________________________________ 地址:____________ 邮码____________ 电话 ____________ 法定代表人:____________ 职务____________ 承包方(乙方)________________________________ 地址:____________ 邮码____________ 电话 ____________ 法定代表人:____________ 职务____________ 依照《中华人民共和国合同法》和________市的有关规定,经双方协商一致,签订本合同,并严肃履行。 第一条工程项目 一、工程名称:________________

二、工程地点:________________ 三、工程编号:________________ 四、工程范围和内容:全部工程建筑面积________平方米。(各单项工程详见工程项目一览表) 五、工程造价:全部工程施工图预算造价人民币 ________元,其中:人工费________元。(各单项工程详见工程项目一览表) 第二条工程期限 一、开竣工日期:依照国家颁布的工期定额,经双方商定,本合同工程开竣工日期如下: 全部工程自________年____月____日开工,至________年____月____日竣工。(各单项工程开、竣工日期详见工程项目一览表) 二、施工前各项准备工作,双方应根据工程协议书中第三条规定,分别负责按时完成。 三、在施工过程中,如遇下列情况,可顺延工期。顺延期限,应由双方及时协商,签订协议,并报有关部门备案。 1.由于人力不可抗拒的灾害,而被迫停工者;


合同协议书 XX忻阜高速公路建设管理处(发包人名称) XX省*******工程XX (承包人名称) XX忻阜高速公路建设管理处(发包人名称,以下简称“发包人”)为实施(项目名称),已接受XX省*****工程XX(承包人名称,以下简称“承包人”)对该项目第三标段施工的投标。发包人和承包人共同达成如下协议。 1.第三标段由K80+800至K124+022.26,长约43222.26km,主要工程内容为隧道供配电照明、通风系统工程,(XX隧道、长江塘隧道、长城岭隧道)。 2.下列文件应视为构成合同文件的组成部分: (1)本协议书及各种合同附件(含评标期间和合同谈判过程中的澄清文件和补充资料); (2)中标通知书; (3)补遗书; (4)投标函及投标函附录; (5)项目专用合同条款; (6)XX省公路行业标准专用合同条款; (7)公路工程专用合同条款; (8)通用合同条款; (9)技术规X; (10)图纸; (11)已标价工程量清单; (12)投标人信用承诺书及目标承诺书、承包人有关人员、设备投入的承诺; (13)根据承诺提供的详细人员、设备清单; (14)施工组织设计安排; (15)农民工工资支付承诺书; (16)其他合同文件。 3.上述文件互相补充和解释,如有不明确或不一致之处,以合同约定次序在先者为准。

4.根据工程量清单所列的预计数量和单价或总额价计算的签约合同价:人民币(大写)叁仟伍佰贰拾柒万伍仟肆佰壹拾陆元叁角肆分 (小写)(¥35275416.34元)。 5.承包人项目经理:***。承包人项目总工:***。承包人主管施工副经理*** 6.工程质量符合合格标准。 7.承包人承诺按合同约定承担工程的实施、完成及缺陷修复。 8.发包人承诺按合同约定的条件、时间和方式向承包人支付合同价款。 9.承包人应按照监理人指示开工,工期为225日历天。 10.本协议书在承包人提供履约担保及信用保证金后,由双方法定代表人或其委托代理人签署并加盖单位章后生效。全部工程完工后经竣交工验收合格、缺陷责任期满及保修期终止分别签发缺陷责任终止证书及保修期终止证书后失效。 11.本协议书正本二份、副本陆份,合同双方各执正本一份,副本叁份,当正本与副本的内容不一致时,以正本为准。 12.合同未尽事宜,双方另行签订补充协议。补充协议是合同的组成部分。 发包人:XX忻阜高速公路建设管理处承包人:XX省********工程XX (盖单位章)(盖单位章) 法定代表人或其委托代理人:法定代表人或其委托代理人: 2010年3月26日 2010 年 3 月 26 日


施工合同 buildingContract 发包方(简称甲方) Party A: 承包方(简称乙方):上海巧点装饰设计有限公司 Party B: i-point design (Inspiration Point Design) 根据<中华人民共和国合同法><中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法><中华人民共和国价格法><上海市合同格式条款监督条例>,<上海市建筑市场管理条例>,以及其他有关法律法规规定的原则,结合本工程的具体情况,甲、乙双方在平等、自愿、协商一致的基础上达成如下协议,共同遵守 Accor ding to: “PRC Contract Law”, “Law on the Protection of Consumer Interests”, “PRC Price Law”, “Shanghai Supervision of Contract Terms”, “Shanghai Construction Market Management Regulations”, as well as other laws and regulations relevant to the specific circumstances of this project, parties A and B have hereby equally and voluntarily entered into the following agreement executed on the basis of mutual respect. 一、概况 OVERVIEW 1. 甲方装饰物业系合法物业 Party A is the owner of the property. 2. 乙方为本市经工商行政管理机关核准登记,并可从事装潢装修的企业 Party B is approved and registered with the city industrial and commercial administrative organs as an enterprise engaged in renovation and decoration. 3. 装饰施工地点 Construction site: 4. 建筑结构:建筑面积平方米,施工面积平方米。 Construction area: total area (including stairwells and other common areas): m2, private living area: m2. 5. 装饰施工内容:住宅装饰,详见附件一<工程估价单> Structure: residential. 6. 承包方式:详见附件一<工程估价单> Contractor engagement method: See annex – (quotation). 7. 总价款:.00元,大写(人民币): 元整。 Total price: .00RMB; in words: 元整. Any changes in this price must be agreed by both parties in writing. 8. 工期:自年月日开工,至年月日前竣工,工时总计天,不含国家法定节假日,乙方委派现场 施工监理为先生,联系方式: Period: Start:(year)(month)(day); Completion before: (year)(month)(day); Total days (excluding national holidays):days. Party B's on site construction supervisor will be: 二、关于工程付款及结算的约定 TERMS OF PAYMENT 1. 工程款的付款方式如下
