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2012 年英语专业四级阅读理解及答案

2012 年英语专业四级阅读理解及答案
2012 年英语专业四级阅读理解及答案

2012 TEM4


Saying“thank you”is probably the first thing most of us learn to do in a foreign language.After all,we’re brought up to be polite,and it is important to make a good impression upon other people—especially across national divides.So.what exactly are you supposed to say when "thank you" is only the 20th most popular way to express gratitude? According to a recent survey,19 other ways of expressing appreciation finished ahead of "thank you" in a poll of 3,000 people.

Pollsters found almost half of those asked preferred the more informal“cheers”,while others liked to use such expressions as“ta”,“great" and“nice one”.

So,just what is the appropriate form of words to express your thanks?

Fortunately, the clue is in the language itself.“Cheers”,despite its popularity,is considered an informal way to say thank you—and this is a definite clue as to when you can best use it.

For instance,when going for a drink with friends,a smile and a“cheers”by way of thanks is not only appropriate to t he situation,it is also culturally accurate.

“Ta”,originated from the Danish word“tak”, was the second-most popular expression of thanks,and is also commonly used in informal situations,along with phrases such as“nice one”,and“brilliant”.Interestingly, one word that didn’t make it into the top 20 was“thanks”.Thank you's shorter, more informal cousin.

“Thanks”can be useful,as it is able to bridge the divide between the formality of “thank you" and the downright relaxed“cheers”.

Certain words can double as an expression of thanks as well as delight.Again,the words themselves offer the clue as to when best to use them.

For example,words like“awesome”,“brilliant" and“you star" featured highly in the new poll and they can hint at both your pleasure at someone's action,as well as serving to express your thanks.If you are on the receiving end of a“new”thank you,you can respond with a simple“no problem”, or“sure”.Of course,in certain circumstances,a simple wave,nod or smile may be appropriate.For instance,if a car driver slows

down to let you cross the road,simply raising your hand in acknowledgement is enough to show that you appreciate the driver's consideration.

Sometimes,formality is necessary, and“thank you”is still the best choice in such situations.

But students should not worry about when exactly to use certain expressions.

Many people in Western countries are worried that good manners are in decline.People are

tired of seeing their acts of kindness and service pass without comment.So don’t think that your

“thank you”was clumsy or awkwardly formal.The chances are,if you said “thank you”,you

made someone’s day.You star.

81.We can tell from the results of the poll that

A.people are unconcerned about politeness nowadays.

B.“thank you”r emains the best expression of gratitude.C.there is a variety of expressions of appreciation.

D.there are more formal expressions than informal ones.82.Which word/phrase does NOT appear in the top 20?

A.Cheers. B.Thanks. C.Brilliant. D.You star.


英语四级阅读理解练习附答案 导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《英语四级阅读理解练习附答案》的内容,具体内容:下面是我整理的,希望对大家有帮助。Culture is one of the most challenging elements of the international ma... 下面是我整理的,希望对大家有帮助。 Culture is one of the most challenging elements of the international marketplace. 『This system of learned behavior patterns characteristic of the members of a given society is constantly shaped by a set of dynamic variables: language, religion, values and attitudes, manners and customs, aesthetics, technology, education, and social institutions.』① To cope with this system, an international manager needs both factual and interpretive knowledge of culture. To some extent, the factual knowledge can be learned; its interpretation comes only through experience. The most complicated problems in dealing with the cultural environment stem from the fact that one cannot learn culture—one has to live it. Two schools of thought exist in the business world on how to deal with cultural diversity. One is that business is business the world around, following the model of Pepsi and McDonalds. In some cases, globalization is a fact of life; however, cultural differences are still far from converging.

英语四级阅读理解练习题 第94组

洛基英语,中国在线英语教育领导品牌 综合题,请根据题目给出的内容,来回答下面给出的试题。An unidentified wit once said, "laugh, and the world laughs with you. Snore, and you sleep alone." Yet snoring is far from a laughing matter, as those unfortunates with good hearing, who are rightly subjected to the sounds of the snoring disorder, will testify. It has been estimated that one of eight Americans snores; this means that there are approximately 21 million people --- women as well as men - who render an unpleasant sound when they are asleep. And assuming that each snorer disturbs the sleep of at least one other person, it necessarily follows that there are 21 million unhappy listeners. While a sleeping person breathes, either in or out, several structures in his nose and throat generate the snoring. The sounds, coming from the soft palate and other soft structures of the throat, are caused by vibratory responses to inflowing and outflowing air. When the soft tissues of the mouth and throat come close to the lining of the throat, the vibrations that occur are caused by the position of the tongue. In short, the noise made by snoring can be compared to the noise when breezes flutter a flag on a pole. The frequency of the vibrations depends on the size, density, and elasticity of the affected tissues and on the force of the air flow. Although it is usually the process of in haling or exhaling through the mouth that cause snoring, short snores come from the nose of an open-mouthed sleeper. In all fairness to snorers, however, it should be emphasized that snoring is an involuntary out which stops as the offender is awakened. 请根据上面给出的内容,来回答下面的单项选择题(下列每小题备选答案中,只有一个符合题意的正确答案。每小题0分,共5题。)16. If each snorer disturbs the sleep of one other person,the number of Americans that are unfortunately subjected the sound of the snores will be _____. A :one out of five B :one out of eight C :eight out of one hundred D :one out of eighteen 请选择答案:A:B:C:D:17. The snoring is caused by _____. A :the soft palate and other structures of the throat B :the inflwoing and outflwoing air through the nose C :the inflowing and outflowing air throught mouth D :the vibrations as a result of the inflwoing and outflowing air 请选择答案:A:B:C:D:18. If a person produces short snores,most probably he has _____. A :a soft palate B :a big nose

[四六级] 不得不看:英语四级考试快速阅读解题步骤

[四六级] 不得不看:英语四级考试快速阅读 解题步骤 作者:潇如风 我这篇帖子,同学们照着一步一步做就是了,老师们照着一步一步教就是了。 首先要明白:快速阅读的文章虽长(1200字,仔细阅读平均每篇330个字),但是从内容上说,大都是通俗易懂的说明文,没有学术色彩和思想深度;从语言上来说,遣词造句都比较简单。所以,根本没必要害怕。个人以为,快速阅读应该比仔细阅读更容易拿分。 具体答题步骤如下: 第一步:浏览Skim ( 0。5分钟–2分钟) 1.分析大标题(Brainstorm the Title)(5 –10秒)目的:调动脑细胞,主动预测文章内容。 官方样题Landfills 的分析思路:land + fill = 土地填埋,加了s, 可能指多处填埋场地。在不认识这个单词的情况下(汉译:垃圾填筑地),能想到这一层就算漂亮。 2006年12月真题Six Secrets of High-Energy People的分析思路:secrets:多数人不知道,一定新颖有趣;high-energy people 只能是指精力充沛的人,不可能是X战警。文章要告诉我们,那些人

为什么精力充沛,希望我们学习他们的秘诀。 2006年6月真题Highways的分析思路:为什么要修建公路?怎么修建?公路有哪些功能?存在哪些问题?一般说明文的写作结构都是如此:计划–成形–功能–问题。例如:联合国的起因–联合国的成立–联合国的运作–联合国的问题。 2.分析小标题(Tidy the Subtitles)(20 –25秒) 目的:了解文章内容,把握总体结构。 官方样题: Sub 1:How Much Trash Is Generated? 一看该段字数少,忽视 Sub 2:How Is Trash Disposed of? 关键字:处理 Sub 3:What Is a Landfill? 引进主题,字数增加,进入重点。推理:landfill 肯定是上面提到的一种垃圾处理方法 Sub 4:Proposing the Landfill Landfill由新信息变成已知信息。关键字:Proposing 计划、建议 Sub 5:Building the Landfill 关键字:Building 修建 注意:前一段讲计划,这一段讲修建,联系紧密,可以合并 Sub 6:What happens to Trash in a Landfill? 关键字:What happens;字数少,忽视 Sub 7:How Is a Landfill Operated? 关键字:Operated 如何


英语四级阅读题库含答案解析 1.Passage One Global warming may or may not be the great environmental crisis of the 21st century, but regardless of whether it is or isn’t –we won’t do much about it. We will argue over it and may even, as a nation, make some fairly solemn-sounding commitments to avoid it. But the more dramatic and meaningful these commitments seem, the less likely they are to be observed. Al Gore calls global warming an “inconvenient truth,” as if merely recognizing it could put us on a path to a solution. But the real truth is that we don’t know enough to relieve global warming, and –without major technological breakthroughs—we can’t do much about it. From 2003 to 2050, the world’s population is projected to grow from 6.4 billion to 9.1 billion, a 42% increase. If energy use per person and technology remain the same, total energy use and greenhouse gas emissions (mainly, CO2) will be 42% higher in 2050. but that’s too low, because societies that grow richer use more energy. We need economic growth unless we condemn the world’s poor to their present poverty and freeze everyone else‘s living standards. With modest growth, energy use and greenhouse emissions more than double by 2050. No government will adopt rigid restrictions on economic growth and personal freedom (limits on electricity usage, driving and travel) that might cut back global warming. Still, politicians want to show they’re “doing something.” Consider the Kyoto Protocol (京都议定书). It allowed countries that joined to punish those that didn’t. But it hasn’t reduced CO2 emissions (up about 25% since 1990), and many signatories (签字国) didn’t adopt tough enough policies to hit their 2008-2012 targets. The practical conclusion is that if global warming is a potential disaster, the only solution is new technology. Only an aggressive research and development program might find ways of breaking dependence on fossil fuels or dealing with it. The trouble with the global warming debate is that it has become a moral problem when it’s really an engineering one. The inconvenient truth is that if we don’t solve the engineering problem, we’re helpless. 57. What is said about global warming in the first paragraph? A) It may not prove an environmental crisis at all. B) It is an issue requiring world wide commitments. C) Serious steps have been taken to avoid or stop it. D) Very little will be done to bring it under control. 58. According to the author’s understanding, what is Al Gore’s view on global warming? A) It is a reality both people and politicians are unaware of. B) It is a phenomenon that causes us many inconveniences. C) It is a problem that can be solved once it is recognized. D) It is an area we actually have little knowledge about. 59. Green house emissions will more than double by 2050 because of _______. A) economic growth B) the widening gap between the rich and poor C) wasteful use of energy D) the rapid advances of science and technology


2012年英语专业四级考试真题 PART I DICTATION [15 MIN] Listen to the following passage.Altogether the passage will be read to you four times.During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning.For the second and third readings,the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase,with intervals of 15 seconds.The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work.You will then be given 2 minutes to check through your work once more.Please write the whole passage on ANSWER SHEET ONE. PART II LISTENING COMPREHENSION [20 MIN] In Sections A,B and C you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow.Mark the best answer to each question on Answer Sheet Two. SECTION A CONVERSATIONS In this section you will hear several conversations.Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions l to 3 are based on the following conversation.At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.Now, listen to the conversation. l.The Ethical Consumer Research Association will provide information to shoppers on A.product price. B.product quality. C.manufacturers. D.production methods. 2.According to the conversation,an ethical shopper should A.ask for others’advice before buying things.


大学英语四级阅读理解试题及答案(四) 十六 Trees shoul d only be pruned when there is a good and clear reason for doing so and , fortunately,the number of such reasons is small. Pruning involves the cutting away of obergrown and unwanted branches, and the inexperienced gardener can be encouraged by the thought that more damage results from d oing it unnecessarily than from l eaving the tree to grow in its own way. First, pruning may be d one to make sure that trees have a d esired shape or size. The object may be to get a tree of the right height, and at the same time to help the growth of small side branches which will thicken its appearance or give it a special shape. Secondly, pruning may be done to make the tree healthier. You may cut diseaed or dead wood, or branches that are rubbing against each other and thus cause wounds. The health of a tree may be encouraged by removing branches that are blocking up the centre and so preventing


SECTION A CONVERSATIONS In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the conversation. 1. The following details have been checked during the conversation EXCEPT A. number of travelers. B. number of tour days. C. flight details. D. room services. 2. What is included in the price? A. Air tickets and local transport. B. Local transport and meals. C. Air tickets, local transport and breakfast. D. Air tickets, local transport and all meals. 3. Which of the following statements is CORRECT? A. The traveler is reluctant to buy travel insurance. B. The traveler is ready to buy travel insurance. C. The traveler doesn't have to buy travel insurance. D. Travel insurance is not mentioned in the conversation. Questions 4 to 7 are based on the following conversation. At the end of'the conversation, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the conversation.


PART Ⅱ READING COMPREHENSION [25 MIN.] In this section there are four passages followed by fifteen questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that you think is the correct answer.Mark your choice on your ANSWER SHEET. TEXT A As many as one thousand years ago in the Southwest, the Hopi and Zuni Indians of North America were building with adobe-sun baked brick plastered with mud. Their homes looked remarkably like modern apartment houses. Some were four stories high and contained quarters for perhaps a thousand people, along with storerooms for grain and other goods. These buildings were usually put up against cliffs, both to make construction easier and for defense against enemies. They were really villages in themselves, as later Spanish explorers must have realized since they called them “pueblos”, which is Spanish for town.The people of the pueblos raised what are called “the three sisters”—corn, beans, and squash. They made excellent pottery and wove marvelous baskets, some so fine that they could hold water. The Southwest has always been a dry country, where water is scarce. The Hopi and Zuni brought water from streams to their fields and gardens through irrigation ditches. Water was so important that it played a major role in their religion. They developed elaborate ceremonies and religious rituals to bring rain. The way of life of less settled groups was simpler and more strongly influenced by nature. Small tribes such as the Shoshone and Ute wandered the dry and mountainous lands between the Rocky Mountains and the Pacific Ocean. They gathered seeds and hunted small animals such as small rabbits and snakes. In the Far North the ancestors of today’s Inuit hunted seals, walruses, and the great whales. They lived right on the frozen seas in shelters called igloos built of blocks of packed snow. When summer came, they fished for salmon and hunted the lordly caribou. The Cheyenne, Pawnee, and Sioux tribes, known as the Plains Indians, lived on the grasslands between the Rocky Mountains and the Mississippi River. They hunted bison, commonly called the buffalo. Its meat was the chief food of these tribes, and its hide was used to make their clothing and covering of their tents and tipis. 16. What does the passage mainly discuss? A. The architecture of early American Indian buildings. B. The movement of American Indians across North America. C. Ceremonies and rituals of American Indians. D. The way of life of American Indian tribes in early North America. 17. It can be inferred from the passage that the dwellings of the Hopi and Zuni were ___ A. very small B. highly advanced C. difficult to defend D. quickly constructed TEXT B Most earthquakes occur within the upper 15 miles of the earth’s surface. But earthquakes can and do occur at all depths to about 460 miles. Their number decreases as the depth increases. At about 460 miles one earthquake occurs only every few years. Near the surface earthquakes may run as high as 100 in a month, but the yearly average does not vary much. In comparison with the total number of earthquakes each year, the number of disastrous earthquakes is very small.[JP] The extent of the disaster in an earthquake depends on many factors. If you carefully build a toy house with an erect set, it will still stand no matter how much you shake the table. But if you build a toy house with a pack of cards, a slight shake of the table will make it fall. An earthquake in Agadir, Morocco, was not strong enough to be recorded on distant instruments, but it completely destroyed the city. Many stronger earthquakes have done


What is Integrity? "Integrity" is defined as "adherence to moral and ethical principles; honesty."The key to integrity is consistency--not only setting high personal standards for oneself (honesty, r esponsibility, respect for others, fairness) but also living up to those standards each day. One who has integrity is bound by and follows moral and ethical standards even when m aking life's hard choices, choices which may be clouded by stress, pressure to succeed, or temptation. What happens if we lie, cheat, steal, or violate other ethical standards? We feel disap pointed in ourselves and ashamed. But a lapse of integrity also affects our relationships w ith others. Trust is essential in any important relationship, whether personal or professional. Who can trust someone who is dishonest or unfair? Thus, integrity must be one of our most important goals. Risky Business We are each responsible for our own decisions, even if the decision-making process has been undermined by stress or peer pressure. The real test of character is whether we can learn from our mistake, by understanding why we acted as we did, and then explorin g ways to avoid similar problems in the future. Making ethical decisions is a critical part of avoiding future problems. We must learn to recognize risks, because if we can't see the risks we're taking, we can't make responsi ble choices. To identify risks, we need to know the rules and be aware of the facts. For example, one who doesn't know the rules about plagiarism may accidentally use words or ideas without giving proper credit, or one who fails to keep careful research notes may


英语四级阅读试题及答案详解1 Reading is thought to be a kind of conversation between the reader and the text. The reader puts questions, as it were, to the text and gets answers. In the light of these he puts __1__ questions, and so on. For most of the time this “conversation” goes on below the level of consciousness. At times, however, we become __2__ of it. This is usually when we are running into difficulties, when mismatch is occurring between __3__ and meaning. When successful matching is being experienced, our question of the text continues at the unconscious level. Different people __4__ with the text differently. Some stay very close to the words on the page, others take off imaginatively from the words, interpreting, criticizing, analyzing and examining. The former represents a kind of comprehension which is __5__ in the text. The latter represents __6__ levels of comprehension. The balance between these is important, especially for advanced readers. There is another conversation which from our point of view is __7__ important, and that is to do not with what is read but with how it is read. We call this a “process” conversation as __8__ to a “content” conversation. It is concerned not with meaning but with the __9__ we employ in reading. If we are an advanced reader our ability to hold a


There are thirty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Mark your answers on Answer Sheet Two. 51. Which of the following sentences isINCORRECT? A. Twenty miles seems like a long walk to him. B. No one except his supporters agree with him. C. Few students in my class are really lazy. D. Neither Julia nor I were going to the party. 52. Which of the following determiners (限定词) can be placed before bothsingular count nouns and plural count nouns? A. many a B. few C. the next D. such 53. Which of the following reflexivepronouns (反身代词) is usedas an appositive (同位语)? A.He promised himself rapid progress. B.The manager herself will interviewMary. C.I have nothing to say for myself. D.They quarreled themselves red in theface. 54. My boss ordered that the legaldocuments ____ to him before lunch. A.be sent B. were sent C. were to be sent D. must be sent 55. Which of the following sentencesexpresses WILLINGNESS? A.By now she will be eating dinner. B.I shall never do that again. C.You shall get a promotion. D.My brother will help you with the luggage. 56. Which of the following sentences isINCORRECT? A.How strange feelings they are! B.How dare you speak to me like that! C.What noise they are making! D.What a mess we are in! 57. Which of the italicized parts functionsas a subject? A.We never doubt that her brother is honest. B.The problem is not who will go but who will stay. C.You must give it back to whoever it belongs to。 D.It is clear that the crime was done deliberately. 58.Which of the italicized parts functions as an object? A.He doesn’t like the idea of my speaking at the meeting. B.It is no use your pretending not to know the matter. C.Her falling into the river was theclimax of the whole trip. D.My parents strongly object to my going out alone at night. 59.All the following sentences have an appositive EXCEPT A.Only one problem still remains---the food. B.She bought herself a pair of newshoes. C.My friends all understand and support me. D.She liked her current job, teaching English. 60.Which of the following best explains the meaning of“Shall we buy the tickets first”? A.He said that we were going to buy the tickets first. B.He requested that we buy the tickets first.
