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附录:中英文翻译 15SpeechSignalProcessing 15.3AnalysisandSynthesisJ esse W. Fussell A fte r an acousti c spee ch s i gnal i s conve rte d to an ele ctri cal si gnal by a mi crophone, i t m ay be desi rable toanalyzetheelectricalsignaltoestimatesometime-varyingparameterswhichprovideinformationaboutamodel of the speech producti on me chanism. S peech a na ly sis i s the process of e stim ati ng such paramete rs. Simil arl y , g ive n some parametri c model of spee ch production and a se que nce of param eters for that m ode l,speechsynthesis istheprocessofcreatinganelectricalsignalwhichapproximatesspeech.Whileanalysisandsynthesistechniques maybedoneeitheronthecontinuoussignaloronasampledversionofthesignal,mostmode rn anal y sis and sy nthesis methods are base d on di gital si gnal processing. Atypicalspeechproductionmodelisshownin Fig.15.6.Inthismodeltheoutputoftheexcitationfunctionisscaledbythegainparam eterandthenfilteredtoproducespeech.Allofthesefunctionsaretime-varying. F IGUR E 15 .6 A ge ne ra l spee ch productionmodel.


中英文资料对照外文翻译 (文档含英文原文和中文翻译) Speech Recognition 1 Defining the Problem Speech recognition is the process of converting an acoustic signal, captured by a microphone or a telephone, to a set of words. The recognized words can be the final results, as for applications such as commands & control, data entry, and document preparation. They can also serve as the input to further linguistic processing in order to achieve speech understanding, a subject covered in section. Speech recognition systems can be characterized by many parameters, some of the more important of which are shown in Figure. An isolated-word speech recognition system requires that the speaker pause briefly between words, whereas a continuous speech recognition system does not. Spontaneous, or extemporaneously generated, speech contains disfluencies, and is much more difficult to recognize than speech read from script. Some systems require speaker enrollment---a user must provide samples of his or her speech before using them, whereas other systems are said to be speaker-independent, in that no enrollment is necessary. Some of the other parameters depend on the specific task. Recognition is generally more difficult when vocabularies are large or have many similar-sounding words. When speech is produced in a sequence of words, language models or artificial grammars are used to restrict the combination of words. The simplest language model can be specified as a finite-state network, where the 1


英语在线翻译 范子盛自幼颈椎以下全部瘫痪麻痹,头不能抬、四肢不能移,而且长年频繁的肺炎高烧和无数次病危,让人们都断定他难以存活。但这棵顽强的生命之树至今已有34圈年轮,而且成为霍金式的传奇人物。他追求“生如夏花一样绚烂”的境界,刻苦自学英语,博览群书,成为一名具有世界影响的顶尖翻译家。他钻研经济理论,自修北大光华管理学院MBA全套教程,成为两届岳阳市市长高参,并被世界银行遴选为高级翻译,成为兼及翻译和经济的国际专家。 他那趴下的身躯大写了一个“人”字,他那孱弱的生命奏响了激昂的最强音!中国翻译界泰斗、《英语世界》创刊人兼主编陈羽纶先生由衷赞叹他:趴在地上一堆肉,立起来一座山…… 过去属于死神,未来属于你自己 范子盛的父亲范长德和母亲高美华,均为位于湘西的中国航空第二集团原310厂工程师。 1974年出生的范子盛,不到8个月就患上了最严重的小儿麻痹症,自幼颈椎以下全部瘫痪麻痹,是趴在地上慢慢长大的。8岁了,见比自己大两岁的哥哥念到了小学三年级,他成天叨叨着:“我要读书!我要读书!”母亲不由热泪横流:“你趴在地上一堆肉,如何念书哟?”子盛执著地说:“别人能念书,我也能啊!”范长德心如刀割,猛揩一把眼泪:“我们要让他活出快乐,活出人的尊严。工作再忙,也要背他上学!” 范长德每天清早5点起床为小儿子洗脸漱口,然后草草吃完早餐,背他去学校;中午12点,匆匆赶到学校把他背回家,下午上班之前,又赶紧把儿子背去学校;下午下班再去背回家来。范子盛除了手指,其余哪里都不能动,不用说自己起、坐,就是手臂也要靠人帮他摆在课桌上。坐久了会重心偏移,自己不能调整,只有任其倒下,摔得头破血流是常事。 上课了,班主任王玉珍老师说:“同学们请把身子坐直。”范子盛指指自己的书包:“老师,请帮我绑上。”王老师略感不解,从他书包里掏出一根长长的布带。范子盛肯定地说:“请您用布带把我绑在椅子的靠背上,我就不会东倒西歪了。”王老师犹疑着照办了。范子盛又轻轻叫了:“老师。”他指指书包。王老师从里面掏出一根鞋带。“请您用鞋带把铅笔缠在我手指之间,我要写好字。”经过几年的“捆绑教育”,范子盛从小学到初二下学期,他的成绩始终是年级第一名。 不久,范子盛因胸骨严重变形,挤压肺部,肺炎时有发生,一天竟然昏迷过去,好不容易才抢救过来。离开医院时,主治医生告诉范长德:范子盛捆绑在座位上听课做作业,并非上策,长此以往,他将彻底失去自理能力和免疫力。他需要锻炼,才能延续生命。 初二期末,范子盛哭闹着被迫告别学校。1990年,310厂从湘西搬迁到岳阳,改名长江动力机械厂。之后,范子盛在家一边治病,一边学习摸爬走路,一边自学。结果,初中、高中两次毕业会考,他都取得了年级前三名的特优成绩。这时,他梦想着考入大学。 可是,1993年6月,市招办和省招办拒绝了他的报考要求,其理由是
