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First eaten by poor boatmen of the Yangtze River in Chongqing area and then spread westwards to the rest of Sichuan. Now is a very popular local flavor and can be found at every corner of the city. There are a great variety of hotpots, including Yueyang Hotpot, Four Tastes Hotpot, Yashan Hotpot and Fish Head Hotpot. If you are adventurous enough, you can basically cook anything with hot pot,

Chili 辣椒pepper 花椒needle mushroom 金针菇caraway 香菜champignon 香菇

lotus root 莲藕shallot 葱monosodium glutamate 味精

vinegar 醋soy sauce 酱油

馒头Steamed buns豆浆Soybean milk

1、红油锅底Hot pot soup base (red chili oil)

2、清汤鸳鸯锅底Dual hot pot soup bases(red chili oil and clear soup)

3、土鸡汤鸳鸯锅底Dual hot pot soup bases(red chili oil and village chicken soup)

4、野生菌锅底Hot pot soup base (wild mushroom)

5、麻酱碟Plate of sesame paste

6、香油碟Plate of sesame oil

7、椒盐碟Plate of pe pper salt

8、鳝鱼Short eel10、特色毛肚Sepcial beef omasum11、猪黄喉Pig trachea

12、重庆酥肉Chongqing fried pork13、鸭胗花Duck gizzard pieces14、鸭胗片Duck g izzard slices15、腰花Pork kidney pieces16、腰片Pork kidney slices19、肥牛Fat beef slices 24、牛毛肚Beef omasum(black)25、牛黄喉Beef trachea26、火腿肠Ham sau sages

27、泥鳅Loaches28、鱼丸Fish meatballs29、虾丸Shrimp meatballs

精品鹅肠Special goose intestine精品鸭肠Special duck intestine

精品毛肚Special tripes麻辣牛肉Spicy beef香菜牛肉丸Beef balls served with cilantro 手工里脊丝Hand-sliced tenderloin香菜丸子Meatballs served with cilantro

爽口嫩牛肉Tender Beef鲜牛鞭Fresh ox penis鹌鹑蛋Quail eggs墨鱼仔Baby squid 美国肥牛American fatty beef蟹肉Crab meat鲜鹅肠Fresh goose intestine

鳝鱼Eel午餐肉Spam meat/Luncheon meat (spam 是美国俗语)

绿色毛肚Organic tripes (译为有机毛肚,意思对吧,还是毛肚是绿颜色的?)

无骨鹅掌De-boned goose webs火腿肠Hams耗儿鱼Corydoras

菊花鸡胗Chrysanthemum Gizzards香豆脑Fragrant Beancurds脑花Brains

鲜鸭舌Fresh duck tongues五香肥肠Spiced fatty intestines带鱼Hairtail

黄辣丁Pelteobagrus fulvidraco fish深海雪鱼Deep-sea cods酥肉Crispy meat

鲜毛肚Fresh tripes腰片Sliced kidneys无骨凤爪De-boned chicken feet

鲜鸭肠Fresh duck intestines鲜猪黄喉Fresh pork aorta鱼皮饺Fish skin dumplings

昌鱼Pacu千层肚Thousand-layered tripes香港撒尿丸Hongkong style soup meatballs

鲜鱿鱼Fresh cuttlefish鲜鱼头Fresh fish heads虾饺Shrimp dumplings鲜牛蹄筋Fresh beef tendons鲜鸡脊Fresh chicken fillet脆皮肠Crispy intestine鲜黄喉Fresh aorta

大红虾Great red prawns萝卜片Sliced carrots大白菜Chinese white cabbage

豆芽Beansprouts鲜豆腐Fresh Tofu冬瓜Winter gourd藕片Sliced lotus roots

海白菜Sea cabbage黄瓜Cucumbers木耳agaric fungus苕粉Tapioca pasta

香菜Cilantro土豆皮Potato skin鲜鸭血Fresh duck blood curds海带Seaweed

年糕Rice cake空心菜mater convolvulus花菜Broccoli苕皮Yam pasta

青笋头Green bamboo shoots玉兰片Sliced平菇Shitake mushrooms鲜竹笋Fresh ba mboo shoots香菇Champignon贡菜dried ballonflower脆豆腐Crispy tofu

野生蕨菜Wild Fiddlehead Fern金针菇Needle mushrooms

鸡腿菇Goprinus comatus fungus乳牛肝菌Boletus appendiclatus fungus

茶树菇Flammulina velatipes fungus鲍鱼菇Abalone fungus

方竹笋Square bamboo shoots蛋炒饭Fried rice with eggs

苕酥饼Crispy yam pie泸州黄粑Luzhou yellow rice cake

八宝粥Sweet porridge of 8 ingredients蛋酥糍粑Crispy egg cake

清油火锅Clear-oil hotpot秘制牛油火锅House special butter hotpot

秘制全白锅House special white hotpot

清油鸳鸯锅Clear-oil double-flavoured hotpot

秘制牛油鸳鸯锅House special butter double flavoured hotpot

五香碟5 spices香油碟Sesame oil

特色菜House special dishes 荤菜Meat dishes素菜Vegetarian dishes

小吃Snakes锅底Soup base油碟Oil dish











变脸的手法大体上分为三种:“抹脸”、“吹脸”、“扯”。此外,还有一种“运气”变脸。Face-changing approaches can be divided into three ways: towel the face, blow the face and pull the face, in addition, there is a “luck face”.



“扯脸”是比较复杂的一种变脸方法。它是事前将脸谱画在一张一张的绸子上,剪好,每张脸谱上都系一把丝线,再一张一张地贴在脸上。Pull face is a complex change method. Before performs actors paint masks on several pieces of silk, and then cut it out. After trying each silk mask with a thread, actors finally attach masks to this face one by one.

丝线则系在衣服的某一个顺手而又不引人注目的地方(如腰带上之类)。随着剧情的进展,在舞蹈动作的掩护下,一张一张地将它扯下来。Thread is tied to clothes somewhere easily to work but not striking. During the performance, actors rip the masks off one by one under the cover of the dance movements.如《白蛇传》中的钵童(紫金铙钵),可以变绿、红、白、黑等七、八张




Face-changing in Sichuan Opera

Face-changing is a “moment of art” according to the needs of the story, actors change the different masks in a very short time of raising hands of tossing sleeve during the perform. And the skilled person often changes dozens of masks in only ten or twenty seconds.

变脸是一种瞬间艺术,演员根据剧情的需要,在极短的时间内,在一抬手一拂袖一甩头之间,变换出不同的面目来。技艺纯熟者,往往只用十几二十秒就可幻化出十来张不同的脸谱。And different mask represents different demeanor, modality and state of mind. It can show the emotions of characters and sudden changes of mental state, such as fear, despair, anger, sinister, etc. therefore, it will achieve the artistic effect---changing with hearts.




蓝色(绿) 凶猛,可怕的人物


黑色正直,坦率,鲁莽righteous,bold 张飞

Face-changing is s stunt used in the art of Sichuan Opera in order to shaping the image of characters. It can also express the inner thoughts and feelings of the characters in a romantic way.


所有食物菜单的英文翻译(严格校对,最新最全) 主食类(staple food): 三文治sandwich 米饭rice 粥congee (rice soup)汤soup 饺子dumpling 面条noodle 比萨饼pizza 方便面instant noodle 香肠sausage 面包bread 黄油(白塔油)butter 茶叶蛋Tea eggs 油菜rape 饼干cookies 咸菜(泡菜)pickle 馒头steamed bread 饼(蛋糕)cake 汉堡hamburger 火腿ham 奶酪cheese 馄饨皮wonton skin 高筋面粉Strong flour 小麦wheat 大麦barley 青稞highland barley 高粱broomcorn (kaoliang )春卷Spring rolls 芋头Taro 山药yam 鱼翅shark fin 黄花daylily 松花蛋皮蛋preserved eggs 春卷spring roll 肉馅饼minced pie 糙米Brown rice 玉米corn 馅儿stuffing 开胃菜appetizer 面粉flour 燕麦oat 白薯甘薯sweet potato牛排steak 里脊肉fillet 凉粉bean jelly 糯米江米sticky rice 燕窝bird's nest 粟Chinese corn 肉丸子meat balls 枳橙citrange 点心(中式)dim sum 淀粉starch 蛋挞egg tart 肉、蔬菜类(livestock家畜): 南瓜(倭瓜)pumpkin cushaw 甜玉米Sweet corn 牛肉beef 猪肉pork 羊肉mutton 羔羊肉lamb 鸡肉chicken 生菜莴苣lettuce 白菜Chinese cabbage (celery cabbage)(甘蓝)卷心菜cabbage 萝卜radish 胡萝卜carrot 韭菜leek 木耳agarics 豌豆pea 马铃薯(土豆)potato 黄瓜cucumber 苦瓜balsam pear 秋葵okra 洋葱onion 芹菜celery 芹菜杆celery sticks 地瓜sweet potato 蘑菇mushroom 橄榄olive 菠菜spinach 冬瓜(Chinese)wax gourd 莲藕lotus root 紫菜laver 油菜cole rape 茄子eggplant 香菜caraway 枇杷loquat 青椒green pepper 四季豆青刀豆garden bean 银耳silvery fungi 腱子肉tendon 肘子pork joint 茴香fennel(茴香油fennel oil 药用)鲤鱼carp 咸猪肉bacon 金针蘑needle mushroom 扁豆lentil 槟榔areca 牛蒡great burdock 水萝卜summer radish 竹笋bamboo shoot 艾蒿Chinese mugwort 绿豆mung bean 毛豆green soy bean 瘦肉lean meat 肥肉speck 黄花菜day lily (day lily bud)豆芽菜bean sprout 丝瓜towel gourd (注:在美国丝瓜或用来做丝瓜茎loofah洗澡的,不是食用的) 水果类 西红柿tomato 菠萝pineapple 西瓜watermelon 香蕉banana 柚子shaddock (pomelo)橙子orange 苹果apple 柠檬lemon 樱桃cherry 桃子peach 梨pear 枣Chinese date (去核枣pitted date )椰子coconut 草莓strawberry 树莓raspberry 蓝莓blueberry 黑莓blackberry 葡萄grape 甘蔗sugar cane 芒果mango 木瓜pawpaw或者papaya 杏子apricot 油桃nectarine 柿子persimmon 石榴pomegranate 榴莲jackfruit 槟榔果areca nut (西班牙产苦橙)bitter orange 猕猴桃kiwi fruit or Chinese gooseberry 金橘cumquat 蟠桃flat peach 荔枝litchi 青梅greengage 山楂果haw 水蜜桃honey peach 香瓜,甜瓜musk melon 李子plum 杨梅waxberry red bayberry 桂圆longan 沙果crab apple 杨桃starfruit 枇杷loquat 柑橘tangerine 莲雾wax-apple 番石榴guava 调料类(seasonings): 醋vinegar 酱油soy 盐salt 加碘盐iodized salt 糖sugar 白糖refined sugar 酱soy sauce 沙拉salad 辣椒hot(red)pepper 胡椒(black)pepper 花椒wild pepper Chinese prickly ash powder 色拉油salad oil 调料fixing sauce seasoning 砂糖granulated sugar


西餐菜单翻译(中英文对照)冷菜沙拉沙拉 火腿沙拉 鸡脯沙拉 鸡丝沙拉 鸡蛋沙拉 鱼片沙拉 虾仁沙拉 大虾沙拉 蟹肉沙拉 蔬菜沙拉 黄瓜沙拉 奶油黄瓜沙拉 西红柿黄瓜沙拉 甜菜沙拉 红菜头沙拉 沙拉酱; 肉 冷什锦肉 冷肉拼香肠

冷火腿蔬菜 什锦肉冻 肝泥; 牛肝泥; 牛脑泥; 冷烤牛肉 冷烤里脊冷烤羔羊腿冷烤猪肉 冷烩茶肠 冷茶肠 鱼 茄汁烩鱼片 鸡蛋鲱鱼泥子 鸡蛋托鲱鱼 熏鲱鱼 熏鲤鱼 沙丁油鱼鱼肉冻 酿馅鱼 红鱼子酱 黑鱼子酱 大虾泥 蟹肉泥

家禽鸡肉冻; 鸡肉泥; 鸡肝泥; 鸭肝泥; 酿馅鸡蛋 奶酪酿馅鸡蛋酿馅鸡 冷烤油鸡蔬菜冷烤火鸡 冷烤山鸡 冷烤野鸡 冷烤鸭 冷烤野鸭 烤鸭冻粉 冷烤鹅 冷烤野鹅 素菜 什锦蔬菜 红烩茄子 酿青椒 酿西红柿

酸蘑菇 酸黄瓜; 泡菜; 热小菜 奶油烩香肠 红烩灌肠 红酒汁烩腰花; 奶油烩腰花; 芥末煎火腿豌豆 奶油汁煎牛肝; 鸡蛋汁煎鲱鱼 奶酪口蘑烤鱼 奶酪口蘑烤蟹肉 奶油奶酪口蘑烤蟹肉清煎鸡蛋 火腿煎蛋; 火腿蛋; 咸肉煎蛋; 香肠煎蛋; 清炒鸡蛋 香肠炒蛋 火腿炒蛋

番茄炒蛋 菜花沙蛋 果酱炒蛋; 汤 清汤; ; 浓汤; 肉汤 奶油火腿汤; 奶油鸡茸汤; 奶油蟹肉汤; 奶油口蘑解肉汤奶油大虾汤; 奶油鲍鱼汤; 奶油龙须菜汤; 奶油芦笋汤; 奶油菜花汤; 奶油口蘑汤; 奶油口蘑菜花汤奶油西红柿汤; 奶油蕃茄汤; 奶油菠菜汤; 奶油豌豆汤;

牛肉丸子汤牛肉蔬菜汤牛肉茶 冷牛肉茶 鸡汤 口蘑鸡汤 番茄鸡汤 鸡腿蔬菜汤咖哩鸡丁汤鸡块汤 鸡块面条汤鸡块大米汤高加索鸡块汤鸡球蔬菜汤鸡杂汤 鸡杂菠菜汤鱼汤 家常鱼汤 红鱼汤 红菜汤 蔬菜汤; 丸子蔬菜汤


菜谱英语翻译大全 汉英筳席菜名大全 A 鹌鹑蛋鲍鱼Abalone and quail eggs 鹌鹑松Minced quai B 八宝冬瓜汤“Eight-treasures”winter melon(white gourd)sou 八宝饭“Eight-treasures”rice pudding 八宝鸡Chicken stuffed with “eight-treasures” 八宝扒鸭Braised duck with “eight-treasures” 八宝全鸡Roast chicken with “eighit-treasures” 八宝全鸭Roast duck with “eight-treasures” 八宝鸭Duck stuffed with“eight-treasures” 八个冷盘Eight cold hors d′oeuvres 八珍冬瓜粒Soup With Winter melon and minced pork 八珍扒大鸭Braised duck with “eight-treasures” 巴东牛肉Spiced beef 拔丝莲子Lotus Seeds in hot toffee 拔丝苹果Apple in hot toffee 拔丝山药Chinese yam in hot toffee 拔丝香蕉Banana in hot toffee 霸王肥鸡Bawang chicken 白爆鱼丁Fish cubes in white sauce 白菜粉丝Chinese vermicelli with cabbage 白菜汤Chinese cabbage soup 白豆焖*排Stewed pork with white beans 白豆汤White bean soup 白饭Steamed rice 白果芋泥Sweet taro with gingko 白烩大虾King prawn in white Sauce 白烩鸡饭Chicken in white sauce with rice 白烩蟹肉Crab meat in white sauce 白烩虾子Shrimp roe in white sauce 白鸡Cold boiled chicken 白酒汁烩鸡Chicken in white wine sauce 白酒汁蒸鱼Steamed fish in white wine Sauce 白菌鲍脯Braised abalone with fresh mushroom 白菌炒面Fried noodles with mushroom


精品鹅肠Special goose intestine 精品鸭肠Special duck intestine 精品毛肚Special tripes 麻辣牛肉Spicy beef 香菜牛肉丸Beef balls served with cilantro 手工里脊丝Hand-sliced tenderloin 香菜丸子Meatballs served with cilantro 爽口嫩牛肉Tender Beef 鲜牛鞭Fresh ox penis 鹌鹑蛋Quail eggs 墨鱼仔Baby squid 美国肥牛American fatty beef 蟹肉Crab meat 鲜鹅肠Fresh goose intestine 鳝鱼Eel 午餐肉Spam meat/Luncheon meat (spam 是美国俗语) 绿色毛肚Organic tripes (译为有机毛肚,意思对吧,还是毛肚是绿颜色的?)无骨鹅掌De-boned goose webs 火腿肠Hams 耗儿鱼Corydoras 菊花鸡胗Chrysanthemum Gizzards 香豆脑Fragrant Beancurds

脑花Brains 鲜鸭舌Fresh duck tongues 羊肉串Mutton kebabs 羊肉卷Sliced mutton 五香肥肠Spiced fatty intestines 带鱼Hairtail 黄辣丁Pelteobagrus fulvidraco fish 深海雪鱼Deep-sea cods 酥肉Crispy meat 鲜毛肚Fresh tripes 腰片Sliced kidneys 无骨凤爪De-boned chicken feet 鲜鸭肠Fresh duck intestines 鲜猪黄喉Fresh pork aorta 鱼皮饺Fish skin dumplings 昌鱼Pacu 千层肚Thousand-layered tripes 香港撒尿丸Hongkong style soup meatballs 鲜鱿鱼Fresh cuttlefish 鲜鱼头Fresh fish heads 虾饺Shrimp dumplings 鲜牛蹄筋Fresh beef tendons


2019年6月大学英语四级翻译练习题:火锅 英语四级翻译练习题:火锅 火锅中,重庆火锅(hotpot)最著名,也最受欢迎。重庆人认为以麻辣(peppery and hot)著称的火锅是当地特色。人们喜欢围在用木炭(charcoal)、电热或天然气加热的火锅旁边吃边聊美味和有营养的食物。人们可以选择辣汤、清汤以及鸳鸯(combo)锅底,再将肉片、鱼片、各种豆腐产品和蔬菜加进火锅,之后蘸上特制酱料即可食用。在寒冷的冬天里,吃火锅成为一件惬意十足的事情。 参考翻译: Chongqing hotpot is the most famous and popularof all hotpots. In the eyes of people in Chongqing,hotpot noted for its peppery and hot taste is a localspecialty. People enjoy gathering around a hotpotheated with charcoal, electricity or natural gas and chatting over the delicious and nutritiousfood. You have a choice of spicy, pure or combo for the soup, into which you may add thin slicedmeat, fish, various bean curd products and vegetables, and dip them into a special sauce beforeeating. It is a very delightful experience to eat hotpot in the cold winter. 1.以著称:可译为be noted for。noted作形容词,表示著名的,显著的,同样的搭配还有be noted as,表示作为而著名。两个词组有区别,使用时需要注意。


火锅菜单的英文翻译 WEIHUA system office room 【WEIHUA 16H-WEIHUA WEIHUA8Q8-

精品鹅肠 Special goose intestine 精品鸭肠 Special duck intestine 精品毛肚 Special tripes 麻辣牛肉 Spicy beef 香菜牛肉丸 Beef balls served with cilantro 手工里脊丝 Hand-sliced tenderloin 香菜丸子 Meatballs served with cilantro 爽口嫩牛肉 Tender Beef 鲜牛鞭 Fresh ox penis 鹌鹑蛋 Quail eggs 墨鱼仔 Baby squid 美国肥牛 American fatty beef 蟹肉 Crab meat 鲜鹅肠 Fresh goose intestine 鳝鱼 Eel 午餐肉 Spam meat/Luncheon meat (spam 是美国俗语) 绿色毛肚 Organic tripes (译为有机毛肚,意思对吧,还是毛肚是绿颜色的?)无骨鹅掌 De-boned goose webs 火腿肠 Hams 耗儿鱼 Corydoras 菊花鸡胗 Chrysanthemum Gizzards 香豆脑 Fragrant Beancurds

脑花 Brains 鲜鸭舌 Fresh duck tongues 羊肉串 Mutton kebabs 羊肉卷 Sliced mutton 五香肥肠 Spiced fatty intestines 带鱼 Hairtail 黄辣丁 Pelteobagrus fulvidraco fish 深海雪鱼 Deep-sea cods 酥肉 Crispy meat 鲜毛肚 Fresh tripes 腰片 Sliced kidneys 无骨凤爪 De-boned chicken feet 鲜鸭肠 Fresh duck intestines 鲜猪黄喉 Fresh pork aorta 鱼皮饺 Fish skin dumplings 昌鱼 Pacu 千层肚 Thousand-layered tripes 香港撒尿丸 Hongkong style soup meatballs 鲜鱿鱼 Fresh cuttlefish 鲜鱼头 Fresh fish heads 虾饺 Shrimp dumplings 鲜牛蹄筋 Fresh beef tendons


吃火锅想想还是小的好! When it comes to hot pot, the smaller is better. 厨师长特别推荐 Menu recommend by the head chef 战锅策一品鲜鱼锅 Special fresh fish pot 采用野生鲜鱼,文火熬煮8小时,以优质姜葱去除泥土味,调配营养丰富的扁尖和百叶,不不只是一锅好汤,更是一锅香鲜的炖品。 Taking fresh fish from natural environment and slowly stew it with ginger and shallot to get rid of strong smell, it becomes a good, fresh-taste hot pot. 极品野生鲍鱼锅(天然鲍鱼熬煮而成,极品醇鲜) 16 Highest grade wild abalone pot (made of natural abalone by cooking) 至尊麻辣鲜骨锅(牛仔骨,猪筒骨为主料经8小时的熬炖,鲜香麻辣) 10 Superior hot and fresh bone pot (calf bone and for eight hours’ cooking: fresh, savory and hot) 韩式泡菜鱼头锅(天目湖纯生鲜鲜鱼头,加泡菜文火熬煮,色香味俱全) 10 Korea-type pickled cabbage fish head pot (cooking natural fresh fish head form Tianmu lake with mild fire by adding picked cabbage; combination of color, savor and taste ) 玉女水果养颜锅(新鲜的水果,浓郁鲜骨熬煮的高汤相结合,既养颜又滋补) 10 Jade maiden fruit pot for skin maintenance (combination of fresh fruit and soup stock of fresh bone for skin maintenance and nutrition) 特醇野生菌王锅(由鸡腿菇,牛肝菌等多种野生菌类用鸡汤熬煮而成) 8 Superior wild mushroom pot (drumstick mushroom, queen bolete and other wild mushrooms are cooked using chicken soup.) 战锅策一品鲜鱼锅(战锅策独家秘制,味醇色美) 8 Special fresh fish pot (secrete making, combination of color and savory) 醇香养生滋补锅(由骨,天然药材,鸡汤熬煮而成,温和滋补) 8 Fragrant nutrition pot (made of bone, natural herb and chicken soup: mild and nutrition) 沙爹鲜香牛肉锅(上好牛肉和沙爹酱老火慢炖,原汁原味) 8 Satay fresh beef pot (super beef and Satay sauce daily cooking: Original taste and flavor) 冰鲜肉类 宰杀到食用间隔不超过48小时,最大程度保持了肉类的鲜香和营养,美味多汁,鲜嫩爽口。热气牛肉Steaming beef 50 肉类组合(肥牛/羔羊猪肉三选二) Combination of meat of animal (two among mutton,beef and pork) 32 冰鲜雪花牛肉Iced fresh snow beef 28 秘制神户腱牛肉Secrete-made Kobe tendon beef 28 法式鹅肉France-type goose meat 28 内蒙古特级羔羊Super-grade lamp from inner Mongolia 26 特级肥牛卷Super-grade beef roll 26 内蒙古肥羊卷Inner Mongolia mutton roll 22 冰鲜雪花猪肉Iced fresh snow pork 20 牛肉·丝瓜双滑Beef. Towel gourd double smooth6


英文菜单MENU 西餐厅菜谱翻译(中英文对照) Set menu 套餐 Happy family set 合家欢套餐 valentine set 情侣套餐 Sirloin steak 菲力牛排 crispy chicken fillet脆皮鸡排 Scallop 扇贝 Cream Squid 奶油鱿鱼 Cream button mushroom 奶油香菇 Preserved cabbage stir-fried with bean sprouts 雪菜银芽Sauted cabbage with Chilli 培根高丽菜 Honey glazed chicken fillet 蜜汁鸡排 Oyster 生蚝 Sliced mutton with welsh onion and garlic葱蒜羊肉片Club steak 沙朗牛排 Shrimp 草虾 octopus八爪鱼 Australian beef soft ribs 澳洲牛仔骨 Salmon 三文鱼 Scotland mutton chop苏格兰羊排 Black pepper chicken fillet黑椒鸡排 Black pepper pork steak黑椒猪排 Pork steak with black pepper 黑椒牛排 Assorted set什锦套餐 Crispy bullfrog with black pepper 香脆黑椒牛蛙 Sliced fatty beef or mutton 肥牛或肥羊片 Sliced prawn with cheese 芝士开片大明虾 Iceland cod 冰岛鳕鱼 Braised oyster with cheese and chili 芝士培根焗生蚝Octopus with welsh onion 葱香八爪鱼 Shrimp with lemonade 柠汁草虾 French goose liver 法式鹅肝 Australian fresh shellfish澳洲鲜贝 Blocked crab meat stir-fried with pepper 辣子蟹块French black cod pan-fried with sauce 法式酱烧银鳕鱼Shrimp with lemonade 柠汁草虾 Saury with lemonade 柠汁秋刀鱼 Tunny with lemonade 柠汁金枪鱼 Pan-fried butterfish 干煎鲳鱼 Bullfrog with black pepper 黑椒牛蛙


Hello everyone ,my name is DGH,I come from Chongqing. Today I introduce to us the Chongqing hotpot.The renowned[ri'naund] spicy hotpot was originated in Chongqing and the most authentic one is to cooked with tripe, the end-result having a taste which is typically rich and oily. This traditional soup base is further enhanced with spicy bean paste, fermented soya beans, yak butter and pepper,etc. dishes including sliced raw meat, seafood, vegetables, mushrooms or fungi, etc. Green tea is the perfect accompaniment to the hotpot, softening the impact of the more extreme spiciness. So, if you have a chance to visit Chongqing for business or travel, don’t miss out on tasting an authentic Chongqing hot and spicy hotpot while you’re there! 我为大家介绍重庆火锅。他们最爱到当地一家甚具人气而且味道纯正的火锅店。名扬四海的麻辣火锅发源于重庆,而最正宗的就是麻辣毛肚火锅,以厚味重油著称,传统汤汁的配制是选用辣豆瓣、豆豉、四川甘孜牛油、花椒为原料。菜品包括鲜肉片、海鲜、蔬菜、菌菇等。吃火锅时,最好配上一杯开胃解油的绿茶,便可减轻麻辣的感觉了。下次若大家有机会到重庆工作或旅游,不妨找机会到这儿品尝最地道的麻辣风味!


中英文菜名对照中餐菜谱肉类Meat 白切肉boiled pork sliced 白扣羊肉boiled mutton 爆牛肚fried trips 扁豆肉丝shredded pork and french beans 冰糖肘子pork jiont stewed with rock sugar 菠萝香酥肉sweet-and-sour pork with pineapple 叉烧肉bbq pork(cantonese tyle)/grilled pork 炒腊肉stir-fried smoked pork 炒木须肉fried shreds of pork,fungus and eggs ,meat with omelet and fungus 炒里脊丝saute pork fillet shreds 炒肉片fried pork sliced 炒肉丁fried meat cubes 炒肉丝fried shredded pork 炒猪肝fried pork liver 炒肚尖fried tip of pig’s tripes 炒羊肚fried lamb tripes 豉汁牛肉fried beef with soy bean sauce 葱爆肉丁sliced pork with scallion 葱爆肉粉丝pork slices with vermicelli 葱爆羊肉fried mutton slice with green scallion 葱头牛肉丝shredded beef with onion 脆皮三丝卷crisp rolls of pork,sea-cucumber and bamboo shoots 冬笋炒肉丝asute shredded pork with bamboo shoots 冬菇猪蹄pig’s trotters with mushrooms 冬菜扣肉steamed spicy cabbage abd pork 豆瓣牛肉beef in chilli bean sauce 炖猪蹄stewed pig’s trotters 粉蒸排骨steamed spareribs with rice flower 咖哩牛肉fried curry beef 干煸牛肉丝sauteed beef shreds with chilli 宫爆腰花stir-fried kidney with chilli and peanuts 古老肉sweet-and-sour pork 蚝油牛肉oyster sauce beef 红烧肉stewed pork with brown sauce 红烧狮子头stewed meatballs with brown sauce 红烧排骨spareribs with brown sauce 红烧肘子pork leg braised in brown sauce 红烧蹄筋braised tendon with brown sauce 红烧牛肉beef with brown sauce 红烧羊肉mutton braised in brown sauce 红油肚丝shredded tripe with chilli sauce 滑肉片sliced prok with cream sauce 滑溜里脊saute fillet with thick gravy 花椒牛肉cayenne beef 黄瓜肉丁diced pork with cucumber 回锅肉stir-fried boiled pork slices in hot sauce .twice-cooked pork slices 回锅辣白肉white meat in hot sauce 家乡熏蹄home-made pig’s trotters 酱肉braised pork weasoned with soy sauce 酱牛肉spiced beef 酱爆肉fried sliced pork with soy sauce 酱爆肉丁fried diced pork in soy sauce 酱爆肉丝shredded pork with soy sauce 酱猪肘spiced pig’s leg 酱猪肚spiced pig’s tripe 椒酱肉mixed meat with chilli 韭黄肉丝shredded pork with chives 烤乳猪roasted sucking pig 烤猪肉roast pork 烤牛肉roast beef 扣肉braised meat 辣子肉丁diced prok with green pepper 栗子红烧肉braised pork with chestnuts 蚂蚁上树vermicelli with spicy minced pork 梅干菜扣肉steamed pork with preserved vegetables 焖牛肉pot roast beef 米粉蒸肉steamed pork with fice flower 蜜汁火腿steamed ham with honey sauce 扒白条braised pork slices 排肉片tewed pork strip 肉片meat slice 肉丝shredded meat 肉末minced meat 肉丁diced meat 肉馅meat filling 清炸猪里脊dry-fried pork fillet 青椒肉丝shredded pork with green pepper 青椒牛肉fried beef with green pepper 清蒸猪脑white steamed pig’s brain 清蒸羊肉steamed mutton 清炖牛尾steamed oxtail in clear soup 软炸里脊soft-fried fillet 砂锅狮子头meatballs in earthen-pot 砂锅丸子meat balls en casserole 生氽牛肉片poached beef fillet 时蔬炒牛肉sauteed sliced beef with seasonal greens 涮羊肉instant-boiled mutton Mongolian hot pot 手抓羊肉boiled mutton 双冬牛肉beef with mushroom and bambo shoots 水晶蹄膀shredded pork knuckle in jelly 蒜泥白肉shredded pork with garlic sauce 蒜蓉牛柳条fillet of beef with garlic sauce 坛子肉diced pork in pot 糖醋里脊pork fried with sugar and vinegar dressing , pork fillet with sweet and sour sauce 糖


火锅 火锅中,重庆火锅(hotpot)最著名,也最受欢迎。重庆人认为以麻辣(peppery and hot)著称的火锅是当地特色。人们喜欢围在用木炭(charcoal)、电热或天然气加热的火锅旁边吃边聊美味和有营养的食物。人们可以选择辣汤、清汤以及鸳鸯(combo)锅底,再将肉片、鱼片、各种豆腐产品和蔬菜加进火锅,之后蘸上特制酱料即可食用。在寒冷的冬天里,吃火锅成为一件惬意十足的事情。 Hotpot Chongqing hotpot is the most famous and popular of all hotpots. In the eyes of people in Chongqing, hotpot (noted for its peppery and hot taste整体作定语)is a local specialty. People enjoy(enjoy后面跟两个并列动词gathering, chatting,以and连接)gathering around a hotpot heated (过去分词用作后置定语,比定语从句来的简约)with charcoal, electricity or natural gas and chatting over the delicious and nutritious food. You have a choice of (can choose) spicy, pure or combo for the soup, into which (这样的句型如果很难或想不到应用,也可以采取比较简单的方法,直接用and 结构即,then you can/may add sliced meat…) you may add thin sliced meat, fish, various bean curd products and vegetables, and dip them into a special sauce before eating. It is a very delightful(pleasant, enjoyable, comfortable)experience to eat hotpot in the cold winter.


黄油菜花cauliflower with butter 黄油杂拌蔬菜mixed vegetables with butter 菠菜卧果spinach with poached egg 奶油汁烤口蘑baked mushrooms with cream sauce 黄油炒口蘑fried mushrooms with butter 黄油炒菠菜fried spinach with butter 黄油炒豌豆fried peas with butter 黄油炒青豆fried green peas with butter 炒茄泥fried mashed egg plants 炸茄子片fried egg-plant slices 炸番茄fried tomato 清煎土豆饼fried potato cake 酿馅西葫芦stuffed bottle gourd 焖洋白菜卷braised cabbage rolls 家常焖洋白菜卷braised cabbage rolls 烩茄子stewed egg plants 奶油汁烩豌豆stewed peas with cream sauce 扁豆炒蛋omelette/omelet with green beans 咖哩素菜curry vegetables 6.鸡鸭chicken and duck 烤鸡roast chicken 烤油鸡roast chicken

素菜烤鸡roast chicken with vegetables 棒棒鸡bon bon chicken 煎鸡fried chicken 炸笋鸡fried spring chicken 炸鸡deep-fried chicken 炸鸡肉串fried chicken shashlik 鸡肝串chicken liver shashlik 通心粉煮鸡boiled chicken with macaroni 奶汁煮鸡boiled chicken with cream sauce 铁扒笋鸡grilled spring chicken 焖鸡braised chicken 家常焖鸡braised chicken in home style 黄油焖鸡braised chicken with butter 黄油焖笋鸡braised spring chicken with butter 黄油焖鸡腿braised chicken legs with butter 红焖鸡块braised chicken chips 火锅鸡podjarka chicken 罐焖鸡chicken a la Duchesse 罐焖笋鸡spring chicken a la Duchesse 高加索焖鸡chicken a la Caucasus 比利时烩鸡Belgian stewed chicken 奶油烩鸡片stewed chicken slices with cream


中英文菜名对照中餐菜谱肉类Meat白切肉boiledporksliced白扣羊肉boiledmutton爆牛肚friedtrips扁豆肉丝shreddedporkandfrenchbeans冰糖肘子porkjiontstewedwithrocksugar菠萝香酥肉sweet-and-sourporkwithpineapple叉烧肉bbqpork(cantonesetyle)/grilledpork炒腊肉stir-friedsmoked pork炒木须肉fried shreds of pork,fungus and eggs ,meat with omeletandfungus炒里脊丝sauteporkfilletshreds炒肉片friedporksliced炒肉丁fried meat cubes炒肉丝fried shredded pork炒猪肝fried pork liver炒肚尖friedtipofpig’stripes炒羊肚friedlambtripes豉汁牛肉friedbeefwithsoybeansauce葱爆肉丁slicedporkwithscallion葱爆肉粉丝porksliceswithvermicelli葱爆羊肉fried mutton slicewithgreenscallion葱头牛肉丝shreddedbeefwithonion脆皮三丝卷crisp rolls of pork,sea-cumber and bamboo shoots冬笋炒肉丝asuteshreddedporkwithbambooshoots冬菇猪蹄pig’strotterswithmushrooms冬菜扣肉steamedspicycabbageabdpork豆瓣牛肉beefinchillibean sauce炖猪蹄stewed pig’s trotters粉蒸排骨steamed spareribs with riceflower咖哩牛肉fried curry beef 干煸牛肉丝sauteed beef shreds with chilli宫爆腰花stir-fried kidney with chilli and peanuts古老肉sweet-and-sour pork蚝油牛肉oystersaucebeef红烧肉stewedporkwithbrownsauce红烧狮子头stewed meatballs with brown sauce红烧排骨spareribs with brown sauce红烧肘子pork leg braised in brown sauce红烧蹄筋braised tendon with brown sauce红烧牛肉beef with brown sauce红烧羊肉mutton braised in brown sauce红油肚丝shredded tripe with chilli sauce滑肉片sliced prok with cream sauce滑溜里脊saute fillet with thick gravy花椒牛肉cayenne beef黄瓜肉丁diced pork withcumber回锅肉stir-fried boiled pork slices in hot sauce .twice-cooked porkslices回锅辣白肉white meat in hot sauce家乡熏蹄home-made pig’s trotters酱肉braised pork weasoned with soy sauce酱牛肉spiced beef酱爆肉fried slicedpork with soy sauce酱爆肉丁fried diced pork in soy sauce 酱爆肉丝shreddedporkwithsoysauce酱猪肘spicedpig’sleg酱猪肚spicedpig’stripe 椒酱肉mixedmeatwithchilli韭黄肉丝shreddedporkwithchives烤乳猪roastedsuckingpig烤猪肉roastpork烤牛肉roastbeef扣肉braisedmeat辣子肉丁diced prok with green pepper栗子红烧肉braised pork with chestnuts蚂蚁上树vermicelliwithspicymincedpork梅干菜扣肉steamedporkwithpreservedvegetables 焖牛肉pot roast beef米粉蒸肉steamed pork with fice flower蜜汁火腿


介绍重庆的英语作文5篇 重庆,一座你梦想的城市 悬挂在 __大厅的世界地图上,仅仅标出了中国四个城市的名字,其中一个就是重庆。 重庆,内陆开放高地。依山而建、两江环抱。 重庆地处中国内陆之西南、长江上游,主城为三面环水的半岛, 山形水胜,山即是城,城即是山,山环水绕楼接天的景观,与郁郁葱葱的山地森林构成一幅立体城市画卷,托举出一个与自然和谐交融的、具有独特影响力的、世界唯一的大型山地森林城市。 若比人口总量,重庆可称世界第三大城市。重庆的总人口计算分 为城市核心区与都会区全区,其中若以都会区全区计算,达3257万人,仅次于东京和墨西哥城。 重庆古称江州,南北朝时,巴郡改为楚州。公元581年隋文帝改 楚州为渝州,重庆始简称“渝”。公元1189年,宋光宗先封恭王, 后即帝位,自诩“双重喜庆”,升恭州为重庆府,重庆由此得名,距今已有800余年。

重庆之魅力,在文化和精神,它是城市的“根与魂”。巴渝文化从远古走来,诞生过无比辉煌的文明。这是一座英雄之城,抗战文化曾经照亮和影响世界的方向和进程。这是一座记忆之城,一曲《红梅赞》唱响全中国,红岩精神见证了风雨如磐的斗争岁月。这是一座移民之城,源远流长的三峡文化,留下千古绝唱的诗篇,移民文化的江纳百川、兼容百川,让世界感受到重庆城市的智慧、胆识和魄力。 重庆之魅力,在重庆力量迸发的城市巨变。国家五大中心城市战略地位凸显,“五个重庆”建设取得丰硕成果,西部金融中心崛起,内陆开放高地显现出强有力的聚变效应。 重庆是中国四大直辖市之一,国家五大中心城市,中国国家历史文化名城,中国长江上游地区的经济中心,也是中国西部地区重要经济增长极。全国独有的一市两个“保税区”——两路寸滩保税港区、西永综合保税区。今天的重庆,吹响了全面发力的号角,日益彰显其气度恢宏、激情飞扬的魄力。 重庆之魅力,在不断进取的重庆人,在其强烈的使命和责任。大山大水造就了三千万巴渝儿女豪壮勇迈的性格。他们热情,对城市饱含深情和自信;他们勤奋,为把8万多平方公里的秀美山川建设成最宜居的城市,正奉献着汗水和智慧??他们的城市梦想就是重庆的强大底气:大开放、大发展、大繁荣,重庆建成和谐的家园。
