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一、ぷ魇奔?公司每周工作五天半,员工每日正常工作时间为 7.5 小时。其中:周一至周五:上午: 8 : 30 - 12 : 00

下午: 13 : 30 - 17 : 30 为工作时间

12 : 00 - 13 : 30 为午餐休息

周六:上午: 8 : 30 - 12 : 00 为工作时间



1 、所有专职员工必须严格遵守公司考勤制度,上下班亲自打卡(午

休不打卡),不得代替他人打卡。 2、迟到、早退、旷工 ( 1 )迟到或

早退 30 分钟以内者,每次扣发薪金 10 元。 30 分钟以上 1 小时以

内者,每次扣发薪金 20 元。

超过 1 小时以上者必须提前办理请假手续,否则按旷工处理。 ( 2 )


一次扣发一天双倍薪金。年度内旷工三天及以上者予以辞退。 3 、

请假 ( 1 )病假

a 、员工病假须于上班开始的前 30 分钟内,即 8 : 30 - 9 : 00 致


院就诊证明。 b 、员工因患传染病或其他重大疾病请假,病愈返工


公司给予工作安排。 (2) 事假:紧急突发事故可由自己或委托他人告


期间不计发工资。 4 、出差(1) 员工出差前填好《出差申请单》呈权

责领导批准后,报人事部门备案,否则按事假进行考勤。 (2) 出差人



5 、请假出差批准权限:三天以内由直接上级审批,三天以上十天



6 、加班 (1) 加班应填写《加班单》,经部门负责人批准后报人事部


(2) 加班工资按以下标准计算:

( 3 )人事部门负责审查加班的合理性及效率。 ( 4 )公司内临时工、

兼职人员、部门主管(含)以上管理人员不计算加班费。 ( 5 )公司实行

轮班制的员工及驾驶员加班费计算办法将另行规定。 7 、考勤记录

及检查 ( 1 )考勤负责人需对公司员工出勤情况于每月五日前(遇节假

日顺延)将上月考勤予以上报,经部门领导审核后,报人事部门汇总,并对考勤准确性负责。 ( 2 )人事部门对公司考勤行使检查权,各部


检查。 ( 3 )对于在考勤中弄虚作假者一经发现,给予 100 元以上罚款,情节严重者作辞退处理。



1 、由调入部门填写《员工内部调动通知单》,由调出及调入部门


总裁(子公司由总经理)批准。 2 、批准后,人事部门应提前以书面形

式通知本人,并以人事变动发文通报。3 、普通员工须在三天之内,部门负责人在七天之内办理好工作交接手续。 4 、员工本人应于指


统中进行信息置换。5 、人事部门将根据该员工于新工作岗位上的工作职责,对其进行人事考核,评价员工的异动结果。


1 、公司员工因故辞职时,本人应提前三十天向直接上级提交《辞


上管理人员辞职必须经总裁批准。2 、收到员工辞职申请报告后,人事部门负责了解员工辞职的真实原因,并将信息反馈给相关部门 ,以

保证及时进行有针对性的工作改进。3 、员工填写《离职手续办理清单》,办理工作移交和财产清还手续。 4 、人事部门统计辞职员工

考勤,计算应领取的薪金,办理社会保险变动。 5 、员工到财务部

办理相关手续,领取薪金。6 、人事部门将《离职手续清单》等相关资料存档备查,并进行员工信息资料置换。

三、辞退管理 1 、见本手册第一章第二节六 . 1 及六2 .

2 、部门辞退员工时,由直接上级向人事部门提交《辞职申请表》,经审查后报总裁批准。

3 、人事部门提前一个月通知员工本人,并

向员工下发《离职通知书》。 4 、员工应在离开公司前办理好工作

的交接手续和财产的清还手续;员工在约定日期到财务部办理相关手续,领取薪金和离职补偿金。 5、员工无理取闹,纠缠领导,影响


管理处罚条例》的有关规定处理。 6 、人事部门在辞退员工后,应




一、基本原则 1 、公司倡导正大光明、诚实敬业的职业道德,要求

全体员工自觉遵守国家政策法规和公司规章制度。 2 、员工的一切


或名誉的事。 3 、公司提倡简单友好、坦诚平等的人际关系,员工

之间应互相尊重,相互协作。 4 、公司内有亲属关系的员工应回避


能从事下列活动: 1 、以公司名义考察、谈判、签约 2 、以公司名

义提供担保或证明 3 、以公司名义对新闻媒体发表意见、信息 4 、


三、公司禁止下列情形兼职 1 、利用公司的工作时间或资源从事兼

职工作 2 、兼职于公司的业务关联单位或商业竞争对手 3 、所兼职

工作对本单位构成商业竞争 4 、因兼职影响本职工作或有损公司形

四、公司禁止下列情形的个人投资 1 、参与业务关联单位或商业竞争对手经营管理的 2 、

投资于公司的客户或商业竞争对手的 3 、以职务之便向投资对象提供利益的 4 、以直系亲属名义从事上述三项投资行为的


六、保密义务: 1 、员工有义务保守公司的经营机密,务必妥善保管所持有的涉密文件。 2 、员工未经授权或批准,不准对外提供公司密级文件、技术配方、工艺以及其他未经公开的经营情况、业务数据等。



the goal is to plan and prepare for the employee’s arrival so that the employee does not arrive to chaos, but to an organized prepared work place. this checklist is designed to assist with the department’s orientation process. onboarding is a long-term process that begins before an employee’s start date and continues for at least six months. this checklist is organized by responsible department to initiate each task at different timeline. it also helps hiring managers prepare for the arrival of new employees. once an employee starts, he/she can work together with the hiring manager and an on boarding.



human resources 人力资源

1. print out new employee onboarding checklist, review and customize


2. complete two reference checks and collect documents (as per pre-employment checklist) from

new employee before making an official offer


3. send offer confirmation acceptance email to it, hr, hiring manager, admin and start date


4. call the new employee to welcome him or her a few days before the start date. remind him/her to

bring completed paperwork and identification on the first day. if a foreigner, send the work permit application check list with all the necessary forms and procedures to complete.



5. notify employee to do medical check up


6. provide new employee with a contact in the event of a question or issue


7. prepare on-boarding materials:


organization structure 组织架构

job description (sent together with offer letter) 工作说明书(与录用通知书一起发送)

new hire form 新雇员工报到表

individual form 个人资料表

letter of commitment – code of ethics (sent together with offer letter)


f. memo on code of conduct corporate value


g. labour contract 劳动合同

h. attendance and leave management acknowledgement 《考勤管理制度》确认书

i. disciplinary acknowledgement 《公司奖惩管理制度》确认书 j. personal file storage 档案存放地

k. household (hukou) registration 户口本户主及本人页复印件

l. medical benefits handbook 医疗福利手册

m. employee handbook acknowledgement《员工手册》签阅

8. schedule employee for new employee orientation session 入职培训 date日期:_____

9. check with it on the email and extension. updated the new employee’s detail in the global and local



10. if foreigner and gm level, arrange for airport pick-up and hotel arrangement

如果是外籍员工及来自异地的高级经理,安排机场接机和酒店预订a. b. c. d. e.

admin 行政

11. assign work station 分配工位

12. order furniture (when needed) 订家具(如果需要)

13. order office supplies e.g. keys, stationaries 订办公用品,例如:钥匙,文具

14. order business cards (when needed) 订名片(如果需要)

15. acquire building and floor access cards or employee id 获取大厦或楼层的出入许可证或员工id


16. establish computer/laptop, corporate phone, network (includes set up of software and hardware and

network login


17. establish telephone access including extension and photocopier machine


18. ensure email setup (with access or



19. ensure email and extension is updated in the global and local directory


human resources 人力资源

20. ensure email and extension is updated in the global and local directory


hiring manager 用人经理

21. schedule times for the new employee to meet with key staff members


22. assign a buddy as an immediate resource for any questions and to help guide the employee’s

relationship building, knowledge attainment, and problem solving


buddy name:__________________________________


23. discuss the responsibilities of mentor with selected candidate to ensure understanding of the role (choose mentors who are interested, positive, knowledgeable, and personable)



24. gather job specific resource information (i.e. job description, reference materials, manual, etc)


25. create a training schedule for the employee’s first week or longer



the goal is to make a good first impression by focusing on welcoming the employee to the corporate family not solely on completing the required forms. once an employee starts,

he/she can work together with the hiring manager and a buddy* to complete the checklist. the hiring manager may add additional activities that are relevant to the new employee’s area. internal transfer employees may omit items that are not applicable.



*a buddy is a peer to the new employee who can assist in the onboarding process and be a “go-to” person as directed by the manager.


hiring manager 用人经理

1. make sure manager or a designated staff member is present to greet the new employee


2. introduce new employee to staff and team members/ co- workers (or to arrange a small gathering to

welcome the new employee with a lunch, etc.


meeting with hiring manager to understand roles and responsibilities

与用人经理会面了解岗位和职责 3.

buddy 工作伙伴

4. make an introduction to the new employee



6. make a tour in the building and company facilities i.e. toilet, photocopier, cafeteria, parking 带领参观办公区域和办公设备,例如洗手间、复印机、餐厅、停车场 inform absence procedures and process for leaves application


admin 行政

7. review emergency procedures, what to do in case of an accident and other safety issues and



human resources 人力资源

benefits information, faqs and orientation schedule


9. send welcome e-mail to all staff and copy the employee


10. provide on boarding materials for new employee to complete


11. provide neck tie (depending on executive level)


12. set-up new employee’s payroll account. advise on setup of bank account (if none)


13. set-up thumb print registration (in shanghai – it is done by it department)


14. collect from employee:向员工收集:

id card 身份证/ passport 护照 last employment salary slip上家公司薪资单 (should be provided during interview 在面试时,应提供) 4 pieces of passport photos 一寸照片4张 (彩色) last company resignation certificate 原单位离职证明 academic certificate 学历证书(should be provided during interview在面试时,应提供) social security card copy 社会保障卡复印件 bank card copy 银行卡复印件 household (hukou) registration 户口本户主及本人页复印件 medical benefits handbook 医疗福利手册employee handbook劳动手册

c. first week on the job 工作第一周

hiring manager 用人经理

1. review organization structure and overview department functions and team member responsibilities



3. review other departments’ overall functions and highlight internal customers 浏览其他部门的总体职能和强调内部客户 if employee will supervise others, ensure he or she meets with direct reports one-on-one and as a



welcome lunch with manager and team


review key company information


finalise key result areas for probation period

完成试用期关键成果领域评估 4. 5. 6.

buddy 业务伙伴

7. introduction to email, company intranet, shared folder, company policies and procedures


8. have lunch with new employee


human resources 人力资源

9. ensure employee understands and sign on labour contract 确保员工理解并签署劳动合同


hiring manager 用人经理

1. review and clarify performance objectives and expectations after the first month


2. 3. 4.

overview of budget and finance procedures and policies 浏览预算和财务流程及政策 set-up brief meeting with head of department (gm, director, senior manager, manager) 与部门领导召开简要会议(总经理、总监、高级经理、经理) conduct confirmation assessment 2 weeks before he is due for confirmation. 在转正前两周进行转正评估 discuss with new employee on his performance

与新员工讨论他的表现 5.

human resources 人力资源

6. reminder to hiring manager to conduct final confirmation assessment (1 month before end of

probation period)



hiring manager 用人经理

1. review performance objectives and progress


2. discuss training completed and training planned for the future



hiring manager

1. conduct annual performance review and key result areas achievements


2. set objectives and key result areas for the coming year with employee



china quality certification center notice of selected sample deliverycqc/qpjc03.06(1/0)

no.:篇二:英文通知范文通知英语范文 ; y } x3 p- e8 {, c2 n7 }—、标题


书面通知多用notice 或










或“may i have your attention,please?”或“be quiet,please”,其后可以加上i have





this is to announce that the university will organize a “teach in the west”

program. this program applies to all the undergraduate students on campus. the

volunteers will teach at junior middle schools for a year in the west area, and the

subjects are chinese, english, math, physics and chemistry. the specific locations

of the middle schools are upon further notice. each year, many students from other universities volunteer themselves to work

in the

poverty-stricken areas of the west to try to improve the education level there.

we should also take the lead in response to the appeal for offering aid to children

in poor areas. the children need us. let us hold out our helping hands to them and

do whatever we can to help them.the student union

june 20, 2007篇三:举证通知书中英文对照举证通知书

notice to produce evidence根据《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》和最高人民法院《关于民事诉讼证据的若干规定》,

现将有关举证事项通知如下:according to the civil procedural law of the people’s republic of china and the

several provisions of the supreme people’s court on evidences for civil actions,

the matters of producing evidences will notify as following:一、当事人应当对自己提出的诉讼请求所依据的事实或者反驳对方诉讼请求所依据的事



1 you are responsible for producing evidences to prove the facts on which your

claims are based or the facts on which the claims of the other party are rebutted.

you shall undertake the adverse consequence, if you failed to submit evidence

materials or submitted evidences is failure to the fact which

you provide to the court.




说明,依照对方当事人人数提出副本。 ii evidences submitted by the parties to the people’s court shall be theoriginals, or

copies or replicas checked and found in conformity with the originals by the people’s court. the submitted evidence materials shall be classified

and numbered one by one. it is required to briefly describe the sources, facts to

be proved and contents of the evidence materials. copies shall be provided according

to the number of the parties of the opposing side.


限届满前提出。 iii where you intend to apply for authentication, increase or variation of the

claims or file a counterclaim, you shall do the same prior to

the expiration of the

evidence producing term.



易程序审理,申请证人作证的时间可以不受十日的限制。iv where you apply for appearance of a witness to testify,you shall file an

application with this court ten (10) days before expiration of

the evidence producing

term. provided that the summary procedure is followed in this case, the time for

applying witness to testify is not limited by 10 days.



相应的担保。如本案适用简易程序审理,申请证据保全的时间可以不受七日的限制。v where you intend to apply for preservation of evidence, you shall file an application with this court seven (7) days before expiration of the evidence

producing term. this court may require you to provide corresponding preservation as

the circumstances may require. provided that the summary procedure is followed in

this case, the time for preservation of evidence is not limited by 10 days.






vi upon receipt of the notice, you may negotiate with the other party to determine

the time limit for producing evidence and apply for approval of this court. provided

that you and your other party fail to reach an agreement, or the agreement is

unapproved or refused by this court, you shall submit the evidence materials to this

court before th day after receiving the notice shall be as the expiration day of the

evidence producing term. your failure to submit evidence materials within the

evidence producing term shall be deemed as waiver of the right to produce evidences.

for the evidence materials not submitted on time, thepeople’s court won’t arrange cross examination during trial, and the judge won’

t accept it.


讼证据的若干规定》第三十六条的规定,向本院申请延期举证。vii where it is really difficult for you to submit evidence materials within the

evidence producing term, you may apply with this court for extension according to

provisions in article 36 of several provisions of the supreme people’s court on

evidences for civil actions of the supreme peoples court.



方放弃举证权利。但对方当事人同意质证的除外。viii where the evidence materials submitted by you at the expiration of the evidence producing term fail to meet “new evidence” provisions in article 41,

paragraph 2 of article 43, and article 44 of several provisions of the supreme people’

s court on evidences for civil actions of the supreme peoples court, you shall be

deemed as waiver of the right to produce evidences, unless the other party agrees

to cross examination.


方可以在举证期限届满的七日前书面申请本院调查收集证据。ix where one of the conditions in article 17 of several provisions of the supreme

people’s court on evidences for civil actions of the supreme peoples court is met,

you may apply with this court for investing and collecting evidence in written form

seven (7) days before expiration of the evidence producing term. 附:根据最高人民法院《关于民事诉讼证据的若干规定》第三十四条的规定,你方应提


attachment: according to regulations in article 34 of several provisions of the

supreme people’s court on evidences for civil actions of the supreme peoples court,

you shall submit the following evidence materials:

1、 2、篇四:录用通知书(中英文)员工录用通知书(offer

letter)dear mr xx



1)原单位离职证明,由原单位盖章(入职当天请提交); quitjob certificate with your former employer’s seal;

2)养老金、失业转移单或缴纳证明; transfer paper of pension

or certificate of pension payment;

3)身份证原件及复印件四张a card of identification card;

4)学历证明、职称证书原件及复印件两张 certificate of diploma or title; 5)4张身份证照片(1寸蓝底)photo(one inch)


physical examination report预祝您在新的工作岗位上愉快、进步!salary: rmb1000.- (gross)/month in probation position: xxxx


notification of termination of employment contract (员工通知联)

(notice to employees)先生/女士:





that’s all 通知方(签章):

notify party (signature):date: 签收回执

signed receipts

本人已收执同上列内容的《解除劳动合同通知书》。i’ve received the notification of termination of employment contract as




notified party (employee) signature: 日期:20年月日date:


notification of termination of employment contract (单位存根联)






录取通知书用英文怎么说单词短语是什么 录取通知书上一般须注明录取人姓名、身份证编号、高考考号、录取批次、科类、录取专业、报到注册时间、加盖录取高校公章,还须注明“该校是教育部批准的具有高等学历教育招生资格的普通高等学校”字样。录取通知书用英文怎么说下面是整理的录取通知书单词,欢迎阅读。 录取通知书用英文单词enrollment [admission] notification; a notice of acceptance; adimission notice 录取通知书例句接到录取通知书的时候他高兴地落下了眼泪。 He wept for joy when he received the admission notice. 我从邮递员手中接过录取通知书,心情非常激动。 I was very excited when I accepted the admission notice from the postman. 他收到的大学录取通知书使他的母亲心花怒放。 The admission notice he received from the university rejoiced his mother's heart. 《21世纪大英汉词典》 我刚刚收到我申请的那所大学的录取通知书。 A: I just received the acceptance notification from the

university I had applied for. 她一拿到录取通知书,就向家里飞报了这一好消息。 She sent the good news to her family as soon as she got her letter of admission. 我本来计划在美国攻读硕士学位,并在那里找份工作,但现在我意识到,那里既没有工作也没有奖学金,所以我就接受了德里一所大学的录取通知书。 "My initial plan was to do my master's degree there and look for a job too, but now I realize that there are no jobs and no funding, so I took admission in a college in Delhi," said Dutta. 如果客户未能及时支付费用,启德集团将会扣押其录取通知书和签证文件。 If students don't pay fees on time, EIC can withhold letters of acceptance and visa documents. 收到录取通知书后,我的心才踏实下来。 My mind was set at ease at last after receiving the admission notice. 收到录取通知书后,我的心才落槽了。 My mind was set at ease at last after receiving the admission notice . 然而三月份也意味着另一种形式的疯狂--焦急地等待学院和大

录用通知书 -中英文模板-录用通知书模板

Offer Letter 录取通知书 is optional item, request for review and update accordingly <黄色阴影>部分为可选项,请审核后根据实际情况更新 PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL 保密信息 (“the Company”) under the following terms: 非常高兴地通知您,您被我公司(以下简称“公司”)录用,录取的条款如下: Position 职位 Department 部门: XXXXXX Cost Center 成本中心: XXXX Position 职位: XXXXXX Direct Supervisor 直属上级: XXX Location 工作地点: XXX Commencing Date 入职日期: XXXXXXX Probation Period 试用期: 3 or 6 Months Labor Contract Period 劳动合同期限:3 Years Your duties will be performed within and outside the People's Republic of China, if required by your job responsibilities or supervisor . 根据业务需要或者主管安排,您的工作将在中国境内或是境外完成。 This offer is conditional on provision of two appropriate references and a successful pre-employment medical check up. 本录取通知书在您通过入职体检及公司成功完成两个背景调查后方可生效。 Remuneration 薪酬 1.Base Salary 基本工资 your personal income taxes and the portion of social welfare benefits for which the individual is responsible. <公司法人名称> <地址>

<邮政编码> <电话> <传真> <网址>


公司企业常见部门名称英文 总公司Head Office 分公司Branch Office 营业部Business Office 人事部Personnel Department (人力资源部)Human Resources Department 总务部General Affairs Department 财务部General Accounting Department 销售部Sales Department 促销部Sales Promotion Department 国际部International Department 出口部Export Department 进口部Import Department 公共关系Public Relations Department 广告部Advertising Department 企划部Planning Department 产品开发部Product Development Department 研发部Research and Development Department(R&D) 秘书室Secretarial Pool 常见职位、职务英文译名 Accounting Assistant会计助理 Accounting Clerk记帐员 Accounting Manager会计部经理 Accounting Stall会计部职员 Accounting Supervisor会计主管 Administration Manager行政经理 Administration Staff行政人员 Administrative Assistant行政助理 Administrative Clerk行政办事员 Advertising Staff广告工作人员 Airlines Sales Representative航空公司定座员 Airlines Staff航空公司职员 Application Engineer应用工程师 Assistant Manager副经理 Bond Analyst证券分析员


个人入职自我介绍英文 新员工刚进公司不久,一段短短的自我介绍,其实是为了揭开更深入的面谈而设计的。那么入职的英语自我介绍要怎么说呢?下面WTT小雅为你整理了个人入职自我介绍英文,欢迎阅读。 个人入职自我介绍英文篇【1】 Hello! My name is XXX, from china, my personality is bright, honest, easy to get along with people; Likes playing basketball, mountain climbing and running. I am very happy and honored to join “ANYJOB” this big family, not only gave me a growth to display themselves and exercise good platform, I also have the opportunity to meet more new colleagues, new friends. - take this, I thank you very much for your leadership, thank you can give me a such a good chance. I first came here, there are many aspects of knowledge need to everybody to learn, but also hope in the later work we can comments! I believe that through our mutual understanding between each other and understanding, we will not only become a career has gone hand in hand with the struggle


Wuchang Experimental High School GRADUATION CERTIFICATE (Special seal of Bureau of Education of Wuhan Municipality for Graduation Certificate) Provincial Student No.: xx Diploma No.: xx Note: This certificate is valid after sealed by the education department of /above prefecture or municipal level. XX, female, 18, is from Wuhan City, Hubei Province. She has accomplished all the courses required by a three-year study program from September, 1999 to July, 2002. Upon approval of the school, she is qualified in morality, intelligence, physique and arts and thus allowed to graduate. School: Wuchang Experimental High School (Seal) President: xx (Seal) July 5, 2002

No.0206807 XX University Letter of Admission Dear XX: (No.: XX) You have been admitted to our school as a major in Electrical Engineering and Automation of the School of Electrical Engineering to complete a four-year study program. Please come to the school and handle relevant registration formalities on September 8-9. XX University (Seal) August 10, 2002


【个人简历范文】 企业进行招聘之后,自然就会有录用员工的可能。下面是给大家分享员工录用通知书范文,希望对你有所帮助! 员工录用通知书 dear mr xx 很高兴通知您,您已被xxxx公司录用。在此对您加盟xxxx表示欢迎,并请您XX年x.月x日来公司报到,公司需要您在来公司报到时提供以下文件 1)原单位离职证明,由原单位盖章(入职当天请提交); 2)养老金、失业转移单或缴纳证明; 3)身份证原件及复印件四张 4)学历证明、职称证书原件及复印件两张 5)4张身份证照片(1寸蓝底) 6)近期体检报告 预祝您在新的工作岗位上愉快、进步! 企业录用员工应注意什么 1、用人单位有合法具体明确的录用条件 要对“录用条件”事先进行明确界定。录用条件一定要合法、明确、具体,可操作。 首先,切忌出现违反法律强制性规定的录用条件,如乙肝歧视,对女性设定婚育方面的条件。 其次,切忌一刀切以及将录用条件空泛化,抽象化,比如说符合岗位要求,就不能仅仅说符合岗位要求,而应该把岗位要求是什么,怎么衡量是否符合岗位要求固定下来。 第三,“录用条件”应该是共性和个性的结合。所谓“共性”即大部分企业和岗位的员工都应该具备的基本条件。比如诚实守信,在应聘的时候如实告知自己的与工作相关的信息,包括自己的教育背景、身体状况、工作经历等等。所谓“个性”即每个企业、每个岗位或者职位都有自己的特殊要求。有的有学历的要求,要求获得相应证书,有的有技术的要求,比如能符合企业招聘时对岗位职责的描述等等。“录用条件”的共性可以通过规章制度进行明确。“录用条件”的个性可以通过招聘公告、劳动合同等等和规章制度结合起来进行明确。


员工录用通知书(offer letter) Dear Mr xx 很高兴通知您,您已被xxxx公司录用。在此对您加盟xxxx表示欢迎,并请您2008年x.月x日来公司报到,公司需要您在来公司报到时提供以下文件: We are pleased to inform you that we’ve decided to employ you as one member of our team.we here extend to you our warm welcome to join us and hope you could be upon arrival at x/x/2008 (M /D) to register for our company, and to fill in a copy of employee’s Register format. You are requested to provide the following documents to company on the registration date: 1)原单位离职证明,由原单位盖章(入职当天请提交); Quitjob certificate with your former employer’s seal; 2)养老金、失业转移单或缴纳证明; Transfer paper of pension or certificate of pension payment; 3)身份证原件及复印件四张 A card of Identification Card; 4)学历证明、职称证书原件及复印件两张 Certificate of diploma or title; 5)4张身份证照片(1寸蓝底) Photo(one inch) 6)近期体检报告 Physical examination report 预祝您在新的工作岗位上愉快、进步! Wish you happiness and progress in our company ! Salary: RMB1000.- (Gross)/month in probation Position: xxxx


文教、科技有关部门常见职衔与职称英文翻译 (大学)校长President/Chancellor (大学)副校长Vice President (大学)代理校长Acting President (中学)校长Principal (小学)校长Head /Master 学院院长Dean of College/Head of College 教务长Dean/Director of Teaching Affairs 总务长Director in Charge of General Affairs 系主任Department Chairman /Department Head 教研室主任Head of the Teaching and Research Section 实验室主任Laboratory Chief 教导主任Director of Teaching and 班主任Discipline Class Adviser/Head Teacher 教授Professor 副教授Associate Professor 客座教授Visiting Professor/Guest Professor 兼职教授Part-time Professor 名誉教授Honorary Professor 终身教授Lifetime Professor 外籍教授Foreign Professor 研究生指导教师Graduate Teacher/Research Supervisor 讲师Lecturer/Instructor

助教Teaching Assistant (T.A.) 实验员Laboratory Technician 图书馆员Librarian 研究所所长Institute Director 研究员Research Fellow/Researcher 副研究员Associate Research Fellow / Associate Researcher 助研Research Assistant 资料员Data Processor 总工程师Chief Engineer 副总工程师Assistant Chief Engineer 高级工程师Senior Engineer 工程师Engineer 助工Assistant Engineer 技术员Technician 技师Skilled Technician 董事长Chairman of the Board /Chairman 董事/理事Director 副董事Associate Director 高级会计师Senior Accountant 注册会计师(美国)Chartered Accountant 注册会计师(美国)Certified Public Accountant(CPA) 助理会计师Assistant Accountant


入职后的自我介绍英文 This is a hobby, War Within Three Kingdoms. War Within Three Kingdoms can be said to be inside the school first started to play, that time is not that many people play. Often with classmates killed pitch-dark, Saturday on the weekend, because killing too late, often disturbing. Like many of my colleagues in the company can play together the exchange, Qiecuo Qiecuo. The above is my self introduction of new recruits. Thank you. 入职后的自我介绍英文篇【2】 Dear leaders, teachers: Hello! My name is home in Gansu, Tianshui, this year just graduated from the Shaanxi Normal University editor. I am cheerful, easy to get along with people; work seriously and be good at summing up, willing to communicate with others. I am honored to apply to elite work, and came to the purchasing department. I don't know what more appropriate words to express their delight. First of all, please take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all the leaders of the permit, thank you for giving me this do not understand what a boy such a good learning and training opportunities. Secondly, I just leave the University, to the provisions of the company, the company required the interpersonal relationship, the company required ability of master degree is almost zero, so in the later work, also please the leadership and senior to the exhibitions, excuse me!


大学录取通知书,翻译 篇一:录取通知书英语 篇一:求职英语:录用通知书长什么样? 最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻! 洛基英语,免费体 验全部在线一对一课程:/(报名网址) 求职英语:录用通 知书长什么样? 好不容易通过面试,焦急的等待着录取通知书。那么,录取通知书长什么样?你会认识他吗? dearmissmika, 亲爱的米卡小姐: 鉴于您在11月23日的面试结果,我非常高兴地通知您,您已经

通过了董事会的批准,人 事部已经决定自2008年12月1日起,聘用您为总经理秘书。 wewillsendyouanotificationofanofferlateron.inaddition,wewil larrange atimetosigntheemploymentcontractwithyou.ifyouhaveanyquestio ns,please donot洛基英语是中国英语培训市场上的一朵奇葩,是全球已被验证的东方人英语学习的最 佳模式。洛基英 hesitatetocontactme. 稍后我们会寄给您录用通知书。另外我们还会另外安排时间与您签订雇用合同。如果您还有 任何问题,请与我联系。

wearelookingforwardtohavingyouherewithus! 期待您的加入! yourssincerely, noveltyco.ltd. 新意有限公司谨上 如果你在一个公司 的行政部门工作,写这个录用通知书也是你必备的技能了。如果你掌握的还不是很好的话, 请到我们的免费英语学习网站上寻找更多的资料吧! “成千上万人疯狂下载。。。。。。 洛基英语是中国英 语培训市场上的一朵奇葩,是全球已被验证的东方人英语学习的最佳模式。洛基英 更多价值连城的绝密英语学习资料, 洛基内部秘密英语,

通知 员工录用通知书格式

员工录用通知书格式 人事部会给已审核的新员工发出录用通知,录用通知中要写清报道的上班时间,地点,和具体的试用期薪资福利要求以及随后附上新员工录用通知书回执单。下面给大家带来员工录用通知书格式范文,供大家参考! 员工录用通知书格式范文一 尊敬的XXXXX 先生: 您好!非常荣幸地通知您,您已被上海XXXXXXX有限公司正式录用。真诚欢迎您的加入,并诚意地提醒您根据下列陈述,准时到公司报到。 一、报到事宜 时间:201x 年8月30 日8时30分 地点:上海市XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 乘车路线:地铁9号线XXXX下车,3号出口至XX换乘公交XXX 路,到XXX路下 二、携带资料 1. 失业证或与原单位解除劳动合同的证明材料原件(必须提供); 2. 身份证原件及复印件; 3. 最高学历证明原件及其他相关学历证明; 4. 一寸彩色免冠近期照片两张; 5. 银行卡一张(用于工资发放) 三、部分聘用条款

1. 职位:XXXXXXXXX ; 2. 所在办事处:XXXX ; 3. 合同期:试用期3 个月,合同期3 年; 4. 基本薪资:试用期内基本工资为XXXXXX元人民币,转正后基本工资为XXXXXX元人民币; 5. 销售提成:按照公司《销售提成管理规定》发放; 四、本录用通知有效期截至201x年8月30日,超过时间未办理报到手续,视为自动放弃。 五、如有疑问,请与公司人力资源部XXX联系,联系电话:021XXXXXXX。 应聘者承诺:所提交个人信息,无虚假。在入职之前,已与原工作单位解除劳动合同,并不再承担竞业禁止等相关责任;如应聘者与原工作单位产出劳动纠纷,应聘者个人承担全部责任。 本协议自201x年8月31日失效。 人力资源部 201x 年8 月26 日 员工录用通知书格式范文二 尊敬的先生(女士): 非常荣幸地通知您,经公司面试考察,决定聘用您为**公司(以下简称公司)校区/部职位。 真诚欢迎您加入本公司的行列! 请您详细阅读以下内容,并在确认后请于报到当日携带相关资料


入职通知书英文怎么说 篇一:入职证明英文 入职证明英文入职证明英文 入职证明 兹有XXX 新员工入职清单 Thegoalistoplanandpreparefortheemployee’sarrivalsothattheemployeedoesnotarrivetochaos,buttoanorgani zedpreparedworkplace.Thischecklistisdesignedtoassistwiththe department’ sorientationprocess.Onboardingisalong-termprocessthatbegins beforeanemployee’sstartdateandcontinuesforatleastsixmonths.ThisChecklistisor ganizedbyresponsibledepartmenttoinitiateeachtaskatdifferent

timeline.Italsohelpshiringmanagersprepareforthearrivalofnew employees.Onceanemployeestarts,he/shecanworktogetherwiththe hiringmanagerandanonboarding. 我们的目标是为新员工的到来做规划和准备,避免混乱,维持有序的工作环境。此清单有助于部门进行上岗引导程序。入职是一个长期的过程,从新员工到来开始并持续至少六个月。这份清单由相关部门在不同的时间点负责实施每一项任务。同时也有助于用人经理为新员工的到来做准备。员工到来后,他/她会与用人部门经理一起工作,进行入职流程。 A. HUMANRESOURCES人力资源 1.PrintoutNewEmployeeOnboardingChecklist,reviewandcustomize 打印新员工入职清单,审核并定制 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/ad7422015.html,pletetworeferencechecksandcollectdocuments


本文由雪白乌鸭贡献 文教、科技有关部门常见职衔与职称英文翻译  (大学)校长 President/Chancellor  (大学)副校长 Vice President  (大学)代理校长 Acting President  (中学)校长 Principal  (小学)校长 Head /Master  学院院长 Dean of College/Head of College  教务长 Dean/Director of Teaching Affairs  总务长 Director in Charge of General Affairs  系主任 Department Chairman /Department Head  教研室主任 Head of the Teaching and Research Section  实验室主任 Laboratory Chief  教导主任 Director of Teaching and  班主任 Discipline Class Adviser/Head Teacher  教授 Professor  副教授 Associate Professor  客座教授 Visiting Professor/Guest Professor  兼职教授 Part-time Professor  名誉教授 Honorary Professor  终身教授 Lifetime Professor  外籍教授 Foreign Professor  研究生指导教师 Graduate Teacher/Research Supervisor  讲师 Lecturer/Instructor  助教 Teaching Assistant (T.A.)  实验员 Laboratory Technician  图书馆员 Librarian  研究所所长 Institute Director  研究员 Research Fellow/Researcher  副研究员 Associate Research Fellow / Associate Researcher 助研 Research Assistant  资料员 Data Processor  总工程师 Chief Engineer  副总工程师 Assistant Chief Engineer  高级工程师 Senior Engineer  工程师 Engineer  助工 Assistant Engineer  技术员 Technician  技师 Skilled Technician  董事长 Chairman of the Board /Chairman  董事/理事 Director  副董事 Associate Director  高级会计师 Senior Accountant  注册会计师(美国)Chartered Accountant  注册会计师(美国)Certified Public Accountant(CPA)  助理会计师 Assistant Accountant  主任会计 Chief Accountant  高级经济师 Senior Economic Manger / Senior Economist  经济师 Economic Manager /Economist  建筑师 Architect  规划师 Planner


guangdong xxxx university 2011 letter of admission printcode:44 professional science 07_xxxx candidate no.11440515xxxxxx letter of admission dear xxx: id card no.4405xxxxxxxx224xxx special seal for household registration, shantou public security bureau sep 04, 2011篇二:《录取通知书》英文影评 《录取通知书》英文影评 the lovely story takes place in a boy called bartleby, a highschool graduates who can make false papers. but his pretty tricks didn’t help him to get an admission. and in order to have his fathers approval, he establishes a fake college called south harmon institute of technology (s.h.i.t) in an abandoned mental hospital with the help of rory, hands and glen, all of whom were not accepted by colleges. however, because of some misses, nearly 300 students are accepted by s.h.i.t. bartleby knows the feelings of these students, so he makes them believe this is a real college and manage to have some classes in harmon college. then, he asks the students to write down their ideal courses and they have their classes taught by their own. every one in s.h.i.t is happy and enjoyable. this is really a relaxing film. no rough ranger, no vicissitudes. all is about are the “ridiculous” thoughts of some ordinary students. and what turly impressed me is the words bartleby says in the end of the film:"so you can go ahead, sign your forms, reject us and shoot us down, and do whatever you gotta do. it doesn’t really matter at this point. because we’ll never stop learning, stop growing, and we’ll never forget the ideals that were instilled in us at our place." it makes me think about the idea that whether going to college is the premise of our future success. now, being accepted has lost its real value for people and became a mechanical behavior instead. we try to believe that people graduate from college are more creative and more cogitative. but what is important in the film is that students in s.h.i.t can decide their class, their grades and their roads of their lives. rather than pursuing blindly, they let the college life fit their needs.篇三:霍格沃兹魔法学校录取通知书 witchcraft and wizardry (霍格沃兹入学通知) hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry headmaster: albus dumbledore (order of merlin, first class, grand sorc., chf. warlock, supreme mugwump, international confed. of wizards) dear lin, wizardry. please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. term begins on 1 september (or when you happen to register). we await your owl after registration.


员工录取通知书模板 人事部会给通过审核的新员工发录用通知,录用通知中要写清报道的上班时间,地点,和具体的试用期薪资福利要求以及随后附上新员工录用通知书回执单。下面学习啦小编给大家带来员工录取通知书范文,供大家参考! 员工录取通知书范文一先生/小姐:您好! 您诚意应聘本公司职位,经初审合格,依本公司员工录用管理规定给予录取,竭诚欢迎您加入本公司行列。有关报到事项如下,敬请参照办理。 一、报到日期:年月日(星期 ) 时。地点:无锡市XX区号,有限公司。 二、携带资料、物品: (一)录用通知书 (二)居民身份证(复印后退还) (三)最近三个月内正面半身1寸照片一张 (四)学历证明正本(复印后退还) (五)职称证(有职称者) (六)体检表或身体健康证明表 (七)待业证或原工作单位终止劳动合同的证明 (八)自带饭盆、水杯,以及其他生活用品 三、按本公司之规定新进员工,必须先行试用个月,试用薪资元∕月。

四、以上事项若有疑问或困难,请与本公办公室联系 联系电话:05XX—XXXXXXXX 乘车路线: 无锡火车站:可乘坐路、路、路公交车到下,向前走200米,XXXXX对面 无锡东站:可乘坐路、路公交车到站下车,往回走200米,XXXXX对面 XXXXX有限公司 年月日 员工录取通知书范文二尊敬的: 经过沟通和了解,并经过公司内部慎重的考虑和讨论之后,我们认为您是我们_ _岗位合适的人选。现诚挚的邀请您加入我公司! 一、职位相关信息:岗位名称:_ 部门:_ _ 报到日期: _年_ 月_日 劳动合同:您需要在报到之日起两周内与公司签订劳动合同,合同期_3_年,其中包括_3_个月的试用期。 二、薪资福利信息: 薪酬:试用期:①基本工资:人民币/月(不含社保公积金和个人所得税) 转正后:①基本工资:人民币/月(不含社保公积金和个人所得税);

Offer letter英文录用通知书

Date Employee name and address Dear employee name: Re: Employment with college/department/unit, University of Saskatchewan I am very pleased to offer you a permanent/seasonal/term position as position title, family and phase, college/department/unit, University of Saskatchewan, based on the following terms and conditions: 1. Position: You are appointed to the position of position title, family and phase, college/department/unit, University of Saskatchewan, and in this capacity, you will report directly to name of direct supervisor. This is a permanent/seasonal/term position, and as discussed and agreed with you, your start date in the position will be start date. This position is in-scope of the ASPA bargaining unit. In this assignment of position title, your key responsibilities will be to provide a brief description of the primary purpose of the position (if available, attach the Job Profile, and refer the employee to it).. 2. Remuneration: Your base salary $X per month or $X per year (less statutorily required deductions). Your salary is payable once a month at month end in accordance with the University’s standard payroll practices. Your position is in Phase X of the Specialist/Professional, Managerial, IT, or Instructional job family. The current salary range for this phase is $X to $X per month. Your hours of work are based on the normal operating hours of the University and are expected to be for example, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday, with a one-half hour unpaid lunch break, amounting to 37.5 hours per week. Please refer to the provisions of Article 9.2.1 regarding the development of work plans and determination of hours of work. 3. Benefits and Pension: As a permanent/seasonal/term employee, you will be eligible to participate in University of Saskatchewan group benefit plans for employees in-scope of ASPA, according to the terms of the plans. You are also eligible to participate in the University of Saskatchewan’s Money Purchase Pens ion Plan in accordance with the plan requirements. Please refer to the Human Resources website for Benefits and Pension information specific to your appointment. A snapshot of benefit eligibility may be found in Table 12 of the collective agreement with ASPA, also found on the Human Resources website. 4. Vacation: You will receive X weeks of vacation per vacation year (May 1 to April 30), pro-rated for the current vacation year, according to the terms of Article 19.2 Annual Vacation. Vacations are to be taken at such time or times as are mutually convenient to you and the college/department/unit. Please note that carry over of unused vacation is not encouraged, and should be discussed with your supervisor. 5. Professional Allowance: In addition, you are eligible to receive an annual Accountable Professional Development Account in the amount of $X per year (prorated for the current year), per Article 12.4, to support your on-going career development needs. 6. Assessment Period: FOR APPOINTMENTS TO PERMANENT & SEASONAL POSITIONS: Consistent with Article 8 Probationary Period for Permanent & Seasonal Appointments, the first X months of your appointment to this position is a probationary period. We will review your progress in the position on a regular basis and provide you with regular feedback. We will be in a position to confirm continued employment upon successful completion of the probationary period.