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【篇一:英语作文my idol 我的偶像】

course name: english writingⅠ

instructor: hu chunmei (胡春梅)

student: xiao mixue(肖米雪,1001010314)

class: 3

my idol

as the old saying goes: an idol is an example to advise you

what should do and what should not do. everyone has his/her idol. who is your idol? your parents, famous people or a

movie star?

my idol is my father who is not only an excellent father but

also a responsible husband. first of all, in my memories, he

doesn ’ t argue with my mother all the time. exactly speaking, he is a tolerant husband. whenever me mom angry, the great

father always has many ways to make my mother delighted. without my father, i can’t imagine the atmosphere in my family. then, he is a responsible father. last year, my brother was put

into prison for a week since he had a fight with other guys. my mother cried all day, however, my father went to prison to visit

my brother and had a deep talk with my brother. a week later,

my brother turned into another person just like my father. the

great father teaches his children how to face instead of how

to hide. the least but not last, because my father works in a company far away from our home, he goes back home every weekends. he would talk a lot with my brother and me as long

as he goes back. from his talking, i get lot and begin to know

what a person my father is.

he is the man just i want to be, so i endeavor to be a person

like my father: a tolerant, responsible and an optimistic person.

my idol is my father; i hope i will be the idol of my children.


the life story of a famous star my hero is called jolin,who was

born in september. 15th,1980 in a working family.her father

was a accouter and her mother took the responsibility of a

citizen as a volunteer.

she was very shy in her childhood and disliked talking

with others.but singing is her favorite.when she was in jing

mei high school,she

paticipated in a music competition held by mtv music radio

with the support of teachers and classmates.finally,she won

the first prize due to defeating over thousands

’ s more,she became the last champion as a

song called‘ the greatest love of all’ in the final gamenthe. i same year in may,her first sign test resulted her to enter into

fu rencatholic university.

teacher wu discovered her in march 1999.then jolin got a

opportunity to sign a contract witn the universal music

company as the key in july launched the first individual song

‘ and neighbors around the world ’ .pure and fresh air from

vulgarity temperament made jolin quickly attract the attention

of students fans,which leaded her to become a hot new artist

of the year.

however,her singing career countered into difficulties

on august

15,2001.regarding the company’s provision‘record a new album every six months’ ,she was dissatisfied with such

business requirements.in addition,long-term accounts is not

clear in her company,which brought into a press conference

announced that she decided to suspend the contract at all

costs.this event shook taiwan music and jolin’ s singing career touched the bottom.

in july 2002,jolin joined sony music company, which is a

turning point of her music career.next,when the agreement is

due,she entered into emi capitol records,which make her

into the international stage.

now,she has become the chinese pop music singer,famous

for rich fusion of difficult dance music.during her career,she

has won 12 mandarin album prizes and sales of her records

are more than three million copies in taiwan.any way,she

has achieved a success and becomes better and better.

【篇三:英语作文我的偶像之——阿姆 (eminem) 】


班级:英教 6 班

学号: 1125010604

日期: 2013 年 10 月 31 日

the real slim shady

marshall bruce mathers Ⅲ ,better known by his stage name eminem and another slim shady,is a famous american

rapper.as a white,it ’ s so unbelievable that eminem achieve success in rapping,a world of black.he has been listed and ranked as one of the greatest artists of all time by many

magazines,including rolling stones magazine which declared

him the king of hip hop.in the meantime,he is in controversy all the time because his works is full of sex,violence,anti-homosexual,drugs and attack on other artists.you can find

dirty words in every lyrics.nevertheless,he is still my idol. government,violence,war,pop stars and his mother,etc.having been through such a extremely painful

childhood,eminem,however,refuse to compromise to this

tough life and remain a intensive hope.he against domestic violence and become involved with charities,anti-war and

drugs with an active attitude.in the end,eminem is honoured

as the great white hope through continuous perseverance.

in my eyes,eminem is not only a rapper but a culture that will affect and inspire the young generation.his fabulous story present us with indeed strong and confidence and his

attitude towards life merits our admiration.


奥黛丽赫本 奥黛丽·赫本(Audrey Hepburn) 介绍: 奥黛丽·赫本(Audrey Hepburn),生于1929年5月4日,死于1993年1月20日。奥黛丽·赫本(Audrey Hepburn) 的血统是比利时人,是50~60年代好莱坞著名舞台剧与电影演员。奥黛丽·赫本(Audrey Hepburn) 晚年曾任联合国儿童基金会(UNICEF) 特使。奥黛丽·赫本(Audrey Hepburn) 1929年5月4日出生于比利时布鲁塞尔,本名奥黛丽·凯萨琳·赫本-鲁斯顿(Edda Kathleen van Heemstra Hepburn-Ruston)。身为好莱坞最著名的女星之一,奥黛丽·赫本(Audrey Hepburn) 以高雅的气质与有品位的穿着而著称。生前主演的多部电影如《罗马假日》、《蒂凡尼早餐》和《窈窕淑女》等至今仍为多数人眼中的经典巨作。奥黛丽·赫本(Audrey Hepburn) 也是著名法国品牌纪梵希(GIVENCHY) 的缪斯。奥黛丽·赫本(Audrey Hepburn) 式的优雅传递至今,仍然是时尚圈最怀念的优雅典范,奥黛丽·赫本(Audrey Hepburn) 也是最多当今明星争相模仿的偶像明星。

奥黛丽·赫本(Audrey Hepburn) 个人档案: 英文姓名:Audrey Hepburn 中文姓名:奥黛丽·赫本 出生:1929年5月4日 忌日:1993年1月20日,因乳腺癌病逝于瑞士 出生地:比利时布鲁塞尔 家庭:父亲是一名富裕的英国银行家,母亲是一名荷兰女男爵身高: 五呎七吋(170公分) 体重: 110磅(50公斤) 三围: 32-20-35 发色: 棕色 爱好:芭蕾 最喜爱的颜色:白色


奥黛丽赫本作文各位读友大家好!你有你的木棉,我有我的文章,为了你的木棉,应读我的文章!若为比翼双飞鸟,定是人间有情人!若读此篇优秀文,必成天上比翼鸟! 奥黛丽赫本是好莱坞永远最受欢迎的电影明星之一。她不仅在美国,而且在世界的其他地方都很有名气。19XX年奥黛丽赫本去世时,全世界都为失去这样一位绝世美人、优秀的演员、伟大的人道主义者而哀悼。赫本19XX年5月4日出生于比利时。很小的时候她就学习芭蕾。她喜爱跳舞。她的梦想就是成为一名成功的芭蕾舞演员并且她努力来做到这样。在她进入电影事业前,她把她大部分的精力都投入到了芭蕾舞训练中去。在成为好莱坞巨星以前,她已经是一位模特了。19XX年,在拍摄《蒙特卡特罗宝贝》的时候,赫本遇到了着名的法国作家科莱特。赫本的美貌和魅力深深地吸引了这位作家的注意力。科莱特写了一部名为《琪琪》的小说。这部小



奥黛丽·赫本 1993年1月20日,奥黛丽·赫本告别人世,享年63岁。在她缠绵病榻之际,诺贝尔和平奖获得者特雷莎嬷嬷呼吁全球的修女为天使祈福;而伊丽莎白·泰勒惊闻噩耗后也动情的说:“天使回天国去了。”她的离去让世界各地的无数民众潸然泪下,黯然神伤。 2009年5月4日,奥黛丽·赫本迎来她的80岁诞辰,我们再次回顾这位佳人的音容笑貌,更怀念她如火一样的侠骨柔情,她的人生之旅算不得漫长却无比瑰丽多彩,她的臂膀如此柔弱却将无私的爱传播到地球上众多苦难深重的角落。 英文姓名:Audrey Hepburn 家庭:父亲是英国银行家约瑟·安东尼·赫本·拉斯东,母亲是荷兰女男爵埃拉·冯·希姆斯特拉 出生地:比利时布鲁塞尔 生日:1929年5月4日 忌日:1993年1月20日,因结肠癌于瑞士病逝 婚姻状况:二次婚姻,与第一任丈夫生育长子西恩,与第二任丈夫安德烈·多蒂生育次子卢卡。 事业成就:拍摄24部影片,凭借《罗马假日》中的表现获奥斯卡最佳女主角奖;此外获得23个各类电影及社会活动奖项和另外24个提名,包括四次奥斯卡影后提名。 身高:五呎七吋(170公分) 体重: 110磅(50公斤) 三围: 32-20-35 发色:棕色 爱好:芭蕾 最喜爱的颜色:白色 最难忘的景色:瑞士的白雪 最难忘的事情:获得奥斯卡奖

苦难的童年 1929年5月4日,一个纤弱的女婴出生在比利时布鲁塞尔,荷兰贵族后裔的女伯爵艾拉·赫姆斯特拉和英国银行家迎来了爱情结晶奥黛丽·赫本。出身名门的显赫家世,艺术之都的文化积淀为赫本最初的成长打上优雅的印记。但好久不长,少女时代的赫本遭遇更多的是磨难。 赫本六岁时父亲离家出走,从此家中少有欢声笑语;1939年二战的爆发更让赫本饱尝人间苦难。比利时沦陷后,赫本母女辗转来到荷兰,在纷飞炮火笼罩下的地下室里度过整整五年。轰炸的威胁、饥饿的难挨、纳粹的入侵成为赫本从儿童时期走向少女时代的主要记忆。后来让赫本引领全球时尚风潮的高挑纤瘦身材就是拜战争时期物资匮乏所赐。 但对于命中注定要走向辉煌的人来说,再艰苦的条件也无法阻挠她的绽放。赫本从小就对音乐产生浓厚兴趣,而芭蕾则让赫本痴迷。她的芭蕾舞训练从战前就已经开始,从此之后持续多年,即使是战火蔓延也没能断绝赫本对芭蕾的热爱。严格的舞蹈训练塑造了赫本亭亭玉立的身材,也赋予她隐忍谦和的性格。 公主的诞生 二战结束后,为谋生计,已经出落得光彩照人的赫本开始当摄影模特并参与一些歌舞剧团的演出。她天生的镜头感和纯美气质也让她有机会在几部电影中担当小角色。在英国影片《天堂里的笑声》中,赫本说出了自己的第一句电影台词,吸引了英国电影界的注意;稍后她又被选为舞台剧《金粉世界》女主角,登上美国舞台。《金粉世家》在百老汇引起轰动,而赫本也由此进入好莱坞的视线。正在为《罗马假日》遴选女主角的威廉·惠勒在观看该剧后为赫本深深打动,她迥异于传统好莱坞肉欲性感美女的清纯打动了惠勒,他说:“我终于找到我的公主了!” 此后的故事全世界都耳熟能详:赫本以完全的本色演出打造了好莱坞最迷人的形象之一,成为当年度奥斯卡和金球奖的双料影后;她征服了全世界的观众,并掀起了全球性的时尚潮流,玛丽莲·梦露的丰满性感从此不再是美的唯一标准。她在电影中的短发发型被命名为“赫本头”,在世界各地受到效仿。 在奥斯卡颁奖典礼上,赫本激动的说:“这真让人有点受不了”。的确《罗马假日》不仅煊赫一时,更完全改变了赫本今后的人生轨迹。从此赫本走上了通往伟大演员和超级偶像的康庄大道。 璀璨星光 《罗马假日》为赫本开启了辉煌的道路。之后赫本主演了多部大获成功的优秀影片,巩固了自己的偶像地位。在《莎宾娜》中,赫本与巨星亨弗莱·鲍嘉合作演绎扣人心弦的爱情故事;在《蒂凡内的早餐》中赫本又与著名设计师纪梵希合作,塑造了令世界动容的优雅造型,《月亮河》的旋律也被赫本唱响世界;而《甜姐》中单纯可爱的模特,《偷龙转凤》中冰雪聪明的女贼,《谜中谜》中优雅迷人的少妇以及《窈窕淑女》中麻雀变凤凰的贵妇人都令赫本的偶像地位日益巩固,无人可及。


我的偶像赫本英文作文 【篇一:英语作文my idol 我的偶像】 course name: english writingⅠ instructor: hu chunmei (胡春梅) student: xiao mixue(肖米雪,1001010314) class: 3 my idol as the old saying goes: an idol is an example to advise you what should do and what should not do. everyone has his/her idol. who is your idol? your parents, famous people or a movie star? my idol is my father who is not only an excellent father but also a responsible husband. first of all, in my memories, he doesn ’ t argue with my mother all the time. exactly speaking, he is a tolerant husband. whenever me mom angry, the great father always has many ways to make my mother delighted. without my father, i can’t imagine the atmosphere in my family. then, he is a responsible father. last year, my brother was put into prison for a week since he had a fight with other guys. my mother cried all day, however, my father went to prison to visit my brother and had a deep talk with my brother. a week later, my brother turned into another person just like my father. the great father teaches his children how to face instead of how to hide. the least but not last, because my father works in a company far away from our home, he goes back home every weekends. he would talk a lot with my brother and me as long as he goes back. from his talking, i get lot and begin to know what a person my father is. he is the man just i want to be, so i endeavor to be a person like my father: a tolerant, responsible and an optimistic person. my idol is my father; i hope i will be the idol of my children. 【篇二:我的偶像蔡依林英语作文】 the life story of a famous star my hero is called jolin,who was born in september. 15th,1980 in a working family.her father was a accouter and her mother took the responsibility of a citizen as a volunteer.

初中英语作文:优雅永恒 Elegance Never Fades

初中英语作文:优雅永恒Elegance Never Fades 导读:本文初中英语作文:优雅永恒Elegance Never Fades,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 【篇一】优雅永恒Elegance Never Fades Audrey Hepburn is a very famous actress, and she is known by people all around the world. Her elegant image is followed by the girls all the time. Though Hepburn had passed away for many years, her movies are very classic and many young girls still watch her movies and they try to be as elegant as her. Hepburn is like the angel. She is not only very pretty, but also has the very kind heart. She was doing charity all the time. She cared about the poor children so much and she went to the poor places to see kids. She called on people to help these miserable children. Hepburn’s elegance will never fade. 奥黛丽·赫本是非常的女演员,来自世界各地的人们都对她很熟悉。她优雅的形象总是受到女孩们的追捧。尽管赫本去世多年,但她的电影还是非常经典的,许多年轻女孩还是喜欢看她的电影,她们试图表现得像她一样优雅。赫本就像天使,不仅非常漂亮,而且有一颗非常善良的心。她做慈善,关心穷人的孩子,去贫困地区看望孩子们。她


奥黛丽赫本美丽与智慧的化身奥黛丽·赫本(Audrey Hepburn)是20世纪最受欢迎和令人难以忘怀的电影明星之一。她的美丽和智慧使她成为了整个世界的偶像和化身。奥黛丽·赫本不仅仅是一个充满魅力的女演员,她还是一个热心的慈善家和人道主义者。她的一生充满了挑战和成就,她的影响力和遗产超越了电影界。 奥黛丽·赫本的美丽是与生俱来的,她那典雅的外貌和纤细的身材令人赞叹不已。她的大眼睛、完美的五官和温柔的微笑使她成为了时尚界的偶像。她所扮演的角色总是充满了优雅和无可挑剔的风格。无论是在《蒂凡尼的早餐》中扮演的露茜还是在《罗马假日》中扮演的安·罗明尼,她都向观众展示了她的独特魅力和影响力。奥黛丽·赫本的美丽所带来的影响力远远超出了电影界,她改变了整个世界对美丽的定义。 然而,奥黛丽·赫本并不仅仅是一个外表美丽的女演员。她的智慧和独立思考使她在电影界和慈善事业中都取得了巨大的成就。她是一个坚定的女权主义者,她在电影《新娘是红衣裳》中的表演使人们对家庭暴力问题有了更深入的思考。她还是联合国儿童基金会的特使,她为世界上最贫困的儿童争取权益。她的智慧和人道主义精神使她成为了一个不可忽视的影响力。 奥黛丽·赫本的一生充满了挑战和成就。她出生在第二次世界大战期间的比利时,经历了难民生活。然而,她并没有被困境打败,而是将自己的经历转化为力量,激励着她去追求自己的梦想。她的演艺事业

取得了巨大的成功,她赢得了奥斯卡奖和金球奖等多个奖项。她的成 就为她赢得了世界各地观众的热爱和尊重。 即使在事业取得了如此大的成就后,奥黛丽·赫本仍然保持了一颗谦逊和善良的心。她将自己的名誉和财富用于改善他人的生活。她积极 参与慈善活动,并亲自前往贫困地区,为那些需要帮助的人们提供支 持和关怀。她的慈善事业包括儿童保健、教育以及帮助妇女和儿童获 得更好的生活条件等。她的名字和慈善事业成为了人们心中的美和善 的象征。 奥黛丽·赫本的美丽与智慧使她成为了一个永恒的偶像。她不仅仅是一个杰出的女演员,她还通过自己的行动和慈善事业向世界传递着积 极的能量和影响力。她的生活和遗产将继续激励和鼓舞着我们,她是 美丽与智慧的化身。无论是在电影荧幕前还是生活中,她都留下了不 可磨灭的印记,她将永远被我们所敬仰和怀念。 总结起来,奥黛丽·赫本以她的美丽和智慧成为了世界的化身。她通过自己的外貌和才华在电影界取得了巨大的成就,但她并不仅仅满足 于此。她的智慧和人道主义精神使她成为了一个令人难以忘怀的偶像。她的一生充满了挑战和成就,她的影响力和遗产将永远存在于我们的 记忆中。她是美丽与智慧的完美结合,她是一个不可磨灭的传奇。


历年北京高考英语作文素材题目 多积累北京历年的高考英语题目,对高考考生的英语写作会有很大的帮助。下面是小编整理的一些关于历年北京高考英语作文素材题目的相关资料,供你参考。 历年北京高考英语作文素材题目1:The Angel On the Earth People always like to ask who is the most beautiful woman in the world, then the name Audrey Hepburn will never be missed. Though Hepburn died in the early 1990s, she is discussed by the public all the time. The first time for me to see Hepburn’s picture, I was impressed by her beautiful outlook, she was so elegant, her beauty caught my eye, I looked at the picture for a long time. In order to know her well, I saw her movies. Her first movie Roman Holiday is very famous, she acted as the princess, she played so well, I always treated her as the real princess. I believe no one can take her place, her temperament makes her stand out. Though Hepburn has died for a long time, she is remembered by the world, she is just like the angel falling into the earth. 人们总是喜欢问谁是世界上最美的女人,然后“奥黛丽赫本”这个名字永远都不会被忽略掉。虽然赫本早在90年代就过世了,但是她仍然被人们一直在讨论。我第一次见到赫本的照片,就对她美丽的外表留下了很深的印象,她很优雅,她的美丽吸引着我的眼球,我长时间看着照片。为了更好的了解赫本,我看了她的电影。她的第一部电影《罗马假日》很出名,她扮演公主,演绎得很成功,她的气质使得她出众。虽然赫本已经过世了很长一段时间,但是全世界的人们都记住了她,她就像是坠入人间的天使。 历年北京高考英语作文素材题目2:Foreign Students Study Not Hard? When people talk about the foreign education, they will be


英语写名人作文5篇 英语写名人作文5篇 英语写名人作文篇1 yao ming is my favorite basketball star. he was born on september 12th,1980, shanghai. he is 2.26 meters tall and about 134 kg weigh . his favorite color is blue, and he likes eating meat very much . in 1997, he joined shanghai basketball team and beca me a basketball player. in 1998, he joined china’s national team . in 2000, he joined asian all star basketball team. in 2002,he joined american houston rocket. he is famous all over the world now .we are proud of him . 姚明是我最喜欢的篮球明星。他1980年9月12日出生,上海。他身高2.26米,体重约134公斤。他最喜欢的颜色是蓝色,他非常喜欢吃肉。在1997,他加入了上海篮球队,成为一名篮球运动员。在1998,他加入了中国国家队。在2000,他加入亚洲全明星篮球队。在2002,他加入美国休斯敦火箭。他在全世界都很有名,我们为他感到骄傲。 英语写名人作文篇2 there is a star in everyone's heart. maybe this star is your idol or someone you love very much. the star in my heart is audrey

关于窈窕淑女MY FAIR LADY_英语作文范文

关于窈窕淑女MY FAIR LADY_英语作文范文 By the end of the sixties, after her divorce from actor Mel Ferrer, Audrey decided to retire while she was on top. Later she married Dr. Andrea Dotti. From time to time, she would appear on the silver screen. One film of note was Robin and Marian (1976) with Sean Connery in 1976. In 1988, Audrey became a special ambassador to the United Nations UNICEF fund helping children in Latin America and Africa, a position she retained until 1993. She was named to People’s magazine as on e of the 50 most beautiful people in the world. Her last film was Always (1989) in 1989. Audrey Hepburn died on January 20, 1993 in Tolochnaz, Switzerland, from colon cancer. She had made a total of 31 high quality movies. Her elegance and style will always be remembered in film history as evidenced by her being named to Empire magazine’s The Top 100 Movie Stars of All Time. 奥黛丽赫本出生于比利时布鲁塞尔,与埃达凯瑟琳赫本范海姆斯特拉-拉斯顿的名字5月4日1929。她真的是蓝色的,从与她的父亲,一个富裕的英国银行家,母亲是一名荷兰女男爵的血。父母离婚后,奥黛丽前往伦敦与她的母亲,她去一家私立女子学校。后来,当她的母亲回到了荷兰,她参加私人学校。虽然她在阿纳姆,荷兰,希特勒的军队突然接管了母亲的度假城市。正是在这里,她在困难时期,在纳


奥黛丽赫本风华绝代的时尚偶像奥黛丽赫本(Audrey Hepburn),作为世界级的时尚偶像,凭借其 风华绝代的魅力和独特的中性风格,一直深受全球时尚界的追捧和推崇。她不仅在电影界取得了巨大的成功,也在时尚界树立了自己独特 的地位。本文将从奥黛丽赫本的形象特点、服装选择以及对时尚的影 响等方面,来探讨她为何成为风华绝代的时尚偶像。 奥黛丽赫本拥有令人难以忽视的独特外貌特点,这也成为她成功塑 造时尚形象的基础。她的脸庞线条柔和,五官精致,尤其是那双明亮、深邃的大眼睛,无论是在电影中还是在时尚杂志上的照片中,都充满 了魅力。她的身材娇小,纤细而优雅,与那个时代倡导的丰满曲线相比,她的瘦弱形象更显独特。这种非主流的外貌特点,加上她灵动的 个性,让她成为了时尚界中的一股清新风暴。 在服装选择方面,奥黛丽赫本以其简约、优雅的风格著名。她的时 尚理念是“少即是多”,她坚持穿着简单却富有品味的服装,凭借她对 线条和比例的敏锐感知,将简洁的设计与她的身材完美结合,展现了 她的独特魅力。她喜欢选择黑白经典色调的服装,比如经典的黑色旗袍,以及她在电影《蒂凡尼的早餐》中所穿的那条黑色高领长裙。这 些简约而典雅的服装,成为了她的标志性形象,并影响了整个时尚界。 除了服装的选择,奥黛丽赫本对配饰的运用也非常讲究。她经常佩 戴帽子、丝巾以及珠宝等小饰品,这些小细节使得她的整体造型更加 精致而富有层次感。她擅长运用这些配饰来提升整体形象,并展现自 己对细节的精益求精。她的经典形象中,总是少不了她那顶小小的黑

色圆帽和一条精致的丝巾,这些配饰的选择凸显了她自信、独立的个性。 奥黛丽赫本的时尚风格除了在电影中展现,在现实生活中也对时尚 界产生了深远的影响。她成为了知名品牌的代言人和时装设计师的灵 感源泉。她的形象广告和电影宣传照片成为了各大时尚杂志的封面和 重要内容,她的演绎和诠释成为了时尚界的指南针。奥黛丽赫本因为 她的独特魅力和时尚品味,为后来的时尚偶像树立了榜样,例如她的 经典穿着和简洁妆容,对后来的女性风格产生了深远的影响。 在奥黛丽赫本的一生中,她凭借自己独特的魅力和独特的时尚品味,成为了风华绝代的时尚偶像。她简约、优雅的服装选择,独特的外貌 特点以及对配饰的巧妙运用,都展现了她对时尚的独特理解和独特魅力。她的形象不仅在电影中打动人心,在现实生活中也成为了时尚界 的标杆。奥黛丽赫本的时尚风格将一直被人们所纪念和追捧,她永远 是时尚界的一个传奇。


奥黛丽赫本52岁演讲稿 尊敬的各位女士们、先生们: 大家好!我非常荣幸能够站在这里,与大家一同纪念一位永不熄灭的明星——奥黛丽·赫本。奥黛丽·赫本作为影坛偶像和慈善大使,她的光芒照亮了无数人的心灵,她的影响力将永远铭记于世。 奥黛丽·赫本,一个名字,一个传奇。她以其美丽的面庞和高贵的气质成为了世界性的时尚偶像。然而,奥黛丽·赫本的内在美更是令人难以忘怀。她才华横溢,无论是在表演领域还是在慈善事业上,她都展现出了非凡的魅力。 正如奥黛丽·赫本在她的一次演讲中所说:“美并不仅仅是外在的外貌。美来自于心灵,来自于你对世界、对他人的善意和关爱。”这句话恰如其分地概括了她对美的理解。 作为一位慈善大使,奥黛丽·赫本用她的聪明才智和热情投身于慈善事业的推动。她积极参与多个国际组织,亲自到贫困地区亲眼目睹人们的生活,努力改变他们的命运。她的努力不仅减轻了苦难,也点亮了受苦者的希望之光。 奥黛丽·赫本的职业生涯同样是一个传奇。她凭借其独特的演技和深情的表演,塑造了许多经典角色,如《双城记》中的露西尔、《罗马假日》中的安妮、《蒂凡尼的早餐》中的露兰。她通过她的光芒和灵魂,向世界传递了温暖和希望。

然而,与她的成功相比,奥黛丽·赫本也经历了人生的挫折和困难。她的童年在二战中饱受苦难,这也让她更加关注社会不平等的问题。她以自己的经历勇敢地面对困难,并将自己的故事与全世界分享,希望能够激励更多人去追求自己的梦想。 在我看来,奥黛丽·赫本的成功离不开她内心的坚定和毅力。她始终相信,无论我们身处何种困境,只要我们拥有坚强的意志和积极的态度,我们就能够克服困难,追求自己的梦想。 最后,我想以奥黛丽·赫本的一句名言作为结束:“为人类而活,这是一种美德。”让我们来铭记她的这句话,用我们的行动去影响世界,为人类的幸福而不懈努力。 谢谢大家! (以上文字仅作中文参考,请以语音形式表达)

关于奥黛丽-赫本Audrey Hepburn的大学英语作文

Audrey Hepburn After the World War II in 1945, Hepburn continued to pursue her interest in ballet in London. Although she supported herself with part-time work, the high tuition fee had forced her to move to Amsterdam. During this time, she appeared for the first time on film, as an air stewardess in an educational travel film made by Charles van der Linden and Henry Josephson, Dutch in Seven Lessons. When Hepburn asked Rambert about her future, Rambert assured her that she could continue to work there and have a great career, but her relatively tall height of 5 ft 7 in (1.70 m)coupled with her poor nutrition during the war would keep her from becoming a prima ballerina. Hepburn trusted Rambert's assessment and decided to pursue acting. After becoming a star, Rambert said of Hepburn, "She was a wonderful learner. If she had wanted to persevere, she might have become an outstanding ballerina." Hepburn was active during Hollywood's Golden Age. She has since been ranked as the third greatest female screen legend in the history of American cinema. She also remains one of few people who have won Academy, Emmy, Grammy, and Tony Awards. In 1953,because of the film Roman Holiday with Gregory Peck, she took the world by storm. While producers initially wanted Elizabeth Taylor for the role, director William Wyler was so impressed by Hepburn's screen test that he cast her in the lead. Wyler later commented, "She had everything I was looking for: charm, innocence, and talent. She also was very funny. She was absolutely enchanting and we said,


每当我看到关于选美比赛的信息时,有一个名字总是会被提到,那就 是奥黛丽赫本。虽然她在上个世纪90年代就过世了,但是她仍被人们记着。每次当我看到她的照片,我总是被她的自然美震惊到。如今许多年轻 女孩追求整形手术后看起来很漂亮,但是却缺乏自己的特色。赫本拥有古 典美,因为她优雅的行为方式宛如一个公主。在她一生当中,她投身慈善 事业。人们称她为落入人间的天使,因为她美丽的外表和善良的心。她是 永不会褪色的经典。 星期天我不用去上学。前天我完成了作业,于是我决定帮妈妈做家务。我起床后洗了几件衣服,然后我拿着篮子去购物。我在市场上买了一些肉、鸡蛋和蔬菜。回来后,我开始为全家人做饭。晚上,我坐在桌旁开始在笔 记本上记下我一天所干的事。 It was Sunday and I didn t have to go to school. I finished my homework the day before. So I decided to help mother do housework. I washed some clothes after I got up. Then I went shopping with a basket. I bought some meat, eggs and some vegetables in the market. After I came back, I started to cook dinner for the whole family. In the evening, I sat at the table and began to write down on my notebook what I had done during the day. Dear friend, Now Im studying in the United Kingdom. Here are some of my photos. In the first photo, I am playing beach volleyball with friends on the beach. Its very beautiful and sunny. In the second photo, it rains heavily outside. One of my classmates is


七年级下册英语作文 七年级下册英语作文(精选16篇) 在日常学习、工作和生活中,大家都写过作文,肯定对各类作文都很熟悉吧,通过作文可以把我们那些零零散散的思想,聚集在一块。相信很多朋友都对写作文感到非常苦恼吧,以下是小编为大家整理的七年级下册英语作文,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 七年级下册英语作文篇1 Hello,everyone!Im Li Mei.Look! This is my family photo. This is my grandmother. She is 58. This is my father. He is a teacher. He is 36. and my mother is 36, too. Who’s that boy? Oh, he is my brother. He is 13 and I am 12. My brother and I are students. 七年级下册英语作文篇2 Look! This is Tom’s room. His photos are on the wall. His T-shirt is on the bed. His baseball bat is behind the dresser. The keys are in the drawer. The computer is on the desk. Where is Tom’s baseball? Oh, It’s under the bed. What is on the floor? They are Tom’s shoes, socks and computer games. What do you think of Tom’s room? 七年级下册英语作文篇3 Hello, everyone! I don’t like sports, but I like eating very much. I eat a lot food every day. For breakfast, I like milk, eggs and bread a lot 。For lunch, I like French fries, chicken, hamburgers and apples. For dinnerr, I like fruits, vegetables and rice. 七年级下册英语作文篇4 Miss Wang is my English teacher. She looks very young. Shes aboutthirty years old, and she wears glasses. Shes funny. But she is strict withus. She wants usto study hard. Her lessons are interesting. We are very happyin her class and we all likeher


写奥黛丽赫本的英语作文 Audrey Hepburn, a name that conjures up images of elegance, grace, and timeless beauty. 奥黛丽赫本,这个名字让人想起优雅、优美和永恒的美丽。Audrey Hepburn was born on May 4, 1929 in Brussels, Belgium, and went on to become one of the most iconic actresses in Hollywood history. 奥黛丽赫本于1929年5月4日出生在比利时的布鲁塞尔,后来成为好莱坞历史上最具标志性的女演员之一。Her career spanned over four decades, during which she starred in numerous classic films that have since become timeless classics. 她的演艺事业持续了超过四十年,期间出演了许多经典影片,成为今日的永恒经典。One of her most famous roles was that of Holly Golightly in the 1961 film "Breakfast at Tiffany's," where she captivated audiences with her charm and sophistication. 她最著名的角色之一是1961年电影《第凡内早餐》中的霍莉·戈莱特,她以她的魅力和优雅迷住了观众。Audrey Hepburn's unique sense of style and beauty made her a fashion icon, and her influence can still be seen in the fashion world today. 奥黛丽赫本独特的时尚感和美丽让她成为了时尚偶像,她的影响力如今仍然可以在时尚界看到。


奥黛丽赫本故事 奥黛丽·赫本(Audrey Hepburn)是20世纪最具影响力的电影明星 之一。她以其独特的优雅、气质和美丽而闻名。本文将以故事的形式 呈现奥黛丽·赫本的一生,以展示她的才华和魅力。 赫本的个人生活仿佛是一部戏剧,充满了激情和荣耀,也有不可避 免的挫折和痛苦。她于1929年出生在比利时布鲁塞尔的一个贵族家庭。在二战期间,她年幼的时候,赫本的家庭受到了战争的严重摧残,这 一段经历深深地刻在了她的内心。 赫本的演艺事业在剧院开始,而她的第一部真正的成功作品是1951年的电影《蝴蝶夫人》。从那时起,她的事业蒸蒸日上。她以其精致 的容貌和独特的风格吸引了观众的眼球。她在电影《雷霆战机》、 《罗马假日》和《那些年我们一起追的女孩》等经典作品中的出色表 演广受好评。 然而,除了在银幕上饰演甜美的角色之外,赫本也非常关心社会公 益事业。她是联合国儿童基金会的亲善大使,她的工作帮助了数百万 儿童脱离贫困和获得基本教育。赫本始终坚信每个人都有责任关心他人,尤其是那些处境困难的人们。 在个人生活方面,赫本也经历了一些曲折。她的婚姻和离婚引起了 媒体广泛关注。然而,她没有被这些事情所打败。她以她一贯的坚强 和乐观面对生活的挑战。她充分享受生活,尽管曾经历了许多困难和 失落。

尽管她在1967年退出了演艺界,但她的形象和艺术成就至今仍在 人们的心中深深留下了印记。她的永恒魅力使她成为了一代人的偶像。她在过去的40年里一直被认为是最伟大的电影明星之一,她的影响力 不仅限于电影界,也延伸到了时尚和慈善领域。 奥黛丽·赫本故事的背后,是一个真正的女性偶像,一个人道主义者,以及一个不屈不挠的生活者。她的一生证明了即使在最困难的时刻, 我们也可以保持乐观、勇敢地面对。她的美丽不仅体现在她的外貌上,更体现在她无私奉献的精神和热爱生活的态度上。 奥黛丽·赫本在1993年因肝癌去世,享年63岁。然而,她的精神仍然活跃在世界的每个角落。她的遗产将永远存在于电影和公益事业中。无论是她的电影作品还是她的慈善事业,奥黛丽·赫本都是一位令人难 忘的传奇人物。 奥黛丽·赫本的故事将继续激励人们追求他们的梦想,为他人付出,以及热爱生活。她是一个光辉而不朽的存在,她的影响力将永远铭刻 在人们的心中。无论是在荧幕上还是在现实生活中,奥黛丽·赫本都是 一个真正的偶像,激励着每个人勇往直前,享受人生的美好。


我的英雄赫本英语作文带翻译 以下是我整理的有关于我的英雄赫本英语作文带翻译,仅供参考: Speaking of heroes, my hero is Hepburn. HEPBURN IS MORE BEAUTIFUL!” The people of the world said when Hepburn, who has terminal cancer, visited the people in the disaster area in Africa. For this, I am proud of the people I worship. Hoeben was born into a poor family and knew the plight of the poor. After she became famous, she never forgot her roots and cared deeply about the working people. She had always donated money to the disaster area. As a child, she suffered from malnutrition and was plagued by illness. In her last moments of life, forgetting his own life and safety, he was busy with the people in the disaster area. The overwork shortened Hoeben's already fragile life, she was gone, for good, before she could receive the Oscar BBC Sports Personality of the Year Lifetime Achievement Award, the highest honor the Oscar Commission will bestow. I Adore Hepburn, and I love the way her love for her career has shaped her art in the pursuit of truth, goodness, and beauty. Some
