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Psychological testing

Part 1 introduction

Psychological testing is the administration of psychological tests, which are designed to be "an objective and standardized measure of a sample of behavior".The term sample of behavior refers to an individual's performance on tasks that have usually been prescribed beforehand. The samples of behavior that make up a paper-and-pencil test, the most common type of test, are a series of items. Performance on these items produce a test score. A score on a well-constructed test is believed to reflect a psychological construct such as achievement in a school subject, cognitive ability, aptitude, emotional functioning, personality, etc. Differences in test scores are thought to reflect individual differences in the construct the test is supposed to measure. The science behind psychological testing is psychometrics.

A psychological test is an instrument designed to measure unobserved constructs, also known as latent variables. Psychological tests are typically, but not necessarily, a series of tasks or problems that the respondent has to solve. Psychological tests can strongly resemble questionnaires, which are also designed to measure unobserved constructs, but differ in that psychological tests ask for a respondent's maximum performance whereas a questionnaire asks for the respondent's typical performance.[2] A useful psychological test must be both valid (i.e., there is evidence to support the specified interpretation of the test results[3]) and reliable (i.e., internally consistent or give consistent results over time, across raters, etc.).

In a word, the test method is a way to study the law of psychological activities through psychological tests, that is, to collect data by means of a set of standardized questions, according to the prescribed procedures and by means of measurement. Psychological test is a scientific means to deduce and quantify the general law of psychological activities by observing a few representative behaviors or phenomena. First, tests are conducted according to certain standards and procedures rather than subjective experience. Secondly, the test measures human behavior, that is, to measure an individual's behavior according to an objective, standardized procedure. Thirdly, a test generally measures only a part of a person's behavior, but not all of his behavior.

Part 2 History

The first large-scale tests may have been examinations that were part of the imperial examination system in China. The test, an early form of psychological testing, assessed candidates based on their proficiency in topics such as civil law and fiscal policies. Other early tests of intelligence were made for entertainment rather than analysis. Modern mental testing began in France in the 19th century. It contributed to separating mental retardation from mental illness and reducing the neglect, torture, and ridicule heaped on both groups.

Englishman Francis Galton coined the terms psychometrics and eugenics, and developed a method for measuring intelligence based on nonverbal sensory-motor tests. It was initially popular, but was abandoned after the discovery that it had no relationship to outcomes such as college grades.[8][9] French psychologist Alfred Binet, together with psychologists Victor Henri

and Théodore Simon, after about 15 years of development, published the Binet-Simon test in 1905, which focused on verbal abilities. It was intended to identify mental retardation in school children.

The origins of personality testing date back to the 18th and 19th centuries, when personality was assessed through phrenology, the measurement of the human skull, and physiognomy, which assessed personality based on a person's outer appearances.These early pseudoscientific techniques were eventually replaced with more empirical methods in the 20th century. One of the earliest modern personality tests was the Woolworth Personality Data Sheet, a self-report inventory developed for World War I and used for the psychiatric screening of new draftees.

Part 3 Characteristics of tests

◆ 1. According to the explicit behavior of the subjects, infer their internal psychological

process or psychological characteristics, so the psychological and educational test is a scientific research form of "result" for "cause", so it is indirect.

◆ 2. relativity. The results measured by the Mental and Educational Test Scale generally reflect

individual differences only from the ranking order. Therefore, scientifically speaking, the results of psychological and educational tests are only a relative quantity, compared with the behavior of the majority of the subjects in the group or some artificially determined criteria.

◆ 3. objectivity. Although psychological and educational tests are indirect and relative, they

still have objectivity.

Part 4 Principles

Proper psychological testing consists of the following:

●Standardization - All procedures and steps must be conducted with consistency and under

the same environment to achieve the same testing performance from those being tested.

●Objectivity - Scoring such that subjective judgments and biases are minimized, with results

for each test taker obtained in the same way.

●Test Norms - The average test score within a large group of people where the performance

of one individual can be compared to the results of others by establishing a point of comparison or frame of reference.

●Reliability - Obtaining the same result after multiple testing.

●Validity - The type of test being administered must measure what it is intended to measure.

Part 5 Types

(1) classification by function.

1.Ability test -- practical ability and potential ability.

2. achievement test - academic achievement

3. Personality test - personality, temperament, interest, attitude and other psychological


(2)Classification by test method

Individual tests.

Advantages: it can control the speech and mood and behavioral responses of the subjects. Such

Disadvantages: time consuming and arduous. The main trial is strict. Such

Group test.

Advantages: save time and effort, and collect data in a short time. It

Disadvantages: it is not easy to control the behavior of subjects, and it is easy to produce errors.

(3) Classification by test materials

Written test (paper and pencil test)

Non-verbal test

(4) Classification by test purposes

1.Descriptive test. The purpose is to describe the ability, personality and other

characteristics of an individual or group.

2.Diagnostic test. The purpose is to diagnose a behavioral problem in an individual

or group.

3.Predictive test. The goal is to predict individual future performance and the level

that can be achieved.

(5)according to the application of the test

https://www.sodocs.net/doc/6b4992533.html,cation test.

2.Career tests.

3.Clinical test.

◆IQ/achievement tests

IQ tests purport to be measures of intelligence, while achievement tests are measures of the use and level of development of use of the ability. IQ (or cognitive) tests and achievement tests are common norm-referenced tests. In these types of tests, a series of tasks is presented to the person being evaluated, and the person's responses are graded according to carefully prescribed guidelines. After the test is completed, the results can be compiled and compared to the responses of a norm group, usually composed of people at the same age or grade level as the person being evaluated. IQ tests which contain a series of tasks typically divide the tasks into verbal (relying on the use of language) and performance, or non-verbal (relying on eye–hand types of tasks, or use of symbols or objects). Examples of verbal IQ test tasks are vocabulary and information (answering general knowledge questions). Non-verbal examples are timed completion of puzzles (object assembly) and identifying images which fit a pattern (matrix reasoning).

IQ tests (e.g., WAIS-IV, WISC-V, Cattell Culture Fair III, Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities-IV, Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales V) and academic achievement tests

(e.g. WIAT, WRAT, Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement-III) are designed to be

administered to either an individual (by a trained evaluator) or to a group of people (paper and pencil tests). The individually administered tests tend to be more comprehensive, more reliable, more valid and generally to have better psychometric characteristics than group-administered tests. However, individually administered tests are more expensive to

administer because of the need for a trained administrator (psychologist, school psychologist, or psychometrician).

◆Personality tests

Psychological measures of personality are often described as either objective tests or projective tests.

1.Objective tests have a restricted response format, such as allowing for true or false answers or rating using an ordinal scale. Prominent examples of objective personality tests include the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-IV,[12] Child Behavior Checklist,[13] Symptom Checklist 90[14] and the Beck Depression Inventory.[15] Objective personality tests can be designed for use in business for potential employees, such as the NEO-PI, the 16PF, and the OPQ (Occupational Personality Questionnaire), all of which are based on the Big Five taxonomy. The Big Five, or Five Factor Model of normal personality, has gained acceptance since the early 1990s when some influential meta-analyses (e.g., Barrick & Mount 1991) found consistent relationships between the Big Five personality factors and important criterion variables.

Another personality test based upon the Five Factor Model is the Five Factor Personality Inventory – Children (FFPI-C.).[16]

2.Projective tests(Free response measures) allow for a freer type of response. An example of this would be the Rorschach test, in which a person states what each of ten ink blots might be.

The most widely used scoring system for the Rorschach is the Exner system of scoring.[18] Another common projective test is the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT),[19] which is often scored with Westen's Social Cognition and Object Relations Scales[20] and Phebe Cramer's Defense Mechanisms Manual.[21] Both "rating scale" and "free response" measures are used in contemporary clinical practice, with a trend toward the former.

Other projective tests include the House-Tree-Person test, the Animal Metaphor Test.

◆Other testing

in addition to the competence test and personality test described above, the psychological and educational tests also include achievement test, needs test, attitude test, interest test, mental health test, interpersonal relationship test and so on.

1.Edward's personal preference scale (EPPS)

2.SIMH competition self rating health Checklist (SCL - 90)

Part6 Use of tests

?First, do a good job of preparation before the test, including familiarity with the test

manual, especially the instructions and materials required for the test.

?Second, choose the appropriate test environment, generally for the daily work or

learning environment, such as students in the classroom to test, while trying to eliminate all interference.

?Thirdly, the test should be carried out strictly according to the standardized guidelines

and the standard time limit, and should not be changed at will without special circumstances.

Fourth, establish a good trust and interpersonal relationship with the subjects, obtain the cooperation of the subjects, and ensure the effectiveness of the test.

Part 7 Interpreting scores

Psychological tests, like many measurements of human characteristics, can be interpreted in

a norm-referenced or criterion-referenced manner. Norms are statistical representations of

a population. Norms are available for standardized psychological tests, allowing for an

understanding of how an individual's scores compare with the group norms. A criterion-referenced interpretation of a test score compares an individual's performance to some criterion other than performance of other individuals.

In a word, the test method is a way to study the law of psychological activities through psychological tests, that is, to collect data by means of a set of standardized questions, according to the prescribed procedures and by means of measurement. Psychological test is a scientific means to deduce and quantify the general law of psychological activities by observing a few representative behaviors or phenomena. First, tests are conducted according to certain standards and procedures rather than subjective experience. Secondly, the test measures human behavior, that is, to measure an individual's behavior according to an objective, standardized procedure. Thirdly, a test generally measures only a part of a person's behavior, but not all of his behavior.


心理学专业英语复习资料 I. Translate the Following English Phrases into Chinese 1. Research Methods 研究方法 2. Psychophysics 心理物理学 3. Theories of Learning 学习理论 4. Social Cognition 社会认知 5.Personality Test 人格测试 6. Extraneous Variable 无关变量 7. Longitudinal Study 纵向研究 8. Crystallized Intelligence 晶体智力 9. Motor control 运动控制 10. Corpus Callosum 胼胝体 11. Group Thinking 群体思维 12. Social Loafing 社会懈怠 13. Social Exchange 社会交换 14. Social Approval 社会赞许 15. Diffusion of Responsibility 责任分散 16. Recency Effec 近因效应 17.Trace Decay 痕迹消退 18. Retrograde Amnesia 倒摄遗忘 19. Social Support 社会支持 20. Self-efficacy 自我效能 21. Case Study 个案研究 II. Translate the Following Chinese Word Groups into English 1. 机能主义functionalism 2. 自我实现self—actualization 3.一般规律研究法nomothetic method 4. 分层抽样stratified sampling 5. 外在信度external reliability 6. 选择性注意selective attention 7. 知觉恒常性perceptual constancy 8. 自我概念self concept 9. 液体智力fluid intelligence 10. 安全型依恋secure attachment 11. 性别图示gender schema 12. 亲社会行为pro social behavior 13. 从众实验conformity experiment 14. 头脑风暴brain storming 15. 社会助长social facilitation 16. 旁观者效应bystander effect 17. 标准差standard deviation 18. 柱状图bar chart 19. 正态分布normal distribution


管理心理学论文心得3篇 只有在群体主义的组织中存在公开论辩的公共领域,组织的最高管理者才不会被神话。下面是为大家带来的管理心理学论文心得,希望可以帮助大家。 管理心理学论文心得范文1: 通过这一学期的《管理心理学》的学习,虽然我选择了自修区,虽然我承认有时候听课不怎么投入,但是一学期的学习下来我也是有些体会的,不是很深入却也是我自己的想法。 第一堂课就被老师的规矩给“折服”,怎么说呢,第一次遇到这样的分法,那时侯就想到 底是关于管理的课程。从这里我也明白大家应该要互相尊重,最后一堂课同一个评分标准我也很欣赏,我不明白那同学是怎么想,我是乐于接受这样的结果的,我还觉得老师是很尊重我们的呢。 这段时间对管理心理学的学习,使我了解了有关心理学的基本知识,学会了通过对他人

心理的分析而更加了解、接近他人。也对社会上的一些现象有了更深入的了解。最重要的是,认识了我自己,虽然不是很全面但是对自己还是有了小小的了解的。关于“经济人”假设的基本观点那点,人类多数趋于天生懒惰,不愿多做工作。人类多数缺乏雄心,希望依赖他人,而不喜欢担负责任。人们多数喜欢以自我为中心而忽视组织目标。多数人安于现状,习惯于抵抗变革。人们易受欺骗,常有盲从举动。看到那么几条,我真觉得怎么那么象呢,我好好的反省了下,我要好好努力的,我得对自己有个清晰的规划。 人是社会性的,作为社会的一个成员,人不能独立的生存,他总是生活在一定的团队中,个人在团队中的行为,同他在独自一个人时的行为是不同的,有其特殊的规律。现代社会是信息的社会,信息把许多独立的个人,团体贯通起来,成为一个整体,信息沟通是交流意见,传递感情,协调人际关系所不可缺少的手段,沟通是管理的重要组成部分,作为一个管理者,首要的一个任务就是有效的沟通。人不能脱离社会而单独生活,人在社会实践和团体生活中,不可避免的与他人发生相互作用、相互影响,形成一定的人际关系,建立和维持良好的人际关系,才能使人们团结一致,协调工作,提高劳动生产率。 我真不得不承认网络的强大,我晚上回忆了一晚上,总觉得自己有很多想说,可是真的动手不知道怎么下笔,担心写杂了偏


心理学毕业论文题目汇总《教育心理学》 大学生网络成瘾的现状分析及其心理治疗与预防策略研究 军队技术院校大学生职业心理现状研究 初中教师职业压力研究 小学生成功发展能力结构的研究 中学生控制源、自尊与人际关系发展的研究 初中生自我概念与社会行为发展特点及关系的研究 中美青少年人格教育比较研究 青少年压力应对的维度、结构及相关研究 沙盘游戏作为儿童心理教育技术的探索 大学生焦虑与自我概念、应付方式的相关研究分校、合校教育模式对澳门中学生性别角色认知的影响 中学生一般自我效能感、认知需求和创造性的关系研究 故事情境对儿童理解白谎的影响 城市幼儿园幼儿的焦虑问题及辅导策略研究 现代中学生非智力素质的因素分析及其培养 澳门中学生心理素质研究 对山东、广东体育高考生使用兴奋剂的心理调查 大学生主观幸福感及其与人格特征的相关研究 大学教师工作压力的现状及其与人格维度关系的研究 河南省大学生孤独感结构研究 大学生一般自我效能感及其与应对方式、心理健康关系的研究多校区大学学生心理健康教育模式研究 大学生心理健康教育:成就、困境、出路 离异家庭大学生心理健康问题调查与研究 大学生网络心理问题及其成因分析研究 书写训练对于帮助克服考试粗心现象的实验研究 青少年学生公正价值观的心理学研究 中学生创造性内隐观的调查研究 大学生成人依恋的测量及相关人格研究 儿童的欺负行为和自我概念的相关研究 大学生情绪归因的特点及其与气质的关系研究 多元智能的多元测评研究 大学生人格特质对心理健康观的影响 3?9岁儿童气质发展及其与个性相关因素关系的研究(博士) 汉藏族大学生心理品质的跨文化比较研究 职校生成就目标与心理健康关系研究 初中生心理健康状况及其干预实验研究 中学心理健康教育与英语课堂教学整合模式的研究 提高中专学生能力素质和心理素质的探索与实践


心理学是什么--What Psychology Is Why people do the things they do is an age-old question. However, psychology--the science concerned with behavior, both humans and animals--is only about 125 years old. Despite its youth, it is a broad discipline, essentially spanning subject matter from biology to sociology. Biology studies the structures and functions of living organisms. Sociology examines how groups function in society. Psychologists study two critical relationships: one between brain function and behavior, and one between the environment and behavior. As scientists, psychologists follow scientific methods, using careful observation, experimentation, and analysis. But psychologists also need to be creative in the way they apply scientific findings. Psychologists are frequently innovators, evolving new approaches from established knowledge to meet changing needs of people and societies. They develop theories and test them through their research. As this research yields new information, these findings become part of the body of knowledge that practitioners call on in their work with clients and patients. Psychology is a tremendously varied field. Psychologists conduct both basic and applied research, serve as consultants to communities and organizations, diagnose and treat people, and teach future psychologists and other types of students. They test intelligence and personality. They assess behavioral and mental function and well-being, stepping in to help where appropriate. They study how human beings relate to each other and also to machines, and they work to improve these relationships. And with America undergoing large changes in its population makeup, psychologists bring important knowledge and skills to understanding diverse cultures. Many psychologists work independently. They also team up with other professionals--for example, other scientists, physicians, lawyers, school personnel, computer experts, engineers, policy makers, and managers--to contribute to every area of society. Thus we find them in laboratories, hospitals, courtrooms, schools and universities, community health centers, prisons, and corporate offices. Psychologists traditionally study both normal and abnormal functioning, and also treat patients with mental and emotional problems. Today, they are increasingly concentrating on behaviors that affect the mental and emotional health and mental processes of healthy human beings. For example, they work with business executives, performers, and athletes to combat stress and improve performance. They advise lawyers on jury selection and collaborate with educators on school reform. They show up immediately following a disaster such as a plane crash or bombing, to help victims and bystanders recover from the trauma, or shock, of the event. They team with law enforcement and public health officials to analyze the causes of such events and prevent their occurrence. Involved in all aspects of our fast-paced world, psychologists must keep up with what's happening all around us. When you're a psychologist, your education never ends. Psychology is a discipline with a bright future. Among fields requiring a college degree, it is expected to be the third fastest-growing field in America through the year 2005 and to continue to grow steadily for at least another dozen years after that. Opportunities for work in psychology are expanding in number and scope. The move toward preventing illness, rather than merely diagnosing and treating it, requires people to learn how to make healthy behavior a routine part of living. Indeed, many of the problems facing society today are problems about behavior, for example, drug addiction, poor personal relationships, violence at home and in the street, and the harm we do to our environment. Psychologists contribute solutions to problems through careful collection of data, analysis of data, and development of intervention strategies--in other words, by

转 心理学论文题目.

转心理学论文题目 疗与预防策略研究军队技术院校大学生职业心理现状研究初中教师职业压力研究小学生成功发展能力结构的研究中学生控制源、自尊与人际关系发展的研究初中生自我概念与社会行为发展特点及关系的研究中美青少年人格教育比较研究青少年压力应对的维度、结构及相关研究沙盘游戏作为儿童心理教育技术的探索大学生焦虑与自我概念、应付方式的相关研究分校、合校教育模式对澳门中学生性别角色认知的影响中学生一般自我效能感、认知需求和创造性的关系研究故事情境对儿童理解白谎的影响城市幼儿园幼儿的焦虑问题及辅导策略研究现代中学生非智力素质的因素分析及其培养澳门中学生心理素质研究对山东、广东体育高考生使用兴奋剂的心理调查大学生主观幸福感及其与人格特征的相关研究大学教师工作压力的现状及其与人格维度关系的研究河南省大学生孤独感结构研究大学生一般自我效能感及其与应对方式、心理健康关系的研究多校区大学学生心理健康教育模式研究大学生心理健康教育:成就、困境、出路离异家庭大学生心理健康问题调查与研究大学生网络心理问题及其成因分析研究书写训练对于帮助克服考试粗心现象的实验研究青少年学生公正价值观的心理学研究中学生创造性内隐观的调查研究大学生成人依恋的测量及相关人格研究儿童的欺负行为和自我概念的相关研究大学生情绪归因的特点及其与气质的关系研究多元智能的多元测评研究大学生人格特质对心理健康观的影响 3~9岁儿童气质发展及其与个性相关因素关系的研究(博士)汉藏族大学生心理品质的跨文化比较研究职校生成就目标与心理健康关系研究初中生心理健康状况及其干预实验研究中学心理健康教育与英语课堂教学整合模式的研究提高中专学生能力素质和心理素质的探索与实践浅谈非智力因素对创造性思维的影响上海市高一学生焦虑及影响因素的研究社会转型期教师人格发展研究中学评优不公及其对教师心理影响的调查与对策研究罪错青少年的心理健康与父母教养方式、人格特征、罪错类型之间的相关研究宁波市小学生学习困难的原因分析与心理特征研究自我调节学习理论及其教学意义上海大学生价值观与心理健康的相关研究儿童"析取"范畴获得的内隐学习和成分分析研究团体指导提升大学生情绪调节能力的初步研究重点高中学校心理健康教育模式研究支持建构主义学习环境的概念图的设计与应用研究东北边远地区中小学生心理健康状况调查分析及干预策略初二学生知觉到的教师期望与自我价值感及成就目标的关系及干预研究我国当代大学生心理健康教育探讨家庭因素对中学生自我效能感的影响研究高校青年教师心理健康训练模式的构建高校特困生心理健康与成才--江南大学特困生个案调查研究学校心理辅导师资的专业化发展研究理工科大学生焦虑状态下的行为特点研究心理教育活动论(博士)温州市寄托儿童人格及其它心理特征研究民办高校新生挫折及其应付方式的研究论小学心理健康教育中的家校合作福建省卫校生心理健康及人格状况调查与教育途径福州市重点中学高三学生心理健康状况研究农校生心理健康状况及教育对策信息时代中学青年教师心


心理学专业英语总结——HXY 随意传阅·顺颂试安 注释:1.“*”在书上是黑体字,但感觉不重要背了也没什么卵用 2.“”背景色项表示答案恰好有三项,可能出选择 3. 人名已加黑,可能连线或选择 4. 每章节的末尾有方便记忆的单词表(只包括这篇总结中出现的关键单词) 5. 方便理解记忆,已在各项下方注明中文释义 6.“,”大部分都是作为点之间的分割,类似于逗号,前后不连成句子 Chapter 1——Perspectives in psychology 心理学纵览 Section 1: Approaches to psychology 心理学入门 ●What is psychology? 心理学是什么 Definitions: The scientific study of behaviour and mental processes. 定义:对行为和心理过程的科学研究 Psychology come from: ①philosophy, ②biology ③physics. 心理学来源于:哲学、生物学和医学 When: 1879 as a separate scientific discipline. 形成于:1879年,作为独立学科 History (develop): structuralism, functionalism, psychoanalysis, behaviourism, cognitive psychology, humanistic approach, biological approach. 历史发展:结构主义,机能主义,精神分析,行为主义,认知,人本主义,生理。 ●The psychoanalytic approach to psychology 精神分析理论 Origins & history: Sigmund Freud, unconscious mental causes, treat as the causes of mental disorders, built up an theory. 历史来源:弗洛伊德提出潜意识心理动机,把它视为心理疾病的原因,并建立理论。 Assumptions: unconscious processes, psychic determinism, hydraulic drives, psychodynamic conflict, stages of development. 假设:潜意识过程,精神决定论,驱力(攻击、性),心理动力冲突,发展阶段 Methods of investigation: case study (method), free association (tech), dream analysis (tech). 研究方法:个案研究方法,自由联想技术,梦的解析技术 *Areas of explanation: personality development, moral/gender development, aggression, abnormality, memory. 可解释领域:人格发展,道德/性别发展,攻击性,异常,记忆 *Weaknesses: unrefutable, theoretically unscientific. 缺点:不可被其他事件驳斥,因此理论不具科学性 ●The behaviourist approach to psychology 行为主义理论 Origins & history: John Watson, empiricism, learning. 历史来源:华生,经验主义,学习 Assumptions: behaviour is learned from the environment, only observable behaviour should be studied. 假设:行为来源于环境,研究可观察的行为 *Areas of explanation: language acquisition, moral development, attraction, abnormality.


https://www.sodocs.net/doc/6b4992533.html, 中小学生心理论文参考文献 一、中小学生心理论文期刊参考文献 [1].中小学生心理安全感特点现状调查. 《中国特殊教育》.被北京大学《中文核心期刊要目总览》收录PKU.被南京大学《核心期刊目录》收录CSSCI.2012年6期.梅高兴.潘运.赵守盈. [2].体育活动对灾区中小学生心理创伤的干预策略. 《体育学刊》.被北京大学《中文核心期刊要目总览》收录PKU.被南京大学《核心期刊目录》收录CSSCI.2009年7期.代春玲.陶勇. [3].中小学生心理与行为问题现况调查. 《浙江预防医学》.被中信所《中国科技期刊引证报告》收录ISTIC.2013年10期.陈奇.丁可.陆怀初.石碧波.张文武. [6].湖南省中小学生心理韧性的现状调查. 《科教导刊电子版(上旬)》.2015年5期.刘欢. [7].四川汶川大地震后中小学生心理及心理干预的调查分析. 《山西医药杂志》.被中信所《中国科技期刊引证报告》收录ISTIC.2009年9期.郝尚雄. [8].四川汶川大地震后中小学生心理及心理干预的调查分析. 《山西医药杂志》.被中信所《中国科技期刊引证报告》收录ISTIC.2009年17期.郝尚雄. [9].学校体育对经历重大灾难事件后中小学生心理创伤的干预策略. 《吉林体育学院学报》.2011年2期.张栓.毕存箭.杨俊敏.盛硕. [10].西部贫困地区农村留守儿童心理健康现状. 《中国健康心理学杂志》.被中信所《中国科技期刊引证报告》收录 ISTIC.2016年4期.于慧慧.夏冰月. 二、中小学生心理论文参考文献学位论文类 [1].湖北省部分地区中小学生心理行为问题及影响因素研究.被引次数:3 作者:李娟.儿少卫生与妇幼保健华中科技大学2007(学位年度) [2].中小学学生心理及受虐学生心理健康研究.被引次数:7 作者:向秀英.应用心理学中南大学2009(学位年度)


教育心理学作业1(第1-3章) 一、简答题 1 .简述教育心理学的主要研究方法 P14 答:实验法、问卷调查法、测验法、观察法、深入访谈法、个案研究法、教育经验总结法、文件分析法。前三种属于量的研究方法,后五种属于质的研究方法。 2 .遗传决定论关于心理发展的理论核心是什么 ? P42 答:强调遗传在心理发展中的作用,认为个体的发展及其个性品质早在生殖细胞的基因中就决定了,发展只是在这些内在因素的自然展开,环境与教育只是一个引发的作用。 3 、皮亚杰将儿童认知发展划分为哪几个阶段? P48- 皮亚杰把儿童的认知发展划分为四个阶段:感知 - 运动阶段( 0-2 岁)主要靠感觉和动作来认识周围世界前运算阶段( 2-7 岁)认知开始具备符号功能,但是判断还是受直觉思维支配 具体运算阶段( 7-11 岁)借助具体事物,能作出一定程度的推理形式运算阶段( 11-15 岁以后)能不借助具体事物,作出符号形式的推理假设 4 .学优生与学差生、创造型与非创造型学生在人格方面有哪些差异 P58- 答:学优生与学差生差异:动机差异,主体性差异,人格适应性差异具有创造性的学生相对非创造性的学生的人格特征是:低乐群性、高独立性和高自律性。 5 .简要分析学习的内涵 P65 答:学习是人与动物在生活过程中获得个体行为经验,并由经验引起行为或思维的较持久变化的过程。内涵:学习是凭经验产生的行为或思维的变化;学习既有行为的变化,也有思维的变化;学习过程可 二、案例分析题P74 某小学三(1)班李老师发现班上有几个学生,作业总是潦草脏乱.为了帮助这些学生,李老师专门雕刻了2枚印章和一些好孩子的小卡通画奖品,每当这几个同学一次作业工整干净,她就在练习本上加盖一个小红花 印章,连续得到3次小红花,就加盖一个”一级棒”的大印章,连续得到2次”一级棒”,就奖励一个好孩子的小卡通画,连续获得3张好孩子的小卡通画,就把该学生的作业放在光荣榜上展览…… 请结合所学的教育心理学知识,对李教师的做法进行分析。 答:李老师的这种做法可以用斯金纳的儿童行为强化控制理论来解释。他认为,人的行为大部分是操作性的,任何习得行为,都与及时强化有关。可以通过强化来塑造儿童的行为。斯金纳提出外界的强化作用是塑造儿童行为的基础。只要了解强化效应,操纵好强化技术,及时有效地施加强化,就能控制行为反应,并随意塑造出一种教育者所期望的儿童行为。 李老师在教学中正是运用了强化控制理论,作业潦草是儿童不良行为,对于一次作业工整就加盖一个小红花,连续 3 次小红花,就加盖一个“一级棒”的大印章,连续 2 次“一级棒”就奖励小卡通画并上光荣榜,这是一种积极强化的方式,所谓积极强化是由于某一刺激的加入增进了某一操作反应发生概率的作用,这种作用是经常的。李老师的这种连续的强化刺激,矫正原有的作业潦草的习惯,不断地向好的上方向发展。 三、论述题 1 、试论影响儿童心理发展的因素。 朱智贤是我国最系统研究儿童心理学的专家,被誉为“中国科学儿童心理学之父”。他强调从唯物辩证法的角度出发,用系统的观点来研究儿童的整体发展。这个整体包括两个部分和四个方面:两个部分是指儿童发展的认知过程和个性品质;四个方面是指心理发展和社会和教育条件、生物性成熟、动作和活动的发展、语言的发展。 他承认先天因素在心理发展中的作用,不论是遗传素质还是生理成熟,他们都是儿童与青少年心理发展的生物前提,为发展提供了可能性;而环境和教育则将这种可能性变为现实性,决定着儿童心理发展的方向


心理现象 mental phenomenon 心理过程 mental process 心理状态 mental state 心理活动 mental activity 意识 consciousness 心理维度 psychological dimension 心理运动 psychomotor 内部活动 internal activity 普通心理学 general psychology 实验心理学 experimental psychology 行为科学 behavioral science 心身关系 mind-body relation 心理机能定位 localization of mental function 心理能动性 mental activism 外周论 peripheralism 先天理论 nativistic theory 强调遗传素质决定人心理的产生与发展。 遗传 heredity 目的论 teleology 认为生物和人类的活动受一定目的的引导。 活动 activity 活动理论 activity theory 认知心理学 cognitive psychology 认知 cognition 相对于情感、意志等心理过程的所有认识过程的总称。包括知觉、注意、表象、学习记忆、问题解决、思维和言语等心理过程。 认知过程 cognitive process 认知结构 cognitive structure 元认知 metacognition

认知失调 cognitive dissonance 认知地图 cognitive map 认知技能 cognitive skill 认知方式 cognitive style 信息 information 信息论 information theory 信息加工 information processing 信息加工心理学 information processing psychology 信息加工理论 information processing theory 信息加工模型 information processing model 中央处理器模型 central processor model 信息储存 information storage 信息提取 information retrieval 人工智能 artificial intelligence, AI 计算机类比 computer analogy 计算机模拟 computer simulation 计算机模型 computer model 唯心主义心理学 idealistic psychology 意动心理学 act psychology 唯意志论 voluntarism 唯灵论 spiritualism 强调超自然精神作用。 心灵学 parapsychology 心灵决定论 psychic determinism 心灵致动 psychokinesis, PK 心理技术学 psychotechnics 内省 introspection 内省法 introspective method 直觉主义 intuitionalism


被动管理与自我管理的关系 摘要: 1、内涵:是把心理学的知识用于分析、说明指导管理活动中的个体和群体行为的工业心理学分支,是研究管理过程中人们的心理现象、心理过程及其发展规律的科学。它是现代管理理论的重要组成部分是心理学在组织管理工作实践中应用的结果。 2、目的:管理心理学的任务有两个,即提高企业的工作效益、劳动生产率和对劳动者进行心理素质的培养、教育。还有就是吸收、运用各相关学科(包括心理学、社会学、社会心理学、人类学、政治学及其他涉及管理的学科)的理论、方法,探讨组织中个体、群体、组织、领导的心理活动规律,说明如何通过调整人际关系、激励动机、提高领导水平和领导艺术、增强组织凝聚力等手段,来协调人—人系统。 关键词:个体心理群体心理组织心理被动管理自我管理内在机制外在机制 正文: 具体来说,管理心理学研究的主要内容有以下三个方面: 一、个体心理: 主要研究个体的心理活动规律、需要、动机与态度、员工的心理健康、激励理论,等等,目的是为了更好地调动、激发员工的工作积极性。 二、群体心理: 主要研究正式群体和非正式群体、群体的内聚力、群体中的人际关系和信息沟通、士气与群体意识,等等,目的是为了更好地解决组织中的协调交流、团结合作的问题。 三、组织心理: 主要研究组织结构、组织环境、组织变革以及各种不同的领导方式及其效果、领导者的选择与训练、影响领导效果的因素,等等,目的是为了使组织自身能更好地适应组织任务和组织使命的要求,以利组织目标的实现和维护组织的生存和发展。 那么作为一名企业的团队管理者要想让自己的团队健康稳速的发展也必须学 会运用以上的管理方法处理好自我管理与被动管理的关系。 首先管理者必须懂得识人、用人。 曾国藩曾指出, “有感于内, 必形于外”。也就是说:一个人的修养往往表现于外表, 举止衣着, 先有三分气象, 话未出口已有七分先机。由表入里识人,须细辨其天性、品德、心理、心地、胸怀、修养。所以,目光敏锐之人三步之外, 则识人八九不离十, 有此一招, 则人莫能欺。


一、单选题(共 15 道试题,共 30 分。) V 1. ( )是关于“是什么”的知识,包括各种事实、概念、原则和理论等。 A. 知识 B. 程序性知识 C. 陈述性知识 D. 策略性知识 满分:2 分 2. 美国社会心理学家班杜拉把强化分为 A. 正强化和负强化 B. 直接强化和间接强化 C. 直接强化、替代强化和自我强化 D. 精神强化和物质强化 满分:2 分 3. ( )是人与动物在生活过程中获得个体经验,并由经验引起行为较持久的变化过程。 A. 认知 B. 学习 C. 习惯 D. 教学 满分:2 分 4. 布卢姆将教育目标分为()三大领域。 A. 知、情、意 B. 认知、情感、动作 C. 知、情、个性 D. 知、情、人格 满分:2 分 5. 现代认知心理学把记忆系统分为瞬时记忆,短时记忆和 . A. 长时记忆

B. 内隐记忆 C. 操作记忆 D. 形式记忆 满分:2 分 6. 由于反映活动的形式不同,知识可以分为陈述性知识与 A. 程序性知识 B. 实用的知识 C. 直观的知识 D. 可应用的知识 满分:2 分 7. ()是指在教学之前为了解学生对学习新知识应具备的基本条件的评价。准备性评价 通常运用所谓的“ 摸底测验”的方式来进行。 A. 准备性评价 B. 形成性评价 C. 总结性评价 D. 教学评价 满分:2 分 8. 动作技能的形成需要经历相互联系的四个主要阶段:认知阶段、分解阶段、联系定位 阶段和 A. 自动化阶段 B. 熟练阶段 C. 巩固阶段 D. 稳定阶段 满分:2 分 9. ()的思想来源于普莱西发明的教学机器,但程序教学的真正首创者应归功于美国行 为主义心理学家斯金纳。 A. 掌握学习; B. 程序教学;


实用文档 感觉记忆(SM)—sensory memory 短期记忆(STM)—short-term M. 长期记忆(LTM)—long-term memory 复诵——rehearsal 预示(激发)——priming 童年失忆症——childhood amnesia 视觉编码(表征)——visual code(representation) 听觉编码—acoustic code 运作记忆——working memory 语意性知识—semantic knowledge 记忆扫瞄程序—memory scanning procedure 竭尽式扫瞄程序-exhaustive S.P. 自我终止式扫瞄—self-terminated S. 程序性知识—procedural knowledge 命题(陈述)性知识——propositional(declarative)knowledge 情节(轶事)性知识—episodic K. 讯息处理深度—depth of processing 精致化处理—elaboration 登录特殊性—coding specificity 记忆术—mnemonic 位置记忆法—method of loci 字钩法—peg word (线)探索(测)(激发)字—prime 关键词——key word 命题思考——propositional thought 心像思考——imaginal thought 行动思考——motoric thought 概念——concept 原型——prototype 属性——property 特征——feature 范例策略——exemplar strategy 语言相对性(假说)—linguistic relativity th. 音素——phoneme 词素——morpheme (字词的)外延与内涵意义—denotative & connotative meaning (句子的)表层与深层结构—surface & deep structure 语意分析法——semantic differential 全句语言—holophrastic speech 过度延伸——over-extension 电报式语言—telegraphic speech 关键期——critical period


大学生挫折心理论文范文2篇 大学生挫折心理论文范文一:大学生挫折心理的成因分析 人在不同的时期面临着不同的人生课题。挫折环境等外界纷杂的现实造成自身困难与限制,使个心理就是人在解决这些人生课题过程中所产生的一体动机不能满足,目标不能实现而产生心理挫折。种普遍的心理现象。一般来说,心理挫折是个体从具体来说,这主要包括自然环境因素、社会环境因素事有目的的活动时遇到无法克服或自认为是无法克以及学校环境因索等。 服的障碍,致使其目的无法实现,需要和动机无法满自然环境因素。对于大学生来说,家庭成员或足所产生的一种紧张心态和情绪反应,通常表现为本人患有重大疾病、家庭遭受自然灾害等导致的家强烈的焦虑、抑郁、恐惧或愤怒等负性情绪反应以及庭经济困难都会导致大学生产生挫折心理;个体的攻击、无助甚至是自杀等消极行为。大量研究表明,.相貌、肤色以及体重等也都可能导致挫折感的产生,挫折具有两重性:一方面,挫折可以使人们从中吸取当然,这在很大程度上与社会的某些价值观以及个教训,磨练意志,增强适应环境的能力;另一方面,挫人对这些特征的自我评价有关。 折如超出了个人的承受能力,则会影响人的身心健社会环境因素。随着我国政治、经济、文化等方康,还有可能导致心理与行为的异常。因此,了解挫面的国际化,现代西方各种思潮对我

国的传统文化折心理的成因并采取积极的对策,使大学生的挫折产生了强烈的冲击。大学时期正是个体自我统一性心理朝积极的方向发展是当前高校心理健康教育的建立的关键期,面临传统观念的变革、价值体系坐标重要课题之一。的重新选择、新的生活方式的适应等一系列问题。 在这些问题解决的过程中不可避免地伴随着挫折的大学生挫折心理的成因分析产生。此外,当前的社会腐败问题、职工下岗问题、社会治安、贫富差距过大等问题也是引发青年学生众所周知,人的需要、动机只是一种主观愿望,产生挫折心理的重要源泉。 它同客观现实之间总是存在着这样或那样的矛盾。学校环境因素。中国的大学生入学选拔基本上这种主观愿望与客观现实之间的矛盾构成了挫折心是本着优中选优的原则,因此大学生群体实际上也理产生的根本原因。因此,大学生挫折心理产生的就是一种优秀学生的团体。那些在中小学阶段相当原因虽然是多种多样的,但是概括起来主要有两个有优势的学生在进人大学之后,自身的优势相对来方面:客观因素和主观因素。说已经大大衰减,并且可能会由于各种原因而使自 l、大学生挫折心理产生的客观因素己在校园竞争中处于劣势,这种优势心理和劣势心大学生挫折心理产生的客观因素是指不以大学理的差距必然会导致个体挫折心理的产生。研究发生的主观愿望为转移的自然条件和社会条件。大学现,地方高校大学生从高考到入校后的2—3年中,生之所以容易产生心理挫折,多因个体环境或社会普遍存有挫折感,且91.3%的学生曾遭受三项以上


热点教育心理学论文题目参考 随着世界教育水平的飞速提升,中国教育现代化的脚步不断向前迈进,?来自不同学科的先进理论在教学中得到了更加广泛的应用,其中心理学更是与教育发生了密切的联系。由此列举以下教育心理学论文题目供大家参考。 1、浅谈培养中小学学生心理健康的体会 2、关于心理教育行为分析 3、论大学生心理压力的来源及缓解办法 4、大学生逃课现象心里透视及对策 5、浅谈青少年心理健康教育 6、浅谈农村初中学生心理健康教育 7、关于农村中小学生心理健康教育的现状及对策 8、论独生子女大学生挫折心理分析 9、学校中教师的专业成长与发展 10、初级中学问题学生的心理疏导和转化 11、数学教学过程中要培养学生的情感态度 12、帮助学生获得数学活动经验浅探 13、试论学习理论家的人性观

14、错误在学生学科学习中的地位 15、教师的学生观及其对教学成效的影响 16、试论“举一反三”的心理学基础 17、认知心理学对现代教学论的影响 18、试论概括在学生学习过程中的作用 19、试论布鲁纳结构主义学习观的教育意义 20、现行组织者―一种促进学生理解的教学策略 21、论强化是学习的重要条件 22、学习迁移的规律在学科教学中的运用 23、建构主义学习理论的教育意义 24、试论外语学习中本族语的迁移与干扰 25、维果茨基对教育心理学的贡献 26、人本主义学习观点对教育工作的启示 27、谈谈合理的习题设计的心理学依据 28、皮亚杰认知发展理论与数学教学 29、浅谈教材编写的心理学原则 30、归因理论及其在教学实践中的运用 31、课堂中举例的心理学分析 32、广义知识观、目标分类教学及其教育意义 33、多媒体教学的心理学分析 34、新课程改革的心理学基础 35、布鲁姆掌握学习理论的教育意义 36、试论学生直觉思维的培养


心理学专业英语词汇(I1) 心理学专业英语词汇(I1)心理学专业英语词汇(I1)ia 项目和配列ia 智力年龄 ianthinopsia 紫幻视 iar theory 内隐联想反应理论 iatreusiology 治疗学 iatrogenic disorder 误诊致病 iatrogenic homosexuality 误导性同性恋误导性同性恋iatrogenic neurosis 误诊性神经症 iatrogenic neurosis 医源性神经症 iatrology 医学 iceberg organization 冰堡组织 ice mountain profile 冰山剖面图 ichthyophobia 恐鱼症 iconic 形象的 iconic experience of moral feeling 想象的道德情感体验iconic memory 映象记忆 iconic representation 形象性表象 iconic representation model 形象表象方式 iconic representation stage 形象再现表象阶段

iconic sign 图象符号 iconic store 映像贮存 iconography 图解 iconolagny 恋肖像癖 iconolatry 偶像崇拜 iconomania 肖像崇拜癖 ict 胰岛素休克治疗法 ictal 突发的 ictal depression 发作性抑郁症 ictal emotion 突发情绪 ictometer 心搏计 ictus 暴发 ictus epilepticus 癫痫猝发 icw interest record 儿童福利机构的孩童兴趣纪录id 本我 id anxiety 本我焦虑 idea 观念 idea 意见 idea of justice 公正观念 idea of reason 理性观念 idea of reference 参照主意 idea of self accusation 自责观念
