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地质矿产英语常用词汇:岩石类型(rock type)

petrology 岩石学[pi:'tr?l?d?i]

igneous rock 火成岩['iɡni?s]

magmatic rock 岩浆岩['m?gm?tik]

lava(vocanic rock)火山岩['lɑ:v?, 'l?v?]

intrusive(invade)rock 侵入岩[in'tru:siv]

effusive rock 喷出岩[i'fju:siv]

plutonic rock 深成岩[plu:'t?nik]

pypabyssal rock 浅成岩

acid rock 酸性岩['?sid]

intermediate rock 中性岩[,int?'mi:dj?t, -dieit]

basic rock 基性岩['beisik]

ultrabasic rock 超基性岩[,?ltr?'beisik]

granite 花岗岩['ɡr?nit]

porphyry 斑岩['p?:firi]

porphyrite 玢岩['p?:firait]

rhyolite ['rai?lait] 流纹岩

syenite ['saiinait] 正长岩

trachyte ['treikait, 'tr?-] 粗面岩

diorite [dai?rait] 闪长岩

andesite ['?ndizait] 安山岩

gabbro ['ɡ?br?u] 辉长岩

basalt ['b?s?:lt] 玄武岩

aplite ['?plait] 细晶岩

pegmatite ['peɡm?tait] 伟晶岩

lamprophyre ['l?mpr?,fai?] 煌斑岩

diabase ['dai?beis] 辉绿岩

dunite ['d?nait] 橄榄岩

pumice ['p?mis] 浮岩

sedimentary rock [,sedi'ment?ri] 沉积岩

clastic ['kl?stik] 碎屑岩

clay rock [klei] 黏土岩

chemical rock ['kemik?l] 化学岩

biolith ['bai?uliθ]生物岩

conglomerate [k?n'ɡl?m?r?t, -reit, k?n'ɡl?m?reit] 砾岩

siltstone ['siltst?un] 粉砂岩

mudstone ['m?dst?un] 泥岩

shale [?eil] 页岩

saline rock ['seilain, -li:n] 岩盐

limestone ['laimst?un] 石灰岩

dolomite ['d?l?mait] 白云岩

marl [mɑ:l] 泥灰岩

volcanic breccia [v?l'k?nik] ['bret?i?] 火山角砾岩

volcanic agglomerate [?'ɡl?m?r?t, -reit, ?'ɡl?m?reit] 火山块集岩

tuff [t?f] 凝灰岩

metamorphic rock [,met?'m?:fik] 变质岩

slate [sleit] 板岩

phyllite 千枚岩

schist 片岩

gneiss [nais] 片麻岩

quartzite ['kw?:tsait] 石英岩

marble ['mɑ:bl] 大理岩

mylonite ['mail?nait, 'mil-] 糜棱岩

migmatite ['miɡm?tait] 混合岩

cataclasite 碎裂岩

sediment(deposit)['sedim?nt] 沉积物、沉积层

boulder ['b?uld?] 漂石、顽石

cobble ['k?bl] 卵石

gravel ['ɡr?v?l] 砾石

sand [s?nd] 砂

silt [silt] 粉土

clay [klei] 粘土

sandy clay 砂质粘土

clayey sand 粘质砂土

sandy loam [l?um] 壤土、亚黏土


loess ['l?uis] 黄土

laterite ['l?t?rait] 红土

peat [pi:t] 泥炭

ooze [u:z] 软泥(海泥)

地质矿产英语常用词汇:岩矿物理性质(physical character of minerals)

hardness ['hɑ:dnis] 硬度

luster ['l?st?] 光泽

color ['k?l?] 颜色

transparency(pellucidity)[tr?ns'p?r?nsi, -'pε?-, tr?nz-, trɑ:n-] 透明度streak [stri:k] 条痕

rent(fracture)[rent] 断口

crystal form ['krist?l] 晶形

classification [/,kl?sifi'kei??n/] 分类

structure ['str?kt??] 构造

texture ['tekst??] 结构

fabric ['f?brik] 组成

mineral composition [,k?mp?'zi??n] 矿物组成

crystalline ['krist?lain] 结晶质

amorphous substance [?'m?:f?s] ['s?bst?ns]非晶质

fossil ['f?s?l] 化石

degree of rounding ['raundi?]磨圆度

degree of grains [ɡreins] 粒度

地质矿产英语常用词汇:工程地质(engineering geology)


rock mechanics 岩石力学

soil mechanics 土力学

geomechanics 地质力学(岩石力学)

engineering geological conditions 工程地质条件

engineering geological problems 工程地质问题

rock mass structure 岩体结构

geographic and geomorphic conditions 地形地貌条件

geophysical phenomenon 物理地质现象

hydrogeological conditions 水文地质条件

natural materials 天然材料

reservoir 水库

settlement 沉降

displacement 位移

deformation 变形

tectonic stress 构造应力

residual stress 残余应力

angle of internal friction 内摩擦角

cohesion 内聚力(凝聚力、粘聚力)

pressure tunnel 压力隧洞

underground cavern/cavity 地下洞室

overburden 覆盖物

bed rock(base rock foundation rock)基岩

firm rock(sound rock)硬岩

weak rock(soft rock)软岩

interbed 夹层

zone of fracture(broken zones)破碎带

homogeneity 均质性


isotropy 各向同性

anisotropy 各向异性

地质矿产英语常用词汇:地质构造(geologic structure)

fault [f?:lt] 断层

normal fault ['n?:m?l] 正断层

reversed fault [ri'v?:st] 逆断层

paralled fault 平移断层

gouge [ɡaud?] 断层泥

stria ['strai?] 擦痕

joint [d??int] 节理

primary joint ['praim?ri] 原生节理

secondary ['sek?nd?ri] 次生节理

tension joint ['ten??n] 张节理

unloading joint [,?n'l?udi?]卸荷节理

schistosity [?is't?siti] 片理

bedding ['bedi?]层理

foliation 板理(叶理)

ripple mark ['ripl] 波痕

mud crack [m?d] [kr?k]泥痕

rain print 雨痕

orientation of bedrock [,?:rien'tei??n, ?u-] 岩层产状

strike [straik] 走向

dip [dip] 倾向

angle of dip(dip angle)倾角

fold [f?uld] 褶皱

anticline ['?ntiklain] 背斜

syncline ['si?klain, 'sin-] 向斜

monocline(homocline)['m?n?uklain] 单斜

dome [d?um] 穹隆

soft stratum 软弱岩层

zone of fracture(broken zone)破碎带

affected zone 影响带

platy structure 板状构造

cleavage ['kli:vid?] 解理

fracture(rupture)['fr?kt??] 断裂

fissure(crack fracture)['fi??] 裂隙

地质矿产英语常用词汇:地质年代(geochronology of geologic time)

Archaeozoic era(erathem),太古代(界)

Proterozoic era(erathem),元古代(界)

Palaeozoic era(erathem),古生代(界)

Mesozoic era(erathem),中生代(界)

Cenozoic era(erathem),新生代(界)

Sinian period(system),震旦纪(系)

Cambrian period(system),寒武纪(系)

Ordovician period(system),奥陶纪(系)

Silurian period(system),志留纪(系)Devonian period(system),泥盆纪(系)Carboniferous period(system),石炭纪(系)Permian period(system),二叠纪(系)Triassic period(system),三叠纪(系)Jurassic period(system),侏罗纪(系)Cretaceous period(system),白垩纪(系)Tertiary period(system),第三纪(系)Quaternary period(system),第四纪(系)


c o m p l e t e s c r e e n完整屏幕 standard screen 标准屏幕 display screen 显示屏幕 edition screen 编辑屏幕 main screen 主屏幕 alphanumberic screen 数据屏 graphic screen 曲线屏 chromatograph screen 色谱屏 geological screen 地质屏 process window 处理窗口 SPM Stroke Per Minute 泵冲 TQ Torque 扭矩 Pump 1,2 1,2号泵 Pump Count 泵冲计数 Pit 1,2. 1,2号罐 Pit Sum , Pit Volume 泥浆罐总体积 MW Mud Weight 钻井液密度 PV Plastic Viscosity 塑性粘度 YP Yield Point 屈服点 ECD Equivalent Circulating Density 当量循环密度

PF=FPG Formation Pressure Gradient 地层压力梯度FRAC Fracture pressure gradient 破裂压力梯度 TG Total Gas 总烃,全量 TGN Total Gas Normalized 校正的全量 Trip Tank 起下钻罐Overpull 超拉 Hook Speed 大钩速度Hook Height 大钩高度Swab 抽吸力Surge 冲击力 Time On Slip 坐卡瓦时间 GWR gas water ratio 油水比 HD high density 高密度 CSP casing pressure 套管压力MASP maximum allowed surface pressure 关井最大允许地表压力FFP final flowing pressure 最终流动压力IHP initial hydrostatic pressure 初始流体静水压力FHP final hydrostatic pressure 最终流体静水压力ISIP initial shut-in pressure 初始关井压力FSIP final shut-in pressure 最终关井压力SICP shut-in casing pressure 关井套管压力


2. GEOLOGY地质 2.1 LITHOLOGY CASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION ORDER 岩性分类和描述顺序 2.1.1 Rock Types 岩石类型 Sedi Sedimentry 沉积岩 clas clastic 碎屑岩 ss sandstone 砂岩 mdst mudstone 泥岩 sh shale 页岩 clyst, clst claystone 粘土岩 sd sand 砂 mSsd medium sandstone 中砂岩 fsst fine sandstone 细砂岩 bldr boulder 卵石 pbl pebble 卵石 grl gravel 砾石 cgl conglomerate 砾岩 gywk graywacke 硬砂岩 cbl cobble 大鹅卵石 ark arkose 长石砂岩 grnl granule 粒砂 brec breccic 角砾岩 bioc bioclastic 生物碎屑岩 vcrs sst very coarse sandstone 极粗砂岩 argl argillite 泥板岩 gyp gypsum 石膏 anhy anhydrite 硬石膏 slt salt 盐岩 flint-lingite 隧石 carbonate 碳酸盐岩 ls limestone 灰岩,石灰岩 dolo dolomite 白云石 dolst dolostone 白云岩

mrls marlstone 泥灰石 coq coquina 贝壳灰岩 biosp biosparte 生物亮晶灰岩 biomi biomicrite 生物微晶灰岩 clcar calcarenite 灰屑岩,钙屑灰岩 clclt calcilutite 泥屑石灰岩 micr micrite 微晶灰岩 clcrd calcirudite 砾屑石灰岩 clslt calcisilitite 粉砂屑石灰岩 grst grainstone 粒状灰岩 oolitic limestone 鲕状灰岩 Igneous Rock 火成岩 intrusive igneous 侵入岩 extrusive igneous 喷出岩 volc colcanic 火山岩 grt granite 花岗岩 dr diorite 闪长岩 grdr grano diorite 花岗闪长岩 qu dr quartz diorite 石英闪长岩 dr po diorite porphyrite 闪长玢岩 syenite 正长岩 gab, gb gabbro 辉长岩 qu po quartz porphyrite 石英玢岩 an andesite 安山岩 bas basalt 玄武岩 arag aragonite 纹石,霞石 Meta Metsmorphic rock 变质岩 phyl phyllite 千枚岩 sl slate 板岩 sch schist 片岩 mbl marble 大理岩 gne gneiss 片麻岩 qtzt quartzite 石英岩 novac novaculite致密石英岩 2.1.2 COL Color, Colour 颜色 blk black 黑色 brn brown 棕色 yel yellow 黄色 gy, gry grey 灰色


地理专业词汇英语翻译(A-B) a horizon 腐殖堆积层 aa lava 块熔岩 abandoned field 撩荒地abandoned lands 撩荒地abandoned mine 废弃矿山abandoned shoreline 旧岸线aberration 像差 abiogenesis 自然发生 abiotic factor 非生物因素 ablation 水蚀 ablation moraine 消融冰碛abnormality 反常 aboriginal 土着的 abrasion 海蚀 abrasion platform 浪蚀台地abrasion shore 浪蚀海岸abrasion surface 浪蚀面abrasion terrace 海蚀阶地abrasive 研磨剂 abrupt slope 陡坡 abrupt textural change 质地突变abscissa 横坐标 absolute age 绝对年龄 absolute age determination 绝对年代测定 absolute age of groundwater 地下水绝对年龄 absolute altitude 绝对高度absolute amplitude 绝对振幅absolute chronology 绝对年代absolute convergence 绝对收敛absolute dating 绝对年代测定absolute error 绝对误差 absolute extremes 绝对极值absolute geochronology 绝对地质年代学 absolute geopotential 绝对重力势absolute gravity 绝对重力absolute humidity 绝对湿度absolute instability 绝对不稳定性absolute maximum 绝对极大absolute measure 绝对尺度absolute minimum 绝对极小absolute orientation 绝对定向absolute parallax 绝对视差 absolute precision 绝对精度 absolute representation 绝对值表 示法 absolute temperature 绝对温度 absolute value 绝对值 absolute zero 绝对零度 absorbed radiant flux 吸收辐射 absorbed radiation 吸收辐射 absorbent 吸收剂 absorbing capacity 吸收能力 absorbing complex 吸收性复合体 absorptance 吸收系数 absorption 吸收 absorption band 吸收带 absorption coefficient 吸收系数 absorption curve 吸收曲线 absorption factor 吸收因素 absorption filter 吸收滤光片 absorption of energy 能量吸收 absorption of light 光吸收 absorption spectrum 吸收光谱 absorption surface 吸收面 absorptive capacity 吸收本领 absorptivity 吸收能力 absorptivity emissivity ratio 吸收发 射比 abstract symbol 抽象符号 abundance of isotopes 同位素的 丰度 abundance of the elements 元素丰 度 abundance ratio of isotopes 同位 素的相对丰度 abundant rainfall 过量降雨 abyss 深渊 abyssal 深海的 abyssal basins 深海盆地 abyssal benthos 深海底栖生物 abyssal deposits 深海沉积物 abyssal facies 深海相 abyssal hill 深海丘陵 abyssal plain 深海平原 abyssal region 深海区 abyssal sediment 深海沉积物 abyssal zone 深海带 acariasis 螨病 acarinosis 螨病 acaustobiolite 非可燃性生物岩 accelerated erosion 加速侵蚀 accelerated weathering 加速风化 acceleration 加速度 acceptance 接收 acceptor 收体 acceptor atom 受体原子 acceptor bond 接体合 accessory element 伴随元素 accessory mineral 副次要 accessory species 次要种 accidental ejecta 外源喷出物 accidental error 偶然误差 accidental species 偶见种 acclimatization 气候驯化 acclivity 上行坡 accompaniment element 伴生元素 accordance of summit levels 峰顶 面等高性 accordant junction 协和汇流平齐 汇流交合汇流 accordant junction of streams 协合 流 accretion gley 淤积潜育层 accumulated temperature 积温 accumulation 堆积 accumulation curve 累积曲线 accumulation horizon 聚积层 accumulation mountains 堆积山地 accumulation of assimilation products 同化物累积 accumulation of humus 腐殖质蓄 积 accumulation of organic matter 有 机质堆积 accumulative coast 堆积海岸 accumulative relief 堆积地形 accuracy 准确度 accuracy of measurement 测定准 确度


A abbreviate v. 缩写,简写ably ad. 异常地 abrupt v. 突然的absolute porosity 绝对孔隙度access n. 接近,进入accumulate v. 聚集accumulation n. 聚集acquisition n. 获取,采集acromagnetic a. 航空磁测的acyclic a. 无环的admixture n. 混合,混合物aeolian a. 风成的,风积的aerobic a. 喜氧的 affinity n. 亲合力,亲合性

aformentioned a. 上述的,上面提到的agency n. 因素,营力,作用agglomeration n. 结块,凝聚aggregated gas 聚集型气 agitated a. 搅动过,摇过的 agitation n. 搅拌,搅动 aircraft n. 飞机,航空器 algae 藻类 aliphatic a. 脂肪类的 alkane 链烷 alkane n. 烷烃,链烷 alkene n. 烯烃 alkylaromatic a. 烷基芳烃的 alkylate v. 烷基化 allochthonous a. 外来的,异地的

alluvial fan 冲积扇 alteration n. 蚀变作用 ambient a. 周围的 ambiguity n. 含糊,模棱两可ambiguous a. 意思含糊的,模棱两可的amino acids 氨基酸 ammonite n. 菊石 amorphous a. 非晶质的,无一定方向的amphibolite n. 角闪石 amplitude n. 幅度,振幅 analogous a. 类似的,模拟的 angular a. 棱角状的,带角的anhydrite n. 硬石膏 anomoly n. 异常,变异 anoxic a. 缺氧的


地质专业英语词汇A a horizon a 层位 a lineation a 线理 a twin a双晶 aa lava 块熔岩 aalenian stage 阿林阶 abandon 废弃 abandoned mine 废弃得矿山abandoned well 废孔 abatis 通风隔墙 abdomen 腹部 abdominal appendage 腹肢abdominal cavity 腹腔 abdominal fin 腹 abductor外展肌 abductor muscle外展肌abernathyite 水砷钾铀矿 aberration象差 abichite 光线矿 abiogenesis 自然发生abiogeny自然发生 abiotic factor 非生物因素ablation 剥蚀 ablation breccia 剥蚀角砾岩ablation moraine 消融碛ablation skin 熔蚀皮 ablationtill 消融碛ablykite 阿布石 abnormal异常得 abnormal interference color 异常干涉色 abnormal metamorphism异常 变质酌 abolition 废除 abrade 剥蚀 abrasion海蚀 abrasionplatform磨蚀台 地 abrasion surface 浪蚀面 abrasion terrace 磨蚀阶地 abrasionn test磨耗试验 abrasive 磨料;海蚀得 abrazite 多水高岭土 absarokite 正边玄武岩 absite钍钛铀矿 absolute age 绝对年龄 absolute black body绝对 黑体 absolute chronology绝对 年代学 absolute dating绝对年 代测定 absolute geopotential 绝对 重力势 absolute porosity 绝对孔隙率 absolute pressure 绝对压力 absolutestructure 绝对构 造 absorbed water 吸附水 absorbent吸收剂 absorber 吸收器 absorbing well 吸水井 absorption 吸收 absorption axis 吸收轴 absorptionborder融蚀缘 absorption curve 吸收曲线 absorption edge吸收端 absorption factor 吸收率 absorption spectrum 吸收 光谱 absorptive capacity吸收 率 absorptivity 吸收性 abukumalite 铋磷灰石 abundance丰度 abundance of elements 元素丰度 abundance ofisotopes 同位素丰度 abundance ratio of isotopes 同位素相对丰度 abysmaldeposits 深海沉积 物 abyss深海 abyssal 深海得 abyssal benthic zone 深渊底 栖带 abyssal deposits 深海沉积 物 abyssalfacies 深海相 abyssal hills province 深 海丘陵区


abbreviate v.缩写,简写abno rmally ad.异常地 abrupt v. 突然的 absolute porosity绝对孔隙度access n接近,进入accumulate v.聚集accumulation n.聚集acquisition n.获取,采集acromagnetic a.航空磁测的acyclic a.无环的 admixture n.混合,混合物aeolian a.风成的,风积的aerobic a.喜氧的 affinity n. 亲合力,亲合性 aformentioned a.上述的,上面提到的agency n.因素,营力,作用agglomeration n. 结块,凝聚aggregated gas R集型气 agitated a.搅动过摇过的 agitation n. 搅拌,搅动 aircraft n. 飞机,航空器 algae藻类 aliphatic a. 脂肪类的 alkane 链烷 alka ne n.烷烃,链烷 alke ne n.烯烃 alkylaromatic a. 烷基芳烃的 alkylate v. 烷基化

allochthonous a.外来的,异地的 alluvial fan 冲积扇 alteration n. 蚀变作用 ambie nt a.周围的 ambiguity n.含糊,模棱两可ambiguous a.意思含糊的,模棱两可的ami no acids 氨基酸 ammonite n. 菊石 amorphous a.非晶质的,无一定方向的amphibolite n.角闪石 amplitude n. 幅度,振幅 analogous a类似的,模拟的 angular a.棱角状的,带角的anhydrite n.硬石膏 anomoly n. 异常,变异 anoxic a. 缺氧的 an teisoalka ne n.反异构烷烃 an thracite n.无烟煤 anticline n. 背斜 antiform n. 背斜构造 aperture n 孔,孔眼 apparent molecular weight表观分子量aquatic a.水的,水生的 arago nite n霰石


The Earth From classical times it has been known that the earth is roughly spherical in shape. Actually the planet is shaped more like a slightly flattened ball whose polar radius is about 21km shorter than its equatorial radius. The average radius is 6371km. The earth’s specific gravity is 5.5. It is 5.5 times as heavy as an equal volume of water. The specific gravity is greater than that of any other planet in the solar system, but not appreciably different from that of Mercury, Venus and Mars. Because the average specific gravity of surface rocks is only about 2.7, the material existing deep within the earth must have a specific gravity well in excess of the 5.5 average. Very likely, the material at the earth’s center has a specific gravity as high as about 15. The splendid photographs of the earth taken from space by Apollo astronauts remind us that our planet is more than a rocky globe orbiting the sun. The patterns of white clouds above the azure blue color tell us of the presence of an atmosphere and hydrosphere. Here and there one can even discern patches of tan that indicates the existence of continents. Greenish hues provide evidence of the planet’s most remarkable feature: there is life on earth. THE A TMOSPHERE We live beneath a thin but vital envelope of gases called atmosphere. We refer to these gases as air. “Pure air”is composed mainly of nitrogen (78.03%) and oxygen 920.99%). The remaining 0.98% of air is made of argon, carbon dioxide and minute quantities of other gases. One of these “other”components found mostly in the upper atmosphere is a form of oxygen called ozone. Ozone absorbs much of the sun’s lethal ultraviolet radiation, and is thus of critical importance organisms on the surface of the earth. Air also contains from 0.1 percent to 5.0 percent of water vapor. However, because this moisture content is so variable, it is not usually included in lists of atmospheric components. Every day, the atmosphere receives radiation from the sun. This solar radiation provides the energy that heats the atmosphere and drives the winds. Distribution of solar radiation is one of the most important factors in determining the various kinds of climate we experience on the earth. THE HYDROSPHERE(水圈) The discontinuous envelope of water that covers 71 percent of earth’s surface is called hydrosphere. It includes the ocean as well as water vapor. The water contained in streams and lakes, water frozen in glaciers, and water that occurs underground in the pores and cavities of rocks. If surface irregularities such as continents and deep oceanic basins and trenches were smoothed out, water would completely cover the earth to a depth of more than two kilometers. Water is an exceedingly important geologic agent. Glacier composed of water in its solid form alter the shape of the land by scouring, transporting and depositing rock debris. Because water has the property of dissolving many natural compounds, it contributes significantly to the decomposition of rocks and, therefore, to the development of soils on which we depend for food. Water moving relentlessly down hill as sheetwash, in rills, and in streams loosens and carries away the particles of rock to lower elevations where they are deposited as layers of sediment. Clearly, the process of sculpturing our landscapes is primarily dependent upon water. By far the greatest part of the hydrosphere is contained within the ocean basins. These basins are of enormous interest to geologists who have discovered that they are not permanent and immobile as once believed, but rather are dynamic and ever changing. There is ample evidence


石油英语准确表达(基本摘自石油科普文章) generation of oil and gas n. 油气的产生 deposition n. 沉积作用沉积物同义词 sediment subside v. 下沉沉降 lagoon n.泻湖 marsh n.湿地, 沼泽, 沼泽地同义词swamp inland adj.内陆的, adv.在内地, 向内地n.内地 decay vi. 腐烂, n.腐朽, 腐烂,v.衰落 regional tectonic forces 区域构造力 complex adj.复杂的, 合成的, 综合的n.联合体 mixture of hydrocarbons 烃类混合物 overlying rocks 上覆岩石======overlying sediments seep v.渗出, 渗漏同义词 ooze n.油苗 show 是油气显示fissure n.裂缝, 裂沟, v.(使)裂开, (使)分裂accumulation 聚集 rock grains 岩石颗粒 pools of tar 焦油池 trap 圈闭 migration n.运移 impermeable adj. 不渗透的 ===impervious oilman 石油商 sedimentary rocks 沉积岩 porosity 孔隙度 pemeability 渗透率 volume 体积

cavity 洞 =====pore 小孔 collect v. 收集、聚集 density 密度 dissipate v. 消散 vertical cross-section 垂直剖面 cover bed 盖层 cap rock 盖岩 reservoir rock 储集层 spill point 溢出点 diagram 图表(很常用) two-dimensional 二维的 the third dimension 三维contour 等高线 closing contour 闭合等高线amount of closure 闭合高度 area 面积地区 thickness 厚度 fault trap 断层圈闭 fault 断层、错位 against 反衬,既不同方向又相连 parallel 平行的,平行线 fold n.褶皱vt.折叠,vi.折叠起来, pinch-out 尖灭 = wedge out 尖灭 salt dome 盐丘 flow v. 流动 bow up 弯 seal off 把。。封起来


地理专业词汇英语翻译(45) 地理专业词汇英语翻译(45)地理专业词汇英语翻译(45)forest vegetation 森林植物群 forest with grass layer 多草森林 forest zone 森林地带 forestry 林学 forestry remote sensing 林业遥感 form 形状 form factor 形状因素 form of poluttants 污染物形态 formaldehyde water pollution 甲醛水污染 format 规格 formation 地层 formation class 群系纲 formation group 群系组 formation heat 形成热 formic acid 甲酸 formlines 地形线 forsterite 镁橄榄石

fort 要塞 fortification 筑城 fortified area 筑城地域forward intersection 前方交会fossil 化石 fossil anomaly 古异常 fossil coenosis 化石群 fossil delta 古三角洲 fossil droppings 粪化石fossil erosion surface 古侵蚀面fossil ice 化石冰 fossil men 化石人 fossil penenplain 古准平原fossil plant 植物化石 fossil pollen 花粉化石 fossil pteridophytes 化石蕨fossil soil 埋藏土壤 fossil soil method 古土壤法fossil soils 古土壤 fossil species 化石种fossilisation 化石化 foul land 污秽地


A abbreviate v.缩写,简写abnormally ad.异常地abrupt v. 突然的absolute porosity 绝对孔隙度access n. 接近,进入accumulate v. accumulation n.聚集acquisition n.获取,采集acromagnetic a.航空磁测的acyclic a. 无环的admixture n. 混合,混合物aeolian a.风成的,风积的aerobic a. 喜氧的 affinity n.亲合力,亲命性

aformentioned a. 上述的,上面提至U的agency n.因素,宣力,作用agglomeration n.结块,凝聚aggregated gas 聚集型气 agitated a.搅动过,摇过的agitation n.搅拌,搅动 aircraft n.飞机,航空器 algae藻类 aliphatic a.脂肪类的 alkane链烷 alkane n.烷炷,链烷 alkene n.烯炷 alkylaromatic a. 烷基芳炷的

alkylate v. 烷基化 allochthonous a.外来的,异地的alluvial fan 冲积扇 alteration n. 蚀变作用 ambient a. 周围的 ambiguity n.含糊,模棱两可 ambiguous a.意思含糊的,模棱两可的 amino acids 敏基酸 ammonite n.菊石 amorphous a. 非晶质的,无一定方向的 amphibolite n.角闪石 amplitude n. 幅度,振幅 analogous a.类似的,模拟的 angular a.棱角状的,带角的 anhydrite n.硬石膏


地质专业英语词汇 A ahorizon层位 alineation线理 atwina双晶 aalava块熔岩 aalenianstage阿林阶 abandon废弃 abandonedmine废弃的矿山abandonedwell废孔 abatis通风隔墙 abdomen腹部abdominalappendage腹肢abdominalcavity腹腔 abdominalfin腹 abductor外展肌 abductormuscle外展肌abernathyite水砷钾铀矿 aberration象差 abichite光线矿 abiogenesis自然发生 abiogeny自然发生 abioticfactor非生物因素 ablation剥蚀 ablationbreccia剥蚀角砾岩ablationmoraine消融碛ablationskin熔蚀皮 ablationtill消融碛 ablykite阿布石 abnormal异常的abnormalinterferencecolor异常干涉色abnormalmetamorphism异常变质酌abolition废除 abrade剥蚀 abrasion海蚀 abrasionplatform磨蚀台地abrasionsurface浪蚀面abrasionterrace磨蚀阶地abrasionntest磨耗试验 abrasive磨料;海蚀的 abrazite多水高岭土 absarokite正边玄武岩 absite钍钛铀矿 absoluteage绝对年龄absoluteblackbody绝对黑体absolutechronology绝对年代学 absolutedating绝对年代测定 absolutegeopotential绝对重力势 absoluteporosity绝对孔隙率 absolutepressure绝对压力 absolutestructure绝对构造 absorbedwater吸附水 absorbent吸收剂 absorber吸收器 absorbingwell吸水井 absorption吸收 absorptionaxis吸收轴 absorptionborder融蚀缘 absorptioncurve吸收曲线 absorptionedge吸收端 absorptionfactor吸收率 absorptionspectrum吸收光谱 absorptivecapacity吸收率 absorptivity吸收性 abukumalite铋磷灰石 abundance丰度 abundanceofelements元素丰度 abundanceofisotopes同位素丰度 abundanceratioofisotopes同位素相对丰度abysmaldeposits深海沉积物 abyss深海 abyssal深海的 abyssalbenthiczone深渊底栖带 abyssaldeposits深海沉积物 abyssalfacies深海相 abyssalhillsprovince深海丘陵区 abyssalinjection深成贯入 abyssalrock深成岩 abyssalsediments深海沉积物 acadialite红菱沸石 acadianstage阿卡德阶 acalycine无花萼的 acalycinous无花萼的 acanthite螺状硫银矿 acanthoid刺状的 acaulescent无茎的 acaulous无茎的 acaustobiolite非燃性生物岩 accelerateddevelopment上升发育 acceleration促进酌 1


地理相关英语词汇 --------------------------------------------------------- abandoned land 弃耕地 abiltic factor 非生物因素;非生命因素 abiotic environment 非生物环境;非生命环境 ablation 消融〔作用〕 Abney level 手水准仪 aborigine 土著 abrasion (corrasion) 磨蚀〔作用〕刻蚀〔作用〕 abrasion (wave-cut) platform 海蚀平台 absolute humidity 绝对湿度 absolute instability 绝对不稳定〔状态〕 absolute stability 绝对稳定〔状态〕 absolute temperature 绝对温度 absorption 吸收〔作用〕 abyssal region 深海区 acacia 合欢树 Acacia confusa 台湾相思 accelerated erosion 加速侵蚀 accessibility 可达度;能达度 acclimatization 气候适应 accordant drainage 协调水系;调和水系 accretion 加积〔作用〕 accumulated temperature 积温 acid lava 酸性熔岩 acid rain 酸雨 acid soil 酸性土壤 acidic rock 酸性岩 acidity (1) 酸度,(2) 酸性 activated sludge 活性污泥 active layer 活动层;活土层 active recreation 主动性康乐 active volcano 活火山


目录 总类。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。4 1.油气地质勘探总论。。。。。。。。。。。。7 2. 含油气盆地构造学。。。。。。。。。。。。。7 3. 含油气盆地沉积学。。。。。。。。。。。。。11 4. 油气性质。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。14 5. 油气成因。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。15 6. 油气储集层。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。21 7.油气运移。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。22 8.油气聚集。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。25 9.油气地质勘探。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。27 10.油气地球化学勘探。。。。。。。。。。。。。29 11.地震地层学。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。29 12.遥感地质。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。32 13.实验室分析。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。33 14.油气资源评价。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。34 15.地质年代。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。16补充 17岩性,岩石学

总类 油气地质勘探petroleum and gas geology and exploration 石油地球物理petroleum geophysics 地球物理测井geophysical well logging 石油工程petroleum engineering 钻井工程drilling engineering 油气田开发与开采oil-gas field development and exploitation 石油炼制petroleum processing 石油化工petrochemical processing 海洋石油技术offshore oil technique 油气集输与储运工程oil and gas gathering-transportation and storage engineering 石油钻采机械与设备petroleum drilling and production equipment 油田化学oilfield chemistry 油气藏hydrocarbon reservoir 油藏oil reservoir 气藏gas reservoir 商业油气藏(又称工业油气藏)commercial hydrocarbon reservoir 油气田oil-gas field 油田oil field 气田gas field 大油气田large oil-gas field 特大油气田(又称巨型油气田)giant oil-gas field 岩石物性physical properties of rock 岩石物理学petrophysics 野外方法field method 野外装备field equipment 石油petroleum 天然石油natural oil 人造石油artificial oil 原油crude oil 原油性质oil property 石蜡基原油paraffin-base crude [oil] 环烷基原油(又称沥青基原油)naphthene- base crude [oil] 中间基原油(又称混合基原油)intermediate- base crude [oil] 芳香基原油aromatic- base crude [oil]
