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一、完形填空(一)(共 20小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)


In our modern world, when something wears out, we throw it away and buy a new one. The ____1____ is that countries around the world have growing mountains of ____2____ because people are throwing out more rubbish than ever before.

How did we ____3____ a throwaway society? First of all, it is now easier to ____4____ an object than to spend time and money to repair it. ____5____ modern manufacturing and technology, companies are able to produce products quickly and inexpensively. Products are plentiful and ____6____.

Another cause is our ____7____ of disposable(一次性的)products. As ____8____ people, we are always looking for ____9____ to save time and make our lives easier. Companies _____10_____ thousands of different kinds of disposable products: paper plates, plastic cups, and tissues, to name a few.

Our appetite(胃口)for new products also _____11_____ to the problem. We are _____12_____ buying new things. Advertisements persuade us that _____13_____ is better and that we will be happier with the latest products. The result is that we _____14_____ useful possessions to make room for new ones.

All around the world, we can see the _____15_____ of this throwaway lifestyle. Mountains of rubbish just keep getting bigger. To _____16_____ the amount of rubbish and to protect the _____17_____, more governments are requiring people to recycle materials. _____18_____, this is not enough to solve our problem.

Maybe there is another way out. We need to repair our possessions _____19_____ throwing them away. We also need to rethink cur attitudes about _____20_____. Repairing our possessions and changing our spending habits may be the best ways to reduce the amount of rubbish and take care of our environment.

1. A. key B. problem C. project D. reason

2. A. debt B. gifts C. products D. rubbish

3. A. become B. change C. face D. observe

4. A. control B. hide C. replace D. withdraw

5. A. As to B. Except C. Regardless of D. Thanks to

6. A. cheap B. funny C. powerful D. safe

7. A. division B. lack C. love D.


8. A. brave B. busy C. kind D.


9. A. friends B. jobs C. places D. ways

10. A. donate B. preserve C. produce D. receive

11. A. adapts B. contributes C. responds D. returns

12. A. ashamed for B. addicted to C. tired of D. worried about

13. A. higher B. larger C. newer D. stronger

14. A. hold onto B. pay for C. pick up D. throw


15. A. advantages B. consequences C. functions D. purposes

16. A. decrease B. measure C. record D. show

17. A. brands B. consumers C. environment D.


18. A. However B. Meanwhile C. Otherwise D.


19. A. in favor of B. instead of C. or rather D. other


20. A. advertising B. collecting C. repairing D. spending 【答案】1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. D 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. D 10.

C 11. B 12. B 13. C 14.

D 15. B 16. A 17. C 18. A 19. B

20. D





考查语境判断之其它线索。句意:问题是,世界各国的垃圾堆积如山,因为人们扔出的垃圾比以往任何时候都多。A. key关键,重点;B. problem问题,麻烦事;C. project项目;D. reason理由。根据countries around the world have growing mountains of ____2____ because people are throwing out more rubbish than ever before.可知,出现的问题是垃圾堆积如山,故选B。


考查语境判断之对应原文。句意:问题是,世界各国的垃圾堆积如山,因为人们扔出的垃圾比以往任何时候都多。A. debt债务;B. gifts礼物;C. products产品;D. rubbish垃圾句意。根据people are throwing out more rubbish可知,因为人们现在扔掉很多垃圾,因此,垃圾堆积成了山,故选D。


考查语境判断之其它线索。句意:我们是如何成为一个扔垃圾的社会的。A. become变成;B. change 改变;C. face面对;D. observe观察。根据句意可知,根据下文“first of all…Another cause is …”可知,这里讲的是我们是如何成为一个扔垃圾的社会的。故选A。【4题详解】

考查语境判断之其它线索。句意:首先,现在更换一个物体比花时间和金钱去修理它要容易得多。A. control控制;B. hide隐藏;C. replace替代;D. withdraw撤退,收回。根据下文The result is that we ____14____ useful possessions to make room for new ones.可知,与花时间和钱修理相比,现在更容易更换物品,故选C。


考查语境判断之词义辨析。句意:多亏了当代制造业和技术,公司能够更快地生产产品,成本也降低很多。A. As to至于;B. Except 除---之外;C. Regardless of不管,不顾;D. Thanks to多亏了,由于。多亏了当代制造业和技术,公司能够更快地生产产品,成本也降低很多,故选D。


考查语境判断之对应原文。句意:产品丰富且便宜。A. cheap 便宜的;B. funny 有趣的;C. powerful 强大的;D. safe 安全的。根据上文“inexpensively”可知,成本降低的话,产品价格相对也会便宜。故选A 。


考查语境判断之其它线索。句意:另一个原因是我们对一次性产品的喜爱。A. division 部门;

B. lack 缺乏;

C. love 爱;

D. prevention 阻止。根据下文“As ____8____ people, we are always looking for ____9____ to save time and make our lives easier.”可知,另一个原因是人们对一次性产品的喜爱,故选C 。



人,我们总是想办法节省时间,让我们的生活更轻松。A. brave 勇敢的;B. busy 忙碌的;C. kind 友好的;D. sensitive 敏感的。根据“we are always looking for…”可知,人们总是在节省时间,说明人们很忙碌,故选B 。


考查语境判断之词义辨析。句意:作为忙碌的人,我们总是想办法节省时间,让我们的生活更轻松。A. friends 朋友;B. jobs 工作;C. places 地方; D. ways 方法。为了让生活更容易,我们总是想办法节省时间。a way to do sth 做某事的方法,是固定搭配,故选D 。


考查语境判断之其它线索。句意:公司生产成千上万种不同种类的一次性产品:纸盘、塑料杯和纸巾等等。A. donate 捐献;B. preserve 保护,维持;C. produce 生产;D. receive 收到。根据常识可知,企业生产大量的一次性产品。故选C 。


考查语境判断之词义辨析。句意:我们对新产品的欲望也导致了这个问题。A. adapts 适应;

B. contributes 捐献;

C. responds 回应;

D. returns 归还,返回。根据the problem.可知,人们对新产品的欲望促成了这一问题,故选B 。


考查语境判断之感情色彩。句意:我们沉迷于买新东西。A. ashamed for 为---而感到羞愧;

B. addicted to 沉迷于;

C. tired of 厌烦;

D. worried about 担忧。根据前文的“appetite”可知,人们痴迷于购买新产品,故选B 。



A. higher更高的;

B. larger更大的;

C. newer更新的;

D. stronger更强壮的。根据we will be happier with the latest products.可知,广告使人们相信新的更好,故选C。


考查语境判断之其它线索。句意:结果是我们扔掉有用的东西,为新的东西腾出空间。A. hold onto抓住不放;B. pay for为---付款;C. pick up捡起;D. throw away扔掉。根据“make room for new ones.”可知,人们扔掉自己的物品来为新的腾地方,故选D。



A. advantages优势;

B. consequences 后果,结果;

C. functions功能;

D. purposes目的。根据下文“Mountains of rubbish just keep getting bigger.”可知,这里指的是乱扔垃圾的后果。故选B。


考查语境判断之其它线索。句意:为了减少垃圾数量和保护环境,越来越多的政府要求人们回收材料。A. decrease减少;B. measure测量;C. record记录D. show展示。根据“more governments are requiring people to recycle materials.”可知,越来越多的政府要求人们循环使用物品,这样做是为了减少垃圾,故选A。


考查语境判断之其它线索。句意:为了减少垃圾数量和保护环境,越来越多的政府要求人们回收材料。A. brands品牌;B. consumers消费者;C. environment环境;D. technology 技术。根据“more governments are requiring people to recycle materials.”可知,要求人们循环利用也是为了保护环境,故选C。


考查语境判断之逻辑关系。句意:然而,这并不足以解决我们的问题。A. However然而;B. Meanwhile与此同时;C. Otherwise要不然的话;D. Therefore因此。根据句意可知,然而,只是要求人们循环利用是远远不够的。故选A。


考查语境判断之逻辑关系。句意:我们需要修理我们的财物,而不是扔掉它们。A. in favor of支持,赞成;B. instead of代替;C. or rather 更准确地说;D. other than除了,不同于。我们需要修理我们的财物,而不是扔掉它们,前后句为转折关系。故选B。


考查语境判断之对应原文。句意:我们还需要反思我们对消费的态度。A. advertising 登广告;B. collecting收集;C. repairing修理;D. spending花费,消费。根据下文“changing our spending habits”可知,我们还需要反思我们对消费的态度。故选D。

【易错分析】小题 12 :A. ashamed for为……而感到羞愧;B. addicted to沉迷于;C. tired of厌烦;D. worried about担忧。本题易错选为D. worried about,很容易受到生活常识以及人们对于环保担忧的话题的影响。要根据上下文语境判断,这是解题的关键。根据前“appetite”可知,人们痴迷于购买新产品,故选B。

二、阅读理解(共两小节,20小题;每小题 2分,满分40分)



The most famous war movies reflect the American public's continuous fascination with World War II and the Vietnam War. Many movies of this kind have been well-received when they were first shown, but few of them have enjoyed lasting fame and popularity. The films on the list of the five most famous war movies still remain fresh and are popular among many people.

21. What are the most important themes of the movies mentioned above?

A. World War II and the Vietnam War.

B. Competitions in the Vietnam War.

C. Fights between Nazi generals and soldiers.

D. D-Day landing and the Normandy attack.

22. The text is meant to ________.

A. describe five most famous movie posters

B. choose the best war movie among the five

C. introduce five masterpieces of American films

D. celebrate the success of the five American films

23. What can we infer from the underlined sentence?

A. The prisoners will be punished if they fail.

B. The prisoners might be willing to have a try.

C. The prisoners might be scared and run away.

D. The prisoners have to take Nazi generals back.

【答案】21. A 22. C 23. B




细节理解题。根据文中第一段的The most famous war movies reflect the American public's continuous fascination with World War II and the Vietnam War.可知,这些最著名的电影反映了美国公众对第二次世界大战和越南战争的持续迷恋。故所提电影的主题基本都是和二战以及越南战争。故选A。



推理判断题。根据前文Lee Marvin, playing an officer who thinks and acts independently, is appointed to train twelve prisoners, most of whom have been sentenced to death, to go on a suicide mission to kill several Nazi generals.可知,这12个人都是罪犯,大部分都已经被判处死刑,现在指定他们杀死几个纳粹军官,所以划线句子意为“如果他们能够完成任务归来,那么就能赦免他们的罪。”因此可推断出罪犯可能愿意尝试一下。故选B。


Pamela Simpson is 53,“not sporty” and has suffered from asthma(哮喘) all her life. Two years ago her son Jay-Teale, now 10, took up BMX(自行车越野赛).“I enjoyed watching him and thought I'd like to try it,” Simpson recalls. “But I didn't want to embarrass myself. I hadn't ridden for over 40 years.”

Then she noticed a session for women and girls at Burgess Park BMX Track in Peckham, south-east London, where Jay-Teale trained. This season Simpson raced at the London BMX series and finished third in her category.

“It was the most worrying experience of my life. But it was also exhilarating,” she says cheerfully. “My son is proud of me. We now share a real love for the sport. It has br ought us closer together.”

Since becoming part of the Olympic Games in 2008, the popularity of BMX has risen.

A program introduced in London in 2011 by the sports development charity Access Sport has seen tracks built in several London regions, backed up with investment in coaching, and the program is being rolled out to Bristol.

Mavolwane Wright's children Skye,11 and Xander,10 are sponsored riders who have

represented Great Britain in every world championship since 2014. Mavolwane Wright says she was motivated to start BMX herself out of an interest aroused by watching so much of it. “It's an eye-opener to share your children's interests,” she explains. “You comprehend what they go through in a much more direct way. It adds another dimension to your relati onship.”

It is also a high-impact sport and the risks are fairly obvious. “I totally get the fear,” says Emma Budgens, 51, a BMX exercise coach and cycling instructor. “It's the fear of doing something new, of getting hurt. But I say, ‘Come and give it a t ry.’ The chance of having an accident is slim, and you can spend time on the flat to improve your confidence.”

24. What can we learn about Pamela Simpson from the first two paragraphs?

A. She tended to be inactive.

B. She performed poorly in the race.

C. She used to feel awkward in public.

D. She trained at Burgess Park BMX Track.

25. What does the underlined word “exhilarating” in Paragraph 3 mean?

A. Annoying.

B. Inspiring.

C. Thrilling.

D. Challenging.

26. What benefit did Simpson and Wright get from BMX?

A. More life skills.

B. Stronger will.

C. More confidence in themselves.

D. Better parent-child relationships.

27. What does Emma Budgens think of BMX?

A. Risky but actually secure.

B. Demanding but open to all.

C. Competitive but instructive.

D. Pleasant but time-consuming. 【答案】24. A 25. C 26. D 27. A


这是一篇记叙文。本文章主要通过Simpson 和Wright的亲身经历讲述了自行车越野赛使越来越多的人受益。


推理判断题。根据第一段Pamela Simpson is 53,“not sporty” and has suffered from

asthma(哮喘) all her life. Two years ago her son Jay-Teale, now 10, took up BMX(自行车越野赛).“I enjoyed watching him and thought I'd like to try it,” Simpson recalls. “But I didn't want to embarrass myself. I hadn't ridden for over 40 years.”可知Pamela Simpson今年53岁,她不喜欢运动,并且一辈子都患有哮喘。两年前,她10岁的儿子Jay-Teale参加了自行车越野赛。“我很喜欢看他,觉得我想试试,”Simpson回忆道。“但我不想让自己难堪。我已经40多年没骑过车了。”由此可推知,Pamela Simpson曾经是不活跃的人,后来在儿子的影响下,变得外向起来。故选A。


词义猜测题。根据后文she says cheerfully. “My son is proud of me. We now share a real love for the sport. It has brought us closer together.”可知Simpson高兴地说:“这是我一生中最令人担忧的经历,但也令人振奋。我儿子为我感到骄傲。我们现在对这项运动有着真挚的爱。它让我们走得更近了。”由此可知,划线单词“exhilarating”意为“令人兴奋的”。A. Annoying.讨厌的;B. Inspiring.鼓舞人心的;C. Thrilling.令人兴奋的;

D. Challenging.挑战的。故选C。


细节理解题。根据第三段中“My son is proud of me. We now share a real love for the sport. It has brought us closer together.”可知“我儿子为我感到骄傲。我们现在对这项运动有着真挚的爱。它让我们走得更近了。”以及第五段中“It's an eye-opener to share your children's interests,” she explains. “You comprehend what they go through in a much more direct way. It adds another dimension to your relationship.”可知她解释道:“分享孩子的兴趣让人大开眼界。”“你可以更直接地理解他们的感受。它为你们的关系增加了另一个维度。”由此可知,通过自行车越野赛,Wright和Simpson 增强和孩子的联系,关系变得更加的好。故选D。


推理判断题。根据最后一段中“I totally get the fear,” says Emma Budgens, 51, a BMX exercise coach and cycling instructor. “It's the fear of doing something new, o f getting hurt. But I say, ‘Come and give it a try.’ The chance of having an accident is slim, and you can spend time on the flat to improve your confidence.”可知“我完全有恐惧感,”51岁的Emma Budgens说,她是一名BMX运动教练和自行车教练。“我害怕做一些新的事情,害怕受伤。但我说‘来试试吧’发生意外的机会很小,你可以花时间在公

寓里提高你的信心。”可推知,Emma 认为自行车越野赛是一项既有风险又相对较安全的运动,故选A。


Disease spread in many ways. An infected person can cough or sneeze on someone nearby, or they can spread germs through a handshake. But sometimes we pick up germs indirectly. A sick person might leave behind bacteria or viruses when they touch a door handle, for example. But what if those surfaces could clean themselves?

Two teenagers from Hong Kong asked themselves the same question. Now they’ve developed a door handle that can kill germs on contact.

The idea is simple. Every time the door is opened, the movement creates power that starts a germ-killing reaction on the handle. In lab tests, their system killed about 99.8 percent of the germs that they spread onto lab dishes covered with their material.

Research by others has shown that door handles in public areas are often home to lots of bacteria and viruses, notes 17-year-old Sum Ming(“Simon”)Wong. He and schoolmate Kin Pong ( Michael ) Li, 18, wanted to design a covering for door handles that would kill germs.

After doing some research, they learned that a mineral called titanium dioxide(二氧化钛)is known to kill bacteria. It’s already used in many products, from paints to desserts. To make their covering, the teenagers made the mineral into a very fine powder.

Titanium dioxide kills bacteria best when lit by ultraviolet(紫外线的)light, says Simon. UV light is found in sunlight. But UV light does not naturally shine on indoor handles or any used at night, so the teenagers light their door handle from within.

To make sure the light reaches the coated surface, the teenagers made their door handle out of clear glass, Each end fits into a bracket (托架).Inside one of the brackets is a strong light-emitting diode(LED). From it comes UV light.

And here’s the interesting part: T he power that makes the UV light shine comes from opening and closing the door. The power from the door is then carried by wire

to the LED inside the door handle.

The door handle system, Michael and Simon say, might cost no more than about $13 (about 81 yuan) to build.

28. The ways diseases spread are mentioned at the beginning of the text to .

A. demonstrate how most diseases are spread indirectly

B. remind readers of the importance of cleaning their hands

C. explain how to kill bacteria or viruses effectively

D. help to describe a new invention that prevents diseases from spreading

29. Michael and Simon’s door handle .

A. is too expensive for ordinary families

B. is powered by the movement of its users

C. works better at night than in the daytime

D. is made of a metal that can take in UV light

30. The LED is placed inside the brackets to .

A. supply enough power to the handle system

B. produce titanium dioxide to kill bacteria

C. provide UV light to help titanium dioxide work better

D. direct the UV light in sunlight to the coated surface

31. What is the author's attitude toward Michael and Simon s door handle system?

A. Cautious

B. Critical

C. Enthusiastic

D. Disappointed

【答案】28. D 29. B 30. C 31. C





推理判断题。第一段“Disease spread in many ways. An infected person can cough or sneeze on someone nearby, or they can spread germs through a handshake. But sometimes we pick up germs indirectly. A sick person might leave behind bacteria or viruses when they touch a door handle, for example. But what if those surfaces could clean

themselves?”疾病以多种方式传播。感染者可以通过对附近的人咳嗽或打喷嚏,也可以通过握手传播细菌。但有时我们会间接地感染细菌。例如,一个生病的人可能会在接触门把手时留下细菌或病毒。但是如果门把手的表面可以自我清洁呢?然后在第二段“Two teenagers from Hong Kong asked themselves the same questi on. Now they’ve developed a door handle that can kill germs on contact.”来自香港的两名青少年也问了自己同样的问题。现在他们发明了一种门把手,可以杀死接触的细菌。由此可知,开篇主要是引入为什么要发明这个自动消毒手柄,即帮助描述防止疾病传播的新发明---自动消毒手柄。故选D。


推理判断题。第三段“The idea is simple: Every time the door is opened, the movement creates power that starts a germ-killing reaction on the handle.”想法很简单。每次门被打开时,这种运动都会产生能量,导致门把手产生杀死细菌的反应。由此可推断出迈克尔和西蒙设计的门把手是由推门的人的移动来驱动的。分析选项可知B项(由使用门的人的移动提供动力)符合题意,故选B。

【30题详解】推理判断题。根据第六段“Titanium dioxide kills bacteria best when lit by ultraviolet light, says Simon. UV light is found in sunlight. But UV light does not naturally

shine on indoor handles or any used at night, so the teenagers light their door handle

from within.”二氧化钛在紫外线照射下最能杀灭细菌。阳光中有紫外线。西蒙说。紫外线


这两个青少年想从室内照亮他们的门把手。第七段“To make sure the light reaches the coated surface, the teenagers made their door handle out of clear glass, Each end fits into a bracket (托架) Inside one of the brackets is a strong light-emitting diode (LED). From it comes UV light.”为了确保光线到达涂有粉末的表面,这两个青少年用透明玻璃制造出门把手,两端各配备一个支架。其中一个支架内是一个强大的发光二极管(LED)。它发出紫外线。由此可推断出,LED被放置在托架内是为了提供紫外线帮助二氧化钛更好地工作。故选C。


推理判断题。文章第一段最后一句“But what if those surfaces could clean themselves?”第二段“Two teenagers from Hong Kong asked themselves the same question. Now they’ve developed a door handle that can kill germs on contact.”来自香港的两个青少年问了

自己同样的问题。现在他们已经开发出一种能在接触时杀死细菌的门把手。第三段中“In lab tests, their system killed about 99.8 percent of the germs .”在实验室测试中,他们的系统杀死了99.8%的细菌;第五段“After doing some research, they learn ed that a mineral called titanium dioxide(二氧化钛)is known to kill bacteria. It’s already used in many products”他们发现一种矿物称为二氧化钛杀死细菌。它已经被用在很多产品中;第八段“And here’s the interesting part: The power that makes the UV light shine comes from opening and closing the doo r.”有趣的是:紫外线照射的能量来自开关门。根据文中的用词“killed about 99.8 percent of the germs ”、“It’s already used in many products”和“And here’s the interesting part:”这些字里行间可推断出作者对这项发明的态度很热情。故选C。

【点睛】推理判断试题属于高层次阅读理解题。这种题型包括判断题和推理题。这两类题常常相互依存,推理是为了得出正确的判断,正确的判断又依赖于合乎逻辑的推理。推理判断题。第三段“The idea is simple: Every time the door is opened, the movement creates power that starts a germ-killing reaction on the handle.”想法很简单。每次门被打开时,这种运动都会产生能量,导致门把手产生杀死细菌的反应。由此可推断出迈克尔和西蒙设计的门把手是由推门的人的移动来驱动的。分析选项可知B项(由使用门的人的移动提供动力)符合题意,故选B。

根据事实细节,才能推断合理信息。推理题要求在理解原文表面文字信息的基础上,作出一定判断和推论,从而得到文章的隐含意义和深层意义。推理题所涉及的内容可能是文中某一句话,也可是某几句话,但做题的指导思想都是以文字信息为依据,既不能做出在原文中找不到文字根据的推理,也不能根据表面文字信息做多步推理。也就是说,要做到判断有据, 推论有理, 忠实原文。切忌用自己的观点代替作者的本意,切忌片面思考,得出片面结论。


Differences in time zones complicate international phone calls. But even more important are different concepts of time and approaches to time in different cultures.

People from the USA as well as other North Americans believe “Time is money”. This value of time is rooted in their ancestors. Early in the 17th century, their ancestors arrived on the Atlantic coast, a new, undeveloped land. To survive in the tough environment, they had to struggle day and night. Time meant so much to them that they had not even one second to waste. After decades of struggle, they developed

the value of efficient use of time and passed it down. Thus far, the Americans are still eager to finish things quickly and are impatient with too reflective(深思熟虑的) people.

In some countries, the American work style of speeding everything up will have no significance. In the Arab East, the more important you are, the faster service you get. Close relatives take absolute priority; non-relatives are kept waiting. In the Middle East, a deadline, which is often established to show the degree of urgency or importance of work, will do nothing but stop the Middle Easterners from working, because they consider it rude and overly demanding.

Another aspect reflecting different concepts of time is the classification of monochronic-time and polychronic-time by Edward T Hall. People from monchronic(共时性的) cultures, such as the Germans, the Austrians, the Swiss and the Americans, do only one important thing at a time. In polychromic(多元时间模式的) cultures, people such as Arab, Asians and Latin Americans take an entirely opposite approach. They do several things at once. Time commitments, e.g. deadlines, schedules, are taken rather casually and changed often and easily. Miscommuication will arise when people from two cultures contact. Charlies Hawkins, a U.S. teacher, told me that many a time his appointments with Indians were interrupted constantly, not only by private phone calls, but also by long conversations with other people and even the neighbor’s children, which displeased and even annoyed him.

32. Why did the ancestors of the No rth Americans believe “Time is money”?

A. They had to work efficiently to survive.

B. They got the idea from their past generations.

C. They didn’t like to deal with reflective people.

D. They formed the habit of finishing work ahead of time.

33. What can be concluded from Paragraph 3?

A. Deadlines will make American people angry.

B. In the Arab East, you’d better speed everything up.

C. Middle Easterners can’t deal with demanding work.

D. People from the Arab East attach importance to relationship.

34. What can we learn about people from monochronic cultures?

A. They tend to interrupt others constantly.

B. They can’t tolerate lateness or interruptions.

C. They are more likely to change their schedules.

D. They like to schedule several activities at the same time.

35. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

A. The importance of the diversity of culture

B. The relationship between efficiency and culture

C. Different time values in different cultures

D. Monochronic culture and polychronic culture

【答案】32. A 33. D 34. B 35. C




细节理解题。根据第二段中To survive in the tough environment, they had to struggle day and night.可知,北美人的祖先为了在艰苦的环境中生存,他们不得不日夜奋斗。以及第二段倒数第二句After decades of struggle, they developed the value of efficient use of time and passed it down.可知,经过了十几年的奋斗,他们发展出有效利用时间的价值观,并将其代代相传。即可知北美人的祖先认为“时间就是金钱”的原因是为了生存,他们必须高效地工作。故选A。


推理判断题。根据第三段第三句Close relatives take absolute priority; non-relatives are kept waiting.可知,Arab East的人们相信近亲绝对优先;非亲属则只能等待,故推知Arab East人非常看重血缘关系,故选D。


推理判断题。根据最后一段Time commitments, e.g. deadlines, schedules, are taken rather casually and changed often and easily.可知,多元时间模式文化里截止日期,时间表,

都是很随意的,并且经常很容易改变。这与共时性文化是完全不同的,可推理共时性文化的人不能容忍迟到,推迟;以及最后一句Charlies Hawkins, a U.S. teacher, told me that many a time his appointments with Indians were interrupted constantly可知,来自共时性文化的美国人Charlies Hawkins无法忍受来自多元时间模式文化的印度人不断打断约会,可推理得来自共时性文化的人无法忍受别人的打断。综上可知来自共时性文化的人无法忍受迟到或是打断,故选B。


主旨大意题。根据第一段第二句But even more important are different concepts of time and approaches to time in different cultures.以及文章主要内容为不同文化中对时间的不同概念和对待时间的不同方式,故选C。



Five biggest career mistakes young workers make

When you begin to dive into the working world, there are a few common mistakes you should try to avoid.


Whether it is asking for a raise or just voicing an opinion, it is important to stand up for yourself in the office. As long as you do it in a respectful and professional way, your colleagues will be impressed by your confidence.

Goofing off(混日子)

You may think no one is looking at what you are doing all day, but the fact is your computer screen can be seen by all who pass by.____37____

Even though your boss may seem relaxed, he is not going to appreciate an employee who seems to care more about his friend’s status updates than his actual work.

Dressing inappropriately

One thing that can either help or hurt you is how you present yourself. If you dress too casually, you could be sending the wrong message to your coworkers. Just because you have it doesn’t mean the office is the place to wear it. ____38____ Being late for work

You could be the hardest worker in the office or do extra work at home, but if

you are consistently late for work, you give off the impression that you are lazy.___39___Your professional reputation is a vital part of getting ahead in your industry and being late for work might be unimportant, but could result in all your hard work being gradually ignored.

Acting too confidently

It is a common problem with young professionals. It is sometimes hard for recent college graduates to change from top-of-the-food-chain seniors to professional “freshmen.” ___40___In addition, you must know your place in the company.

A. If you want to be taken seriously, dress seriously.

B. Talking unprofessionally.

C. So it is important to limit the amount of time you spend on non-work-related sites.

D. Being afraid to speak up.

E. Sometimes, it can be difficult to be taken seriously as a young professional.

F. Now that you are out of the college, you must remember to be modest.

G. People notice who stays late and who comes in early and will form an opinion about you.

【答案】36. D 37. C 38. A 39. G 40. F




该空是小标题。结合下文的小标题都是以动词-ing开头,所以在B/D中选择。根据下文提示“无论是要求加薪还是只是发表意见,在办公室为自己说话都是很重要的。”由此可知,D项Being afraid to speak up.(害怕说出来。)切题。故选D。


根据上文提示“你可能认为没有人在看你整天在做什么,但事实是你的电脑屏幕可以被路过的所有人看到。”承接上文,C项So it is important to limit the amount of time you spend on non-work-related sites.(所以限制你花在与工作无关的网站上的时间是很重要的。)切题。故选C。


根据上文提示“你有它并不意味着办公室就是穿它的好地方。”承接上文,A项If you want

to be taken seriously, dress seriously.(如果你想被认真对待,那就穿着得体。)切题。故选A。


根据上文提示“你可能是办公室里最努力的员工,或者在家加班,但是如果你总是上班迟到,你就会给人留下懒惰的印象。”再根据下文提示“你的职业声誉是你在行业中取得成功的重要部分,上班迟到可能不重要,但会导致你的努力工作逐渐被忽视。”承接上下文,G项People notice who stays late and who comes in early and will form an opinion about you.(人们会注意到谁走得晚,谁走得早,并对你形成看法。)切题。故选G。


根据上文提示“对于刚毕业的大学生来说,从食物链顶端的大四学生转变为专业的“新生”有时是很困难的。”承接上文,F项Now that you are out of the college, you must remember to be modest.(现在你大学毕业了,你必须记住要谦虚。)切题。故选F。

三、完形填空(二)(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)


My grandparents lived in a town in Michigan. Every summer I stayed with them as a young child. I came from the ___41___ but loved the small place where they lived. People there knew everyone else, their kids, their pets and their ancestors. The bond with them continued to grow ___42___ I grew older.

My grandma was ___43___ at making something exciting by hand. She would make little sandwiches and we'd have tea parties. She'd plant flowers and carefully ___44___ them. She'd ___45___ sweaters for her grandchildren as well as making beautiful ___46___ for each one. I remember the small thimble (顶针)she would use while doing her needlework. ___47___ her thimble on her finger, she'd remark, "I wouldn't want to sew without one."

A few years ago my grandma ___48___ at the age of 91. After attending her funeral, I realized how ___49___ our lives had changed. I missed her very much. When my birthday came, I was feeling ____50____ because there was no card from my grandma. But what happened later made me feel that she was ____51____ that special day with me. While I was arranging some ____52____ pillows that my grandma had made, I ____53____ felt

something inside one pillow. It was small and ____54____ I moved the object to a seam (接缝)and I carefully opened it. To my delight, out ____55____ a tiny silver thimble!

How ____56____ it was to find something that had been a part of her. Not realizing it had fallen off her finger, my grandma ____57____ it in that little pillow for me.

I carefully laid the thimble along with the other things I had ____58____ over the years, which reminded me of the pleasant ____59____ of her.

I heated the tea kettle and made some tea, using my best china, as my grandma always did, and enjoyed my tea and my grandma's _____60_____. What a wonderful birthday that was!

41. A. building B. cottage C. city D. town

42. A. as B. though C. that D. if

43. A. mad B. angry C. good D. poor

44. A. watch B. tend C. pick D. cut

45. A. mend B. buy C. wash D. make

46. A. books B. houses C. quilts D. bikes

47. A. Buying B. Placing C. Collecting D. Removing

48. A. called on B. fell ill C. dropped in D. passed away

49. A. quickly B. shamefully C. slightly D. slowly

50. A. upset B. worried C. thrilled D.


51. A. sharing B. thinking C. planning D. wasting

52. A. tiresome B. ugly C. colorful D. broken

53. A. eagerly B. carelessly C. suddenly D. gladly

54. A. neat B. difficult C. hard D. soft

55. A. went B. came C. took D. made

56. A. ashamed B. proud C. wise D. exciting

57. A. mixed B. sewed C. hid D. stored

58. A. learned B. designed C. collected D. saved

59. A. memory B. book C. letter D. clothes


{正文} 2017-2018学年度黑龙江省大庆铁人中学第一学期高二期末考试 英语试题 答题时长(分钟):120 分值:150分 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分:基础知识考查(每小题1.5分,共20小题, 满分 30 分) 1. 2.The students find it difficult to_________ to the new school. 3.We _________ to help you give up smoking. 4.The boys _________ each other because they both have golden hair and round faces. 5. 6.I want to apply for a _________ job as a waiter. 7.In an _________ world there would be no need for a police force. 8.I am very _________ to all those who took the trouble to write to me. 9. 10.He was seriously hurt and a doctor_________ an operation on him. 11.The black people were no longer bought and sold as slaves after the slave trade was _________. 12.The government is being widely _________ for failing to limit air pollution. home.

试题-黑龙江省实验中学2020-2021学年度上学期高二学年期中考试 理科物理

黑龙江省实验中学2020-2021学年度上学期高二学年期中考试 理科物理试题 考试时间:90分钟满分:100分命题人:李宝宇 Ⅰ卷(选择题共56分) 一、选择题(本题共14小题,每小题4分,共56分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,第1~9题只有一项符合题目要求,第10~14题有多项符合题目要求.全部选对的得4分,选对但不全的得2分,有选错的得0分.) 1.关于静电场的电场强度和电场线,下列说法正确的是() A .电场中某点的场强方向跟电荷在该点所受电场力的方向相同 B .E =2Q k r 仅适用于真空中点电荷形成的电场C .当初速度为零时,放入电场中的电荷仅在电场力作用下的运动轨迹一定与电场线重合 D .在一个以点电荷为中心,r 为半径的球面上,各处的电场强度都相同 2.如图所示,实线为三个电荷量相同的带正电的点电荷1Q 、2Q 、3Q 的电场线 分布,虚线为某试探电荷从a 点运动到b 点的轨迹,则下列说法正确的是( ) A .该试探电荷为负电荷 B .b 点的电场强度比a 点的电场强度小 C .该试探电荷从a 点到b 点的过程中电势能先增加后减少 D .该试探电荷从a 点到b 点的过程中动能先增加后减少 3.如图所示,平行板电容器经开关S 与电池连接,a 处固定有一电荷量非常小的 点电荷,S 是闭合的,φa 表示a 点的电势,F 表示点电荷受到的静电力,现将电容 器的A 板向上稍微移动,使两板间的距离增大,则() A .φa 变大,F 变大 B .φa 变大,F 变小 C .φa 不变,F 不变 D .φa 变小,F 变小 4.在如图所示的电路中,电源的电动势为E ,内阻为r ,平行板电容器C 的 两金属板水平放置,R 1和R 2为定值电阻,P 为滑动变阻器R 的滑动触头,G 为灵敏电流表,A 为理想电流表。开关S 闭合后,C 的两板间恰好有一质量为 m 、电荷量为q 的油滴处于静止状态。则若将P 向上移动,过程中下列说法正 确的是() A .油滴带正电 B .A 表的示数变大 C .油滴向上加速运动 D .G 中有由a →b 的电流 5.某数码相机的锂电池电动势为3.6V ,容量为1000mA h ,若关闭液晶屏拍摄,每拍一张照片消耗电能约32J ,根据以上信息估算每充满电一次可拍摄多少张照片() A .150 B .200 C .300 D .400

黑龙江省大庆铁人中学2014-2015学年高一下学期期中考试生物试题 Word版含答案

大庆铁人中学2014-2015学年度下学期高一期中考试题 试题2015.5 一、选择题(共30题,每题1分) 1.下列关于ATP和酶的叙述中不正确的是() A.人体内的酶也在不断更新 B.放能反应一般与ATP的合成相联系,释放的能量储存在葡萄糖中 C.ATP中的能量可来自光能和化学能,也可转化为光能和化学能 D.在有氧与缺氧的条件下,细胞质基质都能形成ATP 2.下列选项符合右图示含义的是() A.pH从5升高到7,酶的活性逐渐降低 B.pH从5升高到7,酶的最适温度不变 C.温度从0→A变化过程中,酶的活性逐渐降低 D.该酶的最适pH为7 3.右图表示某绿色植物的非绿色器官在氧浓度为a、b、c、 d时,CO2释放量和O2吸收量的变化。下列相关叙述正确的是 () A.氧浓度为a时,最适于储藏该植物器官 B.氧浓度为b时,无氧呼吸最弱 C.氧浓度为c时,无氧呼吸消耗的葡萄糖是有氧呼吸的1.5倍 D.氧浓度为d时,无氧呼吸与有氧呼吸强度相等 4.在人和植物体内部会发生的物质转化过程是①葡萄糖彻底氧化②葡萄糖转化为乙醇③葡萄糖脱水缩合④葡萄糖分解为丙酮酸 A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①③④ D.①②④ 5.右图示叶绿体的亚显微结构示意图,有关说法不正确的是() A.1与2均有选择透过性 B.与光合作用有关的酶全都分布在3上 C.光反应是在3上进行的 D.暗反应是在4中进行的 6.下列关于[H]的叙述,不正确的是() A.有氧呼吸过程中产生的[H]与氧结合生成水,释放大量的能量 B.在光合作用过程中,[H]可产生于叶肉细胞以及植物根的分生区细胞中

C.葡萄糖在细胞质基质中分解成丙酮酸,生成[H]并释放少量的能量 D.光合作用产生的[H]在暗反应中用于还原C3 7.关于光合作用和化能合成作用的叙述,正确的是() ①与异养生物有关②都将CO2和水合成为有机物③都属自养生物的营养方式④合成有机物所利用能量相同 A.①② B.①③ C.②③ D.②④ 8.下列有关生物体生长的说法正确的是() A.生物体器官大小主要取决于细胞体积的大小 B.相对表面积越小,物质交换的效率越大 C.细胞核中的DNA一般不会随细胞体积增大而增多 D.多细胞生物体生长只依赖于细胞数目的增多 9.下列有关细胞生命历程的说法错误的是() A.细胞衰老,细胞内的色素逐渐减少 B.细胞分化,细胞核内的遗传物质没有发生改变 C.细胞癌变,细胞膜上的糖蛋白减少 D.细胞凋亡,相关基因活动加强,有利于个体的生长发育 10. 关于细胞全能性的理解不确切的是() A.动物细胞培养获得大量细胞,证明了动物体细胞也具有全能性 B.细胞内含有个体发育所需的全部遗传物质是细胞具有全能性的内在因素 C.经植物组织培养得到的试管苗,是植物细胞在一定条件下表现全能性的结果 D.大量的科学事实证明,高度分化的植物体细胞仍具有全能性 11.下列是关于细胞分裂过程中细胞内变化的叙述,能正确表示一个细胞周期内分裂过程的顺序是() ①两个相同DNA分子完全分开②出现放射状排列的细丝③中心体发生倍增④着丝点排列在一个平面上 A.②→③→①→④ B.②→④→③→① C.③→②→④→① D.②→③→④→① 12.关于细胞有丝分裂过程中的说法正确的是() A.细胞中的每一条染色体都只含一个DNA分子 B.姐妹染色单体分开后就成为两个染色体 C.一对染色体复制以后的结果是四条染色体 D.分裂后期染色单体:染色体:DNA=2:1:2


一、第八章 机械能守恒定律易错题培优(难) 1.如图所示,一根轻弹簧一端固定于O 点,另一端与可视为质点的小滑块连接,把滑块放在倾角为θ=30°的固定光滑斜面上的A 点,此时弹簧恰好水平。将滑块从A 点由静止释放,经B 点到达位于O 点正下方的C 点。当滑块运动到B 点时弹簧与斜面垂直,且此时弹簧恰好处于原长。已知OB 的距离为L ,弹簧始终在弹性限度内,重力加速度为g ,则滑块由A 运动到C 的过程中( ) A .滑块的加速度先减小后增大 B .滑块的速度一直在增大 C .滑块经过B gL D .滑块经过C 2gL 【答案】BC 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 AB .弹簧原长为L ,在A 点不离开斜面,则 sin 3( )sin c 3300os 0L k mg L ?≤-? ? 在C 点不离开斜面,则有 ( )cos30cos30cos30L k L mg -?≤?? 从A 点滑至C 点,设弹簧与斜面夹角为α(范围为30°≤α≤90°);从B 点滑至C 点,设弹簧与斜面的夹角为β,则 2sin 30cos mg kx ma β?-= 可知下滑过程中加速度一直沿斜面向下且减小,选项A 错误,B 正确; C .从A 点滑到B 点,由机械能守恒可得 21cos302 p B mgL E mv ?+= 解得 2cos302 32 p p B E E v gL g m g L L m ?+=+=>选项C 正确; D .从A 点滑到C 点,由机械能守恒可得 2 1cos302 P C L mg E mv '+=?

43 222 2 cos303 p p C gL E E L v g gL m m ' =+> + ? = 选项D错误。 故选BC。 2.如图所示,质量为1kg的物块(可视为质点),由A点以6m/s的速度滑上正沿逆时针转动的水平传送带(不计两转轮半径的大小),传送带上A、B两点间的距离为8m,已知传送带的速度大小为3m/s,物块与传送带间的动摩擦因数为0.2,重力加速度为2 10m/s。下列说法正确的是() A.物块在传送带上运动的时间为2s B.物块在传送带上运动的时间为4s C.整个运动过程中由于摩擦产生的热量为16J D.整个运动过程中由于摩擦产生的热量为28J 【答案】BD 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 AB.滑块先向右匀减速,根据牛顿第二定律有 mg ma μ= 解得 2 2m/s a g μ == 根据运动学公式有 01 0v at =- 解得 1 3s t= 匀减速运动的位移 1 06 3m9m8m 22 v x t L + ==?== > 物体向左匀加速过程,加速度大小仍为2 2m/s a=,根据运动学公式得物体速度增大至2m/s v=时通过的位移 22 1 2 m1m 222 v x a === ?


黑龙江省大庆铁人中学2020-2021学年高一上学期期中考试 化学试题 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、单选题 1.关于下列诗句或谚语,说法不正确的是( ) A.“千淘万漉虽辛苦,吹尽狂沙始到金” (唐·刘禹锡)描述的过程主要是物理变化 B.“水乳交融,火上浇油” 前者包含物理变化,而后者包含化学变化 C.“滴水石穿、绳锯木断” 不包含化学变化 D.“落汤螃蟹着红袍” 肯定发生了化学变化 2.下列四个反应(条件略,已配平),酸所体现的性质与其他三者明显不同的是( ) A.MnO2+4HCl(浓)= MnCl2+Cl2↑+2H2O B.Ag+2HNO3(浓)= AgNO3+NO2↑+H2O C.Cu+2H2SO4(浓)CuSO4+SO2↑+2H2O D.3Fe3O4+28HNO3(浓)= 9Fe(NO3)3+NO↑+14H2O 3.下列离子方程式书写正确的是() A.金属铝溶于氢氧化钠溶液: Al+2OH-=AlO2-+H2↑ B.铁和稀盐酸反应: 2Fe + 6H+ =3H 2↑+ 2Fe 3+ C.氧化钠与水反应: O2-=H2O = 2OH- D.澄清石灰水中加入碳酸钠溶液: Ca2+=CO32 -=CaCO3↓ 4.下列离子能大量共存的一组是:() A.Na+= Pb2+= SO42-= Cl-B.Mg2+= CO32-= Cl-= NO3- C.Mg2+= SO42-= K+、NH4+D.Ca2+= OH-= Ba2+= NH4+ 5.下列溶液中,溶质的物质的量浓度不是1 mol·L-1的是 A.10g NaOH固体溶解在水中配成250mL溶液 B.将1mol SO3溶于水并配成1L的溶液 C.将0.5mo1·L-1的NaNO3溶液100mL加热蒸发掉50g水的溶液 D.标况下,将22.4L氯化氢气体溶于水配成1L溶液 6.某学生以铁丝和 Cl2=2Fe+3Cl2 2FeCl3)为原料进行下列三个实验。下列选项正确的是( )


大庆铁人中学高二年级下学期期中考试 英语试题 第I卷选择题部分 一、完形填空(一)(共 20小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 In our modern world, when something wears out, we throw it away and buy a new one. The ____1____ is that countries around the world have growing mountains of ____2____ because people are throwing out more rubbish than ever before. How did we ____3____ a throwaway society? First of all, it is now easier to ____4____ an object than to spend time and money to repair it. ____5____ modern manufacturing and technology, companies are able to produce products quickly and inexpensively. Products are plentiful and ____6____. Another cause is our ____7____ of disposable(一次性的)products. As ____8____ people, we are always looking for ____9____ to save time and make our lives easier. Companies _____10_____ thousands of different kinds of disposable products: paper plates, plastic cups, and tissues, to name a few. Our appetite(胃口)for new products also _____11_____ to the problem. We are _____12_____ buying new things. Advertisements persuade us that _____13_____ is better and that we will be happier with the latest products. The result is that we _____14_____ useful possessions to make room for new ones. All around the world, we can see the _____15_____ of this throwaway lifestyle. Mountains of rubbish just keep getting bigger. To _____16_____ the amount of rubbish and to protect the _____17_____, more governments are requiring people to recycle materials. _____18_____, this is not enough to solve our problem. Maybe there is another way out. We need to repair our possessions _____19_____ throwing them away. We also need to rethink cur attitudes about _____20_____. Repairing our possessions and changing our spending habits may be the best ways to reduce the amount of rubbish and take care of our environment. 1. A. key B. problem C. project D. reason


黑龙江省实验中学2020-2021学年度上学期高二年级期中考试 理科化学试题 考试时间:90分钟总分:100分命题人:王家国 可能用到的相对原子质量:H-1 C-12 O-16 一、单选题(本大题共24小题,每小题2分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的)1.下列说法不正确的是( ) A.油脂是高级脂肪酸甘油酯 B.液态油脂与氢气发生加成反应,可以得到固态油脂 C.油脂没有固定的熔、沸点D.油脂在酸性或碱性条件下,都可以发生皂化反应 2.下列说法中错误的是( ) A.浓硝酸溅到皮肤上使皮肤呈黄色,是由于浓硝酸与皮肤发生了颜色反应 B.误服可溶性重金属盐,立即服用大量牛奶或蛋清可解毒 C.用灼烧的方法可鉴别毛织物和棉织物 D.温度越高,酶对某些化学反应的催化效率越高 3. 将淀粉水解,并用新制的氢氧化铜悬浊液检验其水解产物的实验中,要进行的主要操作有①加热②滴入稀硫酸③加入新制的氢氧化铜悬浊液④加入足量的氢氧化钠溶液。以下各步操作的先后顺序的正确排列是( ) A. ①→②→③→④→① B. ②→①→④→③→① C. ②→④→①→③→① D. ③→④→①→②→① 4.下列制备金属单质的方法或原理正确的是( )。 A.在高温条件下,用H2还原MgO制备单质Mg B.在通电条件下,电解熔融Al2O3制备单质Al C.在通电条件下,电解饱和食盐水制备单质Na D.加强热,使CuO在高温条件下分解制备单质Cu 5.海水开发利用的部分过程如图所示。下列说法错误的是() A.向苦卤中通入Cl2是为了提取溴 B.粗盐可采用除杂和重结晶等过程提纯 C.工业生产中常选用NaOH作为沉淀剂 D.富集溴一般先用空气和水蒸气吹出单质溴,再用SO2将其 还原吸收 6.反应C(s)+H 2O(g)CO(g)+H2(g)在一可变容积的密闭容器中进行,下列条件的改变对其反应速率几乎无影响的是() ①增加C的量①将容器的体积缩小一半①保持体积不变,充入N2使体系压强增大 ①保持压强不变,充入N2使容器体积变大 A.①① B.①① C.①① D.①① 7.可逆反应:2NO2(g)2NO(g)+O2(g),在容积固定的密闭容器中达到平衡状态的标志是() ①单位时间内生成n mol O2的同时生成2n mol NO2 ②单位时间内生成n mol O2的同时生成2n mol NO ③用NO2、NO、O2表示的反应速率之比为2∶2∶1的状态 ④混合气体的颜色不再改变的状态 ⑤混合气体的密度不再改变的状态 ⑥混合气体的压强不再改变的状态 ⑦混合气体的平均相对分子质量不再改变的状态 A.①④⑥⑦ B.②③⑤⑦ C.①③④⑤ D.全部


上海中学高二期末数学试卷 2021.01 一. 填空题 1. 若复数 3i 12i a ++(a ∈R ,i 是虚数单位)是纯虚数,则实数a 的值为 2. 函数()i i n n f x -=?(n ∈N ,i 是虚数单位)的值域可用集合表示为 3. 已知方程22 3212x y λλ +=---+表示焦点在y 轴上的椭圆,则λ的取值范围是 4. 已知双曲线22 221x y a b -=(0a >,0b >)的一条渐近线方程为y =,它的一个焦点 在抛物线224y x =的准线上,则双曲线的方程为 5. 若点(3,1)是抛物线2y px =(0p >)的一条弦的中点,且弦的斜率为2,则p = 6. 把参数方程sin cos sin cos x y θθ θθ=-??=+? (θ为参数,θ∈R )化成普通方程是 7. 已知F 是抛物线2y x =的焦点,A 、B 是该抛物线上的两点,||||3AF BF +=,则AB 的中点到y 轴的距离是 8. 已知复数z 满足条件||1z =,那么|i |z +的最大值为 9. 若曲线2||1y x =+与直线y kx b =+没有公共点,则实数k 、b 分别应满足的条件是 10. 已知1F 、2F 为双曲线22:1C x y -=的左、右焦点,点P 在C 上,1260F PF ∠=?, 则12||||PF PF ?= 11. 已知双曲线22 22:1x y C a b -=(0a >,0b >)的右焦点为F ,过点F 向双曲线的一条 渐近线引垂线,垂足为M ,交另一条渐近线于点N ,若73FM FN =,则双曲线的渐近 线方程为 12. 直线l 与抛物线24y x =交于A 、B 两点,O 为坐标原点,直线OA 、OB 的斜率之积 为1-,以线段AB l 交于P 、Q 两点,(6,0)M , 则22||||MP MQ +的最小值为 二. 选择题 1. 已知椭圆2222122x y a b +=(0a b >>)与双曲线22 221x y a b -=有相同的焦点,则椭圆的离 心率为( ) A. B. 1 2 C. D.

黑龙江省大庆铁人中学2011-2012学年高二下学期第一次阶段考试 生物

大庆铁人中学高二年级下学期第一次阶段考试 生物试题 时间:90分钟命题人:李洋审核人:刘佳菊总分:90分2012.03 一.选择题(每题1分,共40分) 1.基因工程技术也称为DNA重组技术,其实施必须具备的条件是() A.目的基因、DNA聚合酶、RNA聚合酶、载体、受体细胞 B.重组DNA、RNA聚合酶、内切酶、连接酶 C.模板DNA、信使RNA、质粒、受体细胞 D.目的基因、限制性核酸内切酶、DNA连接酶、载体、受体细胞 2.有关基因工程的叙述,正确的是() A.限制酶只在获得目的基因时才使用B.重组质粒的形成是在细胞内完成的 C.质粒都可作为载体D.蛋白质的结构可为合成目的基因提供资料 3.下列叙述符合基因工程概念的是() A.B淋巴细胞与肿瘤细胞融合,杂交瘤细胞中含有B淋巴细胞中的抗体基因 B.将人的干扰素基因重组到质粒后导入大肠杆菌,获得能产生人干扰素的菌株 C.用紫外线照射青霉菌,使其DNA发生改变,通过筛选获得青霉素高产菌株 D.自然界中天然存在的噬菌体自行感染细菌后其DNA整合到细菌DNA上 4.目前,科学家把兔子的血红蛋白基因导入到大肠杆菌细胞中,在大肠杆菌细胞中合成了兔子的血红蛋白。下列那一项不是这一先进技术的理论依据() A.所有生物共用一套遗传密码子 B.基因能控制蛋白质的合成 C.兔子的血红蛋白基因与大肠杆菌的DNA都是由四种脱氧核苷酸构成的,都遵循相同的碱基互补配对原则 D.兔子与大肠杆菌有共同的原始祖先 5.下列有关基因工程操作的叙述正确的是() A.以蛋白质的氨基酸序列为依据合成的目的基因与原基因的碱基序列相同 B.用同种限制性内切酶切割运载体与目的基因可获得相同的黏性末端 C.检测到受体细胞含有目的基因就标志着基因工程操作的成功 D.用含抗生素抗性基因的质粒作为运载体是因为其抗性基因便于与外源基因连接 6.下列关于限制性核酸内切酶的叙述中,错误的是() A.它能在特殊位点切割DNA分子 B.同一种酶切割不同的DNA产生的黏性末端能够很好地进行碱基互补配对 C.它能任意切割DNA,从而产生大量的DNA片段 D.每一种限制性核酸内切酶只能识别特定的核苷酸序列7.质粒作为“分子运输车”的条件是() ①能自我复制②双链环状DNA分子③有多个限制酶切点④有标记基因⑤真核细胞中没有A.⑤B.①②③④ C.①③④D.②③⑤ 8.右图中表示某DNA片段,有关该图的叙述中,不正确的是() A.②③④可形成DNA的基本组成单位 B.④在DNA中特定的排列顺序可代表遗传信息 C.某限制性内切酶可选择⑤作为切点 D.DNA连接酶可连接①处断裂的化学键 9.限制酶可辨识并切割DNA分子上特定的核苷酸序列。下图为四种限制酶BamHⅠ、EcoRⅠ、HindⅢ及BglⅡ的辨识序列及每一种限制酶的特定切割部位。其中哪两种限制酶切割出来的DNA 片段末端可以互补结合,其末端互补序列是() A.BamHⅠ和EcoRⅠ;末端互补序列:—AA TT— B.BamHⅠ和HindⅢ;末端互补序列:—GATC— C.BamHⅠ和BglⅡ;末端互补序列:—GATC— D.EcoRⅠ和HindⅢ;末端互补序列:—AATT— 10.下列DNA片段能够用DNA连接酶连接起来的是() —GC G—GT——CTGCA GC——G —CG TGCAC——G CG——CTTAA ①②③④⑤⑥ A.①和⑤B.①和⑤、②和④ C.①和③D.①和③、④和⑥ 11.正确表示基因操作“四步曲”的是() A.提取目的基因→目的基因导入受体细胞→基因表达载体的构建→目的基因的检测和鉴定B.目的基因的检测和鉴定→提取目的基因→基因表达载体的构建→目的基因导入受体细胞C.提取目的基因→基因表达载体的构建→目的基因导入受体细胞→目的基因的检测和鉴定D.基因表达载体的构建→提取目的基因→目的基因导入受体细胞→目的基因的检测和鉴定12.提高农作物抗盐碱和抗干旱能力的目的基因是() A.抗除草剂基因B.调节细胞渗透压的基因 C.抗冻蛋白基因D.Bt毒蛋白基因 13.对基因组文库的描述,不正确的是() A.含有某种生物的全部基因B.基因中含有启动子和内含子 C.文库的基因是通过受体菌承载的D.文库中的全部基因可以在物种间交流 14.下列关于基因表达载体构建的相关叙述,不正确的是() A.需要限制酶和DNA连接酶B.必须在细胞内进行 C.抗生素抗性基因可作为标记基因D.启动子位于目的基因的首端 15.1970年,特明和巴尔德摩证实了RNA病毒能依赖RNA合成DNA的过程,并发现了催化此过程的酶。下面为形成cDNA的过程和PCR 扩增过程示意图。请根据图解分析,下列说法不正确的


黑龙江省大庆铁人中学自主招生模拟试题物理试卷 一、选择题 1.在探究凸透镜成像规律的实验中,当蜡烛、凸透镜、光屏位于如图所示的位置时,在光屏上呈现一个与凸透镜口径等大的圆形光斑,下列说法正确的是() A.该透镜的焦距为10.00cm B.将光屏向右移动,光斑大小不变 C.将蜡烛向左移动20cm,光屏上会成像 D.若使该透镜成虚像,蜡烛与透镜的距离应小于20cm 2.小刚探究某物质熔化和沸腾的实验如甲所示,他把100g某种固体碾碎后放入试管中,插入温度计,再将试管放在装有水的烧杯中加热(物质在相同时间内吸收的热量相等)。根据实验数据画出的图像如图乙所示,实验结束时,小明发现从开始加热到实验结束的 10min内消耗4g酒精,酒精的热值3.0×107J/kg,这种物质的液态比热容c=1.8×103J/(kg·℃)下列选项错误的是() A.该物质熔化时温度没有改变但内能增加了 B.从开始沸腾到实验结束物质所要吸收的热量为7.2×103J C.该物质固态时的比热容为2.7×103J/(kg℃) D.该装置能量的转化效率为30% 3.楼梯感应灯可由声控开关(有声响时开关闭合)和光控开关(光线较暗时开关闭合)共同控制,某同学设计并组装了一个楼梯感应灯电路,出现了以下异常情况:白天有声响时感应灯亮,无声响时感应灯不亮;晚上无论有无声响,感应灯都不亮.经检查各元件都能正常工作,则下列电路中可能出现以上异常情况的是() A. B. C.

D. 4.如图甲,小球从某高度处由静止下落到竖直放置的轻质弹簧上并压缩弹簧,已知小球从a处开始接触弹簧,压缩至c处时弹簧最短。从a至c处的过程中,小球的速度ν和弹簧被压缩的长度ΔL之间的关系如图乙,且在整个过程中弹簧始终发生弹性形变,则从a至c 处的过程中(不计空气阻力),下列说法中正确的是() A.小球的惯性不断减小 B.小球到达b处时,其所受的合力不为零 C.弹簧的弹性势能不断增大 D.小球所受的重力始终大于弹簧产生的弹力 5.如图,四个完全相同的玻璃瓶内装有质量不等的同种液体,用大小相同的力敲击四个玻璃瓶的同一位置,如果能分别发出“dou(1)”、“ruai(2)”、“mi(3)“、“fa (4)”四个音阶,则与这四个音阶相对应的玻璃瓶的序号是() A.丁丙乙甲B.乙甲丙丁 C.丁甲丙乙D.甲丙乙丁 6.下列说法中正确的是() A.运动速度越大的物体,其惯性越大 B.一个物体的内能增大,其温度不一定会升高 C.做功可以改变物体的内能,但一定要消耗机械能 D.物体受到外力的作用,其运动状态一定会发生改变 7.如图所示,将一个条形磁铁置于水平桌面上,电磁铁左端固定在竖直墙壁上并保持水平。当开关S闭合后,条形磁铁能保持静止状态,下列说法正确的是() A.条形磁铁受到的摩擦力的方向是水平向右的 B.条形磁铁受到的摩擦力的方向是水平向左的


2019-2020学年黑龙江省大庆市铁人中学高一上期末物理试卷 解析版 一.单项选择题:本题共8小题,每小题4分,共32分.在每小题给出的四个项目中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. 1.(4分)以下说法正确的是() A.诗句“人在桥上走,桥流水不流”是以流水为参考系 B.2019年10 月1日举行了国庆70周年大阅兵,阅兵队伍中的战士在训练正步时,可以把自己当成质点 C.平均速度v=△x △t,无论当△t多么小,该式都不可以表示t时刻的瞬时速度 D.2019年12月20日太原卫星发射中心用长征四号乙运载火箭实现了“一箭九星”,火箭竖直发射加速升空时,喷出的气体对火箭的推力与火箭的重力是一对平衡力【解答】解:A、人在桥上走,是以地面做为参考系,桥流水不流,是以水为参考系,故A正确; B、阅兵队伍中的战士在训练正步时,不可以把自己当成质点,否则没有肢体的动作,故 B错误; C、对于平均速度v=△x △t,当△t非常小时,该式可以表示t时刻的瞬时速度,故C错误; D、当火箭竖直发射加速升空时,喷出的气体对火箭的推力大于与火箭的重力,不可能是 一对平衡力,故D错误。 故选:A。 2.(4分)某同学通过实验探究力的矢量合成法则时,发现当两个共点力的合力为10N时,若其中一个分力F1的方向与合力F的方向成30°角,另一个分力F2的大小为5.24N,则他预测以下选项中正确的是() A.F1的大小是唯一的 B.F1的大小可以取任意值 C.F2有两个可能的方向 D.F2的大小可取大于零的所有值 【解答】解:合力大小为10N,一个分力与水平方向的夹角是30°,根据平行四边形定则可知,分力F2的最小值为:F2min=10sin30°=5N 第1 页共18 页

2015-2016学年黑龙江省大庆市铁人中学高二上学期期末考试化学试题 word版

满分:100分考试时间:90分钟 可能用到的相对原子质量: H—1 C—12 O—16 Na—23 S—32 Cl—35.5 Cu—64 Zn—65 Ag—108 第Ⅰ卷(选择题共44分) 一、选择题(本题共 22 小题,每小题只有一个选项最符合题意,每小题 2 分,共 44 分)1.下列物质中,属于“城市空气质量日报”报道的污染物是 A.N2 B.O2 C.CO2 D.SO2 2.具有解热镇痛及抗生素作用的药物“芬必得”主要成分的结构简式为 ,它属于 ①芳香族化合物②脂肪族化合物③有机羧酸④有机高分子化合物⑤芳香烃 A.③⑤ B.②③ C.①③ D.①④ 3.反应 4NH 3(g)+5O2(g) 4NO(g)+6H2O(g)在10L密闭容器中进行,半分钟后,水蒸气的物 质的量增加了0.45mol,则此反应的平均速率v(X)(反应物的消耗速率或生成物的生成速率)可表示为 A.v(NH3) =0.010 mol/(L·s) B.v(O2)=0.001 mol/(L·s) C.v(NO) =0.0010 mol/(L·s) D.v(H2O) =0.045 mol/(L·s) 4.下列物质属于强电解质且能导电的是 ①氯化钠溶液②氯化铵固体③铜④石墨⑤熔融NaOH ⑥稀硫酸⑦乙酸 A.⑤ B.①②⑥ C.②⑤⑥⑦ D.①③④⑤⑥ 5.下列说法不正确的是 A.绿色化学的核心就是利用化学原理减少和消除工业生产对环境的污染 B.石油是由多种碳氢化合物组成的混合物 C.海水淡化的方法主要有蒸馏法、电渗析法、离子交换法等 D.煤的干馏是将煤隔绝空气加强热使之分解的过程

6.在密闭容器中,一定条件下,进行如下反应:NO(g)+CO(g) 1/2N 2(g)+CO2(g) △H=﹣373.2kJ/mol,达到平衡后,为提高该反应的速率和NO的转化率,采取的正确措施是A.加催化剂同时升高温度 B.加催化剂同时增大压强 C.升高温度同时充入N2 D.降低温度同时增大压强 7.海水提镁的主要流程如下: 下列说法正确的是 ①试剂M是盐酸②流程中的反应全部都是非氧化还原反应 ③操作b只是过滤④用海水晒盐后的饱和溶液加石灰乳制Mg(OH)2 ⑤电解熔融MgCl2比电解熔融的MgO制金属镁更节约能量 A.①②③④⑤ B.②③ C.④⑤ D.①④⑤8.某有机化合物的结构如图,关于该化合物的下列说法正确的是 A.由于含有氧元素不是有机物 B.该物质的分子式是 C15H14O C.分子中含有羟基属于醇 D.分子中有三种官能团 9.2,4-二甲基戊烷的一氯代物有 A.2种 B.3种 C.4种 D.5种 10.分子式为C5H12O 且属于醇的同分异构体共有(不考虑立体异构) A.6种 B.7种 C.8种 D.9种 11.下列叙述正确的是 A.在醋酸溶液中加入少量NaHSO4固体,醋酸的电离平衡左移,且溶液中的c(H+)减小B.加热蒸干并灼烧硝酸铝溶液,最终得到的固体是Al(NO3)3 C.常温下,将 pH=1的醋酸溶液稀释1000倍,测得 pH=4 D.熵增加且放热的反应一定是自发反应 12.在下列给定条件的溶液中,一定能大量共存的离子是


黑龙江省实验中学2020—2021学年上学期期末高二年级 数学试题(理) 考试时间:90分钟 总分:100分 Ⅰ卷(选择题 共48分) 一、选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题4分,共48分) 1.下列有关命题的说法正确的是( ) A .命题“若21,1x x >>则”的否命题为“若2 1,1x x >≤则” B .“1x =-”是“”的充要条件 C .命题“,x R ?∈使得210x x ++<”的否定是“,x R ?∈均有2 10x x ++<” D .命题“若x y =,则cos x =cosy ”的逆否命题为真命题 2.a ∈R ,| a |<4成立的一个必要不充分条件是( ) A .a <4 B .| a |<3 C .a 2<16 D .0< a <3 3.直线x sin α-y +2=0的倾斜角的取值范围是( ) A .[0,π) B.????0,π4∪????3π4,π C.??? ?0,π4 D.????0,π4∪??? ?π 2,π 4.圆心在x 轴上,且过点(2,4)的圆与y 轴相切,则该圆的方程是( ) A .22100x y y ++= B .01022=-+y y x C .01022=++x y x D .01022=-+x y x 5.过双曲线22 21(0)4x y b b -=>的左焦点的直线交双曲线的左支于A 、B 两点,且6AB =,这样的直线可以作2 条,则b 的取值范围是( ) A .(] 0,2 B .()0,2 C .( D .( 6.在平面直角坐标系Oxy 中,点B 与点(1,1)A -关于原点O 对称,P 是动点,且直线AP 与BP 的斜率之积等于1 3 ,则动点P 的轨迹方程为( ) A .2232x y -=- B .2232(1)x y x -=≠± C .2232x y -= D .2232(1)x y x -=-≠± 7.在抛物线y 2=8x 中,以(1,-1)为中点的弦所在直线的方程是( ) A .x -4y -3=0 B .x +4y +3=0 C .4x +y -3=0 D .4x +y +3=0 8.设1F ,2F 分别为双曲线22 13 4 x y -=的左,右焦点,点P 为双曲线上的一点.若12120F PF ∠=?,则点P 到x 轴 的距离为( ) A .21 B . 21 C . 21 D 2 230x x --=


七宝中学高二期末数学试卷 2018.06 一. 填空题 1. 将三封录取通知书投入四个邮箱共有 种不同的投递方式 2. 若一个圆锥的侧面展开图是面积为2π的半圆面,则该圆锥的底面半径为 3. 已知空间向量(21,3,0)a x x =+r ,(1,,3)b y y =-r (,)x y ∈R ,如果存在实数λ,使得 a b λ=r r 成立,则x y += 4. 在6(2x +展开式中,常数项为 (用数字作答) 5. 从一堆苹果中任取5个,称得它们的质量如下(单位:克):125、124、121、123、127, 则该样本标准差s = 克 6. 在上海高考改革方案中,要求每位高中生必须在物理、化学、生物、政治、历史、地理6 门学科(3门理科,3门文科)中选择3门学科参加等级考试,小李同学受理想中的大学专 业所限,决定至少选择一门理科学科,那么小李同学的选科方案有 种 7. 若在1 ()n x x -展开式中,若奇数项的系数之和为32,则含4x 的系数是 8. 已知实数x 、y 满足不等式组340210380x y x y x y -+≥??+-≥??+-≤? ,若目标函数z x ay =+恰好仅在点(2,2)处 取得最大值,则实数a 的取值范围为 9. 在9()a b c ++的展开式中,含432a b c 项的系数为 (用数字作答) 10. 已知实数x 、y 满足组合数方程21717x y C C =,则xy 的最大值为 11. 设集合{1,2,3,4,5}I =,选择I 的两个非空子集A 和B ,要使B 中最小的数大于A 中最大的数,则不同的选择方法共有 种 12. 如图,AD 与BC 是四面体ABCD 中互相垂直的棱,若2BC =,2AD c =,AB BD += 2AC CD a +=,其中a 、c 为常数,则四面体ABCD 体积的最大值是 二. 选择题 13. 一个空间几何体的三视图如图所示,则该几何体的体积为( )


))))))) 大庆铁人中学高一年级上学期期末考试 政治试题 试卷说明: 1、本试卷满分100分,考试时间50分钟。 2、请将答案填写在答题卡上,考试结束只上交答题卡。 ?、选择题(25个选择题,每小题 3分,共75分) 1. 2016年里约奥运会开幕,其吉祥物的构思、设计和制作完成后,就迅速进行了商标注册。在这 里,作为有偿使用的奥运会吉祥物标志 A. 是商品,因为具有使用价值 C.是商品,因为是用于交换的劳动产品 2. 近年来,在人民币对美元不断升值的过程中, B ?不是商品,因为不具有使用价值 D ?不是商品,因为它没有用于交换 一些消费者在境外消费以信用卡美元账户支付, 在 最后还款日以人民币还款,享受美元贬值带来的“隐性折扣” 。人民币在此执行 A. 世界货币的职能 B ?价值尺度的职能 C .贮藏手段的职能 D .支付手段的 职 能 3 ?货币本身没有铜臭,一方面它代表已经卖掉的商品,另一方面代表可以买到的商品。这表明 ① 货币的本质是一般等价物 ②货币是社会财富的代表 ③货币具有流通手段的职能 ④货币和商品同时产生,相互依存 A. ①②③ B .①②④ C .①③④ D .②③④ 4. 2015年某企业生产甲商品 10万件,单价为22元;2016年该企业通过技术革新,劳动生产效率 提高了 20%并推动行业劳动生产效率提高 10%假设其他条件不变,2016年该企业生产的甲商品 的价值量和价值总量分别是 A. 启动蔬菜目标价格保护,导致蔬菜种植量和价格的变动 B. 中东石油高产,导致油价和高成本生产商石油供应量的变动 C. 屠呦呦荣获诺贝尔奖,导致短期青蒿素补充剂价格和销量的变 A.20元、264万元 B.22 元、240万元 C.20 元、240万元 D.22 元、264 万元 5 .读图2 ( D 为需求曲线, S 为供给曲线,S ,为变化后的供给曲钱) ,假设其他条件不变,下列情 况与图中反映的信息相符的是 () 动


2019-2020学年黑龙江省大庆市铁人中学高二(下)第一次月考数 学试卷(文科) 一、选择题(本大题共12小题,共60.0分) 1.在复平面内,与复数是虚数单位对应的点位于 A. 第一象限 B. 第二象限 C. 第三象限 D. 第四象限 2.双曲线的焦距为 A. B. C. D. 3.回归分析中,相关指数的值越大,说明残差平方和 A. 越小 B. 越大 C. 可能大也可能小 D. 以上都不对 4.某单位为了落实“绿水青山就是金山银山”理念,制定节能减排的目标,先调查了用电量单 位:千瓦时与气温单位:之间的关系,随机选取了4天的用电量与当天气温,并制作了以下对照表: 单位:171410 单位:千瓦时24343864 由表中数据得线性回归方程:,则由此估计:当某天气温为时,当天用电量 约为 A. 56千瓦时 B. 62千瓦时 C. 64千瓦时 D. 68千瓦时 5.若抛物线的准线经过双曲线的一个焦点,则 A. 2 B. 10 C. D. 6.已知为常数在上有最大值3,那么此函数在上的最小值 是 A. B. C. D. 以上都不对 7.执行如图所示的程序框图,若输出的结果为11,则M处可填入的条件为 A. B. C. D. 8.下列命题: 对立事件一定是互斥事件; 若A,B为两个随机事件,则; 若事件A,B,C彼此互斥,则;

若事件A,B满足,则A与B是对立事件. 其中正确命题的个数是 A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 9.已知是函数的导数,的图象如图所示,则的 图象最有可能是图中 A. B. C. D. 10.方程表示椭圆的必要不充分条件是 A. B. C. D. 11.在5件产品中,有3件一等品和2件二等品,从中任取2件,那么以为概率的事件是 A. 都不是一等品 B. 恰有一件一等品 C. 至少有一件一等品 D. 至多一件一等品 12.已知,是椭圆和双曲线的公共焦点,P是它们的一个公共点,且,则椭圆和 双曲线的离心率的倒数之和的最大值为 A. B. C. 3 D. 2 二、填空题(本大题共4小题,共20.0分) 13.用秦九韶算法计算多项式当时的 值时,的值为______ . 14.设抛物线上一点P到x轴的距离是4,则点P到该抛物线焦点的距离是______. 15.在体积为的球内随机取一点,则该点到球心距离不超过的概率为______.
