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经验交流专刊。请根据以下问题及你的实际情况,以”my English learning”为题写一篇英文稿件(1)when did you start learning English? (2)What problems do you have in learning English?

(3)What helpful ways do you know to learn English well?


English is one of(后加复数名词) my best subject s and I started learning(start和stop一样,+-ing形式表示开始/停止做

某事,+to do形式表示开始/停止去做另一件事) English when I was 10 years old. But at the very beginning(在最开始的时候), listening seemed(似乎)a little difficult for me. So I have been doing(过去进行时,表示过去的某一段时间一直在做这件事情) a lot of listening practice, such as listening to tapes, watching English TV programs. And I found it really helped a lot. I enjoy(与finish相同,后面都要家动词

-ing形式)singing English songs and I want to join an English club(英语俱乐部) or find a pen pal(笔友)from English-speaking countries.

I believe that (believe后加一个that引导的从句)nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it.


Proverb about study 关于学习的谚语

1.where there's a will, there's a way. 有志者事竟成。

2.well begun is half done. 好的开头是成功的一半。

3.practice makes perfect熟能生巧。

4.strike while the iron is hot.趁热打铁

5. A young idler(懒汉), an old beggar(乞丐). 少壮不努力老大


6.Never too old to learn, never too late to turn.

As the old saying goes... 俗话说的好......(用到谚语,可用此句作为开头)

2. 假如你是,来到旅游。把你的旅游经历写信告诉你的朋友。信的开头和结尾已给出,请你完成信的容。要求:(1)中心突出,语义连贯,层次清晰,书写规(2)词数80词左右

Dear Peter,

I am having a wonderful time in China. I’ve done(have done 现在完成时态,已经做某事) so many things! I went to the Palace Museum (故宫博物馆)after I got to(get to 到达某地) Beijing. It’s one of the most famous places in China. Then I have eaten roast duck in Quanjude Roast Duck Restaurant. It tastes delicious. What’s more(更重要的是), my pen friend in Beijing has invited me to see Beijing Opera in Teahouse.

There’s only one thing I have n’t done yet(还,用于否定句句末): I haven’t climbed up the Great Wall(长城). What a pity!(实在太可惜了!) I hope my dream to the Great Wall will come true(实现,通常与dream连用) one day(此处指将来的某一天).

Bye for now,


这篇文章最重要的是采用了先后顺序,此处的用法可以借鉴。比如:I did sth.after I got to+地点. Then I... . What’s more, ......

I hope my dream to do sth. will come true one day. 这是一个


3. 据本模块所学的太空知识,以及你平日对太空的了解写一篇关于人类探索太空的文章,文中要包含以下几个容:(1)Is there life in space except the Earth? Why? (2) What’s the solar system? (3) What have scientists done to explore the universe?要求:中心突出,语义连贯,层次清晰,书写规,字数80词左右。

Scientists(科学家) think that there has been life on Earth for millions of(成千上万的......)year. However, we haven’t found life on other planets yet. Because none of them has an environment with air, people and things can’t grow.

The Earth is a planet and it goes around the sun. The sun and its planets are called the solar system(太阳系). It's a small part of our galaxy(银河系).

Scientists have sent lots of spacecraft(宇宙飞船) to look at other planets in our solar system, and some spacecraft have gone beyond(超过) it. However, no one has discovered any life in space yet.




Dear Sir,

I’m very sad to write this letter to you!(写信的开头,sad,happy 等形容词可根据实际情况而定)

My classmate Li Wen really needs your help. We are from (=come from) a poor village in Gansu Province. She is 15 years old. In her family, she has two sick parents and three brothers and sisters. All the children must help the family a lot. But her elder brother and sister are still in the university. His family hasn’t had enough money to pay for(支付......) her

education yet. Last month, she drop ped out of school(退学)unluckily. However, her dream to go back to school is still kept in her heart. All of us hope that Project Hope can give her a hand(give sb. a hand=help sb. 帮助某人) and make her dream come true(让她实现梦想).

I really hope for your letter!

Best wishes

Wang Yan

5. Every day, I enjoy(enjoy+doing) listening to different kinds of English songs after class. Pop music is my favourite. Some have a slow pace(舒缓的节奏) and I can hear the lyrics(歌词) clearly, but others are not. If I have difficulties in understanding(have difficulty in doing sth. 做某时有困难) the lyrics, I will surf the Internet(上网) and look up in the dictionary (查词典,注意是用look up 动词). Step by step(一步步地,慢慢地), my English is improve d(提高,改善)greatly.

In addition(除此之外,另外), every time I finish listening, I feel relaxed and pleased(我感到轻松愉快). After a long time (一段时间之后), I realize(意识到,后加that从句)that I can sing so many English songs and I find it not hard for me to learn a new one any more. I am really looking forward to(look forward to doing 期待做某事) listen ing to more new English songs.
