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新加坡 小学数学Math Stars Grade 4

新加坡 小学数学Math Stars Grade 4
新加坡 小学数学Math Stars Grade 4

Someone said, "A picture is worth a thousand words." Turning the words of a problem into a picture or a diagram can help you "see" the problem. By using the part of your brain that visualizes a situation or object, you may see relationships or information that helps you solve the problem. When someone tells you a story, try turning the words into a motion picture or a cartoon. When reading a descrip-tion, try "seeing it in your mind's eye." If you can do these things, this strategy may be for you! Try using a picture or make a diagram to solve this problem:

Strategy of the Month

Every bike slot in a bicycle rack was filled. Donna's bike was in the middle. There

were six bikes to the right of Donna's. How

many bicycles were in the bicycle rack?


1. What number could be added to 150 so that the sum would be between 500 and 525?

Answer: ___________________

5555 2. Find three ways that the sum of

three digits in a line equal 17. Don't repeat the

digits within a design.

555 3. If you begin with a certain two-digit

number and follow the arrows, you will end with 45.

MathStars Home Hints

Every year you grow and change in many different ways. Get someone to help you measure and record these data about your-self. Be sure to save the information because we will measure again in two months!How tall are you? _____________________How much do you weigh? ______________What is the circumference of your head?

_______________________Problem solving is what you do when you don't know what to do. Being a good problem solver will help you be ready to live and work in our changing world. Computers can do computations but people must tell the computers what to do. Good problem solvers know how to make plans and use many

different strategies in carrying out their plans. They use all of their past experiences to help them in new situations. Welearn to swim by getting in the water;we learn to be good problem solvers by solving problems!

Setting Personal Goals

55 4. How can you remove two toothpicks

from the square shape below and leave two

squares of dfferent sizes? Cross out the two that

should be removed.

Number of organisms in each person's square foot of space on the playground.28, 29, 17, 21, 36, 20,33, 11, 22, 33, 35, 41

11, 72

0, 1, 2

555 6. John is twice as old as his sister Mary.

Mary's age is 1/6 the age of her mother. Their mother is 30. How old are John and Mary?

John _____

Mary _______

55 7. Find all the right angles on the house

below. Put a square on each one like this:

55 8. Use the digit 8 four times to make 89.

555 9. Place the other letters of the alphabet

above or below the line given below using the same rule that was used for A through I .





555 5. Miss Black's class began a stem and

leaf graph of the following data. Complete the graph.

About these newsletters...

The purpose of the MathStars Newsletters is to challenge students beyond the classroom setting. Good problems can inspire curiosity about number relationships and geometric properties. It is hoped that in accepting the challenge of mathematical problem solving, students, their parents, and their teachers will be led to explore new mathematical hori-zons.

As with all good problems, the solutions and strategies suggested are merely a sample of what you and your students may discover. Enjoy!!

Discussion of problems.....

1.(any number between 350 and 375 ) This problem is two-step in that students must find the

difference between 150 and 500 and then 150 and 525. By having the word between in the

problem, 350 and 375 are not considered correct.

2.(Combinations of digits that work are 6-9-2, 3-9-5, 1-9-7, 5-8-4, 6-8-3, 7-8-2, 6-7-4, 9-7-1,

8-7-2.) The combinations listed all add up to 17. The middle digit should be in the middle

circle of each design. Digits smaller than 7 will not work in the middle because of having to



unknowns. Students should check to be sure their answers work when they work from left to right.

4.(The diagram below shows one possible answer) Some students have difficulty with visual

imagery; manipulatives should be available for those who wish to construct the figure.

5. 1 1, 7 Students should be able to use their number sense to figure that a stem

2 0, 1, 2, 8, 9 and leaf graph divides each piece of data into tens and ones. The

3 3, 3, 5, 6 data is placed in ascending order.

4 1

6.(Mary is 5 and John is 10) This is a two step problem but has easy computation. Students need

to find a number that is already known--the mother's age. Mary is 1/6 of 30 or 5 years old. It is easy then to figure that John is twice as old as Mary--10 years old. Students need to be able to divide 30 into 6 equal parts to figure 1/6 if they do not know how to divide mentally.

7.(17 right angles) There are two squares and one rectangle making 12 right angles. The bottom

of the door meets the bottom of the house forming two more. The chimney has two obvious

right angles at the top but also forms a right angle where the right vertical line meets the horizon-tal line on the top of the house. Students may think the roof forms a right angle but if you

measure with the corner of a piece of paper it is a little larger than a right angle.

8.(88 + 8/8 = 89) Encourage students to create similar problems to challenge their classmates.

9. A E F H I K L M N T V W X Y Z

Letters made from straight line segments go above the line while those with a curve go below the line. Two reasons for including such problems in your regular classroom routine are: A. They

help break up the mind set established by an abundance of patterning problems (showing that in fact, there may not be a numerical pattern to explain all logical arrangements of symbols).

B. A small percentage of students will see the solution to this problem immediately. These are

students who perhaps have trouble with patterning problems but can be rewarded for seeing

something that most students have difficulty with.

Strategy of the Month

Your brain is an organizer. It organizes infor-mation as it stores that information. When a problem involves many pieces of information,your brain will have an easier time sorting through it if you make an organized list. A list helps you be sure you have thought of all of the possibilities without repeating any of them. Like drawing a picture or making a diagram, making an organized list helps your brain "see" the problem clearly and find a solution. Try making an organized list to solve this problem: If you must use 15 or fewer coins, how many different combinations of coins can be used to

make $1.00?

555 2. Principal Greene orders pencils for the

school store by rounding the number of students in each grade to the nearest 10 and doubling that number. What is the total number of pencils he will order?

Answer: _______ pencils Grade K 1


3 4 5# of

students 87 94


78 72 84

55 3. A digital clock shows either three or

four digits. At what time do the digits have the greatest sum?

555 1. What is the volume of the solid figure

below? If the outside were painted blue, how many cubes would have only three sides painted blue?

____ cm 3 is the volume

____ cubes are painted blue on three sides

5 4. How many squares are in the figure


Answer: _____ squares

55 5. Three friends shared some cookies.

They each got two and two-thirds cookies. How many cookies did they have altogether before they divided them?

Setting Personal Goals

Being able to ask good questions will help you in many ways. Use these to solve problems: ? What information do I know? ? What else do I need to find out?

? What question am I trying to answer? ? Have I missed anything?

? Does my answer make sense? Practice asking good questions!

MathStars Home Hints

Sometimes the hardest part of solving a problem is just getting started. Having some steps to follow may help you.

1. Understand the information in the problem and what you are trying to find out.

2. Try a strategy you think might help you solve the problem.

3. Find the solution using that strategy or try another way until you solve the problem.

4. Check back to make certain your answer makes sense.

x = ____

y = ____

z = ____

55 7. On this spinner, the probability of

getting a one is 1/2 or 1 out of 2. What is the probability of getting a 2?

558. Circle the whole number below that is

closest to the sum of these numbers:

2 + 6 + 8 + 1 =17




555 9. Katie gave a number problem to

Jenny. She told her to pick a number, double it,

add 10 to it, and then subtract 2. Jenny's answer was 34. What number did Jenny pick?

Answer: ____________________

555 10.Show how you could divide a circle

into 11 pieces using only 4 straight lines.


35817155555 6. Given y is two times x , z is three

times x , and x + y + 3z = 12. What are the values of x , y , and z?

About these newsletters...

The purpose of the MathStars Newsletters is to challenge students beyond the classroom setting. Good problems can inspire curiosity about number relationships and geometric properties. It is hoped that in accepting the challenge of mathematical problem solving, students, their parents, and their teachers will be led to explore new mathematical hori-zons.

As with all good problems, the solutions and strategies suggested are merely a sample of what you and your students may discover. Enjoy!!

Discussion of problems.....

1.(21 cm3 and 7 have 3 faces painted ) This will be a very challenging problem for students

who have difficulty visualizing the blocks that aren't visible. It is helpful to build the figure. It is also helpful to mark the faces on the cubes with 3 faces painted.

2.(1,020 pencils) Students will either round off, add, then double or double the number in

each grade level as it is rounded. If by chance they add all the numbers, double, and then

round off they will get the same answer.

3.( 9:59) At 9:59 the sum of the digits is 23. Students who answer 12:59 may be assuming that

the sum of any four numbers is greater than the sum of three numbers.

4.(10 squares) If students have never solved this type of problem they will count the most

obvious squares. It is helpful to count and tally squares by their size working from smallest to largest or largest to smallest.

5.(8 cookies) Most students will draw a picture of this problem since they do not know how to

multiply (2 2/3 ) x 3.

6.(x = 1, y = 2, z = 3) Picturing algebra makes for a good beginning and substituting values for

x, y, and z to make a true statement is not a bad approach to this problem. Assigning a value to x may be the key to solving this problem. Substituting centimeter cubes for numbers could

provide a hands-on-approach.

7.(1/4 or 1:4) This problem will help students to "get a feel" for probability. If a line is extended

across the circle they will see that 1 has 2 out of 4 chances (2:4 or 1:2) and 2 and 3 each have a

1 out of 4 chance (1:4).

8.(19) In a small group explore a similar problem. The denominators should be large enough to

discourage computation and the fractions should be close to 1 or 0 in value. They would see that two of these fractions are close to 1 and two are close to 0.

9.(13) Working backwards using opposite operations is a key to this type of problem.

10.(See diagram for one possible solution)











Strategy of the Month

Being a problem solver is something like being a detective! A detective has to solve crimes by guessing what happened and checking the guess to see if it fits the situation. For some problems,your best strategy may be to make a guess and then check to see if your answer fits the problem.If not, decide if your guess was too high or too low and then make a second "guesstimate." A good detective keeps records (usually some kind of chart) to help see any patterns and to narrow down the possibilities. You should do this too.The results of incorrect guesses can give you valuable clues to the correct solution. Guess and then check the solution to this problem: I am a 2-digit number over 50. When you put me in groups of 7, 2 are left over. The

sum of my digits is 11. What number am I?

555 1. Nine cubes form to make an X . If the complete figure is painted red, how many cubes have exactly four faces painted red? How are the remaining cubes painted? Write on each cube the number of its faces that are painted.555 2. November 8 is on Wednesday. Gary's birthday is in November. This year his birthday is on a weekend. The date has two digits. You say the date when you count by twos. The sum of the digits is 8. What is the day and date of Gary's birthday?

Day of the week ______________Date _____________

55 3. Lila saw a shirt on sale at 25% (1/4) off.It's original price was $12. How much is the shirt now?

555 4. On a 20 question math test, your teacher gives you five points for every correct answer and takes away one point for each incorrect answer. If you score 70 on the test, how many did you get correct?

Answer: _________ correct

Setting Personal Goals

Communicating mathematically means that you are able to share your ideas and under-standings with others orally and in writing.Because there is a strong link between lan-guage and the way we understand ideas, you should take part in discussions, ask questions when you do not understand, and think about how you would explain to someone else the steps you use in solving problems.

MathStars Home Hints

Memorizing number facts will save you time.Flash cards are one way to learn new facts, but you also might try these ideas:

? play dice or card games in which you need to add, subtract, multiple, or divide.

? learn new facts using ones you already know (7+7 =14 so 7+8=15).

? learn facts that are related to each other (7x6=42, 6x7=42, 42÷6=7, 42÷7=6).? make a list of the facts you need to memorize and learn 5 new facts each week.

? Spend 5-10 minutes every day practicing facts. 5. What would the next shape look like?Draw it on the line.

Answer: _______________________

6. Allison's mom baked five pies for her

birthday party. Each person who came to the party ate one piece, and all the pieces were the same size. The pies that were left over are shown below. How many people came to the party?

Answer: _______ pieces

7. The pictures below all show the same block, but seen from a different view each time:

Draw the design that is opposite these sides.

8. It's now 12:10 p.m. What time was it 15minutes ago?

Answer: ___________________

empty plate

empty plate empty plate

About these newsletters...

The purpose of the MathStars Newsletters is to challenge students beyond the classroom setting. Good problems can inspire curiosity about number relationships and geometric properties. It is hoped that in accepting the challenge of mathematical problem solving, students, their parents, and their teachers will be led to explore new mathematical hori-zons.

As with all good problems, the solutions and strategies suggested are merely a sample of what you and your students may discover. Enjoy!!

Discussion of problems.....

1.(4 cubes have 4 faces painted red. The middle cube has two faces painted and the outer

cubes have 5 faces painted. ) Marking small cubes to check this would help some children

who have trouble visualizing this problem. Different shapes and numbers of cubes could also be used to explore this type of problem.

2.(Sunday, November 26) Clue A (birthday on a weekend) does not help as much as B, C, and

D. If we consider clue D we know that 17 and 26 are the only numbers to fit this condition.

Clue C indicates an even number--26. Clue B is a further check. Some students may want to draw a calendar to determine and check their answer. Children need calendar practice and

enjoy making up this type of problem.

3.($9.00) This is an introduction to percents. Discuss the idea of finding 1/4 of 12 and subtract-

ing it. Introducing other familiar percentages compared to fractions in newspaper ads or other real life examples will help students understand percentages.

4.(15 correct) It may be easier for some students to make a table for this problem. A sample


Problems Correct Points Points Taken Away Score









(See diagram below) The shapes move from the inside out as you move from left to right with this geometric pattern and the outside shape becomes the innermost shape of the next picture to its right. You might want to have the students share what they noticed about the pictures as they go from the left to the right.


(29 people) There are different ways to solve this problem. Two possible solutions follow:

A. I counted 8 pieces in each pie and did (8 x 3) + 5.

B. I knew there were 8 pieces in each pie and that there were (8 x 5) pieces altogether. I could see 11 pieces left, so I found (8 x 5) - 11.




It would be a good idea to have manipulatives available for the students to use with this problem.Some students would probably find it helpful to actually mark the faces of a box or cube with pictures to match the block in the example.8.

(11:55 A.M.) It is important that the students indicate A.M. to make this problem correct. A

follow-up question might be, "Is that at night or in the daytime?".

Strategy of the Month

Noticing patterns helps people solve problems at home, at work, and especially in math class!Math has been called "the study of patterns," so it makes sense to look for a pattern when you are trying to solve a problem. Recognizing patterns helps you to see how things are orga-nized and to make predictions. If you think you see a pattern, try several examples to see if using the pattern will fit the problem situation.Looking for patterns is helpful to use along with other strategies such as make a list or guess and check. How can finding a pattern

help you solve this problem?

5555 1. How many cubes will it take to build the next figure in the pattern below?

555 3. Color the square below so that 50% is

red, 25% is green, and 25% is yellow.

If the first day of a year is a Friday what day of the week is February 19 of the same year?

5 5. What fraction of the letters in the word MULTIPLY are also in the word PRODUCT?

555 4. Which sum is most likely to be rolled on a pair of dice, 3 or 7?

__________is most likely. Why would this be


55 2. At Henry's Restaurant, a customer gets a free lunch after paying for six. Caroline ate lunch at Henry's 50 times last year. How many of those 50 lunches were free?

Setting Personal Goals

If your goal is to become a more responsible student, it means that you

? actively participate in class. ? complete your assignments.

? have everything you need in class.

? ask for help when you do not understand. ? be willing to investigate new ideas.

MathStars Home Hints

Set aside a special time each day to study. This should be a time to do homework, to review, or to do extra reading. Be organized and have a special place in which to work.This place needs to have a good light and to be a place where you can concentrate. Some people like to study with quiet music; others like to sit at the kitchen table.You need to find what works for you!Remember that when you are reviewing or working on solving problems it may help to study in a group.

55 6. This recipe makes four servings of

lemonade. How many lemons are needed to make ten servings of lemonade?

2 lemons

2 quarts of water 1/2 cup of sugar

Squeeze lemon juice into a pitcher.Add water and sugar. Stir well and pour over ice.


555 7. Sam and Sue have only nickels and

dimes. Sue has 35¢. Sam has the same number of dimes as Sue has nickels, and he has half as many nickels as Sue has dimes. How many nickels does Sue have?

55 8. There are 12 pages in Bill's football card album. Each side of the page holds 12 cards.When his book is half full, how many cards will Bill have collected?

555 9. If you must use two quarters and a total of 8, 9, or 10 coins, how many different combinations of coins can be used to make a dollar? Use the table below to find your answer.

# of coins Quarters Dimes Nickels Pennies


555 10. A cereal company puts a 10¢ coupon in every other box of cereal it packages. It puts a pencil in every fifth package and a coupon for a free hamburger in every eighth package. Out of the first 100 boxes, how many will have all three items: a 10¢ coupon, a pencil, and a free hamburger coupon?

About these newsletters...

The purpose of the MathStars Newsletters is to challenge students beyond the classroom setting. Good problems can inspire curiosity about number relationships and geometric properties. It is hoped that in accepting the challenge of mathematical problem solving, students, their parents, and their teachers will be led to explore new mathematical hori-zons.

As with all good problems, the solutions and strategies suggested are merely a sample of what you and your students may discover. Enjoy!!

Discussion of problems.....

1.(40 ) The pattern is 1, 6, 18, 40. It would be helpful to have manipulatives available so stu-

dents could build these models. Some students may be able to figure out how many cubes

have been added to the "steps" each time without using models.

2.(7 lunches if the first lunch of the year was paid for, or 8 lunches if the first lunch of the

year was free because it was earned the previous year. ) Students will probably make a

diagram to solve this problem. Regardless of the number of lunches the customer "carries

over" from the previous year (1- 5), the number of free lunches will still be 7 if the first lunch of the year is not free.

3.(Answers may vary) Most students will realize that there are 36 small triangles ( 4 for each

small square) in the large square. 50% or 18 of them must be red, 25% or 9 of them yellow,

and 25% or 9 of them green.

4.(7 is most likely) Using a pair of dice there are more ways to roll a sum of seven: 1 and 6, 2

and 5, 3 and 4. The only combination that will give 3 is 1 and 2.

5.(3/8) Three letters, u, t, and p are in both words, and there are 8 letters in multiply.

6.(5 lemons) It is important to recognize that there are half as many lemons as there are

servings. So for 10 servings it would take 5 lemons. The problem would become more

challenging if the recipe called for 3 lemons.

7.(Sam: 3 dimes and 1 nickel, Sue: 2 dimes and 3 nickels) Finding combinations of nickels

and dimes to make 35¢ yields several possibilities, but only one satisfies all of the conditions.

8.(144 cards) Half of the football card album would be 6 pages. Since there are 2 sides to each

page there would be a total of 12 sides. Then you would multiply that times the12 cards to get 144 cards. An alternative might be to multiply 24 (the number of cards per page) times the six pages.

9.(See table below) This would be an excellent place to use real coins; however, "play money"

would also be an acceptable manipulative.

# of coins Quarters Dimes Nickels Pennies

8 9 102








10.(2 boxes, the 40th and the 80th boxes) Students can solve this problem by finding the least

common multiple of 2, 5, and 8. The next common multiple of these three numbers greater than

40 and less than 100 is 80.

Strategy of the Month

Sometimes mathematical ideas are hard to think about without something to look at or to move around. Drawing a picture or using objects or models helps your brain "see" the details,organize the information, and carry out the action in the problem. Beans, pennies, tooth-picks, pebbles, and cubes are good

manipulatives to help you model a problem. You can use objects as you guess and check or look for patterns. Try using objects to help you solve this problem:

Twenty-seven cubes are placed together to make a large cube that is painted on the outside. How many small cubes will have 2

and only 2 faces painted?

55 1. Draw a picture of what the tetromino would look like after it is turned or rotated 90degrees.

Before 90 degree turn After 90 degree turn

5555 2. Find the products of the following problems. Look for a pattern in the products.Write a rule for the product. Do you think it will always work?

44 23 32x11 x11 x11

Rule: _______________________

55 3. Fill in the missing numerals.

_____ x _____ x 2 = 42

55 4. If the area of each small square is 10centimeters, what is the area of the entire figure?

MathStars Home Hints

Remember when you had "Show and Tell" in kindergarten? Now you have a great deal to share in mathematics. Talk to the folks at home about what you are learning. Show them your papers and tell them about what is happening in your math class. Let them see that you are doing problems in class similar to these. Each week choose an assignment that you are proud of and display it at your house.

Mathematics is all around us. We use it every day in personal living and in all of our school work. When we read graphs in social studies,gather and use data in science investigations,or count in music or physical education, we are using mathematics. We make connections in our math classes also, for example, measure-ment skills help us in solving many geometry problems, and classification skills help us in organizing data. We use computation in many different situations. You will become a stonger mathematics student by making connections.

Setting Personal Goals

555 5. Below is a map of Centerville. Use it to answer the questions below it.


Name a road that is perpendicular to Main Street _____________________

Name a road that is parallel to Main Street __________________________

If you drove east on Main Street, which way would you turn to enter Second Avenue?_________________

5557. List the possible pizza combinations Mary Beth can pick that have only one topping.List the combinations using letters. The first one is done for you.

Size A. small B. medium C. large Crust D. thick E. thin F. pan

Possible combinations: ADG,

5558. There are five people at a meeting. If each person shakes hands with each of the others once, how many handshakes are exchanged?

F i r s t A v e.

S e c o n d

A v e.T h i r d A v e.

Main Street

L o




r .

Green Street

Toppings G. cheese H. pepperoni

I. hamburger

5 6. Complete the following to make a true subtraction example.

– 2 9 8 1 8 0 3 1


About these newsletters...

The purpose of the MathStars Newsletters is to challenge students beyond the classroom setting. Good problems can inspire curiosity about number relationships and geometric properties. It is hoped that in accepting the challenge of mathematical problem solving, students, their parents, and their teachers will be led to explore new mathematical hori-zons.

As with all good problems, the solutions and strategies suggested are merely a sample of what you and your students may discover. Enjoy!!

Discussion of problems.....

Help students understand how to do this by cutting out the T and actually turning it 90

degrees. Orienting it on a large right angle and then turning it may be helpful. The most com-mon mistake will be just flipping the shape horizontally, vertically or rotating it too far.

2.(484, 253, 352 The pattern students should recognize is that the hundreds and the ones

place of each product make the original number and the middle digit of each product is

the sum of the other two digits in the product.) Early in the fourth grade students may not

have been able to multiply by two digits; however, with the use of number sense they can come up with the answer. Ex. "44 one time is 44 and 44 ten times is 440 so 440 + 44 = 484"

3.(7 x 3 x 2 = 42 or 21 x 1 x 2 = 42) Students can either guess/check/revise or work backward

by saying "what did I have to have before multiplying by 2 to get 42?" Then, "what would I

have to multiply together to get 21?"

4.(120 square centimeters) Each small square represents 1/12 of the entire figure, so the area of

the figure is 12 x 10 or 120 square centimeters.

5.(First, Second or Third Avenues; Green Street; You would turn left off of Main St.) This

example gives the students practice in map reading. Possibly this would be a good time to

introduce other city or state maps.


6. 4 0 6 2 9

2 2 5 9 8

1 8 0 3 1

Many students will probably use the method of checking a subtraction problem by addition to

solve this example. It would be interesting to have the students explain their procedure. Stu-

dents might enjoy making up similar problems for other classmates to solve.


BEI, BFG, BFH, BFI, CDG, CDH, CDI, CEG, CEH, CEI, CFG, CFH, CFI--27 DIFFER-ENT COMBINATIONS) Taking an organized approach to this problem will help the students.

A good extension to this problem would be to add one more topping.

9.(10 handshakes) Two effective strategies are drawing a diagram or using simpler problems to

help find a pattern.

2 people X X 1 shake

X +2

3 people X X 3 shakes

4 people X X +3

X X 6 shakes


5 people X X +4

X X10 shakes

Each X represents one of the five people. Each line connecting two X's represents a handshake.

The handshake between person 1 and person 2 is the same as the handshake between person 2 and person 1.


新加坡的小学英语科 新加坡实行双语教育 政策,即所有的学生,一方面要学习自己的母语哩另一方面又要学习英语。英语也是新加坡政府规定的四种官方语言之一,又是惟一法定的工作语言,虽然新加坡华人占绝大多数,但英语并非“外语” ,而是最重要的国语。由此有人指出,新加坡的“双语教育”政策的实质是“双语教育,英语为本”。 新加坡小学的教育目标是为以后的学习打下基础,因而主要课程是母语、英语和数学,其中母语和英语尤其重要。由于新加坡实行分流教育制度,导致不同阶段不同班级对英语的要求有所不同。小学一年级至四年级为基础阶段、所有的学生都必须学习英语,母语和英语都是学习的重点。各校根据教育部课程发展署的规定使用某种教材。1981年开始选用PER(Primary English Programe)和NESPE 两种英语教材,教材仍以结构法(structura1 approach) 为主。1991 年修订新大纲后,强调以交际为主,提倡发展儿童智力、启发逻辑思维穹培养能力。教材改用新编的PETS(Primary English Thematic Series) 。此教材通过教学实验后,师生反映内容较深,儿童难学。 新加坡小学开设的英语课,除正课外,教育部还规定每周有一节英语会话课。会话课由一位教师专门负责辅导,主要启发学生开口讲、参与活动,训练学会思考、分析问题和解决问题的能力,师生反映较好。新加坡小学四年级末通过考试进行分流,学生被分流到不同的班级,进入定向阶段。定向阶段分为正常双语班、延长双语班和单语班,前二者均修读英语和母语,后者只修读母语,虽然英语不是一门正式课程,但仍需学习英语口语。在整个小学阶段,平均而言,学生接触英语的总时间(包括英语科目和用英语教授其他科目占用的时间)比母语要多得多,英语为71%,母语为29%。由此可见,英语在新加坡小学学科课程中是王关重要的。 原文摘自: http://www.iedu.sg/show-19-8505-1.html


PRACTICE 5 Vocabulary (5 marks) Choose the most suitable answer and write its number in the brackets provided. (5*1=5 marks) ()1. Yacob looked at the aggressor without battli ng a/an __________ A. ear B. lips C. eyelid D. no stril ()2. The _________ of elepha nts are stack ing heavy logs. A. bevy B. herd C. flock D. shoal ()3. Despite her many successes, Tenzin rema ins __________ . A. humble B. beautiful C. proud D. silly ()4. We were struck by the __________ of his character. A. shame B. beauty C. model D. attractio n ()5. People on the street are stari ng at that lady's ___________ . A. n eat B. sutiable C. clea n D. stra nge Grammar (35 marks) Underline the correct word in each of the brackets. (14*1=14 marks) 6. Pulau Rendang has developed ( in, in to, on ) a tourist attracti on. 7. The twins ( is, are, have ) going to visit their grandmother later. 8. Of all the childre n, only three ( wear, wears, weari ng ) spectacles. 9. A salad ( is, are, am ) a mixture of fresh fruits and vegetables. 10. Are there ( any, much, a ) cookies in the jar? 11. Fruits and nuts ( is, are, am ) good for our body. 12. The coc onut tree is useful to ( us, our, ours ). 13. My friends ( like, likes, lik ing ) my stickers. 14. The bottle of min eral water ( is, are, am ) almost empty. 15. Mingmei returned the book to me as it was ( I, me, mine ). 16. There isn't ( eno ugh, few, some ) flour to bake cookies. 17. Weili ng does not ( like, likes, lik ing ) to eat meat.


新加坡小学二年级英语试卷P R A C T I C E LEKIBM standardization office【IBM5AB- LEKIBMK08- LEKIBM2C】

PRACTICE 3 Vocabulary (15 marks) Choose the most suitable answer and write its number in the brackets provided. (15*1=15 marks) ( ) 1. The piglets loved the dirty ___________. A. kennel B. cage C. sty D. coop ( ) 2. She strung the __________ into a beautiful necklace. A. marbles B. beads C. balls D. counters ( ) 3. Mr Tan's __________ is driving him to his office. A. chauffeur B. caddie C. housewife D. clerk ( ) 4. Zebras have __________ to hide from enemies. A. dots B. stripes C. lines D. strips ( ) 5. Adrian plays the ___________ very well. A. piano B. violin C. flute D. trumpet ( ) 6. The cake which was left in the oven was ___________. A. ashes B. burnt C. black D. sooty ( ) 7. The girl cried __________ when she lost her pen. A. happily B. sadly C. joyously D. curiously ( ) 8. Mrs Selvi looks fabulous in her _________. A. uniform B. sari C. qipao D. pyjamas A. uniform B. sari C. qipao D. pyjamas ( ) 9. The dough has to be _________ to make the bread. A. beaten B. kneaded C. pressed D. changed ( ) 10. The __________ arrested the burglar. A. policeman B. fireman C. chef D. officer ( ) 11. Still water is breeding grounds for ________. A. lizards B. mosquitoes C. birds D. tadpoles


数学小测试(一) Section A(20×2 mark) 1、Find the sum between the values represented by the digit ’5’ in 5432 and 4135. (1) 9567 (2) 10 (3) 5005 (4) 4995 ( ) 2、442 tens less than ( ) tens is 40 ones. (1) 446 (2) 402 (3) 482 (4) 40 ( ) 3、There are ( )odd numbers between 14 hundreds and 141 ones. (1) 4 (2) 14 (3) 40 (4) 44 ( ) 4、Which is the largest even number that can be formed from the digit ‘9’, ‘8’, ‘4’, ‘1’ ? (1) 9841 (2) 9814 (3) 9184 (4) 9148 ( ) 5、250 less than 6200 is ? (1) 6450 (2) 6000 (3) 5950 (4) 6500 ( ) 6、8843 – 72 ( ) 5 =1558 What is the missing number in the bracket ? (1)6 (2)7 (3)8 (4)9 ( ) 7、What is the sum of all the odd numbers between 20 and 31 ? (1)11 (2)51 (3)125 (4)130 ( ) 8、The difference between 361 and 134 is ? (1)227 (2)277 (3)494


PRACTICE 9 Vocabulary (25 marks) Choose the most suitable answer and write its number in the brackets provided. (10*1=10 marks) ( ) 1. Files and rats are household _________. A. pets B. pests C. friends D. insects ( ) 2. Patrick and John are having a drink at the __________. A. bookshop B. stadium C. cafeteria D. market ( ) 3. The labourers wear _________ to protect their heads. A. helmets B. raincoats C. caps D. scarves ( ) 4. The soles of my shoes need to be mended. A. plumber B. chef C. cobbler D. hawker ( ) 5. Father expects us to be _________ and to listen to what he says. A. obedient B. naughty C. wilful D. drowsy ( ) 6. That building is undergoing major _________. A. renovation B. tearing C. rebuilding D. decoration ( ) 7. The _________ in the rubbish dump smells. A. garage B. garbage C. baggage D. cabbage ( ) 8. The soldiers marched ___________ in the parade. A. shyly B. timidly C. smartly D. bravely ( ) 9. The monkeys __________ incessantly. A. chatter B. chirp C. bark D. mew ( ) 10. Joanie __________ in pain when her father beat her. A. screamed B. laughed C. grinned D. sang Fill in the blanks with the correct words. (5*1=5 marks)

新加坡小学英语二年级试卷PRACTICE 8

新加坡小学英语二年级试卷PRACTICE 8 Vocabulary (11 marks) Choose the most suitable answer and write its number in the brackets provided. (5*1=5 marks) ( ) 1. The clock has stopped working. You need to change the _________. A. switch B. batteries C. plug D. chemicals ( ) 2. Nick stepped on the banana peel and _________. A. flew B. bounced C. leapt D. slipped ( ) 3. The postman delivered to Meixiang a _________ from Japan. A. parcel B. box C. case D. tube ( ) 4. The little boy __________ when he was praised. A. shouted B. blushed C. cried D. screamed ( ) 5. The _________ of the choir is famous. A. conductor B. principal C. singer D. leader (3*2=6 marks) 6. Why did Mother give her the medicine? (fever) ____________________________________________________________ ____________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________ 7. What is the baby doing? (favourite toys) ____________________________________________________________ ____________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________ 8. Why was the wizard puzzled? (potion, did not work)

新加坡小学二年级英语试卷PRACTICE 1

PRACTICE 1 Vocabulary (12 marks) Choose the most suitable answer and write its number in the brackets provided. (12*1=12 marks) ( ) 1. Today is Hui's birthday. Her friends are __________ it with her. A. spoiling B. playing C. celebrating D. remembering ( ) 2. Nick's pet __________ is growing bigger by the day. A. snail B. terrapin C. fish D. whale ( ) 3. Thank you for the _________ present. A. horrid B. awful C. lovely D. ugly ( ) 4. During the blackout, David lit a __________. A. torchlight B. candle C. paper D. cigarette ( ) 5. The lion is a/an __________ animal. A. fierce B. adorable C. gentle D. friendly ( ) 6. The huge monkey _________ from tree to tree playfully. A. flies B. flips C. swings D. sways ( ) 7. The ________ is crossing the busy road. A. passenger B. victim C. pedestrian D. vehicle ( ) 8. Please clean the chalkboard with a _________. A. handkerchief B. duster C. napkin D. cloth


Unit 1 Welcome back to school Part A 一、Amy:Hi, I'm Amy. I'm from the UK. Zhang Peng:Hi, I'm Zhang Peng. I'm from China. Mike:Hi, I'm Mike. I'm from Canada. 二、1连UK 2连China 3连Canada 4连USA 三、hand bag cat 四、读音规律:所有单词中的a都发【?】(大口“哀”) 五、任画一面或几面国旗,并写上国家名 Part B 一、China连Zhang Peng Canada连Mike USA连Miss White Australia连Sarah 二、哈利波特:UK 海绵宝宝: USA 神笔马良:China 邮递员特派叔叔:UK 爱探险的朵拉:USA 飞哥与小佛:USA 小羊肖恩:UK 开心超人:China 小龟富兰克林:Canada 三、C B D A 四、1.上 2.上 3.上 Part C 一、China teacher boy Miss White Mr Jones Canada student girl 二、×√× 三、Hi, I'm Amy. I'm from the UK. Hi, I'm Mike. I'm from Canada. Hi, I'm Zhang Peng. I'm from China. 四、A A A A 五、可选句型:I'm+姓名. I'm a +身份/职业/性别. I'm+ 年龄. I'm from +国家. Unit 2 My family Part A 一、上:B 下:A 二、A B A 三、Who's that man? He's my father/ teacher. Who's that woman? She's my mother/ teacher. 四、钢笔pen 红色red 十ten 腿leg 五、规律:所有e都发【е】(哀) Part B 一、上:A 中:C 下:B 二、Hi! This is my family. This is my grandpa/ grandma/ father/ mother/ sister/ brother. 三. 1连右5 2连右6 3连右3 4连右4 5连右 2 6连右 1 四、anut mum dad grandma brother sister grandpa


PRACTICE 8 Vocabulary (11 marks) Choose the most suitable answer and write its number in the brackets provided. (5*1=5 marks) ()1. The clock has stopped work ing. You n eed to cha nge the ________ A. switch B. batteries C. plug D. chemicals ()2. Nick stepped on the banana peel and _________ . A. flew B. boun ced C. leapt D. slipped ()3. The postma n delivered to Meixia ng a ________ from Japa n. A. parcel B. box C. case D. tube ()4. The little boy ___________ w he n he was praised. A. shouted B. blushed C. cried D. screamed ()5. The _________ of the choir is famous. A. con ductor B. prin cipal C. sin ger D. leader An swer the questi ons in complete senten ces using the words in the brackets. (3*2=6 marks) 6. Why did Mother give her the medici ne? (fever) 7. What is the baby doing? (favourite toys) 8. Why was the wizard puzzled? (poti on, did not work)


新加坡小学数学教材 新加坡小学教材简介 新加坡是世界上双语教学比较成功的国家之一。 新加坡的小学教育也是六年制也是分为上下两学期,主要学科有数学,英文和科学三门课程! 同时新加坡的书也是分为一学年两册,1A即是1年级的上册,1B即一年级的 下册。 新加坡的小学教材难易程度适中,很适合中国的小学生学习! 新加坡小学数学My Pals are Here Maths 2nd Edition这套教材特点: 全英文教材,使孩子在能 够不止在英文课本中来学习英语,而是在数学中来了解英文和掌握英文,使您的孩子能够在多方面的练习英文,从而达到听,说,读,写等多方面的练习达到英语的熟练成度。如果你的孩子要留学到新加坡或其它的英语国家,应尽早的让孩子还学习新加坡的英语教材,可以节省很多的时间来适应今后的学习。来源网址: My Pals are Here Maths 2nd Edition数学第二版基于新课程的最新要求编写,是新加坡最成功,使用率最高的小学数学教材。以广泛的调研和教师、学生的反馈为草图,第二版,进一步加强数学概念的发展,推出了一些新的功能,以满足教育工作者,学生和家长的需要。“让我们学习,”部分介绍了引人入胜,易于理解的数学形式,并附有相关问题,这样可以对学生进行实时的评估。 产品的优点 具体到抽象的方法 这些数学课本和练习册的工作是高度以活动为基础的。这些数学课本和练习册中的每一章包含了许多个人和群体活动,来让您的孩子参与学习数学。

研究表明,这些以活动为基础的学习提高了数学概念,技能和解决问题的战略的学习。 乐趣 这些数学课本通过使用生动而精美的图片及有趣的活动在数学学习过程中植入了很多乐趣和活力。 练习问题 这些数学课本和练习册围绕每一个主题都有大量的数学问题,这些问题可以加强数学概念,技能和解题过程的讲解。 中等水平孩子的理想教材 这是因为在这些数学课本和练习册中的数学问题大多是基础性质的。教材构成 Textbook,教材,, Workbook,练习册,, Teacher’s Guide,教师指南,, Enrichment,强化练习,,Tests,测试手册,, Homework,家庭作业,


Unit 1 cat monkey duck dog panda bear pig rabbit bird mouse Unit 2 bag book pen pencil glue scissors eraser sharpener ruler pencil-box Unit 3 nose eye face mouth head ear neck arm hand leg knee foot Unit 4 doll ball kite balloon car bus bike taxi train ship plane boat Unit 5 red blue green yellow purple brown white black pink orange grey Unit 6 hamburger hot dog Coke cake egg orange pear apple banana milk juice water noodles rice chicken 三年级下册英语单词 Unit 1 school classroom storybook water bottle marker crayon Chinese book English book desk chair Unit 2 one two three six seven eight nine ten four five eleven twelve Unit 3 father(dad) mother(mum) brother sister daughter son grandfather(grandpa) grandmother(grandma) uncle aunt Unit 4 mango bread candy doughnut coffee fruit grapes honey ice cream jam Unit 5 kangaroo lion mosquito nest owl parrot quail rooster elephant tiger Unit 6 skirt T-shirt uniform vest watch box yacht zip zebra coat sweater


新加坡小学英语科目解读 众所周知,新加坡教育实行双语教学,因此孩子从小就接受英语教育,这也是新加坡留学火热的原因之一。所以新加坡小学英语科目也是众多家长关注的方向。你对新加坡小学英语科目了解吗?下面,AEIS 考试网小编为大家解答新加坡小学英语科目。 新加坡小学的教育目标是为以后的学习打下基础,因而主要课程是母语、英语和数学,其中母语和英语尤其重要。由于新加坡实行分流教育制度,导致不同阶段不同班级对英语的要求有所不同。小学一年级至四年级为基础阶段、所有的学生都必须学习英语,母语和英语都是学习的重点。各校根据教育部课程发展署的规定使用某种教材。1981年开始选用PER(Primary English Programe)和NESPE 两种英语教材,教材仍以结构法(structura1 approach) 为主。1991 年修订新大纲后,强调以交际为主,提倡发展儿童智力、启发逻辑思维穹培养能力。教材改用新编的PETS(Primary English Thematic Series) 。此教材通过教学实验后,师生反映内容较深,儿童难学。 新加坡小学开设的英语课,除正课外,教育部还规定每周有一节英语会话课。会话课由一位教师专门负责辅导,主要启发学生开口讲、参与活动,训练学会思考、分析问题和解决问题的能力,师生反映较好。新加坡小学四年级末通过考试进行分流,学生被分流到不同的班级,进入定向阶段。定向阶段分为正常双语班、延长双语班和单语班,前二者均修读英语和母语,后者只修读母语,虽然英语不是一门正式课程,但仍需学习英语口语。在整个小学阶段,平均而言,学生接触英语的总时间(包括英语科目和用英语教授其他科目占用的时间)比母语要多得多,英语为71%,母语为29%。由此可见,英语在新加坡小学学科课程中是王关重要的。


新加坡三四年级数学竞赛与高才班选拔模拟练习题 (英文版) 刘然冰编写 新加坡三四年级奥数与天才班选拔模拟练习题(中英双语版) Olympic Math Competition and GEP practice paper for Primary3or4in Singapore(Bilingual version) 刘然冰编写 源头上了解新加坡数学的模 式和深度

写在前面 从西方学术和科研机构的反馈看,华人的数学水平一直比较高。在计算机算法、大数据、工程计算、数字模拟、地球物理等领域涌现的杰出华人科学家比比皆是,甚至一些偏重数学的国际会议直接可以用中文举办了。取得这样成绩,要得益于我们中华民族的智慧基因,更得益于学校和家庭对数学教育的投入,当然也离不开孩子们的天分和勤奋努力。 然而,我们还不能满足于现状,尽管我国的教育体制一直在与时俱进,随着科学与工具的进步,不断调整教材和教学模式,但是,与国际上顶尖的教育理念和模式还是有一定的差距,基础理论和创新能力还是有待于提高。 正如Jerome Bruner所说,学习数学,不是找到一两个窍门,走几个捷径,找到一个规律,记住一堆公式就算学好了。数学思维的建立需要重要的三个步骤,即,认识和理解实物物体,建立图形模型和形成抽象的符号。在数学解题过程中,老师基本会要求有四个基本解题步骤。步骤是:理解问题、制定计划、执行计划,然后回顾。一般的解题策略是画出考题的图形,找到一个模式,变成解决一个更简单的问题,向后推理或向前推测将问题表现出来。学生的思维不应该局限于一个既定的策略或一些预先制定的固定套路,而应该让他(她)们在尝试挑战性问题时自然地使用各种解决问题的策略。 1


My Pals Are Here! English (International Edtion 国际版) 教材构成: Textbook(课本), Workbook(练习册), Teacher’s Guide(教师指南), Audio CD(CD光盘), Grammar Practice(语法练习), English Tests(测试手册), Homework(家庭作业), 教材开发的范围和结果符合大多小学英语大纲的要求,教材的设计目的是 依据小学1-6年级学生的身心发展及认知能力所编辑,与国际英语课程纲要相呼应。 内容编排融合听、说、读、写、自然发音,任务式导向学习法(Task-Based Learning)的 设计理念,让学生更能运用所学融会贯通。课程衔接完善,满足教与学全方位需求,多 元化的主题和具挑战性的教学活动,有助学生创造力与自我发展。 让准备参加国际学习或者考试的学生在英语方面取得好成绩。 Key Stage 1 (lower primary): LEARNING TO READ 关键阶段1 (小学低年级):学习中阅读 Learning to Communicate in English 学会用英语沟通 Entry level competency: assumes zero English literacy.入门级的能力:零起点。 Primary Outcome: Pupils will use English to communicate in social and school settings.主要成果:小学生将学会在社会和学校环境中使用英语进行交流。 Key Stage 2 (upper primary): READING TO LEARN 关键阶段2 (小学高年级):阅读中学习 Learning to Learn in English 学会用英语学习 Primary Outcome: Pupils will use English to achieve academically in contents areas.主要成果:小学生将学会使用英语学习学科知识。 Pupils will use English in socially and culturally appropriate ways.小学生将学会在社会上和文化上使用英语的正确表达方式。 Achievement upon exit: well prepared to excel in secondary/high school!学习成果和出口:在中学/高中的学习中取得优异成绩! 为不同的教学需求提供了一个无缝集成的学习和教学的解决方案 利用模式和帧来搭建脚手架和加强课文,语法和语言技能的学习 基于交际教学法,使用真实的任务中常见的人际关系,社会和文化情景/际遇 基于多元化的来自不同学科的主题和词汇,包括科学和数学(跨课程学习)


2006年中学数学教学大纲 网上公布的2006年中学数学教学大纲包含两个部分。第一部分描述中学数 学课程的基本理念、数学教育的基本目标和数学课程框架;第二部分介绍四种源 流课程的数学教学内容。与1990和2000年大纲只包含中学低年级(中一和中二)不同,2006年大纲还包括了中学高年级(中三和中四)的数学教学,更补充了 新加坡-剑桥普通教育证书普通水准和初级水准补充数学(Additional Mathematics)的教学大纲。下面将从基本理念、基本目标、课程框架和不同源流 课程数学教学内容的比较这四方面介绍2006年中学数学教学大纲。 1.基本理念 大纲从两个方面对数学进行了刻画。一方面,数学被看成是发展和提高学生 逻辑推理、空间想象、严密分析和抽象思维能力的极好工具,而且学生只有在学 习和应用数学的过程中才能发展计算能力、推理能力、思考技能和问题解决能力。大纲进一步说明重视数学教育是培养能应对21世纪挑战的竞争人才的重要保证。另一方面,数学被看成是一门充满趣味的学科,让学生有机会进行创造性的活动,带给学生启迪和愉悦。可见,大纲从适应社会需要、发展自身竞争能力和获得精 神满足这两方面对数学进行了诠释,充分体现了“育人为本”的理念。这与我国 现阶段数学课程改革的出发点不谋而合。 2.基本目标 新加坡中小学数学教育的基本目标是使学生能够: ①获得日常生活需要的和进一步学习数学和其他相关学科所必需的数学概 念和技能; ②发展能获取和运用数学概念和技能所需的过程性技能; ③发展数学思维和问题解决能力,并能将这些能力运用于形成和解决问题; ④认识和利用不同数学思想之间、数学和其他学科之间的联系; ⑤发展对数学的积极态度; ⑥在学习和应用数学的过程中有效使用各种数学工具(包括信息技术工具); ⑦制作出源于数学思想的富有想象力和创造力的成果; ⑧发展逻辑推理能力、数学表达能力以及合作学习和独立学习能力。 其中,第④第⑥和第⑦条基本目标以及第⑧条提及的发展合作学习和独立学 习能力是首次写进数学教学大纲。这些目标所蕴含的思想与基本理念中有关数学的两方面刻画是相辅相成的。

新加坡小学英语试卷一年级PRACTICE 3

PRACTICE 3 Vocabulary (30 marks) (A) Look at the pictures and tick √the correct boxes. (6*2 = 12 marks) 1. a candle a torchlight a matchstick a lamp 2. a wrapper a wallet a bag a photograph 3. a lollipop a key ring a bracelet a ring 4. a flute a balloon a drum a shell 5.

a starfish a toy a fruit a sponge 6. a string a rope a belt a whip (B) Match each picture to the correct word. (4*2 = 8 marks) 7.* * telephone * rambutan 8.* * tadpole * plug * switch

* toad * microphone 10.* (C) Choose the most suitable answer. Write its number in the brackets provided.(5*2 = 10 marks) 11. A/An (ship, train, aeroplane, car) flies in the sky. 12. I cover myself with a (blanket, towel, table cloth, cushion) at night. 13. Mrs Tan is writing on the white board with a (marker, crayon, pencil, brush) 14. Mother is cooking in the (storeroom, bathroom, bedroom, kitchen). 15. The little child is building (house, sandcastles, boats, shells) on the beach. Grammar (40 marks) (D) Fill in the blanks with 'am', 'is' or 'are'. (10 * 1 = 10 marks) 16. These __________ potatoes. 17. This _________ a potato. 18. Those __________ leaves. 19. That __________ a leaf. 20. These __________ Kenny's sweets. 21. She ___________ younger than me. 22. I __________ ten years old. 23. Lisa __________ angry with her brother.

新加坡小学英语二年级试卷PRACTICE 7

新加坡小学英语二年级试卷PRACTICE 7 Vocabulary (15 marks) Choose the most suitable answer and write its number in the brackets provided. (8*1=8 marks) ( ) 1. Jamie was _________ to Steven for his help. A. grateful B. remorseful C. successful D. joyful ( ) 2. The mountain slope is ___________. A. flat B. steep C. pointed D. sharp ( ) 3. May and Mark built a snowman when _________ came. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter ( ) 4. ___________ are extinct. A. Tigers B. Whales C. Dinosaurs D. Cobras ( ) 5. The bride and groom walked down the _________. A. road B. pavement C. aisle D. isle ( ) 6. John is putting his swimming __________ on. A. clothes B. trunks C. shirt D. trousers ( ) 7. Meiling was __________ when her beloved pet dog died. A. upset B. glad C. happy D. sore ( ) 8. Jason ________ the secret into my ears. A. shouted B. whispered C. screamed D. cried Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. Use each word only once. (7*1=7 marks) shampoo postman restaurant diligent soap barking oven honest


科研课题《中国、新加坡小学数学教材中 “数与代数”领域 苏州市教育学会“十三·五”科研课题《中国、新加坡小学数学教材中“数与代数”领域内容设置的比较研究》结题文章课题编号 :Sjh 【271】中新小学数学教材中“数与代数”领域内容呈现方式的比较研究江苏省苏州工业园区翰林小学胡娴【摘要】本文分析了中国、新加坡两国教材的总体编写体例和具体的章节编写体例,从版面呈现方式、语言呈现方式、问题的引入方式、知识点呈现方式、例题的呈现方式、习题的呈现方式六个方面比较了中新小学数学教材中“数与代数”领域内容的呈现方式,以期对我国的小学数学教科书的编写提供借鉴,取长补短,纳百川之流,融中新教育之精华,更好地培养学生的创新能力。 【关键词】中新小学数学教材数与代数内容呈现方式比较新加坡教材《My pals are here》和中国苏教版教材一样,分为 6 个年级,每个年级有上下两册。以下通过图表将两种教材的编写体例做个对比。 表中新两种教材编写体例比较教材总体编写体例章节编写体例新加坡教材《My pals are here》封面--作者--前言--目录--具体章节内容-致谢-出版情况介绍章标题-章主题图-节标题-学习-动手操作-合作分享-探索实践-练习-复习-头脑风暴中国《苏教版》教材封面--作者--目录--具体章节内容-总复习-附页-

后记-出版情况介绍章标题-例题-试一试-想想做做-练习-思考题-整理与练习从两国教材的总体编写体例看差异不大,新加坡教材在每册课本开始处设有一个前言,指出此版本教材设计理念并对老师教学、父母辅导及学生学习提供一些帮助之处。新加坡教材没有安排期末整理复习内容,中国教材在每册书最后会有一个整理复习单元,在每册课本的最后还有一个附页,是提供的一些辅助教学材料。 在具体的章节编写体例上,中、新两国的教材有着各自的特点:(1)新加坡教材整体编排是以问题的解决为线路来组织的,例题和习题都是通过对具体问题的解决来认识知识点和运用知识点。在每章的开始会安排一幅章主题图,通过问题的形式激发学生对生活中的这一现象关注并思考,进而激发起学生学习的动机,通过“Contents”、“Big idea”指出本章节的主要学习内容。每节内容从“Learn”板块开始,指向一个要解决的实际问题。在“Hands-on Activity”板块,学生需要动手操作用一些模型或实物来进一步深化对知识的理解,升华知识的掌握水平。在“Game”板块学生通过游戏进一步巩固知识,在“Maths Sharing”板块需要学生交流讨论出某个有一定难度问题的答案,在“Let’s Explore”板块设置了微项目供学生去研究。每个章节结束会安排“Exercise”供学生巩固知识所用,并会设置“Review”环节,以问题的形式出示本章节最重要的知识点。章节末尾,会安排“Put on Your Thinking Cap”环节,需要学生激荡思维,综合运用本章知识来解决一个难度大的问题。 (2)中国教材具体章节编写体例是采用情境引入—发现问题—解决问题—巩固知识的方式进行编排,这种编排方式注重知识的掌握
