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中南大学 科技英语考试试卷

中南大学 科技英语考试试卷
中南大学 科技英语考试试卷


2009 -- 2010 学年上学期期末考试试题A卷时间100分钟科技英语课程32 学时2 学分考试形式:开卷专业年级:2008级选修课总分100分,占总评成绩70 %


Part I Filling the following blanks with suitable words or phrases you have learned in the preceding units (10 Points)

1. L an imaginary great circle on the surface of the earth passing through the north and south poles at right angles to the equator.

2. L, the angular distance between an imaginary line around a heavenly body parallel to its equator and the equator itself

3.M , th e process of making something very small using modern technology

4. E, any of several complex proteins that are produced by cells and act as catalysts in specific biochemical.

5.H, An electrochemical cell in which the energy of a reaction between a fuel, such as liquid hydrogen, and an oxidant, such as liquid oxygen, is converted directly and continuously into electrical energy.

6. S, the result of converting sunlight into electricity.

7.N, the study of the control of matter on an atomic and molecular scale. Generally nanotechnology deals with structures of the size 100 nanometers or smaller, and involves developing materials or devices within that size.

8.B, a term referring to living and recently dead biological material that can be used as fuel.

9. B, an idea or plan produced by creative thought; invention

10. L, a personal computer designed for mobile use and small enough to sit on one's lap while in use.

Part II Based on the texts you have learnt, answer the following questions in English (20 Points)

1. What are the scientific success and technology success of European Space Agency?s

Smart-1 probe?

2. What do we mean by saying “the computer is disappearing”?

3. Why can we speed urban travel through removing roads and traffic lights?

4. What are the differences between traditional house and passive house?

Part III Translation (20 points)

1.The pervasiveness and near--invisibility of computing will be helped along by new technologies such as cheap, flexible displays, fingernail-sized MEMs (microelectromechanical systems) chips capable of storing terabytes of data.

2. If your conscience can withstand using a few drops of oil, the engine can heat and compress enough air to let the car get up to 90MPH.

3. Environmentalists everywhere have been salivating at the idea of running a car on vegetable oil ever since the idea was first proposed, and we have now taken the leap from concept to reality.

4. Ten to one(十之八九), forms of energy come from the Sun directly or indirectly.

5. We know that a cat , whose eyes can take in many more rays of light than our eyes, can see clearly in the night.

Part IV Reading comprehension (20 Points)

Directions: There are two passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five questions. For each of them there are four choices marked [A], [B], [C]and [D]. You should choose the best ans w er.

Passage one

With the prospect of coal and petroleum supplies depleted and with air pollution becoming an increasing concern, the major countries of the world are seeking alternate sources of energy. If a means to obtain energy from water, especially from the ocean, can be effected economically, it would furnish a never ending supply of energy, since 70% of earth`s surface is ocean and another 10% is fresh water in rivers and lakes.

From the beginning of time man has used water power as a source of work-waterfalls and dams-but these are fresh water sources and are landlocked. The seas have c ontributed little or nothing in the way of power.

The use of temperature variation between currents is one area of exploration. Ocean water is heated by the sun near the equator and drawn by the rotation of the earth toward the poles, where it cools and drops toward the ocean floor and starts its journey back toward the equator. The differential between the two currents is 35 degrees to 45 degrees Fahrenheit and to use it the scientists must find the places where they run near land and are not too far away from each other. One area that meets these requirements is the Caribbean Sea.

Oceans also offer wave power, tides and the chemical propensities(倾向) of salt water as potential sources of energy. All these uses are theoretically possible. Britain `s Department of Energy is interested in wave power, using a string of “tear drop” devices that depend on very active wave areas and 100 feet depths. In additon to this , the British are working on a method that the Japanese have already put into pracitcal use on a small scale for powering their navigational buoys. This method is called an oscillating(震荡)

water column and rides the waves with a series of cylinders having one-way air valves. Wave movement produces air under pressure that has escape route –to a turbine(涡轮) that powers a generator.

1. The word “depleted”(Line 1, para. 1) possibly means “_________”

A. exhausted B discarded C polluted D disappeared

2. According to the first two paragraphs, ______________.

A the use of water is a completely new concept

B the sea has long been used as a way of power

C water is a source of energy far more economical than any other energies

D water, if properly handled, may present a promising solution to energy crisis

3. According to the passage, the Caribbean Sea is the place where_________.

A two currents of different temperatures run near to each other and not far away from land

B two currents of different temperatures run near to each other but far away from land

C the ocean water is heated by the sun

D the ocean water gets cool

4. We can learn from the passage that ___________.

A as far as energy source is concerned, salt water is useless because of its chemical properties

B the working principle of a vibrating water column is to use water as a direct power driving a generator

C Britain is pursuing a method that the Japanese have already put into practice.

D Britain is the most advanced country in developing new energy source.

5. What is the passage mainly about?

A Energy crisis.

B Water as a possible solution to energy crisis.

C History of the use of water as a source of work energy

D Properties of water

Passage Two

In managing information resources, the medium may be the key to an effective system. The medium is a vehicle, a tool, or a container for holding information; the information itself is the thing of value.

Three popular categories of information media are paper, film, and electronic storage devices. The media choice must not be viewed as a choice among these three, however, it must be viewed as an opportunity to select from a multitude of media possibilities in combinations that build effective systems. In many instances the person responsible for information-resource management is not the person who determines the medium in which information will be created. In such a case , the manager of a firm`s information resources faces a challenge in making a significant contribution to the organization`s objectives.

For effective management of information resources, media conversion may be necessary. Examples include keying or scanning paper documents to convert them to electronic media. Other processes convert electronic media from one format to another. For example, disk files created on one system may not be compatible with another system. Various hardware and software combinations can be used to convert files to formats tha t equipment will accept. For information generated within organizations, this necessicity of making systems compatible may be eliminated by cooperative planning. However, very little control can be exercised over the media used to generate information that comes to your organization from the outside.

The medium for information may be selected to satisfy a need that exists when information is created and communicated. For example, a paper record may be created because of its probability and because no special equipment is necessary; it is the fastest means of communicating information. A firm may use electronic mail because a network already exists for on-line computer communication. The additional application may cost less than postage to mail paper memos(备忘录)。

6. The first paragraph aims at telling the reader_________.

A the numerous resources of information

B the great variety of media for holding information

C the relationship between the medium and information

D the importance of information resources management

7. In the author …s opinion, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A People have three choices in selecting information medium.

BPaper is the best storage device.

C It is better to let the person responsible for information –resource management.

D The manager should build an effective system by selecting a good combination of different medium.

8. In order to achieve an effective management of information resources, the manager should__________.

A convert all paper documents to electronic media.

B make media conversion when necessary

C use one format in processing information.

D control the media used to generate information both inside and outside his organization.

9. Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the last paragraph?

A Different media for information may be selected for different purposes.

B By using different media, a firm can create various information for its objectives.

C Paper record is the most convenient medium for later reference.

D Electronic mail costs less than postage to mail paper memos.

10. Which of the following can best serve as the title of the passage?

A The Importance and Necessity of Media Conversion

B Three Categories of Information Media

C Various Means of Communication Information

D Media Selection in Managing Information Resources

Part V Writing (30 Points)

Please write the letter and the envelope to John Orton of Compax Computers in Hong Kong.


收信人:John Orton 地址:John Orton

Technical Consultant

Compax Computers

11, Fair Street

Hong Kong



今写信给您是有关贵公司上月送来的埃普生激光打印机(Epson Laser Printer)一事,并期望在互联网方面得到您的指导。

您一定记得4月18日我收到了送来的25台埃普生激光打印机。遗憾的是其中的3台有点问题,容易卡纸(the paper is not running through smoothly),且打印常常很不清楚。如果您能尽快派人来解决这些问题,我将不胜感激。








中南大学考试试卷 2010-- 2011 学年 下 学期 总分100分,占总评成绩 70 % 时间110分钟 机械制造工艺学 课程 40 学时 2.5 学分 考试形式 闭 卷 专业班级: 学号: 姓名: 1、此页不作答题纸,请将答案写在答题纸上; 2、请在答题纸左上角用正楷字体写上任课老师的名字,交卷时按任课老师交卷。 一、填空题(每空1分,共30分) 1. 机械加工工艺规程的格式不尽相同,在大批大量生产中使用的工艺文件为( )。 2. 工件在机床上或夹具中装夹有三种主要的方法,即( )、( )和( )。 3. 某轴尺寸为Φ036 .0014.085.20++mm ,如将尺寸公差按“入体原则”标注,该轴尺寸为( )。 4. 在时间定额的组成中,( )和( )的总和称为操作时间。 5. 机器中最小的装配单元是( )。 6. 主轴回转轴线的运动误差可以分解为( )、( )和( )三种基本形式。 7. 在车床上车削轴类零件,采用双顶针定位,如果工艺系统中工件的刚度不足,则会产生( )误差;如果工艺系统中机床的刚度不足,则会产生( )误差。 8. 机械零件表面层金属硬度的变化可以用( )和( )两个指标来衡量。 9. 磨削淬火钢时,如果磨削区温度超过了相变温度,而磨削过程没有冷却液,零件表层金属将产生( )烧伤。 10. 表面强化工艺是指通过( )加工方法,使表层金属产生冷态塑性变形。 11. 零件的加工精度包含三方面的内容,即( )、( )和( )。 12. 保证产品装配精度的方法有( )、( )、( )和( )。 13. 精基准的选择原则有( )原则、( )原则、( )原则、自为基准原则和便于装夹原则。 14. 加工表面的几何形状误差包括表面粗糙度、( )、( )和( )。


马克思主义基本原理概论简答题 1、什么是马克思主义什么是马克思主义基本原理 答:从它的创造者、继承者的认识成果讲,马克思主义是由马克思恩格斯创立的,而其各个时代、各个民族的马克思主义者不断丰富和发展的观点和学说的体系。从它的阶级属性来讲,马克思主义是无产阶级争取自身解放和整个人类解放的科学理论,是关于无产阶级斗争的性质、目的和解放条件的学说。从它的研究对象和主要内容讲,马克思主义是无产阶级的科学世界观和方法论,是关于自然、社会、思维发展的普遍规律的学说,是关于资本主义和共产主义发展的普遍规律的学说。 (或从狭义上说,马克思主义即马克思恩格斯创立的基本理论、基本观念和学说的体系。从广义上说,马克思主义不仅指马克思恩格斯创立的基本理论、基本观念和学说的体系,也包括继承者对它的发展,即实践中不断发展的马克思主义。) 马克思的基本原理:一、辩证唯物主义与历史唯物主义是无产阶级的科学世界观和方法论也是马克思主义理论科学体系的哲学基础;二、马克思主义政党的一切理论和奋斗都应致力于实现以劳动人民为主体的最广大人民的根本利益,这是马克思主义最鲜明的政治立场;三、坚持一切从实际出发,理论联系实际,实事求是,在事件中检验真理和发展真理,是马克思主义的最重要理论品质;四、实现物质财富极大理论、人民精神境界极大提高、每个人自由而全面发展的共产主义社会,是马克思主义最崇高的社会理想。 第一章 1、哲学基本问题 答:哲学基本问题包括两个方面:其一,意识和物质、精神和自然界,究竟谁是世界的本原,即物质和精神何者是第一性、何者是第二性的问题;其二“我们关于我们周围世界的思想对这个世界本身的关系怎样的我们的思维能不能认识全世界我们能不能在我们关于现实世界的表象和概念中正确的反映现实”即思维能否认识或正确认识存在的问题。 2、辩证唯物主义物质范畴概念及意义 答: 概念:物质是标志客观实在的哲学范畴,这种客观实在是人通过感觉感知的,它不依赖我们的感觉而存在,为我们的感觉所复写、摄影、反映。意义:第一、坚持了物质的客观实在性原则,坚持了唯物主义一元论,同唯心主义一元论和二元论划清了界限。 3、联系和发展的观点 答:作为一个普遍的哲学范畴,联系是指事物内部各要素之间和事物之间相互影响、相互制约和相互作用的关系;发展是前进的上升的运动,发展的实质是新事物的产生和旧事物的灭亡。新事物的发展是指合乎历史前进的方向、具有远大前途的东西;旧事物是指丧失历史必要性、日趋灭亡的东西。 4、为什么说对立统一规律是唯物辩证法的实质和核心 答:这是因为对立统一规律揭示了事物普遍联系的根本内容和永恒发展的内在动


English Test Paper for Doctoral Candidates (A) 2011.01.09 Part I Listening Comprehension (15%) Section A Directions:In this section, you will hear several short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center (on Answer Sheet I). 1. A. She is in Vietnam. B. She is in Thailand. C. She is right here. D. She is in Tokyo. 2. A. By taxi. B. By bus. C. On foot. D. By train. 3. A. He stays late for the lesson. B. He is studying. C. He has little rest. D. He is resting. 4. A. She gave a lecture to the psychology class. B. She advised the woman to see a psychologist. C. She persuaded the woman not to take the course. D. She convinced the woman to apply to graduate school. 5. A. She read it selectively. B. She went over it chapter by chapter. C. She read it slowly. D. She finished it at a stretch. Section B Directions:In this section, you will hear several short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center (on Answer Sheet I). Passage One 6. A. How to choose the qualified goods. B. The consumer's rights. C. The importance of the quality. D. How to demand the replacement.


中南大学考试试卷 2009级(大学物理1、2)考试试卷 一选择题 1.(本题3分)一质点在力的作用下作直线运动,力F=23x,式中F以牛顿、x以米计。则质点 1 x=1m运动到2x=2m的过程中,该力做功为()A 3J B 7J C 21J D 42J 2.(本题3分)两个相同的容器,一个盛氢气,一个盛氦气(均视为刚性分子理想气体),开始时它们的压强和温度都相等,现将6J热量传给氦气,使之升高一定温度。若使氢气也升高同样温度,则应向氢气传递热量() A 12J B 10J C 6J D 5J 3.(本题3分)一容器贮有理想气体,其分子平均自由程为—λ0,若气体的热力学温度降到原来的一半,但体积不变,分子作用球半径不变,则此时平均自由程为() A -λ0 2 B —λ0 C 2/0—λ D —λ0/2 4.(本题3分)在波长为λ的驻波中,两个相邻波腹之间的距离为()Aλ/4Bλ/2C3λ/4Dλ 5.(本题3分)一弹簧振子做简谐运动,总能量为E 1 ,如果简谐振动振幅增加为原来的两倍,重物的质量增为原来的四 倍,则它的能量E 2变为()AE 1 /4BE 1 /2C 2E 1D4E 1 6.(本题3分)一束波长为λ的单色光由空气垂直入射到折射

率为n的透明薄膜上,透明薄膜放在空气中,要使反射光得到加强,则薄膜的最小厚度为( )Aλ/4 Bλ/4n C λ/2 D λ/2n 7.(本题3分)一高速运动电子的总能量为其静能的k倍,则电子的速度为( )Akc Bk c C2k 1k c - D 1k k c 2- 8.(本题3分)一束光强为I 0的自然光-垂直穿过两个偏振 片,且此两偏振片的偏振化方向成o 45角,则穿过两个偏振片后的光强I 为( )A24 /0I BI 0/4 CI 0/2 D 2/20I 二 填空题(共28分) 1.(本题4分)1mol理想气体经过等温膨胀,体积由V 0变到2V 0 ,则气体的熵变为___. 2.(本题4分)一列车以20m/s的速度离车站而去,已知声速为340m/s,如果汽笛的频率为500Hz,那么站在车站上的旅客听到的汽笛频率为__Hz。 3.(本题4分)如图:一长为L 的均匀细杆OM可绕O轴在竖直平面内自由转动,今将OM置于水平位置,然后令其从静止开始自由摆下,当细杆转到竖直位置时,其转动角速度为__。 4.(本题4分)设 (v f 为速率分布函数,则dv v v Nf v ?21)(的物 理意义为__.


冶金设备学试卷九 中南大学考试试卷 200 年~200 年度第学期时间110 分钟 卷冶金设备学课程学时学分考试形式:开 专业班级:,总分100分占总分 % 一.有关冶金设备论文一篇(30分) 题目:自拟 内容:以各类冶金设备为主,题材自定 形式:正式发表论文的标准格式 二.简答题(每小题5分,共30分) 1.重油的燃烧包括哪些过程,怎样提高重油的燃烧效率? 2.镁砖具有什么性质;为什么不能用水砌筑镁砖? 3.离子交换树脂具有哪些性质?按活性基团的性质,离子交换树脂可分为哪几种类型。 4.湿法冶炼金属设备的腐蚀可分为几种形式,试举例说明。 5.铝电解槽有哪些类型,各有何特征? 6.试述搅拌混合反应槽的类型和适用范围 三、计算题(共40分) 1.已知重力收尘器所处理的烟气中烟尘密度为4500kg/m3,降尘室内长为5m,宽为2m,高为2m;操作条件下气体流量为25000m3/h,气体密度为0.6kg/m3,粘度为3×10-5Pa·s,ξ0为20,试求能完全除去的最小烟尘颗粒的粒径。(5分)

2.已知发生炉煤气的干成分为:CO g29.8%,H2g15.4%,CH4g 3.08%,CO2g8.33%,O2g0.21%,N2g43.18%;当空气消耗系数n=1.2时,求: ⑴.30℃时,煤气的湿成分(3分); ⑵.理论空气需要量和实际空气需要量(6分); ⑶.燃烧产物生成量、成分和密度(6分); ⑷.实际燃烧温度(5分)。 3.一种悬浮液含有直径为1.5×10-4m的球形颗粒,生成的滤饼是不可压缩的,其空隙率为0.55,水的粘度为10-3P,试求滤饼的比阻。(5分) 4.某恒压过滤设备的过滤面积为1m2,过滤10分钟时得滤液0.16m3,过滤15分钟时得滤液0.2m3,问最初过滤5分钟时得滤液多少m3。(10分)


中南大学考试试卷 2011 -- 2012学年下学期时间110分钟(2012.5.6) 物理化学课程32学时2学分考试形式:闭卷 专业年级:化工、应化、制药、粉体、材化等2010级 总分100分,占总评成绩70 % 注:此页不作答题纸,请将答案写在答题纸上 一、单选题(每题2分,共26分) 1. 实验测得某二级反应速率常数,正确的是() (A)k=5.0s-1(B)k=5.0 dm6·s-1·mol-2(C)k=5.0 s-1·mol-1(D)k=5.0 dm3·s-1·mol-1 2. 加催化剂可使化学反应的下列物理量中哪个改变() (A)反应热(B) 平衡常数(C) 反应熵变(D) 速率常数 3. 对下列电解质溶液,其中摩尔电导率最大的是() (A) 0.001 mol·kg-1 KCl (B) 0.001 mol·kg-1 KOH (C) 0.001 mol·kg-1 HCl (D) 0.1 mol·kg-1 KCl 4. 浓度为0.1mol·kg-1的MgCl2水溶液,其离子强度为( ) (A) 0.1mol·kg-1(B) 0.15mol·kg-1(C) 0.2mol·kg-1,(D) 0.3mol·kg-1。 5. 对下列电解质溶液,其中平均活度系数最大的是() (A)0.01 mol·kg-1KCl (B)0.01 mol·kg-1CaCl2(C)0.01 mol·kg-1LaCl3(D)0.001 mol·kg-1KCl 6. 用补偿法测定可逆电池的电动势时,是为了( ) (A) 消除电极上的副反应;(B) 减小标准电池的损耗; (C) 在可逆情况下测定电池的电动势;(D) 简便易行。 7. 恒温恒压下可逆电池放电过程()


中南大学考试试卷带答案 2010 — 2011 学年上学期时间110分钟MATLAB程序设计与仿真课程 32 学时 2 学分考试形式:闭卷专业年级:电子信息工程2008级,总分100分,占总评成绩70% 一、填空题(本题42分,每空2分) 1.MATLAB中的显示所有内存变量的命令是:who ;清除内存变量的命令是:clear 。 2.在MA TLAB命令窗口中的“≥”标志表示MA TLAB处于准备状态。 3.把一个图形显示在一个图像窗口的m×n个子图像中的第p个位置的命令是subplot(m,n,p) 。 4.设A=reshape(1:9,3,3), 删除矩阵A的第7号元素后,A= 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 。 5.已知A=[1 2 3;4 5 0;7 8 9];B=[1 0 3;1 5 0;0 1 2];写出下列各指令运行的结果。 A+B ans=2 2 6;5 10 0;7 9 11 ; A.*B ans= 1 0 9;4 25 0;0 8 18 ; diag(A)/diag(B) ans= ; A(3)*B(4) ans= 0 。 6.假定变量A是5行4列的矩阵,则plot(A)将在图形窗口绘制 4 条折线。7.x=-2.65, 则fix(x)= -2 , floor(x)= -3 , ceil(x)= -2 。 8.假定将符号变量x,y定义“x=sym(…a?);y=sym(?5?); z=sym(?2?);”,则写出下列指令的运行结果: y+z ans= 7 ; x^z-y ans= a^2-5 ; 9.(超纲)MA TLAB中的读图像的函数是imread ;显示图像的函数是:imshow 。 10.MATLAB中,特殊变量…nargin?表示在函数体内判断输入变量个数;…nargout?表示在函数体内输出参数的个数。 ?11. 产生3行4列均值为1,方差为2的正态随机矩阵的命令是a=_____1+sqrt(2)*randn (3,4)_______。 12 w=[zeros(3,1) ,ones(1,3)?] 的结果是。 二、简答题(20,每题5分) 1. 用结构体矩阵来存储5名学生的基本情况数据,每名学生的数据包括学号、姓名、专业和5门课成绩? 答:程序设计:

2015中南大学考博英语经典阅读:An educationin finance

2015中南大学考博英语经典阅读:An educationin finance 国庆长假,育明考博考博小编为同学们收集整理了经典阅读资料并附有例句解析,希望育明考博考博伴随同学们共度国庆,复习的更加顺利!联系我们扣扣:四九三三七一六二六。电话:四零零六六八六九七八 An educationin finance Less well known is the increasing willingness of colleges to borrowin the markets,too.On May15th,for example,Cornell University sold$250m-worth of bonds.In recent weeks both Harvard and the University of Texashave also raised hundreds of millions of dollars in this way. Such debt-raising is becoming more common.There are abundantreasons to believe that the market will grow much bigger yet. Largely this is because colleges are only belatedly becoming awareof how useful the financial markets can be.No doubt some of their hesitationhas been cultural:academics may have been reluctant to look at theiruniversities as businesses;or they may have misunderstood what was needed tohelp those businesses grow. If they did look at their institutions in economic terms,people ineducation tended not to think that universities lacked capital.Rather,theythought that they had a structural inability to use capital and labour moreefficiently.Unlike the car industry,many schools felt that they mustmaintain,or even increase,the ratio of employees(teachers)to customers(students).Small class sizes are taken as a signal of high quality,soinvesting money to save on teachers’salaries is not anattractive strategy. Schools had other reservations as well.Poor schools were worriedabout being unable to service debt.Rich schools with huge endowments may haveseen no need. So much for an academic perspective.A growing number of investorssaw

中南大学大学物理双语版答案Problem 1-22

Problem 1. Answers: 1. 216v i j =+ ; 8a j = ; 7.13?.(cos a v av θ?= ) 2. 1/3(3/)f t v k = 3. a-e, b-d, c-f. 4. [d]: 222x y L +=, 0dx dy x y dt dt += dx v dt =, B dy v dt =, 0B xv yv +=, cot B x v v v y θ== 5. (a)32(102)3 t r i t t j =+- , (Answer) (b) 912r i j =+ , (3)(0)343 avg r r v i j -= =+ , (Answer) (3)(0)343 avg v v a i j -==- (Answer) (c) 92v i j =- 2tan 9 y x v v θ==-, 12.5θ=- (Answer) 6. Solution: From the definition of acceleration for a straight line motion dv a dt =, and the given condition a =- dv dt -= . Apply chain rule to d v /d t , the equation can be rewritten as d v d x d v v d x d t d x -= = Separating the variables gives v k d x =- Take definite integration for both sides of the equation with initial conditions, we have x v d v k d x =-? ?, or 3/2 023x v k = (Answer)


中南大学考试试卷(A)参考答案2010-2011 学年下学期期末考试试题时间100分钟 新闻英语课程 32 学时 2学分考试形式:闭卷 专业年级:非英语专业2009级总分100分,占总评成绩 70% Part I. Translation from English into Chinese 20% 1.亚太经济合作组织 2. 20国集团 3. 欧盟 4. 世界知识产权组织 5. 石油输出国组织 6. 世界贸易组织 7. 世界银行 8. 世界卫生组织 9. 国际货币基金组织10. 博鳌亚洲论坛 Part II. Translation from Chinese into English20% 1. pension insurance https://www.sodocs.net/doc/c318798399.html,fortably-off level, well-off level ,well-to-do level 3. China hand 4. red-carpet welcome 5. corruption reporting center 6. economic sanction 7. housing reform 8. news conference 9. peace-keeping force 10. racial discrimination Part III. Blank filling 20% 1.powered 2. pumps 3. faced 4. irrigation 5. stream 6. square 7. average 8. per 9. traditional 10. fuels Part IV. Dictation20% Loneliness has been linked to depression and other health problems. Now, a study says it can also spread. A friend of a lonely person was fifty-two percent more likely to develop feelings of loneliness. And a friend of that friend was twenty-five percent more likely to do the same. Earlier findings showed that happiness, obesity and the ability to stop smoking can also spread like infections within social groups. The findings all come from a major health study in the American town of Framingham, Massachusetts. Part V. Short Answer Questions 20% 1. The World Health Organization 2. It shortens. 3. Sleeping sickness 4. The central nervous system 5. It kills.


中南大学考试试卷 2009 2010 学年二学期时间100分钟 物理化学(下)课程32学时2学分考试形式:闭卷 专业年级:粉体、材化、应化、化工、制药、无机、矿物08级总分100 分,占总评成绩 70 % 注:此页不作答题纸,请将答案写在答题纸上 一、单选题(每题2分,共20分) 1. 反应 2A — B + C 由多个基元反应所构成,且速率方程具有幂函数形式。对该反应,下列说法中正确的是() (A)单分子反应(B)双分子反应(C)二级反应(D)n级反应 2. 两个一级平行反应:⑴和⑵,已知反应⑴的活化能E1大于反应⑵的活化能E2,以下哪一种措施不能改变获得B 和C的比例?() (A)提高反应温度(B)延长反应时间(C)加入适当的催化剂(D)降低反应温度3. 下列针对催化反应的描述,不正确的是( ) (A)催化剂能改变反应的途径(B)催化剂能改变反应的速率

(C)催化剂能改变反应的理论产率(D)反应后催化剂的量不会改变 4. 在298K下,含有下列离子的无限稀释的溶液中,离子摩尔电导率最大的是() (A)3+(B)2+(C)(D)5. 在下列因素中,与电解质溶液中离子淌度无关的是() (A)压强(B)温度(C)电场强度(D)溶液浓度 6. 与参与电极反应某组分活度无关的是() (A)电极电势(B)标准电极电势(C)液接电势(D)超电势 7. 下列与极化现象无关的物理量是() (A)分解电压(B)理论分解电压(C)析出电势(D)极限扩散电流 8. 一般不会产生吸附现象的界面是() (A)固-液界面(B)固-气界面(C)固-固界面(D)液-气界面

9. 胶体的(丁铎尔)效应产生原因是() (A)光折射(B)光散射(C)光吸收(D)光激发 10.溶胶的电学性质是由于胶粒带电所致,下列现象中不属于溶胶电学性质的是() (A)布朗运动(B)电泳(C)电渗(D)沉降电势 二、填空题(每题2分,共20分) 1. 强电解质溶液的摩尔电导率随浓度增加而。(填“增加”,“减小”或“不变”) 2. 浓度为0.1·1的溶液中,和的离子迁移数的关系为t t。(填“>”,“<”或“=”) 3. 电极极化的结果是使阳极的电极电势更,阴极的电极电势更。(填“正”或“负”) 4. 表面活性剂是能使水的表面张力的物质。 5. 按表面张力的大小顺序排列下面四种液体:汞,苯,蒸馏水,食盐水。表面张力从大到小顺序排列为:。 6. 298K下,有如下两个反应均为(s) + 2+(a2) 2 (a1) 的电池: ⑴ (s) | (a1) (a1), 2+(a2) | ,, ⑵ (s) | 2+(a2) (a1), 2+(a2) | ,,


1 ---○---○--- ---○---○--- ……… 评卷密封线…………… 密封线内不要答题, 密封线外不准填写考生信息,违者考试成绩按0分处理…………… 评卷密封………线 ……… 中南大学考试试卷 2012 ~2013 学年一学期 大学物理 C 课程 时间100分钟 72学时,4.5学分,闭卷,总分100分,占总评成绩 70 % 一、选择题(共24分,每小题3分) 1.物体沿一闭合路径运动,经t ?时间后回到出发点A ,如 图所示,初速度1v ,末速度2v ,且12v v =,则在t ?时间内其 平均速度 v 与平均加速度a 分别为 (A )v =0,a =0 (B )v =0,a ≠0 (C )v ≠0,a ≠ (D )v ≠0,a =0 [ ] 2.一个质点作简谐振动,振幅为A ,在起始时刻质点的位移为A 2 1 - ,且向x 轴的正方向运动,代表此简谐振动的旋转矢量图为 [ ]

2 3.一简谐波沿x 轴正方向传播,4 T t = 时的波形曲线如图所示,若振动以余弦函数表示,且此题各点振动的初相位取-π 到π 之间的值,则 (A) O 点的初相为00=φ (B) 1点的初相为π- =2 1 1φ (C) 2点的初相为π=2φ (D) 3点的初相为π- =2 1 3φ [ ] 4.1P 、2P 与3P 三个偏振片堆叠在一起,1P 与3P 的偏振化方向相互垂直,2P 与1P 的偏振化方向间的夹角为30°。强度为0I 的自然光垂直入射于偏振片1P ,并依次透过偏振片 1P 、2P 与3P ,则通过三个偏振片后的光强为 (A ) 4 I (B )830I (C )3230I (D )16 0I [ ] 5.折射率为1.5的平凸薄透镜,其曲率半径为10cm ,则在空气中焦距为 (A )10cm (B )15cm (C )20cm (D )25cm [ ] 6.一肥皂泡直径为5cm ,表面张力系数为2 105.2-?N ·m -1 ,泡内压强比大气压p (A )大4pa (B ) 小4pa (C )大2pa (D ) 小2pa [ ]


中南大学考试试卷 20XX年第2学期,考试时间110分钟 人工智能课程48学时,3学分,考试形式:开卷 专业年级:计算机03级总分100分,占总评成绩70 % 注:此页不作答题纸,请将答案写在答题纸上 一、选择题(共20分,每题2分) 1、消解原理是一种用于 A、表达式变换的推理规则 B、变量运算的推理规则 C、一定的子句公式的推理规则 D 、规则演绎的推理规则 2、下列哪个系统属于新型专家系统? A、多媒体专家系统 B、实时专家系统 C、军事专家系统 D、分布式专家系统 3、示例学习属于下列哪种学习方法? A. 解释学习 B. 归纳学习 C. 类比学习 D. 机械学习 4、不属于神经网络常用学习算法的是: A.有师学习 B.增强学习 C.观察与发现学习 D.无师学习 5、人工智能应用研究的两个最重要最广泛领域为: A. 专家系统、自动规划 B. 专家系统、机器学习 C. 机器学习、智能控制 D. 机器学习、自然语言理解 6、下列搜索方法中不属于盲目搜索的是: A. 等代价搜索 B.宽度优先搜索 C.深度优先搜索 D.有序搜索 7、被认为是人工智能“元年”的时间应为: A、1948年 B、1946年 C、1956年 D、1961年 8、被誉为国际“人工智能之父”的是: A、图灵(Turing) B、费根鲍姆(Feigenbaum) C、傅京孙(K.S.Fu) D、尼尔逊(Nilsson) 9、语义网络的组成部分为: A、框架和弧线 B、状态和算符 C、节点和链 D、槽和值 10、尽管人工智能学术界出现“百家争鸣”的局面,但是,当前国际人工智能的主流派仍属于:

A、连接主义 B、符号主义 C、行为主义 D、经验主义 二、填空题(共20分,每一填空处1分) 1、机器学习系统由____________、____________、____________和____________几部分构成。 2、人工智能是计算机科学中涉及研究、设计和应用____________的一个分支,它的近期目标在于研究用机器来____________的某些智力功能。 3、规则演绎系统根据推理方向可分为____________、____________以及____________等。 4、计算智能是人工智能研究的新内容,涉及____________、____________和____________等。 5、启发式搜索是一种利用____________信息的搜索,估价函数在搜索过程中起的作用是________________________。 6、模糊判决的常用方法有____________、____________、____________和____________等。 7、在与或图中,没有后裔的非终叶节点为不可解节点,那么含有或后继节点且后裔中至少有一个为可解的非终叶节点是____________,含有与后继节点且后裔中至少有一个为不可解的非终叶节点是____________。 三、回答下列问题(共60分) 1、(10分)当前人工智能有哪些学派?他们对人工智能在理论上有何不同观? 2、(10分)请说明神经元的基本结构和前馈型神经网络的工作过程。 3、(10分)试说明产生式系统的基本结构,各部分的功能以及主要工作过程。 4、(10分)专家系统包括那些基本部份?每一部分的主要功能是什么? 5、(10分)某单位派遣出国人员,有赵、钱、孙三位候选人,经讨论后决定: (1)三人中至少派遣一人。 (2)如果赵去而钱不去,则一定派孙去。 (3)如果钱去,则一定派孙去。 求证:一定会派孙出国。 设用P(x)表示派x出国,zhao、qian、sun分别表示三人,将已知条件与目标用谓词公式正确的表示出来,并用消解反演进行证明。 6、(10分)对于八数码难题按下式定义估价函数: f(x)=d(x)+h(x) 其中,d(x)为节点x的深度;h(x)是所有棋子偏离目标位置的曼哈顿距离(棋子偏离目标位置的水平距离和垂直距离和),例如下图所示的初始状态S0:8的曼哈顿距离为2;2的曼哈顿距离为1;1的曼哈顿距离为1;6的曼哈顿距离为1;h(S0)= 5。 初始状态(S0) ( 1)用A*搜索法搜索目标,列出头三步搜索中的OPEN、CLOSED表的内容和当前扩展节点的f值。(2)画出搜索树和当前扩展节点的f值。


最新《马原》大学期末考试必背知识点汇总 第一章马克思主义是关于无产阶级和人类解放的科学 1、《共产党宣言》的发表,标志着马克思主义的公开问世 2、马克思主义产生的社会根源(或经济、社会历史条件)是资本主义经济的发展 3、马克思、恩格斯完成了从唯心主义同唯物义、从革命民主主义向共产主义的转变,为创立马克思主义奠定思想前提 4、在马克思主义创立过程中,第一次比较系统地阐述了历史唯物主义基本原理的着作是《德意志意识形态》 5、在马克思主义的经典着作中,被誉为“工人阶级的圣经”的着作是《资本论》 6、马克思主义经济理论的基石是剩余价值理论 7、世界上第一个无产阶级政党是共产主义者同盟 8、马克思主义理论区别于其他理论的显着特征是实践性 第二章世界的物质性及发展规律 9、唯物主义与唯心主义的对立和斗争中交织着辩证法与形而上学的对立和斗争 10、全部哲学,特别是近代哲学的重大的基本问题,是思维和存在的关系问题;唯物主义和唯心主义这两个专门的哲学术语有着特定的含义和确定的标准,不能随意乱用,也不能另立标准,否则会造成混乱。这里所说的特定含义和确定标准是指对世界本原究竟是物质还是精神的回答;存在和思维是否具有同一性,是哲学基本问题的第二方面的内容,对这个问题的不同回答,是划分可知论和不可知论的标准, 11、唯物主义一元论同唯心主义一元论对立的根本点在于世界本原问题 12、物质的唯一特性是客观实在性,“客观实在”是指存在于人的意识之外,不以人的意志为转移 13、相信“意念移物”,甚至相信可以用意念来直接改变物质结构,就是信奉主张精神主宰客观物质世界的主观唯心论 14、“心诚则灵,心不诚则不灵”的说法是夸大了意识能动作用的唯心主义观点 15、哲学物质概念与自然科学关于具体的物质形态和物质结构的概念之间共性与个性的关系(不是整体和部分的关系、系统与要素的关系) 16、列宁对辩证唯物主义物质范畴的定义是通过物质与意识的关系界定的 17、物质和意识的对立只有在非常有限的范围内才有绝对的意义,超过这个范围便是相对的了,这个范围是指物质和意识何者为第一性 18、对同一张事物的不同看法都是客观事物的主观映象 19、意识是客观世界的主观映象,这说明意识是客观精神的主观映象 20、“思想实验”体现了意识活动的创造性 21、运动是物质的存在方式和根本属性 22、“寒路神麦正当时”说明一切事物都处在永恒的运动、变化和发展之中 23、物质决定意识,意识对物质具有反作用。这种反作用也就是意识的能动作用,即人特有的积极认识世界和改造世界的能力和活动。 24、运动是物质的根本属性,是物质的存在方式 25、运动是物质的存在方式和根本属性,物质是运动着的物质,脱离运动的物质是不存在的 26、柏格森所说的运动变化不是指任何具体的事物的运动变化,而只是纯粹的“动作”,是没有物质承担者的运动

中南大学 人工智能考试试卷及答案

中南大学考试试卷 2011年第2学期,考试时间110分钟 人工智能课程48学时,3学分,考试形式:开卷 专业年级:计算机11级总分100分,占总评成绩70 % 注:此页不作答题纸,请将答案写在答题纸上 一、选择题(共20分,每题2分) 1、消解原理是一种用于 A、表达式变换的推理规则 B、变量运算的推理规则 C、一定的子句公式的推理规则 D 、规则演绎的推理规则 2、下列哪个系统属于新型专家系统? A、多媒体专家系统 B、实时专家系统 C、军事专家系统 D、分布式专家系统 3、示例学习属于下列哪种学习方法? A. 解释学习 B. 归纳学习 C. 类比学习 D. 机械学习 4、不属于神经网络常用学习算法的是: A. 有师学习 B. 增强学习 C. 观察与发现学习 D. 无师学习 5、人工智能应用研究的两个最重要最广泛领域为: A. 专家系统、自动规划 B. 专家系统、机器学习 C. 机器学习、智能控制 D. 机器学习、自然语言理解 6、下列搜索方法中不属于盲目搜索的是: A. 等代价搜索 B. 宽度优先搜索 C. 深度优先搜索 D. 有序搜索 7、被认为是人工智能“元年”的时间应为: A、1948年 B、1946年 C、1956年 D、1961年 8、被誉为国际“人工智能之父”的是: A、图灵(Turing) B、费根鲍姆(Feigenbaum) C、傅京孙(K.S.Fu) D、尼尔逊(Nilsson) 9、语义网络的组成部分为: A、框架和弧线 B、状态和算符 C、节点和链 D、槽和值 10、尽管人工智能学术界出现“百家争鸣”的局面,但是,当前国际人工智能的主流派仍属于:


English Test for Doctoral Candidates (A卷) Dec. 28, 2008 Part I Listening Comprehension (20%) Section A Directions:In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and question will be spoken only once. After each question, there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet I with a single line through the center. 1. A. Touch all his friends. B. Write a lot. C. Have a lot of time. D. Have a lot of friends. 2. A. To work for a small company. B. To start a large company. C. To be independent. D. To graduate. 3. A. Buy a new car. B. Go to a new store. C. Find a new repair shop. D. Take a different bus. 4. A. 36 dollars. B. 15 dollars. C. 12 dollars. D. 4 dollars. 5. A. One hour. B. Two hours. C. Three hours. D. Four hours. 6. A. Perston's sister is going abroad. B. The man is probably reading a newspaper. C. The news today is very unusual. D. The Prime Minister is warmly welcomed. 7. A. She likes Mexican food. B. She expected a better dinner. C. The dinner was expensive. D. She enjoyed the food more than the man did. 8. A. 6 hours. B. 1 hour. C. 10 hours.


1 ---○---○--- ---○---○--- ……… 评卷密封线…………… 密封线内不要答题,密封线外不准填写考生信息,违者考试成绩按0分处理…………… 评卷密封………线 ……… 中南大学考试试卷 2012 ~2013 学年二学期 大学物理 C 课程 时间100分钟 72学时,4.5学分,闭卷,总分100分,占总评成绩 70 % 一、选择题(共24分,每小题3分) 1.设质点沿X 轴作简谐运动,用余弦函数表示,振幅为A ,当t =0时,质点过0x A =-处且向X 轴正向运动,则其初相位为 (A )4/π; (B )4/3π; (C ) 4/5π; (D )4/7π。 [ ] 2.一平面简谐波在弹性媒质中传播时,某一时刻在传播方向上媒质中某质元在负的最大位移处,则它的能量是 (A )动能为零,势能最大; (B )动能为零,势能最零; (C )动能最大,势能最大; (D )动能最大,势能为零。[ ] 3.以布儒斯特角由空气入射到一玻璃表面上的自然光,反射光是 (A )在入射面内振动的完全偏振光; (B )平行于入射面的振动占优势的部分偏振光; (C )垂直于入射面振动的完全偏振光; (D )垂直于入射面的振动占优势的部分偏振光。 [ ] 4.质量一定的理想气体,从相同状态出发,分别经历等温过程、等压过程和绝热过程,使其体积增加一倍,那么气体对外所做的功在 (A )绝热过程最大,等压过程最小;(B )绝热过程最大,等温过程最小; (C )绝热过程最小,等压过程最大;(D )等压过程最大,等温过程最小。 [ ]

2 5.高斯定理??∑=S q S E 01d .ε ,说明了静电场的哪些性质 (1) 电场线不是闭合曲线 (2) 库仑力是保守力 (3) 静电场是有源场 (4) 静电场是保守场 (A) (1)(3) (B) (2)(3) (C) (1)(2) (D) (1)(4) [ ] 6.如图所示,半圆形线圈半径为R ,通有电流I ,在磁场B 的作 用下从图示位置转过30?时,它所受的磁力矩的大小和方向分别为: (A )4/2IB R π,沿图面竖直向下; (B )4/2IB R π,沿图面竖直向上; (C )4/32IB R π,沿图面竖直向下; (D )4/32IB R π,沿图面竖直向上。 [ ] 7.导体棒AB 在均匀磁场B 中绕通过C 点的垂直 于棒长且沿磁场方向的轴O O '转动(角速度与磁场同方 向),BC 的长度为棒长的三分之一,则 (A )A 点比B 点电势高; (B )A 点与B 点电势相等; (C )A 点比B 点电势低; (D )有稳定电流从A 点流向B 点。 [ ] 8.波函数),(t r ψ的物理意义,在下列表述中正确的是 (A )),(t r ψ是t 时刻粒子出现在r 处的几率; (B )),(t r ψ是t 时刻粒子出现在r 处的几率密度; (C )),(t r ψ无直接的物理意义,2),(t r ψ是t 时刻粒子出现在r 处的几率密度; (D )2),(t r ψ是t 时刻粒子出现在r 处的几率。 [ ]
