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Sincerely yours,




Dear sir/madam:

We would like to invite you to an exclusive presentation of our new [product]. The presentation will take place at [location], at [time] on [date]. There will also be a reception at [time]. We hope you and your colleagues will be able to attend.

[company] is a leading producer of high-quality . As you well know, recent technological advances have made increasingly affordable to the public. Our new models offer superb quality and sophistication with economy, and their new features give them distinct advantages over similar products from other manufacturers.

We look forward to seeing you on [date]. Just call our office at [phone number] and we will be glad to secure a place for you.

Sincerely yours,


公司邀请函范本(范本) 公司邀请函范本 公司邀请函范本 公司邀请函范本中国烹协快委会各早餐会员单位、各相关早餐经营连锁企业:为了贯彻《国务院办公厅关于搞活流通扩大消费的意见》和商务部关于加快推进全国早餐示范工程建设的战略部署,力争用3年左右时间,在全国地级以上城市建设800个主食加工配送中心,配套建设标准化早餐供应网点,形成规范化生产、统一加工配送和连锁化经营的早餐供应体系,基本满足广大居民的早餐服务需求的战略目标。自xx年下半年,商务部与财政部联合组织开展的主食加工配送中心建设试点工作顺利启动,最近又确定在16个省市开展早餐示范工程建设试点工作。为了加强全国早餐工程企业之间的紧密交流、学习创新,认真贯彻落实商务部关于早餐工程建设和发展的指导方针,积极推进早餐示范工程建设试点工作取得实效,持续健康发展,中国烹饪协会兹定于xx年9月上旬,在北京召开《xx年全国早餐企业年会》, 现将有关事宜通知如下: 一、年会主题:机遇使命信心发展 二、组织单位主办单位:中国烹饪协会组织单位:中国烹协快餐专业委员会承办单位:北京市饮食协会早餐专业委员会助单位:希杰(青岛)食品有限公司、郑州思念食品有限公司 三、时间安排报到xx年9月 3 日14:00至9月4日早8:20会议xx 年9月4 —5日 四、主要议题:

1、早餐示范工程的政策与机遇国家宏观政策解读早餐市场调查情况发布早餐 试点城市示范单位的情况交流 2、早餐创新早餐转型模式分析早餐理念、模式、产品的创新 3、专题研讨圆桌互动 4、早餐加工配送中心建设早餐企业、加工配送中心、设备厂商共 同研讨标准、设备和模型的建立 五、会议地点:北京市(四星级宾馆)(具体地点收到回执表后发确认函) 六、参加对象:中国烹饪协会快餐专业委员会早餐会员单位;相关早餐连锁企业 董事长、总经理等高层管理人员。会议拟邀请商务部等相关政府主管部门和地方领导出席。 七、会务费:委员单位:1800元人 1300元人(不住)非委员单位:2200元人(以上 费用含会议期间食宿费、会议费、资料费、车费等),包房另加费 八、有关事项报名参加会议的代表请于8月20日前将全国早餐工程调查表 和回执表(见附件2)发电子邮件或传真至快餐专业委员会秘书处。 九、联系方式中国烹协快委会秘书处联系人:电话: 传真:电子邮箱:附件1: 全国早餐工程情况调查表附件2:参会回执表公司邀请函范本全体同仁:又至炎炎 夏日,骄阳似火,酷暑难挡,节节攀升的高温给大家的工作、生活带来极大的影响。广大一线的员工不畏高温一如既往地坚守在各自岗位上,顽强拼搏,攻克难关,为公司的正常运营付出了艰辛的汗水。你们辛苦了~在此,我谨代表公司向在各个岗位坚持工作的员工们表示衷心的感谢和深切的慰问~特别向奋斗在高温一线的员工致以最崇高的敬意~你们任劳任怨、恪尽职守、扎实工作、兢兢业业,以高昂的工作热情和认真负责的工作态度战斗在工作第一线,你们这种战高温,斗酷暑的精神可歌可颂。高温仍将持续,任务依然艰巨,广大员工要时刻注意身体健康,做到劳逸结合,合理安排作息时间。各项目部应高度重视当前抗高温战酷暑工作,


初二英语作文范文:聚会邀请函 Invitation to the Party 聚会邀请函 Dear Mike, This Saturday is my birthday and my parents will hold a simple celebrating party for me. I am glad to invite you to come to the party. Blair Emma and Roan will also be invited. I am sure we will have a good time. We will have dinner at 18:30 so that you are wished to come at 18:15. My mother is a good cook and you will enjoy the dishes. After the dinner we will play some small games and then eat the cake. My parents and I sincerely expect you to come and hope to see you then. True yours, Daniel 亲爱的迈克: 这个星期六是我的生日,我父母将给我举行一个简单的庆祝派对。我很高兴邀请你来参加派对。我也邀请了布莱尔,艾玛和罗恩。我相 信我们会度过一段美好时光的。我们将在6点半吃晚饭,所以希望你 们6点15能到。我妈妈厨艺很好,你们一定会喜欢的。吃完晚饭,我 们会玩一些小游戏,然后吃蛋糕。我父母和我都真诚期望你们来,希 望到时能看到你们。


英语写邀请函的格式 Sincerely yours, [name] [title] Dear sir/madam: I'm delighted you have aepted our invitation to speak at the Conference in [city] on [date]. As we agreed, you'll be speaking on the topic "" from [time] to [time]. There will be an additional minutes for questions. Would you please tell me what kind of audio-visual equipment you'll need. If you could let me know your specific requirements by [date], I'll have plenty of time to make sure that the hotel provides you with what you need. Thank you again for agreeing to speak. I look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely yours, [name] [title] Write a letter to one of your high school classmates who is in a nearby city, and invite him/her to your city at this weekend. Some necessary details must be included. Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter, using “Li Ming”instead. Sample: Dear Linda, We haven’t seen each other for six years after graduation. I am so glad to hear that you have graduated from UCLA and e back to work in Suzhou. If you are free this Saturday, please e to Shanghai and have a good time with me.


英语邀请函回复范文带翻译 英语邀请函回复范文带翻译篇一 Dear : I have heard so much about from that I almost feel as though I knew him. I would certainly enjoy meeting his mother! But unfortunately I expect guests myself on ; and therefore cannot accept your invitation for luncheon on that day. It was thoughtful of you to invite me, and I am extremely sorry I cannot accept, I do hope you will ask me again some time! Sincerely yours, 亲爱的: 我已经从那里知道了许多关于的事,我好像已经认识他似的,能够去见他母亲我当然觉得十分荣幸! 但是很不凑巧:在我自己要招待客人,因此就不能接受您在那天的午宴邀请了。承您如此热情地相约,恰巧因事不能前往,深表歉意,但愿以后能再次荣获您的邀请。 英语邀请函回复范文带翻译篇二 Dear : It would give great pleasure to have your presence at a reception in honor of the Chinese delegation. The reception will be held in the , on . Cocktails will be served promptly at to be followed b dinner at . sincerely hope you can attend. Let know.


40年同学聚会邀请函1 尊敬的老师、亲爱的同学们: 当您接到这份沉甸甸的邀请函的时候,此时此刻。您一定和我们一样思绪万千,感慨不已。在怀念、在沉思、在回忆您所走过的这不平凡的40年人生路程,怀念着这一路走过来许许多多的艰辛,坎坎坷坷的无数往事。怀念经历过的事、经历过的人。1975年是共和国一个特殊时期,我们是和这个时代同呼吸,共命运的一代特殊学生。当我们恋恋不舍走出学门,和向阳中学12班这个一辈子难以割舍、忘怀的集体告别时,注定要从青涩朦胧的磕碰中走向历练成熟。是啊,回眸40年,我们有过欢乐;有过痛苦;有过挫折;也有过悲伤,然尔我们从忧愁中学会了思考,从彷徨中启迪了智慧,更多的是您没有沉伦,更没有气奈,而是顽强的同命运、同生活、同环境和一切一切在奋力的拼搏,从而成就了您今天无比的坚强和精彩的人生。到现在您仍然还肩负着重任在前行。这就是哪个时代造就了12班我们每个人不屈不挠的高贵品格。 我们总是这样。因为我们12班同学就是这样一群人,深深地知道在人生不平的道路上自己应该做什么、干什么,从而演绎出每个人在人生一轮回中那些美好的,一幕幕让自己感动。让同学感动,让亲朋好友引以自豪、光彩夺目的篇

章来,12班同学是一群值得骄傲的人。 40年是一个不短的人生岁月,是标志着我们成熟和硕果的里程碑。时光如梭,我们脚踏实地努力过,失败过,徘徊过,当然也成功过。风风雨雨的日子教会了我们珍惜拥有,生活的酸、甜、苦、辣懂得了幸福,我们是孩子眼中的长辈;是长辈眼里的孩子;我们肩负着很多责任,我们是很多人的希望,我们也拥有很多人的爱。追昔抚今,12班是我们值得永远怀念的战斗集体。 如今同学们都已经两鬓斑白,岁月年轮使我们即将从中年步入老年行列,这次举办40周年大聚会,其目的就是让同学们不忘艰难的过去,珍惜来之不易的现在,更加关注珍重我们美好的未来,在此时此刻让您休养生息片刻。同学们,当您从中国尚义故乡就和你们血脉相连,无时不刻的在惦记着你们;家乡的蓝天白云、一草一木在关注着你们;这一方皇天厚土、山山水水在深深地思念着你们;你们的奋斗,你们的困苦,你们的冷暖,杏树坡、鸳鸯河、麒麟山在心疼着你们。因为你们曾在这里生活过、学习过,这里留下了你们难以忘怀的快乐时光、欢快的足迹和青春的身影。母校由你们而光荣;历史由你们而铭记;12班由你们而骄傲。 拳拳故乡心,祈盼游子情。 40年同学聚会邀请函2亲爱的同学: 光阴似箭,岁月如梭,年华似水。年前的盛夏,我们一



公司参观邀请函范文 【篇一:考察邀请函范文】 考察邀请函范文___________________公司: 由于我方项目的需求,特邀请贵公司专业顾问人员对我方项目进行实地考察,届时将与贵公司商议双方合作事宜。 考察日期: 考察人数: 考察内容: 所有考察费用由我方负担,考察人员的住宿条件将不低于三星级酒店的标准。我方联系人: 联系方式: 请贵方予以确认并回复。 单位负责人签字:___________________ 单位公章:___________________ 年月日 范文: 台湾青年创业协会北京国宣国际文化交流中心关于组团赴台湾商务考察的邀请函我国政府对节能、再生能源工作高度重视,特别是改革开放以来我国节能工作出现了欣 欣向荣的局面。我国巨大的节能潜力,庞大的节能市场,显示出节能产业在我国具有良好的市场发展前景。

自2006年以来,在钢铁、水泥、电解铝、房地产开发等行业投资热的带动下,我国各行各业不同程度地经历了煤电油运的紧张局面:煤炭告急,原油市场价格持续攀升,“电荒”开始蔓延,20余个省市相继进入“拉闸限电”的行列。日趋紧迫的资源压力与环境压力,要求我们必须转变经济增长方式,遏制资源浪费,走资源消耗低、环境污染少、经济效益好 的经济发展道路。在过去的20年里,我国的能源消费总量随着经济的发展已经翻了一番,超过了13亿吨标准煤,成为世界上仅次于美国的能源消费大国。从国内能源资源的情况看,虽然我国的煤炭资源比较丰富,但石油、天然气资源相对则十分贫乏。由于人口基数巨大,中国人均能源资源占有量远比世界平均值要低。在各类资源供应有限的情况下,“节能”就成为缓解能源危机的首选途径。已实施的节能项目主要分布在北京、广东、四川、贵州等地,项目涉及楼宇空调系统改造、工业锅炉改造、废气及余热利用、电机拖动系统改造等。所有项目技术成熟,节能减排效果明显,平均投资回报率约30%,具有推广价值。 为了借鉴具有同一文化背景的我国台湾省的发展经验,交流行业信息,反映行业发展趋势,综观市场结构变化,培养锻炼新人,促进我国节能事业的迅速发展,由台湾青年创业协会主办,北京国宣国际文化交流中心承办,组团赴台湾进行为期11天的交流研讨活动。 一、领队:中心相关人员带队。 二、拟邀嘉宾:节能行业、再生资源协会及相关单位负责人。 三、时间地点:第一期:每月15日、第二期:每月25日出团 报到地点:深圳市 四、考察内容: 1.拜访台湾绿基会节能中心,并与有关人士座谈。


邀请函英文范文 dear xxx: i am writing to invite you to join me in xxxx(city name) and to stay with me here for three years until my current course finishes in december 2005. i am also sending you a set of documents, listed below, for your use in connection with your application for entry clearance to enter the uk as my dependant. for further information, i can be contacted at the above address. take care. love you your husband 公司晚会邀请函范文(中英文) (称谓) 今天我们特别邀请您参加____(地点名称)分店开张的庆祝活动。我们希望能和您共同庆祝,并邀请您一边品尝香槟酒,一边参观。 热烈欢迎您于____(日期),____(时间a)-____(时间b)的到来。 如果您的熟人或朋友也对我们的产品感兴趣,欢迎您带他们一起来。 我们期待您的到来! (结尾敬辞) (salutation) please note, however, that we don’t assume any legal or financial responsibility whatever regarding the presence of in china. all expenses of sjourney to/from china, their stay in china as well as health insurance will be borne by their employers. we send you our kindest regards and best wishes for a pleasant trip. yours sincerely, general manager signatur july 29, 2005 dear sir or madam: please note, however, that we don’t assume any legal or financial responsibility whatever regarding the presence of ****** in china. all expenses of *****’sjourney to/from china, their stay in china as well as health insurance will be borne by their employers. we send you our kindest regards and best wishes for a pleasant trip. yours sincerely, general manager signatur july 29, 2005 xxx, ceo xxx, vp sales xxxxxxxx corporation (address) progressing in promoting and selling your products. we believe this visit will be of great benefit to our future business cooperation. please use this invitation letter to apply for your visa to china. we are all looking forward to seeing you soon, and should you have any questions, please feel free to inform me.


2020高考英语邀请信模板带翻译 2020高考英语邀请信模板带翻译1 Dear sir/madam: [organization] would very much like to have someone from your company speak at our conference on [topic]. As you may be aware, the mission of our association is to promote . Many of our members are interested in the achievements your company has made in . Enclosed is our preliminary schedule for the conference which will be reviewed in weeks. I’ll call you [date] to see who from your company would be willing to speak to us. I can assure you that we’ll make everything convenient to the speaker. Sincerely yours, [name] 亲爱的先生/女士: (组织)很想有人从贵公司在我们的会议上发言(主题)。 如你所知,我们协会的使命是促进。我们的许多成员感兴趣的.是你们公司取得的成就。 封闭是我们的初步日程安排将在周回顾的会议。我会打电话给你从公司[日期],看谁愿意说给我们听。我可以向你保证,我们将一切方


企业开业邀请函范文 企业开业邀请函该怎么写呢?下面小编整理了企业开业邀请函范文,欢迎大家参考! 企业开业邀请函范文尊敬的先生/女士: 您好!首先我们感谢您在过去的时光里对我们的关注和支持,感谢您对我们所有工作的理解和肯定!在此,董事长马丽率全体员工为您送上我们最真挚的问候和最衷心的祝福! 河南环球仪器设备有限公司是河南远诚实业有限公司的子公司,是专门经销先进科学仪器的高科技企业。所经营产品涵盖高校、科研院所、疾控、畜牧、农业、林业、制药、药检、质检、检验检疫、环保、石化、公路、纺织、建材、能源等多行业,在同行业中具有良好的形象和信誉,客户美誉度xx0%,供应商信用度xx0%。我们拥有一支“敬业、专业、精业”的销售服务团队,为用户提供售前顾问式、售中一站式、售后本地化时效服务。我们将秉承“用户至上,信誉第一”的宗旨,一如既往的为用户提供全球最好的产品和最佳的服务! 周口市位于河南省东南部,东临安徽阜阳,西接河南漯河市、许昌市,南与驻马店市相连,北与开封、商丘市接壤,耕地面积、总人口均居河南省第2位。周口市距今有6000

多年的文明史,粮、棉总产量均居河南省第一位,同时还是全国重要的油、烟及黄牛、槐山羊、生猪的养殖及肉类出口基地。 因公司业务发展,为了更好、更快的服务客户,结合周口市的地理位置、经济力量等综合因素,我公司现决定在周口设立分公司。 我公司将于20xx年x月x日(星期六)举行周口分公司成立大会,我们诚挚邀请您亲临周口,感受环球仪器的生机和活力,同时体验周口的历史和文化。 让我们再次代表环球仪器的全体同事,对您长期以来对我们的关心和支持表示感谢,同时也向您的即将莅临表示感谢! 时间:20XX年x月x日(星期六)上午9:30 地址: 联系人:胡XX联系电话: 陈X联系电话: XXXX仪器设备有限公司


中文、英语请柬、邀请函的不同和英文请柬的格式: 现代的社会是交际的社会,需要举办或参加各种国际或国内的会议以及宴会等,写邀请信和请柬是一个人必备的素质。今天我们就来介绍中文请柬和英文请柬的格式,并在后面给出中文请柬和英文请柬的范文! 由于邀请信是一种重要的社交书信,它包括正式和非正式两种。正式的邀请信即请柬,它有固定的格式,一般用第三人称书写;非正式的邀请信格式不严格,使用第一人称,称呼也比较自由。 中文请柬和英文请柬、邀请函的格式 中文请柬和英文请柬有固定的格式和措辞,因此不能简单地以单句为单位进行翻译,而应从整个篇章的角度去把握,使译文符合目的语的表达习惯。请看下面这则例子: mr. and mrs. john smith request the honour of the presence of mr. and mrs. j. a. brown at the marriage of their daughter elizabeth smith to mr. john frederick hamilton saturday, the twenty-ninth of september at four oclock p.m. church of heavenly rest new york 译文如下:j.a.布朗先生及夫人:兹定于九月二十九日(星期六)下午四时在纽约天安教堂为小女伊丽莎白.史密斯与约翰?弗雷德里克.汉密尔顿先生举行婚礼,届时恭请光临。约翰.史密斯夫妇谨订。这是一张正式的英文结婚请柬,格式采用固定的分行式。在内容安排上按照“邀请者被邀请者邀请之意活动内容时间地点”这样的先后顺序。汉语的顺序是“活动时间活动地点活动内容邀请之意邀请者的姓名”,邀请者的姓名应写在右下角,与正文分开。无论是英语请柬还是汉语请柬,在语言上的要求是一致的,都须简洁明了,措辞庄重、文雅,比如,原请柬中为表达邀请之意所用的是“request the honour of the presence of”,翻译时用“恭请光临”与之对应。此外,译文的开头用了“兹定于”,结尾处用“谨订”,这样的用词都体现了请柬正式的文体。但有两点不同:第一,英文请柬从头至尾都采用第三人称,译成中文时,一般应改用第一人称,如:“the marriage of their daughter”译成“为小女”;第二,英文请柬中星期应写在日期之前,译成汉语时,星期应写在日期后面的括号内。有时请柬下角有一些备注,提醒被邀请人应注意的事项,如:r.s.v.p.:法语“r épondez sil vous plait”的缩写,即“please reply”,“请复函”; for regrets only:“若不能来请告知”(regrets意为“谢绝邀请的短柬”);dress code:着装要求。 下面是一封英语邀请函、请柬的范文,供大家参考: july 29, 2005 xxx, ceo xxx, vp sales xxxxxxxx corporation (address) please use this invitation letter to apply for your visa to china. we are all looking forward to seeing you soon, and should you have any questions, please feel free to inform me. yours truly,


篇一:邀请函范本6个 邀请函范本1 尊敬的_____ dear______ 为感谢您及贵公司对我们长期以来的支持与厚爱,我们将在装修一新25楼空中酒廊举办商务客户答谢会,尽情期待您的光临! ****** 年月日 邀请函范本2 ___________________公司: 由于我方项目的需求,特邀请贵公司专业顾问人员对我方项目进行实地考察,届时将与贵公司商议双方合作事宜。 考察日期: ****** 年月日 邀请函范本3 尊贵的_______先生/女士: __________大会是__________领域以及__________行业的一次盛会,也是一个中立和开放的交流与合作平台,它将引领软件人对中国 软件产业作更多、更深入的思辨,积极推进国家信息化建设和软件产业化发展。 邀请函范本4 本届大会的主题是“______________________________”,将围绕软件工程、信息系统、行业动态、人才培养等方面进行深入广泛的交流。会议将为来自国内外高等院校、科研院所、企事单位的专家、教授、学者、工程师提供一个代表国内软件行业产、学、研最高水平的信息交流平台,分享有关方面的成果与经验,探讨相关领域所面临的问题与动态。 本届大会将于___年__月__日至_日在杭州举行。鉴于您在相关领域的研究与成果,大会组委会特邀请您来交流、探讨。如果您有演讲的题目请于__月__日前将您的演讲题目和详细摘要通过电子邮件发给我们,没有演讲题目和详细摘要的我们将难以安排会议发言,敬请谅解。 另外,我们联系了酒店安排住宿(准四星),__月__日将在所在酒店设立接待处,如有需求请将您的行程和住宿要求等情况填写在附表中,于__月__日前通过电子邮件返馈回组委会。 为了与全国高校管理学院从事信息化教学的老师们针对上述问题共享我们的经验,北大光华管理学院和将神州数码管理系统有限公司在 11月9日召开“高校如何培养企业需要的信息化人才”的大型研讨会。在这次会议上,我们希望通过此次大会提供一个高校教师之间、高校和企业之间充分交流的场所,使来自全国各高校的教师在教学方法、课程建设、实验教学等方面进行深入的探讨,探索校企优势互补及资源共享的途径,并通过聆听企业的心声来获知社会对人才需求的特点。使高校与企业悉知各自所应扮演的角色,从而为中国社会信息化的发展和普及做出应有的贡献特此邀请,真诚地期待您的光临! 邀请函范本5 尊敬的x x x教授: 为进一步促进我省教育改革和发展,交流彼此研究成果,我所决定于2004《年x月x 日至x月x日在5大学学术交流中心举办x x省第三届教育发展与研究理论报告会,恭请您就我省教育发展的现状与发展发表高见。务请拨冗出席,如愿之时,不胜感谢! 此致


英文聚会邀请函范文_邀请函 英文聚会邀请函范文 英文聚会邀请函范文1 Dear xxx: i want to play a party to celebrate***. i‘d like to invite you to my party 。 the time is xxx. thank you ! 英文聚会邀请函范文2 May 5,20xx Dear xxx, This Saturday is my birthday and my parents will hold a simple celebrating party for me. I am glad to invite you to come to the party. Blair, Emma and Roan will also be invited. I am sure we will have a good time. We will have dinner at 18:30 so that you are wished to come at 18:15. My mother is a good cook and you will enjoy the dishes. After the dinner, we will play some small games and then eat the cake. My parents and I sincerely expect you to come and hope to see you then. True yours, Daniel 英文聚会邀请函范文3 Dear [Jane]: I hope [you and Fred] haven’t any plan for the weekend of [July twenty-fourth] as we’d like you to spend it with us at [Far Acres]. It’s simply beautiful here now, with everything in bloom! I think we can promise [Fred] some good fishing this year. The fish are biting better than ever! So bring your fishing clothes; and be sure to bring your tennis things, too, because [the Owens] are coming and I’m sure you’ll want to get out on the courts with them. There’s a very good train [Friday night]; I’ve marked it in red on the timetable. It gets you here about [seven-thirty] which is just in time for dinner. You can get a late train back [Sunday night], or there’s an early express that [Bob] usually takes on [Monday morning]. We hope nothing will prevent you from coming, as we’re looking forward to your visit … and I know [the Owens] are looking forward to seeing you again, too. Be sure to let us know what train you are taking so that [Bob] can meet you at the station. Affectionately yours, +++ 英文聚会邀请函范文4 Hello!Eeveryone, The happy new year is coming, are we expecting to have a wonderful,memorable,special time to welcome new year? Do you want a crazy party? Do you want to just relax and enjoy? Come with me, here is heaven and you can do everything your like!Let's share classmate heart at XXXX(time & place). Can not wait any more... Come on! Where is your passion?


英语邀请函 篇一:用英语写音乐会邀请函准备晚会是一个繁琐而开心的过程,当你订好菜单,重新布置了客厅,购置了全新的餐具,还差什么呢?邀请朋友们来晚会!打电话当然简单可取,但写一封诚恳的英文邀请函会显得更加隆重。 hosting a dinner party can involve a lot of preparation, depending on how many people it is for and how elaborate the proceedings will be. one of the first jobs of hosting a dinner is to write the invitations for each of your guests. these invitations should contain all the important information about the dinner party that your guests need to know. how formal your invitation is ultimately depends on the type of dinner party you intend on having. 一封完整的邀请函要包括晚会的所有重要信息,包括时间、地点、人员、着装要求(有些晚会主人会确定dressing code,通常是一个主题元素,比如polka dots波点,大家的身上都要有一个波点的元素)。邀请函要多正式是根据晚会的正式程度定的。下面就向大家介绍写作晚会邀请函的步骤。 在文章的第一行写上邀请对方来晚会的初衷和目的。比如“j ames和natalie邀请你来参加一周年结婚纪念日晚会。”更正式的写法比如“smith夫妇希望能有幸邀请您共同见证他们的结婚一周年纪念日晚会。”


英语邀请函范文带翻译 篇一 被邀请人的信息 About the person being invited 全名 / complete name 生日 / date of birth, if known 职务及所代表的公司 / the company represented and the person’s position 该人的住址电话(工作/住宅)/ the person’s address and telephone number (both work and home) 你公司与被邀人的商务关系及历史 / your company’s relationship to the invitee and your business history together 你是否与该人相知,关系如何whether you know the visitor personally, and if you are related 访问目的(如需长期逗留,请解释原因)the purpose of the trip (if part of a longer-term project, please provide context) 访问时间和期限the length of time the person will be visiting your company in Canada 篇二

Dear Petty, I hope you didn’t make any plane for this weekend. You know I am moving into the new house, and I sincerely invite you to come to my new house. I will hold a celebration party on Saturday night. The scenery here is fantastic that I am sure you will like it. On Saturday, you can walk around my house after you get here. The party will begin at #:##. You can live in my house that night. On Sunday, we can go fishing or play table tennis. So please do some preparation for them. You can drive here and you will see a board “Kelly’s Home”near the road. It only takes you one hour to get here. I hope there will be nothing stopping you to come. Yours affectionately, Kelly 亲爱的贝蒂: 希望你这个周末没有什么安排!你知道我就要搬到新房了,我真诚的邀请你来我的新房。星期六晚上我会举行一个庆祝晚会。那里的景色漂亮迷人,我相信你一定会喜欢的。星期六到这里后你可以在我家到处看看。晚会将在#点开始,到时候你可以住在我家。你可以开车过来,然后你会看见路边的一块板上写着


聚会的英语邀请函_邀请函 想要举办一场聚会,要邀请一些外国朋友参加,用英语怎么写邀请函呢。下面范文大全小编带你一起来了解一下英文聚会邀请函范文,希望对你有所帮助! 非正式的英文聚会邀请函范文 how time flies. as you know, we have agreed that on every july 5th we will stay together in the same classroom, for class 1 grade 3. the day is near, i am so proud of being one of the organizers. i am here to send this invitation to you, to join such a significant meeting. on that day, we could have free talks and discussion, and share our stories of the passing year. i am looking forward to this. wishing you all could come and join the meeting. time: july 5th,20xx add: organizers: charge of activity: 英文聚会邀请函范文 dear [mr. harrison]: [you and your wife] to be present at a celebration to mark the occasion. please confirm that you will be able to attend by advising us of your time we can arrange for you to be met. all arrangements for your stay [overnight on april 10] will, of course, be made by us at our expense. yours faithfully, 英文聚会邀请函怎么写 hello!eeveryone, the new year is coming, are we expecting to have a wonderful,memorable,special time to welcome new year? do you want a crazy party? or do you want to just relax and enjoy? come with me, here is heaven and you can do everything your like!lets share classmate heart at xxxx(time place). come on! where is your passion? i am looking forward you! happy night and day! happy xxxx (class) day! 英文聚会邀请函格式 july 25, 20xx dear xx, its three years since we left no. 1 high school. have you ever thought of seeing all of your old classmates again some day? heres a chance for you to meet them. the address is no. xxx taiping street. take bus no. xxx and get off at taiping street. you cant miss it. please note: if you cant come, write to this address or call me up(tel: xxx)and leave a message. any good suggestion should be sent to us by next weekend. 分享让人快乐,欢迎下载使用


英文邀请函 【篇一:英文商务邀请函范文】 英文商务邀请函范文 1.签证英文商务邀请函格式 兹邀请由您领导的北京4人代表团来***(国家)参加***(展览)。该展览将于***(日期)在***(地点)举行。请您安排来***(国家)的必要事宜。展会期间您们将在此逗留***日,所有的费用,包括国际机票、当地交通、食宿、医疗保险和其他相关费用由贵公司承担。我们期待您的访问。 此致敬礼 (salutation) i would hereby invite the members of beijing delegation totally 4 persons (listed attachment) led by you, to come over to ***(country) for *** (exposition), which is to be held at *** (place)during *** (date). please make the necessary arrangements for your delegation to arrive in *** (country). during the exposition, you will stay here for *** days. all your expenses including international air tickets, local transportation, accommodations, medical insurances and all other related expenses during your stay here will be paid by yourselves. we are looking forward to greeting you in *** (country) very soon. yours sincerely, (signature) 商务邀请函是正式公函,请用单位带英文抬头、地址、电话的信纸打印,结尾加盖公章。 2.英文商务邀请函范文 下面是一封英语邀请函、请柬的范文,供大家参考: july 29, 2005 xxx, ceo xxx, vp sales xxxxxxxx corporation (address) it’s our great honor to invite you to visit xxx company located at (address) in august, 2003. this visit will provide an opportunity for you to make a better understanding of our marketing issues, and to communicate our future business cooperation in detail.
