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interpersonal roles

interpersonal roles

Interpersonal roles: In fulfilling the interpersonal roles of management, managers perform three sub-roles: figurehead, leader and liaison. In the figurehead role, managers perform ceremonial duties like greeting company visitors, speaking at the opening of a new facility or representing the company at a community luncheon to support local charities. In the leader role, managers motivate and encourage workers to accomplish organizational objectives. In the liaison role, managers deal with people outside their units.

Planning from top to bottom:

Top managers create the organizational vision and mission. Middle managers develop tactical plans and use management by objectives to motivate employee efforts towards the overall vision and mission. First-level managers use operational, single-use and standing plans to implement the tactical plans. Starting at the top need strategic plans, vision and mission. Bending in the middle need tactical plans and management by objectives. Finishing at the bottom need operational plans, single-use plans, standing plans, policies, procedures, rules and regulations and budgeting.

The Belbin Team Roles

What follows are a number of views about Belbin

Belbin according to (Handy 1985) Belbin's original book ("Management Teams - why they succeed or fail") is still in print and is a good place to go to understand his concept. Following the wide acceptance of the Team Roles concept, he later published "Team Roles at Work", exploring the practical application of his ideas in more detail. You can also buy team games that bring out each person's roles, as well as electronic or paper-based questionnaires.

Belbin’s Team Roles as seen by (Cartwright 2002) Belbin saw that an individual had a dual role ?Your own skills ?How you used them in the team Individuals could have a 'secondary' team role they could display if no other team member had the role as their primary one. Allowable weaknesses One of the key concepts in Belbin's work is that of allowable weaknesses. Every team type has its strengths but each also has an 'opposite side of the coin' - weaknesses. Where these weaknesses are such that if they were removed it might also impact on the effectiveness of the strengths then they are allowable and need to be managed rather than removed. An example is the lack of attention to detail in the team type known as a Plant (see later). A Plant - naturally creative as he or she is - can be forced to concentrate on details but the danger is that the creativity will be lost. A more effective solution is to ensure that there is a team member whose strength is attention to detail (A Completer-Finisher) working alongside the Plant as this allows both to play to their strengths. Belbin's eight team roles The eight team types which Dr Belbin and his colleagues originally identified were: ?Co-ordinator ?Plant ?Shaper ?Monitor-Evaluator ?Implementer ?Resource Investigator ?Team Worker ?Completer-Finisher ?Specialist (added later). Co-ordinator (Traits stable, dominant and extrovert). Co-ordinators was originally entitled 'Chairman', a term that was both misleading and would today be considered politically incorrect. It was misleading, as a strong coordinator may well not be the leader of their team. However, it is team leadership that such individuals are best fitted for. The name was later changed to title that better expresses the nature of the team contribution. The Co-ordinator is the one who presides over the team and coordinates its efforts to meet external goals and targets. Co-ordinators are distinguished by their preoccupation with objectives and an ability to include all team members in discussions. Co-ordinators are intelligent but not in any sense brilliant - and not outstanding creative thinkers: it is rare for any of the creative ideas to originate with them. They often display charisma, a concept to be considered in later chapters under leadership. Co-ordinators also possess natural 'people skills.' Co-ordinators are dominant, but in a relaxed and unassertive way - they are not domineering. They may, however tend to be manipulative, but in a covert manner Co-ordinators tend to trust people unless there is very strong evidence that they are untrustworthy and they are singularly free from jealousy.

interpersonal relationship英语口语

interpersonal relationship What is the important thing for a man who lives in 21 century? Knowledge, a pretty appearance or a big background? No, I think all of these answers are wrong. The important thing is skills of interpersonal relationship. Interpersonal Communicate is important for us。Every step of real progress in our society has come from it. We all know that Communicating and making friends with other people are the congenital need for human beings. The fact is that an alone person just have a bit strength. So people should cooperate with the others in order to become stronger and stronger. Today our life is becoming better and better, but there is still a problem. Many people need mental health and social health help in their interpersonal relationship. But many people are shy or even be afraid of communicate with others. Some of them have few friend and feel lonely, some of them would stay in their own world rather than go out with their friends. We can do a lot of things to improve our interpersonal relationship. In my opinion, firstly, we should respect others, and respect is the base of interpersonal relationship, just as a saying goes: If you want to win the respect of others, you first need to respect others. To be accepted by others, as far as I can see, the most important thing is showing your respect to others. However, only respect is not enough. If you want to be popular, you should always understand and tolerate others. There is no denying that we may have conflicts with many people, but what really matters is understanding and tolerance. Secondly, just open your mind and be warm. When we get into a new environment, we need be more active in order to make friends and get to know new things. And A person with a warm heart is welcomed. Every time you give your hand to others, you win a favorable impression which may play an important role in the following contacts. At last, I assume that we have to learn how to care about the others. If we care about the man who we talk with, we will find a lot of topics that we can talk together and the man will be willing to exchange his ideas with us. So we can learn many things from him. It is good for improving our interpersonal relationship Therefore, I am sure we can improve interpersonal relationship. Can we live without interpersonal communication? Of course, the answer is not. So we must improve our interpersonal communication skills. The better skills we get, the better interpersonal relationship we have, the better life we live.

Men and Women’s Roles in a family

Men and Women’s Roles in a family Family is a very important concept in every culture. People throughout history depended on families. Men and women cooperate with each other and play different roles in a family. In tradition family, definite gender roles existed between men and women. The man worked at an outside job for the family's income, fixed the family car and did the manly "handyman" jobs. The woman stayed at home, cared for children and cooked and cleaned. “Men’s work centers around outside, women’s work centers around the home” described the traditional Chinese family roles exactly. They had a clear division of work and worked together. However, in this relationship women had a lower position than men. This was an obvious manifestation of the inequality between men and women. In recent decades, with the globalization and the cultural exchange, the family roles of men and women in China have changed dramatically. In modern Chinese family, the husband and the wife almost have the equal position. Women also have their own jobs and will not be driven to stay at home. And househusband becomes more and more popular in modern China. This is the positive aspect. However, in many cases, women who work full time are still perceived as having the primary responsibility of caring for the children and home. If one of the children is sick, the mother leaves the office to pick up the child. Women still do more housework than their husbands, although men now do more chores than their fathers did. It’s hard for women to balance work and family. It is clear that in a family the roles of men and women are not sharply separated. However, roles should be clearly identifiable. Individual family members must know and acknowledge their roles and responsibilities. Establishing clear, flexible roles is a key to successful family. Only in this way can we enable the family function steadily and keep the society run effectively.

人际沟通Interpersonal communication

人际沟通Interpersonal communication Interpersonal communication is generally divided into two types: verbal and nonverbal语言沟通和非语言沟通. In most interpersonal communication在大多数人际沟通中, verbal and nonverbal communications are not mutually exclusive语言和非语言的沟通并不相互排斥. Instead, the destination’s interpretation of a message is generally based both on the words contained in the message and on such nonverbal factors as the source’s gestures and facial expressions. 言语沟通verbal communication Verbal communication uses either spoken or written words to share information with others. 言语是人际沟通的主要手段。利用言语交流信息时,只要参与交流的各方对情境的理解高度一致,所交流的意义就损失得最少。特别是言语沟通伴随着合适的副言语和其他非言语手段时更能完美地传达信息。社会心理学家研究言语沟通的重点放在说者和听者是怎样合作以及对信息的理解是怎样依赖于沟通情境和社会背景的。 谈话的规则言语沟通要遵循一定的规则。这些规则通常是不成文的共同的默契。谈话规则在不同社会、不同文化、不同团体和不同职业之间有所差别。但也有一些普遍性的规则。例如:一方讲话时对方应注意倾听;不要轻易打断对方的谈话;一个时间只能有一个人讲话,一个人想讲话,必须等别人把话讲完;要注意用词文雅,等等。 在实际的言语沟通中,根据内容和情境的需要,谈话的双方还必须有一些特殊的交谈规则。例如,一个计算机专家给一个外行人介绍计算机知识时,要少用专业术语,而多用通俗性的语言,多打些比喻。至于谁先讲,什么时间讲,讲多长时间,怎么讲等,都要参与沟通的各方进行协调。交谈中还有一种更重要的协调,

Man and women's roles in a family

Man and women's roles in a family As we say the man and women's roles in a family, Many people would naturally assume that the traditional role of a man within a family is that of primary breadwinner, while a woman's job is to care for the children. But now, in the wake of development with the society,In earlier generations, men and women both took active roles in commerce and child-rearing. Let's talk about the tradition the roles man and women’s in a family. about ten hundred years ago, Men go out to work, ploughing to earn money to make family to live a better life, The woman weaving at home, Aio Noriko, obey the three obediences and the four virtues, this is a man-dominated society. What is the effect now that the man and women's roles in a family? It is difficult to answer this question separating the role of man and women because they actually should work together in harmony as a unit. Man have the primary role of supporting and sustaining the family and women the role of raising the children, but this simplistic description doesn't really address what is most important. That is that the man and women communicate and plan through inspiration, mutual respect, love, and charity for the development of a rich family life that prepares children to be independent and successful in their own lives.After the children are grown, the process continues mutually working together to serve each other and others gaining greater understanding and preparing for Eternal life.Though man and womens have different skills and characteristics, each of them contributes to the success of a happy home. Both provide an environment that is conducive to learning, living, and loving. The ideal is full, the reality is skinny.Chinese traditional men are superior to women lead to man's increase. At the same time reduce the woman. so, the man called women for “daye”. Not only did man need to make earn life, but also do all housework. It was more than that! AS a man, you need to learn Say sweet words and Remember all kinds of holiday to send women gifts. Only in this way, the family maybe include a women!As a real man, I don’t want to say more ,it is full of tears!


沙利文的人際理論(Sullivan、s Interpersonal Theory) 沙利文( Sullivan Hany Stack 1 8 9 2 ~ 1 9 4 9 ) 是美國精神病學家,精神分析學派中社會學派的代表人之一。其人格理論又稱人際理論,集中表現在他的著作〝精神病學的人際理論〞一書中,這本書是沙利文死後,由佩里等人編輯,紐約諾頓出版公司於1953年出版,這本著作的中心內容是把精神病學概述為人際關係的科學,強調人的社會本質,認為人格、精神病、診斷和治療等都可以從人際關係的角度來解釋和處理。 在沙利文的人際理論中,曾先後提出四個關鍵性概念: (1)人類本質的社會性—這種社會表現為人際關係,因此可以用人際關係術語界定精神病、人格、診斷和治療等概念。 (2)焦慮—它在人格形成和人格障礙中起決定性作用。 (3) 操作—在人際領域中,人與人之間的相互作用實際上是一種操作,人際操作如何,即可導致人格障礙和精神病,也可治療人格障礙和精神病。 (4) 發展序列—這種發展序列表現在人格上,指人格發展的階段性。 (一)人類本質的社會性: 一個人出生後,就生活在一個復雜,變動的人際關係之中,這種人際關係就是他的社會性。人的人格是社會的產物,只有人與人之間的關係才能存在。單單研究個人而不研究人與人之間的相互關係,就無法確定人格的形成和發展問題,個人與他人之間的相互作用和相互影嚮是人格形成與發展的原因。 在1925年,沙利文在馬利蘭州的西帕德布拉特醫院開闢了專門病室,治療一些男性少年的嚴重精神分裂症。 沙利文反對當時精神分裂症的一些看法,認為這種病是遺傳的或認為是一種自戀狀態。 沙利文根據患者動機的探討,認為精神分裂症主要由于患者童年的人際關係的破壞,產生思想怪癖或象徵化行為在想象占有自己和他人,導致患者思維,情感,活動的歪曲和經驗組織的分裂。

Unit5 Gender Roles课文翻译

变更的性别角色 1.下午六点在巴内特的家庭。亚历克斯和苏珊已经下班回家约 15 分钟。这次轮到亚历克斯做晚饭。现在,苏珊本来可以休息一下,但她在厨房里开始生气。 2.亚历克斯刚刚挂了订购比萨饼的电话----本月第三次。当轮到她做晚饭时,苏珊总是试图准备美味又低脂肪的东西。她希望自己5岁的女儿,伊丽莎,在年轻的时候学会健康饮食。然而,亚历克斯,很少关注她的担忧:“晚饭吃披萨会对伊丽莎有坏处?” 3.争论几分钟后,苏珊意识到有比眼前看到的更多的。“这不是披萨的问题——它只是当你不得不在这里帮忙时总会偷懒的做法” 4.亚历克斯反驳道:"为什么你总是挑剔我怎么做事情?几乎所有我从你那听到的都是我从来没有做的足够在和我做的事情是永远不足够好。在这里我做的很多,我从来没有得到任何表扬!” 5.更多可能,对于我们每一个人这场争论听起来很熟悉。我们生活在一个性别角色正在发生变化时代,我们试着处理我们的生活工作中的关系找出正确的方式解决两性问题,可是没有前路可寻。是什么让两性关系复杂,今天我们的世界40 年前几乎无法想象。 6.今天两性关系呈现一个令人费解的画面。一方面,我们被告知,妇女和男子都迅速成为平等的伙伴在家里和工作场所。随着妇女和男子进入彼此的传统领域,这似乎合乎情理的,我们将终于能够理解彼此的经验。现在,妇女不得不日复一日辛苦工作支撑他们的家庭。他们经常和男人一样瞄准相同的目标,今天是这样,例如,在很多的专业学校女性多于男性。现在妇女肯定能理解她们的丈夫一直觉得的社会压力。 7.随着越来越多的妻子进入工作场所,丈夫不得不承担更多的妇女传统的育儿和家务责任。他们现在似乎可以理解这些责任、无休止的护理和危机。 8.另一方面,我们被告知,我们的社会经历被光年隔开,我们不知道彼此说什么。与此同时,报纸和电视上每天都有关于丈夫和妻子吵架、打架和离婚的报道。 9.在过去40年里,没有明显改变的是男女希望找出适合自己和异性的东西——找到共同生活的方法。改变的是,我们现在不太清楚什么是做一个男人或女人的正确的方式。 10.所以你们,我们,亚历克斯和苏珊每天都在处理性别问题。去年年底,苏珊在工作上被提升为银行副行长。她现在赚的钱比在一家生产农产品的大公司做化验员的亚历克斯多。在保持银行投资有利可图的巨大压力下,苏珊经常加班。她努力工作为了不负众望,亚历克斯不得不做一些家务。当他在职业生涯的头几年受到很大压力的时候,苏珊在家里承担着沉重的负担,所以现在他更加理解她。但正如我们所看到的,有时同情是不足以填平现实和期望之间的鸿沟!

teacher‘s roles

班级:外09.3 姓名:马丽学号:20090541164 Title:Teacher’s Roles and Their Impact upon Middle Student’s Learning Process Thesis Statement: With the development of teaching process, teachers’roles have a great impact on Middle students’ learning English, so teachers should guide students to learn rather than telling everything for them; organize the activities to arouse the interest of students, and facilitate students to learn rather than simply transmitting knowledge. Outline: 1.Introduction 2.There are some problems in traditional English teaching. 3.It is necessary for teachers to change roles in new teaching cource. 4.The roles of teachers in English class and their impact upon the learners. 4.1 Guide students to learn rather than telling everything for them. 4.2 Organize some interesting activities rather than reading textbook directly. 4.3 Facilitate students to learn rather than simply transmitting knowledge. 5. Conclusion Body: Teacher’s Roles and Their Impact upon Middle Student’s Learning Process 1.Introduction Education is a sacred cause vital to the survival, development and civilization of mankind, for its mission is to make men. Being one devoted to this sacred cause, a teacher should be a person with a real sense of commitment and responsibility. He should contribute his talents, ability and efforts to the job of a teacher. He should always prepare the lecture and plan the classroom activities carefully, try to understand the students’ knowledge level, difficulties, and unceasingly improve his teaching to suit and benefit the students so as to achieve optimum teaching result. A teacher should not just read the textbook for students, while students should not listen to what a teacher said to them at the same time, then repeat what they have learned, and do some exercise from time to time. A teacher, therefore, should be one who enlightens the students to learn more than he does. In the teaching process, What

Interpersonal Relationship

Q1: As we all know, Interpersonal relationships exist in almost everywhere .In short, they exist in our whole society. In your mind, what is interpersonal relationship? A: From my perspective, Interpersonal relationship is defined as a social relation established by people when they are in the process of production and life. B: In my opinion, generalized interpersonal relationship includes the relationship between all people in the human society. It involves a wide range. C: From my point of view, special interpersonal relationship refers to the interdependent relationship formed in the activity of thinking and behaving through various media or social communication between two or more people. Q2: Although different people have different ideas about the definition of the interpersonal relationship, they have one principle, you should keep a good relationship with other people .So what in the Importance of Interpersonal Relationships? A: It is one of the basic needs of every person in society .According to it, you can know yourself, help you get a sense of achievement and self-identity ,and check whether your social mental state is healthy or not. B: A harmonious interpersonal relationship is one of the most important ways to maintain students' physical and psychological health. Students’emotion and affection are affected by the interpersonal relationship. Also, it is the spiritual life of college students. C: For our college students ,a harmonious interpersonal relationship ,especially the relationship between classmates ,guarantees the growth and development of the students. Students can exchange information with each other and obtain knowledge mutually. According to interpersonal relationship, we can have a good self-understanding and self-improvement which is the key of the success of our future study or career .

Male and Female Roles

Male and Female Roles In all societies, male and female roles are regarded differently. The mother role is universally carried out by women, which is biologically based. Roles defined by sex also characterize the economic sphere so that the tasks men perform are different from those women perform. This difference is not any outgrowth of the biological differences between men and women. A specific task may be associated with men in one society and with women in another. Milking herd animals, for example, may be women's task in some societies and a man's task in others. Males and females are each associated with different kinds of behavior. These concepts of male and female behavior extended to how people walk, sit, talk and dress. In our society, as in all others, men walk and talk in certain ways and until recently dressed very differently from women. In some societies, different spatial areas are associated with males and females. Women in many Middle Eastern societies are restricted to certain parts of the house and may only come into contact with the males who are members of their family. In such societies, the coffee house and the market are defined as male domains. In contrast, in some West African societies, women most often appear in the marketplace. Sometimes, men choose to carry out female rather than male roles. In some cases, some men dress like women and perform female tasks. On the other hand, females who carry out male roles usually dress and act like men. Because of women's association with mothering and the home, women are associated with the domestic affairs and men are associated with the public affairs. In a number of New Guinea societies, men are associated with the men's house in which they eat and sleep while women are associated with their own dwelling houses. In our own and other Western societies this division was true until the beginning of the 20th century. Politics, the courts, businesses, banks, and so forth were male areas, and so too were the social clubs where real business was carried out. At the beginning of the 20th century, women began to question the assignment of the male and female role. They formed social groups and began to demand the right to vote. They began to move into the business and professional worlds as well. Men regarded the women pioneers in this movement as very manlike. Even today women in business, law or banking wear very tailored, conservative suits to work. As these changes occur in female roles in contemporary American society, men are increasingly taking on child care and domestic tasks.
