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艺术的目的:According to what Freud has said art, in essence, is a kind of release of individual lust, converting the human libido into plentiful creativity. It is through the work of art that artists express their passions, emotions, and desires. Concerning with the inner world rather than with the outside one


1.oldest definition of the function of the arts is that they provide


2.present us with insight into what is eternal and universal(理解


3.can be denoted as "expressionism"- the artist's use of a medium

to express unique passion and insight(作为表达方式)

4.art at the service of leaders—the Church, the government, and

the aristocracy(艺术为政府服务)

5.The expression of private feelings and the criticism of society


6. A Renaissance painting of a Madonna(圣母玛利亚)and child,

for many viewers, is somehow a revelation of transcendent spirituality;(超越精神的状态)

7. a Beethoven symphony is the last word on human endurance贝


8.Beauty, many would insist, is the very hallmark of what is truly


9.Some narrative arts (novel, film) instruct us to some extent. This

works with moral reflect the human character. (反映人性)艺术最初不被理解/一个人的伟大是根据后人来评定的

Y et, an ever-lengthening honor roll distinguishes works first received as unacceptable by resistant audiences

1. The paintings of Thomas Eakins, now recognized as among the greatest in the American tradition, were rejected as intolerable by his sitters. (Thomas Eakins的绘画作品,现在被认为是美国传统上最杰出的画家,但是曾经被他的被画人所坚决抵制。)

2. V an Gogh, two of whose still life paintings have recently broken all records in selling for $50 million, sold only one of his paintings in his entire career. 梵高,他其中的两幅作品最近打破了50万的售价。但是他的整个人生只卖出过一副作品

3. When the French gave the Statue of Liberty to our nation in 1886, the Augusta Chronicle -- in Georgia -- condemned it as a pagan image unsuitable to our country.

1886年当法国人把自由女神像给我们时,The Augusta Chronicle (美国的一个媒体公司)谴责这是异教徒的画像,不适合我们的国家


为什么要资助?One idea is that culture makes us a better society; Federal support is needed to prevent our decline into cultural barbarism. Another idea is that the free market fails to provide outlets for the higher forms of art. 一个想法是:文化是提供给我们一个更好的社会;联邦的支持是用来防止我们堕落成文化不开明。另外一个想法是免费的市场未能提供更高形式的艺术输出

There is also the myth of the starving artist - if we neglect to support the arts, we will be condemning another van Gogh or Mozart to a wretched existence. It is also generally recognized that many highly talented artists lack commercial aptitude, and this leads to an argument that the public has a responsibility to support them.同样有饿死的艺术家的神话—如果我们忽略了支持艺术,我们就会被谴责制造另外一个梵高和莫扎特的可悲处境。同样我们意识到,大量的非常有艺术天分的艺术家因为没有经济才能,最终导致一种说法就是社会有责任支持他们。

政治资助:Government support of the arts must always be politicized and bureaucratized

One of the curious contradictions of those who demand government support is that they also demand absolute freedom of expression for the artist.另外一个奇怪的冲突就是,那些需要政府支持的艺术家,同样需要绝对的自由来表达自己

例子的论述:But even elected governments must impose "party lines" on artists who receive government support. This control in a democratic society may be hidden and indirect, but it is control nevertheless.但是即使是被选举出来的政府也是对艺术家施加政党路线的。这种控制在民主社会可能被隐藏起来,不易发现。但是这种控制是必然存在的。


1938:Painting And Sculpture--Art in the United States:In 1938 the United States Government continued to act as chief patron of the arts in America. The art projects of the Works Progress Administration and of the Treasury Department continued their programs, employing several thousand artists and bringing art before an increasingly large public all over the country.

政府资助对艺术有影响(Soviet Union)

Soviet leaders have been denounced for their heavy-handed control of artists in the past, but it has been entirely logical and proper from their point of view. The Soviet government is criticized for expecting artists and writers to follow the party line in their work.



The fine arts--has always depended primarily on the patronage of private individuals and businesses, and not on the government. The Medici, a powerful banking family of Renaissance Italy, supported artists Michelangelo and Raphael. During the 20th Century the primary source of cultural support were private funds established by industrial magnates Carnegie, Mellon, Rockefeller and Getty.

市场应该起主导作用,艺术家可以自谋生路:Highly trained and talented though we may be, the value of our services is finally decided by what people will pay for them.即使我们可能有天分,但是我们的价值最终由人们所付的钱来决定

艺术的自由状态;We should keep in mind, however, that conditions of liberty are most likely to bring the greatest advances in art and artistic expressions. Artists also are more likely to thrive and produce in a society where free-market conditions are active. Though some artists resent the demands and requirements of the marketplace, the best opportunities for real improvements in the arts are provided by a wholly free market. 我们应该要记住,自由的状态最有可能带来艺术和艺术表达的巨大进步。如果在自由市场状态下,艺术家同样也有可能在社会中产生,繁荣。虽然一些艺术家表现了对于市场的需求愤恨,在艺术方面产生真正进步的最好机会是提供一个完全自由的市场。The free market also gives artists the opportunity to follow their own aspirations in seeking full expression.自由市场同样给了艺术家机会来根据自己的渴望来寻找最充分的表达

技术对艺术的影响:技术的发达给艺术家很多自由表达的机会:Another important point is that the technological advances of a market-driven economy also benefit the artist. Thanks to many developments, artists now have materials and processes that simply did not exist 100 years ago.另外一个很好的例子是,技术的发展同样有益于艺术。由于发展,艺术家有了100年前所没有的材料和加工步骤

艺术的反抗,促使社会改变:1)A second kind of expressionism also developed in the 19th century. This one was much more offensive. In societies undergoing tremendous change, artists began to use art to agitate for social change.第二种表现注意在19世纪再一次发展。这一次比较具有攻击性。当时社会正在经历着巨大的变革。艺术家开始使用艺术来煽动社会的改变2)Photographer Sherry Levine has used grotesque images of women to protest the oppression of the female gender by American advertising, law, and social custom. This form of expressionism we can call cultural criticism. That is, artists take a stand against certain practices in the society that they consider to be unjust. 摄影师Sherry Levine开始通过使用妇女奇异的画面来抵抗美国广告,法律和社会习惯对女性的压迫。这种表现主义就是我们所说的文化批判。也就是说,艺术家对社会中他们认为不公正的某种惯例采取了抵制态度

例子;生前作品没有被认可(Monet, V an Gogh)

V an Gogh, two of whose still life paintings have recently broken all records in selling for $50 million, sold only one of his paintings in his entire career.

作品反映社会(V an Gogh):Art also can reflect problems and phenomenon of a society. Take van Gogh as an example. The painting, one of his most famous works called potato eaters reflect the misery and poverty of humanity as he saw it among the miners in Belgium 莫奈Monet Monet's famous work "Impression: Sunrise" was not understood initially, However, this work eventually earned its reputation and had led to the name for impressionism. (难懂的作品也会得到承认)

Monet did not find acclaim and wealth to later in his life and at times suffered through extreme poverty. (艺术家很贫穷)

Beethoven,one of the greatest composers and musicians, was renowned by creating many symphonies. Astonishingly, he produced his most famous symphony, chorus with complete deafness. How could he manage it? It not only has to be the prominent imagination that stimulate him to struggle and thrive, thus can even listen in spite of no hearings, but more important, determines his keen interest in music(兴趣的作用).

When Beethoven had no idea about the finale of his symphonies, he was suddenly struck by the "Ode to Joy" by Schiller. Inspired from the hymn championing the brotherhood of humanity, Beethoven' heart was fraught of passion and courage, regardless of his entire deafness. Eventually, when Beethoven completed his great works, Chorus, and had it played in the concert, all the audience were completely attracted and moved by the striking and passionate symphony, and acclaimed even five times in reverence of Beethoven. (交叉的作用)

梵高V an Gogh,impressionism 当代人不理解,后代评判;坚忍

Prodigies often could not receive contemporary appreciation and comprehension, V an Gogh is proper to be mentioned as a representative of the kind. He created the impressionism on painting, which was accepted many years after his death. Nevertheless he pursued his own ideals and faith till he was not able to pick up a pencil. 伟人不能受到当代人的欣赏和理解。梵高就是这类人的代表。他创造了印象派画法,这种画法在他死后很多年才被人接受。然而,他非常执着于他的理想和信仰直到他死。


社会问题的堆砌排比:I think the three major problems in the society today are: unemployment, violence, and pollution. 我认为现在社会上有主要三方面的问题:失业,暴力还有污染

恐怖主义:As we face the threat of war and terrorism, the economic downturn, and our own personal struggles and losses, we may need additional help coping from time to time. The heinous on September 11 terrorist attacks in Washington and New Y ork is a disaster. Any act of international terrorism is a threat to international peace and security and should be condemned. All states should prevent the financing of terrorism, deny safe haven to terrorists, and cooperate under a common set of obligations in the fight to end international terrorism.

贫穷: Poverty is an outcome of longstanding conflict between haves and have-nots;(有产和无产之间的矛盾)a structural

arrangement of inequality. Thus, poverty is perpetuated through class discrimination and unequal opportunities for upward mobility. (阶级歧视,不平等机会)Indeed, the modern society has strived to improve people’s lives by establishing the social welfare system and performing some other affirmative actions.(社会福利等制度)


权利不均Imbalances in the distribution of power---- the loss of personal freedoms and civil liberties, and abuses of authority lead people to dissatisfy.

财富不均Imbalances in the distribution of wealth--- the loss of economic opportunity and social mobility, the creation of a permanent underclass, and conditions of illiteracy, unemployment, homelessness, hunger, and disease contribute people to crime.

威胁全球安全The social problems caused by economic and political inequality are a threat to global security

种族纯化,种族隔离,制度不平等Racial and ethnic prejudice and discrimination are sources of grave social problems--- racial purity or superiority, stereotyping and labeling, physical and social segregation, institutionalized inequality

Crime, Violence, Drugs, and the Criminal Justice System (antisocial behavior)

青少年不良行为和街头犯罪的原因Juvenile delinquency and street crime may be linked to youth gang and organized crime activities(犯罪团伙); the availability of guns, alcohol, and drugs (枪支,酒精,毒品); poverty, unemployment, and lack of economic opportunity(贫穷、失业); racism(种族主义); family instability and domestic violence(家庭暴力); school failure(学业不好); and the influence of mass media(媒体影响).

家庭问题:family instability, divorce and child custody(家庭不合,离婚,儿童监护), spouse and child abuse(虐待儿童), gender issues, gay and lesbian families(同性恋家庭), adoption and abortion(领养、堕胎)

性别歧视:sex discrimination---the workplace, occupations, wages, education, feminist movement(女权运动)---gender inequality still persist in problems of sexual violence…but insignificant

医疗健康问题:The bioethics of transplants(器官移植), genetic screening(遗传筛选), gene therapies(基因治疗), reproductive technologies(生殖技术), physician-assisted suicide, and euthanasia(安乐死);In the U.S. health care increasingly is provided on a for-profit basis by the health maintenance organizations, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, and insurance companies

教育问题:Relate to funding, teacher quality and the status of the teaching profession, student academic performance and standardized testing, racial imbalances and equal educational opportunity,teacher shortages, overcrowded and unsafe schools, and unequal access to educational technology

人口问题(人口过剩,人口迁移):Overpopulation of an area can contribute to food shortages. Migrations between areas can lead to inter-group conflicts.

环境污染Pollution not only affects human beings’ lives but also destroy the environment in which many other specials live. Chemical leak kill several people. Pose health risks and contribute to acid rain and global warming.


法律的实质Law, body of official rules and regulations,is used to govern a society and to control the behavior of its members. The nature and functions of law have varied throughout history.

法律的作用:Law serves a variety of functions.

1.维护和平Laws against crimes, for example, help to maintain a

peaceful, orderly, relatively stable society.

2.维护人权,维护社会秩序Law respects individual rights while,

at the same time, ensuring that society operates in an orderly manner

3.维护自由平等law should recognize and protect certain basic

individual rights and freedoms, such as liberty and equality.

4.为人民办实事laws are not only designed to govern our conduct:

they are also intended to give effect to(使实行起来)social policies. For example, some laws provide for benefits when workers are injured on the job, for health care, as well as for loans to students who otherwise might not be able to go to university.

5.法律不是一成不变的Law has also been used as a mechanism

for social change; For instance, at various times laws have been passed to inhibit social discrimination and to improve the quality of individual life in matters of health, education, and welfare.

6.和平解决纠纷Even in a well-ordered society, people have

disagreements and conflicts arise. The law must provide a way to resolve these disputes peacefully. If two people claim to own the same piece of property, we do not want the matter settled by

a duel: we turn to the law and to institutions like the courts to

decide who the real owner is and to make sure that the real owner's rights are respected. 即使是一个秩序良好的社会,人们也依旧会有不满和冲突。法律必须提供一种方法来和平解决这种冲突。如果两个人宣称相同的一个物产是自己的,我们不知道这个东西是归属于谁,我们就只能求助于法律和机构像法庭来决定这个财产归谁来确定财产的所有权。


Laws resemble morality because they are designed to control or alter

our behavior. But unlike rules of morality, laws are enforced by the courts; if you break a law -- whether you like that law or not -- you may be forced to pay a fine, pay damages, or go to prison.

法律的硬性规定;For example, the law in Canada states that we must drive our cars on the right-hand side of a two-way street. If people were allowed to choose at random which side of the street to drive on, driving would be dangerous and chaotic. Laws regulating our business affairs help to ensure that people keep their promises. Laws against criminal conduct help to safeguard our personal property and our lives. 例如在加拿大的法律是,开车必须在右边开,如果有人随意在任何一边开,那么就会造成交通的混乱。法律规定了我们的生意,有助于确保人们承诺。法律地址犯罪行为,这有助于维护我们的人生安全和我们的生活。

法律不是一成不变的:Despite the best intentions, laws are sometimes created that people later recognize as being unjust or unfair. In a democratic society like Canada, laws are not carved in stone, but must reflect the changing needs of society

例子Take the United States for example.

The blacks. During the Civil war, Lincoln enacted the laws that entitled the equal rights to the blacks with the whites.

例子Business world:法律随着出现的经济问题而发展,不断完善,确保市场的稳定和繁荣。

(1)antitrust (反托拉斯法)and anti-dumping laws (反垄断,反倾销)

(2)Enron, dissolved into bankruptcy due to its accounting, tax and stock fraud. The excesses of Enron have turned government regulators into reformers and render them to take actions to investigate and punish accounting violations. What is more, energy and securities regulators are engaging in reforms in accounting rules and relevant laws, which are expected to better satisfy the needs of investors.

法律需要相对稳定Laws should also have a relative stability. For example: Within a country, a period of time , laws should stay relatively stable, which doesn't means fixed or stationary ,but keep a consistency in spirit of laws. Without such coherence, people will be confused and distrust laws and legal system.

适度的法律维护公民尊严,过度的法律变成集权:We need law, then, to ensure a safe and peaceful society in which individuals' rights are respected. But we expect even more from our law. Some totalitarian governments have cruel and arbitrary laws, enforced by police forces free to arrest and punish people without trial. Strong-arm tactics may provide a great deal of order, but we reject this form of control.




基因工程:Genetic engineering:

1. make many aspects of human life better, including saving lives:To cure diseases at the DNA level. This method is known as biotechnology and can aid in the treatment of diseases like a hormone deficiency基因工程可以使人类的生活变得更好甚至拯救人的生命:用DNA来治疗疾病。这种方法就是大家所知道的生物技术,这个有助于治疗像激素缺乏症这样的疾病

2. the improvement of the world’s agricultural techniques;Worldwide famine and starvation could possibly end

大量的媒体和大量的交通工具Mass media and Mass transportation:

For instance, the mass public traffic of the modern world including unnumbered automobiles and millions of planes makes the transportation all over the world more efficient, so the tourists today can increase their experience from the journey easily and comfortably. Another good example is the mass media which makes the big world like a small village. Because of the mass media, such as Internet and television, people can become familiar with a great many places that may be thousands of kilometers away and communicate with other people, who share the same interests, more conveniently.

科技对人们生活的改变:Obviously, nowadays we can never imagine living in a world that there is no cars for traveling to offices, no televisions for watching TV shows, no cellular phones for communications with our family, and so forth. Technological advancement has knitted the world to be a seamless web of information and phone lines, in which people are able to get the requisites much more easily than ever before. When we are at work, we surf the internet for suggestions and information; when we are hungry, we call an express delivery service; when we feel tired, we book an airplane ticket to Hawaii for weekends.

科技提高效率同样也减少了休息时间:It seems a paradox that our efficiencies are much higher than ever before while our leisure time is increasingly diminishing, but it is actually the reality. The greater our mobility, the more our destinations each day; the more time-saving facilities we use, the more activities we try to attend each day; with more convenient access to information, we try to assimilate more of it each day. Nowadays we are forced to do more by the superiors, the competitors, or even by ourselves. Fortunately, we have more opportunities and choices than our predecessors, but at the same time, unfortunately, we have to confront with much more challenges and suffer from much more pressure. Therefore, people may be not able to enjoy their leisure time much in such an increasingly competitive society, consequently resulting in some

serious social problems, such as unemployment, resentment, high suicide rate, anti-social behaviors, and so forth.

对科技研究不再限制的好处If genetic engineering becomes unrestricted the world would become a better place. Worldwide famine and starvation could possibly end through the use of technology in the agriculture field. The death rate would go down and very dramatically in Third World countries. We could see the end of diseases like AIDS and conditions like hemophilia.如果基因工程不被社会所限制的话,那么将会更好。通过在农业领域的基因工程,全世界的饥荒就能解决。第三世界的死亡率也会下降,我们可以看到很多疾病比如艾滋和血友病被彻底解决

多媒体:Multimedia has important applications for consumer products and for business needs. V ideo scenes that are captured by camcorders can be combined with text, sound, and data and can be viewed on television sets in homes, schools, or offices. These multimedia presentations are becoming useful educational and communication tools. For example, there are available encyclopedias that contain video programs depicting animal behaviors, geomorphic process, and other natural phenomena. Automobile mechanics can watch videos that demonstrate how to repair new models. In business applications, documents can be annotated with voice or video. New consumer products can be more effectively marketed by demonstrating how they can be used, enhancing the effectiveness of sale.


科技带来垃圾Overflowing Landfill with outdated devices, discarded chemicals, and plastic packaging, An average city dweller may produce a ton of refuse in a year

自动化的利弊:Automation Trade-Off Technological advancement has both positive and ill effects on a society. Take, for example, advances in automation technology,improved production efficiency and quality control, and has reduced the need to have workers perform potentially dangerous tasks. On the other hand, automation has made many jobs unnecessary, putting employees out of work, or forcing them to retrain.

砍伐森林:Deforestation caused by indulgent cutting, animal extinction due to endless hunting can only be forestalled by public education on the importance of these areas.

臭氧层的破坏the depletion of atmospheric ozone, which has waned the Earth to the point that it threatens the very survival of the human species. Also, dearly-cutting the world's rainforests can set into motion a chain of animal extinction that threatens the delicate balance upon which all animals--including humans--depend.

全球温室效应GLOBAL WARMING-- an average increase in the Earth's temperature, which in turn causes changes in climate. 影响:The quality and quantity of drinking water, water availability for irrigation, industrial use, and electricity generation, and the health of fisheries

科技问题(媒体,科学技术)--以下是科技问题:Technological change associated with industrialization and modernization has created vast challenges as well as benefits. 技术带来了好处,同时也带来了挑战

挑战--- genetic engineering and biotechnology(基因), robotics, and the globalization of electronic telecommunications(全球化),unemployment and the loss of personal privacy and control(失业,失去个人隐私)

能源问题:One is that most of the energy we use comes from fossil fuels, including coal, petroleum, and natural gas, These natural resources are not renewable目前的主要能源都是不能再生的

带来的问题(污染)many other products of technology also had harmful or destructive aspects

燃烧对空气污染:Combustion causes the release of various pollutants, such as carbon monoxide ,which pose health risks and may contribute to acid rain and global warming.

汽车尾气Automobile exhausts, they pointed out, were polluting the atmosphere

杀虫剂pesticides such as DDT were threatening the food chain

工业废水mineral wastes from a wide variety of industrial sources were polluting large reservoirs of groundwater

对环境的影响t he physical environment has become so jammed with technological processes that one of the major challenges of modern society is the search for places to dump the wastes that have been produced

军事;The development of the weapon that has since become a general threat to life on earth: the atomic bomb

例子:哈勃望远镜---交叉学科的作用:With the help of the Hubble space telescope, we can get more close to the universe and observe the stars, planets, nebulas, galaxies much more conveniently.

伦琴发现X射线---偶然性:In 1895, when Wilhelm Roentgen was working in darkened room, trying to determine the penetrating power of cathode rays, he noticed that a faint light appeared. These rays had special penetrating power to pass through various substances, and they are the very X-rays which comprehensively utilized in medical services and scientific researches.

二战中利用人来做实验---科技的错误利用:Although scientific research has produced substantial social benefits, it has also posed several troubling ethical problems. Public attention was drawn to reported abuses of human subjects in biomedical experiments, especially during the Second World War. The physicians and scientists who had conducted biomedical experiments on concentration camp prisoners were judged guilty in trials. (科技和道德)

3M公司的偶然发现—科技的偶然发现,科技带来的好处:A researcher working for 3M, a materials company had planned to

make the world greatest glue. However, in the research he found the world’s worst glue, a sticky substance that never sticks. This glue is one of the best things 3M ever invented.

弗洛伊德S.Freud-----学科开始不被人理解Austrian physician and founder of psychoanalysis who theorized that the symptoms of hysterical patients represent forgotten and unresolved infantile psychosexual conflicts. His psychoanalytic theories, which initially met with hostility, profoundly influenced 20th-century奥地利内科和心理分析师的奠基人,他的理论是:病人歇斯底里的症状代表了忘记和…心理冲突。他的心理分析理论最初遇到了,极大的敌意。

爱迪生---坚持,执着:Thomas Edison invented bulb which turn out to be the derivation of today’s illumination apparatus and digital and electronic era, however, the most appreciated thing in the invention is for Edison’s insistence and encourage on the whole course.爱迪生发明了电灯泡,,造就了今天的照明设备和数字电子时代,然而,从爱迪生的发明中最应该欣赏的是他对于事情的坚持和和鼓励。哥白尼Copernicus –挑战权威:哥白尼,尼科劳斯1473-1543波兰天文学家,他提出地球及其它行星绕太阳运动的日心说,推翻了托勒密的天文学理论即地心体系。

爱因斯坦Einstein—挑战权威,成就在当代得到肯定:German-born American theoretical physicist whose special and general theories of relativity revolutionized modern thought on the nature of space and time and formed a theoretical base for the exploitation of atomic energy. He won a 1921 Nobel Prize for his explanation of the photoelectric effect.爱因斯坦,德裔美国理论物理学家,他创立的狭义和广义相对论使现代关于时间和时间性质的想法发生突破性进展并给原子能的利用提供了理论基础。因其对光电效应的解释获1921年诺贝尔奖。

交叉科学的论述:Mathematics enhances the abilities of simulating software which helps predict the characteristics of the integrated circuits before the chips are put into production. Moreover, recently computer science research is increasingly related with more other disciplines, such as electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, biology, linguistics, and even psychology, in the applications of biochip, voice recognition, artificial intelligence and so on.


A Cambridge mathematician, Adams, predicted the existence of an unseen planet, to account for the fact that Uranus was being pulled slightly out of position in its orbit. According to Isaac Newton's theory of gravitation, Adams attributed this pull to the gravitational effect of an unknown body, and calculated its position. One year later this new planet, Neptune, was discovered, and its position was quite in accordance with the prediction. (简介)


历史的作用The importance of history in explaining and understanding change in human behavior is no mere abstraction: 1. History, then, provides the only extensive materials available to study the human condition. It also focuses attention on the complex processes of social change, including the factors that are causing change around us today.

2.历史也有美感History as art and entertainment serves a real purpose, on aesthetic grounds but also on the level of human understanding.---历史也有美感Many of the historians who most appeal to the general reading public know the importance of dramatic and skillful writing—as well as of accuracy.

3. 历史用来学习前人:"History teaching by example" is one phrase that describes this use of a study of the past—a study not only of certifiable heroes, the great men and women of history who successfully worked through moral dilemmas, but also of more ordinary people who provide lessons in courage, diligence, or constructive protest. 这句很好

4. 明白社会It also focuses attention on the complex processes of social change, including the factors that are causing change around us today.历史使我们注意社会变革中的复杂流程,包括导致我们周围一切改变的因素。

5. 学习故事,学习历史History as art and entertainment serves a real purpose. Stories well done are stories that reveal how people and societies have actually functioned, and they prompt thoughts about the human experience in other times and places. Studying the stories of individuals and situations in the past allows a student of history to test his or her own moral sense, to hone it against some of the real complexities individuals have faced in difficult settings

6. Involves a sense of beauty and excitement, and ultimately another perspective on human life and society.

7. 对个人鉴定History also helps provide identity, and this is unquestionably one of the reasons all modern nations encourage its teaching in some form. Merely defining the group in the present pales against the possibility of forming an identity based on a rich past. 历史有种同一性,这是毫无疑问的,因此所有的发达国家都要鼓励学习历史(挖塞!说话这么经典!不知道怎么翻,大致意思就是基于丰富的历史了解现在,背就行了)

8. 对国家忠诚Histories that tell the national story, emphasizing distinctive features of the national experience, are meant to drive home an understanding of national values and a commitment to national loyalty.

9. 未来和历史总是相似的

名句:16th-century Italian philosopher Machiavelli wrote, ―Whoever wishes to foresee the future must consult the past; for human events ever resemble those of preceding times?‖

历史的时间和模式是会重复的;The recurrence of historical events and patterns.;certain types of past developments will happen again and that by understanding history, they can better handle future recurrences. This thinking lies behind the familiar phrase, ―Those

who do not know the past are condemned to repeat it.‖ Although this is the most conservative approach to using history to predict the future, it is often the most accurate. However, each of these attempts to use history as a basis for predicting the future is inherently flawed. Therefore, they do not provide entirely accurate descriptions of the future. Perhaps this is why some people continue to prefer fortune-tellers and astrological charts to predictions based on historical events.


1. 圣女贞德:Joan of Arc英法大战保卫祖国,统帅法军打败英国侵略者,法国爱国主义斗阵旗帜

2. Thomas Jefferson:主张人权平等,free speech等

3. 甘地:Gandhi, 主张:nonviolence & noncooperation 使印度摆脱殖民统治,完成统一愿望:Gandhi’s own struggle against British colonial rule

4. 几个重要的人物带起了一个时代:瓦特(watt)-steam engine—industrial revolution; Thomas Edison: electric bulb; Karl Benz (modern automobile); Bell (telephone)

作用的总结studying history helps us understand how recent, current, and prospective changes that affect the lives of citizens are emerging or may emerge and what causes are involved.

毁坏建筑造成危害的论述:Destroying our past has costs that extend far beyond money. Lost is the work of talented craftsmen who created beautiful, lasting buildings. Lost are the memories and pride that a community took in one of its landmarks. And lost is the opportunity for future generations to enjoy and to learn from the places that help us understand and appreciate where we came from.毁掉我们的过去其代价不仅仅是钱上的,失去的还有艺术家的天才成果。失去的是对过去的回忆以及一个社会的标志。失去了对未来子孙的炫耀以及从这些地方学习的机会,这些有助于我们理解我们来自哪里

面向未来&总结性发言:Preservation does care about the past. It cares about honoring the achievements of previous generations, the places they lived and worked, and the history and achievements we now enjoy.

But preservation also cares about the present and the future. By protecting our past, it helps us remember how we came to be where we are and what we ought to do now. And it cares about giving future generations the same opportunities to enjoy beautiful buildings and landscapes that we have today.

德国对二战的教训:In world war two, the chauvinism in Germany led to great disaster not only to the Germans but also to the people of whole Europe. Fortunately, the government of Germany leant from the history that chauvinism would be harmful, and thus takes effective actions to restrict the resurgence of Nazism in all of the aspects of society. 历史建筑的保护:

1.人看着舒服it creates more attractive places to live and work.

好排比要记住 A flat-faced modern office block or an elegantly detailed pre-war commercial building?

2.维护比新建花少钱:例子Recent projects prove that preservation is often cheaper. In Chicago, where the public school system is now spending $2.5 billion to upgrade facilities, bare-bones new construction is costing $155 per square foot -- but renovation is costing just $130. 最近一个项目证明,维护比新建少花钱。在芝加哥的一所公立学校花了2.5亿来新建设备,如果全部新建要花费155每平方米,而翻修只要130每平方米。

建筑: a harmonious blend of architectural styles各种建筑风格的完美的结合


The capital of ancient Babylonia in Mesopotamia on the Euphrates River. Established as capital c. 1750 BC. And rebuilt in regal splendor by Nebuchadnezzar II after its destruction (c. 689 B.C.) by the Assyrians, Babylon was the site of the Hanging Gardens, one of the Seven Wonders of the World.巴比伦古巴比伦王国的首都,位于幼发拉底河沿岸的美索不达米亚境内,作为首都大约建于公元前1750年,在它被亚述人毁灭后(公元前689年),它又被尼布甲尼撒二世重建于王室显赫之时,巴比伦是世界七大奇观之一的空中花园所在地


作用和目的:Public education as a means of transmitting democratic values, creating equality of opportunity and preparing new generations of citizens in society.

教育的技能:Everyone should be taught life skills—logical thinking, analysis, creative problem solving rather than just knowledge which are more important for people to survive freely in the complex and rapid change

道德教育Education should aim at improvement of both one’s morals and faculties才能; Students should be taught to know and to make their own: honesty, fairness, self-discipline, fidelity to task, friends, and family, personal responsibility, love of a country, and belief in the principles of liberty, equality and the freedom to practice one’s faith.

大学生压力Economic pressure, parental pressure, peer pressure, and self-induced pressure

人文教育的意义The intellectual faculties developed by studying subjects like history and classics—an ability to synthesize and relate, to weigh cause and effect, to see events in persp ective—are just the faculties that make creative leaders in business or almost any general field.

人文教育的意义Liberal art teaches you how to think, how to read, write, and speak intelligently, get along with others, and conceptualize problems.

鸭式教育的缺点Students are being so stuffed with an indigestible mass of material that he has no time to draw on his own resources, to use his own mind for analyzing and synthesizing, and evaluating this material

追求兴趣爱好的作用:It is inherent in the human spirit to be more effective and productive when they are in pursuit of something that is of interest to personal level. Only by inner motivation can one perform various abilities to most extent, no matter in which human endeavor. In the endless monotone process of accumulating knowledge, someone sticks to while someone gives up, someone succeeds while someone fails, the reason lies in that the former perceives the process meaningful with a high spirit while the latter feels anguished and bored. Therefore, scholars and researchers should be given the freedom to choose their own areas, no matter how unusual or seemingly useless those fields may be. Consider, for example,

兴趣的作用例子:Beethoven, one of the greatest composers and musicians, created many symphonies. Astonishingly, he produced his most famous symphony, Chorus, with complete deafness. How could he manage it? It must be the prominent imagination that stimulated him to struggle and thrive, thus he can even listen in spite of no hearings.

作品--The Fifth Symphony, the Finale of the Ninth Symphony and the "Moonlight" Sonata

A Beethoven symphony is the last word on human endurance.


For instance, it is beneficial for a professor who teaches Electronic engineering to be active in industrial world as well. Therefore, he can always keep conscious about the major difference of research directions in industrial world and academic world, and he can refine his courses in time to make it keep pace with the industrial advancement. Consequently, the students can learn more practical knowledge and instructions from the faculty, and benefit themselves when they step into society after graduation.


In 1994, John Nash, the renowned mathematician in 20th century, shared the Nobel Prize with two co-winners who were also mathematicians. However, they were awarded in Economic Sciences rather than their own academic field-mathematics. Nash’s work on game theory, including the Nash equilibrium and the Nash arbitration scheme has allowed researchers to better understand problems of competition and cooperation among agents or players. His and his co-winners’ finding had a phenomenal impact on economic analysis and appreciations in many other fields including in political science, biology, ecology, etc.


1. 天才的定义:Giftedness‖ as exceptionally advanced performance or the potential for outstanding performance in intellectual, creative, leadership, artistic, or specific academic fields. Children who demonstrate outstanding talents come from all social, cultural, and economic groups.

2. 特殊教育的必要性Educators believe that gifted students require special education services because their learning needs differ significantly from those of the general population. They learn more rapidly and are able to understand more abstract and complex ideas. They are also able to transform existing knowledge into new and useful forms, and to create new knowledge recognized for its originality, complexity, and elegance. Special education services and facilities for gifted children may enhance these abilities. In addition, some gifted learners may require special counseling services to address social or emotional adjustment issues that are complicated by their exceptional abilities.我认为这一整段都非常的好,把特殊教育的必要性说的很全面,如果我们要写赞成的观点可以借鉴其中的观点然后展开。

特殊教育的好处Gifted children may study a specially modified curriculum or may progress through academic subjects at an accelerated pace. Acceleration involves adapting education programs so that students may progress through particular subject material quicker than usual.

美国设立的针对天才儿童的课程:Many regular elementary and secondary schools in the United States offer special programs designed specifically to meet the needs of gifted students. Some schools provide specialized education programs to gifted children exclusively. These schools offer advanced education in mathematics, science, technology, the arts, or other academic disciplines.我觉得这样学科并列举例可以用在教育类各种题目里面,记住了写的时候就不用再想了。

定义天才儿童的方法:Many school districts rely on intelligence tests to identify gifted students. However, most guidelines for determining giftedness recommend the use of a combination of standardized test scores , rating systems developed by individual schools, classroom observational records, and performance assessments.看到这里的考试挑天才的方法我突然想到,我们是否可以从社会或学校能否挑出真正的天才,手段是否公平和有效之类的方面说呢。

否定目前的挑选天才的手段的准确性的例子Because definitions of giftedness vary widely, the precise number of gifted students in the United States is difficult to determine. Nevertheless, according to a report of the Council of State Directors of Gifted Programs, 32 states reported providing specialized education services to a total of almost 2.4 million gifted students in 1990. Other states surveyed by the council did not report the number of gifted students served. Some states identified more than 10 percent of students as gifted, while others identified fewer than 5 percent.这些数据可以作为否定目前


过早的入学:Some gifted children gain early entrances to kindergarten, skip grades, enter college earlier than usual, or take specific courses with older children.

反对过早入学:Beginning in the 1960s these kinds of acceleration programs fell out of favor with some educators, who believed that putting gifted students in classrooms of older children had the potential to create social and emotional difficulties for the gifted students.这里可以作为反对过早培养这些天才儿童的论据

支持过早入学;In the 1970s American educator Julian Stanley implemented a highly successful accelerated academic program for gifted mathematics students at the middle-school level. His work documented positive outcomes of this practice and serves as a rationale for the use of acceleration in many schools today. 这个实验可以作为支持早提早培养他们的论据。

培养天才儿童的例子;In the 1970s American educator Joseph Renzulli developed highly influential models for enriching the curriculum and instruction of gifted students. Renzulli proposed a definition of giftedness based on exceptionally high academic ability, creativity, and commitment to perform specific tasks. His Enrichment Triad Model and Schoolwide Enrichment Model are two of the most widely used models for developing programs and curriculum for gifted students in the United States.

常用的天才例子:Mozart generally emphasize that he was a highly accomplished musician and composer as early as age six.

一般教育不适合天才儿童considerable evidence suggests that regular classroom teachers do not receive the training and support to appropriately modify the curriculum to meet the needs of gifted students.

对培养天才儿童的限制:Many educators also claim that minorities and economically disadvantaged children are underrepresented in educational programs for gifted students. At the same time, limited funding for education in general restricts efforts to nurture the talents of all gifted children


1.孤独寂寞:Gifted children master subjects much earlier and learn more quickly than average children do, psychologists say. But these same gifts, which set them apart from other children, may lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness.

2. 不被理解:Possessing abilities well beyond their years, gifted children inspire admiration, but they also suffer ridicule, neglect and misunderstanding

3. 失去童年:The parents of gifted children are often criticized for pushing their children rather than allowing them a normal, well-balanced childhood. These children are so different from others that schools usually do not know how to educate them. Meanwhile society expects gifted children to become creative intellectuals and artists as adults and views them as failures if they do not.


1.The occasional child who completes college as an early

teen—or even as a preteen—is likely to be globally gifted. Such children are easy to spot: they are all-around high achievers. But many children exhibit gifts in one area of study and are unremarkable or even learning disabled in others. These may be creative children who are difficult in school and who are not immediately recognized as gifted.

2.The many children who possess a gift in one area and are weak

or learning disabled in others present a conundrum. If schools educate them as globally gifted, these students will continually encounter frustration in their weak areas; if they are held back because of their deficiencies, they will be bored and unhappy in their strong fields. Worst, the gifts that these children do possess may go unnoticed entirely when frustrated, unevenly gifted children wind up as misfits or troublemakers.

3.The child who does well in school, gets good grades, wins

awards, and performs" beyond the norms for his or her age, is considered talented. The child who does not, no matter what his innate intellectual capacities or developmental level, is less and less likely be identified, less and less likely to be served.

质疑智商测试Intelligence tests often play a decisive role in determining whether a person is admitted to college, graduate school, or professional school. Thousands of people take intelligence tests every year, but many psychologists and education experts question whether these tests are an accurate way of measuring who will succeed or fail in school and later in life.

As we share our experiences, we parents learn that, though our children may be very different from each other in temperament, interests, personality, and appearance. People tend to see our children as strange and don't understand that the very characteristics that make them seem strange in general company would show them to be quite normal in the company of other exceptionally gifted people.


美国一个教育组织:Parents and Teachers, National Congress of, also National Parent-Teacher Association (PTA), child and youth advocacy volunteer group, the largest of its type in the United States, founded in 1897 in Washington D.C.

教育组织的目的:The organization's stated mission is to support and speak on behalf of children and youths in schools and in the community, and before governmental agencies and other organizations whose decisions affect children; to assist parents in developing the skills they need to raise and protect their children; and to encourage parental and public involvement in public schools.这个例子可以说明在美国重视家长和社会在教育中的作用,而且已经


3. The organization is made up of branches in every state, in the District of Columbia, and among schools for American dependents in other countries. In 1993 national membership totaled about 7 million in some 27,000 local units. 这里说明这个组织很有影响。Headquarters is in Chicago.


社会化的定义Socialization, process by which people, especially children, learn acceptable and unacceptable behaviors for a given environment.

As they move in different social worlds, older children begin to grasp the informal rules for each setting and manage themselves accordingly. Children act differently at home and in the classroom, for example, calibrating their behavior to the expectations of others in each setting. They also learn to manage their emotions in social settings, looking undisturbed in the face of a peer’s taunting and laughing appropriately at a teacher’s joke. Social understanding develops in other ways also, as older children perceive family members, friends, and others as psychologically complex beings with their own emotions, motives, and perspectives.

同龄人的关系Peer relationships:Children create a smaller circle of close friends and are more upset when friendships end. Friendships also coalesce into larger peer groups or clubs with their own norms for dress, vocabulary, hair style, activities, and behavior. These norms distinguish those who are included (and excluded) from the group and create strong pressures on group members to conform. At the same time, such groups can help children build self-esteem and social skills.

老外所谓的孩子社会化:Socializing in middle childhood requires considerable social understanding and self-awareness, especially when conflict occurs. Older children can negotiate, bargain, cajole, compromise, and redirect conflict—such as through humor—in ways that reflect developing psychological understanding and social maturity. Not all children are so successful, however, and some become rejected by peers because of their aggressive, confrontational behavior. Developmental researchers have found that peers rejected for aggressiveness are impulsive and deficient in social problem-solving skills, often misinterpreting casual social encounters as hostile and considering few alternatives to reacting confrontationally. They also develop negative reputations. A rejected child’s lack of acceptance can, unfortunately, foreshadow long-term social difficulties if these problems are not remedied in childhood.通过这些资料我们可以知道老外说的社会化是指儿童与同龄人的交流interaction,对环境的适应和学习等等的行为。

父母的在孩子社会化中的作用;Parents remain central in the expanding social world of middle childhood. Although it is common to view peers as replacing parents in importance to older children, parents continue to support their children’s self-esteem, define and reinforce values, promote academic success, enable participation in neighborhood and community activities, and offer a sensitive ear and perceptive judgment. They are reliable cheerleaders as their children face the challenges of middle childhood and adolescence


文科的定义:Liberal Arts, term often used to refer to unspecialized 这个词就说明了文科和面向工作的学科的对立and nonscientific 非科学,这个与我们的文科的理解还是一致的courses of study pursued by undergraduate students at a college or university. The term liberal arts can also refer more broadly to all undergraduate studies in the arts and sciences, which include such subjects as literature, history, and political science. 以上都是对于liberal arts的定义。

文科和职业教育的不同:Liberal arts studies generally are distinguished from prevocational or preprofessional studies, which more directly prepare a student for specific kinds of employment.这个表达就可以对应我们题目中的问题了,而specific又对应了前面的unspecialized。Examples of prevocational and preprofessional studies include programs in the health sciences, engineering, architecture, and computer programming.(职业教育的方面)Prevocational or preprofessional courses of study constitute an increasing majority of higher education programs worldwide. In the United States less than a third of all college students graduate with bachelor’s degrees in liberal arts subjects.(在美国职业教育才是主流)Nonetheless, liberal arts education still has passionate advocates. Defenders of the liberal arts claim that a broad-based, no specialized education prepares young people for the variety of experiences and occupations they can expect to pursue over the course of a lifetime.(文科拥护者的辩解)

大学提供的职业培训:Institutions of higher education that offer programs beyond the high school level. Colleges and universities provide necessary training for individuals wishing to enter professional careers. 职业培养的方面They also strive to develop students’ creativity, insight, and analytical skills. 知识能力方面By acquainting students with complex ideas in an intellectually stimulating environment, colleges and universities can provide unique opportunities for personal enrichment while also preparing students for future careers

论述为了工作而学习:Such diverse professions as engineering, teaching, law, medicine, and information science all require a college education. Most require training in graduate or professional school as well. Increasingly, even less specialized jobs require some postsecondary education. 说明了是因为职业的需要所以职业教育才如此重要The development of new technologies and the globalization of the world economy have created high demand for workers with computer, communications, and other occupational

skills that can be acquired at colleges or universities. 市场的需要For example, computers and other new technologies have eliminated many low-skilled jobs in a variety of fields, but these same technologies have created widespread job opportunities for those who have the proper training. In addition, employers increasingly seek out college graduates who have gained the critical thinking and problem-solving skills necessary to adapt to changing economic conditions这些能力看起来在就业当中只占次要的地位。

整段都是职业培养的原因,是社会的需要,工作的要求。很现实的问题,上大学是为了将来的就业,而工作有特殊的要求,学校当然要有特殊的培养,专门的教育,所以preparing students for future careers才是大学教育真正的目的的。


道德与政治共同点:Both morality and politics serve to regulate or direct human behavior. They differ, however, in the strength of their regulation and demand different, though related, personal qualities. 目的都是规划人的行为,区别在于强度不同,在人的品格上有关系

道德的特性As a regulator, morality is directed towards the other: It concerns interpersonal relations and interrelations between the person and group.(人与人之间,人与团体之间)

政治的特性Politics regulates mainly relations between the groups and the state and between the different socio-political organizations 全民政治组织; Directly or indirectly these are connected with the function of state power.(,团体与国家之间,社会政治团体之间,通过国家权利连接)

The boundaries between the spheres of morality and politics are very flexible. In some periods particular relations can be regulated by moral mechanisms, which in other periods are ruled by political ones. The interaction between those mechanisms depends on the p articular social contradictions and the objective possibilities of achieving class, national and state goals(政治和道德的界限模糊,取决于社会矛盾的程度,以及道德和政治目标间的差距)

政治和道德要一致,政治要被道德接受才行:When political theory, ideology and practice (政治的理念和操作)come into sharp contradiction with the morality of the people, they lose their efficacy and in the end are doomed to failure. (政治违背道德就会导致失败)Therefore, every political theory, ideology and practice seeks moral justification and arguments in order to be accepted by the masses.

//政府要民主都是论述:The moral feelings of the popular masses are the most direct early indicators of whether the actions of the political system are justified. That most people begin to accept certain political actions and organizations as discordant with their moral feelings indicates an emerging crisis in the society.政治要符合民意公正的,不符合民意就会造成社会危机

名言:人无完人nobody is utterly good or bad. 政治家的道德:It may be quite sensible to look at President Clinton and his predecessors —or for that matter, any people currently in public life —and distinguish between their public selves and their private selves, evaluating each independently. (对于公众身份和个人身份要分开考虑)

政治家是否需要morality:A politician’s job is to build, maintain, and expand the wealth, prosperity and political influence of his nation; district, county, state or what have you. (政治家的主要工作) This is his or her primary concern. Many more times than you and I would like to think, realizing those goals require them to make choices that are outside the bounds of morality(达到目标有时要超过道德的界限,所以不需要道德).

政治人物不是道德领袖:Politicians Are Not and Should Not Be Moral Leaders

影响工作:universal standard of principles is simply NOT feasible (可行), but it may also render him or her completely ineffective at their job.

道德的好处公司方面:V alues as a source of competitive advantage; values that underpin corporate reputation and reinforce risk management; values that are part of the intangible assets of the business


克隆人的争论:This idea of human cloning has fueled debate not just in the United States, but also with countries all over the world.

I believe that it is not morally and ethically right to clone humans. Even though technology is constantly advancing, it is not reasonable to believe that human cloning is morally and ethically correct, due to the killing of human embryos, the unsafe process of cloning, and the resulting consequences of having deformed clones. An ethical issue of great importance on cloning is what will be the consequences of it if it was actually successful. Another argument in parallel to the idea above is that human cloning is unethical and immoral because it will devalue human life.

政府对社会道德In addition to the human cloning debate, there is also a congressional battle brewing over whether the government should provide funds for stem cell research in which human embryos are killed.

安乐死:One needs look no further than the application of euthanasia. To deprive other's lives is widely recognized as illegal and criminal behavior; however, euthanasia is not crime but benevolence. From time to time some patients are hopeless as their diseases are cureless at that time, they can not bear the afflictions of the disease any further, and their families are also on the brink of collapse mentally and economically. Therefore, peaceful death is the most helpful choice both to the patients and to their family. Under this circumstance, the doctors should help their poor patients with euthanasia, and these behaviors should never be judged guilty.


伦理和社会责任的关系:What ethical conduct and socially responsible behavior have in common is they both start from values and, when applied effectively, both enhance the company's reputation and so contribute to performance and shareholder value.

公共与隐私:The wall between public and private is an important one to maintain even if it means we will sometimes ignore personal traits or conduct that could well diminish our opinion of the overall person. We should maintain this wall not to protect public figures from the judgments that might naturally flow from their conduct but because we should prize and protect the idea of privacy. Privacy, after all, is vital to our essence. It comes with our humanity that we are entitled to a region where we can freely think, speak, and behave with confidence that we are, for that instant, on our own. This is not to deny the importance of norms of conduct in holding the community together. Norms are crucial. Community is crucial. The links we form to others are crucial. But so are spaces to be us. Moreover, a life without privacy would be psychologically intolerable.

隐私很重要,名人也要保护自己的隐私:Privacy, after all, is vital to our essence. It comes with our humanity that we are entitled to a region where we can freely think, speak, and behave with confidence that we are, for that instant, on our own.


水门事件:The Watergate scandal (or just "Watergate") was an American political scandal and constitutional crisis that led to the resignation of President Richard Nixon.

政治家说假话:Consider also less egregious examples, such as President Nixon's withholding of information about his active role in the Watergate cover-up. His behavior demonstrated a concern for self- interest above the broader interests of the democratic system that granted his political authority in the first place(北美范文中的句子)

历届总统丑闻:Y et even a cursory review of the private lives of past Presidents reveals substantial evidence that Franklin Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, Lyndon Johnson and John Kennedy had extramarital (私通的)affairs. Thomas Jefferson, many believe, fathered children by one of his slaves. And Grover Cleveland confessed to having an illegitimate child.

克林顿Much of the press and most of Mr. Clinton’s most ardent detractors expressed amazement that through the worst of the Monica Lewinsky charges, he maintained extraordinarily high approval ratings for the job he was doing as President. Y et it may be quite sensible to look at President Clinton and his predecessors — or for that matter, any people currently in public life —and distinguish between their public selves and their private selves, evaluating each independently.前美国总统比尔克林顿的性丑闻时间也是一个例子。虽然克林顿在道德上有问题,但是这个丑闻是前总统的个人隐私。


政治丑闻The Nixon's Watergate Affair is a classic instance in political realm. Without that the scandals had surfaced, the public could not pay such attention to the political problems from speakers and reformers.

经济丑闻In the economic realm, a good example is the financial scandal of the Enron which was one of the world "BIG FIVE" accounting firm companies. Thus, the problems of the world financial system are well considered by the public. The collapse of Enron is the biggest crash in corporate history. This is not just an isolated financial scandal. Enron made a large number of donations to Bush and the Republicans in exchange with the government's support in energy policy.

体育丑闻Another example is the scandal of football corruption, so-called "Black Whistle" in China, which is not made much account of before. Now the "Black Whistle" has drawn increasing attention. 学术丑闻1:Hwang woo-suk, the former professor of Seoul National University in Korea, made headlines last year when he unveiled the first cloned human embryo. The work marked the start of what many scientists believed would be a revolution. However, not very sooner, Hwang was forced to admit that he had lied. Not only did he use eggs donated by his female staff, but also fabricated cell lines and concocted DNA tests. This incident has sent shock waves around the scientific world, and the ethics of scientists was also raised upon the table.

学术丑闻2:Luk V an Parijs, a former associate professor of biology at MIT, once was considered as a rising star in the fields of immunology and RNA interference. However, this high-flying researcher has been fired from MIT for fabricating data in a published scientific paper, in unpublished manuscripts, and in grant applications, which was discovered by the media,

安然因丑闻下台:The U.N’s now-defunct Oil-for-Food Program is under investigation for alleged corruption and fraud prompting some U.S officials to call for U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan’s resignation.


例子:卢梭Rousseau. (人与社会关系...........)

French philosopher and writer who held that humanity is essentially good but corrupted by society. 法国的哲学家,作家,他认为人的本质是好的,但是被社会所污染了


Maslow's theory of needs tells us that human has social needs, including acceptance, affection, and affiliation with a social group. 马斯洛德的人类需求理论告诉我们,人类有社会需求包括接受,



Winners & Losers:To us, a winner is one who responds authentically by being credible, trustworthy, responsive, and genuine, both as an individual and as a member of a society;Winners do not need to hide behind a mask. Winners are not afraid to do their own thinking and to use their own knowledge. They can separate facts from opinions and don’t pretend to have all the answers;They listen to others; evaluate what they say, but come to their own conclusions;Although winners can admire and respect other people, they are not totally defined, demolished, bound or awed by them.;Winners do not play ―helpless‖, nor do they play the blaming game. Instead, they assume responsibility for their own lives.

学习成功之路:If you want to learn the secrets of success, it seems perfectly reasonable to study successful people and organizations, but studying successes without also looking at failures tends to create a misleading — if not entirely wrong — picture of what it takes to succeed.


经济上:China And Reform (改革,竞争与合作,社会问题与适当失业............)

According to Keynes's economic theory, a low rate of unemployment is motivating force for the economy for any society, which could be demonstrated by the economic situations before and after the reform in China. In China, before the reform, there is no unemployment, that is, all the people were employed. However, the economy has stagnant and lagged, with extremely low efficiency. By contrast, economic reform campaign made some people lose their jobs and there is a rate of unemployment. The economy has not been injured but rapidly and steadily grown vigorously.


个人主义:I would certainly agree that to be "individual" seems almost to be a moral imperative in our society. Let me suggest, however, that individualism is an extremely complicated concept -- a trait that in practice is anything but completely flattering.

实用主义:The belief that in America one could determine one's destiny by hard work and freedom was an article of faith, but like individualism, utilitarianism has taken its toll.

例子Benjamin Franklin,in fact, seems to have set the template for that practicality in his Autobiography


个人主义:Individualism holds that every person is an end in himself and that no person should be sacrificed for the sake of another.

李嘉诚;Li Ka-Shing, at the beginning struggled for himself and basic living, he opened a plastic factory. Now, as Asia’s richest and most influential investor he not only works for himself but also for the whole society. 集体主义:Collectivism holds that the needs and goals of the individual are subordinate to those of the larger group and should be sacrificed when the collective good so requires.

个人主义&集体主义:Individualism holds that the individual is the unit of achievement. While not denying that one person can build on the achievements of others, individualism points out that achievement goes beyond what has already been done; it is something new that is created by the individual. Collectivism, on the other hand, holds that achievement is a product of society. In this view, an individual is a temporary spokesman for the underlying, collective process of progress.

Altruism的定义:The first confusion is to confound altruism with kindness, generosity, and helping other people. Altruism demands more than kindness: it demands sacrifice. Parents who spend a fortune to save their dying child are helping another person, but true altruism would demand that the parents spend their money to save ten other children, sacrificing their own child so that others may live. 个人行为的原因:Reason is individualistic. No person can think for another; thought is an attribute of the individual. One can start with the ideas of another, but each new discovery, each creative step beyond the already known, is a product of the individual. And when an individual does build on the work and ideas of others, he is building on the work of other individuals, not on the ideas of ``society.''


Sir Thomas More wrote Utopia in 1516. Utopia is a work of satire, indirectly criticizing Europe's political corruption and religious hypocrisy. Aristotle's ideas of aesthetics, justice and harmony are present in the Utopian's philosophy. (简介)Utopia became the project of creating an ideal society apart from the demoralizing city. These Utopian projects were especially popular in Britain, France, and New England. The Utopian celebration of common property and dependence upon extensive state planning are the groundwork for communism and socialism as presented in Marx and Engels' written works.

欧文( Ro bert Owen ) idealist ---凡是理想主义的话题都把老欧带上菜

参考事迹:空想社会主义者,早先赚了点钱就在美国印第安那买了片土地,妄图实现―共同劳动,财产共有,权利平等―的理想社会,搞了一会就失败了, 还弄得一贫如洗。

In that perfect world, all people are born equally, and no wars and no hunger exist, thus no information need to be hided, just as the Utopia which the idealist Robert Owen described.


In 1824 Robert Owen heard that a settlement called Harmony in Indiana in the United States was for sale. That winter he sailed for America to inspect the estate believing that the New World might

provide the right environment for establishing an experimental co-operative community. Harmony proved ideally suited to his needs, with agricultural land, small industries and community buildings and the estate was purchased for one hundred and twenty five thousand dollars the settlement was unsuited to community life and v ery few had the necessary skills to farm the land or run small industries. As the settlement became overcrowded the chaos developed. By 1828 it was clear that Robert Owen's New Harmony model co-operative community experiment had failed.


竞争的定义:Competition is a way of life in today's world. Individuals and companies alike, for the sake of survival in competition, must continue to improve their services and products, and as a result, the entire society prospers, at least economically.

有些合作的坏Cooperation in the form of monopoly(垄断)or price-fixing is illegal in the capitalist world as it kills the spirit of competition.

没有竞争的坏例子耶American people do not allow their governments to operate any business as they believe that the government-run business will be ineffective due to lack of competition.

竞争的好,中国的例子:China has certainly experienced the vitality of this competitiveness in the past decade since her adoption of the "Reform and Opening Up" policy.

名言,竞争的好:亚当斯密( Adam Smith ) 利用点:他对竞争和个人与群体的理解可以参考类似命题。

Adam Smith advocates the idea of competition impelling the development of the society提倡竞争推动社会的发展


科技:By the development of technology, during the past decades, all of good things happen because of only competition, including a computer shrinking in size, increasing in power, reducing in price, and a rapid expansion of telecommunications networking in a declining price.

奥林匹克体育:The Olympic Game is a form of competition break up records to challenge human limits, gotten along with each other country to improve friendship and peace


凯恩斯经济学理论:--竞争的好;According to Keynes's economic theory, a low rate of unemployment is motivating force for the economy for any society. Because such a low rate of unemployment will lead to positive competition in the society, and hence the productivity of social labor will highly increase. 根据凯恩斯的经济学原理,较低的失业率是促进社会和经济发展的动力。因为这种低失业率能促进社会积极的竞争,因此,社会劳动生产力就会显著提高。

公司内的竞争好处:Increasingly, in knowledge based industries, the distinctive competitive factor will be the ability to attract and retain the most talented people. There is a need to establish an organization culture (values, beliefs, behavior) which gives each employee the opportunity to obtain personal fulfillment.

竞争的坏:Competition is not always a good thing to have.

例子The cost of competition is very high., competition in the form of arms race among powers is a waste of limited resources that we have on this planet, and will bring massive destruction to humankind. Sibling rivalry (同胞互斗)is another form of competition that is not healthy. It will inscribe damaging scars in the heart of family members.

Competition is to separate winners from losers. 无法达到win-win situation(双赢) On the other hand, cooperation is the only driving force that will make every participant a winner.

从竞争走向合作的转折段:Life isn't pure competition. If it were, the stress would kill us at an early age. We wouldn't get very far either, with everyone fighting everyone else over every little issue. There is another side to relationships called cooperation

全球化,现代化,互相交流,互相依赖。In view of ever increasing speed of transportation and telecommunications, we live in a global village. Interaction and interdependence are no longer a luxury or an option, unless one wishes to be left out and left behind.

竞争所没有的合作优势:In short, competition is in order when there is not enough room for everyone to be a winner, and therefore, competition is to separate winners from losers. On the other hand, cooperation is the only driving force that will make every participant a winner.

引用中国谚语表示合作的好:The Chinese saying, "making a buggy behind a closed door"(闭门造车)signifies an attitude that leads to failure.

引用圣经里的话表示合作的好:The benefit of cooperation is beautifully summed up in Bible as follows: Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.


In this super-modern world, tasks are more complex and there are more specialists:

In an orchestra, in the workplace, in the creation of a film, on many jobs, we know that we have to work in teams.

There is another side to relationships called cooperation. Call it family, call it friendship, and call it mutual support. We get together in groups to do those things that are larger than one person. We design airplanes, build roads and play basketball in teams.

例子篮球How could a basketball team ever win a game if every player who got the ball hogged(拱)it to themselves and took whatever shot they could? No, it's the team score at the end that matters and determines who wins the game. If our team wins, we all



Cooperation in the form of monopoly or price-fixing is illegal in the capitalist world as it kills the spirit of competition. American people do not allow their governments to operate any business as they believe that the government-run business will be ineffective due to lack of competition.

合作竞争-co-opetition It's a combination of cooperation and competition that offers the possibility for rivals to benefit from each other's seemingly competitive activities. In short, there are circumstances where having more players to cut the pie means bigger pieces of pie for everyone. (把蛋糕做大)That's co-opetition. Co-opetition is the delicate balance of cooperation and competition that describes many business relationships. A value network, or V alue Net, is a map that helps visualize the tangled web of interconnections in the game of business. Telephone and cable TV companies have been complementary in sharing the cost of poles to run wires to the same houses.

例子;Coke and Pepsi go head to head.

Relationships, personal or business, can be hard to sort out and often are not as clearly defined as complementary or competitive. They are both. Its war and peace at the same time. That's the strange world of co-opetition


例子:The well-known soft drink Coca Cola is a case in point. In every advertisement of Coca Cola, the feeling of having a drink of Cola is described as wonderful and fantastic. At the same time, some excellent advertising slogans, such as "Cola Adds Life"; "Have a Cola and a Smile"; "Cola is it", are becoming well-known. All these above can make a good "First Impression" to the potential consumers. That is why Coca Cola is popular all around the world. 非常有名的软饮料公司可口可乐是个典型的例子。在每个可口可乐的广告中,都把喝可口可乐的形容成一种美好的,奇妙的感受。同时,一些很棒的广告标语,例如―可口可乐给生命增色彩"Have a Cola and a Smile"; "Cola is it"都开始变得非常有名。以上所有的这些都可以留下一个很好的第一印象给潜在消费者。这就是为什么可口可乐在全球非常流行。

广告技术的定义:Today’s Advertising

Propaganda is not just the tool of totalitarian governments and dictators. Rather, propaganda is all around us—in the form of commercials and advertisements. The author of this selection shows how Madison Avenue uses many of the techniques typical of political propaganda to convince us that we need certain products and services.

广告的威力American adults and children alike, are being seduced. They are being brainwashed. And few of us protest. Why? Because the seducers and the brain washers are the advertisers we willingly invite into our homes. We are victims, content—even eager—to be victimized. We read advertisers’ propagand a messages in newspapers and magazines; we watch their alluring images on the television. We absorb their messages and images into our subconscious. We all do it—even those of us who claim to see through advertisers’ tricks and therefore feel immune to adv ertisers’ charm. Advertisers lean heavily on propaganda to sell their products, whether the ―products‖ are a brand of toothpaste, a candidate for office, or a particular political viewpoint.

宣传的作用:Propaganda is a systematic effort to influence people’s opinions, to win them over to a certain view or side. Propaganda is not necessarily concerned with what is true or false, good or bad. Propagandists simply want people to believe the messages being sent. Often, propagandists will use outright lies or more subtle deceptions to sway people’s opinions. In a propaganda war, any tacit is considered fair.


批评的作用(理证):Receiving criticism can be a direct path to making yourself look good. Everyone is subject to it, from the person in the mailroom to the CEO of the organization. No one likes it, but everyone would be wise to hear it with an open mind. Y ou can learn more about how to improve in your work and life through criticism than through many other channels. Most criticism is intended to help you do your job, even live your life, better. It is meant to be useful and constructive. Some criticism is unfair, unjust and unkind. It is not meant to help you improve in any way; it is intended to hurt you, make you angry and wreck your day. Don't let it. The smart person treats all criticism in the same objective way, learning from it what he or she can and discarding the rest. The foolish person allows himself or herself to be manipulated into being angry or responding defensively, thereby losing whatever benefit he might have gained, and looking unprofessional and undignified in the process.


文化差异:The individuals have to adapt themselves to social life with other people, and conform their behavior to accord with social moral principles and customs.

For instance, the joke which can make Americans cannot stop laughing will be possibly considered as boring by Germen. And people in India are used to talk with friends closely, while Englishmen like to keep a certain distance when they are talking. Apparently, Culture diversity as well as social variety also plays a significant role in human behavior, and moreover, different societies require different human conducts suitable.举个例子,有个玩笑可以使美国人嘲笑不已的是德国人的枯燥。还有,印度的人喜欢和朋友近距离的交谈,而英国人喜欢保持一定的距离。很明显,文化的差异和社会的不同对人的行为起了多大的影响。此外,不同的社会需要不同的人来指导


语言流失的例子:For instance, Babylonia, the ancient empire of Mesopotamia, established in the Euphrates River valley, and flourished under the arrow headed characters widely used. However, the empire declined after 562 B.C. and lost the arrow headed characters gradually after falling to Persians in 539 B.C., as a result, the great culture of Babylonia disappeared with the extinction of the language. If the arrow headed characters were well protected two thousand years ago, we might understand the culture of Mesopotamia completely

书本的重要性(记录历史):For instance, almost all the people are interested in the history of ancient Greek, which is famous at the democratic society, flourishing culture and high achievements of science. Because that period is so far from us that we could not possibly know what happened in that great old country. However, historians study a large number of significant information about old Greek from two great works of Homer, Odyssey and Iliad, which describe famous wars in that period. Although many imaginations and unreal legends of heroes exist in the two works and some assertions generalized by historians about old Greek may not be exact enough. The creative individual ideas still contribute a lot for people to understand the history of old Greek


例子:1. 培根认为知识就是力量,反对中世纪经院哲学对人们思想的禁锢,鼓励人们推倒偶像,

Bacon advocated the idea of testing the authority in order to gain real knowledge. Cause knowledge acquires certain skepticism to whatever we study even since the dawn of our civilization.

2. 笛卡儿认为要清除由传统得来的偏见,办法就是怀疑,提出我思故我在

Same thought have also preoccupied Descartes who considered holding little suspicions to the wholly spread religions is the only way to expunge prejudice from our mundane life

3. 哥白尼日星说

Human beings have paid tribute to Copernicus for the first step he took in ignoring established boundaries and challenge long-standing assumption of astronomy for publishing his Heliocentric conjecture that the earth and other planets revolves around the sun.


公司领导作用:Company leaders are responsible for reputation management. They need to be inspiring role models of values-based leadership.(leader要作为道德榜样)such leadership is more likely to result in employees giving the company their loyalty and superior performance. (让员工更加忠诚,以企业为荣)Employees want to feel proud of the company they work for as well as comfortable with its culture and values.

公司的企业目标:Increasingly, in knowledge based industries, the distinctive competitive factor will be the ability to attract and retain the most talented people. (企业文化也是吸引和留住人才的因素)There is a need to establish an organization culture (values, beliefs, behavior) which gives each employee the opportunity to obtain personal fulfillment.(让员工自我实现)

公司和道德In every business, including small businesses and dotcoms, a focus on traditional ethical values will not only provide some stability and consistency, in the face of a world of accelerating change, but will also enable those businesses to command greater trust from their stakeholders and to become more successful. (好的企业文化能保证企业稳定,一致。更让人尊敬)

企业信用的重要性A business that doesn't invest in building trust will, over time, be rejected by the markets, by investors, by its customers and above all by its own people - its employees

CEO的作用:The requirement for CEOs therefore is to establish a corporate culture which encourages responsible behavior while releasing the creative potential of the workforce.


Different levels of leadership calls for different action of a strong leader in different situations. In other words, whether or not the society is stable or prosperity, a necessary requirement for an able political leader is the ability to address emergency including economic, credit or environmental crisis. When times are in harmony, it maybe easier to follow along with popular opinion as long as it does not appear to be particularly disruptive. However, when economic index continuously drops or commodity price keeps rising, or even worse a military conflict between nations exists, a leader that can make the difficult decisions to stay with certain principles and objectives is required. Every so often, although the strategies executed may be against the vast majority of public opinions, they may still be the best ones for the overall well—being of the country or company. In sum, the standard of effective is largely judged by whether a leader can determine which approach will most likely lead to the accomplishment of the overall mission.

制度One needs look no further than the collapse of Enron, once the biggest energy firm in America.

Skilling, the former CEO of Enron, encouraged the employees to take action without notifying their bosses. Gradually, the employees tended to be in defiance of the normal company regulations, and could freely, maybe arbitrarily, do as they wished to, leaving the authorities of the managers in the dust. Obviously, when the behaviors of the employees were out of control, the efficiencies of the companies would be lowered.

质量的重要性例子;For instance, although the portable computers which are designed and manufactured by IBM are not beautiful and smart because of the all black appearance, they are popular and widely used in a large number of companies and schools all over the

world. That is because that the quality of IBM computers is the best. 质量和外观的重要性;

例子:Both the appealing image and the good reality are important for success. For example, although the quality of CPU made by AMD Company is good as well as that of Intel Company and the price of AMD's CPU is even lower, the consumers still prefer Intel's CPU to AMD's CPU.


购买阿拉斯加,政治举措开始的时候不为人所理解:Purchase of Alaska :In 1867, Seward, Secretary of U.S., agreed to purchase Alaska from Russia for $7 million. At the time, the public thought Seward was crazy to spend so much on a piece of land that was mostly unexplored. Ultimately, buying Alaska proved to be a very good move. The discovery of gold and petroleum in Alaska ended people’s debate.

马丁路德金和种族歧视—伟人的作用,代表一个时代,是一个人做的,有号召力:Martin Luther King's contributions to our history place him in this inimitable position. In his short life, Martin Luther King was instrumental in helping us realize and rectify those unspeakable flaws which were tarnishing the name of America. In those days American Blacks were confined to positions of second class citizenship by restrictive laws and customs. To break these laws would mean subjugation and humiliation by the police and the legal system. Beatings, imprisonment and sometimes death were waiting for those who defied the System. Hope in America was waning on the part of many Black Americans, but Martin Luther King, Jr. provided a candle along with a light. Today Black Americans have federal legislation which provides access and legal protection in the areas of public accommodations, housing, voting rights, schools, and transportation.

法西斯制度—压迫人的个性:In an autocratic society, people are not only encouraged but actually coerced into suppressing individual personality; and indeed these people are afraid to think and behave differently—not for fear of being excluded but rather for fear of punishment and persecution by the state. The modern Communist and Fascist regimes are fitting examples.

好句子,文化:Every society has its own bundle of values, customs, and mores which most of its members share.

罗斯福新政Roosevelt, Franklin Delano 1882-1945 –为了达到目标什么手段都是值得的

The 32nd President of the United S tates. Governor of New Y ork (1929-1932), he ran for President with the promise of a New Deal for the American people. His administration was marked by relief programs, measures to increase employment and assist industrial and agricultural recovery from the Depression, and World War II. He was the only U.S. President to be reelected three times (1936, 1940, and 1944). He died in office. 美国第32位总统,他带着对美国人民的承诺((美国总统罗斯福的)新政)来竞选总统。二战期间,他的管理主要是减轻政策,采取措施增加就业,帮助工业和农业从经济萧条中恢复过来。他是美国历史上唯一一个当选三届总统的人,最后死在办公室。

罗斯福和希特勒比较;Roosevelt and Adolph Hitler took different measures when facing the problems of big depression such examples can be used in the dealing with diverse attitudes on the problem of huge variation in society would lead to distinct results!


责任,义务的例子A soldier would think it is his duty to obey the rules without any hesitation; A surgeon would consider healing the patients as his accountability; and a historian would feel it is his responsibility to discover what is behind the historical descriptions. In fact, different careers and roles form diverse individual responsibilities, which result in individuals’ voluntary behaviors.


After a retrospect about how our ideologies have come into being in daily life, it is not beyond comprehension that besides reading various books from science to literature, we never cease to communicate with and learn from others including parents, friends and the like. Among them not only exist disagreements contradicting with our ideas but also involve resonances sharing our minds, both of which, are not so much diverged in content as different in ways to improve one’s knowledge.

It is true that disagreement always arouses pressure and hostility, especially when two persons hold totally different opinions like zenith and nadir. Since they cannot achieve agreement on some subject, finally the communication evolves into endless dispute sticking to separate point of view rather than a rational analyze objectively. In this scenario, emotional outlet instead of dispassionate reflect plays a dominant role in the process of exchanging ideas, therefore, either side gains little.

However, if we merely learn from those whose views in accord with ours, what we may encounter is narrower and narrower thoughts deviated from those who embrace different views, and those dissimilarities may exactly correct while we neglect. This act cannot be better described as a blind self-confidence, which hampers our progress in study rather than be conducive to us. Generally speaking, a comprehensive view historically will reveal that anyone who accomplish a lot must be equipped with an excellent quality—an open mind, namely, the ability to absorb views from others, especially those far away from ours so that we have more chance to

explore a new area with inspiring thoughts. Avoid a dead—end or narrower paths of thoughts.
