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I think human flesh search is a kind of Internet lynching. Privacy is the basi c right for everyone,even for the criminal. Therefore, the action of cyber vi olence and privacy violation shouldnot be encouraged by the public.


scientist did a survey about the topic do you agree human flesh search among people.the result is only 13%agree with it. Many people donnot like themselves information were known by others.not only do it was illeagle ,but also makes people annoyed.

Human flesh search seriously violate people's privacy

Without permission, without authorization, spread to others privacy, online provide public the information behavior of others, or the public security management punishment law have specific provision, "article 42 has one of the following ACTS, the following five days detention [d??ten?n]or a fine of less than RMB five hundred; if the circumstances are relatively serious, more than five days detention less than ten days, may be concurrently fined not less than RMB five hundred, whether the human flesh search within a certain range is breaking the law?

personal privacy is about personal information, including personal especially women's age, individual or family property and composition, income, residence, office units of treatment

and so on. Interpersonal communication, in particular, in the moment is often the target of "human flesh search". "Spread this is against the law." First of all, the application of human flesh search in most of the time, is used as a kind of steal privacy, what is more, one of the means used to attack others, due to its purpose in violation of morality, so should be abandoned.


What's more, human flesh search can be misused on purpose. If you don't lik e someone, youcan lie about him. So strangers will attack him, which will brin g the innocent a lot of troubles.

能力与人际关系 英语辩论

Interpersonal Relationships VS Practical Abilities (陈述观点) 正方一辩:Hello, everyone. Today we will have a debate about which, interpersonal relationships or practical abilities, is more important to a successful career. As far as we’re concerned, interpersonal relationship is more important than personal ability in our life. A person’s practical abilities are shown through chances, and chances are created or given by people around you. If there are no opportunities, then how can you put your abilities into use? As we can see, there are many people who have strong abilities but can’t bring them into play just because there are no chances. In addition, the interpersonal relationship can affect a person’s emotion. A good interpersonal relationship can make us happy and positive. However, a bad one will make us sad and negative. And emotion also plays a very important role in our working. So, in a word, we think that interpersonal relationship is more important than practical abilities. That’s all, thank you. 反方一辩:We hold the view that practical ability is more important. There is a proverb: a person of integrity can stand any tests. What the practical abilities to success, the groundwork to a building. Without enough height, the building is merely not that grand. However, without a stable groundwork, the building can be dangerous. Y our practical abilities give you an access to a job, and then your interpersonal relationships help you do the job well. But if you can’t get the job first, let alone do it well. So we are in favor of practical abilities going first, in other words, practical abilities are more important than interpersonal relationships. That’s all, thank you. (双方相互提问) 正方二辩:We don’t deny the importance of ability. However, if there is not the platform for your development built by interpersonal relationship, your ability may be not available in the end, and you are nothing. So, will you agree with me? 反方二辩:I’m afraid not. In my opinion, gold is always shining. As long as one works hard all the time, his ability will be known to other people sooner or later. On the contrary, I don’t think one will succeed if he has a good interpersonal relationship but moderate abilities. 正方二辩:A survey made by Stanford Research Center shows that 12.5% of money made by people comes from knowledge and 87.5% comes from interpersonal relationship. And in Hollywood, such words are popular: whether a person can succeed doesn’t depend on what he knows but whom he knows. That is to say, interpersonal relationship is the key to wealth and success. 反方三辩:Firstly, I have no much confidence in the data of this survey. Because I think many factors may haven’t been taken into consideration when making the survey. Secondly, only resorting to a survey can’t demonstrate that interpersonal relationships are more important than practical abilities. It can’t cover all the factors. 反方二辩:As we all know, the social competition is becoming fiercer. Without good literal abilities, how can you succeed in a job interview? Can you just tell the interviewer that you have a good interpersonal relationship and let him hire you? 正方二辩:A job interview means a process of communication. If you can


关于英语辩论赛的技巧 英语辩论赛的技巧:多用反问句 在进行比赛的时候,可以多用一些反问句来增加气势,让对方觉得你准备充足,如经常用到Don't you think that。 英语辩论赛的技巧:语句要尽量简短 在英语辩论赛的时候尽量要以短小、简短的句子为主,用词要简单,道理浅显,别人一听就知道你在说的话语,而不是要想半天才明白你在说什么,如可以说you are bad,就尽量不要说you are not good。 英语辩论赛的技巧:要围绕主题 有些参加英语辩论赛的朋友,很多时候不知不觉在说的过程中就偏离了主题,其实这个对于英语辩论赛来说是很分的,一定切记要围绕主题,要有好心态,不要太心急。 英语辩论赛的技巧:保持微笑 每次站起来的时候要先微笑,过两秒再进行辩论。脸上保持微笑,这样会表示自己充满自信,也可以放松自己,同时给辩论对方一种气势,造成对方一定的心理压力。 英语辩论赛的技巧:语速要慢 记得你这个是英语辩论赛,全程是用英语进行的,你的对手在你说话快的程度可能会听得到明白你在说话,但大部分听众对于你说得快的情况就会不知道你在说什么,这样就是失去辩论的意义。 辩论赛技巧: 1、打乱阵脚:组织有序进攻,打乱对方的阵脚,使之兵未败而阵先乱,岂有不败之理? 2、直击底线。有意识地对对方底线全力猛攻,使其自我动摇,无力接济,仅有招架之功,却无还手之力,处于被动境地。 3、时间把握:即从严把握本方时间,有意启导、引导对方在无意识中把规定时间及早耗尽,以造成缺席审判的情势,这对本方极为有利。 4、节奏把握:自由辩论的时间不长,但是由于争锋剧烈,对抗性强,故往往呈现出很强的快节奏。一般而言,一强到底,一胜到底的队伍不多,这就需要有韧劲和力量持久才能取胜。故有经验的辩论队往往是先弱后强,欲擒故纵。其利在于先让对方强,以观察其底气,辨别其优劣,在制伏它。 5、避锋折锐:针锋相对,往往会陷于对峙和僵持。你针尖我麦芒,你推我搡,既不利于取胜,现场效果也不好。故有经验的辩论队往往不正面迎击,而是闪避一旁,轻轻折断其锋锐。这种闪避不是回避问题,而是巧用智力,或侧击、或高压、或机智、或幽默,巧击要害,巧借场上效果来使对方退却。简言之,即以大智大巧而对,不以表面热闹、直硬相拼见高低。 大家一定要记得上面所说的几点,并且多点练习就好。


英语辩论赛 话题:当代社会男人压力大还是女人压力大 主持:主持词:Good morning everyone, today, we will bring you a small but brilliant debate. I hope all of you would enjoy the time.(介绍来宾)The judges of today's debate are our teacher and everybody here! Welcome! The topic for our debate today is "whether the pressure of men is more than women?" First please let me introduce the contestants of both sides. Those on the pros are Liu Junyi and me. Those on the cons are Gao Tianli and Lei Feiyan. As everybody is ready now, here starts the debate. The first session: Statement of their arguments: ----the For-side, please 正方一辩:我方观点是当今社会男人的压力比女人的压力大。在当今社会事实是男人承受的 压力远大于女人的压力,不仅从社会角度,从工作角度,从家庭角度都对男人有更多的要求,男人被要求能够很好的处理社会交际,能够出色的工作,能够赚取更多的钱,能够很好的照顾家庭和孩子。因此,在当代社会,男人承受了比女人更多的心理压力。 Our view is that the pressure of men is more than women in today's society. The fact is that the men’s pressure is far greater than women, not only fro m a social point of view, from the working point of view, from the families point of view , the society has more demands on men, men are required to have good social communication, excellent work, to earn more money, to take care of their families. Therefore, in contemporary society, men suffer more psychological pressure than women. 主持----the Against-side, please 反方一辩:我方的观点是当今社会女人的压力比男人压力大,随着社会的发展,女人在社会中


A征求他人观点或意见的用语 I would be glad to hear your opinion of … 我很乐意听听你对……的意见。 Are you of the same opinion as I? 你与我的看法一致吗? I was wondering where you stood on the question of … 我想知道你对……问题怎么看。 B引入自己的新观点或看法的用语 Another poi nt is that … 另一点是…… Another way of looking at it is … 看这个问题的另一个看法是…… I forgot to say / tell you that… 我忘记要讲…... C就自己阐述的观点进行总结时的用语 That’s all I want to say. 我想说的就这些了。 Do you agree? I’m sure you agree. 你赞同吗?我相信你是赞同的。 D就对方阐述的观点进行总结时的用语 As you said… 像你所说的那样…… But didn’t you say that…?但是,难道你没说过……吗?、 If I understood you correctly, y ou said that… 要是我理解正确的话,你说过……. E如何礼貌地反对对方某一观点 I’m not sure really. Do you think so? Well, it depends. I’m not so certain. Well, I’m not so sure about that. I’m inclined to disagree with that. No, I don’t think so really. F如何强烈反对对方某一观点 I disagree. I disagree with you entirely. I’m afraid I don’t agree.I’m afraid you are wrong there. I wouldn’t accept that for one minute.You can't really mean that. You can’t be serious.一辩:FIRST DEBATER 二辩:SECOND DEBATER 对方辩友,my fellow debaters 开始的陈词,Honorable judges, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen.....后来的部分就和一般的议论问差不多了。 然后加点题外话:陈述的时候一定要自信,把握好时间,如果到后来时间到,你却没陈述完的时候也要保持自信,微笑,不管他们,把话说完,所以陈述部分的最后几句一定要背熟练。别忘了说THANK YOU。 如果想要驳斥对方的逻辑,进行假设:according to your logic 反对object to 观点opinion 总结summary


对于成功能力比机遇更重要 首先,请允许我对今天的辩题做一个明确的界定。在现代汉语词典中,能力是指顺利完成某一活动所必须的主观条件,直接影响活动效率,并使活动顺利完成的个性心理特征。一首闽南歌中唱到“三分天注定,七分靠打拼,爱拼才会赢”当机遇到来,拥有把握机遇的能力很重要。 其次,一个人的成功是内因与外因共同作用的结果,能力是内因,机遇是外因。马克思主义原理告诉我们内因决定失误发展的性质与方向,外因通过内因起作用,外因绝不能脱离内因而单独起作用,所以机遇与能力相比较而言,人的成功还是能力更为重要。 第三,有人说机遇可遇不可求,然而一生两次获得诺贝尔奖的居里夫人却说“弱者坐失良机,强者制造时机”。机遇是以能力为基础的,没有能力的机遇,就像摇摇欲坠的空中楼阁。所以,拥有了实力,我们不仅能够发现机遇和抓住机遇,还能创造机遇。 所以,我方认为:能力是成功的关键! 一辩:Good morning everyone! We are the objective / negative part. I’m debater 1, Huang Ping. ``````` First of all, please allow me to make a clear definition on the topic today. In modern Chinese dictionary,capability refers to the subjective conditions to complete an activity, it can directly affect the efficiency, and it’s the psychological characteristics of personality to make the activities well-down. One Min Nan song that sings “三分天注定,七分靠打拼,爱拼才会赢”,( three come from the Heaven, seven by hard work, love to fight will win ?) . Thus ,when the opportunity comes, having the capability to grasp the opportunity is very important . Secondly, a person's success is the interaction of internal and external results , capability is the internal cause, and the opportunity is external. The Marx doctrine principle tells us that internal decide the nature and direction of the development of things , and external cause works through the internal cause. External cause can never play a role alone. So, compare to the opportunity , we think capability is more important to one’s success. Thirdly, some people say that opportunity only comes out by accident, but Madame Curie who got Nobel prize twice through her lifetime said that “the weak let the opportunities slip , but the strong can manufacture time ”.We know, opportunity is based on capability, without capability, opportunity will be shaking and crumbling, like castles in the air. So, if we have capability, we can not only find the opportunity and seize the opportunity, but also create opportunity. So, we think capability is the key to success!


英语辩论赛常用语 A征求他人观点或意见的用语 I would be glad to hear your opinion of …我很乐意听听你对……的意见。Are you of the same opinion as I? 你与我的看法一致吗? I was wondering where you stood on the question of …我想知道你对……问题怎么看。 B引入自己的新观点或看法的用语 Another point is that …另一点是…… Another way of looking at it is …看这个问题的另一个看法是…… I forgot to say / tell you that…我忘记要讲…... C就自己阐述的观点进行总结时的用语 That’s all I want to say. 我想说的就这些了。 Do you agree? I’m sure you agree. 你赞同吗?我相信你是赞同的。 D就对方阐述的观点进行总结时的用语 As you said…像你所说的那样…… But didn’t you say that…?但是,难道你没说过……吗?、 If I understood you correctly, you said that…要是我理解正确的话,你说过……. E如何礼貌地反对对方某一观点 I’m not sure really. Do you think so? Well, it depends.

I’m not so certain. Well, I’m not so sure about that. I’m inclined to disagree with that. No, I don’t think so really. F如何强烈反对对方某一观点 I disagree. I disagree with you entirely. I’m afraid I don’t agree. I’m afraid you are wrong there. I wouldn’t accept that for one minute. You can't really mean that. You can’t be serious. 大学生英语辩论赛的比赛规则及具体流程 1、主席致辞:宣布辩题及辩题相关背景资料;介绍选手包括学院、专业、年级及正反方所持观点等;介绍评委及比赛规则。 2.、比赛阶段: 1)正方一辩发言(7分钟) 第一分钟结束时--举牌提示,第六分钟结束时--举牌提示,第七分钟结束时---举牌提示 2)反方一辩发言(8分钟) 第一分钟结束时--举牌提示,第七分钟结束时--举牌提示,第八分钟结束时---举牌提示


Oral Test Form: Debate Time: 5 minutes (minimum) Directions: In this part, two students work together to debate on one of the following issues. Procedures: 1) Each candidate gives an opening statement to illustrate your viewpoint clearly. (1 minute each) 2) Two candidates debate on the issue by asking and responding to the opponent for more details. Each candidate should have an adequate background of the positions and arguments that you will be proposing. (3-4minutes) 3) Each candidate gives a final conclusive argument/statement at the end of the debate. (1 minute) 1.Examination is a common means to evaluate a student’s academic achievement. But some people think universities should assess students by other ways. Candidate 1: Examinations do more harm than good. Candidate 2: Examinations do more good than harm. Statement: In my opinion I think examination does more good to the recent situation. As we can see , the exam is a common way to evaluate a student, teacher and others. Why it is commonly used not only at home but also at aboard? The reasons are as follows. First, it is the easiest way up to now. you can’t find a better way now. you can judge a person in a short time. It only need two or three hours. Second, it is the fairest way. The candidate have the same access to the test, they have the same time to prepare the exam, in case of some people get in from the back door. What’s more, so many talented was selected by the exam in china, for example , hujitao a student of tinghua university. Free debating: First of all , I want to say that , if there isn’t a exam , what will you do ? you can almost get nothing after a semester, because you don’t have to take a exam, so you don’t have to remember and practice, which is not good for a student to rise their ability. We work on the subject for a semester, exam is the most efficient way to test the students who really paid much effort. Second , the exam do make much pressure to the students , but if their do not have pressure , how can the students make program? Sum up: To sum up, I still hold the point that the exam does more good than harm. All coins in the word has two sides, I do agree some point of you, but as you can see , in current days , this is the most scientific way ,not only from time or space , exam is still a way that can operate, you can’t come up with a better idea except this.. As for some point you just mentioned. I don’t agree. For ……….. So I still a defender of my idea 2.Which is more important for you in your life: knowledge from books you read, or personal experiences in reality? Candidate 1: Knowledge from books is more important than experiences. Candidate 2: Experiences is more important than knowledge from books. 开头:In my opinion I think【Experiences is more important than knowledge from books.】…………A s we can see 1.All books are in a good order, they are ordered by chapters. This could make your brain a computer, you just think in a fixed way. You will don’t have your own idea. 2.Almost all the company offer few salary to the newly graduate students, as time goes by, the boss will pay more the worker. Why they can get more payment? the experience played a very important role. 3.What’s more , all the books is based on the experience. If one don’t have much expe rience , I guess there is no possibility that he can make a book. Let us see some of you relatives , even they are not well educated , they may only know few word , they even cant read, but they still make money. Sometimes they even make more than the one who get educated. What’s more , all the book are not all right at all . some are even wrong. If you just take in , and have no experience, you may make wrong. And some situation are not for your case, you have to experience and get a new way of yourself. Last , if you only read books and never practice , the effort is in vain. A man can live on his own experience , but can’t live on books.


1.一辩:FIRST DEBATER 二辩:SECOND DEBATER 对方辩友,my fellow debaters 开始的陈词,Honorable judges, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen..... 陈述的时候一定要自信,把握好时间,如果到后来时间到,你却没陈述完的时候也要保持自信,微笑,不管他们,把话说完,所以陈述部分的最后几句一定要背熟练。别忘了说THANK YOU。 如果想要驳斥对方的逻辑,进行假设:according to your logic 2.Ways to open a debate To set the framework for our opinion, we believe it is necessary to state… We would like to introduce our stand by giving the following definitions. … In order to effectively debate this topic, we would like to propose…. A number of key issues arise which merit (deserve) closer examination. We will elaborate one of the most striking features of this problem, namely… In the first place we would like to make clear that…. The main argument focuses on…. 3.Ways to open a debate To set the framework for our opinion, we believe it is necessary to state… We would like to introduce our stand by giving the following definitions. … In order to effectively debate this topic, we would like to propose…. A number of key issues arise which merit (deserve) closer examination. We will elaborate one of the most striking features of this problem, namely… In the first place we would like to make clear that…. The main argument focuses on…. 4.Giving Reasons and offering explanations: To start with…, The reason why..., That's why..., For this reason..., That's the reason why..., Many people think...., Considering..., Allowing for the fact that..., When you consider that..., 5.I'm convinced that..., I honestly feel that…, I strongly believe that...,


编号:_____ 中学生英语辩论赛题目大全 学校:_________ 教师:_________ ____年___月___日 (此文内容仅供参考,可自行修改) 第1 页共4 页

中学生英语辩论赛题目大全 topics 1. advertising plays a negative role in our society 2. the hukou policy is still relevant in china. 3. the cigarette industry brings more advantages than disadvantages to china. 4. environmental protection is more important than economic development in china. 5. information technology dominates rather than facilitates people’s lives. 6. the cloning of human beings should be banned by law. 7. the opportunity cost of attending graduate school is too high for college students. 8. the benefits of mercialization of sport outweigh the negative effects. 9. hardship experience is necessary for young students to mature. 10. overseas returnees should have preferential access to employment. 11. this house believes that urbanization helps improve the quality of life. 12. this house believes that cities should tear down old areas to promote urban renewal. 第 2 页共 4 页

辩论 英文一辩稿

Honorable judges, ladies and gentleman, my fellow debaters., good evening. Our side firmly believes that “live to work” means more to people. First of all, let’s have a look at the definitions of these two words. According to Collins advanced English dictionary, live not only means someone in a particular kind of life, but also means live for something, in order to achieve something in their life. Workit's not just doing a job which can enable us to earn money. It's exerting ourselves by doing mental or physical work for a purpose or out of necessity. Following are some aspects which can support our argument. First of all, work is a source of self-esteem and

satisfaction. We are emotionally dependent on it. Because we live in this world, we have need and desire, so we have to find a way to satisfy our need and desire. Our enthusiastic passion for work enhances our quality of life. Second, living to work is a positive living attitude. Live to work make people keep step to society development and progress. In the case of we are living in a competitive world, a positive attitude of living to work can make us keep pace with the world. Last but not least, only by choosing the attitude of living to work can we be unselfish and do more contribution to our society and environment.On the one hand, it will promote human civilization.On the


反方一辩:陈述观点 Thank you, we agree that develop tourism is needed, which can improve economic growth. But just think about the past decades, we have destroyed so many nature sources as well as environments in order to develop tourism. So our opinion is only when the environment is charming there will have the value of tourism. Beautiful environment will make people indulged in pleasures without stopping; enjoying amazing feeling of away from the messy world. Do you enjoy the through drama? The heroine will stay at that world not only because of the romantic love but also the purity nature view. But nowadays, almost all the tourists’ attractions have the trace of artificial modification. People almost cannot see nature’s original scenery. At the same time people start to voice new values: quality of life, urban conservation and the environment. Therefore, we must get to the bottom of the problem and learn from the past. That is, in the course of tourism development, we must consider the effect of distraction and accept that environment protection is in the first place. Only in this way can we solve environmental problems in the future reasonably. What’s more, protecting environment is not only for us but also for our future generations. We have a responsibility to make sure that offsprings can see the true and original beauty of the earth rather than manual processing of the scenery. So we think that the travel mode in the cost of destroying nature original scenery is not desirable and environment protection must be in the first place. That’s all what I want to say. Thank you. 自由辩论 反对“旅游促进经济增长,故旅游第一位” 理由:Beautiful environment will make people indulged in pleasures without stopping; enjoying amazing feeling of away from the messy world. We admit that tourism promotes economic development and economic construction is our country’s principle task. But we just cannot ignore the fact that most tourism industries
