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老爸老妈浪漫史 学习笔记

老爸老妈浪漫史  学习笔记
老爸老妈浪漫史  学习笔记




Part1 (1)

Part2 (2)

Part3 (4)

Part4 (5)

Part5 (6)

Part6 (7)

Part7 (8)

Part8 (10)

Part ... .. (11)


1. Shannon: Joining the Peace Corps with you is gonna be legendary.


①to become a member of an organization, society, or group 参加某组织等,这里的''join''


-When did you join the Labor


-I decided to join the army.(我决定参军。)

-You can enjoy a sport without joining a club or belonging to a team.(就算不加入俱乐部或者特定球队,你也可以享受运动的乐趣。)

②join in参与到某活动中,这里的''join in''是固定词组,''in''必不可少。

-James joined in the discussion to say that he agreed with what had been said.(詹姆斯参与讨论,他说他同意之前的讨论结果。)

-He stared at them without joining in the conversation.(他看着他们,没有插嘴。)

-In the evening there was a barbecue, with the whole village joining in the fun .(晚上有烧烤活动,全村同乐。)

-As a child, I was too shy to join in with the other children's games.(我小时候太害羞了,都不敢跟其他小朋友一起玩。)

2. Barney: I know. Only five short weeks till we're down in Nicaragua.

down: in or towards the south 向南

-They drove all the way down from Boston to Miami.(他们从波士顿一路开到迈阿密。)

-They sailed down the east coast of Africa.(他们沿非洲东海岸一路向南航行。)

-Now he's bought a villa down south.(现在他已经在南部买了别墅。)

3. Man: Hey, nonfat latte to go.

to go食物打包带走

-Two chicken dinners with corn to go.(两份玉米鸡肉饭带走。)


takeaway: a meal that you buy at a shop or restaurant to eat at home

-Let's have a takeaway tonight.(我们今晚叫外卖吃吧。)

takeout food(外卖食品)

4. Barney: Mellow order, bro, mellow order. 别这么大声。

mellow: a mellow sound is pleasant and smooth

-a warm, mellow voice(和蔼的温柔的声音)

5. Barney: Five weeks later, we were all set to leave for the Peace Corps. Only problem was... she never showed up.

(1)set: adj. someone who is set for something is ready for it ,常用于非正式的场合。

set for

-Are you all set for the trip?(你们准备好可以走了吗?)

set to do something

-I was just set to go when the phone rang.(电话响的时候,我正准备走。)

Get set (= get ready ) for a night of excitement.(准备好好玩一晚吧!)

On your marks - get set - go (= said to start a race ) .(各就各位,预备,跑!)

(2)leave for:

-I tried calling him, but he'd already left for work.(我打过电话给他了,但他已经去上班了,不在家。)


1、Shannon: It's just, he's still supporting me.

support 养活

-I have a wife and two children to support.(我还要养活老婆和两个孩子。)

support somebody by (doing) something

-She supports her family by teaching evening classes.(她靠在夜校教书养家糊口。)support yourself

-I have no idea how I am going to support myself.(我不知道要怎么养活自己。)

2、Shannon: Look, he's coming by soon to talk about it.

come by顺路拜访某地

-He said he'd come by later.(他说他待会会过来。)

-I'll come by the house and get my stuff later, OK?(我待会过来拿我寄存的东西,好吗?)

3、Barney: She was in the middle of a heated argument with her dad.

be in the middle of (doing) something: to be busy doing something

-Can I call you back - I'm in the middle of a meeting.(我稍候给你回电话好吗?我正忙着开会。)

-I was in the middle of sorting some papers when the phone rang.(电话响的时候,我正忙着整理文件。)

4、Marshall: Barney, that was really embarrassing for both of us. We just earned a huge chunk of

a (huge/large) chunk (of): a large part or amount of something

-The rent takes a large chunk out of my monthly salary.(我月薪很大一部分要用来付房租。)-A huge chunk of the audience got up and left before the end of the show.(演出还没结束就有很多观众起身离开了。)

5、Shannon: You should go to the Peace Corps and forget about me.

forget: 既可以做“及物动词”,也可以做“不及物动词”。


-I'm sorry, I’ve forgotten your name.(抱歉,我不记得你名字了。)

-What happened that day will never be forgotten.(那天发生的事大家都忘不了。)


-Karl says he forgot about our date.(卡尔说他忘了我们已经约了见面。)

-She forgot all about their anniversary.(她把周年纪念的事完全忘了。)

-I know you told me, but I forgot.(我知道你跟我说过了,但是我忘了。)

6、Barney: She and Greg dated for a while and then split up.

split up 分手

-Steve's parents split up when he was four.(史蒂夫的父母在他四岁时离婚了。)

split up with

-I thought she'd split up with her boyfriend.(我觉得她已经跟男朋友分手了。)

split somebody up

-Why would she try to split us up?(她为什么想拆散我们?)

7、Barney: But here's the real kicker: Shannon is a mom.

kicker: a surprising or important ending to something ,常用于美式英语中。

-The kicker came when the reporter asked the runner whether she was tired.(记者问她比赛完累不累,她的回答出人意料。)

8、Barney: I could be cooped up in some tiny apartment...

cooped up蜗居

-It isn't good for you to be cooped up in the house all day.(你整天窝在家里不出去不好。)


1、Barney: Ted, Sergei says stop moping around. You're distracting him from his process.

(1)mope around 心情郁闷、到处乱晃

-She spends her days moping around the house.(她整天就在家里自怨自艾、晃来晃去。)-He's not even attempting to look for a job

- he just mopes around the house all day.(他连工作都不想找,整天就在家里自怨自艾、走来走去。)

(2)distract: to take someone's attention away from something by making them look at or listen to something else

-Try not to distract the other students.(别去打扰其他同学。)

distract somebody/something from something

-Coverage of the war was used to distract attention from other matters.(报道战争可以转移公众的注意力。)

2、Barney: Don't knock long-distance relationships. I really think they can work. 别这么说异地恋,我觉得异地恋完全可行。

knock: to criticize someone or their work, especially in an unfair or annoying way

-The British press always knock British winners at any sport.(英国报纸会抨击所有得胜的英国运动员。)

-''Designer fashion is silly.'' ''Don't knock it ; it's an important industry.''(-时装设计很傻帽。-别这么说,时装设计是一个很重要的产业。)

-Don't knock it until you've tried it.(没做过就无权批评,没有调查就没有发言权。)

3、Barney: I'm juggling four right now. 我现在就同时跟四个妞异地恋。

juggle: 原意是(杂耍)

-One guy was juggling with five balls.(有个人在耍五个球。)

引申出来的意思有''to do several things at the same time''(在做某事的同时兼做其它事)-She somehow manages to juggle a dozen tasks at once.(她能同时处理很多事。)

-It can be hard to juggle family responsibilities and/with the demands of a full-time job.(要兼顾家庭和一份全职工作可能很困难。)

-It's hard trying to juggle a job with kids and the housework.(有孩子又要做家务的情况下,还要兼做一份工作,太困难了。)


1、Marshall: Well, she kept talking about this cheesy French guy, Gabriel.

cheesy: of poor quality, lacking style or good taste,表示“没品”、“很差”这个意思时,常用于非正式场合。

a cheesy motel(便宜破烂的汽车旅馆)

a cheesy movie(烂电影)

cheesy pop songs(没品的流行歌,街歌)

2、Marshall: I'm not much of a fighter, but I knew I could take this weird little dude.

take: to beat or defeat someone in a game, fight, etc.

-She took her opponent in the second round.(她在第二轮打败了对手。)

-He's not that big. I think I can take him.(他没那么强,我想我可以打败他。)

3、Marshall: He literally ran away.

literally: used to emphasize a strong expression or word that is not being used in its real or original meaning(用于夸张的形容)

-Steam was literally coming out of his ears.(他气得耳朵冒烟。)

-She was literally beside herself with rage.(她气极了。)

-Dad was literally blazing with anger.(爸爸气得火冒三丈。)

4、Barney: Oh, please. You barely know this girl.

barely: almost not

-She was barely aware of his presence.(她几乎没注意到他来了。)

-Joe and his brother are barely on speaking terms.(乔兄弟俩几乎到了不说话的地步。)5、Barney: Is she a cat person or a dog person? Is she open to a three-way?

(1)person 具有某种特质的人

-Our new friends are really party person.(我们这些新朋友真的很喜欢参加派对啊。)

-I'm just not a city person.(我只是不喜欢城市生活。)

-The company is looking for a people person to join the custom service staff.(公司正要招一个善于交际的人做客服。)

-I'm a night person.(我是夜猫子。)


-Teachers need to be open to children's ideas.(教师要乐于接受学生的想法。)

-The owners of the building want to sell and are open to offers.(业主们很想把这栋楼卖掉,可以接受讲价。)

-I know it's different, but try to keep an open mind.(我知道这有所不同,请试着以开放的心态接受它。)

6、Barney: Oh, excellent. We'll take this one.

take: to choose or to have something

-He'll have the fish and I'll take the chicken.(他点鱼肉,我点鸡肉。)

-Do you take cream in your coffee?(你的咖啡要加奶油吗?)

-You can have either one. Take your pick.(你想要哪件都可以,随便挑。)

7、Marshall: No way. The Kid does not sell out.

sell out: to change your beliefs or principles, especially in order to get more money or some other advantage - used to show disapproval

-ex-hippies who've sold out and become respectable businessmen(他不再是个嬉皮士,成为了一个成功的生意人)


1、Lily: Nothing too huge or poofy. I'm not really a girly 婚纱不要太大也不要太蓬松,我不是那种注重外表的女孩。


a blouse with big poofy sleeves(袖子宽大的衬衫)


2、Woman: By the window? No offense, dear, but those are a little out of your price range. 窗边的那些?恕我冒昧,那些你可能买不起。

Lily: Where does she get off? She doesn't know how much money I make.她凭什么这样说?她又不知道我赚多少钱!

Where does somebody get off (doing something): said when you think someone has done something to you that they do not have a right to do

-Where does he get off telling me how to live my life?(他有什么资格把控我的人生?)

-Where does he get off telling me what to do?(他有什么资格命令我?)

=I don't know where he gets off telling me what to do.

=he has no right to tell me what to do.

3、Victoria: Oh, these women are experts. They can guess your net annual income just by looking at your underwear. 这些女人都是人精。她们只要看一眼你的内衣,就能猜出你一年的净收入是多少。

net: the net amount is the final amount that remains after all the other amounts have been taken away

-The net profit (= after taxes, costs etc ) was up 16.3% last month.(上个月的净利润达16.3%。)

-The company reported a net loss of $56 million last year.(公司称去年净亏损5600万美元。)

-Vernon estimates the company's net worth at over $8 billion.(弗农预估公司的资本净值超过80亿美元。)

-The United States is a net importer of beef (= it imports more than it exports ).(美国是牛肉的净进口国。)

net weight: the weight of something without its container(净重)


-He earns $40,000 net.(他净赚4万美元。)

-jars of coffee weighing 450 grams net(净重450克的罐装咖啡)

''net''的反义词''gross'',表示''a gross sum of money is the total amount before any tax or costs have been taken away''

a gross profit of $5 million(毛利润500万美元)

gross income/salary/pay etc(税前收入)

-a family with gross earnings of just £75 per week(这家人每周只能赚75英镑)

gross weight: the total weight of something, including its wrapping(毛重)

4、Victoria: I know it sounds lame, but I actually think that Ted might be The One. 我真的觉得泰德就是我的真命天子,虽然我们刚认识不久,这话听上去很不靠谱。

lame: a lame excuse or explanation is weak and difficult to believe

lame excuse/explanation

-She gave some lame excuse about missing the bus.(她没赶上公车,为此编了个蹩脚的理由。)

-I don't want to hear any of your lame excuses about being late.(我不想听你为什么迟到,那些都是借口。)


1、Robin: Well, I don't know. I'd feel a little Stepford turning down a huge opportunity to chase some guy I'd only known two months.

turn down婉拒,拒绝(工作机会、邀请等)

-They offered her the job but she turned it down.(他们要聘用她,可是她拒绝了。)

-I'm not going to turn down an invitation to go to New York!(有人请我去纽约,我肯定去啊!)-I asked her out but she turned me down.(我请她出去玩,但是她拒绝了。)

2、Robin: Short in the front, long in the back? That is the mullet of wedding dresses. 前面短,后面长,这婚纱剪了胭脂鱼发型了吧。

mullet: 原意是''a fairly small sea fish that can be eaten''(中文一般翻译做“胭脂鱼”)

后来有一种发型也叫''mullet'',指''a hairstyle for men in which the hair on the sides and top of the head is short and the hair on the back of the head is long''(前面和两边剪短,后面留长的发型)

3、Lily: She was kind of homely and strange-looking, and she was really self-conscious about this little mustache she had.

(1)homely: not pretty or handsome, plain or unattractive


-She has a homely face.(她长相很普通。)

-He's a bit homely but nice.(他长得不帅但是人很好。)

(2)self-conscious about介意

-Jerry's pretty self-conscious about his weight.(杰瑞很介意自己的体重。)

4、Lily: Anyway, halfway through the semester, she just stopped talking to me, and I never figured out why.


halfway through/up/down/between etc

-It was a terrible film - I left halfway through.(电影真难看,我看一半就走了。)

-traffic queues stretching back halfway to London(从途中就开始堵车,一直堵到伦敦)

the halfway stage/mark/point

They've just reached the halfway stage of the project.(这个项目已经进行到一半了。)


-I got the bus partway.(我中途上的车/不是在始发站上车。)

-She left partway through the two-year contract.(签了两年的合同,她中途毁约。)

5、Lily: The only thing that got me through was knowing that my soul mate was back at home waiting for me.

get (somebody) through something度过难关

-I don't know how we're going to get through the winter. (我不知道该怎么过冬。)

-It was their love that got me through those first difficult months.(他们的爱让我熬过了最初的艰难岁月。)

6、Lily: If Ted's your soul mate, then it may be worth it to hang on to

hang on to: to continue a relationship with someone

-If that's the kind of person he is, he's not worth hanging on to.(如果他是这样的人,那他就不值得你继续交往下去。)


1. Victoria: But how am I supposed to know if we're soul mates? 我要怎么做才能确定我们是不是天作之合?

be supposed: used to say what somebody should do这个用法常跟“动词不定式”连用,表示“应该做某事”。

-You are supposed to listen to your parents.(你要听你爸妈的话。)

-I'm supposed to clean my room before I go outside.(我出去前要把房间整理好。)

-What are we supposed to do in a situation like this?(这样的情况下,我们该怎么办?)2. Victoria: Ooh. Speak of the devil. Hello. 说曹操曹操就到。

speak/talk of the devil: used in speech to say that someone you have been talking about has unexpected appeared

-Well, speak of the devil! We were just talking about you!(看,说曹操曹操就到!刚刚还提到你呢!)

还有类似的说法:''what a coincidence''(太巧了)

-Hi Jack. What a coincidence - we were just talking about you.(嗨杰克,真巧,我们刚说到你呢。)

3. Robin: Maybe he's using an adorable kitty to guilt you into staying.

guilt: v使某人产生负罪感而去做某事,常用于美式英语的非正式场合。

guilt somebody into doing something

-Her parents guilted her into not going to the concert.(她爸妈想让她产生负罪感,而不去演唱会。)

4. Lily: Okay. Just kind of seemed like you're trying to hustle Victoria out of the country.

hustle: to make someone move quickly, especially by pushing them roughly hustle somebody into/out of/through etc something

-I was hustled out of the building by a couple of security men.(我被两个保安赶出了大楼。)-He was hustled away by police officers.(他被警察赶走了。)

-She hustled the children off to school.(她把孩子们都赶去学校了。)

5. Robin: Choosing Ted over your career doesn't make you un-feminist.


-What is your main reason for choosing one restaurant over another?(你选择餐厅的主要标准是什么?)

-I would choose you over any other woman in the world.(弱水三千,我只去你这一瓢。)

6. Lily: Oh. Okay, okay, how much is it, on a scale of never to never ever?

(1)scale: -a system of numbers that is used for measuring the amount, speed, quality etc of something

on a scale of

-Your performance will be judged on a scale of 1 to 10.(将按10分制给你打分。)

-On a scale of 1 to 10, I give the movie a 9.(按10分制给这部电影打分的话,我给它评9分。)

-On a scale of 1 to 5 - 1 being mild pain and 5 being extreme pain - tell me how much pain you are in.(疼痛程度分为5个级别,1级是轻微疼痛,5级是剧痛,告诉我你现在有多痛。)(2)never ever: used especially in speech as a more forceful way to say ''never'' ''never ever''可以理解成''never''(永远不,绝不)的“升级版”

-He never ever wanted to grow up.(他永远永远都不想长大。)

-I promise to never ever do it again.(我保证我再也不会这么做了!)


1. Victoria: But, you know what? It's gonna come out because it's only... chocolate and raspberry.

come out除去污渍

-These stains will never come out!(这些污渍再也洗不掉了!)

2. Victoria: Well, no... I mean, I actually came here tonight leaning toward staying, but when you just told me to stay, it made me realize that I have to go.

lean: used to describe what somebody wants to do, tends to do or is likely to do,常与''toward''连用。

-She hasn't made a decision yet, and I don't know which way she's leaning.(她尚未决定,我不知道她想怎样。)

-She's leaning toward a career in medicine.(=she is probably going to choose a career in medicine)(她可能会从事医疗工作。)

-The mayor is leaning toward closing down the school.(市长可能会下令关闭这所学校。)

3. Victoria: Well, is there any chance that you would move to Germany with me?

is there any chance that...: 有没有可能……

-If you are free tonight, is there any chance you could join me for dinner?(今晚你有空的话,能不能跟我一起吃晚饭呢?)

4. Victoria: Oh, okay. So it's fine for me to make sacrifices for you, but for you it's crazy. sacrifices

-The war required everyone to make sacrifices.(战争要求大家都做出一些牺牲。)

-He made many personal sacrifices to provide help to the city's homeless people.(为了帮助城市里无家可归的那些人,他自己做了很多牺牲。)

5. Marshall: Well, thank you for acknowledging it. It was weird that you hadn't. acknowledge承认

-The family acknowledge the need for change.(这一家人都觉得有改变的必要了。)

acknowledge that

-He acknowledges that when he's tired he gets bad-tempered.(他承认自己累的时候脾气就会变得很差。)

-The government must acknowledge what is happening and do something about it.(政府必须承认事态的严重性,并且采取行动。)

-'Maybe you are right,' she acknowledged.(她承认说:“你可能是对的。”)

-This is a fact that most smokers readily acknowledge.(大部分烟民愿意承认这个事实。)6. Ted: Let's do all the stuff we talked about doing and never got around to.

get around to something将一直想做的事付诸实践

-I meant to phone her yesterday, but I never got around to it.(我本想昨天打给她的,但一直没有打。)

-I meant to go to the book store, but I never got around to it.(我想去书店来着,但一直没去成。)

get around to doing something

-We finally got around to clearing out the garage.(我们一直想清理一下车库,现在终于清理好了。)

-It was a year before he finally got around to unpacking his books.(过了一年,他才把书从箱子里拿出来。)

Part …


1、That's the funny thing about destiny. It happens whether you plan it or not. I mean I never thought I'd see that girl again. But it turns out I was just too close to the puzzle to see the picture that was formal. 这就是命运最耐人寻味的地方,无论你是否有意得想去做什么。我是指,我从来没想过我还可以见到这个女人。但原来,我只是离拼图太近了而没有看到整副画的全貌。 (翻译摘自百度百科)1、That's the funny thing about destiny. It happens whether you plan it or not. I mean I never thought I'd see that girl again. But it turns out I was just too close to the puzzle to see the picture that was formal. 这就是命运最耐人寻味的地方,无论你是否有意得想去做什么。我是指,我从来没想过我还可以见到这个女人。但原来,我只是离拼图太近了而没有看到整副画的全貌。 (翻译摘自百度百科) 背景:S01E01,ted对robin一见钟情,最后冲动下说了句I love you而把当时浪漫的约会搞黄了。 后来robin给了他暗示可以吻她,但ted没有领略到。本集结尾处说出这段话。他只是离拼图太近而看不清全貌。想不到最后居然和robin做了恋人,再变回朋友。人生的事,真的充满无限可能! 2、2、And that was when I realized why I hung out with Barney,I never got where I wanted to go,but I always got a great story. 我终于知道为什么我会和巴尼玩在一起了,我去的地方从来都不是原先讲好的地方,但我总能从中获得不同寻常的经历。背景:S01E03,barney建议ted不要老在同一个酒吧和同一群人来往,生活应该充满挑战,所以要去舔自由钟。最后ted终于和他一起去舔了,虽然自由钟和硬币的口感差不多,但他却得到新的体会。我们的人生是充满未知数的,有挑战才有激情。 3、Kids,when you are single, all you're looking for is happily ever after。But only one of your stories can end that way the rest ended with somebody get hurt. 孩子,当你们单身的时候,以为感情的结局就是王子公主永远过上幸福快乐的生活。但在你所有的感情经历中,只会有一个是以这种方式结尾,其它都以至少有一个人受伤而告终。 (翻译摘自百度百科) 背景:S01E04,ted因为一件衬衫想与前度女友natalie复合。可惜完美主义的他在经历了和natalie复合的一段短暂快乐时光后,再次对natalie感到厌倦而与他分手。被两次抛弃的natalie恼羞成怒,用所学的以色列自卫拳术狠狠把ted揍了一顿。结果natalie感情上受伤,ted肉体上受伤。两人都以“受伤”告终。但这段话说得很好,你的感情经历只有一段快乐结尾,其他都可能有至少一人受伤。 4、Life is full of changes. One day you have an apartment, the next day it's a house of dumplings. But the important stuff doesn't change. To the important stuff. 生活是充满挑战的。今天你还拥有一间公寓,但改天也许就变成饺子馆了。但一些重要的东西是不会改变的。为那些重要的东西干杯。 背景:S01E08,lily回到自己许久不住的公寓,发现已经被改建成一间中国上海饺子馆。但她重要的几个朋友还在,最后与她一起去了饺子馆吃了顿饭,还听到了marshall以前为她录制的卡带。人生有这几个知


原文地址:《老爸老妈的浪漫史》how i met your mother经典台词作者:半两书生 1、that's the funny thing about destiny. It happens whether you plan it or not. I mean I never thought I'd see that girl again. But it turns out I was just too close to the puzzle to see the picture that was formal. 这就是命运最耐人寻味的地方,无论你是否有意得想去做什么。我是指,我从来没想过我还可以见到这个女人。但原来,我只是离拼图太近了而没有看到整副画的全貌。 2、And that was when I realized why i hung out with barney. I never got where I thought I wanted to go, but I always got a great story. 我终于知道为什么我会和巴尼玩在一起了,我去的地方从来都不是原先讲好的地方,但我总能从中获得不同寻常的经历。 3、Kids, every story in a man's life is like a dot in an impressionist painting... 孩子们,在男人一生中发生的每件事都像是印象派画家画中的一个小黑点一样。 4、Kids when you are single, all you're looking for is happily ever after。 But only one of your stories can end that way the rest ended with somebody get hurt. 孩子们,当你们单身的时候,你们以为感情的结局就是王子公主永远过上幸福快乐的生活。但在你所有的感情经历中,只会有一个是以这种方式结尾,其它都以至少有一个人受伤而告终。 5、-- How do you sit out here all night on the roof in the cold, and still have faith your pumpkin's goanna show up? -- look, I know that odds are, the love of my life isn't goanna magically walk through that door in a pumpkin costume 2:43 in the morning, but this seems as nice a spot as any to just, you know, sit and wait. - 为什么你能整晚坐在这个满是冷风的天台,却仍然坚信你的南瓜小姐会出现? - 我知道我的胜算很小。我生命中的另一半不会神奇地在凌晨2:43分穿着南瓜服走进这扇门。我只是觉得这是个不错的地方你可以坐下来。。。等待。 6、Life is full of changes. One day you have an apartment, the next day it's a house of dumplings. But the important stuff doesn't change. To the important stuff. And to the lemon law. 生活充满了变数。前一天你还有一间公寓,第二天你发现它就变成了饺子馆。但那些我们珍视的东西都不会改变。敬那些我们珍视的东西还有柠檬法则。 6.1、lemon law 柠檬法则之约会篇 From the moment the date begins, you have five minutes to decide whether you're going to commit to an entire evening. And if you don't, it's no hard feelings. Just "good night. Thanks for playing. See you never."


《老爸老妈浪漫史》第一季经典台词 11、 Youknowwhy?Becausedeepdown,youdidn'twanttoshowupatthisthing withadate.See,forallyourbigtalkaboutbeingreadyforarelations hip,deepdown,you'resingle.It'syourdefaultsetting.你知道为什么吗?因为在你内心深处,你并不想在婚礼上偕伴出现。明白吗?你虽然口口声声发表着恋爱宣言,但是在你内心深处,你认定自己是单身的。那是你的默认设置。 9、Youprobablywanttofeelbadforyouroldmanatthispointinthestory. don't.Noteverynighthasahappyending.Butallofit'simportant.Al lofitwasleadingsomewhere.Becausesuddenly,itwas2006.And2006w asabigone.故事听到这儿,你们可能会为你们老爸觉得遗憾。别!并不是所有的晚上都是个愉快的结尾,但最重要的是,未来从过去延伸

开去。因为突然间2006年就来临了。而2006年,是个大事件年! 3、 Kids,everystoryinaman'slifeislikeadotinanimpressionistpaint ing...孩子们,在男人一生中发生的每件事都像是印象派画家画中的一个小黑点一样。 16、Wespendsomuchefforttryingtokeeppartsofourliveshidden,evenfr omourclosestfriends.Butthosescaretimeswhenwedoopenup,it'sam azinghowminorthosesecretsallendupseeming.我们费尽心机想要守住的一些生活的小秘密,甚至是对最好的朋友。但在那个奇妙的时刻,当我们揭开各自的秘密,才惊异的发现它们其实是那么微不足道。 5、 --Howdoyousitouthereallnightontheroofinthecold,andstillhave faithyourpumpkin'sgoannashowup?--look,Iknowthatoddsare,thel oveofmylifeisn'tgoannamagicallywalkthroughthatdoorinapumpki


tvb经典长台词 导读:1、既然你这么冥顽不灵,就别怪我不客气了! 2、我不想坐牢啊,你一定要帮我啊! 3、如果揸住勤力呢个宗旨去做人呢,我认为一定得。 4、你怎么能这样对我!这么多年来,我…… 5、快来喝糖水。哇,有糖水喝,太好了。 6、生离死别:再见亦是兄弟(老婆)。 7、流泪的老爸、老妈或者阿婆阿嫂一家人整整齐齐的吃顿饭。 8、今天呢!老妈就煮了你最爱喝的……汤,还不快来喝?哇,那我有口福了,谢谢老妈! 9、安抚下岗职工的时候:做人最重要是开心。 10、你够胆就发毒誓,说你没有栽赃嫁祸? 11、臭小子,敢耍我?!和我斗你还差得远呢! 12、说话要讲证据,当心我告你诽谤!! 13、跟我玩儿,我玩死你呃!(用一只手的食指不停地戳对方的胸口,抬头鼻孔对着对方) 14、妈咪/爹地,人家真的已经不是小孩子了! 15、最近发生了这么多事,我想一个人静一静。 16、控(辩)方律师,请注意你提问的方式。 17、你知不知道这样我可以告你妨碍司法公正?! 18、怎么样!**就了不起啊?**打人也要坐牢的。

19、(他胡说/他撒谎,证人,请你控制好自己的情绪……法官):肃静!肃静! 20、哎呀老爸,你不要这样说人家了啦……(作害羞状) 21、小明,今天乖不乖啊,有没有听老师话啊? 22、辞职、出狱、破产、失恋之后:你以后有什么打算? 23、你最叻三刀两刃嘎啦,简直系你强项,世界冠军。 24、呐,我警告你啊,别搞那么多事啊! 25、用食指点着对方的鼻子时:我警告你啊—— 26、甘既男人,我用条红丝带扎起距当礼物甘送俾你都仲得吖。 27、不欢而散的告别词:没什么事我先出去了。 28、×哥,这次你一定要帮我,否则我就死定了。 29、吉人自有天相,相信他一定会好起来的,你不用太担心啦! 30、拜托,就算你去偷吃,回家前也要先把嘴擦干净了。 31、**拷人的时候:你现在有权不说话,但你所说的将会成为呈堂证供。 32、我真的好烦/我现在很乱,你们能不能让我一个人静一静? 33、迎接浪子回家,千辛万苦之后的重聚:最主要是一家人整整齐齐,开开心心! 34、都不要吵了,都是一家人,家和万事兴,来来吃饭吃饭。 35、富有的情人在礼品店:给我包起来。 36、是你,是你……如果不是你,她/他根本不会离开我。


香港tvb经典台词 2017-10-021、有句话,不知当不当讲。 2、对不起我们已经尽力了…… 3、都说了没事啦,你们别担心 啦!4、现在医学那么发达,他一定会没事的。 5、医生呀,求求你救救xx吧。 你冷静一点,我们会尽力的。 6、吉人自有天相,相信他一定会好起来的,你不用太担心啦! 7、一家人在一起开开心心就好。 8、那,有空呢,就多陪陪你老爸。 9、行了老爸,我知道该怎么做了。 10、快来喝糖水啊……哇,有糖水喝,太好了。 11、妈咪/爹地,人家真的已经不是小孩子了!12、老爸老妈,放心好了,我们会没事的。 (夫妻冷战)13、哎呀老爸,你不要这样说人家了啦……(作害羞 状)14、都不要吵了,都是一家人,家和万事兴,来来吃饭吃饭。 15、今天呢!老妈就煮了你最爱喝的……汤,还不快来喝?哇,那我有口福了,谢谢老妈!16、有没有搞错啊!17、怎么搞成这样!18、我要见我的律师!19、恶人嚣张。 (都没啥好下场)20、给你三天时间,再不还钱……21、哇!你不是吧!这样也行?22、不是吧,这样都行啊!(感叹)23、我当事人有权不回答 这个问题。

24、我不想坐牢啊,你一定要帮我啊!25、既然你这么冥顽不灵,就别怪我不客气了!26、臭小子,敢耍我?!和我斗你还差得远呢!27、揍轰dei,有更生牟来sei。 (翻译:做兄弟,有今生无来世。 )28、(他胡说/他撒谎,证人,请你控制好自己的情绪……法官):肃静!肃静!29、为什么?为什么会这样?其实我也不想这样的。 是你们!都是你们逼我的!30、坏人赢了官司出来,必然会在法庭门口叼根雪茄说我相信香港的法律是公正的”。 31、跟我玩儿,我玩死你呃!(用一只手的食指不停地戳对方的胸口,抬头鼻孔对着对方)32、那你今后有什么打算啊?33、其实做人呢,最重要的是开心。 34、你有没有想过那些关心你的人。 35、那那那,会开玩笑就是没事罗。 36、这世界不是只有他一个男人!37、你可以骗得了别人,你骗不了你自己。 38、开心是一天,不开心也是一天,何不开开心心过一天 呢?39、再怎么说,大家都是一家人,有什么话不可以说出来的 呢?40、你为什么要这样对我。 41、你有没有考虑过我的感受?42、都说了没事啦,你们别担心啦!43、不要傻了……你以为你这么做……44、大家都是成年人了,有些事……45、我终于明白他为什么那么喜欢你了……46、够了!我不想


香港TVB剧在观众心里,可谓是独树一帜的。无论是警匪片、法庭片、商战片、宫廷片……在电视行业都是遥遥领先的。 而最令观众着迷追剧的,除了粤语的独特魅力外,就是剧中台词的风趣、幽默了。现在,就让我们一起回忆香港tvb经典台词,追忆电视剧中的经典台词案例吧! 经典大废话(真真是废话中的经典废话) 1、有句话,不知当不当讲。 生病(尽力了就完蛋了) 2、对不起我们已经尽力了…… 3、都说了没事啦,你们别担心啦! 4、现在医学那么发达,他一定会没事的。 5、医生呀,求求你救救xx吧。你冷静一点,我们会尽力的。 6、吉人自有天相,相信他一定会好起来的,你不用太担心啦! 温馨家庭(一家人最紧要是齐齐整整,喝糖水、喝汤是家庭必备良药) 7、一家人在一起开开心心就好。 8、那,有空呢,就多陪陪你老爸。 9、行了老爸,我知道该怎么做了。 10、快来喝糖水啊……哇,有糖水喝,太好了。 11、妈咪/爹地,人家真的已经不是小孩子了! 12、老爸老妈,放心好了,我们会没事的。(夫妻冷战) 13、哎呀老爸,你不要这样说人家了啦……(作害羞状) 14、都不要吵了,都是一家人,家和万事兴,来来吃饭吃饭。

15、今天呢!老妈就煮了你最爱喝的……汤,还不快来喝?哇,那我有口福了,谢谢老妈! 法庭(总要坏人先得意再反转) 16、有没有搞错啊! 17、怎么搞成这样! 18、我要见我的律师! 19、恶人嚣张。(都没啥好下场) 20、给你三天时间,再不还钱…… 21、哇!你不是吧!这样也行? 22、不是吧,这样都行啊!(感叹) 23、我当事人有权不回答这个问题。 24、我不想坐牢啊,你一定要帮我啊! 25、既然你这么冥顽不灵,就别怪我不客气了! 26、臭小子,敢耍我?!和我斗你还差得远呢! 27、揍轰dei,有更生牟来sei。(翻译:做兄弟,有今生无来世。) 28、(他胡说/他撒谎,证人,请你控制好自己的情绪……法官):肃静!肃静! 29、为什么?为什么会这样?其实我也不想这样的。是你们!都是你们逼我的! 30、坏人赢了官司出来,必然会在法庭门口叼根雪茄说“我相信香港的法律是公正的”。 31、跟我玩儿,我玩死你呃!(用一只手的食指不停地戳对方的胸口,

老爸老妈浪漫史 学习笔记

老爸老妈浪漫史学习笔记 整理自网络,如侵,请通知删除 目录 Part1 (1) Part2 (2) Part3 (4) Part4 (5) Part5 (6) Part6 (7) Part7 (8) Part8 (10) Part ... .. (11) Part1 1. Shannon: Joining the Peace Corps with you is gonna be legendary. ''join'' ①to become a member of an organization, society, or group 参加某组织等,这里的''join'' 是及物动词。 -When did you join the Labor Party?(你何时加入劳动党的?) -I decided to join the army.(我决定参军。) -You can enjoy a sport without joining a club or belonging to a team.(就算不加入俱乐部或者特定球队,你也可以享受运动的乐趣。) ②join in参与到某活动中,这里的''join in''是固定词组,''in''必不可少。 -James joined in the discussion to say that he agreed with what had been said.(詹姆斯参与讨论,他说他同意之前的讨论结果。) -He stared at them without joining in the conversation.(他看着他们,没有插嘴。) -In the evening there was a barbecue, with the whole village joining in the fun .(晚上有烧烤活动,全村同乐。)


You guys really have to learn to turn off your comms. 你俩卿卿我我的时候要学会关掉通讯器。——《尼基塔》 I'll do whatever it is you need me to do, Elena. 你让我做什么我都会去做,Elena。——《吸血鬼日记》 You can't upset the balance of nature without a price. 打破自然规律必须付出代价。——《吸血鬼日记》 None of our gods have abs like that. 我们印度的神可没有这么强壮的腹肌。——《生活大爆炸》 Nice. Kick a man when he's down. 不错。真会在伤口上撒盐。——《生活大爆炸》 It's like they say - a cat can have kittens in the oven, but that don't make them biscuits. 就像常言道,你可以把米放到锅里,但是不代表米就会成炊。——《生活大爆炸》Well, you can't force things. 有些事情是强求不来的。——《生活大爆炸》 There's a lot of harm in trying something new. 尝试新鲜事物的坏处太多了。——《生活大爆炸》 You are in for a treat. 你有口福了。——《生活大爆炸》 The real way to get a man is with melted cheese, and cream of mushroom soup. 拴住一个男人的真正秘诀就是给他做融化了的奶酪和蘑菇汤。——《生活大爆炸》 I didn't got a lot of that because of your accent, but the general tone was soothing, and somehow I feel better. 虽然因为你的口音问题我没怎么听懂,但是你的语气很抚慰人心,我感觉好多了。——《生活大爆炸》 If you want to make an omelet, you have to break a few eggs. 舍不得孩子套不着狼。——《吸血鬼日记》 Long live the king! 国王万岁!(中国版:皇上万岁万岁万万岁~)——《梅林传奇》 I crown you Arthur, King of Camelot! 我宣布,亚瑟成为卡梅洛特的国王!《梅林传奇》You're my loyal friend, Merlin. 你是我忠诚的朋友,梅林。——《梅林传奇》 For once in your life, would you just do what you're told? 你怎么一次都不肯乖乖听话呢?——《梅林传奇》 Scream like a big girl if there's any trouble.有事就学人家姑娘大声叫我。《梅林传奇》They're preparing themselves for the worst. 他们是在做最坏的打算。《梅林传奇》Do not fear, my lord. I never miss my target. 别怕殿下。我绝对不会失手的。——《梅林传奇》 From now on , you're under my protection. 从现在开始,你由我罩着。——《吸血鬼日记》 Evil always thinks it's doing right. 邪恶的人永远认为自己是对的。——《生活大爆炸》Katherine:The Damon I remember wouldn't have been that stupid. 我记忆中的达蒙不会做这种蠢事。-Damon:I wouldn't have done it for you. 如果是为你我就不会。——《吸血鬼日记》 All good things must come to an end. 美好的事物总是稍纵即逝。——《吸血鬼日记》Give me my brother back...把我弟弟还给我。——《吸血鬼日记》 Rise and shine, sleepy head. 起床了,小懒猪。——《吸血鬼日记》


Psst. In here! - I’m safe. - Not quite. The amulet,please,Mr. Stinson.. Why? Help!Help! The kid. - Help! - Hang on,kid. Grab my tie. But you’re not supposed to take the tie off. You lost a bet with your friends Lily and Marshall Which requires you to wear the tie for a full year. If it means saving your life,I think they’ll understand! They sound like nice people! Yeah,they are.Grab that... Come on.That’s it. Thanks,Mister.How can I repay you? You can stay in school,that’s how. No! True story. But golly,I’m just gonna miss the heck out of that ducky tie.I really am. Look what I just found in the trash. No! No smoking Do not No motorcycles Kids,you haven’t truly lived until somewhere, Somebody puts a sign up because of something you did. For instance... Have you guys seen that sign out front that says”Absolutely No Boogie-Boarding”? What’s that all about? Oh,that’s a great story.You got time for it? Well,I’m supposed to go to my mom’s birthday,so... Please make it as long as you can. Well,it happened a few months ago.The night of the hurricane... 嘿这儿! - 安全了- 还没哦 护身符拿来Stinson先生 干嘛逼我啊? 救命!救命! 有孩子 - 救我!- 抓紧了孩子 抓住我的领带 可是你不能把领带摘下的 你跟Lily和Marshall打赌输了 按赌注你得戴满整整一年 如果能救你的性命我相信他们会理解我的 他们可真是大好人 是啊没错抓住... 加油好的 万分感激啊先生你要我怎么报答你呢?你快回去上课就算报答了 不要 绝对真实 不过老天我真心想念那个小鸭领带 发自内心的 看看我在垃圾桶里发现了什么 不要 禁止吸烟 禁止戳戳骆驼 禁止摩托入内 孩子直到某处有人对你的所作所为立了个警示牌 你才有真切的存在感 比如说... 你们看到外面那牌子上写的“不许俯冲式冲浪”吗? 有什么典故? 哦那可是个精彩至极的故事有时间洗耳来听么? 我要去参加我老妈的生日宴会 所以,尽可能慢慢的讲吧 此时发生于数月之前那暴风雨来临之夜


常用香港tvb经典台词 香港TVB经典语录 “做人呢,最紧要就是开心。” “你饿不饿?我去煮碗面给你吃” “有冇搞错啊?” “有异性,冇人性。” “呐,唔好话我冇提醒你。” “你有考虑过我的感受吗?” “你知不知道大家都好担心你啊?” “发生这样事呢,大家都不想啊。” “感情的事不可以强求啊。” “饭可以乱吃,说话不可以乱讲。” “最近发生很多事,我想一个人静下。” “你走,你走,你走啊!”(音量逐渐提高) “对不住,我已经尽力了。” “出来混,是要还的!” “香港是一个法治社会……” “你今后有什么打算?” “你可以保持沉默,但你所讲的一切将会成为呈堂证供。”“你知不知道这样我可以告你妨碍司法公正?!”“yes,sir!”

“understand?” “要没事我先出去了。” “你知不知这样做好危险的” “我不想这样的,是他逼我的!” “hi,我是XX,依家不得闲听你电话,请你留个口信啦,我会尽快复你。” “人生有几多个十年,最紧要是痛快!” “一字记之曰:衰” “我对灯火发誓” “岂有此理!” 香港TVB电视剧经典台词60句 1.哇!你不是吧!这样也行? 2.我特意去元朗给你买老婆饼。 3.总之,我答应你…… 4.小姐,你该不是看上人家了吧? 5.老婆啊,你今天真是好漂亮啊。 6.拜托,就算你去偷吃,回家前也要先把嘴擦干净了。 7.过几天我老婆就要生了。 8.我明天就退休了。 9.你以后有什么打算? 10.我相信香港的法律是公正的。 11、对不起,我们已经尽力了!

12、最近发生了那么多事,我想一个人静一静。 13、靠!当我吓大的。 14、understand? 15、yes,sir! 16、叫东西吃 17、呐,我警告你啊。。。 18、死三八,放手啊! 19、放手啊!变态! 20、你肚子饿不饿,我煮碗面给你吃? 21、我们是icac。 22、过两天我会移民去加拿大。(澳洲) 23、你放心,做完这一票我就跟你回老家/移民。 24、我收到线报。。。。 25、sir,刚刚得到消息。。。 26、阿sir,相信我,我真的没有杀人。 27、阿sir,做人要讲原则的嘛。 28、阿Sir,不关我的事啊。 29、警察了不起啊! 30、有什么话回警局再说。 31、不知道你在说什么。 32、阿sir在跟你说话呐! 33、呐,我警告你啊,别搞那么多事啊! 34、xg是法制社会,你别乱来啊! 35、东西可以乱吃,话可不能乱讲啊!
