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2016/03/09-03/15 大一下听力第一次作业





Section A

Part I Getting Ready

A.New words and expressions

1.kindergarten: a school or class for young children, usually four to six years old,

that prepares them for first grade

2.nursery school: a school for very young children, usually three to six years age

3.stability: steadiness, the state of being not likely to separate, break down or fall


4.discipline: (n.) strict control to enforce obedience; punishment

(v.) control, train, punish

5. divorce: legal ending of a marriage

6. coo: speak gently and lovely

7. bride: a woman who has just been married or is about to be married

C.Listen to the question or statement. Then choose the right answer.


1. a. He lives in London.

b. He’s a cook.

c. His name is Patrick.


2. a. There are 6 people in my family.

b. He has an elder sister.

c. My brother isn’t married


3. a. Since 1988.

b. He’s 17.

c. She turned 20 in August.


4. a. They’re both teachers.

b. They’re from New York.

c. They live in Tokyo.


5. a. I’m single.

b. I have two brothers and one sister.

c. I live with my parents.


6. a. His name is David..

b. Call me Tim.

c. Everyone calls her Maggie.


7. a. She is a shop assistant.

b. she enjoys her work.

c. She works in a hospital.


8. a. In 1994.

b. Since 1994

c. On November 2n



9. a. Yes, 2 daughters and 1 son.

b. Yes, I like children very much.

c. Yes, two brothers and one sister.


10. a. We met last winter.

b. We met at my best friend’s birthday party.

c. My wife and I got married in July.

Part II Changing roles

A.You are going to hear an interview on changes in the parent-child roles and

male-female roles. While listening for the first time, write down the key words.

After the second listening, answer the questions.


1.Who is the boss in an authoritarian family?


2.Who is the boss in an permissive family?


3.What kind of attitude does the speaker favor in parent-child relationship? [13].

4.Whose changes are greater, men’s or women’s?


5.What is the advantage of arranged marriages according to the speaker? [15].

6.What is the significant thing that the speaker would like to see happening?


B.Now try this: listen to a more authentic version of the interview. Supply the

missing information in the following chart with the help of notes above.

Parents vs. Children Authoritarian model[17]. Permissive era[18]. Third position[19].

Men vs. Women Women’s movement[20]. Appreciation for men 1. [21].

2. [22].

Arranged marriage

vs. Marriage of love Arranged marriage


Marriage out

of love


Part III Family life then and now

A.Josephine Davies and Gertrude Smith, two members of the older generation, are

talking about their childhood in Britain 70 years ago. Listen to the conversation and answer the questions.

1.Why does Josephine feel that there was more stability in family life 70 years ago?

Fill in the blank.

Because in those days, nobody expected the family to [25]. .

2.According to Gertrude, people also did some things not so good years ago. What

were they?

[26]. , [27]. and drug-taking.

3.Josephine’s mother did a great deal of work outside. What was she interested in?

Fill in the blank.

She was interested in the Nursing Association [28]. money for it.

4.Where did Gertrude’s father work?

[29]. at Victoria Station.

5.Why did Gertrude’s mother go out so much with her friends? Fill in the blank.

Because life at that time was not [30]. and it was a relief for her to go out.

6.According to Josephine, since there was neither television nor radio in those

days, what did children use to do in the evening?



7.How does Josephine explain that there were more discipline in families 70 years

ago? Fill in the blanks.

She says, at that time, she couldn’t [32]. with any friends of her own until she

was about [33]. .

B.Now try this: listen to a more authentic version of the conversation and decide

whether the statement after the conversation are True or False.







Section B News Dictation


Names: Laurent Gbagb; Abidjan; UN Security Council(联合国安理会); Ivory Coast (科特迪瓦)

Words: draft resolution (决议草案);sanction (制裁); relinquish (放弃); diplomat (外交官); beleaguered (被围困的);posture (态度)



Names: Palestinian Hamas movement; militant groups; Gaza Strip (加沙地带); Israel; Operation Cast Lead (铸铅行动); Islamic Jihad (伊斯兰吉哈德组织)

Words: militant (武装的); confrontation (冲突); ceasefire (停火); authority (权威) [41].


Names: tablet-sized reader (平板阅读器);hard-copy volume (纸质书); Baby and Child Care; the Bible; Dr. Benjamin Spock; Sigmund Freud (西格蒙德·弗洛伊德)

Words: conventional (传统的);parenting (育儿的);immensely (巨大地);pediatrician (儿科医生);childrearing (保育);incorporate (包含,囊括);psychoanalyst (心理学家);prescription (药方);folksy (通俗的);instinct (直觉) [42].

Section C Dictation



二则是从口头练习,大家可以将上周练习过的新闻和篇章听写作为早读课的材料,做一种简单的口头练习——shadow reading。也就是说你听到MP3里那篇文章说什么自己就对听到的内容进行跟读。这个练习一方面是可以训练自己的语音语调;二一方面是可以加强大家的短时记忆(这对听力非常重要)。


听写部分的录音都是四遍。第一遍是以正常语速播放,大家在听第一遍的时候千万不要着急动笔写,一定要注意听整篇文章的大意和基本结构,如果是反复出现的key words/phrases大家可以随手记在草稿纸上;第二遍第三遍录音是一句一句读,大家在这个时候才可以开始动笔写,第二遍的时候大家主要关注每个句子的基本结构,争取把句子的主要部分(主语、谓语、宾语等)都写出来,如果是细节信息由遗漏的话大家可以在第三遍朗读的时候进行补充;第四遍录音仍然是以正常语速播放,大家在这一遍的听音中需要对自己所写下的内容查漏补缺,并进行检查(比如时态、语态、单复数、大小写、断句等)。一开始做的时候可能都会觉得有困难,但相信经过练习,会越来越好的。

这部分内容的评分规则是:答案中文章将被分为15个sense groups,每个sense group一分。在一个意群中,出现一个错误扣0.5分,如果出现两个则分数全部扣完;值得注意的是:每个意群最多扣一分,不倒扣,也不累积到其他部分扣分。请大家互评时坚持这个原则,客观公正地为同学打出他们应得的分数。

Dictation 1


Dictation 2

