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新世纪英语八年级上册教案 Unit 1 Culture and Customs

新世纪英语八年级上册教案 Unit 1 Culture and Customs
新世纪英语八年级上册教案 Unit 1 Culture and Customs

新世纪英语八年级上册教案Unit 1 Culture and Customs

Unit One Culture and Customs Teaching Material : Introducing different culture and customs between China and Western countries ( New Century Book IV Unit One ) Grade: Grade Eight Teaching Aims: earn more about Chinese and Western cultures and customs 锛欴evelop the students

鈥?individual & teamwork capabilities in English learning Develop the students

鈥?abilitiy of communication 锛歍o bring up students鈥?interest to learn English Teaching Aids: Multi-media , a tape recorder , recording tapes , some pieces of worksheets Teaching Focus and Difficulties : 1 .


涔犳儻鐨勫樊寮傘€?2 . 闅剧偣锛歍ask 3

仛寰楄緝瀹屾暣銆?3 . 瑙e喅鏂规硶:

? Teaching Process: Review Listen Read Survey Debate Conclude Write Teaching design: I . Warming-up : Review 鈥?To say something about the importance of English 鈥?II . Listen to two short passages and finish the exercises . III . A survey : Different opinions about tipping SURVEY : TIPPING FOR AGAINST encourage the service people to work better make the service people greedy IV . Read some materials to know more about Chinese and Western cultures and customs . V . A debate :arguments for or against eating out DEBATE : IS IT A GOOD IDEA TO EAT OUT FOR AGAINST save time very expensive VI . Homework : A conclusion Chinese Western Traditional festivals Spring festival Christmas Decorate the house with pictures and couplets Decorate the house with a Christmas tree

Greeting each other with Have you eaten your breakfast / lunch / supper yet ?

Responses to praise Receiving a gift from a visitor Staple food and drinks Ways of cooking vegetables Eating with Traffic rulers Tips to VII . Homework II : Finish the composition orally . 鈥?The advantages and disadvantages of tipping and eating out 鈥?I . Warming-up : Review 鈥?To say something about the importance of English 鈥?Teacher鈥檚activity : Teacher gives out some questions just like : Why do you learn English ? How do you learn English ? How can you learn English well ? What can you do to improve your English ? Would you like to be volunteers when the 2010 Expo is held in Shanghai ? If you want to communicate with the foreigners well ,you should know more about their culture and customs . Learners鈥檃ctivities :The students can answer the questions according to Unit 4 and what they have learned before . They can also ask and answer more questions each other ? Aim of design :

?Listening : Different eating customs The customers in different countries are rather different. If I have dinner with a Chinese host, he always put more food onto my plate as soon as I have emptied it. That often discomforts me greatly. I have to eat the food even if I do not want to. Because it is considered bad manners in the West to leave one鈥檚food on the plate. I have one鈥檚food on the plate. I have also noticed that when a Chinese sits at an American鈥檚dinner party, he often refuses the offer of food or drink though he鈥檚in fact still hungry or thirsty. This might be good manners in China but is not in the west at all. In the United States, it is impolite to keep asking someone again and again or insist on his accepting something, they will ask for it. If not, they will say, 鈥淣o, thanks.鈥?When an American is served with beer by the host, for example, he might say, 鈥淣o, thanks I鈥檒l take some orange juice.

鈥?That is what an American will do. So when you go to America, you鈥檇better remember the famous saying: 鈥淲hen in Rome, do as the Romans do.鈥?True or

False : ( T ) 1 . The customers in different countries are not the same. ( F ) 2 . Foreigners like to put more food onto other鈥檚plate. ( T ) 3 . It is a bad manner to leave one鈥檚food on the plate in the west. ( F ) 4 . It鈥檚polite to keep asking someone again and again in the United States. ( T ) 5 . If you go to America, you should remember the famous saying. Teacher鈥檚activity : 鍦ㄦ挱鏀惧惉鍔涙潗

ヨВiscomfort consider refuse accept When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

Learners鈥檃ctivities :

銆?Aim of design :


?Western table manners Many people go to different countries and live in different places in their lifetime . In different countries , they may met with different manners . If you go to a western country , it is necessary for you to observe some table manners . To start with , put the napkin on your lap . This protects your clothes from food in your mouth . Use your spoon for soup . Do not put your own fork , knife and spoon into serving bowl . Do not spit anywhere . If you have bones in your mouth , take them out with your fingers and place them on the edge of your plate , never on the table floor . Do not reach across the table or in front of another person . Ask someone to pass whatever you want . Use a handkerchief when you sneeze , cough or blow you nose . Complete the table below

鈽?The napkin on your lap __________ your clothes from food or used to wipe your hands or mouth . 鈽?Cut the meat or fish into __________ with the knife and fork as you eat . Use the spoon for soup . 鈽?Don鈥檛put your own utensil into serving bowl . 鈽?Take the bones in your mouth out with your __________ and put them on

the edge of your plate . Don鈥檛spit food anywhere . 鈽?Ask someone to

__________whatever you want . 鈽?Use a handkerchief when you sneeze ,

__________ or blow your nose .

1 . protects

2 . pieces

3 . fingers

4 . pass

5 . cough Teacher鈥檚activity : 鍦ㄦ挱鏀


apkin observe spoon serving bowl spit bones fingers on the edge of your plate handkerchief sneeze Learners鈥檃ctivities :

銆?Aim of design :


绀艰矊銆?A survey : Different opinions about tipping SURVEY : TIPPING FOR AGAINST encourage the service people to work better make the service people greedy service people get low wages make the service more expensive show how pleased the customer is with the service customers have to spend more money on services help the service industry develop make the customers unhappy Teacher鈥

檚activity :

1 . Have you given any service people tips ?

2 . Do Chinese people or Western people often give tipps ?

3 . Do you know when you should give tips ?

4 . Do you know where you should give tips ?

5 . How much tip should you give to a service attendant ?

6 . What鈥檚the average tip in Britain ?

7 . Are you for or against tipping ? Why ? Learners鈥檃ctivities :

銆?Aim of design :



?Reading materials : True or False : The Chinese Lunar New Year The Chinese New Year begins on January 1st of the lunar calendar. It is also called Spring Festival. A few days before the New Year, everyone becomes busy preparing for it. They do spring cleaning and decorate their houses. They go shopping for food 锛宯ew clothes as well as presents. On New Year鈥檚Eve, family members gather together for New Year鈥檚Eve dinner. People eat various kinds of delicious food, such as chicken, roast duck, fried fish, prawns, and dumplings. Many people stay up until midnight, watching the New Year Gala Evening programme on CCTV. When the clock strikes twelve, people welcome the coming of the New Year by setting off firecrackers and fireworks. However, setting off firecrackers is not allowed now in big cities because it is not safe. On New Year鈥檚Day, people, wearing their new clothes and bring presents, visit their relatives and friends. They greet each other with 鈥渉appy New Year!鈥?Children receive 鈥渓ucky money鈥?from their elders, with which they can buy books, toys and food they like. But the traditional way of celebrating the New Year has been changing in recent years. Instead of having the family reunion party at home, many families go traveling to other parts of China or to other countries. ( T ) 1 . Spring Festival begins on January 1st of the lunar calendar. ( T ) 2 . Family members gather together on New Year鈥檚Eve. ( F ) 3 . Many people didn鈥檛go to bed until midnight, watching fireworks. ( F ) 4 . Children wear their new clothes to visit their grandparents. ( T ) 5 . Nowadays many families like to go traveling to other parts of China or to other countries. Christmas December 25 is Christmas Day. In most western countries it is the most important day in the year. All the people come back to their home to have the day with their parents or their children. On Christmas Day bells ring everywhere. New Year is coming. People sing and dance day and night. They have a good time. Most families buy a Christmas tree for their children. And there are presents hanging from

the tree here and there. People also put presents in children鈥檚shoes. In many places Santa Claus king himself brings parents to them. Santa Claus is a bag there are a lot of presents. Christmas is also a day when people enjoy all kinds of food. But some poor people have no homes to live in and no food to eat. They even die of cold and hunger on Christmas Day. Have you read the story 鈥渁little Match Girl鈥? The little girl died on the morning of New Year鈥檚Day. ( F ) 1 . Christmas is the most important day in the year all over the world. ( T ) 2 . On Christmas Day , people like to sing and dance. ( F ) 3 . Santa Claus wears blue clothes. ( F ) 4 . There are a lot of Christmas trees in Santa Claus鈥?bag. ( T ) 5 . Some people die on Christmas Day because they are cold and have no food to eat. Different manners Different countries and different people have different manners. We must find out their customs, so that they will not think us impolite here are some examples of the things that a well- mannered person does or does not do. If you visit a Chinese family you should knock at the door first. When the door opens, you鈥檒l not move before the host says, 鈥淐ome in, please.鈥?After you enter the room, you wouldn鈥檛sit down until the host asks you to take a seat. When a cup of tea is put on a tea table before you or sent to your hand, you鈥檒l say, 鈥淭hank you.鈥?And receive it with your two hands, not one hand, or they鈥檒l think you are impolite. Before entering a house in Japan, it is good manners to take off your shoes. In European countries even though shoes sometimes become very dirty, this is not done. In a Malay house. A guest never finished the food on the table. He leaves a little to show that he has had enough. In England, a guest always finishes a drink or the food to show that he has enjoyed it. This will make the host, especially the hostess pleasant. ( T ) 1 . We must find out different countries鈥?customs in order not to be impolite. ( T ) 2 . When you visit a Chinese family you should knock at the door first. ( F ) 3 . As soon as you come into the room, you must take a seat. ( F ) 4 . In Japan, it is good manners to take off your shoes after you enter a house. ( F ) 5 . In England, a guest always finishes a drink or

the food to show that he has had enough. Different ways of education to children In China, many parents try to keep their children at home. In the US, they will sometimes push them out of the house to make them live on their own. If a child over 18 chooses to stay at home, the parents may become worried that their child is simply lazy, or that he will become lazy if he stays there for a long time. So usually they will say, 鈥淥K, you can stay at home, but you must pay rent just like you are anywhere else.鈥?In some homes, the parents may make their children do housework just like they live on their own. This is not because the parents are being cruel, just because they want to be sure their children are not lazy. In China, parents often show their love to children by trying to take care of all their problems. They think children should only focus on studies so that they will have bright future. ( T ) 1 . The parents in China and in the US treat their children differently. ( T ) 2 . When a child reaches 18 in the US, his parents often make him live by himdelf. ( F ) 3 . In the US, children always need to do a lot of housework because their parents are too busy. ( F ) 4 . According to this passage, only parents in China really love their children. ( T ) 5 . When kids in the US are over 18, some of them should pay rent in his or her parents鈥?home.

Different greeting ways The way people greet each other can be very important . Proper greetings change depending on where you are . Young people in China usually shake hands with people they have just met or with adults . The shaking of the right hand used to show that the person was not carrying any weapons. It is now used to show a warm and friendly welcome and respect to the other person. Shaking hands is not just a Chinese practice. It is very widely used and understood, although many cultures add their own touch or do something quite different. Kissing cheeks (or often just touching cheeks ) is used frequently (缁忓父) in France, Belgium, and other European countries. This greeting is usually between relatives and friends. In France, however, it is thought inappropriate (涓嶅悎閫傜殑) for two male friends to

greet each other in this way. They shake hands at the beginning and the end of the conversation, every time they meet. When Eskimos (鐖辨柉鍩烘懇浜? meet each other they rub noses to show close feelings. The Japanse bow to each other. If you are in a foreign country, and you are not sure what to do when meeting someone new, just use the handshake. Wherever you are, most people will understand that. Answer questions 1 . What does the Chinese handshaking show? It shows

____________________________ . 2 . When do people in France, Belgium greet each other by kissing cheeks? When they meet ______________________________ .

3 . Do two men kiss cheeks when they meet?

____________________________________ . 4 . Handshaking is used not only in China but also outside China, isn鈥檛it? _____________ . Spring Festival We call the Chinese new Year the Spring Festival. There is a name for each Chinese year. We may call it the year of the sheep, the year of the monkey or the year of the pig. Before New Year 鈥檚day, people are busy shopping and cleaning their houses. On New Year鈥檚Eve, there is a big family dinner. After dinner, all the family stay up late to welcome the New Year. On the first day of the New Year, people put on their new clothes and go to visit their friends. They say 鈥淕ood Luck鈥?and some other greetings to each other. People usually have a very good time during the festival. Choose the best answer : ( B ) 1 . People are busy shopping and cleaning their houses _________. A . after the New Year鈥檚Day B . before the New Year鈥檚Day C . on the new Year鈥檚Day D . on the New Year鈥檚Eve ( D ) 2 . How do Chinese people usually spend New Year鈥檚Eve? A . They visit their friends and talk about the new year. B . They are busying shopping and cleaning their houses. C . They put on new clothes and go the park. D . They have a big family dinner. ( C ) 3 . On New Year鈥檚Day , people say 鈥淿_______鈥?to each other when they meet. A. Good morning B. Happy New Year C. Both A and B D. Good lucky Teacher鈥檚activity :鑰佸笀灏嗗叚

滀笟銆?Learners鈥檃ctivities :

?銆?Aim of design : В鏉愭枡锛屽



A debate :arguments for or against eating out DEBATE : IS IT A GOOD IDEA TO EAT OUT FOR AGAINST save time very expensive more delicious food miss the news programme at 6:30 very convenient very noisy a bigger variety of food not clean

good for making friends waste time Teacher鈥檚activity :

棰? 1 . Do your family often eat out ? 2 . How often do you eat out ? 3 . When do you often eat out ? 4 . Where do you often eat out ? 5 . do you like eat out ? 6 . Why do you like eat out ? 7 . Are you for or against eating out ? Why ? Learners鈥檃ctivities :

?Aim of design : 閫氳繃灏忕粍鍐呯


瀛︾э紝浜х?Homework : A conclusion Finish the composition orally . 鈥?The advantages and disadvantages of tipping and eating out 鈥?

Chinese Western Traditional festivals Spring festival Christmas Decorate the house with pictures and couplets Get together for a New Year鈥檚Eve dinner Set off firecrackers and enjoy fireworks after dinner Telephone or e-mail each other to say

鈥淗appy New Year 鈥?Give lucky money to children Decorate the house with a Christmas tree Get together for a Christmas Eve dinner Sing Christmas carols after dinner Send christmas cards or e-mails to each other to say 鈥?Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 鈥?Give presents to each other Greeting each other with Have you eaten your breakfast / lunch / supper yet ? Hello , how are you ? How are you doing ? Responses to praise No , no , I鈥檓not as good as you鈥檝e said . No , my 鈥?is poor . Thank you . I鈥檓glad to hear that . Receiving a gift from a visitor Don鈥檛open the gift in front of the visitor but express thanks for it . Open the gift in front of the visitor , express thanks for it and say how they like it . Staple food and drinks Rice , noodles , pork and tea Bread , beef and coffee Ways of cooking vegetables Frying Boiling Eating with Chopsticks Knives and forks Traffic rulers Riding on the right-hand side of the road Only the driver and the passenger in the front seat have to wear safety belts . Moped riders don鈥檛have to wear helmets , nut motorcycle riders do . Riding on the left-hand side of the road in Britain , New Zealands , etc. Both the driver and the passengers in a car have to wear safety belts . Both moped and motorcycle riders have to wear helmets . Tips to Nobody Servers in a restaurant Taxi drivers Tour guides Teacher鈥檚activity :瀹屾垚琛ㄦ牸鍜屼綔鏂囷紝瑕佹眰鍚屽

€侺earners鈥檃ctivities :璇惧悗


h兘寮€銆?Aim of design :



傚垎鎴怲or F 鐨勫舰寮忥紝閫夋嫨鍜屽洖绛旈棶棰樼殑褰㈠紡鍑虹幇銆傚苟杈













上海新世纪版牛津译林英语八年级上册 Unit 4 do it yourself单元测试(二)C卷

上海新世纪版牛津译林英语八年级上册 Unit 4 do it yourself单元测试(二) C卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、单项选择。 (共15题;共30分) 1. (2分)-- I like reading. -- Great! It can your mind. A . read B . lose C . feed D . feel 2. (2分)一It looks Leo is feeling a bit low. What happened? 一He just had a fight with his best friend. A . scared B . happy C . sad 3. (2分)—________do you visit your grandparents? —Twice a week. A . How long B . How soon C . How much D . How often 4. (2分)The cake good, I can't wait to eat it. A . feels B . sounds C . smells D . becomes 5. (2分)—Could you please hang out with me this afternoon? —______. I have to make a plan for Clean-Up Day. A . Sorry, I couldn't

B . Sorry, I can't C . Sure, I can D . Sure, I could 6. (2分)Fifteen-year-olds ________ to have jobs in China. A . is not allowed B . are allowed C . is allowed D . are not allowed 7. (2分)To somebody to do something means to make somebody do something they don't want to do. A . expect B . allow C . force 8. (2分)We ________ make the environment worse. A . not ought to B . ought to not C . ought not to D . ought not 9. (2分)—When did you join the army? A . Until I finished high school B . Not until I have finished high school C . Until I have finished high school D . Not until I finished high school 10. (2分)—Sorry I'm late. —_______ tell me the bus broke down again! A . Never to B . Not C . Don't 11. (2分)Paul has always regretted ______ the car. Now he has to take the bus to work.

八年级英语上册_Unit3教案 (3)

八年级英语上册Unit 3教学设计 讲课教师:学科:English 课时:4 总课时数: 教学目标知识与 技能 Talk about personal traits. Compare people.[ 过程与 方法 Listening and writing methods. Communicative approach.. Groupwork. Pairwork. 情感态 度与价 值观 A friend in need is a friend indeed. 教材分析教学重 点 Oral practice. 教学难 点 Listening and writing practice. 教学过程 教师活动学生活动 备注(教学目的、 时间分配等) Step 1: Greet the class as usual and check the homework. Step 2: Sho w the new words on the blackboard. Read the new words to students and ask them to repeat. Step 3. Section B 1a T: All of you have good friends, right? Well , Can you tell me the same and di fference between you and your friends? S1: He is quiter than me. S2: We are both tall. S3: Her hair is longer than mine. T: Great! And what do you think the most important things are to be your friends? Step 4. Groupwork Reading Speaking. 重复训练,强化记 忆。 自由发表见解,引 出本课主题内容。


河北省石家庄市新世纪外国语学校2019-2020学年 八年级下学期期中英语试题 学校_________ 班级__________ 姓名__________ 学号__________ 一、单选题 1. —Do you know who taught ________ Russian? —Nobody. He learned it by ________. A.his; himself B.him; him C.him; himself D.his; him 2. Scientists say that banana trees may disappear(消失) from the world ________banana cancer(癌症). A.because of B.because C.in control of D.together with 3. (2017年山东泰安)–It rained ______ and lasted for a long time yesterday. --Too bad! Even some streets were full of water. A.hardly B.strongly C.terrible D.heavily 4. If you ________ British football with American football, you’ll find many differences. A.regard B.compare C.deal D.work 5. Jim's mother was cooking while he______his homework. A.did B.does C.is doing D.was doing 6. — Jimmy, the books are everywhere in your study. —Sorry, Mom. I’ll____at once. A.put them on B.put them away C.put them out D.put them up 7. Bob has few friends here, so he often stays at home by himself and feels ________. A.alone B.happy C.excited D.lonely

人教版八年级英语下册Unit 1(2)教案

新人教版八年级英语下册Unit 1(2)教案 一、知识点拨 I.Language Goals ·通过做预言,谈论未来发生的事情。 ·用一般过去时、一般现在时和一般将来时谈论过去、现在和将来发生的事情。·能用上述三种时态谈论自己或他人的过去、现在和未来。 II.Key Words 1.in prep.在……之后(用于将来时) in l00 years 在一百年后 People will have robots in their homes in 100 years. 一百年以后,人们家中会有机器人。 比较:after在……之后(用于过去时,表示从过去某时间起一段时间之后) He will come back in two hours.他两小时后会回来。 He came back after two hours.他是两小时后回来的。 2.1ess,fewer 比较少; more 比较多 less是little的比较级,修饰不可数名词 fewer是few的比较级,修饰可数名词 more是much和many的比较级 much修饰不可数名词,many修饰可数名词 I have less money than he has.我的钱比他的少。 There are more buildings in this city than in that city. 这个城市的楼房比那个城市多。 3.fall in love with... 爱上……

Last year l visited the art exhibition and fell in love with the work Of Picasso. 去年我参观了艺术展,爱上了毕加索的作品。 4.a kind of...一种 some kinds of... 几种 a kind of book 一种书 five kinds of flowers 五种花 many different kinds of gold fish 各种不同的金鱼 (fish单复数相同,此处是复数) 5.as well as 也;与too同义。 He likes this book and he likes that book, too. Or: He likes this book as well as that hook.他喜欢这本书,也喜欢那本书。 She can come here, too. Or: She can come here as well.她也能来。 6.worth adj.值……;值得……;相当于……的价值 This house is worth $l0 000.这个房子价值一万美元。 be (well)worth doing sth.(很)值得做 That film is (well)worth seeing.那部电影(很)值得看. These books are worth reading twice.这几本书值得看两遍. 7.knock down... 击倒,撞倒;拆除 knock down the pins击倒球柱 knock down the machine拆除机器 knock组成的词语还有: knock on(at)the door敲门 knock into sb.撞了某人


新世纪8年级上册4个单元英语知识点整理 Unit One Modern Technology Lesson One Computers 【词形变换】 mouse---mice(复数) main --- mainly electronic --- electrical --- electricity relax --- relaxed able --- enable invent(发明v.)---inventor(发明家)---invention(发明物)【重要短语】 type in输入,键入 ought(not)to = should(not)应该 get/be familiar with 熟悉 and so on 等等 What’s the use of…? ……的用途是什么? at the age of 在……岁时 learn from… 向……学习 be worried about = worry about 担心…… allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 Would you please + v.原形? stop/prevent/keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事 stop doing sth. 停止做某事 stop to do sth. 停下来做某事 pay attention to(介词)注意 agree with sb. 同意某人的意见 help sb. with sth. = help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事spend…on sth. = spend…(in) doing sth. 花费……做某事keep in touch with 与……保持联系 millions of 数百万的 use…to do sth. 用…...做某事 all/different/many kinds of 各种各样的 in brief 简言之 neither…nor… 既不……, 也不…… be connected to 与……连接在一起 be able to 的用法:(可用于各种时态,而can不能) 现在:am/is/are (not) able to was/were (not) able to will (not) be able to Lesson Two Robots (形)---difference(名)---differently(副) (名)---pleased(形/人)---pleasant(形/物) 整理,收拾 铺床 给某人做手术 与……不同be the same as与…… 对……一无所知 高兴地,快乐地;乐意地 else常放在不定代词和疑问词的后面) 决定做某事 练习做某事 不但……而且…… 不再 一直不停地做某事 害怕某物/做某事 be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事 在……的帮助下/ 没有……的帮助 something 常用于肯定句中,也可用于希望得到对方肯定 回答的疑问句中 anything 常用于否定句或疑问句中 nothing 常用于否定句中(what) everything 上述不定代词都指物,不能和of连用,都是单数。 someone = somebody 常用于肯定句中 anyone = anybody 常用于否定或疑问句中 no one = nobody 常用于否定句中(who) everyone = everybody 上述不定代词都指人,不能和of连用,也都是单数。 none既可指人也可指物,既可用作单数也可用作复数,常和of 连用。(how many) Lesson Three Household Appliances 【词形变换】 clean --- cleaner apply --- appliance 【重要短语】 move into/to 搬进/到 be made in 在……制造 be made of 由……制成(可看出原材料) be made from由……制成(看不出原材料) turn on/off 打开/ 关闭turn up/down 调高/ 调低 finish doing sth. 结束做某事 What’s that button for? 那个按钮是干什么的? a piece of cake 容易的事情 enjoy oneself = have a good time = have fun 玩得愉快 by hand 手工;手动 It takes sb. some time to do sth. 做某事花费某人……时间 in addition 此外;加之 enable sb. to do sth. 能使某人做某事 at the same time 同时 both…and… ……和……都 way of life 生活方式 语法: 感叹句 How + adj./adv. + 主语+ 谓语! e.g. How interesting the book is! What + 名词短语+ 主语+ 谓语! e.g. What an interesting book it is! What + a/an + adj. + n.(单数名词)+ 主语+ 谓语! 只供学习与交流


八年级上册unit3教案 【篇一:2014人教版八年级英语上册 unit3 教案】 2014人教版八年级英语上册 unit3 教案 unit 3 i’m more outgoing than my sister part one key expressions 重点语言点 section a 1. 注意点:both...and...连接主语时,谓语动词用eg. both my father and my uncle are very tall. lucy和lily 都是我的好朋友。我们既学汉语又学英语。她既美丽又 聪明。2. that’s tara, isn’t it? 考核反义疑问句。其有两种结构:(1)肯定陈述句加简略否定问句 eg. he is a student. isn’t it? 他是学生,不是吗? --yes, he is./ no, he isn’t. 是的,他是。/ 不,他不是。gina likes english, doesn’t she? 吉娜喜欢英语,不是吗? --yes, she does. / no, she doesn’t. 是的,她喜欢。/ 不,她不喜欢。(2)否定陈述句加简略肯定问句 eg. he didn’t go there yesterday, did he? 他昨天没有去那儿,对吧?--yes, he did. / no, he didn’t. 注意否定陈述句加简略肯定问句时回答的翻译。在回答附加疑问句时,不管问题的提法如何,若事实是肯定的,就要用yes,若事 实是否定的,就要用no。 3. lisa确实想赢。 though 此处用做副词,意思为:不过,可是, 然而;常位于居中或句末,表示一种微弱的转折语气。eg. he said he would come. he didn’t though. 他说过他要来,不过他并没有来。 though 也可用作连词,意思为:虽然,尽管,不过;用来引导 让步状语从句,与although 的用法一致。 4.are you as friendly as your sister? as+ adj/adv 原级+ as 用于两者之间的比较,表示“和。。。一样”。其否定形式为 not +as+ adj/adv 原级+ as,表示:。。。不如/没 有/不及。。。eg。他和jim一样高。英语和数学一样重要。他不如约翰跑得快 section b. 1. i think a good friend makes me laugh.


上海新世纪英语八年级 下期中考试 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】

Mid-term Examination Part 1 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar I. Choose the best answer. (20’) . ( ) ’s the pronunciation of the word “official” A. [ 'f( )l] B. [i'f( )l] C. [e'f( )l] D. [ 'f()l] ( ) 2. As we know, Chinese culture is quite different ______ western culture. A. of B. at C. for D. from ( ) 3. ______ of my parents drinks or smokes. A. All B. Both C. Neither D. None ( ) 4. —Is the lake there beautiful? —The photo will show you ______. A. how does it look like B. what does it look like C. how it looks like D. what it looks like ( ) 5. You’d better _____ the doctor at the school clinic. A. to see B. see C. seeing D. saw ( ) 6. The young Canadian has decided______ the World Cup. A. coming and watch B. come to watch C. to come here to watch D. coming here to watch ( ) 7. There is _____ “h” in the word “honest”. A. an B. a C. the D./ ( ) 8. —May I drink _____ of your coke? —Sorry, I’ve got ______.


What's the matter? Section A教学设计 一、教学目标 (一)知识与能力 1.能够正确使用下列词汇:arm, back, ear, eye, foot, hand, head, leg, mouth, neck, nose, stomach, tooth. 2.能够谈论常见病并给出治疗建议:A: What’s the matter? B: You should …….. 3.关注常见病并知道如何处理此类疾病。 (二)过程与方法 采用PPT-pictures、Playing game、Exercise的方式,进行单词教学;利用 PPT-pictures、Pair work to practice 、Listening and speaking 、Exercise的形式, 进行目标语言教;采取PPT-pictures、Group work、Imitating and reading the conversation、Create a real situation to act it的方式,开展对话教学;采取Fill in the blanks and complete the conversation,检验目标语言的掌握情况。 (三)情感态度与价值观 Let students pay attention to their health and know how to deal with the common health problems. 二、教学重难点 (一)教学重点 1.Learning the vocabulary related to the body parts and some common illness. 2.Learning to talk about the common health problem and give some advice. (二)教学难点 The students can talk about the common health problem and give some advice. 三、教学策略 listening to the dialogue, the students read the 1.Listening skills──Before questions and predict. 2.The students work in pairs or groups in order to practice speaking. 四:教学过程 Step1:The words related to the body parts

【精校版】人教版八年级英语上Unit3 单元教案设计

人教版精品英语资料(精校版) Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister. Section A 1 (1a-2d) 一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标: 1) 能掌握以下单词:outgoing, better, loudly, quietly, hard-working, competition, fantastic, which, clearly, win 能掌握以下句型: ① Tina is taller than Tara. ② Sam has longer hair than Tom. ③ She also sings more loudly than Tara. 2) 能掌握以下语法: ①形容词或副词比较级形式的构成。 ②表示两者进行比较的句式结构。 2. 情感态度价值观目标: 能对人物的外表进行描绘,个性进行比较。 二、教学重难点 1. 教学重点: 1) 形容词或副词比较级形式的构成。 2) 表示两者进行比较的句式结构。 2. 教学难点: He has shorter hair than Sam. Is Tom smarter than Tim? She also sings more loudly than Tara. 三、教学过程 Ⅰ. Lead-in 1. Ask Ss to write down as many adj. about people as possible. Check the adj. Ss write and we can group them into some pairs, like: [Section A 1a] tall --- short; thin --- heavy, long hair --- short hair, calm --- wild … Give Ss an example by comparing Old Henry and Santa Claus.


人教版八年级下册英语教案unit1 课题:Unit One What’s the matter? Period 1 Section A (1a-2d) 一、Teaching date: 二:学情及教学内容分析: 主要讨论的话题是询问某人的健康状况以及遇到麻烦的表达方法。本单元涉及到大量的表示人体部分的单词以及关于身体某部位不舒服的短语。此外,本单元还涉及到党当人身体不适时,医生、朋友或亲人提出的意见的表达法。本单元共有阅读类文章两篇,文章的主体时态都为一般过去时。主要句型为.What’s the matter with…?”“What should I/ you/ he/ she/they…do?”“I/ you/ he/ she/they should do…?”“I have a headache/stomachache/toothache.”“Does she/he/ have a fever/cold/toothache…?”总的来说,本单元的相关语法知识并不难。 教学目标: 三:教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标: 1) 能掌握以下单词以及短语:matter, sore, have a cold, foot, neck, stomach, throat, fever, lie, lie down, rest, cough, toothache, headache, break, hurt, enough water, take breaks away from, all weekend, take one’s temperature, in the same way, go to a doctor, see a dentist, 2) 能熟悉以下句型: What’s the matter with…?” “What should I/ you/ he/ she/they… do?” “I/ you/ he/ she/they should do…” 2. 情感态度价值观目标: 教会学生关心他人,培养同学间团结、友善的精神。 四:教学重难点 掌握相关的单词和词组,并能够灵活运用会使用以下句型:“What’s the matter with…?”“What should I/ you/ he/ she/they… do?”“I/ you/ he/ she/they should do…” 五:教学流程: Step1 Greet the whole class as usual.


上海八年级英语上册新世纪版知识点汇总 The document was prepared on January 2, 2021

U n i t O n e M o d e r n T e c h n o l o g y LessonOneComputers 【词形变换】mouse---mice(复数)main---mainly electronic---electrical---electricityrelax---relaxedable---enable invent(发明V)---inventor(发明家)---invention(发明物)【重要短语】typein输入,键入 ought(not)to=should(not)应该get/befamiliarwith熟悉andsoon等等 What’stheuseof………的用途是什么attheageof在……岁时learnfrom…向……学习 beworriedabout=worryabout担心…….允许某人做某事Wouldyouplease+V.原形 stop/prevent/.阻止某人做某事stopdoingsth.停止做某事stoptodosth.停下来做某事payattentionto(介词)注意agreewithsb.同意某人的意见 .=helpsb.(to)dosth.帮助某人做某事spend…onsth.=spend…(in)doingsth.花费……做某事keepintouchwith与……保持联系millionsof数百万的use…todosth.用…...做某事 all/different/manykindsof各种各样的inbrief简言之 neither…nor…既不……,也不…… beconnectedto与……连接在一起 beableto的用法:(可用于各种时态,而can不能)现在:am/is/are(not)ableto过去:was/were(not)ableto将来:will(not)beableto LessonTwoRobots 【词形变换】 different(形)---difference(名)---differently(副)danger---dangerousoperate---operationmemory---memorizeindustry---industrialmedicine---medical please---pleasure(名)---pleased(形人)---pleasant(形物)【重要短语】tidyup整理,收拾makethebed铺床 perform/doanoperationonsb.给某人做手术 perform/dooperationsonsb.=operateonsb. bedifferentfrom与……不同bethesameas与……相同knownothingabout对……一无所知withpleasure高兴地,快乐地;乐意地 whatelse=whatotherthings(else常放在不定代词和疑问词的后面)decidetodosth.决定做某事practisedoingsth.练习做某事 notonly…butalso…不但……而且……not…anymore/longer=nomore/longer不再keepdoingsth.一直不停地做某事 beafraidofsth./doingsth.害怕某物/做某事beafraidtodosth.害怕做某事 with/withoutthehelpof在……的帮助下/没有……的帮助 不定代词的用法: something常用于肯定句中,也可用于希望得到对方肯定回答的疑问句中anything常用于否定句或疑问句中nothing常用于否定句中(what)everything 上述不定代词都指物,不能和of连用,都是单数。 someone=somebody常用于肯定句中anyone=anybody常用于否定或疑问句中 noone=nobody常用于否定句中(who)everyone=everybody

人教八年级英语上册Unit 2第3课时教案

人教八年级英语上册Unit 2第3课时教案 第三课时Section A(Grammar Focus-3c) 重点 单词 maybe ad v.大概;或许;可能 least ad v.最小;最少adj.&pron.最小的;最少的 重点 短语 stay up late熬夜到很晚 at least至少;不少于;起码 重点 句子 1.I go to the movies maybe once a month.我大概一个月看一次电影。 2.He plays at least twice a week.他至少一周踢两次(足球)。 教学 难点 掌握有关做事的频率的问答 观察下列句子的画线部分,并总结规律。 1.—What do you usually do on weekends? —I always exercise. 2.—What do they do on weekends? —They often help with housework. 3.—What does she do on weekends? —She sometimes goes shopping. 4.—How_often do you go to the movies? —I go to the movies maybe once_a_month. 5.—How_often does he watch TV? —He hardly_ever watches TV. 6.—Do you go shopping?

—No,I never go shopping. 结论:①常见的频度副词有always、usually、often、sometimes、occasionally、seldom、rarely、hardly_ever、never(按频率大小排序)等。 ②常见的表示频率的短语有once a week、twice a day、three times a month、every day等。 ③对表频率的副词或短语提问用how_often(多久一次)。 环节1新课导入 T:In the last lesson,we have learned some common adverbs and phrases about frequency,such as al w ays,often,sometimes,ne v er,t w ice a w eek,three times a w eek and so on.Today,we'll continue to learn more about how to use them during our daily life. 设计意图:温故知新,通过陈述之前所学内容,帮助学生记忆有关频率的副词或短语,有利于知识间的衔接,便于老师循序渐进地开展教学。 环节2学习Grammar Focus-3c 1.让学生朗读Grammar Focus中的句子,并尝试总结句子的规律。 2.老师向学生讲解Grammar Focus中的语法点。 3.让学生补全3a的句子,然后把问句和回答搭配起来。教师核对答案。 4.让学生就3b的提示信息组成问句,然后与同伴进行问答练习,并做记录。老师挑选一两组学生当堂表演。 5.让学生小组合作,想出更多提高英语的好办法。然后就采用每种方法学习的频率互相提问,从而选出最佳的学习英语的方法。每组派出一名代表汇报该组的讨论情况。 6.要点点拨。 频度副词 ①含义:表示次数、频率的副词称为频度副词。 ②频度副词在句中的位置:be动词、情态动词、助动词之后,实义动词之前;有时为了表示强调,也可放在句首或句末。 ③用法:a.always、usually、often等通常与一般现在时连用,表示经常或反复发生的动作。 b.always与现在进行时连用时,并不强调动作正在进行,而是表示一种赞扬或厌烦的情绪。


学科英语教材及其版本新世纪初中英语八年级第一学期课题For or Against Keeping Pets本课为第一课时教学设计者张岚 教学设计设计说明 (一)教学目标 知识和能力目标 ●Try utilizing the approach to method ‘PPP’ (Presentation, Practice, Production) 尝试使用‘PPP’教学法,即(输入、 练习、输出),发展学生综合语言运 用能力。二期课改的新课程标准倡导以学生为主的自主型学习模式,让学生在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式,实现教学目标,获得成就感。在教学中教师应该鼓励学生发展听、说、读、写的综合语言技能,提高人文素养,培养创新精神。 过程和方法目标 ●Train students to grasp the basic structures and techniques of a debate. 掌握英语辩论的基本结构和基本技 巧。通过对课文的学习,使学生掌握英语辩论的基本结构。如怎样有层次地阐述自己的观点;怎样礼貌地反驳对方观点以及如何设问、反问等基本辩论技巧。 情感和价值观目标 ●Arouse students’ Cross-cultural awareness. 通过导入新课时动物的象征意义在中西

培养学生的跨文化意识。 ●Help students to cooperate with each other and build up team spirit. 培养学生的团队合作精神。 ●Help students have a sense of responsibility for pets and the society. 激发学生对动物乃至社会的责任 感。方文化中的差异性比较,培养学生的跨文化意识,使他们体验到中西方文化的不同魅力。 在Practice(练习)环节中,通过让学生分组讨论,分享彼此的意见,取长补短并在辩论的过程中彼此提供帮助,将极大地培养学生的团队合作精神。 在学生不断感知、体验、实践的过程中,使学生逐步意识到人类行为的重要性,激发学生对动物乃至社会的责任感。 (二)教学过程1.导入新课 ●Match the animals with their meanings in Chinese culture, and then compare their meanings in Western culture. 动物的象征意义在中西文化中的差 异性比较。在学习英语的过程中,学生势必会注意到中西方文化的差异性,这是一个很有趣的课题。动物的象征意义虽然只是这个课题中的“冰山一角”,却极其生动有趣。如“龙”在中国象征着天子,代表着神圣、权威和智慧;而“龙”在西方却代表着邪恶,因此有“As wicked as a dragon”, “As ugly as a dragon”,尤其用“龙”来形容凶恶丑陋的妇女。又如“狗”在中国多为贬义,如“狐朋


Unit1 What’s the matter? 1. Knowledge Words: have, cold, back, arm, ear, eye, foot, hand, head, leg, mouth, neck, nose, tooth, fever, rest, should, headache, ago, so, illness, thirsty, early, problem, way, traditional, believe, weak, angry, medicine, western, everybody, get, few, stay, important, moment, late, until, yesterday, hear Phrases: have a cold, be stressed out, a few, at the moment Structures: Have for talking about health problems. Modal: should / shouldn’t 2. Skills Talk about your health. Give advice. 3. Learning Strategies Using what you know. Inferring content. II. Background III. Teaching Time: Six Periods Period One Teaching Aims: 1. Learn and master the following words and phrases: matter, have, cold, have a cold, stomachache, sore, back, arm, ear, foot, hand, head, leg, mouth, neck, nose, stomach, tooth, throat 2. Develop the students’ listening ability. 3. Be able to talk about health. 4. Sentence Patterns What’s the matter? I have a sore throat. Teaching Difficult Point The sentence patterns. Teaching Methods Listening practice to train the students’ listening ability. Pairwrok Teaching Aids Some pictures. A tape recorder. Teaching Procedures Step I Greetings. Step II. 1a Teach the students to study the new words by showing some pictures. eye, nose, mouth, ear, tooth, face, head, neck, back, stomach, arm, hand, leg, foot Ask a student to read the list of thirteen names of body parts. Then let the students look at the picture and write the correct letter for each part of the body. Check the answers. Answers: k arm c back g ear i eye m foot a hand l head b leg f mouth e tooth d neck j nose h stomach Step III 1b Show some illnesses. e.g. I have a cold. I have a stomachache. Let several students say some illnesses. Ask a student to read the names. Nancy, Sarah, David, Ben, Judy
