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为了进一步说明立场文件中所应包含的具体内容,下面将举一实例,如裁军与国际安全委员会(Disarmament and International Security Committee)的英国(United Kingdom)代表在写作关于反对恐怖主义的国际合作(International Cooperation in Counter-Terrorism)这一议题的立场文件时,应该包含以下的具体内容:
















全力支持《联合国气候变化框架公约》(United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, UNFCCC)以及《京都议定书》(Kyoto Protocol)的相关规定”。

















Delegate: Zhang San, Wang Wu

School: Beijing No.1 Middle School

Country: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Committee: ECOSOC

Topic: International Migration

International Migration has become a world focus, for it has close relationship to many other important issues. On one hand, migration is contributive to global culture and economic communication. On the other, migration touches on numbers of sharp problems, inclusive of human rights, refugees, public education, healthcare, racial and gender discrimination. As a developed country in west Europe, UK is evidently facing the problem of international migration. According to the UK National Bureau of Statistics, the number of migrants in UK is about 5 million, which forms 10% of the nation?s popul ation. As the former Prime Minister Tony Blare has stated, migrants has become a strong contributive power in UK economy.

The international community has long paid attention to the problem of migration. In 2003, the Global Commission on International Migration was created to study ways that governments and UN agencies can work together to address migration issues. The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner of Human Rights is also working on important human rights issue in international migration. There have also been a number of international documents produced which affect the treatment of migrants, such

as the 1990 International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of all Migrant Workers and Members of their Families.

The UK government is always making effort in many aspects to provide better treatment to legal migrants and prevent illegal migration. UK is always working to constitute better social environment for legal migrants. For instance, UK put forward the new bill on migration in March 2006, which includes fine evaluation criteria for migrants and standardizes migration to some extent.

UK affirms its intention of cooperating with other countries on the issue of international migration. UK would like to utilize the power of international legislation to standardize migration. UK would also like to optimize the information-exchange system among countries to provide more efficiency in solving migration issues. Moreover, UK is willing to establish stable cooperation on migration issues with third-world countries. In details, UK intends to establish express gateways to welcome legal migrants and work with third-world countries on preventing illegal migrants. To sum up, UK is convinced that with the cooperation among countries, international migration will contribute more to the world and cause less trouble.


【模联立场文件】立场文件 立场文件 立场文件 代表:周晨辉 学校:效实中学 国家:智利共和国 委员会:鐘文輝 议题:国际粮食问题 智利国家农业协会(Sna)专家认为智利粮食生产只能满足50%的内需。奶制品和肉类价格上涨,加上粮食价格上涨,特别是小麦和水稻价格上涨,推动土地价格上涨。粮食种子销售情况也开始看好。有些葡萄种植庄园甚至开始把葡萄种植地改为粮食种植地。有业内人士认为由于粮食进口量减少,也导致土地价格上涨。1年前,在智利租用土地的费用为每公顷最多为178美元,现在的费用为444美元,购买土地的价格原来为每公顷约4444美元,现在约为6666美元。 20XX年,智农、林业产值18549.97亿比索,农业劳动力73.4万人。耕地面积1.66万平方公里。主要农作物播种面积87.21万公顷。近年来主要农产品产量如下(单位:万吨): 20XX20XX20XX小麦179.7192.2185.2燕麦48.853.935.7大麦

7.75.610.2水稻14.111.911.7玉米118.97132.1150.8土豆109.4114.4111.6甜菜195.3227.8259.8菜豆4.84.94.5油菜籽1.9 2.24.1 粮食价格上涨也给消费者带来很多影响,根据智利农业研究办公室的调查,面包、面食等产品价格平均上涨了20%。奶制品价格也平均上涨了20%。 事实上,在粮食价格危机以及全球经济大危机之前,农业资本主义产业化的合法性就受到质疑,而且对它的抵制也在不断增加。这些反对的声音不仅来自即将被取代的农民和小农场主,而且还来自消费者、环保主义者、健康专家以及许许多多被弄得心神不安的人。是公司的贪婪、社会的麻木以及越来越不计后果的科学进步交织在一起把人弄得心神不安。现在,随着全球经济的崩溃,支撑农业产业化的生产和销售一体化将会发生逆转。 一是创新农村产权制度。现在农村承包地、林地、住宅地产权主体虚置,农民的资产“符号化”,不能有效地将资产变为资本。当前我国以赋予农村土地资产属性为重点的新一轮产权制度改革已经蓄势待发。因此,应尽快深化农村土地产权制度改革,尽早实现耕者有其田,以调动农民保护耕地地积极性。 二是坚持不断完善惠农政策。实行粮食直补和产量挂钩的激励政策,并考虑建立粮食补贴稳定增长机制,根据国家财力增长和粮食生产成


模拟联合国立场文件英文稿 ----------------------------精品word文档值得下载值得拥有---------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---- Delegate: Chen yuying,Chen chunhao, Liu chengyi School: No.2 Experimental School Country: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Committee: Disarmament and International Security Topic: Space Weaponisation 总结第10页的“背景” In 1967 the United Nations through the outer space convention clarify, any country can will any part of the space of for yourself, and at the same time, all countries should the peaceful use of space, space belongs to all mankind, no country has the right to deprive other countries outside the space development and utilization of peace rights. In 2004, the general assembly of the United Nations passed a resolution to 59, requires countries to take action to prevent an arms race in outer space. But American X37B air plane research and development success seems to become a prelude to the stationing of space. Does the United States, and promoting the national missile defense (NMD) system, and its basic


Country: France Delegates: Wei, Ya Dong; Zhang, Xiao Topic: Territorial disputes and underwater resources Through the discovery and the high-expectancy potential, the demand of the well-accepted distribution of seabed resources grows increasingly. Related to state’s right of ocean, the issue on the oceanic territory gradually becomes diplomatic disputes between rational states. In 1982, by the significance of United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, the United Nations made constructive contributions to dissolve conflicts that has possibility to be stimulated. The Convention also supports the feasibility to the common platform for human beings to explore the seabed resources. France holds the view that the disputes needs to be solved under the framework of The Convention based on the current economic and politic situations. Rational states are supposed to discuss the issue on the negotiations. The framework should be shared by human beings. In order to seek these destinations, France has gained adequate progress. In addition to the significance of The Convention, French has successfully dissolved the disputations on the Arctic border between Canada. We have strong feelings that the naval oceanic issues has the possibility to be solved in peace. France also took the measure on the domestic aspects. In 1980s, France government has established the IFREMER (Inst itut Franξais de Recherches pour l'Exploitation des Mers) (French Research Institute for the Exploitation of the Seas) to statistically analyze the biology situation and open data to the public. It is also the domestic and diplomatic authorized sponsor about the scientific research and naval defense of oceanic environmental resources. On the other hand, France plays an important role in the ISA (International Seabed Associations)and gained experience in technology to exploit the seabed resources more rational and more eco-friendly. We have signed several bargains with developing countries providing technology to improve the situation and the health level of the coast. We are trying to assure that every investment to not only technology, but also other measures available had gained positive effect alleviating the probable crisis. In conclusion, we France take the following statements seriously: Any investment and technology France exports be only used on the purpose of peace and welfare of people. Any form of negotiations should be contained beneath the framework of current system of the international oceanic management. In the Security Council this year, France has the strong willing to make benefits to the peace and stability to the seas and oceans on the earth.


决议草案及修正案写作指导 一.决议草案 Draft Resolution 决议草案是按照联合国决议文件形式起草的对该议题的解决办法,是会议中提出的工作文件的加工和完善。一份决议草案可以由一个国家起草,也可以由多国起草,这些国家即被称为“起草国”( Sponsors),他们完全赞成该项决议草案。某决议草案的起草国不能再成为另一决议草案的起草国或附议国。一份决议草案需要得到与会代表国的20%的签署才可以提交大会审议通过,这些国家被称作“附议国”( Signatories),这些国家不一定赞成该决议草案,但是认为这份决议草案很值得讨论,一个国家可以成为多份决议草案的附议国。当一份决议草案拥有足够多的附议国时,在主席团许可时,起草国才可以提出动议停止辩论,转而进行介绍和讨论决议草案。 决议草案格式: 1、草案标题 包括委员会、议题、决议草案编号(所在委员会的主席团给出)以及起草国和附议国的名单。 2、草案正文 草案正文是一个长句,中间的若干内容都是用逗号或者分号隔开,在草案结束时才出现句号。 草案正文包括序言性条款和行动性条款两部分。 ●序言性条款 在这个部分中,主要回顾该议题的历史以及过去已经形成的关于此议题的决议和条约,讨论该议题的必要性。此外还可以包括联合国宪章、联合国秘书长或其他联合国机构领导人在此问题上的发言等内容。 每一款内容都以动词开头,并用斜体标注出来。 ●行动性条款 行动性条款是真正涉及到会议实质部分的内容,在这一部分中,列举本次会议的讨论成果、措施以及建议。每一款内容都以动词开头,以分号结尾。 这些条款都按照一定的逻辑顺序排列,用阿拉伯数字标注其顺序。每一款内容之包括一个建议或措施,每一款内容还可以包括逐条说明,用英文小写字母或者罗马数字标注。 一份理想的决议草案一定要解决议题里头的所有(或大多数)的争端,条款必须是现实的、有技巧性的、实质性的。运用专业术语,语法完整、精简、厚实理想的草案还必须能在不同阵营的国家中找出最佳平衡点。 二.修正案 Amendment 修正案分为友好修正案( Friendly Amendment )和非友好修正案( Unfriendly Amendment )两种。修正案必须指明针对的决议草案。 友好修正案 ( Friendly Amendment ): 原决议草案的全部起草国都赞成该修改意见,该修正案就成为友好修正案,直接被添加到原决议草案的最后。 非友好修正案 ( Unfriendly Amendment ): 没有使得原起草国都赞成该修改意见,该修正案称为非友好修正案。非友好修正案的提交需要征集到与会代表20%作为附议国签名。原决议草案的起草国不能成为非友好修正案的起草国或附议国,原决议草案的附议国则可以签署修正案。修正案表决时需逐条表决。(需


立场文件 立场文件的英文是Position Paper,可定义为“表明一国在某一个问题上的基本观点和立场的文件”。立场文件反映了一个国家对特定话题的立场和解决建议,许多代表也会用立场文件作为大会中第一次发言的发言稿,由此可见其重要性。一篇立场文件只阐述对于一个议题的国家立场观点,如果一个委员会的议题有两个,那么就需要提交两份立场文件。一份立场文件的篇幅应尽量控制在一到两页。立场文件作用其他国家可以通过一国的立场文件来了解该国在这一议题上的基本立场,确定该国是否与自己的国家具有共同的目标和利益等等,这样便于各国协会协商和合作。也可以提醒本国代表自己的底线。立场文件同时也是会议开始阶段各国陈述观点的主要参照发言材料,但它并不是发言稿。立场文件的 格式和要点1)开头立场文件的开头应该包括以下部分:代表姓名(delegates) 代表来自的学校(schools)国家(country)委员会(committee)议题(topic)2)正文正文的内容一般安排如下:背景介绍:简要陈述议题。这一部分所占篇幅最小,只需简单概括该问题的历史,并提出讨论解决该问题的重要性即可。 过去的行动:这部分包括联合国在该问题上的决议或行动及本国在该问题上已经作出的 行动和决议等。本国的立场/政策/解决措施:这部分主要表明本国的立场,提供本国对于该问题的解决办法和措施,并提供理由等。3)篇幅书写语言为中文,字体用宋体,5号字,单倍行距。篇幅尽量控制在一到两页左右。4)充实内容前面介绍的正文内容安排只是一种参考。立场文件不是考试作文的八股文,其内容的安排顺序和文章结 构都可以根据代表国的实际情况调整。还可以从以下很多方面充实立场文件的内容: 对该国在这个议题上的立场的总体概括和对该国在此问题上的历史介绍该问题是怎样影响该国的该国在此问题上的政策和实施相关政策的理由 该国在此问题上签署的协议或批准的决议在此问题上别国的立场怎样影响该国 的立场国家领导在相关问题上发言的引言为支持该国在此问题上的对策的相关数据5)写作中需要注意的问题如非必要不需要陈述这个国家的详细信息(GDP、 人口、资源等)尽量使文体显得官方和正式,写作的时候再选词方面要特别注意 举出实例,而不是空讲政策和态度用脚注或尾注来表明所引用的资料(不强求) 立场文件作为会议要求的正式文件,在用词方面也有固定的要求。用词要求正式,避免口语化的表达。一般,立场文件都采用第三人称“中国认为(China thinks)、美国代表团相信(the US Delegation believes)”等等,而不用“你、我、他”。同时立场文件的表达应当简洁明了,尽量不要采用修辞、排比等过于文学的表达方式。由于篇幅有限,立场文件应该围绕议题和国家立场展开,确保每一句话都是为了表达国家立场服务。我们建议代表使用一个简明的架构来书写立场文件。你的工作不是把你所收集的大量信息填充到结构中,而是把你的观点、建议以及解决办法等等信息融合起来加以整理,使他们能够很好的融合到你的立场文件结构中,让你的立场文件更有建设性。一篇好的立场文件应包括以下几个方面:简要阐述议题,并说明代表国认为对这个议题对于其本国以及整个国际社会所具有的重要性。代表国所持有的立场、态度。可包括该国与此相关的国内事务及外交政策,以及过去在国际工作中所支持过的决议等等。对于联合国所采取过的主要措施代表国持怎样的态度。代表国对委员会的建议。可包括代表国认为有效可行的解决措施,以及国际社会应承当的角色。所以确切的说,立场文件更接近说明文,而不是一般认为的议论文或者辩论陈词。后者往往要求先明确表达观点(比如托福作文或GRE的Argument部分),然后旁征博引来证明观点的正确正当。但是立场文件的写作不是要通过具有冲击力的词汇说服阅读者,而是要通过合理引用客观资料说明问题,并在此基础上得出结论,更强调体现出一种分析的过程。换


【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】 ◆工作文件 1. 定义: 在会议进行到一定程度后,结合各国现阶段立场,由一国或几国写的文件。工作文件大多是针对会议上遇到的某一问题的看法和观点的总结罗列,以及解决方法。 2. 工作文件的意义: 它可以明确一下各国从开会到写文件时商讨的结果。工作文件也可以是决议草案的前身,很多决议草案都是把很多工作文件的内容直接粘贴在一起了(因为工作文件中有很多观点和代表们提出的方案的总结,可以直接用)。还有就是可以初步明确一下写这个文件的一 个或几个国家的观点的初步总结,方便你来制定“对付”他们的策略。 3. 形成过程 (1)游说和结盟(2)形成观点(对问题的认识及解决措施)(3)起草(4)提交主席团审核(5)主席通过、编号并印发全场(6)动议讨论 4. 写作要求 工作文件需要有至少一个起草国(sponsor),不需要附议国(signatory)。 所谓起草国就是写这份文件的国家。相对于起草国,还有一种叫“附议国”(signatory), 工作文件没有固定格式,换句话说,怎么写都行。你可以写地正式些,仿照立场文件、决议草案等等文件写都行。大多数情况下,代表们愿意写成主要由数条具体措施的罗列。 包括工作文件在内的所有会议文件都需要主席团审批通过才能印发全场。你的文件交给主席团后,主席团会给你进行简单的语法类的纠错,然后一般都能审批通过印发全场。记住,当你写的文件(或者任何人写的文件),发下来的时候,一定立刻动议讨论这份文件 例:

Working paper Committee:GA Topic: The security and development of Iraq Sponsor: Kuwait The security and development of Iraq is a world focus problem in the world .After debating about this topic, the international community and the Iraq itself should do the following aspects: 1.International organizations: (1)UN: UN should play the most important role to lead post-war reconstruction of Iraq ,including participation in the process that makes the new government fully legitimacy and maintains peace and order in this region (2)WB:world bank should help evaluating the funds needed in rebuilding in Iraq and providing loans (3)ADB: Asian Development bank should support funds and more loans; (4)UNHCR: UNHCR should resettle the refugees the provide protections and improve protection and improve the living conditions (5)The international organizations should coordinate with each other ,and do the best to help Iraq ; 2.Developed countries: (1) Ecnomic assistance: Development countries can provide funds for Iraq and build a more comprehensive trading system with Iraq. Also, they can make polices to support the development of Iraq; (2) Security assistance: 1.Developed countries should work together to facilities a process leading to an internationally recognized representative government of Iraq;


模联文件写作 一、立场文件Position Paper 每个国家在会前都要针对各个议题提交一份立场文件,对本国的基本观点做出简明扼要的阐述。立场文件应以文段的形式撰写。 开头要写明代表姓名,学校,代表国家,所在委员会和议题。 首先要概括介绍本议题在当前国际社会上的状况,对整体情况有个大致的了解。然后要介绍联合国和本国就此议题的态度和采取过的行动,要避免冗长的罗列,以能表达立场为目的。接着要详尽阐述本国的立场、观点和计划采取的行动,需要真实、有可行性。最后用最简单的语言总结本国最基本的立场观点。 字号为小四,A4的纸一张,只能少不能多。立场文件在会前提交,主席团将会编辑成册在会前发给代表们,以供国家之间互相了解基本的观点。 二、工作文件Working Paper 当一国或国家集团对议题产生初步的解决办法时,可以总结成一份工作文件,提交给大会,向各国介绍己方的解决办法。工作文件不需要特定的文件格式,可以是图表,可以是文段,也可以列关键点。也可以将工作文件作为决议草案的雏形,按照决议草案的格式撰写,具有全面性。 三、决议草案Draft Resolution 决议草案是按照联合国决议文件形式起草的对该议题的解决办法。决议草案的起草国和附议国总数必须达到与会代表国的20%,才可向大会主席递交决议草案。 起草国Sponsors: 完全赞成该项决议草案 附议国Signatories: 不一定赞成该决议草案,但是认为这份决议草案很值得讨论。 四、修正案Amendment 修正案分为: 友好修正案( Friendly Amendment ): 原决议草案的全部起草国都赞成该修 改意见,该修正案就成为友好修正案,直接被添加到原决议草案的最后。 非友好修正案( Unfriendly Amendment ): 没有使得原起草国都赞成该修改 意见,该修正案是非友好修正案,需要征集到与会代表20%的附议国签名,才可以向大会主席递交。原决议草案的起草国不能成为非友好修正案的起草国或附议国,原决议草案的附议国则可以签署修正案。修正案表决时需逐条表决。 五、指令草案Draft Directive 指令草案是安理会处理危机时候的一种文件类型。它和决议草案在格式和功能上都很相近,但是指令草案不需要序言性条款,要直接书写行动性条款。因为代表们要解决危机,所以指令草案得行动措施要立即、有效,防止长远规划。安理会指令草案得起草国和附议国总数要达到3个才能提交主席团,只要10国赞同,且“五常”不反对,才能通过。可以对指令草案提出修正案。

Child labor[Saudi Arabia] 模联 立场文件 英文范文

Delegate: xxx School: High School Affiliated to Nanjing Normal University Country: Saudi Arabia Committee: United Nations Children’s Fund Topic: Child Labor Child labor is one of the most serious human rights issues of our time,although it shows that child labor rates have been decreasing since 2006 at a much slower rate than previously , we still cannot overlook the pretty basic that large child worker populations has never been eliminated completely up to now, and according toILO, in 2010, 215 million children remain involved in child labor despite great efforts to combat this issue.Saudi Arabia has been dealing with this problem seriously,for it doesn’t only endanger the lives of children, but it also impedes national and global economic progress. Various actions have been taken by UNICEF and the ILO. The ILO’s most central goals of “Decent Work for All”is closely tied to the child labor issue.It’s current challenges include universal conversations on child labor—ILO Convention NO.138 and 182 , whichSaudi Arabia has also ratified. The UN also announced a plan several days ago, that they will try to eliminated the child labor populations before 2020. More laws andconventionswhich are directly related to children have beenpassed in many developing and developed countries , as UN and UNICEF kept working with governments of these nations.The Saudi Arabia government has made great efforts in this regard too. As all of us know, the main causes of child labor are poverty, the lack of education and industrialization and modernization of nowadays countries. Social patterns and cultural traditions such as gender discrimination lead to some of the child labor problems as well. So the first thing we should do is to change people’s especially the parents’ mind that no one should be a slave at birth, even the poorest ones. The naturalness of slavery is said to follow from the belief that inequality, inequality is the basic rule between human beings—“All men are created equal ”. Secondly, we government need to carry a torch for more relief programs and try our best to solve the poors’ living problem so that many children in employment will stop working to support their families. Thirdly, more job opportunities for those who are affected by the crisis will be provided.We havebeen committed to improving education in Saudi Arabia for many years, and obviously, many more children are in school now instead of in factories.As for economics, though the global crisis means that developed


Delegate: School:The High School Attached to Hunan Normal University Country:The Democratic People's Republic of Algeria Committee:Social,Humanitarian and Culture Committee Topic:Organ Trafficking The organ trafficking market is on the rise, fuelled by growing demand as well as unscrupulous traffickers. While waiting lists for organs become longer in rich countries,selling one’s organ in a country of excruciating poverty is an irresistible temptation. This increase is attributed to poverty and corruption and has taken place despite legislation aimed against organ trafficking. Poverty is seen in all countries with a large black market for organs,yet legislation is another contributing factor in the illegal organ trade domestically, especially legislation with loopholes. The international community has long paid attention to the issue of organ trafficking. Regarding the international organ transplantation affairs,there have also been a number of resolutions that makes significant efforts to combat trafficking,such as WHO Guiding Principles on Human Cell,Tissue And Organ Transplantation(2010) and ECOSOC Resolution 2004/22.The United Nations urges member states,which ascertain that such a phenomenon exists in their country, to adopt the necessary measures to prevent, combat and punish the illicit removal of and trafficking in human organs. As a country that commits to the advancement and protection of human rights,Algeria gives strong backing to the elimination of illicit organ trafficking. Algerian children are taken to other countries, including Morocco, and their organs are removed and trafficked to Israel and the US. One non-governmental organization estimates that the populations most vulnerable to trafficking include between 10,000 and 15,000 illegal sub-Saharan African migrants. Organ trafficking has been a problem in Algeria and caught high concern of the government.In February 2009, the government of Algeria amended the section of its existing Criminal Code on crimes against the person to include increased penalties for the crime of trafficking for the purposes of labor and sexual exploitation. The law establishes a sentence of 3 to 10 years imprisonment for all forms of trafficking. There’re suggestions given upon the issue: https://www.sodocs.net/doc/9d2544331.html,ernments need to strengthen local, regional and international cooperation in effective prevention and combating of such activities. https://www.sodocs.net/doc/9d2544331.html,ernments should enhance the national medical condition,exert influence of international organizations like WHO and ICRC. 3.Countries where trafficking in person occurs should have a formal anti-trafficking policy or a national plan of action to complement its


立场文件 概述 立场文件是“模拟联合国”活动中一个国家基本的“名片”,它表达了某个国家或组织在某个议题上的立场概要。代表们首先就是通过立场文件来表达本国立场、了解其他国家的立场。因此写一份好的立场文件,表达清楚自己的意思尤为重要。 立场文件元素 立场文件范例分析 学校:**** 国家:尼日利亚 代表:**** 2004年1210米,13个印度洋国家的21万6000大的一场自然灾难之一,联合国公布死难者数字是至少22万3000此外,多国沿岸的酒店和村庄城镇也受到严重破坏,180经济损失近百亿美元。

并且非常愿意在本国承受范围之内以“不强制遣返, 为原则接受部分难民,希望在印尼海啸难民问题中能发挥积极作用。 尼日利亚对印尼海啸难民问题的解决前景感到乐观。 不久,国际社会包括,国际援助总额已经超过80金将陆续就位。的繁荣。 在救助活动中,我们都能清楚地意识到,要尽快地解决印尼海啸难民问题,我们仍然需要处理好下面几个方面: 1、 海啸在世界范围内都存在着,为防止下次所海啸所带来的爆发性难民问题,由联合国牵头建立全球海啸预警系统; 2、 建立更加“有前瞻性、有战略性、公开和有效”的救援资金分配机制,确实保证一部分资金用于解决印尼海啸难民问题,避免救援资金被挪用或贪污; 3、 加强国际合作机制,由联合国难民署牵头协调各国解决此次的难民问题,登记注册灾区难民特别是灾区儿童,以防人口贩卖,为难民提供生活住所,并且在经济、政策等方面给予必要的援助,帮助难民重返家园; 难民问题在世界各地尤其是在广大的非洲国家中不断出现,尼日利亚希望通过解决这次的印尼海啸难民问题,继续扩大联合国难民署的职能,尼日利亚呼吁更多国家关注世界难民问题特别是非洲难民问题,呼吁发达国家承担起解决此类难民问题的中坚作用。 难民重返家园的同时有成千上万的非洲难民无家可归, 次呼吁国际社会加强合作,促进世界人道主义事业的蓬勃发展。 总结及其他事项 一.立场文件格式:


立场文件(position paper) 一、立场文件的内容(content and form) 一份出色的立场文件应该有理有据、语言精准,并且鲜明、准确、有力地阐述本国针对某一议题的立场。广而言之,立场文件顾名思义,就是阐述本国的立场;具体来讲,一份出色的立场文件需要包含以下方面的内容: 本国在该议题中的基本立场与态度; 本国赞成及签署的与该议题相关的国际协议,本国参与的与该议题相关的国际合作和行动;本国与该议题的相关程度,对于解决该问题在国内曾经采取过的重要行动、通过的重要法案;本国对于解决该问题所提出的相关建议(包括国内措施和国际行动); 本国领导人及政要发表的有关该议题的重要讲话; 本国在该议题中的相关利益总结及立场底线总结。 为了进一步说明立场文件中所应包含的具体内容,下面将举一实例,如裁军与国际安全委员会(Disarmament and International Security Committee)的英国(United Kingdom)代表在写作关于反对恐怖主义的国际合作(International Cooperation in Counter-Terrorism)这一议题的立场文件时,应该包含以下的具体内容: 英国对于恐怖主义问题的态度,对于国际反恐合作的基本立场; 英国赞成和签署的国际反恐合作条约,英国所参与的国际反恐合作行动; 英国国内的恐怖主义活动情况以及英国政府所采取的相关措施、为应对反恐所通过的相关法律; 英国认为国际社会应该如何解决恐怖主义问题,对于国际反恐合作的具体建议; 英国领导人在正式场合所发表的关于国际反恐的发言和基本立场表态; 国际反恐合作与英国国家利益的相关程度,英国对反恐问题的立场底线。 二、立场文件的结构(structure) 一般来讲,立场文件分为四个段落比较合理,分别为基本立场、国际行动、国内行动、解决方案。采取这样的“四段式”文章结构,能够使立场文件观点明确、内容全面、环环相扣、逻辑清楚。 第一段为本国对该议题所持的基本立场和态度的阐述。此段应总启全文、开门见山,明确清晰地表明本国的基本立场——即所讨论的问题与本国的利益关系,以及本国对于此问题所持的明确立场。在后文的论述中,全文应该围绕着本段的观点和立场进行展开陈述。 第二段应简述本国所参与的与议题相关的国际行动。国际行动既包括本国所参加的国与国之间对于解决此问题所采取的共同行动方案,也包括本国赞成、同意、签署的相关国际条约的内容。 例如,澳大利亚代表在写作关于全球气候变暖议题的立场文件时,可以引用相关资料、数据及本国领导人的讲话和政策支持本国的观点,如:“澳大利亚签署并全力支持《联合国气候变化框架公约》(United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, UNFCCC)以及《京都议定书》(Kyoto Protocol)的相关规定”。 第三段应阐述本国对于解决该问题所采取的国内行动。在本段中要详细讲述本国国内利益与此议题的相关程度,并且介绍本国应对该问题所曾采取的具体措施、通过的相关法律等。 例如,再次以上面澳大利亚代表写作关于全球气候变暖议题的立场文件为例,澳大利亚代表的立场文件中可以出现以下的内容:“根据澳大利亚国家天气与气候研究中心的数据,自1993年以来,全球变暖正影响地球海平面以每年3毫米或更快的速度增长,海平面上升严重影响力澳大利亚沿海低地,并且对太平洋中的一些岛屿构成了切实的威胁。2006年澳大利亚总理
