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《专业英语》---cover letter 求职信范文 2篇

《专业英语》---cover letter 求职信范文 2篇
《专业英语》---cover letter 求职信范文 2篇

sample 1

Dear Mr. Wang,

I am a fresh graduate from Xiamen University of Technology, and I am writing in response to your advertisement for recruiting a software programmer intern posted on our university BBS yesterday. I hope I can take the job.

The main reason for my confidence in this position lies in both my extensive academic training in software programming, and my work experience in the relevant industry which has further polished my abilities. Moreover, I have much spare time this sem ester, which can ensure my time commitment for the internship. Please find more details in my enclosed resume.

Thank you for your time and patience, and I would greatly appreciate it if you could grant me an interview.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming









Date of Birth:

Sex:Female /Male

Native place:籍贯


Work Experience: 1 year

Eyesight: Short sight Stature:160cm

health status 健康状况

policital status:Party member of CPC(Communist Party of China)

Mail Address:

Mobile Phone:Home Tel.:


Career objective

To obtain a challenging position as a software engineer with an emphasis on software design and development


2006-09--2009-07, Software Engineering Institute, Xiamen University of Technology

专业数据库管理:database management/ Administration

Academic main courses

Mathematics, Computer English, 数学,英语

Data Structures and Algorithms 数据结构算法

Foundations of program design 程序设计基础

Social working

V olunteer 志愿者Association协会,社团

The student union 学生会

Technical skills

Strongly experienced in C/C++, VB, Java, OO programming. (编程)


优秀英文求职信范文三篇 求职信要写对所谋求的职务的看法以及对自己的能力要作出客观公允的评价,这是求职的关键。要着重介绍自己应聘的有利条件,要特别突出自己的优势和“闪光点”,以使对方信服。 优秀英文求职信范文篇一Dear Sir/Madam, I have just completed my Master Degree in Manufacturing, Engineering and Management in the University of Nottingham in UK in XX. During 3 years overseas study, I was developed to be more independent, responsible, sociable, creative, and be able to work under pressure. Moreover, the study in the University, has trained me becomes a competent, cooperative, and analytical person. If you further look at the unit I studied in my degree, I have what is takes to be excellent in the area I studied and managing development in the organization itself. Although I have no working experience in the fields related to manufacturing, engineering and management, however, I would be able to selfinitiate, motivate and work in a demanding hours to comply task schedules. My long term career plan is to expand my knowledge


如何写求职信Cover Letter 一封高质量的英文求职信是帮助你应聘成功的敲门砖。如果你自己是一件商品的话,那么你的英文求职信,就是一封把你自己推销出去的商业信函。求职信不可抄袭上千篇一律的东西,不但要写出自己的特点,还要根据应聘的公司有一定的针对性,这样才能吸引住招聘者的目光。下面就介绍一下写求职信的要点和注意事项,希望对渴望找到一份理想工作的你有所帮助。 writing a cover letter can be a daunting task. these tips should help make it a little easier: ·direct your letter to the decisionmaker of the organization. ·write a short, concise letter (23 paragraphs at most). ·type the letter and envelope. ·sign your name. ·use standard english. ·doublecheck your spelling and grammar. ·use standard white paper. ·keep a copy of everything you send to each organization.

·follow up with a phone call after three business days. besides, there are several cover letter dos and don ‘ts you should keep in mind. dos: ·include the person‘s full name, title, company name, and company address. ·include your full name, address, and contact information. ·use a formal greeting, such as mr., ms., dr. ·center your margins. ·follow up after three business days. ·mention how you found out about the position. ·be upbeat and creativemake your letter stand out. ·keep copies of everything you send. don‘ts: ·don‘t write a long lettershorter is better. ·don‘t address the person by first name unless you know him or her personally and have permission to do so. ·don‘t forget to personally sign the letter.


经典英文求职信范文 respected leaders: hello! glad to attend your pany‘s talent recruitment. my car is a professional undergraduate graduation, sure to seek work in your pany. also hope that the pany i enclose leadership read carefully record and report. in this to say thank you. during the university, i give their location is first, secondly, give attention to two or morethings arrives in technical management, economy. but also very focused on their learning ability training, make great efforts to perfect their knowledge structure. technical aspect, i prepared in three aspects. 1) professional basis, probably because of the automotive industry, very convincing work behind the emissary, so i put emphasis on the course of the school. have won five scholarships and excellent students, learning model. the three years prior to my grades for 82 points, weighted basically has an exemption postgraduate qualification. 2) puter and work, puter and work is a trend. from the characteristics of consideration, i customize the


酒会邀请函范文 篇一:酒会邀请函大学英语 letter of invitation 在一般情况下,邀请有正式与非正式之分。非正式的邀请,通常是以口头形式来表现的,书面形式的只寄给亲朋好友或熟识的工作伙伴。相对而言,它显得要随便一些。正式的邀请,既讲究礼仪,又要设法使被邀请者备忘,故此它多采用书面的形式,即礼仪活动邀请函的形式。 一、礼仪活动邀请函的含义 礼仪活动邀请函又称礼仪活动邀请信、礼仪活动邀请书,是礼仪活动主办方(单位、团体或个人)邀请有关人员出席隆重的会议、典礼,参加某些重大活动时发出的礼仪性书面函件。 凡精心安排、精心组织的大型活动与仪式,如宴会、舞会、纪念会、庆祝会、发布会、单位的开业仪式等等,只

有采用礼仪活动邀请函邀请佳宾,才会被人视之为与其档次相称。礼仪活动邀请函有自己的基本内容、特点及写法上的一些要求。 二、礼仪活动邀请函的基本内容 1. 让客人知道活动的“五w”: 1) who is hosting the event? 不管主办人是你的公司、某个个人或某个团体,务必把主办人写出来。 2) what is the event? 清楚说明这个活动的功能——募捐、开会、庆祝新品上市等。如果会有特别来宾演讲或出席,或是有任何的特别活动,也写出来。提有趣的细节,吸引读者参加。 3) where is the event?(在哪里举办?) 在邀请函中告诉对方活动举办的地址。你还可以附上交通指南,但是这部分要与邀请函分开,不要写在邀请函上。 4) when is the event? 清楚写出活动举办的日期与时间。

5) why is the event being held and why is the reader being invited?(为什么举办这个活动?为什么邀请对方?) 说明举办这个活动的原因——例如展示新产品,或是讨论某个议题。此外,也说明为什么你决定邀请对方——例如因为他是重要的客户,或者因为他对这个议题有深入的了解等。 2. 说明回复期限和回复方式 在邀请函的末尾,清楚说明回回复的期限及回复的方式:邮寄、电子邮件、电话等。邀请函中请对方回复的标准用语是rsvp,如“ please rsvp by phone or email by december loth.” 。rsvp是法语,为“repondez’s ilvous plait ” 的缩写,相当于英文中“请回复”(please respond )之意。 3. 增加亲切感 在称呼的部分写出对方的名字,不要只写dear sir or madam,有可能的话,亲自在邀请函上签名。称呼或结尾敬辞的部分甚至可以自己手写。


程序员英文求职信范文 dear leaders: hello! i am afraid bother. i am a just from the accounting department of hunan business college graduates. i am honored to present you the organic back to my personal information. in the occasion to join the society, in order to find the line with their professional work and interests, but also good to play to their talents and realize their life values, all the leaders would like to make a self-recommendation. brief introduction to their own situation now is as follows: accounting profession as a student, i love my profession and put their great enthusiasm and energy. in the four years of study and life, i have learned from the accounting including the basic knowledge to use, and many aspects. through the study of this knowledge, i have knowledge in this field have a certain degree of understanding and mastering this profession is a tool, and the ability to take advantage of this tool is the most important carried out simultaneously with the course when all the relevant and practical in practice, has a certain practical skills and techniques. in school work, to enhance life skills training, learning management knowledge, absorbing management experience. i know that computers and networks are the future tools to learn the profession in the premise, i had a great interest in the computer and read a lot about books, windows98/XX, kingdee finance, uf financial and other systems, application software, foxpro, vb language and other programming languages.


求职信Cover Letter十大样板 Date: Name: Add: Dear Ms. Peter: Sincerely, I am interested in exploring career opportunities in _______________ with _______________ (company), and have therefore enclosed my resume for your reference. Should you be in the market for a results-oriented professional for your firm, I would encourage you to consider my credentials. As my resume indicates, I have _______________ years experience in _______________. My day-to-day output reflects a high level of motivation, efficiency, and ability to meet any objective. I have a proven ability to troubleshoot, perform under a minimum amount of supervision, and demonstrate a high degree of initiative and good judgment. I am interested in interviewing with you or one of your associates. I can be reached at _______________ to arrange for an interview at a convenient time. Drew Sterling Enclosure Date: Name: Add: Dear Ms. Taylor: Sincerely,


初中英语作文:邀请信范例 写作要求: your family is going to give a dinner party at home. gao lu, a famous young calligrapher(书法家), has been invited. meanwhile(同时), you also want to invite your foreign friend alice who likes chinese calligraphy. now write a letter to her inviting her to your dinner party telling her the time and then the brief plan about the party. write your letter with no less than 100 words. do not sign your own name at the end of the letter, use wu hua instead. you do not need to write the address.? 范文呈现: dear alice, mr.gao is bringing ④a collection of his own works and has promised to ⑤give us an on-the-spot demonstration of his skills.⑥ im sure youll thoroughly enjoy the evening. we plan to serve supper at 6:00 so as to have a nice long evening to talk. ⑦i do hope that you can make it. yours ever, wu hua 拾贝译文 ① we are inviting...for dinner...我们打算邀请…来吃晚饭。②如果你能来就太好了。 ③ be happy to meet...乐于见到… ④ a collection of his own works几件他自己的作品 ⑤ give an on?the?spot demonstration ...现场展示…⑥我相信你一定会度过一个愉快的夜晚。 ⑦希望你一定能来!篇二:邀请函英文范文 邀请函英文范文 dear xxx: i am writing to invite you to join me in xxxx(city name) and to stay with me here for three years until my current course finishes in december 2005. i am also sending you a set of documents, listed below, for your use in connection with your application for entry clearance to enter the uk as my dependant. for further information, i can be contacted at the above address. take care. love you your husband 公司晚会邀请函范文(中英文) (称谓) 今天我们特别邀请您参加____(地点名称)分店开张的庆祝活动。我们希望能和您共同庆祝,并邀请您一边品尝香槟酒,一边参观。 热烈欢迎您于____(日期),____(时间a)-____(时间b)的到来。 如果您的熟人或朋友也对我们的产品感兴趣,欢迎您带他们一起来。 我们期待您的到来! (结尾敬辞) (salutation)


英文求职信范文二 Document number:BGCG-0857-BTDO-0089-2022

范文 【范文二】 Dear Sir/Madam: Are you searching for a telecommunications manager with expertise in project management and team leadership? I specialize in creating and implementing high-performance strategies that directly impact growth and profitability of large telecommunications companies. In addition to my knowledge of business processes, I also offer proficiency in telecom software development and cutting-edge technologies. I am relocating to Shenzhen and would be interested in opportunities with your firm. Currently, I serve as manager for BIT Company's Information Industry Division. Briefly, some of my accomplishments include: Developed a tool to track and forecast price,quantity,and revenue, which enables client to monitor business performance Implemented a customized end-to-end testing process and SQL database My business acumen, technical expertise, and leadership capabilities have contributed to a number of successful


s a m p l e s c o v e r l e t t e r 英文求职信样本 Lele was written in 2021

Dear Mr. Wang, I am a computer science major from Peking University, and I am writing in response to your advertisement for recruiting a software programmer intern posted on our university BBS yesterday. I hope I can take the job. The main reason for my confidence in this position lies in both my extensive academic training in software programming, and my work experience in the relevant industry which has further polished my abilities. Moreover, I have much spare time this semester, which can ensure my time commitment for the internship. Please find more details in my enclosed resume. Thank you for your time and patience, and I would greatly appreciate it if you could grant me an interview. Your City, State, Zip Code Your Phone Number Your Email Company Name


酒会的邀请函范文 叫xxx,我来自xxxx,缘分中注定我将与您有一段不解情缘。xxxx 年xx月xx日,是一个特殊的日子,在我四周岁生日这一天,期待您的到来! xx班的毕业生们满载多年采撷的累累硕果,满载母校和师长的眷眷深情,即将踏上人生新的征程。我们诚挚地邀请您莅临酒会,共同见证这美好的时刻。 对您在百忙之中的到来,我们表示最热烈的欢迎和由衷的感谢! 祝您身体健康,万事如意! 尊敬的老师: 感谢您四年中为我们付出的点点滴滴。在此,我们诚邀您参加我们的毕业宣言XX工商学院XX 级本科毕业酒会晚会, 请让我们再谢谢您一次! 灯光亮起,掌声响起,大声唱响我们的毕业宣言。携手回到梦开始的地方,给青春画上一个咏叹调,就在,20XX年5月16日 17时45分,我们与您相约 ! 酒会邀请函范文3敬爱的老师: 时光荏苒,转眼间,X年的学生生活就已经结束了。在这几年的学生生涯中,我们班的同学在您的耐心指导下,茁壮成长。您的谆谆教诲我们将永远铭记在心。在此毕业之际,我们诚邀您参加我们的毕业酒会,共同为我们美好而又不可复制的青春画上圆满的句号。

期待您的到来! 亲爱的xx: 我打算于20xx年7月14日(星期五)在我家举行一个酒会,庆祝我母亲的生日。这对我们全家来说是一件大事,作为我们全家的好朋友,我们真诚地希望你能来参加,分享我们的快乐。晚宴将于7点开始。首先会有一个小型的演奏会,届时我们将欣赏到乐队演奏的流行和古典歌曲。8点左右我们开始用餐,朋友们可以随便聊天欢笑。最后所有的朋友们一起照相作为纪念。 我知道你最近很忙,但我真的希望你能来,我们全家都在期待着你的光临。 < 你的老朋友:xx ---来源网络整理,仅供参考

cover letter 大学生的英语求职信样板

No.12, North Renmin Road Jishou,Hunan Province 416000,P.R.China Tel: 0743-152****1631 E-mail :****@https://www.sodocs.net/doc/8a9487953.html, May 3, 2014 Mr.Wheaton Director of Human Resources Cape May Import Export Co. Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Dear sir , In reference to your advertisement in the https://www.sodocs.net/doc/8a9487953.html, ,please accept this cover l etter as an application for the position as an English language instruction coordinator .I love this job since I am an English major. I believe that I am the right one you are finding . I’m currently a senior Business English major student in the College of International Exchange and Public Education of ** University .In school period, I studied the specialized knowledge diligently, and put huge enthusiasm and energy in it. Beside learning the textbook knowledge, I participated in all kinds of school activities actively and have obtained a lot of experience . I have passed TEM4 and TEM8 and I have great confidence with my oral English. I also familiar with Microsoft Office Programs: Word, Excel.I am interested in teaching .This year ,as a substitute teacher in my university,I teached fresh students oral English for nearly two months. I also worked as a English teacher in a local middle school of my town for two months, and I designed and supervised an oral English training activity for fresh students. And the training result turned out to be highly efficient. My teachers and friends say I have great responsibility for my job. My classroom experience in English education and English training activity experience will be great helpful to the job of English language instruction coordinator ,if fortunately, i am employed by you . If you desire an interview, I shall be most happy to be called, on any day and at any time. Enclosed is my resume. If there is further information that you wish in the meantime, please reach me at the address given at the beginning of this letter. Sincerely, ***** Enclosure


英语求职信范文格式 英语求职信常用句型:replying to your advertisement into- day's issue of the(newspaper),i wish to apply for the position in your esteemed firm。拜读贵公司在今日(报纸)上广告,特此备函应征贵公司该职位。 i wish to apply for the position advertised in the enclosed clipping from the(newspaper)of november 12.谨随函附上十一月十二日xx报贵公司招聘广告,我愿应招此职位。 learning from xx that you are looking for a sales manager,i should like to apply for the position。从xx处得悉,贵公司正在招聘一名业务经理,我愿应招此职。 your advertisement for a telephone operator in the newspaper of march 8has interested me,i feel i can fill that position。贵公司三月八日在xx报上刊登招聘电话接线员广告,本人拜读后极感兴趣,相信能担任此职。 i am twenty years of age,and have been employed for the last two years by the xx co.,in the general clerical work of the office。我今年20岁,曾在xx公司服务两年,担任一般文员工作。 since my graduation from the school two years ago, i have been employed in xx hotel as a cashier。两年前离校后,在xx酒店担任出纳员。 i have received an english education, and have a slight knowledge of spanish.i took a spanish course in college。本人接受英文教育,同时略通西班牙文。大学时,我修了西班牙文。 i have just left school,but have a good knowledge of english。本人虽刚离开校门,但英文很好。 i am a graduate of hong kong university,and have in addition an m.a.degree from ucla。本人毕业于香港大学,并在加州大学获得文学硕士学位。 since leaving school,i have attended typewriting and shorthand classes,and have now attained a speed of fifty and ninety words respectively。离开学校后,我参加打字与速记班,而今已达到打字50字,速记90字的速度。 i request an interview,and assure you that if appointed,i will do my best to give you satisfaction。恳请惠予面试之荣。如蒙录用,本人必竭尽所能,为贵公司服务,以符厚望。 should you think favorably of my application,i would like to have an interview。如对本人之应征优先考虑,恳请惠予面试之机会。 should this application meet with your favorable consideration,i will do my utmost to justify the confidence you may repose in me。对此申请,贵公司如惠予考虑,本人将尽最大的忠诚与努力,为贵公司效劳。 i wish to assure you that,if successful,i would endeavor to give you every satisfaction。如蒙不弃,惠予录用,本人将尽力服务,使诸事满意。 英语求职信范文your advertisement for a network maintenance engineer in the april 10student daily interested me because the position that you de- scribed sounds exactly like the kind of job i am seeking。


sample 1 Dear Mr. Wang, I am a fresh graduate from Xiamen University of Technology, and I am writing in response to your advertisement for recruiting a software programmer intern posted on our university BBS yesterday. I hope I can take the job. The main reason for my confidence in this position lies in both my extensive academic training in software programming, and my work experience in the relevant industry which has further polished my abilities. Moreover, I have much spare time this semester, which can ensure my time commitment for the internship. Please find more details in my enclosed resume. Thank you for your time and patience, and I would greatly appreciate it if you could grant me an interview. Yours sincerely,


( 邀请函) 姓名:____________________ 单位:____________________ 日期:____________________ 编号:YB-BH-067835 商务酒会邀请函范文Business reception invitation letter model

商务酒会邀请函范文 联谊酒会邀请函 老乡您好!河南第xx届在京同乡企业家联谊酒会将于XXX年01月27日(周日)下午5点在西城区平安里西大街的太和文华隆重举行!(梅兰芳大剧院旁) 本届会议的主要目的是为我们本省在京工作、经商、创业的同乡搭建一个乡情与商情相融的交流平台!乡情浓郁节目精彩!聚资源汇商机!便宣传易合作!各界名家云集!是一个乡情极其浓郁的并且是我们这些在外漂泊着的时刻思念家乡的同乡们畅想家乡;联接友谊的平台;是一个真正的高峰商务交流会。是一个联络在京成功同乡,真正实现资源共享,互助互帮互惠互利,共同发展的平台! 一、相关介绍: 1、时间:1月27日(周日)下午:17:00—21:00 2、地点:西城区平安里西大街太和文华酒店(官园桥东南角梅兰芳大剧院旁)地铁车公庄站b出口东行20米 3.会费:每位200元(该费用包括:场地、酒水、晚宴、演出、、联谊名录、礼品、奖品、纪念品等)。 4.本届限报;200位 5.要求:职务是经理级别以上;并如实精准填写组委会所要求的各项必填信息;(注:如查实信息虚报,我们将不予录入到同乡数据库和《在京同乡企业家联

谊名录》中);着装整洁得体;自带名片200张;准时到场。 6、会议流程: (1).17:00签到、领通讯录、入会场。 (2).17:00—18:30是茶话会。相互交流互换名片, (3).18:30同乡主题晚会开始,出席嘉宾致辞,晚会节目演出开始, (4).18:30晚宴开始,期间以精彩节目助兴。 (5).19:30成功企业家介绍自己的企业、项目与资源交流活动、自由交流、交换礼品或纪念品等并合影留念。 (6).抽奖(之后自由交流,直至结束,时间由个人掌握)。 二、报名方式: 请用手机回复您或您所替报名的同乡的相关信息: 姓名: 单位名称: 职务: 单位地址: 手机电话: 籍贯: qq或邮箱: 商务酒会邀请函范文: 邀请函 尊敬的女士/先生: 非常荣幸地邀请您参加贵海20xx新品推介暨“财富联盟新梦想”桂林站客


英语求职信范文150字 英语求职信范文150字 篇一: 英语求职信写作格式及范文求职信: 二、求职信 ? 1、求职信是求职者写给招聘单位的信函。求职信是自我表白,其目的和作用要是让人事主管看,因人事主管有太多的求职信函要看, 因此要简明扼要。语言注意点求职信不同于简历。在介绍自己情况 时,不可面面俱到,否则篇幅过长,反而不易得到重视。应重点突出 与所应聘职位相关的自己的特点及特长。语言要有礼貌,要能体现出 诚恳的态度和对工作的渴求。 ?求职信一般包括以下几个方面的内 容: 首先要阐述清楚招聘信息的来源,以及所申请的职位;其次简述个人信息;然后进一步强调自己的能力,表达抱负,并请求给予面试 机会;最后提出自己的希望,希望得到面试的机会,并且告诉对方你 的联系方式。 ?求职信的语言属于正式用语,在写作过程中一定要注 意用词简洁准确,语气礼貌自信,态度不卑不亢,所给信息具有一定 的可信度。尤其是在强调自身经历和优点的时候,更应把握尺度。 2、求职信的内容一般包括以下部分: I see our advertisement in esterda’s China Dail that… ? I am interested in the post I should like to appl for the post of hih ou advertised in esterda’s China Dail…

(3)I am riting ou to sho m keen interest in…, hih ou’ve advised on… ? I am riting to appl for the position of...ou advertised in esterda's... ? ( 5) Having notied the enlosed advertisement in this morning’s China Dail Nes, I ish to appl for the position referred to. ? (6)Learning form Mrs Liu that ou are looking for a HR manager,I should like on all subjets and to remendations. ? 9. Thank ou for our time and patiene, and I ould greatl appreiate it if ou ould grant me an intervie. ? 10. I ould be grateful if ou ould arrange an intervie at our earliest onveniene.? 1 1.I hope I am luk enough to get a intervie if so, please ontat me at 12345 6. I am looking forard to our all. 实例: 1、要求: ? Diretions: ? You are Jane, an undergraduate from Sihuan Universit , majoring in English. Write a letter to a pan appling for a position, Your letter should inlude : ? an introdution of ourself. ? our qualifiation for the position. ? asking for an intervie. ? You should rite 100 ords or so, ou don’t need to rite the address. 作文: ? Ma1 2, ? Dear Sirs, ?555-105
