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Unit8 First Aid

Period 1 Warming up, Listening&Speaking


Class Type(课型):


Analyses of Teaching Material(教材分析):



1. Warming up:溺水、交通事故、烧伤、划伤、噎塞等六张常见受伤害情景图片,Integrating skills的普通伤害处理。教师要求学生看图讨论:遇到这些紧急情况应怎么处理,平时怎样能避免这些事故发生。

2. Listening:听两段小对话,判断句子正误。

3. Speaking:有关家庭安全须知。要求学生学习运用“应该做什么,不应该做什么”的表达方法;学生两人一组,互相告诉家庭安全须知,提出忠告。


Analyses of the Students(学情分析):


2.学生对英语学科用多媒体等现代信息技术授课有着浓厚的学习兴趣,积极性较高。Teaching Aims(教学目标):

1. Let the students know the importance of first aid and learn some knowledge about first aid and the family safety.

2. Make the students talk about how to do first aid and how to prevent accidents happening with some useful expressions.

3. Help the students to improve their speaking and listening abilities by talking about first aid. Teaching Ideas(设计思路):

英语是人们交流思想的重要交际工具,不但要会读、会写,还要会听、会说。随着社会生活信息化和经济生活全球化,用英语进行交流越来越广泛。英语作为一门外语,在教学中,培养学生口语交际能力十分重要,也是高中英语教学大纲的要求。因此,我设计这节课主要采用活动型教学模式。开始以提问的形式导入急救这个主题,并把Warming up中六张常见受伤害情景图片与Integrating skills的普通伤害处理整合起来,老师根据课文六幅图的常见伤害场景提问,学生可参考Integrating skills的普通伤害处理作答也可以自由发挥;接着根据Listening中的内容,设计几个句子让学生判断正误并改正,同样以问答的方式进行;在Speaking 中,学生之间用所给句型就家庭安全须知问答,最后在Homework中让学生辩论“在学校是否该上急救课”等。几乎每一部分都采取问答形式完成。听说活动由易到难,循序渐进。整个教学过程主要运用英语口语进行交流。目的是训练学生通过听英语获取信息的能力,拓展学生的思维与想象能力,培养学生语言组织、表达能力和合作交流、创新交际能力。多媒体教学,用图片直观地呈现日常生活中受伤场景以及家庭中存在的安全隐患,让学生得到教育,提高其安全意识。教学活动以教材为载体,以学生为中心,学生参与活动贯穿始终;学生既有个人活动,又有小组活动和班级活动。把学生学习英语的兴趣充分激发起来,提高


Teaching Important Points(教学重点):

1. Improve the students’ listening ability.

2. Train the students’ speaking ability.

Teaching Difficult Points(教学难点):

1. How to develop the students’ imagination and help them finish the speaking practice.

2. How to improve the students’ listening and speaking abilities.

Teaching Methods(教学方法):

1.Asking-and-answering activity to improve the students’ listening&speaking abilities.

2. Individual, pair (group) work and class work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Aids(教具):

1. a multimedia

2. a computer

3. a blackboard

Teaching Procedures (教学过程)(40 minutes) :

StepⅠLeading in

T: Good morning, everyone!

Ss: Good morning, Miss Li!

T: When you have your finger cut and you’re bleeding, what would you do first?

Ss: We have to stop the bleeding first.

T: Very well. Today we’re going to talk something about first aid. Here are our goals(Show teaching aims on the screen.). In this class, we’ll mainly practise speaking and listening about first aid, which is very important to us. If we know some knowledge of giving first aid, we can help people in an emergency, even save one’s life. Now can you tell me what first aid is?

Ss: First aid is to give a person medical treatment before we find a doctor.

T: Quite right. First aid is the science of giving medical care to a person before a doctor can be found. When you’re giving first aid, if you want to get help, you must remember some emergency telephone numbers. Do you know the emergency numbers for ambulance, Fire Department, police? Ss:Yes. Ambulance: 120, Fire Department: 119, Police: 110

Ste pⅡWarming up

T: Good! Now I’ll show you some pictures about common injuries. And I’d like you to talk about what we should do in these situations and how to prevent them happening (Show some pictures about the accidents on the screen).

1. (Show picture 1: Drowning)

T: What should we do with drowning?

S1: First check to see if he or she is breathing. If not, try to start his or her breathing at once.

T:Do you agree with him/her?


T:How should we prevent it happening?

S2: We can learn to swim. Do n’t swim alone. Never swim in dangerous waters.

T: Good ideas. (Show picture 2: Car accident) Can we pull the person out of the car?

Ss: No, never pull him or her out of the car. Find enough people to lift the car safely and take her to hospital as quickly as you can.

T:How to avoid car accidents? Can we use cellphone when riding a bike?

Ss: No.

T: Can we run in the streets?

Ss: No. We must follow the traffic rules and be careful. Don’t run in the streets.

T: Very good! (Show picture 3: Burns) How should we deal with burns?

S3: Cool the area of skin with cold water for a few minutes. Cover the wound with a loose bandage or a piece of dry clean cloth. See a doctor if the person is badly burnt

T:And how to prevent them happening?

S4: Never play with fire. Be careful with gas. Make sure that all the electric wires are safe.

T: That’s good advice. (Show picture 4: Bleeding)When we see someone bleeding, what can we do to help him or her?

S5: Try to stop the bleeding. Press a handkerchief onto the bleeding point and hold it there. Hold up the part of bleeding body if possible.

T: I agree with you. Then how to avoid it?

S6: We ought to be careful enough when doing anything.

T: Right. (Show picture 5: Cuts) How should we deal with cuts?

S7: For a simple cut, just wash the area of cut, dry it and cover it with a piece of dry clean cloth. If the cut is serious, we must stop the bleeding. Press a handkerchief onto the bleeding point and hold it there.

T: What should we do to prevent them?

S8: Don’t play with the knife or other sharp objects (things).

T:(Show picture 6: Choking) How about this situation?

Ss: Drink some water or eat some soup. Make the food down by patting him on the back.

T: How should we prevent it?

Ss: Never eat too fast. Don’t talk or laugh when eating.

Ste pⅢ. Listening

T: You all did a good job. Next let’s do some listening. (Show the following sentences on the screen). Please read through these sentences quickly.

1) Harry’s leg was bitten by a dog yesterday morning.

2) His father did some first aid before taking him to the hospital.

3) The girl only drank a bit of ink.

4) The girl’s mother forg ot to bring the bottle with her when they saw a doctor.

(A moment later) Listen to the two short dialogues carefully and decide “True(T) or False (F)”(Play MP3). (After listening) Look at Sentence1, True or false?

S9:It’s true.

S10:No,I think it was yesterday evening not morning that the dog bit Harry’s leg. So it is false.

T: Yes, you’re right. It is false. What about the second sentence?

S11: It’s true.

T: Correct. And the third one?

S12:It is false.

T: Do you agree with him/her?

Ss: No, i t’s true.

T:Yes, i t’s right. What about the last sentence?

Ss: It’s false.

T: Exactly.

Suggested answers: 1) F 2)T 3)T 4)F

Ste pⅣ. Speaking

T: Accidents happen. In our house, there are also some dangerous things. Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and the useful expressions, make a dialogue, talking about what we should do and shouldn’t do at home? (Show the useful expressions and some pictures about dangerous things at home on the screen)

T: (A few minutes later) Are you ready?

Ss: Yes.

T: Ok, I’ll ask some pairs to act out your dialogues before the class.

Ss: (The students act out the dialogues) Pair1, Pair2 …

T: Good! Well done! A good job. Thank you…. Now let’s look at the suggested dialogue (Show the suggested dialogue on the screen). The people on my left act as A and the ones on my right act as B. Read aloud the dialogue.

Suggested dialogue:

Ste pⅤSummary and Homework

T: Today, we’ve talk about how to do first aid and how to prevent accidents happening. This is quite helpful to us. We should try to remember them. After class, do the homework:

1. Debate “Do you think it necessary to offer a course on how to give first aid in middle schools?”

2. Surf the Internet for more information about first aid.

3. Preview the reading passage and learn more about first aid.

That’s all for today. Thank you!

Ste pⅥThe Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Record after TeachingⅦ(课后教学反思):


高二英语第八单元First Aid的第一节课是听说训练课。我把Warming up的图片与Integrating skills常见事故处理进行整合,让整个单元的内容联系得更加紧密。从收获来说,我觉得本节课用提问形式进行话题导入比较好,上课一开始就调动了学生的参与意识;使用多媒体手段,直观、形象地创设事故情景,让学生自由发挥想象力,描述在遇到这些紧急情况应怎么处理,怎样避免这些事故的发生以及如何消除家庭安全隐患;学生学习运用了“应该做什么,不应该做什么”的表达方法,编写对话并进行情景表演,激发了学生的兴趣,活跃了课堂气氛,吸引了学生的学习注意力,培养了学生的思维能力、想象能力、理解能力、语言组织和表达能力以及合作交流、创新交际能力。整个教学活动都以教材为载体,以学生为中心,学生参与活动贯穿始终。学生既有个人活动,又有小组活动和班级活动,调动了学生学习英语的积极性,提高了课堂效率。不足之处是课堂上学生在看图说话时,情绪显得紧张、拘谨,影响了他们的正常发挥。进行听力训练时,有些学生听不太懂,如果多听一遍听力材料,效果会更好。

高二英语选修7 unit2教案

Unit 2 Robots I.单元教学目标 II.目标语言

III.教材分析与教材重组 1.教材分析 本单元以机器人和科幻小说为话题,介绍了20世纪世界知名的科幻小说家Isaac Asimov写于1951的Satisfaction Guaranteed 和作者的生平。通过本单元的教学,旨在让学生了解科幻小说最大的特征在于,它赋予了“幻想”依靠科技在未来得以实现的极大可能,甚至有些“科学幻想”在多年以后,的确在科学上成为了现实。如Isaac Asimov1951年描述的机器人的部分功能已经被应用于现实生活和工作中。在教学中,要鼓励学生敢于幻想,大胆创新,发挥自己丰富的想象力和创作力,写出独具特色的科幻文章。 1.1 WARMING UP介绍了什么是机器人,和不同种类及不同形状的机器人。 1.2 PRE-READING 通过讨论机器人是否像人类一样有自己的思维,是否有感 情引出Isaac Asimov的科幻小说Satisfaction Guaranteed。为本单元的

READING做好了铺垫。 1.3 READING课文是Isaac Asimov写于1951的科幻小说Satisfaction Guaranteed。文中描述的机器人Tony是一个除去面无表情外,身材高大,相貌英俊,聪明机智的完美男人。仅三周的时间就使女主人坠入爱河。1.4 COMPREHENDING共有2部分,第一部分是关于课文内容的5个问答题, 旨在考察学生对课文的理解。第二部分要求学生比较机器人Tony在 physical, mental, emotional 三方面与人的异同。与PRE-READING 部分的问题相呼应。 1.5 LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE 分为两部分,Discovering useful words and expressions是本单元词汇练习题;Discovering useful structures是本单元语法练习题,通过本单元的学习,要求学生熟练掌握不定式的被动语态。 1.6 USING LANGUAGE分为两部分,Listening ,discussing and writing部分内 容是Molly 和Kate 讨论Satisfaction Guaranteed的对话录音,要求学生根据对话内容学会运用表达自己观点的常用句型。这部分教学内容还要求学生以机器人为话题,充分发挥自己的想象力,谈论机器人做家务的利与弊。 并且要求自己动手设计机器人,附上文字说明。Reading and discussing 部分的内容是科幻小说家Isaac Asimov的生平介绍。文章后附有练习题。第一题要求学生根据时间线,了解在作者生命中发生的重要事件。第二、三题要求学生讨论Isaac Asimov的“机器人三定律”。 2. 教材重组 2.1 将WARMING UP 、PRE-READINGR、READING与COMPREHENDING 放在一起上一节阅读课。 2.2 把LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE 和WORKBOOK 的Using words and expressions及Using structures整合在一起上一节词汇语法。 2.3 根据USING LANGUAGE内容上一节听说读写综合技能课。 2.4 将WORKBOOK 的Listening 和Reading task 设计为一节阅读课写作课。 2.5 将WORKBOOK的Speaking task, Listening task和Writing task 整合在一 起上一节综合技能课。 3. 课型设计与课时分配(经教材分析,本单元可以用5课时教完) 1st Period Reading


人教版高中英语教案范文合集大全 英语(English)是印欧语系-日耳曼语族下的语言,由26个字母组成,英文字母渊源于拉丁字母,拉丁字母渊源于希腊字母,而希腊字母则是由腓尼基字母演变而来的。下面是小编为大家准备以下的内容,希望对你们有所帮助,人教版高中英语教案范文合集大全一 教学准备 教学目标 1. 知识与技能目标 (1)通过阅读有关曼哈顿的艺术博物馆加深对博物馆的了解和认识。提高阅读能力同时学习有关介绍博物馆的相关词汇和表达,并能在特定语境中合理运用。 (2)通过扮演导游对感兴趣的博物馆进行介绍,提高学生的英语口头表达能力同时掌握本单元教学目标和要求中的词汇用法。 (3)通过提供相关词汇进行对潍坊本地的博物馆(潍坊风筝博物馆、杨家埠民间艺术大观园)写一个宣传广告,提高学生的英语写作能力。 2. 过程与方法目标 (1)通过展现曼哈顿以及曼哈顿五个艺术馆的相关图片激发学生的学习兴趣,并激发学生头脑中相关的背景知识为节课做热身。 (2)通过阅读课文利用Skimming 和Scanning阅读技能找到每个艺术馆的地理位置、艺术特色等相关信息,提高分析处理英文信息的能力。通过寻找描述每个艺术馆的关键词培养学生的归纳总结信息的能力,同时为下一个扮演导游介绍艺术馆的活动做铺垫,提供相关的语言词汇铺垫。 (3)通过提供相关词汇进行对潍坊本地的博物馆(潍坊风筝博物馆、杨家埠民间艺术大观园)写一个宣传广告,提高学生的英语写作能力。 3. 情感、态度、价值观目标 通过学习,使学生了解世界的艺术馆,培养学生的文化意识和对艺术的兴趣。同时激发学生对家乡的自豪感和热爱之情。

教学重难点 教学重点:阅读课文、运用文中相关词汇进行说和写的活动以提高学生读、写、说的能力。 教学难点:在说和写的过程中如何运用相关词汇和表达方式来正确、准确、有效的介绍各个艺术馆的特点。 教学过程 (一)展示学习目标与小组评价规则 (二)“导入” 展示曼哈顿的相关图片,展示课文中出现的5个艺术馆的图片及名字。 (三) Fast reading 快速扫读课文 (四)Detailed Reading: 详细阅读 (五)Challenge your speaking(口语能力提升) 提供参考词汇:Welcome to … This museum is locat ed in… It displays(展出) art works in… centuries of …countries, including … It will appeal to… You shouldn’t miss… (六)Challenge your writing (英语写作能力提升) Watch the videos and then write an advertisement to introduce one of the museums in Weifang. within80 words 写作参考词汇:潍坊世界风筝博物馆(Weifang World Kite Museum) 杨家埠民间艺术大观园(Yangjiabu Folk Art Museum) kite 风筝wood-print new year pictures木板年画be located in 位于…is famous/well-known for …因…而出名it displays/shows…展出 Here you can enjoy… 在这里你可以欣赏到… artist 艺术家appeal to 吸引tourist 游客it’s well worth a visit 很值得参观 (七)成果展示


外研版高中英语必修8 全册教学设计教案

目录 Module 1 Deep South Period II Module 1 Deep South Period III Module 1 Deep South Period IV Module 1 Deep South Period V Module 1 Deep South Period VI Module 1 Deep South Period Ⅰ Module 1《Deep South》 Module 2 The Renaissance--cultural corner and task Module 2 The Renaissance--function and grammar Module 2 The Renaissance--reading and vocabulary 1 Module 2 The Renaissance--reading practice Module 2 The Renaissance--Vocabulary and writing Module 2 The Renaissance--word list and introduction Module 3 Foreign Food--function and grammar Module 3 Foreign Food--reading and vocabulary Module 3 Foreign Food--reading practice Module 3 Foreign Food--vocabulary and writing Module 3 Foreign Food--word list and introduction Module 4 Which English--Cultural corner Module 4 Which English--Grammar Module 4 Which English--Introduction Module 4 Which English--Listening Everyday English Speaking Module 4 Which English--Reading and Vocabulary Module 4 Which English--Reading Practice Module 4 Which English--Speaking-Reading and Vocabulary (2)-Writing-Task Module 5 The Conquest of the Universe-- Introduction Reading and speaking Module 5 The Conquest of the Universe-- Listening Everyday English Speaking Module 5 The Conquest of the Universe-- Reading and Vocabulary Module 5 The Conquest of the Universe--Grammar Module 5 The Conquest of the Universe--Reading and Vocabulary (2) Writing Task Module 5 The Conquest of the Universe--Reading Practice Module 6 《War and Peace-grammer》 Module 6《The Tang Poems-Introduction》 Module 6《The Tang Poems-Language Points》 Module 6《The Tang Poems-Reading and writing》


选修八Unit4 Pygmalion Period3 Grammar 一、教学内容分析 分词作状语是高考考查的热点和重要考点,其热点考查内容如下: 过去分词兼有动词?副词和形容词的特征。过去分词作状语时,表示被动的或已完成的动作,在句中可作时间?原因?条件?让步?方式?伴随状语等。掌握过去分词作状语可从以下几个方面考虑。 二、教学重、难点 1.过去分词作状语的构成; 2.过去分词的不规则变化的识记; 3.复习独立主格; 4.过分分词作状语与现在分词作状语的区别。 三、教学过程 Step1: lead in The teacher walked into the office, followed by a few students.(伴随或方式状语) Seen from a distance, the mountain looked like an elephant.(时间或条件状语) Step2:presentation 1. 过去分词作状语时与句子的主语的关系 1)过去分词作状语时,过去分词与主句中的主语形成逻辑上的被动关系,有时也表示动作已完成。例如:Seen in the dark night,lights on top of tall buildings look like stars in the sky. (seen表示被动,分词的动作与谓语动词的动作同时发生) Scolded by the teacher,the girl began to cry. 被老师责怪,女孩哭了起来。(scolded表示被动且动作已完成) 2)有些过去分词已经形成了系表结构,因此他们作状语时与主句的主语之间是逻辑上的主动关系,但仍然用过去分词形式。例如: Lost in thought,she nearly ran into a tree. 陷入沉思,她差点撞到树上。 (lost意为“迷失的”,与逻辑主语连接起来相当于Because she was lost…,作原因状语)与lost类似的过去分词还有disappointed,dressed,determined,devoted,tired,exhausted,prepared,seated,


高二下册英语教案新人教版 教学目标1. think more ab out the relationship between science and nature. 2. describe some items and atmosphere with scien tific terms. 3. express their opinions on cloned animals and humans as well. 4. develop an interest in doing more reading and research on the topic. 教学重点Words , phrases and sentence patterns 教学难点Practical usage 教具Blackboard , slides and handouts 教学内容教法学法 Teaching procedures: Step 1 Lead in (PPT 4-7) Play a dialogue about height-increasing operations and ask students to fill in the blanks. After checking the answers, allow some time for students to freely express their opinions on height-increasing operations, thus introduce the major topic “science versus nature”。 [Explanation] 用一段有关增高术的听力引入主题,主要是考虑到这一切入点与实际生活较为贴近,比较容易让学生有话说,作为人类利用科学对自然的东西做出改变的一个典型例子可以顺其自然得引入本课主题。 Step 2 Science versus nature (PPT 8)


高二英语教案全套Unit1 Making a difference I.

Aims and demands: https://www.sodocs.net/doc/8a18034575.html,nguage aims: New words: genius, inspiration, perspiration, quote, mind, curious, gravity, radioactivity, outer space Phrases: be on fire for, be similar to 2. language skills: Talk about scientists and their contributions; talk about the meaning of these quotes; listen to the tape and write down the main information 3. Emotion aim: learn from these great scientists and their scientific spirit 4. Strategy aims: to some extent, promote students’abilities of listening and speaking, enlarge their vocabulary Focus and difficulty Focus: Learn and master new words and phrases: encourage students to talk about the scientists they know; make students focus on listening and take some notes Difficulty: Impro ve the students’listening ability; master new words and phrases Teaching Methods: 1.Warming up to arouse the students’ interest in science. 2.Listening-and-answering activity to help the students go through the listening material. 3.Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class. Teaching Aids: multimedia,. a tape recorder, .the blackboard Teaching Procedures: Step I Warming up Task 1 (class work) words presentation on the blackboard genius, inspiration, perspiration, quote, mind, curious, be on fire for, be similar to, fear Task 2 (group work) competition T: Who made great contributions to society and science? What great scientists do you know? And what are they famous for? Ss: Maria Curie radium and polonium Zhang Heng seismograph. Charles Darwin The Theory of Evolution Thomas Alva Edison the light bulb. Albert Einstein The Theory of Relativity Task 3 (group work) Learning quotes T: Who are they on the screen? Ss: Albert Einstein, Maria Curie, Thomas Alva Edison T: Whom do you think these quotes are from? Do you know what they mean? S:I think it is from Edison. It means that if we make great efforts to do sth, we’ll succeed. And no matter how clever he is, a person will fail if he doesn’t try his best. I n Chinese, it means 天才就是百分之九十九的汗水加上百分之一的灵感。 S: It is from Einstein. It means if you want to succeed, it’s more important for you to have imagination than knowledge. In Chinese, it means 想象力比知识更重要。 S: It is from Madame Curie. It means there are only things to be understood in the world, while

高中英语选修8 unit 4教案

一、词汇拓展 1.适应,改编v.____________;适应,改编本n.____________;能适应的adj.___ __________ 2.误会n. &v.________;(过去式)________;(过去分词)________;错误的adj.________ 3.恐怖,恐惧n.__________;可怕的,恐怖的adj.__________;可怕地adv.__________ 4.犹豫,踌躇v._________________;犹豫,迟疑n.________________ 5 编排,分类v._____________;编排,分类n._____________ 6.使作呕,反感,厌恶v.________;使人反感的adj.________;感到反感的adj.________ 7. ___________ n. 舒适; 安慰vt. 安慰_____________ adj. 不舒服的; 不安的 8. _______n. 羊毛; 毛线; 毛织品_______ adj. 毛纺的; 纯毛的 9. ________ adj. 经典的n. 经典著作_______ adj. 古典的, 典雅的, 经典的 二、短语(从Reading 1 和 Reading 2 中找出以下短语) 1. (某人)冒充…____________________ 2. 结识,与…相见___________________ 3. 惊愕地_________________________ 4. 一般来说________________________ 5. 就…来说,从…角度 ______________ 6. 带…进来________________________ 7. 几天前 _________________________ 8. 带走,拿走_____________________ 9. 需要 _____________________ 10.透露身份,显露(本来面目)____________ 11. 伪装, 乔装 _________________ 12. 毫不犹豫 ____________________ 13. 把..误认为 _________________ 14. 要是…怎么办 ________________ 15. 优于… _____________________ 16. 打赌 ________________________ 17. 注定… _____________________ 18. 使…相信… ___________________ 19.采取有效措施 _____________________ 20. 根据…把..分类 ________________ 21. (声音、画面)逐渐模糊_____________ 22.用…的声音___________________ 23.自以为是 _______________________ 24. 移交 ______________________ 三、语言点 1. adaptation n. 改编本;适应性 adaptation to 对……的适应 adapt vt.使适应(合);修改,改编 vi. (to)适应 adapt oneself to 使适应;使适合 1)这部戏剧是一部短篇小说的改编本。 ___________________________________________________________. 2)动物对环境的适应是相当慢的。 ___________________________________________________________. 3)He tried hard to______________________(使自己适应) the new conditions. 4)He made a quick ____________________(适应) the new environment. 5)When they moved to Canada, the children _____________(适应) the change very well. 2. hesitate vi. 犹豫;踌躇 (1)hesitate to do sth.迟疑做某事,不愿做某事 hesitate about/in/at/over (doing) sth.(做)某事犹豫不决 hesitate about+疑问词+to do sth.做某事犹豫不决 (2)hesitation n.踌躇,犹豫 without hesitation毫不犹豫地 have no hesitation in doing sth.毫不犹豫地做某事


【今日任务知会于心】 1.熟悉英语知识体系,了解英语学习计划; 2.掌握教材的单词与短语; 3.掌握英语五大基本句型; 4.熟练阅读技巧——先题后文,速找答案。 【课前热身小试牛刀】 1、考查前段时间记的词汇。 2、划出下列句子的句子成分。 (1)Today is Sunday. (2)I am waiting for his feedback. (3)Call me Mike, please. (4)They were very excited when I told them the results of the exam. (5)Today the computer has become the most popular means of communication in all of the United States. 【知识精讲讲练结合】 一、高中英语知识体系(详见附页思维导图) 二、词汇大演练:(见书本) ****【提示】听写必修一Unit 1的单词与短语 三、语法专项——五大基本句型 1、句子: (1)概念:词素——词——词组——分句——句子

(2)句子成分:主语Subject;谓语Predicate;表语Predicative; 宾语Object;定语Attribute;状语Adverbial; 补语Complement 【注】每个成分分别由哪些词性可以充当? (3)句子分类: A 按照用途划分:陈述句;疑问句;祈使句;感叹句 B 按照结构划分:简单句;并列句;复合句 2、简单句的五大基本句型: (1)基本句型一:S + vi. 主语+不及物动词 e.g. The rain stopped. Everyone laughed. The old man walks in the park. 【注】“there + be(vi.)+S…”也属于这一类句型。 e.g. There is some milk in the bottle . There comes the bus . (2)基本句型二:S + lv. + P 主语+连系动词+表语 e.g. My sister is a nurse . I feel quite hungry . The ball is under the desk. 【注】在此类句型中,连系动词除了be动词外,还有其他一些动词: A、表感官的动词:feel, smell, taste, sound, look, appear, seem等; B、表转变、变化的动词:go, become, turn, get, grow等; C、表瞬间的动词:come, fall, set, cut, occur等; D、表延续的动词:remain, keep, seem, hold, stay, rest等; E、其他动词:eat, lie, prove, ring, run, stand等。 特别值得注意的是,“It …”句式也属于此种类型。 It + be + adj. / n. + to do … It + be + adj. / n. + for / of + sb. + to do … e.g. It is easy for us to finish the project in two days.


人教版高中英语必修三 unit 2 healthy eating教学设计 (一)教学内容分析 这是一篇介绍“饮食习惯”的文章,包括传统饮食习惯的改变日常饮食选择,旨在让学生明白健康的饮食习惯的养成是拥有健康体魄的前提。本篇文章生词量较大标题较抽象,各段主题句分布不太明显(大部分分布在段落中间)。且大部分学生对饮食与健康的关系(如人体每天必须摄入的六种基本营养成分的来源、健康饮食的重要性、什么是绿色食品等)了解较少。因此,本文的学习难度较大。 (二)教学目标 1. 语言知识目标: a)使学生了解protein, calcium等基本营养成分的来源和主要功能,健康的饮食习惯是健康的保证,以及素食主义等信息。 b)学习掌握有关营养成分与食物的词汇,如:protein、calcium 、carbohydrate 、fibre、mineral、 vitamin 、vegetarian & vegan、 green food and clean food 、eco-food and organic food等,以及 keep up with ,the same goes for?以及as 和only 引导的倒装句的用法。 2. 语言技能目标: a)使学生学会克服生词障碍,通过略读,寻找文章的主题句,理清文章的总体框架与脉络;通过查读,捕捉文章的重要细节,理解作者的写作意图。 b) 使学生学会运用各种猜词技巧,猜测部分生词在具体的语言环境的含义。 c) 使学生能够运用所学知识,用英语为自己所熟悉的一个人设计一份“healthy diet”,并阐明设计的依据。 3.情感态度与文化意识目标: a)使学生学会审视自己、审视食物,提高养成健康饮食习惯的意识。 b)使学生懂得:健康是做好一切事情的根本。要想有强健的体魄,除了合理安排好一天的生活以外,还需要有科学、卫生的饮食习惯,每天一定量的体育活动和体力劳动。青少年必须有健康的身体,长大以后才能成为一位具有现代科学文化,适合时代要求的合格劳动者。 c)使学生学会关心他人,体贴他人,并养成较强的合作意识。 d)让学生了解一些不同的饮食观念及主张,加深对世界饮食文化的了解,弘扬中华民族饮食文化的精髓,培养爱国主义精神。 (三)教学重点和难点: 1.重点 1)让学生认识到饮食对健康的重要影响。 2)侧重培养学生对文章的整体性结构的把握,突出培养学生以下3个方面的能力: a.文章中心把握能力。 b.根据主题快速捕捉文章重点细节的能力。 c.猜词能力。 3)重点掌握有关营养成分与食物的词汇,特别是人体每天必须摄入的六种基本营养成分的词汇以及这些营养成分的来源和主要功能。 2.难点 1) 如何使学生养成科学的阅读习惯,提高阅读理解能力和语言水平。 2) 如何使学生学会提取、筛选和重组文章中关于健康饮食的信息,并灵活运用于语言实践中,达到语言实践能力的扩展与提高。 二、教学方法与教材处理 1.任务型语言教学法


Unit four Pygmalion The First Period Warming up 一.Aims: Teaching goals 教学目标 1. Target language目标语言: 重点词汇和短语adaptation, plot, professor, Pygmalion 2. Ability goals能力目标 Enable the students to talk about the Greek story Pygmalion 二.Contents: Ask Students to look at a group of three pictures and try to describe them in their own words. T: Yes, today we are going to learn about a Greek story Pygmalion. First, look at the pictures on page 28. Please work in pairs and work out the story. S1: Let me try. Pygmalion was a very gifted artist. He spent a long time making a stone statue of a beautiful woman. It was so beautiful that he couldn’t help loving it and wanted it to be his wife. T: What problems do you think they will have? S1: Maybe they can’t understand ea ch other, because they come from different world. S2: It’s very hard for Pygmalion to understand his wife, because his wife is made form a stone. She doesn’t know the words, behavior, anything about him.… Step III Discussion Make a brief introduction about Shaw. T: George Bernard Shaw, Irish dramatist, literary critic, a socialist spokesman, and a leading figure in the 20th century theater. Shaw was a freethinker, defenders of women’s rights, and advocate of equality of income,. In 1925 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. Shaw accepted the honor, but refused the money. He was a very humorous playwright. Here is a story about him. One day, Shaw took part in a grand party, in which he met the then Prime Minister Churchill. Churchill was very fat at that time whereas Shaw was very thin. Churchill said to Shaw very sharply, “When people see you, they will know how poor your country is”. And then Shaw answered very quickly, “When people see you, they will know the reason why our country is so poor.” Fro m it we can see how witty Shaw is!

人教版高中英语选修八Unit 1第5课时(语法)教案

高二英语选修8 Unit 1 第五课时using language Teaching goals: Enable the ss to learn about how to write a diary. Find the places mentioned in the text. Part 1 Reading and answering Quickly read Geoge’s diary. He wrote this part of his diary when he was in San Francisco. Write the things he saw in these days. ?Monday 12th, June: ?Tuesday 13th,June: ?Wednesday 14th, June 1.able car:When was it invented?who?why? 2.sherman’s wharf the district_____________________________ Array It is a tourist area_____________________________ the place________________________________ 3.chinatown Name the things that visitors can do in it. 4.Angel Island Part 2 Language points 1.Teamed up with a couple from my hotel. team up with: make an effort in cooperation with; work together with Translate:

高二英语选修7 Unit5教案

Unit 5 Travelling abroad I.单元教学目标

III. 教材分析与教材重组 1. 教材分析 本单元以travelling abroad为话题,旨在通过单元教学,使学生了解在国外旅行或学习时可能会遇到的一些问题,并学会怎样去解决问题和避免这样问题的发生。学会表达和支持个人观点,能用所学的有关travelling abroad的词汇描述在国外居住生活的情况,在国外旅游时能根据所给的信息选择恰当的旅游线路,能推测什么事情可能会发生,哪种情况不会发生,会正确使用非限制性定于从句。 1.1W ARMING UP 提供了四个有关旅行的问题,让学生用已有的知识和经验讨论在国外居住或旅行会遇到什么问题,并且该如何来解决这 些问题。 1.2 PRE-READING是READING的热身活动。提供了两个问题,它要求采用与同学讨论交流的方式谈论在国外学习的利与弊,激发同学们的学习兴趣。 1.3 READING是一篇介绍中国女孩谢蕾在伦敦学习的情况。使学生对比在国内学习与在国外学习的不同。Try to understand some of the benefits and difficulties she has in London. 1.4 COMPREHENDING 练习1通过四个问题来检查学生对课文的细节的理解。 练习2以图表的形式来分析在国外学习的利与弊。 练习3设置了五个讨论题,通过这些话题的谈论,挖掘文章的深层含义,激活学生自身的认知能力和思想认识能力。 练习4是概括能力训练题,在理解的基础上,重点训练学生的概括能力。 1.5 LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE分词汇和语法两部分。其中,Discovering useful words and expressions是训练学生在语境中掌握词汇的能力,帮助学生加强动词变化形式的意识。Revising useful structures 是关于非限制性定于从句,旨在训练学生对定语从句的理解、掌握和运用,并通过语法练习加以巩固。 1.8 USING LANGUAGE中的第一部分Listening要求学生先根据秘鲁的地图谈论有关秘鲁这个国家的一些情况, 然后完成三个相应的任务型练习。首先是要求学生在听第一遍时能完成听力练习1的任务,即:选择那些是Lia喜欢做


最新人教版高中英语备课教案 英语(English)是印欧语系-日耳曼语族下的语言,由26个字母组成,英文字母渊源于拉丁字母,拉丁字母渊源于希腊字母,而希腊字母则是由腓尼基字母演变而来的.下面就是小编给大家带来的人教版高中英语备课教案,希望能帮助到大家! 高中英语教案1:《Unit 1 Art》 教学准备 教学目标 1. 知识与技能目标 (1)通过阅读有关曼哈顿的艺术博物馆加深对博物馆的了解和认识.提高阅读能力同时学习有关介绍博物馆的相关词汇和表达,并能在特定语境中合理运用. (2)通过扮演导游对感兴趣的博物馆进行介绍,提高学生的英语口头表达能力同时掌握本单元教学目标和要求中的词汇用法. (3)通过提供相关词汇进行对潍坊本地的博物馆(潍坊风筝博物馆、杨家埠民间艺术大观园)写一个宣传广告,提高学生的英语写作能力. 2. 过程与方法目标 (1)通过展现曼哈顿以及曼哈顿五个艺术馆的相关图片激发学生的学习兴趣,并激发学生头脑中相关的背景知识为节课做热身. (2)通过阅读课文利用Skimming 和 Scanning阅读技能找到每个艺术馆的地理位置、艺术特色等相关信息,提高分析处理英文信息的能力.通过寻找描述每个艺术馆的关键词培养学生的归纳总结信息的能力,同时为下一个扮演导游介绍艺术馆的活动做铺垫,提供相关的语言词汇铺垫. (3)通过提供相关词汇进行对潍坊本地的博物馆(潍坊风筝博物馆、杨家埠民间艺术大观园)写一个宣传广告,提高学生的英语写作能力. 3. 情感、态度、价值观目标 通过学习,使学生了解世界的艺术馆,培养学生的文化意识和对艺术的兴趣.同时激发学生对家乡的自豪感和热爱之情. 教学重难点 教学重点:阅读课文、运用文中相关词汇进行说和写的活动以提高学生读、写、


Unit 3 Inventors and inventions The First Period Reading Teaching goals教学目标 1. Target language目标语言 a. 重点词汇和短语 patent, distinguish, product, power, perfume, cube, abrupt, abruptly, convenient, expectation, monitor, passive, criterion, valid, application, file, rod, call up, now and then, set about, in case 2. Ability goals Enable the students to describe the problem of the snakes and what has been done by the writer to solve the problem. 3. Learning ability goals Help the students to learn how to retell the story and how to meet the requirements of getting a patent. 4. Emotional goals Make the students try to be good at discovering some useful things and realize that it’s not easy to get a patent. Teaching important points 教学重点 To get the main idea of the whole passage and each parts. Teaching difficult points 教学难点 Learn how to meet the requirements of getting a patent. Teaching methods 教学方法 Reading and Task-based activities. Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式 Step Ⅰ warming up Deal with the part of warming up and ask the students to find out the definitions of discovery and an invention, and their differences. An invention is something that is created by a human being, such as the lightning rod. To the contrary, a discovery merely makes known something that already existed in nature, such as the discovery on the New Continent by Columbia. Step Ⅱ Pre-reading
