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Good afternoon everyone! I am Lauren.

It’s my great honor to be here to give my speech to you. The title of my speech today is "Family".

“Family”,what a warm word. Every time I think of it, I’ll feel that my body is full of energy and that no matter what has happened to me, I can still move on optimisticly.

I think that most of people have the same feeling as me and we all have great affection for our family. But ladies and gentlemen, do you really understand the meaning of the family?

George Santayana once said, “The family is one of nature's masterpieces.”

First of all, as we all know, the simple word “family” represents that father and mother I love you. When we are little children, we used to express our love to our parents frequently by this sentence. However, when we grow up, seldom do we say it to them because we feel awkward to express our love directly to our parents. But we know that we never stop love them and love our family.

I think family means more. To different people , the word may have different meanings.

To me, firstly, I think it means duty.

Not as the same size as the common Chinese family, there are four

members in my family; father, mother, my little brother and I. Now, let me introduce my parents to you. My father is a tall man, who is a foreman that supervises others when they are working. My morther is a beautiful lady, who is a shopkeeper that has a small store.

For the most part of the year, my father has to work far away from home. And I can only meet him few times except holidays during a year because basically, I am in school and my father is too busy to come back home frequently. As I have introduced to you, I have a little brother who is only 8 years old, so the burden that my parents bear on their shoulders to bring up our family is much heavier. Being the main breadwinner in ou family, my father has to go to different places to get the work to earn money to support our family. Father once told me that “It’s man’s duty.”

I don’t know what it mean because I was young at that moment. But now I can understand it profoundly.

“A king realizing his incompetence, can either delegate or abdicate his duties. A father can do neither.”

I think the sentence that Marlene Dietrich said is really profound opinion .

So, in my opinion, duty is the essential part of a family. Secondly, I think family means protection. When we are in our

childhood, we used to let our little hand be hold by our parents

and what we need to do was just follow in the footsteps of them happily. We all know that it’s easy for a little child to feel afraid of everything unknown, so we always want to be with their parents. We want them to protect us against anything harmful to us. We know that the place where they stay in is certain to be the safest place. “Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible

—the kind of atmosphere that is found in a nurturing family.”Virginia Stair said.

Home is the best place in the world. And Family is the warmest word in the world. We ask for much from our family when we are young, but now most of us have been the adult,

so it is time for everyone of us who talk about family values to start valuing families.

Come on , guys, Let’s told all of our family members that I love you and i love our family,

Thank you for taking time to listen to my speech, ladies and gentleman. Thank you.


10分钟英语演讲稿3篇 能用中国话把演讲稿演绎得酣畅淋漓固然是本事,但用一口流利的英语仍能让人们感受到最强烈的震撼,又是另一种本领。小编为大家整理了10分钟英语演讲稿3篇,欢迎大家阅读。 10分钟英语演讲稿篇1 In the matter of courage we all have our limits. there never was a hero who did not have his bounds. i suppose it may be said of nelson and all the others whose courage has been advertised that there came times in their lives when their bravery knew it had come to its limit. I have found mine a good many times. sometimes this was expected--often it was unexpected. i know a man who is not afraid to sleep with a rattle-snake, but you could not get him to sleep with a safety-razor. I never had the courage to talk across a long, narrow room. i should be at the end of the room facing all the audience. if i attempt to talk across a room i find myself turning this way and that, and thus at alternate periods i have part of the audience behind me. you ought never to have any part of the audience behind you; you never can tell what they are going to do. I'll sit down.


英语演讲稿,中国传统文化 篇一:中国传统文化英语演讲 Hello everyone,today I want to say something about Chinese traditional culture . Our Chinese nation, with its industriousness and wisdom, has created a long and over-lasting history and a rich and colorful a Chinese,we are supposed to understand the traditional culture and realize its importance. First,what’s the Traditional Chinese Culture .Traditional Chinese Culture includes material and moral products of ancient Chinese people. The moral products involve Confucianism, Taoism, Legalism, Buddhism and social system. Material ones include historic and cultural relics, ancient architectures matter how broad Chinese culture is, the core of it is the moral. can get an answer to another should we learn Chinese traditional culture,or we can say what’s the value of Chinese traditional the core of Chinese traditional culture is the moral, it can help us solve three major problems we are facing nowadays:problems


一分钟英语演讲稿3篇 一分钟英语演讲稿篇1 Youth Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind ; it is not rosy cheeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshness ; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life . Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20 . Nobody grows old merely by a number of years . We grow old by deserting our ideals. Years wrinkle the skin , but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul . Worry , fear , self distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust . Whether 60 of 16 , there is in every human being s heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of whats next and the joy of the game of living . In the center of your heart and my heart theres a wireless station : so long as it receives messages of beauty , hope ,cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long as you are young . When the aerials are down , and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism,


关于中国文化的英语演讲稿 my view of culture globalization as is known to all, kung fu panda 2 was shown recently and soon became a hot topic in china. surprisingly, this american film shows bright chinese images such as kungfu and panda. this is a good example of culture globalization. but there are two entirely different attitudes towards it. some people think it demonstrates the increasing influence of chinese culture. others, however, incline to take the opposite point of view and regard it as an invasion of native culture resources. as for me, i tend to take an open attitude towards culture globalization. we can promote our own culture and meanwhile learn form other cultures, which is beneficial to all countries. finally, it is important to note that each culture has its own characteristics. with the evolving trend of culture globalization, we should be responsible for the development and spread of our national culture tradition. [关于中国文化的英语演讲稿]相关文章:


三分钟英文演讲稿五篇 下面我为大家整理三分钟英文演讲稿大全,欢迎参阅。 三分钟英文演讲稿篇一 Needless to say, money is not very important, but very very important. If there is no money, I can’t use this microphone to speak to you and we can’t have such a room to hold such a competition. Without money, we can’t study in such a schoolyard. Without money, we can’t live in such a hometown. Without money, we can’t have such a motherland. On the other hand, If there is no money, you don’t need to bear my speech about money now. Most of us have dreams about the future, dreams of having a good job and making much money. Surely someone has thought at times “If only I had a lot of money, I could be the happiest person in the world.” In fact it’s the main mistake that people make about money. However, is money the road to happiness? Not really! Many people work every day, work overtime, work weekends to make a lot of money. Are they happy? No. They are too busy making money.


一分钟英语演讲稿 一分钟英语演讲稿1 Beauty Hi everybody. Beauty usually refers to what appeals to the eye. A nice and well built girl is regarded as beautiful. A bunch of vigorous flowers are also considered as beautiful. A splendid waterfall coming down from a mountain is as well looked on as beautiful. Beauty also refers to what appeals to the mind. The virtue of the Chinese nation-industry and bravery are taken as beautiful, because it helped to produce such a magnificent culture in the world. Einstein’s theory of relativity is also perceived as beautiful, for it explains many natural phenomena so perfectly. Beauty is around us. If you keep an eye or pay some attention, it is never difficult to find something beautiful somewhere about you. Wonderful natural spots, historical relics,fine arts, splendid buildings, and kind people are just a few inches Thank you.


大学生英语3分钟演讲稿精选3篇 随着经济全球化进程的加快,英语演讲在各个领域的作用越来 越大。下面了大学生英语3分钟演讲稿3篇,供你参考。 The romantic love story——The film describes a love story between a harlot and a rich man. It is a fairy story about Cinderella of modern version. Being the he-ro-in-e in a fairy tale seems to be the dream of every girl since very young. All girls are looking forward to romantic love stories descending on them. The more impossible the love is going to happen, the happier the girl to be, which is definitely decided by the nature of girls. The most impressed things came to me in the film were the hero’s (Richard Gere) character. He was charming, a real confident man, so perfect, so charming, however, that didn’t make you think he was conceited or he was pretend to be attractive. As a matter of fact, he is an indeed gentleman, with a natural gentle manner. His charm actually es from his inner refinement. His personality is a great mag to me.In the meanwhile, the difference between a rude woman and elegant women are obviously high lightened in this film, which I has paid attention to for a long time.


弘中化传统文化,展学子风采尊敬的各位领导、老师,亲爱的同学们,大家好!我是来自五年级(5)班的王佳乐。今天,我要讲话的主题是:弘中化传统文化,展学子风采。 浩瀚苍穹,蔚蓝天空,孕育了华夏五千年古老璀璨的历史与文明。“路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索”,屈原追求真理的科学精神激励着多少中华儿女立志成才,报效祖国。“富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能屈”。孟子的教诲激励和成就了多少中华伟丈夫,民族大英雄。还有岳飞精忠报国的故事,林则徐虎门销烟的壮举,孙中山“天下为公”的胸怀,周恩来“为中华之崛起而读书”的信念,都让我们回想起中华民族一段又一段荡气回肠的历史。从古代的四大发明到如今的“神八”飞天,中国人演绎了多少了不起的神话! 梁启超先生早就说过:少年富则国富,少年强则国强。作为祖国未来接班人的我们,肩上的责任重大。因而加强文化素质教育,培养人文精神和科学精神,是青年全面发展的需要。而中华传统文化有着自强不息、厚德载物的优良传统,它以其强大的生命力培育了一代又一代的英才,为世界的发展做出了宝贵的贡献。因此我们有必要继承和发扬中国传统文化,让其指引着我们前进的方向。那么作为一名小学生应该如何最大限度地继承和发扬传统文化呢? 我们孝敬父母,用一杯淡淡的清茶,一句贴心的问候,

传承着中华民族的传统美德;我们尊敬师长,文明礼貌,处处体现着我们礼仪之邦的风范;我们努力学习,不断把自己培养成为具有高素质的创业型人才。虽然我们现在能做的只是一些简简单单的平凡之事,但是我坚信,润物细无声,终有一天,中华民族的传统文化一定会深入人心。 我们是华夏儿女,炎黄子孙,是中华民族的新一代。黄河在我们的血脉中流淌,长城让我们永远刚强,“神舟”载人飞船使我们的天地无限宽广。传承了五千年的民族文化,正等待我们去发扬光大。 “俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。”未来属于我们,世界属于我们,让我们在中华民族伟大精神的熏陶下,刻苦学习,顽强拼搏,时刻准备着为中华民族的伟大复兴而努力奋斗!我的演讲完毕,谢谢大家!


一分钟英语演讲稿 a helping hand 伸出援手 a man who lived in a block of apartments thought it was raining and put his head out the window to check. as he did so a glaeye fell into his hand. he looked up to see where it came from in time to see a young woman looking down. "is this yours?" he asked. she said, "yes, could you bring it up?" and the man agreed. on arrival she was profuse in her thanks and offered the man a drink. as she was very attractive he agreed. shortly afterwards she said, "i'm about to have dinner. there's plenty. would you like to join me?" he readily accepted her offer and both enjoyed a lovely meal. as the evening was drawing to a close the lady said, "i've had a marvelous evening. would you like to stay the night?" the man hesitated then said, "do you act like this with every man you meet?" "no," she replied, "only those who catch my eye." a place to sleep 睡觉的地方


中国传统文化英文演讲稿篇一:中国传统文化英语演讲 Hello everyone,today I want to say something about Chinese traditional culture . Our Chinese nation, with its industriousness and wisdom, has created a long and over-lasting history and a rich and colorful a Chinese,we are supposed to understand the traditional culture and realize its importance. First,what ' s the Traditional Chinese Culture .Traditional Chinese Culture includes material and moral products of ancient Chinese people. The moral products involve Confucianism, Taoism, Legalism, Buddhism and social system. Material ones include historic and cultural relics, ancient architectures matter how broad Chinese culture is, the core of it is the moral. can get an answer to another should we learn Chinese traditional culture,or we can say what ' s the value of Chinese traditional the core of Chinese traditional culture is the moral, it can help us solve three major problems we are facing nowadays:problems of survival between manand nature;crisis of confidence between Man and society;Psychological problems exist in people


短篇10分钟英语演讲稿 优秀英语演讲稿篇一 Foreign Investment Thanks to the open policy in China, more and more foreign businessmen have come to invest, building new factories, mines and other business enterprises, or enlarging and improving old ones. Foreign investment is important in that it supplements the economy of our country. It has the advantage of importing foreign capital, technology, talents, advanced equipment and methods of management. Ours is a country of vast territory, abounding in natural resources and labor force.Foreign investment can help to explore the resources and make use of the labor force, thus giving our strong points to play. In a word, foreign investment may improve our economy. Of course foreign investment is of mutual benefit.The foreign businessmen can also reap profits, otherwise they would not come to invest. To attract more foreign investment, we must maintain the country’s political stability to bring about a good investment environment.Meanwhile we should carry out some good policies, which makes the foreign businessmen believe that to invest in China does pay. 优秀英语演讲稿篇二 My Dream Everyone has his own dream, which can be realized or not and which can be different from time to time. However, there must be a long –term one in one’s mind. In other words, it is not easy to be realized. I have a dream: to pass CET-6 before I graduate from the university. It’s maybe easy for most of my classmates, but to me it is as difficult as cracking the hardest nut in the world. I have been studying English for about 10 years. It should not be the No.1 task in my university agenda, but too many failures forced me to do so. I entered one of the most famous universities in China with the almost lowest English mark among all my students. I was really disappointed about that.Although I was not good at English when I was in the middle school, it was not at least about the average. I had no strength to face the frustration. After a semester’s study I was the lowest indeed. I have never cried for study before, but this time I shed tears. Since then I made up my mind to pass CET-6 before my graduation.


一分钟英语演讲稿【三篇】 【一】 EverytimeIamaskedwhatIwanttodointhefuture。Ithinkaminuteandsaybeingadoctorismydreamjob。 Doctorisanotherkindofartistwhodoeshumanartbyfightin gwithdiseasesandmakingpeoplefeelgood。Ithinkitisapleasuretotrymybesttobringhappinesstooth ers。ItisafeelingofprideandIamfondofit。Inmodernlife,amassofpeopleworkdayandnighttoseekwealthandasaresul ttheyignoretheirhealth。Itisknownthatstrongbodyisafoundationofbeatificlife。Idreamedtobeanexcellentdoctorwhocanhelpthemhavearig httoenjoylifeagain。Curingpeopleisadoctor'sholyresponsibility。 Beingadoctorismydreamjob,nowIshouldstudyhardtogainmoreknowledgetoreachmygoal 。 【二】 Beauty Hieverybody。

Beautyusuallyreferstowhatappealstotheeye。Aniceandwellbuiltgirlisregardedasbeautiful。Abunchofvigorousflowersarealsoconsideredasbeautiful 。Asplendidwaterfallingdownfromamountainisaswelllooke donasbeautiful。 Beautyalsoreferstowhatappealstothemind。ThevirtueoftheChinesenation-industryandbraveryareta kenasbeautiful,becauseithelpedtoproducesuchamagnificentcultureinth eworld。Einstein'stheoryofrelativityisalsoperceivedasbeauti ful,foritexplainsmanynaturalphenomenasoperfectly。 Beautyisaroundus。Ifyoukeepaneyeorpaysomeattention,itisneverdifficulttofindsomethingbeautifulsomewhere aboutyou。Wonderfulnaturalspots,historicalrelics,finearts,splendidbuildings,andkindpeoplearejustafewinchesaway。 thankyou。 【三】 Dream


英语演讲稿中国文化 【篇一:关于中国传统文化的英语演讲稿】 hello everyone,today i want to say something about chinese traditional culture .our chinese nation, with its industriousness and wisdom, has created a long and over-lasting history and a rich and colorful culture.as a chinese,we are supposed to understand the traditional culture and realize its importance.first,what’s the traditional chinese culture .traditional chinese culture includes material and moral products of ancient chinese people. the moral products involve confucianism, taoism, legalism, buddhism and social system. material ones include historic and cultural relics, ancient architectures etc.no matter how broad chinese culture is, the core of it is the moral. therefore.we can get an answer to another question.why should we learn chinese traditional culture,or we can say what’s the value of chinese traditional culture.as the core of chinese traditional culture is the moral, it can help us solve three major problems we are facing nowadays:problems of survival between man and nature;crisis of confidence between man and society;psychological problems exist in people ourselves. for example,confucius believed that persuit of fortune is a general desire of human, but it most be limited by morality. people live for morality but not for fortune, and only in this way does life have value. if all the people in the society can realize this ,horse storm would not appear.弘中化传统文化,展名校学 子风采尊敬的各位领导、老师,亲爱的同学们,大家好!我是来自 ***。今天,我要演讲的 主题是:弘中化传统文化,展名校学子风采。浩瀚苍穹,蔚蓝天空,孕育了华夏五千年古老璀璨的历史与文明。“路漫漫其修远矣,吾


英语十分钟演讲稿 a window is opened up at the crack of dawn, beside which one man is overlooking the the mess of buildings outside, breathing the fresh air cosily. but just after a little while, he steps to his seat, staring at the computer screen till the night. this man is very likely a programmer. there is a man who concentrates on his computer, but doesn’t care about however he dresses, or even whether he washes his face. there is a man who has a good knowledge of computer language, but has a low eq and makes a bad relationship with others. there is a man who stays at home and does his own work by himself day and night, but just has few friends. these images shown above probably are what people think of programmers as, in fact, programmers indeed give us a bad impression sometimes. however, people just have a partial understanding of programmers’ life, not to mention that they can know the fun of programming. there is no doubt that programs affect all aspects of our lives in an obvious or potential way, especially they are reflected in electronic products that we


篇一:英语一分钟演讲稿 一分钟英语演讲稿 一分钟英语演讲稿, ladies and gentlemen , good afternoon! i?m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech、today my topic is “youth”、 i hope you will like it , and found the importance in your youth so that more cherish it、 first i want to ask you some questions: 1、 do you know what is youth? 2、 how do you master your youth? youth youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind ; it is not rosy cheeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshness ; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life 、 youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease、 this often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20 、 nobody grows old merely by a number of years 、 we grow old by deserting our ideals、years wrinkle the skin , but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul 、 worry , fear , self –distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust 、 whether 60 of 16 , there is in every human being ?s heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of what?s next and the joy of the game of living 、 in the center of your heart and my heart there?s a wireless station : so long as it receives messages of beauty , hope ,cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long as you are young 、 when the aerials are down , and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old ,even at 20 , but as long as your aerials are up ,to catch waves of optimism , there is hope you may die young at 80、 that?s all ! thank you!篇二:一分钟英语演讲 my favorite color 我最喜欢得颜色 blue has always been my favorite color, and i think it will always continue to be so、 i have several reasons for liking this color best、 first, it is a very soothing color and makes people happy、 how do people feel when they wake up to day when the sky is a dirty grey? sad and gloomy、 but when the sky is a deep blue, good cheer and joy enters our hearts、 another reason why i am most partial to blue is that it is the color of oceans and rivers and lakes on a sunny day、 whenever i go swimming, i feel as though i were reborn、 i have also heard that in english, the term “true blue” means to be faithful、 as i have a great respect for the quality of faithfulness, this is one more reason for my liking blue so much、 蓝色一直就是我最喜欢得颜色,而且我认为一直都会就是这样。
