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abase ??????? v.降低,羞辱

abash ?????? v.使难堪

abate ??????? v.减弱,减少

abbreviate ???????????? v.减短,缩写

abdicate ?????????? v.放弃

abduction ?????????? n.绑架

aberrant ????????? n.不正常的

abet ?????? v.帮助,鼓励

abeyance ????????? n.悬而未决

abhor ??????? v.憎恨

abject ????????? a.穷困潦倒,卑微

abjure ?????◆?? v.发誓放弃

ablution ???●◆????? n.洗

abnegation ????????????? n.批判,自我牺牲

abolish ????●??? v.废除

abominable ?????????●? a.可恶的,非常糟糕aboriginal ????????????●? a.&n.原来的,土著的abortive ????????? a.不成功的,失败

abrade ???????? v.磨损,侵蚀

abrasive ?????????? a.摩擦的,粗糙的,研磨剂abridge ???????? v.删节,节选

abrogate ?????◆????? a.废除

abscond ????????? v.隐匿,逃避,躲债absolute ?????●◆??? a.完全的,肯定的

absolve ?????●?? v.谅解

absorb ???????? v.吸收,合并

abstain ????????? v.控制,限制(自己)abstemious ???????????? a.节制(饮食),调节abstinence ??????????? n.节制(饮食)

abstract ?????????? a.抽象的

abstruse ??????◆??? a.难以理解的,复杂的abundant ?????????? a.丰富,富足

abusive ????◆????? a.粗俗的侮辱,对身体有害的abut ?????? v.毗邻

abysmal ???????●? a.无底的

abyss ?????? n.深渊,深坑,无底洞academic ??????????? a.学术的

accede ???????? v.同意

accelerate ?????●?????? v.加速

accentuate ????????◆???? v.强调,重音

accessible ????????●? a.可得到的

accessory ?????????? n.附件

acclaim ???●???? v.赞扬,表扬

acclimate ???●?????? v.适应

acclivity ???●?????? n.上山的陡坡

accolade ????●???? n.出名的大奖accommodate ??????????? v.招待,食宿,适应accomplice ??????●??? n.共犯,同伙

accord ??????? n.一致

accost ??????? v.搭讪,邂逅

accoutre ??????????? v.装备

accretion ?????????? n.增长

accrue ????◆?? v.附带的

acerbity ?????????? n.尖酸的(语气,脾气)

acetic ????????? a.酸的

acidulous ??????◆●??? a.酸的;尖锐,刻薄acknowledge ?????●???? v.认可,承认

acme ?????? n.顶点

acoustics ???◆??????? n.声学的

acquiesce ????????? v.默许

acquire ???????? v.获取

acquittal ?????????●? n.无罪开释

acrid ??????? a.尖锐;尖酸

acrimonious ????????◆????? a.挖苦的,尖酸的(语言,行为)acrophobia ?????◆???◆???? n.恐高症

actuarial ?????◆??????●? a.保险精算的,精算

actuate ?????◆???? v.推动,促使

acuity ????◆???? n.尖锐

acumen ????◆????? n.思想敏锐

acute ????◆??? a.精明,敏锐,聪明

adage ??????? n.格言,谚语

adamant ????????? a.坚硬,不动摇

adapt ??????? v.改变

addendum ????????? n.附加,补充

addiction ????????? n.瘾,依赖

addle ???●? v.使变疯,腐坏

address ??????? v.发表(演讲),处理,讨论adept ??????? a.擅长于

adhere ??????? v.黏着

adherent ??????????? n.支持者,追随者

adjacent ??????????? a.邻近的,毗邻的

adjunct ????????? n.无用的附加物

admonish ????????? v.警告,训斥

admonition ??????????? n.警告

adorn ??????? v.装饰

adroit ???????? a.熟练,有技巧

adulation ???????●?????? n.奉承,恭维

adulterate ????●??????? v.掺杂

advent ???????? n.到来,出现

adventitious ????????????? a.偶然

adversary ?????????? n.对手

adverse ???????? a.讨厌,敌意

adversity ??????????? n.贫困,不幸

advocacy ?????????? n.支持,辩护

advocate ????????? v.辩护

aerie ?????? n.猛禽的窝

aesthetic ?????????? a.审美的

affable ?????●? a.平易近人的

affected ????????? a.假的,做作的

affidavit ???????????? n.宣誓书

affiliation ????●???????? n.联合,加入

affinity ????????? n.亲缘关系

affirmation ???????????? n.正面肯定,确认

affix ??????? v.增加,附于

affliction ???●?????? n.痛苦

affluence ???●◆???? n.富足,财富

affront ???????? n.侮辱,冒犯;蓄意蔑视aftermath ?????????? n.后果,结果

agenda ????????? n.议程

agent ????????? n.方法,工具;代表agglomeration ???●??????????? n.聚集,累积

aggrandize ??????????? v.增加,加强

aggregate ?????????? v.收集,聚集

aggressor ??????????? n.攻击者

aghast ???????? a.吓坏了的

agility ?????●???? n.敏捷

agitate ?????????? v.激怒,打扰

agnostic ?????????? n.无神论者

agrarian ??????????? a.耕地的,耕种的

alacrity ??●??????? n.欢快的情绪

alchemy ??●????? n.炼金术士

alcove ??●??◆?? n.小隔间,壁橱

alias ???●???? n.别名

alienate ???●??????? v.孤立,树敌

alimentary ??●?????????? a.营养的

alimony ??●?????? n.(离婚后的)生活费,抚养费allay ??●??? v.平静下来,(使)冷静下来allege ??●???? v.断言

allegiance ??●???????? n.忠诚

allegory ??●?????? n.寓言

alleviate ??●???????? v.解脱,释放,释然alliteration ??●??????????? n.头韵

allocate ??●?◆????? v.分配,制定

alloy ??●??? n.合金

alloy ??●??? v.混合,中和

allude ??●?◆??? v.暗指

allure ??●?◆?? v.诱惑,引诱

allusion ??●???◆????? n.暗指,暗示

aloft ??●???? ad.向上

aloof ??●◆??? a.分离,保留

altercation ??●???????????? n.大声争吵,激烈争论altruistic ??●??◆??????? a.无私的,关心他人的amalgamate ????●??????? v.结合,整合

amass ?????? v.收集

ambidextrous ??????????????? a.双手都灵巧

ambience ????????? n.环境

ambiguous ????????◆??? a.模棱两可

ambivalence ???????●???? n.矛盾的观点或情绪

amble ????●? n.漫步,缓行

ambulatory ?????◆●?????? a.可移动的,不固定

ameliorate ?????●??????? v.提高

amenable ????????●? a.有服从义务的,随时服从的amend ??????? v.修订,修改,变更amenities ??????????? n.令人愉快的,礼貌的amiable ???????●? a.可爱的,友好的,惬意的amicable ???????●? a.温和的,友好礼貌的

amiss ?????? a.错误

amity ??????? n.友谊

amnesia ?????????? n.失忆,健忘

amnesty ????????? n.原谅

amoral ???????●? a.不道德的

amorous ???????? a.爱情的

amorphous ????????? a.无形的,不成形的amphibian ?????????? a.两栖的

amphitheater ?????????????? n.椭圆形的剧院,斗兽场ample ????●? a.丰富的,富足的

amplify ????●????? v.放大

amputate ?????◆?????? v.截肢,切除

amulet ????◆●??? n.护身符

anachronistic ??????????????? a.时代错误

analgesic ???●????????? a.止痛的

analogous ????●????? a.类似的

analogy ????●????? n.类比,相似

anarchist ????????? n.无政府主义者

anarchy ??????? n.无政府主义

anathema ????????? n.诅咒

ancestry ?????????? n.祖先

anchor ?????? v.固定;锚

ancillary ?????●???? a.辅助的

anecdote ???????◆?? n.奇闻轶事

anemia ????????? n.贫血

anesthetic ???????????? n.麻醉药

anguish ???????? n.极度痛苦

angular ?????◆●?? a.有尖角的,瘦骨嶙峋的animated ??????????? a.活跃的,有生气的animosity ???????????? n.仇恨

animus ???????? n.敌意

annals ????●?? n.记录,历史

annex ??????? v.接手

annihilate ??????●???? v.毁灭,破坏

annotate ????◆????? v.评论,注释

annuity ????◆??????? n.年金,养老金

annul ????●? v.避免

anoint ???????? v.神圣化

anomalous ??????●??? a.不正常的,变态的anomaly ??????●?? n.不正常

anonymity ???????????? n.匿名

anonymous ?????????? a.匿名的

antagonism ????????????? n.反抗,敌对

antecede ?? ????????? v.先于

antecedents ??????????????? n.历史环境;历史背景antediluvian ????????●◆?????? a.远古,上古,及其久远anthem ??????? n.圣歌,赞美诗anthology ?????●????? n.选集

anthropocentr ic ????????◆????????


anthropoid ??????????? a.类人的anthropologis


?????????●??????? n.人类学家

anthropomorph ic ????????◆???????


anticlimax ???????●??????? n.反高潮,突降antidote ???????◆?? n.解药

antipathy ?????????? n.反对,厌恶antiquated ????????????? a.过时的,陈旧的antiseptic ????????????? n.抗菌物

antithesis ??????????? n.对立面

apathy ??????? n.漠不关心

ape ???? v.模仿

aperture ??????◆?? n.洞,穴,孔

apex ???????? n.高点,顶点,高潮aphasia ????????? n.失声

aphorism ????????? n.格言,警句,谚语apiary ????????? n.蜂房

aplomb ???●???? n.沉着,垂直apocalyptic ??????●?????? a.启示的,启示录的apocryphal ???????????●? a.假的,捏造的

apogee ????◆????? n.顶点

apolitical ?????●?????●? a.不问政治的

apologist ????●??????? n.辩护者

apostate ????????? n.变节者,脱党者,叛徒apotheosis ????????◆???? n.神化,典范

appall ?????●? v.使惊慌,震惊apparatus ???????????? n.器械,设备

apparition ??????????? n.鬼,幽灵

appease ??????? v.平静,安抚appellation ?????●?????? n.名字,标题

append ??????? v.追加,附上application ???●????????? n.勤奋的付出

apposite ???????? a.合适的

appraise ???????? v.估价

appreciate ???????????? v.感激;增值;赏识apprehend ??????????? v.逮捕;惧怕;领会apprehension ????????????? n.害怕



?????????????? n.学徒身份

apprise ???????? v.告诉

approbation ????????????? n.同意,批准appropriate ?????◆?????? v.获得;挪用,据为己有apropos ???????◆? prep.关于

aptitude ???????◆??? n.能力,才能

aquatic ????????? a.与水有关系的

aquiline ?????●???? a.弯曲的,钩状的

arable ?????●? a.可耕种的

arbiter ???????? n.仲裁者

arbitrary ??????????? a.反复无常;残暴;随机的arbitrator ???????????? n.仲裁者

arboretum ????????????? n.植物园

arcade ???????? n.拱廊

arcane ???????? a.秘密;谜

archaeology ???????●????? n.考古学

archaic ????????? a.过时的

archetype ?????????? n.原形

archipelago ????????●???◆? n.群岛

archives ????????? n.档案;档案馆

ardent ???????? a.激烈的;热心肠的;有激情的arduous ?????◆??? a.努力;奋发

aria ??????? n.清唱剧

arid ?????? a.荒芜的

aristocracy ?????????????? n.贵族

armada ????????? n.舰队

aromatic ????◆??????? a.芬芳的

arousal ????◆??●? n.觉醒;激励

arraign ??????? v.传讯;责问

array ?????? v.排列;整理

array ?????? v.衣服;穿着,装饰

arrears ??????? n.欠债

arrest ??????? v.阻止;引起注意;吸引arrogance ????????? n.傲慢,骄傲

arroyo ??????◆? n.干枯的河床

arsenal ??????●? n.军火库

articulate ???????◆●??? a.有效的;独特的

artifact ?????????? n.人造物品

artifice ????????? n.技巧;欺骗

artisan ????????? n.工匠

artless ????●??? a.坦诚;直率

ascendancy ??????????? n.统治,控制

ascertain ?????????? v.确认,确证

ascetic ???????? a.苦行;禁欲

ascribe ????????? v.归因于;指派

aseptic ????????? a.抗菌的

ashen ???????? a.灰色

asinine ????????? a.愚蠢

askance ???????? a.瞄,不经意的斜视

askew ?????◆?? a.歪斜

asperity ?????????? n.严酷,粗暴

aspirant ???????????? n.有志者;有抱负的人

aspire ???????? v.热望;热心于

assail ?????●? v.攻击

assay ?????? v.分析;化验

assent ??????? v.同意;接受assert ??????? v.断言

assessment ?????????? n.评价,评估;判断assiduous ??????◆??? a.勤奋

assimilate ??????●???? v.吸收;同化

assuage ????????? v.减轻(痛苦);满足(饥渴);安慰

assumption ?????????? n.假定,设想;采取assurance ???◆?????? n.担保,保证;确定;自信asteroid ?????????? n.小行星

astigmatism ?????????????? n.散光

astral ??????●? a.关于星的

astringent ????????????? a.收敛的

astronomical ??????????????●? a.巨大,广阔

astute ?????◆??? a.聪明;敏锐

asunder ??????????? ad.分裂,分开

asylum ?????●??? n.庇护所

asymmetric ??????????? a.不对称

atavism ?????????? n.反祖;隔代遗传

atheistic ???????????? a.无神论

atlas ???●??? n.地图集

atone ????◆?? v.补偿;偿还

atrocity ?????????? n.暴行

atrophy ???????? n.萎缩,变得没用

attain ??????? v.获得;完成

attentive ????????? a.专心的,专注的;全神贯注attenuate ??????◆???? v.削弱

attest ??????? v.证明

attribute ???????◆????? n.属性

attribute ???????◆????? v.归因于;解释

attrition ????????? n.裁员;磨损

atypical ?????????●? a.非正常的,不正常audacious ?????????? a.大胆的;鲁莽的

audit ??????? n.核算,稽核

auditory ?????????? a.听觉的

augment ?? ??????? v.增长

augury ?????◆??? n.占卜;预言

august ???????? a.威严的;令人印象深刻的aureole ??????●? n.日冕

auroral ????????●? a.曙光的,极光的auspicious ?????????? a.幸运的,吉祥的

austere ??????? a.严厉的;朴素的authenticate ????????????? v.鉴别

authoritarian ???????????????? a.独裁

authoritative ????????????? a.权威;独裁

autocratic ????????????? a.独裁

automaton ??????????? n.机器人

autonomous ??????????? a.自治

autopsy ????????? n.验尸

auxiliary ??????●????? a.辅助的

avalanche ?????●????? n.雪崩

avarice ???????? n.贪婪,贪财

avenge ???????? v.复仇

averse ??????? a.反对的

aversion ????????? n.厌恶,抵制

avert ??????? v.转移;防止

aviary ????????? n.鸟舍

avid ?????? a.贪婪

avocation ????????????? n.副业,业余爱好

avow ????◆? v.宣布

avuncular ???????◆●?? a.像伯父(叔叔)一样的

awe ??? n.敬畏

awry ?????? ad.扭曲的;歪曲的

axiom ???????? n.公理,自明的道理

azure ????? a.天蓝

babble ????●? v.嘟囔

bacchanalian ?????????●???? a.喝醉的,耍酒疯

badger ??????? v.激怒,纠缠

badinage ?????????? n.开玩笑,揶揄;取消

baffle ????●? v.挫败

bait ????? v.欺负,玩弄,折磨

baleful ????●??●? a.恶意的,有害的

balk ???●?? v.反对;阻止

ballast ???●???? n.配重;沙袋

balm ????? n.(止痛的)安慰物

balmy ??????? a.柔和的;芳香的

banal ??????●? a.平凡,陈腐,老生常谈bandy ??????? v.传话

bane ????? n.祸根

bantering ?????????? a.可笑的,嘲弄的

barb ????? n.鱼钩,钩状物

bard ????? n.(吟游)诗人

baroque ?????◆?? a.华丽的

barrage ???????? n.弹幕,火力网

barren ??????? a.荒芜的,贫瘠的

barricade ??????????? n.屏障;障碍物

barterer ????????? n.交易商

bask ?????? v.享受(温暖);愉快,舒适bastion ????????? n.堡垒;工事

bate ????? v.限制;抑制

bauble ?????●? n.小玩意儿

bawdy ??????? a.猥亵的;下流的;卖淫的beam ????? n.光束;铁梁,木梁;一束电波beatific ??????????? a.祝福;幸福的

beatitude ???????????◆??? n.祝福

bedizen ????????? v.俗丽,俗气

bedraggle ???????●? v.邋遢的;湿的

beeline ?????●???? n.直线

befuddle ??????●? v.迷惑

beget ??????? v.得子;产生

begrudge ????????? v.愤恨;嫉妒

beguile ??????●? v.欺骗,骗住;消磨时间behemoth ?????????? n.怪物;怪兽

belabor ???●????? v.嘴贫,过度的说;谩骂belated ???●?????? a.推迟的,延期的

beleaguer ???●????? v.攻击;使烦恼

belie ???●??? v.掩饰,造成假象;矛盾belittle ???●??●? v.蔑视,使渺小

bellicose ???●????◆?? a.好斗的,好战的belligerent ???●????????? a.好斗的,好斗嘴的bemoan ?????◆?? v.哀叹,悲伤

bemused ?????◆???? a.困惑的,发呆的benediction ???????????? n.祝福

benefactor ??????????? n.恩人,赞助人

beneficial ?????????●? a.有用的

beneficiary ???????????? n.(遗产)受益人benevolent ???????●???? a.慈善的

benign ???????? a.良性的,好的;和蔼可亲的bent ????? a.&n.先天的

bequeath ????????? v.遗赠,(代代)相传berate ???????? v.严厉指责,谴责bereavement ???????????? n.丧亲

bereft ???????? a.失去的,缺少的

berserk ??????????? ad.疯狂的,狂暴的

beseech ????????? v.乞求,恳求

beset ??????? v.困扰

besiege ????????? v.围攻

besmirch ?????????? v.弄脏

bestial ???????●? a.残忍的

bestow ??????◆? v.给予

betoken ?????◆???? v.预示;表示

betray ???????? v.出卖;背叛

betroth ??????◆?? v.订婚

bevy ?????? n.一群(少女,小鸟)biased ???????? a.偏见的,偏差

bicameral ??????????●? a.两院制的(参,众)bicker ?????? v.争吵

biennial ????????●? a.两年一度

bigotry ????????? n.固执

bilious ???●???? a.消化不良,易怒

bilk ??●?? v.骗

billowing ???●?◆??? a.波涛翻滚

bivouac ????◆???? n.帐篷

bizarre ??????? a.怪异的

blanch ?●?????? v.漂白

bland ?●???? a.温和的

blandishment ??●?????????? n.阿谀奉承

blare ?●??? n.大声喊叫,令人眩晕的强光blase ??●?????? a.厌于享乐

blasphemy ??●??????? n.亵渎

blatant ??●??????? a.喧闹;俗丽

bleak ?●???? a.冷淡;凄凉

blighted ?●?????? a.完蛋了的;生病了的

blithe ?●???? a.欢乐,高兴

bloated ??●?◆???? a.浮肿

bludgeon ??●?????? n.大头狼牙棒

bluff ?●??? a.直率的

bluff ?●??? n.虚伪;欺骗;悬崖

blunder ??●????? n.错误

blurt ?●???? v.脱口而出

bluster ??●????? v.咆哮;吓唬

bode ??◆?? v.预兆

bogus ???◆???? a.赝品

bohemian ??◆????????? a.不合习俗;放荡不羁boisterous ??????????? a.狂暴;喧嚣

bolster ???◆●???? v.支持,增援

bolt ??◆●?? n.门闩;螺钉;布匹的长度

bolt ??◆●?? v.猛冲,上门闩,囫囵吞下bombardment ????????????? n.轰击(导弹)

bombastic ??????????? a.夸张的

booming ??◆????? a.快速增长的,欣欣向荣;深刻的boon ?◆??? n.恩惠,福利

boorish ??◆????? a.粗鲁;笨拙

boundless ??????●??? a.无限的

bountiful ???◆????◆●? a.富足的;慷慨的

bourgeois ????????? a.中产阶级;平庸的

bovine ???◆????? a.牛的;迟钝的;耐心的bowdlerize ?????●?????? v.删除

boycott ???????? v.抵制

braggart ???????? n.自夸,吹嘘

brandish ????????? v.挥舞

bravado ?????????◆? n.虚张声势

brawn ?????? n.强壮的肌肉

brazen ???????? a.厚颜无耻;傲慢

breach ??????? n.违约;突破;打破

breadth ?????? n.宽度

brevity ????????? n.简短,短暂

brindled ?????????●?? a.有条纹或斑点的

bristling ?????●??? a.竖立的

brittle ?????●? a.易碎的;困难的

broach ???◆??? v.介绍,提出,引见

brochure ???◆???◆?? n.小册子

brooch ??◆???? n.胸针

browbeat ?????????? v.吓唬

browse ???◆?? v.吃草;浏览

brunt ?????? n.冲击

brusque ?????? a.唐图;直率;粗暴无礼buccaneer ?????????? n.海盗

bucolic ??◆????●??? a.田园的

buffet ??????? n.自助餐

buffet ??????? v.殴打,斗殴

buffoonery ??????????? n.滑稽的

bullion ??◆●???? n.金条,银条

bulwark ??◆●??????? n.壁垒

bumptious ????????? a.盲目自大

bungalow ??????●?◆? n.小平房

bungle ?????●? v.搞砸

buoyant ???????? a.可漂浮的,乐观的

bureaucracy ??◆?????????? n.官僚机构

burgeon ??????????? v.发芽,成长

burlesque ????●???? v.作秀,滑稽

burly ????●?? a.魁伟,结实

burnish ???????? v.擦拭

bustle ????●? v.喧嚣,繁忙,熙熙攘攘

buttress ???????? v.支持

buxom ???????? a.丰满;充满活力;欢快

cabal ?????●? n.内阁

cache ???? n.藏身之处

cacophonous ??????????? a.不和谐

cadaver ????????? n.尸体

cadaverous ??????????? a.尸体似的,苍白的

cadence ????????? n.平仄,重音

cajole ??????◆●? v.哄骗,勾引

calamity ???●?????? n.灾难,不幸

calculated ???●??◆●?????? a.预先计划好的,算好的;合适的caldron ????????? n.大锅

caliber ???●??????? n.能力;品质

calligraphy ???●??????? n.漂亮的书法

callous ???●??? a.硬心肠的,无情的

callow ???●?◆? a.年幼,稚嫩;无经验

calorific ???●???????? a.产热的

calumny ???●????? n.诽谤;中伤

camaraderie ??????????????? n.友情

cameo ??????◆? n.贝壳上的浮雕;特写(演员)camouflage ????◆?●???? v.伪装

candor ??????? n.开诚布公;坦率

canine ????????? a.狗的

canny ?????? a.谨慎的;节约的

cant ????? n.伪善;黑话

cantankerous ????????????? a.脾气坏;易发怒

cantata ?????????? n.大合唱;康塔塔

canter ??????? n.慢跑

canto ??????◆? n.(长诗的)分篇

canvass ???????? v.调查;投票

capacious ?????????? a.宽敞的

Capacity ?????????? n.能力;角色

capitulate ???????◆●???? v.投降

caprice ????????? n.反复无常;一时幻想;奇怪的想法capricious ?????????? a.反复无常的

caption ???????? n.标题

captivate ??????????? v.迷住;迷惑

carat ??????? n.克拉;开;K

cardinal ????????●? a.主要的

cardiologist ????????●????? n.心脏病专家

careen ???????? v.倾斜

caricature ??????????◆?? n.歪曲;漫画;讽刺画carnage ????????? n.残杀;大屠杀

carnal ?????●? a.肉体的;欲望的carnivorous ???????????? a.食肉的

carping ???????? a.挑剔的,吹毛求疵cartographer ???????????? n.制图者,制地图的人cascade ????????? n.小瀑布

castigate ??????????? v.严厉批评;惩罚casualty ?????◆?●??? n.严重的事故;伤亡cataclysm ??????●????? n.巨变;剧变;灾难catalyst ?????●???? n.催化剂

catapult ???????●?? n.弹弓;弹舐器

cataract ?????????? n.大瀑布;白内障catastrophe ???????????? n.灾难

catcall ???????●? n.嘘声

catechism ??????????? n.教义问答手册;FAQ,Q&A categorical ????????????●? a.无条件;直截了当

cater to ?????? ?◆?? v.迎合

catharsis ?????????? n.导泻,通便;疏泄catholic ?????●??? a.一般的,普遍的;天主教caucus ???????? n.核心小组会议(秘密)caulk ????? v.填;补漏

causal ??????●? a.因果关系的

caustic ????????? a.腐蚀;挖苦

cavalcade ?????●?????? n.队伍

cavalier ??????●??? a.随便;傲慢

cavil ?????●? v.挑剔

cede ????? v.放弃;屈服于;投降celebrated ???●????????? a.名人

celerity ???●?????? n.速度

celestial ???●?????●? a.天体的

celibate ???●????? a.未婚的,独身的

censor ??????? n.审查

censorious ???????????? a.批判的

censure ??????? v.责怪;批评

centigrade ???????????? a.华氏

centrifugal ?????????◆??●? a.离心;放舐

centripetal ??????????●? a.向心

centurion ??????◆?????? n.百夫长

cerebral ????????●? a.脑的;智力的cerebration ??????????????? n.思考

ceremonious ????????◆????? a.隆重的

certitude ????????◆??? n.确实

cessation ?????????? n.停止

cession ??????? n.给与;割让

chafe ?????? v.摩擦;擦热

chaff ?????? n.废物;糠;假货;开玩笑;打趣chaffing ??????? a.开玩笑

chagrin ???????? n.伤自尊;委屈

chalice ????●??? n.圣餐杯

chameleon ??????●???? n.变色龙

champion ?????????? v.拥护

Chaotic ????????? a.混乱

charisma ????????? n.魅力

charlatan ????●????? n.吹牛

chary ???????? a.谨慎;吝啬

chasm ??????? n.深渊

chassis ?????? n.底盘

chaste ??????? a.纯的

chasten ???????? v.磨练

chastise ?????????? v.惩罚

chauvinist ???◆??????? n.盲目爱国主义

check ????? v.控制;阻止

checkered ???????? a.多变的;像国际象棋棋盘一样的方格

cherubic ?????◆????? a.天真无邪chicanery ??????????? n.强辩,狡辩;欺骗chide ?????? v.斥责

chimerical ??????????●? a.不现实,空想chisel ?????●? n.凿子

chisel ?????●? v.欺骗

Chivalrous ?????●???? a.勇敢;诚实choleric ???●????? a.易发怒的;脾气坏

choreography ???????????????


chortle ??????●? v.得意的笑chronic ???????? a.慢性的chronicle ???????●? v.编年史

churlish ?????●??? a.粗鲁的

cipher ??????? n.密码

cipher ??????? n.不重要的人或物

circuitous ????????◆???????


circumlocutio n ???????●????◆??



circumscribe ?????????????? v.限制circumspect ????????????? a.慎重;周到circumvent ????????????? v.智取;包围cistern ???????? n.水塔;水库citadel ???????●? n.大本营

cite ????? v.引用;掌握

Civil ????●? a.民事的;国民的clairvoyant ?●?????????? a.&n.预知;预言者clamber ??●????? v.爬

clamor ??●???? n.吵闹声;噪音

clandestine ?●?????????? a.秘密

clangor ??●????? n.大声喧哗;持续的铿锵声clapper ??●???? n.铃舌,钟舌

clasp ?●????? n.扣合;紧密合作

claustrophobi a ??●?????????◆???


cleave ?●???? v.劈开;黏着;忠于

Cleft ?●???? n.裂缝;开裂

clemency ??●??????? n.温和;仁慈

clench ?●????? v.牢牢抓住

cliche ??●?????? n.陈词滥调

clientele ??●?????????●? n.常客

climactic ?●?????????? a.顶点的,高潮的

clime ?●???? n.地域;气候

Clip ?●??? n.剪辑

clique ?●???? n.小圈子;同行

cloister ??●?????? n.修道院

Clout ?●?◆?? n.巨大的影响(政治\社会)cloying ??●????? a.倒胃口;过度的

Clump ?●???? n.一块,一团;沉重的脚步声;草丛,灌木丛

coagulate ??◆????◆●???? v.凝结

coalesce ???◆??●??? v.接合

coalition ???◆??●????? n.伙伴;同盟,集合

coddle ???????●? v.娇养,溺爱

codicil ???????●? n.遗嘱的附录

codify ????????? v.编纂

coercion ??◆??????? n.威逼,强迫

cogent ???◆?????? a.有说服力的

cogitate ??????????? v.考虑

cognate ????????? a.同源的

cognitive ?????????? a.认知的

cognizance ??????????? n.认知

cohere ??◆????? v.粘住的

cohesion ??◆???????? n.内聚力;黏度

coiffure ???????◆?? n.发型

coin ????? v.铸币;发明;杜撰

coincidence ??◆?????????? n.巧合

colander ???●???????? n.过滤器

collaborate ???●???????? v.协作,合作

collage ???●???? n.拼贴画

collate ???●???? v.校对,整理

collateral ???●?????●? n.抵押品

colloquial ???●?◆????●? a.口语的

collusion ???●???◆????? n.勾结

colossal ???●??●? a.巨大

comatose ???◆????◆?? a.昏迷;熟睡

combustible ??????????●? a.易燃的

comely ????●?? a.清秀,美丽,漂亮;有吸引力的comeuppance ??????????? n.报应

commandeer ??????????? v.征用,招募

commemorate ???????????? v.纪念

commensurate ???????????? a.相当的,相称的commiserate ???????????? v.怜悯,同情

commodious ?????◆????? a.宽敞,舒适

communal ?????◆?●? a.公共的

compact ????????? n.合约,合同

compact ????????? a.紧密的,结实的

comparable ?????????●? a.相似的

compatible ?????????●? a.和谐的

compelling ??????●??? a.强制的

compensatory ?????????????? a.补偿

compile ???????●? v.聚集,积累,汇集complacency ?????●???????? n.自满;装模作样

complaisant ?????●??????? a.彬彬有礼;殷勤complement ?????●?????? v.补足;完善

complementary ????●?????????? a.补足的,完善的

compliance ?????●?????? n.顺从

compliant ?????●?????? a.顺从

complicity ?????●?????? n.共犯,共同

component ??????◆????? n.成分

composure ??????◆??? n.镇定,沉着

compound ??????◆??? v.混合;组合;增加comprehensive ??????????????? a.全面的

compress ????????? v.压缩

comprise ?????????? v.包括

compromise ???????????? v.危害;妥协

compunction ?????????????? n.后悔

compute ??????◆??? v.计算

concave ?????????? a.空的

concede ????????? v.勉强,让步,屈从

conceit ????????? n.自负,自大;离奇古怪的想法concentric ???????????? a.同心

conception ??????????? n.开始,构思

concerted ??????????? a.协调的

concession ?????????? n.让步

conciliatory ??????●??????? a.抚慰,调和

concise ????????? a.简练

contrived ??????????? a.做作的;牵强的

controvert ????????????? v.辩论;反驳

contusion ???????????? n.擦伤;撞伤

conundrum ??????????? n.谜语

convene ????????? v.召集,集合

convention ??????????? n.习俗,惯例

conventional ??????????●? a.典型的;普通的

converge ?????????? v.聚合;接近

conversant ???????????? a.熟悉

converse ????????? n.相反的

converse ????????? v.聊天

convert ????????? n.改变;转换;皈依

convex ?????????? a.凸的

conveyance ??????????? n.运输;交通工具conviction ??????????? n.定罪;深信

convivial ?????????●? a.欢乐;高兴

convoke ??????◆?? v.召集

convoluted ??????●?◆????? a.围绕,卷绕;费解Copious ???◆????? a.丰富的,大量的coquette ??◆????? n.卖弄风情的女子;蜂鸟cordial ???????●? a.亲切;衷心

cordon ???????? n.警戒线

cornucopia ??????◆???◆???


corollary ?????●???? n.结果,产物coronation ?????????????? n.加冕

corporeal ??????????●? a.肉体的,物质的corpulent ??????◆●???? a.肥胖

correlation ??????●?????? n.相互的关系corroborate ???????????? v.确认;支持

corrode ?????◆?? v.腐蚀

corrosive ?????◆???? a.腐蚀性的corrugated ????◆??????? a.皱的

Cosmic ???????? a.宇宙的;巨大的cosmopolitan ?????????●????? a.世界主义

coterie ???◆????? n.同行,圈内人countenance ???◆???????? v.忍受;接受countenance ???◆???????? n.脸

countermand ???◆?????????? v.取消;废除

culvert ???●???? n.水管

cumbersome ?????????? a.粗笨的;累赘cumulative ???◆???◆●????? a.累积

cupidity ??◆??????????? n.贪婪

curator ??◆???????? n.主管;经理curmudgeon ??????????? n.脾气坏;吝啬cursive ???????? a.流动的;连接的cursory ????????? a.草率;匆忙

curtail ???????●? v.减短;降低

cynical ???????●? a.愤世嫉俗

cynosure ???????◆?? n.广受注意的目标dabble ????●? v.涉猎,尝试;溅dais ??????? n.讲台

dank ????? a.湿的;湿透的dapper ?????? a.整齐的,优雅的dappled ????●????? a.有斑点的

daub ????? v.涂抹

daunt ?????? v.惊吓;胁迫dauntless ??????●??? a.胆大的

dawdle ?????●? v.游手好闲;混日子deadlock ????●??? n.僵局

deadpan ???????? a.没有表情的;呆板的dearth ????? n.稀缺;缺乏

debacle ????????●? n.崩溃

debase ???????? v.贬低,降低

debauch ????????? v.堕落,放荡

debilitate ?????●?????? v.使虚弱,衰弱

debonair ?????????? a.温文尔雅;友好;殷勤debris ???????? n.碎片;残骸

debunk ????????? v.揭穿;奚落

debutante ?????◆??????? n.初次参加社交活动的女孩decadence ?????????? n.颓废;腐坏

decapitate ????????????? v.斩首,杀头

decelerate ??????●?????? v.减慢

deciduous ????????◆??? a.落叶的

decimate ?????????? v.残杀(十个里面杀一个)decipher ????????? v.破译,解密

declivity ????●?????? n.下坡

décolleté ??????●???? a.低肩露颈的服装

decomposition ???????????????


decorum ?????????? n.礼貌;温文尔雅

decoy ??????? n.引诱

decrepit ?????????? a.老化,磨损

decrepitude ??????????◆??? n.衰老;老耄

decry ???????? v.强烈反对

deducible ??????????●? a.可推导的,可推论的deface ???????? v.丑化

defame ???????? v.丑化;诽谤

default ??????●?? n.不作为,无动于衷defeatist ??????????? a.失败主义者

defection ?????????? n.缺点;逃跑,叛逃

defer ??????? v.推迟,延期

defer ??????? v.缓招

defer ??????? v.听从

deference ?????????? n.尊重的,尊重他人的defiance ?????????? n.抵抗;不屈服

defile ??????●? v.污染;亵渎

definitive ??????????? a.完全的;最终的

deflect ????●???? v.反舐,偏转

defoliate ??????◆●????? v.落叶

defray ???????? v.偿付

deft ????? a.灵巧的,敏锐地

defunct ????????? a.死的;不存在的,报废的defuse ??????◆??? v.拆弹;化解(危机)degenerate ????????????? v.恶化

degradation ?????????????? n.降级;降格;退化dehydrate ????????????? v.脱水

deify ????????? v.神化

deign ????? v.屈服,屈尊

delectable ???●?????●? a.使人愉快的

delete ??? ●???? v.删除

deleterious ???●?????????? a.有害的

deliberate ???●???????? v.深思熟虑的;商讨delineate ???●??????? v.描绘;描述

delirium ???●???? ?? n.精神错乱

delude ???●◆??? v.盅惑

deluge ???●?◆???? n.冲(水)(刺)delusion ???●◆????? n.错觉

delve ??●?? v.挖掘;调查

demagogue ????????? n.煽动政治家

demean ???????? v.降级;贬低

demeanor ????????? n.风度;行为

demented ?????????? a.疯狂的

demise ???????? n.死

demolition ??????●????? n.拆除

demoniac ?????◆????? a.魔鬼的

demur ??????? v.反对;犹豫

demure ?????◆?? a.端庄的;认真的;腼腆的demystify ????????????? v.澄清;揭秘

denigrate ??????????? v.抹黑

denizen ???????? n.居民;常客

denotation ??????◆???????? n.指示;根据名字区别denouement ?????◆????? n.结局;结果

denounce ?????◆??? v.咒骂;批评

depict ???????? v.描述

deplete ????●???? v.耗尽;减少

deplore ????●??? v.悔恨

deploy ????●??? v.散开;部署

depose ?????◆?? v.革职

deposition ???????????? n.宣言,誓言

depravity ??????????? n.堕落,腐坏

deprecate ??????????? v.抗议;蔑视

depreciate ????????????? v.折旧

depredation ??????????????? n.掠夺

deranged ??????????? a.不理智

derelict ?????●???? a.遗弃的;废弃的

deride ???????? v.打趣;取消

derivative ??????????? a.派生的

dermatologist ?????????●??????? n.皮肤病专家

derogatory ???????????? a.贬低的,贬损的

descant ????????? v.全面而详细的讨论descry ????????? v.看到

desecrate ??????????? v.亵渎

desiccate ?????????? v.弄干

desolate ?????●??? a.荒无人烟的

desolate ?????●??? v.放弃

despise ????????? v.鄙视,轻视

despoil ???????●? v.掠夺

despondent ???????????? a.忧郁的;沮丧的

despot ???????? n.暴君

destitute ????????◆??? a.一贫如洗

desultory ?????●????? a.慢无目的的;断断续续的

detached ????????? a.分离的

detergent ???????????? n.洗洁精;洗涤剂determination ?? ????????????? n.决定;测量,计算;解决deterrent ??????????? n.挫败;使气馁detonation ?????◆???????? n.引爆,爆炸

detraction ??????????? n.诽谤

detrimental ???????????●? a.有害的

deviate ?????????? v.背离

devious ????????? a.拐弯抹角的;偏僻的devise ???????? v.设计;发明

devoid ???????? a.缺乏的

devotee ?????◆????? n.热心的追随者

devout ?????◆?? a.虔诚的;诚恳的dexterous ??????????? a.灵巧的;右撇子diabolical ???????●???●? a.恶魔的

diagnosis ?????????◆???? n.诊断

discomfit ??????????? v.扰乱

discomposure ?????????????? n.心乱;不安

disconcert ????????????? v.迷惑;扰乱;使难堪disconsolate ?????????●??? a.悲伤;沮丧

discord ????????? n.冲突的;不和谐的discordant ???????????? a.不和谐的;冲突的discount ??????◆??? v.漠视;解散

discourse ????????? n.演讲;谈话

discredit ??????????? v.不信任;丢脸discrepancy ????????????? n.相差;缺乏一致

discrete ?????????? a.分离;没有关系的discretion ??????????? n.判断力;审慎的discriminatin

???????????????? a.有识别能力的;有偏见的g

discursive ??????????? a.散漫的;不得要领的disdain ????????? v.蔑视

disembark ???????????? v.登陆;靠岸


????????????????? v.剥夺(公民权)


disengage ????????????? v.脱离;分离

disfigure ????????? v.诬陷,抹黑,诽谤disgorge ?????????? v.吐出,涌出,呕吐disgruntle ?????????●? v.使郁闷

dishearten ??????????? v.挫败

disheveled ???????●?? a.邋遢,肮脏


???????●????????? n.不情愿,厌恶


disingenuous ????????????◆??? a.不诚恳的

disinter ??????????? v.挖出,出土disinterested ?????????????? a.公允的

disjointed ????????????? a.断开

dislodge ????●???? v.强制移除

dismantle ????????●? v.拆除

dismay ???????? v.使沮丧;使害怕

dismember ?????????? v.分解,肢解

dismiss ???????? v.拒绝;排除

disparage ??????????? v.忽略,轻视

disparate ?????????? a.大相径庭的;没关系的disparity ??????????? n.不同;差距dispassionate ???????????? a.平静的;公平的dispatch ????????? n.急速;急件

dispel ??????●? v.散开;分裂;消失disperse ????????? v.散开

dispirited ???????????? a.没情绪的,沮丧的

disputatious ??????◆??????????


disquiet ??????????? v.使焦虑,使难受

dissection ?????????? n.分析;解剖

dissemble ???????●? v.伪装,做作,掩饰

disseminate ???????????? v.分发,扩散,散布

dissent ???????? v.反对

dissertation ???????????????? n.论文(博士生)

dissident ?????????? a.持不同意见的;难于对付的dissimulate ???????◆●???? v.伪装,做作,掩饰

dissipate ?????????? v.驱散,消散;浪费

dissolute ?????●?◆??? a.放纵,挥霍

dissolution ?????●?◆????? n.解散;终止;解体

dissonance ?????????? n.不和谐的(声音)

dissuade ????????? v.劝阻;使灰心

distant ????????? a.冷漠的;远离的

distend ????????? v.扩大;扩张

distill ??????●? v.蒸馏;萃取,提炼,提纯distinction ???????????? n.出名;出格

distort ????????? v.扭曲,歪曲

distraught ?????????? a.使悲伤;使焦虑

diurnal ???????●? a.日常的

diva ??????? n.著名女歌唱家,天后;歌剧女主角diverge ?????????? v.多样的;各异的

divergent ????????????? a.分歧的

diverse ????????? a.丰富多样的

diversion ??????????? n.转移;解闷

diversity ???????????? n.多样性

divest ????????? v.剥夺

divine ???????? v.运用直觉,超能力;预见

divulge ??????●??? v.揭开,暴露

docile ???◆???●? a.驯服的,听话的;善良的doctrinaire ???????????? a.教条的;顽固的

doctrine ????????? n.教育;学说

document ?????◆????? v.书面证明

doff ???? v.脱

dogged ??????? a.顽固的;顽强的

doggerel ???????●? n.打油诗

dogmatic ?????????? a.独断的,教条的,固执的doldrums ???●?????? n.忧郁,悲伤


英语国际音标 1. IPA音标 IPA是International Phonetic Alphabet的缩写,称为国际音标。中国英语学习者大部分习惯使用国际音标的标音体系。 2. D.J.音标 英式英语发音音标。D.J.是英国语音学家Daniel Jones的姓名缩写。他根据IPA编写的英国英语的发音辞典《English Pronouncing Dictionary》中所用的发音符号,就是一般通称的D.J.音标。 3. K.K.音标 美式英语发音音标。K.K.是两位美国语言学者J. S. Kenyan和T. A. Knott的姓氏缩写。他们根据IPA所编的描述美国英语的发音辞典《A Pronouncing Dictionary of American English》中所使用的发音符号,就是一般通称的K.K.音标。 概述 英语国际音标是狭义上的国际音标 先说国际音标 [1]国际音标International Phonetic Alphabet,原义是“国际语音字母”简称IPA,由国际语音协会制定。 1888年,由英国的H~斯维斯特倡议,由法国的P~帕西和英国的D~琼斯等人完成,发表在《语音教师》上(“国际语音协会”前身“语音教师协会”的会刊),这是历史上第一个国际音标表。后经多次修订,现通行的是1979年修订的方案。 我们所说的国际音标一般来说有广义和狭义之分。如果区分不清的话,对学习英语的的朋友来说容易造成概念混淆和学习过程中的迷惑。 广义上的国际音标并不是指我们学习英语的过程中所见到的音标,而是指我们刚才说国际音标International Phonetic Alphabet,即“国际语音字母”IPA, 狭义上的国际音标就是指英语国际音标,更狭义地也就是指DJ音标。由于它用来标注英语的发音,一般都把它叫做英语国际音标,后来在国内干脆简称国际音标。这么一来,就容易和广义的国际音标IPA 造成混淆。 详细介绍 什么是DJ音标? DJ音标跟英国语音学家Daniel Jones有关。他根据IPA编了一本英国英语的发音辞典English Pronouncing Dictionary(第1版至第12版,最后一版的出版时间为1963)。他所编的英语发音字典代表了被称为“Received Pronunciation”(RP)(标准读音)的读音,这在受过教育的英国人尤其是南部英格兰人中通用。目前DJ音标符号共计有47个,其中辅音有24个﹔元音有23个。 标准


初中用英文自我介绍 同学们,在初中英语的课堂上,有被英语老师要求做过自我介 绍吗?下面WTT小雅为你整理了初中用英文自我介绍,欢迎阅读。 初中用英文自我介绍篇【1】 Hello. My name is... I am in Class One, Grade Eight. I am tall and thin. I am friendly and generous. I often help my classmates with their English because I am good at it. I am not only do well in English but also in maths. I like all kinds of sports,too. My favorite sport is basketball. I often play basketball with my classmates either after school or on weekends. I like reading books,too. My favorite book is “Gone with the Wind”;. I think books can open my eyes. 初中用英文自我介绍篇【2】 Good morning, everyone! It’s a great honor for me to introduce myself to all of you. My name is Serena and I’m fifteen years old. I come from Dalian city which is a beautiful and attracting place. Wish you can visit there and I believe that you will be impressed. English and movie are my favorites which can help me learn and relax. I like making friends, especially the ones who

48个国际音标认读详解(完全版 分类介绍)

一、元音 (一)单元音 1.前元音:[ i: ] [ i ] [ e ] [ ? ] [ i: ] 音标特征:前元音舌位高不圆唇长元音 发音要诀:舌前部抬得最高,牙齿近乎全合。舌尖抵下齿。 舌前部向硬颚尽量抬起,但比汉语普通话“i”音稍低, 没有摩擦。 嘴唇向两旁伸开,成扁平行. 做微笑状,发[ i: ]长音。 注意: “: ”是长音符号,长元音往往比它相应的短元音长两倍以上。发音组合: e ee ea ie ei 代表单词:m e h e w e e ven b ee f ee l br ee ze d ee p fr ee

s ea t b ea t l ea d t ea ea t r ea son gr ie f bel ie ve ach ie ve rec ei ve conc ei ve [ i ] 音标特征: 前元音半高音扁平唇短元音 发音要诀: 舌前部比[i:]稍低,比[e]高,舌尖抵下齿,嘴唇扁平分开。 牙床也开得稍大一些比[ i:]稍宽,比[ e ]窄。 上下齿之间的距离大约可以容纳一个小指尖。 使下颚稍稍下垂,舌前部也随之稍稍下降,即可发出短促[ i ]音。发音组合: i 代表单词: s i t b i t k i ck p i ck w i sh 音标对比: [ i: ] [ i ] s ea t s i t b ea t b i t sh ee p sh i p [ e ]音标特征:前元音半高音不圆唇短元音发音要诀:舌尖抵下齿, 舌前部稍抬起, 舌后接近硬颚, 比[ i:] 低。 牙床也开得半开半合,比[ i:] 宽,整体做微笑状。 上下齿之间的距离大约相当于一个食指尖。 发音组合: e ea a 代表单词:p e n t e n b e st b e g e gg n e t br ea d h ea ven m a rry a ny m a ny 音标对比:[ i ] [ e ] s i t s e t l i ft l e ft d i d d ea d [?]音标特征: 前元音低舌音不圆唇短元音 发音要诀: 舌前部最低,双唇向两旁平伸,成扁平行 牙床开的最大。软颚升起, 唇自然开放 上下齿之间的距离大约相当于一个食指加中指。 发音组合: a 代表单词: c a p m a p b a d m a d b a nk th a nk l a mp 音标对比: [e] [?]


中学生的英文自我介绍 中学生的英文自我介绍【一】 I have spent fifteen years in my life. So, this is my ninth year to study. By the way, my name is WengJingru. My father thought hard about my name. He consulted the dictionary two times to find how to name me. Of course, this name is very good and I like it very much. Sometimes I think I am a little strange. Because I often think the world isn’t full of happiness. And I want to be different from others. I hate superficial people. But always I am very out-going and kind to others. I can’t say ‘no’ to others. So I don’t know how to refuse. I can’t see I am a pretty girl, but I am not an ugly person, either. I am very general. I can’t say too much about my appearance. In this term, I make a little progress in my study. In my life, I have my parents’ love, and many, many people’s love. I am happy. I achieved so much, and I also lost so much. My star sign is Aquarius. It represents kindness and wisdom. But I don’t think I am such a clever person. Maybe I am modest. Aquarius has many friends. It also says that some people think I am strange because I hate


简短的初中生英语自我介绍 很多中学生就是烦恼自我介绍怎么介绍比较适合,时间的长短,字数的多少,小编今天就给大家分享一下英语自我介绍,有时间的来学习看看 优秀初中生英语自我介绍 Hello, everyone. My English name is Sisi .I am a middle school student. 大家好。我的英文名字叫茜茜。我是一个中学生。 My favorite animals are dolphins and rabbits. I think dolphins are smart and friendly, and rabbits are cute and a little bit quiet. Do you like koalas? They are one of Australians native animals. Well, to tell you the truth, I dont like them very well, because I think they are ugly. 我最喜欢的动物是海豚和兔子。我觉得海豚聪明,友好,而兔子则是可爱又有点点安静。你喜欢考拉吗?他们是一个澳大利亚的本土动物。嗯,说实话,我不是很喜欢他们,因为我觉得他们长得好丑。

I like reading books! What an interesting thing it is! From books, I can read so many good stories, For example, The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, this story is imaginary and powerful. 我喜欢阅读书籍!阅读是多么有趣的一件事啊! 从书中,我可以读到很多好的故事,例如,《狮子、女巫和魔衣橱》这个故事是虚构的,而且也是很强大的。 I like spring, and I think spring is the most beautiful season in the year. Its a warm time. The winter is good, too. We can play snow and make snowman. 我喜欢春天,我觉得春天是一年中最美丽的季节。那是一个温暖的时候。冬天也很好。我们可以玩雪,堆雪人。 初中生英语自我介绍范文 Hello,everyone. Now please allow me to do an introduction. My name is Li Lei. Im 14 year old. My birthday is on October 11th. My favourite book is twilight. I really love to read the books about vampires. My hobby is singing. Some people say Im a good singer.My favourite singer is Justin Biber.I think he is a great singer. I love to sing his songs. Besides singing, I love shopping very much. If I have time, I will go shopping with my friends.Im really good at


●元音和辅音的定义: ●发音时声带振动,呼出的气流通过口腔时不受阻碍,这样形成的语音称为元音。 ●不论声带振动与否,发音时呼出的气流通过口腔或鼻腔时受到一定的阻碍,这样形成的语音称为辅音。 ●发音时声带不振动的辅音称为清辅音。 ●发音声带振动的辅音称为浊辅音。 元音12个单元音长元 音 [a:] [?:] [i:] [?:] [u:] 短元 音 [Λ] [?] [i] [?] [u] [?] [e] 8个双元音[ai] [ei] [?i] [i?] [e ?] [u ?] [au] [?u] 辅音 10 对 清辅 音 [p] [t] [k] [f] [s] [∫] [t∫] [tr] [θ] [ts] 浊辅 音 [b] [d] [g] [v] [z] [3] [d3] [dr] [e] [dz] 3个鼻音[m] [n] [η] 3个似拼音[h] [r] [l] 2个半元音[w] [j] 元音音标学习 ●元音概述:元音是有噪音的语音。形成元音时,声带振动,气流经由咽腔和口腔逸出时,不受到任何阻碍,没 有可以听得到的摩擦声。英语里共有20个元音(单元音12个,双元音8个)。 ●元音之间的差异,是由发音时各发音器官所采取的不同位置形成的。所谓“不同位置”,指的是舌头的高低与 前后,牙床的开合程度,以及唇形的大小和圆扁。但其中决定的因素是舌头的位置:舌头是在口腔的前部、中部或者后部,决定所发的音是前元音、中元音还是后元音;舌身隆起的高度以及舌的哪一部分隆起最高,决定发出的元音是开口元音、半开元音、合口元音、还是半合元音。牙床开合的程度是由舌位的高低所决定的,而双唇的圆扁和大小对形成不同的元音也有相当的影响。因此,描述一个元音的发音部位,主要是描述它的舌位和唇形。


初中学生英文自我介绍 自我介绍是向别人展示你自己的一个重要手段,自我介绍好不好,甚至直接关系到你给别人的第一印象的好坏及以后交往的顺利与否。同时,也是认识自我的手段.教师范文吧在这里给大家提供了自我介绍的范文,仅供参考。下面是一篇初中英文自我介绍。 ,everyone!mynameis***.。,,, Thankyou.. ,IamfromXuanchengchina,Iamthirteenyearsoldandmybirthday isinjanuary,IaminclassTenGradeSeven,Icanspeakchineseandalit tleEnglish,,andplayingsports,myfavoritesubjectinshcoolismus ic,becauseitisveryrelaxing,butIdonotlikebiology,itistoobori ng! ,,friedpotatoandicecreamformysupper. 延伸阅读: 自我介绍表现形式 鉴于需要进行自我介绍的时机多有不同,因而进行自我介绍时的表达方法便有所不同。自我介绍的内容是指自我介绍时所表述的主体部分,即在自我介绍时表述的具体形式。 确定自我介绍的具体内容,应兼顾实际需要、所处场景,并应具有鲜明的针对性,切不可“千人一面”,一概而论。 依照自我介绍时表述的内容的不同,自我介绍可以分为下述五种

具体形式: 应酬式 应酬式的自我介绍,适用于某些公共场合和一般性的社交场合,如旅行途中、宴会厅里、舞场之上、通电话时。它的对象,主要是进行一般接触的交往对象。对介绍者而言,对方属于泛泛之交,或者早已熟悉,进行自我介绍只不过是为了确认身份而已,故此种自我介绍内容要少而精。 应酬式的自我介绍内容最为简洁,往往只包括姓名一项即可。例如: “您好!我的名字叫张路”。 “我是雍纹岩”。 工作式 工作式的自我介绍,主要适用于工作之中。它是以工作为自我介绍的中心;因工作而交际,因工作而交友。有时,它也叫公务式的自我介绍。 工作式的自我介绍的内容,应当包括本人姓名、供职的单位及其部门、担负的职务或从事的具体工作等三项。他们叫作工作式自我介绍内容的三要素,通常缺一不可。其中,第一项姓名,应当一口报出,不可有姓无名,或有名无姓。第二项供职的单位及其部门,有可能最好全部报出,具体工作部门有时也可以暂不报出。第三项担负的职务或从事的具体工作,有职务最好报出职务,职务较低或者无职务,则可报出所从事的具体工作。例如:


初中生英语优秀自我介绍 英语自我介绍其实和中文差不多,就是翻译过来而已,我今天就给大家分享一下英文自我介绍,希望可以帮助到大家 英文自我介绍范文 hello,i'm xx.i'm a girl.i'm 13 years old.i live in china.i can speak chinese and a little endlish.i like singing and dance.i can play ping pong.i like english.because i think i can learn lots of from it.my favourite color is blue.i like to eat noodles best.my email is .my telephone number is 3456789.we can be good friends. 你好,我是xx.我是个女生。我已经(13)岁了。我住在中国。我会说汉语和一点英语。我喜欢(唱歌和跳舞)。我会(打乒乓球)。我喜欢(英语)。因为我觉得(我可以从当中学到很多)我最喜欢的颜色是(蓝色)。我喜欢吃(面条)。我的电子邮箱是。我的电话是(3456789)。我们可以成为好朋友。 初中英语自我介绍范文 hello. my name is... i am in class one, grade eight. i am tall and thin. i am friendly and generous. i often help my classmates with their english because i am good at it. i am not only do well in english but also in maths. i like all kinds of sports,too. my favorite sport is basketball. i often play basketball with my classmates either after school or on weekends. i like reading books,too. my favorite book is "gone with the wind". i think books can open my eyes. 大家好,我的名字是....我在8年级1班。我又高又瘦。我很友善大度。我经常帮助同学们学英语,因为我的英语学得好。我不仅擅长英语而且数学学得也很好。我也喜欢各种体育活动。我最喜欢篮球。我经常和同学们放学后或周末打篮球。我也喜欢看书。我最喜欢的书是《漂》。我认为书能开阔我的视野。 初中生英语自我介绍 my name is lin and i'm from china. right now, i'm a student. i study very hard every day. i like going to school because i'm eager


第一课 一、音标是什么 简要介绍音标,并展示音标图 二、本课目标:前元音/i:/ /?/ /e/ /?/; 三、音标精讲 (一)、/i:/ 代表单词:sheep [?i:p] 【嘴巴微微张开,呈扁平口型】 Ice cream /a?s kri:m/ Key/ki:/ Police /p??li:s/ 口语表达: I’ll be on holiday next week . 我下周开始度假。 An ice cream for me , please . 请给我一个冰激凌。 【音标儿歌】 蜜蜂,蜜蜂是 bee , bee , bee 豌豆,豌豆是 pee , pee , pee 茶叶,茶叶是 tea , tea , tea (二)、/?/ 代表单词:ship /??p/ 【嘴巴微微张开,呈扁平口型】

Fish /fi?/ Kid /k?d/ City/?s?ti//口语表达: Zip your lips ! 闭嘴! Shanghai is a big city . 上海是座大城市。 【音标儿歌】 它呀,它呀是 it , it , it 晚饭,晚饭是dinner , dinner , dinner 家庭,家庭是 family , family , family 【发音训练】 /?/ /i:/ pick /p?k/ peak / pi:k/ is ease /i:z / it /?t / eat /i:t / rich /r?t? / reach /ri:t?/ 【轻松一刻】 When I was just a little girl, 当我还是个小女孩, I asked my mother, 我问妈妈, "What will I be? “将来我会变成什么样子呢? Will I be pretty? Will I be rich?" 我是否会变得美丽、富有?” Here's what she said to me: 她对我说: "Que sera, sera, “世事不可强求 Whatever will be, will be; 顺其自然吧。 The future's not ours to see. 我们不能预见未来。


初中生英语自我介绍(20篇) 初中生英语自介绍第1篇: My Chinese name is Peng Wanjun and English name is Alice。 I’m a girl in my 12 years old。 I like singing and acting。 Besides, I like doing sports。 Table tennis is my favorite sport。 I have a brother and a sister。They are middle school students。 I study in Xing Gong Primary School。 I’m in Class Two Grade Four。 I have three best friends。 They are Huang Yue, Xia Yu and Wang Tongtong。 We have many things in mon。 Do you like me? 的中文名字叫彭万军,英文名字是爱丽丝。是一个12岁的女孩。喜欢唱歌和表演。另外,喜欢运动。乒乓球是最喜欢的运动。有弟弟和姊姊。他们是中学生。在兴工小学学习。在四年级二班。有三个最好的朋友。他们是黄阅,夏雨和王彤彤。们有很多共同之处。你喜欢吗? 初中生英语自介绍第2篇: Hello,everybody!Do you know me?My name is Liang Qikun。My English name is Jenny。I am from China。I am ten years old。I am a clever girl。I have short black hair,big black eyes,big ears,a small nose and a small mouth。I am not very tall and not very thin。My hobby is reading books。My favourite sport is adventuring。 I can play the piano very well。This is me。



初中为了锻炼同学们的英语口语能力,经常会要同学们用英语自我介绍,那么,英语自我介绍怎样写呢?下面为大家分享了初中生的英语自我介绍,欢迎借鉴! 初中生英语自我介绍1I have spent fifteen years in my life. So, this is my ninth year to study. By the way, my name is WengJingru. My father thought hard about my name. He consulted the dictionary two times to find how to name me. Of course, this name is very good and I like it very much. Sometimes I think I am a little strange. Because I often think the world isn’t full of happiness. And I want to be different from others. I hate superficial people. But always I am very out-going and kind to others. I can’t say ‘no’to others. So I don’t know how to refuse. I can’t see I am a pretty girl, but I am not an ugly person, either. I am very general. I can’t say too much about my appearance. In this term, I make a little progress in my study. In my life, I have my parents’love, and many, many people’s love. I am happy. I achieved so much, and I also lost so much. My star sign is Aquarius. It represents kindness and wisdom. But I don’t think I am such a clever person. Maybe I am modest. Aquarius has many friends. It also says that some people think I am strange because I hate to be like others. I try to do everything differently. I like yellow the most. Yellow is the color of the sun, it can remind me of a warm, sunny day. Yellow is also the color of wisdom. And I like it because it is one of the colors that are vivid. Of course, most students have problems in their study. I don’t know how to make progress. I think I should work harder. That is the only way. I like reading very much. My favorite writer is GuoJingming. And now I am reading a book called ‘Gone with Wind’. I keep reading half an hour every day. I like English and Chinese best. I want to establish an English club. I want everyone to speak English in the daily life.


关于初中生英语自我介绍 我们用英语自我介绍可以看多一点范文借鉴一下,今天小编就给大家分享一下英文自我介绍,有兴趣的来参考哦初中生英语自我介绍 I have spent fifteen years in my life. So, this is my ninth year to study. By the way, my name is WengJingru. My father thought hard about my name. He consulted the dictionary two times to find how to name me. Of course, this name is very good and I like it very much. Sometimes I think I am a little strange. Because I often think the world isnt full of happiness. And I want to be different from others. I hate superficial people. But always I am very out-going and kind to others. I cant say no to others. So I dont know how to refuse. I cant see I am a pretty girl, but I am not an ugly person, either. I am very general. I cant say too much about my appearance.


国际音标学习 48个国际音标表 一、长元音[i:]

1、疯狂外号:穿针引线长衣音,简称“长衣音”.发音要领的是:舌尖抵下齿,舌前部抬高,舌两侧抵上齿两侧,口形偏平。 e:Chinese 中国人 ee:feeling 感情 ei:receive 接到 ea:please 请 ie:believe 相信 2、词汇拓展: we、she 、meet 、sixteen 、each 、please 3、实用操练: (1)Speaking English is a piece of cake. 说英语是小菜一碟 (2)Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。 4、额外奉献:Please feel free to ...(请尽管.../请随时...)这是一个非常好用的句型。 (1)Please feel free to visit anytime.请尽管随时采访。 (2)Please feel free to ask for any help anytime.需要帮忙尽管说 二.短元音[i] 1、疯狂外号:经典收小腹减肥短衣音,简称“短衣音”发音要领是发音时舌尖抵下齿,前舌尽量抬高,口形扁平。 i: visit 参观 e: English英语 u: busy忙 ee: been曾经是 y: pretty漂亮的 ui: build建造 2、词汇拓展:six 、eleven 、trip 、list、movie 3、实用操练:1.Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。 2. I'm pretty busy.我很忙。 三.元音[e] 1、疯狂外号:“小开口45度”音,简称为“45度”音。发音时舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起,


中学生英文自我介绍范文6篇 自我介绍是日常工作中与陌生人建立关系、打开局面的一种非常重要的手段,是向别人展示你自己的一个重要手段。在中国一般用中文自我介绍,在外国一般都是主要讲英语,如何用英语进行自我介绍,下面小编为大家献上中学生英文自我介绍范文,欢迎大家阅读学习。 中学生英文自我介绍范文篇一: Hello Everyone, my Name Is Lee. This Is Really A GREat Honor To Have This Opportunity, and I Believe I Can Make Good Performance Today. Now I Will Introduce Myself Briefly. I Am 20 Years Old, born In Guangdong Province, south Of China, and I Am A Senior Student At Guangdong **University. My Major Is English. And I Will Receive My Bachelor DeGREe After My Graduation In June. In The Past Four Years, I Spent Most Of My Time On Study. I Passed CET4 And CET6 With A Ease And Acquired Basic Theoretical And Practical Knowledge Of Language.

Im very happy and I like to make friends with others. I also like singing but traveling is my favorite, I have been to many interesting places in China but I havent been to other countries. What a pity! At school, I study Chinese,math, English, history, politics and so on. I like all of them. I often help my teacher take care of my class and I think I am a good helper. I live with my parents and we go home on time every day. Thats all, thank you. 中学生英文自我介绍范文篇二: Hello, everyone! My name is and my English name is . Im 15 years old. Im a student in a very beautiful school called Liangbing Middle School and I am in Class 1 Grade 7. My hometown Liangbing is also a beautiful town. Im very happy and I like to make friends with others. I also like singing but traveling is my favorite, I have been to many interesting places in China but I havent been to other countries. What a pity! At school, I study Chinese,math, English, history, politics and so on. I like all of them. I often help my teacher take care of my class and I think I am a good helper. I live with my parents and we go home on time every day.


英语的音标分类 英语音标的种类繁多,美国有美国的音标 (KK音标),英国有英国的音标(DJ音标),在英国还有牛津、剑桥自己出的音标,还有国际音标IPA,加上近期访间出版的韦氏音标、新国际音标…,因此就出现了这音标、那音标,版本非常的多。在众多版本中,使用较普遍的有英国的DJ音标和IPA国际音标, 以及美国的KK音标。 IPA音标(The International Phonetic Alphabet) 即国际音标.由1888年国际语音协会 (International Phonetic Association) 的语言学家便制定,是一套可国际通用的语音符号,他们希望以一个符号代表一音,并避免各人使用一套自己的符号所产生的不便。 AHD音标(The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language)即美国传统字典使用的音标,其特点一是全美音,二是简单易用。韦式字典等,也多采用类似的音标系统。AHD音标在金山词霸的美国传统词典中可见。 DJ音标(作者Daniel Jones)---英式音标 他根据IPA编了一本英国英语的发音辞典English Pronouncing Dictionary(第1版至第12版,最后一版的出版时间为1963)。他所编的英语发音字典代表了被称为“Received Pronunciation”(RP)(标准读音)的读音,这在受过教育的英国人尤其是南部英格兰人中通用。目前DJ音标符号共计有47个,其中辅音有24个﹔元音有23个。KK音标(作者Kenyon & Knott Phonetic Symbols)---美式音标 作者所编写的美语发音字典 (A Pronouncing Dictionary of American English, 1956) 所使用的符号均从前面提到的国际音标符号 (IPA) 而来,Kenyon & Knott二位仅将其中适用于美式英语的符号截取出来,再加上美音特有的儿音, 变成了美式英语的KK音标。这是一套最常用的也是最权威的注音法,从此人们把美语标准发音惯称为KK音标。目前KK音标符号共计有44个,其中辅音有24个﹔元音有20 个。 国内的英文字典里最常见的音标为英式发音的国际音标 (DJ) 和美式发音的KK音标,前者乃根据Daniel Jones编的英语发音字典 (English Pronouncing Dictionary, 1963),后者则是根据John S. Kenyon & Thomas A. Knott二氏的美语发音字典 (A Pronouncing Dictionary of American English, 1956)。值得一提的是,KK音标所使用的符号均从前面提到的国际音标符号 (IPA) 而来,Kenyon & Knott二氏仅将其中适用于美式英语的符号截取出来。 以前中学课本教的是DJ音标,现在有改成KK音标的趋势 英语有英式英语(British English,简称BrE)与美式英语(American English,简称AmE)之分,当然还有澳式英语(Australian English),俄式英语(Russian English),日式英语(Japanese English),甚至于中国英语(China English)等等。这就如同我们各地的话语殊异一样,地域不同,同一语言便很容易发生变异。现在我们很难说清出什么是纯正的英语,因为英语已经不再是某个国家的私有财产了,而是起着一个临时性的国际语言的作用。就如同北京方言是我国的标准用语一样,英式英语也就如同是各国运用英语时的那么一个参照点。而美国,由于在政治、经济乃至于文化上皆享受着咄咄逼人的特殊国际地位,其独特的美式英语也就自然形成了可以与英式英语分庭抗争之势。换句话说,我们在学习英语时,应当以英式英语或美式英语为基本标准,或两者兼顾,或任选其一。两者兼顾较容易,偏持一方较难,当然了呵呵,要是真的能象国内数位学者所畅想的那样,早日建立起一套体系完整的中国英语,而非不伦不类的中国式英语,那么我们中国人学起外语来可就省事儿得多喽。


First of all, I would like to say thanks to everybody who gave me a chance to introduce myself. I'm 12years old now. As a boy, I'd like to play basketball. At the same time, I like English very much. I have a dream to be a member of NBA. / I like reading and gardening as all the other girls. And I like Chinese culture. Would like to be a writer in future. I will study hard to achieve my goal with your help! Thanks again for taking your time! Hello,all the students and teachers!Today ,I'm really glad to be here.I hope that I can give you a good impression and make good friends with you.I'm an outgoing ,diligent responsible and considerate person.My passion to English make me stand here.When I was 4 years old ,I started to learn English.From then on,I'm addicted to it.Personally I think,English is one of the most beautiful languages in the world.I appreaciate its pronunciation,intonation and so
