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Unit 5 Honesty

Unit 5  Honesty
Unit 5  Honesty

Unit 5 Honesty

Good morning, everyone, It’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you. The content of my lesson is English for Vocational School Basic ModuleⅡUnit5(Honesty) I’ll be ready to begin this lesson from five parts: Analysis of the teaching material, the teaching methods, the studying methods, the teaching procedures, and blackboard design. First, let me talk about the teaching materials.

Part1 teaching materials.

This part is about a story “Whose Fault”. By studying of this part , we’ll enable the students to know honesty is very important in our life. Many students always stay away from class. This story is related to students’school life and the content is easy for them to understand, it also can improve their learning interest. This period plays an important part in the English teaching in this unit. If the Ss can learn it well, it will be helpful to make the Ss learn the rest of this unit. At the same time, it can improve the students’ reading ability, especially their skinning, scamming and summarizing ability.So, I think the teaching aims are as follows:

T eaching Aims and demands:

1. Knowledge objects:

a) The Ss can use the key words and the main phrases:

stay away from ,keep silent, take…out of, throw…away, fly with wind,

tell the truth, not… any more, take on, come to oneself,…etc.

2)Read the text to answer the questions of“Reading comprehension”

2. Ability objects:

1) To train the Ss’ ability of working in pairs and reading skill.


1). Know about honesty is very important in our daily life.

T eaching important points:

1).Train students’ reading skill.

2). Know about whose fault and master the useful expressions: stay away from ,keep silent, take…out of, throw…away, fly with wind, tell the truth, not… any more, take on, come to oneself,…etc.

T eaching difficult points:

1).Discuss whose fault it is in English.

Part2 T eaching methods:

According to the characteristics of students,I used the subject Participation in teaching, at the same time, to take the reading, discussion,and guide.

First:Read the text to answer the questions of“Reading comprehension”

Second:Guide the students to understand the long and difficult sentences.

Third: pair work or group work to solve the problems:

Discuss whose fault it is in English.

Finaly,Teacher reviews the results of the group to discuss.

Part3Studying Methods:

1)study by himself----read the text to answer the questions.

2)Work in groups to discuss----understand the long and difficult


Part4T eaching Procedure:

Step1. Lead-in

T: What will you do if your friend is dishonest? Will you help him or her to chest your teacher?

SS: free talk (work in pairs)

Step2 Listen the video

Ask Ss to listen to the text and pay attention to the pronunciation

Step3 1) Read quickly with the questions of “Reading Comprehension”

( Answer the questions according to the text)

3)Stress the important points( Read carefully) ------Understsnd

the long and difficult sentences.Master the main phrases:

1.Bill stayed away from school one hot day and went swimming.

stay away from…“脱离……”“离开,缺席”

类似的:stay up 熬夜:通宵不睡

stay in 住在……:留宿

That day, three of us stayed away from the meeting.

2. You don’t know how Mather takes on about it and how it’ll hurt Father!

本句子是一个复合句,有and连接两个how引导的并列句做know的宾语。take on “承受,激动不安”

e.g. Don’t take on so! 别太当回事了!

1.Joe suddenly took the note out of his pocket and threw it away.

take …out of “从……拿出……”

e.g.: She took everything out of her schoolbag as soon as she got home. throw … away “把……扔掉” e.g.

What did you throw away?

2.It flew up with the wind and came to rest on a very high branch of a

big old tree.

本句子是有and连接并列谓语动词flew和came。with the wind 意思是随风飘走。因此本句含义为:它随风飘走并且落在一棵古树的高高的树枝上。

3.He will never trust me any more.

not … any more “不再……;再也不……”。

I’ll not go swimming together with you any more.

4.Bill woke and found Joe sitting up in bed, crying.

谓语部分woke and found后面的Joe是宾语,sitting是现在分词做宾


5.Bill came to himself.

come to oneself “苏醒过来”

When he came to himself, he found every thing was gone.

(Have a full understanding of the text)

4)Break through the difficult points------ work in groups to discuss

whose fault it is in English.

Bec ause Bill stayed away from school and went swimming. The headmaster wrote a note to Bill’s father and asked Bill’s brother Joe to take it home.Bill threatened and pleaded Joe.Joe threw it away.I’ve never done such a thing before,sobbed Joe.Then Bill went straight to the big tree and take the note back. And he said to Joe,Tell the master I’m sorry----tell the master he’ll never have to send a note any more----that’s all.

Teacher reviews the results of the group to discuss.

Step4 Homework:

1. Learn the new words and phrases we learned this class today by heart and prepare the Grammar.

2. Finish off exercise 2 of “Reading Comprehension” and “Useful Words and Phrases”

Part5: Blackboard Design stay away from ,keep silent, take…out of, throw…away, fly with wind, not… any more, take on, come to oneself.


Unit 5 Let's eat 教学目标与要求 1、能听懂、会说一些进餐时需表达的语言: I’m hungry .Have some... I’d like some …Sure. Here you are. Thank you. You're welcome.并能在实际情景中进行运用。要求模仿正确,语调自然。 2、能听说、认读cake, bread, water, milk, juice, fish ,rice,egg等有关食品、饮料的单词,并能在日常生活中使用。 3、能正确听,说,读,写字母Oo,Pp,Qq,Rr,Ss,Tt并知道其在单词中的发音。 4、能听懂一些进餐时使用的简单的指示语,并能按照指令做出相应的动作。 A部分 第一课时 一、教学内容与分析 1、Let's talk. 本部分通过一个真实自然的情景会话,要求学生能理解对话大意,能用正确的语音语调朗读对话,教给学生如何表达自己喜欢的食物以及将食物拿给别人吃的时候该怎样说。并能在图片、实物和教师的帮助下,在语境中运用I’d like some…\ Have some … 2. Let's play. 本部分通过一个记忆的游戏,使学生巩固Let's talk中所学的有关食物的单词以及I’d like some ....的用法。 二、课前准备 1. 教师准备相关食物的图片卡 三、教学步骤 1、热身 (1)学生自由口语交谈(Free talk in pairs)(3-5分钟)。 (2)教师播放“Old MacDonald ”的歌曲,同学跟着音乐边唱边做动作。 (3)复习Unit 4中Let's do部分。 2、新课展示 (1)教师先组织学生观察Let’s talk 的教学挂图,引入吃早餐的话题,然后用果汁喝面包的实物或图片引出图中单词juice,bread,egg并进行教学。Look at Mike and

仁爱英语七年级下册unit 5 topic 3 基础训练(含答案)教学文案

Unit 5 Topic 3 周末作业一、Words ['wenzdi] ['m?nd?] ['tju?zdi] ['θ??zdi] ['fra?di] ['f?z?ks] [d????gr?fi] [ɑ?t] ['h?stri] [m?θ] [ba???l?d?i] [?p?l?t?ks] ['sa??ns] ['mi?t??] ['i?zi] ['?nt?r?st??] ['d?f?k?lt] [l??n] [hw?t?] ['s?bd??kt] [best] ['st?di] ['a?td??] [?k't?v?ti] [??ten?(?)n] [b?'twi?n] [st?mp] ['s?t?di] [na?t] [sa?nd] ['febr??ri] [hɑ?d] [le?t] n.星期三 n.星期一 n.星期二 n.星期四 n.星期五 n.物理(学) n.地理(学) n.体育.(physical educatin的缩写) n.美术,艺术 n.历史 n.数学=mathematics n.生物(学) n.政治 n.科学 n.会议;会面 adj.容易的 adj.有趣的 adj.难的 v.学习,学会det&pron.哪一个;哪一些 n.学科;主题 adv.& adj.最好地(的) (good和well的最高级) v.学习;研究n.书房 adj.户外的;室外的 n.活动 n.注意 prep.在(两者)之间; n.邮票v.跺脚 n.星期六 从…到… n.夜间 n.声音v.听起来好像 n.(Feb.)二月 adj.努力的;困难的adv.艰难地;努力地adv.晚,迟adj.迟(的),晚(的) 二、写出下列短语 上一节音乐课结束下一节课 谈论在那一天每一个工作日每逢星期二在星期三上午 你觉得…怎么样?= 该是做…的时候了学习;了解

新视野大学英语第三版读写教程第五单元Unit 5课后答案

一.Reading comprehension: 1.Because the Sydney-to-Melbourne race is 875 kilometers long and it is a harsh test of endurance for the world’s top athletes. 2.Cliff Young was a toothless 61-year-old farmer; he was wearing rubber boots, and was much older than the other runners. 3.Other athletes neither believed it nor treated Cliff Young with respect. 4.Because Cliff Young didn’t run properly. He had the strangest running style and appeared to shuffle. 5. When people found that Cliff Young ran through the entire night without sleeping and when it seemed to them that he intended to keep running until he reached the finish line or fell ill or was injured. 6. When he was running, Cliff Young imagined he was gathering his sleep and trying to outrun a storm. 7. Cliff Young gave all the prize money to five other runners. He didn’t keep a single cent for himself. 8. Cliff Young is a brilliant example showing that ordinary people also have the inherent quality to achieve great results. 3 Words in use: 1.annual 2.contract 3.distinction 4.substantial 5.furnished 6. amateur 7. assemble 8. react 9. Apparent 10. magnificent 4 Word building: bore fascinate amusing explosion assumption evolution compensation contribute elementary revolutionary 5 Word building: 1.assumption 2.fascinated 3.explosion 4.elementary 5. Compensation 6.evolution 7. amusing


PEP人教版小学英语三年级上册 Unit 5 Let’s eat ! Part C Story time 教学设计 新疆生产建设兵团第五师89团小学高艳萍 一、教学目标 (一)知识与技能 1.能听懂、会说、会认读本单元所学食物单词和点餐时用到的句型,学习新词ice cream,Coke。 2.能听懂并理解本单元C Story time故事内容,提高学生学习英语的兴趣,扩大阅读量。 (二)过程与方法 能在真实情境中运用所学句型和单词表达自己想吃的食物。 (三)情感态度与价值观 1.了解中西方饮食文化。 2.就餐时要有礼貌,使用文明用语。 3.培养健康合理饮食的观念。 二、学情分析 三年级学生活泼好动,喜欢直观形象思维,对游戏、故事、动画、歌曲特别感兴趣。但注意力集中时间短,这就需要老师要不断的调动学生的积极性和保持学生对课堂活动的兴趣。本节课创设了一个去餐厅吃饭的情境,在生活场景中进行词汇和句型的教学,让学生在真实情境中体验句型和单词的使用,加深学生对语言功能的理解。 三、教学重、难点 重点:复习本单元所学知识。 难点:能听懂并理解本单元C Story time故事内容。 四、教学准备 PPT 课件头饰单词卡片等 五、教学过程 Step 1 Warming-up 1.Greetings.

T : Good morning , boys and girls . Ss : Good morning , Miss Gao . T: How are you today? Ss: I’m fine, thank you. How are you? T: I’m fine too, thanks. 2.Sing a song. T: Look outside, it’s warm and sunny today. On such a lovely day, let’s listen and sing “Let’s have a picnic today ” together. 师生齐唱《今天让我们去野炊》。 3.Sharp eyes and good memory . Some words and pictures will appear on the screen and disappear quickly, Ss say out the food words. 设计意图:热身部分以轻松愉快的歌曲、游戏等方式可缓解学生紧张的情绪,并拉近师生间的距离。同时游戏部分也复习了本单元的词汇,达到巩固所学知识的目的。 Step 2 Lead in 1.Teach the new word “ ice cream ”( 教学新单词“ice cream”) T : Look ! Ice cream , ice cream . i-e /a?/ , ea / i: / , ice cream . Can I have some ice cream , please ? Follow me . Ss : Ice cream , ice cream . i-e /a?/ , ea / i: / , ice cream . Can I have some ice cream , please ? T: Here you are . Ss : Thanks. T : You’re welcome . 2 . Teach the new word “ Coke ”( 教学新单词“Coke”) T : Look ! Coke , Coke . o-e/??/ , Coke . Can I have some Coke , please ? Follow me . Ss : Coke , Coke . o-e/??/ , Coke . Can I have some Coke , please ? T: Here you are . Ss : Thank you . T : You’re welcome .

book 2 unit 5基础训练

10月31日高三英语课时作业(book 2 unit 5) 考号:姓名:班级: (一)基础单词(根据汉语提示写单词,注意正确形式) 1.The book will tell you how to ____________________(连接) a printer to your computer. 2.At the age of thirty, Samuel became a professional astronomer and _____________(获得) an international reputation. 3.He can play the piano, violin and several other __________________(乐器) 4.Who will take over the company is a very ________________(敏感的) issue. 5.Being a native of the city, he is ___________________(熟悉的) with all the streets here. 6.The baby is not really crying. She is only ________________(假装). 7.Her ______________(投入) to the job left her with very little free time. 8.She expressed her feelings in the ________________________(形式) of poetry. 9.The Asian Games will be _________________________(广播) live on TV. (二)重点单词 A:根据提示,写出下列单词的适当形式 10.____________________vt.& vi.表演;履行;执行 →____________________ n.表演;演奏→_____________________ n.表演者 11.___________________ _adj.幽默的;诙谐的→__________________n.幽默;幽默感 12.___________________adj.吸引人的;有吸引力的→_____________vt.吸引; 引起→_________________n.吸引;吸引力 13._____________________adj.痛苦的;疼痛的→___________________n.痛苦 B:一言辨异(根据语境,用所给词的适当形式填空) 14.They _____________ him to their party, and he accepted their ___________gladly.(invitation) 15.I am fully ____________of his success, for his hard-working and ______________convince me.(confident) 16.After a _______________ pause, he began to end up the meeting ________with few words.(brief) (一)根据汉语提示写出短语 1.____________________梦见;梦想;设想 2.____________________说实在地;实话说 3.____________________认为有(重要性、意义);附上;连接 4.____________________用现金;有现钱 5.____________________戏弄 6.____________________依赖;依靠 7.____________________大约 8.____________________打碎;分裂;解体 9.____________________另外;也 10.___________________分类11.___________________最重要;首先 12.___________________熟悉;与……熟悉起来 (二)选用以上短语填空(其中有两个多余选项) 1.I'll give you 10 minutes __________to go over the text again before answering my questions. 2.Little did I ______________one day entering a university at that time. 3.______________, this tie is a little too colorful. I don't think it suits your boyfriend. 4.We __________great importance ________education and encourage constant learning and thinking. 5.“There is no future between us, so I want to_____________,”said the girl to her boyfriend. 6.Children need many things, but _____________they need love from their parents. 7.Economic development should ____________both domestic and foreign markets. 8.It is not difficult to ___________the materials as long as time permits. 9.The famous actress takes various exercises. ________________ , she is on a diet. 10.Usually it takes time for anyone to _____________a new place. 根据提示,利用本课所学知识,完成下面的小作文。 他依靠(rely on)信心和毅力(persistence)三十年如一日的练习唱歌,最重要的(above all)是他的歌声深受群众的喜爱。他十分看重(attach importance to)人们给予他的帮助,他认为没有(without which)这些帮助,他就不可能(can't)取得这么大的进步。他曾许诺他和歌迷的联系永远不分开(break up)。 词数:60词左右


Unit5单元补课练习 Unit1. (A) 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。 1. I’ll i_________ some friends to come to my birthday party. 2. Our teachers taught us to sing l_________ songs before class. 3. The old man feels l_________because he lives alone. 4. The s_________ of the food is terrible. I can’t eat it. 5. He s_________ to be very tired. Let him have a good rest. (B) 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 6. Michael is becoming more and more _________ (interest) in Chinese culture. 7. I love the opera, Cats. It’s so _________ (fun). 8. He looks _________ (excite). What happened to him? 9. This is a story about a poor boy _________ (live) in a village. 10. I always feel happy when I see my son’s _________ (smile) faces to me. Unit2 (A)根据句意及首字母提示填空。 1. She is a s_________ girl. She is afraid of speaking in public. 2. The boy is funny. He always tells us some j_________. 3. He didn’t a_________ my gift at his birthday party. 4. He was angry and r_________ to leave here. He said he was going to stay here for two more days. 5. —Are you preparing for the next e_________? —Yes. I’m worried about it. I’m afraid that I may fail this time. (B)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 6. This _________(feel) makes him upset all day and night. 7. He is ill today, but he got up as early as _________(usually). 8. She is a _________(love) girl. We all like her. 9.“Do be a _________(help) person!”my father always says to me. 10.“Did _________(someone) let you go?”the teacher asked angrily. Unit3.词汇部分。(10分) (A)根据句意及首字母提示填空。 1. Carrie will give a s___________ in front of all her classmates. 2. His aunt can’t find her p___________, so she won’t go to England tomorrow morning. 3. It is important for us to protect our e___________. 4. I like many subjects, e___________ math. 5. If you are in a good mood, you can study in high s___________. (B)用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 6. Mother lets Michael ___________ (not watch) TV all day because the final exam is coming. 7. I think this is a wrong ___________ (decide), so don’t plan to do it. 8. He has a lot of trouble ___________ (work) out the problems. 9. We hope ___________ (see) him be happy again. 10. I saw some boys ___________ (play) basketball when I passed the gym. (C). 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。(5分) 11. He won the game, and we are ___________ ___________ him.(以……为自豪) 12. Maria is a kind girl. She can always ___________ ___________ ___________ with her classmates.(友好相处) 13. Those bottles are ___________ ___________ milk just now.(充满) 14. After he ___________ ___________ ___________, we began to carry it out.(作决定)


新视野大学英语读写教程2 unit5 课后习题及答案(翻译)Vocabulary Ⅲ. a while as an ambulance driven, you get hardened to what you see at accidents. 作为一个救护车司机一段时间后,你得到坚强在你所看到的事故中。 sole object was to get shelter from the snow, to get myself covered and warm. 我的唯一目的就是为了避开雪,让温暖覆盖我。 was take all the facters into account, his chances of winning the election were slim. 如果是把所有的模型考虑,他赢得大选的机会渺茫。 will only weaken his position if he continues to stick to his strange ideas. 它只会削弱他的立场,如果他继续坚持他的奇怪的想法。 thousands of people watched the football game. 数千人观看了足球比赛。 most noticeable change was in my younger brother, who had grown quite a bit and was now a third-grader. 最明显的变化是在我的弟弟,他已经足够大了,现在是三年级学生。 am supposed to be resting and relaxing, but it is just a whole bunch of different things that have happened.

必修(一)Unit 5基础训练英语试题

谷城三中高一英语必修(一)Unit 5基础训练 一、单词拼写 1.Jack is often told by his parents to be friendly to anybody even if he is ________(抨击).2.Different people have different ________(看法)about open education. 3.If you are interested in buying coloured business cards of high __________(质量)at a reasonable price, you need to use the Internet. 4.We should give all children ________ (平等)opportunities to develop their special talents. 5.Children should learn and obey the ________(原则)of the school first. 6.The People's Republic of China was ________(成立)in 1949. 7.In the end the soldiers succeeded in ________(逃跑) from prison and ran away. 8.I promise that you will be ______(报答)for providing useful information about the missing child. 9.I think Rose will become a good monitor, so I'd like to ________(投票)for her. 10.Girls should have the right to be ________(教育)at school as boys do. 11.There is an ________(相等的) number of boys and girls in the class. 12.There were 16 ________(票) in favor of my suggestion, and 15 against. 13.This is her first time to perform on the________(舞台). 14.He had been a talented artist in his ________(青年时期). 15.There is too much ________(暴力)on TV, which may have a bad effect on children. 16.I'm ________(乐意)to do anything for you. 17.Under the teacher's ________(指导), he can speak some English soon. 18.The man ________(攻击) her with a knife. 19.We aim at ________(质量) rather than quantity. 20.They struggled in their desperate attempts ________ but missed the exit and started heading in the wrong direction. 21.We hope that you will give ________(意见) and suggestions about our work. 22.He managed to ________(逃脱) from the big fire into the street. 23.London is full of homeless people ________(乞讨) in the streets. 24.It is always better to share your worries and troubles with your friends or ________(亲戚).25.I can't stand some people's ________(残忍) to animals. 26. He was ________(判决) to three years in prison. 27. He gave the children some chocolate to ________(奖赏) them for behaving well. 28. In general,children of ________(受教育的) parents usually get better grades. 29. Make sure the ________(电源) is turned off first before you leave the lab. 30. Mandela was already in his seventies when he became ________(总统). 二、在下列句子的空白处填入一个适当的词或用所给词的适当形式填空 1.Although he is quite old, he leads an _____ life. His _____ include tennis and painting. (active) 2.Everyone hopes to be treated ________ because ________ is the basic demand. (equal) 3.After retiring from the basketball field, Yao Ming decided to get further ________ (educate) in Shanghai Jiao Tong University. 4.Some people choose not to eat meat because they believe that it is _____ (cruelty) to eat animals. 5.He offered ________ (guide) to us. 6.________ (hopeful), I'll be able to stay at home for three weeks this time. 7.It's ________ (legal) to drive a car without a driver's license. 8.He was ________ (devote) to his career. 9.It's ________ (fair) to treat women badly. 10.Tom is a ________ (self) boy, who always thinks of others. 11.He never ________ heart when he was in trouble. 12.It was a prison from ________ no one could escape. 13.The owner of the garden allowed us ______ (enter) the garden. 14.My mother devoted most of her time to ________ (care) for my sick father. 15.As ________ matter of fact, he was ________ lawyer. 16.Tom was out ________ work at that time. 17.He often turned ________ his neighbour for help. 18.Free ________ worry, the woman lived a peaceful life. 19.He was the first man ________ (explore) the outer space. 20.I'm worried about ________ I can be admitted to the university. 21.Things might get better, but it doesn't look very ________ (hope) right now. 22._______ (self) people must learn to share so as to make themselves become _______ (self).23.They have an ________ (activity) holiday, sailing and swimming. 24.It's so ________ (fair)—Mary gets more money for less work. 25.The money was divided ________ (equal) among her four children. 26.________ (devote) to their work, most of the parents spend little time with their children. 27.I'm worried ________ her driving the car tonight on the wet road. 28.The soldiers were fighting bravely ________ their people ________ the enemy. 29. When he was out ________work, he was involved in crimes of violence and was put ________ prison at last. 30.Only by practicing a few hours every day ________ you be able to master English. 31.We live in an age________more information is available with greater ease than ever before. 32.Most of the students in our class are________(will) to spend their money and time on books and other useful things. 33.Some of the films are full of________(violent),which is not good for young kids. 34.We’re just trying to reach a point ________ both sides will sit down together and talk. 35.Every time I________(see) the old man in the park,he is absorbed in reading papers. 36.When the sports hero turned________at our party,he was welcomed with open arms. 37.It’s important to learn to take a positive attitude_______life when you are _____trouble. 38.Tsinghua University,________(found) in 1911,is one of the best universities in China. 39.Under our teacher’s careful ________ (guide),we finished our homework in advance. 40.People who are well ________ (educate) will be respected by everyone. 课文缩写语法填空(一)根据课文内容,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Elias was a poor black worker in South Africa. The time __1__ he first met Nelson Mandela was a difficult period of his life. He was twelves years old at that time. Mandela was a black lawyear to __2__ he went for advice. Mandela offered __3__ (guide) to poor black people on their __4__ (illegal) problems. Elias needed Mandela's help __5__ he had little education. The school __6__ he studied for only two years was three kilometres away. He had to drop out of school because his family couldn't pay the school fees or the bus __7__. He couldn't read or write well. After trying hard, he got a job in a gold mine. __8__,he didn't have a passbook to live in Johannesbug and he worried about __9__ he would become out __10__ work. 课文缩写语法填空(二)根据课文内容,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 When Elias, a poor black worker in South Africa, first met Nelson Mandela, he was in a very


九年级英语上册 Unit5 What are the shirts made of?单元练习被动语态专项练习: 将下列主动语态变为被动语态: 1、She waters the flowers after school. The flowers ___________ ____________by ___________ after school. 2、Guo Jingming wrote the book . The book ____________ ____________ ____________Guo Jingming. 3、The headmaster will give a talk this afternoon. A talk ______ ______ _______ _____the headmaster this afternoon. 4. The driver is repairing the car. The car ____________ ___________ ___________ __________the driver. 5. My father was painting the wall. The wall ______________ ______________ _____________ by father. 6. We have read the book.. The book __________ ____________ _____________ by ____________. 7. He had invited me to visit Japan before I came here. I _______ _________ _________to visit Japan before I came here. 8. Students should do their homework. Their homework __________ _________ __________ _________students. 9. His doctor makes him have two meals a day. He is _______ _______ _______ two meals a day. 10. The farmer made the horses work the whole day. The horses ___________ __________ __________ ___________the whole day. 11. I saw a mouse run into the room. A mouse ___________ ___________ __________ ___________ into the room. 12. I saw Lucy play in the park just now. Lucy ________ __________ ___________ ______________ in the park just now. 13. I often hear her sing this popular song . She ___________often_______ _______ _______ this popular song by_______. 14. He bought me a present yesterday.
