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People’s Republic of China

Organization Code Certificate



Type: enterprise legal person


Validity: from 2008-7-30 to 2012-7-29

Issuing authority: quality and technology supervising bureau of XX, XX province

Registration No:


1. Organization code of the People’s Republic of China is the sole and

unchanged legal code mark for an organization in the territory of the

People’s Republic of China. The Code Certificate is the certificate for an

organization’s legal code mark, made in original and duplicate. 2. The certificate shall not be


or illegally transacted.

3. If the registration items in the certificate incur change, change for

registration shall be applied with issuing authority.

4. Any organization shall follow relevant regulations to accept annual

inspection made by issuing authority.

5. When an organization is cancelled or annualed,cancellation for registration

shall be made with the original issuing authority, and the code certificate

shall be recalled.

The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China


【最新】公司简介英文怎么写-word范文模板 (2页)

【最新】公司简介英文怎么写-word范文模板 本文部分内容来自网络,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议请及时联系,本司将予以删除 == 本文为word格式,简单修改即可使用,推荐下载! == 公司简介英文怎么写 shandong hengtong stainless steel co., ltd. was founded in XX, the company produces cold-rolled stainless steel band, multi-function dianre guo, stainless steel products and chemical products such as the four series. now has more than 4,000 yuan in fixed assets, covers an area of 35,000 square meters and currently employs more than 500 people, has the title of senior and mid-level engineers and technicians, more than 60. now has 700 #, # 550, # 350, # 300 and other models rolling seven, five bright annealing furnace production lines, three large-scale slitting line, cold-rolled stainless steel with annual production of 1.5 million tons; tube machine group 6, in the production of stainless steel pipe more than 3,000 tons; steamed advanced energy-saving stainless steel mesh production line 4, in the production of steam grid 5,000,000; hydraulic stretching machine 18, dianre guo pot in the production of stainless steel products such as body more than 600 only. brazing resume at the end of 10 aircraft, multi-function dianre guo, electric kettles, cookers 3 production line with annual production of multi-function dianre guo, electric kettles, more than 100 cookers 10,000. hengtong chemical plant in the production of sodium silicate (pao huajian) 6,000 tons. company in may XX adopted the national security and 3c certification iso9001 international quality system certification. the company produces stainless steel belt, "jia love" multi-function card dianre guo, electric kettles, cookers and steam grid and stainless steel products, sold throughout the country at home and has a good reputation, and exports of south korea, turkey, south-east asia eastern european countries. stainless steel co., ltd. shandong hengtong developed into a set of production, management, research and service in one group of key enterprises, is always adhere to the "people-oriented, innovative development" business philosophy, the pursuit of scientific and technological progress


专业技术职称中英文对照 在改革开放的年代,各行各业都面临一个交流的问题,特别在国际交流中,以职称表明身份的场合很多,填表要填写头衔,看名片要印上职称,写信、会见、洽谈都需要抬出职称以表明身份,我们经常会遇到有关职务和其他职称的汉译英问题。 为了更加准确的翻译技术职称,应遵循以下几条原则: 1、体现“国际性”,尽量遵循国际惯例。 2、体现“级别性”,高、中初级别类的要力争表达准确,不失我国评定职称的初衷。 3、“解释性翻译”,不要逐字硬译。 4、简短,一目了然。 5、该区别的予以区别。 以下是我国各行业主要系列的高、中、初各级职称的翻译: 1、研究系列 研究员researcher 副研究员associate professor 助理研究员research associate 2、大学教师系列 教授professor 讲师lecturer 助教assistant 3、中等专业学校、技工学校教师系列

高级讲师senior lecturer 讲师lecturer 助理讲师assistant lecturer 教员teacher 4、中学教师系列 中学高级教师senior teacher(middle school) 中学一级教师first-grade teacher (middle school)5、小学教师系列 小学高级教师senior teacher (primary school) 小学一级教师first-grade teacher (primary school)6、工程技术系列 教授级高级工程师professor 高级工程师senior engineer 工程师engineer 助理工程师assistant engineer 7、实验系列 高级实验师senior experimentalist 实验师experimentalist 助理实验师assistant experimentalist 8、农业技术系列 高级农艺师senior agronomist 农艺师agronomist 助理农艺师assistant agronomist 9、图书资料系列 研究馆员professor of library science


英语翻译方法:直译与意译 这里所讲翻译方法是指通过英、汉两种语言特点对比,分析其异同,阐述表达原文的一般规律。英、汉语结构有相同一面,汉译时可照译,即所谓“直译”——既忠实原文内容,又符合原文结构形式,能传达原文意义,体现原文风格等。但这两种语言之间还有许多差别,如完全照译,势必出现“英化汉语”,这时就需要“意译”,在忠实原文内容前提下,摆脱原文结构束缚,使译文符合汉语规范。特别要注意是:“直译”不等于“死译”,“意译”也不等于“乱译”。试比较: 1、直译与死译 原文结构与汉语结构是一致,照译即可。但如果原文结构与汉语不一致,仍然采取直译方法,就成“死译”了。如: ①、In some automated plants electronic computers control the entire production line. 在某些自动化工厂,电子计算机控制整个生产线。(直译) ②、The earth acts like a big magnet.地球作用着像一块大磁铁。(死译) ③、Manganese has the same effect on the strength of steel as silicon. 锰有同样影响在强度上像硅。(死译) 例②、例③既不忠实原意,又不符合汉语表达方式。因此,必须运用“词类转换”广成分转换”、“词(语)序调整”等手段使译文通顺。例②、例③应分别译为:“地球作用像一块大磁铁。”…“锰像硅一样会影响钢强度。” 2、意译和乱译 只有在正确理解原文基础上,运用相应翻译方法以调整原文结构,用规范汉语加以表达,这才真正做到“意译”。翻译实践证明,大量英语句子汉译都要采取“意译法”。 如果把“意译”理解为凭主观臆想来理解原文,可以不分析原文结构,只看词面意义,自己编造句子,势必造成“乱译”。如: It is easy to compress a gas,it is just a matter of reducing the space between the molecules. Like a liquid a gas has no shape,but unlike a liquid it will expand and fill any container it is put in.气体是很容易压缩,这正是压缩分子之间距离根据。气体和液体一样没有形状,但又不同于液体,气体膨胀时会充满任何盛放它容器。(乱译) 例句中“乱译”是由主观臆想(不正确选择词义、任意转换成分)造成。在这里,将matter译成“根据”在物理学上是讲不通,因为“压缩气体也就是减少分子之间距离”,两者是一回事。matter应作“事情”、“问题”解。 将will expand任意转换为时间状语,致使不符合原义。will expand and fill应译为“会扩张并充满”。综上所述,原译文可改为“气体很容易压缩,那只不过是缩小分子之间距离而已。气体和液体一样没有形状,但又不同于液体,因为气体会扩张并充满任何盛放它容器。” 就翻译方法而论,总来说,就是“直译法和意译法相结合”,又可细分为“照译”、“词义引伸”、“成分转换”、“句转成分”等译法。 英语翻译训练方法-直译 直译是一种重要的翻译方法,它有不少优点,例如能传达原文意义,体现原文风格等。据估算,大约70%的句子要用直译方法来处理,所以直译广为译者采用,由此可见直译法之重要。但是,直译具有一定的局限性。例如译文有时冗长罗唆,晦涩难懂,有时不能正确传达原文意义,有时甚至事与愿违。所以,如果不顾场合条件,不顾中外两种语言的差异,一味追求直译,就必然闯红灯,进入误区,造成误译。直译之所以有误区,是因为语言的形式与内容,句子的表层结构与深层意义有时不统一;另一方面,中外文化历史背景不同,造成了不同的思维方式和不同的语言表达形式。不少人批评过直译硬译,指出过直译有局限性,但是直译到底有哪些局限性,它都表现在什么地方。英语直译至少有五大误区,明确这些误区,就要在翻译中避免一些错误,就可在直译行不通的地方采用意译。 一、否定句型中的直译误区

商务英语翻译练习 - 直译与意译

Translation exercises A.Translate the following sentences into Chinese: 1.I’ve read your articles and I expected to meet an older man. 2.The ship turned just in time, narrowly missing the immense wall of ice which rose over 100 feet out of water beside her. 3.To appease their thirst its readers drank deeper than before, until they were seized with a kind of delirium. 4.For White, to disclose his long-held privacy means to strike the heel of Achilles. 5.In the court action, Alain sprang his trump card by calling a surprise witness. 6.Jefferson believed that the Baghdad Pact had already been reduced to less than a shadow. 7.We in Zambia would like to build a color-blind society where all can have equal opportunities. 8.Every time Robert visits me, one of my books disappears. I’m beginning to smell a rat. 9.We are very sorry to disappoint you, but hope you will understand that stock offers are a touch-and-go kind of things. 10. What sort of force does the sun exert on the planets which causes the planets to move according to the laws which Kepler has discovered. B.Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese In 1776, Adam Smith, a Scottish economist, wrote the wealth of Nations, a book that has had an enormous influence on American economic development. Like many other thinkers, Smith believed that in a capitalist system people are naturally selfish and are moved to engage in manufacturing and trade in order to gain wealth and power. Smith’s originality was to argue that such activity is beneficial because it leads to increased production and sharpens competition. As a result, goods circulate more widely and at lower prices, jobs are created, and wealth is spread. Though people may act from the narrow desire to enrich themselves, Smith argued, “an invisible hand” guides them to enrich and improve all of society. And yet, American industrial development in the 19th century took a toll on working men and women. Factory owners often required them to put in long hours of low wages, provided them with unsafe and unhealthy workplaces, and hired the children of poor families. There was discrimination in hiring: African Americans and members of some immigrant groups were rejected or forced to work under highly unfavorable conditions.


常见职位职称中英文对照 时间:2011-05-17 14:54 来源:外贸信息网 Accounting Assistant会计助理 Accounting Clerk记帐员 Accounting Manager会计部经理 Accounting Stall会计部职员 Accounting Supervisor会计主管 Administration Manager行政经理 Administration Staff行政人员 Administrative Assistant行政助理 Administrative Clerk行政办事员 Advertising Staff广告工作人员 Airlines Sales Representative航空公司定座员Airlines Staff航空公司职员 Application Engineer应用工程师 Assistant Manager副经理 Bond Analyst证券分析员 Bond Trader证券交易员 Business Controller业务主任 Business Manager业务经理 Buyer采购员 Cashier出纳员 Chemical Engineer化学工程师

Civil Engineer土木工程师 Clerk/Receptionist职员/接待员 Clerk Typist&Secretary文书打字兼秘书Computer Data Input Operator计算机资料输入员Computer Engineer计算机工程师 Computer Processing Operator计算机处理操作员Computer System Manager计算机系统部经理Copywriter广告文字撰稿人 Deputy General Manager副总经理 Economic Research Assistant经济研究助理Electrical Engineer电气工程师 Engineering Technician工程技术员 English Instructor/Teacher英语教师 Export Sales Manager外销部经理 Export Sales Staff外销部职员 Financial Controller财务主任 Financial Reporter财务报告人 F.X.(Foreign Exchange)Clerk外汇部职员 F.X.Settlement Clerk外汇部核算员 Fund Manager财务经理 General Auditor审计长 General Manager/President总经理


本文由雪白乌鸭贡献 文教、科技有关部门常见职衔与职称英文翻译  (大学)校长 President/Chancellor  (大学)副校长 Vice President  (大学)代理校长 Acting President  (中学)校长 Principal  (小学)校长 Head /Master  学院院长 Dean of College/Head of College  教务长 Dean/Director of Teaching Affairs  总务长 Director in Charge of General Affairs  系主任 Department Chairman /Department Head  教研室主任 Head of the Teaching and Research Section  实验室主任 Laboratory Chief  教导主任 Director of Teaching and  班主任 Discipline Class Adviser/Head Teacher  教授 Professor  副教授 Associate Professor  客座教授 Visiting Professor/Guest Professor  兼职教授 Part-time Professor  名誉教授 Honorary Professor  终身教授 Lifetime Professor  外籍教授 Foreign Professor  研究生指导教师 Graduate Teacher/Research Supervisor  讲师 Lecturer/Instructor  助教 Teaching Assistant (T.A.)  实验员 Laboratory Technician  图书馆员 Librarian  研究所所长 Institute Director  研究员 Research Fellow/Researcher  副研究员 Associate Research Fellow / Associate Researcher 助研 Research Assistant  资料员 Data Processor  总工程师 Chief Engineer  副总工程师 Assistant Chief Engineer  高级工程师 Senior Engineer  工程师 Engineer  助工 Assistant Engineer  技术员 Technician  技师 Skilled Technician  董事长 Chairman of the Board /Chairman  董事/理事 Director  副董事 Associate Director  高级会计师 Senior Accountant  注册会计师(美国)Chartered Accountant  注册会计师(美国)Certified Public Accountant(CPA)  助理会计师 Assistant Accountant  主任会计 Chief Accountant  高级经济师 Senior Economic Manger / Senior Economist  经济师 Economic Manager /Economist  建筑师 Architect  规划师 Planner

英语 直译与意译-试讲教案

Good morning,class. In the last period we have learned chapter one-General principles of translation. And we have studied two important points: Definition of translation and the competence of a translator. And I will check you in the next class. As what we have mentioned last period, the process of translation consists of two phases: comprehension and expression. (理解和表达) Generally speaking, comprehension is of foremost importance, and express is the natural consequence of thorough comprehension. However, in the practice of translation, we may find that now and then some words in their usual senses are very difficult to deal with because of the disparity between the English and the Chinese language. In this case, we have to resort to some special means of translation. Literal translation and free translation are two alternative approaches to tackle this problem. So, in this class, we are going to learn translation strategies in 1.4.1, literal translation and free translation. To begin with, what’s literal translation and free translation? Please open your books and turn to page 12. Literal translation Vs. Free translation 1. Literal translation may be defined as having the following characteristics: 1). Literal translation takes sentences as its basic units and the whole text into consideration at the same time in the course of translating. 直译把句子作为基本单位,同时在翻译的过程中也考虑整个文本。 2). Literal translation strives to reproduce both the ideological content and style of the entire literary work and retain as much as possible the figures of speech. 直译是要再现文本的中心内容和原文风格,并且尽可能保留原文的修辞。 2. Free translation may be defined as a supplementary means to mainly convey the meaning and spirit of the original without trying to reproduce its sentence patterns or figures of speech. And it is adopted only when and where really impossible for translators to do literal translation. 意译其实是直译的一种补充的翻译手段。意译就是尽可能传达原文的意思和精髓,


ERP技术/应用顾问 ERP Technical/Application Consultant IC设计/应用工程师 IC Design/Application Engineer 阿拉伯语翻译 Arabic Translator 安全/健康/环境工程师 Safety/Health/Environment Engineer 安全/健康/环境经理/主管 Safety/Health/Environment Manager/Supervisor 安全人员Security Officer 办公室助理 Office Assistant 办事处财务负责人 Financial Principal in the Office 办事处代主任 Subrogating Director of the Office 办事处负责人 Principal of the Office 办事处副主任 Deputy Director of the Office 办事处客服负责人 Principal of the Customer Service in the Office 办事处主任 Director of the Office 包装设计师 Package Designer 保安 Security 保安人员 Securities Custody Clerk 保险代理/财务规划师/储备经理人 Insurance Agent/Financial Planner 保险公司理赔员 Insurance Actuary 保险核保/理赔 Adjuster 保险精算师 Actuary 保险内勤 Insurance Office Staff 报副主编 Deputy Chief Editor 报关员 Customs Specialist 本部副总经理 Assistant General Manager of the Department 本部总经理 General Manager of the Department 本部总经理高级助理 Senior Assistant of G.M. of the Department 本部总经理助理 Assistant of G.M. of the Department 本部总经理助理 Assistant of G.M. of the Department 编辑/作家/撰稿人 Editor/Writer 宾馆/酒店经理 Reception Manager 部长 Secretary 部长助理 Assistant Secretary 部门负责人 Division Principal 部门经理,科长 Section Manager 财务/会计助理 Finance/Accounting Assistant 财务/审计/统计 Finance/Accounting 财务报告人 Financial Reporter 财务分析经理/主管 Financial Analysis Manager/Supervisor 财务分析员 Financial Analyst 财务经理 Finance Manager 财务经理 Fund Manager 财务主管/总帐主管 Finance Supervisor 财务主任 Financial Controller


. 我公司为南宁XX商务服务有限公司竭诚为您快速代理以下业务: 一、代办工商营业执照注册、年检、变更等(注:本公司拥有资深专业人员和具有良好的社会关系,可为您快速解决企业遇到的各类疑难问题)。 二、会计代理服务,企业审计、验资,一般纳税人认定。 三、商标注册 联系人:xxx,150xxxx, 会计:0771-xxxx 邮箱:xxxxxx@https://www.sodocs.net/doc/7b7634188.html, QQ;xxxxx Nanning XX Business Service Co. ,Ltd. We provide the following services: 1.Business registration service, annual inspection and change (Note: the company has experienced professionals and have good connections, so that we can solve all kinds of difficulties for you in the Registration Process). 2.Accounting services, audit, capital verification, the general taxpayer application 3.Trademark registration Contact: XXXX, 150XXXX Accounting: 0771-2XXXX E-mail: XXXX@https://www.sodocs.net/doc/7b7634188.html, QQ; XXXXXX Add: No. 89, Longteng Rd. Nanning 感谢您的支持与配合,我们会努力把内容做得更好! 精选word


浅谈英语翻译中的直 译和意译

浅谈英语翻译中的直译和意译 一)、Literal translation 直译(异化法 foreignization ) Free translation 意译(归化法 domestication) 英、汉两种语言在结构和语义表达方面存在着雷同和差异,翻译时有时用直译,有时用意译。 (1)、直译(Literal translation)指不仅忠实于原文内容,而且忠实于原文形式的翻译方法. 直译把忠于原文内容放在第一位,把忠于原文形式放在第二位,要求在保持原文内容的前提下,力求使译文与原文在选词用字、句法结构、形象比喻及风格特征等方面尽可能趋同(无限接近)。 直译把通顺的译文形式放在第三位。 (1.1)直译的应用: (1.1.1)某些习语和短语的翻译,例如 cold war 冷战 hot line 热线 spicy girl 辣妹 black market 黑市 paper tiger纸老虎 Blood is thicker than water 血浓于水 The heart is seen in wine. 酒后吐真言 (1.1.2)含义广为流传,读者较为熟悉的短语、习语等, 直译可以丰富译语语言。例如: A. He walked at the head of the funeral procession, and every now and then wiped his crocodile tears with a big handkerchief. 他走在送葬队伍的前头,还不时用一条大手绢抹去那鳄鱼的眼泪。 B. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee today extended the olive branch to the Clinton Government by pleading for cooperation in developing foreign policy.


公司的简介英文翻译范文 本文是关于公司的简介英文翻译范文,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读。 公司的简介英文翻译(一) Do you know what is it? The letter “I” is Luxo Jr., a character from an early pixar film. Now, it is the mascot of pixar Animation Studios. pixar has produced fourteen feature films, beginning with Toy Story and its most recent Monsters University. I have watched all of them. So today I would like to show you that the history of pixar can be divided into three parts and pixar has three successful works. Let’s start with the history of pixar. The history of pixar can be divided into three parts, before 1986, between 1986 and 20xx, and 20xx till now. Before 1986, pixar was the Computer Division of Lucasfilm. It was launched in 1979. Between 1986 and 20xx, pixar was an independent business. In 1986, because of the divorce of George Walton Lucas, he decided to sell this team. Then Steve Jobs became the new Chairman of pixar. In cooperation with The Walt Disney Company, pixar produced many popular feature films. They include Toy Story, A Bug’s life, Finding Nemo and so on. These films not only brought pixar fame, but also gave it big profits. In 20xx, Steve Jobs sold pixar to The Walt Disney Company. The pixar name was guaranteed to continue, and the studio would remain. But the brand of films made post-merger would be “Disney·pixar” , beginning with Cars.


各种职称英文翻译 2007-10-16 14:33:32| 分类:职称翻译|字号大中小订阅(大学)校长Preside nt/Cha ncellor (大学)副校长Vice Preside nt (大学)代理校长Acti ng Preside nt (中学)校长Prin cipal (小学)校长Head /Master 学院院长Dean of College/Head of College 教务长Dean/Director of Teaching Affairs 总务长Director in Charge of General Affairs 系主任Department Chairman /Department Head 教研室主任Head of the T eaching and Research Section 实验室主任Laboratory Chief 教导主任Director of Teach ing and 班主任Discipline Class Adviser/Head Teacher 教授Professor 副教授Associate Professor 客座教授Visiting Professor/Guest Professor 兼职教授Part-time Professor

叮叮小文库名誉教授Honorary Professor 终身教授Lifetime Professor 外籍教授Foreig n Professor 研究生指导教师Graduate Teacher/Research Supervisor 讲师Lecturer/Instructor 助教Teachi ng Assista nt (T.A.) 实验员Laboratory Tech nician 图书馆员Libraria n 研究所所长In stitute Director 研究员Research Fellow/Researcher 副研究员Associate Research Fellow / Associate Researcher 助研Research Assistant 资料员Data Processor 总工程师Chief Engineer 副总工程师Assista nt Chief Engin eer 高级工程师Se nior En gi neer 工程师Engineer 助工Assistant Engineer 技术员Technician


常用名片中英文职务职称翻译大全 千千名片多年积累整理名片中经常使用到的英文职务、职称、头衔名称的英文翻译对照,从而提高名片的翻译质量,实现跨文化交际。名片的正确英文翻译为 business card (name card ;visiting card ;calling card) ※总裁 Chief Executive ,CEO ※董事长 Board Chairman ※总经理 General Manager ※副总经理 Vice General Manager ※总经理秘书 Secretary ※总经理助理 General Manager's Assistant ※秘书 Secretary ※秘书长 secretary general ※客户经理 Account Manager ※高级理财顾问 Senior Financial Consultant ※高级客户经理 Senior Account Manager ※市场总监 Marketing Director ※客户主任 Account Executive ※市场营销部经理 Manager of Marketing Department ※销售部经理 Sales Manager ※餐饮部经理 Food and Bererage Manager ※客房部经理 Housekeeper ※Accounting Assistant 会计助理 ※Accounting Clerk 记帐员 ※Accounting Manager 会计部经理 ※Accounting Stall 会计部职员 ※Accounting Supervisor 会计主管 ※Administration Manager 行政经理 ※Administration Staff 行政人员 ※Administrative Assistant 行政助理 ※Administrative Clerk 行政办事员 ※Advertising Staff 广告工作人员 ※Airlines Sales Representative 航空公司 定座员 ※Airlines Staff 航空公司职员 ※Application Engineer 应用工程师 ※Assistant Manager 副经理 ※Bond Analyst 证券分析员 ※Bond Trader 证券交易员 ※Business Controller 业务主任 ※Business Manager 业务经理


浅谈英语翻译中的直译和意译 一)、Literal translation 直译(异化法foreignization ) Free translation 意译(归化法domestication) 英、汉两种语言在结构和语义表达方面存在着雷同和差异,翻译时有时用直译,有时用意译。 (1)、直译(Literal translation)指不仅忠实于原文内容,而且忠实于原文形式的翻译方法. 直译把忠于原文内容放在第一位,把忠于原文形式放在第二位,要求 在保持原文内容的前提下,力求使译文与原文在选词用字、句法结构、形象比喻及风格特征等方面尽可能趋同(无限接近)。 直译把通顺的译文形式放在第三位。 (1.1)直译的应用: (1.1.1)某些习语和短语的翻译,例如 cold war 冷战hot line 热线spicy girl 辣妹black market 黑市 paper tigei纸老虎 Blood is thicker tha n water 血浓于水 The heart is see n in wi ne.酒后吐真言 (1.1.2)含义广为流传,读者较为熟悉的短语、习语等,直译可以丰富译语语言。例如: A. He walked at the head of the funeral procession, and every now and the n wiped hiscrocodile tears with a big han dkerchief. 他走在送葬队伍的前头,还不时用一条大手绢抹去那鳄鱼的眼泪。 B. The Sen ate Foreig n Relati ons Committee today exte nded theolive hranch to the Clinton Government by pleading for cooperation in develop ing foreig n policy. 参议院外交委员会今天向克林顿政府伸出了橄榄枝、要求在发
