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商务英语报告则是以英语语言撰写的商务报告。按种类划分,常见的有:事件调查报告(Investigative Reports)、意见调查报告(Survey Reports)、周报告(Weekly Reports)、月度报告(Monthly Reports)、进展报告(Progress Reports)、市场调查报告(Market Research Reports)、可行性研究报告(Feasibility Reports)等。尽管这些报告都有自身的特点,但它们都遵循商务英语报告总体写作原则。


在撰写商务英语报告时,应确保报告内容准确无误(Accurate)、简明扼要(Brief),结构清晰(Clear),建议明确果断(Decisive),故简称ABCD原则。具体内容如下:? 内容准确无误:报告的正确性不仅仅是指英语语法、标点符号和拼写,更重要的是其内容要叙述的正确。报告的事实陈述部分既不能因哗众取宠而夸大其词,也不能因其涉及的令人不愉快的消息而低调陈述。实事求是、准确无误是报告写作的重要原则。

? 内容简明扼要:报告的长短一般取决于报告的内容及其正式程度。正式报告篇幅一般较长,而非正式报告则较短。不论何种报告,报告的语言必须简洁、流畅,切忌陈词滥调。一份拖沓冗长的报告不仅写时费力,对方阅读更浪费时间。撰写商务英语报告时要尽量避免罗嗦,用尽可能较少的文字,完整、清楚地表达需要表达的意。

? 结构清晰明了:用数字、符号标明段落、层次、要点等,加强逻辑性,使读者一目了然。

? 建议明确果断:多数报告都有结论和建议部分,是报告的核心。撰写时,应确保报告的结论和建议是经过充分论证而得出的,而且应明确果断,切忌模棱两可。


? 报告的目的:为什么写这份报告?

? 报告的读者:谁是报告的读者?他(们)知道什么信息?他(们)需要什么信息?? 报告的素材:撰写这份报告需要收集哪些信息?到哪里去收集这些信息?

? 报告的结构:如何构思报告?如何做到报告结构清晰,便于读者阅读?是否需要自己设计报告的格式还是公司有现成的格式可以参照?

? 报告的写作期限:报告何时须上交?


1. 收集信息(Collecting Information):收集信息可以采取口头或书面形式。口头形式包括面对面沟通或电话沟通获取信息等;书面形式指的是用办公室便函(Memos)、电子邮件(Emails)、问卷调查(Questionnaires)等手段向公司内部或外部索取信息。此外,查阅公司的相关材料(如产品目录、价格单等)也属于书面收集信息形式。

2. 谋篇布局(Planning the structure):确定报告写作的目的,对收集到的信息进行整理、分类,删除无关信息。然后按照信息的重要程度进行合理排列,列成提纲。若需要摆放插图或图表,也应在这一阶段确定其在报告中的位置。

3. 撰写草稿(Writing the draft):撰写报告的各个部分。

4. 校对编辑(Proofreading and editing):校对编辑报告写作的最后一个过程也是极其重要的一个过程,很遗憾这一过程往往被人忽视。撰写人写完草稿后应对报告进行全面检查,检查的具体内容包括两方面:一是语言,包括语法、拼写、标点符号、语言风格等;二是信息,包括数据、图表、观点等。检查后,应对报告进行编辑,尽量做到报告便于读者阅读。











另外,写摘要时应该使用简单的衔接词,如but,then,thus,yet,for等等,而不能使用at the same time,on the other hand 等。


This paper mainly deals with……


This article focuses on the topics of (that,having,etc)……


This essay presents knowledge that……


This thesis discusses/analyzes……


This paper provides an overview of……


This article compares……and summarizes key findings.


This paper presents up-to-date information on……


This article not only describes……but also suggests……


This paper provides a method of ……


This paper introduces an applicable procedure to analyze……


This paper is devoted to examining the role of……


This paper reflects the state of the art in……


This article reviews the techniques used in……


The writer of this essay tries to explore……


The aim/purpose/objective of this paper is to determine……





How New York Became America's Largest City

In the 18th century New York was smaller than Philadelphia and Boston.Today it is the largest city in America.How can the change in its size and importance be explained?

To answer this question we must consider certain facts about geography,history,and economics.Together these three will explain the huge growth of America s most famous city.

The map of the Northeast shows that four of the most heavily populated areas in this region are around seaports.At these points materials from across the sea enter the United States,and the product of the land are sent there for export across the sea.

Economists know that places where transportation lines meet are good places for making raw materials into finished goods.That is why seaports often have cities nearby.But cities like New York needed more than their geographical location in order to become great industrial centers.Their development did not happen simply by chance.

About 1815,when many Americans from the east coast had already moved toward the west,trade routes from the ports to the central regions of the country began to be a serious problem. The

slow wagons of that time,drawn by horses or oxen,were too expensive for moving heavy freight very far. Americans had long admired Europe's canals.In New York State a canal seemed the best solution to the transportation problem.From the eastern end of Lake Erie all the way across the state to the Hudson River there is a long strip of low land.Here the Erie Canal was constructed. After several years of work it was completed in 1825.

The canal produced an immediate effect.Freight costs were cut to about one-tenth of what had been.New York City,which had been smaller than Philadelphia and Boston,quickly became the leading city of the coast.In the years that followed,transportation routes on the Great Lakes were joined to routes on the Mississippi River.Then New York City became the end point of a great inland shipping system that extended from the Atlantic Ocean far up the western branches of the Mississippi.

The coming of the railroads made canal shipping less important,but it tied New York even more closely to the central regions of the country.It was easier for people in the central states to ship their goods to New York for export overseas.

Exports from New York were greater than imports.Consequently,shipping companies were eager to fill their ships with passengers on the return trip from Europe.Passengers could come from Europe very cheaply as a result.

Thus New York became the greatest port for receiving people from European countries. Many of these people remained in the city.Others stayed in New York for a few weeks,months,or years,and then moved to other parts of the United States.For these great number of new Americans New York had to provide homes,goods,and services.Their labor helped the city be come great.


How New York Became America's Largest City

New York was once smaller than Philadelphia and Boston,but now it is America's largest city because of geography,history and economics.

New York was located at the seaport where materials were imported to the US and the products of the US were sent abroad across the sea.The city was further developed when the Erie Canal was completed in 1825.This linked Lake Erie to New York via the Hudson River and the cost of transporting goods to those who had settled inland was cut down.In addition,the Great Lakes were soon linked to the https://www.sodocs.net/doc/7a12336090.html,ter,railroads tied New York closer to the central states,whose goods were exported via New York.Fewer goods were imported,so cheap passages were available from Europe.New York became the main port for receiving Europeans,many of whom stayed in the city and helped it become great.








The report is hereby made to ask for the approval of the board for the solution of the problem.


This report will summarize……


The report provides an introduction to……


The operation on…… is under smooth way.


This report only provides guidelines they can use to assess their own needs.


May I have your approval of……by the end of this month?


We will fulfill the task ahead of time.


Upon the request of the committee,we have conducted the report.



To:Mr. Johnson

From:Li Nan

Subject:Ship Accident off West Coast of The Yangtze River,No Casualties.


Yesterday evening two boats collided in thick fog in The Yangtze River not far from Wu Han. One was a cargo ship carrying lumber,apparently on its way to The Yangtze River. The other was a National ferry on its regular run from Jiu Jiang to Wu Han.

However,because of the weather conditions,the captains did not realize the danger until a few seconds before the collision took place. Consequently,there was no time for them to prevent the accident.

Fortunately,there were no casualties among the crews or passengers,but both ships suffered badly damages.

A spokesman for the port authorities said that a committee would be set up to determine the cause of the collision.

Sincerely yours,

Li Nan












1. 文章标题英文标题一般在10个实词以内,最多不超过15个实词,避免使用非公知公用的缩略词、代号等。

2. 作者简介作者真实姓名,作者单位全称、所在城市、邮编;如有多名作者,在每一作者姓名右上角依次标出与作者单位相对应的序号,如:CHUN Y u 1, DONG Xiao-xue2 (1.Department of Electronic Engineering, School of Information Science and Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081,China; 2. School of Mechatronic Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081,China)。中国作者姓名用汉语拼音,姓前名后,姓氏全部字母大写,复姓应连写;名字首字母大写,双名中间加连字符。如:ZHANG Ying-hui。单位名的英译名应为完整的、正规的名称,一般不用缩写。于文章首页地脚处注明第一作者的姓名、出生年、性别、学历、E-mail信箱等。

3. 论文如有涉密问题或已在公开期刊上发表,请在篇首页地脚处注明。

4. 摘要英文摘要一般为150-180个实词,中文摘要一般在300字以内,中英文摘要应基本一致。其内容应包括研究目的、方法、结果、结论等,禁用“本文”、“作者”、“This paper”等作主语。详见“科技期刊文章摘要的写作要求”。

5. 关键词每篇文章可选3~8个能反映文章主要内容的单词、词组或术语。英文关键词应与中文关键词相对应。


7. 正文正文篇幅一般希望控制在成书5页(记空格,图表占位)以内。内容力求有创新,论证严谨,语句通顺,文字精炼。










11.参考文献来稿引用他人观点与材料,须将参考文献按正文中出现的先后次序列于文后,文中须在引用处右上角加注“[序号]”。中文参考文献必须列出相应的英文,并在后面加注“(in Chinese)”。引文作者姓名均为姓前名后,最多标3名,余下用“et al.”代表。

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New Imaging Spectrometric Method for Rotary Object

CHUN Yu 1, DONG Xiao-xue2

(1. Department of Electronic Engineering, School of Information Science

and Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081,

China; 2. School of Mechatronic Engineering, Beijing

Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081,China)

Abstract: A new technique for imaging spectrometer for rotary object based on

computed-tomography is proposed. A discrete model of this imaging spectrometric

system is established, which is accordant to actual measurements and convenient

for computation. In computer simulations with this method, projections of the

object are detected by CCD while the object is rotating, and the original spectral

images are numerically reconstructed from them by using the algorithm of

computed-tomography. Simulation results indicate that the principle of the method

is correct and it performs well for both broadband and narrow-band spectral


Key words: aerodynamic characteristics; stealth characteristics; numerical calculation; polarization

CLC number:TP374.2









[1] Sch?lkopf B, Burges C J C, Smola A J. Advances in kernel methods – Support vector learning [M]. Cambridge,MA: MIT Press, 1999.

[2] Hearst M A, Sch?lkopf B, Dumais S, et al. Trends and controversies –Support vector machines [J]. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 1998,13(4):18-28.



AUDITOR’S REPORT Yue Hua Shen / Yan Zi (2014) No. 0002 ICPA filing number: 0420 To all shareholders of ****** Co., Ltd: We have audited the accompanying financial statements of ****** Co., Ltd (“Your Company”), which comprise the balance sheet as of 31 D ecember 2013, the income statement,statement of changes in owner's equity and cash flow statement for the year then ended, and notes to the financial statements. I. Management’s responsibility for the financial statements Management of your Company is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements. T his responsibility includes: (1) in accordance with the Accounting Standards f or Business Enterprises and its relevant provisions, preparing the financial statements and reflecting fair presentation; (2) designing, implementing and maintaining the necessary internal control in order to free financial statements from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. II. Auditors' responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Chinese Certified Public Accountants Auditing Standards. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable a ssurance whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditors' judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, w hether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, we consider the internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness o f accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. III. Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements of your Company have been prepared in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprise and its relevant provisions in all material respect, and present fairly the financial position of your Company as of 31 December 2013, and the results of its operations and cash flows for the year then ended. Guangdong Huaxin Accounting Firm (general partner) Guangdong, China


历年政府工作报告中英文对照版和《经济学家》中英文对照版建议多看看,上面的习题最好都亲自做一下,三级没多大难度,充分准备应该可以通过 汉英翻译技巧的培养(translation competence development)应涉及以下内容: 一.要培养对英语的语感和悟性(language intuition – open and alert mind to pick up idioms, specific expressions, etc.); 二.要培养对英语的判断能力和鉴赏能力(evaluation capacity – judgment); 三.要培养对英语的洞察能力和剖析能力(power of observation – insight); 四.要培养对英语细微特征的反应能力(linguistic nuances alertness);- 五.要培养对社会文化和跨文化交流的敏感性(social-cultural sensitivity – cross-cultural awareness); 六.要培养对英语和汉语之间差别的意识(sense of differences between Chinese and English); 七.要培养对英语和汉语之间的辩证关系的认识(awareness of the dialectic relationship between Chinese and English); 八.要培养对英语“洋为中用”的意识(“use things foreign to serve Chinese purposes”); 九.要培养对英语“学以致用”的意识(apply what you have learned in your translation); 十.要培养对翻译的多层次、多角度的立体思维方式(a multi-tier approach )。 十一.一名称职的翻译工作者必须懂得什么是翻译的真谛(a clear conception of what translation is)。 十二.一名优秀的翻译人员必须具有高屋建瓴的视角(great powers of conception)。 各种能力和意识的培养都需要加强翻译意识的锻炼: 第一:要对翻译的重要性有深刻的、充分的认识,翻译的对与错、好与坏有时会产生绝


骑缝章分两种,一种是盖有许多页纸的文件时,为了避免有人换掉其中几页纸又不想每页都去盖章,而把文件几页纸张的边缝连在一起盖章(我要用的应该是这个)。还有一种是在一张可以分成两半,留下底根的的介绍信上盖章,一个章盖在撕下的正本介绍单位落款处,一个章盖在将要撕开在地方,撕开后介绍信上有一半,底根上有一半,以防假冒。前一种应该叫paging seal,后一种才叫a seal on the perforation。 Instruction 1. the report is invalid when there is no ‘special stamp for inspection report’ or inspection organization stamp. -----报告无‘检验报告专用章’ 或检验单位公章无效。 2. The report copy is invalid when there is no ‘special stamp for inspection report’ or inspection organization stamp. ――复制报告未重新加盖‘检验报告专用章’或检验单位公章无效。 3. The report is invalid when there is no auditor and certifier’s signature. ――报告无审核、批准人签章无效。 4. The aultered report is invalid. ――报告涂改无效。 5. Telling the inspection organization in 15 days since you receive the report when you don’t agree, otherwise it is not accepted. ――对检验报告若有异议,应于收到报告之日起十五日内向检验单位提出,逾期不予受理。 6. The entrust inspection is responsibility for the received sample only. ――委托检验仅对来样负责。 未经本中心许可本报告不得用于任何广告宣传和成果鉴定,本报告部分复印无效。 ――The report could not be used f or any advertisement and evaluation. ------The part report copy is invalid. 国家汽车质量监督检验中心National Quality Control & Inspection Center for Automobiles 希望对大家有用. 一>质量检验报告单----Quality Inspection Report 一般包括: 1.日期----Date 2.检验员---Inspector 3.产品名称---Item Description 4.产品编号---Part Number/PT.NO 5.检验数量---Quantity Inspected 6.客户定单号---P.O.NO 7.发现问题详述:----Discrepancies found(一般与检验标准对照,列出不符合标准的差异) 8.不合格数量:Reject Number


序号 English Chinese 序号 English Chinese 1bend 弯曲 102shrink mark收缩纹2broken 破烂 103stress mark顶白印 3broken label标贴烂 104thin spray喷油过薄 4broken screw缧丝断 105uneven coation涂色不圴 5burn mark烧痕 106uneven spray喷油不均匀 6burr 毛边 107uneven surface高低落差过大 7carton broken外箱烂 108untrimmed thread线头过长 8color deviatiion色差过大 109water mark水渍 9damage 损坏 110wrinkle 皱纹 10deform 变形 111wrong assortment错混装 11foreign tape纸屑 112wrong color错颜色 12dent mark凹陷 113wrong labelling错标贴 13dirt mark污渍 114wrong packing错包装 14flash 披锋 115wrong products错货品 15flow mark胶料注塑纹 116wrong sewing label错缝合标贴 16foreign material外物(就是脏东西 117foreign stuffing线头 17gate mark水口修不好 118missing letter缺字 18glue mark胶水渍 119missing segment缺字划 19hole misalignment孔位不正 120part detach配件甩掉


英文工作报告参考 在外企工作的朋友们,大家知道怎么用英语书写工作总结吗?以下是精心准备的英文工作报告参考 6 others. I now realize that the major strength of air cargo — its ability to respond to sudden changes in consumer demand — is also its major weakness. I’m developing the view that any prediction in air cargo is pointless if it’s based only on a recent or short-lived trend (like the one displayed in 20XX), rather than the extrapolation of a long-term picture that has been proven right by history. You could say that this risks missing the next major opportunity, but I don’t think so. It avoids the equally serious risk of assuming lots of additional overhead that could quickly become a millstone if predictions fall short. History usually repeats itself, and long-term trends of the past, which incorporate past peaks and troughs, are a much better basis for predicting future trends. That alone is not enough, however. The trick is surely also to factor in additional growth from real prospects of business gains that are within your influence and consider the possible effects of any real


英文调查报告 广告的目标 1. our main goal is to establish brand awareness among our target audience. 2. our main purpose is to establish brand awareness among our target audience. 3. the main objective is to establish brand awareness among our target audience. 本段的关键在于清楚地表明公司的目标,同时下文即可循着这个主题发展。”main goal”, “main purpose”, “main objective”,都是指‘主要的目标’。 调查的数据 1. according to my figures, of the working women we polled, 50% said they read at least one of the top-five selling women’s magazines in taiwa n. 2. the numbers we have show that of the working women we polled, 50% said they read at least one of the top-five selling women’s magazines in taiwan. 3. as the facts prove, of the working women who responded to our poll, 50% read one of taiwan’s top-five selling women’s magazines. 说明调查的结果,并作为下文结论的根据。关键词为”figures”、”numbers”和”facts”等。 依调查判断

调查报告 英文版

A report on the influence Factors of Graduating Students a Survey Report on Employment 1 Introduction In the last two decades, owning to education, we witnessed a rapid development in industry, agriculture, science and technology in China. Education can not only enrich people’s knowledge, but also improve people’s moral standard as a whole. However, with the new higher education policies coming into effect, a growing number of college students are fully aware of the uncertainties of their future careers. How to find a right niche for ourselves? As a result, we did this study aims to investigate the influence factors of graduating students’ employment. We hope we can offer some advises for college students based on the findings of our research. 65 graduating students from Shandong University were investigated and 65 questionnaires are valid. The questionnaire is both in electronic form and papery form. We collect the data and type the result into computer. Besides, in order to make the result more directviewing, we use Excel to make diagrams. Through our statistical analysis, the results indicated that most of the college students want to get a stable job with a high salary. And they tend to work in big cities or work abroad where there has a good development prospect. 2 Research Design 2.1 Research Questions: The questionnaire is clearly set out in appendix I. More specifically, the following questions were addressed: 1. Personally, does gender has impact on applying for jobs? 2. In your opinion, which of the following abilities will be the advantage when you look for a job? 3. Do you think what ability needs to be improved when you look for a job? 2.2 Participants: 65 graduating students from Shandong University were investigated. 40 of them filled in the questionnaire online. The students who have been surveyed were voluntary. And the average age of students was 20. And 30 percent of the students are male and 70 percent of the students are female.


Metro AG Introduction Metro AG, often referred to as the "Metro supermarket", is largest retail in Germany, the second largest retail in Europe, and the third largest in the world's retail wholesale supermarket group1. In the Metro and WanKeLong (only European) brand with a number of Metro market. The company is the composition of German DAX stock index, is one of the world's top 500, has branches in 32 countries. It is created by Otto Beisheim, headquartered in Dusseldorf now. In 1964, in the field of business, a new idea and management mode was born in Germany, this is the Metro. Manage Cash and Carry in 32 countries around the world now,and provide for the delivery system shopping malls, large department stores, super discount supermarket chain stores, specialty stores, etc. Enterprise mission: metro is a kind of Cash and Carry shopping mall,service for professional customers and commercial customer. Metro provides high-quality goods and business plan for professional customers at the lowest possible price. 1 background Metro group structure is clear. The metro group runs from the strategic management of the whole corporation. Metro group is divided into four parts, the operation of the company has six independent sales area and different brand. Cash and Carry service for business and professional customers, other part is for retail sales and the final customer2. So-called service across the region refers to provide services for all sales areas within the company of the group, such as procurement, logistics, information technology, advertising, finance, insurance, food and beverage. Metro now buy is metro group’s most sales ability and the internationalization of branches. Today, the group has set up a file in the 33 countries around the world with more than 2100 stores. Under the joint efforts of the 100000 employees, the company turnover up to35 billion euros in 2011. 2 current retailing strategy 2.1 target market Target customers of most of the common market is no difference, namely the service object is the ordinary consumers, repeat purchase rate of consumers is high in the short term , but every time quantity of purchase is not big, consumer behavior is temporary and more randomness . And target consumers of warehouse supermarkets are more clear. Metro service for "limited" customers, refer to the operators in the field of industry and commerce, implement membership for group consumers3. And status of the members must be legal enterprises and institutions. 2.2 market positioning 1 Fansi. Supply chain management research on Metro (China)’s own brand of goods [D]. Huazhong university of science and technology, 2010 2ChenYaNa. The zero management mode in change management research [D]. East China university of science and technology, 2012 3TianWei. Study on the existing problems and countermeasures competition strategy of Metro China company [j]. Fudan university in 2009


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个人工作报告总结结尾语【中英文】 新的一年已经来临,我们将在总结过去得失的基础上,与时俱进,开创教导工作的新局面,争取取得更好的成绩。下面是整理的关于个人工作报告总结结尾语,欢迎阅读! In future work, I will continue to work safety firm is caught fulfil, strengthen staff safety lessons, improve staff safety consciousness, the better the higher authorities to complete the production task. 新的一年已经来临,我们将在总结过去得失的基础上,与时俱进,开创教导工作的新局面,争取取得更好的成绩。 The new year is coming, we will sum up the past and foundation, advancing with the times, create a new situation in the work of guidance, strive for better results.总之,这一年以来,我们有得也有失,有苦也有甜,但是不论欢笑或泪水,都将会是我们每个人在爱心社弥足珍贵的珍藏。相信爱心社的明天会更好! In short, this year, we lose or gain, there are also bitter sweet, but regardless of laughter or tears, will each of us in the


外贸产品质检报告英文 版 Document serial number【UU89WT-UU98YT-UU8CB-UUUT-UUT108】

C H A I N TRANSMISSION Inspection Report Conveying chain P- 80 Date of Inspection:2015/7/16 Description of Product: Product Drawing Pitch: 80mm Packaging: 40 pitches per section, totally 37 ections and 20 pitches per section, totally 1 ections 19 sections in one box, totally 2 boxes. Inspection1: The Size

Inspection 2:Hardness The requirements of the hardness

--- --- --- --------------------------------------------------------

Inspection 3:Packing 40 pitches per section, totally 37 ections and 20 pitches per section, totally 1 ections. Box size:100×100×100cm (2 boxes) How it packs:

Inspection 4:Loading Add res s:Z A la Noy ere e 3-


飞服中心报告室常用英语词汇 廊桥 air bridge/loading bridge/jetway 停机位 parking stand 登机口 passenger gate 停机区 bay 机库 hangar 防吹栅 blast fence 代办 representative 气象室 meteorological(met) office 报告室 reporting office 签派室 dispatching office 通告室 NOTAM office 地服 ground service personnel 油料 fuel depot 配载 stowage/load planner (最大、实际、剩余)业载(maximum/actual/residual)payload (客舱、放行)机务 cabin engineer/release maintenance 安检 security cheek 海关customs 检疫 quarantine 消防队 fire department 急救中心 emergency/first-aid center

救护车 ambulance 公安 police station 现场指挥中心 ramp control center/apron operation center 过站旅客 transit passenger 机组 flight crew 乘务 cabin crew 管制员 controller 信号员(引导机务)marshaller 签派员 dispatcher 出港航班 outbound flight 进港航班 inbound flight 国际航班 international flight 国内航班 domestic flight 客运飞行 passenger flight 货运飞行 cargo flight 正班 scheduled flight 非定期 non-scheduled flight 加班飞行 extra flight 包机飞行 charter flight 公务飞行 business flight 急救飞行 first aid flight 专机飞行 state flight


联系人:谢小姐 E-MAIL:手机:电话: 6/ 传真:9

服务通用条款 1. 总则 (a) 除非另有书面协议,或(i)和代表政府、政府团体或任何其它公众实 体履行服务的管理法规不一致,或(ii)和当地法律的强制规定不一致,SGS 或任何SGS的关联公司或任何它们的代理(单称“公司”)和客户(“契约关系”),都受本服务通用条款(以下称为“通用条款”)约束。 (b) 本公司可为发出指令的人或实体(私人、公众或政府)(以下称为“客户”)提供服务。 (c) 除非本公司事先收到客户相反的书面指令,任何其它方都无权做出 指令,特别是关于服务范围或提交做出的报告或证书(“结果报告”)方面 的指令。无论是经客户指示或是依照环境、贸易惯例、作法或实践做出判断,客户在此不可撤销地授权本公司提交“结果报告”给第三方。 2. 提供服务 (a) 本公司根据经本公司确认的委托人的具体指令,以合理的审慎和技 能提供服务。若无此指令,则根据: (1)本公司的任何标准委托单或标准规格单中的条款;和/或 (2) 任何有关的贸易惯例、作法或实践;和/或 (3)本公司认为在技术、操作和/或财务方面适当的方法。 (b) 结果报告中陈述的信息来源于检验/测试的结果,执行检验/测试程序是根据客户的指令,和/或根据任何技术标准,贸易惯例或实践的结果评估,或应该被考虑的在我们专业建议中的其它情况。 (c) 对样品检测后出具的结果报告仅仅反映本公司对该样品的评价,不 反映对被抽取样品的一批货物的评价。 (d) 如客户要求本公司见证任何第三方的工作,客户同意,本公司的唯 一责任是在第三方工作时出现在现场并传递该结果或证实其工作中发生的事情。客户同意,本公司对第三方使用的设备、仪器和测量器具的状况和校准、所用的分析方法、第三方人员的资格、行为或疏漏,以及分析结果均不负责。 (e) 本公司出具的结果报告只反映在工作当时所记录的事实,而且限于 所收到指令的范围内,若无指令时,则限于所用的本条款2(a)中给出的可选择参照的范围。本公司没有责任涉及或报告所收到的专门指令或所用的可选择参照范围以外的事实或情况。 (f) 本公司可委派代理或分包商承担全部或部分服务,客户授权本公司向代理或分包商提供其所承担服务的全部必要的信息。 (g) 公司如收到涉及客户和第三方签订的契约文件或第三方的文件,如 销售合同、信用证、提单等,这些文件仅供参考用,而不扩展或限制经本公司接受的服务范围或职责。 (h) 客户确认,本公司在提供服务时既不取代客户或任何第三方的位 置,也不免除它们应负的任何职责,此外也不承担、不削减、不免除、不承诺解除客户对任何第三方或任何第三方对客户的任何责任。 (i) 所有样品的保留期最长为3个月或样品性质允许的更短期限,到期后样品退给客户或由本公司自行处理,此后本公司终止对该样品的任何责任。样品存储期超出3个月所产生的存储费由客户支付。如样品退给客户,由客户支付退运费用。如产生样品的特殊处理费用,由客户支付。 3. 客户的责任 客户要: (a) 保证及时提供足够的信息、指令和文件(任何情况下不得晚于所要求的工作前48小时),以便所要求的服务得以实施; (b) 为本公司的代表取得到达工作地点的所有必要的通行权,并采取一 切必要的措施,消除或纠正服务实施中遇到的任何障碍或干扰; (c) 如有要求,根据服务实施的需要提供任何特殊设备和人员; (d) 无论本公司通知要求与否,要采取一切必要的措施,确保实施服务 时的工作环境、场所和装置的平安和安全; (e) 对任何委托、样品或实验中包含的任何已知的实际或潜在危险或危害,如放射性、有毒、有害或爆炸元素或物质、环境污染或中毒的存在和危险,要事先通知本公司; (f) 按照和第三方的任何有关销售合同或其它合同及法律,全面行使全部权利和清偿全部债务。 4. 收费和支付 (a)在本公司接受客户委托或合同磋商时未确定收费额的,应依照本公司的标准费率(有可能调整),并且全部应交税款由客户支付。 (b) 除发票上确定了更短期限外,客户应不晚于相关发票日期起30天,或本公司在发票上确定的期限(到期日)支付全部应付给本公司的费用。如未按时付款,则要按1.5%的月息(或在发票上确定的其它利率)支付自到期日起至(包括)实际收到付款日的利息。 (c) 客户无权因声称对本公司的任何争端、反诉或抵销,而留置或延迟 支付应付给本公司的任何款项。 (d) 本公司可决定向任何有管辖权的法院就收取未付款提出诉讼。(e) 客户应支付本公司全部的收账费用,包括律师费和有关开支。 (f) 一旦在实施服务过程中出现任何不可预见的问题和费用,本公司要尽力通知客户并有权收取附加费,以弥补完成该服务必需的额外时间和开支。 (g) 如果因任何超出本公司控制的原因,包括客户失于履行它在上述第3条中的任何责任,本公司不能履行全部和部分服务时,本公司依然有权收取: (1) 本公司发生的所有不可偿还费用的总合;和 (2) 按比例支付的等于实际上已实施的服务部分的约定费用。 5. 服务的暂停和终止 如出现以下情况,本公司有权立即且不承担任何责任地暂停或终止提供服务: (a) 客户失于履行任何它应尽的职责,而且在通知其过失后10天内客户不作补救;或 (b) 客户的任何暂停付款、与债权人做出安排、破产、无力偿付、破产管理或停业。 6. 责任和赔偿 (a) 责任范围 (1) 本公司既不是保险商也不是担保人,不承担这方面的任何责任。客户寻求保证不损失或不损害,应该适当投保。 (2) 结果报告的出具是以客户或其代表客户提供的信息、文件和/或样品为基础,并且仅仅是为了客户的利益,而且该客户应当对其在结果报告基础上所采取的其认为合适的行为负责。对任何根据该结果报告已采取或没采取的行动,对因提供给本公司不清楚、不正确、不完全、误导或虚假信息导致的任何不正确结果,无论本公司还是公司的任何官员、雇员、代理或分包商都不应为此对客户或任何第三方承担责任。 (3) 对因任何超出本公司控制的原因,包括客户失于履行它的任何责任而直接或间接导致的任何延期、部分或全部服务不能实施,本公司不承担责任。 (4) 本公司对任何性质和不管如何产生的损失、损害或费用的任何赔偿责任,在任何情况下都不超过付给发生索赔的该项具体服务的费用总额的十倍或二万美元(或等值本国货币)这两个金额中较少的一个。 (5) 本公司不负责任何间接或其他衍生性之损失,包括且不限于利润 损失、业务损失、机会损失、商誉损失及产品召回之成本。本公司亦不负责可能由客户所造成之第三者的任何损失、损害或费用之索赔(包括且不限于产品责任之索赔) (6) 如有任何索赔,客户必须在发现所谓证明索赔的事实起30天内书面通知本公司,并且除非在自下述之日起的一年内提起诉讼,本公司在任何情况下都被免除对损失、损害或费用的所有索赔的全部责任: 1) 发生索赔的服务被本公司实施的日期;或 2) 任何声称未实施的服务应完成的日期。 (b) 赔偿:客户应保证、不伤害并赔偿本公司及其官员、雇员、代理和分包商,抵偿任何第三方提出的和与实施的、声称实施的、或未实施的任何服务有关的,无论是任何性质和无论如何发生的损失、损害或费用,包括全部法律开支和有关费用的全部索赔(实际的或要发生的)。 7. 其它 (a) 如发现本通用条款中的某一条和几条违法或在任何方面不能执行,这绝不影响或削弱其他条款的有效性、合法性和执行性。 (b) 在提供服务的过程中和其后的一年内,客户不得直接或间接诱惑、怂恿或提出聘用本公司雇员,使其离开本公司的职位。 (c) 未经本公司事先书面授权,不允许以广告宣传为目的使用本公司的名称和注册商标。 8. 管辖法律、司法权和争端裁决 除非另有特定协议,所有产生的或与合约双方有关的争端都要受瑞士实体法的管辖,但不包括任何冲突法,而所有的争端应按国际商会的仲裁法,由依据该法规指定的一个和多个仲裁员最终裁决。仲裁应在法国巴黎,使用英语进行。 9. 语言 以英文制订的本通用条款可以翻译成其它语言。如有异议,则以英文版为准。
