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The first Arbor Day took place on April 10, 1872 in Nebraska. It was the brainchild of Julius Sterling Morton (1832-1902), a Nebraska journalist and politician originally from Michigan. Throughout his long and productive career, Morton worked to improve agricultural techniques in his adopted state and throughout the United States when he served as President Grover Cleveland's Secretary of Agriculture. But his most important legacy is Arbor Day.

Morton (photo, right)felt that Nebraska's landscape and economy would benefit from the wide-scale planting of trees. He set an example himself planting orchards, shade trees and wind breaks on his own farm and he urged his neighbours to follow suit. Morton's real opportunity, though, arrived when he became a member of Nebraska's state board of

agriculture. He proposed that a special day be set aside dedicated to tree planting and increasing awareness of the importance of trees. Nebraska's first Arbor Day was an amazing success. More than one million trees were planted. A second Arbor Day took place in 1884 and the young state made it an annual legal holiday in 1885, using April 22nd to coincide with Morton's birthday.

In the years following that first Arbor Day, Morton's idea spread beyond Nebraska with Kansas, Tennessee, Minnesota and Ohio all proclaiming their own Arbor Days. Today all 50 states celebrate Arbor Day although the dates may vary in keeping with the local climate. (State Arbor Days) At the federal level, in 1970, President Richard Nixon proclaimed the last Friday in April as National Arbor Day. Arbor Day is also now celebrated in other countries including Australia. Variations are celebrated as 'Greening Week' of Japan, 'The New Year's Days of Trees' in Israel, 'The

Tree-loving Week' of Korea, 'The Reforestation Week' of Yugoslavia, 'The Students' Afforestation Day' of Iceland and 'The National Festival of Tree Planting' in India. Julius Sterling Morton would be proud. Sometimes one good idea can make a real difference.

For the homeowner, Arbor Day is an excellent opportunity to take stock of the trees on your property and plan for the future. Inspect your trees. Note any broken branches or evidence of disease or insect infestation. Think about how planting new trees might improve the look of your property or provide wind or heat protection. Take a trip to your local nursery to see what's available and to get new ideas. Walk around your neighbourhood. Are there any public areas where tree planting or tree maintenance might make a real difference to your community? Talk with your neighbours. Find out what their opinions are. And, oh yes, plant a tree.


The first Arbor Day took place on April 10, 1872 in Nebraska. It was the brainchild of Julius Sterling Morton (1832-1902), a Nebraska journalist and politician originally from Michigan. Throughout his long and productive career, Morton worked to improve agricultural techniques in his adopted state and throughout the United States when he served as President Grover Cleveland's Secretary of Agriculture. But his most important legacy is Arbor Day.

Morton (photo, right)felt that Nebraska's landscape and economy would benefit from the wide-scale planting of trees. He set an example himself planting orchards, shade trees and wind breaks on his own farm and he urged his neighbours to follow suit. Morton's real opportunity, though, arrived when he became a member of Nebraska's state board of agriculture. He proposed that a special day be

set aside dedicated to tree planting and increasing awareness of the importance of trees. Nebraska's first Arbor Day was an amazing success. More than one million trees were planted. A second Arbor Day took place in 1884 and the young state made it an annual legal holiday in 1885, using April 22nd to coincide with Morton's birthday.

In the years following that first Arbor Day, Morton's idea spread beyond Nebraska with Kansas, Tennessee, Minnesota and Ohio all proclaiming their own Arbor Days. Today all 50 states celebrate Arbor Day although the dates may vary in keeping with the local climate. (State Arbor Days) At the federal level, in 1970, President Richard Nixon proclaimed the last Friday in April as National Arbor Day. Arbor Day is also now celebrated in other countries including Australia. Variations are celebrated as 'Greening Week' of Japan, 'The New Year's Days of Trees' in Israel, 'The Tree-loving Week' of Korea, 'The Reforestation

Week' of Yugoslavia, 'The Students' Afforestation Day' of Iceland and 'The National Festival of Tree Planting' in India. Julius Sterling Morton would be proud. Sometimes one good idea can make a real difference.

For the homeowner, Arbor Day is an excellent opportunity to take stock of the trees on your property and plan for the future. Inspect your trees. Note any broken branches or evidence of disease or insect infestation. Think about how planting new trees might improve the look of your property or provide wind or heat protection. Take a trip to your local nursery to see what's available and to get new ideas. Walk around your neighbourhood. Are there any public areas where tree planting or tree maintenance might make a real difference to your community? Talk with your neighbours. Find out what their opinions are. And, oh yes, plant a tree.


The first Arbor Day took place on April 10, 1872 in Nebraska. It was the brainchild of Julius Sterling Morton (1832-1902), a Nebraska journalist and politician originally from Michigan. Throughout his long and productive career, Morton worked to improve agricultural techniques in his adopted state and throughout the United States when he served as President Grover Cleveland's Secretary of Agriculture. But his most important legacy is Arbor Day.

Morton (photo, right)felt that Nebraska's landscape and economy would benefit from the wide-scale planting of trees. He set an example himself planting orchards, shade trees and wind breaks on his own farm and he urged his neighbours to follow suit. Morton's real opportunity, though, arrived when he became a member of Nebraska's state board of agriculture. He proposed that a special day be set aside dedicated to tree planting and

increasing awareness of the importance of trees. Nebraska's first Arbor Day was an amazing success. More than one million trees were planted. A second Arbor Day took place in 1884 and the young state made it an annual legal holiday in 1885, using April 22nd to coincide with Morton's birthday.

In the years following that first Arbor Day, Morton's idea spread beyond Nebraska with Kansas, Tennessee, Minnesota and Ohio all proclaiming their own Arbor Days. Today all 50 states celebrate Arbor Day although the dates may vary in keeping with the local climate. (State Arbor Days) At the federal level, in 1970, President Richard Nixon proclaimed the last Friday in April as National Arbor Day. Arbor Day is also now celebrated in other countries including Australia. Variations are celebrated as 'Greening Week' of Japan, 'The New Year's Days of Trees' in Israel, 'The Tree-loving Week' of Korea, 'The Reforestation Week' of Yugoslavia, 'The Students'

Afforestation Day' of Iceland and 'The National Festival of Tree Planting' in India. Julius Sterling Morton would be proud. Sometimes one good idea can make a real difference.

For the homeowner, Arbor Day is an excellent opportunity to take stock of the trees on your property and plan for the future. Inspect your trees. Note any broken branches or evidence of disease or insect infestation. Think about how planting new trees might improve the look of your property or provide wind or heat protection. Take a trip to your local nursery to see what's available and to get new ideas. Walk around your neighbourhood. Are there any public areas where tree planting or tree maintenance might make a real difference to your community? Talk with your neighbours. Find out what their opinions are. And, oh yes, plant a tree.


关于植树节的作文200字合集6篇 关于植树节的作文200字合集6篇 在日复一日的学习、工作或生活中,大家都接触过作文吧,作文是人们以书面形式表情达意的言语活动。你知道作文怎样写才规范吗?以下是小编收集整理的植树节的作文200字6篇,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 植树节的作文200字篇1 春天来了,“植树节”也就到了,樱花小学的三位少先队员准备去植树。 周末的一天早晨,少先队员冰冰、阿红、小小已经带着准备好的道具放在身上了。在去的路上,三位少先队员们的脸上都带着兴奋、自豪地表情,仿佛他们种的小树苗已经长成了参天大树,能净化空气、美化环境、吸收二氧化碳,吐出氧气一样……不一会儿,就来到了玄武湖,他们准备把树苗种在湖的周围。冰冰先后用铁锹挖了两个大大的坑,阿红小心翼翼地把两棵小树苗放进了坑里,生怕把小树苗的某一根根给弄断了。小小弄了一点肥料洒在坑里,最后冰冰用铁锹把坑给“填满”了,并且用脚踩结实了。小小到湖里用用桶

舀了一半水,浇到了土里,小树就开始成长了。以后的每个星期日,他们都会派一个人来给小树浇水、施肥。 十年树木,百年树人。几年后,冰冰、阿红、小小种的树已经长成参天大树了! 植树节的作文200字篇2 春天到了,它唤醒了沉睡的`万物,小草羞答答的钻出了地面,树梢睁开了绿黄的细眼,植树节又到了,老师在周末里布置了一项作业,让我们和爸爸妈妈一起种一棵小树或一盆花。 周天,天气晴朗,我和妈妈到楼下花园里种下一棵小桃树,树是妈妈早就准备好了的,妈妈给我拿来了铁锨,我用尽力气挖土,好不容易才挖了一个小坑,妈妈告诉我:应该把土尽量捣碎,这样小树好成活。坑洼好了,我小心翼翼的把树苗放进坑里,再用土把树根埋起来,用脚踩了踩,哇!终于种好了!我又提来了一桶水,慢慢地浇在树苗的四周,一边浇一边说:小树苗,快喝吧,喝饱了和我一起长大!它好象听懂我的话一样,咕咚咕咚的喝了起来,一会就喝完了。 今年的植树节我过的非常有意义,我会经常来看望小桃树,我要和它一起长大。 植树节的作文200字篇3 植树节到了,我和同学们相约去植物园植树。 我们分好工,小明扶着树苗,小华培土,小红提水。你


关于难忘的第一次英语作文800字带翻译 岁月匆匆,如今的我已步入初中,一路走来,经历着不少磨难,每当步入困境,总会忆起那颗葱葱杨树下,静静等待的少女,心中便翻涌起温暖的浪涛,带给我前进的勇气。 Years in a hurry, now I have entered junior high school, along the way, experienced a lot of tribulations, whenever I step into difficulties, I always remember the young girl waiting quietly under the lush poplar, and the warm waves in my heart, bring me the courage to move forward. 校园中静悄悄的,我独自走在空无一人的长廊上,时而扭头望向那空荡荡的操场,心中如死水一般,一种莫名的孤独侵袭而来,使整个人落寞无比。今日的我在参加了校园竞赛,比赛时间直至六点才结束,如今的校园,只有我一人了吧。 In the quiet campus, I walk alone on the empty corridor, and sometimes turn my head to the empty playground. My heart is like stagnant water. A kind of inexplicable loneliness invades and makes the whole person lonely. Today, I took part in the campus competition. The competition time didn't end until six o'clock. Now, I'm the only one on campus. 我慢步走下一楼,路过往日喧闹的教室。我停下脚步,探头


植树节英语作文带翻译 植树节英语作文_第1篇: Planting trees to human society's important it goes without saying that human society most early life data obtained from various plants and animals. In human civilization developed today, however, for the protection of animals and plants have done is far from enough, as an ordinary primary school students, can do little, planting trees are small, meaning very great. Yesterday, our class held a class activities -- planting trees. This day, we come to school early, saw the osmanthus trees belonging to our group, our mission is to giving it a holy life. First of all, we have to put the saplings moved to the place where we want to kind of, to the destination, regardless of boys and girls, we start digging holes, hoe hoe, shovel shovel, done, parents also encourage us and guide us to one side. Dads also teaches us how to hoeing holding cheerfully. I experience the hoeing, digging holes of hard, too tired to full head big sweat, finally realize the hard and tired to plant trees, but it's all worth it. Fall finish digging pit, fertilizer, put in, the centralizer, covering soil, water, finally finished. Hits the trees in the school, we planted happiness and hope, hope they will meet the spring breeze thrive. When summer, lush and green for us to keep out sunshine; When autumn comes, can bring us breath of autumn; When winter comes, can bring us the warmth of the soul. See saplings flies, think of them in the near future will grow into towering trees, our heart is full of expectation and joy, this kind of feeling should be like a teacher to look forward to their own mood as students grow up to become a useful person. 植树对人类社会的重要不言而喻,人类社会早期的生活资料大多是从各样动植物上获取的。然而在人类文明发达的今天,对于动植物的保护却做得远远不够,作为一名普通的小学生,能做的很少,植树虽然是小事,意义却很大。 昨天,我们班举行了一个班级活动一一植树。这天,我们早早来到学校,看见了属于我们组的桂花树苗,我们的任务就是赋予它神圣的生命。 首先,我们要把树苗搬到我们要种的地方,到了目的地,不论男生女生,我们开始动手挖坑,锄的锄,铲的铲,干得热火朝天,家长也在一旁鼓励我们和指导我们。爸爸们还兴致勃勃的手把手教我们如何锄地。我体验了锄地、挖坑的辛苦,累得满头大汗,终于体会到种树的辛苦和劳累了,但这一切都是值得的。挖完坑,倒下肥料,放树苗进去,扶正,盖上泥土,浇水,终于完工了。 在学校种下一棵棵树苗,我们种下了快乐和希望,希望它们会迎着春风茁壮成长。当夏天来的时候,可以郁郁葱葱为我们遮挡阳光;当秋天来的时候,可以为我们送来秋天的气息;当冬天来的时候,可以为我们送来心灵的温暖。 看到小树苗迎风飘扬,想到它们在不久的将来会长成参天大树时,我们的心里充满了期待和喜悦,这种感觉应该就像老师期待自己的学生长大成才的心情一样吧。 植树节英语作文_第2篇: March 12 is Arbor Day. On this day, sails to the white clouds in the sky like a canoe, slowly floating. The sun is warm, according to the earth. Xiaolan shoulder shovels, xiao Ming saplings, bought in one hand, another hand bucket, two people together happily to the hills planting trees


英语作文50字 英语作文50字(一): my day英语作文50字 Today was Sunday and I was very happy!In the morning,I stayed at home to do my homework and watch TV。In the afternoon,I went to a park with my best friends。There were many flowers,and some birds were singing songs。We played games and talked about our dreams。At last,we went home for dinner。Today, I had a great time! 这天是星期天,我十分高兴!早上,我呆在家里做作业看电视。下午,我和我最好的朋友去了公园。那里有许多花儿,一些鸟还在唱歌呢、我们一齐玩游戏,谈论我们的梦想。最后,我们就回家吃晚饭了。这天玩的真的很开心! 英语作文50字(二): my favourite animal英语作文50字 Most kids like animals。 Girls like cats, and boys like dogs。 However, my favorite animal is the horse。 The horses are strong, not like the tame cats or puppy dogs。They look wild and hard to get close。 Yet, they will be very timid and friendly after they get to know you。 Horses remember


关于植树节的作文800字五篇 有树的地方,就有希望;有树的地方,就有梦想;有树的地方,就有欢畅;有树的地方,就有我的思念;有你的地方,就有我的祝福:植树节快乐!下面是我收集推荐的关于植树节的作文800字,欢迎阅读参考。 关于植树节的作文800字(一) "加油,继续挖!""老师,这个坑够不够大?""哎呀哎呀,别浇了别浇了,小树都快淹死了!"这些声音是从哪儿传出来的?告诉你吧,这是我们在曲江公园植树呐! "3月12日,我们年级组织同学们上午去植树。"大家听了,心里乐开了花,都以为植树像玩游戏那样非常容易,人人脸上都挂满了笑容。第二天,我们早早地来到了曲江公园北大门,每个人都拿着锹,提着桶,伸长脖子希望没来的人快来,来齐了才能出发。等了好久,人终于都到了,大伙儿拿起树苗就跟着老师向指定的地点走去。一路上的花儿开得很漂亮,但大家都巴望快点儿到达指定地点,没注意它们。啊,真是太棒了,居然在河边植树,不用跑大老远去打水了!我先放下树苗,想和王璞一起挖坑,但我们都没有锹,我只有一个小铲子,只能凑合着用了。 我先捣了几下,把土弄松了,再开始挖,结果却碰上了石头。我生气地问:"哪儿来这么多'古董'啊!"王璞也试着挖了几下,还是不行。在我们旁边的刘芸烨他们已经把树苗栽下去了,正在填土。一见我们需要帮忙,边叫来马升宇帮我们挖。每想到马升宇一会儿就挖了一个大坑,把王璞的树苗栽了进去,可我的怎么办呢?刘芸烨见还有我呢,便重找了个地方挖。有了大锹,挖坑应该是没问题了

吧,于是我跑去打水。打完了回来,人没了,锹没了,只剩下一个不算大的坑。我见旁边有个锹没人用,就拿来挖坑。谁知道这里的"古董"更多,根本没办法挖。我气得丢下锹,呆呆地看着别人。 别人的树都栽上了,有的在填土,有的在浇水,更快的人已经栽好自己的树在无事晃悠了。正巧,潘鑫峰晃到这里来,见我还没动呢,便带我到了一个没有石头的地方,准备挖坑。庄红艳也跑来帮忙。两个人一起挖,应该更快吧。只见他们俩把锹插进土里,用脚用力踩再把土一挖,一个小坑就出现了。就这样,一个大坑就挖好了。我扶正树苗,他们继续填土。"对了,我们忘了浇水了!"庄红艳道。潘鑫峰一听,立刻拿起一小桶水浇下去。浇完了继续填土,不过1分钟,便栽好了。这棵树经过"三迁",终于栽好了,也得纪念一下吧。我拿了一张标签,写上"多人合栽"贴到了树上。 这是我和别人一起栽的第一棵树,它也是陪伴我一起茁壮成长的绿色伙伴,它寄托着我的希望,和我一起应接美好的未来! 关于植树节的作文800字(二) 3月12日,一年一度的植树节像往常一样悄无声息地来到了我们身边。恰逢天公作美,天气晴朗,阳光灿烂。一大早,我们砂子塘小学的校园记者就乘着校车,风尘仆仆地出发了。你猜我们这是去哪呢?哈哈,当然是去植树了。 今天是植树节,植树是我们长沙晚报小记者义不容辞的责任。我暗下决心,今天一定要好好表现,圆满完成这项光荣而又神圣的任务。一下车,我们就迫不及待地来到了种树点。我们惊讶的发现:我们的目的地已经挖好了许多大小不一的树坑,原来这都是工作人员特意为我们预先挖好的,对于他们的潜心付出,我们无以为报。我想:只有把树种好了,就是对他们最大的安慰吧!我和其他三位


大学英语作文800字:怎样保护环境 本文从网络收集而来,上传到平台为了帮到更多的人,如果您需要使用本文档, 请点击下载按钮下载本文档(有偿下载),另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事 如意! 大学英语作文:怎样保护环境 the environmental protection is the most major problem which in the modern life the humanity faces. must solve this problem must start from foundation. first, must massively propagandize, enhances people's consciousness with understanding, strengthens the environmental protection consciousness. n et, must carry on waste recovery use, reduces to forest-tree's felling. also must strengthen to white pollution processing, little uses the plastic product. finally, must make improvement to clean aspect. causes the city's appearance to be neater. for earth's tomorrow, we must start from the now diligently, will want the well local constable to protect the environment. to this us proposes as follows suggests: implementation trash classification packed in bags. like this not only can reduce the environmental sanitation worker's work load, but also 本文从网络收集而来,上传到平台为了帮到更多的人,如果您需要使用本文档, 请点击下载按钮下载本文档(有偿下载),另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事 如意!


【高中植树节作文【三篇】】高中英语作文题目 冬去春来,又是一个植树节来到了。太阳刚升起,我们就来到曲江公园。春天,曲江公园的景色如诗如画,小桥流水,鲜花遍地,绿树成阴,老人们翩翩起舞,悦耳的鸟鸣时不时为他们伴奏,和谐的乐章一直回荡到天边。这如画的公园哪里有可以植树的地方? 犹豫之时,一位自称是公园植树指导员的人向我们走来,我们跟着他来到一片未开垦的农田,虽不华丽,却是一派田园风光。指导员为我们画好圈,规定位置,我们就迫不及待地开工了。 我们首先挖坑,自以为是的吴浩拿起铁锹就开始挖。他越挖越快,渐渐得意起来,一边挖坑,一边夸夸其谈。“哎哟”不知他碰到了什么东西,铁锹颤抖得厉害,他的手一阵发麻,又没有抓牢铁锹,摔了个“狗吃屎”。吴浩不甘心,又试了一次,可是那东西很硬,根本挖不动,吴浩垂头丧气地坐到了一边。在大家疑惑之时,“智多星”居伟用手抹去一些泥土,露出一个白色的东西,好像是一块石头,发现了原因,居伟马上用“狗刨式”的方法刨土,取出了石头。大家都松了一口气。 坑终于挖好了,这可是个力气活,大家忙得手忙脚乱,可仍然很高兴。下面该放树苗了。这可是个技术活。细心的李文静小心翼翼地把树苗放进坑里,固定好,生怕把树放歪了,影响它生长。强蕾动

作不太熟练,好不容易才把泥土弄碎,弄细,把坑填了起来,并用铁锹压紧。性急的马振兴拿起水桶就要浇水,我赶紧拦住他,他是“丈二和尚摸不着头脑”,我得意洋洋地在树苗四周压出一圈像碗口一样的蓄水池,然后再浇水,水完全渗透在土壤中,同学们这才恍然大悟。 树终于植完了,大家汗流浃背,脸上却洋溢着笑容。荒芜的空地,经过我们的劳动,增加了浓浓春意。我们看着那一棵棵小树苗,在阳光下,昂首挺立,活力充沛,摆动着绿色的枝条,好像在向我们招手,同学们不胜欢喜。衷心祝愿这些小树苗可以茁壮成长。我更相信五年后、十年后,这些树苗会形成一道壮丽的风景线,为曲江公园增添光彩。到那时,我将无比自豪,因为我也为那一切奉献出自己的一份力。 在年复一年的植树活动中,也使我们思考一个问题:年年植树,成活率有多少?听说一个地区几年前曾搞一次万人植树活动,但几个月过后,成活的只有数棵,结果令人痛心,前期栽树,后期放弃,后期的管理工作没有到位,结果等同没有植树,汗水付诸东流。 最早感受到“植树节”的现时意义是在初中时代,每年春季,学校都要组织去黄河边的邙山植树,由于是春意昂然,万物复苏的季节,同学们群情激昂,兴奋不已,如春天飞回大自然的侯鸟,享受一片绿色的春意,也做一次心灵的飞翔,与绿色的土地亲密接触,还可


关于旅行的英语作文50字 Yesterday, mom and dad took me to follow tour group to visit the west lake together. To the west lake, I saw the beautiful west lake scenery, attracts many tourists. From a distance, the west lake lake calm like a big mirror bright. After a while, we followed the guide on the ship. Boat, tour guide will introduce us to the west lake. The west lake have broken bridge, why called middle-east? Actually broken bridge isn't broken, it is snow in winter, snow on the broken bridge. Melting, seen from the sky, I feel like a broken. There is leifeng pagoda, gem mountain west lake... We listened with relish. The ship stopped, we went to the just, saw many green lotus leaves, they each other, like small handfuls of umbrella. Some lotus flowers in bud, some lotus in full bloom already. Beside the lotus has two mandarin duck to swimming merrily on the surface of the lake. Then we saw quite a few big carp. Visitors to give food to big carp, carp jump up and splash water around


【精华】植树节的作文800字8篇 在一座美丽的小镇上,来了一对狼狈为奸的兄弟——风魔与沙怪。他们无恶不作,不是掩埋了庄稼,就是破坏农田,或是摧毁大片大片的房屋,把小镇搞得一片狼藉,老百姓对他们恨之入骨,一心想制服他们! 但是这对兄弟来无影,去无踪,谁也不知道他们在哪?也想不 出对付他们的办法。无可奈何的人们只好携家带口,背井离乡,来到另一座小镇。但风魔与沙怪哪里会放过这千载难逢的好机会呢?他们立刻跑到这座小镇,故技重施,将这座小镇也弄得乌烟瘴气。人们气愤不已,在七七四十九天后商讨出一个办法:在沙怪身上植树。可无情的事实立刻打击了斗志高昂的人们,原来,在沙怪睡觉时,风魔仍在在他身边“放哨”。想躲开风魔的那双贼眼睛可不是简单的事。就这样,等啊,盼啊,风魔终于回他的“老巢”——黑月洞了。 而此刻,沙怪早已躺在城市里,睡得如一头死猪一般。全镇的 男女老少都抗树苗,小心翼翼地溜到沙怪身边。他们拉起铁铲,在沙怪的身上挖了数万个大小不一的洞,将树苗种了下去。 且说沙怪睡得正香,突然觉得身上直痒痒,他睁开朦胧的睡眼,迷迷糊糊地看见一群人在自己身上走来走去,摆弄一些绿油油的东西,他百思不得其解,正想起身看个究竟,但又转念一想:哼哼!一定是我太有本事了,都名扬海外了,所以这些人想讨好我,给我换件漂亮的衣服。这些小不点还挺知趣呀!想到这里,沙怪不免有些得意,再次呼呼大睡过去。这一睡,就是十年。

日复一日,年复一年,那些小树苗已变成了一颗颗参天大树,昔日横行霸道的沙怪也在睡梦中被五花大绑起来。 沙怪一觉醒来,感觉肚中饥饿,于是,他便迫不及待地呼唤道:“风哥哥,弟弟有点饿了,咱们一起找吃得去吧!”黑风洞里的风魔一听,立刻心花怒放,要知道,他也十年没吃东西了,早已饿得前胸贴后背了。风魔千里迢迢赶过来,但迎接他的却是纵横交错的大片大树林与如粽子一般的沙怪,他不禁满腔怒火,埋怨道:“沙兄弟,你怎么回事?被捆绑固定起来居然不知道!”沙怪心中不解,却动弹不得,只好赔笑脸称不是:“师兄说的有道理,小弟有错,但现在求你救救我!”风魔一肚子火没处发,就大声吼道:“你的脑袋去哪里了,这么多的树,似一堵堵墙一样,我怎么救你?”说完,风魔打了几个圈,甩甩手走了。 沙怪就这样被活活而是了,风魔也消声隐迹了。那一天就是3月12日。人们再也不受沙怪与风魔的迫害了! 看到这样巨大的胜利,人们奔走相告,载歌载舞。据说,每年3月12日的植树节 __来的。旨在呼吁我们多植树,制服沙怪与风魔。 冬去春来,转眼间又一个3.12植树节到了,我们学校开展的“我植树,我快乐”活动也拉开了序幕。 这一天,我校师生聚集在曲江公园门口,一股十足的干劲充满全身,一进入公园,是一片开阔的场地,鸟语花香,春意盎然。人们坐在路旁的椅子上闲聊,正在练秧歌儿的大爷,大妈们也停住了快乐


2020年初中中考英语作文备选范文800字 中考英语中,很多学生自感基础很差,主动放弃了作文的15分。际从评分标准看,即便学生表达能力很差,但只要所写文章中包括题目要点中的部分信息,依然能得13分的最低档分数。下面就是小编给大家整理的2020年初中中考英语作文备选范文800字,希望大家喜欢! Maybe a long time ago, I always couldn't figure out how many problems he had, but I always used to consult others about these problems, and when others were reluctant to tell you, there would be contradictions. Perhaps it will be many years before I can understand more truth, which is not so straightforward, not hidden in the surface of Yichuan on the break, but deep in the essence, we must think carefully before we can slowly understand. I've read so many books before, but later on there was a tendency towards idealism. I always thought that life was like this, but in fact he didn't have such idealistic color at all. He was very realistic. When I finally understand this, I'm glad it's not too late. I didn't like watching TV dramas before, but now I still don't like watching TV dramas in particular, just because I won't be addicted to it. I can do other things without watching them. However, I don't have such strong self-control over fiction. If it really suits my taste, I must finish it in a limited time as soon as possible, because the more I read, the less I get, the more I lose. It's as if I used to like a writer's book so much that I copied its full abstract and filled it with several large copies. But at that time I felt so full that I didn't feel so foolish at all. Today, when I got home, I went to the supermarket with my mother. On the way, I passed a roast duck shop. Although the shop was small, there were many people crowded in the door. I think this shop could consider expanding its doors or recruiting another helper. In fact, it smells good, smelling the aroma of roast duck, saying in my heart that I don't want to eat it is false, but smelling for a long time, I will feel a little nausea. Sometimes I took a bus with my mother, and someone happened to take roast duck on the bus. I thought I smelled wrong, maybe it was floating outside. Later, others began to say that there was a roast duck smell. In the closed space of the bus, the taste was really disgusting.


关于植树节英语作文五篇 关于植树节英语作文:Planting Trees It was fine on March 12 ,2001 . I got up early that day . All the students in our school went to the hill to plant trees . We arrived at the hill at eight o'clock . The teacher asked each of us to plant at least six trees . Then we started digging ,planting and watering . We all worked so hard that we could finish our tasks ahead of tim e . Among us ,Wang Lin ,our monitor set a good example for us . Though he was ill ,he worked harder . When he finished his task ,he went on to help others without even a little rest . He was wet all over after work .“I must learn from him ,”I said to myself . Looking at the lines of the young trees ,we smiled happily ,forgetting our tiredness . 关于植树节英语作文:Planting Trees Yesterday was Tree Planting Day. The teachers asked us to plant trees at the corner of our playground. At 3:00 in the afternoon, we got there. Our teacher showed us how to plant trees,then we started to do it. Some dug the pits, some put trees in them and others watered them. We planted a lot of trees. When we finished our work, it was nearly dark. 【参考译文】 ————来源网络搜集整理,仅供个人学习查参考


植树节的感受作文800字_高一植树节作文五篇精选植树节,植颗真情许愿树,短信“移植”给你,祝愿单身的朋友们早日心有所“树”,祝 福恋人们有情人终成眷“树”,祝福夫妻相爱一生一世永做家“树”。今天小编给大家分享一 下有关于植树节的作文,让我们一起来欣赏一下吧! 冬去春来,又是一个植树节来到了。太阳刚升起,我们就来到曲江公园。春天,曲江 公园的景色如诗如画,小桥流水,鲜花遍地,绿树成阴,老人们翩翩起舞,悦耳的鸟鸣时 不时为他们伴奏,和谐的乐章一直回荡到天边。这如画的公园哪里有可以植树的地方? 犹豫之时,一位自称是公园植树指导员的人向我们走来,我们跟着他来到一片未开垦 的农田,虽不华丽,却是一派田园风光。指导员为我们画好圈,规定位置,我们就迫不及 待地开工了。 我们首先挖坑,自以为是的吴浩拿起铁锹就开始挖。他越挖越快,渐渐得意起来,一边挖坑,一边夸夸其谈。“哎哟”不知他碰到了什么东西,铁锹颤抖得厉害,他的手一阵发麻,又没有抓牢铁锹,摔了个“狗吃屎”。吴浩不甘心,又试了一次,可是那东西很硬,根 本挖不动,吴浩垂头丧气地坐到了一边。在大家疑惑之时,“智多星”居伟用手抹去一些泥土,露出一个白色的东西,好像是一块石头,发现了原因,居伟马上用“狗刨式”的方法刨土,取出了石头。大家都松了一口气。 坑终于挖好了,这可是个力气活,大家忙得手忙脚乱,可仍然很高兴。下面该放树苗了。这可是个技术活。细心的李文静小心翼翼地把树苗放进坑里,固定好,生怕把树放歪了,影响它生长。强蕾动作不太熟练,好不容易才把泥土弄碎,弄细,把坑填了起来,并 用铁锹压紧。性急的马振兴拿起水桶就要浇水,我赶紧拦住他,他是“丈二和尚摸不着头脑”,我得意洋洋地在树苗四周压出一圈像碗口一样的蓄水池,然后再浇水,水完全是渗 透在土壤中,同学们这才恍然大悟。 树终于植完了,大家汗流浃背,脸上却洋溢着笑容。荒芜的空地,经过了我们的劳动,增加了浓浓的春意。我们看着那一棵棵小树苗,在阳光下,昂首挺立,活力充沛,摆动着绿色的枝条,好像在向我们招手,同学们不胜欢喜。衷心祝愿这些小树苗可以茁壮成长。我更是相信五年后、十年后,这些树苗会形成一道壮丽的风景线,为曲江公园增添光彩。 到了那时,我将无比自豪,因为我也为那一切奉献出自己的一份力。 伴着春风,迎着朝阳,同学们三五成群地来到了那风景秀丽的曲江公园来植树。


大学英语作文800字:Good 本文从网络收集而来,上传到平台为了帮到更多的人,如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载本文档(有偿下载),另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意! good-bye my fancy! farewell dear mate,dear love! im going away,i know not where, or to what fortune, or whether i may ever see you again, so good-bye my fancy. now for my last-let me look back a moment; the slower fainter ticking of the clock is in me, eit, nightfall,and soon the heart-thud stopping. long have we lived, joyd,caressd together; delightful!-now separation-good-bye my fancy. yet let me not be too hasty, long indeed have we lived, slept, filterd, become really blended into one; then if we die we die together, if we go anywhere well be better off and blither, and

learn something, may-be it is yourself now really ushering me to the true songs, may-be it is you the mortal knob really undoing,turning -so now finally, good-bye-and hail! my fancy. 本文从网络收集而来,上传到平台为了帮到更多的人,如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载本文档(有偿下载),另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意!


【自我介绍英语作文50字】英语作文自我 介绍4篇 1 hello,everyone. my name is (你的名),i’m (你的年纪) years old. i study in (你的学校名) primary ‘m in class (你的班级), grade (你的年级). i like football and english very much,and i often play football with my classmates after ,she/he(女的选she,男的选he) is very nice to us,i like her/him(女的选her,男的选him) a lot. (there are three members in my family:my father,my mother and of parents love me and i love them ,too. ) that’s all,thank you! 自我介绍英语作文 i am one of my favorite stars is liu xiang because he is the fastest runner in the world and a pride of our country. i have love fruits like watermelon, grapes, banana, and so forth. when i have time, i like watching tv, playing games on my computer, surfing the web, and reading. i have a lot of friends and we often play football together. 3 hello, everyone. my name isi am years old. i like reading books very much,and sometimes i also like watching tv. there are three people in my are my mother,my father and me. i like


植树节的意义精选作文800字 国外曾有学者对树的生态价值进行过计算:一棵50年树龄的树,产生氧气的价值约31200美元;吸收有毒气体、避免大气污染价值约62500美元;增加土壤肥力价值约31200美元;修养水源价值37500美元;为鸟类及其他动物提供繁衍场合价值31250美元;产生蛋白质价值2500美元。除去花、果实和木材价值,总计创值约196000美元。 这一计算是否准确姑且不管,就树木的实用价值而言,确是显而易见的。 一棵树可以生产200公斤纸浆,而这些纸浆假如要生产卫生纸,则至少有重为100克的卫生纸750卷。 在城市,一棵树一年可以储存一辆汽车行驶16公里所排放的污染物。很多树木可以吸收有害气体,如1公顷柳杉林每天可以吸收二氧化硫60千克,其他如臭椿、夹竹桃、银杏、梧桐等都有吸收二氧化硫的功能。当城市绿化面积到达50%以上时,大气中的污染物可得到有效控制。 城市森林可增加空气湿度,一株成年树,一天可蒸发400公斤水,所以树林中的空气湿度明显上升。据计算,城市绿地面积每增加1%,当地夏季的气温可降低0.1摄氏度。 城市林带、绿篱有降低噪音的作用。宽30米的林带可降低噪音6~8分贝。 林区每立方米大气中有细菌3.5个,而人口稠密缺少绿化的城

市可到达3.4万个。有树木的城市街道比没有树木的城市街道大气中含病菌量少80%左右。 城市防护林具有减缓风速的作用,其有效范围在树高40倍以内,其中在10~20倍范围内效果最好,可降低风速50%。 在农田林网内通常可减缓风速30%~40%,提高相对湿度5%~15%,增加土壤含水量10%~20%。据测定,林冠可截留降水20%左右,大大削弱了雨滴的冲击力;地表只要有1厘米厚的枯枝落叶,就可以把地表径流量减少到裸地的1/4以下,泥沙减少到裸地7%以下。 一公顷林地与裸地相比,至少可以多储水3000立方米。1万亩森林的蓄水能力相当于蓄水量达100万立方米的水库,而建造这样一个水库需要投资千余万元。 有专家预测,假设地球上失去了森林,约有450万个生物物种将不复存在,陆地上90%的淡水将白白流入大海,人类面临严重水荒。森林的丧失使许多地区风速增加60%~80%,因风灾而丧生的人就会上亿 [植树节的意义精选作文800字]相关文章:


小学英语作文800字 小学英语作文800字3篇 在平平淡淡的日常中,大家都经常接触到作文吧,作文根据体裁的不同可以分为记叙文、说明文、应用文、议论文。那么问题来了,到底应如何写一篇优秀的作文呢?以下是的小学英语作文800字3篇,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 学生是教学的主体。因此,了解和分析学生情况,有针对地教学对教学成功与否至关重要。最初接触教学的时候,我还不懂得了解学生对教学的重要性,只是专心研究书本,教材,想方设法令课堂生动,学生易接受。但一开始我就发现我按照自己的教学设计,上了一堂自认为生动有趣的课,认为教学效果会很理想,怎知反馈出来才知道不如人意。后来才知道我讲的口语大部分同学听不懂,而教学的部分内容同学们以前从来未接触过。从而可知,我在上课前根本没有了解清楚学生的实际情况,没有备好学生的课。以后,要渐渐克服这一点。 在教学过程中老师是教学的领导者和参与者。讲求方法,丰富课堂是教师在整个教学过程中首要的任务。英语作为一门外语言,需要多应运。因此,除了课堂效果之外,还需要让学生多读,多讲,多练。课后发现学生作业问题也及时解决,及时讲清楚,让学生及

时消化。上课内容丰富,现实。教态自然,讲课生动,难易适中照顾全部,就自然能够吸引住学生。所以,老师每天都要有充足的精神,让学生感受到一种自然气氛。这样,授课就事半功倍。回看自己的授课,我感到有点愧疚,因为有时我并不能很好地做到这点。当学生在课堂上无心向学,违反纪律时,我的情绪就受到影响,并且把这带到教学中,让原本正常的讲课受到冲击,发挥不到应有的水平,以致影响教学效果。我以后必须努力克服,研究方法,采取有利方法解决课堂中的问题。 整个教学过程中由于学生的掌握情况不同,出现了优差分层,一方面,有的学生英语听,说的能力相对较弱,授课采用较深的全英教学,同学们还不能适应。另一方面,有的同学们比较活跃,上课气氛积极,成绩较好。因此,讲得太浅,没有照顾到整体,所以教学效果不如理想。从而可以看出,了解及分析学生实际情况,实事求是,具体问题具体分析,做到因材施教,对授课效果有直接影响。所以。我利用课余时间对优秀生进行课外的知识补充,对差生根据实际情况进行相对应辅导,使学生成绩整体提高。从而建立学生自信心。提高学习兴趣。 由于每一位教师尤其英语教师,大家都在不断的改善和创新自己的教学,难免有失败和弯路。不过我坚信,只有不断创新和实践才
