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综合英语教程第三版4 邹为诚主编



Mary saw a shifty-eyed man walking into a neighbor’s house.

2.鲍勃总是嘲笑我对服饰的眼光。sneer at

Bob always sneers at my taste in clothes.


It is impolite to pry into other’s secrets.

4.我想克里斯想要抢我的饭碗。be after sth

I think Chris is after my job.

5.她看到克里斯给他使的眼色,说话的声音便越来越小了。trail off

She trailed off, silenced by the look Chris gave her.


The branches were dry and brittle.

7.收音机老是发出噼里啪啦的声响,我们几乎听不清里面说些什么。crackle The radio cracked so much that we could hardly hear what was said.


The land slopes down to the sea.


His pockets were bulging with money.


I had to haggle with the taxi driver over the fare.


1. 这样的好机会千载难逢。once in a blue moon

An opportunity as good as this arises/occurs only once in a blue moon.

2. 这个孩子因为私自拿了母亲包里的钱而觉得十分愧疚。guilty of

The boy felt guilty for taking money from his mother’s handbag without permission.

3. 她知道他的话一句真的也没有。give credence to

She did not give credence to a single word of his story.

4. 一般来说,老师对学生的错误都比较宽容。be tolerant of

Generally speaking, teachers are tolerant of their students’ mistakes.

5. 我想当然地以为你会跟我们一起来,于是就给你买了票。take… for granted

I took it for granted that you’d want to come with us, so I bought you a ticket.

6. 由于经理的不断劝导,工作人员很快就改掉了迟到的坏习惯。break the habit

Thanks to the manager’s repeated counseling, the staff soon broke the bad habit of coming late to work.

7. 他现在对她发火,但不久会原谅她的。这只是几小时的事,仅此而已。a matter of, that’s


He’s furious with her now, but he’ll forgive her soon. It’s just/only a matter of a few hours, that’s all.



1. 只有通过调查我们才有发言权。(only)

Only after investigation can we have the right to speak.

2. 我们绝不应当盲从。(on no account)

On no account should we follow others blindly.

3. 他绝不是担任这项工作的最佳人选。(by no means)

By no means is he the best person for the job.

4. 第一次成功绝非是最后的胜利。(in no way)

In no way was the success in the first round the ultimate/final victory.

5. 别处找不到这样美丽的景色。(nowhere)

Nowhere else could one find such beautiful scenery.

6. 他曾多次给了我忠告。(many a time)

Many a time has he given me good advice.

7. 献身于祖国现代化的人是幸福的。(happy)

Happy is he who dedicates his life to modernization of his motherland/country.


1. 他没当成歌星,却成了一位十分成功的商人。make it

He failed to make it as a pop singer, but he turned out to be a successful businessman.

2. 电影中的动人情节紧紧地抓住了观众的心。capture one’s heart

The thrilling plot of the movie captured the hearts of the audience.

3. 公司要关心的事务之一是确保员工的安全。one’s concern

One of the company’s main concerns is to ensure the safety of its employees.

4. 退休的总统不愿放弃他的特权。let go of

The retired president was unwilling to let go of his privileges.

5. 南茜感到热泪涌入了眼眶。well up

Nancy could feel hot tears welling up in her eyes.

6. 加强我们关系的最好办法不是赠送礼物,而是坦诚地交换意见。strengthen one’s bond The best way to strengthen our bond is not to give gifts but to exchange our opinions frankly.

7. 如果像这样开车,你最终要进医院。end up

You’ll end up in the hospital if you drive your car like this.

8.虽然我们没表露出什么,但实际上我们很为她的安全担心。in truth

In truth we feared for her safety, although we didn’t let it be known.


1.如果你不付全部现金,可以用分期付款的方式来买车。on credit

If you can’t afford to pay in cash, you can buy the car on credit.

2.我说过要帮他,而这也是我想要做的。我会可守诺言的。keep one’s word

I said I’d help him and that’s what I’m going to do. I shall keep my word.

3. 我与这家公司休戚相关,不愿看到他破产。have a stake in something

I’ve a stake in this company and don’t wish to see it go bankrupt.

4. 随着工业生产的发展,旧的封建制度开始崩溃。fall apart

With the development of industrial production, the old feudal system began to fall apart.

5. 他很能干,把农场搞得井井有条。keep something straight

He is very competent and keeps everything straight on the farm.

6. 新的教学体制旨在把学习更多课程的主动权交给学生。give somebody the initiative The new educational system aims to give the students the initiative to learn more subjects.

7. 在旅行出发之前先要把我们的车子调整好。tune up

Before starting on our trip we should tune the car up.



1. 他们定于下月举行婚礼。

They are to have their wedding next month.


He is to be congratulated on his brilliant discovery.

3. 要是明天下雨,比赛就得推迟。(说话者认为下雨的可能性很小)

If it were to rain tomorrow, the match would be postponed.


Do not despair. The best is yet to come.

5. 那是在1550年,他决定第二次航行到美洲新大陆去。

That was in 1550.He was to sail to the New World of America in the following year.

(future in the past)

6. 你们不应当在阅览室内讲话。

You are not to talk in the reading room.

7. 新的交通规则必须得到遵守。

The new traffic regulations are to be observed.

8. 远征之前路线应该事先计划好。

The route is to be planned before the expedition.


1. 女房东告诉我租金必须先付。in advance

The landlady told me that the rent must be paid in advance.

2. 虽然这家公司鼓吹他们的产品要比其他公司的好,但实际上他们的质量不如人家。

superior, inferior

Although this company boasts that its products are superior to those of other companies, they are actually inferior in quality.

3. 最根本的问题是他们缺少兴趣。at the root of

What lies at the root of the problem is their lack of interest.

4. 警方访问了一些目击者,但无人能说清楚这事故是怎么发生的。come about

The police interviewed several witnesses, but none of them could tell how the accident came about.

5. 百货商店的新楼不符合安全条例。conform to

The new building of the department store does not conform to the safety regulations.

6. 她从集邮中得到了很大的满足。derive … from

She derived great satisfaction from her stamp collection.

7. 五彩的气球和旗帜为这个小城增添了节日气氛。add to

Colorful balloons and flags added to the festive atmosphere of the small town.

8. 金钱很重要,可是幸福并不总是和财富联系在一起的。associate … with

Money is very important, but happiness is not always associated with wealth.



1.他居然当众说谎,实在丢脸。It is a disgrace that …

It is a disgrace that he (should) lie in public.

2.他会如此不高兴,令人遗憾。It is a pity …

It is a pity that he should be so upset.

3. 恼人的是我竟把票给忘了。It is a nuisance that …

It is a nuisance that I should have forgotten my ticket.

4. 我们的野餐让一场雨给搅了,真可惜。It is a shame that …

It is a shame that our picnic should be spoiled by the rain.

5. 你务必参加这个会议。It is essential that …

It is essential that you should attend the meeting.

6. 我们应该跟上世界的最新发展,这是很重要的。It is important that …

It is important that we should keep up with the most recent developments in the world.

7. 大学生懂一点计算机有好处。It is desirable that …

It is desirable that university students should know how to work with computers.

8. 真奇怪,他竟不通知我们就走了。It is strange that …

It is strange that he should have gone away without letting us know.


1. 博物馆里目前有希腊艺术收藏展出。on display

There is a Greek art collection on display at the museum at the moment.

2. 他在森林里迷了路,没有食物,只得靠吃野菜、野果求生。be reduced to

Lost in the forest and out of food, he was reduced to eating wild herbs and fruit to keep himself alive.

3. 这块地方被划出来准备作操场用。mark off

This area has been marked off as a future playground.

4. 除了蹚过这片泥泞的水域外,别无选择。wade

There was no choice but to wade through the muddy water.

5. 这位国会议员呼吁政府建造更多的学校。appeal

The congressman appealed to the government to set up more schools.

6. 他们在国外度假时钱和护照都被偷了,陷入可怕的困境之中。plight

They were in a dreadful plight when their money and passports were stolen while they were on holiday in a foreign country.

7. 在她朋友的催促下,我安排了一位医生去看她。at the urging of, arrange

At the urging of her friends, I arranged for a doctor to see her.

8.他竭力想做出镇定的样子,但是他颤抖的声音暴露了他自己。give one away

He tried to keep up a calm appearance, but his trembling voice gave him away.


1.她似乎不怎么喜欢干这些事。take pleasure in

She seems to take little pleasure in doing such things.

2.教授告诉我们风景画的传统可追溯到史前时代。date from

The professor told us that the tradition of landscape painting could date from the prehistoric age.

3.听了这位作家的讲座之后,他决定弃医从文。take to

After attending the lecture of the famous writer, he decided to give up medicine and take to literature.

4.让我们免去礼节,直接进入讨论吧。dispense with

Let's dispense with the formalities and go directly into the discussion.

5.这些动物跑得非常快,因此它们的捕食方法确实很有效。in consequence

These animals run extraordinarily fast and in consequence their hunting methods are very

efficient indeed.

6.警方搜查了这个地区的每幢房子寻找逃犯,但毫无成果。to no avail

The police searched every house in the district for the escaped criminal, but to no avail.

7.父母往往会为孩子的成就感到非常自豪。take pride in

Parents tend to take very great pride in the achievements of their children.


1.许多新兴国家在刚获得独立的时候,都遇到过经济问题的困扰。afflict with

Many developing countries, after independence, were afflicted with economic problems to begin with.

2.为了保护国内工业,政府决定对进口倾销产品征收反倾销关税。anti-dumping tariff

(impose … upon / on)

In order to protect domestic industries, the government decided to impose an anti-dumping tariff o n imported products.

3.只有学问而没有实践经验,这种学问没有多少价值。count for

Knowledge without practical experience counts for little.


Thousands of people were forced to abandon their homes to the invading enemy troops.

5.我在上海住了很久,已把这个城市看作我的第二故乡。look upon / on

I've lived in Shanghai so long that I’ve looked upon / on the city as my second hometown.

6.修理屋顶时底下必须用东西支撑着。prop up

The roof will have to be propped up while repairs are being carried out.

7.在困难前面,他仍然保持着幽默感。in (the) face of

In (the) face of great hardship, he managed to keep his sense of humor.


1.他们平时五点下班,但今天不得不加班了。leave off

They usually leave off work at 5 o’clock, but today they have to work overtime.

2.这座城市里的博物馆和美术馆都对公众免费开放。be open to

All the museums and art galleries in the city are open to the public for free / free of charge.

3.老是被他们讥笑,真窝囊。sneer at

It’s very discouraging to be sneered at by them all the time.

4.她最近感到有点疲乏,医生要她休息几天。run down

She has been a little run down lately and the doctor has advised her to take a short holiday.

5.今天,整个城市沐浴在一片欢乐的海洋里。bathe in

The whole city is bathed in a sea of joy today.

6.外面一片漆黑,天空好像被黑幕遮住了似的。as it were

It’s very dark outside, and the sky is covered, as it were, with a black curtain.

7.我昨天以托马斯的名义打电话预定了两张电影票。in the name of

I booked two film tickets by phone yesterday in the name of Thomas.



The press had criticized her so often that in the end she had become immune to what was said.


Air pollution is caused by industries and vehicles which release large amounts of waste gas into atmosphere.


The doctor required me to wear goggles at work to prevent foreign objects from getting into my eyes.


pass on

As parents can pass on their chromosomes to their offspring, some diseases are hereditary.

5.虽然他很会做生意,但我们认为他不会成为商界的领袖。see … as …

He possesses a remarkable talent for doing business, but we don't see him as a potential leader

in business circle.


The epoch-making summit conference was beamed by satellite all over the world.


1.遭受水灾地区的人民急切需要食品、衣服和药物。be hungry for

The people in the flooded area are hungry for provisions, food, clothes and medicine.

2.他整夜看电视连续剧,难怪他看上去这么疲惫。no wonder

As he sat up late watching TV, (it's) no wonder that he looks so tired.


If I were you, I wouldn't get involved with/in those complicated affairs.

4.她的手艺非常好,做的蛋糕简直是艺术品。work of art

Her skills are so excellent that the cakes she makes are simply works of art.

2.我知道这是我的不对,但也没有必要老是说个没完。rub it in

I know it was my fault but there is no need to rub it in.

6.这种工作要求很有耐心。call for

This sort of work calls for a lot of patience.

7.政府说有足够的外汇储备抵制金融风暴。enough to

The government declared that its foreign currency reserve is strong enough to resist the financial crisis.



The tourists cheered with excitement when they saw water cascading down the mountainside.


Owing to the policy of reform, the small town is thriving day by day.


Could you read through this for me and highlight the important points?

4.有时我纳闷,不知道死记硬背是否有用。at times

At times I wonder if rote learning is worthwhile.


The superstitions that used to prevail in Old China are disappearing gradually.

6.由于外销的增加,公司成功地完成了销售计划。thanks to

Thanks to the improvement in export sales, the company has successfully fulfilled its marketing plan.


李明是学化学的,性格开朗幽默,颇有魅力,但英语成绩不佳,每次只能勉强及格。老师警告他,英语不好会阻碍他拿奖学金,并亮出了自己的王牌:如果李明不努力,就让他考试不过关。老师还告诉他,学习英语不能只为了文凭,否则他即使大学毕业,也还是个半文盲。李明虽然保持镇定,但他明白,他的学业生涯正在攸关之际,必须安心下来埋头学习,坚持不懈。 Li Ming was a chemistry major, a charmer noted for his easygoing and humorous temperament. However, his English was so poor that he always barely got by. The teacher admonished him that his poor English would be an impediment to scholarship. What’s more, she showed her trump card: if Li Ming did not work hard. She would flunk him. He was also told that he should not learn English merely for the sake of his diploma, otherwise, even after graduation from university, he would still be semiliterate. Although Li Ming did not lose his composure, he was well aware that he had to settle down to work and follow through because his academic life was at stake. Unit 2 我的朋友琳达接受过良好的教育,既美丽又端庄,三十好几依然没有人向她求婚。究其原因,她的事业心极强,整日扑在工作上,每天来往于住处和公司之间,根本没有时间和异性交往。一想到女儿这么大了还单身一人,她父母就焦虑不安。他们不知道该如何是好,甚至还去咨询一些社会学专家。但是事情在上个月出现了转机,公司的总部调琳达到培训部。在新的工作岗位上,琳达遇到了第一个触动她心弦的男人。从此,他们几乎每天约会,琳达意识到她会不顾一切地爱这个男人。决定嫁人的时候,她告诉了我这个好消息。虽然琳达的爱情让人想起电影中才会有的浪漫故事,我也担忧未来究竟会怎样,但我还是表达了我由衷的祝福,并爽快答应在婚礼那天做他们的伴娘和伴郎随从中的一员。 Linda, my good friend, has received good education and is both beautiful and elegant. She was not proposed to even when she was well over thirty. The reason is that she, as a career –oriented woman, is devoted to her work. Navigating between home and the company, she had hardly any time to socialize with people of the opposite sex. Her parents were gripped by anxiety at the thought of their daughter still remaining single at such an age. They did not know what to do and even consulted with some sociologists. But the situation began to change last month, when the headquarters of the company transferred Linda to the training department. On the new post, Linda met a man who tugged on her heartstrings for the first time. Ever since then, they dated virtually on a daily basis, and Linda realized that she would love the man beyond all reason. When she decided to take the matrimonial plunge, she informed me. Though Linda’s love is reminiscent of the romance that we see only in movies and I don’t know what the future will hold for her, I give her my heart-felt wishes and agree readily to be a member of the entourage of bridesmaids and groomsmen.


应Key to book4 unit1-4 Unit 1 Active reading (1) Looking for a job after university? First, get off the sofa Reading and understanding Dealing with unfamiliar words 3 Match the words in the box with their definitions. 1 to make progress by moving to the next stage in a series of actions or events (proceed) 2 the process of changing from one situation, form or state to another (transition) 3 not feeling involved with someone or something in a close or emotional way (detached) 4 referring to something which will happen soon (upcoming) 5 to be sitting still in a position that is not upright (slump) 6 to return to a previous state or way of behaving (revert) 7 to say what happened (recount) 4 Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in Activity 3. It isn‘t easy to make the (1) transition from a busy university student to an unemployed young adult (2) slumped on a bar stool or half watching a mindless television show, wondering if and how their career is going to (3) proceed. Many people who have experienced a long period of inactivity like this, when (4) recounting how they felt at the time, refer to the same strange psychological effect. As the days pass, they begin to feel (5) detached from any sense of pressure to go and look for a job, and tend to regard (6) upcoming interviews as if they were not very important. Typically, back at home after three or four years away, they (7) revert to old habits, start seeing old friends, and, in many cases, become dependent again on their parents. 5 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box. You may need to make other changes. 1 I went to a mixed-ability secondary school just outside London. (comprehensive) 2 I got stopped by a policeman who asked to see my driving licence. (cop) 3 Have you seen this beautiful from the air view of Oxford? (aerial) 4 Isabel tightly her bag as she walked down the corridor towards the office. (clutched) 5 You should speak to Toby; he‘s an supporter of flexible working hours. (advocate) 6 I hurt my leg badly a couple of months ago, and it still hasn‘t got better completely. (healed) 6 Answer the questions about the words. 1 Is a dead-end job one with (a) exciting prospects, or (b) no future? 2 Is a tricky problem (a) difficult, or (b) easy to solve? 3 If an activity saps all your energy, do you feel (a) tired, or (b) more active than usual? 4 Does a pushy person try to (a) persuade you to do something you don‘t want to, or (b) help you by listening to what you have to say? 5 If you feel apathy, do you want to (a) change the world, or (b) stay at home and do nothing? 7 Answer the questions about the phrases.



大学英语综合教程3第三版答案 【篇一:新标准大学英语综合教程3答案(全版)】 >unit1 active reading(1) 4. b c c d c a 5.productive attendance resistance ambitious acceptance script impressive 6.attendance ambitious productive impressive resistance script acceptance 7.mortgage deck surf coastal;defy lengthy 8.b a b b b a b b active reading(2) 4.triple cemetery rear biography cram budding finite elapse 5.elapsed;cemetery rear;crammed triple budding;biography finite 6.a b a a b b a a 7.a b b a a b b b a language in use 6.(1)我们都觉得在校时间不多了,以后再也不会有这样的学习机会了,所以都下定决心不再虚度光阴。当然,下一年四五月份的期末考试最为重要。我们谁都不想考全班倒数第一,那也太丢人了,因此同学们之间的竞争压力特别大。以前每天下午5点以后,图书馆就空无

一人了,现在却要等到天快亮时才会有空座,小伙子们熬夜熬出了眼袋,他们脸色苍白,睡眼惺忪,却很自豪,好像这些都是表彰他们勤奋好学的奖章。 (2)明天行吗?明天只是个谎言;根本就没有什么明天,只有一张我们常常无法兑现的期票。明天甚至压根儿就不存在。你早上醒来时又是另一个今天了,同样的规则又可以全部套用。明天只是现在的另一种说法,是一块空地,除非我们开始在那里播种,否则它永远都是空地。你的时间会流逝(时间就在我们说话的当下滴答滴答地走着,每分钟顺时针走60秒,如果你不能很好地利用它,它就会走得更快些),而你没有取得任何成就来证明它的存在,唯独留下遗憾,留下一面后视镜,上面写满了“本可以做”“本应该做”“本来会做”的事情。 7.(1)students differ about whether they should have their future mapped out when they are still at university .some think they should have a definite goal and detailed plan, so as to brace themselves for any challenges, whereas some others think they don’t have to think much about the future , because future is full of uncertainties. (2)after a very careful check-up ,the scientist was told he had got a fatal disease .although he knew that his life was ticking away ,instead of complaining about the fate ,the scientist decided to make the best of the remaining days ,and speed up the research project he and his colleagues initiated ,and have a shot at completing it ahead of schedule. unit2 active reading 5.definite perpetual whirl blaze giggle prompt tumble 6.prompted definite whirl perpetual blazing giggling tumbled 7.blinked barren tag torture resemblance napkin


作文翻译 Unit 1 李明是学化学的,性格开朗幽默,颇有魅力,但英语成绩不佳,每次只能勉强及格。老师警告他,英语不好会阻碍他拿奖学金,并亮出了自己的王牌:如果李明不努力,就让他考试不过关。老师还告诉他,学习英语不能只为了文凭,否则他即使大学毕业,也还是个半文盲。李明虽然保持镇定,但他明白,他的学业生涯正在攸关之际,必须安心下来埋头学习,坚持不懈。 Li Ming was a chemistry major, a charmer noted for his easygoing and humorous temperament. However, his English was so poor that he always barely got by. The teacher admonished him that his poor English would be an impediment to scholarship. What’s more, she showed her trump card: if Li Ming did not work hard. She would flunk him. He was also told that he should not learn English merely for the sake of his diploma. otherwise, even after graduation from university, he would still be semiliterate. Although Li Ming did not lose his composure, he was well aware that he had to settle down to work and follow through because his academic life was at stake. Unit2 我的朋友琳达接受过良好的教育,既美丽又端庄,三十好几依然没有人向她求婚。究其原因,她的事业心极强,整日扑在工作上,每天来往于住处和公司之间,根本没有时间和异性交往。一想到女儿这么大了还单身一人,她父母就焦虑不安。他们不知道该如何是好,甚至还去咨询一些社会学专家。 但是事情在上个月出现了转机,公司的总部调琳达到培训部。在新的工作岗位上,琳达遇到了第一个触动她心弦的男人。从此,他们几乎每天约会,琳达意识到她会不顾一切地爱这个男人。决定嫁人的时候,她告诉了我这个好消息。 虽然琳达的爱情让人想起电影中才会有的浪漫故事,我也担忧未来究竟会怎样,但我还是表达了我由衷的祝福,并爽快答应在婚礼那天做他们的伴娘和伴郎随从中的一员。 Linda, my good friend, has received good education and is both beautiful and elegant. She was not proposed to even when she was well over thirty. The reason is that she, as a career –oriented woman, is devoted to her work. Navigating between home and the company, she had hardly any time to socialize with people of the opposite sex. Her parents were gripped by anxiety at the thought of their daughter still remaining single at such an age. They did not know what to do and even consulted with some sociologists. But the situation began to change last month, when the headquarters of the company transferred Linda to the training department. On the new post, Linda met a man who tugged on her heartstrings for the first time. Ever since then, they dated virtually on a daily basis, and Linda realized that she would love the man beyond all reason. When she decided to take the matrimonial plunge, she informed me. Though Linda’s love is reminiscent of the romance that we see only in movies and I don’t know what the future will hold for her, I give her my heart-felt wishes and agree readily to be a member of the entourage of bridesmaids and groomsmen. Unit 3 食品供应商缺乏诚信已经成为当今社会的一大问题。部分企业欺骗公众,故意散布假消息,颂扬食品添加剂是食品工业的伟大成就,并声称适量的添加剂对健康有益无害。部分有良知的科学家对食品添加剂的含量和毒性展开了深入的病理学研究。研究结果表明,部分常见的食品添加剂经长期,可能会对健康产生危害,这被认为是食品安全研究方面极为重要的


综合英语教程第三版4 邹为诚主编 第二单元p37 1.玛丽看到一个贼眉鼠眼的男人走进邻居家里。shifty Mary saw a shifty-eyed man walking into a neighbor’s house. 2.鲍勃总是嘲笑我对服饰的眼光。sneer at Bob always sneers at my taste in clothes. 3.打探别人的秘密是不礼貌的。pry It is impolite to pry into other’s secrets. 4.我想克里斯想要抢我的饭碗。be after sth I think Chris is after my job. 5.她看到克里斯给他使的眼色,说话的声音便越来越小了。trail off She trailed off, silenced by the look Chris gave her. 6.那些树枝干而易断。brittle The branches were dry and brittle. 7.收音机老是发出噼里啪啦的声响,我们几乎听不清里面说些什么。crackle The radio cracked so much that we could hardly hear what was said. 8.地面向海倾斜。slope The land slopes down to the sea. 9.他的口袋里鼓鼓囊囊的塞满了钞票。bulge His pockets were bulging with money. 10.我不得不和出租车司机就车费讨价还价。haggle I had to haggle with the taxi driver over the fare. 第三单元p58 1. 这样的好机会千载难逢。once in a blue moon An opportunity as good as this arises/occurs only once in a blue mo on. 2. 这个孩子因为私自拿了母亲包里的钱而觉得十分愧疚。guilty of The boy felt guilty for taking money from his mother’s handbag with out permission. 3. 她知道他的话一句真的也没有。give credence to She did not give credence to a single word of his story. 4. 一般来说,老师对学生的错误都比较宽容。be tolerant of Generally speaking, teachers are tolerant of their students’ mistakes. 5. 我想当然地以为你会跟我们一起来,于是就给你买了票。take… for granted I took it for granted that you’d want to come with us, so I boug ht you a ticket. 6. 由于经理的不断劝导,工作人员很快就改掉了迟到的坏习惯。break the habit Thanks to the manager’s repeated counseling, the staff soon broke th e bad habit o f comin g late to work. 7. 他现在对她发火,但不久会原谅她的。这只是几小时的事,仅此而已。a matter of, that’s all He’s furious with her now, but he’ll forgive her soon. It’s just/ only a matter of a few hours, that’s all. 第四单元p78


Unit 1 1) Our youngest, a world-class charmer, did little to develop his intellectual talents but always got by. Until Mrs? Stiffer. 我的小儿子是个世界级的力?人迷。学习不怎么动脑筋却总是能蒙混过关。直到遇到了史蒂夫老师。 2) No one seems to stop to think that一no matter what environments they come from—most kids don't put school first on their list uni ess they perceive something is at stake? 似乎没有人停下来想想看,无论孩子们来自何种环境,他们当屮大多数若不是发现情况到了危急关头,才不会把功课当做头等大事。 3) Of average intellige nee or above ,they eve ntually quit school, con eluding they were too dumb to finish. 这些学生智力水平至少也算小等,但最终都退学了,他们总结说自己太笨。 4) Young people generally don't have the maturity to value education in the same way my adult students value it. 年轻人往往不够成熟,不会像我的成人学生们那么重视教育。 5) It is an expression of confidence by both teachers and parents that the students have the ability to learn the material presented to them. 这表明老师和家长们都对学生有信心,相信他们能够学好发给他们的学习材料。 6) This means no more doing Scotfs assignments for him because he might fail. No more passing Jodi because she's such a nice kid. 这意味着再也不要担心因为斯科特不及格而替他做作业,再也不要因为朱迪是个乖孩了就放他过关。 Unit 2 1) I had always dreamed of being proposed to in a Parisian cafe, under dazzling stars, like one in a Van Gogh, knockoff that hangs in my studio apartment. In stead, my boyfriend asked me to marry him while I was Win dexi ng the bathroom mirror. 我一直有这样的梦想,在星光灿烂的晚上,在一家巴黎咖啡馆就像梵高所画的“一夜的咖啡馆”,我的工作室墙上就有一幅此画的翻木。然后我男朋友却在我用“稳得新”擦洗卫生间镜子的吋候叫我嫁给他。 2) But the more time a nd effort I put in, the more the universe tried to thwart me. The Greek band from Los Angels that I wan ted wasn't available. The stitchi ng I had requested for my cathedral veil was all wrong. My ivory silk gown was being quarantined somewhere in Singapore. 但是我投入的时间和精力越多,万事就越和我过不去,没有请到我想要的洛杉矶希腊乐队,我到教堂时戴的面纱的针线活也很糟,不是我原来要的,我订的彖牙丝绸也被隔离在新加坡


1 In 1812, Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of the French, led his Grand Army into Russia. He was prepared for the fierce resistance of the Russian people defending their homeland. He was prepared for the long march across Russian soil to Moscow, the capital city. But he was not prepared for the devastating enemy that met him in Moscow -- the raw, bitter, bleak Russian winter. 1812年,法国皇帝拿破仑·波拿巴率大军入侵俄罗斯。他准备好俄罗斯人民会为保卫祖国而奋勇抵抗。他准备好在俄罗斯广袤的国土上要经过长途跋涉才能进军首都莫斯科。但他没有料到在莫斯科他会遭遇劲敌—俄罗斯阴冷凄苦的寒冬。 2 In 1941, Adolf Hitler, leader of Nazi Germany, launched an attack against the Soviet Union, as Russia then was called. Hitler's military might was unequaled. His war machine had mowed down resistance in most of Europe. Hitler expected a short campaign but, like Napoleon before him, was taught a painful lesson. The Russian winter again came to the aid of the Soviet soldiers. 1941年,纳粹德国元首阿道夫·希特勒进攻当时被称作苏联的俄罗斯。希特勒的军事实力堪称无敌。他的战争机器扫除了欧洲绝大部分地区的抵抗。希特勒希望速战速决,但是,就像在他之前的拿破仑一样,他得到的是痛苦的教训。仍是俄罗斯的冬天助了苏维埃士兵一臂之力。


Unit 1 1.他对这次面试中可能提到的问题作好了准备。(confront) He has prepared answers to the questions that he may confront during the interview. 2.他悲惨的遭遇深深打动了我们,使我们几乎哭出声来。(touch) His sad experience touched us so deeply that we nearly cried. 3.他们俩手挽着手沿着河边散步,有说有笑。(hand in hand) The two of them are walking hand in hand along the riverbank, chatting and laughing. 4.听到这令人激动的消息之后,他眼睛里涌出欢乐的泪水。(well up) When he heard the exciting news, tears of joy welled up in his eyes. 5.上海人容易听懂苏州话,因为上海话和苏州话有许多共同之处。(in common) People from Shanghai can understand Suzhou dialect with ease, for Shanghai dialect and Suzhou dialect have much in common. 6.亨利和妻子正在考虑能不能在3年内买一幢新房子。(look into) Henry and his wife are looking into the possibility of buying a new house within three years.

综合英语教程第三版 (邹为诚)

unit1响尾蛇伤 我们在西波顿种植西瓜和香瓜供应市场。我家有一块瓜地和花圃在紧靠甘蔗地的谷仓背后。一天,我从工具棚里拿了把镰刀想去砍个西瓜自己吃。他们是不许我拿这把刀的,因为它的刀刃比我的胳膊还长。但它是切西瓜的最好工具。一刀下去,西瓜就一分为二了。 我正沿着瓜地边走边拍打着想找一个熟瓜,突然感觉脚好像被针一样的东西扎了一下。我为是踩在一堆蒺藜草上了。 转眼一看,却发现是一条响尾蛇。我知道响尾蛇在袭击之前都要发出响声以示警告的,而我对那响声的熟悉程度决不亚于我熟悉鹌鹑。后来我才明白它是没有时间警告,我肯定是一脚踩在它的嘴巴上了。我边往家飞奔,边大声喊叫,满脑子想的都是自己肯定要死了。妈妈赶快解下围裙用上面的带子绑在我的膝盖上部。她扶我到前屋的沙发上躺下,让玛莎照看我。当时在场的既没有一个男人也没有一匹马。最近的住宅是豪威尔先生家,但他家没有马。再远点的是吉姆·安德森家,穿过田地抄近路也有半英里的距离。妈妈冲向安德森家。安德森的一个儿子跳上马就直奔城里,在安德森家打工的克拉克的儿子用车把妈妈送回家。回到家,妈妈发现围裙带已被玛莎解开了,因为我直叫系得太紧。妈妈给我重新绑上,她用力很猛以致于我失声叫了起来。 然后,妈妈又到门廊朝那条通往城里的路张望。这条路位于安德森和豪威尔两家领地中间,一直延伸到小山顶端,因此从这里你可以看见所有路过的人或物。我总是远远就能辨认出我们的马车和汤姆,尤其是爸爸赶车的时候。这时,如果得到允许,汤姆就会因为急于吃到马槽里的东西而撒腿跑起来,爸爸也总是允许它这么做的。 赫伯·安德森的意见是首先找爸爸,如果他不在就找麦肯斯医生,再不成就找菲尔德或别的医生。 妈妈一边盯着看谁的马先出现,一边不时地进屋安慰我。 终于,妈妈说道:“你爸爸来了。” Read more 误解 这是个古老的故事,的确是要说到1864年的事。那时,英国军队驻扎在牙买加的一个团养了只官兵都喜爱的大猴子。那是只善于思考、极有主见的猴子,他的行为习惯和举止总是令军官们开心不已。他的居所对着军官食堂的窗户,尽管身上系着很长但不重的链子,他照样自得其乐,淘气逗人。比如有一天,他觉得一位年轻军官羞侮了他,便立即把食堂窗户敲得惊天动地。军官们只好把他的居所移到一个不太招眼的地方,但他依旧自娱自乐。任何活生生的东西,只要胆敢闯入他链长所及的范围内,就免不了被折腾得手忙脚乱一阵子。而那些倒霉的鸡鸭,却经常误入他的领地。那就会被他一下子抓住,有时竟被他扼杀,不过更多的时候,他都是恶作剧地对这些痛苦的阶下囚实施全身或半身拔毛手术,然后再放开。 然而,有一只鸡却让他突然强烈地喜欢上了。他是逮住了它,但他即不拔毛也不扼杀,反倒是百般怜惜、抚爱有加。这种毫无顾忌的举动使那只不幸的鸡恐怕是宁受拔毛之刑吧。猴子拧它,揉它,抚摸它,搂抱它,把它举得高高地,令它展翅起舞,又把它放开一会儿,可当它试图逃脱时又顽皮地将它两腿一抓。可那只鸡怎么地都不领情,反倒是完全误解了猴情猴意。但猴子却始终不渝,牢牢地紧握着这个心肝宝贝不放松。他满以为忠贞不渝的柔情蜜意即能赢得芳心归,没想到讨好卖乖了一番却不成功,因而更加大献殷勤:不一样地抚摸,更挚着地摩挲,更卖力地搓揉,还逗得它更欢快地舞蹈。可万分钟情也未能赢得回眸一顾。终于,在猴子极其亲昵的拥抱中,鸡给整死了,至死也未能理解猴的一片赤诚。 猴子处于极度悲伤之中。可想而知,他好不容易发现心爱之鸡,而这心爱之鸡未能回报丝毫之柔情,竟弃他而去!可悲复可怜!他开始着手祭奠的仪式,每一动作都表现出他沉痛


全新版大学英语综合教程2课后翻译 UNIT 1 我认为总结一下英语学习的经验是值得一试的。这里,我想谈谈三个相关的问题。 首先,大量阅读应被视作学习过程中的重点,因为我们是通过阅读获取最大量语言输入(language input)的。其次,尽可能多背一些好文章也十分重要。一方面,死记硬背(rote learning)确实无甚裨益,但另一方面,在真正理解基础上的熟记肯定对我们有好处。大脑中存储了大量很好的文章,我们在用英语表达自己思想的时候,就会觉得容易多了。最后,我们应该把所学到的东西用到实践中去,这是至关重要的。通过多读、多写、多听、多说,我们就能完成提高英语水平的任务。 I consider it worthwhile trying to summarize our experience in learning English.Here I would like to make three relevant points. First,wide reading should be taken as a priority in the learning progress,because it is through reading that we get the most language input.Next,learning by heart as many well-written essays as possible is also very important.On the one hand,rote learning/learning by rote is indeed of little help,but on the other hand,memorization/learning by heart with a good understanding will certainly be of benefit /do good to us.With an enormous store of excellent essays in our heads,we will find it much easier to express us in English.Finally,it's critical that we should put what we have learned into practice.By doing more reading,writing,listening and speaking,we will be able to the task of perfecting our English. UNIT 2 自从他加盟以来,乔治从早忙到晚。他总是乐呵呵的,一直全身心地扑在工作上。由于表现出色,他被提升为执行总裁(CEO=CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER).从那以后,他尽力和工人打成一片,从不盛气凌人。另外,他制定了一些奖励制度,鼓励工人们努力工作。他相信忠诚和勤劳会大大促使公司获得成功。人们都说他是位出色的执行总裁。 George was on the run since the moment he came aboard.He was always cheerful and devoted himself heart and soul to his work.Because of his excellent performance he was promoted to CEO.From then on he tried hard to blend in with other workers and never threw his weight around.He also laid down/introduced a reward system to encourage the workers to work hard.He believed that loyalty and hard work would greatly contribute to the success of the company.By all accounts he was an outstanding chief executive officer. UNIT 3 约翰逊先生的儿子乔治爱在晚上听重金属(heavey metal)音乐,响声干扰了社区其他居民的睡眠。后来,疲惫不堪的邻居们失去了耐心,决定直接干预。他们打电话给约翰逊先生,坦率地把想法告诉了他。约翰逊先生感到很尴尬,便去训斥儿子:“你这是怎么了?你该懂得不能为了自己的兴趣而妨碍(disturb)别人。”结果乔治拿唱片跟同学换了电脑游戏软件(software)。总的来说,这件事解决得很圆满。 George,the son of Mr.Johnson,liked listening to heavy metal music in the evenings,and the noise interrupt ed the sleep of other residents in the community.Eventually the exhaust ed neighbours lost their patience and decided on direct interference.They called Mr.Johnson to tell him in a frank manner what they were thinking.Embarrass ed,Mr.Johnson scolded his son:"What has come over you?You should know better than to disturb others for the sake of your own interest."As a result George traded his records for computer games software from his classmates.Overall,the whole thing has worked out quite satisfactorily. UNIT 4 也许你羡慕我,因为我可以借助计算机在家里工作。我也这么想,互联网使我的工作方便多了。我可以通过电子邮件撰写、编辑并交出我的文章,在网上与我的同事聊天,与老板讨论工作。我用鼠标一击,马上就能拿到我要的一切资料,获得最新的消息。可是,另一方面,用网络通信有时也令人沮丧。系统有可能瘫痪,更糟的是,因为没有面对面交谈的情感提示,键出的词有时候似乎很难理解。
