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Turbine Engine Bearings for Ultra-High Temperatures The advanced gas turbine engines which will be used to power aircraft in the early part of the next century are already at the design stage .these engines will be extremely efficient and in many instances will produce aircraft speeds above mach 3.The operating conditions for the main shaft bearing of these engines can be considered as extremely demanding .Shaft speeds in excess of 30,000r/min and bearing temperatures greater than 650℃ are predicted.

In applications where relatively lives are required, the present temperature limit for liquid-lubricated steel bearings is 200℃ .For short-life bearing applications it is possible to operate up to 450℃.Even using the most technologically advanced liquid lubricants and metallic alloys ,the temperature capability of the bearings operating in very limited life application is 500℃


New thinking is required which crosses the boundaries of conventional bearing design and exploits the latest developments of research into high temperature materials and solid lubricants. The predicted extreme operating temperatures(800℃to 900℃) appear impossible to attain ,given present temperature limitations. Ceramic bearings offer the hope of increasing operating temperature considerably 650℃, but the tribological reaction taking place between the components of a high speed ,high temperature ceramic rolling bearing are complex and varied .The selection of effective bearing and lubricant materials depends on their thermal ,physical chemical and mechanical properties ,as well as the operational and engineering constraints of the application.

The most important criteria for evaluating materials to be used for balls and rings of high temperature bearing are: high temperature strength (hardness), thermo-mechanical properties and oxidation characteristics. Tool steels ,such as VIM-V AR M50,are currently the most common materials used for aeroengine bearings with a practical temperature limit of approximately 400℃.At such temperature normal bearing steels rapidly lose their hardness .High cobalt-based stellites and high tungsten alloy tool steels ,not normally considered bearing steels ,have been used at high temperature ,but they begin to lose hardness at temperature around 500℃.

A group materials which appears promising for ultra-high temperature bearing operation is high performance ceramics .At temperature above 1,100℃these ceramic materials have a high hardness than normal bearing steels .For the past decade one ceramic material has been developed to the virtual exclusion of all others for high speed, high temperature rolling bearing :hot pressed or hot isostatically pressed silicon. Silicon nitride is desirable because it has good high temperature strength and

hardness ,an advantageous strength/weight relationship and excellent resitance to rolling contact fatigue when there is adequate lubrication .Long term operation of this material using solid lubricants at temperatures above 500℃was demonstrated by SKF in the U.S.A. during 1984.

However, there are drawbacks with silicon nitride, including tensile strength, low fracture toughness and extremely low coefficient of thermal expansion .Because of these properties ,considerable development work is needed for the manufacture and application of ceramic bearings .

Other ceramic materials such as silicon carbide silicon carbide and titanium carbide are being evaluated for their suitability as ball and ring materials .Although not as popular and mature as silicon nitride ,they do have certain popular and mature as silicon nitride ,they do have certain properties which make them candidates for high temperature rolling bearing materials for example, silicon carbide has been used as ball material in 40,000r/min bearing test , and although the temperature was not extreme ,it was above the liquid lubrication rage .The lubrication system consisted solely of a film of solid lubricant.

The positive properties of silicon carbide for use in high temperature bearing are its good thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity ,its oxidation resistance and high purity (properties are little affected by impurities).One of the negative properties of the material is its high modulus of elasticity. This is about 50﹪higher than hot pressed silicon nitride and has been cited as a potential problem because of the risk of high Hertzian contact stresses .These can be reduced by adjusting the osculation of the raceway grooves ,but this causes increased frictional heat generation .


turbine n. 涡轮机,透平机hardness n. 硬度aircraft n . 航空器,飞行器oxidation n 氧化作用mach n .马赫temperature n. 温度lubrication n .润滑油aeroengine n. 航空发动机carbide n . 硬质合金bearing 轴承

excess n. 超过,过量cobalt n. 钴satellite n. 硬质合金tungsten n. 钨

rolling v. 滚动ceramic n. 陶瓷艺品demonstrate v. 证明,示范drawback n. 缺点,障碍material n. 材料steel n. 钢

ball n. 滚珠friction n 摩擦System n 系统raceway n. 座圈


liquid lubrication 液体润滑

thermo-mechanical properties 热力学性能

oxidation characteristic 氧化性能

bearing steel 轴承钢

hot pressed 热压的

silicon nitride 氮化硅

silicon carbide 碳化硅

titanium carbide 碳化钛

contact fatigue 接触疲劳

fracture toughness 断裂韧度

as well as 除……之外

coefficient of thermal expansion 热膨胀系数

thermal conductivity 热传导性

modulus of elasticity 弹性模量

Hertzian contact stress 赫兹接触应力






高温轴承的滚珠和座圈的材料选用的重要标准是材料的热强度,热力学性能和氧化性能。工具钢,比如 VIM-VAR M50,是目前用于飞机发动机轴承的常用材料,它的使用温度极限约为400℃,在这个温度下一般的轴承钢的强度将会迅速降低。高温轴承材料通常不采用高鈷基钨铬钴合金和高钨合金工具钢,因在温度约为500℃时,其硬度开始降低。



其他陶瓷材料,比如碳化硅和碳化钛也被认为合适作为座圈和滚珠的材料。尽管这两种材料不如氮化硅成熟和普遍,但它们却有某些特征合适做高温滚动轴承材料。如碳化硅已经被用于40000f/min 的轴承滚珠材料测试,尽管温度不是很高,但是也已经超过了液体润滑油的适用范围。这种材料采用的是固体润滑膜为基础的润滑系统。



2.1 数学、方程与比例 (1)数学来源于人类的社会实践,包括工农业的劳动,商业、军事和科学技术研究等活动。 Mathematics comes from man’s social practice, for example, industrial and agricultural production, commercial activities, military operations and scientific and technological researches. (2)如果没有运用数学,任何一个科学技术分支都不可能正常地发展。 No modern scientific and technological branches could be regularly developed without the application of mathematics. (3)符号在数学中起着非常重要的作用,它常用于表示概念和命题。Notations are a special and powerful tool of mathematics and are used to express conceptions and propositions very often. (4)17 世纪之前,人们局限于初等数学,即几何、三角和代数,那时只考虑常数。 Before 17th century, man confined himself to the elementary mathematics, i. e. , geometry, trigonometry and algebra, in which only the constants were considered. (5)方程与算数的等式不同在于它含有可以参加运算的未知量。 Equation is different from arithmetic identity in that it contains unknown quantity which can join operations. (6)方程又称为条件等式,因为其中的未知量通常只允许取某些特定的值。Equipment is called an equation of condition in that it is true only for certain values of unknown quantities in it. (7)方程很有用,可以用它来解决许多实际应用问题。 Equations are of very great use. We can use equations in many mathematical problems. (8)解方程时要进行一系列移项和同解变形,最后求出它的根,即未知量的值。To solve the equation means to move and change the terms about without making the equation untrue, until the root of the equation is obtained, which is the value of unknown term. 2.2 几何与三角 (1)许多专家都认为数学是学习其他科学技术的必备基础和先决条件。 Many experts recognize that mathematics is the necessary foundation and prerequisite of studying other science technology. (2)西方国家的专家认为几何起源于巴比伦和埃及人的土地测量技术,其实中国古代的数学家对几何做了许多出色的研究。 The western experts think that geometry had its origin in the measurements by the Babylonians and Egyptians of their lands. Infect, the ancient Chinese mathematicians made much remarkable study for geometry. (3)几何的学习使学生在思考问题时更周密和审慎,他们将不会盲目接受任何结论。 In studying geometry, the student is taught to think clearly and critically and he is led away from the practice of blind acceptance of any conclusions. (4)数学培养学生的分析问题的能力,使他们能应用毅力、创造性和逻辑推理来解决问题。


关于小学到高中各阶段英语创意作业的设计建议 一、初学英语者,作业设计应以口头作业为主(适用于起始年级的第一学期) 小学生刚接触英语时,兴趣较高,但课后对知识的回生现象严重。设计作业时,应以口头作业为主,通过说说、唱唱、玩玩的方式,协助学生巩固课堂所学知识。 1.游戏。小学低年级学生年龄小,即使对简单的英语朗读活动,其兴趣也只能维持一小段时间。例如:在学习了表示五官的英语单词后,我让学生互玩游戏,彼此听对方发出的指令单词,来指自己的五官。这个活动旨在激发学生说英语的兴趣。 童谣,让学生以唱的方式完成英语作业。例如:在学生学习学习用具铅笔和钢笔等单词后,我把这些单词改编成学生熟悉曲调的儿歌,结合课本提供的童谣,让学生自己给加节奏。这是开发音乐智能一种尝试,让学生想想课堂的歌曲怎么唱,用的形式,节奏如何,与其它同学交流。(了解英语教学资讯,注重QQ824560647) 3.有表情的朗读趣味故事,将教材内容或资料中的材料经过精心的筛选后改编成朗朗上口的句子、顺口溜或小诗儿歌等利用早读和业余时间教会学生,学生读会后给同学、朋友、家长等朗读表演,培养语感水平。 二、中年级的作业应力求生活化(适用于四、五年级学生) 中年级学生虽然有一定学习英语的基础,但是同样应该注意趣味性。中年级学生有主动参与学习的意识。作业设计中更多体现口语化、生活化,让学生在完成作业的过程中学习,体验与巩固所学语言。 1.绘画 把绘画与语言相结合是开发空间智能和评阅智能的有效手段。在学习方位时,我让学生画一幅想像中的图并用英语叙述各种东西的位置;学习问路时,让学生编问路的对话并画出线路图。制作相对应的单词卡片、图画日记等。 2.手工制作 手工制作通常是英语课上运动智能的主要形式。为第二天的表演做头饰,人物形象由学生自己设计,能够是卡通式的、漫画式的,也能够是写式的;收集英文包装纸实行商标剪贴;收集生活中常用的英文标志。 三、高年级的作业应注意培养学生的思维水平(适合六年级学生)


八年级英语作业分层布置中案例分析八年级学生在英语学习中,容易产生厌学情绪。因此,分层次布置作业是非常必要的。 语法教学对我来说是个难点。一直以来都没有找到好的教学方法。这学期,我一直在研究英语分层作业的布置,因此我认为在语法教学上分层次的布置作业对语法的教学也是有好处的。我们英语教师在语法教学的过程中,充分利用现代教育资源,在语法设计上多下功夫,在设计活动时要面向全体学生,充分考虑学生的个体差异,充分体现以学生为主体的理念。作业的布置上注意激发学生的学习兴趣,帮助学生形成学习动机,使语法教学质量得到提高。 例如:教学现在完成时。教学目标中提出的几点不是所有学生都能掌握的,因此在学完语法课以后,作业的布置相对就比较重要了。 分层作业中的A类作业重点针对成绩优异的学生。 单项选择 1.He asked me _____ during the summer holidays. A. where I had been B. where I had gone C. where had I been D. where had I gone 2. What ____ Jane ____ by the time he was seven ? A. did do B. has done C did did D. had done 3. I ______ 900 English words by the time I was ten。 A. learned B. was learning C. had learned D. learnt 4. She ______lived here for ______ years. A. had a few B. has several C. had a lot of D. has a great deal of 5. By the time my parents reached home yesterday, I _____ the dinner already. A had cooked B. cooked C. have cooked D. was cooked 6. She said she __________ the principle already A .has seen B. saw C. will see D. had seen 7. She said her family _______ themselves ______ the army during the war. A. has hidden, from B. had hidden, from C. has hidden, with D. had hidden, with 8. By the time he was ten years old, he _________. A. has completed university B. has completed the university B. had completed an university D. had completed university 9. She had written a number of books ______ the end of last year. A. for B. in C. by D. at 10. He _____ to play ____ before he was 11 years old. A had learned, piano B. had learned, the piano C. has learned, the piano D. learns piano. 用动词的适当形式填空 1. We _____ (paint) the house before we _____ (move) in. 2. That rich old man ___ (make) a will before he ___ (die). 3. They ____ (study) the map of the country before they ________ (leave). 4. The robbers___(run away)before the policemen_____ (arrive).


Unit 1 My day 1. Listen and write the time I): \ 7 A A* \ A A A A I 4) 1 2) 5) 2. Look, read and tick 1 ) I often get up at 6:30 a.m.() 3) 1 often cat breakfast at 7:30 a.m.( H --- 1 3) 6) or cross .......... ...... I ? 1 usually go to school at 7:00 a.m.( ) 1 often read a book at 8:00 p.m. 3. Read and fill in the timetable TV reporter: When do you get up in the morning, Aunt Li? Aunt Li: 1 usually get up at 4 o'clock. Then I eat breakfast at 4:10. TV reporter: Oh, it's so early. When do you go to work? Aunt Li: Usually 1 go to work at four thirty. I usually … Aunt Li I clean the road and empty the trash bins. Aunt Li's Timetable TV reporter: When do you have lunch? Aunt Li: At 11:00 in the morning. Then I have a rest and keep working. 1 go home at 5 o'clock. TV reporter: You're so hard-working. Aunt Li: I love the city. I love my job. get up A eat breakfast \ _____________ 5:00 p.m.;


b-毗喘pyridine 巴比妥酸:barbituric acid 比电导conductance 不规则的:irregular 崩解剂disintegrant C--萃取extraction 成团:ogglomerotion 测量仪measurement 肠液:intestinol fluid d-胆固醇cholestero 对映体:enontiomer 电极electrode 代谢:metobolism f-反相渗透reverse osmosis 分布:disposition g-构象:conformotion 固化:solidize 卜-甲苯toluene 静脉注:introvenous injection 挤压:compress 聚集:aggregate 胶囊capsule I一粒子:particle 立体选择性:stereoselectivity 利用率:availability 灭菌产品sterile products n—粘合剂odhesive P—偏振光:polarized light 片剂tablet 酉己剂elixir 排泄:excretion q一起女台原料starting materials(raw materials) q 醛aldehyde 「一溶解度:solubility 乳剂emulsion 润滑剂lubricant s-释放:release 渗液solution 生物膜:biologic membrane 生物碱okoloid, t…糖浆syrup 甜味剂sweetener w-丸剂pill 微生物microorganism 胃液:gastric fluid 稳定态:steady-state x-?旋光异构现象:optical isomerism 悬浮液suspension 香味剂flavor 稀释剂diluent 形状:shape 吸收absorption 消除:elimination y-胰岛素insulin 压片:tablet compression z-中间体intermediote 重结晶recrystallization 左旋:levorotation 蒸徭distillation 组织tissue a-asymmetric carb on 不对称碳absorption 吸收action 动作odhesive 粘合剂c-contamination 污染chirality:手性compress 压缩composite 合成的compressibility:可压缩性compaction:压紧contaminotion specialize 特殊污染conductivity 电导率control控制clinical:临床的 d- design:设计dry:干燥delivery:传送 e-巳xtgnd:延长epoxide:环氧化物 f- formulation:$ij 剂fluidity:流动性function:功能 g- geometric isomerism:几何异构 h- hormone 激素hydrolysis diastereoisomer:水解非对映异构体 heterogeneous catalyst 多相催化剂, i- irrigating 冲洗 m- metabolite代谢物medication药物治疗medicine内服药mill:研磨measure 尺寸mix:混合microorganisms 微生物 o- ophthalmic 眼药 p- polysaccharide 多糖peptide 肽plosmo 血浆penicillin 青霉素, precursor:前体partition coefficient:狭义分配系数pharmaceutical 制药的 parenteral 注射药物pycogens 热源procedure:程序 q- quality 性质quantity 数量 s- steroid 笛类steric effect:空间效应stereoselectivity:^体选择性 screening:过筛sustain :维持


英语作业设计案例精选 文档 TTMS system office room 【TTMS16H-TTMS2A-TTMS8Q8-

英语作业设计案例?? 新目标英语九年级unit 1How can we become good learners?作业设计例析 (一)预习作业 1.作业设计背景说明 本课时围绕本单元中心句型,用“How do you study for a test? I study for a test by…”来表达学习做某事所用的方法。新的词汇和短语较少,之前学生已经学习并掌握了一些与请求有关的短语和句型。 2.作业题目 拼读Unit1 Section A(1a-2d)新单词,认读和理解1a部分的短语,观察短语的搭配形式,摘录新单词或短语,建立到个人词汇库中。 3.设计意图 通过完成词汇预习作业,丰富自己的词汇库,有利于培养学生主动学习的习惯和自学英语的能力,学生能总结出适合自己的英语学习方法,不仅增强他们学习英语的自信心,而且为他们的终身学习打下坚实的基础。 (二)示例作业 1.作业设计背景说明 1a部分主要学习并巩固本单元一些重点短语,为后面开展谈论学习方法讨论做好准备工作。 2.作业题目 How do you study for a test? I study for a test by… 3.设计意图 在教师的指导下,学生进行两人小组活动,对ppt图片内容进行问答,帮助学生进一步巩固有关“How do you study for a test?”和相关词汇、短语和句型,也为后面1b,2a,2b的听说任务做好铺垫。学生看图提问或者回答同伴的问题,培养了他们用英语与他人交流的能力,增强了他们说英语的信心。 (三)随堂作业


《英语2》第5次作业 您本学期选择了“英语2” 说明:本次作业的知识点为:9-10,总分为60分,您的得分为60分 A型题: 请从备选答案中选取一个最佳答案 1. _______ we've no money, we cannot buy it. [1分] A. Since that B. Now that C.For D. In case 2. This picture will _____ to you some ideas of the beauty of the scenery. [1分] A.pass B.hand C. give D.convey 3. TV ______ enables you to get to know about the world's events more vividly. So I advise you to buy one. [1分] A. at least B. at best C. at most

D.at worst 4. I am a foreigner here; must I ______ with the police? [1分] A. report B.register C.sign D. record 5. We didn't send you an invitation, as we _____ it for granted that you would be coming. [1分] A.thought B.took C. made D. knew 6. You should not use such bad language _____ of the students. [1分] A. in the front B. in front C. in appearance D.facing 7. In ______ experiment, thirty children were divided into three groups. [1分] A. a such B.such one C.one such


小学英语作业设计案例 1. 录音作业。在英语教学中,为了让学生能够牢固地掌握标准的语音语调,我会经常布置学生课后听读录音,但是如果只是一味地让学生单调机械地重复听读容易使学生产生厌倦心理,较难达到良好的学习效果。我就变换方式,让学生模仿课文朗读制作录音磁带,定期进行全班评比,那么他们就会不厌其烦地反复听读录音进行制作,以求达到最佳效果。这类作业不仅能使学生在潜移默化中形成英语的语感,而且也能培养学生的竞争意识。 2. 基础性作业。基础知识包括词汇和句型两个内容。词汇部分:抄写每单元的重点词汇,加强记忆与巩固。句型部分:学生抄写每一模块的重点句型,识记各种句子成分,接触各种句型,形成知识的积累,提高语言表达能力。 3. 创意作业。小学生喜欢动手操作性的活动,如画图画和做好手工等。根据这一特点,我在设计作业时也为学生提供充分展示自己的机会。例如,教学水果单类单词后,可以设计画图画的作业,即要求学生回家后画出所学水果,并用英语在图旁写出所画水果的名称;第二天上课展示自己的作品时,要用几句简单的英语介绍自己最喜欢的水果,也可以请同学配合介绍。比如,展示自己的作品时有的学生说:This is a red apple. I like apples. 有的说:Look at this picture. It’s a peach. 又如,教学家庭成员时,让学生先介绍自己的家庭成员,然后再把所介绍的人画出来,并配上刚才介绍的内容,形成一幅色彩鲜

明又有文字介绍的图画,这样激发了学生的学习兴趣,并让学生在动脑、动口和动手的活动中巩固了所学知识。 4. 合作性作业。在对话或情景表演教学中,让学生以小组合作形式来完成这样的作业。首先小组内进行角色分配,对自己要说的话熟记于心,然后再根据具体的情境进行有感情地表演。如在Greetings 的教学中,我让学生自己选择角色,根据小组内成员的英语水平再作相应调整,尽量做到让每一个人都能发挥自己的水平。然后放手让学生自己去模仿各个人物的表情、动作、语言特点,经过一番准备后再表演给班级小朋友看,最终评出最佳表演奖,给予奖励。学生的积极性很快就被调动起来,以后碰到类似的内容,学生会自动要求来表演,既学到了知识,同时也锻炼了他们的能力。 总之,只有有效地布置小学英语课外作业,才能使课堂教学得到加强和巩固,,激发孩子们学习英语的兴趣,提高学生的积极性,使英语课堂教学延伸到课外。 1. 录音作业。在英语教学中,为了让学生能够牢固地掌握标准的语音语调,我会经常布置学生课后听读录音,但是如果只是一味地让学生单调机械地重复听读容易使学生产生厌倦心理,较难达到良好的学习效果。我就变换方式,让学生模仿课文朗读制作录音磁带,定期进行全班评比,那么他们就会不厌其烦地反复听读录音进行制作,以求达到最佳效果。这类作业不仅能使学生在潜移默化中形成英语的语感,而且也能培养学生的竞争意识。


2.1数学、方程与比例 词组翻译 1.数学分支branches of mathematics,算数arithmetics,几何学geometry,代数学algebra,三角学trigonometry,高等数学higher mathematics,初等数学elementary mathematics,高等代数higher algebra,数学分析mathematical analysis,函数论function theory,微分方程differential equation 2.命题proposition,公理axiom,公设postulate,定义definition,定理theorem,引理lemma,推论deduction 3.形form,数number,数字numeral,数值numerical value,图形figure,公式formula,符号notation(symbol),记法/记号sign,图表chart 4.概念conception,相等equality,成立/真true,不成立/不真untrue,等式equation,恒等式identity,条件等式equation of condition,项/术语term,集set,函数function,常数constant,方程equation,线性方程linear equation,二次方程quadratic equation 5.运算operation,加法addition,减法subtraction,乘法multiplication,除法division,证明proof,推理deduction,逻辑推理logical deduction 6.测量土地to measure land,推导定理to deduce theorems,指定的运算indicated operation,获得结论to obtain the conclusions,占据中心地位to occupy the centric place 汉译英 (1)数学来源于人类的社会实践,包括工农业的劳动,商业、军事和科学技术研究等活动。 Mathematics comes from man’s social practice, for example, industrial and agricultural production, commercial activities, military operations and scientific and technological researches. (2)如果没有运用数学,任何一个科学技术分支都不可能正常地发展。 No modern scientific and technological branches could be regularly developed without the application of mathematics. (3)符号在数学中起着非常重要的作用,它常用于表示概念和命题。 Notations are a special and powerful tool of mathematics and are used to express conceptions and propositions very often. (4)17 世纪之前,人们局限于初等数学,即几何、三角和代数,那时只考虑常数。 Before 17th century, man confined himself to the elementary mathematics, i. e. , geometry, trigonometry and algebra, in which only the constants were considered. (5)方程与算数的等式不同在于它含有可以参加运算的未知量。 Equation is different from arithmetic identity in that it contains unknown quantity which can join operations. (6)方程又称为条件等式,因为其中的未知量通常只允许取某些特定的值。Equipment is called an equation of condition in that it is true only for certain values of unknown quantities in it. (7)方程很有用,可以用它来解决许多实际应用问题。


五年级英语作业: 1、P25单词一行+1,句子一遍,写在预习作业本上。 2、完成一起作业。 3、完成卷子Unit1。 五年级英语作业: 1、第一、二单元黑体单词5+1,默写1+1。 2、P78 句子抄一遍,默写一遍。 四年级作业: 1、P25 单词(一行加一)、句子写到预习作业本上。 2、预习P27。 4、完成一起作业。 5、完成卷子Unit1。 五年级英语作业: 1、识记默写12个单词P15/25。 2、完成卷子Unit1巩固题。听力将统一练习,并讲解习题,不会的题可以随时来问, 请家长监督孩子认真完成,并批改,保管好答案。 四年级英语: 1、完成P27预习作业。 2、完成卷子Unit1基础题。听力将统一练习,并讲解习题,不会的题可以随时来问,请家 长监督孩子认真完成,并批改,保管好答案。 本学期没有英语磁带,请家长监督孩子完成一起作业!提高学生的英语听力能力!感谢支持与配合! 四年级英语: 1、完成英语一起作业(今天晚上的自然拼读课),消息已发到QQ。 2、完成卷子Unit1,明天讲,请提前准备好。 四年级英语: 1、P74 Unit3 所有单词4+1,默写1+1。 2、P78 Unit3 句子抄一默一,背诵。 3、完成一起作业。

四二作业: 1创编英文故事。 2完成一起作业。 五一作业: 1、P27听读,背诵,抄写两遍写到预习作业本上。 2、一起作业。 3、短语改错,P28 五二作业: 1、短语改错。P18 2、P73 Unit3 所有单词4+1,默写1+1。 3、一起作业。 五年级英语作业: 1、完成评价第三单元。 2、完成一起作业。 3、单词改错。 五年级英语: 1、完成卷子Unit3 基础卷。 2、背诵课本P34.对话。 五年级二班英语: 1、单词改错。 2、完成卷子Unit3巩固卷。 五一英语作业: 1、完成课本P34-35。 2、单词、句子改错。 3、明天听写第一单元单词、句子。 四年级二班: 1、单词改错。 2、P74 1-3单元句子背诵,抄写一遍。 3、卷子第一次月考。


(一)基础训练 一、写出下列节日的名称。 1. Women’s Day 2. Teachers’Day 3. Father’s Day 4. Mother’s Day 5. Thanksgiving Day 7. Fools’Day 二、选出下列单词画线部分发音不同的一项。 ()1.A. about B. mouth C. above D. how ()2. A. city B. close C. class D. clean ()3. A. open B. no C. over D. from ()4. A. now B. know C. town D. brown ()5.A.address B. about C. America D.actor ()6. A.crow B.crayon C.colour D. cross 三、中英文互译。 1.做作业 2. play computer games 3.在星期五 4.看电视 5.often 6. 读书 (二)能力提升 四、连词成句。 1.do, on , you, What, Friday, do 2.you, can , play, I, with

3.up, is, to, time, It, get 4.on, you, What, have,do, Thursdays 5.often, My, plays, brother,ping-pong 五、重新排列句子,组成一段完整的对话。 A.Do you have P.E. on Wednesdays? B.Let me have a look. C.Oh, no. We have math today.But I don’t like math. I like P.E. D. What do you have on Wednesday? E.It’s Wednesday. F.What day is it today? G.We have Chinese,English and science. I like Wednesdays. A (三)课外拓展 六、阅读理解。 Jack, Lili, John and Dabao are good friends.John often plays football with Dabao on Saturdays.Jack does his homework every day.Lili likes to do housework.She often does housework on Sundays.They all read books on Mondays. ( )1.Are Jack and Dabao are good friends A.No,they aren’t. B.Yes,they are. ( )2. does his homework every day. A. Jack B. John ( )3. Lili likes to . A. do housework B. do homework ( )4. They on Mondays. A. play football B. read books


b--吡啶pyridine 巴比妥酸:barbituric acid比电导conductance 不规则的:irregular 崩解剂disintegrant c--萃取extraction 成团:agglomeration 测量仪measurement 肠液:intestinal fluid d--胆固醇cholestero 对映体:enantiomer 电极electrode 代谢:metabolism f--反相渗透reverse osmosis 分布:disposition g--构象:conformation 固化:solidize j--甲苯toluene 静脉注:intravenous injection 挤压:compress 聚集:aggregate 胶囊capsule l--粒子:particle 立体选择性:stereoselectivity 利用率:availability m--灭菌产品sterile products n--粘合剂adhesive p--偏振光:polarized light 片剂tablet 配剂elixir 排泄:excretion q--起始原料starting materials(raw materials) q醛aldehyde r--溶解度:solubility 乳剂emulsion 润滑剂lubricant s--释放:release 渗液solution 生物膜:biologic membrane 生物碱alkaloid, t---糖浆syrup 甜味剂sweetener w--丸剂pill 微生物microorganism 胃液:gastric fluid 稳定态:steady-state x--旋光异构现象:optical isomerism 悬浮液suspension 香味剂flavor 稀释剂diluent 形状:shape 吸收:absorption 消除:elimination y--胰岛素insulin 压片:tablet compression z--中间体intermediate 重结晶recrystallization 左旋:levorotation 蒸馏distillation 组织tissue a--asymmetric carbon不对称碳absorption吸收action动作adhesive粘合剂c--contamination污染chirality:手性compress压缩composite合成的compressibility:可压缩性compaction:压紧contamination specialize特殊污染conductivity电导率control:控制clinical:临床的 d--design:设计dry:干燥delivery:传送 e-- extend:延长epoxide:环氧化物 f-- formulation:制剂fluidity:流动性f unction:功能 g--geometric isomerism:几何异构 h-- hormone激素hydrolysis diastereoisomer:水解非对映异构体 heterogeneous catalyst多相催化剂, i--irrigating冲洗 m-- metabolite代谢物medication药物治疗medicine内服药mill:研磨measure尺寸mix:混合microorganisms微生物 o--ophthalmic眼药 p-- polysaccharide多糖peptide肽plasma血浆penicillin青霉素,precursor:前体partition coefficient:狭义分配系数pharmaceutical制药的parenteral注射药物pycogens热源procedure:程序 q-- quality性质quantity数量 s-- steroid甾类steric effect:空间效应stereoselectivity:立体选择性screening:过筛sustain :维持 t-- treat治疗therapy:治疗 u--uniformity目标v--vaccine疫苗


五年级下册知识点归纳: 第二单元因数与倍数 1.整除:被除数、除数和商都是自然数,并且没有余数。 2.整数与自然数的关系:整数包括自然数。 3.因数、倍数:大数能被小数整除时,大数是小数的倍数,小数是大数的因数。 例:12是6的倍数,6是12的因数。 (1)数a能被b整除,那么a就是b的倍数,b就是a的因数。因数和倍数是相互依存的,不能单独存在。 (2)一个数的因数的个数是有限的,其中最小的因数是1,最大的因数是它本身。 一个数的因数的求法:成对地按顺序找。 (3)一个数的倍数的个数是无限的,最小的倍数是它本身。 一个数的倍数的求法:依次乘以自然数。 (4)2、3、5的倍数特征 1)个位上是0,2,4,6,8的数都是2的倍数。 2)一个数各个数位上的数的和是3的倍数,这个数就是3的倍数。 3)个位上是0或5的数,是5的倍数。 4)能同时被2、3、5整除(也就是2、3、5的倍数)的最大的两位数是90,最小的三位数是120。同时满足2、3、5的倍数,实际是求2×3×5=30的倍数。 5)如果一个数同时是2和5的倍数,那它的个位上的数字一定是0。 4、完全数:除了它本身以外所有的因数的和等于它本身的数叫做完全数。如:6的因数有:1、2、3(6除外),刚好1+2+3=6,所以6是完全数,小的完全数有6、28等 5:自然数按能不能被2整除来分:奇数、偶数。 奇数:不能被2整除的数。叫奇数。也就是个位上是1、3、5、7、9的数。 偶数:能被2整除的数叫偶数(0也是偶数),也就是个位上是0、2、4、6、8的数。 最小的奇数是1,最小的偶数是0. 关系:奇数+、- 偶数=奇数奇数+、- 奇数=偶数偶数+、-偶数=偶数。 6、自然数按因数的个数来分:质数、合数、1、0四类. 质数(或素数):只有1和它本身两个因数。 合数:除了1和它本身还有别的因数(至少有三个因数:1、它本身、别的因数)。 1:只有1个因数。“1”既不是质数,也不是合数。 最小的质数是2,最小的合数是4,连续的两个质数是2、3。 每个合数都可以由几个质数相乘得到,质数相乘一定得合数。 20以内的质数:有8个(2、3、5、7、11、13、17、19) 100以内的质数有25个:2、3、5、7、11、13、17、19、23、29、31、37、41、43、47、53、59、61、67、71、73、79、83、89、97 100以内找质数、合数的技巧: 看是否是2、3、5、7、11、13…的倍数,是的就是合数,不是的就是质数。 关系:奇数×奇数=奇数质数×质数=合数 最大、最小 A的最小因数是:1;A的最大因数是:A;A的最小倍数是:A; 最小的自然数是:0;最小的奇数是:1;最小的偶数是:0;最小的质数是:2;最小的合数是:4; 7、分解质因数:把一个合数分解成多个质数相乘的形式。 用短除法分解质因数(一个合数写成几个质数相乘的形式)。 比如:30分解质因数是:(30=2×3×5) 8、互质数:公因数只有1的两个数,叫做互质数。 两个质数的互质数:5和7 一质一合的互质数:7和8


小学英语实践创新型作业设计方案 一、案例背景 作业是小学英语教学中必不可少的重要环节,在重视培养学生素质教育的今天,其作用进一步凸现出来。传统的作业,多数属于封闭性的作业,目前小学英语作业主要有以下几个共同的特点:1)作业的形式统一。新授课完毕后,接下来教师规定学生做的就是拿出抄写本,抄写课文中规定“四会”掌握的单词、词组或者句子。久而久之,英语作业不用教师布置,学生就早已经在课前听、读、背并抄写完毕。2)作业的目标统一。教师通过规定学生反复抄写这些单词、词组和句子,让学生掌握他们的书写形式,在听写、测验时能运用即可。而学生多为喜欢有特色的、动手实践的、有吸引力的、能发挥自己创造力的、联系自己生活现实的、自己在实践活动中能够完成的作业。3)作业的任务统一。布置的作业是每位学生都必须做的,这种固定单一、一成不变、缺少创造性的作业将严重影响学生学习兴趣、挫伤学习热情,影响身心的健康发展。新课程标准指出基础教育阶段英语课程的任务是:激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,发展自主学习的能力和合作精神;培养学生的观察、记忆、思维、想象能力和创新精神。 二、案例分析 作为小学英语教师应尝试设计创新型作业,将多种知识的获得和多种能力的训练有机结合,为学生提供张扬个性、激励创新的空间,使学生在自主、合作、探究的过程中获得良好的情感体验,培养健康的人格。对此我做了以下方式的尝试与探索。 1、画图制作型作业 通过作业充分展示学生才艺特长、张扬个性。心理学表明:小学生主要以具体形象思维为主,逐步向抽象思维过渡,让学生动眼、动耳、动口、动脑、动心、动情,将有利于学生全面、主动地发展。据此教师在设计作业时,可以让学生在学习中玩一玩,画一画,培养学生的学习兴趣。例如,三年级上册英语中的字母教学, 学生们在学完字母后,可以让他们绘制图文并茂的字母卡片,你会惊喜的发现有的
