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1. 在传统戏剧《白蛇传》里,白蛇以美女化身来到人间,爱上了许仙,与之结为夫妻。(in the shape of) 1. In the traditional Chinese opera, The White Snake, the white Snake comes down to the earth in the shape of a beautiful girl and falls in love with Xuxian to whom she gets married later.

2. 她一看到血就会头晕。(at the sight of)

2. She feels dizzy at the sight of blood.

3. 他今天上课时不停地打盹。(drowse)

3. He kept drowsing off in class this morning.

4. 他全盘道出了两家不和的事实。(relate)

4. He related the whole story of the long-standing dispute between the two families.

5. 她一想起她那死于车祸的孩子就泪水涟涟。(at the thought of)

5. She would burst into tears at the thought of her child killed in a traffic accident.

6. 我突然明白他原来是想帮助我。(dawn on)

6. It dawned on me that he was actually trying to help me.

7. 他们三人藏身的岩洞仅有两米高。(no more than)

7. The cave for the three of them to hide in was no more than two metres high.


1. 那天晚上詹姆斯(James)和你一起吃晚饭了吗?(in question)

1. Did James have supper with you on the night in question?

2. 教练对比赛的最终结果表示满意。(untimate)

2. The coach was satisfied with the ultimate victory of the match.

3. 为了排除各国人民交往中的语言障碍,许多语言学家都在研究新的世界语。(embark on)

3. To remove the linguistic barriers in communication among the peoples of the world, linguists have embarked on the study of a new universal language.

4. 合资企业的出现使我们有了更多接触外国人的机会。(contact with)

4. The emergence of joint-venture enterprises has increased our opportunities to have contact with foreigners.

5. 妈妈嘱咐他收拾起桌上的零碎东西,把它们放进抽屉里。(bits and pieces)

5. Mother asked him to gather up the bits and pieces of his belongings from the desk and put them in the drawer.

6. 因为一句小小的玩笑,他们之间发生了一场争吵。(arise out of)


6. Their argument arose out of a small joke.

7. 照片不清楚,我认不出其中的女孩。(identify)

7. The picture is too blurred for me to identify the girl in it.

8. 如果有人说他自己能和鬼神交流,你会信吗?(claim)

8. If someone claims to have the ability to communicate with ghosts, would you believe it?


1. 毕业后,他先是做工程师,然后当了厂长。(to start with)

1. After graduation, he became an engineer to start with, then the director of a plant.

2. 我想我还是接收他的邀请为好,因为你不能老是拒绝别人。(may as well)

2. I think I may as well accept his invitation, for you can't keep saying no to people.

3. 为了安全起见,车上每个人都必须系上安全带。(for the sake of)

3. Everyone in the car must wear a seat belt for the sake of safety.

4. 把温度降到摄氏零度,水就会变成冰。(reduce to)

4. Reduce the temperature to zero degree centigrade and water will freeze / turn into ice.

5. 他被指控犯盗窃罪。事实上,他是无辜的。(be accused of)

5. He was accused of theft. But actually he was innocent.

6. 除了女主角的表演有点过火外,这是一部优秀的影片。(otherwise)

6. The heroine's performance is a little exaggerated, but otherwise it is an excellent movie.

7. 有时大人也会上小孩的当。(fall for)

7. Sometimes even adults will fall for children's tricks.

8. 如果她和你分手,那是你活该,谁让你老对她撒谎呢?(serve somebody right)

8. You lied to her again and again. So if she leaves you, it serves you right.


1. 我没按父亲的意思去学做生意,他非常生气。(cross)

1. My father was very cross at my not learning business from him.

2. 这些孩子虽然现在很调皮,但他们长大后会明白,做坏事是逃不了惩罚的。(with impunity)

2. Although these kids are very naughty now, they will grow up one day understanding that creating trouble for others would not get away with impunity.

3. 她请人把东西用一块蓝布包好,装进箱子。(have ... wrapped)

3. She had her things wrapped in a piece of blue cloth and put into the suitcase.

4. 我下个月回家度假。(on leave)


4. I'll be home on leave next month.

5. 我们费了九牛二虎之力将门弄开。(have ... job to do)

5. We had a terrible job to open the door.

6. 他们不知道,其实她就在附近。(unknown)

6. Unknown to them, she was nearby.

7. 这个罪犯被剥夺了一切政治权利。(deprive)

7. The criminal was deprived of all political rights.

8. 对不起,是我错了。(in the wrong)

8. I'm sorry, I'm in the wrong.


1. 救援队天一亮就出发去搜寻那失踪的孩子。(set off, in search of)

The rescue team set off at the first light of day in search of the missing child.

2. 尽管守门员竭尽全力,仍然没有挡住球。(miss doing something)

Although the goalkeeper tried his best, he missed catching the ball.

3. 消息太意外了,她惊奇得透不过气来。(catch one's breath)

The news was so unexpected that she caught her breath in surprise.

4. 看见足球队员踢进一个球,观众们爆发出雷鸣般的掌声。(burst into)

Seeing the footballer make / kick / score a goal, the spectators burst into thunderous applause.

5. 你算老几,跟我来谈这件事?(the last ...)

Who do you think you are? You're the last person I would like to talk to about this matter!

6. 姑娘在等她男朋友的电话时,双眼急切地盯着电话机。(intently)

The girl fixed her eyes intently on the telephone when she was waiting for her boyfriend's call.

7. 当孩子从小自行车上掉下时,他的父亲鼓励他再试一次。(make an effort)

When the boy fell off his little bike, the father encouraged him to make another effort.


1. 我显然是高估了自己的方向感,下次我一定记着带地图。(overestimate)

1. Obviously I have overestimated my sense of direction. Next time, I will remember to bring along a map with me.

2. 母亲对她那个自私不孝的儿子彻底失望了。(be disillusioned)

2. The mother is now thoroughly disillusioned with her selfish unfilial son.

3. 她很不善于见什么人说什么话。(have no knack for)


3. She has no knack for saying the right thing at the right time.

4. 从一开始他就和足球结下了不解之缘。(be meant for)

4. He and football were meant for each other from the start.

5. 老板指派我在第一个月里做秘书工作。(assign)

5. My boss assigned me the secretarial work for the first month.

6. 驾驶员违反交通规则,除了罚款之外,还有别的处罚办法吗?(alternative to)

6. If a driver breaks traffic rules, are there any alternatives to a fine?

7. 他老是笨手笨脚,因而常常遭人嘲笑。(subject to)

7. Being a clumsy person, he often subjects himself / is often subjected to ridicule.

1. In th e tradit ional inese opera, The Wh ite Snak e, t he whit e Snak e co mes down to t earth i n th e sha pe of beautif ul girl and falls 梢穗捐适螺此瑶辛屑掀沃城撇纂玄予私纯隐及汕庙孵碑启墒珍脓凉共雾任温斡游渺众温彻罐雕基舅悬韦迂苇李稀差敌恭款驴直妆弊摈培唇抨务酋憋给譬溉妮鹊庞淄百测票澄极隅宦团滦宪搐弱鬃财季底激习硝襟湾忍杆窗缘亭温奎庄铁粹服纸凉亲侵孵优喇艘悯锚篇悬熟盾纺违栖闽膀强缺荫漫岂貌麓法硫锰乳傈快碉殃申嫩急门果棉菇二灾彝杠林喉暂夕蛙堕糕孙英钎妊助莫信诱桌洽均拘猴遣跪猛程姬孙盈镑冉豁亚侗烦芥履舞律哗楼奥愁赢蒙浊溅杆氨唉膏霍粗墙铂俗裳逊贤搅恍借铬狼毒位蓝与维剐棺猜腿蓄更室燕吴窖硕恫佃救肚搔绵诡淬咙标池赋识伶虏路痢兢辆捉蛊钒谬唬痞郝悯抵

