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Chapter 6

Are Financial Markets Efficient?

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How expectations are formed is important because expectations influence

(a) the demand for assets.

(b) bond prices.

(c) the risk structure of interest rates.

(d) the term structure of interest rates.

(e) all of the above.

Answer: E

2. According to the efficient market hypothesis, the current price of a financial security

(a) is the discounted net present value of future interest payments.

(b) is determined by the highest successful bidder.

(c) fully reflects all available relevant information.

(d) is a result of none of the above.

Answer: C

3. The efficient market hypothesis

(a) is based on the assumption that prices of securities fully reflect all available information.

(b) holds that the expected return on a security equals the equilibrium return.

(c) both (a) and (b).

(d) neither (a) nor (b).

Answer: C

4. If the optimal forecast of the return on a security exceeds the equilibrium return, then

(a) the market is inefficient.

(b) an unexploited profit opportunity exists.

(c) the market is in equilibrium.

(d) only (a) and (b) of the above are true.

(e) only (b) and (c) of the above are true.

Answer: D

70 Mishkin/Eakins ?Financial Markets and Institutions, Fifth Edition

5. According to the efficient market hypothesis

(a) one cannot expect to earn an abnormally high return by purchasing a security.

(b) information in newspapers and in the published reports of financial analysts is already reflected

in market prices.

(c) unexploited profit opportunities abound, thereby explaining why so many people get rich by

trading securities.

(d) all of the above are true.

(e) only (a) and (b) of the above are true.

Answer: E

6. Another way to state the efficient market condition is that in an efficient market,

(a) unexploited profit opportunities will be quickly eliminated.

(b) unexploited profit opportunities will never exist.

(c) arbitrageurs guarantee that unexploited profit opportunities never exist.

(d) both (a) and (c) of the above occur.

Answer: A

7. Another way to state the efficient market hypothesis is that in an efficient market,

(a) unexploited profit opportunities will never exist as market participants, such as arbitrageurs,

ensure that they are instantaneously dissipated.

(b) unexploited profit opportunities will not exist for long, as market participants will act quickly to

eliminate them.

(c) every financial market participant must be well informed about securities.

(d) only (a) and (c) of the above.

Answer: B

8. A situation in which the price of an asset differs from its fundamental market value is called

(a) an unexploited profit opportunity.

(b) a bubble.

(c) a correction.

(d) a mean reversion.

Answer: B

9. A situation in which the price of an asset differs from its fundamental market value

(a) indicates that unexploited profit opportunities exist.

(b) indicates that unexploited profit opportunities do not exist.

(c) need not indicate that unexploited profit opportunities exist.

(d) indicates that the efficient market hypothesis is fundamentally flawed.

Answer: C

10. Studies of mutual fund performance indicate that mutual funds that outperformed the market in one

time period

(a) usually beat the market in the next time period.

(b) usually beat the market in the next two subsequent time periods.

(c) usually beat the market in the next three subsequent time periods.

(d) usually do not beat the market in the next time period.

Chapter 6 Are Financial Markets Efficient? 71 Answer: D

72 Mishkin/Eakins ?Financial Markets and Institutions, Fifth Edition

11. The efficient market hypothesis suggests that allocating your funds in the financial markets on the

advice of a financial analyst

(a) will certainly mean higher returns than if you had made selections by throwing darts at the

financial page.

(b) will always mean lower returns than if you had made selections by throwing darts at the

financial page.

(c) is not likely to prove superior to a strategy of making selections by throwing darts at the

financial page.

(d) is good for the economy.

Answer: C

12. Ivan Boesky, the most successful of the so-called arbs in the 1980s, was able to outperform the

market on a consistent basis, indicating that

(a) securities markets are not efficient.

(b) unexploited profit opportunities were abundant.

(c) investors can outperform the market with inside information.

(d) only (b) and (c) of the above.

Answer: D

13. To say that stock prices follow a “random walk” is to argue that

(a) stock prices rise, then fall.

(b) stock prices rise, then fall in a predictable fashion.

(c) stock prices tend to follow trends.

(d) stock prices are, for all practical purposes, unpredictable.

Answer: D

14. To say that stock prices follow a “random walk” is to argue that

(a) stock prices rise, then fall, then rise again.

(b) stock prices rise, then fall in a predictable fashion.

(c) stock prices tend to follow trends.

(d) stock prices cannot be predicted based on past trends.

Answer: D

15. Rules used to predict movements in stock prices based on past patterns are, according to the efficient

markets theory,

(a) a waste of time.

(b) profitably employed by all financial analysts.

(c) the most efficient rules to employ.

(d) consistent with the random walk hypothesis.

Answer: A

Chapter 6 Are Financial Markets Efficient? 73

16. Tests used to rate the performance of rules developed in technical analysis conclude that

(a) technical analysis outperforms the overall market.

(b) technical analysis far outperforms the overall market, suggesting that stockbrokers provide

valuable services.

(c) technical analysis does not outperform the overall market.

(d) technical analysis does not outperform the overall market, suggesting that stockbrokers do not

provide services of any value.

Answer: C

17. Which of the following types of information will most likely enable the exploitation of a profit


(a) Financial analysts’ published recommendations

(b) Technical analysis

(c) Hot tips from a stockbroker

(d) Insider information

Answer: D

18. Which of the following types of information will most likely enable the exploitation of a profit


(a) Financial analysts’ published recommendations

(b) Technical analysis

(c) Hot tips from a stockbroker

(d) None of the above

Answer: D

19. The advantage of a “buy-and-hold strategy” is tha t

(a) net profits will tend to be higher because there will be fewer brokerage commissions.

(b) losses will eventually be eliminated.

(c) the longer a stock is held, the higher will be its price.

(d) only (b) and (c) of the above are true.

Answer: A

20. The efficient market hypothesis suggests that

(a) investors should not try to outguess the market by constantly buying and selling securities.

(b) investors do better on average if they adopt a “buy and hold” strategy.

(c) buying into a mutual fund is a sensible strategy for a small investor.

(d) all of the above are sensible strategies.

(e) only (a) and (b) of the above are sensible strategies.

Answer: D

21. Sometimes one observes that the price of a company’s stock falls after the announcement of

favorable earnings. This phenomenon is

(a) clearly inconsistent with the efficient market hypothesis.

(b) consistent with the efficient market hypothesis if the earnings were not as high as anticipated.

(c) consistent with the efficient market hypothesis if the earnings were not as low as anticipated.

(d) the result of none of the above.

74 Mishkin/Eakins ?Financial Markets and Institutions, Fifth Edition

Answer: B

Chapter 6 Are Financial Markets Efficient? 75

22. Important implications of the efficient market hypothesis include which of the following?

(a) Future changes in stock prices should, for all practical purposes, be unpredictable.

(b) Stock prices will respond to announcements only when the information in these announcements

is new.

(c) Sometimes a stock price declines when good news is announced.

(d) All of the above.

(e) Only (a) and (b) of the above.

Answer: D

23. Although the verdict is not yet in, the available evidence indicates that, for many purposes, the

efficient market hypothesis is

(a) a good starting point for analyzing expectations.

(b) not a good starting point for analyzing expectations.

(c) too general to be a useful tool for analyzing expectations.

(d) none of the above.

Answer: A

24. The efficient market hypothesis suggests that

(a) investors should purchase no-load mutual funds which have low management fees.

(b) investors can use the advice of technical analysts to outperform the market.

(c) investors let too many unexploited profit opportunities go by if they adopt a “buy and hold”


(d) only (a) and (b) of the above are sensible strategies.

Answer: A

25. The efficient market hypothesis applies to

(a) both the stock market and the foreign exchange market.

(b) the stock market but not the foreign exchange market.

(c) the foreign exchange market but not the stock market.

(d) neither the stock market nor the foreign exchange market.

Answer: A

26. According to the January effect, stock prices

(a) experience an abnormal price rise from December to January.

(b) experience an abnormal price decline from December to January.

(c) follow a random walk during January.

(d) set the pattern for the entire year in January.

Answer: A

27. The small-firm effect refers to the observation that small firms’ stocks

(a) follow a random walk but large firms’ stocks do not.

(b) have earned abnormally low returns given their greater risk.

(c) have earned abnormally high returns even taking into account their greater risk.

(d) sell for lower prices than do large firms’ stocks.

Answer: C

76 Mishkin/Eakins ?Financial Markets and Institutions, Fifth Edition

28. The efficient markets hypothesis is weakened by evidence that

(a) stock prices tend to follow a random walk.

(b) stock prices are more volatile than fluctuations in their fundamental values can explain.

(c) technical analysis does not outperform the overall market.

(d) an investment adviser’s past success or failure at picking stocks does not predict his or her

future performance.

Answer: B

29. Mean reversion refers to the observation that

(a) stock prices overact to news announcements.

(b) stocks prices are more volatile than fluctuations in their fundamental value would predict.

(c) stocks with low returns are likely to have high returns in the future.

(d) stocks with low returns are likely to have even lower returns in the future.

Answer: C

30. Which of the following does not weaken the efficient markets hypothesis?

(a) Mean reversion

(b) Success of buy-and-hold strategy

(c) January effect

(d) Excessive volatility

Answer: B

31. An important lesson from the Black Monday Crash of 1987 and the tech crash of 2000 is that

(a) factors other than market fundamentals affect stock prices.

(b) the strong version of the efficient market hypothesis, that stock prices reflect the true

fundamental value of securities, is correct.

(c) market psychology has little if any effect on stock prices.

(d) there is no such thing as a rational bubble.

Answer: A

32. An investor gains from short selling by _________ and then later _________.

(a) buying a stock; selling it at a higher price

(b) selling a stock; buying at back at a lower price

(c) buying a stock; selling it at a lower price

(d) selling a stock; buying it back at a higher price

Answer: B

33. Which of the following is an insight from behavioral finance?

(a) The price of securities fully reflects all available information.

(b) Investor overconfidence leads to high trading volumes.

(c) The optimal forecast of a security’s return equals the security’s equil ibrium return.

(d) Investment advisors cannot consistently beat the market.

Answer: B

Chapter 6 Are Financial Markets Efficient? 77


1. Evidence that stock prices sometimes fall when a firm announces good news contradicts the efficient

market hypothesis.

Answer: FALSE

2. If the security markets are truly efficient, there is no need to pay for help selecting securities.

Answer: TRUE

3. Evidence that a mutual fund has performed extraordinarily well in the past contradicts the efficient

market hypothesis.

Answer: FALSE

4. In an efficient market, every stock is a good choice.

Answer: TRUE

5. Technical analysts look at historical prices for information to project future prices.

Answer: TRUE

6. The evidence suggests technical analysts are not superior stock pickers.

Answer: TRUE

7. If the markets are efficient, the optimal investment strategy will be to buy and hold so as to

minimize transaction costs.

Answer: TRUE

8. In an efficient market, abnormal returns are not possible even using inside information.

Answer: FALSE

9. “Short selling” refers to the practice of buying a stock and holding it for only a short time before

selling it.

Answer: FALSE

10. Loss aversion means the unhappiness a person feels when he or she suffers a monetary loss exceeds

the happiness the same person experiences from receiving a monetary gain of the same amount.

Answer: TRUE

11. It is probably a good use of a n investor’s time to watch as many shows featuring technical analysts

as possible.

Answer: FALSE

78 Mishkin/Eakins ?Financial Markets and Institutions, Fifth Edition


1. Why are expectations important in understanding how financial instruments are valued?

2. How is it possible that a firm can announce a record-breaking loss, yet its stock price rise when the

announcement is made?

3. What is the optimal investment strategy according to the efficient market hypothesis? Why?

4. Explain what the market reaction will be in an efficient market if a firm announces a fully

anticipated filing for bankruptcy.

5. How do loss aversion, overconfidence of investors, and social contagion affect market efficiency?

6. What is a rational bubble?


中央电大学习中心选修课 金融市场作业(第四单元) 第七专题《外汇市场》、第八专题《外汇交易及衍生品市场》 一、单项选择题 1.目前,全球主要外汇市场中,日均交易量最大的金融中心城市是()。 A.纽约B.伦敦C.东京D.新加坡 2.以()为主体形成的外汇供求,已成为决定市场汇率的主要力量。 A.各国中央银行B.外汇银行C.外汇经纪商D.跨国公司 3.从主观上分析,外汇市场交易风险有()。 A.外国货币购买力的变化B.本国货币购买力的变化 C.国际收支状况D.外汇投机活动的干扰 4.如果远期汇率高于即期汇率,则远期汇率等于() A.基本汇率+升水B.基本汇率—贴水 C.即期汇率—贴水D.即期汇率+升水 5.如果远期汇率低于即期汇率,则远期汇率等于(C )。 A.基本汇率+升水B.基本汇率—贴水 C.即期汇率—贴水D.即期汇率+升水 6.中央银行参与外汇市场的主要目的是()。 A.外汇储备套期保值B.利用外汇储备获利 C.干预市场,稳定汇率D.阻止国际短期“热钱”流入 7.以下哪一项属于外汇()。 A.某中国居民放在家中的美元现钞B.国内某出口商持有的阿根廷比索存款账户 C.国内居民的人民币存款D.国内某公司持有的美元国库券 8.如果某个外汇市场采用了间接标价法表示汇率,那么汇率越高说明()。 A.外币升值B.外币贬值C.没有变化D.不一定 9.已知某交易日人民币兑美元的基础汇率为100美元=814.00元人民币,欧元兑美元的汇率为100欧元=107.40美元,那么当天的人民币与欧元之间的套算汇率就等于()。 A.100欧元=874.24元B.100欧元=757.91元

C.100欧元=847.24元D.100欧元=876.24元 10.在开放经济中,如果一国利率相对于他国较低,则会()。 A.刺激国外资金流入B.本币需求增加,供给减少 C.汇率升高D.本币相对于外币贬值 11.外汇期权与期货交易的最大不同之处在于()。 A.外汇期货交易中,买卖双方拥有对等的权利和义务;而外汇期权交易中双方权利义务不对等B.外汇期货合同是标准化的合同,而外汇期权合同则是非标准化的 C.外汇期货交易有固定的交易场所,而外汇期权交易则没有 D.外汇期货交易一般不存在违约风险,而外汇期权交易则存在较大违约风险 12.只有在合约到期日才能执行、不能提前交割的期权是()。 A.看涨期权B.美式期权C.欧式期权D.看跌期权 13.以下关于间接套汇正确的说法是()。 A.涉及两个或两个以上的外汇市场 B.至少涉及两个币种 C.收益必须大于套汇成本,如通讯费用、经纪人佣金等,否则就会亏损 D.使国际间的短期利率趋于一致 14.金融互换市场中,下列哪一个交易主体进入市场的目的是为了进行投机性交易()。A.直接用户B.互换经纪商C.互换交易商D.互换代理商 15.根据国际清算银行(BIS)的统计,2005年末,在全球交易所衍生产品交易市场上,()是交易最活跃的衍生工具。 A.利率期货B.股指期权C.外汇期权D.利率期权 16.利率期货的基础资产为价格随市场利率波动的()。 A.股票产品B.债券产品C.基金产品D.外汇产品 17.()最大的特点是期权的收益水平是预先确定的,但收益可能性则不确定。 A.亚式期权B.回溯期权C.挡板期权D.数字期权 18.以下会增加看涨期权价格的因素是()。 A.期权有效期缩短B.利率上升 C.基础金融工具价格波动性下降D.基础金融工具产生现金收益 19.使交易者面临潜在损失无穷大的金融期权的交易策略是()。 A.买进看涨期权B.卖出看涨期权


第二章金融市场和金融机构 (一) 第二章金融市场和金融机构 ?1 金融体系的定义 ?2 资金流动 ?3 金融制度的功能 ?4 金融创新 ?5 金融市场 ?6 金融市场中的比率 第一部分 金融体系介绍 金融系统(金融体系) ?被用于订立金融合约和交换资产及风险的金融市场和金融机构(中介)的集合 ?金融机构担当投资者的代理人和帮助资本(金)的流动等 ?金融市场是所有金融交易的核心 ?居民户、企业和政府实施其金融决策离不开金融市场和金融机构。 第一节 金融市场 一、金融市场概述 (一)金融市场的概念和分类 1.金融市场: 金融市场是买卖金融工具以融通资金的场所或机制。 ?之所以把金融市场视作为一种场所,是因为只有这样才与市场的一般含义相吻合; ?之所以同时又把金融市场视作为一种机制,是因为金融市场上的融资活动既可以在固定场所进行,也可以不在固定场所进行,如果不在固定场所进行的融资活动就可以理解为一种融资机制。 ?按有无固定场所进行分,金融产品市场可分为两类: ?交易所交易市场(Exchange traded) ?场外市场(Over-the-counter ,OTC) 交易所交易市场 ?芝加哥期货交易所(CBOT) ?纽约证券交易所(NYSE) ?芝加哥期权交易所(CBOE) ?上海证券交易所 ?深圳证券交易所 ?上海黄金交易所 ?上海期货交易所(金属) ?大连商品交易所(农产品) ?郑州商品交易所(农产品) ?中国金融期货交易所(股指期货) ?……

?交易所的主要职责: ?定义交易合约 ?组织交易 ?使交易双方的利益同时得到保护 ?交易规则:由组织化的证券交易所制定,对交易程序进行标准化。 ?传统上,交易双方在交易所内相见并通过特定手语达成交易,而现在交易更多的是采用电子交易系统。 场外市场 ?由电话和计算机将金融机构和大型企业的交易员以及基金经理联系在一起的网络系统。银行等金融机构通常扮演做市商的角色。 ?场外交易的最大优点是合约内容不受交易所限制。 ?场外市场用于交易的电话通常都是被录音的。 ?场外市场与交易所交易市场的一个重要区别在于信用风险的大小。 ?场外市场交易额远远大于交易所交易市场。 ?最简单的交易,例如: ?买入100股IMB股票 ?卖出100万英镑 ?买入1000盎司黄金 ?卖出价值100万美元的通用汽车公司债券 ?第一个交易往往发生在交易所内,而其它三个交易更可能是场外交易,但四种均属现货交易。(二)分类 (三)金融市场的构成要素 1.金融市场主体:即金融市场的参与者 2.金融市场客体:金融市场的交易载体——货币资金。 3.金融市场交易工具:金融市场的交易对象指的是金融工具,也称信用工具,它是证明金融交易金额、期限、价格的书面文件,它对交易双方的权利和义务具有法律约束意义。 4.金融市场价格:在金融市场上,交易对象的价格就是用货币资金表示的价格。 二、货币市场和资本市场 ?按到期期限划分 ?货币市场,期限短于一年,强调流动性 ?短期债务市场:比如美国的短期国库券,企业的商业票据等。 ?资本市场,期限长于一年,强调收益性 ?包括长期债务市场和权益性证券市场。 金融资产 三种基本的金融资产类型:债务、股权和衍生工具 ?债券(固定收益证券,Fixed Income Securities):承诺未来支付固定数量现金的借款合约。 ?公司债券、政府债券、住宅性和商业性按揭贷款、消费贷款。 股票(普通股):公司发行的所有权凭证。 ?每份股票代表对企业所有权的等同份额; ?通常还代表对公司治理事务的投票权; ?股票代表对一家公司资产和收益的剩余索取权(Residual Claim); ?普通股同时具备有限责任的特征,即如果资不抵债,债权人无法向股票所有者索取更多 资金来弥补缺口,债权人的索取权被限定在该企业资产的范围之内。


Chapter 1 Role of Financial Markets and Institutions Questions 1. Explain the meaning of surplus units and deficit units. Provide an example of each. ANSWER: Surplus units provide funds to the financial markets while deficit units obtain funds from the financial markets. Surplus units include households with savings, while deficit units include firms or government agencies that borrow funds. 2. Distinguish between primary and secondary markets. ANSWER: Primary markets are used for the issuance of new securities while secondary markets are used for the trading of existing securities. 3. Distinguish between money and capital markets. ANSWER: Money markets facilitate the trading of short-term (money market) instruments while capital markets facilitate the trading of long-term (capital market) instruments. 4. Distinguish between perfect and imperfect security markets. ANSWER: With perfect financial markets, all information about any securities for sale would be freely available to investors, information about surplus and deficit units would be freely available, and all securities could be unbundled into any size desired. In reality, markets are imperfect, so that surplus and deficit units do not have free access to information, and securities can not be unbundled as desired. 5. Explain why the existence of imperfect markets creates a need for financial institutions. ANSWER: Financial intermediaries are needed to facilitate the exchange of funds between surplus and deficit units. They have the information to provide this service and can even repackage deposits to provide the amount of funds borrowers desire. 6. Explain the meaning of efficient markets. Why might we expect markets to be efficient most of the time? ANSWER: If markets are efficient then prices of securities available in these markets properly reflect all information. We should expect markets to be efficient because if they weren't, investors would capitalize on the discrepancy between what prices are and what they should be. This action would force market prices to represent the appropriate prices as perceived by the market. 7. In recent years, several securities firms have been guilty of using inside information when purchasing securities, thereby achieving returns well above the norm (even when accounting for risk). Does this suggest that the security markets are not efficient? Explain. ANSWER: Efficiency is often defined with regard to publicly available information. In this case, markets can be efficient, but investors with inside information could possibly outperform the market on a consistent basis. A stronger version of efficiency would hypothesize that even access to inside information will not consistently outperform the market. 1

金融市场与机构 (6)

Chapter 6 Are Financial Markets Efficient? Multiple Choice Questions 1. How expectations are formed is important because expectations influence (a) the demand for assets. (b) bond prices. (c) the risk structure of interest rates. (d) the term structure of interest rates. (e) all of the above. Answer: E 2. According to the efficient market hypothesis, the current price of a financial security (a) is the discounted net present value of future interest payments. (b) is determined by the highest successful bidder. (c) fully reflects all available relevant information. (d) is a result of none of the above. Answer: C 3. The efficient market hypothesis (a) is based on the assumption that prices of securities fully reflect all available information. (b) holds that the expected return on a security equals the equilibrium return. (c) both (a) and (b). (d) neither (a) nor (b). Answer: C 4. If the optimal forecast of the return on a security exceeds the equilibrium return, then (a) the market is inefficient. (b) an unexploited profit opportunity exists. (c) the market is in equilibrium. (d) only (a) and (b) of the above are true. (e) only (b) and (c) of the above are true. Answer: D


金融市场学作业 集团文件版本号:(M928-T898-M248-WU2669-I2896-DQ586-M1988)

一、解释下列名词1.投资基金 是通过发行基金券(基金股份或收益凭证),将投资者分散的基金集中起来,由专业管理人员分散投资于股票、债券、或其他金融资产,并将投资收益分配给基金持有者的一种投资制度。 2.远期外汇交易 是指在外汇买卖成交时,双方先签订合同,规定交易的币种、数额、汇率以及交割的时间、地点等,并于将来某个约定的时间进行交割的一种外汇买卖方式。 3.外汇套利交易 一般也称利息套汇方式,是指利用不同国家或地区短期利率的差异,将资金由利率较低的国家或地区转移到利率较高的国家或地区进行投放、从中获取利息差额收益。 4.保险 是具有同类风险的众多单位和个人,通过缴纳保险费积聚保险基金,用于对少数成员因自然灾害、意外事故所致经济损失给予补偿,或对人身伤亡、丧失工作能力给予经济保障的一种制度。 5.生命表 是根据过去一定时期、一定范围内的一组人群,从零岁开始,各种年龄的生存和死亡人数、生存和死亡概率及平均余命统计数据编制的汇兑表,反映了特定人群的生命规律。 6.远期升水

是指一种货币的远期汇率高于即期汇率的差价。 7.套期保值交易 又称抵补保值,是指为了对预期的外汇收入或支出、外币资产或负债保值而远期交易,也就是在有预期外汇收入或外币资产时卖出一笔金额相等的同一外币的远期或者在有预期外汇支出或外币债务时买入一笔金额相等的同一外币的远期,以达到保值的目的。 8.保险商品 保险市场交易对象既保险商品,是满足人们转移和分散风险,减少经济损失的手段。是由人身保险和财产保险组成的。 9.基金资产净值 基金资产净值是基金单位价格的内在价值。是指某一时点上某一证劵投资基金每一单位或每一股份实际代表的价值估算。 二、单项选择题 1.投资基金的特点不包括(B )。 A.规模经营 B.集中投资 C.专家管理 D.服务专业化 2.按照(C )不同,投资基金可以分为成长型基金和收入型基金。A.是否可以赎回 B.组织形式 C.经营目标 D.投资对象 3.下列哪项不属于成长型基金与收入型基金的差异:(D )。 A.投资目标不同 B.投资工具不同 C.资金分布不同D.投资者地位不同 4.下列哪项不是影响债券基金价格波动的主要因素:(C )。 A.利率变动 B.汇率变动 C.股价变动 D.债信变动


金融市场与金融机构 一、填空题 1.A债券价格为2000美元,永久性的年偿付100美元,则到期收益率为() 2.面值为1000美元的3年期零息债到期收益率为8%,则其当前价格为() 3.如果美国与英国的利率分别为2%和3%,那么英镑相当于美元的预期升值率为() 4.如果当前1年期利率水平为7%,2年期利率水平为8%,则预期一年后的1年期利率水平为() 5.假设当期利率水平为7%,如果利率升至9%。某久期为3年的债券其价值为() 6.假定可口可乐公司的股票以10.95%的固定比率增长,刚分配的股利为每股1美元,假定必要回报率为13%,则其股票的理论价格为()美元。 7.某德国产汽车售价为70000美元,如果汇率为1美元兑换1.1欧元,则该汽车的美元价格应当为()美元。 二、单项选择 1. 如果收益率曲线向上倾斜,则一下()是市场细分理论的结论。 A.短期利润将会上升 B.短期利率将会下降 C.短期利率不会变化 D.无法确定 2.随机游走行为认为股价变动是()的,因此()有效市场假说。 A.可预测,支持 B.可预测,不支持 C.不可预测,支持 D.不可预测,不支持 3.垃圾债券是指() A.处理垃圾业务的公司所发的债券 B.熊猫债券 C.低信用等级债券 D.扬基债券 4.穆迪公司评级为Baa等级的公司债券风险收益一般会()评级为C等级的公司债券。 A.大于 B.小于 C.等于 D.无法确定 5.保险公司要求投保人必须提供详细的个人信息,目的是为了规避() A.逆向选择 B.道德风险 C.交易成本 D.政府管制 6.不能解决信息不对称问题的措施包括() A.鼓励私人企业生产并销售信息 B.政府管制以增加信息披露 C.金融中介机构的出现 D.企业更多依赖债券融资而非银行融资 7. 30年期住房抵押贷款的等额本金分期还款方式第一年还款额主要是偿还()部分,第30年主要是偿还()部分。 A.本金;利息 B.本金;本金 C.利息;本金 D.利息;利息 8.假定其他情况不变,未来20年中国的生产率水平相对于美国持续上升,则人民币将会() A.升值 B.贬值 C.不变 D.不确定 9.保险公司在确定保费时,一般需要借助于() A.大数定律 B.货币中性 C.保险利益 D.以上都不对 10.下列有关利率期限结构理论的结论正确的是() A.纯预期理论假设长短期债券之间不能完全替代 B.市场细分理论不能解释长短期利率之间变动的相关性 C.流动性溢价理论认为收益率曲线向右上方倾斜意味着未来短期利率水平将会上升 D.以上结论都不对 11.冲销式干预中需对外汇干预导致的()变动 A.货币供应量 B.汇率 C.外汇储备 D.以上都不对


《金融市场学》作业参考答案 作业一 一、解释下列名词 1.金融衍生工具是基于或衍生于金融基础产品(如货币、汇率、利率、股票指数等)的金融工具。 2.货币经纪人:货币经纪人又称货币市场经纪人,即在货币市场上充当交易双方中介并收取佣金的中间商人。所用教材35页 3.票据---票据是指出票人自己承诺或委托付款人在指定日期或见票时,无条件支付一定金额、并可流通转让的有价证券。票据是国际通用的结算和信用工具,是货币市场的交易工具。所用教材56页 4债券---债券是债务人在筹集资金时,依照法律手续发行,向债权人承诺按约定利率和日期支付利息,并在特定日期偿还本金,从而明确债权债务关系的有价证券。所用教材60页 5.基金证券:基金证券又称投资基金证券,是指由投资基金发起人向社会公众公开发行,证明持有人按其所持份额享有资产所有权、资产收益权和剩余财产分配权的有价证券。由此可看出,基金证券是投资基金发起人发行的一种投资工具。 所用教材72页 二、单项选择题 1.按( D )划分为货币市场、资本市场、外汇市场、保险市场、衍生金融市场。A.交易范围B.交易方式C.定价方式D.交易对象 2.( B )是货币市场区别于其它市场的重要特征之一。 A.市场交易频繁B.市场交易量大C.市场交易灵活D.市场交易对象固定3.金融市场的宏观经济功能不包括( B )。 A.分配功能B.财富功能C.调节功能D.反映功能 4.( C )一般没有正式的组织,其交易活动不是在特定的场所中集中开展,而是通过电信网络形式完成。 A.货币市场B.资本市场C.外汇市场D.保险市场 5.( C )金融市场上最重要的主体。 A.政府B.家庭C.企业D.机构投资者 6.家庭在金融市场中的主要活动领域( B ) A.货币市场B.资本市场C.外汇市场D.黄金市场 7.( B )成为经济中最主要的非银行金融机构。 A.投资银行B.保险公司C.投资信托公司D.养老金基金 8.商业银行在投资过程当中,多将( D )放在首位。 A.期限性B.盈利性C.流动性D.安全性 9.(A)是证券市场上数量最多、最为活跃的经纪人。 A.佣金经纪人B.居间经纪人C.专家经纪人D.证券自营商


金融机构与金融市场论文 Prepared on 22 November 2020

离岸金融市场研究的文献评述 摘要:随着金融自由化和金融制度创新的进一步发展,离岸金融市场在国际金融体系中占据越来越重要的地位。本文先从国外离岸金融研究的发展入手,从对离岸金融市场的定义到实践中对离岸金融市场建立的建议,阐述了国外学者的研究历程。进而转向国内学者对离岸金融市场的认识过程,并在文末指出了国内外相关研究中目前存在的问题。 关键词:离岸金融市场;研究;评述 离岸金融市场是金融自由化和金融制度创新的产物,从上世纪中期至今,迅速发展成为现代国际金融体系的重要组成部分,建立离岸金融市场的浪潮更是方兴未艾。尤其是亚洲,更是掀起了一股离岸金融的浪潮,新加坡、日本、香港等亚洲国家和地区相继建立其区域性离岸金融中心,为其带来了巨大的收益和便利,甚至带动该国(地区)经济的发展与飞跃。因此,发展我国离岸金融市场成为金融体系改革的重要环节。 一、国外离岸金融研究情况综述 离岸金融理论研究伴随着离岸金融市场的产生而产生,关于离岸金融市场的定义,在国外有不同的见解。Grabbe (1997)从离岸金融市场运行方式上界定指出:“离岸金融市场代表着一种针对管理规则的套利行为,离岸银行是一个金融管理组合体:它所经营的货币在货币发行国之外运动着,因此它所经营的货币是一个国家的(一种法律环境),而它所适用的银行条例和竞争效率却是另一个国家的。”“为促进国际银行业务而专门设定的小型区域”、“可以财政中性的方式进行国际金融业务的地

方”、“为避免政府当局限制和管制而进行的地域选择”,但总体而言都是指非居民间的资金融通市场。 随着国际金融市场的发展,离岸金融市场基本理论也突破了传统的范畴。(2007)对离岸金融中心和市场进行了全新的定义,他突破了传统的对离岸金融的理论概述,结合金融服务和具体金融活动指出离岸金融市场是一种经营非居民间金融服务的市场,建立离岸金融市场是金融自由化、全球一体化的必然产物。另有一些文献在有关金融自由化、国际化发展及金融创新的理论研究中涉及离岸金融的产生和其市场建立问题,认为金融管制促使了离岸金融的产生,离岸金融市场的建立和发展加速了金融自由化、国际化的进程。 Andrew 和Mark (2005)通过对建立离岸金融市场国家的数据考察,提出影响离岸金融市场的因素,并提出评价离岸金融市场的相关指标,指出离岸金融市场的避税和洗钱特征。Ahmed Zorome(2007)开发了统计方法区分离岸金融市场和非离岸金融市场的数据,从证券投资统计调查、国际投资头寸和国际收支的平衡的角度构建了一个简单的二元回归模型对离岸金融市场的条件进行了评估,并确定了新的国家离岸金融条件的三个评价标准。 在实践中关于建立离岸金融市场的研究焦点集中在以下三个方面:一是,从货币发行国的角度研究离岸金融市场建立及其风险控制问题,Hudson(1998)指出关于离岸金融市场的建立更多的是要适应各个国家的不同国情,并从离岸金融中心的角度进行分析。二是,从避税港角度研究“避税天堂”的税收政策及其对发达国家金融体系的冲击,从而使人们开始关注离岸金融市场的建立设立一定的准入标准,Ingo Walter (1990)从避税港角度研究“避税天堂” 二、国内离岸金融研究情况综述


CHAPTER 4 THE U.S. FEDERAL RESERVE AND THE CREATION OF MONEY CENTRAL BANKS AND THEIR PURPOSE The primary role of a central bank is to maintain the stability of the currency and money supply for a country or a group of countries. The role of central banks can be categorized as: (1) risk assessment, (2) risk reduction, (3) oversight of payment systems, (4) crisis management. One of the major ways a central bank accomplishes its goals is through monetary policy. For this reason, central banks are sometimes called monetary authority. In implementing monetary policy, central banks, acting as a reserve bank, require private banks to maintain and deposit the required reserves with the central bank. In times of financial crisis, central banks perform the role of lender of last resort for the banking system. Countries throughout the world may have central banks. Additionally, the European Central Bank is responsible for implementing monetary policy for the member countries of the European Union. There is widespread agreement that central banks should be independent of the government so that decisions of the central bank will not be influenced for short-term political purposes such as pursuing a monetary policy to expand the economy but at the expense of inflation. In implementing monetary and economic policies, the United States is a member of an informal network of nations. This group started in 1976 as the Group of 6, or G6: US, France, Germany, UK, Italy, and Japan. Thereafter, Canada joined to for the G7. In 1998, Russia joined to form the G8. THE CENTRAL BANK OF THE UNITED STATES: THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM The Federal Reserve System consists of 12 banking districts covering the entire country. Created in 1913, the Federal Reserve is the government agency responsible for the management of the US monetary and banking systems. It is independent of the political branches of government. The Fed is managed by a seven-member Board of Governors, who are appointed by the President and approved by Congress. The Fed's tools for monetary management have been made more difficult by financial innovations. The public's increasing acceptance of money market mutual funds has funneled a large amount of money into what are essentially interest-bearing checking accounts. Securitization permits commercial banks to change what once were illiquid consumer loans of several varieties into securities. Selling these securities gives the banks a source of funding that is outside the Fed's influence.


6国际金融市场 综合练习题 一、单项选择题 1、面值为1000元的美元债券,其市场价值为1200元,这表明市场利率相对债券的票面利率() A.较高 B.较低 C.相等 D.无法判断 *2、欧洲货币市场的币种交易中比重最大的是() A.欧洲美元 B.欧洲英镑 C.欧洲马克 D.欧洲日元 3、新型的国际金融市场是() A.伦敦 B.纽约 C.东京 D.欧洲货币市场 *4、传统的国际金融市场中,借贷时所采用的货币为() A.市场所在国的货币 B.除市场所在国以外的任何主要西方国家的货币 C.外汇 D.黄金 5、金额较低、期限较短的欧洲中长期贷款一般采用() A.银团贷款 B.辛迪加贷款 C.双边贷款 D.其它形式 二、多项选择题 *1、广义的国际金融市场包括() A.货币市场 B.资本市场 C.外汇市场 D.黄金市场 E.其它市场 2、同国际商品市场相比,国际金融市场的特点有() A.经营对象为货币 B.经营对象形态单一 C.供求双方不是买卖关系

D.供求双方为借贷关系 E.涉及其他它国家居民 *3、一战以前,使伦敦成为世界上最主要的国际金融市场的原因是() A.英国是当时世界最大的工业强国 B.世界头号国际贸易大国 C.英国银行制度的发达、健全 D.英镑较为稳定 E.英国同世界各国有广泛的贸易联系 *4、国际金融市场的作用表现在() A.调节国际收支 B.促进世界经济的发展 C.促进经济国际化 D.为投机活动提供便利 E.加剧世界通货膨胀不利于外汇市场的稳定 5、形成金融市场证券化趋势的主要原因是() A.债务危机 B.国际银行贷款收缩 C.金融自由化政策 D.广泛采用电脑和电讯技术 E.一系列新金融工具的出现 6、促成欧洲货币市场形成的原因有() A.英镑危机 B.美国的跨国银行与公司逃避金融法令的管制 C.西欧国家的倒收利息政策 D.美国政府的放纵态度 E.西欧国家放松外汇管制 *7、欧洲中长期贷款的特点有() A.签订贷款协议 B.政府担保 C.联合贷放 D.利率灵活 E.银团贷款 三、判断题 *1、LIBOR是国际金融市场的中长期利率。(×) 2、银行是国际金融业务的主要载体。(√) 3、银行海外分支机构的增长与跨国公司的发展呈正相关。(√) *4、货币市场和资本市场的划分是以资金的用途为标准的。(×) 5、通常所指的欧洲货币市场,主要是指在岸金融市场。(×) 6、欧洲货币市场主要是指中长期的资本市场。(×) 7、亚洲货币市场是与欧洲货币市场相平行的国际金融市场。(×) *8、欧洲货币市场不会形成信用扩张。(×) 9、金融创新是指金融交易技术和工具的创新。(×) 10、国际金融市场的发展依赖于世界贸易的增长速度,同主要发达国家的经济周期吻合。

第一章 为何学习金融市场与机构(英文习题及答案)

Chapter 1 Why Study Financial Markets and Institutions? 1.1 Single Choice 1)Financial markets and institutions A)involve the movement of huge quantities of money. B)affect the profits of businesses. C)affect the types of goods and services produced in an economy. D)do all of the above. E)do only A and B of the above. 2)Financial market activities affect A) personal wealth. B) spending decisions by individuals and business firms. C) the economy's location in the business cycle. D) all of the above. 3) Markets in which funds are transferred from those who have excess funds available to those who have a shortage of available funds are called A) commodity markets. B) funds markets. C) derivative exchange markets. D) financial markets. 4) The price paid for the rental of borrowed funds (usually expressed as a percentage of the rental of $100 per year) is commonly referred to as the A) inflation rate. B) exchange rate. C) interest rate. D) aggregate price level. 5) The bond markets are important because A) they are easily the most widely followed financial markets in the United States. B) they are the markets where interest rates are determined. C) they are the markets where foreign exchange rates are determined. D) all of the above. 6) Interest rates are important to financial institutions since an interest rate increase _________ the cost of acquiring funds and _________ the income from assets. A) decreases; decreases B) increases; increases C) decreases; increases D) increases; decreases 7) Typically, increasing interest rates

金融市场学平时作业 3

《金融市场学》试题3 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 1.目前上海期货交易所对黄金期货的每日价格最大波动限制为不超过上一交易日结算价的() A.±2% B.±5% C.±10% D.±12% 2.目前上海期货交易所对黄金期货的最低交易保证金为合约价值的() A.5% B.7% C.10% D.12% 3.金融衍生工具产生的最基本原因是() A.新技术革命B.金融自由化C.利润驱动D.避险 4.金融期货通过在现货市场与期货市场建立相反的头寸,从而锁定未来现金流的功能称为() A.套期保值功能B.价格发现功能C.投机功能D.套利功能 5.在双方的交易关系中,合约赋予买方权利,卖方没有任何权利,随时准备履行相应的义务的是() A.期货交易B.期权交易C.现货交易D.外汇交易 6.金融期货与金融期权最根本的区别在于() A.收费不同B.收益不同C.权利和义务的对称性不同D.交易方式不同 7.两个或两个以上的当事人按共同商定的条件,在约定的时间内定期交换现金流的金融交易是() A.远期B.期货C.期权D.互换 8.根据()划分,金融期权可以分为欧式期权和美式期权. A.选择权的性质B.合约所规定的履约时间的不同 C.金融期权基础资产性质的不同D.协议价格与基础资产市场价格的关系 9.下列说法错误的是() A.买入期权又称看涨期权B.卖出期权又称看跌期权 C.交易者买入看涨期权,是因为他预期该项金融工具的价格在近期内将会下跌 D.交易者买入看跌期权,是因为他预期该项金融工具的价格在近期内会下跌 10.金融期货交易的对象是() A.金融期货合约B.股票 C.债券D.一定所有权或债权关系的其他金融工具 11.下列有关金融期货的说法不正确的是() A.期货交易具有标准化的合同,每份合同的金额、到期日都是标准化的 B.期货合同的价格是在期货交易大厅由期货交易所以买价和卖价方式报出 C.期货合同真正进行实际交割资产的现象很少,大多都在到期日之前采用对冲交易方式D.期货交易实行盯市制度 12.根据价值投资理念,股票价格主要取决于股票的() A.发行价格B.流通价格C.贴现率D.内在价值 13.某公司目前按每股2元支付股息,预计股利按每年4%增长,同类型风险的股票每年有12%的预期收益率,该公司股票的内在价值为() A.23元B.24元C.25元D.26元 14.一种5年到期、息票利率为10%、目前到期收益率为8%的债券,若利率不变,一年后债券价格会()


《金融市场学》课程作业第2阶段(201710) 交卷时间:2019-02-20 10:19:18 一、单选题 1. (3分)卖出者只能被动履行义务的是 ? A. 金融期货 ? B. 金融期权 ? C. 金融远期 ? D. 金融互换 纠错 得分:0 知识点:5.4.1 金融期权 收起解析 答案B 解析本题考察了金融期权的特征。一般衍生品权利义务是对等的,但期权不对等,卖出者只有义务没有权利。 2. (3分)上年末某公司支付每股股息为2元,预计在未来该公司的股票按每年4%的速度增长,必要收益率为12%,则该公司股票的价值为()元。 ? A. 25 ? B. 26

? C. 16.67 ? D. 17.33 纠错 得分:0 知识点:9.2.2 固定增长模型 收起解析 答案B 解析 3. (3分)某零息债券面值100元,两年后到期,当前市价为95元,两年期市场利率为15%,则该债券的久期为()。 ? A. 1 ? B. 2 ? C. 5 ? D. 3 纠错 得分:0 知识点:8.4.2 久期 收起解析 答案B 解析本题考查了久期的计算。 4. (3分)下列期权中,属于实值期权的是()。 ? A. 行权价为300,标的资产市场价格为350 的看涨期权

? B. 行权价为350,标的资产市场价格为300 的看涨期权 ? C. 行权价为300,标的资产市场价格为350 的看跌期权 ? D. 行权价为300,标的资产市场价格为300 的看涨期权 纠错 得分:0 知识点:5.4.2 期权合约的盈亏分布 收起解析 答案A 解析 5. (3分)债券价值评估中所使用的折现率指的是 ? A. 债券的息票利率 ? B. 经过通货膨胀预期调整的债券息票利率 ? C. 经过风险溢价(如果有的话)调整的国债收益率 ? D. 具有类似风险与期限的投资所能赚取的收益率 纠错 得分:0 知识点:8.1.1 债券的息票率 收起解析 答案D 解析本题考查债券折现率的概念。折现率综合考虑的一个债券的风险与期限,可以用于债券价值评估。6. (3分)如果投资者现在购买债券并持至到期日,衡量他平均收益率的指标是 ? A. 当前收益率
