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一、please illusrate how to develop a new drug(p4)

Most new drugs or drug products are discovered or developed through the following approaches:

(1)identification or elucidation of a new drug target;

(2)Rational design of a new molecule based on an understanding of biologic mechanisms and drug receptor structure;

(3)Screening for biologic activity of large numbers of natural products,banks of previously discovered chemical entities,or large libraries of peptides,nucleic acids,and other organic molecules;

(4)Chemical modification of a known active molecule,resulting in a me-too analog.

Steps(1) and (2) are often carried out in academic research laboratories ,but the costs of steps(3) and (4) usually ensure that industry carries them out.

二、Please tell the meaning of loading dose and maintenance dose?(p17)

Loading dose is one or a sevies of doses that may be given at the onset of therapy with the aim of achieving the target arcentration vapidly .a loading dose may be desirable if the time required to attain steady state by the administration of drug at a anstant rate is long relative to the temporal demands of the condition being treaded.

Maintenance dose : Maintenance dose is the dose that continues to keep the drug in the dosing therapeatic range. In most clinical situations, drugs are administered in a sevies of repetitive doses or as a wntinuous infusion to maintain a steady state concentration of drug associated with the therapeatic window. Calculation of the appropriate maintain dosage is a primary goal. To maintain the chosen steady state or target concentration, the rate of drug administration is adjusted such that the rate of input equals the rate of loss.

三、Please tell the classification of ADR?(p24)

ADR can be divided into three groups according to onset ①acute:within 60 minutes②sub-acute:1 to 24 hours③latent:≥2 days. It can also be divided into another three groups because of severity ①

mild:bothersome but requires no change in therapy ②moderate:require change in therapy,addition treatment, hospitalization ③severe:disabling or life-threatening

四,How to access ADR(p33)

ADR can be evaluated by causality assessment .You can access the ADR from the following aspects:

1.If the reaction had prior reports?

2.temporal relationship



5.Close-response relationship

6.Alternative etiologies

7.Objective confirmation

8.If the patient had past history of reaction to same or similar medication .

According to the results,the ADR can have four outcomes:highly probable,probable,possible and doubtful.

五,what’s the sympoms of schizophrenia.(p39)

Postitive symptoms:



3.Thought disorder

4.Abnormal.disorganized behaviour


Negative symptoms:

1.withdrawal from social contacts

2.Flatten of emotional response

3.Anhedonia(en inability to experience pleasure)

4.Reluctance to perform everyday tasks.

In addition,deficits in cognitive function are often present together with anxiety,guilt,depression and self punishment.A characteristic feature of schizophrenia is a defect in “selective attention”.Whereas a normal individual quickly accommodates to stimuli of a familiar or inconsequential nature,and responds only to stimuli that are unexpected or significant,the ability of schizophrenic patients to discriminate between significant and insignificant stimuli seems to be impaired

六.what kinds of antidepressant drugs are used in clinic?(p53)

Antidepressant drugs fall into the following categories:

1.Inhibitors of monoamine uptake

Selective serotonin (5-HT) reuptake inhibitors (SSRJs): fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, paroxetine, sertraline, citalopram, escitalopram

Classical tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs): imipramine, desipramine, amitriptyline, nortriptyline, clomipramine; varying in their ability to inhibit noradrenaline and 5-HT reuptake

Noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors: bupropion, reboxetine, atomoxetine

Newer, mixed 5-HT and noradrenaline reuptake inhabitors: bupropion, desvenlafaxine, duloxetine, milnacipran 2.Monoamine receptor antagonists

Drugs such as mirtazapine, trazodone, mianserin are non-selective and inhibit a range of amine receptors including a2 adrenoceptors and 5-HT2 receptors. They may also have weak effects on monoamine uptake

3.Monoamine oxidase inhibitors(MAOIs)

Irreversible, non-competitive inhibitors: phenelzine, tranylcypromine,which are non-selective with respect to the MAO-A and -B subtypes

Reversible, MAO-A-selective inhibitors: moclobemide


七.what is the criteria for drug dependence?(p57)

A maladaptive pattern of substance use, leading to clinically significant impairment or distress, as manifested by three (or more) of the following, occurring at any time in the same 12 month period



3.Substance taken in larger amounts or over a longer period than intended

4.Persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control substance use

5.Great deal of time spent in activities necessary to obtain substance, use substance(e,g., chain smoking), or recover from effects

6.Important social,occupational, or recreational activities given up or reduced because of substance use Substance use continued despite knowledge of persistent or recurrent physical or psychological problem likely to have been caused or exacerbated by substance

八、what is drug depends(p57)

-a maladaptive pattern of drug use leading to clinically-significant impairment or distress.associated with difficulty in controlling drug-taking behavior.withdraw and tolerance

-the state of needing a drug to function within‘normal limits’

九、the characteristic of AMPA KA receptor(p67)

AMPA-,present on all neutrons

-are heterotetramers assembled from four subunits(GluA1-4)

-the majority of it contain the GluA2 and are permeable to Na+and K+not to Ca2+

some AMPA receptor.typically present on inhibitory https://www.sodocs.net/doc/563563035.html,ck the GluA2

and are also permeable to Ca2+

KA -not as uniformly distributed as AMPA receptor .being expressed at high levels in the hippocampus.cerebellum and spinal cord

-formed from a number of subunits.including GluK1-5

GluK4 and 5 are unnable to form channel on their own.but they change it's affinity and kinetics

-similar to AMPA receptors. it is permeable to Na+ and k+. and in some subunit combinations can also be permeable to Ca2+

十.why do we use levodopa but not dopamine to treat PD?(p72)


Dopamine does not cross the blood-brain barrier and if given into the peripheral circulation,it will lose its therapeutic effect on PD.

However,levodopa,the immediate metabolic precursor of dopamine,does enter the brain ,where it is decaiboxylated to dopamine.Although levodopa has convincing advantages in the therapy of PD,it also has a lot of uncomfortable side effects, such as:

1. The gastrointestinal effects,including anorexia,nausea,vomit.Direct stimulation of the gastrointestinal tract as well as the activation of D2 receptors on chemoreceptors trigger zone in medulla.

2.The cardiovascular effects,including orthostatic hypotension and arrthymia,The former effects can be included by activation of D2 receptors in the vascular vessels.

3.Hyperkinesia:included by the over-activation of D2 receptors.

4.On-off responses:occurrence in 40-80% patients.This symptom is included by the inability of the brain to store dopamine.

5.Mental symptom:occurrence in 10-15% patients.

十一.What are the mechanisms for the therapy of microcirculatory disorder of shock in different stages?(p91) Answer:

Microcirculatory disorder theory

1 stage: compensatory stage of shock(lschemic Hypoxic Stage)

2 stage:decompensation(Progressive stage)

3 stage:failure(refractory stage)

十二、Q:The classification of clinical shock?(p87)

A:①classification of shock by causes

*hemorrhagic/dehydrated shock

*traumatic shock

*burn shock

*infective shock

*anaphylactic shock

*neurogenic shock

*cardiogenic shock

②classification of shock by initial changes

*hypovolemic shock

*cardiogenic shock

*vasogenic shock

十三、Q:what are the pharmacological and adverse effects of ACEI?(p108)

A:① pharmacological effects:inhibite ACE,angiotens∥↓;bradykinin↑

②adverse effects:severe hypotension can occur after initial doses of any ACE inhibitor

in patients who are hypovolemic as a result of diuretics,salt restriction,or gastrointestinal

fluid loss.Other adverse effects common to all ACE inhibitors include acute renal failure,

Hyperkalemia,dry cough sometimes accompanied by wheezing,and angioedema.Hyperkalemia

Is more likely to occur in patients with renal insufficiency or diabetes.Bradykinin and substance

P seem to be responsible for the cough and angioedema seen with ACE inhibition.

十四、What is the comparision of ACEI and ARB?(p109)

(1).AREs reduce activation of AT1 receptors more effectively than do ACE inhibitors.

(2).no effect on bradykinin metabolism.

(3).cough and angioedema are less common than ACE inhibitors.

十五、Please list the classification of antihypertensive agents.(p105)

(1).Diuretics which lower blood pressure by depleting the body of sodium and reducing blood volume and perhaps by other mechanisms.

(2).Sympathoplegic agents, which lower blood pressure by reducing peripheral vasculai resistance ,inhibiting cardiac function, and increasing venous pooling in capacitance vessels.These agents are further subdivided according to their putative sites of action in the sympathetic reflex arc.

①Centrally acting sympathoplegic drugs

②Ganglion-blocking agents

③Adrenergic neuron-blocking agents

④Adrenoceptor antagonisis

(3).Agent that block production or action of angiotensin and thereby reduce peripheral vascular resistance and (potentially) blood volume.

(4)Calcium channel blocker

(5)Direct vasodilators ,which reduce pressure by relaxing vascular smooth muscle, thus dilating resistance vessels and—to varying degrees—increasing capacitance as well.

十六、what are the mechanisms toxicity of Nicotinic acid?(p116)

Rare adverse effects of fibrates include rashes,gastrointestinal

symptoms,myopathy,arrhythmias,hypokalemia,and high bolld levels of aminotransferases or alkaline phosphatase.A few patients show decreases in white blood count or hematocrit.Both agents potentiate the action of coumarin and indanedione anticoagulants,and doses of these agents should be

adjusted.Rhabdomyloysis has occurred rarely.Risk of myopathy increases when fibrates are given with reductase inhibitors.Fenofibrate is the fibrate of choice for use in combination with a statin.Fibrates should be avoided in patients with hepatic or renal dysfunction.There appears to be a modest increase in the risk of cholesterol gallstones,reflecting an increase in the cholesterol content of bile.Therefore,fibrates should be used with caution in patients with biliary tract disease or in those at high risk such as women,obese patients,and Native Americans.

十七、What’s the drug combination in the treatment of hyperlipidemia when Nicotinic acid is inefficiency?(p116)

When Nicotinic acid is inefficiency, the drug combination in the treatment of hyperlipidemia are resins and gemfibrozil. Hyperlipidemia can lead to elevated VLDL and TG, a large increase in LDL and TG. The resins can cause the decrease of TC and LDL, and the TG is increase. However, gemfibrozil can make TG and VLDL lower. Elevation of TG induced by Resins complies with TG lowering caused by gemfibrozil , leading to a decrease in TG. After combined therapy of resins and gemfibrozil, TG decreases and HDL-C increases. When the two drugs combined treatment , we should decrease resins dosage. Its shortage is promoting cholelithiasis.


十八、Please describe the clinical uses and adverse reaction of insulin.(p125)

clinical uses of insulin:

1.Diabetes mellitus

The only effective drug for type1 diabetes

The following situations of type 2 diabetes

(1)Not effectively controlled by food limitation & oral antidiabetic drug

(2)Accompanies DKA & nonketotic hyperglycemia coma

(3)Accompanies serious infection,hyperpyrexia,injury,gestation and consumptive diseases.



A component of GIK solution which is for limiting myocardial infarction & arrhythmias

Adverse reactions:

1.Insulin allergy: itching,redness,swelling,anaphylaxis shock

2.Insulin resistance

3.Hypoglycemia: nausea ,hungry,tachycardia,sweating and tremulousness .

4.Lipodystrophy at injection sites: atrophy


十九、Please describe two—drug combination therapy .(p131)

Two—drug combination therapy is a kind of combination drug therapy ,which is an increasing trend in type2 diabetes that is not controlled by diet ,exercise,and single—drug therapy .They include the following:

a. Insulin plus a sulfonylurea

Advantages inculde lower fasting blood glucose levels,decreased glycosylated hemoglobin levels ,increased secretion of endougenous insulin,smaller daily dosese of insulin,and no significant change in body weight.

b. Insulin plus a glitazone

Glitazones increase the effectiveness of insulin ,whether endogenous or exogenous.

c.Sulfonylurea plus acarbose or miglitol

This combination is Food and Drug Administration(FDA)approved for clients who do not achieve adequate glycemic control with one of the drugs alone .

d.Sulfonylurea plus a glitazone

The sulfonylurea increases insulin and the glitazone increase insulin effectiveness.

f.Metformin plus meglitinide

If one of the drugs alone does not produce adequate glycemic control,the other one may be added. Dosage of each drug should be titrated to the minimal dose required to achieve the desired effects.

二十.Please describe clinical uses or aspirin?(p136)

https://www.sodocs.net/doc/563563035.html,monly used for management of mild to moderate pain(300-600mg)

https://www.sodocs.net/doc/563563035.html,bination agents(cold)

https://www.sodocs.net/doc/563563035.html,ed for for reducing fever(300-600mg)

https://www.sodocs.net/doc/563563035.html,eful in treatment of:

(high doses 3-6g)T1/2>12 hours

Rheumatic fever

Rheumatoid arthritis

Other inflammatory joint diseases

5.Antiplatelet(low doses)40-100mg

Reduce incidence of transient ischemic attacks

Reduce incidence of unstable angina

May reduce incidents of coronary artery thrombosis

6.Hypertension in pregnancy: (low does)60-100mg

7.local indication:GI inflammation:5-amido-salicylic acid

二十一.Please describe clinical uses or glucoconicoids(p141)

1.immune diseases

a.autoimmune disorders:reumatic fever, rheumatic carditis, rheumatic arthritis, rheumatoid

arthritis,osteoarthritis,systemic lupus erythematosus,polyarthritis nodosa,nephritic syndrome,etc.

b.rejection of organ transplantation

c.allergic diseases:urticaria,serum sickness,contact dermatitis,drug allergic reactions,chronic severe

asthma,status asthmaticus,angioneurotic edema,etc.

2.severe infection and inflammation

a.acute severe infections:merely suppressing inflammatory manifestations but at times lifesaving

b..prevention of sequelae of some types of inflammation,such as in brain,heart,eye,joint,etc

3.septic shock

4.hemological diseases:acute lymphocytic leukemia,lymphomas,aplastic anemia,hemolytic


5.topical applications:skin,eye,respiratory tract,joint

6.some types of tumors:breast and prostatic cancers,acute lymphocytic leukemia,etc.

二十二、What questions should be asked before antimcrobial therapy is warranted for a gived patient?(p144) 1、Is an antimicrobial agent indicated on the basis of clinical findings?Or is it prudent to wait until such clinical findings become apparent?

2、Have appropriate clinical specimens been obtained to establish a microbiologic diagnosis?

3、What are the likely etiologic agents for the patient's illness?

4、What measures should be taken to protect individuals exposed to the index case to prevent secondary cases,and what measures should be implemented t prevent future exposure?

5、Is there clinical evidence(eg,from well-executed clinical trials) that antimicrobial therapy will confer clinical benefit for the patient?

二十三、General principles of antibacterial surgical prophylaxis?(p152)

1、the antibiotic should be active against common surgical wound pathogens;unnecessarily broad coverage should be avoided.

2、The antibiotic should have proved efficacy in clinical trials.

3、The antibiotic must achieve concentrations greater than the MIC of suspected pathogens ,and these concentrations must be present at the time of incision.

4、The shortest possible course—ideally a single dose—of the most effective and least toxic antibiotic should be used.

5、The newer broad-spectrum antibacterial agents should be reserved for therapy of resistant infections.

If all other factors are equal,the least expensive agent should be used.

二十四.Case study (Page153)

What is this patient’s prognosis? Should he receive adjuvant chemotherapy?

The 5-year survival rate for patients with high-risk stage ⅢCRC is on the order of 25-30%.

Because the patient has no symptoms after surgery and has no comorbid illness, he would be an appropriate candidate to receive adjuvant chemotherapy. Adjuvant chemotherapy is usually begun 4-6 weeks after surgery to allow sufficient time for surgical wound to heat.

The usual recommendation would be to administer 6 months of oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy using either infusional 5-FU or oral capecitabine as the fluoropyrimidine base in combination with oxaliplatin.

二十五.General principles of drug combinations(Page156)

The Role of Drug Combinations

Efficacy: Only drugs known to be somewhat effective when used alone against a given tumor should be selected for use in combinations. If available, drugs that produce complete remission in some fraction of patients are preferred to those that produce only partial responses.

Toxicity: When several drugs of a given class are available and are equally effective, a drug should be selected

on the basis of toxicity that does not overlap with the toxicity of other drugs in the combination. Although such selection leads to a wide range of adverse effects, it minimizes the risk of a lethal effect caused by multiple insults to the same organ system by different drugs and allows dose intensity to be maximized.

Optimum scheduling: Drugs should be used in their optimal dose and schedule, and drug combinations should be given at consistent intervals. Because long intervals between cycles negatively affect dose intensity, the treatment-free interval between cycles should be the shortest time necessary for recovery of the most sensitive normal target tissue, which is usually the bone marrow.

Mechanism of interaction: There should be a clear understanding of the biochemical, molecular, and pharmacokinetic mechanisms of interaction between the individual drugs in a given combination, to allow for maximal effect. Omission of a drug from a combination may allow overgrowth by a tumor clone sensitive to that drug alone and resistant to other drugs in the combination.

Avoidance of arbitrary dose changes: An arbitrary reduction in the dose of an effective drug in order to add other less effective drugs may reduce the dose of the most effective agent below the threshold of effectiveness and destroy the ability of the combination to cure disease in a given patient.


湖北医药学院2014年临床药理学试题及答案 1、试述新药临床实验的分期、目的、意义和实验对象。 答:分为四期。(1)Ⅰ期临床试验:初步的临床药理学及人体安全性评价;包括药物耐受性试验与药动学研究;实验对象:健康志愿者;(2)Ⅱ期临床试验:主要目的:确定是否安全有效,与对照组比较有多大的治疗价值;确定适应证、最佳治疗方案;评价不良反应及危险性并提供防治方法。(3)III期临床试验:扩大的多中心临床试验,进一步评价新药的有效性和安全性;治疗作用确证阶段。(4)IV期临床试验:目的:考察在广泛使用条件下的疗效和不良反应等。主要对象是一些疗效不确切或不良反应较多或有严重反应的市场药物2、据妊娠生理特点,述妊娠期合理用药原则。 答:基本原则:(1)明确诊断和用药指征。(2)尽量选择对孕妇及胎儿无害或毒性小的药物,采用适当剂量、给药途径及给药间隔时间。(3)权衡所用药物对孕妇疾病治疗与药物对胎儿导致可能的损害之间的利弊,注意随时调整剂量或及时停药,甚至先终止妊娠,再用药。(4)尽量避免使用新药或孕妇自用偏方、秘方。妊娠期用药原则:单用有效,避免联用;有疗效肯定的药,避免用尚难确定对胎儿有无影响的新药;小剂量有效的避免用大剂量;早孕期避免用C 类、D 类药物;若病情急需,要应用肯定对胎儿有影响的药物,应先终止妊娠,再用药。 3、临床为什么要重视老年人用药,老年人用药原则。 答:原因:社会人口老年化加剧;老年人用药机会多;药物不良反应随年龄而增长。原则:(一)药物的选择:(1)必须有明确的用药指征(2)恰当选择药物及剂型(3)控制合用药物的数目(类型相同和不良反应相似;配伍用药宜少,不超过3-5种)(4)了解和密切观察ADR。(二)制定合适的个体化给药方案(药物剂量、用药时间)。(1)剂量的选择(2)疗程的选择。(三)重视老人的依从性。(四)注意老年人慎用的药物。(老年人用药应注意以下几点:正确诊断;避免使用不必要的药;避免重复使用作用相同或类似的药;从小剂量开始;勤随访、复诊;熟悉所给药物的实际来源;简化用法剂量方案;注重非药物疗法。)4、缩血管药和扩血管药用于治疗休克的临床用药原则,扩血管药分哪些类型? 答:原则:去除原始动因;纠正酸中毒;扩充血容量;合理应用血管活性药物;防治细胞损伤;拮抗体液因子;防治器官功能障碍与衰竭;支持与保护疗法。分类:(1)硝酸酯类:硝酸甘油、硝普钠;(2)钙拮抗药:硝苯地平;(3)a手提阻断药: 酚妥拉明;(4)b受体激动药:异丙肾上腺素。 5、谈谈你对抗菌药联合使用的认识,什么情况下需要联合使用抗菌药? 答:联合用药的目的是发挥药物的协同作用,以增强疗效,扩大抗菌范围,延续或减少抗药性的产生,降低毒副作用。但不合理的联合用药,不仅不能达到上述目的,反而增加不良反应的发生率,所以联合用药必须有明确的指征。 一下情况下使用抗菌药①病因不明的严重感染,用单一药物难于控制病情者,如败血症、亚急性细菌性心内膜炎等。②单一药物不能控制的严重混合感染,如慢性尿路感染、腹膜炎、严重的创伤感染等。③长期使用一种抗菌药,细菌易产生耐药者如治疗结核病常用链霉素+异烟肼。④抗菌药物不易渗入感染病灶部位时如:青霉素+SD 治疗流行性脑脊髓膜炎、青霉素+克林霉素/喹诺酮类治疗骨髓炎。如:青霉素和链霉素联合治疗肠球菌感染。 ⑥为了防止二重感染,在使用广谱抗生素的同时常加用抗霉菌药物治疗,以减少二重感染的机会。⑦为了减少不良反应如:两性霉素B+氟胞嘧啶联合治疗深部真菌感染时,可使前者用量减少,从而减少毒性反应。 6、药品不良反应的监制方法有哪些?


宏观经济学B卷答案 一、名词解释(10分每小题2分) 1GNP:国民生产总值。某国身份家的公民在一定时期内运用生产要素所能生产的全部最终产品的市场价值。 2、税收乘数:税收增加一个单位所引起的均衡国民收入增加的倍数。 3、货币流动偏好:由于货币具有使用上的灵活性人们宁肯牺牲利息收入来保持财富的心理倾向。 4、LM曲线:货币市场均衡时L m =,此时反映利率r和国民收入y之间对应关系的曲线。 5、扩张性的货币政策:货币当局通过改变货币供给m或利率r等金融杠杆进而使国民收入增加的政策。 二、单项选择(20分每小题2分) 1——5 DDADB 6——10 BBABC 三、简答题(20分每小题5分) 1、在其他条件不变的前提下,如果国家增加政府转移支付,IS曲线将如何移动, 请画图分析并说明理由。 答:在三部门经济中,IS曲线为 1 e g t tr r y d d αβββ ++-+- =-,当其他条 件不变,政府转移支付tr增加时,纵截距 e g t tr d αββ ++-+ 增大,斜率不变, 所以IS曲线向右上方平移。 2、什么是汇率?汇率有几种标价法?并举例说明。 答:汇率是一国货币交换另一国货币的比率。有直接标价法和间接标价法。直接标价法如:1美元=6.19人民币;间接标价法如:1人民币=1/6.19美元。 3、宏观经济政策目标是什么?为达到这些目标可采用的政策工具有哪些? 宏观经济政策目标包括充分就业、物价稳定、经济增长和国际收支平衡。工具有财政政策和货币政策。财政政策又包括扩张性的财政政策和紧缩性的财政政策。货币政策又包括扩张性的货币政策和紧缩性的货币政策。


临床药理学试题 1.临床药理学研究的重点() A. 药效学B.药动学C. 毒理学 D. 新药的临床研究与评价E.药物相互作用 2.临床药理学研究的内容是() A.药效学研究 B.药动学与生物利用度研究C.毒理学研究D. 临床试验与药物相互作用研究E. 以上都是 3. 临床药理学试验中必须遵循Fisher提出的三项基本原则是() A.随机、对照、盲法B.重复、对照、盲法 C.均衡、盲法、随机 D.均衡、对照、盲法E.重复、均衡、随机 4.正确的描述是( ) A. 安慰剂在临床药理研究中无实际的意义B. 临床试验中应设立双盲法 C.临床试验中的单盲法指对医生保密,对病人不保密 D. 安慰剂在试验中不会引起不良反应 E.新药的随机对照试验都必须使用安慰剂 5. 药物代谢动力学的临床应用是( ) A.给药方案的调整及进行TDM B. 给药方案的设计及观察ADR C. 进行TDM和观察ADR D.测定生物利用度及ADR E. 测定生物利用度,进行TDM

和观察ADR 6.临床药理学研究的内容不包括( ) A. 药效学B.药动学C. 毒理学D. 剂型改造E. 药物相互作用 7.安慰剂可用于以下场合,但不包括( ) A.用于某些作用较弱或专用于治疗慢性疾病的药物的阴性对照药 B. 用于治疗轻度精神忧郁症,配合暗示,可获得疗效 C. 已证明有安慰剂效应的慢性疼痛病人,可作为间歇治疗期用药 D. 其它一些证实不需用药的病人,如坚持要求用药者 E. 危重、急性病人 8. 药物代谢动力学研究的内容是( ) A.新药的毒副反应B.新药的疗效 C. 新药的不良反应处理方法 D. 新药体内过程及给药方案 E.比较新药与已知药的疗效 9. 影响药物吸收的因素是( ) B. 病人的精神状态 C. 肝、肾功能状态 D. 药物血浆蛋白率高低 E. 肾小球滤过率高低 10. 在碱性尿液中弱碱性药物()


药理学作业含答案 The document was prepared on January 2, 2021

昆明医科大学继续教育学院校外点作业(本科) 1.试述肝药酶对药物转化的作用及其与药物相互作用的关系。 药物的生物转化要靠酶的促进,主要是肝混合功能酶系统。微粒体是碎片在时形成 的小泡,内含多种酶,加上匀浆可溶部分的辅酶II(NADPH)形成一个系统。该系统对 药物的生物转化起主要作用,又称。主要的氧化酶是。NADPH来自细胞,提供电子经黄 蛋白等传递给氧化型P450,使之还原再生,又称单加氧酶。 肝药酶的作用专一性很低,许多药物经此酶系统作用而生物转化。此酶系统活性有限,达到极限后则数种药物间会发生竞争抑制现象。此酶系统个体差异很大,除先天遗 传性差异外,生理因素如年龄、营养状态、疾病等均影响肝药酶的活性。 2.激动药、拮抗药、部分激动药各有什么特点 拮抗药,能与受体结合,具有较强的亲和力而无内在活性(α=0)的药物。它们本 身不产生作用,但因占据受体而拮抗激动药的效应,如纳洛酮和普萘洛尔均属于拮抗药. 激动药或称兴奋药,指既有较强的亲和力,又有较强的内在活性的药物,与受体结 合能产生该受体的兴奋的效应。 3.试比较毛果芸香碱与阿托品的作用。 答:(1)、阿托品对眼的作用: ①散瞳:阻断虹膜括约肌M受体。 ②升高眼内压:散瞳使前房角变窄,阻碍房水回流。 ③调节麻痹:通过阻断睫状肌M受体,使睫状肌松驰,悬韧带拉紧,晶状体变扁 平,屈光度降低,以致视近物模糊,视远物清楚。 (2)、毛果芸香碱对眼的作用: ①缩瞳:激动虹膜括约肌M受体。

②降低眼内压:缩瞳使前房角间隙变宽,促进房水回流。 ③调节痉挛:通过激动睫状肌M受体,使睫状肌痉挛,悬韧带松驰,晶状体变凸,屈光度增加,以致视近物清楚,视远物模糊。 4、毒扁豆碱与毛果芸香碱对眼部作用的异同点是什么 毒扁豆碱为易逆性抗胆碱酯酶(AChE)药,抑制AChE去水解ACh,ACh在突触间隙中积聚,产生M样和N样作用,所以是一个间接的拟胆碱药。具有强而持久的缩瞳、降低眼内压和调节痉挛等作用,对眼的刺激性大,收缩睫状肌的作用强,可引起头痛。滴眼后不会出现缩瞳、眼内压降低和调节痉挛的作用。主要用于青光眼。吸收作用的选择性较差,毒性较大。可用于中药麻醉催醒和阿托品等抗胆碱药中毒的解救。 毛果芸香碱为M-ACh-R激动剂,能直接激动M-R,产生M样效应,对眼和腺体的作用最为明显。具有缩瞳、降低眼内压和调节痉挛等作用,作用温和而短暂,对眼的刺激性小,也不易引起头痛。吸收后可使汗腺和唾液腺分泌增加。主要用于青光眼,与散瞳药交替使用治疗虹膜炎,以防虹膜和晶状体粘连。滴眼后可引起缩瞳、降低眼内压和调节痉挛等作用。 5. 比较肾上腺素、去甲肾上腺素、异丙肾上腺素作用和用途有何异同


《宏观经济学》模拟试题及参考答案 第Ⅰ部分模拟试题 一、填空题(每空1分,共10分) 1、平均消费倾向表示与之比。 2、在二部门经济中,均衡的国民收入是和相等时的国民收入。 3、宏观财政政策包括政策和政策。 4、交易余额和预防余额主要取决于,投机余额主要取决于。 5、宏观货币政策的主要内容有调整法定准备金率、、。 1、消费支出、可支配收入。 2、总支出、国民收入。 3、财政支出、财政收入。 4、国民收入、利息率。 5、调整贴现率、在公开市场上买卖政府债券。 二、判断题(下列各题,如果您认为正确,请在题后的括号中打上“√”号,否则请打上“×”号,每题1分,共10分) 1、财政政策的内在稳定器有助于缓和经济的波动。() 2、从短期来说,当居民的可支配收入为0时,消费支出也为0。()。 3、消费曲线的斜率等于边际消费倾向。() 4、当某种商品的价格上涨时,我们就可以说,发生了通货膨胀。(), 5、投机动机的货币需求是国民收入的递增函数。() 6、当投资增加时,IS曲线向右移动。() 7、在IS曲线的右侧,I


《临床药理学》作业习题及答案 1、对于新生儿出血,宜选用: (???)? 氨甲环酸 氨基己酸 维生素 K ?? 氨甲苯酸 2、临床药理学研究的内容不包括( ?? )? 毒理学 剂型改造?? 药动学 药效学 3、长期应用广谱抗生素常引起二重感染的病原体是(????? ) 霍乱弧菌 白色念珠菌?? 肺炎球菌 溶血性链球菌 4、?红霉素与克林霉素合用可:(????) A. 由于竞争结合部位产生拮抗作用?? 扩大抗菌谱 降低毒性 增强抗菌活性 5、妊娠期药代动力学特点:(?? )?

药物血浆蛋白结合力上升 药物吸收缓慢?? 代谢无变化 药物分布减小 6、有关头孢菌素的各项叙述,错误的是(????? ) 第一代头孢对G+菌作用较二、三代强 第三代头孢对各种β-内酰胺酶均稳定 口服一代头孢可用于尿路感染 第三代头孢没有肾毒性?? 7、B型不良反应特点是:(??)? 死亡率高?? 与剂量大小有关 可预见 发生率高 8、受体是:(??? )? 细胞膜、胞浆或细胞核内的结合体 所有药物的结合部位 通过离子通道引起效应 细胞膜、胞浆或细胞核内的蛋白组分?? 9、下面哪个测定方法不是供临床血药浓度测定的方法(? )? 气相色谱法 质谱法??

荧光偏振免疫法 高效液相色谱法 10、α1受体阻滞剂是:(??)? 美托洛尔 哌唑嗪?? 酚妥拉明 肼屈嗪 11、临床药理学研究的重点? E. B. 药动学 新药的临床研究与评价?? 药效学 毒理学 12、正确的描述是:(??)?? 停药后残留在体内的低于最低有效浓度的药物所引起的药物效应称副作用药物剂量过大,用药时间过长对机体产生的有害作用称副作用 药源性疾病的实质是药物不良反应的结果?? B型不良反应与剂量大小有关 13、 妊娠多少周内药物致畸最敏感: 1~3周左右 2~12周左右 3~10周左右 3~12周左右??


药理学题库及答案 一.填空题 1.药理学的研究内容是()和()。 2.口服去甲肾上腺素主要用于治疗()。 3.首关消除较重的药物不宜()。 4.药物排泄的主要途径是()。 受体激动时()兴奋性增强。 5.N 2 6.地西泮是()类药。 7.人工冬眠合剂主要包括()、()和()。8.小剂量的阿司匹林主要用于防治()。 9.山梗菜碱属于()药。(填药物类别) 10.口服的强心甙类药最常用是()。 11.阵发性室上性心动过速首选()治疗。 12.螺内酯主要用于伴有()增高的水肿。 受体阻断药主要用于()过敏反应性疾病。 13.H 1 14.可待因对咳漱伴有()的效果好.但不宜长期应用.因为它有()性。 15.胃壁细胞H+泵抑制药主要有()。 16.硫酸亚铁主要用于治疗()。 17.氨甲苯酸主要用于()活性亢进引起的出血。 18.硫脲类药物用药2-3周才出现作用.是因为它对已经合成的()无效。硫脲类药物用药期间应定期检查()。 19.小剂量的碘主要用于预防()。 20.伤寒患者首选()。 21.青霉素引起的过敏性休克首选()抢救。 22.氯霉素的严重的不良反应是()。 23.甲硝唑具有()、()和抗阿米巴原虫的作用。 24.主要兴奋大脑皮层的中枢兴奋药物药物有__________,主要通过刺激化学感 受器间接兴奋呼吸中枢的药物有____________。

25.久用糖皮质激素可产生停药反应.包括(1)._______________(2).__________ 26.抗心绞痛药物主要有三类.分别是;和药。27.药物的体内过程包括、、和排泄四个过程。 28.氢氯噻嗪具有、和作用。30.联合用药的主要目的是、、。31.首关消除只有在()给药时才能发生。 32.药物不良反应包括()、()、()、()。33.阿托品是M受体阻断药.可以使心脏().胃肠道平滑肌(). 腺体分泌()。 34.氯丙嗪阻断α受体.可以引起体位性()。 35.腹部手术止痛时.不宜使用吗啡的原因是因为吗啡能引起()。36.对乙酰氨基酚也叫()。 37.解热镇痛药用于解热时用药时间不宜超过()。 38.洛贝林属于()药。 39.硝酸甘油舌下含服.主要用于缓解()。 40.心得安不宜用于由冠状血管痉挛引起的()型心绞痛。 41.小剂量维持给药缓解慢性充血性心衰.常用药物是()。 42.螺内酯主要用于伴有()增多的水肿。 43.扑尔敏主要用于()过敏反应性疾病。 44.对β 受体选择性较强的平喘药有()、()等。 2 45.法莫替丁能抑制胃酸分泌.用于治疗()。 46.硫酸亚铁用于治疗()。 47.氨甲苯酸可用于()活性亢进引起的出血。


第一章结论 复习思考题: 1.重要概念:超长期;总供给曲线;实际GDP的趋势线;长期;总需求曲线;产出缺口;中期;菲利普斯曲线;潜在产出;短期;增长率;通货膨胀;增长理论;经济周期;消费价格指数;总供给-总需求模型 2.长期中为什么产出水平只取决于总供给? 3.短期中为什么产出水平只取决于总需求? 第二章国民收入核算 复习思考题: 1.重要概念:GDP;GNP;GDP缩减指数;CPI;PPI;生产要素;最终/中间产品;名义GDP/实际GDP;通货膨胀;名义利率/实际利率 2.下列交易的价值是否应当计入国内生产总值(GDP)?为什么? (1)顾客在饭店支付餐费。 (2)一家公司购买一幢旧楼。 (3)一家供应商向制造个人计算机的公司出售计算机芯片。 (4)一位消费者从交易商手中买进一辆汽车。 3.国内生产总值(GDP)高是否一定意味着福利状况好呢?在评价经济福利状况时还应考虑哪些因素? 4..假定某经济社会有A、B、C三个厂商,A厂商年产出5000美元,卖给B、C和消费者。其中B买A 的产出200美元,C买2000美元,其中2800美元卖给消费者。B年产出500美元直接卖给消费者,C年产6000美元,其中3000美元由A买,其余由消费者买。 (1)假定投入在生产中用光,计算价值增加; (2)计算GDP为多少; (3)如果只有C有500美元折旧,计算国民收入。 5.假定GDP是6000美元,个人可支配收入是5100美元,政府预算赤字是200美元,消费是3800美元,外贸赤字是100美元,求: (1)储蓄S是多大; (2)投资I是多大; (3)政府支出是多大? 第三章增长与积累 复习思考题: 1.重要概念:增长核算方程;柯布-道格拉斯生产函数;趋同;全要素生产率;索洛剩余;新古典增长理论;稳态均衡; 2.索络增长模型能否有助于解释趋同现象?


2014级护理本科《临床药理学》试题 姓名:学号:分数: 一、名词解释题(每题2分,共10分) 1、药物 2、对因治疗 3、抗菌谱 4、副作用 5、ED50 二、单选题(每小题只有一个答案是正确的,每题1分,共20分) 1、连续用药后机体对药物的反应性降低,称为() A、耐药性 B、耐受性 C、抗药性 D、依赖性 2、以下何项不是毛果芸香碱对眼的作用() A、缩瞳 B、降眼压 C、视远物不清楚 D、调节麻痹 3、、以下何种化合物中毒不能用碱性液洗胃() A、硫酸镁 B、对硫磷 C、对氧磷 D、敌百虫 4、、以下何项不是阿托品的临床应用() A、麻醉前给药 B、验光配镜 C、虹膜睫状体炎 D、支气管哮喘 5、、心收力弱、尿少的休克宜选用() A、肾上腺素 B、麻黄碱 C、多巴胺 D、阿托品 6、、以下何项不是安定的作用() A、镇静 B、麻醉 C、抗焦虑 D、催眠 7、能阻断α和β受体的药物为() A、心得安 B、哌唑嗪 C、酚妥拉明 D、拉贝洛尔 8、以下何项不是氢氯噻嗪类的临床适应症() A、中度心性水肿 B、尿崩症 C、高血压 D、脑水肿 9、硫脲类作用机理是抑制以下何种酶活性() A、胆碱酯酶 B、环加氧酶 C、MAO D、过氧化物酶 10、急性骨髓炎宜选用() A、红霉素 B、四环素 C、庆大霉素 D、克林霉素 11、肾功能不良的病人绿脓杆菌感染可选用( ) A、多粘菌素E B、头孢哌酮 C、氨苄西林 D、庆大霉素 12、铁剂用于治疗( ) A、溶血性贫血 B、巨幼红细胞性贫血 C、再生障碍性贫血 D、小细胞低色素性贫血 13、肝素过量时的拮抗药物是( )

A、维生素K B、维生素C C、鱼精蛋白 D、氨甲苯酸 14、治疗阵发性室上性心动过速的最佳药物是( ) A、奎尼丁 B、维拉帕米 C、苯妥英钠 D、普鲁卡因胺 15、高血压合并消化性溃疡者宜选用( ) A、甲基多巴 B、可乐定 C、利血平 D、DHCT 16、下述哪项不属氯丙嗪的药理作用( ) A、抗精神病作用 B、使体温调节失灵 C、镇吐作用 D、激动多巴胺受体 17、诊治嗜铬细胞瘤应选用() A、肾上腺素 B、异丙肾上腺素 C、麻黄碱 D、酚妥拉明 18、属于弱效利尿药的是() A、呋塞米 B、氢氯噻嗪 C、氯噻酮 D、螺内酯 19、青霉素治疗肺部感染是() A、对因治疗 B、对症治疗 C、局部作用 D、全身治疗 20、N2受体兴奋引起的主要效应是() A.、脏抑制B、神经节兴奋C、骨骼肌收缩D、支气管平滑肌收缩 三、多选题(每小题正确答案有两个或两个以上,每题2分,共10分) 1、氨基糖甙类抗生素的不良反应有() A、肾毒 B、耳毒 C、过敏反应 D、神经肌肉传导阻滞 2、下列联合用药不正确的是( ) A、青霉素+红霉素 B、吗啡+镇疼新 C、硝酸甘油+普萘洛尔 D、强心甙+钙剂 3、属于静止期杀菌的抗生素有() A 、氨基糖苷类 B 、四环素类 C 、青霉素类D、多粘菌素类 4、下列不良反应搭配正确的是( ) A、吗啡------成瘾性 B、四环素----抑制骨骼的造血功能 C、胰岛素-------低血糖 D、青霉素-----过敏性休克 5、普萘洛尔的作用有( ) A、抗甲亢作用 B、抗心律失常 C、抗高血压 D、抗心绞痛 四、填空题(每空1分,共20分) 1、传出神经系统两种主要递质是____________ 和_____________。 2、复方新诺明由和两种药组成,其合用依据是。 3、下列三种药物的作用(杀菌)机制分别是: ①青霉素杀菌机制:。②强心苷强心机制:。③阿司匹林镇痛机制:。 4、解救有机磷农药中毒应同时应用__________和__________。 5、治疗去甲肾上腺素所致的局部坏死方法是:用__________作局部浸润注射。 6、呋塞米的作用部位在__________,抑制该部位对__________重吸收。 7、吗啡可用于__________哮喘,禁用于__________哮喘。 8、甲状腺术前准备用药方案是:先用____________类药物将甲状腺功能控制到正常或接 近正常,然后在术前两周加服____________。 9、指出下列病例用药: ①癫痫小发作()②精神分裂症()③室性心律失常()


第一次 名词解释 1.临床药理学 是研究药物与人体相互作用规律的及其机制一门学科。 2.治疗窗 药物浓度太低不产生治疗效应,浓度太高则产生难以耐受的毒性。在这两个浓度之间限定一个合理治疗区域,该浓度区域常称为“治疗窗”(或称为治疗范围)。 3.后遗效应 也称为后遗作用:停药后血浆药物浓度已降至阈浓度以下时残存的药理效应。 4.毒性反应 药物剂量过大、用药时间过长或药物在体内蓄积过多时,对用药者靶组织(器官)发生的危害性反应。 5.药物不良反应 在药理学中,指某种药物导致的躯体及心理副反应、毒性反应、变态反应等非治疗所需的反应。可以是预期的毒副反应,也可以是无法预期的过敏性或特异性反应。在物质使用中,包括用药所致的不愉快的心理及躯体反应。凡用药后产生与用药目的不相符的并给病人带来不适或痛苦的反应统称为不良反应 6.药物相互作用 指两种或两种以上的药物同时应用时所发生的药效变化。即产生协同(增效)、相加(增加)、拮抗(减效)作用。合理的药物相互作用可以增强疗效或降低药物不良反应,反之可导致疗效降低或毒性增加,还可能发生一些异常反应,干扰治疗,加重病情。作用增加称为药效的协同或相加,作用减弱称为药效的拮抗,亦称谓“配伍禁忌”。 7.临床药效学 研究药物对机体的作用及作用机制,又称药效学。 8.临床药动学):研究药物在机体的影响下所发生的变化及其规律,又称药动学。(研究药物在体内的吸收、分布、代谢、排泄过程,并运用数学原理和方法阐释药物在机体内的动态规律) 9.安全范围:LD5 与ED95 之间的距离。 10.毒理学

是一门研究外源因素(化学、物理、生物因素)对生物系统的有害作用的应用学科。是一门研究化学物质对生物体的毒性反应、严重程度、发生频率和毒性作用机制的科学,也是对毒性作用进行定性和定量评价的科学 11.临床试验 指任何在人体(病人或健康志愿者)进行药物的系统性研究,以证实或揭示试验药物的作用、不良反应及/或试验药物的吸收、分布、代谢和排泄,目的是确定试验药物的疗效与安全性。临床试验一般分为I、II、III和IV期临床试验。 12.自发呈报系统 一种自愿而有组织的报告系统,医务工作人员在医疗实践中发现药品不良反应后填表报告监测机构、制药厂商或通过医药学文献杂志进行报道,监测机构将报表加工整理后反馈,以提高临床安全、合理用药水平。 13.GCP 药物临床试验质量管理规范(GCP),是规范药物临床试验全过程的标准规定,其目的在于保证临床试验过程的规范,结果科学可靠,保护受试者的权益并保障其安全。 14.肾上腺素的翻转效应 受体阻断药与肾上腺素合用时,能使肾上腺素的升压作用翻转为降压作用,这种现象称为“肾上腺素作用的翻转”。 15.隔日疗法:临床上对需长期用糖皮质激素治疗的患者,为使药物对肾上腺皮质功能的抑制减至最小程度,根据糖皮质激素分泌的昼夜节律性,将两日或一日的总药量在隔日的清晨一次给予,称为隔日疗法。 16.抗菌谱 系泛指一种或一类抗生素(或抗菌药物)所能抑制(或杀灭)微生物的类、属、种范围。 17.化疗药物 是对病原微生物、寄生虫、某些自身免疫性疾病、恶性肿瘤所致疾病的治疗药物。化疗药物可杀灭肿瘤细胞。这些药物能作用在肿瘤细胞生长繁殖的不同环节上,抑制或杀死肿瘤细胞。化疗药物治疗是目前治疗肿瘤的主要手段之一。 18.耐药性:是指病原菌与抗菌药多次接触后,病原菌对抗菌药的敏感性降低乃至消失的现象。 19. -内酰胺类抗生素 系指化学结构中具有β-内酰胺环的一大类抗生素,包括临床最常用的青霉素与头孢菌素,


宏观经济学题库及答案 1.宏观经济学的创始人是(A)。 A.斯密; B.李嘉图; C.凯恩斯; D.萨缪尔森。 2.宏观经济学的中心理论是(C)。 A.价格决定理论; B.工资决定理论; C.国民收入决定理论; D.汇率决定理论。 3.下列各项中除哪一项外,均被认为是宏观经济的“疾病”(D)。 A.高失业; B.滞胀; C.通货膨胀; D.价格稳定。 4.表示一国居民在一定时期内生产的所有最终产品和劳务的市场价值的总量指标是(A)。 A.国民生产总值; B.国内生产总值; C.名义国内生产总值; D.实际国内生产总值。 5.一国国内在一定时期内生产的所有最终产品和劳务的市场价值根据价格变化调整后的数 值被称为(B)。 A.国民生产总值; B.实际国内生产总值; C.名义国内生产总值; D.潜在国内生产总值。

6.实际GDP等于(B)。 A.价格水平/名义GDP; B.名义GDP/价格水平×100; C.名义GDP乘以价格水平; D.价格水平乘以潜在GDP。 7.下列各项中属于流量的是(A)。 A.国内生产总值; B.国民债务; C.现有住房数量; D.失业人数。 8.存量是(A)。 A.某个时点现存的经济量值; B.某个时点上的流动价值; C.流量的固体等价物; D.某个时期内发生的经济量值。 9. 下列各项中哪一个属于存量?(C)。 A. 国内生产总值; B. 投资; C. 失业人数; D. 人均收入。 10.古典宏观经济理论认为,利息率的灵活性使得(B)。 A.储蓄大于投资; B.储蓄等于投资; C.储蓄小于投资; D.上述情况均可能存在。

11.古典宏观经济理论认为,实现充分就业的原因是(C)。 A.政府管制; B.名义工资刚性; C.名义工资灵活性; D.货币供给适度。 12.根据古典宏观经济理论,价格水平降低导致下述哪一变量减少(C)。 A.产出; B.就业; C.名义工资; D.实际工资。 13.在凯恩斯看来,造成资本主义经济萧条的根源是(A)。 A.有效需求不足; B.资源短缺; C.技术落后; D.微观效率低下。 14.下列各项中不是流量指标的是(D) A.消费支出; B.PDI; C.GDP; D.个人财富。 15.在国民收入核算账户中,下列各项中除了哪一项外均计入投资需求(D)。 A.厂商购买新的厂房和设备的支出; B.居民购买新住房的支出; C.厂商产品存货的增加; D.居民购买股票的支出。


精品文档 1.In the United States real GDP is reported each quarter. a.These numbers are adjusted to make them measure at annual and seasonally adjusted rates. b.These numbers are adjusted to make them annual rates, but no adjustment for seasonal variations are made. c.These numbers are quarterly rates that have been seasonally adjuste d. d.These numbers are at quarterly rates and have not been seasonally adjusted. 2.The price of CD players increases dramatically, causing a 1 percent increase in the CPI. The price increase will most likely cause the GDP deflator to increase by a.more than 1 percent. b.less than 1 percent. c. 1 percent. d.It is impossible to make an informed guess without more information. 3.If increases in the prices of U.S. medical care cause the CPI to increase by 2 percent, the GDP deflator will likely increase by a.more than 2 percent. b. 2 percent. c.less than 2 percent. Assume that the closing price was also the average price at which each stock transaction took place. What was the total dollar volume of Gillette stock traded that day? a. $912,840,000 b. $91,284,000 c. $9,128,400 d. $912,840 7.Suppose that in a closed economy GDP is equal to 10,000, taxes are equal to 2,500 Consumption equals 6,500 and Government expenditures equal 2,000. What are private saving, public saving, and national saving? a. 1500, 1000, 500 b. 1000, 500, 1500 c. 500, 1500, 1000 d. None of the above are correct. economic growth. d. All of the above are correct. 6.Use the following table to answer the following 精品文档


医科大学继续教育学院校外点作业(本科) 1.试述肝药酶对药物转化的作用及其与药物相互作用的关系。 药物的生物转化要靠酶的促进,主要是肝微粒体混合功能酶系统。微粒体是质网碎片在超速离心时形成的小泡,含多种酶,加上匀浆可溶部分的辅酶II (NADPH)形 成一个氧化还原酶系统。该系统对药物的生物转化起主要作用,又称肝药酶。主要的 氧化酶是细胞色素P450。NADPH来自细胞呼吸链,提供电子经黄蛋白等传递给氧化型P450,使之还原再生,又称单加氧酶。 肝药酶的作用专一性很低,许多药物经此酶系统作用而生物转化。此酶系统活性 有限,达到极限后则数种药物间会发生竞争抑制现象。此酶系统个体差异很大,除先 天遗传性差异外,生理因素如年龄、营养状态、疾病等均影响肝药酶的活性。 2.激动药、拮抗药、部分激动药各有什么特点? 拮抗药,能与受体结合,具有较强的亲和力而无在活性(α=0)的药物。它们本身不产生作用,但因占据受体而拮抗激动药的效应,如纳洛酮和普蔡洛尔均属于拮抗药. 激动药或称兴奋药,指既有较强的亲和力,又有较强的在活性的药物,与受体结合能产生该受体的兴奋的效应。 3.试比较毛果芸香碱与阿托品的作用。 答:(1)、阿托品对眼的作用: ①散瞳:阻断虹膜括约肌M受体。 ②升高眼压:散瞳使前房角变窄,阻碍房水回流。 ③调节麻痹:通过阻断睫状肌H受体,使睫状肌松驰,悬韧带拉紧,晶状体变扁平,屈光度降低,以致视近物模糊,视远物清楚。 (2)、毛果芸香碱对眼的作用: ①缩瞳:激动虹膜括约肌M受体。 ②降低眼压:缩瞳使前房角间隙变宽,促进房水回流。 ③调节痉挛:通过激动睫状肌M受体,使睫状肌痉挛,悬韧带松驰,晶状体变凸,屈光度增加,以致视近物清楚,视远物模糊。


宏观经济学复习题及答案 一、名词解释: 1、GDP与GNP GDP国内生产总值是指在一定时期内,一个国家或地区的经济中所生产出的全部最终产品和劳务的价值。 GNP国民生产总值是指一个国家地区的国民经济在一定时期内以货币表现的全部最终产品(含货物和服务)价值的总和。 2、CPI与PPI CPI消费者物价指数是对一个固定的消费品篮子价格的衡量,主要反映消费者支付商品和劳务的价格变化情况。 PPI生产者物价指数是用来衡量制造商出厂价的平均变化的指数。 3、财政政策与货币政策 财政政策指国家根据一定时期政治、经济、社会发展的任务而规定的财政工作的指导原则,通过财政支出与税收政策来调节总需求。 货币政策指中央银行为实现其特定的经济目标而采用的各种控制和调节货币供应量或信用量的方针和措施的总称,包括信贷政策、利率政策和外汇政策。 4、经济增长与经济发展 经济增长通常是指在一个较长的时间跨度上,一个国家人均产出(或人均收入)水平的持续增加。 经济发展是一家摆脱贫困落后状态,走向经济和社会生活现代化的过程。

5、挤出效应指政府支出增加所引起的私人消费或投资降低的效果。 6、结构性失业与结构性通货膨胀 结构性失业尽管劳动市场有职位空缺,但人们因为没有所需的技能,结果继续失业,也就是由于劳动力的供给和需求不匹配而造成的失业。 结构性通货膨胀是指物价上涨是在总需求并不过多的情况下,而对某些部门的产品需求过多,造成部分产品的价格上涨的现象。 7、适应性预期与理性预期 适应性预期是指人们在对未来会发生的预期是基于过去,在估计或判断未来的经济走势时,利用过去预期与过去实际间的差距来矫正对未来的预期。理性预期是在有效地利用一切信息的前提下,对经济变量作出的在长期中平均说来最为准确的,而又与所使用的经济理论、模型相一致的预期。 二、简答: 1、简述国民收入核算的两者基本方法。 答:1、支出法核算国民收入 就是通过核算在一定时期内整个社会购买最终产品和劳务的总支出,即最终产品和劳务的总卖价来核算国民收入的方法。产品和劳务的最后使用,除了家庭部门的消费,还有企业部门的投资,政府部门的购买及外贸部门的净出口。因此,用支出法核算国民收入,就是核算经济社会(指一个国家或一个地区)在一定时期内消费、投资、政府购买以及净出口这几方面支出的总和。 2、法核算国民收入


单选 第一章 II 期临床试验设计符合的“四性原则”不包括:( D ) A.代表性B.重复性C.随机性D.双盲性 E. 合理性 药物临床试验中保障受试者权益的主要措施有:(D ) A.GCP+伦理委员会B.知情同意书+GCP C.SOP+QC+GCP D.知情同意书+伦理委员会 E.SOP+GCP. 治疗作用初步评价阶段为( B ) A.Ⅰ期临床试验B.Ⅱ期临床试验 C.Ⅲ期临床试验D.Ⅳ期临床试验E、以上都不是 针对健康志愿者进行的临床试验为( A ) A.Ⅰ期临床试验B.Ⅱ期临床试验 C.Ⅲ期临床试验D.Ⅳ期临床试验 E. 以上都不是 耐受性试验属于( A ) A. I 期临床试验B. II 期临床试验 C. III 期临床试验D. IV 期临床试验 E、以上都不是 下列哪种说法正确的是( C) A.Ⅰ临床试验为随机盲法对照临床试验 B.Ⅱ期临床试验研究人体耐受情况及最适给药剂量、间隔及途径 C.Ⅲ期临床试验是在较大范围内进行新药疗效和安全性评价 D.Ⅲ期临床试验的病例数不少于 200例 E. 以上都正确 第三章 下列哪项不是常用的血药浓度监测方法( E ) A 分光光度法 B 气相色谱法 C 高效液相色谱法 D 免疫学方法法 E 容量分析一般情况下,下列哪项可以间接作为受体部位活性药物的指标( B )

A 口服药物的剂量 B 血浆中活性药物的浓度 C 药物的消除速率常数 D 药物的吸收速度 E 药物的半衰期 血药浓度的影响因素不包括( E ) A 生理因素 B 病理因素 C 药物因素 D 环境因素 E 心理因素 第四章最低有效浓度与最低中毒浓度之间的血药浓度范围称为(A )A.有效血药浓度范围 B.治疗指数 C.稳态血药浓度 D.目标浓度 E. 安全范围右图中“A”表示的意义为( A ) A.起效时间 B.疗效持续时间 C.作用残留时间 D.最大效应时间右图中“B”表示的意义为( B ) A.起效 时间 B.疗效持续时间C.作用残留时间 D.最大效应时间 E. 达峰时间 右图中“C”表示的意义为( C ) A.起效时间B.疗 效持续时间 C.作用残留时间 D.最大效应时间 应用竞争性拮抗药后,受体激动药的量效曲线变化表现为:( A )A. Emax 不变,曲线右移 B .Emax 下降,曲线下移 C . Emax 不变,曲线左移 D . Emax 下降,曲线上移 E. Emax 不变,曲线不变部分激动剂的特点为( D ) A.与受体亲和力高而无内在活性 B.与受体亲和力高


Answers to Textbook Questions and Problems CHAPTER 7 Unemployment and the Labor Market Questions for Review 1. The rates of job separation and job finding determine the natural rate of unemployment. The rate of job separation is the fraction of people who lose their job each month. The higher the rate of job separation, the higher the natural rate of unemployment. The rate of job finding is the fraction of unemployed people who find a job each month. The higher the rate of job finding, the lower the natural rate of unemployment. 2. Frictional unemployment is the unemployment caused by the time it takes to match workers and jobs. Finding an appropriate job takes time because the flow of information about job candidates and job vacancies is not instantaneous. Because different jobs require different skills and pay different wages, unemployed workers may not accept the first job offer they receive. In contrast, structural unemployment is the unemployment resulting from wage rigidity and job rationing. These workers are unemployed not because they are actively searching for a job that best suits their skills (as in the case of frictional unemployment), but because at the prevailing real wage the quantity of labor supplied exceeds the quantity of labor demanded. If the wage does not adjust to clear the labor market, then these workers must wait for jobs to become available. Structural unemployment thus arises because firms fail to reduce wages despite an excess supply of labor. 3. The real wage may remain above the level that equilibrates labor supply and labor demand because of minimum wage laws, the monopoly power of unions, and efficiency wages. Minimum-wage laws cause wage rigidity when they prevent wages from falling to equilibrium levels. Although most workers are paid a wage above the minimum level, for some workers, especially the unskilled and inexperienced, the minimum wage raises their wage above the equilibrium level. It therefore reduces the quantity of their labor that firms demand, and creates an excess supply of workers, which increases unemployment. The monopoly power of unions causes wage rigidity because the wages of unionized workers are determined not by the equilibrium of supply and demand but by collective bargaining between union leaders and firm management. The wage agreement often raises the wage above the equilibrium level and allows the firm to decide how many workers to employ. These high wages cause firms to hire fewer workers than at the market-clearing wage, so structural unemployment increases. Efficiency-wage theories suggest that high wages make workers more productive. The influence of wages on worker efficiency may explain why firms do not cut wages despite an excess supply of labor. Even though a wage reduction decreases the firm’s wage bill, it may also lower worker productivity and therefore the firm’s profits. 4. Depending on how one looks at the data, most unemployment can appear to be either short term or long term. Most spells of unemployment are short; that is, most of those who became unemployed find jobs quickly. On the other hand, most weeks of unemployment are attributable to the small number of long-term unemployed. By definition, the long-term unemployed do not find jobs quickly, so they appear on unemployment rolls for many weeks or months. 5. Europeans work fewer hours than Americans. One explanation is that the higher income tax rates in Europe reduce the incentive to work. A second explanation is a larger underground economy in Europe as a result of more people attempting to evade the high tax rates. A third explanation is the greater importance of unions in Europe and their ability to bargain for reduced work hours. A final explanation is based on preferences, whereby Europeans value leisure more than Americans do, and therefore elect to work fewer hours.
