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Guest: Hello, I’d like to check in please.

Guest: 你好,我想入住贵酒店。

Hotel staff: Certainly. Can I have the name please?

Hotel staff: 当然可以,能把姓名给我吗?

Guest: Mr Harold Smith.

Guest: Harold Smith先生。

Hotel staff: Ok, Are you checking out tomorrow?

Hotel staff: 好的,您是明天退房吗?

Guest: Yes, I am. That’s right.

Guest: 是的没错,是明天退房。

Hotel staff: Will you need a wake up call, sir?

Hotel staff: 先生您需要唤醒服务吗?

Guest: Yes please. At 6.30am.

Guest: 是的,请在早上6.30唤醒我。

Hotel staff: Ok then, your room is 502 on the fifth floor. Breakfast is served between 6.30am and 9am. Enjoy your stay.

Hotel staff: 好的。您的房间号码是五层的502房间。早餐是早晨 6.30到9点。祝您入住愉快。

Guest: Thank you.

Guest: 谢谢你。


Can I take a credit card for the deposit? 我能用您的信用卡划账押金吗?

Breakfast is served between 8am and 9am. 早餐是早晨8点到9点。


简单英语口语自我介绍 自我介绍是向别人展示你自我介绍好不好,甚至直接关系到你给别人的第一印象的好坏及以后交往的顺利与否。那么英语口语的自我介绍怎么说呢?以下是小编准备的简单英语口语自我介绍,希望对你有所帮助! 简单英语口语自我介绍一 I am xx. I was born in xx. I graduate from senior high school and major in English. I started learning English since I was 12 years old. My parents have a lot of American friends. Thats why I have no problem communicating with Americans or others by speaking English. In my spare time, I like to do anything relating to English such as listening to English songs, watching English movies or TV programs, or even attending the activities held by some English clubs or institutes. I used to go abroad for a short- term English study. During that time, I learned a lot of daily life English and saw a lot of different things. I think language is very interesting. I could express one substance by using different sounds. So I wish I could study and read more English literatures and enlarge my knowledge. 简单英语口语自我介绍二 I am very happy to introduce myself here.I was born in Liaoning Province.I


I Explanation(10) 1,Table service餐桌服务.客人坐在餐桌旁,有服务员为其提供服务的一种服务形式. 2,Cuisine:菜系.取自于法语,在英语中用来指某一特定的烹饪体系.如中国菜为Chinese Cuisine. ⅡWords 15分 餐饮部经理:Food and Beverage Manager,酒精炉Chafing Dish 特色烹调Regional Cooking中国白酒Spirit葡萄汽酒Sparkling Wine ⅢTranslate the fowling sentences into Chinese or English. (一)汉译英25分 1,您愿意坐在哪儿 Where would you like to sit 2,我想要柠檬茶. 1 would like tea with a slice of lemon,please. 3,我们各付各的 Let's go Dutch. 4,请问您对用餐还满意吗 Is everything all right with your meal 5,对不起,女士,您能告诉我您的房号并出示您的房卡吗 Excuse me.madam.May l have your room card (二)英译汉10分 1,Thank you very much.Have a nice evening. 非常感谢,祝您有个愉快的夜晚. 2,I'm sorry,sir,We do not have a table free now.Would you like to have a drink in the bar We shall call you as soon as possible 对不起,先生.我们现在没有空餐桌,请您在酒吧稍等一下,好吗一有空 桌子我们就马上通知您. ⅣAnswer the following question in English.(20分) 中国的八大菜系是什么 Shandong Cuisine;Sichuan Cuisine;Guangdong Cuisine;Fujian Cuisine;Jiangsu Cuisine;Zhejiang Cuisine;Hunan cuisine;Anhui Cuisine 2,中餐的烹调方法有哪些 烘焙bake 煮boil 闷炖braise 炸deep fry 煎fry 炒fry 烟熏smoke 清蒸steam 烩stew 烘烤roast V please introduce your Chinese restaurant to your guest.(10分) 餐厅服务英语口语竞赛试题(B) I Explanation(10) Banquet--宴会.宴会为多人准备的正式用餐形式.通常伴有致词和一定的 仪式. Self-service自助服务.有客人们自己从食品台上取事物的一种餐厅服务. ⅡTranslate the follwing Words into English(15分) 中餐厅Chinese Restaurant 筷子Chopsticks 芹菜Celery 鲈鱼Perch 免税商店Duty Free Shop ⅢTranslate he following sentences into Chinese or English. i汉译英(25分)


英语口语面试自我介绍的基础知识 【自我介绍的基本知识】: “如何作自我介招?”这个问题看上去似乎很简单,人人都会。其实并不然,有很多人说的并不是很理想的。主要的现象有几下几点: 1、不知从何说起。有很多同学当听到老师问:“can you make a self-introduction?”时,首先迟疑几秒,然后怔怔的看着:“老师说什么呀?”这一类算是“无准备型”。自我介绍是你与人打交道,参加各类口语考试,职场面试不可或缺的一部分,同时也是非常重要的一部分。在面试时,我们经常会被要求自我介绍,所谓自我介绍,就是把自已介绍给出别人,以使别人认识自已,所以恰到好处的自我介绍,可以大大提高面试的好感。 2、缺乏逻辑性。还有一些同学在作自我介绍时,要么只说两句话名字,年龄;要么夸夸其谈但缺乏逻辑性。别看简简单单的一个自我介绍有时也能反映出一个人的逻辑思维和做事态度。 3、缺乏幽默感。幽默的开场除了可以营造出活泼和睦的气氛外,还能给对方留下深刻的第一印象,即使对象是以建立了朋友关系或同事关系的外国人,在酒会或聚餐等各式场合,同样可以用诙谐的方式来表现自我,使你和他们之间的关系达到更圆满的程度。 面试自我介绍应大体包括本人的姓名、工作、籍贯、学历、兴趣以及与交往对象的某些熟人的关系等。如:“我的名字叫王光,是里润公司副总裁。10年前,我和您先生是大学同学。”其中本人姓名、供职的单位及部门、担负的职务或从事的具体工作等三项,又叫工作式自我介绍内容的三要素,通常缺一不可。 ①姓名。应当一口报出,不可有姓无名,或有名无姓。 ②单位。单位及部门,如可能最好全部报出,具体工作部门有时可以暂不报出。 ③职务。担负的职务或从事的具体工作,有职务最好报出职务,职务较低或者无职务,则可报出目前所从事的具体工作。 举个例子,可以说:“我叫唐果,是大秦广告公司的公关部经理。” 【应聘者具体应注意以下几点】: 1、接到面试通知后,最好在家打个自我介绍的草稿,然后试着讲述几次,感觉一下。 2、自我介绍时首先应礼貌地做一个极简短的开场白,并向所有的面试人员(如果有多个面试考官的话)示意,如果面试考官正在注意别的东西,可以稍微等一下,等他注意转过来后才开始。 3、注意掌握时间,如果面试考官规定了时间,一定要注意时间的掌握,既不能超时太长,也不能过于简短。 4、介绍的内容不宜太多的停留在诸如姓名、工作经历、时间等东西上,因为这些在你的简历表上已经有了,你应该更多的谈一些跟你所应聘职位有关的工作经历和所取得的成绩,以证明你确实有能力胜任你所应聘的工作职位。 5、在作自我简介时,眼睛千万不要东张西望,四处游离,显得漫不经心的样子,这会给人做事随便、注意力不集中的感觉。眼睛最好要多注视面试考官,但也不能长久注视目不转睛。再就是尽量少加一些手的辅助动作,因为这毕竟不是在作讲演,保持一种得体的姿态也是很重要的。 6、在自我介绍完后不要忘了道声谢谢,有时往往会因此影响考官对你的印象。 初学英语的各位人士,可以学着用一下;对于自认为用英语作自我介绍已经易如反掌的英语高手,不妨在平时也试试使自我介绍增添一些新意:) 1、以星座为话题做自我介绍 2、以性格、职业为话题做自我介绍 i?m a great salesman. i could sell a knockoff windows 2000 to bill gates. 我


面试英语口语自我介绍1 good morning/afternoon,my name isyanghaiyan ,you can call me yanzi.i like the feeling flying in the sky like aswallow.it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview, iwould like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a goodperformance today. now i will introduce myself briefly.i am 20 years old,born inshandong province.i grow up in a sweet family,composed of my dad,mom,brotherand myself.i am an optimistic and confident girl.i have full confidence in abright future,and i believe i can do well in caac.punctuality and diligence arecrucial to most future careers,i will try my best. altough i just graduatedfrom school, i have confidence to venture my funture.scoaring in the sky as anairhostess has been a dream for me since childhood.this is why i'm longing fora job on a plane, and this is why i'm standing here for this interview.i hopemy application will be granted ,so that i will delive my best serviesthroughout the world as a airhostess member of caac and my dream can cometure.that's all.nice talking to you .thanks. 面试英语口语自我介绍2 Morning,everyone! My name is Qinhaiyan,it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for an crew,and i hope i can make a good performance today. now i will introduce myself briefly,i am 24 years old,born in Guang-i province ,and i am curruently a senior student at Tianjin Agricultural College .my major is Marine Fishery Science and Technology,and i have received my bachelor degree .I have passed CET-4 with a ease. i am optimistic and confident. sometimes i prefer to stay alone,reading,listening to music,but i am not lonely,i like to chat with my friends,almost talk everything ,my favorite pastime is valleyball,playing cards or surf online. through college life,i learn how to balance between study and entertainment. 面试英语口语自我介绍3 Good morning ! It is really my honor to have this opportunity for a interview, I hope i can make a good performance today. I'm confident that I can succeed.

西餐厅服务员常用英语口语 - 制度大全

西餐厅服务员常用英语口语-制度大全 西餐厅服务员常用英语口语之相关制度和职责,colddish凉菜vegetabledish素菜meatdish荤菜mainfood主食hotpot火锅spicyhotpot麻辣火锅coldnoodles冷面boileddumpling水饺steamedbun包子smallsteamedbun小... cold dish 凉菜vegetable dish 素菜meat dish 荤菜main food 主食hot pot 火锅 spicy hot pot麻辣火锅cold noodles 冷面boiled dumpling 水饺steamed bun 包子small steamed bun 小笼包 instant-boiled mutton 涮羊肉meat braised in soy sauce 红烧肉tofu / bean curd豆腐fried bread stick 油条 fried dumpling 锅贴steamed bread 馒头noodles served with fried bean sauce 炸酱面sliced noodles 刀削面 porridge 粥soup 汤meat ball soup 丸子汤seaweed soup 紫菜汤lean meat 瘦肉fatty meat 肥肉 麦当劳食物介绍: 1 套餐:combo 通常看着图片就知道几号是什么套餐,点套餐时只要说combo number one 或number one 就好了。有时店员会问, Do you want to go large ? 如果你需要,他会给你大的薯条和可乐。 2 汉堡:hamburger 美国人说汉堡通常说burger 或cheese burger.和国内不同的是,在美国单点汉堡时店员会问你goes with cheese ? 所以也可以在点的时候就说without cheese ,他就不会再问你。 3 薯条:fries 4 饮料:drinks ①可乐:coke ② 减肥可乐: diet coke ( diet ) ③雪碧: sprite ④橘子汽水:Hi-C ( or orange soda )⑤冰茶:iced tea 顾客: 1 A BigMac , 2 orders of fries and a milkshake . . 一个牛肉汉堡,2份薯条和一份奶昔。 2 I’d like a BigMac Combo and a six-piece chicken nuggets . 我要一份麦香鸡套餐和一份6块的鸡块。 3 I’ll have a large / small Coke with no ice and a pineapple pie . 我要一杯不加冰的大/小可乐和一个菠萝派。 4 I’d like a small Coke , a hamburger , an order of fries as well as an apple pie . 我要一杯小可乐,一个汉堡,一份薯条和一个苹果派。 5 I’d like a cup of coffee, a share of fried chicken legs, a hamburger and a strawberry sundae. 我要一杯咖啡, 一份炸鸡腿,一个汉堡和一个草莓圣代。 6 Where are the napkins ? 餐巾在哪儿 7 Where are the straws ? / Do you have straws ? 吸管在哪儿/ 有吸管吗 8 Can I have some napkins ? 可以给我一些餐巾纸吗 9 Could I have extra ketchup ? 我可以多要些番茄酱吗 10 Where are the restrooms ? 洗手间在哪里


一分钟简单的英语口语自我介绍【4篇】 【导语】英语口语是被外国人民普遍应用的口头交流语言形式。英语口语灵活多变,多因场合与发言者不同而被自由使用。以下文章由小编整理,欢迎阅读!更多相关讯息请关注小编! 【篇1】一分钟简单的英语口语自我介绍 My name is Liu yang. I`m a thirteen-year-old boy. I`m a student of Class Four, Grade Seven in the No.3 middle school from Luo yang . My study is well. I`m tall and strong. I`m a diligent boy. I study hard at all my lessons. My dream is to be a knowledgeable man. I know it`s very hard. The way is very long. But I will try my best to do it well. And I belive myself. I have many hobies. They are reading, running, swimming, playing, basketball, climbing and playing table tennis. Everyday I all need some time to reading. On Saturdays I play basketball or play table tennis with my friends. In my free time, sometimes I help my mother with housework or do what I want to do. I have a colorful life! 【篇2】一分钟简单的英语口语自我介绍 My name is Wang Ming.My birthday is June 5th. I am Chinese. I am a student.I study very hard.My favorite subject is English. I like it because it is interesting. I can play the piano and the trumpet, but not very well. I love swimming and I am good at it.Of all kinds of movies, I like comedies best. I think they're interesting. I’m one of the best students in my class. My teachers all say I am a good student.They all like me and I like them, too. 【篇3】一分钟简单的英语口语自我介绍 My name is laura,i come from shao yang,hu nan province.i graduated from high school in zhao qing,guangdong province,i have live there six years,i am seventeen years old.i like reading and sports.my favourite sport is playing basketball.i am an active one and my personality should be described as a word you know from my hometown,hu nan province,that is hot or spicy. 【篇4】一分钟简单的英语口语自我介绍 Good morning,my dear teachers,my dear professors.i am very glad to be here for your interview.my name is sunhao,i am 18 years old .i come from wuhan ,a very beautiful aicent city.


【篇一】餐厅点餐常用英语口语对话 Waiter:Would you like to order now, ma’am? May:Yes, please. I’d like the steak and mushrooms。 Waiter:How would you like your steak, rare, medium, or well-done? May:I’d like it well-done, please。 Waiter:What kind of potatoes would you like to go with that? Mashed, boiled or baked? May:I think I’ll have baked potatoes. And I’ll have an iced tea with a lemon on the side please。 Waiter:Good. And would you care for soup or salad to start with? May:I’d like a cream and o nion soup, please。 Waiter:Will you be having dessert today, ma’am? May:I want to skip dessert. That’s all. Thank you。 Waiter:OK. I’ll be with you in a moment。 【篇二】餐厅点餐常用英语口语对话 Brad:Are you satisfied with the dishes? Jane:Great! The lamb stew tastes incredible! Brad:I like it too. I like the fish, especially. It’s so fresh and the flavor is kind of light for a freshwater fish。 Jane:Yes. The food here deserves its reputation. Chinese food is one of my favorites。 Brad:If you’d like, I’ll take you to a new restaurant next time. I just heard about it from a friend and he was just raving about it. It serves great Sichuan cuisine. Would you like to try that? Jane:Sure, I’d love to. I heard Sichuan cuisine is very hot. I think I’ll definitely love it。


餐厅常用英语口语练习【四篇】 【篇一】餐厅常用英语口语练习 1、欢迎光临我们的餐厅 Welcometo our restaurant. 2、见到您很高兴,先生/女士,我叫……请问有什么能够帮您的? Niceto meet you , sir/madam ,My name is…,May I help you? 3、先生/女士,再见。感谢您的光临,欢迎下次光临。 Good-byesir/madam, Thank you for coming, Please come again. 4、祝您过个愉快的夜晚。 Havea good evening. 5、先生/女士,请问我能为您做点什么? Whatcan I do for you? sir/madam 6、对不起,让您久等了,谢谢您的等候,先生/女士。 Sorryto have kept you waiting so long, Thank you for waiting, sir/madam. 7、不用谢,这是我应该做的。 Thatis all right. It is my duty. 8、听您这样说真的很抱歉,我将会调查这件事情的。 Iam really sorry to hear that, I will look into it. 9、先生/女士,对不起,请您重复一遍好吗?

Sorrysir/madam, please beg your pardon? 10、先生/女士,我们好久没见面了,您最近好吗? Wehave not seen you for along time. How are you getting along? 11、先生/女士,请您用餐(自助),您还有别的事情要我帮忙吗? Helpyourself to dinner, please. Is there anything else that I can do for you? 12、谢谢您的提醒,我们将立即采取措施使您满意。 Thankyou your reminding. We will try our best to take some measures so that you canbe isfied. 13、先生/女士,照顾不周,请指正,这是我们的过错,请多多原谅。 Ifme have any shortcoming, please point it out, I am sorry, it is our fault. 14、先生/女士,您的桌子已经准备好了,谢谢您久等了。 Yourtable is ready now, sir/madam, Thank you for waiting. 15、请先看看菜单,您想尝尝本月的特色菜吗? Pleaselook at the menu first. Would you like to try the special cuisine of thismonth? 16、先生/女士,您现在点菜吗? Areyou ready to order now , sir/madam. 17、用餐前您是否想用点饮料? Wouldyou like something to drink before your meal?


英语口语自我介绍范文(8篇) 英语口语自我介绍(一) I like to read English story books in my free time. Sometimes I surf the Internet and download the E- books to read. Reading E- books is fun. In addition, it also enlarges my vocabulary words because of the advanced technology and the vivid animations. I hope to study both English and computer technology because I am interested in both of the subjects. Maybe one day I could combine both of them and apply to my research in the future. 英文口语面试自我介绍 good morning,my dear teachers,my dear professors.i am very glad to be here for your interview.my name is song yonghao,i am 22 years old .i come from luoyang,a very beautiful aicent city.my undergratuade period will be accomplished in chang'an university in july ,2004;and now,i am trying my best for obtaining a key to tongji university. generally speaking ,i am a hard working student especially do the thing i am interested in. i will try my best to finish it no matter how difficult it is. when i was sophomore, i found web design very interesting, so i learned it very hard . to weaver a homepage for myself, i stayed with my pesonel computer for half a month.,and i am the first one in my class who own his homepage. forthermore,i am a person with great perserverence. during the days preparing for the first examination,i insist on running every day, no matter what the weather was like.and just owning to this,i could concentrate on my study and succeeded in the end. well ,in my spare time ,i like basketball, tennis and chinese chess. also english is my favorate.i often go to english corner to practise my oral


餐饮行业服务业英语口 语大全—餐厅常用语 This model paper was revised by LINDA on December 15, 2012.

1、What kind of food do you like 你喜欢哪一种菜 2、Do you like chinese food 你喜欢中国菜吗 3、What kind of food do you like,Chinese or American你喜欢吃什么菜,中式的还是美式的 4、Would you tell me the where the Chinese restaurant is 请你告诉我中国餐馆在哪里 5、Do you know where I can get a quick snack 你知道哪里有快餐可吃 6、What would you have dinner你要吃什么 7、What would you like order你要点些什么菜

8、Have you order yet你点过菜了吗 9、No ,not yet. I am waiting for a friend.I will order later.还没有,我在等一位朋友,稍后再点。 10、What would you recommend请你推荐一些好菜好吗 11、What's your today's special今天的特色菜是什么 12、I would like have something simple.我想吃些简单的东西。 13、What will you have for dessert你喜欢吃点什么点心 14、We are in a hurry.我们要赶时间。 15、Please rush your order.我们点的菜请快送来。 16、The beefsteak is very good today.今天的牛排很不错。 17、I will take the beefsteak.我就要份牛排。


英语口语集锦-介绍(introduction) making introductions 给人作介绍 1. jane, tom. tom, jane. 2. jane, this is tom, tom, this is jane. 3. jane, i’d like you to meet my friend tom. 4. jane, have you met tom? 5. jane, do you know tom? 6. look, tom’s he re. tome, come and meet jane. 7. jane, this is tom. he’s a friend from college. 8. jane, tom is the guy i was telling you about. 9. do you know each other? 10. have you two met ? 11. have you two been introduced? 12. allow me to introduce professor linda ferguson of harvard university. 13. let me introduce our guest of honor, mr.david morris. 14. if you want to be introduced to the author, i think i can arrange it.

making a self-introduction 作自我介绍 1. may i introduce myself 2. hello, i’m hanson smith. 3. excuse me, i don’t think we’ve met. my name’s hanson smith. 4. how do you do? i’m hanson smith. 5. i’m david anderson. i don’t believe i’ve had the pleasure. 6. first let me introduce myself. i’m peter white, production manager. 7. my name is david. i work in the marketing department. after being introduced. 被介绍与对方认识后. 1. i’m glad to meet you. 很高兴认识你. 2. nice meeting you. 很高兴认识你. (平时用得最多的是nice to meet you ) 3. how nice to meet you. 认识你真高兴. 4. i’ve heard so much about you. 我知道很多关于你的事儿. 5. helen has told me all about you. 海伦对我将了好多你的事儿. 6. i’ve been wanting to meet you for some time.


At Breakfast 吃早餐 Coffee shops are popular and reasonably priced restaurants for breakfast, lunch, dinner or just a snack. 咖啡馆是大众化的,价格公道的餐馆。在这里可以吃早餐,午餐和晚餐,也可以只吃点点心。 1. A: You're having coffee, aren't you? B: Yes, I always have coffee in the morning. A: What are you going to have to eat? B: I'm going to order scrambled eggs and toast. (炒蛋和土司)What about you? A: That sounds good to me. I'll have the same. 2. A: You'd like coffee, wouldn't you? B: I think I'd rather have tea this morning. A: What else are you going to have? B: Just an English muffin.(英式松饼)What are you going to have? A: That sounds good. I'm going to order the same thing. 3. A: You're going to have coffee, aren't you? B: Yes. I could use a cup of coffee. A: Are you going to have anything to eat? B: French toast sounds good. What are you going to order? A: I'll have that too. 4. A: A cup of coffee sounds good, doesn't it? B: Yes, but I think I'll have orange juice first. A: Do you feel like having anything to eat? B: Well, I think I'll try the pancakes.(煎薄饼)How about you? A: Sounds great. That's just what I feel like having. At Lunch 吃午餐 Lunch is usually served between noon and 2:00. Sandwiches are a very popular quick lunch in both the United States and Canada. 午餐通常从中午供应到下午两点。在美国和加拿大,三明治是极大众化的午间快餐食品。 1. A: Please have another sandwich. B: Thank you, but I really can't eat any more. A: You're going to have dessert, aren't you? B: Well, I'll join you if you're having something. 2. A: You'll finish the chicken, won't you? B: No, thank you. I'm trying to cut down.(削减) A: Aren't you going to have dessert? B: No, thank you. I just can't eat any more. 3.


饭店服务员常用英语口语 1、 What kind of rooms(foods)would you lik e to have? 您需要什么样的房间(吃什么样的菜)?2、 Here is a brochure of our hotel and tariff. 这是介绍我们饭店的小册子和价目表。 3、 We'll give you a10%(ten percent)discou nt. 我们给您九折优惠。 4、 We'll offer tour guides complimentary br eakfasts. 我们给陪同提供免费早餐。 5、We accept your terms. 我们接受您的条件。 6、May I introduce myself? 让我介绍我自己。 7、May I present you a litter souvenir?请接受我们的一点小纪念品。 8、Let's drink to our friendship! 为我们的友谊干杯! 9、 Let me propose a toast to the health of o ur guests! 建议为在座客人的健康干杯! 10、Cheers!(Bottoms!) 干杯! 11、How do you like Chinese food?

您喜欢中国菜吗? 12、What do you think of our service?您对我们的服务有什么意见? 13、 Thank you for your comments(complime nt,suggestions). 谢谢您给我们提的意见(赞扬、建议)14、 I'm afraid it's against the hotel's regulatio ns. 这是违反饭店规章制度的。 15、In our hotel we don't accept tips.我们饭店是不收小费的。 16、 It's our pleasure to serve our guests well.我们为能为客人服务好而感到高兴。 17、Thank you all the same. 然而,还是要谢谢您。 16、 I'm afraid you'll have to pay for the dama ge. 您必须赔偿。 17、Thank you for telling us about it. 谢谢您告诉我们 18、I'll look into the mater right away.我马上去处理这件事情。 19、I assure you it wont happen again.我保证此类事情不会再发生。 20、Please don't worry,sir(madam) 先生(夫人),请不必担心。 21、 I will send someone up to your room righ t away. 我马上派人到你的房间去。
