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Chapter 1

Lesson 1 Daily English


1、Please say something about yourself(介绍下自己的情况)

1)Your name ,age, rank, working experiences, hobbies (姓名,年龄,职务,工作经验,兴趣爱好)

2)Your daily work (你的日常工作)

3)Your spare time activities (你的业余时间活动)

1)My name is xxx, I am 21 years old, I am from Shandong( province).I am a student( now),I like reading books, playing football (我的名字是xxx,我现在21岁,我来自山东省,现在我是一名学生,喜欢读书,踢足球)

2)Every day, I get up at 6 o’clock, read English (loudly for ten minutes )and have breakfast. then begin my study of a day (每天我6点钟起床并大声读英语10分钟,然后吃早餐。随后就开始了一天的学习) 3)In my spare time, I like reading, watching TV ,playing football and so on(在课余时间,我喜欢读书,看电视,踢足球等等)

2、Please say something about your family (说一下关于你家庭的情况)

a、Members of your family (你的家庭成员)

b、Their occupations (他们的职业)

c、Their hobbies and characteristics (他们的爱好和特点)

1)I have a very happy family. There are three members in my family, my parents/my mother, my father and I. We live in a small city (我有一个非常幸福的家庭,我们家有三个成员,我的父母/我的母亲,我的父亲和我,我们生活在一个小城市里)

2)My father is a worker(in a factory), my mother is a teacher (in a middle school )(我父亲是一家工厂的工人,我母亲是一所中学的老师)3)My father likes watching TV, my mother likes shopping. My father is very strict ,but my mother is very kind(and friendly)(我父亲喜欢看电视,我母亲喜欢购物。我父亲是非常严格的,但是我母亲非常善良和友好)

3、Please say something about your hometown (说一下你家乡的情况)

a、The geographical position ,population, and features of your hometown(地理位置,人口,家乡特点)

b、The environment and customs of your hometown(你家乡的环境和风俗)

c、The specialties of your hometown (家乡的特产)

1)My hometown is a small beautiful city. It is in the Shandong (province). There are about 1million people in the city (我的家乡是一个美丽的小城市,在山东省,大概有一百万人)

2)There are(many new buildings), a lot of trees and flowers on both

sides of the streets, the streets and roads very flat ,wide and straight. Most people here are good at making and flying kites (有许多新的建筑,道路两边有大量的树木和花卉,有非常平坦的街道和道路,宽且直;这里大多数人在制作和放飞风筝)

3)The specialty of my hometown is kites

4、Please say something about your responsibilities on board (说一下你在船上的职责)

a、Your position on board (你在船上的位置)

b、Your daily work on board (你在船上的日常工作)

c、Your duties on board (你在船上的职责)

1)I am an A.B. on board. I work on the deck department.(我是船上的一名水手,在甲板部工作)

2)Every morning , I go to bridge and take over the watch, and I am on the bridge to steer wheel and keep deck clean every day.

3) My duty on board is to steer wheel. When in a port, the bosun assigns work to us. We will do the maintenance work, such as: rust removing, painting, cleaning the deck, and so on.


1、what is your date of birth? May the first 1983


2、What’s your Seaman book number? A/L223344


3、where are you from? Shandong China


4、what’s your captain’s nationality? China


5、what do you think is the most important thing on board? Safety


6、which ports do you often call? Qingdao port


7、what is your martial status? I have been married for 3 years/ I am single /I’m not married

你的婚姻状况是什么?我已经结婚3年了/我单身/我还没有结婚8、How long will it take to get Entry Visa to Australia? In three weeks


9、How do you wish to fly? Economy or first class?

Economy/first class, please


10、Do I have more than the duty-free allowance? Yes,you have.


Lesson 2 Vocabulary commonly used on board


1、Say something about ship’s manning (说一下船上配员情况)

a、The personnel for the Deck Department (甲板部人员)

b、The personnel for the Engine Department (轮机部人员)

c、The personnel for the Service Department (事务部人员)

a)The personnel for the Deck Department include: chief officer, second officer, third officer, assistant officer, bosun, carpenter, able seaman(AB),ordinary seaman(OS) and deck cadet (甲板部人员包括:大副,二副,三副,驾驶员助理,水手长,木匠,一水,二水和甲板实习生)

b)The personnel for the Engine Department include:Chief engineer, second engineer, third engineer, fourth engineer, assistant engineer, electrician ,motorman, greasers and engine cadet


c) The personnel for the Service Department include:Purser, steward

and cooks


2、Say something about maritime agencies and the staff related to the ship


a、list some maritime agencies

b、list some staff of maritime agencies

a)maritime agencies include: IMO ,MSA, VTS, Ship Classification

Society and so on



b)staff of maritime agencies include: Customs officer ,immigration

officer, quarantine officer, ship surveyor, harbor superintendent

and so on



2、Say something about ship’s structural parts (说一下关于船舶结构


(a) the main part of a ship(船舶的主体)

(b)ship’s superstructure (船舶的上层建筑)

a)The main body of a ship is the hull. It’s the area between the main deck, the sides and the bottom(船舶的主体是船体,这部分区域在主甲板,两舷和船底之间)The hull contains the engine room, cargo space and tanks(船体包括机舱,货舱和液舱)

b) The superstructure is above the main deck. It includes forecastle, bridge and poop(上层建筑包括艏楼,驾驶台和艉楼)


1、Who is in command of the ship? the captain


2、Generally speaking, how many officers are there in the deck department? three


3、What department does bosun belong to? Deck Department


4、Can you list some ship’s stores?

Yes, I can. Such as hose, paint, dunnage, wire ropes, nail and so on


5、Can you list some ship’s tools?

yes, I can. Such as spanner, saw, axe, hammer, drill and so on


6、What does “lifebuoy with light and smoke” mean?

A lifebuoy equipped with self-igniting light and smoke signal 是一种配备有自亮灯和烟雾信号的救生圈

7、What does “cargo wire” mean?

It’s the wire used for connecting t block and winch


8、What does “port side” mean?

When standing in a ship and facing the bow, the left hand side is called

port side 在船上如果面向船头,左边称为左舷

9、What is “board sling” used for ?

It’s used for handling the bagged cargo and drummed cargo


10、Can you list some ship’s bridge equipment?

Yes, I can. Such as radar, VHF, GPS, GMDSS,AIS and so on 你能列举一些驾驶台设备吗?当然,例如雷达,甚高频电话,全球卫星定位系统,自动识别系统等等

Chapter 2

Lesson 1 Helm orders


What procedures should be taken when receive helm orders as a helmsman?


a)Three procedures a helmsman should be taken orderly when receive the helm order

b)The manners in which a helmsman should take to answer the helm orders

c)Measures to be taken when the vessel does not answer the wheel




1)First, you should repeat the orders, then carry out them correctly and immediately, and last, you should report the orders.(作为舵工,首先应复述命令,然后迅速并正确操作,最后,你应该报告)

2)The helmsman should answer the orders loudly and clearly(回复命令时要清晰,大声)

3)when the vessel does not answer the wheel, the helmsman should be questioned :what is your course ? the helmsman should report the course at once(当舵无反应时,值班驾驶员应向舵工询问:航向多少/舵工要立刻报告航向)


1、How many orders are included in Standard Ship Orders? Can you list some?

Yes, I can. Four, such as helm order, anchor order, engine order and so on


2、If you are ordered “port five”, how do you reply and report?

port five wheel is port five (当你被下达左舵5时,你应如何复述和报告)

3、If you are ordered “steady”, how do you reply and report?

steady course 125

4、How does the wheel answer? yes, very good/very slow/no answer


5、what is the course? Course 125

Lesson 2 Mooring and unmooring orders


Please describe the line handling operations before berthing


a)The cautions to be taken when approaching the quay(靠近码头时的注意事项)

b)The usual ways to handle mooring lines when berthing(系泊时缆绳操纵的一般方法)

c)The method to prevent mooring lines from being fouled(防止缆绳绞缠的方法)

a) When approaching the quay, the deckhands should prepare the heaving lines, the winches and the mooring lines. Keep sharp look out of the movement of the ship, and prevent the lines from fouling.

b) Firstly the spring lines are sent ashore, and keep it in strain. Then send the other lines ashore. When the ship is in position, make fast all the lines.

c) To prevent the lines from fouling, you should operate the winch step by step and keep the lines in good order.


1、what does “single up forward to breast line and spring” mean? It means

let go all lines forward except the breast line and spring


2、If you want change the position of the headline forward for 3 meters, what do you say? Shift headline ahead 3 meters


3、If you want to heave tight the breast line, what do you say?

Take in/Pick up the slack on the breast line.


4、which order is an equivalent to| “send out the headline” ?

Pay out the head line.


5、which order is an equivalent to “let go stern line” ? cast off stern line 与“解掉尾缆”相同意思的命令是哪个?

Lesson 3 Anchor orders


1、What measures should be taken if anchor dragging?


a)The definition of anchor dragging(走锚的定义)

b)How to prevent anchor dragging(怎样防止走锚)

c)Measures to be taken when anchor dragging(走锚时所采取的措施)

1)Anchor dragging refers to movement of an anchor over the sea bottom without the ship’s control(走锚是指不受船舶控制下锚沿着海底的运动) 2)In order to prevent anchor dragging, chief officer should arrange OOW(officer on watch) and AB to keep anchor watch. The watchman should check the anchor position regularly

为防止走锚,大副应安排值班驾驶员和一水值锚班,并定期检查锚位3)I case of dragging, Let go another anchor at once, inform the engine room to stand by engine, report to the captain. If the above measures can’t prevent dragging, heave up anchor to choose another anchorage 一旦发生走锚,立刻抛另一只锚并通知机舱“备车”,报告船长。如果上述措施不能阻止走锚,应起锚选择另外的锚地。


1、what does “Anchor is foul”mean? It Means crossing anchor, that is, anchor has its own cable twisted around itself or has fouled an obstruction. (锚绞缠是什么意思)

2、If the anchor has been heaved out of the ground and clear of the bottom, what do you report?(如果绞锚达到与海底清爽的状态,你应如何报告) anchor aweigh(锚离底)

3、If the anchor is secured firmly in sea bottom, what do you report?(如果锚已经坚实的抓牢海底,你应如何报告)

anchor brought up (锚抓牢)

4、If there is no obstruction around the anchor before anchoring, what do

you report? The bow is clear.

5、when the anchor is heaved out of water and just above it, what do you report? The anchor is out of water.


Lesson 4 Engine orders


If you are given engine orders, how should you reply and report?

a)The meaning of common engine orders(普通车钟令的含义)

b)How to reply engine orders(如何复述)

c)How to report engine orders(如何报告)

a) Engine orders, such as “full ahead”, it means that the telegraph should be put on the FULL ahead”, “stop engine”, it means that the telegraph should be put on STOP position, and so on

b) Repeat the orders loudly and clearly(复述命令要清晰,大声)

c)when the revolution commanded of the engine is obtained, report it to the commander.(按照车钟显示的结果报告)


1、If you are ordered “stand by both engines”, how should you reply and

report?reply:stand by both engine report: both engine stand by 2、If you are ordered “full ahead”, how should you reply and report?

reply:full ahead report: engine full ahead

3、If you are ordered “ring off engine”, how should you reply and report?

reply:ring off engine report: engine rung off

4、If you are ordered “stop engine”, how should you reply and report?

reply:stop engine report: engine stopped

5、What does “finished with engine” mean? That means the movement of

the engine is no longer required.

Chapter 3


1、Are you the sailor on duty? Yes, I am


2、Is your chief officer on board? Yes , he is on the bridge


3、Would you show me the way? Sure, this way, please.


4、Our master is not on board, please wait a moment. I’ll call him back

Thank you


5、When will your captain come back? two hours


6、The gangway is too high I will lower a little low


7、Would you please take me to see your captain? Sure, it’s my pleasure


8、I am the relieving third officer, here is my ID card Ok, welcome on board


9、The head line is too tight Take in/Pick up the slack on the breast line.


10、What’s your draft fore and aft? My draft fore is 6 meters and my draft aft is 7 meters


Chapter 4

Lesson 1 Keeping watch on the cargo operations



1、Are holds clean? Yes, the holds are clean


2、Are holds dry? Yes,the holds are dry


3、Are holds free of smell? Yes, the holds are free of smell


4、Close hatch covers and report Hatch covers are closed


5、Lower down and secure all derricks All derricks are Lowered and secured


Lesson 2 Opening and closing hatches



1、How many holds do you have? My ship has five holds


2、What is size of hatch opening? It’s 16 by 25 square meters.


3、What is safety load of Hold No. 2? The safety load of Hold No. 2 is 10,000 tons

2号货舱的安全负载是什么?1万吨(ten thousands)

4、Are dockside crane available? Yes, they are available


5、What is length(width, depth) of Hold No. 1? A length (width, depth)of hold No. 1 is 60 feet/forty feet/thirty feet(20m,12m,10m)一号货舱的长度/宽度/深度是什么?1号货舱长度(宽度,深度)是60英尺、40英尺、30英尺

Chapter 5


1、Describe the procedures of adjusting derricks(叙述调整吊杆的程序)


威职海大航海 学 P Y Y 教学设计方案 科目 水手英语 听力与会 话 授课章节 第一章 第一节 日常生活用语 课时 2+2 授课人 裴媛媛 教学目标 使学生掌握日常生活用语包括:打招呼问候,告别,感谢,道歉,交流日期、星期,问路,询价等。 教学重点 日常生活用语 教学难点 日常生活用语 教法学法 直观展示,讲解,小组讨论法,提问答疑 教学资源 多媒体,板书 教 学 过 程 设 计 教学内容 教、学过程 设计意图、 教学方法 要点回顾与检查 1. 疑问词 what 什么 where 哪里 how 如何 how much 多少钱 2. 人称代词 我I 你you 他 he 它it 她she 你们you 他们,它们,她们they 我们we me 我(宾格) 3. 表示“…是” 我用am ,你用are ,is 连着他她它,单数is ,复数 are. 4. 我的 my 你的 your 他的 his 她的 her 它的 its 我们的 our 你们 的 your 他(她,它)们的 their 5. this 这个 the 这/那个 a/an 一,一个 6. 月份,星期的单词 January 一月 February 二月 March 三月 April 四月 May 五月 June 六月 July 七月 August 八月 September 九月 October 十月 November 十一月 December 十二月 week/ wi:k / 周 day / dei / 天 星期一 Monday 星期二 Tuesday 通过提问,一起复习上一节的重点内容:常用基础词汇,帮助学生查漏补缺,为后面的学习打好基础。


水手英语历届题库 一、判断题:150题T为正确F为错误 (F)1.“Finished with wheel !”是表示“用车完毕”。 (T)2.“Course again !”表示恢复到原航向。 (T)3.“Follow the ship ahead !”表示跟着前面的船走。 (F)4.听到“What rudder?”答:”My course is two five.” (F)5.问:“What is your course ?”答:”My course is two five.” (T)6.“Port ten”是指舵保持在左10°。 (F)7.“Starboard ten”是指左舵10°。 (F)8.“Ease to five”是指舵角减小5°并保持。 (T)9.“Ease to five”是指舵角减小至5°并保持。 (F)10.“Hard a port”是指舵全部保持向右。 (T)11. “Hard a starboard”是指舵全部保持向右。 (T)12. “Steer 154”是表示:走154度。 (T)13. “Midships”是指舵保持在航首尾线位置。 (F)14.“Mind your wheel”是指:改变航向。 (T)15.“Steady so”是指尽快减小船的摆动。 (T)16.如果船舶舵效果很好,我们可以说“Answer all right”. (F)17.“Finished with engine”的含义是:用舵完毕! (F)18.“Ring off engine”是表示:用车完毕。 (F)19.“Half ahead”是指主机以最大的转速向前推进。 (T)20.“Dead slow estern”意思是:微速后退。 (F)21.“Heave in easy”是指“Heave lines easily”. (F)22.尾缆太大了,应该如何调整:“Take it in”. (F)23.The line is slack , give us plenty of slack. (T)24.“Hold on the breast line”意思是:刹住横缆。 (F)25.“Drop anchor”是指“Walk out anchor”. (T)26.听到“How many shackles in water?”是,可根据情况回答:“Three shackles sir”. (T)27.Windlass is also used to take in mooring ropes. (F)28.“Check the cable”是指“inspect the chain”. (F)29.“Anchor up and down”的意思是:锚已离底。 (T)30.“Answers back! ”是表示:舵反转。 (T)31.“Let go anchor”是指“drop anchor”. (F)32.How is the chain leading now? chain is slack. (F)33.“Turn off the winch .please.”的意思是:请提供绞车的动力。 (T)34.“Please fix some cargo lights”的意思是:请安装一些舱灯。 (F)35.It’s raining now, open all hatch covers at once. (T)36.天要下雨,应该通知装卸工人:“please stop discharging and close all hatches.” (F)37.We can use hook to load the bagged cargo . (T)38.Don’t smoke on deck while loading cargo. (F)39.“Hoist and lower the flags.”是二水的职责 (F)40.“No power for the winch.”的意思是:绞车没有力量。 (T)41.“Quick acting cleat”是指封舱螺丝。 (T)42.为防止混货,应提示装卸工人:“never mix them up!” (T)43.Rough handing hatch covers is dangerous. (F)44.We can operate hatch covers with high speed. (T)45.“Operate the winch steadily.”的意思是:平稳操作绞车。 中海国际培训中心Page 1


《水手英语听力与会话》课程标准 课程代码:13013701 课程类型:理实一体课 课程性质:必修课 适用专业:船舶驾驶 总学时:10 一、课程性质与作用 本课程主要为适应STCW78/10公约,满足(高级)值班水手英语听力与会话评估大纲及航运企业对国际海员的需要,旨在培养学生的英语运用能力。通过本课程的学习和模拟训练,使学生掌握日常用语、船舶口令和保持值班、交接班用语,基本能用英语进行生活和工作方面的交流,最终通过国家海事局英语听力与会话评估考试。本课程的开设应在学生掌握了一定的语音基础、词汇和语法、听力、会话基础以及一定的自主学习能力的前提下开设。 二、课程目标 通过评估,检验被评估者具有高级值班水手英语听力与会话的能力,以满足STCW公约马尼拉修正案和中华人民共和国海事局海船船员适任考试评估的有关要求。 1、知识目标 (1)能够正确发音、朗读和具备听力基本知识; (2)掌握保持安全值班、交班和接班的日常用语; (3)掌握舵令、解系缆令、锚令和车钟令用语; (4)掌握船舶救生、消防等应急部署、演习的常用语; 2、专业能力目标 (1)具备简单日常交际能力; (2)具备船舶口令复诵和报告的能力; (3)具备安全值班、交班和接班的日常用语的能力; 3、素质能力目标 (1)具有良好的心理素质和克服困难的能力; (2)具有良好的团队精神和协作能力; (3)具有强烈的安全意识和水域环境保护的意识;

(4)具有依法遵章行事的意识; 三、课程设计理念与思路 本课程标准的设计以职业需要为导向,联系实际情况与需要,在人才需求调研和专业建设改革的基础上,对(高级)值班水手岗位的任务和职业能力进行分析分解,并结合STCW78/10公约规定和国家海事局对值班水手岗位的适任要求和企业对值班水手的实际需要,确定课程的教学内容和实训项目,通过情景的教学模式,培养学生岗位适任能力,尽可能实现零距离上岗。 四、教学进程安排


Lesson one Topics 1 Please say something about yourself My name is ShenZhiPeng, I’m 18-years old. I’m a sailor. I have been working on board for half a year. My hobby is playing computer games. My daily work is to keep bridge watch as a watchman or to steer the wheel when the ship is at sea. When the ship is alongside the wharf, I’ll keep the gangway watch. In my spare time, I’d like to listen to music, reading books. Topic 2 Please say something about your family There are three members in my family, my father, my mother and I. My parents are workers in a company, and I’m a sailor. My parents are very kind and tender to me, and they all like reading newspaper. Topic 3 Please say something about your hometown. My hometown is in Henan province, with a population of 100,000, and it is famous for its tea. My hometown has beautiful sightseeing and the people are very friendly. The specialty of my hometown is tea. Topic 4 Please say something about your responsibilities on board. My position on board is . My daily work is to keep bridge watch as a watch man or to steer the wheel when the ship is at sea. When the ship is alongside the wharf, I’ll keep the gangway watch. My duties are to keep safe watch as normal, and when in emergency, I’ll act as requi red in the muster list. Questions 1. W hat’s your date of birth My date of birth is May 18th, 1990. 2. W hat’s your seaman’s book number My seaman’s book number is A123456 3. Where are you from I’m from China. 4. W hat’s your captain’s nationality Our captain’s nationality is Chinese. 5. What do you think is the most important thing on board Safety . 6. Which ports do you often call at We often call at Qingdao, Shanghai and Pusan. 7. W hat’s your marital status I’m single. 8. How long will it take to get Entry Visa to Australia About one month. 9. How do you wish to fly Economy or first class Economy please. 10. Do I have more than the duty-free allowance Sorry, you don’t have. lesson 2 Topics: 1. Say something about ship’s manning. a) The personnel for the deck department. b) The personnel for the engine department. c) The personnel for the service department. The personnel for the deck department include: chief officer, second officer, third officer, bosun, AB, OS and carpenter, deck cadet. The personnel for the engine department include: chief engineer, second engineer, third engineer, fourth engineer and motorman. The personnel for the service department include: chief cook, second cook and steward. 2. Say something about maritime agencies and the staff related to the ship. a) list some maritime agencies. b) list some staff of maritime agencies.


Chapter 1 Daily English Lesson 1 I. Answering the questions. 1. What’s your date of birth? ________.(May 1st 1985.) 2. What’s your seaman book number? The number is R1235. 3. Where are you from ? I’m from Guangdong China. 4. What’s your captain’s nationality? He is Chinese. 5.What do you think is the most important thing on board? I think safety is the most important thing on board. 6. Which ports do you often call at? I often call at Dalian , Singapore, Hong Kong and so on. 7. What’s your marital status? I’m single. 8. How long will it take to get Entry Visa to Australia? It will take about one week. 9. How do you wish to fly? Economy or first class? I wish to take Economy class. 10. Do I have more than the duty-free allowance? Yes, I do. II. Topics. 1. Please say something about yourself. a) Your name, age, rank, working experiences, hobbies. b) Your daily work.. c) Your spare time activities. My name is____________. I am_________ years old. I am from_________ province. I am a student majoring in navigation in Guangzhou Maritime College. I will graduate in the year _______. I go to class to learn some navigational subjects from Monday to Friday. In the evening, I usually review my lessons. Sometimes, I go to downtown to buy something. During my spare time, I usually read novels or do some sports. I like playing basketball and football very much. Life at school is interesting to me. I will work hard to master the basic navigational knowledge and skills. I am confident that I will become a qualified seafarer in the future. 1


水手英语会话答案 Chapter 1 Lesson 1 Daily English 口述 1、Please say something about yourself(介绍下自己的情况) 1)Your name ,age, rank, working experiences, hobbies (姓名,年龄,职务,工作经验,兴趣爱好) 2)Your daily work (你的日常工作) 3)Your spare time activities (你的业余时间活动) 1)My name is xxx, I am 21 years old, I am from Shandong( province).I am a student( now),I like reading books, playing football (我的名字是xxx,我现在21岁,我来自山东省,现在我是一名学生,喜欢读书,踢足球) 2)Every day, I get up at 6 o’clock, read English (loudly for ten minutes )and have breakfast. then begin my study of a day (每天我6点钟起床并大声读英语10分钟,然后吃早餐。随后就开始了一天的学习) 3)In my spare time, I like reading, watching TV ,playing football and so on(在课余时间,我喜欢读书,看电视,踢足球等等) 2、Please say something about your family (说一下关于你家庭的情况) a、Members of your family (你的家庭成员) b、Their occupations (他们的职业)


1.Double bottom tanks are in the space between the _____and the bottom of the hull. A. tanks B. holds C. cabins D. tweendecks B 2.The holds are numbered ____. A. from forward to aft B. from aft to forward C. from left to right D. from main deck to bottom A 3. A modern general cargo ship has her engine room and bridge__________. A. amidship B. forward C. aft D. A or B C 4.When standing on board a ship and facing the bow,the port side is on the ____side. A. right-hand B. fore C. left-hand D. aft C 5.Draft is the depth from ______to vessel'bottom. A. waterline B. deck level C. amidships D. main deck A 6.The line leading forward to the tug from the bow is_____. A. the forward towing line B. the headline C. the forward breast line D. the stern line A 7.My ship is equipped _____ automatic hatch covers. A. with


水手英语听力与会话口试题卡(教师卡)(B) I.Reading aloud All wheel order given should be repeated by the helmsman and the officer of the watch should ensure that they are carried out correctly and immediately. All wheel orders should be held until countermanded. The helmsman should report immediately. If the vessel does not answer the wheel, when there is concern that the helmsman is inattentive he should be questioned:“what is your course?”and he should respond:“my course 230 degrees.” II.Topic-talking Cleaning and repair work on board. a) The importance of the cleaning and repair work. b) The content of the cleaning and repair work. c) How to carry out the cleaning and repair work. Everything on board can be kept clean and tidy by cleaning work. The purpose of repair work is to keep machines and gears in good working condition. The cleaning work includes cleaning our living and work area, as well as the cargo area. The repair work is to conduct daily checks and maintenance of the machines and gears. We do cleaning and repair work under the supervision of the


二、出入境常见英文标识 机场指示牌 机场费airport fee 国际机场international airport 国内机场domestic airport 国际候机楼international terminal 国际航班出港international departure 国内航班出站domestic departure 入口in 出口exit; out; way out 进站(进港、到达)arrivals 不需报关nothing to declare 海关customs 登机口gate; departure gate 候机室departure lounge 航班号FLT No (flight number) 来自…… arriving from 预计时间scheduled time (SCHED) 实际时间actual 已降落landed 前往departure to 起飞时间departure time 延误delayed 登机boarding 由此乘电梯前往登机stairs and lifts to departures 迎宾处greeting arriving 由此上楼up; upstairs 由此下楼down; downstairs 银行bank 货币兑换处money exchange; currency exchange 订旅馆hotel reservation 行李暂存箱luggage locker 出站(出站、离开)departures 登机手续办理check-in 登机牌boarding pass (card) 护照检查处passport control immigration 行李领取处luggage claim; baggage claim 国际航班旅客international passengers 中转旅客transfer passengers 中转处transfer correspondence 过境transit 报关物品goods to declare 贵宾室V.I.P. room 购票处ticket office 付款处cash 出租车乘车点Taxipick-up point 大轿车乘车点coachpick-up opint 航空公司汽车服务处airline coach service 租车处(旅客自己驾车)car hire 男厕men\’s; gent\’s; gentlemen\’s 女厕women\’s; lady\’s 免税店duty-free shop 邮局post office 出售火车售rail ticket 旅行安排tour arrangement 行李暂存箱luggage locker 行李牌luggage tag 机票 飞机票(指限定条件) endorsement/restrictions 旅客姓名name of passenger 旅行经停地点good for passenger between 订座情况status 机票确认ticket confirm 承运人(公司)carrier 座舱等级class(fare basis) 机号plane No. 机座号seat No. 非吸烟席non-smoking seat 出(入)境卡 姓family name 名First(Given) Name 国籍nationality 护照号passport No. 原住地country of Origin (Country where you live) 前往目的地国destination country 登机城市city where you boarded 签证签发地city where visa was issued 签发日期date issue 街道及门牌号number and street 城市及国家city and state 出生日期date of Birth (Birthdate) 偕行人数accompanying number 职业occupation 专业技术人员professionals & technical


值班水手英语听力与会话评估标准修订浅谈 一、引言 根据2012年3月1日起生效的《中华人民共和国海船船员适任考试和发证规则》[1](以下简称11规则)的要求,新的《中华人民共和国海船船员适任考试大纲》[2]于2012年7月1日开始实施。值班水手英语在原课时不变的前提下,由原来的理论和评估两项考试改为听力与会话的评估考试,考试的形式也由考官现场评估改为上机评估。应该说新的值班水手英语考试无论在形式上还是在考试内容上都有了很大的变化,更强调学员的听、说、读的能力,目的是让学员能够在以后上船工作中有效地使用英语进行交流。但从实际实行新考试政策的这几年来看,结果不甚理想,通过率一直不高。出现这样的情况,原因是多方面的,下面我们就来对评估考试的现状进行分析,从而发现问题,并加以解决。 二、值班水手英语课程的现状 《1978年海员培训、发证和值班标准国际公约马尼拉修正案》(以下简称马尼拉修正案)于2010年生效,马尼拉修正案中把甲板部的普通船员分为两部分,即组成航行值班部分的普通船员和作为高级值班水手的普通船员,并对这两个职务的最低适任标准进行了明確要求。 在马尼拉修正案生效之前,我国的值班水手英语培训工作主要依据2004年生效的《中华人民共和国海船船员适任考试和发证规则》(以下简称04规则),它要求水手能够通过120学时的学习,掌握1000条常用英语词汇和与水手业务相关的专业用语(如:日常生活礼貌用语、标准命令、装卸货物常用短语与句子、甲板设备名称、应急相关用语等),考试形式为笔试和评估两项,其中评估项目为主考官现场进行评估。 三、存在的问题 通过对英语课程现状的了解,我们会发现如下一些问题: 1.学员总体英语基础薄弱 由于招收培训学员的最低门槛为初中学历,很多学员的英语基础相对较差,特别是对于听力和口语的能力。 2.考试难度偏大 对于考生听、说、读的能力要求非常高,考生需要具备相当的英语基础才能通过考试(有的本科学生也没有通过考试)。 四、解决办法 学习水手英语的目的是让学员在远洋船舶上能够正常的工作和生活,在工作中能够准确的掌握常用的专业单词和值班时能够与驾驶员或其他工作人员进行业务上的正常交流,在生活中能够和其他船员进行一些简单的交流和沟通。因此,我们的值班水手英语教学和考试的


复转军人船舶水手考试试卷 考试科目:水手英语A 考试时间:2014年1月26 日 试卷类别:闭 考试时间:100分钟 一、英译汉:本大题共60个小题,每小题0.25分,共15分。将题号及每小题的答案写在答题纸上。 1.Sunday A. 星期一 B.星期三 C.星期日 2.Monday A. 星期日 B.星期一 C.星期四 3.Tuesday A. 星期三 B.星期一 C.星期二 4.Wednesday A. 星期三 B.星期五 C.星期一 5.Thursday A. 星期五 B.星期四 C.星期二 6.Friday A. 星期五 B.星期二 C.星期三 7.Saturday A. 星期一 B.星期日 C.星期六 8.January A. 二月 B.一月 C.三月 9.February A. 二月 B. 四月 C.八月 10、.March A.三月 B. 一月 C.十一月 11.April A.五月 B.四月 C.六月 12.May A.七月 B. 八月 C.五月 13.June A.六月 B. 十月 C. 三月 14.July A. 十一月 B.七月 C. 五月 15.August A. 九月 B.八月 C. 一月 16.September A. 九月 B. 十二月 C. 四月 17.October A.十月 B. 三月 C. 七月 18.November A. 五月 B. 十一月 C. 十二月 19.December A.十二月 B. 十一月 C. 九月 20.spring A.春 B. 夏 C.秋 21.autumn A.春 B. 秋 C.冬 22.summer A.冬 B. 春 C.夏 23.winter A. 秋 B. 夏 C.冬 24.time A. 时间 B. 小时 C.分钟 25.hour A. 秒 B. 小时 C.分钟 26.minute A. 时间 B. 小时 C.分钟 27.second A. 秒 B. 小时 C.分钟 28.year A. 年 B. 月 C.日 29.month A. 年 B. 月 C.日 30.date A. 年 B. 日期 C.月 31. father 32.father-in-law A.父亲 A.岳父 B. 岳父, B. 公公 C.公公 C. A+B 33.mother A.母亲 B. 婆婆 C.岳母 34.mother-in-law A.婆婆 B. 岳母 C.A+B 35.brother A.兄弟 B. 姐妹 C.朋友 系 专业班级: 学号: 座号 姓名:


水手英语听力与会话口试题卡(教师卡)(A) I.Reading aloud The Chief Officer, or First Mate as he is often called, is the Master’s chief officer and head if the Deck Department. He is assisted by a Second Officer, a Third Officer, and sometimes a Fourth Officer. Several companies employ a First Officer as well as a Chief Officer. The Deck Department also includes a Boatswain and a Carpenter, both petty officers, and a number of ratings. These made up of Able Seaman(AB), Ordinary Seaman(OS) and a middle grade known as Efficient Deck Hands(EDH). There are other grades of seamen. On some ships Navigation Cadets are carried for training. II.Topic-talking Please say something about your family a)Your name, age, rank, working experiences, hobbies b)Your daily work c)Your spare time activity There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my sister and me. My father is a worker in a factory, my mother is a farmer. My sister is a high school student. I’m a student majored in navigation techniques in Nantong shipping collage. My father likes watching TV and playing cards. He is good at woodwork. My mother likes chatting with our neighbors, she is good at cooking. My sister likes listening to pop music, she is good at singing. I like playing basketball and I ‘m good at it. III.Answer questions 1. What do you think is the most important thing on board ---- Safety. is the most important thing on board. 2. Can you list some ship’s tools ---- The tools on board include knife .pliers. screw driver and so on. 3. If you want to heave tight the breast line, what should you say ---- Take in the slack on breast line. 4. I f you are ordered “stand by both engines”, how


(高级)值班水手英语听力与会话(会话部分) Chapter one Lesson one Topics 1 please say something about yourself【请说说你自己】 My name is ShenZhiPeng, I’m 18-years old. I’m a sailor. I have been working on board for half a year. My hobby is playing computer games. My daily work is to keep bridge watch as a watch man or to steer the wheel when the ship is at sea. When the ship is alongside the wharf, I’ll keep the gangway watch.我的日常工作是保持桥看着手表的人或引导轮当船在海上。船在码头时,我会保持舷梯值班。 In my spare time, I’d like to listen to music, see move.在我的业余时间,我喜欢听音乐,看行动。 2 please say something about your family There are three members in my family, my father, my mother and me. My parents are workers in a company, and I’m a sailor. My parents are very kind and tender to me, and they all like reading newspaper. 3 please say something about your hometown My hometown is in Henan province, with a population of 100,000, and it is famous for its tea. My hometown has beautiful sightseeing and the people are very friendly. The specialty of my hometown is tea. 4 1 please say something about your responsibilities on board My position on board is A.B. My daily work is to keep bridge watch as a watch man or to steer the wheel when the ship is at sea. When the ship is alongside the wharf, I’ll keep the gangway wa tch. My duties are to keep safe watch as normal, and when in emergency, I’ll act as required in the muster list. Questions 1.what’s your date of birth? My date of birth is May 18th, 1990. 2.what’s your seaman’s book number? My seaman’s book number is A123456 3.where are you from? I’m from China. 4.what’s your captain’s nationality? Our captain’s nationality is Chinese. 5.what do you think is the most important thing on board? Safety first. 6.which ports do you often call at? We often call at Qingdao, Shanghai and Pusan. 7.what’s your marital status? I’m unmarried. 8.how long will it take to get Entry Visa to Australia? It will take 3 months to get Entry Visa to Australia. 9.how do you wish to fly? Economy or first class? Economy, please. 10.do I have more than the duty-free allowance? Sorry, you don’t have. / No, you don’t have. lesson two topics 1.say something about ship’s manning



备注:1.题型:单选题,每题1分,共100题。 2.目标内容对应题库编写顺序。 第一部分词汇 一.基础词汇 1. 英译汉 1.good A.好的 B. 货物 C. 上帝 2.better A. 比较好的 B. 最好的 C. 一般 3.best A. 一般 B. 好的 C.最好的 4.excellent A.好的 B.一般 C.优秀的 5.fair A. 一般 B.较好的 C.较差的 6.bad A. 坏的 B.一般 C.最好的 7.poor A.最好的 B.不好的 C.一般 8.morning A.上午 B.多么 C. 夜晚 9.afternoon A.下午 B.程度 C. 范围 10.evening 11.night A.数量 A.夜晚 B.下午 B. 下午 C.晚上 C. 可以 12.noon A. 月亮 B. 月 C. 中午 13.dawn A. 黎明 B.向下 C. 黄昏 14.dusk A. 黎明 B.向下 C. 黄昏 15.Sunday A. 星期一 B.星期三 C.星期日 16.Monday A. 星期日 B.星期一 C.星期四 17.Tuesday A. 星期三 B.星期一 C.星期二 18.Wednesday A. 星期三 B.星期五 C.星期一 19.Thursday A. 星期五 B.星期四 C.星期二 20.Friday A. 星期五 B.星期二 C.星期三 21.Saturday A. 星期一 B.星期日 C.星期六 22.January A. 二月 B.一月 C.三月 23.February A. 二月 B. 四月 C.八月 24.March A.三月 B. 一月 C.十一月 25.April A.五月 B.四月 C.六月 26.May A.七月 B. 八月 C.五月 27.June A.六月 B. 十月 C.三月 28.July A. 十一月 B.七月 C. 五月 29.August A. 九月 B.八月 C.一月 30.September A. 九月 B. 十二月 C. 四月 31.October A.十月 B. 三月 C. 七月
