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小学五年级英语下册单元检测卷 一、写出下列单词的 ing形式。(16﹪) 1. fly_________ 2. run_________ 3.write_________ 4.sleep_________ 5.climb________ 6.walk_________ 7. make_________ 8.swim_________ 9.jump_________ 10.swing_________ 11. do_________ 12.cook_________ 13. eat_________ 14.fight________ 15.swing _________ 16. drink_________ 二、选择题(10%) ()1. She can’t ___________ a letter. A. write B. writes C. writing () 2._______you doing your homework, Ann? A. Do B. Are C. Can ()3.I see ________elephant in the park. A. an B. a C. two () 4.---What is it doing?----_______________. A. He’s sleeping. B. It is jumping. C. She is running. ()5.Amy and Sarah _______doing their homework. A. is B. are C. Are ()6.Which animal lives only in Australia? ______________.


人教版五年级英语期中测试试卷 姓名班级 一. 看图选单词,并将单词的序号写在括号里。(10分) A. Sunday B. play football C. Wednesday D. read books E. watch TV ( )( )( ) ( )( ) 二. 选出下列各组中不同类的单词。(10 分) () 1. A. Monday B. Friday C. day () 2.A. Miss B. music C. Mr () 3.A. Sunday B. week C. Tuesday () 4.A. rice B. tea C. noodles () 5.A. young B. strict C. English 三.选择填空( 20 分) () 1. What do you ______ on Mondays? A. is B. have C. are () 2 . --- _______your math teacher? ---Mr Li. A. Who's B. What's C. Where's () 3. --- What's he like? --- He's _______. A. funny B. fun C. student ()4. --- Is she strict? --- _______ A. Yes, she is. B. No, she is. C. Yes, she isn't. () 5. --- What do you have Mondays? --- We have math, Chinese and English. A. on B. in C. at () 6. --- Do you often read books? ---Yes,. A. I don ’t B. I do C. I can () 7. I play football on Sunday. What ______you? A. about B. are C. do () 8. ---What you like to eat? --- I'd like some beef. A. do B. are C. would () 9. Can I have tea? A. a B. some C. any --


五年级译林版英语单元测 试卷 Revised final draft November 26, 2020

2018年江苏大志教育2018年秋季班五年级英语单元测试 满分:100分姓名:得分: 一、单词辨音,相同的打,不同的打“X”。(10分) ()1. blackcake () 2. cat water ()3. foresthelp ()4. bearear ()5. coffeenice ()6. cakecoat ()7. tigerlike()8. findmilk ()9. coolbook () 10. day sc ups 二、翻译词组。(10分) 1.在森林里 2. 一座漂亮的房子 3.正合适 4.在她的前面 5.吃一些蛋糕 6.太冷 7.在冰箱里8.在房子里 9.三只熊10. 乂饥乂渴 三、选择题。(15分) ()1? There somesoupinthebow 1. A. isB. areC. have ()2. There adeskandthreebedsintheroom, A. areB. hasC. is ()dilocksistheforest. A. inB. infrontofC. beside ()5. abeautifuloictureiA. HowB. WhatC. Where ()6. She' t likebears. So she i sverv A. afraidB. happyC. hungry ()7. ----- 1' mhungry, Tina. ------ Y oucansomecakes. A. like B. have C. eats ()8. thecake, Tina ------ It' sinthefridge A. Where? B. Where' s C. What' s ()9. ----- W hatabouttheshoes -------- iustr i ght. A. It' sB? TheyareC. Theyhave ()10. ispopularinWesterncountriesA. teaB. coffeeC. juice


小学五年级语文期末试卷 2017.12 命题人:陆燕霞(满分120分,时间90分钟) 班级姓名等级 一、看拼音,写汉字。(9分) duàn liàn xié tiáo lǐ mào jīnɡ huānɡ shī cuò ()()()() ɡuàn huǎnɡ jiānɡ xùn léi bù jí yǎn ěr 一()说()海()() 二、选出合适的答案,将序号填在括号里。(7分) 1.加点字读音不正确的一项是:() A友谊.(yí)B舷.窗(xián)C钥匙.(shi)D怒发冲冠.(ɡuān) 2.下列词语中,含有错别字的一项是:() A迫不及待B首屈一指C志存高远D守珠待兔 3.加点字词解释不正确的一项是:() A情有独钟.(集中,专一)B这位林武师非比他人 ....(与一般人不同) C引人入胜.(胜利)D最喜小儿无赖 ..(顽皮) 4.加点字用得不正确的一项是:() A微风拂.过 B 潮水涌.来C细雨泻.落D冒.出水泡 5.下列句子中,加点词语用得不正确的一项是:() A每年暑假,我都外出旅游,饱览 ..名山胜景。 B班长王成宇品学兼优,深受同学爱戴 ..。 C即使 ..雨再大,也.阻挡不了解放军战士前进的步伐。 D给文章起个好题目,常常能起到画龙点睛 ....的作用,激发人们的阅读兴趣。 6.下面的故事,出自《水浒传》的是:() A三打祝家庄B三顾茅庐C三打白骨精D三英战吕布 7.按照朝代顺序,对下列四则历史事件进行排序,正确的是:() ①明代郑和下西洋②南北朝花木兰替父从军 ③宋代岳飞精忠报国④汉代司马迁忍辱写《史记》 A ④①②③ B ②①④③ C ③①②④ D ④②③① 三、按要求进行句子练习。(6分) 1.把句子写得具体些。 听到这个喜讯,我高兴极了, 2.填上合适的歇后语。 好朋友林林从北京旅游回来,送给我一枚香山红叶做成的书签,这可真是“”。 3.一个外国学者读了钱钟书的小说《围城》,想登门拜访。钱钟书在电话里说:“假如你吃了一个鸡蛋,


五年级英语单元检测 班级:等级: 一. 按要求填空. kilo(复数) bottle(复数) shop(ing形式) can (否定形式) do(否定形式) by(同音词) I (宾格) 二.选择填空. 1. How (many, much) cheese do you want? 2. How (many, much) noodles do you want? 3. Can you (dance , dances)? 4. Let’s (buy, buying) three kilos of rice. 5. (Do, Are) you like bananas? 6. I want four (boxes, boxes) of milk. 7. How much ( oranges, milk) do you want? 8. Here (is , are)a big bag for you. 9. (Are, Do) you like apples? No, I don’t. 10. I can (see, saw) the cheese. 11. Amy and Sam (like, likes) bananas. 12. We need food (of, for) our picnic. 13. (Here’s, Here’re) your oranges. 14. What about (juice, juices)? 15. I want two kilos (of, for) rice. 三、英汉互译: 1.让我们________________ 2.购物单_________________ 4.半公斤________________ 6.how many ________________7.one kilo________________ 8.here you are________________ 四、选出下列句子的答语。 ()1.How many banabns do you want? A.Yes,I did. ()2.Do you like cheese? B.Five ,please. ()3.How much milk do you want? C.Yes,I do. ()4.Can you help me? D.Five bottles,please. ()5.Did you walk to school yesterday? E.Yes,I can. 五、用“how many”和“how much”填空。 1. _______meat do you want? 2. _______oranges do you want? 3. _______bananas do you want? 4. _______juice do you want? 5._______rice do you want? 六、连词成句(注意大小写) 1. do you how many want ? _______________________________________________ 2. can see the cheese I . _________________________________________________ 3. buy let’s half kilo a . ________________________________________________ 4. like do pears you ? ____________________________________________________ 七、根据要求改写句子 1. I like bananas. (改为一般疑问句)______________________________________________ 2. I want half a kilo of cheese.(对划线部分提问)____________________________________________ 3. —How many bananas do you want ? (用six作出回答,要求句子完整)—__________________________________________ 4. —Does Lingling like milk?(作否定回答) —__________________________________ 5. I like orange juice. (改为否定句)___________________________________________________ 八.阅读短文,判断对错。 Hello,I’m Lingling.I like going shoppping. Yesterday I went to the supermarker with my mother. We bought two kilos of meat,we didn't buy noodles.Ilike juice ,so my mother bought two bottles of juice for me.We didn’t buy milk,because we don’t like milk.We bought some fruits,too.We bought two watermelons,three kilos of bananas and four kilos of apples. 1.Yesterday Daming went to the supermarket with her mother.() 2.Lingling and her moyher bought three kilos of watermelons.() 3.Lingling doesn’t like juice. () 4.They bought three kilos of bananas. () 5.They didn’t buy milk. ()


小学英语五年级测试卷及答案 班级:姓名:分数: 一.按要求写出下列各题。(10分) 1. small(反义词) 2. it is(缩写形式) 3. short(反义词) 4. he(形物代) 5. let’s (完全形式) 6. tomato(复数形式) 7. have(单三)8. am(原形) 9.child(复数形式)10. we(宾格) 二.选择正确的答案,将其序号填在题前的括号里。(10分) ()1. There is American in our classroom. A. a B, an C. the ( ) 2. It’s 10 o’clock. It’s time go to school. A. to B. for C. of ( ) 3. Look at the clock. What is it? A. class B. time C. can ( ) 4. Let’s computer games together. A. play B. to play C. plays ( ) 5. She from China. A. are B. comes C. am ( ) 6. ----Can I wear my T-shirt? ---- A. No, yo u can’t B. Yes, you can’t. C. No, you can. ( ) 7. ---- those sheep? ----Yes, they are. A. Are B. Is C. Am ( ) 8. How many are there? A. horse B. horses C. duck ( ) 9. Is this book? A. you B. I C. your ( ) 10. ---- are they? ---- they are three Yuan. A. How much B. How old C. How many 三.情景反应。(10分) ()1.你想知道对方来自于哪里,你问: A. Where are you? B. What are you? C. Where are you from? ()2. 当别人赞美你时,你应当说: A. Ok. B. That’s all right. C. Thank you. ( ) 3.你想知道对方几岁时,你问: A. Who are you? B. How old are you? C. What are you? ( ) 4. 你想知道美术室在哪里,你问: A. What’s the art room? B. Where is the art room? C. How is the art room? ( ) 5. 你想帮助别人时,你问: A. Can I help you? C. Can you help me? D. Thank you very much


---专注教育,服务教师--- 五年级英语第四单元测试卷 班级 _______ 姓名 ________座号_________得分__________ 听力部分 一、听音,标号。(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、听音,从A,B,C中选出你听到句子中含有的单词。(8分) ()1、A.4:00 B.8:30 C.12:00 ()2、A.dishes B.dinner C.phone ()3、A.cook B.cool C.book ()4、A.time https://www.sodocs.net/doc/3216246008.html,ter C.hello ()5、A.what B.where C.who ()6、A.is B.am C.are ()7、A.go shopping B.eat lunch C.have P.E. class ()8、A.can B.yes C.no 三、看图判断正误。(4分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 四、听音,选择相应的答句,并将序号写在括号里。(5分) ()1、A.He’s doing homework. B.I’m reading . C.She’s skating . ()2、A.Yes , he is . B .Yes , I am . C.Yes , she is. ()3、A.He’s in the study . B.He’s in the classroom . C.I’m in the school .

---专注教育,服务教师--- ()4、A.Children’s Center . B.Nature Park. C.Chang Tan . ()5、A.3:00 in the afternoon B.10:30 in thr morning C.7:30 in the evening . 五、听音,补词,每空一词。(8分) 1、____are you ____? Look ! I am ________ pictures . 2、Hello . _______ _______Zhang Peng . 3、_____ is ____an _________. 笔试部分 一、看图写词组。(8分) ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 二、按要求完成。(1—5题中英互译,6—8加ing) (8分) 1.hold on _________ 2.speak to _________ 3.see you later __________ 4.接电话________________ 5.写信______________ 6.swim_________ 7.make_________ 8.play __________ 三、找出不的同类的单词。(5分) 1、( ) A:eat B:swimming C:skating D:playing 2、( ) A:how B: what C:which D: watch 3、( ) A:bread B:lunch C:dinner D:breakfast 4、( ) A:go B:see C:dish D:play 5、( ) A:watch TV B: at noon C: do homework D:go hiking 四、选择适当的词填空。(6分) 1、I can ________(write , writing ). 2、They usually _______(go , going ) to school at 7:00 . 3、She is _______(wash , washing )clothes . 4、What do you ______(do , doing ) on Sunday . 5、Let’s _______(watch , watching ) TV . 6、I am ________( come , coming ) . 五、选择,并将序号写在括号里。(7分) 1、()I am ________ a letter. A、write B、writing C、writeing 2、()---When do you watch TV?


绵阳英才学校2015秋期末综合检测 五年级语文试卷 第一题(22分) 一、书写。(2分) 要求:①蓝黑墨水书写。②卷面整洁。③大小适当。④行款整齐。 二、读拼音,写词语。(7分) yōu yòu dàn ténɡzhān ()静()惑()生()写( ) 仰tīchún jùqíqūcíxiánɡ 挑()嘴()恐()()( ) 三、填空。(3分) 1、肺:音序(),部首(),共()画。 2、藕:音序(),部首(),共()画。 四、把下面词语补充完整,再选其中的一个写一句话。(6分) 举世()名毫不犹()斩钉()铁破烂不()众志()城安然无()一如()往再接再() 五、照样子,写成语。(4分) 例:生龙.活虎.(含动物) 四.面八.方(含数字) 第二题(26分)

一、用“然”组成恰当的词语填在下面的括号里。(4分) 昨天天气预报说,有一股强冷空气南下。今天早晨,气温()降了下来。我哆嗦着走在上学的路上,()看见一道红光从我眼前闪过,哇,一位中年人()穿着红色短袖衬衫在跑步,一股敬佩之情()而生。我不禁振作精神,大踏步向学校走去。 二、按要求写句子。(8分) (1)纳兰性德身在万里之遥的边关,怎能不思念故乡?(改为陈述句) (2)冬天到了,梅花又开放了。(改为拟人句) (3)湖面上溅起了涟漪。(扩句,至少两处) (4)黄继光不但壮烈牺牲了,而且永远活在我们心中。(修改病句) 三、用线把左右两边的内容连起来,再根据要求填空。(6分) 读书破万卷梅花香自苦寒来 孝在于质实春生江上几人还 宝剑锋从磨砺出不在于饰貌 家在梦中何日到下笔如有神我还积累了一句表达思乡情感的诗句: 四、根据课文内容或要求填空。(8分) 1、《七律·长征》一诗中,总写长征艰难的诗句是:“, 。”(2分)


第一单元测试卷 写出下列单词或短语的英文意思。 警察爬山晨练吃早饭晚上也 中午经常通常有时候告诉 下星期日上英语课吃晚饭下雨做运动 拜访外祖父母 二.单项选择。 ( ) ’s 6:00 in the evening. It’s time to_____ A. eat breakfast B. eat dinner C. eat lunch ( ) usually get up early in the morning。 I have to______. A. go to school B. go to bed C. play football ( ) often play the piano at3:00 in the______. A. morning B. evening C. afternoon ( ) you do on the weekend -----I usually go shopping. A. What B. Where C. Why ( ) Friday I often______my room. A. go B. play C. clean ( ) I come in A. Come on B. I’m sorry C. Exc use me ( ) ’s sunny. Let’s go______. A. to fly kites B. to do my homework C. play the piano ( ) want to go to the zoo. How____you A. about B. are C. do ( ) 9.—What’s the ____like ---It’s rainy. ( ) often visit my grandparents with my____. ( ) often play go shopping on the weekend. ( ) will be rainy,Let’s play football____the weekend. A./ ( ) often ____my bedroom every week. ( ) ,this is my weekend_____. ( ) you_____telling me about your day. ( ) do you get usually get up____7:00. ( ) usually get up at 6: ---At 6:00 . ( ) usually play____on the weekend. ( ) you do on the weekend ( ) ’s time_____school. ( ) usually do my homework______Saturday. ( ) do you do---I’m______ teacher tall shopping. ( ) can’t go hiking, ______. A .either B. too C. to ( ) can’t play____piano. C./ ( ) ’s______mountains this weekend. climb ( ) ----At 9:00. do you go to bed do you usually do on the weekend is your timetable ( ) ______do you do------I am a nurse. A .What ( )28 .I can play the piano, ______. A .to ( ) can play ______basketball. A the B. a c ./ usually_________ _________ ___________at 8:00. do you do_______the_________ always________ _________ at night. day.

五年级下册英语试题期末检测卷 人教 无答案

獐子岛镇五年级英语检测卷 听力部分(28分) 一、听音,找出句子中含有的单词,将序号写在前面的括 号内。(8分) 1、()A. sausages B. messages C. sandwiches 2、()A. black B. back C. bag 3、()A. of B. from C. for 4、()A. drive B. drove C. driver 5、()A. broken B. borrow C. brown 6、()A. solve B. love C. glove 7、()A. send B. set C.sent 8、()A. five stones B. stones C. Stonehenge 二、听音找图,用数字(1、2、3、4、5)给下列图片重新排序。15 分 三、按所听顺序用数字(1、2、3、4、5)给下列句子重 新排序。 5分 ()But you can’t talk to your friends. ()You can do your homework. ()You can use the computers. ()You can borrow books, videos and CDs. ()You can do lots of things in English libraries. 笔答部分(72分) 一、选择(10分) ()1、What ________ it say ? A. do B. does C. did ()2、My mother is a nurse. She _______ in a hospital. 第1页/共7页


五年级英语第一单元测试卷 班级____________ 姓名______________ 得分______________ 听力部分(30分) 一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词。(每小题读两遍。10分) ( ) 1.A. Tuesday B.Thursday C. Friday ( ) 2.A. well B. tell C. all ( ) 3.A. Sunday B. Science C. study ( ) 4.A. Chinese B. English C. Maths ( ) 5.A. black B. bike C. back ( ) 6.A. at once B. at nine C. at school ( ) 7.A. a worker B. a trick C. a week ( ) 8.A. 321minus123 B. 321plus123 C. 231minus123 ( ) 9.A. It’s Thursday morning . B. It’s Thursday afternoon. C. It’s Wednesday morning. ( ) 10.A. Welcome to school. B. Welcome back to school . C. Welcome to our school. 二、听录音,选择正确的应答。(每小题读两遍。10分) ( ) 1.A. It’s Sunday.B. It’s interesting.C. It’s today. ( ) 2.A. I like running. B. I like English. C. I like apples. ( ) 3.A. Yes, it is. B. I like Chinese. C. Yes, I do. ( ) 4.A. We have English,Chinese and Maths. B. They’re English,Chinese and Maths. C. There are three.. ( ) 5.A. It’s in the morning. B. At two o’clock. C. It’s two o’clock.


五年级语文下第一单元测试卷及答案 大河一中命题人:陈勇波 第一部分:基础知识。(40分) 一、读拼音,写词语。(8分) xiùsèqīng xīyūhuíxuàn rǎn ( 羞涩) ( 清晰) ( 迂回) ( 渲染) fǔmōzhēng níng lǐmào shuāi jiāo (抚摸)(狰狞)(礼貌)(摔跤) 二、辨字组词。(5分) 僵(僵硬)陷(陷入)勒(勾勒)偏(偏旁)zài(载重) 载 疆(新疆)馅(馅饼)鞋(布鞋)编(编写)zǎi(记载)三、填空,并选自己喜欢的一个词语写一句话。(6分) (襟)飘带舞高大(挺)秀栩栩如(生) 始料不(及)不(计)其数美(轮)美奂 (浑)黄一体废(寝)忘食一(碧)千里 翠色(欲)流 造句: 四、选词填空。(3分) 矗立屹立挺立 1、雄伟的人民英雄纪念碑(屹立)在天安门广场上。 2、一座古朴典雅的“丝绸之路”巨型石雕,(矗立)在西安市玉祥门外。 3、一行高大的白杨树沿着铁路线(挺立)在茫茫戈壁上。 五、按要求写句子。(10分) 1、晚会上,小伙子们和姑娘们表现了优美的舞蹈。(修改病句) 表演了美丽 2、这动人的歌声让人民欢呼、鼓掌。(改为反问句) 这动人的歌声怎能不让人民欢呼鼓掌呢? 3、白杨树从来就那么直。哪儿 ..需要它,它就在哪儿 ..很快地生根发芽,长出粗壮的枝干。 (用带点的词造句) 4、通过学习第一组课文,使我领略了祖国西部的奇丽风光。(修改病句) 5、春天的草原是多么美丽的季节啊!(修改病句) 地方

六、请把下面的诗句补充完整,并完成填空。(4分) 1.九曲黄河万里沙,。 ,同到牵牛织女家。 2.在《草原》一文中,有一句话既是全文的中心,也是老舍先生情感的集中体现,同时给读者以回味的余地。这句话就是:蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳!请联系,写出你对这句话的理解和体会: 七、下列各组词语中,加点的字读音全部正确的一组是(A)。(2分) A、陷.(xiàn)入狰.(zhēng)狞效率.(lǜ)勾勒.(lè) B、乐.( lè)趣目的.(dí)地拨.(bō)转不计其数.(shǔ) C、高歌一曲.(qū)喷.(pēn )出商贸.( mào)枝干.(gàn ) D、匕(bì)首开凿(zhuó)逞(chěng)凶矗(chù)立 八、下列一组句子中,没有语病的一句是(C)。(2分) A、这学期,我校开展了“我为他人添欢乐”的热潮。 B、六月一日上午,我们去公园玩了一整天,个个意犹未尽。 C、科技人员废寝忘食、夜以继日地实验。 D、这次语文考试,全班同学普遍成绩提高了。 没有语病的是C. A、这学期,我校开展了“我为他人添欢乐”的活动.或这学期,我校掀起 了“我为他人添欢乐”的热潮 B、六月一日,我们去公园玩了一整天,个个意犹未尽. D、这次语文考试,同学们普遍成绩提高了. A搭配不当 B“上午”和“一整天”矛盾 D “全班”和“普遍”语义重复 第二部分:阅读积累与运用。(30分) 一、阅读《白杨》选段,回答问题。(13分) 爸爸的微笑消失了,脸色变得严肃起来。他想了一会儿,对儿子和小女儿说:“白杨树从来就这么直。哪儿需要它,它就在哪儿很快地生根发芽,长出粗壮的枝干。()遇到风沙还是雨雪,()遇到干旱还是洪水,它()那么直,那么坚强,不软弱,()不动摇。” 爸爸只是向孩子们介绍白杨树吗?不是的,他也在表白着自己的心。而这,孩子们现在还不能理解。 他们只知道爸爸在新疆工作,妈妈也在新疆工作。他们只知道爸爸这回到奶奶家来,接他们到新疆去念小学,将来再念中学。他们只知道新疆是个很远很远的地方,要坐几天火车,还要坐几天汽车。 现在呢,孩子们多了一点知识。在通向新疆的路上,有许许多多白杨树。这儿需要它们,它们就在这儿生根了。 爸爸一手搂着一个孩子望着窗外闪过去的白杨树,又陷入了沉思。突然,他的嘴角又浮起一丝微笑,那是因为他看见火车前进方向的右面,在一棵高大的白杨树身边,几棵小树正迎着风沙成长起来。


2015—2016学年度第一学期五年级英语第三单元质量检测班级姓名 一、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Look at ___________ newspaper. (today) 2. We should learn from ___________ .(he) 3. I want to __________ a policeman. (be) 4. He __________ people in his work.(help) 5. He __________ great in his uniform. (look) 二、单项选择。 ( )1. _____ name is Alice. A. Her B. Her’s C. She ( )2.一What class are you in? 一I’m _____ Class Three,Grade Five. A. in B. of C. on ( )3. _____ my uncle. A. This B. This is C. This’s ( )4. My father and mother love_____ . A. me B. mine C.I ( )5. I love my father and mother. = I love my _____ . A. they B. parents C. family ( )6. Let me introduce my parents _____ you. A. in B. to C. of ( )7. What do you want to be _____ the future ? A. to B. in C. from ( )8. This is my father. _____ a worker. A. He B. He’s C. His ( )9.--- _____ does your father do? --- He’s a worker. A. What B. Where C. What’s ( )10. Is your mother an actress? A. Yes,she is. B.She is a singer. C. Yes,she does. ( )11. Let _____ introduce my new friend. A. my B. I C. me ( )12. Where _____ you work? A. are B. do C. does ( )13. Let me _____ you. A. to tell B. tell C. telling ( )14. What _____ you want _____ in the future? A. do, be B. do, to be C. does, to be ( )15. I want to be an _____ . A. singer B. dancer C. actress ( )16. My brother is a dentist. What about your brother? A.He is a dentist, too. B. He isn’t a teacher. C. She’s a policewoman. ( )17. We should learn _____ her. A. to B. from C. in ( )18. My mother is a nurse. _____ your aunt? A. How B. How about C. What ( )19. ---What’s her _____ ? --- She’s a teacher. A. age B. job C. name ( )20. What’s _____ job? A. she B. she C. her ( )21. Look ___ today’s newspaper. A. at B. of C. to ( )23. My sister is _____ actress. A. a B. an C. the ( )24. The boy _____ his dad. A. be like B.like C. looks like ( )25. We are _____ . A. twin sisters B. twins sisters C. twin sister ( )26. Mary’s friend _____ . A. like reading books B. works in a school C. working in a bank ( )27. Tony is very _____ .He wants a _____ from America. A . friend,friendly B. friends,friend C. friendly,friend


共4页,第1页 共4页,第2页 密 封 线 校名 班级 姓名 座号 密 封 线 内 不 得 答 题 五年级英语科第二阶段质量检测卷 评分: 听力部分(40分) 一、听音选词,选出你所听到的单词。(10分) ( )1. A.China B.Chinese ( )2. A.fish B.fresh ( )3. A.clean B.green ( )4. A.March B.touch ( )5. A.great B.plate ( )6. A.umbrella B.library ( )7. A. black B.clock ( )8. A.snowy B.snowman ( )9. A.grow B.gray ( )10. A.sheep B.sleep 二、听录音,用阿拉伯数字给下面的图片排序。(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听录音,选出正确的答句。(10分) ( )1. A. We finish class at 4:00p.m. B. We have class at 4:00p.m. ( )2. A. I like spring best. B. I like March best. ( )3. A. It ’s in May . B. It ’s in June. ( )4. A. I get up at 7:00 a.m. B. I have breakfast at 7:00 a.m. ( )5. A.I usually visit my grandma. B. .I will visit my grandma. 四.听录音,补全句子,一空一词。(10分) 1.Dragon Boat Festival is usually in ________.My mom will zongzi then. 2. We usually have a trip in . 3. In summer vacation I usually . 4. -When do you English ? - At 9:30 a.m. 5. Mike is going to next week. 笔试部分(60分) 五、选出下列每组单词中画线部分读音不同的一项。(5分) ( ) 1. A. China B. lunch C. school D. cheap ( ) 2. A. chicken B. shorts C. sheep D. shirt ( ) 3. A. take B. play C.class D.date ( ) 4. A.green B.grandpa C.grow D.library ( ) 5. A.season B. leaf C.breakfast D.eat 六、根据句子意思填写正确的月份。(8分) 1. New Year's Day is in ________. 2. Christmas is in . 3. Mother's Day is in ________ . 4. Teachers ’ Day is in . 5. Tree Planting Day is in ________. 6. Children's Day is in 7. China ’s National Day is in ________. 8. American Thanksgiving Day is in 七、单项选择。(12分) ( )1.- What can boys and girls in spring? -They can fly kites. A. do B.does C.doing ( )2. do you have on Fridays? -I have a dancing class. A. Which B.What C.When ( )3.Which do you like ? A.month, better B. month, best C.months, best ( )4.I________summer, but Mike________autumn. A. like; like B.likes; likes C.like; likes ( )5.It ’s warm the day and cool night? A. on; at B.in; at C.in; on
