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In psychology and education, learning is commonly defined as a process that brings together cognitive, emotional, and environmental influences and experiences for acquiring, enhancing, or making changes in one's knowledge, skills, values, and world views. Learning as a process focuses on what happens when the learning takes place. Explanations of what happens constitute learning theories. A learning theory is an attempt to describe how people and animals learn, thereby helping us understand the inherently complex process of learning. Learning theories have two chief values. One is in providing us with vocabulary and a conceptual framework for interpreting the examples of learning that we observe. The other is in suggesting where to look for solutions to practical problems. The theories do not give us solutions, but they do direct our attention to those variables that are crucial in finding solutions.

There are three main categories or philosophical frameworks under which learning theories fall: behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism. Behaviorism focuses only on the objectively observable aspects of learning. Cognitive theories look beyond behavior to explain brain-based learning. And constructivism views learning as a process in which the learner actively constructs or builds new ideas or concepts.


Behaviorism as a theory was primarily developed by B. F. Skinner. It loosely encompasses the work of people like Edward Thorndike. What characterizes these investigators are their underlying assumptions about the process of learning. In essence, three basic assumptions are held to be true. First, learning is manifested by a change in behavior. Second, the environment shapes behavior. And third, the principles of contiguity邻近and reinforcement are central to explaining the learning process. For behaviorism, learning is the acquisition of new behavior through conditioning.

There are two types of possible conditioning:

1) Classical conditioning, where the behavior becomes a reflex response to stimulus as in the case of Pavlov's Dogs.

2) Operant conditioning where there is reinforcement of the behavior by a reward or a punishment. The theory of operant conditioning was developed by B.F. Skinner and is known as Radical Behaviorism. The word ‘operant’ refers to the way in which behavior ‘operates on the environment’.


The earliest challenge to the behaviorists came in a publication in 1929 by Bode, a gestalt psychologist. He criticized behaviorists for being too dependent on overt behavior to explain learning. Gestalt psychologists proposed looking at the patterns rather than isolated events. Gestalt views of learning have been incorporated into what have come to be labeled cognitive theories.

Two key assumptions underlie this cognitive approach: (1) that the memory system is an active organized processor of information and (2) that prior knowledge plays an important role in learning. Cognitive theories look beyond behavior to explain brain-based learning. Cognitivists consider how human memory works to promote learning. For example, the physiological processes of sorting and encoding information and events into short term memory and long term memory are important to educators working under the cognitive theory. The major difference between gestaltists and behaviorists is the locus of control over the learning activity: the individual learner is more key to gestaltists than the environment that behaviorists emphasize.


Constructivism views learning as a process in which the learner actively constructs or builds new ideas or concepts based upon current and past knowledge or experience. In other words, "learning involves constructing one's own knowledge from one's own experiences." Constructivist learning, therefore, is a very personal endeavor, whereby internalized concepts, rules, and general principles may consequently be applied in a practical real-world context. This is also known as social constructivism (see social constructivism). Social constructivists posit that knowledge is constructed when individuals engage socially in talk and activity about shared problems or tasks. Learning is seen as the process by which individuals are introduced to a culture by more skilled members"(Driver et al., 1994) Constructivism itself has many variations, such as Active learning, discovery learning, and knowledge building. Regardless of the variety, constructivism promotes a student's free exploration within a given framework or structure. The teacher acts as a facilitator who encourages students to discover principles for themselves and to construct knowledge by working to solve realistic problems. Aspects of constructivism can be found in self-directed learning, transformational learning, experiential learning, situated cognition, and reflective practice and religious practice.


From early psychology in the 19th century, the behaviorist school of thought ran concurrently and shared commonalities with the psychoanalytic and Gestalt movements in psychology into the 20th century; but also differed from the mental philosophy of the Gestalt psychologists in critical ways.[citation needed] Its main influences were Ivan Pavlov, who investigated classical conditioning although he did not necessarily agree with Behaviorism or Behaviorists, Edward Lee Thorndike, John B. Watson who rejected introspective methods and sought to restrict psychology to experimental methods, and B.F. Skinner who conducted research on operant conditioning.[3]

Relation to language

behaviorist theory claims that language is a set of habits that can be acquired by means of conditioning. According to some, this process that the behaviorists define is a very slow and gentle process to explain a phenomenon complicated as language learning. What was important

for a behaviorist's analysis of human behavior was not language acquisition so much as the interaction between language and overt behavior.


Cognitivism became the dominant force in psychology in the late-20th century, replacing behaviorism as the most popular paradigm for understanding mental function. Cognitive psychology is not a wholesale refutation of behaviorism, but rather an expansion that accepts that mental states exist. This was due to the increasing criticism towards the end of the 1950s of simplistic learning models. One of the most notable criticisms was Chomsky's argument that language could not be acquired purely through conditioning, and must be at least partly explained by the existence of internal mental states.

The main issues that interest cognitive psychologists are the inner mechanisms of human thought and the processes of knowing. Cognitive psychologists have attempted to throw light on the alleged mental structures that stand in a causal relationship to our physical actions.


There are three key ideas. First is that the mind is "cognitive," Second, he argued that most of the important properties of language and mind are innate. The acquisition and development of a language is a result of the unfolding of innate propensities triggered by the experiential input of the external environment. The link between human innate aptitude to language and heredity has been at the core of the debate opposing Noam Chomsky to Jean Piaget.


认知图式理论与英语教学 【摘要】随着近年来认知语言学的发展,图式理论被逐渐发展成一个重要理论,它是心理学与语言学研究结合的产物。这一理论已越来越多地被外语教育工作者关注并成功地应用于教学。本文在简要介绍图式理论后,分析了图示理论在培养外语学习者在阅读、听力理解、词汇记忆等语言技能上的突出作用和意义。 【关键词】图式理论外语教学应用 图式(Schema)就是知识在大脑中的存储单位,这一概念最早由著名哲学家康德(Kant)于1781年在其著作《纯粹理性的批判》中提出。他认为,一个人在接受新思想、新信息、新概念的时候,只有把它们同这个人脑海里的固有知识联系起来才能产生意义概念。此后,不同学者对图式也有着不同理解和解释。现代图式理论产生于20世纪70年代中期,美国人工智能专家鲁梅哈特(D.E.Rumelhart)分析了认知框架或既存知识在理解过程中的作用。该理论指出,无论口头或书面语篇本身都不具有意义,意义存在于人的脑海之中,它取决于人在理解过程中对大脑中已经存在的认知框架,也就是图式的启动。在语言理解过程中,认知框架中的信息为理解、预测提供依据,赋予语言材料以意义。 在认知心理学家看来,学习是将书本知识以及教师传授的知识纳入学习者自身已有的知识体系,并将其转变为有用的技能。他们在对所学材料的识别、加工、理解的整个认知过程中,认知图式发挥着不可忽视的作用。图式理论对外语学习同样有着极为重要的意义。现在外语教学要求学习者较少依赖别人的帮助而进行有效的学习,充分发挥学习者在外语学习过程中的主观能动性和创造性。因此,将图式理论的研究成果应用于外语学习实践,将会有效提高学习者的学习效果。 一、图式理论与文化背景的关系 外语学习不仅是语言的学习,也是了解这门语言所承载的文化的学习。文化不仅包括风俗习惯,还包括在此文化熏陶下的个人思维方式和理解角度。图式就是相关的背景知识,也就是人脑中预设的认知结构在语言理解中的作用的理论,因此其理论的运用能为目的语言文化背景认知的要求提供积极的帮助。 图式具有共同性和差异性,图式的共同性使得人与人的交际、相互理解成为可能;而它的差异性是由于不同的社会背景下的人会有不同的经验,形成不同的图式。简单的说东方人的经验与西方人的经验就存在着大大小小的各种差异。任


Firstly, a good language teacher should have ethic devotion. The teacher should be a model and set a good ex ample to his students because most students would be influenced by their teacher’s behavior unconsciously. A teacher with extreme high level of morality often has a potent and positive effect on his students, rather than those with high teaching standard. So a good language teacher should show their moral quality as well as their knowledge. To be specific, a good language teacher should be fair, not only should he be fair to his students, such as treats them equally, and “partiality” is forbidden, but he sh ould properly regard the conflicts between different cultures. Besides, he should be kind and ready to help his students both in study and life. What’s more, he should be enthusiastic to his students, and has full passion for his teaching; he should be caring to his students, sometimes, only a caring look, a trusting encouragement, or a mild smile from the teacher is enough to touch the students’ hearts. In addition, hard-working and attentive are necessary for a good language teacher. We should recognize the great value of the teachers who have ethic devotion during the students’ development. Secondly, a good teacher should have personal styles. A good teacher makes learning not a dull thing but a great joy. Many teachers always keep talking about the textbook all the time so that the students feel it difficult to focus their attentions on what the teacher are saying. As a result, the gap between teachers and students enlarges. Supposing the language teacher has distinct personal style during the teaching, this problem can be solved. For example, he can make his teaching dynamic by body languages, or demonstrating performance; he can be patient enough and never give up any student, even though some of them are really mischievous and indocile; he can be creative, teaches in creative ways and encourage his students to be creative and open-minded. Meanwhile, a good language teacher can be discipline and authoritative, he should be strict with students when it’s necessary. It’s important to find his unique person al styles when a teacher is teaching. Last but not least, a good language teacher should have professional qualities. A professional language teacher should be capable enough in your own language ability. He should obtain the capability to have language usage well in hand, and an excellent command of western culture. If so, he can be more knowledgeable and informed. What’s more, a good language teacher should be versatile, especially in the four skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. It can help students to enhance the focus on realistic communication. Moreover, a good language teacher should be equipped with profession and armed with a range of skills, strategies and information. Before he gives his students a glass of water, he should have a barrel of it. He should grasp a large scope of knowledge of language and take the essence of it, then transfer it to his students. Besides, a good language teacher should be skilled in lesson planning and class management. He should be reflective and keep on reflecting on his classes and his methods of teaching, and in this way he could make progress quickly; he should be resourceful, and have a quick response to the emergency. In addition, I think the most important duty of a teacher is get experience about teaching, which is called the experiential knowledge, and after a long period of practice and reflection, he would be able to develop his professional competence, which is the most important and difficult part of being a good language teacher. In addition, a good teacher should be a life-long learner, and make sure that he keeps improving himself in his professional field, and he should always test himself by the feedback from his students, and reflect on his work. As the society develops at an amazing speed now, the students today are quite different: they are more independent, and demand a higher standard for teachers, which is a challenge for us. So we should try our best to improve ourselves, and try to be as good a teacher as we can. As the students of an normal university, besides learning the knowledge of being a good language teacher, we should have our own mind, practice our teaching skills and methods. For this part, I’d like to share my opinion about my plan for language teaching profession. So, what we expect from our language teachers? Capable, humorous, responsible, kind and so on.


国外现代外语教学主要流派的对比 特点 优点 缺点 着重培养的能力 适合人群 对待母语的态度 对待错误的态度 翻译法 1)语法体系的完整性和整体性。语法翻译法借助原“希腊--拉丁语法”的规则,形成了非常完整、系统的语法教学体系 2)语法翻译法以及建立在“希腊--拉丁语法”规则上的英语语法体系有利于外语学习者认识目的语的形式、不同的词类,句子的组合等。 3)语法翻译法较好地体现了外语学习的本质,即两种语言形式的转换,进而达到语际信息交流的实际目的。 4)语法翻译法非常重视词汇和语法知识的系统传授;强调对词汇和语法规则的记忆,认为背诵语法规则是学习外语的捷径。不注重语言的实际运用,只强调书面语的阅读能力。5)强调对书面语的分析,着重原文的学习。课文是由艰深的片断文学作品组成,并附有用母语详细注释的词汇表和详细解释的语法规则。 4、优点: 1)经常通过母语的翻译和比较,强调语法学习,能使学生比较深刻地理解外语的抽象词义和复杂的句子结构。重视阅读、翻译能力的培养和语法知识的传授等,对建立外语教学法体系做出了重大的贡献。 2)使用方便,不需要什么教具和设备。 3)容易测试学生,班级易于管理。 1)忽视语音和语调的教学,学生口语能力得不到提高。过分强调语言知识的传授,忽视语言技能的培养,语音、词汇、语法与课文阅读教学脱节。 2)过分强调翻译,单纯通过翻译手段教外语。未能恰当发挥母语在外语教学中的积极作用。

3)过分强调语法在外语教学中的作用。语法讲解从定义出发,根据定义给例句,脱离学生的实际需要和语言水平。学生虽然学了很多的语法规则却不能运用。 4)过分强调教学的主导作用和教师的语言讲解作用,忽视了学习者的实际案,不利于他们语言习惯的养成。 5)学习的语言材料都是一些文学作品片断,词汇很深,脱离学生实际。 6)忽视了语言教学的文化因素。语言运用的内在因素,以及语言在不同情境中使用的客观规律。 7)强调死记硬背,教学方式单一,实践环节单调、课堂气氛沉闷,不易激起学生兴趣。强调书面语的阅读能力。重视阅读、翻译能力的培养和语法知识的传授 高中及以上 未能恰当发挥母语在外语教学中的积极作用。 直接指出错误 听说法 1)听说领先。即口语是学习外语的基础。 2)以句型为中心。句型既是语言的基本结构,是外语教学的基础,也是外语教学的核心。3)对比语言结构,确定教学难点。 4)反复实践,形成习惯。 5)及时纠正错误,培养正确的语言习惯。 6)尽量不用母语。各民族的语言结构是不同的,一种语言很难用另一种民族语言来表达。外语教学利用母语翻译和讲解语言知识只能引起两种语言的混淆,起干扰作用。 7)广泛利用电化教学手段,特别是语言实验室。放矢地、有针对性地编写教材,加强语言知识难点和重点的训练,有效地进行外语教学。 1)强调外语教学的实践性,要求熟练地掌握句型,有利于外语语言习惯的养成。句型操练是一种有效的手段。 2)重视听说训练,使学生在学习外语的初级阶段,在有限的材料范围内就能流利地听说外语。这与外语教学的目的是相呼应的。外语教学的目的是培养听、说、读、写能力,特别是听说能力要通过听说读写的训练才能达到。 3)容易学到比较自然的语音、语调。 4)在对比语言结构的基础上找出难点,有针对性的编写教材,有利于学生学习和掌握外语。 1)过于重视机械训练,不利于学生实际掌握外语。 2)过于重视训练语言的形式,忽视语言的内容和意义,学的语言很不自然。在教学中往往造成学生能自动化地说出一个完整的句子,却不一定了解其意义。语言不仅是一种习惯,更重要的语言是一种创造性的言语活动。外语教学的主要目的是要培养学生创造性地运用语言的交际能力。 3)教学方法机械、单调,容易使学生产生厌倦情绪。由于过分强调机械的句型操练,容易


现代英语教学理念之反思教学理念集锦简短作为一门国际化的语言,在当今世界上,英语是最重要的交流工具之一,在各个领域中扮演着重要的角色。世界上把英语当做母语的国家最多,第二语言是英语的人数也最众。与此同时,越来越多的人意识到英语学习的重要性,越来越多的人开始重视英语教学,也有越来越多的学习者体会到了英语的独特魅力。而作为一名英语教师,如何用最现代的教学理念来指导当代的英语教学,是值得每名教师深刻反思的。 反思一:更新教育理念,应用多媒体辅助教学 众所周知,英语教学需要辅助工具。从最初的一支粉笔到后来的图片卡片,再到现在的电子词典、电脑,英语的教学手段实现了质的蜕变。电脑的普及使得每个学生的知识发生了巨大变化。原来学生的知识往往于课堂、教师、书本,而现在电脑将学生和世界信息知识库连接了起来。学生通过互联网可以了解政治、经济、科学技术、文化和体育等各个方面的最新信息。教师通过课前制作好的教学课件可以改进学生的学习方式,提高学生的学习效率。恰当使用多媒体能够培养学生主动学习的能力,这体现在两个方面:教师课前设计、制作有利于课堂教学的多媒体课件,将自己的教学目标贯穿于其中;而学生在观看多媒体课件的过程中,能够产生对新知识的学习兴趣、从而产生主动学习的渴望。这有助于启迪创新思维,培养创新能力,调动

学生的学习积极性,发挥主体作用,从而使学生树立创新意识、提高创新能力。 反思二:在英语教学中培养跨文化意识 培养跨文化意识,是外语教学的一个重要组成部分。在英语教学中,应树立文化意识,应在传授语言的同时同步传授文化知识。语言教学和文化教学可以在传授语音、词汇、语法等语言知识时同步进行。对于英语的初学者来说,了解西方人的一些禁忌是非常重要的。对于中国人来说,见面的招呼语经常是“你吃饭了吗?”但在英美等国家,这会被认为是窥探对方的隐私。同时,对方的身高、体重、年龄、收入等信息也都是禁忌的话题。中国人和朋友吃饭的时候,通常是请客吃饭的人为所有的宾客买单。但在国外,则常常是自己只为自己付账。如:freeze这个词的基本含义是“结冰”。而若在美国,听到别人说freeze,则表示“站住,不许动”!在汉语中,老鼠主要表现为胆小怕事,目光短浅。而在英语中,老鼠却代表可爱。在中国称中年以上的人为“老”,是尊敬的表示,可在西方,“老”却意味着衰朽。西方国家的风俗习惯、思维方式等都与汉语不尽相同,因此,在英语教学中还要向学生介绍文化背景知识。在英语教学中,要适当地对这些不同文化的差异进行总结归纳。 反思三:将课堂真正还给学生,让学生成为课堂的主体


摘要:图式理论对提高英语写作发表相关能力有着重要的作用。本文介绍了图式理论的基本要义及图式理论与英语写作的关系,并探讨了在句型教学、段落教学和语篇教学中激活和构建图式知识的方法。 关键词:图式;英语;写作教学 随着我国对外开放的进一步深入和加入世界贸易组织,我国国际间的交流变得日益频繁。因此,全社会对大学生英语交际能力的要求越来越高,全面提高大学生英语的听、说、读、写能力也变得越来越重要。而写作能力无疑是交际能力的重要体现之一。而且,对于高校学生来说,能够准确、流畅地用英语写文章已成为全国英语四、六级考试要求的基本技能之一。既然英语写作能力如此重要,这就要求广大英语教师在写作教学中寻求一个适合的英语写作教学方法,从而有效地提高学生英语写作能力。近几十年,图式理论受到了很多英语专家及英语教学工作者的关注,并已被运用于大学英语阅读教学与 听力教学。图式理论同样也能为提高英语写作教学发挥作用。 一、图式的基本要义 自从1932年英国著名心理学家F. C. Barlett在其著作《记忆》(Remembering)中提出图式概念以来,图式已被不同的心理学家和语言学家冠以不同的定义和形式。例如,Schank和Abelson(1977)用图式来表示人们常遇到的情景的原型知识( Stereotypical Knowledge); Carrell和Eisterhold(1983) 把图式定义为学习者以往习得的知识(即背景知识)的构架(structure); Eysenck和Keane(1990)则认为,图式是被组织起来的一族概念,即图式涉及通用知识,人们可以用它来表示或表征事件、事件系列、格言、情景、关系和物体等。Cook(1992)将图式定义为话语加工过程中所必需的思想表达(a mental representation essential to discourse processing)[1]。而鲁梅哈特认为,图式是认知的基石, 一切信息加工都要建立在图式的基础之上。总而言之,“图式”是指每个人过去获得的知识在头脑中储存的方式,是大脑对过去经验的反映或积极组织,是被学习者储存在记忆中的信息对新信息起作用 的过程,以及怎样把这些新信息丰富到学习者知识库中的过程。图式中每个组成成分构成一个空档(slot),当新信息和存在的背景知识融合在一起并被放到合适的空档时,图式便形成了。图式可以大致分为四类:1、语言图式( linguistic schema):指语言知识及运用语言的能力。2、内容图式(content schema):包括依赖篇章情境的图式和读者已有的背景知识的图式,也就是语篇内容的背景知识。3、形式图式( formal or organizational schema):指的是不同语篇关于文章形式、组织结构的知识。4、策略图式(strategy schema):指的是英语学习者的学习技巧等[2]。 二、图式知识与英语写作教学 图式理论(Schema Theory)认为:人们在接受和理解新事物的时候,需要在新事物和已知的概念、过去经历等有关对客观世界的认识,即背景知识之间建立起联系。人们能否理解和接受新事物,取决于头脑中的知识结构(图式结构),输入的信息必须与原有的图式结构相吻合:如果缺乏原有的图式结构,新旧知识之间就存在着鸿沟。因此,许多的英语专家和英语教学工作者纷纷把“图式理论”应用于英语阅读教学和听力教学中。笔者认为,“图式理论”也同样适用于写作教学。因为写作与阅读和听力有着相似的信息处理过程。阅读和听力属于信息输入过程。这个过程需要读者成功的激活自己已具备的图式,从而才能达到成功的理解材料。而阅读属于输出信息过程。这个过程也同样需要成功地激活和构建与写作相关的图式知识。下面就简单地介绍一下如何在写作教学中激活和构建图式知识。


现代外语教学复习资料 绪论 我国外语教学存在得问题:(P2-P5) 1、theoretical researches are weak 2、teachers' faculty is not strong 3、schools are short of teaching resources 4、teaching concepts lag behind the society 5、education is mainly exam-oriented 6、the interference related to power and money is serious 第二章 1、外语教学研究得三个层次:(P32-P38) ontology: essential characteristics of language itself and language teaching 2、语言得本质特点: 1)、the most important tool to municate 2)、a linguistic system made up of various subsystems 3)、a tool to think and a carrier for culture 4)、require special physiological basis 2、外语教学研究得三个层次:(P32-P38) ② positivism: principles of foreign language teaching a、systematic principle b、municative principle


安庆师范学院外国语学院 2007—2008学年度第二学期期末考试 《英语教学理论及方法》课程试卷(B卷) 注意事项 1. 本试卷共四大题, 第I 、II大题做在客观题答题卡上,第III 、IV大题做在主 观题答题纸上;客观题答题卡上准考证号码为00+学号,如,001205001。2.考生答卷时必须准确填写院系、班级、姓名、学号等栏目,字迹要清楚、工整。 I. Multiple Choices Directions:In this part, you are given twenty questions or incomplete sentences which are followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Read the choices carefully and choose the one which can best answer the question or complete the sentence. Mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet for the objective items (30 points; 1.5 points each). 1. Which of the following statement about task-based language teaching is NOT true? A. Students should be given tasks to perform or problems to solve in the classroom. B. Students are task-driven. C. Task-based language teaching is student-centered. D. Task-based language teaching follows the PPP model. 2. What type of learners can benefit most from acting things out or miming things with their bodies? A. Kinesthetic learners. B. Tactile learners. C. Auditory learners. D. Visual learners. 3. What type of intelligence are problem-solving activities best suited for? A. Interpersonal intelligence. B. Intrapersonal intelligence. C. Logical/Mathematical intelligence. D. Linguistic intelligence. 4.The _______ view of language sees language as a linguistic system but also as a means for doing things. Most of our day-to-day language use involves functional activities: offering, suggesting, advising, apologizing, etc. A. structural B. functional C. mentalist D. interactional 5. The role of the teacher changes following the aims of the class. The teacher may function more as a(n) if he is mainly doing presentation of new language points, whereas he is more of a resource or prompter or participant once a communicative activity starts. A. controller B. resource-provider C. participant D. organizer 6.Which of the following activities is NOT suitable for consolidating vocabulary? A. Labelling. B. Using minimal pairs. C. Odd man out. D. Word association. 7. The behaviorist theory of language learning was initiated by , who applied Watson and Raynor’s theory of conditioning to the way human acquire language. A. Harmer B. Skinner C. Hymes D. Chomsky 8. Which of the following statements about assessment is NOT true? A. Summative assessment is mainly based on testing. B.Testing is part of assessment, only one means of gathering information about a student. C.Individual-reference assessment is based on how well the learner is performing relative to his or her own previous performance, or relative to an estimate of his or her individual ability. 考试答案不得超过此线


第14卷 第1期厦门理工学院学报V o.l 14 N o .1 2006年3月Journa l of X ia m en U niversity of T echno logy M ar .2006 [收稿日期]2005-09-21[作者简介]陈海明(1975-),男,江西瑞金人,讲师,硕士,从事语言学、国际关系和国际法的研究。 试论交际任务型外语教学法的理论基础与特征 陈海明 (厦门理工学院外语系,福建厦门361005) [摘 要]外语教学法不断推陈出新,新的流派随着语言和学习理论的革新而不断涌现。交际任务型 教学法建立在各种语言和学习理论基础上,吸收了历史上各教学流派的合理因素,因而具有兼容性和极强 的生命力,对于贯彻实施 大学英语课程教学要求 和全面提高学习者语言交际能力具有重大意义。 [关键词]外语教学;交际任务型;交际能力 [中图分类号]N 319 3;G 642 0[文献标识码]A [文章编号]1008-3804(2006)01-0089-04 人类不同族群之间的互动交往必然以语言为媒介,对彼此语言的学习就成为很自然的事情,因而外语教学活动已有古老的历史。外语教学活动是由学生、教师、教材、教法、环境等一系列因素围绕目的语的产出而构成的系统,教法是关键要素,影响整个系统的组合,决定语言信息产出的质和量。因此一种最佳的外语教学法在其他要素不变情况下可以带来系统的最优结果。故而,各流派在外语教学活动中特别重视外语教学法的选择。自从语法翻译法问世以来,各种外语教学法纷纷你方唱罢我登场。它们之间既有互相对立的流派,亦有互有渊源的派别。如果说直接法是对翻译法革命的话,那么直接法、听说法和口语情景教学法之间则更多是一种渐进演化关系。各种教学流派都直接或间接地受到某种语言理论或学习理论的影响,例如听说法就是以结构语言学和行为主义心理学为指导,强调语言学习就是刺激、反应、强化的过程,因而重视语言结构形式,强调反复机械训练。这些流派所倡导的教学方法对于丰富人们对外语教学途径的认识具有重要参考意义,对于掌握目的语的某一项技能起到过重要作用。然而,由于指导这些流派的语言理论和学习理论存在一定局限性,这些流派均不能够全面提高学习者使用目的语进行交际的能力。随着国际社会互动加强对交际能力需求的增加,必然要求某种更适合现实需要的外语教学途径问世。交际任务型教学途径就是在这种背景下,在各种科学语言理论和学习理论指导下,在汲取历史上各种流派合理要素基础上,最后闪亮登场,成为目前最具有活力和广泛用途的一种外语教学途径。 一、交际任务型教学途径的理论基础 20世纪60年代末,曾经在英国流行一时的情景式外语教学法由于其赖以建立的结构主义语言学受到乔姆斯基的批判而开始衰落。乔氏在其 句法结构 一书中表明,语言结构理论并不能解释个体句式独创性这一语言基本特征[1]。英国一些应用语言学家开始关注语言的功能和交际层面,而不是结构形式层面。与此同时,随着欧洲一体化相互依存局面的加强,学习欧共体主要语言的现实需要与日俱增。英国著名语言学家W ilk i n s 出版了 意念大纲 一书,强调语言交际使用中的意义,把意义分成意念范畴和交际功能范畴[2]。这些观点不断受到教科书和外语教学实践的采纳,最终发展成为交际型外语教学法。尽管交际教学法没有一个权威的标准和统一的解释,然而却共同受到一些语言学理论和学习理论的影响。 人们对语言的认识经历了从结构主义到功能主义的演变。结构主义语言学只是静态关注语音、语




图式理论及相互作用模式与大学英语阅读教学-英语论文图式理论及相互作用模式与大学英语阅读教学 肖志红(长沙医学院外语系) 阅读是英语学习的重要途径,它是一个复杂的心理语言活动过程,是作者、语言信息和读者三方面共同作用的结果。本文以图式理论和相互作用模式为理论基础,通过对传统阅读教学模式的分析,旨在探讨如何运用这种理论在阅读教学三个不同阶段有效地指导大学英语阅读教学。 在大学英语教学中,如何培养学生良好的阅读习惯,提高学生的阅读能力,在备试过级考试时如何讲解阅读理解,对大学英语教师来说一直是个难题。有鉴于此,本文以图式理论为理论基础,以相互作用模式为依托,结合课堂阅读教学模式,讨论如何提高大学英语阅读教学。 一图式及相互作用模式 图式是认知心理学中的一个术语,最早有康德提出。Bartlett(1932)在著作《记忆》中描述为:“图式是对于经验的反映或对过去经验的积极组织”。他认为,图式是一个不断发生作用的既存知识结构,遇到新事物时,只有把这些新事物和已有的图式相联系才能被理解。此理论认为,人们是通过激活大脑中的相关图式来解释新的经历。阅读理解过程是一个认知和言语交际的过程,包括符号辨认和理解两个阶段。因此图式理论就是运用这一认知心理学理论,分析这一认知框架在阅读过程中的作用。图式理论的研究促使专家们修正单纯的自上而下的阅读模式,相互作用阅读模式由此产生。相互作用模式是现代阅读理论中最新的研究成果,在其形成和发展过程中,撇弃了之前的自下而上和自上而下两种模式的不足,汲取了两者的优势,从而确立了自下而上和自上而下相结合的阅读新模式。


《现代英语教学法》读后感 暑假期间,本人认真研读了《现代英语教学法》这本书。读完掩卷而思,感想颇多。说实话,这是本人第一次去认真研读一本教学理论的书,很多以前教学过程中百思不得其解的问题也就豁然开朗了。 这本书开头从现代英语教学法的起源谈起,交代了现代英语教学法的起源,从历史和变革中分析一条设和中国国情的教学法。现代英语教学法大致分为三个阶段,即萌芽阶段、发展阶段和深入阶段。60年代中期,西方就提出了“以学生为中心”的口号,并且对英语教学法产生了很大的影响。人们对英语教学达成了以下的共识:1,把培养英语交际能力作为英语教学的主要目标。2,重视英语教学大纲。3,注意英语学习者的因素。4,开展对英语学习过程的研究。 该书的第二部分是对现代英语教学法的流派及分析。一共介绍了八种流派,并对每一种流派加以分析。每一种教学方法都有其优劣两面。从这一章节我可以看出,教学方法是多种多样的,每一种方法都不是完美的,都是从英语学习的其中一个角度进行阐述的。作为英语教学的实施者,我们最应该做的就是取其精华,去其糟粕。把各个教学方法仔细的加以研究并理解其背后的教育理念,才能在实际教学中融会贯通。比如口语法、听说法、功能交际法等等,我们完全可以看出,语言的学习是为了交际。学生的口语提高能够培养他们的语感,从而从交际方面得到长足的进步。再如认知结构法、自觉实践法都是强调学生的智力以及他们的实际应用。所以这一章节给我的启发就是在英语教学实践中,我们既要侧重学生的实际交际能力,又要给学生以合理的训练量,保证学生在学习的过程中既有知识的积累,又有能力的提高。 接下来,该书又从现代英语教学法的指导思想入手,高屋建瓴,剖析了外语教育的哲学思想以及英语学习的目的,英语学习的学习观、语言观、教育观、方法观。在英语教学的研究和实践中,我们会遇到各种各样的现象和问题。怎样客观地分析问题、恰当地解决矛盾,需要掌握认知问题和分析问题的一般原则和方法,并遵循人们认识世界、改造世界的客观规律。这就需要我们从哲学的高度来分析研究英语教学法,在实践中多方面考虑人的因素、教育因素以及英语教学的需要问题。可以看出,我们英语学习的需要是世界发展形势的需要,是时代发展的产物。学习英语能够培养学生建立科学的世界观、人生观、价值观,对通过英语传递的思想、文化、情感等有鉴别能力。学习英语能够培养学生的民族自尊心和爱国主义,发展包括观察、记忆、思维、想象、创造等内容的思维能力及自学能力。 现代英语教学法的基本原则。该章的第一节给我留下了深刻的印象——用英语教英语。在以前的教学实践中,我总有这样那样的顾虑而不敢在英语课堂中全程使用英语。而该节的理论让我有了理论的支撑。我们的母语都是汉语,这对我们的英语学习产生了负迁移。如何帮助学生排除母语的干扰,沉浸在英语的使用氛围中呢?为了多给学生营造使用英语的氛围,多给学生提供使用英语的实践机会,那么我们课堂上就要尽量使用英语教学,帮助学生排除母语的干扰,培养其运用英语的能力。就其实际操作而言,我们可以从以下几个方面入手:1,在课堂上尽量使用英语组织教学。如开始上课时打招呼用语、课堂用语、布置作业以及考试结果的总结等等。2,一些直观的手段。教师可以利用具体的实物、图片、动作、事例加以展示。随着学生英语水平的提高,在课堂上用英语解释英语的可能性就越大。与此同时,一些表达抽象概念的词汇用英语是很难解释的。例如,只说一个“爱”字就足以表达love这个词,而如果用英语解释就要说warm and kind feeling,并要说That’s maybe a feeling between husband and wife, between lovers, between parents and children, etc. 书的主体部分侧重介绍功能交际法。首先,所谓功能交际法,即以语言功能为纲,培养学生恰当运用语言的能力,实现有效交际的目的。我们不应把它只看做是语言教学中的一种


外语教学理论 In psychology and education, learning is commonly defined as a process that brings together cognitive, emotional, and environmental influences and experiences for acquiring, enhancing, or making changes in one's knowledge, skills, values, and world views. Learning as a process focuses on what happens when the learning takes place. Explanations of what happens constitute learning theories. A learning theory is an attempt to describe how people and animals learn, thereby helping us understand the inherently complex process of learning. Learning theories have two chief values. One is in providing us with vocabulary and a conceptual framework for interpreting the examples of learning that we observe. The other is in suggesting where to look for solutions to practical problems. The theories do not give us solutions, but they do direct our attention to those variables that are crucial in finding solutions. There are three main categories or philosophical frameworks under which learning theories fall: behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism. Behaviorism focuses only on the objectively observable aspects of learning. Cognitive theories look beyond behavior to explain brain-based learning. And constructivism views learning as a process in which the learner actively constructs or builds new ideas or concepts. Behaviorism Behaviorism as a theory was primarily developed by B. F. Skinner. It loosely encompasses the work of people like Edward Thorndike. What characterizes these investigators are their underlying assumptions about the process of learning. In essence, three basic assumptions are held to be true. First, learning is manifested by a change in behavior. Second, the environment shapes behavior. And third, the principles of contiguity邻近and reinforcement are central to explaining the learning process. For behaviorism, learning is the acquisition of new behavior through conditioning. There are two types of possible conditioning: 1) Classical conditioning, where the behavior becomes a reflex response to stimulus as in the case of Pavlov's Dogs. 2) Operant conditioning where there is reinforcement of the behavior by a reward or a punishment. The theory of operant conditioning was developed by B.F. Skinner and is known as Radical Behaviorism. The word ‘operant’ refers to the way in which behavior ‘operates on the environment’. Cognitivism The earliest challenge to the behaviorists came in a publication in 1929 by Bode, a gestalt psychologist. He criticized behaviorists for being too dependent on overt behavior to explain learning. Gestalt psychologists proposed looking at the patterns rather than isolated events. Gestalt views of learning have been incorporated into what have come to be labeled cognitive theories.
