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My love (Westlife 西城男孩)

An empty street,An empty house,A hole inside my heart


I'm all alone,The rooms are getting smaller


I wonder how,I wonder why,I wonder where they are


The days we had,The songs we sang together,Oh yeah


And oh my love,I'm holding on forever


Reaching for a love that seems so far


So I say a little prayer,And hope my dreams will take me there


Where the skies are blue to see you once again, my love


Over seas and coast to coast,To find a place I love the most


Where the fields are green to see you once again, my love


I try to read,I go to work,I'm laughing with my friends


But I can't stop to keep myself from thinking Oh no


I wonder how,I wonder why,I wonder where they are


The days we had,The songs we sang together Oh yeah


And oh my love,I'm holding on forever


Reaching for a love that seems so far


So I say a little prayer And hope my dreams will take me there


Where the skies are blue to see you once again, my love


Over seas and coast to coast,To find a place I love the most


Where the fields are green to see you once again,my love


To hold you in my arms,To promise you my love


To tell you from the heart,You're all I'm thinking of


I'm reaching for a love that seems so far


So I say a little prayer And hope my dreams will take me there 我稍稍向上帝祈求并希望我的梦能带我到那儿

Where the skies are blue to see you once again, my love


Over seas and coast to coast To find a place I love the most 漂过大海翻山越岭去找寻一个我最喜爱的地方

Where the fields are green to see you once again, my love


See a little prayer,My dreams will take me there


Where the skies are blue to see you once again,my love


Over seas and coast to coast To find a place I love the most 漂过大海翻山越岭去找寻一个我最喜爱的地方

Where the fields are green to see you once again,My love



经典英文歌曲歌词:THE LADY IN MY LIFE Therell be no darkness tonight Lady our love will shine Just put your trust in my heart And meet me in paradise Youre every wonder in this world to me A treasure time wont steal away So let me keep you warm Through the shadows of the night Let me touch you with my love I can make you feel so right Just come into my arms While the world goes spinnin by And in the glow of candlelight I will show you youre the lady in my life Dont need no fortune or fame I just want you close to me No time for casties in space Or livin in make believe Id trade it all for just a rainy day As long as I know youll be there So listen to my heart Lay your body close to mine let me fill you with my dreams I can make you feel so right And baby through the years Gonna love you more each day So I promise you tonight That youll always be the lady in my life Lay back in my tenderness Lets make this a night we wont forget Girl, I need your sweet caress Reach out to a fantasy Two hearts in the beat of ecstasy Come to me And I will keep you warm Through the shadows of the night Let me touch you with my love I can make you feel so right And baby through the years Even when were old and grey I will love you more each day Cause youll always be the lady in my life THE LADY IN MY LIFELRC歌词


感恩的心串词(一)闭上眼睛听这首歌,心里有一种深深的感动。我在问自己,有多久没陪父母好好聊天?有多久没和他们一起吃饭了,听听那年老的欢笑?有多久没与他们谈心,听听他们的烦恼,他们的心声呢?是的,你很忙,也很辛苦,也许日间,你是一位奔波的工作者,背后却有着无数的辛酸汗水;但也抹不去那一丝的寂寞失落,除了一颗疲惫的心,麻木的心,你还有一颗感恩的心吗?也许坎坷,让我看到互相搀扶的身影;也许失败,我才体会的一句鼓励的真诚;也许不幸,我才更懂得珍惜幸福。酸甜苦辣不是生活的追求,但一定是生活的全部,试着用一颗感恩的心来体会,你会发现不一样的人生。不要因为冬天的寒冷而失去对春天的希望。清晨,当我从睡中唤醒我感恩上天又给予我一个美好的一天。入夜,我打开日记,用笨拙的笔描画着一天的生活感受,充满了感想,感谢大地赋予的安宁。走出家门,感恩上天的无私给予,感恩大地的宽容浩博。生活的每一天,我都充满着感恩情怀,我学会了宽容,学会了承接,学会了付出,学会了感动,懂得了顺报。用微笑去对待每一天,用微笑去对待世界,对待人生,对待朋友,对待困难。我感恩,感恩生活,感恩网络,感恩朋友,感恩大自然,每天,我都以一颗感动的心去承接生活中的一切。我感谢...... 感谢伤害我的人,因为他磨练了我的心志;感谢欺骗我的人,因为他增进了我的见识;感谢斥责我的人,因为他助长了我的智慧;感谢父母给了我生命和无私的爱;感谢老师给了我知识和看世界的眼睛;感谢领导给了我信任和展示自己能力的机会;感谢生活所给予我的一切,虽然并不全都是美满和幸福;感谢天空,给我提供了一个施展的舞台。感谢太阳,给我提供光和热。感谢我爱的人和爱我的人,使我的生命不再孤单;感谢我的敌人,让我认识自己和看清别人;感谢日升,让我在白日的光辉中有明亮的心情;感谢伤痛,让我学会了坚忍;感谢她雅,因为有你,才让我的心情有了诉说的归宿;感谢所有的一切...... 感恩的心串词(二)手语《感恩的心》串词男:感恩的心是流泪的红烛,只愿奉献,不问索取;女:感恩的心是作茧的春蚕,默默无语,创造奇迹。男:感恩的心感谢父母,赐予我生命给我如水柔情如山坚毅;女:感恩的心感谢师长,教会我做人给我如雪纯洁如泉智慧。男:感恩的心感谢有你,伴我一生让我有勇气作我自己;女:感恩的心感谢命运,花开花落我一样会珍惜。音乐起男:我感谢你,正如春晖感谢春雨,正如花草感谢大地,你亲人般的关爱使我驻足,你朋友般的呵护让我永记心底。请欣赏七年三班带来的手语版歌曲《感恩的心》。第一段手语男:明媚的阳光,醉人的花香,和着感恩的气息,弥漫在这空气里。女:让我们怀着一颗感恩的心,面对这微醺的岁月,悄然开放生命之花。第二段手语男:该如何感谢你? 是你撑起了我的明天,给我丰富的学识和敏捷的思维。女:该如何感谢你? 你给了我最温柔的感动,最真挚的关心和最深刻的思念。男:我感谢你,生我养我的父母。女:我感谢你,循循善诱的老师。男:我们始终相信,一颗感恩的心,是人最宝贵的财富。女:我们始终要拥有一颗感恩的心,一起来迎接我们人生的辉煌灿烂 ! 感恩的心串词(三)女主持:当五月的鲜花开遍山野,怒放着希望和芳香的时候,当明媚的春光在大地撒播喜悦,憧憬着未来的时候。当奥运的圣火奔跑相传,首次登上珠峰,在神州大地上激情传递的时候。当中国人民同心共建和谐社会,喜迎**年北京奥运,纪念改革开放30周年的时候。在“天府之国”的四川,在四川的川北,一场突如其来的灾难,降临在山清水秀的岷江河谷,降临在人们永世难忘的汶川。女主持:汶川大地震是新中国成立以来破坏性最强、波及范围最广、救灾难度最大的一次地震。地震发生后,在党中央、国务院和中央军委的坚强领导下,全国各族人民万众一心、众志成城,十几万救援大军迅速行动,以钢铁般的毅力、竭尽全力挽救废墟下掩埋的和被困在山里的群众。男主持:一方有难、八方支援。在这场特大灾难面前灾区人民不屈不挠、奋起自救,全中国人民奉献爱心、倾力支援。港、澳、台同胞以及海外华侨华人同舟共济、踊跃捐献。众多外国政府、国际组织和国际友人积极支援。人们在血泪交融中呼唤生命,人们在血脉相连中呐喊:汶川加油!中国挺住!中国加油! 1.《国

Faded-Alan Walker(中英文歌词-左右对照)

Faded 歌手-Alan Walker 专辑Faded (Restrung) You were the shadow to my light Did you feel us Another start You fade away Afraid our aim is out of sight Wanna see us Alive Where are you now Where are you now Where are you now Was it all in my fantasy Where are you now Were you only imaginary Where are you now Atlantis Under the sea Under the sea Where are you now Another dream The monsters running wild inside of me I'm faded I'm faded So lost I'm faded These shallow waters never met What I needed I'm letting go A deeper dive Eternal silence of the sea I'm breathing Alive Where are you now Where are you now Under the bright But faded lights You've set my heart on fire Where are you now Where are you now Where are you now Where are you now Where are you now Atlantis Under the sea Under the sea Where are you now Another dream The monster running wild inside of me I'm faded I'm faded So lost I'm faded 你是我生命之光中的一道暗影你能感受彼此的存在吗 下一个开始 你的身影渐渐模糊 唯恐我们的目标迷失在视野只希望我们能 依然活着 你如今身在何方 你如今身在何方 你如今身在何方 难道这一切只是我的幻想 你如今身在何方 你只是我虚幻的存在 你如今身在何方 亚特兰蒂斯 没于汪洋 没于汪洋 你如今身在何方 又是一场梦 狂野的怪兽驰骋在我心深处我憔悴不堪 我憔悴不堪 迷失方向憔悴不堪 那些镜花水月从未目及 却如此渴望 只是顺其自然 深沉海底 无尽的沉默与海中 我呼吸着 依然活着 你如今身在何方 你如今身在何方 明亮的灯光 却依然黯然失色 你点燃了我的心火 你如今身在何方 你如今身在何方 你如今身在何方 你如今身在何方 你如今身在何方 亚特兰蒂斯 没于汪洋 没于汪洋 你如今身在何方 又是一场梦 狂野的怪兽驰骋在我心深处我怕憔悴不堪 我憔悴不堪 迷失方向憔悴不堪

方大同-Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You-歌词

Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You 2019-03-05 作曲 : Michael Masser 作词 : Gerald Goffin If I had to live my life without you near me The days would all be empty The nights would seem so long With you I see forever oh so clearly I might have been in love before But it never felt this strong Our dreams are young And we both know they'll take us Where we want to go Hold me now Touch me now I don't want to live without you Nothing's gonna change my love for you You ought to know by now how much Ilove you One thing you can be sure of I'll never ask for more than your love

Nothing's gonna change my love for you You ought know by now how much I love you The world may change my whole life through But nothing's gonna change my love for you If the road ahead is not so easy, Our love will lead the way for us Just like a guiding star I'll be there for you if you should need me You don't have to change a thing I love you just the way you are So come with me and share the view I'll help you see forever too Hold me now Touch me now I don't want to live without you Nothing's gonna change my love for you You ought to know by now how much I love you One thing you can be sure of I'll never ask for more than your love Nothing's gonna change my love for you You ought to know by now how much I love you


An empty street, an empty house, a hole inside my heart I'm all alone and the rooms are getting smaller I wonder how, I wonder why, I wonder where they are The days we had, the songs we sang together Oh yeah And oh my love, I'm holding on forever Reaching for a love that seems so far So I say a little prayer And hope my dreams will take me there Where the skies are blue to see you once again,my love Over seas and coast to coast To find a place I love the most Where the fields are green to see you once again My love I try to read,I go to work, I'm laughing with my friends But I can't stop to keep myself from thinking Oh no I wonder how, I wonder why, I wonder where they are The days we had,the songs we sang together Oh yeah


【感恩的心】歌词原创来历 今天我听了这样一个故事,在台湾有这样一对夫妇,他们是靠捡破烂为生的,有一天在垃圾堆旁边丈夫听到了婴儿的哭声,寻着哭声望去,一个小被包着的婴儿出现在眼前,他抱起婴儿打开来一看是个女婴,于是抱回了家,从此这个被弃的女婴成了他们家庭的一员,夫妇俩靠着捡破烂抚养她一天天长大,从小学到初中,她非常的刻苦和努力,成绩优秀。她上学的费用也愈来愈多,没办法丈夫晚上也要出去捡上几个小时的破烂,勉强维持着生活,由于积劳成疾,一天,他终于在街上晕倒了,被好心人送到了医院救治,在弥留之际,他对妻子说的唯一的一句话是要她“一定把孩子抚养成人”,就离开了人世。 从此妻子一个人带着孩子生活的更艰难了,就这样一年又一年,女孩考取了不错的高中,又考取了很好的大学,为了凑齐学费妻子想尽了办法,不分黑白的干活,借钱却没有借到一分,穷人没朋友是真的;一天她听人说卖血可以赚钱,就背着女孩偷偷的去了,接连去了几次,终于凑够了学费,女孩终于高兴的进了大学的校门,实现了她的梦想,妻子欣慰的笑了,满脸的苍老,疲惫却笑的那样开心灿烂,满眼的爱。。。。。 两年过去了,女孩很懂事,利用假期在学校打工赚取生活费,减轻母亲的负担,而一直没有回家看望妈妈,这时,妻子的身体每况愈下,由于积劳成疾、营养不良、多次卖血使她一病不起,最后好心的邻居阿姨送她进了医院在医院里病重的她知道自己不行了,心里想的却只有“女孩今后怎么办”?还有两年才能毕业,不能半途而废。 这天她打起精神恳求医生:“等我死了,请把我的器官能卖的都卖了吧,把钱存起来,以妈妈的名义给女孩每月写一封信,寄生活费”医生没有答应她;过了几天,她又恳求医生说;“等我死了,请把我的器官能卖的都卖了吧,帮我把钱存起来,以妈妈的名义给女孩每个月写一封信,寄生活费”;医生仍然没有答应她;她知道自己就快不行了,这天她撑起虚弱的身子跪在地上,抱住医生的大腿,哭着说:“医生啊我求求你了,等我死了,请把我的器官能卖的都卖了吧,把钱存起来,以妈妈的名义给女孩每月写一封信,寄生活费”这次医生也哭了,答应了她的请求,妻子安详的合上了双眼。 很快两年过去了,女孩顺利的读完了大学四年的课程,以优异的成绩毕业了。她高兴的带着大红毕业证回到了她离开了四年的家乡,来到自家那唯一的、低矮的、破旧的草房门前,可是她发现门上的锁已经上锈了,她掏出带走了四年的钥匙,打开锁走进屋里,满屋的蜘蛛网,炕上厚厚的尘土,她惊呆了,一种不祥的预感袭来,她慌了,转身跑到了邻居阿姨家,阿姨告诉了她真相,她哭喊着跑到父母的坟前,双膝跪下,爸爸、妈妈啊女儿回来了,回来了啊。。。。。。在极大的悲痛中她写下了【感恩的心】,后来被音乐家发现普了曲,一首歌感动了无数人为之落泪,可是你们知道这首歌背后的故事吗?今天我知道了,所以写出来分享给大家。我想,无论你我是贫穷还是富有,请好好的去爱我们的父母吧,今天为他们能做的不要等到明天,不要让遗憾成为永久的伤痛。。。。。。 感恩的心作词:陈乐融作曲:陈志远 我来自偶然, 像一颗尘土,


We were both young when I first saw you 当我第一次看见你的时候,我们都还年轻 I close my eyes and the flashback starts 我闭上眼睛,一幕幕往事又在脑海中重现 I'm standing there on a balcony in summer air 我站在阳台上,空气里,浓浓的,是夏天的味道 See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns 看见灯火,看见热闹的舞会,华丽的盛装 See you make your way through the crowd 看见你穿越人群向我走来 And say hello 对我说“hello” little did I know 我却一无所知 That you were Romeo 当时我并不知道你是我的罗密欧 You were throwing pebbles 在你抛砖引玉向我示爱之后 And my daddy said “stay away from Juliet .” 我爸爸气急败坏地叫你离我远一点 And I was crying on the staircase 我却蜷坐在楼梯间里偷偷地抹眼泪 Begging you “please don't go ” 祈求你不要离开 And I said 我说 Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone 罗密欧,带我走吧,一起去到一个我们可以相依相偎的地方I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run 我一直在等待(这一天),只有逃离才能让我们摆脱束缚You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess (到那时)我们就可以像王子和公主一样(快乐地在一起)It's a love story, baby, just say yes 这是多么美好的爱情故事呀,亲爱的,对吧 So I sneak out to the garden to see you 于是,我偷偷摸摸地溜到小花园去见你 We keep quiet 'cause we're dead if they knew 我们压抑着声息,被他们发现我们就死定了 So close your eyes 那么,闭上你的双眼 Escape this town for a little while 逃避这个喧嚣的尘世,即使只有如此短暂的一刻 Oh, oh, oh Cause you were Romeo, 正因为你的出现 I was a scarlet letter 我的生命才有了如此鲜艳的光彩 And my daddy said “stay away from Juliet ” 我爸爸气急败坏地叫你离我远一点 But you were everything to me


My Love-Westlife An empty street 空旷的大街 An empty house 空荡的房子 A hole inside my heart 空洞的心 I'm all alone 我是如此寂寞 And the rooms are getting smaller 无边的孤寂包围着我 I wonder how 我不知道我怎么了 I wonder why 我不明白为什么会这样 I wonder where they are 我想知道它们在哪里 The days we had 那些我们共度的日子 The songs we sang together 我们共同吟唱过的歌曲 Oh,yeah And oh my love 我的爱 I'm holding on forever 我始终坚持着 Reaching for a love that seems so far 但得到这一份爱却是那样遥不可及

So I say a little prayer 于是我低声祈祷 And hope my dreams will take me there 希望梦想能把我带到那儿Where the skies are blue 那里有湛蓝的天空 To see you once again,my love在那里能与你再次相见,我的爱 Over seas and coast to coast 翻越大海,从此岸到达彼岸 To find the place I love the most 去找寻我钟爱的地方 Where the fields are green 那里有翠绿的田野 To see you once again 在那里能与你再次相见 My love 我的爱 I try to read 我努力阅读 I go to work 我认真工作 I'm laughing with my friends 我与朋友们欢笑着 But I can't stop to keep myself and thinking 但我还是无法停止对你的思念Oh,no 无法停止 I wonder how 我不知道我怎么了


Do You Want to Build a Snowman? (Elsa? 艾尔莎?) Do you wanna build a snowman? 你想堆雪人吗? Come on let’s go and play! 来吧我们一起去玩吧! I never see you anymore 我好久没见到你了 Come out the door 出来吧, I t’s like you’ve gone away. 你就像消失了一样。 We used to be best buddies 我们以前是最好的伙伴, A nd now we’re not, I wish you would tell me why. 现在却变了,你能告诉我原因吗? Do you wanna build a snowman? 你想堆雪人吗? It doesn’t have to be a snowman. 玩什么都可以呀。 (Go away, Anna!) (走开,安娜!) Okay, bye. 好吧,再见。 Do you wanna build a snowman? 你想堆雪人吗? Or ride our bike around the halls? 或在大厅里骑车? I think some company is overdue, 我觉得你早就该陪我了, I started talking to the pictures on the walls 我都开始跟墙上的画像说话了。 Hang in there, Joan! 简,站在那里别动哦! It gets a little lonely, all these empty rooms, 这些空房子让人觉得好孤单, just watching the hours tick by… 只能看着时间滴滴答答地流逝… (Elsa? 艾尔莎?) Please, I know you’re in there

my love的歌词和解释

My love An empty street 空寂的街道 An empty house 空寂的房间 A hole inside my heart 空寂的思念深藏在我的心中 I'm all alone 孤孤单单 The rooms are getting smaller 无尽的孤寂压迫着我 I wonder how 我想知道怎样 I wonder why 我想知道是何原因 I wonder where they are 我想知道他们的归属 The days we had 我们在一起的时光 The songs we sang together 我们共同吟唱的歌曲 Oh yeah 哦耶 And oh my love 还有你吾爱 I'm holding on forever 我始终坚持着 Reaching for a love that seems so far 但得到一份爱却是哪样遥不可及 So I say a little prayer 我稍稍向上帝祈求 And hope my dreams will take me there 并希望我的梦能带我到那儿 Where the skies are blue to see you once again, my love 那儿有湛蓝的天空还有你美丽的笑容吾爱 Over seas and coast to coast 漂过大海翻山越岭 To find a place I love the most 去找寻一个我最喜爱的地方 Where the fields are green to see you once again, my love 那儿有翠绿的草原还有你醉人的眼神吾爱 I try to read 我尝试阅读 I go to work 我尽力工作 I'm laughing with my friends 我和我的朋友逍遥狂欢 But I can't stop to keep myself from thinking Oh no 但这一切都不能阻止我的幻想哦 I wonder how 我想知道怎样 I wonder why 我想知道是何原因

nothing's gonna change my love for you歌词中英文对照

if i had to live my life without you near me 如果我不得不过一种没有你陪伴的生活 the days would all be empty 白天会变得很空虚 the nights would seem so long 黑夜会变得很漫长 you i see forever oh so clearly 我看见你是如此的清晰 i might have been in love before 我可能曾经爱过 but i've never felt this strong 但从没有像这次感觉这般强烈 our dreams are young and we both know 我们两个都知道我们的梦想还很年轻 they’ll take us where we want to go 它们会带我们到达我们向往的地方 hold me now touch me now 现在抱紧我触摸我 i don't want to live without you 我不想过没有你的生活 nothing's gonna change my love for you 没有什么能够改变我对你爱 you oughta know by now how much i love you 你现在应该知道我有多爱你 one thing you can be sure of 你可以确信一点 i never ask for more than your love 除了你的爱我别无所求 nothing's gonna change my love for you 没有什么能够改变我对你的爱 you oughta know by now how much i love you 你现在应该知道我有多爱你 the world may change my whole life through 这世界可能会将我的一生改变 but nothing's gonna change my love for you 但没有什么能够改变我对你的爱 if the road ahead is not so easy 如果前面的路不是那么容易走 our love will lead the way for us like a guiding star 我们的爱会像启明星一样迎领我们前行 i'll be there for you if you should need me 当你可能需要我时我就会出现


My love - ---Westlife 词意: "My Love" 是一首浪漫的民谣,它使用了大量的钢琴,许多弦乐器,而表达出的是一种既甜美又苦涩的情感,而Westlife们讲,这首歌不仅是一首情歌,还包含了他们对祖国爱尔兰的深情。My love的的MV最经典的是5个西城成员在走路上,场景的转换,由无人的大厅到人多的街道,随着Shane的一个响指,场景又到了漏天的火车站,在这里几个阳光的男孩尽情的玩耍,不由得让我们想起虽然在流行音乐坛,但这5个男孩却不吸烟,更远离那些风华场所,不禁让人敬佩。最后5个男孩到了广阔的海滩,他们边唱边走,一直到了海滩山崖的最高点,5个人张开双手闭上双眼,仿佛在享受那清凉的海风,最后在一个远景中,MV结束。 歌词: An empty street空旷的大街 An empty house 空荡的房子 A hole inside my heart 空洞的心 I'm all alone 我是如此寂寞 And the rooms are getting smaller 无边的孤寂包围着我 I wonder how 我不知道我怎么了 I wonder why 我不明白为什么会这样 I wonder where they are 我想知道它们在哪里

The days we had 那些我们共度的日子 The songs we sang together 我们共同吟唱过的歌曲 Oh,yeah And oh my love 我的爱 I'm holding on forever 我始终坚持着 Reaching for a love that seems so far 但得到这一份爱却是那样遥不可及 So I say a little prayer 于是我低声祈祷 And hope my dreams will take me there 希望梦想能把我带到那儿Where the skies are blue 那里有湛蓝的天空 To see you once again,my love在那里能与你再次相见,我的爱 Over seas from coast to coast 翻越大海,从此岸到达彼岸 To find the place I love the most 去找寻我钟爱的地方 Where the fields are green 那里有翠绿的田野 To see you once again 在那里能与你再次相见 My love 我的爱 I try to read 我努力阅读 I go to work 我认真工作 I'm laughing with my friends 我与朋友们欢笑着 But I can't stop to keep myself from thinking 但我还是无法停止对你的思念 Oh,no 无法停止


《感恩的心(英文版)》歌词Icame from fortuity, like a grain of sad dust nobody seem to know my frailty where did i come from, where's my heart going who is calling me, waiting for me heaven to earth is wide, but it's hard to walk through i see the world full of frustrations and toil how much love i have, how many tears i'll weep get the heaven to know i'll never give up my thankful heart, grateful to you keep me company, let me brave to be myself my thankful heart, grateful to fate blooming of fading, i'll still chresh them like a grain of sad dust i came from fortuity, nobody seem to know my frailty where did i come from, where's my heart going who is calling me, waiting for me heaven to earth is wide, but it's hard to walk through i see the world full of frustrations and toil how much love i have, how many tears i'll weep get the heaven to know i'll never give up my thankful heart, grateful to you keep me company, let me brave to be myself my thankful heart, grateful to fate blooming of fading, i'll still chresh them


英文歌曲歌词: Dashing through the snow In a one-horse open sleigh Over the fields we go Laughing all the way Bells on bob-tail ring making spirits bright What fun it is to ride and sing A sleighing song tonight Jingle bells, jingle bells jingle all the way Oh what fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh Jingle Bells,Jingle Bells Jingle all the way Oh what fun it is to ride In a one horse open sleigh A day or two ago I thought I 'd take a ride And soon Miss Fanny Bright Was seated by my side The horse was lean and lank Misfortune seemed his lot He got into a drifted bank And we, we got upsot Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells Jingle all the way Oh What fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh Jingle Bells,Jingle Bells Jingle all the way Oh what fun it is to ride In a one horse open sleigh Jingle Bells,Jingle Bells Jingle all the way Oh what fun it is to ride In a one horse open sleigh Jingle Bells,Jingle Bells Jingle all the way Oh what fun it is to ride In a one..horse..open..sleigh... 中文歌词《铃儿响叮当》 [美]比尔朋特词曲/程雨菲录词 1 啊冲破大风雪,我们坐在雪橇上, 快奔驰过田野,我们欢笑又歌唱, 马儿铃声响叮当,令人精神多欢畅,我们今晚滑雪真快乐,把滑雪歌儿唱。 叮叮当,叮叮当,铃儿响叮当, 今晚滑雪多快乐,我们坐在雪橇上,叮叮当,叮叮当,铃儿响叮当, 今晚滑雪多快乐,我们坐在雪橇上。 2 在一两天之前,我想出外去游荡, 那位美丽小姑娘,她坐在我身旁, 那马儿瘦又老,它命运不吉祥, 把雪橇拖进泥塘里,害得我们糟了殃。 叮叮当,叮叮当,铃儿响叮当, 今晚滑雪多快乐,我们坐在雪橇上,叮叮当,叮叮当,铃儿响叮当, 今晚滑雪多快乐,我们坐在雪橇上。 3 白雪遍地,趁这年青好时光, 带上亲爱的朋友,把滑雪歌儿唱。 有一匹栗色马,它日行千里长, 我们把它套在雪橇上,就飞奔向前方。 叮叮当,叮叮当,铃儿响叮当, 今晚滑雪多快乐,我们坐在雪橇上,叮叮当,叮叮当,铃儿响叮当, 今晚滑雪多快乐,我们坐在雪橇上。

my love的中英文歌词

Mylove 歌词 An empty street 空寂的街道 An empty house 空寂的房间 A hole inside my heart 空寂的思念深藏在我的心中 I'm all alone 孤孤单单 The rooms are getting smaller 无尽的孤寂压迫着我 I wonder how 我想知道怎样 I wonder why 我想知道是何原因 I wonder where they are 我想知道他们的归属 The days we had 我们在一起的时光 The songs we sang together 我们共同吟唱的歌曲 Oh yeah 哦耶 And oh my love 还有你吾爱 I'm holding on forever 我始终坚持着 Reaching for a love that seems so far 但得到一份爱却是哪样遥不可及 So I say a little prayer 我稍稍向上帝祈求 And hope my dreams will take me there 并希望我的梦能带我到那儿 Where the skies are blue to see you once again, my love 那儿有湛蓝的天空还有你美丽的笑容吾爱 Over seas and coast to coast 漂过大海翻山越岭 To find a place I love the most 去找寻一个我最喜爱的地方 Where the fields are green to see you once again, my love 那儿有翠绿的草原还有你醉人的眼神吾爱 I try to read 我尝试阅读 I go to work 我尽力工作 I'm laughing with my friends 我和我的朋友逍遥狂欢 But I can't stop to keep myself from thinking Oh no 但这一切都不能阻止我的幻想哦 I wonder how 我想知道怎样 I wonder why 我想知道是何原因 I wonder where they are 我想知道他们的归属 The days we had 我们在一起的时光 The songs we sang together Oh yeah 我们共同吟唱的歌曲 And oh my love 还有你吾爱 I'm holding on forever 我始终坚持着 Reaching for a love that seems so far 但得到一份爱却是哪样遥不可及 So I say a little prayer 我稍稍向上帝祈求


《感恩的心》教案 教学目标: 1、通过歌曲《感恩的心》的学习,激发学生感恩老师的情感。 2、熟练演唱歌曲《感恩的心》。 3、在演唱歌曲的时候加入手势,更好的体会歌曲的情感。 教学重点: 把学生的感恩之情通过学唱歌曲充分的调动起来。 教学难点: 有感情的演唱歌曲,学会一边演唱一边加手语表演。 教学过程: 一、导入 春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干。这句话是说的是什么人呢?以此导入课堂,并请同学们说一说老师为什么这么伟大。 二、欣赏歌曲 通过多媒体播放歌曲激发同学们的学习兴趣。 1、提出问题 师:《感恩的心》特别感动人,下面同学们认真欣赏老师来表演一遍。注意:听一听这首歌曲里分了几部分? 2、节奏练习 师:同学们听得非常准确,那要想学会这首歌曲,我们就要掌握它的节奏。你发现了这首歌曲的开头与以前歌曲的开头有什么不同? 生答:前三拍半空着不唱。 师:对,它属于弱起拍。同学们在唱的时候一定要注意这一点。 师:咱们一起来按节奏朗诵歌词。 3、唱旋律 师:刚才同学们朗诵的非常准确,下面听老师弹琴,你们用“啊”来模唱歌曲的旋律。 4、学生随琴轻声填歌词 师:这一次老师弹琴同学们添加歌词,注意用轻声唱。

5、有感情的演唱 反复演唱是必不可少的,因为歌曲本身就有很多内容,在演唱的时候要注意节奏,和音的强弱变化,加强歌曲的表现力。 三、学习手语 1、演示动作 由老师演示动作。 2、分解动作 老师讲解动作,学生跟着做动作。 3、分组进行练习 小组之间互相进行练习,帮忙纠正错误,促进提高。 四、学生表演 一边唱歌边作手语。虽然学生学的还不是很熟练,但是表演本身就是一个很好的情感的体验。通过这种体验来促进同学们进一步学习。 师小结:今天我们学习了《感恩的心》这首歌,我们用这首歌来感恩老师,感恩身边所有的人。
