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Sql server join on group by order by having用法

Sql server join on group by order by having用法

所有的命令全在SQL SERVER 2008进行运行调试 保证命令正常

此次 主要的重点就是SQL 的查询 多以join on为主

group by order by having用法



有些表包含两个主键 注意学习方法 不止一种写法

还有在新建表的时候 同一个字段为主键也为外键

路是多条的 就看你怎么走了


create database compy--创建数据库名为:compy
log on
use compy
create table Departments
DepID char(3) not null primary key,
DepName char(20) not null,
DepState text
insert Departments values(1,'财务部','null')
insert Departments values(2,'人力资源部','null')
insert Departments values(3,'生产部','null')
insert Departments values(4,'采购部','null')
insert Departments values(5,'销售部','null')

select * from Departments
create table Employees
EmpID char(3) not null primary key,
EmpName varchar(10) not null,
EmAdd text,
Postal_Code char(6),
Tel char(11),
DepID char(3) not null foreign key references Departments,
Birthdate datetime not null,
Sex char(2) not null

insert Employees values('000001','张晓强','上海',230027,3333556,2,'1956-1-1',1)
insert Employees values('010008','柳树','合肥',230027,3131359,2,'1966-1-1',1)
insert Employees values('002001','许静','北京','230026','3132359','1','1972-1-1','1')
insert Employees values('020018','李可','武汉','123456','3635346','1','1950-1-1','0')
insert Employees values(102201,'张三丰','西安','123456','3458965','5','1962-1-1','0')
insert Employees values(102208,'白眉','南京','123456','3635346','5','1955-1-1','1')
insert Employees values(108991,'胡适','昆明','123456','3568921','3','1969-1-1','1')
insert Employees values(111006,'成吉思汗','海口','123456','3458145','5','1964-1-1','1')
insert Employees values(210678,'萧然','成都','123456','3454565','3','1967-1-1','1')

select * from Employees
alter table Employees drop PK__Employee__AF2DBA7903317E3D
--修改员工信息表EmpID 类型为char(6)
alter table Employees alter column EmpID char(6)
alter table Employees alter column EmpName varchar(10)
alter table Employees add constraint Employees_Primary primary key(EmpID)

create table Salary
SaID char(6) not null primary key CONSTRAINT SaID_FK Foreign KEY(SaID)references Salary(SaID),
Revenue money default '0.01',--收入
Expense money default '0.01'--消耗
insert salary values('000001','2100','123')
insert salary values('010008','1582','88')
insert salary values('002001','2569','185')
insert salary values('020018','1987','79')
insert salary values('102201','2066','108')
insert salary values('102208','2980','210')
insert salary values('108991','3259','281')
insert salary values('111006','2860','198')
insert salary values('210678','2347','180')

select * from Salary
--alter table salary add Constraint Salary_FK foreign key(SaID)
create table Purchase
PurID char(6) not null,
Goods char(4) not null constraint pk_tb_colname primary key(PurID,Goods),--联合主键
Num char(4) not null
insert purchase values('000001','01','3')
insert purchase values('000001','03','4')
insert purchase values('002001','01','5')
insert purchase values('020018','03','6')
insert purchase values('108991','11','4')
insert purchase values('000001','11','3')
insert purchase values('020018','01','5')
insert purchase values('201678','02','1')
insert purchase values('020018','11','2')

select * from Purchase
select * from Departments
select * from Employees
select * from Salary
select * from Employees where Birthdate LIKE '%1956%'or Birthdate like'%1962%' or Birthdate like'%1964%'
select * from Employees where Sex='1'
select * from Employees where EmpName like'白%'
select * from Employees where EmpName not like'白%' and EmpName not like'胡%' and len(EmpName)=3
select a.*,b.Revenue from Employees as a inner join Salary as b on a.EmpID=b.SaID
select a.EmpName,b.Revenue from Employees as a join Salary as b on a.EmpID=b.SaID where Revenue>1000
select a.*,b.revenue from Employees as a join salary as b on a.EmpID=b.SaID where Revenue>(select Revenue from Salary where SaID='102201')
select a.EmpName from Employees as a inner join Salary as b on a.EmpID=b.SaID where Revenue>(select max(b.Revenue) from Salary as b join Employees as a on a.EmpID=b.SaID where DepID='1')
select avg(b.revenue) as 财务部员工的平均净收入 from Employees as a inner join Salary as b on a.EmpID=b.SaID where DepID='1'
select COUNT(DepID)as 财务部门总人数 from Employees where DepID='1'

select COUNT(distinct purid)as 购买商品雇员总人数 from Purchase
--Group by,Order by子句的使用
select count (a.depid) as 部门人数 ,b.DepName from Employees as a join Departments as b on a.DepID=b.DepID group by (DepName)
select a.*,b.Revenue from Employees as a inner join Salary as b on a.EmpID=b.SaID order by Revenue
select a.EmpName,DepID,b.revenue,(revenue*0.95) as 减少后的工资 from Employees as a join Salary as b on a.EmpID=b.SaID and DepID
in (select a.DepID as 部门 from Employees as a inner join Salary as b on a.EmpID=b.SaID group by DepID having SUM(Revenue)>6000)
select a.*,b.Revenue-Expense as 差值 from Employees as a join Salary as b on a.EmpID=b.SaID where Revenue-Expense
(select MAX(revenue-expense) from Salary)
select * from Employees,Salary where EmpID=SaID and DepID
in (select a.DepID from Employees as a join Salary as b on a.EmpID=b.SaID group by DepID having AVG(Revenue-Expense)<2000)
select * from Employees,Salary where EmpID=SaID
and DepID
( select DepID from Employees,Salary where EmpID=SaID group by DepID having avg(Revenue-Expense)<2000)
