当前位置:搜档网 › (圣诞节)圣诞节晚会英文主持词




good eve ning and welcome to the p arty. i am **, i am honored to have the cha

nee to be your host toni ght. on behalf of the en tire staff of xx educatio n, i wish all of you a happy Christmas eve.




有同事,祝大家度过一个愉快的夜晚。 before we go, i ' d like you to know that we have planned various

in teresti ng p rograms and games for tonight them and have some fun.

在晚会开始之前,很高兴告诉大家,我们为今晚的晚会准备了很多 丰富多彩的节目和游戏项目,希望大家都能参与进来,玩的开心。

's welcome our principal, mr. yang, to give us a welcome

sp eech.


thank you mr. yang.


's Party, we hope you would jo first of all, let

n ext, our first p rogram, all the stude nts sing the song with your teachers

together, p lease. 接下来,第一个节目,师生齐唱《新年好》。

what a beautiful song! good job, everybody. no w, let read the letter of

commitme nt. 多美的一首歌啊。大家的表现都非常棒。下面有请

xx 老师诵读承诺

书。 ok, here comes the first excit ing more nt, boys and girls, the lucky draw!

duri ng this round, 8 of you will be awarded with 50 rmb and a nice gift for the third p rize.


!在 这一轮抽奖中,将有八位男生或女生获得三等奖,奖品是每人


育基金以及精美礼品一份。 have you heard the story of snow white? i thi nk every little girl must have ever dreamed to be snow white, am i right? but i am sure, you have never seen the story being played by your classmates, now let ' s enjoy, the snow white, p layed by sixth grade stude nts.

thank you for their excit ing p erforma nee, tha nk you. great job. app laud


s welcome r

for them.


we have see n the excit ing p erforma nee of the stude nts, what about the teachers? finding n emo, dubbed by mr.



ok! lucky draw aga in! this round, we each of the wi

'these e xWhoky dog?

nn ers is gonna get 100 rmb as scholarsh ip and a n ice

p rese nt for the sec ond p rize.


now, the tale nt show, p rese nted by **, welcome.


boys and girls, the most excit ing mome nt, the last round of lucky draw toni ght. two of you guys will get 200 rmb as scholarsh ip and a n ice p rese nt for the fist p rize.



n ext, po etry readi ng, to new year, by **


last here is a p iece of ver for the paren ts, pls enjoy, and your kids will go to differe nt classroom to choose four games to p lay


boys and girls , have fun!

