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Introduction of Emerald Island

Emerald Island is located in the south of Golden Coast, which is the eighth most beautiful beach in China, Changli Country, Hebei Province. It is surrounded by Bohai Sea and Qilihai Sea in east north and west .It is a Peninsula which is composed by gold sand and green vegetation。It is called “Kiss of the desert and sea”by the expert。The sand dunes rise and fall in turn, line fluency. Its south and north main peak are 44 meters above sea level. Its area is seven square kilometers. It is known as “Jingdong Desert”. When gazing at a high place far into the distance, what meets your eyes are orderly undulating golden dunes, with the steep and the mild interlocked with each other, beautifully shaped and streamlined. On September 30,1990, Emerald Island is sanctioned as “national class Natural Sanctuary of the marine-type”by the State Council .

According to the topography,a series of entertainments have been brought out. Sand-sliding and grass-sliding are thrill, which are young men’s favorite sports, it can be

called“instant feeling with an endless aftertaste”; Beach volleyball, beach soccer, cart and camping, desert adventure and CS have a lot of character; Fishing, motorboat and yacht will bring you great pleasure. Here is the training bases of parasailing、Delta Wings、paraglider、sailboard、water kite 、sand figure and Outward Bound.The sea water of Emerald Island is national-level. The beach has clear water, fine sand, gentle beach and calm tide. It is one of the best beach for bathing in North China.(未完)


大数据单位的换算与翻译 近几年来,大数据这个词越来越频繁地出现在各种媒体文章上,出现各行各业人士的口中。人工翻译的行业也难免受其影响。在这方面,赛迪翻译亦深有体会。 首先也是最为重要的一点是大数据方面的词语频繁出现。 以往,我们说数据大小,常常使用的单位是MB、GB,而现在我们经常会看到TB、PB、EB、ZB、YB、BB、NB、DB。身为翻译人员,不免要弄清楚这些单位的大小和译法。 从大小方面,这几种单位依然延续了1024 的进制。即,后一个单位是前一个单位的1024 倍。在此,赛迪翻译总结了这些大数据单位。具体的大小如下: 1KB (Kilobyte) = 1024B ,即2 的10 次方字节,读音千字节 1MB (Megabyte) = 1024KB,即2 的20 次方字节,读音兆字节 1GB (Gigabyte) = 1024MB,即2 的30 次方字节,读音吉字节 1TB (Terabyte) = 1024GB,即2 的40 次方字节,读音太字节 1PB (Petabyte) = 1024TB,即2 的50 次方字节,读音拍字节 1EB (Exabyte) = 1024PB,即2 的60 次方字节,读音艾字节 1ZB (Zettabyte) = 1024EB,即2 的70 次方字节,读音泽字节 1YB (Yottabyte) = 1024ZB,即2 的80 次方字节,读音尧字节 1 BB (BrontoByte)= 1024 YB,即 2 的90 次方字节,读音波字节 1NB (NonaByte) = 1024BB,即2 的100 次方字节,读音诺字节 1DB (DoggaByte) = 1024NB,即2 的110 次方字节,读音刀字节


Hello, everyone. As we all know, we are now living at the age ofbig data, which leads a revolution that transforms how we think. But many people have half know of big data, they haven’t adopted to the tremendous change. So today I’d like to talk about the three peculiarities of big data. I will be very glad if my speech could help you. Firstly, all samples rather than sampling analysis. With the development of technology, we are able to process massive data, from which we can get more reliable result than through sampling analysis. So we can give up sampling analysis in most cases. Secondly, efficiency rather than accuracy. At the age of big data, we concern more on efficiency rather than accuracy. In other words, we should allow faults to improve efficiency. Comparing with massive data, some faults do not influence the final result. Thirdly, correlation is as important as causality. We can’t deny the importance of causality ,but sometimes it is difficult or unnecessary to explore it. For example, the recommendation system of Amazon doesn’t know why the customer who likes Hemingway’s works is likely to buy Fitzgerald’s works, it just recommends and helps Amazon sell more than 100 times books than before Amazon using it. From this example, we can conclude that correlation plays an important role at the age of big data,so please don’t overlook it.


大数据时代的翻译理论与实践 专业方向:翻译理论与实践班级:14级英语语言文学研究生 作者:张琦学号:81420379 摘要:此篇文献综经过查阅大量文章,总结了翻译理论与实践之现状与大数据时代对翻译理论与实践之影响。对于前者,即翻译理论与实践之现状,又包括当下翻译理论与实践现状:翻译理论与实践之关系;对于理论方面的现状包括翻译标准,翻译原则方面,以及翻译家翻译法之研究;而实践方面包括对翻译教学等方面研究。而大数据时代的来临,渐渐对翻译理论与实践的影响包括对翻译理论和翻译实践的影响。本文献综述通过此种分类方式,可以有效的探讨翻译理论与实践受大数据时代的影响。、关键字:翻译理论;实践;现状;大数据时代;影响 近年来对于翻译的研究从理论到对实践方面的研究。然而,随着大数据时代的来临,翻译理论与实践也在一定程度上受到影响。翻译的理论与实践也从传统信息受限单一的状态到数据信息共享状态,进而对翻译理论与实践方面产生一定的影响。 针对大数据对翻译理论与实践的影响,本人查阅中国知网等网站,万方数据等网站,发现涉及此的文献不在少数。 本文献综述从翻译理论与实践的现状开始探讨,将其从理论与实践方面分别进行探究。对于理论方面又继续细分,包括对翻译规则与翻译标准现状之探讨,以及对当代翻译家的翻译法与翻译特色的介绍;对于实践方面,本人从对翻译教学等方面介绍其现状。而后,引入大数据时代对翻译理论与实践的影响,也从对其理论与实践方面开始分析。 对于所查阅之文献,本人对其进行归纳整理,认为对大数据时代的翻译理论与实践的研究有所帮助。 一、翻译理论与实践的现状 在大数据时代影响之前,翻译理论与实践存在于闭塞状态,我们对翻译的理论与实践的探讨也比较狭隘。本文将从对翻译的理论与实践的现状进行介绍。先介绍翻译理论与实践的关系,然后对于理论部分,包括对翻译的标准、规则等方面的介绍;对于实践部分,包括对教学等方面的介绍。 理论与实践的关系


Confucius named Qiu styled Zhongni, a great thinker and educator in the late Spring and Autumn Period, and the founder of Confucianism. Confucius instructed more than 3000 disciples and some were from poor families. Confucius gradually changed the tradition that only nobilities had the right to receive education. In his later years , Confucius compiled many literary works of ancient times, including The Book of Songs ,The Book of Documents, and The Books of Changes. His saying and behaviors were compiled in The Analects of Confucius by his disciples. His ideology has been absorbed and carried composing the essential part of Chinese traditional ideology. It was also spread into the border regions and areas building up a circle of Confucianism. UNESCO labeled him one of the “Ten Culture Celebrities”. 孔子 孔子名丘字仲尼,春秋末期伟大的思想家和教育家,儒家学派创史人。孔子一共教授了三千多个学生,其中不乏贫困家庭的孩子,改变了只有贵族子女才有资格上学的传统。孔子晚年还编订上古书籍,《诗经》《尚书》《周易》等。孔子的言行被他的弟子们收集在《论语》中,他的思想也被后人吸收和发扬光大,成为中国传统思想最主要的组成部分,并逐渐传播到周边国家,形成了影响范围很广的儒家文化圈。联合国教科文组织曾将孔子列入世界十大文化名人之一。 Beijing Opera Beijing Opera is the most popular and influential opera in China with a history of almost 200 years. In development Beijing Opera has formed a number of fictitious props. For instance a pedal means a boat. Without any physical props involved , an actor may perform going upstairs or downstairs opening or closing a door by mere gestures. Though exaggerated those actions would give audience an impression with graceful movements. There are four main roles sheng dan jing and chou. A sheng or dan has the eyebrows painted and eyes circled. A jing and chou have their facial makeup ,for example, a red face depicts the loyalty and bravery and a white face symbolizes treachery and guile. 京剧 京剧是中国流行的最广泛影响最大的一个剧种,拥有两百多年的历史。在长期的发展过程中,京剧形成了一套虚拟表演动作,如一条桨就可以代表一只船。不需要任何的道具,演员就能表现出上楼、下楼,开门、关门等动作,虽然经赤了夸张但这些动作能给观众既真实又优美的感觉。京剧演员分生、旦、净、丑四个行当,生和旦的化痕迹要描眉、吊眉、画眼圈,净丑面部需要化妆,比如,红脸表示忠诚勇猛,白脸表示奸险。


Era of Big Data is a woman's age; women in the gene can accumulate and deal with big data/ women are born to accumulate and deal with big data. Many men and children, in fact, have been wondering about this special ability of women. Like, as a child, just as soon as you entered the house your Mother said immediately in a suspicious tone: “Liu zhijun, you didn’t do well in the exam today, did you.” Another example, you just have a glance at the mobile phone, your wife laughs: “Does Er gou the next door ask you to play games?” One more ex ample, when you close the door and make a phone call, your girlfriend will cry: “Who are shot in bed?” They are sometimes right, sometimes wrong. However, On the whole, the accuracy rate is higher than chance level. When they are wrong, men would sneer women always give way to foolish fancies; when they are right, men would say women are sensitive animal maybe with more acute sensory organs. Anyway, that is a guess. It has already scared man that overall accuracy rate is higher than the random level. In order to adapt to this point, the male also developed a very strong skills against reconnaissance. This part is beyond the scope of this article, so no more details about it. Some studies, such as Hanna Holmes’s paper, have indi cated that the white matter of the female’s brain is higher than that of the male. So they have very strong imagination of connecting things together. Some recent studies have shown that women are better than men in the "date" memory. That is the reason why they are able to remember all the birthdays, anniversaries, and even some of the great day of unimportant friends. No matter whether these results are true or not, I am afraid that this is not women's most outstanding ability. Women's most remarkable ability is a long-term tracking of some seemingly unimportant data to form their own baseline and pattern. Once the patterns of these data points are significantly different from the baseline she is familiar with, she knows something unusual. In their daily life, women do not consider the difference between causality and correlation. They believe in the principle: "There must be something wrong out of something unusual." People who talk about big data often take Lin Biao as an example. Lin Biao recorded some detailed and unimportant data after a battle. Such as seized guns, the proportion of rifles and pistols, the age levels of war prisoners, seized grain, whether they are sorghum or millet, etc., all of which were unavoidably recorded in the book. Others laughed at him. But later, he determined where the enemy headquarters were according to these data. What women do is almost the same. A girl A has a secret crush on boy B, but she usually doesn’t contact him directly. Two days later, I asked her if she wanted to ask him to have dinner together. She said he was playing. I wondered “how do you know that?” She said that boy B usually is on the line Gmail at 8:00 am, away status at8:30am, for he goes out to buy coffee and breakfast, on line again at 9:00am, busy status, for he is at work, away again at12:30am for lunch, on line for whole evenings, maybe for reading or playing games. His buddy C is on line at10:00 am, still online till 2:00am next day. He is a boy who gets up late and stays up late. His buddy D is on line for the most of the day. However, the most important pattern is that there are 2-3 days per week, during which they would be offline or away for 3-4 hours together. Conclusion: they are playing together.


Internet 互联网WWW 万维网Internet,译为互联网,或者因特网,其实这已经反应了两种翻译专有名词的基本思路,译“互联网”,属于从词义本身出发,inter+net;而译为“因特网”,则属于音译法。英译汉如此,汉译英又何尝不能如此呢?于是“福娃”不再是Friendlies,索性Fuwa了。其实译为“因特网”,对于我们的父辈来说,也许并不陌生。《国际歌》的最后几句,“英特纳雄耐尔,一定要实现”,International,共产国际,国际主义,据查最早是瞿秋白音译为“英特纳雄耐尔”。 Digital 数字的,数码的十多年前,美国MIT教授Nicolas Negroponte的名著,Being Digital,成为启迪众多互联网先驱的宝典。这个词的重要性,怎么说都不过分。就拿单词来说吧。比如,DC与DV已成为每个家庭的必备。那么下次向您不通晓英语的父母亲解释以下,为什么这里是两个D打头吧。顺便清点一下您有多少数码设备吧。 Grassroots 草根除了表示“基层的”,这个词最早和自下而上的选举活动有关,比如Wiki给的一个解释是:a grassroots political movement is one driven by the constituents of a community. 之后所有的衍生意思,其实都离不开这一本意。比如Blog,博客,web+log,网络日志;比如Audition海选。 Anonymity 匿名Real Name System 实名制如果网络是实名制的,网络将会怎样?至少现在,是可以匿名的,on the Internet, no one knows you are a dog. 于是据说网络的游戏规则是不一样的,谩骂诽谤是家常便饭的,很多时候也不需要为自己的言行负责任的。而一旦你用现实世界的游戏规则去评判网络虚拟世界,只能感慨,“不是我不明白,这世界变化快”。 Mob 暴民不要被这个词的中文意思吓倒。网络暴民,已经司空见惯。那是真正的overwhelming. 课上和学生说过另一个词,smart mob. 有兴趣的可以去查询一下。至少比单纯的网络暴民要有内涵得多。 Censorship 审查这是一个与道德标准甚至意识形态高度相关的单词。当您下次在网上看到某些敏感词汇用拼音缩写或者中间加星号来表示时,就属于规避审查,evasion of censorship. Disruptive 颠覆性的个人觉得比译为“破坏性的”要更准确,因为该词本意是指某项技术对某领域产生根本性的影响,比如wiki给的定义是A disruptive technology or disruptive innovation is a technological innovation, product, or service that eventually overturns the existing dominant technology or status quo product in the market.比如Google, Y ouTube这个当量的,当得起disruptive. Ecosystem 生态环境互联网技术的发展,带动了一系列相关产业的发展,于是有了upstream, downstream,上游,下游产业。一个简单例子就是,昂立口译项目的不断发展壮大,于是提供大量口译教程的出版社,成了我们的上游,而昂立学院旁边的麻辣烫每天中午人满为患,则勉强也算下游产业了。突破这样的线性思维方式,将所有的相关产业及相互关系都放在一起考虑,就有了business ecosystem,商业生态环境。 网民netizen,网~从网民,Net+Citizen,到以网字开头的构词方式,网吧,网恋,网游,网管,至少在口译处理时,还不能指望都象网民一样,有一个词可以精确对应,不妨先拆开来解释更安全。

中国山的介绍 英文版

The Mountains With Resorts in the US ------Group four 100501 Members : 吴伟慧080520100019 范秀秀080520100018 阮丽云080520100016 李华080520100015

The Mountains in the US Every nation possesses unique features ,so does the US. The mountains in the US are very attractive and famous all over the world. Now we come to see the Mountains in the US.In the western North America,the Rocky Mountains are a major mountains range.In Eastern North America,there is the Appalachian Mountains.The Cordillera located in the West America.And the Mountain McKinley in the Alaska located in the North America.These four Mountains are the famous mountains in the US. The Cordillera is the longest drape ridge in the world.It is about 15,000 kilo miles.There are many volcanoes and earthquakes.It concludes Andes Mountains 、Coast Mountains Sierra Nevada Mountain and Rocky Mountain.The mineral resources has the continent or world significant.And there are many rare animals,such as mink,lynx,armadillo and so on.Inside,the Mount Whitney is 4418 meters high which is the highest mountain in the America. However,in China,the highest mountain is the Qomolangma is 8844.43 meters high.It is also the highest


言处理的专著并不多见,国内已有的几本专著(包括译著),除了2008年清华大学出版社出版的该书第一版和2010年中国科学技术大学出版的冯志伟教授的《自然语言处理的形式模型》以外,大多数是10年以前撰写的。而《自然语言处理的形式模型》对统计方法的介绍较为简单。随着大数据时代的到来,统计方法的发展日新月异,很多最新方法和新模型是这两本专著中未能包含的。国外这一领域的主要专著是美国麻省理工学院出版社于1999年出版(2000年校正) 的克里斯托夫·曼宁斯(Christopher D. Manning) 和辛里奇·舒尔策(Hinrich Schütze)撰写的Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Process- ing (2005年由苑春法等翻译成中文),以及2000年普伦蒂斯·霍尔出版社(Prentice Hall)出版的丹尼尔·朱拉斯凯(Daniel Jurafsky)和詹姆斯·马丁(James H. Martin)撰写的Speech and Language Processing: An Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Com- putational Linguistics, and Speech Recognition (2005年由冯志伟和孙乐翻译成中文。2009年该书出版了第2版) 。一方面,这些外文专著出版的时间仍然较早,而另一方面,它们对很多中文信息处理的最新进展都没有涉及,更不涉及我国的少数民族语言信息处理技术,如维语人名识别、藏文分词等。《统计自然语言处理(第2版)》恰好弥补了这些缺失。(2)在写作方式上,作者首先从分析问题入手,介绍 大数据时代的自然语言处理 ——评《统计自然语言处理(第2版)》 关键词:自然语言处理 统计方法 专著 赵东岩 北京大学 网络搜索、机器翻译、智能问答、信息安全等一系列与自然语言处理相关的应用需求,在大数据时代更为人们关注。云计算、大数据、社会计算、数据挖掘等一批新术语也如雨后春笋般涌现,成为众多会议和论坛讨论的话题。然而,当人们拂去表层繁花,拨开缭乱云雾,静下心来思考:大数据时代对自然语言处理技术的根本挑战是什么?近十年来统计自然语言处理研究有哪些实质性的进展?自然语言理解技术在网络信息处理、多语言机器翻译和人机交互中有哪些实际应用?对于这些问题,每一位专家都会从不同的视角给出答案。中国科学院自动化研究所研究员宗成庆撰写的《统计自然语言处理(第2版)》,对自然语言处理的核心技术及其最新进展进行了全面、系统的阐述。基于多年的深入研究与总结提炼、经过缜密思考和严谨论证,他给出了对上述问题较为深刻与独到的回答,为当前自然语言处理技术的深入研究和应用开发提供了翔实的资料。 《统计自然语言处理(第2版)》是清华大学出版社2013年8月出版的。全书共16章,87万字。综观全书,该书具有如下特点:(1)内容新颖,非常全面。该书16章内容几乎涵盖了自然语言处理领域的每一个侧面,从词法到语义,从理论到应用,大多都是近年来该领域最新的研究成果和先进技术。如此丰富的内容和新颖的技术,是在已有的自然语言处理专著中所没有的。国内外有关自然语


摘要文章分析了大数据时代词典编纂可用或可参考数据的特点,探索如何从海量数据中挖掘汉英语际对应词等词汇知识,还简要探讨了与数据或语料使用相关的问题。挖掘实践表明:充分利用可用资源,从纷杂的大数据中可以挖掘出所需的词汇知识,但目前仍需专业人员进行筛选、认定和解读。词典要保持生命力必须及时修订和收录新词。对于汉英词典来说,提供汉语词语的地道英语对应词会提升其实用价值。研究语际对应词挖掘不仅有助于编纂出符合用户需求的双语词典,对构建大数据语言资源库和开发挖掘分析软件也有参考价值。 关键词大数据时代对应词新词挖掘汉英词典 一、研究背景 移动互联网的飞速发展加快了媒体融合的进程,也使传统的词典学研究和词典编纂实践面临挑战。不仅纸质词典,就连掌上型电子词典也遭到了前所未有的冷遇。人们更喜欢通过智能手机或计算机查询在线网络词典或离线电子词典。 大数据的应用前景广阔。但是,词典学研究和词典编纂可用的数据是大数据吗?词典学研究和词典编纂真的需要大数据吗?我们尝试从大数据时代词典学研究和编纂实践可用数据的特点出发回答第一个问题,结合汉英语际对应词的挖掘实例分析回答第二个问题,还简要探讨与数据或语料使用相关的问题。 二、大数据与编纂词典的可用数据 1. 大数据的特点 传统意义上的“数据”指的是“有根据的数字”。现在,“数据”不仅指“数字”,还统称一切保存在电脑中的信息(包括文本、声音、视频等)。(赵勇,徐轲2014)在这个信息爆炸的时代,经过一定时间的积累就会出现海量或巨量的数据。过去,计算机存储信息或数据的计量单位用gb/gigabytes(1gb=1024mb)就已经很大了。现在用到tb/terabytes(1tb=1024gb),pb/petabytes(1pb=1024tb=1048576gb),甚至更大的计量单位。但是,不能简单地认为数量大就是大数据。大数据的体量巨大,不仅存储量大,计算量也大,超出了传统数据处理方法所能管理和处理的能力。 现在具有代表性的观点是大数据具备4v特征:(1)数据量庞大(volume)。(2)数据呈现多样性(variety),不但类型多(如文本、网页、图片、音频、视频和位置信息等),而且来自多种数据源,不仅有结构化数据,更多的是半结构化数据和非结构化数据。(3)时效性(velocity),即数据增长速度快、变化速度快,处理速度也要求快,包括大量的在线或 (4)实时数据分析处理。例如电子商务对销售数据的实时快速分析就意味着能及时抓住商机。 数据价值高(value),但价值密度低,即价值与数据总量之比很低,需要对海量的数据进行挖掘分析才能形成用户价值。如在长时间连续的监控视频中查找犯罪线索,有用的数据可能只有短短几秒钟。(赵勇,徐轲2014;严霄凤,张德馨2013;宗威,吴锋2013) 2. 大数据的定义 信息时代的“数据”概念是明确的,但是对于“大数据”至今还没有一个公认的标准定义。 美国国家科学基金会(nsf)将大数据定义为:“由科学仪器、传感设备、互联网交易、电子邮件、音频视频软件、网络点击流等多种数据源生成的大规模、多元化、复杂、长期的分布式数据集。”(黄南霞,谢辉,王学东2013) 李战怀、王国仁和周傲英(2013)从数据库研究者的视角对大数据进行了解读,认为大数据是个笼统的概念。他们指出:“与应用密切相关的各类数据都属于大数据范畴,大数据强调支持实际应用所涉及到的多个来源且相互关联的大量、高速、异构数据;世界上凡是可以表达出来的信息都是数据;当为了一个具体的应用而需要把大量的不同类型、质量各异的数据及时进行处理时,这些数据就进入了大数据的范畴。”


Calligraphy Calligraphy is understood in China as the art of writing a good hand with the brush or the study of the rules and techniques of this art. As such it is peculiar to China and the few countries influenced by ancient Chinese culture. In the history of Chinese art, calligraphy has always been held in equal importance to painting. Great attention is also paid today to its development by holding exhibitions of ancient and contemporary works and by organizing competitions among youngsters and people from various walks of life. Sharing of experience in this field often makes a feature in Sino-Japanese cultural exchange. Chinese calligraphy, like the script itself, began with the hieroglyphs and, over the long ages of evolution, has developed various styles and schools, constituting an important part of the heritage of national culture. Classification Chinese scripts are generally divided into five categories: The seal character (zhuan), the official or clerical script (li), the regular script (kai), the running hand (xing) and the cursive hand (cao). 1) The zhuan script or seal character was the earliest form of writing after the oracle inscriptions, which must have caused great inconvenience because they lacked uniformity and many characters were written in variant forms. The first effort for the unification of writing, it is said, took place during the reign of King Xuan (827-782 B. C.) of the Western Zhou Dynasty, when

中国文化 十二生肖介绍英文版

有关十二生肖的英文介绍 ●It's interesting that we have 12 Chinese zodiacs in China, and you have 12 signs in your culture. ●More than 30,000 years ago, the Chinese animal signs are a 12-year cycle used for dating the years. They represent a cyclical concept of time, rather than the western linear concept of time. The Chinese lunar calendar is based on the cycles of the moon, and is constructed in a different fashion than the western solar calendar. In the Chinese calendar, the beginning of the year falls somewhere between late January and early February. ●In traditional china, dating methods were cyclical, cyclical meaning something that is repeated time after time according to a pattern. ● A popular folk method which reflected this cyclical method of recording years are the twelve animal signs. Every year is assigned an animal name or sign according to a repeating cycle: mouse, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. You might found out that many Chinese people strongly believe that the time of a person's birth is primary factor in determining that person's characteristics. ●According to one legend, Buddha invited all the animals to his

中国远大集团简介英文版(Company Profile of China Grand Enterprises, Inc.)

Company Profile of China Grand Enterprises, Inc. China Grand Enterprises, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as CGE), established in 1993, is a joint-stock group company, headquartered in Grand Place, Beijing Asian Games Village. As an investment company engaged in operation and management, CGE’s core businesses cover pharmaceuticals and healthcare, property investment, commercial trade business, financial services and other industries. 1. Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare Industry In the field of pharmaceuticals and healthcare industry, CGE has established several core industrial platforms within her controlled subsidiary companies. These include Huadong Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. that plays a leading role in fermentation-based pharmaceutical production, Grand Pharma (China) Co. Ltd. a leader in synthetic chemistry-based pharmaceutical production, Lei Yunshang Pharmaceutical Group with a nearly 300-year history operating in the production of modern Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Grand Shuyang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. focusing on the production of blood products, vaccines and other biopharmaceutical products. CGE pharmaceutical and healthcare industry produces nearly a thousand pharmaceutical products which belong to three major categories including synthetic chemical drugs, traditional Chinese medicines and biopharmaceuticals consisting mainly of blood products and vaccines. Among the products of CGE pharmaceutical and healthcare industry are included various bulk active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), steroid hormones, adrenalines and a variety of specialty APIs, fine chemicals and chemical intermediates, healthcare products and various other classes of pharmaceutical related products. CGE pharmaceutical and healthcare industry has established marketing systems in various specific fields, and many products have passed European COS certifications and US FDA inspections.
