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黄瀚生frank LECTURE 1





-Personal Experience套路


How can we have more things to talk about?

Direct answer + expansion + expansion

Example模式. 1 Step 1

I enjoy动词ing某笼统类型的something

Step 2

Such as ___ and____

Step 3

I think给予观点

●Do you enjoy doing sports?

Yea I do, I enjoy doing outdoor sports such as basketball and football, I think it‘s really healthy.

●Do you enjoy doing sports?

Yea I do, I‘m into doing some contact sports such as football and basketball, I think it’s really intense and I love the body contact between players.

●Do you enjoy playing games?

Yea I do, I enjoy playing computer games such as CS and WOW, I think it‘s really fun and it’s a wonderful way to loosen up.

●What kinds of films do you enjoy watching?

I love watching Hollywood films such as Lord of the Rings and The Avengers, I think it has wonderful special effects and the plot is exciting.

附加what kind of music do you like;

I love music very much, such as pop, jazz, classic music. Pop music is my favorite,

I am a big fan of pop music, like beat it, which is from Michael Jackson



What + who, when, where, why

Step 1-WHAT

I + 动词+名词

Step 2 –WHO

With my friends/family/By myself

Step 3 – WHEN

During my time off / During my weekends / During my holidays


When I‘m feeling bored / When I‘m feeling tired / When I‘m feeling happy/down

Step 4- WHERE

At… / To…

Step 5 – WHY

To (为了…)

To have fun为了好玩儿

To get some exercise锻炼身体

To enjoy myself自己享受

To improve my____. 提高我的…

To keep fit保持健康

To loosen up放松

To enrich myself 充实自己

To kill time 打发时间

?I watch films by myself during my time off at home to enjoy myself.

?I do sports with my friends during my weekends at the park to keep fit.

?I go traveling with my family during my holidays to many foreign countries to expand my horizons.


●Do you enjoy doing sports?

Yea I do, I enjoy doing some outdoor sports such as basketball and football, I thin k it‘s really healthy, I play basketball with my friends during my weekends at the park to get some exercise.

●Do you enjoy cooking?

Yea I do, I enjoy cooking Chinese food such as GBJD and TDS, I think it‘s really good, I cook with my mother during my weekends at home to enjoy myself.

Personal experience 3 Step 1

I remember when I was a kid…

I remember a while ago…

Step 2

I did something…

Something happened…

Someone did something…

Step 3

I thought it was ____ so I started to _____. (用于衬托喜好)

It made me into a ____ person. (用于衬托观点)

?I remember when I was a kid, my parents took me to museums very often, I thought I


PART1 Names 1.Who gave you your name? The name was given by my parents. 2.Does your name have any particular (or special meaning? I don’t know about that. 3.Do you like your name? I guess yes. 4.In your country do people feel that their name is very important? Most of people think so, because names are the first impression to other people. 5.Would you like to change your name? I don’t think it’s necessary. 6.Is it easy to change your name in your country? Maybe there will be some procedures to do. 7.Who usually names babies in your country? Parents or grandparents. 8.Do you have any special traditions about naming children? It depends on the tradition of the hometown. 9.What names are most common in your hometown?


雅思口语话题范例:Speech Question Describe the most influential speech that you heard. Sample answer I have heard numerous speeches, lectures, commentaries on various topics and issues throughout different stages of my life and among them the speech that was given by our primary school teacher on occasion of our fare-well is the most influential one and I still vividly recall it. The teacher who gave the speech was Mr. Mark Augustine and he was at his late forties at that time. As fifth grade school going kids we did not comprehend quite clearly what was the school fare-well all about. We knew that this is going to be our last day at our primary school and we would start our new school soon. Mr. Mark was already a revered teacher for his teaching style, good manor, humour and honesty. Rumour had that, he was much more qualified to be a college professor rather than being a primary school teacher. On the day, we had our parents present in school and we had been enjoying everything. As part of the farewell speech Mr. Mark approached to the stage and started mentioning what funny things we had done in the last 5 years. We as well as our parents started laughing on the things he mentioned. He mentioned how a kid started screaming in the sight of a cockroach, how a kid of class two expressed his friendship to a girl, how we tried to play amid of the class and many more interesting and funny events. He then moved on topics that I still hear in my mind. He told how study is our primary responsibility, how we should listen to our parents, how have we achieved our liberation as a nation, how to respect the Mother Nature and all the honestly and bravery we should possess in our heart. The topics and his way of presenting them vibrated us heavily. I can still remember how the advises came back to my life time to time. As a kid those advises and moralities were probably way to heavy to grasp but I still believe that the speech had a great impact in my life as well as the lives of the other kids who were present there. Tips for answering this cue card topic: Think about a speech that you heard and liked/ disliked. Usually people remember speeches which are interesting, which were delivered with great eloquence and have lasting impressions. Such speech can be something you heard in person or watched on TV or heard on radio. Sometimes


小黑雅思口语万能连接词地点描述 Like I’m fairly keen on… I’m really into… I’m quite a big fan of… I simply adore… I’m quite enthusiastic/passionate about… I generally prefer…to… I’m pretty fond of … I’m totally mad about… I’m obsessed with… I’m fascinated by… dislike I’m not so keen on… I’m really not that fond of … I’m not much of a fan of… I really cant stand… 迅速回答 Well, actually… Sure, obviously… Ok, certainly… Of course, you know… Of course, it goes without saying that…不确定 I think I would have to say that it really depends. Well, quite honestly I don’t think I’ve ever thought about hat, but I guess…Actually, this isn’t something that I’ve ever considered, but in short… I’m not really sure how to put this, but I suppose generally speaking… 种类 There’s quite a mixed variety of …There’s quite a wide range of… There’s fairly broad range of… There’s quite an extensive diversityof …There’s quite a diverse mixture of… 虚拟语气 If I lived in Mediterranean, I would/could/might…… 假设 If …, then I will most likely do….


雅思口语高分:如何避免对话大冷场在浏览雅思考生的考场回忆时,小编发现同学们常常会说自己的part2只说了一分钟,后面都是大冷场,没有足够的话语回应。造成雅思考场上无话可说的原因时什么,如何避免对话大冷场,文都国际小编为你解答。 雅思口语无话可说原因其一,面对很多话题,同学们只能说出寥寥数语,而且绝大多数同学所说的内容基本雷同。如a famous animal in China,中国学生的标准答案就是panda,而且关于panda,同学们除了说出It has white body and black eyes或者It's cute之外,几乎没有区别于其他同学的内容。 雅思口语无话可说原因其二,在面对相当数量的话题时,同学们感到无话可说。例如a wedding you have attended,很多同学称自己没有参加过任何婚礼,导致在考场上语塞。 首先,同学们明白一个事实,那就是:雅思口语中未必一定要说真话。因为通常,真话是我们根本就不了解这个话题,就算能说出来,恐怕和其他学生也差不多,是一个既无趣又单调的答案。这样一个答案,在雅思考试中肯定不能获得理想的分数。所以,只要答案是合情合理,前后不矛盾,我们就可以使用。总之,在谈话中,我们要做的只是一个忠实的story teller。

所以说还是建议大家最好参加一些雅思口语辅导班,掌握更多的雅思口语技巧能够帮助大家取得更高的分数。 本着这样一个原则,我们就可以着手准备素材了。在这里谈几个准备的方法。 首先要学会做有心人,平时和同学、朋友聊天,要多注意收集他人的人生经历。比如一个同学绘声绘色地描述了他去云南游玩的经历,即便你本人没有去过云南,也可以把这一段话改编成一段出色的雅思口语trip题答案; 其次,如果确实对于某个话题感到无话可说。我们可以借助现在最为发达的网络平台来寻找答案。例如在准备describe a park这道题目的时候,南京同学往往会将目标锁定在Xuan Wuhu lake park上,所以我们会听到许多同学描述完全相同的事物,如There's a zoo indside of it, and there're different kinds of animal in it, such as…这样的描述确实难以令考官产生兴趣。 那么如果我们借助网络来搜索答案,又可以得到什么结果呢?在Google或者维基百科(Wikipedia)中,我们输入关键词Disneyland, California, 就能得到全部的关于加州迪斯尼的资料。从这个公园产生的背景,到这个公园各个部分的简介。比如关于其中一个叫做Redwood Greek Challenge Trail的景点,小编得到了以下信息:


雅思口语新话题卡解析---A car you want to buy 2011-03-15 16:45:45 Tag: 雅思英语 英语学习资料 学英语 能飞英语网 我要评论(0) 雅思口语新话题卡解析---A car you want to buy:2009年9月份以后,雅思口语考试的一些新话题卡纷纷亮相。现在,我们就一起来看其中的一个话题卡:Describe a car or vehicle you would like to have in the future. (描述一辆你未来想拥有的车。)借着这个话题卡,我们一起来分析和探讨一下雅思口语考试话题卡的特点及考生的备考方案,也希望考生们能借此掌握一些口语中地道的短语和词汇表达。 ?雅思通关高分的秘籍! ?英语达人的英语学习计划 ?30天练成英语口语达人 2009年9月份以后,雅思口语考试的一些新话题卡纷纷亮相。现在,我们就一起来看其中的一个话题卡:Describe a car or vehicle you would like to have in the future. (描述一辆你未来想拥有的车。)借着这个话题卡,我们一起来分析和探讨一下雅思口语考试话题卡的特点及考生的备考方案,也希望考生们能借此掌握一些口语中地道的短语和词汇表达。 实例分析---A car you want to buy 1.话题卡 首先来看我们要讨论的这张话题卡的内容: Describe a caror vehicle you would like to have in the future. You should say: . which you will choose . what it will look like


雅思口语话题大全带答 案 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】

Describe a good parent you know Well,I would like to about my mother’s roommate in college,I call her aunt hongchuan,she is perfect I will explain the reason hong is my mother’s best friend,there is a close relationship between our two mother told me that when I was a baby,aunt hong was always the one who babysit is not very beautiful but very intelligent. he knows how to dress elegant and cook delicious..she is a successful mother mainly because she educates her daughter in a smart way which make her daughter very hong treat her daughter in an eaqual way,she never poses up with poker face,in stead,she tries to make friends with her daughter which result in complete trust of her her daughter trust her mother,and talk everything to her mother,aunt hong knows everything about her daughter and then influence he daughter by her behavior in a positive way .finally,her daughter learned to be self-discipline and went to the peking university which is the best university in china. Describe a perfect holiday you want to have in the future


Speaking Part One (2008-02-05 19:13:32) 转载▼ 分类:参考雅思口语答案 标签: 教育 Does your name have any special meaning? Well, I am not sure. I guess there is something special about it, but I never asked my grandpa this question. He is the person who gave me my name. Well, I don’t know.It’s just a very common girl name. Actually, I was somewhat annoyed back in high school. People always mistook me for another girl in my class who had exactly the same name. Why do some people change their name? To be frank, I don’t know why but I can only assume that they are no t very happy with their names given by others. They want to be in control of everything in their life. What are the advantages of studying instead of working? When studying, I only had to worry about my exams. But now, I have to worry about my unpaid bills, my mortgage and my children’s exams. Do you agree that there should be a world language for everyone? Yeah, I can’t agree more.I really feel it’s a huge waste of time to learn a second language from other country when we can work out a way for everyone to speak the same language. I think Esperanto is a great idea. Do you agree that people will get married even later in the future? Why?


雅思口语 IELTS 4 – SPEAKING TEST 1 – PART 3 / Page 33 Discussion topics: Looking after historic places Example questions: 1. How do people in your country feel about protecting historic buildings? As I see it, in my country, most people are aware of the importance of protecting historic places, because they know that the historic places are priceless things which connect the pass to the present and even the future. Therefore, people in my country think protecting the historic monument is really necessary. 2. Do you think an area can benefit from having an interesting historic place locally? In what way? In my opinion, people generally prefer to visit the historic areas. Consequently if there are historic buildings, they will attract more tourists to visit which will help develop local tourism and industrial zones. This will lead to the growth of service industries, restaurants, and entertainment. Besides that, it creates an excess profit and jobs galore for the local. So it can really benefit from having an enjoyable historic place locally.


麦考瑞雅思解密突破雅思口语5.5分的方法 很多雅思口语分数堵在5-5.5分的同学都会纠结于这样一个问题:明明我用心准备了。为什么拿不到满意的分数?明明阅读听力都能上6.5甚至7分以上,为什么口语这样的可怜?难道雅思考试是故意要在写作口语上压倒烤鸭吗?其实我们不妨分析一下雅思口语分数低的原因: 1. 模仿标准答案 在最近一段时间里,已经很少有新题出现。所以大多数考生会选择去一一的准备考过的题目(主要是雅思Part 1和Part2)。所以,我们可以看到,大多数考生在准备的时候,都会选择去找一本雅思口语的标准答案书,然后把这些答案背下来。其实,如果这样的话,分数在大多数情况下反而会更低。这主要是因为很多的标准答案的用词比较难。所以,如果考生的英语发音,英语语言的组织能力不够好的话,如果用这么难的词,考官一听就能听出来考生是事先备好的。所以针对这一情况,建议不要背答案,而是要尝试自己去说,让老师辅助纠正,说出了自己的东西,平时练习的话题多了,遗忘度也低。 2. 套用固定结构 现在很多考官都已经知道考生已经准备好了第二部分,所以考官会更多的把时间集中的放在第三部分,问的题目越来越难来判断考生的真实水平。在第三部分的回答时,

老师建议考生套用一定的结构:第一句话,直接回答问题。很多考生喜欢绕来绕去,如果这样的话,考官会认为考生并不会回答问题,而是在拐弯抹角。第二句话,考生可以套用therebe句型,可能是原因,或者情况。然后在第三,第四句话将具体的两个原因或情况进行详细阐述。最后两句话,考生可以将这个话题引到自身的经历。在麦考瑞雅思,口语技巧、口语训练、外教模拟实战都会在冲刺阶段将重点放在part3的自由发挥和回答的有效性、直接性上。拒绝绕弯子,拒绝被考官狡猾地问住。 3. 使用难的单词 很多时候,我发现很多考生在说话的时候都会说一句或甚至几个单词的时候就卡住了。当问到是什么原因的时候,很多考生会说不会用英文表达,或者是某个单词不会说。其实,在真正的英语交流中,我们会发现很多的外教讲话时英语的用词是非常简单,这就是英语交流的精华。在真正的日常交流中,外国人并不会去追求一些难的单词,而更多的是用最简单的词汇和语法结构将自己的意思表达出来。所以,老师建议考生不要去追求用什么难的单词,而是想方设法用自己已经会的表达把意思表达清楚即可。即使是在第三部分,题目非常的难,考生也可以很好的回答其中80%的题目。所以麦考瑞雅思对大部分同学的建议是,地道性表达比用生僻词重要。和人交流的主要是流利、真诚、内容丰富、逻辑结构清晰。平时的练习更多的要放在对不同话题的触角上,摆脱以往口语对话紧张、重复、不流利的坏毛病。 本文由全国唯一100%保分退费、雅思6.5分以上96%达线率的麦考瑞雅思培训机构 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/0317769457.html,/原创撰写,转载请保留链接,谢谢您的阅读,祝各位雅思同学学习进步!!


雅思口语考试形式及内容全面解析 雅思口语考试是考生与考官之间进行一对一交流的形式,考官对考生的英语口语水平进行考察。雅思口语考试分为三个部分,考生可以以此使用不同的口语表达技能。雅思考试口语部分将被录音。下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 雅思口语考试形式及内容全面解析 雅思口语Part 1 雅思口语考试形式:考官会向考生进行自我简介,并核对考生的身份。之后,考官会就考生熟悉的话题(如朋友、兴趣习惯或者食物) 进行询问。为保证题目的一致性,这些问题都是从一个事先拟定的范围内抽取的。 考试时间有多长:4-5分钟。 这部分考察的是什么技能:这部分考察的是考生就日常性的观点和信息、常见的生活经历或情形以回答问题的形式进行交流的能力。 雅思口语Part 2 雅思口语考试形式:这部分为考生作个人陈述。考官会交给考生一个答题任务卡、铅笔和草稿纸做笔记。答题任务卡上会给

出一个话题和需要在个人陈述中包含的要点,并在最后提示考生解释这个话题的某一个方面。有效地使用答题任务卡上的提示可以帮助考生思考讲述的话题、组织内容、并持续地陈述2分钟时间。在准备时间内做一些笔记也可以帮助考生安排好陈述的结构。考生有一分钟的准备时间,之后考官会要求考生就相关内容讲述1-2分钟。考官会在2分钟后打断考生,并在最后提问一两个问题作为结束语。 考试时间有多长:3-4分钟。 这部分考察的是什么技能:这部分考察得是考生(在没有任何其它提示的情况下)就一个特定的话题进行较长时间的陈述的能力,考察考生是否能恰当地运用语言、是否能连贯地组织自己的观点。考生有可能需要联系自己的经历来完成这部分内容。 雅思口语Part 3 雅思口语考试形式:在这部分考试中,考官和考生将对第二部分中涉及的话题进行讨论,讨论将为更加广泛和抽象,在恰当的时候还会更加深入。 考试时间有多长:4-5分钟。 这部分考察的是什么技能:这部分考察的是考生表达和论述看法、分析、讨论以及深入思考问题的能力。 雅思口语范文:describe something made you laugh


One hundred topics for daily English situations Zoe and dAsh 2009-7 1. Stages of life (2) 2. First impressions (3) 3. Getting personal (4) 4. Every part of your body can speak (5) 5. Mind your posture (6) 6. Blood is thicker than water (7) 7. Huge Family (8) 8. Looking for love (9) 9. Marry a soul mate (10) 10. Getting along (11) 11. Renting a house (12) 12. Living in a house (13) 13. My dream home (14) 14. Household appliances (15) 15. Around a house: community (16) 16. Shopping (17) 17. Clothes and fashion (18) 18. Money in your pocket (19) 19. At the bank (20) 20. At the post office (21) 21. Eating out (22) 22. Insurance (23) 23. Common health problems (24) 24. Illness and disease (25) 25. Healthy food (26) 26. Beauty and cosmetics (27) 27. Shape and fitness身材和健康 (28) 28. Coping with stress压力处理 (29) 29. City sightseeing城市观光 (30) 30. Business trip出差 (31) 31. Holiday DIY自助假期 (32) 32. Going abroad出国 (34) 33. Short weekend trip close to home (35) 34. Theme: travel (35) 35. Souvenirs纪念品 (36) 36. Cycling骑自行车 (37) 37. Driving cars (38) 38. Public transportation公共交通 (39)


杭州北雅雅思口语课知识细点综合讲义 ●Chapter1 词汇知识点 1. 高频词汇重复替换 2 2. 动词搭配使用 4 3. 形容词解释和理解12 4. 副词的使用15 5.连接词的使用17 6. Less common vocabularies (不常用词汇)19 ●Chapter 2 语法知识点 1.高频时态准确使用31 2.时态变化和综合使用33 3. 逻辑关系判断和提升34 4. 复合句之定语从句37 ●Chapter 3 语音知识点 1. 英美音差异和易错音38 2. 爆破音和连读40 ●Chapter4 话题内容补充讲义 1.Part1高频话题库42 2.Part1课堂必掌握题库49 3.Part1经典题目回答示例52 4.Part2 经典话题库及范例59 5. Part2 口语7分学员素材分享73 6.2014.12月高频话题总题库79 7.2015.3-8月最高频题库(最新统计)81 8. Part3 分类话题库及逻辑回答模式90 9. Part3 Brain-storming练习及核心素材93

Chapter 1词汇知识点: 1.1高频重复词汇替换(5.5-6) 1.1. 减少语言停顿和加强自然度,需增加语言填充词(language fillers) e.g. actually/ in fact/as a matter of fact/truth be told /to tell the truth to be frank/honest with you = honestly/frankly speaking personally speaking/from my own perspectives/from my point of view as far as I know/concerned 减少最常用词汇重复 Yes-definitely/undoubtedly/without a doubt indeed precisely sure/certainly I do suppose/think so No -I don't think/suppose so/I suppose not Not really Not at all/ a bit I'm not sure really/I'm not exactly that sure negative think - suppose assume I’d hazard a guess that … reckon suggest maintain/insist hold the point that believe argue like -be fond of be into be keen on (5.5) be fascinated by be fanatical about be obsessed with (6-6.5) appeal to I cannot imagine stopping doing sth really I was brought up with sth in blood (7) don’t like dislike hate cannot stand sth. be not (the least bit )interested in sth. loathe doing sth disapprove of sth. sth. is not kind of my thing. but - however whereas instead while yet


雅思口语技巧的12条黄金法则总结 雅思口语技巧的12条黄金法则总结一文汇总了雅思口语的12个不可不看的技巧。下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 雅思口语技巧的12条黄金法则总结 ①Be formal表现地正式 表现的正式是指自己首先要认真对待,既不要过分严肃也不能过分散漫。好的办法是把口语考试看成一场面试,记住在面试时扬长避短,就算自己有不足之处,只要选择不表现这一方面,就不会成为你的缺点! ②Give a full answer完整地回答 完整的回答是指避免one word answer ,推己及人,作为中国人我们都是讨厌别人说中文只说单个字回复的,外国人又怎么会喜欢呢?何况雅思考试是展现自己英语能力的考试,在自己的能力范围内,应该尽可能以完整的句子作答,才能让考官欣然给出高分。 ③Be polite 保持礼貌/礼仪 保持礼貌/礼仪是印象分的一部分,这就是说要保持交流中的基本礼貌,比如微笑、注视考官以及不打断考官提问,如果出

现了自己没有听懂的提问,可以礼貌地请考官重复,以could you please/would you mind开头来礼貌询问,这样的询问并不会影响自己的分数。 ④Maintain good posture 维持好的坐姿 虽然坐姿只是一个细节,但是它有可能影响到烤鸭的发音以及交流的状态,良好的坐姿也是良好印象分的一部分,建议烤鸭们不要采用托腮、撑脸的坐姿,也不要采用自己觉得不舒服的姿势,保持相对正式而自己又不会感到累的坐姿最好。 ⑤Speak clearly 说话清楚、语音清晰 雅思口语首先是一场communication,在沟通交流中让对方清楚地听懂自己的讲话是第一位的,因为OG里明确提出允许英式、美式以及澳洲的口音,所以烤鸭们有口音是被允许的。但是这建立在一定要把单词读准的基础上,虽然允许英式、美式甚至澳式口音,但一定不能是方言式口音,所以烤鸭们切记要做到把单词读准,语音清晰,说话清楚。 ⑥Use descriptive words 使用新颖的描述性的词汇 因为雅思口语考察的是口语能力,所以要在11-14分钟的考试时间里尽可能把自己的英语水平展现出来,用更好的单词或者句子是必要的,比如用excellent代替good,用gorgeous代替beautiful,烤鸭们可以在日常的口语练习中就严格要求自己。


Holiday Vocabulary Part 1-style questions Examiner: What kind of holiday do you like? Miguel: I try to avoid tourist traps… I like to get away from it all and prefer going somewhere off the beaten track… last year I had the holiday of a lifetime… a two week wildlife safari in Kenya. Examiner: What do you like to do when you’re on holiday? Anna: I enjoy visiting the local places of interest… I like to go sightseeing and always sign up for guided tours as it’s a chance to be shown around and take p hotographs … one of my hobbies. Examiner: Do you have many tourists in your country? Amy: Yes … we have a lot of holiday resorts along the coast that are popular with tourists … most people come on package holidays and stay in one of the many hotels and self-catering apartments. Part 2-style task Describe a beautiful place you once visited. You should say: ?when you went to this place ?where it was ?who you went with and say why you liked it so much. Sally: A few years ago I went on a long weekend to the Lake District in the UK … it’s a very popular holiday destination in the north of England … I went on my own and had a wonderful time … I stayed in a youth hostel and met some really nice people … but the most memorable thing about the holiday were the breathtaking views… and lovely picturesque villages… it can get very busy with hordes of tourists so I decided to go out of season in the autumn … the weather was fantastic and the shops were full of local crafts… a really great holiday … it’s certainly not the


1 雅思口语第二部分 第二部分只需要准备一下几个黑体的topic就可以了,其他的可以转化成相似的话题,只需要准备20个话题,第二部分就都解决了 A. PEOPLE & ANIMAL An elder family member = An interesting elder person = A person who took care of you when you were young A friend = A person you want to talk to = A person you want to spend time with = A person who helped you = A neighbor = A teenager = An elder family member = An important conversation you had = A letter you got = A piece of advice = A positive change in your life = An important stage in your life A person you know who speaks a different language = A teacher = An unforgettable course or lecture = An unforgettable experience A child = A public service advertisement = A story you watched on TV = A film you love = A magazine = A newspaper = A TV programme = A website = A book you read before = A childhood song you love = A fairytale character = A fairytale you lo ve = A fairytale you were told in your childhood A famous person = A successful person = A leader = An idol = A person you want to become one day = A historical figure = A person who is good at his/ her job = A speech or a lecture you love = An unforgettable course you had = An organization / company you love = A business you want to run 2 An animal = An environmental problem = A public service advertisement = A film = A piece of news you watched on TV = A performance or a show you watched = A science course you took B. OBJECTS A handicraft = A thing you DIY = A painting = A piece of art = A thing you did successfully = An important decision you made A piece of electronic equipment (not a computer) = A gift you got = A thing you save money to buy = An unforgettable family event = A photo (camera) = A letter (txt) or an email = A thing you lost = A piece of electronic equipment which helps you to study English A toy in your childhood = A gi ft you received = An unforgettable experience you had = An unforgettable birthday you had = An elder family me mber
