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Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar (45%)

Ⅰ. Copy the following sentences (正确抄写句子,注意大小写和标点符号) 5%

4. There is fire in the forest, __________ are fighting the fire bravely.

Ⅴ. Read and fill in the blanks. (用所给中文提示内容填空)14%

1.It is cold outside. Listen, the wind ___________________(猛烈地吹着)

2.It’s ____________________(晴朗的一天). We can go out and play.

3.Fire can start in forest, in schools and at home. People ____________________(必须小心)

4.I can see ____________________(许多漂亮的连衣裙) in the clothes shop.

5.– Excuse me, how do I get to Shanghai Museum? ____________________(在第一个十字路口右转).

6.____________________(那条裤子) do you like?

7.Linda and I are good friends. We ____________________(都喜欢帮助人).

Ⅵ.Choose the best answer. (选择最恰当的答案)10%

( ) 1. My new flat is on the _____ floor. There are _____ rooms in it.

A. ninth... nine

B. nine... nine

C. ninth... nine

( ) 2. Please give this cup of coffee _____ that lady over there.

A. for

B. of

C. to

( ) 3. My sister doesn’t like _____ music. It’s _____ noisy.

A. loud/ two

B. loud/too

C. quiet/ to

( ) 4. – Would you like ______ orange juice? – Yes, please.

A. some

B. any

C. many

( ) 5. Danny and Ben are in the same ______, but they are in different ______.

A. schools, classes

B. school, classes

C. school, class

( ) 6. We wait ______ the bus stop at half past three.

A. at

B. for

C. to

( ) 7. Don’t _____ campfires! It’s very ______.

A. stop/danger

B. start/ safe

C. start/ dangerous

( ) 8. My living room ______ south. There’s _____ sunshine.

A. faces/ a lot of

B. face/many

C. faces/much

( ) 9. Sue can _____ salad. She _____ salad with her parents now.

A. make, makes

B. make, is making

C. making, makes

( ) 10. Fire can give us _____ and _____.

A. heat/ light

B. heat/ kite

C. meat/ salt

Ⅶ. Rewrite the sentences. (按要求改写句子)7%

1. Do n’t smoke here. (换种方式,但意思不变) ____________________

2. John’s brother usually has breakfast at home. (改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)


3. You should drink a lot of water. (改为否定句)


4. Danny likes helping people. Jerry likes helping people too. (用both 合成一句)







( ) 4. A. the door B. the floor C. the window

( ) 5. A. family B. police C. headmaster

Ⅱ. Read and answer. (阅读短文,完整回答下列问题)5%

Paul works in a factory, and he usually comes home at half past six every evening, he comes home early, but he

looks very angry. He closes the door very hard and goes into the room and sits down.

His wife is in the kitchen. She goes to her husband and looks at him. Then she says to him, ―Why are you so angry, Paul?‖

―Bus tickets were three yuan last week, but now they are only two yuan!‖ He says to his wife angrily.

―But that isn’t bad, Paul!‖ His wife says, ―It’s good. It’s cheaper for people to take a bus.‖















9.Don’t forget to ___(5)___1-1-9 on the phone.

( ) 1. A. important B. bad C. dirty

( ) 2. A. one B. once C. two

( ) 3. A. matches B. books C. money

( ) 4. A. dance B. sleep C. crawl

( ) 5.A. call B. write D. read

Ⅳ. Writing. (写一写你对火的认识、你知道的防火安全常识,要求内容准确,表述连贯,至少三种句型、字数30个)5%



上海版七年级上学期英语期末考试试卷(I)卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、单项填空 (共5题;共5分) 1. (1分)—What's his ? —A teacher. A . name B . class C . job D . day 2. (1分)The food safety is a serious _______ in our country. We should try to solve it. A . subject B . program C . problem D . opinion 3. (1分)—When shall we begin our trip? —We'll set out____________ our head teacher arrives. A . as soon as B . ever since C . so that D . even though 4. (1分)When traffic lights are red, we stop and wait. A . should B . must C . need D . can 5. (1分)—Is the schoolbag on the table? —______ It's on the chair. A . Yes, it is B . No, it isn't

C . Yes, they are D . No, they aren't 二、选择适合的答句 (共1题;共5分) 6. (5分)任务型阅读 Dear Lisa, I'm going to have a party on September 27. It's my 12th birthday. I would like to enjoy this day with my family members and friends together. I will be very happy if you can come to join us. You are always my best friend. Your sister Jenny is welcome too. She is a nice girl. I like her. Because it's a princess—theme (公主主题的) party, please wear your beautiful clothes and shoes. There is a lot of fun at the party. My mum wants to cook a lot of Chinese food for us. Because September 27, 2015 is also the Mid-Autumn Festival, my grandma says she can make some moon cakes. You never eat them, right? They are delicious. There are also film DVDs and fun games for us. I'm sure all of us can have great fun on that day. The party is in my house, and it starts at 3:00 p.m. Can you come? Tell me please. Yours, Emma (1)Who is Lisa? (2)What does Emma ask Lisa to wear? (3)What does Emma's mum want to cook for them? (4)Why does Emma's grandma make moon cakes? (5)将文中划线句子译成汉语 三、完形填空 (共1题;共1分) 7. (1分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 While at the beach this afternoon. I met a 1 called Bob We talked a lot. He said that it was fun playing on the cliffs (悬崖). I told him 2 I was not allowed to go near that place (Mum and Dad had always told me it was dangerous to play there). He called me a coward (胆小鬼). I wanted to prove to him that I was just as 3 as he was, so I agreed to go with him. We wanted to make our way down to explore (探索) the area. so Bob started to climb down 4 I followed him. 5, some rocks came down after us. One of them nearly hit my head. We could not get back up. We shouted and shouted for help, but for a long time 6 help came. I was really scared (害怕的). I wanted to cry. Then, we heard some 7. Someone had heard us. A woman tied a rope around 8 while a man at the cliff top held the rope. She 9 her way down to save us.


福山外国语小学2017学年第一学期四年级英语期中考查卷 Class Name No. Score_______ Part 2: Vocabulary and Grammar 45% I. Copy. (正确书写下列句子,注意大小写及标点) 5% how many brothers sisters and cousins do you have ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- whos that boy his names wang rong ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Read and write phonetic symbols. (读单词,写出划线部分的音标) 4% skirt ________ Ginger ________ drink _______ watch_______ with ________racket _________ dish ________ brother_______ III. Match the words to the correct explanation (单词与词义配对):7% ( ) 1. hungry A. the child of your uncle or aunt ( ) 2. breakfast B. a game played on a court by throwing the ball into a basket ( ) 3. basketball C. need to eat food ( ) 4. tennis D. a black bird having terrible call ( ) 5. crow E. a game played with rackets by two or four players ( ) 6.cousin F. green or purple juicy fruits ( ) 7.grapes G. the first meal of the day (usually in the morning) IV: Fill in the blanks (填空) 9% A:Choose the proper preposition. (用in, on, at, to, with或for填空,每词一次)3% 1. Welcome _____ my home, Sally. Please look _____the photos of my family. 2. _____Mid-Autumn Day, we eat moon cakes and watch the full moon. 3. W ho’s that girl _____ a short black dress? Can we play ________her? 4. I have a riddle _________you. Can you guess it? B: Write the proper words. (用所给词的适当形式填空) 6% 1. Mary is _______(Kate) aunt. She ______(be) a waitress. 2. ______your parents ________(live) with you? Yes, they_______(do). 3. These _______(be) my ______(foot). 4. –Can kangaroos _______(jump)? Yes, they are ________(jump) in the


2018杭州上城区小学排行 1杭州市崇文实验学校(民办) 2杭州市天长小学 3杭州市胜利小学 4杭州市时代小学(民办) 5杭州市天地实验小学 6杭州新世纪外国语学校小学部(民办) 7杭州市娃哈哈小学(民办) 8杭州市胜利小学(赞成校区) 9杭州市金都天长小学 10杭州师范大学第一附属小学 2018杭州下城区小学排行 1杭州市安吉路实验学校小学部 2杭州市长寿桥小学 3杭州长江实验小学(民办) 4杭州市大成实验学校小学部 5杭州市景成实验学校小学部 6杭州市胜蓝实验学校 7杭州市西湖文新小学 8杭州市现代实验小学 9杭州市青蓝小学(青蓝校区) 10杭州市东园小学 2018杭州市西湖区小学排行 1杭州市学军小学(杭州师范大学第二附属小学) 2杭州市求是小学 3杭州市钱塘外国语学校小学部(民办) 4杭州市文三街小学 5杭州市绿城育华学校小学部(民办) 6杭州市保俶塔实验学校(小学部) 7杭州市文一街小学(杭州师范大学附属小学) 8杭州市育才外国语学校(民办) 9杭州市行知小学 10杭州市西湖小学 2018杭州江干区小学排行 1杭州市采荷第二小学(采荷二小) 2杭州市采荷第一小学(采荷一小) 3杭州采荷第三小学(采荷三小) 4杭州市采荷第一小学钱江苑校区(采荷一小钱江苑校区)5杭州市文海实验小学 6杭州师范大学东城实验学校 7浙江省教育科学研究院附属实验学校(省教科附小) 8杭州实验外国语学校小学部 9杭州市茅以升实验学校

10杭州市夏衍小学 2018杭州拱墅区小学排行 1杭州市上海福山外国语小学 2杭州市卖鱼桥小学(文澜校区) 3杭州市大关小学(民办) 4杭州市锦绣育才中学附属小学(民办)5杭州市外语实验小学 6杭州市大关小学(申花校区) 7杭州市育才京杭小学 8杭州市拱宸桥小学 9杭州市建新小学 10杭州市德胜小学(德胜校区)


上海世界外国语小学面试攻略 无论是世外还是七外,考得都是小朋友的综合素质和学习能力。具体包括: 1、要有一定的识字量,能自主阅读。比如,在世外,有看短文朗读的环节。 2、有一定的语言组织和表达能力。在七外、世外的一面中,都有看图排序的考题,世外还要求起个标题。二面时,世外进一步要求孩子看图描述发生了什么事情。 3、会30以内的加减法。在七外,文文做到了20以内的加减应用题,世外二面时,老师口头考了两道30以内的数学计算题,一道是24-9;一道是2+3+8。 4、接触过一些逻辑思维训练,说的白一点,就是多少要做点一年级的奥数。比如,七外考了不同图形的排列规律。世外有考到比线条长短;从不同角度看小鸭子,看到的小鸭子是什么形状;给8个圆,要求孩子画圆形的物体,等等。那天,文文刚从考场出来,就很遗憾地跟妈妈说,在规定的3分钟内,她只来得及画了7个,分别是太阳、轮子、笑脸、花朵等,最后画的是足球。还说想到了钟表,但感觉画起来太复杂了,就选择先画足球,但足球上的图形也很难画。一上车,文文就后悔了,说应该画汽车的方向盘和大奔的标志,这两样要简单些。对了,世外还考了一道图形变化题,据说难倒了很多孩子。就是用剪刀把一个菱形剪成正方形,不能留下废纸。文文跟妈妈说,自己为了保证不把纸剪坏,特意先把纸折了一下,觉得可行后才一剪刀下去的。能考虑地那么周全,连妈妈都有点意外。 5、要有点英语底子,特别要注重培养语感。比如,在七外,文文说主要是考英文单词和英文短句模仿跟读。在世外,考的是欢迎参加上海世博会的场景。除了有“Welcome to Shanghai”等问候语的跟读外,还有其他语种的跟读,最后考了how many的问句,问前面一共讲了多少种语言。 6、能文能武,能静还要会动。静,就是能安静的坐在那里看书阅读,能在每个考场外耐心等待;动,则是要开动脑筋,积极抢答提问。七外、世外都考到了跟着音乐跳舞,这大概是看孩子们的动作协调性吧。在七外,文文说先后放了两段音乐,节奏一慢一快,要求跟着大屏幕上哥哥姐姐的动作跳舞。世外,文文说放的音乐节奏比较慢,动作模仿蛮简单的。 7、要注意行为规范、礼貌用语。正如七外校长在介绍中提出的,七外要培养的是淑女和绅士。所以,能够做到有序候场,见到老师主动问好,走出教室跟老师说声再见,这也是孩子们需要做到的。 综合面试情况,我还有如下几点感受跟大家分享: 1、面试要看孩子们的临场发挥。如果孩子是外向型的,不怕生,那爸爸妈妈平时有空的话,自己辅导也行。但如果孩子属于比较内向、容易害羞的,那我就建议可以适当让孩子参加社会上的一些辅导班,也可以参加英语通用星级考之类的,让孩子多一些这方面的训练和培养。


E D F 上海版牛津英语七年级上学期期中考试卷 Part 1 Listening:20% I. Listen and choose the right picture:5% A B C D E F 1._______ 2.________ 3.________ 4._ 5._________ II. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the questions you hear:5% ( )1. A)In a shop B) In a Market C)In a library D)In a bookstore ( )2. A)America B) American C)Australia D) Australian ( )3. A) Yes, she is a member of SPCA. B) Yes, she does. C) No, she isn ’t a member of SPCA. D) No, she doesn ’t. ( )4. A)At 7:55 B)At 7:50 C) At 7:45 D)At 7:20 ( )5. A)A singer B)A pilot C) A football player D)A basketball player III. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following sentences are true or false:5% ( )1. Jane ’s apartment is in a very convenient place. ( )2.There is a cinema around the corner from her building. ( )3.Two gas stations are far away from her building. ( )4.There is not much traffic near her home. ( )5.It is very noisy, but Jane still likes to live there. IV. Listen to the passage and complete the form:5% Mrs Jackson ’s family


上海福山外国语小学 ——从这里走向世界 一、学校概况 上海福山外国语小学目前有福山校区、瑞华校区、花园校区、证大校区共四个校区。学校前身为上海黄浦区福山路小学,于1987年创办,1991年划归浦东新区,2002年改为现名。 学校有一支融师德、师智、师能三位一体、结构合理的师资队伍,教师发展梯队结构合理,大学及大专学历教师占96%,中学高级教师以及小学高级教师比例达70%,区级学科带头人、骨干教师、署骨干教师达25%。学校教职员工近300名。 各校区设施齐全,拥有体育馆、多媒体教室、语言实验室、电脑房、多功能厅及音乐室、劳技室、科常室、美术室、图书馆、藏书室、英语阅览室等,学校的校园网管理中心、电视导播室等现代化设施正以其现代化、科学化的优势超常发挥着应有的作用。 丰硕的办学成果正在显示出福山的魅力,吸进着来自四面八方的学生,不仅有来自市各区县的学生,而且有来自国内其它近20个省市的学生,还有来自台湾、香港地区和美国、日本、加拿大、新加坡等国家的学生。学校已成为家长信赖、社会满意、学生快乐成长、教师成就事业的美好家园。目前,学校四个校区共有近4000名学生。 我校家长普遍认可学校的教育理念与办学特色,这为高质量的家校合作奠定了坚实基础;与此同时,家长的高素质也决定了其教育需求的优质化、多样化,学校不断提升办学品质满足了家长的多元教育期待。 学校四个校区福山校区、瑞华校区、花园校区、证大校区,分布在陆家嘴社区、洋泾社区、浦兴社区。三个社区都属于成熟型社区,为学校发展提供了有利的社区资源与环境支持。 二、历史沿革 第一个“十年”:学科特色立校,解决学校生存问题。 学校提出学英语要从娃娃抓起,一年级就开设英语课,顶住了压力,克服了困难,自编教材,自培教师,注重科研,关注实效。经过上下不懈努力,学生爱上了学英语,提升了学习能力和应用能力。学校确立了英语特色,提高了办学成绩,获得了社会认可。之后,英语教学改革经验复制应用到各个学科实验引发学校全面的教学改革。


2016上海外国语大学英语翻硕考研-近义词辨析 词语辨析一: ascribe,attribute,contribute,owe"归因于..." ascribe和attribute差别不大,都可以解释为"(中性)把...归因于,(褒义)把...归功于,(贬义)把...归咎于",也可以解释为"把...归属于,认为...归属于...",基本可以互换 contribute(to)有助于,促成... owe(to)把...归功于(褒义) 1.Medical research has shown that the widespread use of cigarettes____to the increase of cancers. A.ascribe B.attribute C.contribute D.owe 2.Professor Li____his success to his mother. A.owns B.ruins C.owes D.roars 3.We____Edison's success to his intelligence and hard work. A.subject B.attribute C.owing D.refer 4.The discover of America is usually____to Columbus. A.ascribed B.gave C.rewarded D.contributed 5.One should not____one's error to objective conditions. A.apply B.owe C.contribute D.ascribe 6.I___it to you that I finished my work in time. A.owe B.contribute C.award D.give 7.The exchange of goodwill missions greatly____to a better understanding between the two countries. A.ascribe B.attribute C.contribute D.owe 8.This poem is____to Homer. A.owed B.ascribed C.contributed D. belong 1.Medical research has shown that the widespread use of cigarettes__C__to the increase of cancers.医学研究表明人们普遍吸烟导致癌症患者人数增加. A.ascribe B.attribute C.contribute D.owe 2.Professor Li__C__his success to his mother.李教授把他的成功归功于他母亲. A.owns B.ruins(破坏) C.owes/ascribe/attribute D.roars(吼叫) 3.We__B__Edison's success to his intelligence and hard work.我们把爱迪生的成就归因于他的聪明才智和辛勤工作. A.subject to服从 B.attribute/ascribe C.owing to由于 D.refer to参阅,涉及 4.The discover of America is usually__A__to Columbus.美洲大陆的发现通常被归功于哥伦布. A.ascribed/attributed/owed B.gave C.rewarded D.contributed 5.One should not__D__one's error to objective conditions.一个人不应把自己的错误归咎于客观条件.


上海市浦东新区2019年七年级上学期英语期末学业水平测试试题(模拟卷二) 一、选择题 1.We have P. E.______ 8 o’clock ______ Tuesday morning. A.at; on B.at; in C.in; in D.in; on 2.—Does Bill ________ tennis bats? —Yes, he ________ two. A.have;have B.has; has C.have;has D.has;have 3.—Do you want those shoes? —Yes, ______. A.I’ll take it B.I’ll take them C.I like them D.It’s 55 4.— ______ are the black trousers? — They are only 8 ______. A.What price; dollars B.How much; dollars C.What color; dollars D.How many; dollar 5.早上在校门口遇到同学时,你应该首先怎样打招呼? A.How are you? B.Good morning! C.Good afternoon! 6.Can you bring some books Sally? A.in B.at C.to D.on 7.We should eat ______ food. A.unhealth B.healthy C.health D.unhealthy 8.(题文)They always sell their clothes a very high price. A.in B.for C.on D.at 9.—Good afternoon ,Eric. A.Good morning B.Good evening C.Good afternoon. 10.My daughter ______ oranges very much . A.liking B.like C.to like D.likes 11.I can't find my pen. So, I must write a pencil. A.on B.in C.with D.for 12.下列四组字母按字母表的顺序排列正确的一组是____________。 A.DCA B.BEG C.HGF D.FDE 13.I often go to the Reading Club ________my friends_______ Sunday morning. A.for; it B.with; in C.with ; on D.of ; on 14.Li Ming, ______ is my aunt and ______ is a doctor. A.she; she B.this; she C.her; she D.her; her 15.It’s seven o’clock(7点钟). She __________ late. A.is B.does C.do D.are 16.A year has months. A.twelve B.twelfth C.the twelfth D.seven 17.Tom is a student_______ Class l, Grade 8. A.at B.on C.in D.to 18.(题文)It usually __________ me two hours to finish my homework every day.


上海世界外国语中学二年级数学上册第五单元《观察物体(一)》单元测试卷 (含答案解析) 一、选择题 1.按照如图所示的表示方法,右图由7个立方体叠加的几何体,从正面观察,可以画出的平面图形是() A. B. C. D. 2.观察下边的物体,图()是从上面看到的。 A. B. C. 3.一堆积木从左面看是,则这堆积木不可能是下列()。 A. ③ B. ①②④ C. ①③ D. ②④ 4.这两幅冰箱图中哪一幅是小朋友“正面平视”观察得到的?( )

A. B. 5.请你判断:下面方案是从空中看到的“绿色金字塔”.(即此种方案按一定顺序种植,若干年后会形成“绿色金字塔”)() A. B. C. D. 6.这两幅凳子图中哪一幅是从“上面"观察得到的?() A. B. 7.从上面看,看到的形状是() A. B. C. 8.看图回答 下面这些图形分别是从哪个方向上看到的?() A. 正面 B. 右侧面 C. 上面

9.从左、右4幅图中找出与熊妈妈眼前看到的景象一致的图是() A. A B. B C. C D. D 10.下图小梅看到的汽车的样子是()。 A. B. C. 11.淘气看到的是哪副图?() A. B. 12.哪一张照片是在房间前面拍摄的?选一选()

A. B. 二、填空题 13.爸爸给淘气买了个新年礼物,外包装盒是个长方体,做得很漂亮,他想用手机拍张包装盒的照片发给笑笑,他拍照的时候发现一次最多只能拍到________个面。 14.下面的图分别是谁看到的?把序号填在相应的横线上。 ________ ________ ________ 15.这个飞机纪念玩具真好玩。 丁丁看到的是玩具的________面; 小虹看到的是玩具的________面;


初一上英语期末试卷(上海版附) 各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢 经过这段时间的复习,大家觉得自己有提高吗?我们就来通过做这篇初一上册英语期末试卷检测一下自己的劳动成果吧! Ⅰ.Listenandchoosetherightpicture: ABcDEF 1._____ 2._____ 3._____ 4._____ 5._____ Ⅱ.Listentothedialogueandchoosethebestan swertothequestionyouhear: false: ’suncledoesn’tlikeswimming. Ⅳ.Listentothepassageandcompletethesente nces ______.

______forherbrother’swife. ’sbrotherhas______child. ______inthefuture. ______. Part2V ocabularyandGrammar : _______food. ________,suchas mickeymouseandTommyandjerry.. _____sightellsuswecanturnleft. ________thechinesenational flaginTian’anmensquare. ’tlikekeepingdogsbecausesometimestheyare too_____. : ’twork,soyouneedtobuysome_____. ’sonthe________floorofthebuilding. ,thestudentswaitedfortheteacher_____ _____intheclassroom. _________tocatchthelastbuslastnight. ______placesofinterestinBeijing.


.. 上海世界外国语小学面试攻略 无论是世外还是七外,考得都是小朋友的综合素质和学习能力。具体包括: 1、要有一定的识字量,能自主阅读。比如,在世外,有看短文朗读的环节。 、有一定的语言组织和表达能力。在七外、世外的一面中,都有看图排序的考题,世2 外还要求起个标题。二面时,世外进一步要求孩子看图描述发生了什么事情。 以内的加减应用题,世外二面时,老20 3、会30以内的加减法。在七外,文文做到了2+3+830以内的数学计算题,一道是24-9;一道是。师口头考了两道 、接触过一些逻辑思维训练,说的白一点,就是多少要做点一年级的奥数。比如,七4 看到的小鸭子从不同角度看小鸭子,外考了不同图形的排列规律。世外有考到比线条长短;个圆,要求孩子画圆形的物体,等等。那天,文文刚从考场出来,就很遗8是什么形状;给个,分别是太阳、轮子、笑脸、花憾地跟妈妈说,在规定的3分钟内,她只来得及画了7朵等,最后画的是足球。还说想到了钟表,但感觉画起来太复杂了,就选择先画足球,但足这两文文就后悔了,说应该画汽车的方向盘和大奔的标志,球上的图形也很难画。一上车,据说难倒了很多孩子。就是用剪刀把一个世外还考了一道图形变化题,样要简单些。对了,自己为了保证不把纸剪坏,特意先把纸折菱形剪成正方形,不能留下废纸。文文跟妈妈说,了一下,觉得可行后才一剪刀下去的。能考虑地那么周全,连妈妈都有点意外。 、要有点英语底子,特别要注重培养语感。比如,在七外,文文说主要是考英文单词5 to “Welcome 和英文短句模仿跟读。在世外,考的是欢迎参加上海世博会的场景。除了有Shanghai”等问候语的跟读外,还有其他语种的跟读,最后考了how many的问句,问前面一共讲了多少种语言。 6、能文能武,能静还要会动。静,就是能安静的坐在那里看书阅读,能在每个考场外耐心等待;动,则是要开动脑筋,积极抢答提问。七外、世外都考到了跟着音乐跳舞,这大概是看孩子们的动作协调性吧。在七外,文文说先后放了两段音乐,节奏一慢一快,要求跟着大屏幕上哥哥姐姐的动作跳舞。世外,文文说放的音乐节奏比较慢,动作模仿蛮简单的。 7、要注意行为规范、礼貌用语。正如七外校长在介绍中提出的,七外要培养的是淑女和绅士。所以,能够做到有序候场,见到老师主动问好,走出教室跟老师说声再见,这也是孩子们需要做到的。 综合面试情况,我还有如下几点感受跟大家分享: 1、面试要看孩子们的临场发挥。如果孩子是外向型的,不怕生,那爸爸妈妈平时有空的话,自己辅导也行。但如果孩子属于比较内向、容易害羞的,那我就建议可以适当让孩子参加社会上的一些辅导班,也可以参加英语通用星级考之类的,让孩子多一些这方面的训练和培养。 ;. ..


上海市静安区2019年七上英语期末模拟考试试题之一 一、选择题 1.—What’s this English? —It’s orange. A.in, a B.of, an C.in, an D.in;is 2.(题文)—_____ you give me _____ rice? -Yes. Here you are. A.Are; any B.Can; some C.Do; some D.Can; a 3.You know this book is between ____ and ______. A.you; me B.he; you C.my; your D.I; he 4.---What_____these ? ---_____books. A.are; They’re B.is; It’s C.are; That’s D.is; This is 5.Can you see a girl ____________ the picture? A.in B.at C.for D.To 6.This is __________ useful book, and I read it for __________ hour every day. A.an; a B.a; an C.a; a D.an; an 7.—Do the brothers like apples? —______. But I like apples very much. A.Yes, we are B.Yes, they do C.No, they don’t D.No, thank you 8.(题文)—Are those her erasers? —_____________ A.Yes, it is, B.No, it isn't. C.Yes, these are. D.No, they aren't. 9.My jacket is in my ________ room. A.parents B.parents’s C.parents’ D.parent 10.______, this is a picture______ our school. A.Look, of B.See, on C.Look, for 11.—Jim, are those books _______? —Yes, they are _______ books, Mr. Zhou. A.your;my B.yours; my C.your; mine D.yours; mine 12.I ____ like listening to her CDs. They are not good A.not B.doesn’t C.can’t D.don’t 13.What the girl's names? A.am B.be C.is D.are 14.(题文)-Is Jim's birthday on May 22nd? -________.It's on August 22nd. A.Yes,it is B.No.it isn't C.Yes,he is D.No.he isn’t 15.(题文)—Your room is not ________. Your books and pens are everywhere. —Sorry, Mom.


上海市世界外国语小学简介 Brief Introduction Of Shanghai World Foreign Language Primary School 办学历史:上海市世界外国语小学创办于1993年,是由上海市徐汇区政府与社会各界共同创办所公立转制学校。2005年8月学校转为民办学校,均瑶集团王均金任学校董事长,王小平任副长,张悦颖担任校长兼支部书记。学校属于民办非企业单位,实行董事会领导下的校长负责制,海市事业类社会公益一类文明单位。2013年受徐汇区教育局委托还承办了公办康健外国语实验小 History:Shanghai World Foreign Language Primary School was set up in 1993, which was public school under the control of Xuhui District, Shanghai local government. In August, 2 the school became a private school, Wang Junjin from Junyao Group is the school directo Wang Xiaoping is the vice-director, Zhang Yueying is the principal and the party branch secretary, the school is a private non-enterprise unit, it runs the principal responsibility system under the leadership of the school board. The school is a model unit of Shanghai s community. In 2013, the school undertook Public Kangjian Foreign Language Experimenta Primary School which was submitted by Educational Bureau of Xuhui District. 办学理念:让孩子走向世界,让世界走进学校。 Philosophy:“Let the students embrace the world; let the world be the part of the school 办学目标:令人尊敬的高生长性的学园 Aims:respectful high-developing campus 培养目标:有教养的有竞争力的国际型后备人才竞争力我们可以用世外梦想(DREAM)来演绎,D 具有能负责(Duty),敢冒险(Risk),能领先(Elite),会实践(Action),能思考(Mind)的涵义,了学校希望通过教育赋予学生受益一生的品质。WFL DREAM是学生与教师共同成长,彼此统一的目不但用来诠释学生的培养,同样指引着教师,以此奠定校园文化的基础。 School Mission: WFL Dream stands for good-mannered, competitive international talent stands for Duty, R stands for Risk, E stands for Elite, A stands for Action, M stands for M which symbolizes that the school hopes the students will get all the life-long merits throu


上海版七年级上学期英语期末考试试卷B卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、单项填空 (共5题;共5分) 1. (1分)Gina likes tomatoes for lunch and for dinner. A . berry B . hamburgers C . ice-cream D . breads 2. (1分)- Can I take a _______ for Helen? - Sure, thanks. Please tell Helen to call me back when she gets home. A . news B . information C . messages D . message 3. (1分)_______ Lily _______ Sam likes popular songs, so they went to Lin Feng's concert together last night. A . Neither; nor B . Not only; but also C . Both; and D . Either; or 4. (1分)—Daniel my water glass off the desk when he ran out of the classroom. —Oh, he didn't mean to, but why is he always so careless? A . got B . turned C . poured D . knocked 5. (1分)"_______!" the girl called when she fell into the river. A . Come on B . Help
