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Genetic Engineering Review Questions 2009-2010 2nd Semester Review Questions

Genetic Engineering Review Questions 2009-2010 2nd Semester Review Questions
Genetic Engineering Review Questions 2009-2010 2nd Semester Review Questions

I. Nomenclature

(1) Write out the following abbreviations

PCR:Polymerase Chain Reaction

tRNA: transfer ribonucleic acid

HIV: human immunodeficiency virus

HAC: human artificial chromosome

BAC: Bacterial artificial chromosome

MCS: Multiple cloning site

RT-PCR: reverse transcription site

ARS: autonomously replicating sequence

An autonomously replicating sequence (ARS) contains the origin of replication in the yeast genome.

PFGE: pulse-field gel electrophoresis

mRNA: messenger ribonucleic acid

RF :replicative form

PAC: P 1-derived artificial chromosome

The P1-derived artificial chromosome are DNA constructs that are derived from the DNA of P1 bacteriophage. They can carry large amounts (about 100-300 kilobases) of other sequences for a variety of bioengineering purposes

dATP: Deoxyadenosine-5-triphosphate

PAGE: polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis

DNA: deoxyribonucleic acid

CEN: centromere

YAC: yeast artificial chromosome

A yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) is a vector used to clone DNA fragments larger than 100 kb and up to 3000 kb. YACs are useful for the physical mapping of complex genomes and for the cloning of large genes.

ddCTP: dideoxycytidine-5-triphosphate

(2). Translate the following English terms into Chinese

expression vector: 表达载体

sticky end: 粘性末端

restriction digestion: 限制性酶切

recombinant protein: 重组蛋白

agarose gel electrophoresis : 琼脂糖凝胶电泳

Restriction enzyme: 限制性内切酶

Cohesive or sticky ends: 粘性末端

Exonuclease III : 外切核酸酶III

Cloning vector: 克隆载体

T4 ligase:T4连接酶

Subtracted cDNA library :扣除/减数cDNA文库

II Describe the following terms.

Transformation efficiency:

Number of colonies formed on plate per microgram of input DNA, such as 1000 colonies per μg DNA. A transformation efficiency of around 105per μg would be adequate for a

simple cloning experiment..

Cohesive or sticky ends:

Restriction enzyme products with single-stranded termini are said to have cohesive or 'sticky' ends, since they can anneal by base pairing to any other fragment with a

complementary terminus.

cDNA library :

A cDNA library is a combination of cloned cDNA (complementary DNA) fragments inserted into a collection of host cells, which together constitute some portion of the transcriptome of the organism.

是指某生物某一发育时期所转录形成的cDNA片段与某种载体连接而成的克隆的集合。Competent cell:

In microbiology, genetics, cell biology and molecular biology, competence is the ability of a cell to take up extracellular ("naked") DNA from its environment.


SD sequence:

在大肠杆菌mRNA的核糖体结合位点上,含有一个转译起始密码子及同16S核糖体RNA 3,末端碱基互补的序列,该序列最初由Shine 、Dalgarno发现,故后来命名为Shine—Dalgarno 序列,简称S-D序列。

Subtracted cDNA library :

只包括那些在实验组细胞中特异表达的基因。传统建库方法是以差异筛选(differential screening)排除对照组与实验组细胞中相同的基因成份而建立减数文库。

(将实验和对照组细胞的cDNA文库都用限制性内切酶切割成片段,并将对照组cDNA片段用S1核酸酶切平,然后以数种限制性内切酶将其切成很小的片段。将实验组和对照组的cDNA 片段混合,通过变性及再复性过程,使来自对照组小的cDNA片段与实验组中的长链cDNA杂交。两库中相同的基因杂交形成带单链DNA的杂交体,那些只在实验组中存在的cDNA将只与其原始互补链杂交,并保存粘性末端。将那些有粘性末端的杂交分子连接至噬菌体载体中,建成减数文库。进一步从该文库中筛出实验组细胞中特异表达的基因。)

III. Answer the following questions briefly

1. Draw a scheme to describe how to label the 5`-ends of double-stranded

DNA with 32P

2. Draw a scheme to describe compatible sticky ends

3. Describe the steps in agarose gel electrophoresis with no schemes Agarose Gel Electrophoresis :

1. Prepare agarose slab (平板)gel (with a comb to get wells) with an agarose gel apparatus.

2. Prepare DNA samples (digested or undigested cloned or vector DNA).

3. Load DNA samples into wells (with ladder DNA)

4. Run the gel with electric current,

5. Stain the bands with ethidium bromide, and check band migration by UV light (showing orange bands).

4. Draw a scheme to describe the function of alkaline phosphatase

5. Draw a scheme to describe “screening tansformants by replica plating”

6. In the vector pUC19 there is a P Lac sequence, describe its function.

The vector pUC 19 with a Plac sequence is a blue-white screening vector. The promoter can transcribe LacZ’gene whose product has a role in turning x-gal into a blue product. If the inserted DNA get into the LacZ’gene to interfere it ,the colony which has this kind of vector cannot turn into blue so we can screen them . The promoter can be repressed by lacI repressor (whose gene is also on the pUC19 vector) and can be induced by IPTG , so we can control when to turn on Plac to screen the vector instead of letting Plac produce protein continuously which has a bad effect on the growth of colonies and replication of vectors.

7. Why most vectors have an ori sequence ?

An origin of replication, ori enables them to be replicated independently in a certain host by host DNA polymerases and other components of the host cell's machinery

8. Briefly describe the steps in Southern blot analysis.

Southern blot :

1. Digest total genomic DNA or a cloned DNA fragment with restriction enzyme.

2. Separate the digested DNA fragments on a agarose gel.

3. Denature the dsDNA into ssDNA with alkali (NaOH solution).

4. Transfer the separated DNA fragments onto to a nylon membrane by

capillary force.转膜

5. Hybridize the target DNA fragment with a radioactive or fluorescent probe.

6. Washing removes nonhybridized probe, and the membrane is then treated to

reveal the bands produced.

7. Identify the candidate DNA fragment

9. Draw a scheme to describe the function of T4 kinase.47

It is used in 5’-end labeling of DNA .T4 kinase can phosphorylate 5’-end hydroxy group with [γ-32P]-ATP after the alkaline Dephosphorylate 5’-end phosphate group of dsDNA .


10. Why some vectors have M13 ori sequence?

Any ds-circular vector can be released as a ss-DNA from the infected cell if the vector has an M13 ori, and is coinfected with a fully functional helper phage M13.

11. Draw a scheme to describe how to label the 3`-ends of double-stranded

DNA with 32P.

12. Draw a scheme to describe DNA blunt ends

13. Why some expression vectors can provide a fusion protein? And Way? Fusion proteins are proteins created through the joining of two or more genes in some expression vector which originally coded for separate proteins. Translation of this fusion gene results in a single polypeptide with functional properties derived from each of the original proteins.

A recombinant fusion protein is a protein created through genetic engineering of a fusion gene. This typically involves removing the stop codon from a cDNA sequence coding for the first protein, then appending the cDNA sequence of the second protein in frame through ligation . That DNA sequence will then be expressed by a cell as a single protein. The protein can be engineered to include the full sequence of both original proteins, or only a portion of either.

14. What is the function of the helper phage in the genomic DNA library

construction using cosmid vectors?

The helper phages of cosmid vector are two different packaging-deficient λphage which could provide whole packaging proteins to package DNA fragments bounded by λ cos sites. After packaged , the cosmid vectors can infect cells like λ phage .

15. Draw a scheme to describe the “replica plating”.

In molecular biology and microbiology, replica plating is a technique in which one or more secondary Petri-plates containing different solid (agar-based) selective growth media (lacking nutrients or containing chemical

growth inhibitors such as antibiotics) are inoculated with the same colonies of microorganisms from a primary plate (or master dish), reproducing the original spatial pattern of colonies. The technique involves pressing a velvet 天鹅绒-covered disk, nitrocellulose membrane, or filter paper to a primary plate, and then imprinting secondary plates with cells in colonies removed from the original plate by the material. Generally, large numbers of colonies (roughly 30-300) are replica plated due to the difficulty in streaking 划线分离each out individually onto a separate plate.

16. Describe what is -complementation screening?

-complementation occurs when two inactive fragments of E. coli β-galactosidase associate to form a functional enzyme.Many plasmid vectors carry a short segment of DNA containing the coding information for the first 146 amino acids of β-galactosidase.Vectors of this type are used in host cells that express the carboxy-terminal portion of the enzyme. Although neither the host nor the plasmid-encoded fragments of β-galactosidase are themselves active, they can associate to form an enzymatically active protein. Lac+ bacteria that result from -complementation are easily recognized because they form blue colonies in the presence of the chromogenic substrate X-gal. However, insertion of a fragment of foreign DNA into the polycloning site of the

plasmid almost invariably results in production of an amino-terminal fragment that is no longer capable of -complementation. Bacteria carrying recombinant plasmids therefore form white colonies.The development of this simple blue-white color test has greatly simplified the identification of recombinants constructed in plasmid vectors.

IV.Read the following paragraph and fill in blanks.

Most of today’s somatic engineering uses viral vectors to transfer a transgene into target cells. Unfortunately, the vectors insert transgenes at random sites within the receiving chromosome. The outcome is necessarily somewhat unpredictable because genes are affected by their immediate environment, which in this case is not well defined. Also, a transgene might cause serious side effects if it were placed in the middle of an important existing gene. A human artificial chromosome (short HAC) is a microchromosome that can act as a new chromosome in a population of human cells. That is, instead of 46 chromosomes, the cell could have 47 with the 47th being very small, roughly 6-10 megabase in size, and able to carry new genes introduced by human researchers.

1. If we transfer an insulin gene into patient’s pancreas for gene therapy, we call the insulin gene a _____________.

2. The therapy may not be predictable because (a) _______


3. and (b) ______________________________________


4. HACs can be used by__________________________.

5. One megabase is equal to ____________ kelobases.

V. Design experiment

1. Draw a scheme to describe the strategy used to track-down a target DNA


If we find a new gene from some species , we may want to know whether there is a homologous gene in human genome , so we can track it

down using Southern blot

2. Draw a scheme to describe a strategy used to construct a normalized

cDNA library.

3. Draw a scheme to describe the strategy used to track-down a target


If we want to know whether the different tissues or cells that have been differentiated can expressed the same target mRNA , we can use Northern blot to track-down it.

4. Draw a scheme to show the experimental steps involved selecting a clone

from a genomic DNA library

5. Draw a scheme to describe the strategy used to track-down a target


Sometimes we may suspect a target protein is a reason of a certain disease ,so we can take out cells from patients and healthy person, then get protein from them and use western blot to track-down it and see if the target protein has a relationship to this disease

著名外企open question总结

著名外企open question总结 Cadbury 吉百利 1. What do you consider to be your most impressive success? 你认为给你最深刻印象的成功是什么?Tips: Why & how do you achieve your success, not what? 提示:虽然问题是在问成功是什么。但HR真正希望你能告诉他的是你是怎样获得成功的,过程是什么?至于你的成功是什么HR并不关心。 2. What is the most innovative idea you have implemented? 你实施的最有创意的想法是什么?Tips: Problems encountered & how you solve the problems creatively? 提示:你要告诉他问题的出现和你是怎么用你的创意想法解决这个问题的。 Unilever: 联合利华 1. What is your most difficult persuasion?你最难的一次劝说人的经历是什么? Tip:(1) What is it difficult for you? 你需要表现出困难的艰巨 (2) How well have I persuaded? Tactics (策略) (3) What difficulties have you overcome? Result-driven 提示:你的回答应该包含以下三个方面: (1) 对你来说困难是什么?(2) 你是用什么策略说服别人的(3) 你克服了什么困难,结果如何(第一条是最容易被求职者忽略的,在回答第一点时你尽量要用你的嘴和你的表情表现出困难的艰巨,这样才能让HR看到你的能力) L’ OREAL:欧莱雅 1.At this point of your life, what do you think it is the most useful thing you have learned? 在你的生活中,你认为你学到的最有用的东西是什么? Tips:Don’t talk about your school-learning. Learning through practical experience. 提示:千万不要谈论关于你在学校所学习的东西,而是要说你在多次实践中学到的东西。欧莱雅是卖化妆品的,它关心的是你怎么去拓展市场,他当然希望听到的是从实践中学习到了最有用的东西。 LOREAL


Aboutness 所言之事 Absolute frequency 绝对频数 Alignment (of parallel texts) (平行或对应)语料的对齐 Alphanumeric 字母数字类的 Annotate 标注(动词) Annotation 标注(名词) Annotation scheme 标注方案 ANSI/American National Standards Institute 美国国家标准学会 ASCII/American Standard Code for Information Exchange 美国信息交换标准码Associate (of keywords) (主题词的)联想词 AWL/Academic word list 学术词表 Balanced corpus 平衡语料库 Base list 底表、基础词表 Bigram 二元组、二元序列、二元结构 Bi-hapax 两次词 Bilingual corpus 双语语料库 CA/Contrastive Analysis 对比分析 Case-sensitive 大小写敏感、区分大小写 Chi-square (χ2) test 卡方检验 Chunk 词块 CIA/Contrastive Interlanguage Analysis 中介语对比分析 CLAWS/Constituent Likelihood Automatic Word-tagging System CLAWS词性赋码系统Clean text policy 干净文本原则 Cluster 词簇、词丛 Colligation 类联接、类连接、类联结 Collocate n./v. 搭配词;搭配 Collocability 搭配强度、搭配力 Collocation 搭配、词语搭配 Collocational strength 搭配强度 Collocational framework/frame 搭配框架 Comparable corpora 类比语料库、可比语料库 ConcGram 同现词列、框合结构 Concordance (line) 索引(行) Concordance plot (索引)词图 Concordancer 索引工具 Concordancing 索引生成、索引分析 Context 语境、上下文 Context word 语境词 Contingency table 连列表、联列表、列连表、列联表 Co-occurrence/Co-occurring 共现 Corpora 语料库(复数) Corpus Linguistics 语料库语言学 Corpus 语料库 Corpus-based 基于语料库的


1. PwC aims to maintain high standards of professionalism. Please describe a situation when you were engaged in a task where you took a different approach or had a different opinion from others. Please share how this contributed to the team’s success. In Generis Consulting, I got a chance to fully involve in the “Clean-tech Switzerland project”In this project, we should comprehensively summarize ecological industrial-related law and regulation, in comparison with China’s each commitment, moreover, identify the field where we excellently fulfill our commitment sand offer legal opinion in the places where the improvement should been made. Due to compliant and all-embracing nature of government agencies system, our expertise cannot reach to each detail of this project, even worse; we might never touch that field in our previous practice. Instead of studying from scratch as many colleges suggested, I insisted that we shall turn to the guru, like attended or focused on international trade forum with similar topic, or directly called the related government department. Later, this approach proved to be effective, with the general information about each field, we were able to concisely analyze our commitment, and pinpoint the corresponding rules in China. When it came to organize the whole report, I suggested to import some statistic data or charts. Therefore, we should grasp the general picture, not only from the legal prospect but put it in the actual world. My advice won over our partner.Clean-tech Switzerland attended the second Sino-Swiss Economic Forum, the Federal Councilor of Switzerland Johann Schneider-Ammann signed a Memorandum of Understanding with his Chinese counterpart, Minister Chen Deming, to build the park. The project will be implemented by Clean-tech Switzerland, a clean energy promotion agency, and the city of Zhenjiang. The two sides will work closely on park planning, green products manufacturing, technology trade, and research and development. 2.PwC sets priority on developing our people's project management skills in accordance with client expectations and professional standards. Please identify a major activity/project you undertook and describe what it was and how you managed the project. A major activity that I undertook during my university life is the Peking University Biomedicine Forum 2012.During the preparation of the conference, I was appointed to be the head of volunteer team of one branch. As the external liaison department minister of Peking University, I mainly responsible for the sponsorship for Peking University Biomedicine Forum 2012. Before the conference, I held a meeting of all the members to discuss about the issue related to the sponsorship, the events of the conference ceremony and other itinerary of the conference. Then I appointed different members to take charge of the different activities and different company to contact. For example, A is appointed to write news about the reception in the airport and accompany the experts to our university; B is appointed to write news and take photos of the grand event in Lecture Hall, etc. After the division of our work, everyone got a clue of what and

语料库简单dye 第二讲

2008/7/31 语料库简单DIY 第二讲语料库软件初探-- 语料库软件初探--MonoConcPro 2.2 本软件是Athelstan开发小组https://www.sodocs.net/doc/65467517.html,/ ,于1996年开发的语料库比较检索工具。目前,我的服务器上提供学术性下载,下载地址: http://vu.flare.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/whistle/corpus/MoconcPro2. 2.rar (本软件为学术交流使用,所有权归本软件开发小组所有,一切商务性盈利目的的违法使用,所带来的连带责任关系与本人及本论坛无关。请慎重下载,小心使用!!!) 功能介绍: 软件主界 面 基本功能: MonoConc Pro 2.2 的软件界面比较简单。适合语料库初学者和初级研究人员使用。 本软件据作者的研究,其内部主核使用UTF-8编码,基本支持欧洲几种主要语言。当然,其主要的应用领域还是针对英语。本软件主要处理的文本素材是以TXT结尾的记事本文件,当然,本软件还可以导入RTF文档和其他格式的操作系统默认文档格式。不过,从DIY的角度来说,我们自己收集到的语料,为了免除格式,字体,行距等等文本要求,最好全部使用TXT文档,方便,省

事!用了都说好!(谁用谁知道) 我们按照自己的研究目的,研究方向,收集我们所需要的语料素材,具体的收集方法因人而异。可以从报纸杂志的电子文文档上直接下载,也可以从网站上直接下载整理好的TXT版本的小说,资料素材等,还可以直接从各大语料库中检索需要的语用素材,然后拷贝粘贴到TXT文本中。由于MonoConc Pro 强大的跨文档处理系统,一次可以同时导入多个TXT文档进行比较处理,所以我们可以把文章或者资料按照自己喜好的分类标准进行分类,然后存成不同的TXT文件名。检索的时候,只需要同时导入这些文件就可以了。(异常强大~)下载好软件,解压缩,然后打开MP22.EXE文件,你就可以看到上图那个简单的主界面了。 之后,选择File→Lord Corpus File(s),找到你需要导入处理的TXT文档,一个或者多个都可以,然后选择[打开]。指定的TXT文件就被全部导入进MonoConc Pro中了。 如果导入了过多的TXT文档,比如您导入了莎士比亚全集+马克思选+恩格斯选+列宁选+毛泽东选+邓小平选.....(不能否认,真的有这样的朋友存在)。那么,为了方便您查询检索结果所出现的文章,你可以选择File→View Corpus File/URL,这样就能看到查询结果所在的文章,还可以删除不需要的文章,或者添加新的文章,非常简单。 *这里的URL,指的是在HTTP或者FTP上,可以直接打开的文字页面的链接。一般朋友们DIY的语料库都是存在本地硬盘上的,所以基本上可以无视这个选项。不过,将来我们的个人语料库要实现点对点,点对多的平台连接。连接后,我们就可以相互查询对方个人语料库中的资料,此时在导入对方语料库中的文档的时候,就要用这个了。(这个目前还很遥远,大家还是踏踏实实做自己的DIY语料库吧!) 当我们要删除所有的文章的时候,这个时候仅仅关闭文章的窗口,是不能实

open question怎样回答

Open question的关键一:你是谁? Open Question除了以上那些基本功能外,其实它最大的核心价值,还是让公司通过你的答案,来看出“你是个什么样的人?”。因为open question前的那些填写内容,基本都是硬件条件;仅仅通过硬件条件,公司是无法全面判断一个人的特点的,特别是那些未来工作中的“软性技能(另一个时髦的词叫情商)”和思考能力。所以Open Question是对你的“自我认识”的巨大考验。你是什么样的人?你的特质是什么?你处理问题的方式是什么?这都是你需要回答的。 让我们来看一些open question: 1. 请全面地分析环境保护所面临的挑战及其未来的发展趋势(考察:知识面、逻辑思维能力和分析的完整性,为了应对将来工作的复杂程度) 2. 请你举1个例子说明你是怎样通过事实来使他人达成一致的。(考察:teamwork、persuasion、empathy等能力) 3. Describe a time, other than exams, when you have had to work under significant pressure to achieve a task or goal. Describe the situation, what made it `high pressure`, what you did, and the result. (考察:抗压能力、目标导向result-oriented、decision-making 的勇气和能力) 4. Describe a time when you made a significant contribution to achieving a team goal. Describe your role, what you did, the outcome and why your contribution was significant. (考察:团队合作、领导能力、个人团队特长等) 大家可以自己再去分析一些open question,你可以理解公司希望通过你的回答,判断你的思考能力、软性技能,甚至价值观。那些公司很看重的特质包括(以GE “4E、1P”为例):? 热情Passion ? 精力Energy ? 鼓舞Energize ? 执行Execution ? 决断Edge Open question关键二:你能沟通吗? 其实,这一条应该放在部分内,但是我们拿出来单列的最主要原因是:公司还特别看重你在写作过程中的沟通能力。“你能清晰地表达你的看法吗?”大家以后在公司工作就会知道,沟通的有效性甚至比有没有看法更重要。一个open question就是一个机会让别人看到你能否

PWC open question_面试会问

This section has been designed to help us evaluate you as an individual and differentiate you from other candidates. Your answer should not be more than 1000 character space includes letters, space and punctuation. (*Please do not provide a real company name or individual name, and do not provide confidential information) *1. PwC aims to maintain high standards of professionalism. Please describe a situation when you were engaged in a task where you took a different approach or had a different opinion from others. Please share how this contributed to the team’s success. I am a team player when I was in low grade but I usually led the team in my senior years when I accumulate enough experiences. I am a minister of Career development Society which support university office and plan many projects every year. I’ d like to share an experience of disagreement when we hold a mock interview competition recently to provide students with internships opportunities. The companies invited prefer senior students for the positions. Nevertheless, I can imagine that our target candidates will be low-grade students as they have more free time. My teammates suggested that we should stick to what firm preferred and removed the candidates in low-grade but I preferred to talk about the real situations in the university and decreases the expectation of Human Resource recruitment of the firms. After several times of communication in the group and with the firms, we reach a consolidation that we should in one hand improve the competency of the participants particularly the low-grade students and in the other hand suggest the firm to provide appropriate internships to the winners according to their strengths. And the competition is very popular at that time among the students and through this experience, my communication skill and leadership quality are boosted and I am better at coping with complicated situations. 源自网络 I would like to share you the task my professor assigned to me in the last semester. It was acase about a coffee shop. We were required to make a presentation in the class. At that time, I was in conflict with another member over the presentation’s topic. I preferred to talk about this particular coffee shop, while someone wanted to learn about the whole industry. Then I made some investigations in private to let other students to choose between the two topics. After considering the results of the investigations, we decided to combine the two topics in our presentation. Finally we had a good presentation. This experience taught me that when you had a different opinion from others, the best way was to communicate actively. *2. Please describe a challenge you have faced and how you coped with it. It can be work related or during your study in school, or even in your personal life you want to share. If you provide work related experience, please only provide general information and do not provide confidential information such as the names of the clients or parties involved or specific details of the transaction (e.g. price or terms) which you were involved. Actually, I used to lead a sedentary lifestyle and easily got ill. I did not realize theimportance of staying healthy until I read an article three years ago telling whatconsequences an unhealthy lifestyle would


语料库常用术语 Type 类符 Tokens 形符 例如“I see a cat and a dog”类符6个,形符7个 Type/token ratio =TTR TTR 是衡量文本中词汇密度的常用方法,可以辅助说明文本的词汇难度。但是,文本中有大量功能词出现,文本每增加一个词,形符就会增加一个,但类符却未必随之增加。这样文本越长,功能词重复次数越多,TTR会越低。因此用TTR衡量词汇密度不合理,于是,出现了标准化类符/形符比,即STTR。例如,计算每个文本1000词的TTR,均值处理,得出STTR。Frequency(频率) 例如每百万词、十万词中,某单词出现次数。常常将某个单词在两个语料库中出现的频率参照两个语料库的容量,用卡方检验或对数似然率进行对比,来确定两个库中该单词的使用是否有差异。 Wordlist词表 根据单词或词组在语篇中出现的频率大小而排列形成的列表。 Ranks Lemma词目,词元 比如go是lemma,对应各种屈折变化形式(inflections),go,goes,went,going,gone共5种屈折变化形式。在分析语言时,需要将它们全部归到go名下,这个过程叫词形还原。Keywords关键词、主题词positive keywords 正关键词negative keywords 负关键词Concordance 索引(KWIC 语境中的关键词key words in context) 运用索引软件在语料库中查询某词或短语的使用实例,然后将所有符合条件的语言使用实例及其语境以清单的形式列出。通过前后语境,可以分析“collocation词汇搭配”“colligation 类连接、语法搭配”“semantic preference语义倾向”“semantic prosody语义韵”Collocation词汇搭配 搭配强度MI,T-score ,Z-score Colligation类连接、语法搭配 semantic prosody语义韵 词汇的语义韵大体可分为积极语义韵、中性语义韵、消极语义韵。 POS tagging 词性赋码 Regular expression regex 正则表达式


上一课我们谈了如何判断销售机会。其中的关键点是,你能否找到客户的BurningIssue,并且有能够对他/他们的BurningIssue对症下药的处方。 如果没有,那你最好先把得知销售信息的高兴劲冷冷,因为即使听上去再好,也只是画饼而已,不如继续观察寻找。 如果找到,你就可以开始一次打单的征程。 对于没有经验的销售人员,一次打单的过程,犹如走迷宫。 就像电视剧里那些拙劣的老套情节,一个初出茅庐的年轻人,仗着一张青春勃发的脸和出生牛犊不怕虎的精神,愣闯愣撞,也不知道都找了些谁,而对方又有哪些自己的情况和问题,总之最后就是天上掉馅饼了,定单给了他。他走出销售迷宫,却不知自己是怎样走出来的。这种好事,现实生活也会发生,但是概率一定和买彩票中奖一样低。其实,销售迷宫是有固定的线路可走的。CES将之总结为“井字攻略”。 销售迷宫的最大困惑无非是: 第一,不知如何打动与自己直接接触的人 第二,不知如何与对方真正的拍板决策人取得联系 井字攻略讲的是如何在销售迷宫中,得寸进尺,不断和客户达成共识,不断向着客户高层的方向接触。 井字攻略的两条秘籍是: 井字纵向攻略。坚持“OpenQuestion”—“CloseQuestion”—“Summar y”的流程。 井字横向攻略。以和你直接接触者的BurningIssue为突破点,去与这个人的上级会晤。然后重复井字纵向攻略。 井字纵向攻略 对销售员的一个理解误区是,口才好是第一要素,其实优秀的销售员比会说更重要的是会“问”。 在上一课的BurningIssue中,我们知道,造成某个人职业上的BurningIssue一定是该公司CEO的BurningIssue。只有上了CEO的思考、议事日程的事情才有最大的可能被执行。 从CEO开始,压力依次传递到分管的业务高层比如CIO,到部门主管,到你可能接触的具体经办的小张、小李。在和小张、小李的接触中,你可能隐约会感觉到,在他及他这个体系做一系列的事情的背后,他们作为组织和个人的真正的BurningIssue是什么? 除非小张、小李是你的发小,或者CIO是你的舅舅,否则不要想你直接问人家:“哎,你们真正想要的是什么?你们最需要解决的是什么问题呢?”而是要充分采用联想力,不断OpenQuestion,提出问题。 “小李,我觉得你这个单位盖这个机房在满足单位用之外,好像还可以对外开展一些业务,产生点经济效益啊?” 小李说:“是啊,别提啦,谁不想产生点经济效益,可是我们是个服务部门,这个机房是准备这么做,但是该怎么赚到钱还没想透呢。” 这时,要CloseQuestion,“小李,你看我说得对不对。现在您这个单位不但需要一套机房的软件硬件,而且需要把这个机房盘活了的具体的商业项目是不是?” 如果小李说是,那么你就可以Summary了,“小李,你看我们这呢,价格不必说,一定是好的,而且北京四中的机房就是我们建的,我们可以给你提供一套北京四中的机房服务表,你们就说,你们的机房设备和北京四中的一样,提供服务也一样,是不是好一点。


商务英语语料库的建设及应用初探 【摘要】语料库语言学作为一门新兴的语言学分支,其影响已遍及语言学研究的各领域。将语料库的方法应用于商务英语词汇教学中,发挥其语料真实丰富、计算机程序强大的重新组织语言数据的能力,既能提高学生商务词汇学习的效率和积极性,也能提高商务英语教学质量。本文从商务英语语料库的建设及其应用价值入手,以期语料库语言学为商务英语教学带来更多成果。 【关键词】商务英语语料库地方课程 商务英语(business english)是指商务场景下所应用到的英语,作为特殊目的英语(english for specific purpose)具有很强的专业性。商务英语跟普通英语(english for general purpose)最大区别之一就是专业词汇的大量使用,因此,词汇教学在商务英语教学中的作用不容忽视。语料库(corpus)是语言素材的集合体,能快速准确地提供诸如构词、搭配、语境等多方面的语料及信息。在外语学习中,语料库能够缩小课堂语言与真实语言的差距、培养学习者的语感和学习能力及研究能力,所以用语料库的方法来学习商务英语词汇既可以刺激学生的学习积极性,也可以更加准确、更加有效地掌握商务英语中专业特点较强的词汇。 1 语料库及其发展 语料库可以概述为运用随机抽样的方法,收集自然出现的连续的语言,运用文本或话语片断,并按照一定的语言学原则建成的具有

一定容量的语料体系。 语料库的发展大致经历了三个阶段:第一代语料库以20世纪60年代的brown corpus以及lob corpus为代表,由于是语料库发展的最初时期,所以规模都比较小,这个时期的语料库只能用来考查常用语言现象的频率,无法展现语言的全貌。第二阶段以20世纪80年代的birmingham collection of english language text以及longman/lancaster english为代表,这一时期的语料库建设以电子语料库的兴起为主要特征,语料库的容量不断扩大,种类不断增多。第三阶段从20世纪90年代至今,是语料库建设、研究与应用的迅猛发展阶段,功能更为强大的计算机系统软件的开发与应用致使第二代超大型计算机语料库开始出现,语料库进入了发展的黄金年代。 2 商务英语词汇及其特征 商务英语源于普通英语,并基于普通英语的基本语法、句法结构和词汇语,有普通英语的一些语言学特征。与此同时,作为应用在商务场合的英语,商务英语又是英语语言知识和商务专业知识的综合,因而又具有独有的专业特征。 2.1 在文体风格上,商务英语词汇属于庄重文体(frozen style)。庄重文体,即各体英语中正式程度最高的一种。这种“正式”一是为了在表达上追求准确、专业、标准化的效果,二是为了在思维上追求清晰和条理。许多商务词汇都表现出这一特性。

网易游戏2015校园招聘网申截图及open question

网易游戏 2015校园招聘 网申截图及开放性问题 应届生论坛网易游戏版: https://www.sodocs.net/doc/65467517.html,/forum-2189-1.html 应届生求职大礼包2015版-其他行业及知名企业资料下载区: https://www.sodocs.net/doc/65467517.html,/forum-436-1.html 应届生求职招聘论坛(推荐): https://www.sodocs.net/doc/65467517.html,

应届生求职大礼包应届生求职网https://www.sodocs.net/doc/65467517.html, 目录 第一章网易游戏2015校园招聘介绍 (3) 1.1前言及申请网址 (3) 1.2申请流程 (3) 1.3常见问题 (4) 第二章网易游戏2015校园招聘网申截图及开放性问题 (7) 2.1网申截图 (7) 2.2 开放性问题 (15) 附录:更多求职精华资料推荐 (16) 内容声明: 本文由应届生求职网https://www.sodocs.net/doc/65467517.html,(https://www.sodocs.net/doc/65467517.html,)收集、整理、编辑,内容来自于相关企业的官方网站及论坛热心同学贡献,内容属于我们广大的求职同学,欢迎大家与同学好友分享,让更多同学得益,此为编写这套应届生大礼包2015的本义。 祝所有同学都能顺利找到合适的工作! 应届生求职网https://www.sodocs.net/doc/65467517.html,

第一章网易游戏2015校园招聘介绍 1.1前言及申请网址 不拼搏,枉少年! -- 网易游戏2015校园招聘强势启动 在每个赤子追梦的路上,心中都有一团熊熊燃烧的火焰,这团火或源于自信,或源于才华,或源于心爱的人,或源于对未来充满无限可能的遐想...... 当你踏入这江湖,除了智慧的头脑和拼搏的勇气,你还需要一位睿智的师傅、一群优秀的同门、一个广阔的平台。如此,假以时日,方能成就一代宗师! 如果你曾有过这样的梦想和期望,不浮夸,不虚华,希望通过自己的拼搏,和一群志同道合的人,一起去创造无垠的世界,让无数玩家在其中任意驰骋,那么,就加入网易游戏吧! 我们有国内顶尖的游戏研发实力和厚重的自主研发底蕴; 我们有优秀的导师资源、完善的培训机制和丰厚的薪资福利; 我们更有无数怀着同样梦想的伙伴与兄弟与你一起并肩作战! 少年有梦,但若不拼搏,枉为少年!网易游戏已经为你打开荣耀之门,少年,启程吧! 网易游戏2015校园招聘现已强势启动,各类职位虚位以待,详情请登录校招官网: https://www.sodocs.net/doc/65467517.html,/,我们在等你的热血加入! 1.2申请流程 申请流程 综合类: 在线投递简历–参加宣讲会—笔试—面试(2-3轮) - offer * 综合类是指除美术类、音乐类以外的其他类别。 美术类/音乐类: 在线投递简历或见面会现场投递简历 – 参加宣讲会— 笔试(1轮) - 面试(1-2轮) - offer



A List of Commonly-used Linguistic Terminology 语言学常用术语表 Part I General Terms 通用术语 Acquisition 习得 Agglutinative language 粘着语Anthropology 人类学 Applied linguistics 应用语言学Arbitrariness 任意性 Artificial intelligence (AI)人工智能Behaviorism 行为主义Behaviorist psychology 行为主义心理学 Bilingualism 双语现象 Cognition 认知 Cognitive linguistics 认知语言学Cognitive science 认知科学Comparative linguistics 比较语言学Computational linguistics 计算语言学 Corpus-linguistics 语料库语言学Creole 克里奥耳语;混合语 Culture 文化 Descriptive linguistics 描写语言学Design features 识别特征Developmental psycholinguistics 发展心理语言学 Diachronic/historical linguistics历时语言学 Dialect 方言 Dialectology 方言学 Displacement 不受时空限制的特性Dualism 二元论 Duality 二重性 Epistemology认识论 Etymology 辞源学 Experimental psycholinguistics 实验心理语言学 Formalization 形式化 Formal linguistics 形式语言学Forensic linguistics 法律语言学Functionalism 功能主义General linguistics 普通语言学Grammaticality 符合语法性Ideography 表意法 Inflectional language 屈折语 Inter-disciplinary 交叉性学科的Isolating language 孤立语 Langue 语言 Macro-sociolinguistics 宏观社会语言学 Mentalism 心智主义 Micro-sociolinguistics 微观社会语言学 Montague grammar蒙太古语法Neuro-linguistics 神经语言学Orthography 正字法 Orthoepic 正音法的 Paradigmatic 聚合关系 Parole 言语 Pedagogy 教育学;教授法Philology 语文学 Philosophy 哲学 Phonography 表音法 Pidgin 皮钦语;洋泾浜语Polysynthetic language 多式综合语Prescriptive linguistics 规定语言学Psycholinguistics心理语言学Psychology 心理学 Semeiology 符号学 Sociology 社会学 Speech 言语 Sociolinguistics社会语言学Structuralism 结构主义 Synchronic linguistics 共时语言学Syntagmatic 组合关系 Theoretic linguistics 理论语言学Universal grammar 普遍语法Universality 普遍性 Part II Phonology 音位学 Ablaut 元音变化 Acoustic phonetics 声学语音学Affricate 塞擦音 Allophone 音位变体


OPEN QUESTIONS OPEN QUESTIONS的目的是让recruiter更好的了解candidate, 所以大家要认真对待。 回答OQs的最重要的原则是be honest, 千万不能为了追求所谓的“丰功伟绩”而编造自己没有的经历。 做OQs, 就是要从做过的事情中发掘自己的潜质。 OPEN QUESTIONS 1KPMG KPMG的网站是四大里面做得最好的,内容丰富,有中文版,网速飞快。KPMG网申的开放式问题有代表性,建议大家认真写。写完一次之后,再申请后面三家就方便了 1)Please give a brief summary of your current recreational and leisure activities, including sports and hobbies. (热身问题) 2)What clubs and societies are you a member of and in what capacity? (团队合作经历的引子) 3)What factors have influenced your career choice? (重要问题,答案最好跟申请的工作有关) 4)Outline your career ambitions and objectives. (重要问题,“N年内做经理+ 我的CICPA考试计划”) 5)Describe your greatest success or a situation where you exceeded your own expectations. (看性格) 2PwC 1) Why are you applying for this position? (工作性质,职业生涯目标,公司声望等) 2) Please explain how your personal qualities, skills, knowledge and working experience will help you to be successful in the position for which you are applying. (关键问题,见“准备篇”) 3) What community or students? clubs do you belong to and t o what extent are you involved? 4) Any additional information? (把KPMG其余的答案写上去吧:) 3EY 1)Please describe your career objective and what you have done to date to achieve it. (Maximum 100 English words) 2)Please include any other information which you may consider relevant to your application. (Maximum 100 English words) 有了前两家的经验,会写了吧。 4DTT DTT的网申是无OPEN Q的,页数也特别少,只有两页。但DTT的网站速度比
