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Unit 22 Environmental Protection Section Ⅱ Warm-up & Lesson

1-Language points


1. They found themselves________(trap) in the burning building as soon as they woke up.


2.While we are having an exam,it is not proper to refer________our notes or dictionaries.


3.A man,________ (sacrifice) his life for his country,is a true man.


4.—What did the doctor say?

—He ________(tell) Jim ________(lie) in bed for two days.

答案:told;to lie

5.The number of people________sixty at present,but a number of people________coming here to get tickets for free.(be)


6.Because they couldn’t find proper wood,they used bamboo as________substitute.

答案: a

7.Our school doesn’t advocate students’ ________(stay) in the classro om too long.We think they should have time for sports.


8.They are ready to take________(act) regardless of________consequence.


9.Oil prices have risen by 32 percent since the start of the year,________(reach) a record US $57.65 a barrel on April 4.


10.________(give) the general state of his health,it may take him a while to recover from the operation.


11.Do look ________before doing whatever you want to do.


12.The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without ________(refer) to his notes.


13.He told me how he had given me shelter and protection,without which I __________________(die) of hunger.

答案:would have died

14.—I’m sorry that I didn’t work out this problem.

—It’s________our ability.I didn’t work it out,either.



答案:were trapped in

2.Suddenly the mother seized a stick and stood bravely__________________him.

答案:ahead of

3.A mother can__________________her life to protect her son.


4.However,__________________ people concentrate on money,not showing respect

for their mothers,and even______________them.

答案: a number of;condemn

5.Therefore,I call on all of us to love mothers and______________doing something

for our mothers.


6.She__________________the wolf with the stick,so the wolf had to go away finally.


7.The globe is becoming warmer.We must________________ to reduce the greenhouse effect.

答案:take action

8.Difficulties like these can__________________a lifelong fear of mathematics.

答案:lead to

9.______________ordinary people are surrounded by all different kinds of ads,selecting a suitable product is not that easy.

答案:Given that

10.The headmaster asked everyone the same question________________.

答案:in turn




Once upon a time,a mother and his son lost their way,who were trapped in a big mountain.What was worse,a wolf turned up at that time,and they didn’t know what to do at a loss.The wolf came to them nearer and nearer.Suddenly the mother seized a stick and stood ahead of her son bravely.She threatened the wolf with the stick,so the wolf had to go away.From the story,we learn that a mother can sacrifice her life to save her son in face of danger.However,a number of persons concentrate on money,not showing respect for their mothers and even condemn their own mothers.I think the government should take action and advocate doing something for our mothers.


On Mother’s Day when we visited Mom in the hospital,she told us she believed that those operations had been worth it because they had bought her some time.“But now,it’s tim e to go home and‘takecareofbusiness’.”

Shortly after coming home,Mom announced that she planned to make a quilt,which she had never done before.When I asked why,she said,“Dying is boring,and it’s never too late to learn something new.”Over the next few mon ths Mom worked hard on the quilt,a simple pattern called “Grandmother’s Garden”.As she picked up a piece of calico (印花厚布),she would say,“This reminds me of the dress you wore on your first day of school,”or“This blue was your father’s favorite color.” Eac h recollection opened the door for a conversation about those things that she wanted to share.As the quilt grew,Mom weakened.It was a sad reminder that time was passing too quickly.In the end,she became too sick

to work on the quilt.

Mom died before the quilt was finished,but that was all right.She had creatively used it as a tool to teach me her final lesson,that the“business”of dying is something best done at home and not in the hospital.This is because the real“business”of dying is reaffirming (再次确认) relationships that have given one’s life meaning.

Without my knowledge,two Christmases later,my husband’s parents finished the quilt for me.It was the most wonderful gift imaginable.

Mom’s quilt has served our family in many ways she would have liked—picnic cloth,moving pad,bedspread,and wrap for her great-grandson.Each time,the quilt reminds me of the bond between generations and the important“business”of dying.


1.Mom decided to go home because________.

A.she wanted to spend her last days with her family

B.she wanted to celebrate Mother’s Day at home

C.hospital treatment turned out to be ineffective

D.the family could not afford the money for treatment

解析:推理判断题。由第一段末it’s time to go home and ‘take care of business’及第四段the real “business”of dying is reaffirming relationships that have given one’s life meaning可知,妈妈要求回家是想和家人度过最后的日子。

答案: A

2.What does the underlined phrase“take care of business”mean here?

A.To make money.

B.To do something before dying.

C.To run a company.

D.To say goodbye to her family.

解析:词意猜测题。根据文中多次出现的“the business of dying”可知这里是指一些生前未完之事。因此选B项。

答案: B

3.By making a quilt,Mom wanted to________.

A.recall the times she had spent with her family

B.relieve the pain that treatment brought her

C.try something new to get rid of boredom

D.leave her family a wonderful gift


答案: A

4.According to the text,which of the following is TRUE?

A.The author asked her husband’s parents to design the quilt.

B.Mom managed to finish the quilt before she died.

C.Mom had never made a quilt before during her life.

D.The author didn’t want Mom to make the quilt.

解析:细节理解题。根据第二段Mom announced that she planned to make a quilt,which she had never done before可知C项正确。

答案: C

Immigration to the United Kingdom in the 21st century is larger than at any point in its history.As the global recession (经济衰退) bites,early evidence shows a reduction in the number of immigrants coming to work.However,new statistics indicate a high level of net immigration (净移民人数) is here to stay.

Although the United Kingdom has received immigrants for centuries,the country used to be a net exporter of people;only from the mid-1980s did the United Kingdom become a country of immigrants.

Nevertheless,the last decade differed greatly because of high levels of net immigration,a result of sustained economic growth for the last 15 years.Since 2004,immigration levels have been boosted by an extraordinary wave of mobility from Eastern European countries,particularly Poland,whose citizens have free movement and labor rights following their entering the European Union.

Public anxiety about immigration,fueled by media attention,has risen with the number of immigrants.Monthly survey data from the Ipsos MORI agency shows that since the late 1990s,people have been considering immigration as one of the top three most important issues the country faces for all but a couple of months.Data from different sources shows a similar picture,with between two-thirds and four-fifths of the public indicating a preference for less immigration.

In this situation of rising numbers and rising anxiety,UK policymakers have attempted to draw up policies to manage immigration.They have responded by

establishing a Points-Based System for Migration and new i nstitutional arrangements,for example.But they continue to face a set of challenges—from convincing the public that the government is in control to meeting labor market needs.

The current picture shows that the United Kingdom had about 6.9 million foreign-born citizens in 2008,11 percent of its population.The five largest foreign-born populations were from India,Poland,Pakistan,Ireland,and Germany.


5.We can learn from the first two paragraphs that________.

A.the economy of the UK is hardly influenced by the global recession

B.there will be fewer immigrants coming to the UK in the future

C.the UK didn’t receive immigrants until the mid-1980s

D.the UK had more citizens who moved out than those moving in for centuries 解析:细节理解题。从第二段的Although the United Kingdom has received immigrants for centuries,the country used to be a net exporter of people可知D 项正确。

答案: D

6.The underlined word “boosted” in the third paragraph is the closest in meaning to“________”.

A.raised B.changed

C.ignored D.stopped

解析:词义猜测题。从后面的by an extraordinary wave of mobility from Eastern European countries...whose citizens have free movement and labor rights following their entering the European Union可知东欧国家加入欧盟后,其公民能更自由地进入英国,这会使英国的移民数量增加。

答案: A

7.What does the writer think of the UK policymakers,reaction to the current immigration situation?

A.The writer thinks they have done their best.

B.The writer is totally disappointed by their reaction.

C.The writer expects more action to be taken.

D.The writer wants to give them some suggestions.

解析:推理判断题。从第五段的They have responded by...for example.But they continue to face a set of challenges可知作者认为政府所做的举措还不够,还有很多


答案: C

8.What was the UK’s total population in 2008?

A.About 6.9 million. B.About 11 million.

C.About 20.8 million. D.About 62.7 million.

解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段的the United Kingdom had about 6.9 million foreign born citizens in 2008,11 percent of its population可计算出答案。



高中英语教学案例设计 一、学生分析 教学对象为高中一年级学生,他们的认知能力比初中阶段有了进一步的发展,渐渐形成用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力,因此需要特别注重提高学生用英语进行思维和表达的能力。他们学习英语方法由死记硬背转型向理解型并应用到交际上,他们有自己的学习技能和策略,学会把语言学习与现实生活和兴趣联系起来。通过任务型课堂活动和学习,学生的学习自主性得到加强,不再认为英语的课堂学习很枯燥,主动参与到活动中去,成为课堂的主体,同时也加强了与他人交流合作的能力。 二、教材分析 这一课是本单元第一个课时。由于这课出现的生词比较多,在课前教他们读了一下。在备这一课时,发现它的有关宇宙的知识很专业,起初比较担心,但是得知高一的学生地理课上已经学习了相应的部分知识,有了一定的知识储备,这样在处理的时候就注意到详略的问题,我觉得在今后也必须对学生的知识结构有所把握,这样才会更好地抓住要点和难点。 三、教学目标 本课为阅读课型,主要介绍有关太空知识和人类起源。通过阅读使学生了解宇宙的形成,和人类的形成。课文内容用不同的形式来让学生自己归纳,提高阅读技能。由于这课讲述有点抽象,需要足够的图片,方便理解并形成感性认识。本课目的要使学生了解宇宙形成和人类起源,培养环境保护意识。 教学内容大致分为以下几个方面:

1.看图片引入宇宙形成这一话题。 2.从网上下载一些宇宙空间图并展示给学生看,弄清楚星际空间的划分,给学生以感官上的刺激,而且有利于帮助学生对文章的理解。(一些生词用板书) 3.学生阅读课文后完成精读练习。 4.两人围绕人类起源进行讨论。 5.语言学习--难句解释。 6.小结文章,一是找关键线索,二是写作手法。 7.小组讨论,包括复述课文,加深对文章的理解,以及学生总结自己通过本课学习学到了什么(达到教学目标--形成保护环境意识)。 四、教学策略 环环相扣,设计紧凑。先利用录音和图片引起兴趣,然后带着问题有目的地阅读文章,通过回答问题掌握细节,知道宇宙形成的过程,再从整体上把握它的结构、特色,学习用英语归纳以及复述,最后自己去小结上完这节课的收获,使他们的掌握阅读技巧的同时也增加了见识。在小组讨论过程中,学会用英语口语判断别人给出的依据,并给出自己的观点。 采用多媒体教学,用一些有关宇宙的精美图片,引起学生对即将阅读的文章的兴趣,减少陌生感。 五、教学过程


高中英语语法(时态语态篇)练习题精选 ()1. -Where is the morni ng paper—I ___________ for you at on ce. A. get B. am gett ing C. to get D. will get ()2. ___________ a con cert n ext Saturday? A. There will be B. Will there be C. There can be D. There are ()3. If they come, we __________ a meeti ng. A. have B. will have C. had D. would have ()4. If it __________ t omorrow, we ' -S Igotingier A. isn ' t rain B. won ' t rain C. doesn ' t rain D. doesn ' t fine ()5. Tomorrow he __________ a kite in the ope n air first, and the n _____ boati ng in the park. A. will fly; will go B. will fly; goes C. is going to fly; will goes D. flies; will go ()6. There _________ a birthday party this Sun day. A. shall be B. will be C. shall going to be D. will going to be ()7. They __________ an En glish eve ning n ext Sun day. A. are hav ing B. are going to have C. will hav ing D. is going to have ()8. Sorry, I can ' t open the door, fothle key to it. A. lost B. lose C. had lost D. have lost ()9. —It ' s good to see you again, Agnes. —This has bee n our first cha nee to visit since _ f rom Iran. A. you return B. you returned C. you have returned D. returni ng ()10. —Did you expect Frank to come to the party?— No, but I had hoped ______________________________ . A. him coming B. him to come C. that he comes D. that he would come ( )11. —Bob must be very wealthy. —Yes, he — more in one day tha n I do in a week. A. has bee n earned B. had earned C. earns D. has earned ( )12. —Come on in, Peter, I want show you somethi ng. —Oh, how n ice of you! I __ you ____ to bring me a gift. A. didn ' t think, were going B. hadn ' t thought, were going C. n ever think, are going D. n ever thought, were going ( )13.I first met Lisa three years ago. She ____at a radio shop at the time. A. has worked B. was work ing C. had bee n work ing D. had worked ()14. The reporter said that the UFO _____ east to west when he saw it. A. was traveli ng B. traveled C. had bee n traveli ng D. was to travel


高中英语作文大全|高二英语作文范 文10篇 学习英语作文需要多看范文多练习写作,那么有关高中的英语作文有哪些呢?以下是X为大家整理的,高中英语作文大全,希望大家喜欢。高中英语作文篇一I’m neither interested in sports nor good at it. But except swimming. I can swim since I was a baby. My mother tells me that she let me swim in the water with a life-buoy when I was 20 days old. And then I can swim gradually. When I grow up, I like swimming very much. I swim all the year round. Swimming in summer makes me feel comfortable to lower my temperature. While winter swimming makes me feel excited and achievability. In general, swimming keeps me fit in both physical and mental. Whenever I feel upset, I

would go swimming and then I would be full of energy and feel relax. Besides I b elieve it is due to swimming that I’m so thin. Who wants to lose weight, join me. We can make more friends in swimming. Oh, I couldn’t wait to swim now. But it is ten o’clock in the evening. I have to go to sleep. Good night everyone. 高中英语作文篇二 Recently, global warming has become a hot topic among people. It results from serious air pollution. As the environmental pollution is more and more strict, the temperature of all the world has dramatic increased. Gradually, some disaster such as drought, floodandGlaciers Melting follow. How terrible it is! Therefore, we need to protect our earth and fight against the disaster should start from


高中英语语法权威解析 目录: 第01章名词性从句 第02章“It”用法及其句型与固定搭配讲解 第03章高中英语语法中得省略现象 第04章主谓一致 第05章动词不定式 第06章倒装结构 第07章定语从句 第08章被动语态 第09章祈使句 第10章感叹句 第11章疑问句 第12章名词 第一章名词性从句 在句子中起名词作用得句子叫名词性从句(Noun Clauses)。名词性从句得功能相当于名词词组, 它在复合句中能担任主语、宾语、表语、同位语、介词宾语等,因此根据它在句中不同得语法功能,名词从句又可分别称为主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句与同位语从句、一. 主语从句 主语从句就是在复合句中充当主语得从句,通常放在主句谓语动词之前或由形式主语it 代替,而本身放在句子末尾。 1. It 作形式主语与it引导强调句得比较 It 作形式主语代替主语从句,主要就是为了平衡句子结构,主语从句得连接词没有变化、而i t引导得强调句则就是对句子某一部分进行强调,无论强调得就是什么成分,都可用连词that。被强调部分指人时也可用who/whom、例如: a) It isapitythatyoudidn’t go to seethefilm.您不去瞧那场电影真可惜。 b) It doesn’tinterest me whetheryou succeed or not、我对您成功与否不感兴趣、 c) Itisin themorning thatthe murder took place. 谋杀案就是在早上发生得、(强调句型) d) It is John that broke thewindow。就是John打碎得窗户。(强调句型) 2、用it 作形式主语得结构 (1)It is + 名词+从句 It is afact that…事实就是… It is an honor that …非常荣幸 It iscommon knowledge that …就是常识 (2)It is + 形容词+从句 It is natural that…很自然… It isstrange that…奇怪得就是…(3) It is+不及物动词+ 从句 Itseems that…似乎… It happenedthat…碰巧… Itappears that…似乎…


高三英语课堂教学案例 教学教案理念 ⑴运用任务型语言教学模式,训练培养学生对语言的综合运用,实 现目的,感受成功,教学进度整体把握,教学形式不拘一格。 ⑵课堂以学生为主体,以任务为主线,器重体验参与,老师起到“设计者、研究者、促进者、协调者”的作用。 ⑶在教学中,突出交际性,注重读写的实用性,要进行情感和策略调整,以形成积极的学习态度,促进语言实际运用能力的提高。 ⑷课后访谈调查,读写摘记,器重语言运用。 ⑸正视个体差异,提倡过程激励,以多条理、多角度、多主体的结果与过程并重的评价方式激励进步。 一、学情剖析 一方面,高中中学年龄段的学生对四周的事物较为敏感,有自己的观点和看法,他们不满足于教科书上的知识,想取得更多的信息。在英语学习上,他们不只是想把英语作为一门死记硬背的课程来学,更希望能学到知识性和趣味性兼有的内容,从英语学习中取得更多的知识和能力。另一方面学生对体育比较感兴趣,对吉尼斯纪录有一定的了解因此,应结合学生的实际情况,因材施教,激发学生兴趣,让学生主动学习,学有所获。 二、教学内容剖析 (一)知识背景及新课程、新教材 本单元以世界纪录为中心话习题,只要内容波及以阿里西塔福尔曼为代表的几个世界吉尼斯纪录的保持者及其运动经历,重点讨论了创造吉尼斯纪录所必备的身体素质心理素质创新意思以及挑战自我的决心和毅力语言和技能都是围绕这一中心展开的。 本课是是本单元第二课——“浏览课”,于是本单元的重点。文章的主习题是“路永在前方”其内容介绍了世界吉尼斯的保持者阿西里塔福尔曼,他不是职业运动员,但其运动成就让许多运动员可望不可即,本课通过阿里西塔福尔曼的成长经历以及取得这些成就的精神动力激励学生认识自我的潜力找到精神动力的源泉,实现梦想。 (二)教学重点难点 (1)重点:1.了解记叙文的文体特点并以此指导浏览;训练skimming, scanning, careful reading等浏览微技能;3.对文章深条理的理解及细节的观赏,认识及剖析主人公的人物特征及人物性格。 (2)难点: 1。浏览技能的训练;2.对记叙文的鉴赏能力及人物评价。 (确立依据:浏览在整个英语教育体系和高考中都占有重要比例,浏览能力的提高不是一朝一夕事。再高明的教师也不可能把自己的浏览能力传授给学生。学生浏览能力的提高只能在教师的指导下通过实践训练取得。复述课文是检查学生对课文的理解程度,同时又是提高学生白话能力的重要方法) 三、三维教学目的


语法:是一门研究英语语言构成规律的学科。 词 法 ———— 语法 ————句法 简单句:在句子中只包含一套主谓结构。 并列句:通常由一个连词连接的并列的句子。 复合句:〖大句套小句〗 一气:虚拟语气 二词:非谓语动词、情态动词 三句:名词性从句、定语从句、状语从句 语法 非谓语动词 一、 在句中不能作谓语的动词叫做非谓语动词 二、 啥样呢? 1. 不定式:To do 2. 动名词:Doing 3. 分词:Done Eg1. The ocean and seas surrounding the islands are deep blue. 围绕着群岛的海洋是深蓝色的 Eg2. My mother ordered the homework to be done. ☆☆非谓语动词的宾补,其逻辑主语为前面宾语 ▲ 方法一:口诀法 非谓语,三要点。 句法 目 的 结 构 形容词 名词 数词 代词 动词 介词 副词 感叹词 冠词 连词 陈述句 疑问句 祈使句 感叹句 简单句 复合句 并列句 时态、语态 非谓语动词 情态动词 词法 名词性从句 状语从句 定语从句

变否定,NOT 前。 哼哈将,时逻关。 七仙女,记心间。 (一) 变否定 (二) 哼哈将 1.动词不定式 主动关系 被动关系 一般式 To do To be done 完成式 To have done To have been done 进行式 To be doing (To be being done) 完成进行式 To have being doing (To have been being done) ▲ 一般式:不定式的动作和谓语动词动作同时发生或在谓语动词之后的动作发生。 A A :谓语动词 B :不定式 ▲ 完成式:不定时动作在谓语动词动作之前发生。 A A :谓语动词 B :不定式 Eg3. Jay Chou taught us to sing 黄河大合唱 last night. ▲ 进行式:不定时的动作和谓语动词动作同时正在进行 A A :谓语动词 B :不定式 Eg4. When his mother entered, the boy pretended to be sleeping. ▲ 完成进行式:不定时的动作在谓语动词动作之前发生,一直持续到谓语动词动作,到谓 语动词动作为止。不定时的动作有可能刚刚结束,还有可能继续延续下去。 A A :谓语动词 B :不定式 Eg5. Mr. Zhong is said to have been working as a teacher for 10 years. 时间关系 逻辑关系 B B B B B B B B

高中英语作文范文10篇 [高中英语作文写信范文]

高中英语作文范文10篇[高中英语作文写信范文] 各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢 高中英语写作教学是提高学生英语表达能力的重要环节。下面,是小编为你整理的高中英语作文写信范文,希望对你有帮助!高中英语作文写信范文篇1 Dear Sandy, 亲爱的桑迪, I offer my warmest congratulations to you for receiving the first prize of The Olympic English competition for the middle school students. I know that you are always good at English. You often win the praise of our English teacher and always in the first place of our class. So I’m surprise at all that you become

champion for this competition. However, in my mind, this match is very difficult. So I becomemore and more admire you. Sincere congratulation to you again. 我表示热烈的祝贺你接收的获得了中学生奥林匹克英语竞赛一等奖。我知道你的英语一直都很好。你经常赢得我们的英语老师的表扬而且在班里总是第一。所以我一点都不惊讶在这个竞赛中你会成为冠军。然而,在我看来,这竞赛是很困难的。所以我越来越佩服你了。真诚的祝贺你。 Best wishes, Mandy 曼迪高中英语作文写信范文篇2 Dear Jack: Hello! Are you busy recently? I have a good piece of news to tell you. Next Sunday, I will travel around the countryside with my parents. We will live with my grandfather for a few weeks. I am


高中英语语法总结(完整版;高中必看!) 专题一:定语从句 一、关系代词引导的定语从句 1、that 指人或物在从句中作主语,宾语或表语 which指物在从句中作主语,宾语或表语(作宾语时可以省略) who指人在从句中作主语,宾语或表语 whom指人在从句中作宾语 whose指人或物在从句中作定语 as指人或物在从句中作主语,宾语或表语 but指人或物在从句中作主语,宾语或表语 注意:指物时,whose+名词=the+名词+of which或of which+the+名词2、as 的用法 (1)常用于下列结构:such…as; so…as;the same…as; as…as 注意:the same…as 表示同一类,不同一个 the same…that 表示同一个

(2)as与which的区别 a、位置不同 as可放在主句后,主句前或主句中间;which只能放在主句后。 b、as起连接作用,表达说话人的观点、看法,并指出主句内容的根据或出处,意为“正如,正像”。 Which相当于并列句,可以用and this来代替,意为“这一点,这件事’”。 注意:as常用于下列结构:as we know/ as is known to all, as we all can see, as has been said before/above, as might be excepted, as is often the case, 一般不能用which代替as。 c、在从句中作主语时,which既可作系动词be的主语也可作实义动词的主语,而as只可作系动词be的主语。 二、只用that不用which的情况 1、.先行词为all , much, everything, nothing , something ,anything, nothing, none, the one等不定代词时 2、先行词被only, any, few, little, no , all, just , very ,right等修饰时. 3、当先行词是最高级或被形容词最高级修饰时。


高中英语教学案例 同位语从句 熊敏高三英语 一、教学课型:语法课 二. 教材分析: 1.教学内容:同位语从句 2.教材处理: 这是一堂笔者根据新的课程标准,结合本人对语法教学方法的实践积累和思考进行设计的一堂探究课。该课创造性地选择了授课内容,对语法教学进行了整理与补充,改变注重传授知识的倾向,采用“任务型”教学模式,进行了一次实验和探究。 该课以话题校运会引发学生对同位语从句的关注和思考。该课旨在启发学生去思考自我梳理知识和自主学习的模式,让学习过程有一个延续的趋势。同时,提供一次实际运用英语表达交流思想的机会,增强使用英语的信心。 三、学情分析: 笔者首先考虑为什么和怎么上这节课,使教学目标的设计实在可行。笔者的授课对象是属于三流水平的一个县中学,这个班为普通平行班,英语基础较差,但是大部分学生的思维活动、学习热情、表现欲望和合作精神是可以在平时的教学中不断提高和培养的。怎样使得一节课对学生今后的学习有所思考和帮助,也是笔者要考虑的问题。综上因素,根据学情,笔者采用活动式的教学方法上一堂语法学习的课,期待对今后的学习中新旧知识的连接有所帮助;同时注意运用鲜活真实的语言材料吸引学生,提高学生答题的兴趣,同时便于设题。兼顾设计内容简单化,便于调动全班学生的积极性,在互动中实现教学任务和目标。 四、教学目标 1. 掌握同位语从句的构成形式及其特殊用法。 2. 能够在句子中熟练运用同位语从句 五、设计理念: 1.运用任务型语言教学模式,训练培养学生对语言的综合运用,实现目标,感受成功,教学进度整体把握,教学形式不拘一格。 2.课堂以学生为主体,以任务为主线,重视体验参与,教师起到“设计者、研究者、促进者、协调者”的作用。 3.在教学中,突出交际性,注重读写的实用性,要进行情感和策略调整,以形成积极的学习态度,促进语言实际运用能力的提高。 4.课后访谈调查,读写摘记,重视语言运用。 5.正视个体差异,倡导过程激励,以多层次、多角度、多主体的结果与过程并重的评价方式激励进步。 六、教法分析 教学方法:问答法(question and answer) 讨论法discussion 辩论法(debate)taks-based method(任务教学法) 教具教学手段: ①Multi-media computer; OHP(overhead projector); tape recorder; PowerPoint ②多媒体辅助教学 (依据:根据本课特点以教材为本,传统教学手段和现代多媒体教学手段相结合,恰当合理呈现本课内容。) 七、教学过程: Step 1 Lead in T: As is known to us, the sports meet is on the way, are you excited about it? Will


高考英语语法练习题精选(一)100 题 1. —I put him down for a well-educated man. —___________ ?—I mean that he's a well-educated man. A. I beg your pardon B. Speak louder, will you C. What's that D. Will you repeat word for word 2. He ________ he would be able to leave tomorrow, but it's beginning to took difficult. A. hopes B. was hoping C. had hoped D. hoped 3. —ou ________ stop me. —Even if you _________ it, I won't allow you to swim across the river. A. mustn't; dare not do B. may ; dare not do C. can; dare to do D. needn't; dare do 4. ________ she was invited to the ball made her very happy. A. If B. That C. When D. Because 5. She had golden hair when she was a child, but ______ she got older and older, her hair went darker and darker. A. while B. when C. after D. as 6. I lost my way in complete darkness and, matters worse, it began to rain. A. made B. having made C. making D. to make 7. I often have conversations with John over telephone, while keep in touch with Tom by letter. A.不填;;the B.不填;a C. the;不填 D. the; a 8. The most favorite room is the tidy study with a fireplace, we can watch TV and enjoy the nice scenery outside. A. where B. when C. that D. which 9. —You don't seem to be quite yourself today. What's wrong? —Oh, I'm suffering from a cold. Nothing serious, A. yet B. indeed C. though D. anyway 10. ________ lessons were not difficult. A. Our few first short English B. Our first few short English C. Our few first English short D. Few our first English short 11. Mr. Smith sold that magnificent cottage of his on the sea 2,000,000 dollars. A. at B. for C. to D. by 12. —Which one can I take? —-You can take _________ of them; I'll keep none. A. both B. any C. either D. all 13. What a pity! He ___________ the only chance of success. A. threw away B. put down C. gave in D. broke off 14. —Come in, please. Make yourself at home. —I'm glad you like it. A. Thanks. You have a nice place here. B. Oh, this picture is so beautiful! C. Thanks. What nice food you've prepared!D OK. Let me look around your new house. 15. ________ time and labor, cartoonists generally draw the hands of their characters with only 3 fingers and a thumb. A. To save B. Saved C. Saving D. Having saved 16. —How much is the T-shirt __________ ?—65 dollars. A. worth B. cost C worthy D. paid 17. —Glad to meet you.—________ A. So do I. B. How are you? C. How do you do? D. The same to you. 18. —Can I drive on the free way, Mr. Green? —You can when you a bit more skilled. A. will get B. are getting C. will have got D. get 19. It is generally considered unwise to give a child _________ he or she wants. A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever 20. For many Beijingers, dreams of living in ______________ _ green area are becoming ____ _____ reality. A. a; a B. the; the C. 不填;不填 D. 不填;a 21. My money __________ . I must go to the bank to draw some of my savings out before I 'nvoene in hand. A. has run out B. is running out C. has been run out D. is being run out 22. For quite __________ ___ students, their teacher 'asdvice is more important than ___________ of their parents '. A. few ; one B. a few; that C. a little ; some D. a lot; many 23. _______ entered the office when he realized that he had forgotten his report. A. He hardly had B. Had he hardly C. Hardly had he D. Hardly he had 24. On the long journey, Peter __________ a most interesting guide. We all had a wonderful time. A. practiced B. behaved C. proved D. conducted 25. --Do you live __________ near Jim? --No, he lives in another part of the town. A. somewhere B. nowhere C. anywhere D. everywhere 26. This photo of mine was taken ________ stood the famous high tower. A. which B. in which C. where D. there 27. Some of the suspects 嫌疑犯)refused to answer and kept their mouths shut. A. questioning B. being questioned C. questioned D. to be questioned He had little idea that it was getting so late, ___________ ? A. didn't he B. wasn't it C. did he D. was it 29. Peter won't drive us to the station. He has ________ to take us all. A. a very small car B. too small a car C. a too small car D. such a small car 30. You _________ television. Why not do something more active? A. always watch B. too small a car C. have always watched D. have always been watchi 31. —You must be excited about going to Japan for schooling. —___________ , but I'm afraid I can't do well because Japanese is poor. A. Never mind B. Well, I ought to C. I don k'no t w yet D. Certainly not 32. —What do you think of your nephew? —He __________ be very naughty but at the same time you poor. A. will ; will B. won't; can't C. may ; may D. can; can't 33. Exercise is___ ______ as any other to lose unwanted weight. A. so useful a way B. as a useful way C. as useful a way D. such a useful way 34. —____________ you ________ the editor at the airport? —No, he _________ away before my arrival. A. Have... met; has driven B. Had... met; was driven C. Did... meet; had been driven D. Have... met; had driven 35. —Why didn't you answer my phone when I phoned you at about 11 p. m. yesterday?


2020高一英语作文满分范文五篇精选 如何提高自己的英语作文分数,答案是多看多背,基础知识扎实了,分数自然会有所提升。今天我给大家带来的十篇优质的高一英语作文范文,希望能帮助到大家! 【篇一:保护天使ToProtectAngels】 PandaisfamiliarbymoreandmorepeopleasthedevelopmentofInternet.Nowp eoplecanseetheliveshowfromtheInternet.Theselovelyangelsarefavoredbyth efansfromallovertheworld.Whattheydointhedailylifemakespeoplelaughoutl oudly.Noonecanresistthecharmfromtheseangels.Butitisknowntoallthatpand aisdyingout,becauseitisnoteasyforthemtogetbirthtothenewbabies.What’s more,peopledamagetheenvironment,whichmakespandalosetheirhome.Wecandos mallthingstoprotectthem.Whenwegotothezoo,weshouldnotthrowawaytherubbi shandkeepquiet,inthepurposeofnottodisturbtheselovelycreature.Welovepa nda,itisourdutytoprotectthemfromdyingout. 随着互联网的发展,熊猫被越来越多的人所熟悉。现在人们可以从互联网上观看它们的直播。这些可爱的天使们受到了来自世界各地粉丝的喜爱。它们在日常生活中所做的事情让人忍不住大声笑了出来。没有人能抵抗这些天使的魅力。但众所周知,因为熊猫繁殖后代的不易以及人们对环境的破坏使它们失去了家园,它们正面临灭绝的危机。不过我们可以做一些小事去保护他们。当我们去动物园的时候,不乱扔垃圾,保持安静,这样才能做到不去打扰这些可爱的生物。我们喜欢熊猫,保护它们不遭受灭绝是我们的责任。


高中英语教学案例分析 王萃 摘要:在英语课程的改革中,方方面面都在提倡自主、合作与探究的学习方式,让学生成为学习的主人,使学生的主体意识、能动性和创造性不断得到发展。因此,培养学生自主、合作与探究的学习方式,是新课程改革中一个迫切的任务。 关键词:合作与探究英语阅读 一、前言 《牛津高中英语》Project是课堂教学的延伸和拓展,属于探究式学习,要求学生走出课堂,与同学分工合作。学生认真阅读所提供的阅读材料,从中得到启发,然后通过讨论、调查、专访、文献检索等活动,完成一个特定的课题。模块六第一单元Project的课题是Putting on a play.包括两个舞台剧:The invisible bench和The important papers。现将设计思路及教后反思与诸君交流,探讨如何让学生真正走出课堂、参与课堂、享受课堂。让学生参与“备课”,备教材在本课的两个舞台剧中,台词较为简单,但旁白和转场很多,人物表情和心理活动非常丰富。所以,同学们主要应在揣摩人物内心方面做足功课。 二、学生分析 根据《新课标》精神,高中英语教学要在培养学生的语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等素养的基础上培养综合语言运用能力。因此,高二学年的英语教学将继续培养和优化学生的

英语学习方法,使他们能通过观察、体验、探究等主动学习的方法,充分发挥自己的学习潜能,形成有效的学习策略,提高自主学习的能力。同时,还要关注学生的情感,提高他们的人文素养,提高他们独立思考和判断能力,培养创新精神和实践能力,增进跨文化理解和交际能力。 三、教材分析 该板块引导学生进行探究性学习,把英语听、说、读、写的训练从课堂内拓展到课堂外;它基于阅读文本,又超越文本信息。根据《课标》,《课标》在“使用建议”部分指出:教材内容、教学活动和教学方法应具有较大的灵活性和开放性。在不违背科学性原则的前提下,教材应该具有一定的弹性和伸缩性。允许使用者根据自己的实际需要,对教材内容进行适当的取舍和补充。因此,此教学设计着眼于把project 部分根据现在所教生源的实际情况,设当地化繁为简,让学生自己从两片喜剧中选择一个小组合作表演。并根据英语课程标准倡导的“任务型”教学途径,设计相应的教学任务,同时在整节课的教学设计中强化每个任务环节的有机结合。对学生而言,随着不同任务的转化,对他们构成了不同层次的挑战,以培养学生的综合语言运用能力,从而达到学以致用的目的。三是注重在语言材料的有效输入的基础上进行语言的有效输出。坚持先读(课文,课外阅读材料),后说(合作探讨如何表演),再演(完成舞台表演)的教学三部曲。 四、教学策略 该板块引导学生进行谈那就行学习,把英语听说读写的训练从课


高中英语语法(时态语态篇)练习题精选 ( ) 1. –Where is the morning paper?–I ________ for you at once. A. get B. am getting C. to get D. will get ( ) 2. ________ a concert next Saturday? A. There will be B. Will there be C. There can be D. There are ( ) 3. If they come, we ________ a meeting. A. have B. will have C. had D. would have ( ) 4. If it ________ tomorrow, we’ll go roller-skating. A. isn’t rain B. won’t rain C. doesn’t rain D. doesn’t fine ( ) 5. Tomorrow he ________ a kite in the open air first, and then ______ boating in the park. A. will fly; will go B. will fly; goes C. is going to fly; will goes D. flies; will go ( ) 6. There ________ a birthday party this Sunday. A. shall be B. will be C. shall going to be D. will going to be ( ) 7. They ________ an English evening next Sunday. A. are having B. are going to have C. will having D. is going to have ( ) 8. Sorry, I can’t open the door, for I the key to it. A. lost B. lose C. had lost D. have lost ( ) 9. —It’s good to see you again, Agnes. —This has been our first chance to visit since from Iran. A. you return B. you returned C. you have returned D. returning ( ) 10. — Did you expect Frank to come to the party? — No, but I had hoped . A. him coming B. him to come C. that he comes D. that he would come ( ) 11. — Bob must be very wealthy. — Yes, he more in one day than I do in a week.
