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51. __dull he may be, he is certainly a very successful top executive.

A Although

B whatever

C As

D However

正确答案为D). however引导的让步状语从句,意思是无论(怎么样),从句需要倒装,即However+adj/adv+主+谓. However dull he may be=Dull as he may be. although和as引导让步状语从句,指”尽管”, whatever用来引导名词从句,意思是: 无论什么. 句意: 无论他多么地令人感到乏味.他还是一位非常成功的顶级行政人员.

52. If only I __play the guitar as well as you!

A would

B could

C should

D might

正确答案为B). could表示能够,是一种能力. If only引导的虚拟语气,表示”要是….该多好啊!”. 句意: 要是我能像你那样把吉他弹得那么好该多好啊!

53. The party, __I was the guest of honour, was extremely enjoyable.

A by which

B for which

C to which

D at which

正确答案为D). at which. 先行词the party作介词at的宾语. 即I was the guest of honor at the party. 关系代词指代the party.

54 It's high time we __ cutting down the rainforests.

A stopped

B had to stop

C shall stop

D stop

正确答案为A). stopped. It is (high) time的意思是到了做…的时候了. 从句中一般用过去时构成虚拟语气. 此句型为历年专四考试常考句型.

55 The student said there were a few points in the essay he __ impossible to comprehend.

A has found

B was finding

C had found

D would find

正确答案为C). had found. 考察定语从句的时态. 定语从句中的”找到问题”这一动作发生先于主句动词said,所以用had found构成过去完成时.

56 Loudspeakers were fixed in the hall so that everyone__ an opportunity to hear the speech.

A ought to have

B must have

C may have

D should have

正确答案为C). may. so that引导目的状语从句,表示为了让每个人都有机会听到讲座. 其他选项均不符合题意. ought to have done=should have done本应该做而实际未做. must have done 表示对过去的肯定猜测.

57 I am surprised__ this city is a dull place to live in.

A that you should think

B by what you are thinking

C that you would think

D with what you were thinking

正确答案为A). 本句中should表示惊讶语气, 故不能省略. 句意:你居然会认为在这个城市居住是很无聊的,这点让我很惊讶.

58 Susan is very hardworking, but her pay is not__ for her work.

A enough good

B good enough

C as good enough

D good as enough

正确答案为B). enough修饰形容词副词时需要后置, 且不能和as结构连用.

59 It is imperative that the government __ more investment into the shipbuilding industry.

A attracts

B shall attract

C attract

D has to

正确答案为C). attract 考核的是虚拟语气的用法. It is imperative that sb (should)+do/V, should 可以省略. 该句型在专四考试中极为常见. 句意:当务之急是征服应该吸引更多投资到造船业.

60 Land belongs to the city; there is __ thing as private ownership of land.

A no such a

B not such

C not such a

D no such

正确答案为D). no such. There is no such (a) thing as…固定用法. 意思是: It is impossible to ….没有…. e.g. There is no such a thing as free lunch. 天下没有免费的午餐.

61 My daughter has walked eight miles today. We never

guessed that she could walk__ far.

A /

B such

C that

D as

正确答案为C). that=so. 那么,如此. The weather today is not that cold as is reported.

62The statistics __ that living standards in the area have improved drastically in recent times.

A proves

B is proving

C are proving

D prove

正确答案为D). prove. statistics表示数字数据时谓语动词用复数. The statistics prove/show that…,这里表示的是一种客观状态,没有明显时态标志,所以用一般时态.

63 There are only ten apples left in the baskets, __ the spoilt ones.

A not counting

B not to count

C don't count

D having not counted

正确答案为A). not counting. 伴随状语. 表示不把…计算在内.=not including.

64 It was __ we had hoped

A more a success than

B a success more than

C as much of a success as

D a success as much as

正确答案为C). 这题是本年专四语法考试中最难的一道题目. as much of a …as是固定结构,类似的结构还有more of a …than, less of a…than, 如果是这些比较结构,则名词只能放在比较结构中, 如: It was as much of a success as I had hoped. He is more of a sportsman than his brother. We can let you have as many copies as you need. 所以选项A的正确形式应该是more of a success than…, B选项只能将名词置于比较结构中间.

65 There used to be a petrol station near the park, __?

A didn't it

B doesn't there

C usedn't it?

D didn't there

正确答案为D). 考察反意疑问句. there be 的反意疑问句就用there来进行反问.

66 It is an offence to show __ against people of different races.

A distinction

B difference

C separation D.discrimination

正确答案为D). discrimination歧视. show discrimination against sb歧视某人distinction区别,差别. difference不同, separation分开. 句意:对不同种族的人表现出歧视是一种冒犯行为.

67 A great amount of work has gone into __ the Cathedral to its previous splendor.

A refreshing

B restoring

C renovating

D renewing

正确答案为B). restoring:使…恢复到以前面貌, 通常和to连用. refresh使…精神爽快, renovate更新,革新. renew更新

68 The thieves fled with the local police close on their __.

A backs

B necks

C toes

D heels

正确答案为D). heels. on/at one’s heels紧跟在某人后面. 固定搭配,句意为:小偷逃跑了,当地的警察紧随其后追赶. fled逃走,逃掉( flee的过去式和过去分词);逃离,逃避。

69 The economic recession has meant that job__ is a rare thing. A security B safety

C protection

D secureness

正确答案为A). security. job security是商务英语中的词汇,意思是工作保障,职业安全感. e.g. The workers agreed to forgo a pay increase for the sake of greater job security. 工人们为了工作更保险, 同意放弃增加工资的要求. secure较safe更加抽象,这里工作保障应属于抽象范畴, 且secure的名词形式是security而非secureness.

70 Many people nowadays save money to __ for their old age. A cater B supply C provide D equip

正确答案为C) provide for准备,筹备…., cater for迎合, supply sth to sb为某人提供…, equip with用…装备, 句意: 现在许多人存钱是为了防老.

71 The tone of the article __ the writer's mood at the time. A reproduced B reflected

C imagined

D imitated

正确答案为B). reflect反映. reproduce复制,繁殖,再生产. imagine想象, imitate模仿. 句意:这篇文章的语调反映了当时作者的心态.

72 This is not the right __ to ask for my help; I am far too busy even to listen





正确答案为A). moment时候, situation情况, opportunity机会, circumstance 环境. 句意:现在不是让我帮你的时候,我忙得连听你话的时间都没有.

73 The job of a student accommodation officer__ a great many visits to landladies.

A concerns

B offers

C asks

D involves

正确答案为D). involve包含,涉及,使陷入…中. concern涉及到, offer提供不符合题意. 句意:学生住宿管理人员的工作包括拜访房东.

74 Our family doctor's clinic __at the junction of two busy roads. A rests B stands

C stays

D seats

正确答案为B). stands位于=lies in, rest停卧,安防, stay停留, seat坐下. 根据句意,选B. 我们的家庭医生的诊所位于两条繁忙道路的交叉点,

75 She was so fat that she could only just __ through the door. A assemble B appear

C squeeze

D gather

正确答案为C). squeeze oneself through从….中挤过去, assemble集合,聚集, appear出现, gather 聚集. 她太胖了只能勉强从门口挤过去.

76 After the heavy rain, a builder was called to repair the roof, which was __.

A leaking

B trickling

C dripping

D floating

正确答案为A). leaking漏. trickle滴流,细流,drip滴落, float漂浮,漂动. 这里意思是维修正在漏水的房顶. 只有leaking合适.

77 The reception was attended by __ members of the local community.

A excellent

B conspicuous

C prominent

D noticeable

正确答案为C). prominent杰出的, 突出的,显著的. excellent非常好的. conspicuous 显而易见的, noticeable易见的. 参加这次招待会的是当地的显赫人士.

78 Share prices on the Stock Exchange plunged sharply in the morning but __slightly in the afternoon.

A regained

B recovered

C restored

D revived

正确答案为B). recover指身体,心情的恢复,康复,(经济)的恢复; regain恢复,复得,restore归还,修复(到原来的面貌). revive复苏,恢复: may imply recovery from a deathlike state通常是指到了谷底然后复苏,振兴. 题目中提到fell sharply然后下午come back up. revive强调一个由死/谷底反弹的一个过程. 故这里选recover比较合适. 且在商务英语的环境中,recover的使用频率和范围都要比revive广.

79 His brain has worked away on the idea of a universal cure.

A rich

B quick

C productive

D fertile

正确答案为D). quick敏捷的,迅速的. rich丰富的,富裕的, productive 多产的, fertile 有创造力的,思想丰富的

80 The couple has donated a not__ amount of money to the foundation.

A inconsiderable

B inconsiderate

C inaccurate

D incomparable

. 正确答案为A). inconsiderable少量的. a not inconsiderable amount of=a large amount of, inconsiderate不体谅的,考虑欠缺的,inaccurate不精确的,.incomparable无与伦比的. 句意:这对夫妇向这个基金会捐助了数目可观的一笔钱.


【2007-51.】There are as good fish in the sea ________ ever came out of it.

A. as

B. like

C. than

D. so


【2007-52.】All the President's Men ________ one of the important books for historians who study the Watergate Scandal.

A. remains

B. remain

C. remained

D. is remaining

All the President's擦,它是本书,主谓一直,谓单,很显然的选择

【2007-53.】“You ________ borrow my notes provided you take care of them,”I told my friend.

A. can

B. should

C. must

D. could


【2007-54.】If only the patient ________ a different treatment instead of using the antibiotics, he might still be alive now.

A. had received

B. received

C. should receive

D. were receiving


【2007-55.】Linda was ________ to experiment a month ago, but she changed her mind at the last minute.

A. to have started

B. to start

C. to be starting

D. to have been starting

Be to do表示已经计划好,马上要做的事情,而be(过去式)to have done表示过去的事情对现在的影响,过去将来完成时呀,可惜是一种没有做成的事呀,犹记得高中intend to have done的纠结……

【2007-56.】She ________ fifty or so when I first met her at the conference.

A. must have been

B. had been

C. could be

D. must be


【2007-57.】It is not ________ much the language as the background that makes the book difficult to understand.

A. so

B. as

C. that

D. very

not so much A as B= more B than A与其说是A,不如说是B

not so much A as BA甚至连B都不如区别于固有观念,青年在于更容易学习和吸收先进的思想和知识呀呀

【2007-58.】The committee has anticipated the problems that ________ in the road construction project.

A. will arise

B. arise

C. arose

D. have arisen

anticipate 预料,预计,故而从句应为将来时,当然这种不伦不类的幼稚傻逼的题目是我很怕的题型

【2007-59.】The student said there were a few points in the essay he ________ impossible to comprehend.

A. had found

B. finds

C. has found

D. would find


【2007-60.】He would have finished his college education, but he ________ to quit and find a job to support his family.

A. had

B. has

C. had had

D. would have


【2007-61.】The research requires more money than ________.

A. has been put in

B. have been put in

C. being put in

D. to be put in


【2007-62.】Overpopulation poses a terrible threat to the human race. Yet it is probably ________ a threat to the human race than environmental destruction.

A. not more

B. no more

C. even more

D. much more

not more A than B 与其说是A不如说是B

no more A than B A与B两者都不

【2007-63.】It is not uncommon for there ________ problems of communication between the old and the young.

A. to be

B. would be

C. be

D. being

介词后跟存在句(there be句型),需用there to be,这就是规则呀

【2007-64.】________ at in his way, the situation does not seem so desperate.

A. Looked.

B. looking

C. Being looked.

D. to look

什么非谓语,什么独立主格,什么逻辑主语,知道被动排除B和D,doing有一直这样的意思,自然也舍去,坑爹的是我做的时候竟然楞的选了being looked,好桑心呀……

【2007-65.】It is absolutely essential that William ________ his study in spite of some learning difficulties.

A. continue

B. continued

C. will continue

D. continues


【2007-66.】The painting he bought at the street market the other day was a ________ forgery.

A. crude

B. natural

C. man-made

D. real

forgery noun.伪造;伪造品;赝品,crude的意思为“粗糙的,未加修饰的,拙劣的” crude oil 原油

【2007-67.】She's always been kind to me –I can't just turn ________ on her now that she needs my help.

A. my back

B. my head

C. my eye

D. shoulder

turn one?s back on sb“背弃,抛弃,拒绝帮组某人”。既然是固定搭配,那我就也不多说什么了,但坑爹还是要骂的……

【2007-68.】The bar in the club is for the ________ use of its members.

A. exclusive

B. extensive

C. inclusive

D. comprehensive



【2007-69.】The tuition fees are ________ to students coming from low-income families.

A. affordable

B. payable

C. reachable

D. approachable

affordable意为“支付得起的” approachable意为“可以接近的”


【2007-70.】The medical experts warned the authorities of the danger of diseases in the ________ of the earthquake.

A. aftermath

B. consequence

C. results

D. effect


【2007-71.】This sort of rude behavior in public hardly ________ a person in your position.

A. becomes

B. fits

C. supports

D. improves

become 熟词僻意,典型的坑爹呀vt.适合(某人),(与……)相称fit主要指大小、尺寸、形状等的适合,suit指颜色的适合,match和go with是物与物的搭配

【2007-72.】I must leave now.________, if you want that book I'll bring it next time.

A. Incidentally..

B. Accidentally.

C. Eventually.

D. Naturally.

incidentally 1)=by the way顺便提一句2)偶然地,不经意地=accidentally

【2007-73.】After a long delay, she ________ replying to my e-mail.

A. got round to

B. got back at

C. got back

D. got away with

get round to doing sth意为“(较重要之事处理完毕后)处理某事”

get away with意为“逃避责罚” get back表示“(一度失去后)恢复力量,东山再起”get back at sb意为“报复某人”

【2007-74.】Personal computers are no longer something beyond the ordinary people; they are ________ available these days.

A. readily

B. instantly

C. promptly

D. quickly

readily adj1.)乐意地,欣然2.)轻而易举地,容易地,便利的

prompt adj.立刻的,迅速的,准时的(特别适用与千钧一发有人溺水当机立断下河救人)【2007-75.】In my first year at the university I learnt the ________ of journalism.

A. basics

B. basic

C. elementary

D. elements

basics 意为“基础知识”basement地下室element要素,原理

【2007-76.】According to the new tax law, any money earned over that level is taxed at the ________ of 59 percent.

A. rate

B. percentage

C. proportion

D. ratio

ratio是比率,如机械效率等in the proportion of意为“按……比例”

【2007-77.】Thousands of ________ at the stadium came to their feet to pay tribute to an outstanding performance.

A. spectators

B. participants

C. audience

D. Observers

2010-68即使答案不同,但神似呀呀spectator意为“(到现场观看比赛的)观众”,audience 也是“听众,观众”的意思,但属于泛指,没有特指是现场的

【2007-78.】We stood still, gazing out over the limitless ________ of the dessert.

A. expanse

B. space

C. stretch

D. land


expanse意为“广阔的区域”,句中gazing out over含有“对什么感到惊讶,感叹、感慨而凝视”的意思,limitless这里也是无边无垠的意思了

【2007-79.】Doctor often ________ uneasiness in the people they deal with.

A. sense

B. hear

C. smell

D. tough

sense意为“感知,了解”sense uneasiness意为“感受到不自在”

【2007-80.】Mary sat at the table, looked at the plate and ________ her lips.

A. smacked

B. opened

C. parted

D. separated

smack意为打巴掌与咂嘴smack one?s lips意为“(馋得)咂嘴,垂涎三尺”

open lips与part one?s lips都有“展开嘴”的意思,这题考的很坑爹呀呀


51. Our association, which has consistently pressed for greater employment opportunities for the disabled, will publish ____ proposals in the near future.

A. their

B. our

C. his

D. its

答案:D. 考查物主代词。逗号与逗号之间的是作为插入语,是association的定语从句,在此association作为一个整体概念出现,且其定语从句中也是用单数谓语动词has pressed,后面对应的物主代词也应该是单数概念的,故选D。句意:我们的协会一直在敦促给残疾人更多的就业机会,并且讲在最近公布建议书。publish公布,proposal提议;建议,press for敦促;迫切要求。

52. Had Judy been more careful on the maths exam, she ____ much better results now.

A. would be getting

B. could have got

C. must get

D. would get

答案:D.考查虚拟语气(错综时间虚拟语气)。从句部分是对过去的虚拟,省略了if,因此出现倒装,但主句部分出现了明显的时间标志词now,可见是对现在的虚拟,故应该是would/could/should/might do的形式,而get为瞬间动词,不用进行时,故选D。句意:如果朱迪数学考试时更认真一些,她现在成绩就会好多了。

53. Nine is to three _____ three is to one.

A. when

B. that

C. which

D. what

答案:D。这是专四考试频考知识点了:A is to B what C is to D,由what引导的方式状语从句。句意:9相对于3等同于3相对于1。

54. Men differ from animals ____ they can think and speak.

A. for which

B. for that

C. in that

D. in which

答案:C。这也是专四考试频考的知识点之一:in that引导原因状语从句。for that不能引导从句,A和D都引导定语从句。句意:人之所以有别于动物在于他们能思考,会说话。55. ____ he wanted to go out with his friends at the weekend, he had to stay behind to finish his assignment.

A. Much though

B. Much as

C. As much

D. Though much

答案:B. 考查由much as引导的让步状语从句,意为“尽管”=although。而as much意为“同样地,这样地”。A和D不是固定搭配。句意:尽管他想周末和朋友出去,却不得不留下完成作业。

56. I enjoyed myself so much ____ I visited my friends in Paris last year.

A. when

B. which

C. that

D. where

答案:A. 考查时间状语从句。四个选项都可以引导定语从句,但这里没有后面从句修饰的先行词,故出现的不是定语从句。从两部分之间的关系来看,后面部分提到了时间段,因此填入when,成为时间状语从句。句意:去年我去巴黎拜访朋友时玩得非常开心。

57. Which of the following is INCORRECT?

A. All his lectures were boring.

B. Half his money was gone.

C. Her few friends are all fond of dancing.

D. He invited many his friends to the party.

答案:D. 本题是今年专四试卷中出现的新题型,对英语专业同学的语法知识提出了一个更高的要求。考查的是限定词位置的用法。英语中的限定词可分为前位限定词、中位限定词和后位限定词,一个名词前的限定词只能按照前位、中位、后位的顺序出现,其中两个前位或两个中位词不能同时出现在同一个名词前。many是后位限定词,而his是中位限定词,与限定词排序规则有悖,故D为答案。A选项中all是前位,his是中位,符合规则;B中half 是前位,his是中位限定词;C中her是中位,few是后位限定词。

58. When you have finished with that book, don't forget to put it back on my desk, _____?

A. do you

B. don't you

C. will you

D. won't you

答案:C. 考查的是反义疑问句。复合句的反义疑问句应反问主句部分,本句主句是否定祈使句don’t forget to…,故祈使部分用will you。句意:你读完那本书后,别忘了把它放回我的书桌上,好吗?

59. What does "He wisely refused to spend his money" mean?

A. It was wise of him to refuse to spend his money.

B. He refused to spend his money in a wise manner.

C. He was short of money and didn't want to buy anything.

D. He refused, in a wise manner, to spend his money.

答案:A. 本题属于“句意理解题”,也是伴随着57题,作为08专四的新题型,着实让考生出乎意料。本题关键在于分析句中的wisely是修饰refused的,还是修饰refused to spend his money的,可以直接修饰refuse的副词有很多,如firmly,flatly,gracefully,politely等,但是当refuse后接动词不定式短语的时候,副词修饰的就是refuse to do这个动宾结构了。如:resolutely refuse to answer坚决拒绝回答。可见题干中句子的含义是:他明智地拒绝花钱(这件事情),这表示他拒绝花钱这件事是很明智的,故选A。

60. They stood chatting together as easily and naturally as ____.

A. it could be

B. could be

C. it was

D. was

答案:A. as…as one can表示“尽可能地”。A和B的区别就在于主语不同,B是they could be 的省略形式,因为主句中出现的动词是stood,不是be动词,因此该选项中的动词与前面不符;it could be表示的意思是“在可能的情况下”,it指代前面提到的内容。句意:他们站在那儿尽可能地随意聊天。

61. The following are all correct responses to "Who told the

news to the teacher?" EXCEPT

A. Jim did this.

B. Jim did so.

C. Jim did that.

D. Jim did. 答案:A. 对Who told the news to the teacher的标准回答是Jim did,即Jim did it的省略句。此外,还可以用其他代词指代问句中出现的内容,so和that都可以指代前文中提到的内容,而this通常用于指代下文内容。

62. Quality is ____ counts most.

A. which

B. that

C. what

D. where

答案:C. 句中is后为表语从句,该从句中缺少主语,that引导名词性从句时不做成分,where 为地点状语,which引导非限制性定语从句,故这里选what(做双重身份:表语从句引导词和表语从句中的主语)

63. In his plays Shakespeare _____ his characters live through

their language.

A. would make

B. had made

C. made

D. makes

答案:D. 本题考查一般现在时的用法。在书报的标题、球赛现场报导、小说著作等的情况介绍常用一般现在时。如:The Bible says love of money is the root of all evil.

64. The square itself is five hundred yards wide, five times ____

the size of St. Peter's in Rome.

A. /

B. that of

C. which is

D. of

答案:A. 考查倍数表达法。本题考查的就是倍数表达法中较为常见的一种:倍数+the size/amount/length/width/depth/weight等抽象名词+of…:The earth is 49 times the size of the moon. 其他几种常见的倍数表达法有:倍数+as+adj/adv+as;倍数+adj/adv比较级+than;65. Which of the following sentences expresses "probability(可


A. You must leave immediately.

B. You must be feeling rather tired.

C. You must be here by eight o'clock.

D. You must complete the reading assignment on time.

答案:B. 考查情态动词的用法。must作为情态动词除了表示命令、必须等意思之外,还有表示肯定推测,可能会怎么样的意思。A:你必须离开;C:你必须8点前到这儿;D:你必须按时完成阅读作业。如上三个意思均为“肯定、必须”。B:你一定感到很累了。表示肯定的判断,表示可能性,故选B。

66. When he first started in university, he really felt at _____ with his major --- economics.

A. shore

B. bank

C. ocean

D. sea

答案:D. at sea是固定搭配,表示“茫然,不知所措”。句意:他开始上大学时对自己所学的经济学专业确实感到很茫然。

67. On the road motorists should be aware of cyclists and be ____ towards them.

A. considerable

B. considering

C. considerate

D. considered

答案:C. 同一词根衍生出来的形容词辨析。considerate意为“考虑他人的,体恤别人的,考虑周详的”=thoughtful;considerable意为“相当的,可观的,数目庞大的”(可以巧记,字母多一个,所以数量大);considered和considering分别是动词consider的过去分词和现在分词,不符语境,不做形容词,故排除。句意:在路上,开车者应该注意并考虑到骑车的人。

68. Sally was a bit shy, but the teacher found her quite ____ discussing a recent film with others.

A. at home

B. at most

C. at house

D. at heart

答案:A. at home意为“舒适。无拘束”;at most意为“最多,不超过”;at heart意为“在内心里,在本质上”;at house不是固定搭配。句意:萨利有点儿害羞,但是老师发现她在和别人讨论一部新电影时非常从容。

69. The company has capitalized _____ the error of judgment made by its business competitor.

A. in

B. over

C. with

D. on

答案:D. capitalize on是固定搭配,意为“利用”(充分利用某事物;从某事物中获利;投机倒把;自恃);句意:该公司利用了商业竞争者判断的失误。capitalize用大写字母写或印刷;使…资本化;估计…的价值;把…定为首都。

70. Tim has failed three courses this semester, so he will have to _____ them next semester.

A. remake

B. repeat

C. reapply

D. revise

答案:B. repeat:重复;remake:重新制作;reapply:重新申请;revise:修改。根据常识考试不及格需要重新课程。句意:蒂姆这学期三门课考试不及格,因此他下学期不得不重修。

71. Keep this reference book; it may come in _____ one day.

A. handy

B. useful

C. convenient

D. helpful

A. come in handy意为“迟早会有用,派上用场”;其他几个词与come in无搭配。句意:留着这本参考书,哪天可能会派上用场。

72. The questions that the speaker raised were well ____ the average adult.

A. past

B. on

C. beyond

D. through

答案:C. beyond意为“为…所不能及,多于,超出”,其他介词无此义项。句意:一般人实在无法理解这个讲话者提出的问题。

73. Teachers in this school were encouraged to use drama as a(n) _____ of learning.

A. design

B. instrument

C. agency

D. tool

答案:D. tool既可指抽象意义上的工具,也可以指实物。instrument特指专业人员如医生和牙医使用的要求极高精度的仪器,如听诊器或超声波钻等;句意丝毫学习工具,故选tool。design意为“设计”,agency意为“代理”,均不符合题意。句意:这个学校的老师受到鼓励,将戏剧用作学习工具。

74. First, we need to find out what his scheme is, and then act _____.

A. sensitively

B. imaginatively

C. efficiently

D. accordingly

答案:D. accordingly意为“相应地,因此”;sensitively意为“敏感地”;imaginatively意为


75. At first Jim was not quite clear what he was going to do after university, but now he seems_____ on becoming a computer programmer.

A. fit

B. set

C. disposed

D. decided

答案:B. set on“着手,打定主意做”;fit on“装上,穿上”;dispose不与on搭配;decide on “决定”。句意:最初吉姆不知道自己大学毕业后干什么,但是现在他似乎决定成为计算机程序员了。dispose 处理,处置;安排。dispose of解决;将(某物)处理掉;驳倒;将(某物)吃光喝完。

76. When invited to talk about his achievements, he refused to blow his own _____ and declined to speak at the meeting.

A. trumpet

B. whistle

C. bugle

D. flute

答案:A. blow one’s own trumpet为固定搭配,意思是“自吹自擂,自我标榜”=blow one’s own horn。whistle意为“口哨”;bugle意为“喇叭”;flute意为“长笛”,均不能与blow 构成固定搭配。句意:被邀请谈自己的成就时,他拒绝自吹自擂,拒绝在会上发言。decline 衰退,谢绝(邀请等),(在品格、价值上)降低;衰落。

77. In spite of the treatment, the pain in his leg grew in .

A. gravity

B. extent

C. intensity

D. amount

答案:C. intensity意为“强度,强烈”;gravity意为“重力,严重”;extent意为“范围,程度”;amount用来指不可数名词的数量。这里句中的treatment与后面的grew in intensity正好构成让步关系。句意:他尽管得到治疗,腿上的疼痛还是加剧了。

78. Bus services between Town Centre and Newton Housing Estate will be _____ until the motorway is repaired.

A. discontinued

B. suspended

C. halted

D. ceased

答案:B. suspend意为“暂停,中止”,是指正是让某事停下来,通常是短时间暂停;discontinue 是“停下”,强调的是结果,不涉及停多久的问题;cease也是停下的意思,不涉及时间长短,故选B。句意:在高速公路修复好之前,往返于市中心和牛顿住宅区的巴士服务暂停。79. The moon, being much nearer to the Earth than the Sun, is

the ____ cause of the tides.

A. principal

B. basic

C. initial

D. elementary

答案:A. principal意为“主要的”;basic意为“基础的”;initial意为“最初的”;elementary 意为“基本的”。后三个词都没有体现出潮汐出现的主因是月亮这层含义,故选A。句意:月亮距离地球比太阳近得多,它是引起潮汐的主要原因。principal(adj. 最重要的;主要的)(n. 首长,负责人).

80. Teddy came to my ____ with a cheque of $200 to pay my room rate, after I phoned him that my wallet had been stolen. A.attendance B. assistance C. rescue D. safety

答案:C. attendance: 出席, 出席的人数, 伺候, 照料;come (go) to sb.’s assistance:给某人以帮助;come (go) to sb.’s rescue:进行援救, 营救某人,通常指搭救受到监禁、攻击或死亡威胁的人。safety: 安全, 保险。句意:在我打电话给泰德告诉钱包被偷了之后,他带着200美金的支票来帮我,为我付了房租。51















1999年英语专业四级考试全真试卷及答案 一、听力 Part ⅡDICTATION[15 MIN.] Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage w ill be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seco nds. The last reading will he read at normal speed again and during this time yo u should check your work. You will then be given 2 minutes to check through your work once more. Please write the whole passage on Answer Sheet Two. Part ⅢLISTENING COMPREHENSION[20 MIN.] In Sections A, B and C you will hear everything once only. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your answer sheet. SECTION A STATEMENT In this section you will hear eight statements. At the end of each statement you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following eight questions.


2009年6月英语四级考试真题与答案真题: Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: F or this part, you are allowed 30 minute to write a short essay on the topic of students selecting their lectures. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given bellow: 1. 越来越多的博物馆免费对外开放的目的是什么? 2. 也会带来一些问题 3. 你的看法? Free admission to museums Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1.For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C) and D). For questions 8-10, complete the

sentences with the information given in the passage. How Do You See Diversity? As a manager, Tiffany is responsible for interviewing applicants for some of the positions with her company .During one interview, she noticed that the candidate never made direct eye contact. She was puzzled and somewhat disappointed because she liked the individual otherwise. He had a perfect resume and gave good responses to her questions, but the fact that he never looked her in the eye said “untrustworthy,” so she decided to offer the job to her second choice. “It wasn’t until I attended a diversity workshop that I realized the person we passed over was the perfect person,” Tiffany confesses. What she hadn’t known at the time of the interview was that the candidate’s “different” behavior was simply a cultural misunde rstanding . He was an Asian-American raised in a household where respect for those in authority was shown by averting(避开) your eyes. “I was just thrown off by the lack of ye contact; not realizing it was cultural,” Tiffany says. “I missed out ,but will not miss that opportunity again.” Many of us have had similar encounters with behaviors we perceive


2017年12月大学英语四级真题及答案(第三套) Part I Writing (25 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay onhow to best handle the relationshop between teachers and students. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Part II Listening Comprehension (25 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard. 1. A) Her friend Erika. C) Her grandfather.


TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2013) —GRADE FOUR— TIME LIMIT: 130 MIN PART 3 CLOZE 15 MIN Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. Mark the best choice for each blank on Answer Sheet Two. Everyone knows that taxation is necessary in a modern state: without it, it (31) _____ not be po ssible to pay the soldiers and policemen who protect us; (32) _____ the workers in government of fices who (33) _____ our health, our food, our water, and all the other things that we cannot do for ourselves. (34) _____ taxation, we pay for things that we need just (35) _____ we need somewhe re to live and something to eat. But (36) _____ everyone knows that taxation is necessary, differe nt people have different ideas about (37)____ taxation should be arranged. In most countries, a direct tax on (38) _____, which is called income tax, (39) _____. It is arrang ed in such (40)______ that the poorest people pay nothing, and the percentage of tax grows (41) _ ___ as the taxpayer's income grows. In some countries, for example, the tax on the richest people (42)______ as high as ninety-five per cent! (43) _____ countries with taxation nearly (44) _____ have indirect taxation too. Many things imported into the country have to pay taxes or “duties.”Of course, it is the men and women who buy these imported things in the shops (45)______ really have to pay the duties, in the (46) ______ of higher prices. In some countries, (47) _____, there is a tax on things sold in the shops. If the most necessary things are taxed, a lot of money is (48) _ ___ but the poor people suffer most. If unnecessary things (49)___ jewels and fur coats are taxed, less money is obtained but the tax is (50) ______ as the rich pay it. Probably this last kind of indirect tax, together with a direct tax on incomes which is low for the p oor and high for the rich, is the best arrangement. PART 4 GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY 15 MIN There are thirty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Mark your an swers on Answer Sheet Two. 51. Facing the board of directors, he didn?t deny ________ breaking the agreement. A. him B. it C. his D. its 52. Xinchun returned from aboard a different man. The italicized part functions as a (n) ______. A. appositive (同位语) B. object C. adverbial D. complement. 53. Which of the following is a compound word (复合词)? ______. A. Nonsmoker. B. Deadline. C. Meanness.


PART I DICTATION (原文) What is a dream for One theory is that we dream to release the deep, secret desires. We do not express these desires in real life because of the rules of polite society. Another theory is that dreams allow us to solve problems that we can?t solve in real life. We go to sleep with a problem and wake up with the solution. This may be a way to use our dreams rather than a purpose of dreaming. If you believe that your dreams are important then analyzing them may help you to focus on the problem and help you to find the solution. The modern image is that dreams are the brain?s way of cleaning up the computer?s hard disk. Dreams organize the events of the day into folders and delete what is not needed. But we all know that very little of what we dream is concerned with what happened to us that day. PART II LISTENING COMPREHENSION [20 MIN] SECTION A CONVERSATIONS In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the conversation. 1. According to the conversation, an example of “Christmas trimmings” could be A. presents. B. fruits. C. sauce. D. meat. 2. A Christmas lunch would include all the following EXCEPT A. roast turkey. B. sweet potatoes. C. meat. D. carrots. 3. Why did Helen come to Rob?s house? A. She wanted to talk to Rob. B. She had come to help Rob. C. She had been invited to lunch. D. She was interested in cooking.


大学英语四级考试真题及答案(绝对完整) Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minute to write a short essay on the topic of students selecting their lectures. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given bellow: 1. 越来越多的博物馆免费对外开放的目的是什么? 2. 也会带来一些问题 3. 你的看法? Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes)Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C) and D). For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. How Do You See Diversity? As a manager, Tiffany is responsible for interviewing applicants for some of the positions with her company .During one interview, she noticed that the candidate never made direct eye contact. She was puzzled and somewhat disappointed because she liked the individual otherwise. He had a perfect resume and gave good responses to her questions, but the fact that he never looked her in the eye said “untrustworthy,” so she decided to offer the job to her second choice. “It wasn’t until I attended a diversity workshop that I realized the person we passed over was the perfect person,” Tiffany confesses. What she hadn’t known at the time of the interview was that the candidate’s “different” behavior was simply a cultural misunderstanding . He was an Asian-American raised in a household where respect for those in authority was shown by averting(避开) your eyes. “I was just thrown off by the lack of ye contact; not realizing it was cultural,” Tiffany says. “I missed out ,but will not miss that opportunity again.” Many of us have had similar encounters with behaviors we perceive as different. As the world becomes smaller and our workplaces more diverse, it is becoming essential to expand our under-standing of others and to reexamine some of our false assumptions . Hire Advantage At a time when hiring qualified people is becoming more difficult ,employers who can eliminate invalid biases(偏爱) from the process have a distinct advantage .My company, Mindsets LLC ,helps organizations and individuals see their own blind spots . A real estate recruiter we worked with illustrates the positive difference such training can make .


2013年12月英语四级真题 作文一: For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief account of the impact of the Internet on the way people communicate and then explain whether electronic communication can replace face-to-face contact.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. “Dear Andy-How are you? Your mother and I are fine.We both miss you and hope you are doing well.We look forward to seeing you again the nest time your computer crashes and you come down-stairs for something to eat,Love,Mom and Dad.” 作文二: For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief account of the impact of the Internet on learning and then explain why doesn’t simply mean learning to obtain information. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


2013英语专业四级真题语法、完型填空题及解析 【完形填空原文】 Everyone knows that taxation is necessary in a modern state: Without it, it would not be possible to pay the soldiers and policemen who protect us;nor the workers in government offices who look after our health, our food, our water, and all the other things that we cannot do for ourselves;nor the ministers and members of parliament(国会) who govern the country for us. By means of taxation, we pay for things that we need just as much as we need somewhere to live and something to eat. But everyone knows that taxation is necessary, different people have different ideas about how taxation should be arranged. Should each person have to pay a certain amount of money to the government each year? Or should there be tax on things that people buy and sell? If the first kind of taxation is used, should everyone pay the same tax, whether he is rich or poor? If the second kind of tax is preferred, should everything be taxed equally? In most countries, a direct tax on persons, which is called income tax, exists. It is arranged in such a way that the poorest people pay nothing, and the percentage of tax grows greater as the taxpayer’s income grows. In England, for example, the tax on the richest people goes up as high as ninety-five percent! But countries with direct taxation nearly always have indirect taxation too. Many things imported into the country have to pay taxes or “duties”. Of course, it is the men and women who buy these imported things in the shops who really have to pay the duties, in the form of higher prices. In some countries, too, there is a tax on things sold in the shops. If the most necessary things are taxed, a lot of money is collected, but the poor people suffer most. If unnecessary things like jewels and fur coats are taxed, less money is got but the tax is fairer, as the rich pay it. Probably this last kind of indirect tax, together with a direct tax on incomes which is low for the poor and high for the rich, is the best arrangement. 【语法题真题及解析】 51. Facing the board of directors,he didn't deny __________ breaking the agreement. A. him B. it C. his D. its 解析:本题考查动名词的逻辑主语。动名词可以有自己的逻辑(意义)主语,一般可以用名词所有格Tom‘s,代词宾格如him(口语),书面语情况下一般用物主代词his,their。本题选C,但我还是要吐槽,因为根本就不需要多此一举添加his, he didn't


2017年6月英语四级真题 作文一: For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief account of the impact of the Internet on the way people communicate and then explain whether electronic communication can replace face-to-face contact.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. “Dear Andy-How are you? Your mother and I are fine.We both miss you and hope you are doing well.We look forward to seeing you again the nest time your computer crashes and you come down-stairs for something to eat,Love,Mom and Dad.” 作文二: For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief account of the impact of the Internet on learning and then explain why doesn’t simply mean learning to obtain information. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


2014-2019历年大学英语四级真题及答案 2014年6月大学英语四级考试真题 Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the following question. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Suppose a foreign friend of yours is coming to visit China, what is the first place you would like to take him/her to see and why? Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C)and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. 1. A)The man should visit the museums. B)She can’t stand the hot weather. C)The beach resort is a good choice. D)She enjoys staying in Washington. 2. A)Her new responsibilities in the company. B)What her job prospects are. C)What the customers’ feedbac k is. D)The director’s opinion of her work. 3. A)Combine her training with dieting. B)Repeat the training every three days. C)Avoid excessive physical training. D)Include weightlifting in the program. 4. A)When she will return home. B)Whether she can go by herself. C)Whether she can travel by air. D)When she will completely recover. 5. A)The woman knows how to deal with the police. B)The woman had been fined many times before. C)The woman had violated traffic regulations. D)The woman is good at finding excuses. 6. A)Switch off the refrigerator for a while. B)Have someone repair the refrigerator. C)Ask the man to fix the refrigerator. D)Buy a refrigerator of better quality. 7. A)He owns a piece of land in the downtown area. B)He has got enough money to buy a house. C)He can finally do what he has dreamed of. D)He is moving into a bigger apartment. 8. A)She is black and blue all over. B)She has to go to see a doctor. C)She stayed away from work for a few days. D)She got hurt in an accident yesterday.


PART III CLOZE [15 MIN] Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. Mark the best choice for each blank on Answer Sheet Two. Everyone knows that taxation is necessary in a modern state: without it, it (31) ______ not be possible to pay the soldiers and policemen who protect us; (32) ______ the workers in government offices who (33) ______ our health, our food, our water, and all the other things that we cannot do for ourselves. (34) ______ taxation, we pay for things that we need just (35) ______ we need somewhere to live and something to eat. But (36) ______ everyone knows that taxation is necessary, different people have different ideas about (37) ______ taxation should be arranged. In most countries, a direct tax on (38) ______, which is called income tax, (39) ______. It is arranged in such (40) ______ that the poorest people pay nothing, and the percentage of tax grows (41) ______ as the taxpayer's income grows. In some countries, for example, the tax on the richest people (42) ______ as high as ninety-five per cent! (43) ______ countries with taxation nearly (44) ______ have indirect taxation too. Many things imported into the country have to pay taxes or “duties.” Of course, it is the men and women who buy these imported things in the shops (45) ______ really have to pay the duties, in the (46) ______ of higher prices. In some countries, (47) ______, there is a tax on things sold in the shops. If the most necessary things are taxed, a lot of money is (48) ______ but the poor people suffer most. If unnecessary things (49) ______ jewels and fur coats are taxed, less money is obtained but the tax is (50) ______, as the rich pay it. 31. A. can B. may C. could D. would 32. A. nor B. neither C. never D. not 33. A. look into B. look over C. look after D. look through 34. A. In accordance with B. By means of C. With reference to D. On account of 35. A. as well as B. as good as C. as such as D. as much as 36. A. if B. when C. though D. as 38. A. persons B. sectors C. communities D. classes 39. A. remains B. stays C. exists D. happens 40. A. form B. way C. measure D. method 41. A. quicker B. speedier C. more D. larger 42. A. grows up B. increases up C. goes up D. lifts up 43. A. But B. Consequently C. Similarly D. And 44. A. periodically B. almost C. often D. always 45. A. which B. who C. what D. whom 46. A. manner B. form C. means D. way 47. A. either B. also C. too D. often 48. A. lent B. saved C. borrowed D. collected 49. A. alike B. like C. as D. for 50. A. heavier B. fairer C. finer D. better PART IV GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY [15 MIN] There are thirty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Mark your answers on Answer Sheet Two. 51. Facing the board of directors, he didn’t deny __________ breaking the agreement. A. him B. it C. his D. its 52. Xinchun returned from aboard a different man. The italicized part functions as a (n) __________. A. appositive (同位语) B. object C. adverbial D. complement. 53. Which of the following is a compound word (复合词)? A. Nonsmoker. B. Deadline. C. Meanness. D. Misfit. 54. Which of the following sentences contains subjunctive mood? A. Lucy insisted that her son get home before 5 o’clock?
