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Meta分析软件—RevMan5.0使用指南Review Manager5Tutorial


Welcome to the RevMan Tutorial.This tutorial is designed to give Cochrane review authors an introduction to the process of writing a Cochrane systematic review of a healthcare intervention using RevMan.


The tutorial does not provide all the information necessary to write a Cochrane review,and does not address other types of Cochrane systematic reviews such as reviews of diagnostic test accuracy studies or overviews of reviews.For detailed instructions on how to conduct a Cochrane systematic review of an intervention,please refer to the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions,available from the RevMan Help menu.

这个指南没有提供写一篇Cochrane综述所需的所有信息,也没有探讨其他类型研究的系统综述,如诊断精确性试验(diagnostic test accuracy studies)和综述的评价(overviews of reviews)。获取如何写一篇干预措施的Cochrane系统综述的更多信息,请参考RevMan帮助(Help)菜单下的“Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions”。

Later parts of this tutorial rely on activities completed in the earlier sections,so we recommend you start working from the beginning.If you would like to skip ahead,click on the section you would like to read in the Contents list.


If you have technical questions regarding RevMan software,please contact the Cochrane Information Management System team at https://www.sodocs.net/doc/f63838188.html,/RevMan.Other questions related to preparing protocols or reviews in RevMan should be directed to the relevant Cochrane Review Group.

如果有关于RevMan软件的技术问题,请在https://www.sodocs.net/doc/f63838188.html,/RevMan联系Cochrane信息管理系统小组(Cochrane Information Management System team)。其他关于RevMan准备方案或综述的问题,请联系有关的Cochrane评价小组(Cochrane Review Group)。

Note:The results reported in this tutorial are fictional and were created by the authors.To find current information on the effects of an intervention,please refer to https://www.sodocs.net/doc/f63838188.html,.注意:该使用指南中报告的结果是假设的,数据由作者杜撰。查询目前有关一个干预措施效果的信息,请登录https://www.sodocs.net/doc/f63838188.html,。

PART1–Getting started


Opening your review


Setting up user details


The RevMan5interface


Saving a review


Adding authors to a review


Opening your review


All Cochrane reviews are stored in Archie,The Cochrane Collaboration’s online database.When you have registered a review with a Cochrane Review Group,they will set up a user account for you in Archie.To work on your review,you will need to find your review online in Archie and check it out into RevMan using the Check Out button on the toolbar.

所有的Cochrane综述都存在Cochrane协作组的网上数据库——Archie中。当你注册成为某个Cochrane综述小组(Cochrane Review Group)成员时,你会获得登录Archie的账户。为了开始你的综述,你需要在Archie数据库中找到你的综述,下载在RevMan中使用,完成后再点击工具栏上的“Check Out”按钮上传综述。

For this tutorial we will use a sample review called‘Caffeine for daytime drowsiness’.Instead of checking the review out of Archie,it has been provided as an additional file with RevMan5.

在本教程中,我们将使用名为“Caffeine for daytime drowsiness”的示例。它是RevMan5的附加文件,不需要从Archie中下载。

1.From the File menu,select Open,or click the Open button on the toolbar.


2.Find the folder where RevMan was installed on your computer.If you are using Windows and accepted the default installation location,this will be C:\\Program Files\Review Manager5.

2找到RevMan在你的电脑中的安装目录。如果你使用的是Windows系统,默认安装目录为C:\\Program Files\Review Manager5。

3.Open the doc folder,and then the tutorial folder.


4.Select the file‘Caffeine for daytime drowsiness.rm5’.

4选择文件“Caffeine for daytime drowsiness.rm5”。

5.Click Open.


Note:It is possible to create a new review in RevMan by selecting New from the File menu,or clicking the New button on the toolbar.Be aware that if you create a review yourself,you cannot check it into Archie or use it for publication in The Cochrane Library.


Setting up user details


If you will be using RevMan regularly on the same computer,you may wish to enter your user details(such as your name).RevMan will attach these user details to any editing done using track changes so that co-authors and editors can easily identify who has made the changes.Open your user details by selecting Preferences from the Tools menu.Enter your name directly or click Choose to find your details in Archie.

如果你经常在同一台电脑上使用RevMan,你最好输入你的用户详细信息(比如,你的姓名)。在RevMan中,使用追踪改变(track changes)编辑功能时,你的信息会附在每个改变上,这样其他的共同作者就会清楚是谁作出的改变。在工具(Tools)菜单下选择“Preferences”可以编辑你的用户信息。直接输入你的姓名或者点击“Choose”在Archie寻找你的用户信息。

Note:You will need to set up RevMan access to Archie via the internet.In the Preferences window, open the Connection tab.Click the Wizard button to set up your connection,or enter your Archie user name and password directly and click the Test button to check the connection.You may need to enter proxy server details.Consult the RevMan5Help or your local IT support for more information.


The RevMan5interface


When a review is open in RevMan5,you will see there are two separate window panes that interact with each other as you navigate through the different sections of a review.The pane on the left hand side shows the outline of a review.This is referred to as the outline pane.The area on the right hand side shows all the information contained in a review.This is referred to as the content pane.The content pane will usually show the text of your review,but can also contain additional tabs for results,figures,etc.

当一个综述在RevMan5中打开后,当你浏览综述的不同部分时,会发现有两个相互联系但分离的窗口面板(window panes)。左边的面板显示综述的大纲。该面板称为大纲面板(outline pane)。右边的面板显示综述中的所有信息。该面板称为内容面板(content pane)。内容面板(content pane)通常显示综述的文本,但是也包括额外的标签页,如结果、图像等。

In the outline pane,you can use the key icon next to each heading to expand and collapse subheadings.In the content pane,use the symbol.

在大纲面板(outline pane),你可以使用标题旁边的钥匙图标展开到子标题。在内容面板(content pane)中,则使用标题旁边的加号图标。

RevMan allows you to change the appearance of the interface by selecting Preferences from the Tools menu and going to the Interface tab.The default Look and Feel of the interface is Metal.All screen captures presented in this tutorial display the Metal look and feel.It is also possible to set language and spelling options in the Preferences window.

你可以在工具(Tools)菜单下“Preferences”的“Interface”选项卡中自定义RevMan的界面。默认的“Look and Feel”界面为“Metal”。本教程中的截图都是“Metal”主题。在“Preferences”中,你还可以选择语言以及拼写。

By default,your new review is at the protocol stage,indicating that you are planning the methods for a review.Sections of a review that are not required at the protocol stage(but will be needed later for your completed review)appear as inactive(light grey)in both the outline pane and the

content pane.

在默认情况下,你的综述处于方案阶段(protocol stage),这说明你在为综述准备方法。一些综述部分在方案阶段(protocol stage)并不需要(但是,在完整的综述中时必需的),其在大纲面板(outline pane)和内容面板(content pane)中显示为撤销状态(浅灰)。

When you undertake a Cochrane review,the protocol must be completed and submitted for publication before moving on to the review stage.For this tutorial,to convert the file from the protocol stage to review stage,use the following directions:

当你撰写Cochrane综述时,在综述阶段(review stage)前,你必须完成和提交方案。在本教程中,使用以下步骤,将综述从方案阶段(protocol stage)转为综述阶段(review stage):

1.Click the Properties button in the top-right of the content pane.

1点击内容面板(content pane)右上角的“Properties”按钮。

2.In the Properties window,select the General tab.


3.Note the automatically generated Version Number–this number will change each time the review is checked into Archie.Note that you do not need a separate Review Number unless your Review Group provides one.

3注意此时自动生成版本号(Version Number)——该号码在综述每次上传到Archie中后会改变。注意除非你的综述小组(Review Group)提供给你综述号(Review Number),你就不必填写该号码。

4.Enter the Version Description‘First draft’.When choosing a version description,make sure it is brief and clearly indicates what’s different about this draft,e.g.‘Edited by[your initials]’or ‘Methods section complete’.

4在“Version Description”中输入“First draft”。在选择版本描述(version description)时,请确认使用简短而清楚的话说明该版本有什么改变,比如“Edited by[your initials]”或“Methods section complete”。

5.For the Stage,select Full Review.

5在“Stage”,选择“Full Review”。

6.Click OK.Note that all of the section headings of the review are now activated for inclusion (there are no light grey section headings).

6点击“OK”。注意综述的部分标题(section headings)被纳入激活了(不再存在浅灰的部分标题)。

Saving a review


When you have finished working on a review from Archie,we recommend that you always save the review by checking it back into Archie using the Check In button on the toolbar.This

ensures the most recent version of your review is safely stored and can always be accessed from Archie by your co-authors and editors.

当你完成从Archie下载下来的综述后,最好使用工具栏上“Check In”按钮将其上传回Archie。这样可以保证你的综述的最新版本被安全地保存,其他共同作者和编辑也可以从Archie下载该综述。

We recommend that you do not keep saved reviews on your computer,to avoid confusion with different versions.Be careful not to use a version of your review from your computer if a more recent version is available in Archie.If for some reason you do need to save a review to your computer,such as this tutorial review which is not from Archie,go to the File menu and select Save As,or click the Save button on the toolbar.You can open a saved review by going to the File menu and selecting Open,or clicking the Open button on the toolbar.

我们不建议你把综述保存在你的电脑中,一面发生版本混乱。记住如果可以从Archie获得最新的版本,就不要使用你电脑中的版本。在某些情况下,你必须把综述存在你的电脑中,比如,该教程的综述不是来自Archie,点击文件(File)菜单下的“Save As”,或者点击工具栏上的“Save”按钮。如果要打开一个已保存的文件,点击点击文件(File)菜单下的“Open”,或者点击工具栏上的“Open”按钮。

RevMan also creates automatic backups of your review.See the Help menu for information on retrieving a backup file.


Adding authors to a review


For a real review,your Review Group will add your name as an author of the review when they create the file,along with any known co-authors.You may wish to add additional authors later.

在真实的综述中,你的综述小组(Review Group)在创建综述时,会把你的名字和其他已知共同作者的名字添加为综述的作者。但是,你也许会增加额外的作者。

There are two ways to add authors to a review:


?Add an author based on their record in Archie–this option allows you to add authors who are already listed in the Archie database.You will need to have internet access and an Archie user account for this option.


?Add a local record(name only)that can be linked to Archie later–this option allows you to add authors that are not yet listed in Archie.


1.In the content pane,click the icon next to the Review information heading to show further subheadings.

1在内容面板(content pane),点击“Review information”左边的加号图标展开子标题。

2.Click the icon to open the Authors section.Note that three authors have already been added to this review.


3.In the outline pane,click the key icon next to Review information.

3在大纲面板(outline pane),点击点击“Review information”旁边的钥匙图标。

4.Select the Authors heading.


5.Click the Add Author button on the outline pane toolbar to open the New Author Wizard.

5点击大纲面板工具栏(outline pane toolbar)上的“Add Author”按钮,打开“New Author Wizard”对话框。

6.Select Add a local record(name only)that can be linked to Archie later.Click Next.

6选择“Add a local record(name only)that can be linked to Archie later”,点击下一步(Next)。

7.Enter your name in the First Name and Family Name fields.


8.Click Finish.You will now see your name listed next to the other authors of the review.Note that no affiliation is available for your name.Affiliations can only be added from records in Archie.


Under the author details in both the outline and content panes you will note that a Contact person can be specified for the review.By default,this is the first author,but another person(who may or may not be an author of the review)can be nominated by selecting the Contact person heading in the outline pane and clicking the Edit Contact Person button on the outline pane toolbar.The contact person must be listed in Archie.

在大纲和内容面板(outline and content panes)下的作者细节,你会发现可以给综述添加特定的通讯作者(Contact person)。通常,这个作者为第一作者,但是其他作者(可能是或不是综述作者)也能作为通讯作者(Contact person)。选择大纲面板(outline pane)中的“Contact person”标题,点击大纲面板工具栏(outline pane toolbar)上的“Edit Contact Person”按钮,即可推荐通讯作者(Contact person)。通讯作者(Contact person)只能是Archie中已有的作者。

Note:To add new people to Archie or to make changes to contact details,please contact your Review Group Co-ordinator.

注意:在Archie中添加新作者或者改变已有作者的信息,请联系你所在综述小组(Review Group)协调员。

PART2–Working with text


Adding text to a review


Formatting text


Making changes to headings


Adding notes


Tracking changes in the text


Checking your spelling


Adding text to a review


Text can be copied and pasted from a word processor document,imported as an html file or typed directly into RevMan.


1.In the content pane,if it is not already expanded,click the icon next to the Background heading.

1在内容面板(content pane)中,如果需要的部分没有展开,点击“Background”标题左边的加号图标。

2.Click the icon next to the Description of the condition heading.A blank line will open under the heading.

2点击“Description of the condition”标题左边的加号图标。标题下降出现一个空白行。

3.Click to place the cursor in the blank line and type“Daytime drowsiness is a common problem that affects productivity and quality of life.”

3把光标移到空白行,输入“Daytime drowsiness is a common problem that affects productivity and quality of life.”

Formatting text


RevMan text formatting options are available from the toolbar,including bold,italics, underline,superscript,subscript,and highlighting text similar to most other word processing software.You cannot change the font or type size,as these are standard for all Cochrane reviews.


The Insert Symbol button allows you to insert symbols into the text of the review,including in tables and author names.You can also insert a non-breaking space.

点击“Insert Symbol”按钮可以让你在表格、作者等综述文本插入符号。使用“Insert Symbol”,你还可以插入不间断空格(non-breaking space)。

RevMan also allows bulleted and numbered lists,including multi-level lists.

在RevMan中,你可以使用项目符号和编号列表(bulleted and numbered lists),其中可以创建多层次列表。

Making changes to headings


RevMan includes the standard headings for a complete Cochrane review,but new headings can be added and some standard headings can be deactivated.



1.In the outline pane,click the key icon next to Main text to reveal the subheadings.

1在大纲面板(outline pane),点击“Main text”旁边的钥匙图标,显示标题。

2.Click the key icon next to Background.


3.Any heading with the icon is optional and can be deactivated.Right-click the How the intervention might work heading and select Deactivate Heading(alternatively,select the heading How the intervention might work then click the button on the outline pane toolbar and select Deactivate Heading from the drop down menu).

3带有图标的标题都是可选的,可以被撤销。右击“How the intervention might work”标题,选择“Deactivate Heading”。(或者,选择“How the intervention might work”标题,然后点击大纲工具栏(outline pane toolbar)上最后面的小三角图标,从下拉框中选择“Deactivate Heading”。)

4.Note that the heading appears deactivated(light grey)in the outline pane and the text of the heading has been removed from the content pane.

4注意在大纲面板(outline pane)中,这个标题以撤销的形式出现(浅灰),并且从内容面板(content pane)消失。

5.In the content pane,click to place the cursor at the end of the text in the Description of the condition section and press Enter to create a new line.

5在内容面板(content pane),将光标置于“Description of the condition”部分的最后,按下“Enter”键创建新的一行。

6.On the toolbar,you will see a drop-down box showing the text style currently in use.By default, text is in the Normal style.Click the drop-down arrow and select Heading3.

6在工具栏,你可以看到一个下拉框在显示文本目前使用的样式。默认样式为普通样式(Normal style)。点击下拉框,选择“Heading3”。

7.Type the text‘International context’.Note that formatting of Heading3is bold and italics.

7输入文本“International context”。注意“Heading3”样式为加粗和倾斜。

8.Press Enter again.Note that the new blank line is in the Normal style again.

8再次按下“Enter”键。注意新建的一行还是普通样式(Normal style)。

Adding notes


You can add notes to assist in drafting the review.These notes will not appear in the published version of the review.


1.In the content pane,make sure the cursor is still in the Background section.

1在内容面板(content pane),把光标移动到“Background”部分。

2.Click the Notes button on the outline pane toolbar(NOT the Notes button in the content pane). This will open the Notes window.

2点击大纲面板工具栏(outline pane toolbar)上的“Notes”按钮(不是内容面板上的“Notes”按钮)。这会打开“Notes”窗口。

3.Enter a note,‘This text needs revision.’You will see the user details you entered in the Preferences window at the beginning of the tutorial appears at the bottom of the Notes window.

3输入笔记“This text needs revision.’在“Notes”窗口底部将会出现该教程一开始就输入的用户信息。

4.Click the Close button to save the note and close the window.


5.A yellow Note icon appears next to the relevant heading in both the content pane and outline pane.

5一个黄色笔记图标将出现在内容面板(content pane)和大纲面板(outline pane)的相关标题旁。

6.To see all the notes for a review while you are working,go to the View menu and select Notes.

A separate window pane will appear below the content pane showing the notes for each section.

6在写综述时,可以在查看(View)菜单下选择笔记(Notes)查看所有的笔记。在内容面板(content pane)下出现分离的窗口显示不同部分的笔记。

7.In the content pane,click to place the cursor back in the Background section.The notes area will automatically display the note you have entered in that section.

7把光标移动到内容面板(content pane)的“Background”部分,这部分的笔记将自动出现在下面的分离窗口中。

8.Click the icon at the top left of the notes area to minimise it,or go to the View menu and select Notes to close the notes pane.

8点击分离窗口左上角的图标来最小化笔记区域,或者在查看(View)菜单下选择笔记(Notes)来关闭笔记面板(notes pane)。

9.In the content pane,click the Note icon to open the Notes window again.

9点击内容面板(content pane)上的“Note”按钮再次打开“Notes”窗口。

10.Click Delete to delete the note.


Tracking changes in the text


RevMan has a Track Changes system to help you manage editing in the text.

RevMan提供追踪改变系统(Track Changes system)来帮助你进行编辑文本时的管理。

1.From the Tools menu,select Track Changes,or click the Track Changes button on the toolbar. Note that the Track Changes button is now activated.

1在工具(Tools)菜单下选择“Track Changes”或者点击工具栏上的“Track Changes”按钮。注意“Track Changes”按钮已被激活。

2.In the content pane,go to the Background section and replace the word‘problem’with the word ‘condition’.The old text will appear in red with a line through it,and the new text will appear in green.

2在内容面板(content pane)的“Background”部分,将单词“problem”改为“condition”。旧单词将变为红色,并有一条删除线,而新单词则显示为绿色。

3.In the same section of the review,change the word‘productivity’to‘function’.Leave the cursor in the text after your changes.


4.From the Tools menu,select Accept or Reject Changes.This will open the Accept or Reject Changes window.

4在工具(Tools)菜单下选择“Accept or Reject Changes”。这会打开“Accept or Reject Changes”窗口。

5.In the window you just opened,click the Find button with the arrow pointing left to search backwards toward the beginning of your document.


6.The first change found will be the word‘function’.The word will be highlighted in the content pane.You may need to move the Accept or Reject Changes window out of the way to see the highlighted section of text.Click Accept to accept the change.

6第一找到的改变为单词“function”。这个单词在内容面板(content pane)中被强调显示。你可能需要移动“Accept or Reject Changes”窗口来查看强调的文字。点击“Accept”接受这个改变。

7.RevMan will automatically find the next change and highlight the relevant text.Click Accept again to accept the deletion of the word‘productivity’.


8.Reject the rest of the changes you made by clicking the Reject All button.

8点击“Reject All”按钮来拒绝余下的改变。

9.Click OK.


10.In the content pane,change the word‘problem’to‘condition’again.

10在内容面板(content pane),把单词“problem”再次改为“condition”。

11.Hover the mouse pointer over the change.A popup message will appear showing the user details and when the change was made.


12.Right-click each change(both the added word and deleted word)and select Accept Change.

12右击每个改变(增加和删除的单词),选择“Accept Change”。

13.Turn off the Track Changes feature by clicking the Track Changes button on the toolbar.

13点击工具栏上的“Track Changes”按钮,关闭追踪改变(Track Changes)功能。

Checking your spelling


RevMan can either check your spelling as you type,or check all the spelling in your review at the one time.


1.From the Tools menu,select Preferences.


2.Select the Spell Checking tab.

2选择“Spell Checking”选项卡。

3.Select which dictionaries you would like RevMan to use,including UK,US or Canadian English.You can select more than one dictionary if you wish.


4.Click OK.


5.In the content pane,create a spelling mistake by deleting an‘m’from the word‘common’.

5在内容面板(content pane),输入“comon”(“common”少了个“m”)。

6.Open the Tools menu and select the Check Spelling option.This will open the Check Spelling window.

6在工具(Tools)菜单下选择“Check Spelling”。这将打开一个“Check Spelling”窗口。

7.Depending where your cursor was placed,RevMan may ask whether you wish to continue checking from the beginning of the document.Click Yes.


8.RevMan will highlight the spelling mistake and suggest‘common’as the correct spelling.Click Change.


Note:The Check Spelling tool cannot correct spelling errors in some sections of the review text, such as author’s names and contact details or the Data and Analyses section.

注意:在综述的某些部分,拼写检查(Check Spelling)工具不能使用,比如作者姓名和联系人详细信息或者“Data and Analyses”部分。

9.A notice will appear to say that the spell check is complete.Click OK.


10.Click OK again to close the Check Spelling window.

10再次点击“OK”,关闭“Check Spelling”窗口。

11.To check spelling continuously while you type,go to the Tools menu and select Check Spelling as You Type,or click the Check Spelling as You Type button on the toolbar.

11在写作时进行拼写检查,选择工具(Tools)菜单下的“Check Spelling as You Type”,或者点击工具栏上的“Check Spelling as You Type”按钮。

12.Delete the‘m’from‘common’again,and click to place the cursor elsewhere in the text.The spelling mistake will be underlined in red.


13.To correct the word,right-click it and select the correct spelling from the options available.


PART3–Adding studies and references


Adding studies to a review


Adding references to a study


Editing an existing reference


Importing references from a text file


Moving references


Adding links to references in the text


Removing a link


Adding multiple links automatically


There are two kinds of references that can be added to a review:


?References to studies–these are references to studies that have been either included or excluded from your review.A study can have more than one reference,for example if there has been more than one published paper,or if you have received additional information from the study author.


?Other references–these are any other source you would like to cite in your review,such as background articles,methodological references,software,etc.


Adding studies to a review


When you are ready to add included and excluded studies to your review,you will need to create a Study ID for each study,and then add the associated references.For Cochrane reviews,the Study ID is usually the name of the lead author of the main published paper and the year of publication. If you have more than one reference with the same name and year,you can add a letter to the year to differentiate them(e.g.Morrocona1998a,Morrocona1998b).

当你准备把纳入和排除研究添加到你的综述中时,你需要为每个研究创建研究ID(Study ID),然后添加相应的参考文献。对于Cochrane综述来说,研究ID(Study ID)通常是第一作者和发布年份的组合。如果有多篇具有相同姓名和年份的研究,你可以通过在年份后添加字母来


1.In the outline pane,click the key icon next to Studies and references.

1在大纲面板(outline pane),点击“Studies and references”旁边的钥匙图标。

2.Click the key icon next to the Reference to studies section.

2点击“Reference to studies”部分旁边的钥匙图标。

3.Select Included studies and click the Add Study button on the outline pane toolbar.This will open the New Study Wizard.

3选择“Included studies”,然后再大纲面板工具栏(outline pane toolbar)上点击“Add Study”按钮。

4.Enter the Study ID‘Morrocona1998’and click Next.

4输入研究ID(Study ID)“Morrocona1998”,点击下一步(Next)。

5.From the Data source drop-down list,choose Published and unpublished data.Click Next.

5在“Data source”下拉框里,选择“Published and unpublished data”,点击下一步(Next)。

6.The year the study was conducted will by default appear‘1998’.Click Next.


7.If your study has an ID number,such as a trial registration number or document ID,you enter it here by clicking the Add Identifier button,selecting an ID type from the drop-down list,and entering the ID.

7如果你的研究有ID号码,比如试验注册号(trial registration number)或文档ID(document ID),你可以点击“Add Identifier”后添加这些信息,从下拉框里选择ID类型(ID type),然后输入ID。

8.Click Next.


9.Select Add another study in the same section and click Finish.

9选择“Add another study in the same section”,点击完成(Finish)。

10.Repeat steps4-9and add the following studies to the tutorial review:








11.When you have added the details for the last study,instead of step9,select Nothing and click Finish.


12.In the outline pane,click the key symbol next to Included Studies to see the new studies listed.

12在大纲面板(outline pane),点击“Included Studies”旁边的钥匙图标后就可以看到新输入的研究了。

Adding references to a study


1.In the outline pane,select the Morrocona1998study.

1在大纲面板(outline pane),选择“Morrocona1998”研究。

2.Click the Add Reference button on the outline pane toolbar.This will open the New Reference Wizard.

2在大纲面板工具栏(outline pane toolbar)上,点击“Add Reference”按钮。这会打开一个“New Reference Wizard”对话框。

3.By default,the Reference Type is set to Journal article(click the drop-down list to see the other options available).Click Next.

3通常,参考文献类型(Reference Type)默认为期刊文章(Journal article)(点击下拉框可以选择其他类型)。点击下一步(Next)。

4.Enter the following details in the form provided(note that fields appearing in bold are mandatory):

Authors:Morrocona MM,Smith A,Jones FH

English title:The effects of caffeine on alertness:a randomised trial

Journal/book/source:Journal of Caffeine Studies

Date of publication:1998





Authors:Morrocona MM,Smith A,Jones FH

English title:The effects of caffeine on alertness:a randomised trial

Journal/book/source:Journal of Caffeine Studies

Date of publication:1998




Note:You can right-click in the Journal/book/source field and select Choose from list to select

your journal from a list of titles.

注意:在“Journal/book/source”一栏中,你可以右击选择“Choose from list”,然后从列表中选择符合的期刊。

5.Click Next.As for a study,you will have the option to add an ID number for the reference,such as a MEDLINE reference number.

5点击下一步(Next)。对于研究来说,你可以给参考文献添加ID号码(ID number),比如,MEDLINE的参考文献号码(MEDLINE reference number)。

6.Click Finish.The reference will now appear in the content pane.In the outline pane,click the key symbol next to Morrocona1998to see the new reference listed.

6点击完成(Finish)。参考文献将出现在内容面板(content pane)中。在大纲面板(outline pane),点击“Morrocona1998”旁边的钥匙图标可以看到新添加的参考文献。

Note:To add an Other reference to your review,select Additional references in the outline pane and follow steps2to6above.You will need to give your reference a Reference ID,which should have the same format as a Study ID(first author and year of publication).

注意:在你的综述中添加其他的参考文献(Other reference),在大纲面板(outline pane)选择“Additional references”,重复步骤2-6。你需要给你的参考文献一个参考文献ID(Reference ID),其和研究ID(Study ID)格式类似(第一作者和发布年份)。

Editing an existing reference


1.In the outline pane,double-click the reference listed under the Morrocona1998study(or right-click and select Edit Reference).This will open a new tab in the content pane showing all the details you entered.

1在大纲面板(outline pane),双击“Morrocona1998”研究下的参考文献(或者右击选择“Edit

Reference”)。这会在内容面板(content pane)中打开一个新的标签页,显示你输入的所有细节。

2.Open the Reference Type drop-down box and change the type from‘Journal article’to‘Book’. Note that the fields have changed and some rows are now shaded.Shaded rows will not appear in your published review.

2在“Reference Type”下拉框中把“Journal article”改为“Book”。注意改变参考文献类型后,一些条目改变了,一些栏目被灰了。灰色行(Shaded rows)不会出现在你发表后的综述中。

3.Change the reference information to the following(you will need to scroll down to see some of these fields):

Authors:Morrocona MM,Smith A,Jones FH

Journal/book/source:The effects of caffeine on alertness

Date of publication:1998

Publisher Name:Grinder Press

City of publication:London


Authors:Morrocona MM,Smith A,Jones FH

Journal/book/source:The effects of caffeine on alertness

Date of publication:1998

Publisher Name:Grinder Press

City of publication:London

4.At the bottom of the reference tab,note that the reference is displayed as it will appear in the published review.Note that this display changes as you make the changes to the reference.Check that the reference appears correctly.

