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Modeling Communication Networks with Hybrid Systems Extended Version

Modeling Communication Networks with Hybrid Systems Extended Version
Modeling Communication Networks with Hybrid Systems Extended Version

1 Modeling Communication Networks with Hybrid Systems:

Extended Version

Junsoo Lee Stephan Bohacek Jo?a o P.Hespanha Katia Obraczka jslee@sookmyung.ac.kr bohacek@https://www.sodocs.net/doc/e510056313.html, hespanha@https://www.sodocs.net/doc/e510056313.html, katia@https://www.sodocs.net/doc/e510056313.html, Dept.Electrical&Computer Engineering,Univ.of Delaware,Newark,DE19716

Dept.Electrical&Computer Engineering,Univ.of California Santa Barbara,CA93106-9560

Department of Computer Science,Sookmyung Women’s Univ.,Seoul,Korea140-742

Computer Engineering Department,University of California Santa Cruz,CA95064

Abstract—This paper introduces a general hybrid systems framework to model the?ow of traf?c in communication networks.The proposed models use averaging to continuously approximate discrete variables such as congestion window and queue size.Because averaging occurs over short time intervals, discrete events such as the occurrence of a drop and the consequent reaction by congestion control can still be captured. This modeling framework thus?lls a gap between purely packet-level and?uid-based models,faithfully capturing the dynamics of transient phenomena and yet providing signi?cant?exibility in modeling various congestion control mechanisms,different queuing policies,multicast transmission,etc.

The modeling framework is validated by comparing simula-tions of the hybrid models against packet-level simulations.It is shown that the probability density functions produced by the ns-2network simulator match closely those obtained with hybrid models.Moreover,a complexity analysis supports the observation that in networks with large per-?ow bandwidths,simulations using hybrid models require signi?cantly less computational resources than ns-2simulations.

Tools developed to automate the generation and simulation of hybrid systems models are also presented.Their use is showcased in a study,which simulates TCP?ows with different round-trip times over the Abilene backbone.

Index Terms—Data Communication Networks,Congestion Control,TCP,UDP,Simulation,Hybrid Systems


D ATA communication networks are highly complex sys-

tems,thus modeling and analyzing their behavior is quite challenging.The problem aggravates as networks be-come larger and more complex.Packet-level models are the most accurate network models and work by keeping track of individual packets as they travel across the network.Packet-level models,which are used in network simulators such as ns-2[1],have two main drawbacks:the large computational requirements(both in processing and storage)for large-scale simulations and the dif?culty in understanding how network parameters affect the overall system performance.Aggregate ?uid-like models overcome these problems by simply keeping track of the average quantities that are relevant for network design and provisioning(such as queue sizes,transmission rates,drop rates,etc).Examples of?uid models that have This work has been supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Nos.ANI-0322476and CCR-0311084.been proposed to study computer networks include[2],[3]. The main limitation of these aggregate models is that they mostly capture steady state behavior because the averaging is typically done over large time scales.Thus,detailed transient behavior during congestion control cannot be captured.Conse-quently,these models are unsuitable for a number of scenarios, including capturing the dynamics of short-lived?ows.

Our approach to modeling computer networks and its pro-tocols is to use hybrid systems[4]which combine continuous-time dynamics with event-based logic.These models permit complexity reduction through continuous approximation of variables like queue and congestion window size,without compromising the expressiveness of logic-based models.The “hybridness”of the model comes from the fact that,by using averaging,many variables that are essentially discrete(such as queue and window sizes)are allowed to take continuous values.However,because averaging occurs over short time intervals,one still models discrete events such as the occur-rence of a drop and the consequent reaction by congestion control.

In this paper,we propose a general framework for building hybrid models that describe network behavior.Our hybrid systems framework?lls the gap between packet-level and aggregate models by averaging discrete variables over a short time scale on the order of a round-trip time(RTT).This means that the model is able to capture the dynamics of transient phenomena fairly accurately,as long as their time constants are larger than a couple of RTTs.This time scale is appropriate for the analysis and design of network protocols including congestion control mechanisms.

We use TCP as a case-study to showcase the accuracy and ef?ciency of the models that can be built using the proposed framework.We are able to model fairly accurately TCP’s distinct congestion control modes(e.g.,slow-start,congestion avoidance,fast recovery,etc.)as these last for periods no shorter than one RTT.One should keep in mind that the timing at which events occur in the model(e.g.,drops or transitions between TCP modes)is only accurate up to roughly one RTT. However,since the variations on the RTT typically occur at a slower time scale,the hybrid models can still capture quite accurately the dynamics of RTT evolution.In fact,that is one


of the strengths of the models proposed here,i.e.,the fact that they do not assume constant RTT.

We validate our modeling methodology by comparing sim-ulation results obtained from hybrid models and packet-level simulations.We ran extensive simulations using different net-work topologies subject to different traf?c conditions(includ-ing background traf?c).Our results show that hybrid models are able to reproduce packet-level simulations quite accurately. We also compare the run-time of the two approaches and show that hybrid models incur considerably less computational load. We anticipate that speedups yielded by hybrid models will be instrumental in studying large-scale,more complex networks. Finally,we describe the Network Description Scripting Language(NDSL)and the NDSL Translator,which were developed to automate the generation and simulation of hybrid systems models.NDSL is a scripting language that allows the user to specify network topologies and traf?c.The NDSL translator automatically generates the corresponding hybrid models in the modelica modeling language[5].We show-case these tools in a simulation study on the effect of the RTT on the throughput of TCP?ows over the Abilene backbone[6]. An early version of this work appeared in[7].The current paper includes additional models and improvements to the models proposed in[7]and a far more extensive validation study using complex topologies.The hybrid language imple-mentations described in this paper are available at[8].We also introduce the NDSL and the NDSL Translator as well as an illustration of their use in a real,larger-scale,high-speed network.


Several approaches to the modeling and simulation of networks have been widely used by the networking community to design and evaluate network protocols.On one side of the spectrum,there are packet-level simulation models:ns-2[1],QualNet[9],SSFNET[10],Opnet[11]are event simulators where an event is the arrival or departure of a packet.Whenever a packet arrives at the link or node,events are generated and stored in the event list and handled in the appropriate order.These models are highly accurate,but are not scalable to large networks.On the other extreme,static models provide approximations using?rst principles:[3],[12] provide simple formulas that model how TCP behaves in steady-state.These models ignore much of the dynamics of the network.For example,the RTT and loss probability are assumed constant and the interaction between?ows is not considered.

Dynamic model fall between static models and detailed packet-level simulators.By allowing some parameters to vary, these models attempt to obtain more accuracy than static approaches,and yet alleviate some of the computational over-head of packet-level simulations.This modeling approach was followed by[13],where TCP’s sending rate is taken as an ensemble average.When averaging across multiple?ows,the sending rates do not exhibit the linear increase and divide in half.However,the ensemble average still varies dynamically with queue size and drop probability.[2]proposes a stochastic differential equation(SDE)model of TCP,in which the sending rate increases linearly until a drop event occurs and then it is divided in half.Along the same lines,[14]developed an alternative SDE model that allows the RTT to vary and includes more accurate packet drop models.While these SDE approaches make sense from an end-to-end perspective,they are dif?cult to justify in models of the overall network.The main dif?culty is that,from the network perspective,drops in different?ows are highly correlated.This interdependence is dif?cult to ef?ciently incorporate into the SDE approach. While the dynamic models above proved very useful for developing a theoretical understanding of networks,their pur-pose was not to simulate networks.In an effort to simulate networks ef?ciently,[15],[16]proposed a?uid-like approach in which bit rates are assumed to be piecewise constant.This type of network simulator only needs to keep track of rate changes that occur due to queuing,multiplexing,and services. As a results,the computational effort may be reduced with respect to a packet-level simulators.However,the piecewise constant assumption can lead to an explosion of events known as the ripple effect[17],which can signi?cantly increase the computational load.A somewhat similar approach was followed by[18],in which packets are aggregated into sets and during a single time-step,it is assumed that all packets in a set behave the same.

Systems that exhibit continuously varying variables whose values are affected by events generated by discrete-logic are known as hybrid systems and have been widely used in many ?elds to model physical systems.The reader is referred to[4] for a general overview of hybrid systems.An early hybrid modeling approach to computer systems appeared in[19], where the author proposes to combine discrete-event models with continuous analytic models.The former are used to capture“rare-events,”whereas the latter avoid the need to carry out the detailed simulation of very frequent events. This general framework was used in[19]to simulate a central server systems consisting of a CPU and several IO devices serving multiple jobs.The hybrid model was shown to accurately predict the behavior of a detailed purely event-based simulation with reduced computation.Our work can be viewed as an instantiation of the general framework proposed in[19]to the problem of traf?c modeling.[20]applied hybrid simulation techniques to perform large-scale multicast simulations.To decrease the computational cost,the message exchanges needed to update routes are not explicitly simulated (centralized multicast abstraction).To further improve scala-bility the authors also propose to avoid the explicit modeling of hop-by-hop transmissions between intermediate nodes and only consider end-to-end transmissions,assuming very simple models for end-to-end queuing delay.The resulting models are very scalable but,according to the authors of[20],not adequate to study queuing behavior and congestion control. More recently,[21]proposed a simulation method that com-bines?uid models of background TCP traf?c with packet-level models of foreground traf?c.The approach used in[21] requires active queue management(AQM)for the background TCP traf?c using the stochastic?uid models in[2].


Traf?c sampling [22]consists of taking a sample of network traf?c,feeding it into a suitably scaled version of the network,and then using the results so obtained to extrapolate the behavior of the original network.This has been proposed as a methodology to ef?ciently simulate large-scale networks by combining simulation and analytical techniques.However,it loses scalability when packet drops are bursty and correlated,or when packet drops are not accurately modeled by a Poisson process.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows.Sec-tion III presents our hybrid systems modeling framework.In Section IV,we validate our hybrid models by comparing them to packet-level simulations.Section V shows results comparing the computational complexity of hybrid-and packet-level models,and section VII shows development tools and case study using these tools.Finally,we present our concluding remarks and directions for future work in Section VIII.


Consider a communication network consisting of a set of nodes connected by a set of links .We assume that all links are unidirectional and denote by the link from node to node (cf.Figure 1).Every link is characterized by a ?nite bandwidth and a propagation delay


where denotes the set of links involved in one round-trip for ?ow .

A.Flow conservation laws

Consider a link in the path of ?ow .We denote by the rate at which -?ow packets arrive (or originate)at the node where starts.We call the -link/-?ow arrival

rate .The link/?ow arrival rates

are related to the ?ow sending rates and the link/?ow transmission rates by the following simple ?ow-conservation law :for every and ,

starts at the node where




where denotes the previous link in the path of the -?ow.For simplicity,we are assuming single-path routing and unicast transmission.It would be straightforward to derive conserva-tion laws for multi-path routing and multi-cast transmission.

The ?ow-conservation law (3)implicitly assumes that pack-ets are not dropped “on-the-?y.”For consistency,we will re-gard packet drops that occur in the transmission medium (e.g.,needed to model wireless links)as taking place upon arrival at the destination node.From a traf?c modeling perspective this makes no difference but somewhat simpli?es the notation.B.Queue dynamics

In this section,we make two basic assumptions regarding ?ow uniformity that are used to derive our models for the queue dynamics:

Assumption 1(Arrival uniformity):The packets of the all ?ows arrive at each node in their paths roughly uniformly distributed over time.Consequently,the packets of each ?ow are roughly uniformly distributed along each queue.Because of packet quantization,bursting,synchronization,etc.,this assumption are never quite true over a very small interval of time.However,they are generally accurate over time intervals of a few RTTs.In fact,we shall see shortly that they are suf?ciently accurate to lead to models that match closely packet-level simulations.


1)Queue-evolution and drop rates:Consider a link

that is in the path of the?ow.The queue dynamics associated with this pair link/?ow are given by

where denotes the-?ow drop rate.In this equation should be regarded as an input whose value is determined by upstream nodes.To determine the values of and we consider three cases separately:

1)Empty queue(i.e.,).In this situation there are no

drops and the outgoing rates are equal to the arrival rates,as long as the bandwidth constrain(1)is not violated.However,when,we cannot have,and the available link bandwidth

must be somehow distributed amount the?ows so that

.To determine how to distribute,we note that a total of bytes arrive at the queue in a single unit of time.Assuming arrival uniformity (Assumption1)all incoming packets are equally likely to be transmitted so the probability that a packet of?ow

is indeed transmitted is given by

The above discussion can be summarized as follows:for every,


Since a total of bytes will be transmitted per unit of time,the faction of these that correspond to?ow is given by

3)Queue full and still?lling(i.e.,and

).In this situation the total drop rate must equal the difference between the total arrival rate and the link bandwidth,i.e.,.

Once again,we must determine how this total drop rate should be distributed among all?ows.Assuming arrival uniformity(Assumption1)all incoming packets are equally likely to be dropped so the probability that

a packet of?ow is indeed dropped is given by

The rate at which packets are transmitted is the same as when the queue is neither empty not full,which was considered above.This leads to the following model:for every,


To complete the queue dynamics model,it remains to determine when and which?ows suffer drops.To this ef-fect,suppose that at time,reached with

.Clearly,a drop will occur at time but, multiple drops may occur.In general,if a drop occurred at time a new drop is expected at a time for which the total drop rate integrates from to to exactly the packet-size,i.e.,for which


This equation determines,for all drops after. We call(8)the drop-count model.

The question as to which?ows suffer drops must be consistent with the drop probability speci?ed by(6),which was a consequence of the arrival uniformity Assumption1.In particular,the selection of the?ow where a drop occurs is made by drawing the?ow randomly from the set,according to the distribution

(9) We assume that the?ows,that suffer drops at two distinct time instants,are(conditionally) independent random variables(given that the drops did occur at times and).We call(9)the drop-selection model. The uniformity Assumption1was used in the construc-tion of our queue model to justify the formulas(4),(5) for the packet transmission probabilities and the formula(6) for the packet drop probability.To validate this assumption,

5 we matched these formulas with the results of several ns-

2[1]simulations.Figure2shows the result of one such

validation procedure for the formula(6).Figure2(a)refers

to a simulation in which2TCP?ows(RED and BLUE)

compete for bandwidth on a bottleneck queue(with10%ON-

OFF UDP traf?c).The-axis shows the fraction of arrival rate

for each?ow given by the formula(6)and the-axis shows the

corresponding drop probability.A near perfect45-degree line

shows that(6)does provide a very good approximation to the

packet drop probability.Figure2(b)shows a network with very

strong drop synchronization for which Assumption1breaks

down.We postpone the discussion of this plot to Section III-

B.3.Similar plots can be made to validate the formulas(4),

(5)for the packet transmission probabilities,but we do not

include them here for lack of space.However,in Section IV

we present a systematic validation of our overall hybrid model,

which includes the queue mode above as a sub-component.

(a)10%background traf?c

(b)packet synchronization

Fig.2.Drop probability vs.fraction of arrival rate.

2)Hybrid model for queue dynamics:The queue model developed above can be compactly expressed by the hybrid

automaton represented in Figure3.Each ellipse in this?gure

corresponds to a discrete state(or mode)and the continuous state of the hybrid system consists of the?ow byte rate, and the variable used to track the number of drops in the queue-full mode.The differential equations for these variables

in each mode are shown inside the corresponding ellipse.The arrows between ellipses represent transitions between modes. These transitions are labeled with their enabling conditions (which can include events generated by other transitions); any necessary reset of the continuous state that must take place when the transition occurs;and events generated by the transition.Events are denoted by.We assume here that a jump always occurs when the transition condition is enabled.This model is consistent with most of the hybrid system frameworks proposed in the literature(cf.,e.g.,[4]). The transition triggered by the Poisson counter should only be considered under active queue management(cf.,Section III-B.3below).The inputs to this model are the rates,

of the upstream queues,which determine the arrival rates,;and the outputs are the transmission rates ,.For the purpose of congestion control,we should also regard the drop events and the queue size as outputs of the hybrid model.Note that the queue sizes will eventually determine packet RTTs.The division by used in the queue-not-full mode to compute should never result in a division by zero because,if becomes zero,there is immediately a transition to the queue-empty mode where no division by

is needed.However,errors in the detection of the transition may cause a division by zero(or almost zero).To minimize numerical errors,it is then convenient to transition from queue-not-full to queue-empty when becomes smaller than some small positive constant.

3)Other drop models:For completeness one should add that the drop-selection model described by(9)is not universal. For example,in dumbbell topologies without background traf?c,one can observe synchronization phenomena that some-times lead to?ows with smaller sending rates suffering more drops than?ows with larger sending rates.The right plot in Figure2shows an extreme example of this(2TCP?ows in a5Mbps dumbbell topology with no background traf?c and drop-tail queuing).In this example,the BLUE?ow suffers most of the drops,in spite of using a smaller fraction of the bandwidth.In[23],it was suggested that10%of random delay would remove synchronization between TCP connections. However,this does not appear to be the case when the number of connections is small.To avoid synchronization we mostly used background traf?c.In fact,the left plot in Figure2 shows results obtained with10%background traf?c,whereas the right plot shows results obtained without any background traf?c.

The remainder of this section brie?y discusses other drop models that lead to different distributions for,which may be useful in speci?c situations.

Drop rotation:The drop model in(9)is not very accurate when strong synchronization occurs.Constructing drop models that remain accurate under packet-drops synchronized is gener-ally very challenging,except under special network conditions. The drop rotation model is valid in topologies with drop-tail queuing,when several TCP?ows have the roughly the same RTT and there is a bottleneck link with bandwidth signi?cantly smaller than that of the remaining links and there is no(or little)background traf?c[7],[24],[25].Under this model, when the queue gets full each?ow gets a drop in a round-robin fashion.The rationale for this is that,once the queue gets full,it will remain full until TCP reacts(approximately one RTT after the drop).In the meanwhile,all TCP?ows are in the congestion avoidance mode and each will increase its window size by one.When this occurs each will attempt to send two packets back-to-back and,under a drop-tail queuing policy,the second packet will almost certainly be dropped. Although the drop rotation model is only valid for special networks,these networks are very useful to validate congestion control because they lead to essentially deterministic drops. This allows one to compare exactly traces obtained from packet-level models with traces obtained from hybrid models. We will use this feature of drop rotation to validate our hybrid models for TCP in Section IV.

Drop-head:In the above discussion,we assumed a drop-tail queuing policy,i.e.,when the queue is full and a new packet arrives,the incoming packet is dropped.An alternative


drop in?ow

Fig.3.Hybrid model for the queue at link.In this?gure,is given by(2),the,are given by(3),and,.

that typically leads to faster reaction to congestion is a drop-

head policy,i.e.,when the queue is full and a new packet

arrives,the head of the queue is dropped to make room for the

incoming packet.In this case,the total drop rate should be

distributed among all?ows proportionally to their percentage

of bytes already in the queue.Therefore,(7)should be replaced



Active queuing:So far we only considered drops due to

queue over?ow.When the queue at the-link operates under

an active queuing policy—such as Random Early Detection

(RED)[26]—drops or markings may occur even when

.In RED,the packets arriving at the queue associated

with the-link are dropped with a probability,which is

generally a function of the queue size(or a smoothened

version of it).The number of packet drops for the?ow in

the-link queue per unit of time is called the drop rate and

is denoted by.This rate is equal to the packet arrival rate

(in packets per second)multiplied by the probability that

each packet is dropped,i.e.,

,where denotes

the number of drops on an a small internal of length.A

more detailed discussion of this type of drop model can be

found in[27].Drops based on incoming rate and queue size

are studied in[28].

C.TCP model

So far our discussion focused on the modeling of the

transmission rates and the queue sizes across the

network,taking as inputs the sending rates of the end-to-end

?ows.We now construct a hybrid model for a single TCP?ow

that should be composed with the?ow-conservation

laws and queue dynamics presented in Sections III-A and III-

B to describe the overall system.We start by describing the

behavior of TCP in each of its main modes and later combine

them into a uni?ed hybrid model of TCP.

1)Slow-start mode:During slow-start,the congestion win-

dow(cwnd)increases exponentially,being multiplied by

2every RTT.This can be modeled by

Since packets are sent each RTT,the instantaneous sending

rate should be given by


because slow-start packets are sent in bursts.To see why the

factor is needed in slow-start,note that one packet is sent

as soon as slow-start is initiated,two more packets are sent

at the end of the?rst RTT,four additional packets are sent at

7 the end of the second RTT,and so on.This means that in the

?rst RTTs the number of packets sent is essentially equal to


On the other hand,if one integrates the sending rate(13)

over the same?rst RTTs,with given by(11),one obtains:


The two formulas(14)and(15)match when

.It turns out that a slightly better matching between the

hybrid model and ns-2traces is possible by choosing

.This is explained by the fact that in deriving(15)we

assumed that remains approximately constant,which

is not quite correct.

The slow-start mode lasts until a drop or a timeout are

detected.Detection of a drop leads the system to the fast-

recovery mode,whereas the detection of a timeout leads the

system to the timeout mode.

The formulas(11)and(13)hold as long as the congestion

window is below the receiver’s advertised window size

.When exceeds this value,the sending rate is limited

by and(13)should be replaced by

with the instantaneous sending rate given by(12).When the receiver’s advertised window size is?nite,(12)should be replaced by


In case a single packet was dropped,fast recovery will?nish at,but otherwise it will continue until all the retransmissions take place and are successful.However,from on,each acknowledgment received will also de-crease the number of outstanding packets so one will observe an exponential increase in the window size.In particular,from to the number of acknowledgments received is(which was the number of packets sent in the previous interval)and each will both increase the congestion window size and decrease the number of outstanding packets.This will lead to a total number of packets sent equal to and therefore


and the sender will exit fast recovery when this number reaches ,i.e.,when

(17) RTTs.The previous reasoning is only valid when the number of drops does not exceed.As shown in[29],when

the sender does not receive enough acknowledgments in the?rst RTT to retransmit any other packets and there is a timeout.When

only one packet will be sent on each of the?rst two RTTs, followed by exponential increase in the remaining RTTs.In this case,the fast recovery mode will last approximately

(18) RTTs.

In ns-2,the value of the congestion window variable (cwnd)is actually not changed inside the fast-recovery mode. Instead,a variable(pipe)is used to emulate the congestion window of standard TCP-Sack algorithm described above.For compatibility with ns-2,in our model we actually keep the congestion window constant throughout the whole duration of fast recovery but adjust the sending rates according to the previous formulas.

TCP-NewReno:TCP-NewReno differs from TCP-Sack in that the sender will only learn about the existence of each additional drop when the retransmission for the previous drop was successful.This means that it must remain in the fast-recovery mode for as many RTTs as the number of drops and therefore the duration of fast recovery increases linearly with the number of packets dropped.Therefore,the hybrid model for TCP-NewReno is similar to that of Sack except that the period of fast recovery linearly depends on the number of packet loss.However,NewReno shows better performance since NewReno does not reduce cwnd as often as Reno[30].

TCP-Reno:In TCP-Reno,the sender leaves the fast-recovery mode as soon as the acknowledgment of the?rst retransmitted packet is received,regardless of the occurrence of more drops.When several drops occur,these will be detected right after the system leaves fast-recovery,causing it to re-enter this mode again.The net result of each time the fast-recovery mode is entered is a division by two of the congestion window size.With TCP-Reno,three dropped packets in a window often lead to a timeout[30].Hybrid model and analysis of Reno can be found in[8].

TCP-Tahoe:TCP-Tahoe senders do not implement fast recovery.The sender simply retransmits a packet after receiv-ing a number of duplicate acknowledgments and the sender’s congestion window is always decreased to one.Hence,the hybrid model for TCP-Tahoe does not include the fast recovery mode.

4)Timeouts:Timeouts occur when the timeout timer ex-ceeds a threshold that provides a measure of the current RTT.This timer is reset to zero whenever the number of outstanding packets decreases(i.e.,when it has received an acknowledgment for a new packet).Even when there are drops,this should occur at least once every,except in the following cases:

1)The number of drops is larger or equal to

and therefore the number of duplicate acknowledgments received is smaller or equal to2.These are not enough to trigger a transition to the fast-recovery mode.

2)The number of drops is suf?ciently large so that

the sender will not be able to exit fast recovery because it does not receive enough acknowledgments to retransmit all the packets that were dropped.As seen above,this corresponds to.

These two cases can be combined into the following condition under which a timeout will occur:

When a timeout occurs at time the variable is set equal to half the congestion window size,which is reset to1, i.e.,

At this point,and until reaches,we have multi-plicative increase similar to what happens in slow start and therefore(16)holds.This lasts until reaches

or a drop/timeout is detected.The former leads to a transition into the congestion avoidance mode,whereas the latter to a transition into the fast-recovery/timeout mode.

5)Hybrid model for TCP-Sack:The model in Figure4 combines the modes described in Sections III-C.1,III-C.2,III-C.3,and III-C.4for TCP-Sack.This model also takes into account that there is a delay between the occurrence of a drop and its detection.This drop-detection delay is determined by the“round-trip time”from the queue where the drop occurred,all the way to the receiver,and back to the sender. It can be computed using

The inputs to the TCP-Sack?ow model are the RTTs, the drop events,and the corresponding drop-detection delays (which can be obtained from the?ow-conservation law and queue dynamics in Sections III-A,III-B)and its outputs are the sending rates of the end-to-end?ows.

The model in Figure4assumes that the?ow is always active.It is straightforward to turn the?ow on and off by adding appropriate modes(similar to what is done in Section III-D for UDP?ows).In fact,in the simulation results described in Section IV-B we used random starting times for the persistent TCP?ows.

For lack of space we do not include here the graphical representation of hybrid models for the other versions of TCP mentioned in Section III-C.3.However,these can be automatically generated using the software tool described in Section VII.

D.UDP model

UDP sources differ from TCP sources in that the former do not exercise congestion control.The diagram in Figure5 represents a simple hybrid model for an ON-OFF UDP source with peak rate equal to and exponential distributions for the on and the off times with means and,respectively. The average sending rate for this source is given by




Fig.5.Hybrid model for a UDP?ow with exponential on/off-times.

E.Full network model

In Sections III-A,III-B,III-C,and III-D we developed hybrid models for network traf?c?ows,queues,and TCP/UDP packet sources.By composing them,one can construct hybrid models for arbitrarily complex networks with end-to-end TCP and UDP packet sources.This is shown schematically in Figure6.

protocol symbol meaning






Fig.4.Hybrid model for the ?ow under TCP.The meaning of the symbols and

depend on the version of TCP under consideration and is shown in

the table above,where is de?ned by


500Mbps 500Mbps









Fig.7.Dumbbell (upper-left),Y-shape multi-queue with 4different propagation delays (upper-right)and parking-lot with 4different propagation delays (bottom)topologies.

accuracy of the hybrid system simulations does not degrade as more short-live traf?c is considered.

As previously mentioned,the drop model is topology de-pendent.As observed in [7],for the single bottleneck topology with uniform propagation delays,drops are deterministic with each ?ow experiencing drops in a round-robin fashion.How-ever,when background on/off traf?c is considered,losses are best modeled stochastically.

The variables used for comparing the hybrid and the packet-level models include the RTTs,the packet drop rates,the throughput and congestion window size for the TCP ?ows,and the queue size at the bottleneck links.C.Results

We start by considering a dumbbell topology with no background traf?c for which the drop rotation model in


Section III-B.3is valid.As discussed above,in such networks drops are essentially deterministic phenomena and one can directly compare ns-2traces with our hybrid model,without resorting to statistical analysis.Figure 8compares simulation results for a single TCP ?ow (no background traf?c).These plots show traces of TCP’s congestion window size and the bottleneck queue size over time.The plots show a nearly perfect match and one can easily identify the slow-start,congestion-avoidance,and fast-recovery modes discussed in Section III-C.While most previous models of TCP are able





Q u e u e S i z e (P a c k e t s )

Time (seconds)CWND size in Hybrid Model Queue size in Hybrid Model

CWND size in NS Queue size in NS












Q u e u e S i z e (P a c k e t s )

Time (seconds)

CWND size in Hybrid Model Queue size in Hybrid Model

CWND size in NS Queue size in NS

https://www.sodocs.net/doc/e510056313.html,parison of the congestion window and queue sizes over time for the dumbbell topology with one TCP ?ow and no background traf?c.

to capture TCP’s steady-state behavior,TCP slow-start is typically harder to model because it often results in a large number of drops within the same window.We can observe in Figure 8that after the initial drops,the congestion window is divided by two and maintains this value for about half a second before it begins to increase linearly.This is consistent with the basic slow-start behavior of TCP Sack1when the number of losses is around cwnd/2.In this case,TCP Sack1eventually leaves fast-recovery but only after several multiples of the RTT (cf.Section III-C.3and [29]).

In the next set of experiments,we simulate 4TCP ?ows on the dumbbell topology with and without background traf?c.Figure 9shows the simulation results without background traf?c.As observed in previous studies,TCP connections with the same RTT get synchronized and this synchronization persists even for a large number of connections [23],[33].This synchronization is modeled using drop rotation.Similarly to the single ?ow case,the two simulations coincide almost exactly.Speci?cally,in steady state,all ?ows synchronize to a saw-tooth pattern with period close to 1sec.






d a n d Q u

e u e S i z e (P a c k e t s )

CWND size of TCP1CWND size of TCP2CWND size of TCP3CWND size of TCP4

e o

f Q1










d a n d Q u

e u e S i z e (P a c k e t s )

CWND size of TCP1CWND size of TCP2CWND size of TCP3CWND size of TCP3

e o

f Q1

(b)hybrid model

Fig.9.Congestion window and queue size over time for the dumbbell topology with 4TCP ?ows and no background traf?c.

Simulation results for 4TCP ?ows with background traf?c are shown in Figure 10.Even a small amount of background

traf?c breaks packet-drop synchronization and the stochastic drop-selection model (9)becomes valid.We can see that the traces obtained with ns-2are qualitatively very similar to those obtained with the hybrid model.A quantitative com-parison between ns-2and a hybrid model is summarized in Table I,which presents average throughput and RTT for each ?ow for both hybrid system and ns-2simulations.These






C w n d a n d Q u e u e S z e (P a c k e s )

Time (seconds)

CWND size of TCP1 (Prop=0.045ms)CWND size of TCP2 (Prop=0.045ms)CWND size of TCP3 (Prop=0.045ms)CWND size of TCP4 (Prop=0.045ms)

Queue size of Q1











C w n d a n d Q u e u e S z e (P a c k e s )

Time (seconds)

CWND size of TCP1(Prop=0.045ms)CWND size of TCP2(Prop=0.045ms)CWND size of TCP3(Prop=0.045ms)CWND size of TCP3(Prop=0.045ms)

Queue size of Q1

(b)hybrid model

Fig.10.Congestion window and queue size over time for the dumbbell topology with 4TCP ?ows and 10%background traf?c.

statistics con?rm that the hybrid model reproduces accurately the results obtained with the packet-level simulation.To validate our hybrid models,we also use the Y-shape,multi-queue topology with different RTTs shown on the right-hand side of Figure 7.We consider the drop-count and drop-selection models described by Equations (8)and (9),respectively,which generate stochastic drops.Since losses are random,no two simulations will be exactly equal so one cannot expect the hybrid model to exactly reproduce the results from ns-2.Figure 11shows simulation results for ns-2and the hybrid system for 4TCP ?ows with 10%background traf?c on the Y-shape topology under the drop tail discipline.While these time-series provide insight as to weather the simulations are close enough,stochastic processes should be compared by examining various statistics.Table II presents






C w n d a n d Q u e u e S z e (P a c k e s )

Time (seconds)

CWND size of TCP1(Prop=0.045ms)CWND size of TCP2(Prop=0.090ms)CWND size of TCP3(Prop=0.135ms)CWND size of TCP3(Prop=0.180ms)

Queue size of Q1Queue size of Q3











C w n d a n d Q u e u e S z e (P a c k e s )

Time (seconds)

CWND size of TCP1 (Prop=0.045ms)CWND size of TCP2 (Prop=0.090ms)CWND size of TCP3 (Prop=0.135ms)CWND size of TCP4 (Prop=0.180ms)

Queue size of Q1Queue size of Q3

(b)hybrid model

Fig.11.Congestion window and queue size over time for the Y-shape topology with 4TCP ?ows and 10%background traf?c.

the mean throughput and mean RTT for each competing TCP ?ow.The relative error is always less than 10%and in most cases well under this value.Similar results hold for variations of the Y-shape topology with different RTTs and different numbers of competing ?ows.However,for the stochastic drop model to hold,there must be background traf?c and/or enough





Thru Thru RTT RTT ns-2









relative error





complexity in the topology and ?ows such that synchronization does not occur.When synchronization does occur,then a deterministic model for drops needs to be used.As described in Section III-B.3,in single bottleneck topologies

provides an accurate model.In more complex settings,construction of drop models for synchronized ?ows to be quite challenging.This is one direction of future we plan to pursue.

To accurately compare stochastic processes one examine their probability density functions.Figure 12plots probability density functions corresponding to the used to generate the results in Table II.We observe that hybrid model reproduces fairly well the probability obtained with ns-2.For the congestion window,three of the ?ows closely agree,while one shows a slight bias towards larger values.The density function of the queue is similar for both models.One noticeable difference is that the peak near the queue-full state is sharper for the hybrid model.This is due to the fact that the queue in ns-2can only take integer values,

(a)ns-2(b)hybrid model

Fig.12.Probability density functions for the congestion window and queue size for the Y-shape topology with 4TCP ?ows and 10%background traf?c.

We also validate the hybrid models in high bandwidth net-works with drop-tail queuing.These networks are especially challenging because,due to the larger window sizes,they are more prone to synchronized losses even when the drop rates are small [34].Also,TCP’s unfairness towards connections with higher propagation delays is more pronounced in high bandwidth-delay networks where synchronization occurs [35].We simulate dumbbell,Y-shape,and parking-lot topologies with a bottleneck of 500Mbps and 10%background traf?c.

The bottleneck queues are set to be large enough to hold the bandwidth-delay product.

(a)ns-2(b)hybrid model

Fig.13.Probability density functions for the congestion window and queue size for the Y-shape topology with 4TCP ?ows and 10%background traf?c (500Mbps bottleneck).

Table III presents the mean throughput and mean RTT for each competing TCP ?ow for the dumbbell,Y-shape,and parking-lot topologies with 500Mbs bottleneck(s).The relative errors between the results obtained with ns-2and the hybrid models are always smaller than 10%.The corresponding probability density functions for the congestion window and queue size for the Y-shape and parking-lot topologies are given in Figures 13and 14,respectively.In both cases,the probability density functions match fairly well.

It is interesting to compare the distributions of the bot-tleneck queue and congestion window sizes for the low-bandwidth Y-shape topology in Figure 12with those obtained for the high bandwidth Y-shape topologies in Figure 13.The explanation for the signi?cant differences observed lie


Thru Thru RTT RTT

ns-2 1.1340.6680.1360.225


relative error 2.4% 1.0% 1.5% 1.3%



Thru Thru RTT RTT


hybrid model114.08110.080.08190.0819

relative error0.6%0.2% 3.6% 3.6%


hybrid model102.0837.680.1210.211

relative error 4.1% 4.1% 1.6%0.09%


hybrid model114.1648.600.1670.258

relative error0.8% 1.8%0%0.4%


hybrid model113.7658.960.2030.293

relative error 2.7%8.4%0.5%0.6%



0.2% 3.6% 1.3%0.6%

ns-2110.749.50.1710.261 hybrid model112.245.90.1680.258 relative error 1.3%7.3% 1.8% 1.1%

Parking-lot(qsize=11250)197.8780.1580.248 19474.920.1620.252 1.95% 4.1% 2.5% 1.6%


cwnd2cwnd4bottleneck queue2 dumbbell(5Mbps)0.17640.1771-








The two previous sections highlight both the strengths and the weaknesses of the hybrid modeling framework.We have saw in Section IV that the hybrid models match very closely packet-level ns-2simulations.In fact,we saw that it is not easy to distinguish between the predictions made by the hybrid model and ns-2traces for queue lengths or for the window sizes of individual?ows.The computational analysis in Section V shows that simulation time scales roughly linearly with the number of?ows but is inversely proportional to the bottleneck bandwidths,which should be contrasted with packet level simulators for which simulation time scales with the produce of the number of?ows times the bottleneck bandwidths.

The conclusion to be drawn is that simulations using hybrid models should be preferred over packet-level simulators in the study of networks with large per-?ow bandwidths,when one wants to accurately capture traces of individual?ows and the evolution of buffer sizes.For networks with small bandwidth, the computational saving introduced by hybrid model are small and one might as well rely on packet-level simulators,which are generally fast for such networks.

The simulation time of both packet-level and hybrid model simulators scales roughly linearly with the number of?ows, thus both simulation techniques will encounter dif?culties when simulating a very large number of?ows.The only way to avoid the linear scaling with the number of?ows is to model?ow aggregates.For example by keeping track of the average(or total)packet-transmission rate of a large number of?ows,instead of the individual packet-transmission rates of each individual?ows.Several?uid models take precisely this approach[2],[38].The price to pay is that it is no longer possible to study traces of the individual?ows that have been aggregated.The authors of[21]propose to only aggregate background traf?c,while maintaining packet-level models of foreground traf?c for which one could obtain detailed traces. For high-bandwidth networks one could use a similar approach to combine aggregate models of background traf?c with hybrid models of foreground traf?c.However,it should be noted that most aggregate models for traf?c are not valid under drop-tail queuing,which dominates today’s Internet.

In the next section we illustrate the use of hybrid models in a situation in which they yield the most bene?t:a high-bandwidth network,for which we want to study the effect of buffer sizes on fairness between different?ows.


Hybrid systems modeling languages such as modelica[5] are special-purpose languages designed to model complex physical systems.To simplify the use of hybrid modeling by networking researchers,we developed the Network Descrip-tion Scripting Language(NDSL)to specify succinctly large, complex networks using a syntax similar to Object Oriented TCL(OTCL)in ns-2.

The following list enumerates some of the primitives avail-able in NDSL:

define symbol value is used to de?ne a named con-stant.

nodes symbol1symbol2...creates named network nodes.Ranges of nodes can be de?ned using“–”as in node node1-node5.

links n1n2b t q-type q-size[q-opt]creates

a link from node n1to node n2with bandwidth

b and

propagation delay t.A queue of type q-type and size q-size is associated with the link.Valid types include “roundrobin”,“fastroundrobin”,“droptail”,“RED”,and “wireless”among others.The optional argument q-opt is used for queue types that require additional parameters

(e.g.,pre-speci?ed drop probabilities).

Tcp-Sack n ti tf[t-opt]src path dst

[pckt]creates n TCP Sack traf?c sources between nodes src and dst.The path following is speci?ed by the sequence of nodes in path.The sources are active between times ti and tf.Two optional parameters are available:t-opt is used to randomize the start and?nish times by adding to these a random variable uniformly distributed between0and t-opt;pckt speci?es the packet size.

udp n ti tf[t-opt]dist-on[dist-on-opt]

dist-off[dist-off-opt]src path dst creates n UDP traf?c sources.The parameters ti,tf,t-opt, src,path,and dst are as in the TCP-Sack primitive.

The parameters dist-on and dist-off specify the distributions of the ON and OFF times with optional parameters dist-on-opt,dist-on-off.Valid distributions include exp for exponential,uni for uniform,and par for Pareto.

An NDSL translator automatically converts a network NDSL speci?cation into a hybrid model expressed in modelica. The code generated can be fed directly to simulation engines such as DYMOLA[39].In the remainder of this section,we illustrate the use of these tools in the simulation of TCP?ows over a realistic high-bandwidth network for which packet-level simulations would be prohibitively long.

A.NDSL Translator

The NDSL translator is a PERL script which translates Net-work Description Scripting Language scripts into modelica. It?rst parses the primitives and corresponding parameters from the NDSL script.Then,converts the NDSL primitives into the corresponding modelica code which will be simulated in DYMOLA environment.

In order to convert from NDSL to modelica,the trans-lator uses the network library,which consists of modules corresponding to the modelica implementation of NDSL’s basic primitives.The network library is updated every time an existing primitive is modi?ed or a new one is added. The current version of the network library is divided into several packages,including traf?c source,traf?c sink,node, link,connector,functions).

The traf?c source package contains modelica implementa-tion for traf?c sources such as TCP variants and UDP.Because traf?c sources typically require a sink,the traf?c sink package


includes TCP sink models which respond (e.g.,by sending acknowledgements)to the corresponding source.Functions and characteristics associated with links are implemented by the link package.These include bandwidth,propagation delay,and queing policy.For example,we implement droptail,round robin,RED,and wireless drop policies.The Connector pack-age includes input and output “connectors”that are used to connect the basic componentscomponents (e.g.,sources,sinks,links).This is analagous to global variables shared by different functions in general-purpose programming languages.Finally,utility components are de?ned in the function and can be invoked by other model.Example of utility components is function that compute sum or minium value out of array.The NDSL Translator works in two passes.In the ?rst pass,the translator scans the NDSL input ?le;it then processes the define commands,storing (variable,value)pairs in a hash table.Next,the translator parses the input ?le into nodes ,links ,traf?c sources ,connectors ,and traf?c sinks .

In the second pass,the translator creates an output ?le in modelica containing the appropriate models from the network library ?le.As a result,an overall system model is created consisting of declarations of traf?c sources ,connectors ,pro-tocol sinks ,etc.

B.Case Study:Abilene Backbone Network

The Abilene Network (shown in Figure 18)is an Internet-2high-performance backbone network connecting research institutions to enable the development of advanced Internet applications and protocols [6].Recently,its has been upgraded to 10Gbps backbone links using OC-192circuits.The links propagation delays considered are shown in Table V.All links have a bandwidth of 10Gbps and we assume droptail queues with size equal to 25,000packets with 1K packet size.In this experiment,we simulate the three sets of ten ?ows described in Table VI.Each ?ow starts randomly between 0and 1sec and terminates at time 40,000sec.The NDSL description of this network is shown in Table


Fig.18.Abilene Backbone Network


We use our hybrid model of the Abilene network to study how queue size impacts throughput fairness.To this effect we vary the queue sizes from 25,000to 150,000packets in increments of 25,000and measure the throughput obtained.We ran 11hours of simulation time.In this network,one needs simulations this large if one wants to obtain steady-state throughput.Note that for a 10Gbps backbone with 70ms




source prop.delay Seattle (STTL)


Denver (DNVR)

Denver (DNVR)

10.674ms Indianapolis (IPLS)

Indianapolis (IPLS)

3.990ms New York (NYCM)

Sunnyvale (SNV A)

7.772ms Houston (HSTN)

Houston (HSTN)

19.756ms Washington (W ASH)

Washington (W ASH)

4.412ms Seattle (STTL)

Houston (HSTN)

15.504ms Indianapolis (IPLS)

number of ?ows


set one 15ms set two 28.8ms set three





de?ne qsize25000

de?ne qtype Droptail

de?ne band10000M




#links and queue

link STTL DNVR band0.0257qtype qsize

link SNV A DNVR band0.0250qtype qsize

link DNVR KSCY band0.0107qtype qsize

link KSCY IPLS band0.0093qtype qsize

link IPLS CHIN band0.0040qtype qsize

link CHIN NYCM band0.0205qtype qsize

link SNV A LOSA band0.0077qtype qsize

link LOSA HSTN band0.0316qtype qsize

link HSTN ATLA band0.0198qtype qsize

link ATLA W ASH band0.0159qtype qsize

link W ASH NYCM band0.0044qtype qsize

link SNV A STTL band0.0168qtype qsize

link HSTN KSCY band0.0155qtype qsize

link ATLA IPLS band0.0110qtype qsize


TcpSack1004000000ATLA IPLS CHIN

TcpSack1004000000HSTN KSCY IPLS CHIN


3.1times the average throughput of set three,but when the queue size increases to150,000,the throughput ratio becomes only1.5.This is consistent with the expectation that,when the queuing delay increases considerably,it will dominate the RTT thus decreasing the RTT ratio between the two?ows with different propagation delays.However,in topologies like this one,the precise dependence of the fairness ratio with the buffer size is dif?cult to predict without resorting to simulations. Figure19also shows the ratio between the average RTTs of the?ows in sets and(in the reciprocal order). Since all the?ows go through the same bottleneck(Chicago-Indianapolis),based on the TCP-friendly formula one could expect the fairness ratio to match the reciprocal of the RTT ratio.The simulations reveal that this generally underestimates the fairness ratio,especially when the ratio is far from one. This phenomena has been con?rmed by ns-2simulations in smaller networks and is further studied in[40].

Fig.20.Average RTT of TCP?ows on the Abilene Network


This paper proposes a general framework for building hybrid models to describe network behavior.This framework ?lls the gap between packet-level and aggregate models by averaging discrete variables over very short time scales.This means that the models are able to capture the dynamics of transient phenomena fairly accurately,as long as their time constants are larger than a couple of RTTs.This is quite appropriate for the analysis and design of network protocols including congestion control mechanisms.

To validate our hybrid systems modeling framework,we compare hybrid model against packet-level simulations and show that the probability density functions match very closely. We also brie?y describe the software tools that we developed to automate the generation of hybrid models for complex networks.We showcased their use with a case study involving the Abilene backbone network.

Our results indicate that simulations using hybrid models should be preferred over packet-level simulators in the study of networks with large per-?ow bandwidths,when one wants to accurately capture traces of individual?ows and the evo-lution of buffer sizes.For networks with small bandwidth,the computational saving introduced by hybrid model are small and one might as well rely on packet-level simulators.

We plan to pursue the use of hybrid models to character-ize the performance of large-scale,high-speed networks.For example,recent proposals of high-speed protocols such as FAST-TCP,STCP and HSTCP show severe unfairness where heterogeneous RTTs exist[34].Hybrid models will allow us to evaluate these protocols more ef?ciently than packet-level simulators.Another direction of future work is to improve the hybrid systems simulator’s scalability.We believe techniques such as prediction and combination of drop events,and traf?c aggregation can reduce execution time further.


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1.什么是船舶的浮性? 船舶在各种装载情况下具有漂浮在水面上保持平衡位置的能力 2.什么是静水力曲线?其使用条件是什么?包括哪些曲线?怎样用静水力曲线查某一吃水时的排水量和浮心位置? 船舶设计单位或船厂将这些参数预先计算出并按一定比例关系绘制在同一张图中;漂心坐标曲线、排水体积曲线;当已知船舶正浮或可视为正浮状态下的吃水时,便可在静水力曲线图中查得该吃水下的船舶的排水量、漂心坐标及浮心坐标等 3.什么是漂心?有何作用?平行沉浮的条件是什么? 船舶水线面积的几何中心称为漂心;根据漂心的位置,可以计算船舶在小角度纵倾时的首尾吃水;船舶在原水线面漂心的铅垂线上少量装卸重量时,船舶会平行沉浮;(1)必须为少量装卸重物(2)装卸重物p的重心必须位于原水线面漂心的铅垂线上 4.什么是TPC?其使用条件如何?有何用途? 每厘米吃水吨数是指船在任意吃水时,船舶水线面平行下沉或上浮1cm时所引起的排水量变化的吨数;已知船舶在吃水d时的tpc数值,便可迅速地求出装卸少量重物p之后的平均吃水变化量,或根据吃水的改变量求船舶装卸重物的重量 5.什么是船舶的稳性? 船舶在使其倾斜的外力消除后能自行回到原来平衡位置的性能。 6.船舶的稳性分几类? 横稳性、纵稳性、初稳性、大倾角稳性、静稳性、动稳性、完整稳性、破损稳性 7.船舶的平衡状态有哪几种?船舶处于稳定平衡状态、随遇平衡状态、不稳定平衡状态的条件是什么? 稳定平衡、不稳定平衡、随遇平衡 当外界干扰消失后,船舶能够自行恢复到初始平衡位置,该初始平衡状态称为稳定平衡当外界干扰消失后,船舶没有自行恢复到初始平衡位置的能力,该初始平衡状态称为不稳定平衡 当外界干扰消失后,船舶依然保持在当前倾斜状态,该初始平衡状态称为随遇平衡8.什么是初稳性?其稳心特点是什么?浮心运动轨迹如何? 指船舶倾斜角度较小时的稳性;稳心原点不动;浮心是以稳心为圆心,以稳心半径为半径做圆弧运动 9.什么是稳心半径?与吃水关系如何? 船舶在小角度倾斜过程中,倾斜前、后的浮力作用线的交点,与倾斜前的浮心位置的线段长,称为横稳性半径!随吃水的增加而逐渐减少 10.什么是初稳性高度GM?有何意义?影响GM的因素有哪些?从出发港到目的港整个航行过程中有多少个GM? 重心至稳心间的距离;吃水和重心高度;许多个 11.什么是大倾角稳性?其稳心有何特点? 船舶作倾角为10°-15以上倾斜或大于甲板边缘入水角时点的稳性 12.什么是静稳性曲线?有哪些特征参数? 描述复原力臂随横倾角变化的曲线称为静稳性曲线;初稳性高度、甲板浸水角、最大静复原力臂或力矩、静稳性曲线下的面积、稳性消失角 13.什么是动稳性、静稳性? 船舶在外力矩突然作用下的稳性。船舶在外力矩逐渐作用下的稳性。 14.什么是自由液面?其对稳性有何影响?减小其影响采取的措施有哪些? 可自由流动的液面称为自由液面;使初稳性高度减少;()减小液舱宽度(2)液舱应


两学一做当先锋改革强军显作为演讲 稿 我,是一名入警大学生,11年大学毕业时,我毅然决然的选择了携笔从戎,成为了光荣的边防部队中的一员。XX 年1月,刚刚结束集训的我,被分配到了丽江边防检查站。每当我向朋友说起我在丽江工作时,他们总是不解的问我:丽江边防?丽江又不在边境线,哪来的边防?也许,这也是在座的许多人对我们这支部队的疑惑,可大家却忘了,我们美丽的丽江,为了更好的迎接海外游客,开通了多达五条的国际航线,我们丽江边防检查站,正是驻守在丽江机场这个国门一线的哨兵,担负着服务广大出入境旅客的职责任务。4年多来,我们顺利查验了近XX架次的出入境航班,验放了多达18万名的中外游客。而在这些数字的背后,却有着一个关于梦想的故事。 我刚到丽江站的时候,丽江站才刚刚组建,大门上连块门牌都没有,全站加起来,只有17个人,整个营区空旷得出奇,连说话稍微大声一些,都感觉带着回音。 入夜,一月的丽江出奇的寒冷,宿舍里除了两张床,再无一物,我几乎是把所有的军装盖在被子上才觉得温暖,睡不着的时候,我在想,这样的一个单位,日子怎么过呀! 之后的日子里,我们第一批丽江边检人拿着清扫工具,打扫着空空荡荡的营区与办公楼;我们在仅有的一间会议室

里开着武警大会,因为椅子不够,很多人得站着;我们去山上挖树苗回单位栽种来美化营区;因为缺少桌椅电脑,综合办公室的战友必须排队使用电脑办公;因为兵员紧张,所有干部白天要上班,夜里还要负责岗哨;我们自己动手画篮球场的标线,自己动手搭篮球架;12年3月15日,丽江站正式挂牌成立、5月31日,第一架飞往香港的航班我们顺利验放……这一件件、一桩桩的小事,成了我最珍贵的回忆。 如今的丽江站,有了一流的信息化硬件设施,有了崭新的官兵宿舍,有了宽敞的食堂,有了丰富的文体活动场所。可我不会忘记我们曾经度过的那段艰难的日子。 这段日子,记录的不仅仅是丽江站从无到有的岁月,更是一群丽江边检人带着"敢想、敢试、敢干"精神顽强拼搏的见证。我们缺少物质上的支持,可我们有一个信仰:党和国家选择在丽江设立机场口岸,就是需要我们为口岸的顺畅运行保驾护航,我们不可以辜负这一期望。为了这一个信仰,丽江边检人已经在这片热土上度过了四个春夏秋冬! 工作之余,会有战友聊天时说起老单位的情况,对比丽江站,觉得丽江站很艰苦。我很羡慕的听着他们聊老单位的一切,觉得他们的军旅生涯真是丰富多彩,可对我而言,丽江站是我军旅生涯的第一站,可就这第一站在一步步变得更加美好时,军改的消息如雷鸣般轰入我们每一名官兵的脑海里。一时间,众说纷纭、谣言四起。我忽然觉得,我的第


文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持. 《船舶原理与结构》课程教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 1、课程代码:NA325 2、课程名称(中/英文):船舶原理与结构/Principles of Naval Architecture and Structures 3、学时/学分:60/3.5 4、先修课程:《高等数学》《大学物理》《理论力学》 5、面向对象:轮机工程、交通运输工程 6、开课院(系)、教研室:船舶海洋与建筑工程学院船舶与海洋工程系 7、教材、教学参考书: 《船舶原理》,刘红编,上海交通大学出版社,2009.11。 《船舶原理》(上、下册),盛振邦、刘应中主编,上海交通大学出版社,2003、2004。 《船舶原理与结构》,陈雪深、裘泳铭、张永编,上海交通大学出版社,1990.6。 《船舶原理》,蒋维清等著,大连海事大学出版社,1998.8。 相关法规和船级社入级规范。 二、课程性质和任务 《船舶原理与结构》是轮机工程和交通运输工程专业的一门必修课。它的主要任务是通过讲课、作业和实验环节,使学生掌握船舶静力学、船舶阻力、船舶推进、船舶操纵性与耐波性和船体结构的基本概念、基本原理、基本计算方法,培养学生分析、解决问题的基本能力,为今后从事工程技术和航运管理工作,打下基础。 本课程各教学环节对人才培养目标的贡献见下表。

三、教学内容和基本要求 课程教学内容共54学时,对不同的教学内容,其要求如下。 1、船舶类型 了解民用船舶、军用舰船、高速舰船的种类、用途和特征。 2、船体几何要素 了解船舶外形和船体型线力的一般特征,掌握船体主尺度、尺度比和船型系数。 3、船舶浮性 掌握船舶的平衡条件、船舶浮态的概念;掌握船舶重量、重心位置、排水量和浮心位置的计算方法;掌握近似数值计算方法—梯形法和辛普森法。 2


逐梦军旅演讲稿 逐梦军旅演讲稿篇一 尊敬的各位领导、各位老师,亲爱的同学们:大家下午好!我是来自高20xx级2班的一名学生,今天很荣幸能够代表本届高三学子在这里发表演讲。高考在即,我们每一个人都承载着自己的责任在努力复习备战高考。闲暇之余,也曾畅谈理想,规划自己的未来。有人想学医悬壶济世,有人想研究科学探索自然奥秘,有人想手持朱笔诲人不倦,有人想游走商界叱咤风云。这些都是很美好的憧憬,那,你们有没有和我一样想到过另一种选择,那,1就是逐梦军旅,献身国防。从小时候起,我们便学习中国的近代史,知道百年前积弱的旧中国是如何被无情的帝国主义践踏,在那样几近灭国的危亡中,使我们伟大的中国共产党带领着顽强英勇的人民解放军赶跑了帝国主义,同所有中国人民一起建立了一个全新的中国。而如今我们的幸福生活不仅有革命先辈们打下的基础,更有此时此刻正坚守在岗位的解放军战士们的功劳。有了他们的不懈努力,有了他们活跃在祖国母亲的血脉中,祖国才能在而今国际形势瞬息万变,风起云涌的时事政变中泰然自若,敢对他国挑衅予以还击,能在世界大局中引导潮流,参与到世界维和的任务中去。所以,能成为一名铁骨铮铮、保家卫国的解放军战士是多么庄严而又光荣的事!我知道,我们当中有很多人其实是很向往军旅生活的,只是想到军旅生活的艰苦便退缩了。但,我们不能退缩。古人曾



文明守纪演讲稿Document of civilized speech 编订:JinTai College

文明守纪演讲稿 小泰温馨提示:演讲稿是在较为隆重的仪式上和某些公众场合发表的讲话文稿。演讲稿是进行演讲的依据,对演讲内容和形式的规范和提示,体现着演讲的目的和手段,用来交流思想、感情,表达主张、见解;也可以用来介绍自己的学习、工作情况和经验等等;同时具有宣传、鼓动、教育和欣赏等作用,可以把演讲者的观点、主张与思想感情传达给听众以及读者,使他们信服并在思想感情上产生共鸣。本文档根据演讲稿内容要求展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意修改调整及打印。 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好!今天我演讲的题目是《做一个文明守纪的中学生》 我曾经在书上看到这样一则故事:一头牛饿了,它会在本能驱使下寻找食物:遇上青草就大嚼一通,即使是人家的庄稼,甚至名贵的花草,只要可口,都会照吃不误。而人就不同了。我们饥肠辘辘时,尽管看到商店橱窗里的美味近在咫尺,但如果囊中羞涩,也不敢有非分之想。甚至,当你已经坐在餐桌前面对香喷喷的菜肴时,如果主宾还未到来,也许就需要忍饥等待。为什么呢?道德规范的约束!在我们日常生活中的道

德观念时时提醒我们做一个文明的人,做一个遵守社会规范的人。 刘备临终前告诫儿子刘禅“勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小 而不为”。但我们生活中的不良行为却比比皆是: 1.乱丢垃圾。在校园公共区域和教室内,吐出的痰迹、 空饮料瓶、废纸片和食品包装袋等经常可以见到。 2.损害公物。最典型的是在书桌、椅子上用刀、用笔刻 划“留言”,用涂改液等在上面乱写乱画,在教室的墙壁上涂抹。上面写出的内容大都是消极颓废、甚至是思想不健康的语言垃圾。这不但破坏了公物,也污染了我们学生的视觉及心灵。 3.语言不美。少数同学说话便带出脏字,而且自己并没 有意识到。他们自己也说:“不是故意的,只是习惯而已。”一些同学当别人意见与自己不同时,尤其是当自己的不文明行为受到制止时,往往恶语伤人,庸俗不堪。 4.言行不雅。个别同学在教学楼道甚至在教室内大声喧哗,破坏了教学环境应有的宁静与和谐;少数同学身着比较新潮的衣服,或是自己“创造”的衣服,把自己打扮得象一个模特;有些同学的头发太长,让人以为是“问题少年”。


武汉理工大学交通学院2020年研究生入学考试大纲 2020年研究生入学考试考纲 《船舶流体力学》考试说明 一、考试目的 掌握船舶流体力学相关知识是研究船舶水动力学问题的基础。本门考试的目的是考察考生掌握船舶流体力学相关知识的水平,以保证被录取者掌握必要的基础知识,为从事相关领域的研究工作打下基础。 考试对象:2020年报考武汉理工大学交通学院船舶与海洋工程船舶性能方向学术型和专业型研究生的考生。 二、考试要点 (1)流体的基本性质和研究方法 连续介质概念;流体的基本属性;作用在流体上的力的特点和表述方法。 (2)流体静力学 作用在流体上的力;流体静压强及特性;压力体的概念,及静止流体对壁面作用力计算。 (3)流体运动学 研究流体运动的两种方法;流体流动的分类;流线、流管等基本概念。 (4)流体动力学 动量定理;伯努利方程及应用。 (5)船舶静力学 船型系数;浮性;稳性分类;移动物体和液舱内自由液面对船舶稳性的影响;初稳性高计算。 (6)船舶快速性 边界层概念;船舶阻力分类;尺度效应,及船模阻力换算为实船阻力;方尾和球鼻艏对阻力的影响;伴流和推力减额的概念;空泡现象对螺旋桨性能的影响;浅水对船舶性能的影响。 三、考试形式与试卷结构 1. 答卷方式:闭卷,笔试。 2. 答题时间:180分钟。 3. 试卷分数:总分为150分。 4. 题型:填空题(20×1分=20分);名词解释(10×3分=30分);简述题(4×10分=40分);计算题(4×15分=60分)。 四、参考书目 1. 熊鳌魁等编著,《流体力学》,科学出版社,2016。 2. 盛振邦、刘应中,《船舶原理》(上、下册)中的船舶静力学、船舶阻力、船舶推进部分,上海交通大学出版社,2003。 1

中国梦 强军梦 我的梦演讲稿

中国梦强军梦我的梦 五千年的斗转星移,五千年的潮起潮落 五千年的沧桑巨变,五千年 孕育着一个伟大民族的复兴之梦 习主席深情阐述:“中国梦是强国梦,更是强军梦”。他引用了三句诗:“雄关漫道真如铁,人间正道是沧桑,长风破浪会有时”将中华民族的昨天、今天和明天,熔铸于百余年中国沧桑巨变的历史图景中,展现了几代人为民族复兴奋斗的艰辛历程,令人感慨,催人奋进。 国无军不强,民无军不安,没有强大的人民军队中国梦的实现不过是纸上谈兵的笑谈,没有强大的人民军队就不会有安宁和平的发展环境。 历史往往经过时间的沉淀后会变得更加明晰,追根溯源,伟大的中华民族有着悠久灿烂的文明,长久居于世界文明发展的前列。然而中华民族却有那么一段屈辱的历程,使得近代中国满目疮痍。 1840年鸦片战争,英国用“坚船利炮”击碎了清王朝以“天朝上国”自居的美梦,1900年,八国联军拼凑起来的兵力不足两万而京城一带纵有十几万清军、几十万义和团之众。仍无法阻止京师沦陷和赔白银四亿余万两。1840年到1919年,80年间,旧中国与列强签订了900多个丧权辱国的不平等条约,平均每月一个,合约越签越多,而和平、安全和主权却越来越少。 百年屈辱、百年渴望,当中华民族面对“千年未有之巨变,千年未有之强敌”。我中华儿女便萌生了一个执着的梦,民族复兴的梦。 新中国成立以来,无数科研工作者为富国强军孜孜贡献。1964年第一课原子弹试爆成功,让所有中国人挺立了腰杆,让世界惊叹那一朵“蘑菇云” 2003年神州五号顺利升空,证明中国千年来的登天梦实现了,2012年中国首艘航母---辽宁舰下水,结束了五大国中唯一没有航母的历史。这些都是我们军队强盛的证明,更是强军梦逐步实现的脚印。 习主席在五四讲话中指出:“历史和现实都告诉我们青年一代有理想有担当,国家就有前途,民族就有希望。实现我们的发展目标就有源源不断的力量。” 入伍前,我是一名大学生。校园的欢声笑语无忧无虑,自由安逸,似乎让我忘却了什么是梦想,甚至中国梦在我记忆深处埋没。“进来是铁,出去是刚”。昨天的我就是今天的你,今天的我就是明天的你。人生因梦想而精彩,青春因奋斗而美丽。一位退伍大学生老兵点醒了我。位卑未敢忘忧国,天下兴亡匹夫有责等箴言在我脑中萦绕,投笔从戎,参军报国,让青春无悔,让我再一次舞动起青春的乐章。 路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。人的生命犹如一条奔腾的江河,不经历海岛和暗礁难以激起生命的浪花。严格要求,苦练杀敌本领,一千次跌倒将会在一千零一次中爬起,拍打灰尘、挺起胸脯、毅然前进。站军姿、叠被子、练擒敌、爬战术,平凡但不平庸,一个胸怀抱负的士兵,注定要在平凡的岗位上刻下浓浓一笔,一个勇于担当的士兵,注定让精彩的梦想充满军旅生涯。 做为新世纪和平年代可爱的武警战士,自觉发扬爱国主义优良传统,把警营当做爱国报国建功立业的最好平台。立足本职岗位,脚踏实地工作,用实实在在的行动展示新一代革命军人的时代风采。 我相信只要坚持不懈、努力拼搏,梦一定能成真。我的梦,我们的梦,铸就了实现国富民强的强军梦。强军梦要靠我们的梦来实现,我们要为实现强军梦而奋斗。


《船舶原理与结构》课程教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 1、课程代码: 2、课程名称(中/英文):船舶原理与结构/Principles of Naval Architecture and Structures 3、学时/学分:60/3.5 4、先修课程:《高等数学》《大学物理》《理论力学》 5、面向对象:轮机工程、交通运输工程 6、开课院(系)、教研室:船舶海洋与建筑工程学院船舶与海洋工程系 7、教材、教学参考书: 《船舶原理》,刘红编,上海交通大学出版社,2009.11。 《船舶原理》(上、下册),盛振邦、刘应中主编,上海交通大学出版社,2003、2004。 《船舶原理与结构》,陈雪深、裘泳铭、张永编,上海交通大学出版社,1990.6。 《船舶原理》,蒋维清等著,大连海事大学出版社,1998.8。 相关法规和船级社入级规范。 二、课程性质和任务 《船舶原理与结构》是轮机工程和交通运输工程专业的一门必修课。它的主要任务是通过讲课、作业和实验环节,使学生掌握船舶静力学、船舶阻力、船舶推进、船舶操纵性与耐波性和船体结构的基本概念、基本原理、基本计算方法,培养学生分析、解决问题的基本能力,为今后从事工程技术和航运管理工作,打下基础。 本课程各教学环节对人才培养目标的贡献见下表。

三、教学内容和基本要求 课程教学内容共54学时,对不同的教学内容,其要求如下。 1、船舶类型 了解民用船舶、军用舰船、高速舰船的种类、用途和特征。 2、船体几何要素 了解船舶外形和船体型线力的一般特征,掌握船体主尺度、尺度比和船型系数。 3、船舶浮性 掌握船舶的平衡条件、船舶浮态的概念;掌握船舶重量、重心位置、排水量和浮心位置的计算方法;掌握近似数值计算方法—梯形法和辛普森法。


文明守纪中学生演讲稿3篇 Speech document of civilized and discipline abiding mid dle school students 编订:JinTai College

文明守纪中学生演讲稿3篇 小泰温馨提示:讲话稿是为了在会议或重要活动上表达自己意见、看法或汇报思想工作情况而事先准备好的文稿,用来交流思想、感情,表达主张、见解,是演讲上一个重要的准备工作。本文档根据讲话稿内容要求和特点展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意修改调整及打印。 本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:文明守纪中学生演讲稿 2、篇章2:文明守纪中学生演讲稿 3、篇章3:文明守纪中学生演讲稿 文明是什么呢?文明是路上相遇时的微笑,是同学有难时的热情帮助,是不小心撞到对方时的一声“对不起”,是自觉将垃圾放入垃圾箱的举动,是不讲脏话、粗话,是在安静无声的自修课上自觉遵守纪律……文明是一种品质,文明是一种修养,一种受人尊敬并被大家广泛推崇的行为。本文是小泰为大家整理的文明守纪的中学生演讲稿,仅供参考。 篇章1:文明守纪中学生演讲稿

尊敬的各位老师、亲爱的同学们: 今天我演讲的题目是《文明之手编织和谐校园》 众所周知,我国是世界四大文明古国之一,也是传统的 礼仪之邦。作为新时代的少先队员,我们更应当注重自己在 日常的学习和生活中,从自己言谈举止的每一个细节入手,自觉履行我们应当遵守的文明礼仪。 当你踏着光洁的地板走进教学楼的时候,你是否会想起 那位经常手拿扫把,埋头辛苦扫地同学;当你在操场上与朋友 尽情嬉戏的时候,你是否看见学校老师栽培草坪的背影;当你 在干净、整洁的校园里漫步徜徉的时候,你是否感觉到那位拖垃圾车的老爷爷的艰辛。 在生活中,在我们的身边,不乏有这样的现象: 校园里,见到老师,不知道问好;生活中没有秩序,不懂 得谦让;大庭广众之下,公开骂一些不堪入耳的脏话!这难道是礼貌吗?不,这是无礼!干净的教室转瞬间成为了垃圾的天堂! 崭新的门板霎时被破坏得惨不忍睹!这难道是文明吗?不!这是 无耻!平日里,披头散发,不修边幅,长长的指甲中藏污纳垢。这难道是潇洒吗?不!这是邋遢à !


2019年上海交通大学船舶与海洋工程考研良心经验 我本科是武汉理工大学的,学的也是船舶与海洋工程,成绩属于中等偏上吧,也拿过两次校三等奖学金,六级第二次才考过。 由于种种原因,我到了8月份才终于下定决心考交大船海并开始准备,只有4个多月,时间比较紧迫。但只要你下定决心,什么时候开始都不算晚,也不要因为复习得不好,开始的晚了就降低学校的要求,放弃了自己的名校梦。每个人情况不一样,自己好好做决定,即使暂时难以决定,也要早点开始复习。决定是在可以在学习过程中做的,学习计划也是可以根据自己的情况更改的。所以即使不知道考哪,每天学习多久,怎样安排学习计划,那也要先开始,这样你才能更清楚学习的难度和量。万事开头难,千万不要拖。由于准备的晚怕靠个人来不及,于是在朋友推荐下我报了新祥旭专业课的一对一,个人觉得一对一比班课好,新祥旭刚好之专门做一对一比较专业,所以果断选择了新祥旭,如果有同学需要可以加卫:chentaoge123 上交船海考研学硕和专硕的科目是一样的,英语一、数学一、政治、船舶与海洋工程专业基础(801)。英语主要是背单词和刷真题,我复习的时间不多,背单词太花时间,就慢慢放弃了,就只是刷真题,真题中出现的陌生单词,都抄到笔记本上背,作文要背一下,准备一下套路,最好自己准备。英语考时感觉着超级简单,但只考了65分,还是很郁闷的。数学是重中之重,我八月份开时复习,直接上手复习全书,我觉得没有必要看课本,毕竟太基础,而且和考研重点不一样,看了课本或许也觉得很难,但是和考研不沾边。计划的是两个月复习一遍,开始刷题,然后一边复习其他的,可是计划跟不上变化,数学基础稍差,复习的较慢,我又不想为了赶进度而应付,某些地方掌握多少自己心里有数,若是只掌握个大概,也不利于后面的学习。所以自打复习开始,我就没放下过数学,期间也听一些网课,高数听张宇、武忠祥的,线代肯定是李永乐,概率论听王式安,课可以听,但最主要还是自己做题,我只听了一些强化班,感觉自己复习不好的地方听了一下。我真题到了11月中旬才开始做,实在是太晚,我8月开始复习时网上就有人说真题刷两遍了,能不慌吗,但再慌也要淡定,不要因此为了赶进度而自欺欺人,做什么事外界的声音是一回事,自己的节奏要自己把握好,不然


遵规守纪做文明中学生演讲稿 遵规守纪做文明中学生演讲稿(一) 各位领导、老师、同学们: 大家早上好! 冬天的早晨是寒冷的,但是每周一早晨同学们都会排着整齐的队伍,喊着响亮的口号站在国旗下举行庄严的升国旗仪式。为什么?答难只有两个字---纪律。俗话说;没有纪律不成方圆。一个社会,一个团体,只有在良好的纪律维持下,才会逐渐的走向成熟。今天我要和同学们说遵守纪律做文明xx人。《中小学生守则》和《中学生日常行为规范》已经给了我们明确的目标:自尊自爱,注重仪表,真诚友爱,礼貌待人,遵规守纪,勤奋学习,勤劳俭朴,孝敬父母。我们xx实验学校的各项校规、校纪和这些守则规范是完全一致的。比如说,学校有明确要求:穿着得体大方,待人谦虚礼貌、言行文明适度等等。这些说起来简单,但做起来可就不那么容易了。有些同学总是怀着侥幸心理,认为偶尔违反一两条纪律没什么关系。偶尔犯一两次错误本来是可以原谅的,但如果总是怀有这些侥幸心理的话,天长日久养成了不良习惯,再改可就非常难了。要知道,我们学校的各种规章制并不是为了限制同学们的自由,而是为了让同学们拥有一个更加有序的环境,获得更大意义上的自由;使同学们能够更好的学习、工作,这才是学校制定各种纪律、规范的真正目的。 同学们,作为xx的一名学生,我们应当感谢学校对我们的重视,

从现在做起,从我做起,从身边做起,不但自觉遵守各项校规校纪、法规法纪,养成良好的习惯,而且,积极主动作好宣传。这样做不仅为了使学校环境更加美好,更为了使我们能够健康的成长,有效的学习,使我们每一个人都拥有一个更加美好的前程,成为对社会有用的人。 让我们积极行动起来,从身边的小事做起,规范自己,监督自己,使自己率先成为守纪.护法的文明xx人! 遵规守纪做文明中学生演讲稿(二) 老师们、同学们: 大家好! 我今天演讲的主题是:遵规守纪,做文明中学生 中国是一个有着五千年历史的文明古国,中华民族素来是一个谦恭礼让的文明礼仪之邦。华夏儿女的举手投足,无不体现一个人的气质与素养。荀子云:“不学礼无以立,人无礼则不生,事无礼则不成,国无礼则不宁。”文明礼仪是我们学习、生活的根基,是我们健康成长的臂膀。 然而在我们美丽的校园里,在少数学生中仍然存在着言不美、行不端等违纪违规、不讲文明的现象:比如校园里随处可见的垃圾,集会时交头接耳,文艺汇演时站立起来影响其他学生观看,在楼道里追逐打闹,课上不认真听讲……虽然这是个别学生的行为,但我们也对此深表遗憾!因为孩子是家长的缩影。在你不文明的行为背后不免让人猜测是什么样的家庭,什么样的家长培养了不讲文明的学生。同学


第一章 船体形状 三个基准面(1)中线面(xoz 面)横剖线图(2)中站面(yoz 面)总剖线图(3) 基平面 (xoy 面)半宽水线图 型线图:用来描述(绘)船体外表面的几何形状。 船体主尺度 船长 L 、船宽(型宽)B 、吃水d 、吃水差t 、 t = dF – dA 、首吃水dF 、尾吃水dA 、平均吃水dM 、dM = (dF + dA )/ 2 } 、型深 D 、干舷 F 、(F = D – d ) 主尺度比 L / B 、B / d 、D / d 、B / D 、L / D 船体的三个主要剖面:设计水线面、中纵剖面、中横剖面 1.水线面系数Cw :船舶的水线面积Aw 与船长L,型宽B 的乘积之比。 2.中横剖面系数Cm :船舶的中横剖面积Am 与型宽B 、吃水d 二者的乘积之比值。 3.方型系数Cb :船舶的排水体积V,与船长L,型宽B 、吃水d 三者的乘积之比值。 4. 棱形系数(纵向)Cp :船舶排水体积V 与中横剖面积Am 、船长L 两者的乘积之比值。 5. 垂向棱形系数 Cvp :船舶排水体积V 与水线面积Aw 、吃水d 两者的乘积之比值。 船型系数的变化区域为:∈( 0 ,1 ] 第二章 船体计算的近似积分法 梯形法则约束条件(限制条件):(1) 等间距 辛氏一法则通项公式 约束条件(限制条件):(1)等间距 (2)等份数为偶数 (纵坐标数为奇数 )2m+1 辛氏二法则 约束条件(限制条件)(1)等间距 (2)等份数为3 3m+1 梯形法:(1)公式简明、直观、易记 ;(2)分割份数较少时和曲率变化较大时误差偏大。 辛氏法:(1)公式较复杂、计算过程多; (2)分割份数较少时和曲率变化较大时误差相对较小。 第三章 浮性 船舶(浮体)的漂浮状态:(1 )正浮(2)横倾(3)纵倾(4)纵横倾 排水量:指船舶在水中所排开的同体积水的重量。 平行沉浮条件:少量装卸货物P ≤ 10 ℅D 每厘米吃水吨数: TPC = 0.01×ρ×Aw {指使船舶吃水垂向(水平)改变1厘米应在船上施加的力(或重量) }{或指使船舶吃水垂向(水平)改变1厘米时,所引起的排水量的改变量 } (1)船型系数曲线 (2)浮性曲线 (3)稳性曲线 (4)邦金曲线 静水力曲线图:表示船舶正浮状态时的浮性要素、初稳性要素和船型系数等与吃水的关系曲线的总称,它是由船舶设计部门绘制,供驾驶员使用的一种重要的船舶资料。 第四章 稳性 稳性:是指船受外力作用离开平衡位置而倾斜,当外力消失后,船能回复到原平衡位置的能力。 稳心:船舶正浮时浮力作用线与微倾后浮力作用线的交点。 稳性的分类:(1)初稳性;(2)大倾角稳性;(3)横稳性;(4)纵稳性;(5)静稳性;(6)动稳性;(7)完整稳性;(8)非完整稳性(破舱稳性) 判断浮体的平衡状态:(1)根据倾斜力矩与稳性力矩的方向来判断;(2)根据重心与稳心的 相对位置来判断 浮态、稳性、初稳心高度、倾角 B L A C w w ?=d B A C m m ?=d V C ??=B L b L A V C m p ?=d A V C w vp ?=b b p vp m w C C C C C C ==, 002n n i i y y A l y =+??=-????∑[]012142...43n n l A y y y y y -=+++++[]0123213332...338n n n l A y y y y y y y --=++++++P D ?= P f P f x = x y = y = 0 ()P P d= cm TPC q ?= m g b g b g GM = z z = z BM z = z r z -+-+-


关于改革强军的演讲稿(范文一) 铸牢军魂,梦融强军 “赳赳老秦,复我河山,血不流干,死不休战。”在老秦人的呼啸声中,秦国的方阵铁骑,视战国六雄为草芥,攻城夺地,势如破竹,实现了华夏大一统;唐夏虎牢之战,李世民率领数千名玄甲军大败王世充数万之众,一役定乾坤,成就李唐王朝;嘉靖年间,戚家军抗倭,台州之役,九战九捷,为明朝海防的稳定做出了巨大贡献。历史证明,一个民族国家崛起和复兴的背后,势必有着一支强有力的军队为其披荆斩棘,开疆拓土。由此也可以看出,当前新形势下习总书记提出强军目标的重要性,要实现中华民族的伟大复兴,必定要有一支听党指挥,能打胜仗,作风优良的人民军队为坚强后盾。 一、溯游历史长河,坚定强军信仰 学习践行强军目标心得体会心得体会,学习心得二战中的德国,席卷波兰于一夜之间,甚至将德意志的军旗插至目及克里姆林宫的河畔,这样一个国土面积只有35万平方公里国家的军队创造出的战绩却不得不令世界震撼。虽然指挥这场战争的是纳粹党,但我们不得不从中看出一些东西;反观苏共,自戈尔巴乔夫推行改革以来,军队国家化的思潮逐渐开始泛滥,军队的对党忠诚开始动摇,最终导致了苏联的解体。这样一个在战争中成长起来的国家,却在和平时期的一场改革中断送了自己的前途,这不得不让人扼腕。于此可见,党对军队的绝对领导是十分必要的,听党指挥是军之魂,任何时期都要坚守住党对人民军队的绝对领导这个高地,做到招之能来,来之能战。作风优良是保证。治军之道,得之于严,失之于宽。古有诸葛亮挥泪斩马谡,曹操”割发代首”等。通过这些,我们可以看出,精兵劲旅皆出于严;相反,奢靡散懒皆是法纪不振而至:北洋水师松于法纪,惰于练兵,船坚炮利的外壳下却早已是被腐蚀的锈迹斑斑,不堪一击,难支大清帝国大厦。在近代,蒋介石赦一张灵甫,毒瘤暗生,法乱而后功溃;毛泽东毙一黄克功,三军整肃,法定而后功成。由此可见,令严方可肃军威,命重始于整纲纪。悠悠岁月,时光像纷飞的雪花尘封了红军曾经的金戈铁马,带走了浴血奋战的峥嵘画面,却如大浪淘沙般沉淀下金石般的优良传统,熠熠生辉。秉承前辈的优良传统,将红色基因薪火相传。铁打的营盘流水的兵,人民军队就这样代代相传,直至今日,老兵永远不死,只是会慢慢消亡。而今,身为国防生的我们,


小学生文明守纪演讲稿 篇一:文明守纪,从我做起学生发言稿 “文明守纪、从我做起”获奖学生发言稿 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们: 你们好! 从我一进学校读书,站在庄严的五星红旗下,看着鲜艳的红旗冉冉升起的那一刻,我心中就涌起一股暖流,要严格遵守各项校规校纪,争做遵规守纪的文明学生。 遵规守纪说起来容易,可做起来,的确很难。我是一个谨慎的学生,时时刻刻处处都会提醒着自己,勤早上学,不可迟到,尊重他人,团结友爱,讲文明话,做文明人,爱护花草,爱清洁,走路轻声慢步等。因此,校园里里外外,都留下我灿烂文明的足迹。 青少年时代是最美丽的,同学们,我们大多处在天真烂漫的孩提时代,有的已步入人生最美的“花季”,青春的花朵就要在我们的生命之树上绽开,阳光是我们的,希望是我们的,世界是我们的! 歌德说过,要成就一番伟大的事业,就要从青春时代做起。那么,我们应该怎样做才能迈出正确的步子,让青春无憾无悔,走向美好的明天呢 首先,作为新时代的学生,就要遵守纪律,做现代文明的学生。

俗话说,“没有规矩,不成方圆”,我们知道,良好的纪律是学好科学文化知识的保障。作为一名学生,就要严格遵守 《学生守则》、《学生日常行为规范》:严格遵守学校各项规章制度,切实做到:尊师爱友,自律自强;诚实守法,文明礼貌;遵守公德,爱护公物。 其次,作为新时代的学生,还要学会守法。 每个公民都必须具有法制观念,不仅要学法,而且还要守法。缺乏法制观念是非常危险的。 第三、要遵守社会公德。 讲究公共卫生、爱护公共财物、维持公共秩序等,这些都是社会公德。遵守社会公德是衡量社会文明程度的标志之一。 讲究公共卫生,就是要保持优美整洁的公共环境。比如:在教室里,在马路上,不随地吐痰,不随手扔果皮、纸屑。还有一点,则是不能大喊大叫。妨碍其他人学习、工作或休息;不能在建筑物上或课桌椅上乱刻乱画。 我们身边的公共财物有很多。如学校的门窗、桌椅、教学设备等,公园里的花草、树木,马路边的路灯、路牌、公用电话等,我们不仅要做到自己爱护,而且还应当劝阻、制止有些人破坏公共财物的不文明行为。争做一个讲文明、懂礼仪的好学生。遇到师长、来宾,主动敬礼问好;上下楼梯,

最新-关于改革强军的演讲稿 关于改革强军的演讲稿(范文一) 精品

关于改革强军的演讲稿关于改革强军的演讲稿(范文一) 历史证明,一个民族国家崛起和复兴的背后,势必有着一支强有力的军队为其披荆斩棘,开疆拓土.由此也可以看出,当前新形势下习总书记提出强军目标的重要性,要实现中华民族的伟大复兴,必定要有一支听党指挥,能打胜仗,作风优良的人民军队为坚强后盾. 一溯游历史长河,坚定强军信仰学习践行强. 军目标心得体会心得体会,学习心得二战中的德国,席卷波兰于一夜之间,甚至将德意志的军旗插至目及克里姆林宫的河畔,这样一个国土面积只有35万平方公里国家的军队创造出的战绩却不得不令世界震撼.虽然指挥这场战争的是纳粹党,但我们不得不从中看出一些东西;反观苏共,自戈尔巴乔夫推行改革以来,军队国家化的思潮逐渐开始泛滥,军队的对党忠诚开始动摇,最终导致了苏联的解体. 这样一个在战争中成长起来的国家,却在和平时期的一场改革中断送了自己的前途,这不得不让人扼腕.于此可见,党对军队的绝对领导是十分必要的,听党指挥是军之魂,任何时期都要坚守住党对人民军队的绝对领导这个高地,做到招之能来,来之能战. 作风优良是保证.治军之道,得之于严,失之于宽. 古有诸葛亮挥泪斩马谡,曹操割发代首等.通过这些,我们可以看出,精兵劲旅皆出于严;相反,奢靡散懒皆是法纪不振而至:北洋水师松于法纪,惰于练兵,船坚炮利的外壳下却早已是被腐蚀的锈迹斑斑,不堪一击,难支大清帝国大厦. 在近代,蒋介石赦一张灵甫,毒瘤暗生,法乱而后功溃;毙一黄克功,三军整肃,法定而后功成.由此可见,令严方可肃军威,命重始于整纲纪. 悠悠岁月,时光像纷飞的雪花尘封了红军曾经的金戈铁马,带走了浴血奋战的峥嵘画面,却如大浪淘沙般沉淀下金石般的优良传统,熠熠生辉.秉承前辈的优良传统,将红色基因薪火相传. 铁打的营盘流水的兵,人民军队就这样代代相传,直至今日,老兵永远不死,只是会慢慢消亡.而今,身为国防生的我们,要努力学习科学文化知识,用先进理论武装我们的大脑,坚定自身信仰,崇尚荣誉,献身使命. 二、树立打赢思想,炼就过硬本领不论是外邦战例还是民族亲历,思想上的马


船舶原理试题库 第一部分船舶基础知识 (一)单项选择题 1.采用中机型船的是 A. 普通货船 C.集装箱船D.油船 2.油船设置纵向水密舱壁的目的是 A.提高纵向强度B.分隔舱室 C.提高局部强度 3. 油船结构中,应在 A.货油舱、机舱B.货油舱、炉舱 C. 货油舱、居住舱室 4.集装箱船的机舱一般设在 A. 中部B.中尾部C.尾部 5.需设置上下边舱的船是 B.客船C.油船D.液化气体船 6 B.杂货船C.散货船D.矿砂船 7 A. 散货船B.集装箱船C.液化气体船 8.在下列船舶中,哪一种船舶的货舱的双层底要求高度大 A.杂货船B.集装箱船C.客货船 9.矿砂船设置大容量压载边舱,其主要作用是 A.提高总纵强度B.提高局部强度 C.减轻摇摆程度 10 B.淡水舱C.深舱D.杂物舱 11.新型油船设置双层底的主要目的有 A.提高抗沉性B.提高强度 C.作压载舱用 12.抗沉性最差的船是 A.客船B.杂货船C散货船 13.横舱壁最少和纵舱壁最多的船分别是 B.矿砂船,集装箱船 C.油船,散货船D.客船,液化气体船 14.单甲板船有 A. 集装箱船,客货船,滚装船B.干散货船,油船,客货船 C.油船,普通货船,滚装船 15.根据《SOLASl974 A.20 B.15 D.10 16 A. 普通货船C.集装箱船D.散货船17.关于球鼻首作用的正确论述是 A. 增加船首强度

C.便于靠离码头D.建造方便 18.集装箱船通常用______表示其载重能力 A.总载重量B.满载排水量 C.总吨位 19. 油船的______ A. 杂物舱C.压载舱D.淡水舱 20 A. 集装箱船B,油船C滚装船 21.常用的两种集装箱型号和标准箱分别是 B.40ft集装箱、30ft集装箱 C.40ft集装箱、10ft集装箱 D.30ft集装箱、20ft集装箱 22.集装箱船设置双层船壳的主要原因是 A.提高抗沉性 C.作为压载舱 D. 作为货舱 23.结构简单,成本低,装卸轻杂货物作业效率高,调运过程中货物摇晃小的起货设备是 B.双联回转式 C.单个回转式D.双吊杆式 24. 具有操作与维修保养方便、劳动强度小、作业的准备和收尾工作少,并且可以遥控操 作的起货设备是 B.双联回转式 D.双吊杆式 25.加强船舶首尾端的结构,是为了提高船舶的 A.总纵强B.扭转强度 C.横向强度 26. 肋板属于 A. 纵向骨材 C.连接件D.A十B 27. 在船体结构的构件中,属于主要构件的是:Ⅰ.强横梁;Ⅱ.肋骨;Ⅲ.主肋板;Ⅳ. 甲板纵桁;Ⅴ.纵骨;Ⅵ.舷侧纵桁 A.Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,ⅣB.I,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅴ D.I,Ⅲ,Ⅳ, Ⅴ 28.船体受到最大总纵弯矩的部位是 A.主甲板B.船底板 D.离首或尾为1/4的船长处 29. ______则其扭转强度越差 A.船越长B.船越宽 C.船越大 30 A.便于检修机器B.增加燃料舱 D.B+C 31


硕士生入学复试考试《船舶原理与结构》 考试大纲 1考试性质 《船舶原理》和《船舶结构设计》均是船舶与海洋工程专业学生重要的专业基础课。它的评价标准是优秀本科毕业生能达到的水平,以保证被录取者具有较好的船舶原理和结构设计理论基础。 2考试形式与试卷结构 (1)答卷方式:闭卷,笔试 (2)答题时间:180分钟 (3)题型:计算题50%;简答题35%;名词解释15% (4)参考数目: 《船舶原理》,盛振邦、刘应中,上海交通大学出版社,2003 《船舶结构设计》,谢永和、吴剑国、李俊来,上海交通大学出版社,2011年 3考试要点 3.1 《船舶原理》 (1)浮性 浮性的一般概念;浮态种类;浮性曲线的计算与应用;邦戎曲线的计算与应用;储备浮力与载重线标志。 (2)船舶初稳性 稳性的一般概念与分类;初稳性公式的建立与应用;重物移动、

增减对稳性的影响;自由液面对稳性的影响;浮态及初稳性的计算;倾斜试验方法。 (3)船舶大倾角稳性 大倾角稳性、静稳性与动稳性的概念;静、动稳性曲线的计算及其特性;稳性的衡准;极限重心高度曲线;IMO建议的稳性衡准原则;提高稳性的措施。 (4)抗沉性 抗沉性的概念;安全限界线、渗透率、可浸长度、分舱因数的概念;可浸长度计算方法;船舶分舱制;提高抗沉性的方法。 (5)船舶阻力的基本概念与特点 船舶阻力的分类;阻力相似定律;阻力(摩擦阻力、粘压阻力、兴波阻力)产生的机理和特性。 (6)船舶阻力的确定方法 船模阻力试验方法;阻力换算方法;阻力近似计算的概念及方法;艾尔法、海军系数法等。 (7)船型对阻力的影响 船型变化及船型参数,主尺度及船型系数的影响,横剖面面积曲线形状的影响,满载水线形状的影响,首尾端形状的影响。 (8)浅水阻力特性 浅水对阻力影响的特点;浅窄航道对船舶阻力的影响。 (9)船舶推进器一般概念 推进器的种类、传送效率及推进效率;螺旋桨的几何特性。

奋进强军新时代 演讲稿

奋进强军新时代 “惟希望也,故进取;惟进取也,故日新。”党的十九大作出了“中国特色社会主义进入了新时代”的重大判断,这是新时代坚持和发展中国特色社会主义的政治宣言和行动纲领,向全党全军全国各族人民发出了奋进新时代、开启新征程的进军号令。时代的面貌日新月异,唯有紧跟潮流、砥砺奋进、奋勇拼搏,奋进强军新时代,方能开创美好未来。 为什么要奋进强军 强国必先强军,强军才能安邦。 历史经验教育我们牢记强军。从1860年第一次鸦片战争以来近一百年的屈辱的近代史深深的展示了一个民族如果只有富裕的经济而没有强大的军队,那么只会沦为“人为刀俎,我为鱼肉”。中华民族作为有悠久历史的四大文明古国之一,历史上长期居于世界经济发展的前列,但是到了近代,西方列强用坚船利炮,打开了中国的大门,疯狂地瓜分抢劫中国。近百年的屈辱,使我们明白了一个道理——民族复兴必须有强有力的国防力量作保障。 当前局势促使我们加紧强军。我们不是出生在一个和平的年代,而是出生在一个和平的国家。进入新时代,中国周边地区形势发生着深刻而复杂的变化。有利因素和不利因素的存在与发展使周边地区形势呈现出总体稳定与局部动荡并存的局面。与此同时,周边安全环境在地缘方向上存在较大的差异性,表现为“陆稳海动、陆缓海紧”和“北稳、南和、东紧、西动”的不同态势。在外部因素中,台海问题,南海争端,中印边界争端,朝鲜半岛问题等,一直都是威胁着我国的安全,其中,美国是影响中国周边安全环境的最主要因素。由此可见,如果不加紧强军备战,一旦国际形势有变,将对我国安全及发展产生重大威胁。 实现复兴需要我们继续强军。今天,我国正处于由大向强的关键阶段,正处于近两百年来最好的发展时期,国家的命运、复兴的征程与军队的现代化建设紧密地联系在一起。我军要为实现中国梦提供安全保障和战略支撑,困难不比战争年代少。当前,我国仍然面临严峻复杂的挑战,对我军履行新时代使命任务是一种严峻考验。只有登高望远、居安思危,深入推进练兵备战,扎实开展实战化训练,提升部队战斗力,才能掌握主动,有效化解风险,应对挑战,实现发展强大、复兴民族的重任。 奋进强军的意义 是我们党建军治军理念的凝练升华 在不同的历史阶段,我党根据形势任务的变化,及时提出明确的目标要求,引领我军建设不断向前发展。在国防和军队建设的实践中,我们党始终强调必须坚持党对军队绝对领导的根本原则,始终强调军队必须履行战斗队的根本职能,始终强调军队必须牢记全心全意为人民服务的根本宗旨,使军队建设发展与党的历史任务相一致、与国家发展战略相协调、与国家地位相适,充分彰显了我党建军的主张,展示了我党治军的理念,体现了我党伟大思想的发展进步。 是实现民族复兴中国梦的战略抉择 伟大的中国梦,承载着全体中华儿女的共同向往,体现了中华民族和中国人民的整体利益,昭示着国家富强、民族振兴、人民幸福的美好前景。强国梦蕴含强军梦,强军梦支撑强国梦,富国和强军,是实现中华民族伟大复兴的两大基石,两者相辅相融,互为支撑。中华民族伟大复兴绝不是轻轻松松、顺顺当当就能实现的,我国由大向强发展进程中无法回避会出现各种挑战,这是实现中华民族伟大复兴绕不过的门槛。建设一支强大的人民军队,实现国家富强、民族振兴、人民幸福才能有更好的保证。 是加快推进国防和军队现代化的根本遵循 经过多年的发展,我军建设站在了新的历史起点上,虽然我军建设有了大的发展进步,但现代化水平与国家安全需求相比差距还很大,与世界先进军事水平相比差距还很大,打现代化战争能力不够。定好强军目标体现了对军队建设发展现状的清醒认识,能使广大官兵清醒起来、警醒起来、发奋起来,正确看待存在的差距不足,找到解决矛盾问题、应对挑战考验的思路办法,进一步激励广大官兵攻坚克难、勇于超越,焕发投身强军兴军实践的高昂斗志。 怎样去奋进强军 铸牢强军之魂,坚定理想信念
