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Confucius,the most famous ancient ideologist and educationist of China,was born in today’s Qufu,Shandong province,551BC.Having a poor family,he worked very hard in his childhood.Then he became a government official at the age of 20.Because of his great knowledge and outstanding working ability,he had already enjoyed great reputation at the age of 30.


Confucius had traveled to many principalities in order to persuade kings to accept his political opinion.Failed to achieved this,he decided to devote his whole life to the cause of education.Hearing this news,many people send their children to him.He became teacher of these students,which started a new chapter of private school in china’s educational history.


Confucius had about 3000 students,72 of them were excellent.His political ideas were promoted through education. He and his students became founder of Confucianism,a school which had significant impact on China’s feudal society for thousands of years.



Confucius passed away at his 73.His students were grief stricken over his death.To memorialize him, they wrote down all conversations they had with their https://www.sodocs.net/doc/ea9883078.html,ter on,they also collected and reorganized stories of Confucius.All of materials became a classic of Confucianism -the Analects of Confucius.


个人简历英文翻译 Richard Anderson 1234, West 67 Street, Carlisle, MA 01741, (123)-456 7890. Objective: To get a position as Administrative Assistant (Personnel) and to gain further experience in accounting field. Experience Summary: ?Handled various work processes with efficiency ?Introduce new work process methods to increase work productivity and received appreciation for improved results Professional Experience: Personnel Assistant, July 20XX to Present Harper Printing Services, Illinois ?Handled client printing request forms and their filing ?Managed archive storage tasks ?Managed request for staff for equipment needs ?Designed forms to expedite certain work tasks and improved work productivity Personal Assistant, July 20XX to August 20XX Jasper Fabrication Works, Illinois for important tasks ?Maintained file and carried out data entry ?Maintained various files and customer request forms Education 20XX to August 20XX Pristine College, Illinois ?Completed Secretarial Course Skills ?Fast typing



学而第一 『⒈1』子曰:“学而时习之,不亦说乎?有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎?” The Master said: "Is it not pleasant to learn with a constant perseverance and application? "Is it not delightful to have friends coming from distant quarters? "Is he not a man of complete virtue, who feels no discomposure though men may take no note of him?" 『⒈2』有子曰:“其为人也孝弟,而好犯上者,鲜矣;不好犯上,而好作乱者,未之有也。君子务本,本立而道生。孝弟也者,其为仁之本与!” The philosopher Yu said, "They are few who, being filial and fraternal, are fond of offending against their superiors. There have been none, who, not liking to offend against their superiors, have been fond of stirring up confusion. "The superior man bends his attention to what is radical. That being established, all practical courses naturally grow up. Filial piety and fraternal submission,-are they not the root of all benevolent actions?" 『⒈3』子曰:“巧言令色,鲜矣仁!” The Master said, "Fine words and an insinuating appearance are seldom associated with true virtue." 『⒈4』曾子曰:“吾日三省吾身——为人谋而不忠乎?于朋友交而不信乎?传不习乎?” The philosopher Tsang said, "I daily examine myself on three points:-whether, in transacting business for others, I may have been not faithful;-whether, in intercourse with friends, I may have been not sincere;-whether I may have not mastered and practiced the instructions of my teacher." 『⒈5』子曰:“道千乘之国,敬事而信,节用而爱人,使民以时。” The Master said, "To rule a country of a thousand chariots, there must be reverent attention to business, and sincerity; economy in expenditure, and love for men; and the employment of the people at the proper seasons." 『⒈6』子曰:“弟子,入则孝,出则弟,谨而信,凡爱众,而亲仁。行有余力,则以学文。” The Master said, "A youth, when at home, should be filial, and, abroad, respectful to his elders. He should be earnest and truthful. He should overflow in love to all, and cultivate the friendship of the good. When he has time and opportunity, after the performance of these things, he should employ them in polite studies." 『⒈7』子夏曰:“贤贤易色;事父母,能竭其力;事君,能致其身;于朋友交,言而有信。虽曰未学,吾必谓之学矣。”


应聘英语翻译个人简历 应聘英语翻译个人简历模板 姓名:性别:女年龄: 24岁学历:本科工作年限: 2年户口:广州市居住地:广东省广州市现任职位:英语翻译待遇要求: 3500--5000/月到岗时间: -- 希望地区:广州市深圳市东莞市希望岗位:英语翻译商务代表跟单员 自我评论英语八级,专业知识扎实,有良好的听说读写译能力,尤擅英语笔译。为人诚实守信、勤奋好学、大方开朗,可经常出差。曾多次前往越南胡志明市出差。 工作经验某公司 xx-02 - 至今公司性质:房地产、建筑、安装、装潢担任职位:英语翻译工作职责和业绩:翻译施工图纸、施工方案、施工规范、报批书、工期计划等文献资料;多次陪领带出差越南,担任陪同翻译。入职一个月后,便负责公司越南一大型国际集装箱码头项目的总翻译工作,深得领导好评(公司共三名翻译,其他两名均为老员工)建兴光电科技(广州)有限公司 xx-02 - xx-12 公司性质:计算机业担任职位:英语客服兼翻译工作职责和业绩:翻译上司交代的文件资料解决客户投诉问题客户来访时的接待工作浙江省浦江县白马锁业有限公司 xx-07 - xx-08 公司性质:五金矿产、金属制品担任职位:实习生工作职责和业绩:

xx年7月,我在浙江省浦江县白马锁业有限公司进行了为期一个月的实习。知晓了国际贸易的.一般流程,也加深了对“锁”的认识与了解。并且,自己的英语专长也在实际的环境中得以运用。比如说,曾运用英语跟一外国客户进行业务谈判,帮助一名外籍男子买到理想童鞋等。 教育经历兰州理工大学 xx-09 - xx-06 最高学历:本科专业名称:英语专业描述:主修课程:英语翻译理论、口译理论与实践、科技英语翻译、高级英语、高级口语、高级视听、高级英语写作、商务英语、旅游英语、英国文学、美国文学、英美概况等毕业设计:《一个女人的爱情---解析简.爱的个性特点与梦想》毕业论文答辩获一等奖 培训经历兰州市千圣小肥牛餐饮连锁有限公司 xx-05 - xx-05 培训课程:餐饮文化专业描述:了解肥牛文化以及餐饮服务礼仪 建兴光电科技(广州)有限公司 xx-02 - xx-03 培训课程:在职培训专业描述:了解公司的规章纪律、文化理念、产品类型及生产原理等等



論語精選一百句 論語學而篇第一 一、子曰:「學而時習之,不亦說乎?有朋自遠方來,不亦樂乎?人不知而不慍,不亦君子乎?」THE MASTER said: “In learning and straightway practising is there not pleasure also? When friends gather round from afar do we not rejoice? Whom lack of fame cannot vex is not he a gentleman?” 二、子曰:「巧言令色,鮮矣仁。」The Master said: “Honeyed words and flattering looks seldom speak of love.” 三、子曰:「君子食無求飽,居無求安,敏於事而慎於言,就有道而正焉:可謂好學也已。」The Master said: “A gentleman who is not a greedy eater, nor a lover of ease at home, who is earnest in deed and careful of speech, who seeks the righteous and profits by them, may be called fond of learning.”

good; as the north star holds his place, and the multitude of stars revolve upon him.” 九、子曰:「吾十有五而志於學;三十而立;四十而不惑;五十而知天命;六十而耳順;七十而從心所欲,不踰矩。」Th e Master said: “At fifteen, I was bent on study; at thirty, I could stand; at forty, doubts ceased; at fifty, I understood the laws of Heaven; at sixty, my ears obeyed me; at seventy, I could do as my heart lusted, and never swerve from right.” 十、子游問孝。子曰;「今之孝者,是謂能養。至於犬馬,皆能有養。不敬,何以別乎?」 Tzu-yu asked the duty of a son. The Master said: “To-day a man is called dutiful if he keep his father and mother. But we keep both our dogs and horses, and unless we honour parents, is it not all one?” 十一、子夏問孝。子日:「色難。有事,弟子服其勞,有酒食,先生饌,曾是以為孝乎?」 Tzu-hsia asked the duty of a son.


孔子语录十则翻译 1、子曰:“由,诲汝知之乎!知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。”(《为政》) 翻译:孔子说:“仲由,教给你的理解了吗?懂得就是懂得,不懂就是不懂,这也是聪明啊。” 2、子曰:“岁寒,然后知松柏之后凋也。”(《子罕》) 翻译:孔子说:“年末天气寒冷,这时才能知道松柏是最后凋零的。” 3、子曰:“见贤思齐焉,见不贤而内自省也。”(《里仁》) 翻译:孔子说:“见到贤人就要向他学习,希望能达到他的水平,见到不好的人就要自我反省。” 4、子曰:“学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。”(《为政》) 翻译:孔子说:“只读书却不认真思考,就会迷惑;只空想而不读书,就会疑惑。” 5、曾子曰:“吾日三省吾身:为人谋而不忠乎?与朋友交而不信乎?传不习乎?”(《学而》) 翻译:曾子说:“我每天多次地反省自己:替别人办事是不是尽1 ————来源网络整理,仅供供参考

心尽力呢?跟朋友交往是不是真诚,诚实呢?老师传授的知识是否复习过了呢?” 6、子贡问曰:“有一言而可以终身行之者乎?”子曰:“其恕乎!己所不欲,勿施于人。”(《卫灵公》) 解释:子贡问孔子:“有没有一句忠言可以一生受用遵循的呢?”孔子说:“也许就是仁爱待人!自己所不愿要的,不要强加到别人身上。” 7、子曰:“三人行,必有我师焉。择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之。”(《述而》) 翻译:孔子说:“三个人一起走,其中必定有可以做我老师的人,学习他的优点,如果自己也有他的缺点就加以改正。” 8、子曰:“温故而知新,可以为师矣。”(《为政》) 翻译:曾子说:“我每天反复检查我的行为:为人处事有不真诚的事吗?与朋友交往有不诚实的事吗?老师教授的知识有不复习的吗?”孔子说:“复习旧的知识从而知道新的知识,可以凭借这个成为老师了。” 9、曾子曰:“士不可以不弘毅,任重而道远。仁以为己任,不亦重乎?死而后已,不亦远乎?”(《泰伯》) ————来源网络整理,仅供供参考 2


大学生英文自我介绍(带 翻译) I think that since the admission, the school has to comply with the rules and regulations, has a good ideological and moral quality, outstanding performance. Have a strong collective sense of honor and sense of responsibility, adhere to the principle of practical work for things. I thought the correct Chikunailao can have lofty ideals and great goals, the importance of personal moral cultivation, the adoption of a healthy life style, helpful, concerned about national affairs. In school, I have been studying hard and assiduously, through systematic study and master a solid foundation of knowledge. After school hours, I actively participated in physical training, enhance physical fitness, loves labor


孔子语录 1.子曰:“学而时习之,不亦说(yuè)乎?有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?人不知而不愠(yùn),不亦君子乎?” 译文:孔子说:“学习了知识,然后按时去复习它,不也很高兴吗?有志同道合的人从远方来,不也很快乐吗?人家不了解我,我却不怨恨,不也是君子吗?” 讲解:第一句讲的是学习的方法。第二句讲的是学习的乐趣。这句话是孔子对他的弟子说的,所以“朋”指的是志同道合的人。第三句讲的是为人态度,属于个人修养范围。 2.曾子曰:“吾日三省(xǐng)吾身:为人谋而不忠乎?与朋友交而不信乎?传不习乎?” 译文:曾子说:“我每天多次地反省自己:替别人办事是不是尽心竭力呢?跟朋友交往是不是诚实呢?老师传授的知识是不是复习过呢?” 朱熹认为,重在为学,“传”指受之于师,“习”则熟之于己,而“忠”“信”为“传习”之本。从这里可以看出古代治学的人非常重视品德的修养。 3.子曰:“温故而知新,可以为师矣。” 译文:孔子说:“温习学过的知识,然后有新体会、新发现,就可以凭借这个当老师了。” 讲解:这一则也是讲学习方法,强调独立思考的必要性,因为只“温故”而不独立思考,决然达不到“知新”的目的。 4.子曰:“学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。” 译文:孔子说:“只读书却不思考,就会迷惑而无所得;只是空想却不读书,就有(陷入邪说的)危险。” 讲解:这一则也是讲学习方法,阐述学习和思考的辩证关系,认为二者不可偏废。 5.子贡问曰:“孔文子何以谓之‘文’也?”子曰:“敏而好学,不耻下问,是以谓之‘文’也。”(《公冶长》) 【译:子贡问道:“孔文子为什么叫“文”呢?”孔子说:“他聪敏而又爱好学刁,

并且不以向不如自己的人请教为耻。因此用‘文’做他的谥号。”】 孔文子何(为什么)以谓(叫、称)之‘文’也?” 敏(聪敏)而好学,不耻(以……为耻)下问(向不如自己的人请教),是以(因此)谓之‘文’也。” 6.子曰:“默而识之,学而不厌,诲人不倦,何有于我哉!”(《述而》) 【译:孔子说:“默默地记住所学的知识,学习却不感觉满足,教导他人不知疲倦,这些对我来说,有哪一点是我所具备的呢?”】 默而识(记)之,学而不厌(满足),诲人不倦(厌倦、疲倦) 7.子曰:“由,诲女知之乎!知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。” 译文:孔子说:“由,我教给你对待知与不知的态度吧:知道就是知道,不知道就是不知道——这就是聪明智慧。” 孔子说这番话的意思是,言行要谨慎,不要夸大自己的知识和本领。用现代的表述方式,就是要有谦虚的学习态度。 8.子曰:“见贤思齐焉,见不贤而内自省也。” 译文:孔子说:“看见贤人就要想着向他看齐,看见不贤的人就要反省自己有没有跟他相似的毛病。” 9.子曰:“三人行,必有我师焉;择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之。” 译文:孔子说:“几个人一同走路,其中必定有可以当我老师的人,我要选择他们的长处来学习,(看到自己也有)他们那些短处就要改正。” (这两章内容相同,故予合并。) 讲解:两章也是讲学习态度的,意思是要向一切人学习,随时随地都要注意学习,不但要学习别人的长处,还要借鉴别人的短处,反省自己有没有跟他类似的毛病。 10.曾子曰:“士不可以不弘毅,任重而道远。仁以为己任,不亦重乎?死而后已,不亦远乎?” 译文:曾子说:“士人不可以不胸怀宽广、意志坚定,因为他肩负着重大的使命,路程又很遥远。把实现‘仁’的理想看作自己的使命,不也很重大吗?


孔子语录 .子曰:“学而时习之,不亦说(è)乎?有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?人不知而不愠(ù),不亦君子乎?” 译文:孔子说:“学习了知识,然后按时去复习它,不也很高兴吗?有志同道合地人从远方来,不也很快乐吗?人家不了解我,我却不怨恨,不也是君子吗?” 讲解:第一句讲地是学习地方法.第二句讲地是学习地乐趣.这句话是孔子对他地弟子说地,所以“朋”指地是志同道合地人.第三句讲地是为人态度,属于个人修养范围. .曾子曰:“吾日三省(ǐ)吾身:为人谋而不忠乎?与朋友交而不信乎?传不习乎?” 译文:曾子说:“我每天多次地反省自己:替别人办事是不是尽心竭力呢?跟朋友交往是不是诚实呢?老师传授地知识是不是复习过呢?” 朱熹认为,重在为学,“传”指受之于师,“习”则熟之于己,而“忠”“信”为“传习”之本.从这里可以看出古代治学地人非常重视品德地修养. .子曰:“温故而知新,可以为师矣.” 译文:孔子说:“温习学过地知识,然后有新体会、新发现,就可以凭借这个当老师了.” 讲解:这一则也是讲学习方法,强调独立思考地必要性,因为只“温故”而不独立思考,决然达不到“知新”地目地. .子曰:“学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆.” 译文:孔子说:“只读书却不思考,就会迷惑而无所得;只是空想却不读书,就有(陷入邪说地)危险.” 讲解:这一则也是讲学习方法,阐述学习和思考地辩证关系,认为二者不可偏废. .子贡问曰:“孔文子何以谓之‘文’也?”子曰:“敏而好学,不耻下问,是以谓之‘文’也.”(《公冶长》) 【译:子贡问道:“孔文子为什么叫“文”呢?”孔子说:“他聪敏而又爱好学刁,并且不以向不如自己地人请教为耻.因此用‘文’做他地谥号.”】 孔文子何(为什么)以谓(叫、称)之‘文’也?” 敏(聪敏)而好学,不耻(以……为耻)下问(向不如自己地人请教),是以(因此)谓之‘文’也.”


求职简历英文翻译 随着世界经济全球化的加剧,人们的职业发展道路越来越国际化,对于求职者来说,一份好的英文简历是非常重要的。以下是小编整理的求职简历英文翻译,以供大家参考。 求职简历英文翻译一: Name: Mr. nationality: China At present is located: the tianhe district national: the han nationality The registered permanent address locus: shantou figure: 175 cm, 74 kg Talent type: ordinary job Applied position: network engineer, system administrator/network administrators, Term: the title: no title Job type: full-time available date: at any time Monthly salary requirement: negotiable hope work areas: dongguan shenzhen guangzhou Work experience: Company name: guangzhou five of eight loses two clothing co., LTD Start-stop years: 2020-05 ~ The company properties: private enterprise by sector: trade/import and export In the position of: ERP system/network administrator Job description: responsible for the company and store (client) regent software system installation, data analysis, function module process set up and maintenance. I have a comprehensive analysis the marketing system each function module data ability. For the regent system account set of management, report forms system, POS (join and self-supporting) retail systems and


三一文库(https://www.sodocs.net/doc/ea9883078.html,) 〔孔子语录原文及翻译〕 *篇一:新课标必背篇目原文及译文 初中诵读篇目 1、孔子语录第一则:学习方法子曰:“学而时习之,不亦说乎?有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎?”(《学而》) 孔子说:“学习并且按时地去复习,不也很快乐吗?有志同道合的人从远方来,不也很高兴吗?别人不了解我但我不生气,不也是道德上有修养的人吗?” 第二则:为人处事 曾子曰:“吾(wú)日三省(xǐng)吾(wú)身:为(wèi)人谋而不忠乎?与朋友交而不信乎?传(chuán)不习乎?”(《学而》) 译文:曾子说:"我每天多次地反省自己:替别人办事是不是尽心尽力呢?跟朋友交往是不是真诚,诚实呢?老师传授的知识是否复习过了呢?"第三则:学习方法 子曰:“温故而知新,可以为师矣。”(《为政》) 孔子说:“复习学过的知识,可从中获得新的见解与体会,凭借这点就可以当老师了。”

第四则:学习与思考的辩证关系 子曰:“学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。”(《为政》)孔子说:“只学习却不思考,就会感到迷茫而无所适从,只是思考而不学习,就会疑惑而无所得。”第五则:学习态度子曰:“由,诲女知之乎!知之为知之,不知为不知,是知(zhì)也。”(《为政》)孔子说:“仲由啊,让为师教导 你对待知与不知的态度吧!知道就是知道,不知道就是不知道,这才是聪明的。”第六则:学习态度 子曰:“见贤思齐焉,见不贤而内自省也。”(《里仁》) 孔子说:“看见有才能的人(德才兼备的人)就向他学习,希望能向他看齐;看见不贤的人,就反省自己有没有和他一样的缺点,有要改正。”第七则:学习态度子曰:“三人行,必有我师焉。择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之。”(《述而》) 孔子说:“几个人在一起行走,其中必定有可作为我的老师的人,要选择他们的长处来学习,如果看到他们的缺点要反省自己有没有像他们一样的缺点,若有,要一起加以改正。”第八则:修身做人 曾子曰:“士不可以不弘毅,任重而道远。仁以为己任,不亦重乎?死而后已,不亦远乎?”(《泰伯》)曾子说:“有抱负的人不可以不胸怀宽广,意志坚定,因为他肩负着重大的使命(或责任),路途又很遥远。把实现‘仁’的理想看


个人简历的英文翻译 George Mathew 25th Mainland, Near somokrith Bridge New Jersey Home: 00235-4587-03258 Cell: 00254-1258-9875 Email: Mathew.george@music world.co.in Career Profile: A skilled, creative and enthusiastic Disc Jockey with more than ten years of experience in the concerned field. Expertise in linking, playing and presenting records, interviewing guest on radios in three different stations and in hosting phone-ins. Looking for a challenging position to utilize my strengths and experience in a well reputed organization Core Competencies: ?Possess in-depth knowledge of developing community involvement programs ?Skills to adapt to a number of radio program formats ?In-depth knowledge of technical aspects of radio sound production ?Self -managing, self-motivated, positive, enthusiastic with can -do attitude ?Knowledge of basic operating systems ?Diverse knowledge of musical genre for different age groups ?Competent with audio equipment, hook-up and set up ?Strong interpersonal, communication and listening skills ?In-depth knowledge of audience taste ?Available 24 hour service Professional Experience: New Jersey radio music service, New Jersey 20XX till date Disc Jockey ?Handled the tasks of interviewing famous musical personalities ?Announced radio programs based on selected music ?Delivered comments on traffic condition, weather, time and music ?Updated latest movies and music releases to listening audiences ?Entertained radio audiences who called up with musical request


1.子曰:“學而時習之,不亦說乎?有朋自遠方來,不亦樂乎?人不知而不慍,不亦君子乎?” The Master said, "Is it not pleasant to learn with a constant perseverance and application? "Is it not delightful to have friends coming from distant quarters? "Is he not a man of complete virtue, who feels no discomposure though men may take no note of him?" 2.子曰:“巧言令色,鮮矣仁。” Fair appearances are suspicious. The Master said, "Fine words and an insinuating(谄媚的,讨好的) appearance are seldom associated with true virtue." 3.曾子曰:“吾日三省吾身:爲人謀而不忠乎?與朋友交而不信乎?傳不習乎?”How the philosopher Tsang daily examined himself, to guard against his being guilty of any imposition. The philosopher Tsang said, "I daily examine myself on three points:-- whether, in transacting business for others, I may have been not faithful;-- whether, in intercourse with friends, I may have been not sincere;-- whether I may have not mastered and practiced the instructions of my teacher." 4.子曰:“不患人之不己知,患不知人也。” Personal attainment should be our chief aim. The Master said, "I will not be afflicted at men's not knowing me; I will be afflicted that I do not know men. 5.子曰:“《詩》三百,一言以蔽之,曰‘思無邪’。” The pure design of the Book of Poetry. The Master said, "In the Book of Poetry are three hundred pieces, but the design of them all may be embraced in one sentence -- 'Having no depraved thoughts.'" 6.子曰:“吾十有五而志於學,三十而立,四十而不惑,五十而知天命,六十而耳順,七十而從心所欲,不踰矩。” Confucius's own account of his gradual progress and attainments. The Master said, "At fifteen, I had my mind bent on learning.


英语个人简历范文带翻译中英文版自我介绍 以下关于中英文自我介绍内容由为您整理提供,欢迎阅读与借鉴。中英文自我介绍一 General Introduction I am a third year master major in automation at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P. R. China. With tremendous interest in Industrial Engineering, I am writing to apply for acceptance into your Ph.D. graduate https://www.sodocs.net/doc/ea9883078.html,cation background In 1995, I entered the Nanjing University of Science &; Technology (NUST) -- widely considered one of the China’s best engineering schools. During the following undergraduate study, my academic records kept distinguished among the whole department. I was granted First Class Prize every semester,In 1999, I got the privilege to enter the graduate program waived of the admission test.At the period of my graduate study, my overall GPA(3.77/4.0) ranked top 5% in the department. In the second semester, I became teacher assistant that is given to talented and matured students only. This year, I won the Acer Scholarship as the one and only candidate in my


英语翻译兼职个人简历范文 姓名: 当前所在:肇庆年龄: 27 户口所在:肇庆国籍:中国 婚姻状况:未婚民族:汉族 诚信徽章:未申请身高: 169 cm 人才测评:未测评体重: 53 kg 人才类型:不限 应聘职位:英语翻译,外贸/进出口专员/助理,外贸跟单/跟单助理 工作年限: 3 职称:无职称 求职类型:兼职可到职日期:一个星期 月薪要求: 2000--3500 希望工作地区:广东省,广州,肇庆 工作经历 广东鸿特精密技术股份有限公司起止年月:2020-07 ~2020-08 公司性质:股份制企业所属行业:贸易/消费/制造/营运 担任职位:市场开拓业务员 工作描述:担任公司新客户的开发,维护工作; 离职原因:身体不适 肇庆市海帝织造有限公司起止年月:2009-04 ~至今

公司性质:民营企业所属行业:服装/纺织/皮革/鞋业 担任职位:外贸业务及跟单 工作描述:通过阿里巴巴以及B2B商业平台开发新客户,跟踪并落实客户的订单的生产,出货,以及中间相关的协商事宜; 跟踪公司旧客户的订单,生产,出货,以及货款的回收等事宜。 离职原因: 奇凌网网络商业平台起止年月:2008-11 ~ 2009-06 公司性质:外商独资所属行业:服务业 担任职位:网站兼职翻译员 工作描述:负责翻译该网站的商业机会,博客,以及文件。 离职原因:兼职 肇庆市时代货架有限公司起止年月:2008-10 ~ 2008-11 公司性质:民营企业所属行业:其他行业 担任职位:外贸业务员 工作描述:展开公司产品的销售,外贸业务操作流程的实习等。 离职原因:外贸实习 中国建设银行肇庆支行起止年月:2008-07 ~ 2008-08 公司性质:股份制企业所属行业:服务业 担任职位:资料档案管理 工作描述:整理银行票据,归类。 离职原因:暑假工


英语翻译孔子语录——先留着,说不定什么时候有用呢 性相近也,习相远也。By nature, men are nearly alike; by practice, they get to be wide apart. 过而不改,是谓过矣。Not to mend the fault one has made is to err indeed. 己所不欲,勿施于人。What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others. 言必信,行必果。Keep what you say and carry out what you do. 君子以文会友,以友辅仁。The superior man on grounds of culture meets with his friends, and by their friendship helps his virtue. 三军可夺师也,匹夫不可夺志也。The commander of the forces of a large State may be carried off, but the will of even a common man cannot be taken from him. 后生可畏,焉知来者之不如今也?A youth is to be regarded with respect. How do you know that his future will not be equal to our present? 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?Is it not delightful to have friends coming from distant quarters? 人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎?Is he not a man of complete virtue, who feels no discomposure though men may take no note of him? 父在,观其志。父没,观其行。三年无改于父之道,可谓孝矣。While a man's father is alive, look at the bent of his will; when his father is dead, look at his conduct.


个人资料 name 姓名 alias 别名 pen name 笔名 date of birth 出生日期 birth date 出生日期 born 出生于 birth place 出生地点 age 年龄 native place 籍贯 province 省 city 市 autonomous region 自治区prefecture 专区 county 县 nationality 民族,国籍citizenship 国籍 duel citizenship 双重国籍address 地址 current address 目前地址present address 目前地址permanent address 永久地址postal code 邮政编码 home phone 住宅电话 office phone 办公电话business phone 办公电话Tel.电话 sex 性别 male 男

female 女 height 身高 weight 体重 marital status 婚姻状况family status 家庭状况married 已婚 single/unmarried 未婚divorced 离异 separated 分居 number of children 子女人数none 无 street 街 lane 胡同,巷 road 路 district 区 house number 门牌 health 健康状况 health condition 健康状况blood type 血型 short-sighted 近视 far-sighted 远视 color-blind 色盲 ID card No.身份证号码 date of availability 可到职时间available 可到职membership 会员,资格president 会长 vice-president 副会长director 理事 standing director 常务理事


个人简历英文怎么写 个人简历英文怎么写 刚刚走出校园的学生由于工作经验很少,写不出太多的东西,如何把你的英文简历写得更丰满呢?我在这里给大家介绍一些特别的技巧: 1、教育背景中写相关课程。但千万不要为了拼凑篇幅,把所有的课程一股脑儿地都写上,如体育等。这样不很有效,别人也没耐心看。 2、奖学金一项一行。许多学生每年都有奖学金,这样一来,也可写出三四行,甚至更多。 3、拉长句子。每个句子都可以加入一些词拉长一些。其实拉长并不难,难的是缩短。 4、自然地多换行,多写点句。 5、加大字号。可将10号,小五改成12号,小四。 6、社会工作细节放在工作经历中。这样会填补工作经验少的缺陷,例如,您在做团支书、学生会主席等社会工作时组织过什么活动,联系过什么事,参与过什么都可以一一罗列。 7、暑期工作。作为大学生,雇主通常并不指望您在暑期工作期间会有什么惊天动地的成就。当然如果您有就更好了。不过即使实在没有,就算是在父母的单位呆过几天,也不妨写上。 8、中学情况。一般都不写。写的话也不要写太多。当然,如果您在中学时得过国际奥林匹克比赛大奖或全国性的大奖,不妨提上一笔。应注意避免的地方:

1、长句:没有人愿意看太冗长的句子,而且切记YRIS(Your resume is scanned,no tread)原则,雇主只是在扫描您的简历。 2、缩写:因为外行人往往很难看懂。不要想当然地认为这是人所皆知的事情。 3、 I 我:因为正规简历多用点句,以动词开头,是没有我的。当然若在公司简介中一定要用到一两次,也不是完全不可以。 4、不利因素:我们讲过简历的原则是不要撒谎,但不写不等于骗人。大家可能还记得前面提到过的简历中的任何字句都可能成为面试中的话题。扬长避短的道理,我想大家都是知道的。 5、 Reference available upon request :这个短语的意思是如需证明,可提供见证人。这在许多英式、港式简历港文中经常出现,但是美式的简历则不要这样写。
