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A brief introduction to the history of translation in china

Translation in china has a long history of about two thousand years. During the centuries, quite a number of world-famous translators in China appeared one after another and they made great contributions to China as well as to the world in the development of translation.

See the following facts:

1.The Eastern Han – the Northern and Southern Dynasties (25—581)

China invited foreigners or the foreigners came to China by themselves to translate Buddhist Scripture. Among them were An Shigao (An Qing)from Persia (now Iran ), Indu Dharmarakcha and Kumarajiva form India.

2.The Sui Dynasty (581—618) –the Tang Dynasty (618—907): Golden Age of

Translation in Ancient China.

Three giants in translating Buddhist Scripture appeared:

1)Xuan Zang ( the Tang Dynasty )

2)Kumarajiva (the Eastern Jin Dynasty ) 鸠摩罗什

3)Paramatha (also called Gunarata ) ( N.& S. Dynasties) 真谛(波罗末


3.The Ming Dynasty (1368—1644)

Xu Guangqi ( 徐光启), a Chinese and M. Ricci,( 利玛窦) an Italian cotranslated Euclid’s Elements (or: Euclid’s Elementorum )

4.The Qing Dynasty (1644—1911 )

There were great translators like Yan Fu and Lin Shu

Lin Shu:

1Camille ( or: La Dame aux Camelias) ( 《巴黎茶花女遗事》)

2 Uncle Tom’s Cabin( 《黑奴吁天录》)

3 David Copperfield( 《块肉余生述》)

Yan Fu:

1 Evolution and Ethics and Other Essays by T. H. Huxley (《天演论》)

2 An Inquiry Into the Nature and Cause of the Wealth of Nations by A. Smith


3 On Liberty by J. S. Mill (《群己权界论》)

4 A History of Politics by E. Jenks (《社会通诠》)


1.Yan Fu’s 3-word translation criteria are faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance.

(严氏三字真言)2. The two words used as the common criteria of translation in China today are

faithfulness and smoothness.

3. Translation is a representation or recreation in one language of what is written or

said in another language, not only an art but also a science. (what is meant by translation?)

4. Karl Marx was fond of saying: “A foreign language is a weapon in the struggle of


5. Generally speaking, a qualified translator should have five prerequisites:

1 a good command of the source language,

2 a good command of the target language,

3 a wide range and scope of knowledge,

4 a high political consciousness,

5 a necessary knowledge of basic techniques used in translation.

6. To me, the criteria of translation should be the following two words: faithfulness

and smoothness, or even only one word:faithfulness. (what do you think should be the criteria of translation?) (faithfulness 更重要)


“it is better to have a smooth version than a faithful one.”“rather be faithful (in thought) than smooth (in language)


“keep the full flavor of the original work.”


Literal translation and liberal (free) translation












of Education






Backwardness must be perceived before it can be changed.A person must learn from the advanced before he can catch up and surpass them. (分号变句号)


Xu Zhen hugged Xiuyun and inquired in astonishment.“What’s the matter with you?”(冒号变句号)


... in ironical contrast to the sign on the wall:“Political discussion prohibited.”

( 逗号变冒号)


As Wang Mian watched, he thought, “The ancients said, ‘In a beautiful scene a man feels he is part of a picture.’ How true!”(加逗号,句号变感叹号)


“Clear out, all of you!” Xiuyun ordered. (感叹号变逗号)


“What do YOU want?” he growled. (着重号变大写)

6. 爱新觉罗·溥仪Aisin-Giore Pu Yi约瑟夫·布罗兹·铁托Josip Broz Tito

7. 1)据《大唐西域记》记载,那时龟兹有佛寺一百所,僧尼五千余人。

According to his Travels in the Western Region, Qiuci boasted of more than 100 Buddhist temples and 5000 nuns and monks.

2) 《故乡》是《鲁迅短篇小说选》一书中最优秀的篇目之一。

“My Old Home” is one of the best stories in the book Selected Stories of Lu Xun. (文章、诗、短篇书名号变引号,书名的书名号变斜体)8.司马相如者,汉蜀郡成都人也,字长卿。

Sima Xiangru, a native of Chengdu in Shu country, is alternatively named Changqing. (下划线去掉)



No matter where I was, I should like to write my novel with Beijing as its background. For in my mind’s eye, Beijing appears to me more intimate,more tangible and more affectionate than any other place I actually see. That is a plain fact. (顿号变逗号)



Then I rationalized the matter to myself, saying, Home was always like this, and although it has not improved, still it is not so depressing as I imagined.


When General Nie Rongzhen learned about the girls he had them brought to a cottage in a mountain hamlet by the side of the Hutuo River, the guesthouse of the front line command headquarters. (破折号有时可译成句号或逗号)


1. period (.) 句号(。)

https://www.sodocs.net/doc/e63218167.html,ma(,) 逗号(,)

3.colon(:) 冒号(:)

4.semicolon(;) 分号(;)

5.dash(-) 破折号(——)

6. question mark (?) 问号(?)

7.quotation mark(“”or‘’) 引号(“”或‘’)

8. exclamation (!) 感叹号(!)

9. ellipsis (...) 省略号(······)

10.parentheses( () ) 括号(园)(())

11.brackets( [] ) 括号(方)(【】)

12.underlining Rainbow 书名号(手稿)(Rainbow 或《虹》)

13.italics Rainbow 书名号(印刷)(Rainbow 或《虹》)

14.hyphen (-) (co-operate) (无对应的标点符号)

15.virgule (/) (he/she) (斜线号,一般汉译为“或”)

16.apostrophe (’) (Mike’s) (一般译为“···的”)


(,)(you, he and I ) 顿号(你、我和他)

Apostrophe 的译法1省字母号(I’m = I am)2省音号(electric ’lectric) 3副数符号(many M.P.’s) 4所有格符号(boy’s book)


1.琼斯一家的汽车the Joneses’ car

2.我几位嫂子的信my sisters-in-law’s letters

3.我表兄弟们的房子my cousins’ houses

4.基辛格和尼克松的计划Kissinger and Nixon’s letters

5.尼克松和罗杰斯各自的计划Nixon’s and Rogers’s plans



1 外译汉


如:Sir Isaac Newton 奈端(现译:牛顿)

Chicago 诗家谷/支加哥(现译:芝加哥)


Logic 逻辑学:严复译为“名学”;孙中山译成“理则学”

Philosophy 哲学:马相伯译为:“致知”,蔡元培译为“道”


1)Follow the pronunciation of the owner of proper names (名从主人)2)Use the standard pronunciation of the Chinese character (标准汉音)3)Adopt the established popular translated names (约定俗成)约定俗成的几个例子:

Caesar 凯撒Eden 艾登Bethune 白求恩Athens 雅典Seattle 西雅图




The Translation of Technical Terms and Other Common Nouns Nothing gives the translator more trouble and more perplexity than the translation of technical terms of social, natural and military sciences. Technical terms, especially those of natural sciences, were generally introduced to us first through transliteration and later, some have been substituted by their semantic translations, such as telephone, penicillin, etc. Others which can hardly be translated semantically in a few Chinese characters retain their transliterations. They are: Soviet, radar, mor phone, engine, etc. These terms contain much in them and are likely to be misrepresented of distorted in meaning, if otherwise translated. People, therefore, prefer to keep their transliterations, if they are short and easy to be remembered. Almost all the terms in Buddhism were transliterated and afterward shortened, such as the translations of the words thupo(塔),sangha(僧),etc.

Most of the technical terms, especially those of military and social sciences, are translated semantically. Typical examples of military terms are jet plane, submarine,machine gun, guided missile,etc. Terms of a social nature are Buddhism, Marxism,etc.

Besides the transliteration and the semantic translation, there is a third way of translating technical terms and other common nouns, i.e., to coin new Chinese characters if need be.In the translation of chemical elements such as oxygen, hydrogen, antimony,tungsten and some other names as coffee, pump, typhoon, etc. , the new coined Chinese characters are used.

1.Pure transliteration

Chocolate 巧克力sofa 沙发morphine 吗啡khan 可汗

2.Pure semantic translation

Airplane 飞机president 总统truth 真理bread 面包

3.Both transliteration and semantic translation

Club 俱乐部Utopia 乌托邦typhoon 台风romantic 浪漫

4.Transliteration with semantic translation at the end

Beer 啤酒cigar 雪茄烟czar 沙皇card 卡片jeep 吉普车

5.Symbolical translation with a semantic explanation at the end

Cross 十字架pyramid 金字塔grape 葡萄弹mattock 鹤嘴锄


The Translation of Chinese Names of Persons and Places Into English

The Wade-Giles System(威妥玛-贾尔斯系统)has been applied to the transliteration of Chinese words into English for a long time. The system was initiated by Thomas Francis Wade(威妥玛), who published his system first in 1859. As both an imperialist agent and a 19th century sinologist(汉学家), he had lived in China for scores of years before he became the British Minister Plenipotentiary to China(英国驻华全权公使)in the Qing Dynasty.

There are cases where several names represent the same person. Sometimes, a title or nickname is also used to fulfill the function of a real name. We can find a lot of examples in our Chinese novels. The trouble is that all the different names of the same person may come out alternatively in the same story or even in the same paragraph. In order that no trace of ambiguity os to be left in the version, a translator has got to ward off any possible misplacement. In this connexion, he may transliterate only one of the different names and use it for all the rest or transliterate all of them and give an explanation to each by way of a note.

When we translate some names containing or implying a special,certain meaning of nickname, we are to use semantic translation, or to translate them in a combination of semantic translation and transliteration.

另外把汉语专名译成英语,有两点要特别注意:1.性和名的第一个英文字母要大写,在名性之间空一字符,如:杜牧(Du Mu) 2.音节界限易混淆读者,应使用隔音符号。如:吴承恩(Wu Cheng’en)西安(Xi’an)


Suggestion or Standard

1.Capitalize the first letter of proper names of companies and organization in Beijing.

2.Capitalize each letter of Pinyin and the first letter of each English word for roads or other place names in order to distinguish Pinyin from English words.

3.Abbreviations are used for general names such as “avenue,”“road”adn “expressway” when they follow specific proper names of a place.


The abbreviation for “Avenue (DaJie)” is “Ave”.

The abbreviation for“Road (Lu)” is “Rd”.

The abbreviation for “Expressway (Gaosulu)” is “Expwy”.

4.Capitalize the singleword road signs in line with international practice.

EXIT (Chukou) = ENTRANCE (Rikou)

5.English words are used to indicate direction. When used in specific road names, “East,”“West,”“South”and “North”should be abbreviated, respectively, into “E. ,” “W. ,”“S. ,” and “N.”

E.g:“Xisanhuan Beilu” should be translated into “W. 3rd Ring Rd. N.”

6.English equivalents are used for infrastructure and facilities used internationally, such as “Jichang (airport),”“Chezhan (railway station),”“Yiyuan (hospital),”“Tiyuguan (stadium),” and “Jiayouzhan (gas station),”

7.Bridge is used for any overpass in Beijing.

8.Indent Ordinal numbers in English.

E.g: 1st 2nd 3rd

9.”interchange” is used for an intersection without traffic light and“Junction”for that with traffic light.


1.The Times《泰晤士报》

2.New York Times 《纽约时报》

3.The Sunday Times《星期日时报》

4.Daily Telegraph 《每日电讯报》

5.Daily Mirror 《每日镜报》

6.The Guardian《前卫》(杂志)E

7.Wall Street Journal 《华尔街日报》

8.The Sun《太阳报》E

9.Observer 《观察家报》E

10.Chicago Tribune 《芝加哥论坛报》

11.The Boston Globe《波士顿环球报》

12.Christian Science Monitor 《基督教科学箴言报》


14.Newsweek 《新闻周刊》A

https://www.sodocs.net/doc/e63218167.html, Guide《电视导报》周刊

16.National Geographic Magazine 《全国地理杂志》

17.Reader’s Digest 《读者文摘》月刊

18.Family Circle 《家族》月刊(杂志)

19.Good Housekeeping 《家政》(杂志)

20.The Star 《星报》



1.Evening Standard ( B.) 《旗帜晚报》(英国)

2.Morning Star (B.) 《晨星报》(英)

3.Morning Star (Ind.) 《晨星》(杂志)(印度)

4.Morning Star (Sri.L) 《晨星》(月刊)(斯里兰卡)

5.Morning Times (Sri.L) 《时代晨报》(斯里兰卡)

6.Punch (B.) 《笨拙》周刊(英)

7.Punch (Ghana) 《笨拙报》周刊(加纳)

https://www.sodocs.net/doc/e63218167.html, Times(B.) 《电视时代》周刊(英)

9.Radio Times (B.) 《广播时报》周刊(英)

10.The Listener (B.) 《听众》周刊(英)


1.Peking Beijing

2. Formosa Taiwan

3. Swatow Shantou

4. Canton( City) Guangzhou

5.Amoy Xiamen

6.The Yellow River The Huanghe


1.王胡子Whisker Wang

2.钱麻子Pock-marked Qian

3.陈虾子Chen the Shrimp

4.胡偏头Slant-necked Hu

5.张铁臂Iron-armed Zhang

6.周剥皮Skinner Zhou


1.莫愁湖Carefree Lake

2.玉泉Jade Foundation

3.大观园Grand View Garden

4.清水塘Clear Water Pool

5.枫树湾Maple Bay

6.放生池Releasing Life Pool

7.马蹄角Horse-shoe Bay (Cape)

8.鸭嘴滩Duck’s Bill Beach

9.庐山Mount Lu


11.宝塔山Pagoda Hill

12.紫金山Purple Metal Hill (Purple Mountain)

13.卧龙岗Sleeping Dragon (Reposing Dragon Ridge)

14.摩天岭Sky-kissing Range

15.独秀峰Peak of Unique Beauty

16.雨花台Rain Flower Mount (Terrace of the Raining Flower)

17.飞虎峪Flying Tiger Gully

18.鼓楼坡Drum Tower Slope

19.小石崖Small Rock Cliff

20.燕子矶Swallow Cliff

21.七星岩Seven-Star Crag

22.仙人洞Fairy Cave

23.朝阳沟Facing-Sun Valley

24.凤凰冲Phoenix Dip

25.大雁塔Bid wild Goose Pagoda

26.湖心亭Mid-Lake Pavilion

27.佛香阁Pavilion of the Fragrance of Buddha

28.大观楼Grand Spectacle Tavern

29.听鹂馆Hall of Listening to the Orioles

30.忠义堂Loyalty & Justice Hall

31.聚义厅Hall of Justice

32.养心殿Hall of Mental Cultivation

33.坤宁宫Palace of Earthly Tranquility

34.颐和园Summer Palace

35.灵隐室Monastery of Soul’s Retreat

36.文庙Confucius Temple

37.观音庵Nunnery of the Goddess Mercy

38.长春观Changchun Taoist Temple

39.虎跑泉Tiger-clawed Spring

40.白鹿洞书院White-deer-cave Academy


Political Figure

Alexander the Great 亚历山大大帝

Caesar 凯撒Stalin 斯大林Lenin 列宁

Winston Churchhill 温斯顿·丘吉尔Margaret Thatcher撒切尔Napoleon 拿破仑Charles de Gaulle 夏尔·戴高乐


Homer 荷马Virgil维吉尔Ovid 奥维德Dante 但丁British Writer

William Shakespeare 莎士比亚Geoffrey Chaucer 乔叟

John Milton 约翰·弥尔顿Francis Bacon 弗朗西斯·培根William Wordsworth 威廉华兹华斯John Keats 约翰济慈George Gordon Byron 乔治·戈登·拜伦Charles Dickens 狄更斯W.B. Yeats 叶芝Virginia Woolf 伍尔芙 D.H. Lawrence D.H.劳伦斯George Bernard Shaw 萧伯纳George Orwell 乔治·奥威尔Thomas Hardy 托马斯·哈代Oscar Wilde奥斯卡·王尔德French Writer

Victor Hugo 维克多·雨果Balzac巴尔扎克


Alexander Dumas, pere 大仲马Alexander Dumas, fils 小仲马Roman Roland 罗曼·罗兰Albert Camus 加缪

Jean Paul Sartre萨特Simone de Beauvoir西蒙·波伏娃American Writer

Ralph Waldo Emerson 爱默生Henry David Thoreau 梭罗

Walt Whitman 惠特曼Mark Twain马克·吐温

Jack London 杰克·伦敦Theodore Dreiser 德莱赛

F. Scott. Fitzgerald 菲茨杰拉德Ernest Hemingway 海明威

William Faulkner 福克纳John Steinbeck 斯坦贝克

J.D. Salinger 塞林格

Other countries

Pushkin普希金Chekhov 契诃夫Tolstoy托尔斯泰

Goethe 歌德Tagore 泰戈尔


Plato 柏拉图Socrates 苏格拉底

Aristotle 亚里士多德Spinoza斯宾诺莎

Kant 康德Hegel 黑格尔

Descartes 笛卡尔Nietzsche 尼采

Schopenhauer 叔本华Wittgenstein 维特根斯坦

Karl Marx 卡尔·马克思Engels 恩格斯

V oltaire 伏尔泰Rousseau 卢梭

Sigmund Freud 弗洛伊德John Locke 约翰洛克

Bertrand Russell 伯特兰·罗素Heidegger 海德格尔

Business Man

Warren Buffet 沃伦巴菲特George Soros 乔治索罗斯

Steve Jobs 史蒂夫·乔布斯Bill Gates 比尔·盖茨

Movie Star

Marilyn Monroe 玛丽莲·梦露Vivien Leigh 费雯·丽

Audrey Hepburn 奥黛丽·赫本Clark Gable 克拉克盖博

Greta Garbo葛丽泰·嘉宝Charles Chaplin卓别林

Grace Kelly 格蕾丝·凯利

李小龙Bruce Lee 成龙Jackie Chen 李连杰Jet Li


Beethoven 贝多芬Schubert 舒伯特Debussy德彪西

Mozart 莫扎特Bach 巴赫Schumann舒曼Chopin肖邦


Giotto 乔托Botticelli波提切利

Leonard da Vinci 达芬奇Michelangelo米开朗琪罗

Raphael拉斐尔Rembrandt 伦勃朗

Claude Monet 克劳德·莫奈Vincent Van Gogh 文森特·梵高Paul Gauguin保罗·高更Renoir雷诺阿Manet 马奈Picasso毕加索Matisse马蒂斯Andy Warhol安迪·沃霍尔


Issac Newton 艾萨克·牛顿Charles Darwin 查尔斯·达尔文Galileo 伽利略Copercicus 哥白尼

Archimedes 阿基米德Euclid 欧几里得

Albert Einstein 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦Thomas Edison 托马斯·爱迪生Madame Curie 居里夫人Stephen Hawking 史蒂芬·霍金

Fictional Character

Oedipus俄狄浦斯Don Quixote堂吉诃德Sherlock Holmes 夏洛克·福尔摩斯John Watson 约翰·华生James Bond 詹姆斯·邦德

Foreigners who have Chinese names

Gary Locke 骆家辉Jon Huntsman洪博培

Kevin Rudd 陆克文Gladys Yang 戴乃迭

John King Fairbank 费正清Christopher Patten彭定康

Pearl S.Buck 赛珍珠Joseph Needham 李约瑟

I.M. Pei 贝聿铭



The Times 泰晤士报The Financial Times金融时报

The Daily Telegraph每日电讯报The Guardian卫报

The Sun太阳报The Daily Mirror每日镜报

The News of the World世界新闻报The Economist经济学家/经济学人


The New York Times纽约时报Washington Post华盛顿邮报

The Wall Street Journal华尔街日报USA Today今日美国

The Los Angeles Times洛杉矶时报Reader’s Digest读者文摘

People 人物Time时代Newsweek新闻周刊


The New Yorker 纽约客


UN (United Nations) 联合国

WTO (World Trade Organization)世界贸易组织

WHO (World Health Organizaion)世界卫生组织

UNESCO(United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization)联合国教科文组织

UNICEF (United Nations International Children Emergency Fund)


OECD (Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development)


IOC (International Olympic Committee) 国际奥委会

ISO (International Organization for Standardization) 国际标准化组织

EU (European Union)欧盟

Commonwealth 英联邦

NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)北大西洋公约组织(北约)NEFTA(North American Free Trade Area)北美自由贸易区

APEC(Aisa-Pacific Economic Cooperation) 亚太经合组织

ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations)


OPEC (Organization of Petrolum Exporting Countries)石油输出国组织

IMF (International Monetary Fund)国际货币基金组织

World Bank 世界银行

G-8 G-20 (Summit)八国集团,二十国集团峰会

The World Economic Forum in Davos 达沃斯世界经济论坛


Europe 欧洲


首都:London 伦敦

England 英格兰Wales威尔士Scotland苏格兰

Northern Ireland 北爱尔兰


Cardiff 卡迪夫Edinburgh 爱丁堡Belfast 贝尔法斯特Liverpool 利物浦Leeds利兹Manchester 曼彻斯特Birmingham 伯明翰Nottingham 诺丁汉Cornwall 康沃尔Newcastle 纽卡斯尔Glasgow 格拉斯哥Sheffield 谢菲尔德Plymouth 普利茅斯Cambridge 剑桥Oxford 牛津

Dover 多佛Southhampton 南安普顿


Downing Street No.10唐宁街十号Buckingham Palace 白金汉宫The British Musuem大英博物馆Tower of London 伦敦塔Westminster Abbey 威斯敏斯特大教堂Big Ben 大本钟Heathrow airport 希斯罗机场


首都:Paris 巴黎


Lyon里昂Lille 里尔Toulouse 图卢兹Dijon 第戎

Nice 尼斯Bordeaux波尔多Provence 普罗旺斯

Cannes 戛纳Nantes 南特Burgundy 勃艮第


Le Louvre 卢浮宫Notre Dame de Paris 巴黎圣母院

Seine 塞纳河Eiffel Tower埃菲尔铁塔Fontainebleau枫丹白露Elysees爱丽舍宫Avenue de Champs-Elysees香榭丽舍大街Pantheon先贤祠Versailles 凡尔赛

L’Arc de Triomphe (The Arc of triumph) 凯旋门


首都:Rome 罗马


Milan 米兰Naples 那不勒斯Florence佛罗伦萨

Sienna 锡耶纳Venice 威尼斯Turin 都灵

Verona 维罗纳Sicily西西里岛

Germany 德国

首都:Berlin 柏林


Munich 慕尼黑Frankfurt 法兰克福Koln 科隆

Hamburg 汉堡Hannover 汉诺威Stuttgart 斯图加特Heidelberg 海德堡Bremen 不莱梅Dusseldorf 杜塞尔多夫

Spain 西班牙

首都:Madrid 马德里

主要城市:Barcelona 巴塞罗那Valencia 瓦伦西亚

Netherlands 荷兰


主要城市:Rotterdam 鹿特丹Hague 海牙

Switzerland 瑞士

首都:Bern 伯尔尼

主要城市:Geneva 日内瓦Zurich 苏黎世

Russia 俄罗斯

首都:Moscow 莫斯科

主要城市:St. Petersburg圣彼得堡



Andorra 安道尔

Albania 阿尔巴尼亚

Austria 奥地利(Vienna 维也纳)

Belgium 比利时(Brussels 布鲁塞尔)

Belarus 白俄罗斯(Minsk 明斯克)

Bosnia and Herzegovina 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那(波黑共和国)

Bulgaria 保加利亚

Croatia 克罗地亚

Cyprus 塞浦路斯

Czech 捷克(Prague 布拉格)

Denmark 丹麦(Copenhagen 哥本哈根)

Estonia 爱沙尼亚

Finland 芬兰(Helsinki 赫尔辛基)

Greece 希腊(Athens 雅典)

Hungary 匈牙利(Budapest 布达佩斯)

Iceland 冰岛(Reykjavik雷克雅未克)

Ireland 爱尔兰(Dublin 都柏林)

Latvia 拉脱维亚

Lithuania 立陶宛

Luxembourg 卢森堡

The Republic of Montenegro 黑山共和国(2006年独立)



Monaco 摩纳哥

Moldova 摩尔多瓦

Norway 挪威(Oslo 奥斯陆)

Poland 波兰(Warsaw华沙)

Portugal 葡萄牙(Lisbon 里斯本)

Romania 罗马尼亚(Buchrarest布加勒斯特)

Serbia 塞尔维亚(Belgrade 贝尔格莱德)

San Marino 圣马力诺

Slovak 斯洛伐克

Sweden 瑞典(Stockholm 斯德哥尔摩)

Turkey 土耳其(Ankara安卡拉)

Ukraine 乌克兰(Kiev基辅)

Kosovo 科索沃(2008年宣布从塞尔维亚独立,尚未获得国际社会认可)Vatican 梵蒂冈(世界上最小的主权国家,位于意大利罗马境内)

(以下这些国家虽然属于亚洲,但也常被列入欧洲)Azerbaijan 阿塞拜疆

Georgia 格鲁吉亚(注意此地名和美国的乔治亚州相同)Kazakhstan哈萨克斯坦

Asia 亚洲

India 印度

首都:New Delhi新德里

主要城市:Mumbai孟买Delhi 德里Kolkata 加尔各答Bangalore 班加罗尔

Japan 日本

首都:Tokyo 东京


Kyoto 京都Yokohama 横滨Osaka 大阪

Kobe 神户Nagoya 名古屋Hiroshima 广岛

Armenia 亚美尼亚

Afghanistan阿富汗(Kabul 喀布尔)

Bangladesh 孟加拉国(Dhaka达卡)

Bahrain 巴林

Bhutan 不丹(Thimphu 廷布)

Brunei 文莱

Burma 缅甸

China 中国(Beijing北京)

Cambodia 柬埔寨(Phnom Penh金边)

Indonesia 印度尼西亚(Jakarta 雅加达)

Laos 老挝(Vientiane 万象)

Lebanon 黎巴嫩(Beirut 贝鲁特)

Malaysia 马来西亚(Kuala Lumpur 吉隆坡)

Maldives 马尔代夫(Male 马累)

Mongolia 蒙古(Ulan Bator乌兰巴托)

Nepal 尼泊尔(Kathmandu 加德满都)

North Korea 朝鲜(Pyongyang平壤)

South Korea 韩国(Seoul 首尔)

Sri Lanka 斯里兰卡(Colombo 科伦坡)

Thailand 泰国(Bangkok 曼谷)

Pakistan 巴基斯坦(Islamabad 伊斯兰堡)

Philippines菲律宾(Manila 马尼拉)

Singapore 新加坡

Vietnam 越南(Hanoi 河内)

Timor-Leste 东帝汶

Jordan 约旦(Amman安曼)

Iraq 伊拉克(Baghdad 巴格达)

Iran 伊朗(Tehran 德黑兰)

Israel 以色列(Tel Aviv 特拉维夫)

Palestine 巴勒斯坦(尚未建国)Jerusalem (耶路撒冷)Saudi Arabia 沙特阿拉伯(Riyadh 利雅得)

Yemen 也门

Oman 阿曼

The United Arab Emirates 阿联酋(Abu Dhabi 阿布扎比)Kuwait 科威特

Qatar 卡塔尔(Doha 多哈)

Syria 叙利亚(Damascus 大马士革)

Turkmenistan 土库曼斯坦



Uzbekistan 乌兹别克斯坦

Oceania 大洋洲


首都:Canberra 堪培拉


Sydney 悉尼Melbourne 墨尔本Brisbane 布里斯班Adelaide 阿德莱德Perth 珀斯

New Zealand 新西兰

首都:Wellington 惠灵顿


Fiji 斐济Papua New Guinea 巴布亚新几内亚

Nauru 瑙鲁Palau 帕劳Tonga 汤加

Tuvalu 图瓦卢Solomon Islands 所罗门群岛

North America 北美洲

Canada 加拿大

首都:Ottawa 渥太华


Toronto 多伦多Montreal 蒙特利尔Vancouver 温哥华Calgary 卡尔加里Quebec 魁北克

The United States of America 美国

首都:Washington D.C. 华盛顿特区


New York 纽约Boston 波士顿Chicago 芝加哥

Detroit 底特律Philadelphia费城Cleveland 克利夫兰Cincinnati 辛辛那提Nashville 纳什维尔Baltimore 巴尔的摩Pittsburgh 匹兹堡Memphis 孟菲斯Buffalo 布法罗

Los Angeles 洛杉矶San Francisco 旧金山(圣弗朗西斯科)San Jose 圣何塞San Diego圣地亚哥(圣迭戈)

Atlanta 亚特兰大New Orleans 新奥尔良St. Louis 圣路易斯Orlando 奥兰多Miami 迈阿密Tempa坦帕

Huston 休斯顿Dallas 达拉斯Salt Lake City 盐湖城

Little Rock City 小石城Atlantic City 大西洋城

Las Vegas 拉斯维加斯Seattle 西雅图Portland 波特兰

Denver 丹佛Phoenix 菲尼克斯(凤凰城)


The Rocky Mountains落基山The Appalachian Mountains阿巴拉契亚山Grand Canyon 大峡谷Yellowstone National Park 黄石国家公园Niagara Falls 尼亚加拉大瀑布

Manhattan 曼哈顿Brooklyn 布鲁克林

White House 白宫The Capitol Hill 国会山

Lincoln Memorial 林肯纪念堂

Camp David 戴维营Arlington National Cemetery 阿灵顿国家公墓The Statue of Liberty 自由女神像Pentagon 五角大楼

Long Island 长岛Mt. Rushmore 拉什莫尔山

Silicon Valley 硅谷Hollywood 好莱坞Beverly Hills比弗利山Broadway 百老汇Wall Street 华尔街Central Park 中央公园Empire State Building 帝国大厦

Mexico 墨西哥Cuba 古巴

Haiti 海地Puerto Rico 波多黎各

Jamaica牙买加Costa Rica哥斯达黎加

Central America中美洲

Belize 伯利兹

Bahamas 巴哈马

Bermuda 百慕大

Dominica 多米尼加

Honduras 洪都拉斯

Nicaragua 尼加拉瓜

Guatemala 危地马拉


El Salvador 萨尔瓦多

South America南美洲

Argentina 阿根廷(Buenos Aires 布宜诺斯艾利斯)

Brazil 巴西(Brasilia 巴西利亚Rio 里约)

Bolivia 玻利维亚

Chile 智利(Santiago 圣地亚哥)

Columbia 哥伦比亚

Ecuador 厄瓜多尔

Suriname 苏里南

Guyana 圭亚那

Paraguay 巴拉圭


Peru 秘鲁(Lima 利马)

Venezuela 委内瑞拉


Algeria 阿尔及利亚

Angola 安哥拉

Benin 贝宁

Botswana 博茨瓦纳

Burundi 布隆迪

Cameroon 喀麦隆

Chad 乍得

Congo 刚果

Egypt 埃及(Cairo 开罗)

Ethiopia 埃塞俄比亚

Gabon 加蓬

Gambia 冈比亚

Guinea 几内亚

Ghana 加纳

Ivory Coast 科特迪瓦

Kenya 肯尼亚

Libya 利比亚

Lesotho 莱索托

Madagascar 马达加斯加

Malawi 马拉维

Mali 马里

Morocco 摩洛哥

Niger 尼日尔

Nigeria 尼日利亚

Rwanda 卢旺达

Senegal 塞内加尔

Sierra Leone 塞拉利昂

South Africa 南非(Johannesburg约翰内斯堡Cape Town开普敦)Somalia 索马里

Sudan 苏丹

Tanzania 坦桑尼亚

Togo 多哥

Tunisia 突尼斯

Uganda 乌干达

Zambia 赞比亚

Zimbabwe 津巴布韦


任何翻译都要的两个必不可少的步骤:一是正确理解;二是确切表达。“Each word when used in a new context is a new word.”




1.The School of Air

https://www.sodocs.net/doc/e63218167.html,st evening I went to a do held by our China Study Group.

3.the See of Sydney

4.They wanted us to have tea, but we said we’d just had it. Then Miss Standish

wanted us to have tea and cake.

5.Seven months they spend up there killing themselves in the cane season, ‘nd

then they come down here to live a little.

6.Miss Universe (or:Miss World)

7.She told me that her 18-year-old son was the baby.

8.Her mother is a sister in a Melbourne hospital.






3.悉尼教廷(see 教廷)



受。(live 尽情享受kill 精疲力尽或受苦受累)


7.她对我们说她那18岁的儿子是她子女中年纪最小的。(baby 表示兄弟姐


8.她母亲是墨尔本一家医院的护士长。(sister 在此表示护士长或是资历高



10.Home Economics










1.Cater is shooting at oil now, but who will be next?


2.Alone Roosevelt could have accomplished little.


3. Naturally I, a child of both worlds, am conscious of these.


4. It is possible that they never imagined that any considerable amount of public

opinion would be rallied in their favor.


5.Look here, old boy, no one is interested in your bloody appreciation.





1. ××书

1)申请书Letter of Application



4)成绩通知书Grade Report

5)旅行委托书Booking Form

6)成交确认书Sales Confirmation

7)白皮书White Book

8)家书 a Letter from Home (or: a letter to home)

2. ××启事



3)征稿启事Contributions Wanted


3. ××单

1)名单name list


3)订阅单subscription form

4)收款清单account note

5)文艺汇演节目单a program of entertainment


7)床单bed sheet

4. ××表

1)病例单case history form




5. ××信

1)推荐信letter of recommendation


3)口信an oral message


1. form

1)form of receipt 收条

2)ticket order form 订票单

3)a telegraph form 电报纸


1)an active list 现役官兵名册

2)an export list 出口商品目录

二、英汉互译中切忌望文生义,一定要有根据,要合乎习惯用法。特别是一些日常用语,如公共揭示用语(public signs )和一些公共场所名称的英汉互译中更要注意。

1.Admittance Free 免票入场

2.No Admittance Except on Business 非公莫入

3.Wet (or :Fresh ) Paint 油漆未干

4.Visitors Declined 谢绝参观

5.Out of Bounds 游客止步

6.Engaged (or: Taken) 有人占用

7.Road Up, Detour 马路翻修,车辆绕行

8.Blocks (or: No Thoroughfare)此路不通

9.See to the Fire 小心烟火

10.Cameras Forbidden 严禁拍照

11.Shooting Prohibited 禁止打猎

12.Keep Top Side Up 请勿倒置

13.Handle With Care 小心轻放

14.Round-the-Clock Business 昼夜营业

15.问讯台Information Desk

16.传达室Gate House

17.衣帽间Cloak(or:Check) Room

18.太平间Emergency Door (or:Exit)

19.意见箱Complaint Box

20.前面施工Workmen Ahead

21.勿踏草地Keep Off the Grass


Drive at Moderate Speed;

Yield the Right of Way for Safety’s Sake


1.Rissian dressing 蛋黄酱

2.Your Honour 法官大人(阁下)

3.courtesy card 优待卡

4.O level 学科水平合格证

5.a pop test 突然袭击的考试

6.Evening Standard《旗帜晚报》

7.Syncom 同步通讯卫星

8.extended family 直系家庭

9.Waltzing Matilda 背着铺盖流浪四方

10.“How We Kept Mother’s Day”was written by an English-born


北外英语专业超全面翻译笔记(近10万 字)

第一部分:数词的译法 一、数字增减的译法: 1.句式特征:by+名词+比较级+than The wire is by three inches longer than that one.这根导线比那根长3英寸。 2.句式特征:表示增减意义的动词+to+n.译为:增加到。。。。或减少到。。。。 Metal cutting machines have been decreased to 50.金属切割机已经减少到50台。 二、百分数增减的表示法与译法 1.句式特征:表示增减意义的动词+% The output value has increased 35%.产值增加了35% 2.句式特征:表示增减意义的动词+by+% Retail salses should rise by 8%商品零售额应增加3% The prime cost decreased by 60%.主要成本减少60% 3.句式特征:表示减少意义的动词+to+%表示减少后剩余的数量 By using this new-process the loss of metal was reduced to 20%.采用这种新工艺,铁的损失量减少到20% 4.句式特征:%+比较级+than表示净增减的数量 Retail sales are expected to be nine percent higher than last year.今年零售额与去年相比,有望增加9%。 5.句式特征:%+比较级+名词表示净减数 The new-type machine wasted 10 percent engergy supplied. 新型机械能耗量净减10% 6.句式特征:a + % + increase表示净增数 There is a 20% increase of steel as compared with last year.与去年相比,今年钢产量净增20% 7.句式特征:%+ (of) 名词(代词)表示净减数,数字n照译 The production cost is about 60 percent that of last year.今年产值仅为去年的60%8.句式特征:%+up on 或over表示净增数 The grain output of last year in this province was 20% percent up on that of 1978.去年粮食产量比1978年净增20%。 第二部分倍数增加的表示法及译法 汉语表示“增加了几倍”时,英语的倍数表示倍数需减一,译成“增加了n-1倍”以表示净增加数。如果译成“增加到n倍”或“为原来的n倍”,则照译不误。 1.句式特点:表示增加意义的动词+n times“表示成倍地增长,译成”增加到N倍“或”增加n-1倍“ 注:1倍 once; 2倍twice(或double);3倍thrice(或three times) 2.句式特点:表示增加意义的动词+by+ n times,该句式与上述相同 3.句式特点:表示增加意义的动词+to+ n times表示增加到N倍,译成”增加了n-1倍“


一天突破英文中定语从句的翻译(一) 4 英文中的介词可以翻成中文里的方位副词的动词 There is a book on the desk. 桌上有本书。 The teacher came into the classroom with a book and a dog.老师带着一本书和一只狗…… 6 一般8个单词以下定语从句前置,多于8个单词后置。定语从句翻译后置方法中,需要译出关系词。 63 非限制性定语从句需要后置译法,且翻译关系词。 7 循环套用1: 中心词+定语1+定语1的定语2+定语2的定语3+…… 翻译方法看长度: 定语1+2=3 前两者放在一起翻译 定语1=2+3 后两者放在一起翻译 14 循环套用2: 中心词+定语1+定语1的定语2 翻译时:2+1+含有中心词的句子 注: 10 which有时指前面整个句子; 14 有时定语从句远离先行词; where“在那里” 11 prior to(主张多用)=before 11 “其”是中文专门用来表示第三人称的词。 13 定语从句一般不可放在句首 13 被动语态:用“为”代替“被” 英汉差异: 13 英文中多用代词;中文多用名词,不怕重复 15 英文多用长句,不注重标定符号的使用;中文多用断句且多用标点 23 英文多用名词;中文多用动词(动词的过渡) 英译汉: 9 适时断句,避免长句 12 重要的句子在后面翻译,不重要的先翻译 15 适时增加表示逻辑关系的词,使句子更具逻辑性 第二天突破英文中定语从句的翻译(二) 18 并列套用:多个并列定语修饰一个中心词 后置译法,关系词只需译一次 18 本位词&外位词

本位词:这,这样,这些 外位词:被本位词所替代的部分 一般用定语从句的which/of来翻译本位词 ...women in novels were stereotype of lacking any features... 小说中的妇女都是这样一种模式,她们缺少…… This assumption rests on the fallacy of the ... 假设是基于这样一种谬论:…… 19 There are not a few of people. 有不少人。 There are very few people who would not like to do it. 没有多少人愿意做这件事情。 20 abnormally 不正常地;病态地;特别,尤其 21 短句翻译:剥洋葱 先次后主,有逗号 21 中文:事实+评论 英文:评论+事实 22 It is often said that...人们常说 it is believed that...人们相信 It is guessed that...人们猜测 It is thought that...人们认为 It is supposed that...人们推测 It is reported that...据报道 插入语 23 表示观点时,提到句首翻译 27 不表示观点时,保留在原来位置,用破折号连接 23 谓语动词的过渡 英译汉 keep one informed current events keep是过渡词,本身动词性很弱,它的存在是为了informed的存在,因此翻译时直接忽略keep翻译inform 汉译英 中文“副词+动词”——英文“副词变动词,动词变名词” 28 West Bejing人为划分的行政区域,西北京 Western Beijing自然地理意义上的范围,北京的西部 the West of Beijing不在北京范围内,北京的西边 29 一般英文的人名和地名都要求固定中文译法 White 怀特 Watt 瓦特 Walt 沃尔特


考博英语翻译笔记 倒装和分割结构 为了强调句子的某些部分,或是为了保持句子平衡,英语中常常使用倒装。大体说来,倒装可以分为主谓倒装和非主谓倒装。主谓倒装里又分为完全倒装和部分倒装。在翻译的时候,既可以按照主谓语的顺序翻译,也可以按照字面意思翻译。非主谓倒装只是将强调部分前置,以保持句子平衡或是起强调作用。翻译时可以采用顺序译法或是倒序译法。 1. For example, they do not compensate for social inequality, and thus do not tell how able an underprivileged youngster might have been had he grown up under more favorable circumstances. 分析:本句中had he grown up under more favorable circumstances 属于部分倒装。正常语序为:if he had grown up under more favorable circumstances 。在正式文体中,可以将虚拟条件句中的if 省略,并将助动词提前。 译文:例如,它们(指测试)并不弥补社会的不公,因此不能说明一个贫困青年,要是在比较有利的境况下长大,会有多大才干。 2. Nonstop waves of immigrants played a role, too and so did bigger crops of babies as yesterday's “baby boom ” generation reached its child-bearing years. 分析:该句中so did bigger crops of babies 属于语法倒装。用so 来代替前述肯定句谓语部分所说情况。 译文:不间断的移民浪潮也起了作用——而且随着昔日在“ 生育高峰期” 出生的 一代人达到生育年龄,婴儿的出生数量增加了,这同样起了作用。 3. Much as I have traveled, I have never seen anyone to equal her in thoroughness, whatever the job. 分析:该句的Much as I have traveled 是一个由as 引导的让步状语从句。相当于though I have traveled much ,但语气要比后者强。这种结构要求部分倒装。 译文:我虽然见多识广,但还从未见过比她细心的人,不管什么职业 4. Only when you have acquired a good knowledge of grammar can you write correctly. 分析:相信大家对这种结构都不陌生。Only 后加副词、介词、状语从句时要用部分倒装。但是要注意的是,如果only 修饰的不是状语,则不用倒装。 译文:只有很好地掌握了语法知识,写出来的东西才会正确。 5. Nowhere do 1980 census statistics dramatize more the American search for spacious living than in the Far West . 分析:当句首是否定副词或含有否定词的词语时,一般要部分倒装。 译文:1980 年哪里的人口普查统计资料也不如远西地区的更能生动地说明美国人对宽敞的生活环境的追求。 6. Hardly had he began to speak when the audience interrupted him. 分析:hardly…when的结构表示“冈U…就…”。含有这种结构的句子常将hardly 置于句首,而采用部分倒装的语序。此外,hardly分句中一般采用过去完成时,而when (或before )分句中使用过去时。还有,与hardly…when… 结构类似的用法还有barely (scarcely)…whe n … 译文:他刚开始讲,听众就打断了他的话。 7. To such length did she go in rehearsal that two actors walked out.

郭著章 李庆生《英汉互译实用教程》笔记和课后习题(含考研真题)详解(大写、标点符号与英汉互译)

第10章大写、标点符号与英汉互译 10.1 复习笔记 第1节大写与翻译 一、英文大写的最常用规则 1. 历史上的事件、时期和文件。如:美国的“南北战争”为“Civil War”。 2. 商品的牌子名称。如:飞鸽牌自行车Flying—Pigeon bicycle,可口可乐Coca Cola。 3. 星期名、月份、假日。如:星期一Monday,三月March,国庆日National Day。 4. 人名和地名,即数量最多的专有名词。如:邓小平Deng Xiaoping,莎士比亚Shakespeare,伦敦London。 5. 标题与书名等专名中的实词与两个音节及其以上的虚词。如:《为人民服务》“Serve the People”,《双城记》A Tale of Two Cities,《无事生非》Much Ado About Nothing。 6. 圣经中关于上帝的名词与代词。如:God,Lord,Christ,Jesus,He,Him,Himself 和His。 7. 职称、头衔和亲属关系称呼用在人名前头时。如:王力教授Professor Wang Li,史密斯博士Dr. Smith。 8. 机关、学校、建筑物和商业机构的名称。如:教育部Education Ministry,武汉大学Wuhan University,人民大会堂the Great Hall of the People。 9. 种族、国籍、语言和宗教方面的词语。如:黑人Black People或Negro,意大利

人Italian,中国籍(中国人或中国人的)Chinese,汉语Chinese天主教Catholic,新教徒Protestant。 10. 其他一切有特殊含义的词语,包括一句或一信的开头词、诗行的开头词、直接引语的开头词、强调词语等,和前9条中所说的词语一样,其首字母或全部字母必须大写。如: (1) 他爱国。 He loves his motherland. (2) 亲爱的先生: Dear Sir, (3) (诗句)听!那山谷深深,/充满了她歌唱的清音。 O listen! for the vale profound/Is overflowing with the sound. 第2节汉译英与标点 一、汉语标点符号 汉语书面语中共有l6种标点符号,它们是:l. 句号(。)2. 问号(?)3. 叹号(!)4. 逗号(,)5. 顿号(、)6. 分号(;)7. 冒号(:)8. 引号(“”)9. 括号(( ))10. 破折号(—)11. 省略号( (12) 着重号(. )13. 连接号(-)14. 间隔号(·)15. 书名号(《》)16. 专名号(____) 要正确地使用标点符号,记清它们的位置亦非常重要。《标点符号用法》对每种符号的位置也作了明确规定:“句号、问号、叹号、逗号、顿号、分号和冒号都是占一个字的位置,通常不出现在一行之首。引号、括号、书名号的前一半不出现在一行之末,后一半不出现在一行之首。破折号和省略号都占两个字的位置,中间不能断开。连接号和间隔号一般占一个字的位置。在书写和印刷时,这四种符号上下居中。着重号、专名号和浪线式书名号标在字


考研翻译重点词汇 Abstract n.摘要,概要,抽象 adj.抽象的,深奥的,理论的 Accelerate vt.&vi.(使)加快,(使)增速, n.接受速成教育的学生 Account (1)看法,认识 (2)解释,说明 Account for 占…(多大)比重; 解释, 说明 Achievement n.成就;成绩;功绩,达到;完成 Acquire vt.得到,养成,vt 获得;招致,学得(知识等),求得,养成(习惯等),捕获, Action n.作用,动[操]作,行动,机械装置[作用],(小说等中的)情节 Activity n.活动,活动的事物,活动性,机能,功能 Actually adv.现实的,实际的;目前的;明确的,有效的 Additional adj.增加的,额外的,另外的 Advance vt.&vi.(使)前进,(使)发展;促进, vt.提出 Advantage n.利益,便利,有利方面,有利条件;优点;优势, (网球等)打成平手(deuce )而延长比赛后一方先得的一分(攻方所得称 advantage in ,守方所得则称 advantage out ) Agree vi.一致;相合同意,赞成约定,允诺,答应,相宜,调和,符合,和睦相处 Almost adv.几乎,差不多,差一点;将近 Amount n.量,数量,数额,总额,总数 vi.合计,共计 An immense amount of … 大量 An amount of … 一些 A certain amount of … 某些 Analogous 与…类似, 与…相似 And 而, 然而 Apply … to … ≈ lie with 存在于,发生于 Approach vt.&vi.接近,走近,靠近; vt.接洽,交涉;着手处理; n.靠近,接近,临近 Appropriate adj.适当的,恰当的; vt.挪用;占用;盗用 Argue vt.&vi.争吵,辩论; vt.坚决主张,提出理由证明,说服,劝说 Arise vi.&link v.呈现;出现;发生; vi.起身,起来,起立 As 译为 (1) 像, 如 ; (2) 作为 As … as (比较的两者要一致) = not so … as 译成:“… 和 … 一样 ” As is mentioned above 如上所述, (如上所示,如图所示---作文可以写) Aspect n.方面,方位,朝向 Assert vt.声称,断言,维护,坚持 Assume vt.假设,认定, 臆断,猜想,假装,担,担任,就职 Attempt n.尝试,企图vt.尝试,企图 Augment vt.增加,提高,扩大; n.增加,提高,扩大 Availability n.可用性,有效性,实用性 Base n.基础,底座,基地,根据地 vt.把…建立在,以…为基础 Behavioral adj.动作的,行为方面的 Big bang 大爆炸理论 Branch n.树枝,枝条,支,分科,分系; vi.出枝,树叉 Breakthrough : 突破 Break prison (监狱)越狱 Break out v. 爆发 Out break: n. 爆发


English—Chinese Translation and Extensive Knowledge 第一讲(四课时)翻译的历史起源以及各大著名理论和概论 2012/09/18 第一节:翻译起源以及翻译大家(一) 1.1翻译事业在我国有着悠久的历史。 最早的佛经翻译是西汉哀帝元寿元年(公元前2年)贵霜帝国大月氏王遣使者伊存来中国口授佛经,博士弟子秦景宪协助使伊存得以记录的《浮图经》。 中国历史上出现过三次翻译高潮:东汉至唐宋的佛经翻译、明末清初的科技翻译和鸦片战争至“五四”的西学翻译。佛经翻译是中国翻译事业的起点。中国的翻译活动可以追溯到春秋战国时代。中国真正称得上语际翻译的活动应该说是始于西汉的哀帝时期的佛经翻译。这一时期的佛经翻译活动还只是民间私人事业到了符秦时代,佛经翻译活动就组织有序了。当时主要的组织者是释道安。因此他主张严格的词对词、句对句(word for word, line for line)的直译。道安在此期间请来了著名的翻译家天竺(即印度)人鸠摩罗什。他翻译了三百多卷佛经文献,如《金刚经》、《法华经》、《十二门论》、《中观论》、《维摩经》等。其译文神情并茂、妙趣盎然,堪称当时的上乘之译作,至今仍被视为我国文学翻译的奠基石。 Representative:唐玄奘(西元600-664年)主要生活在初唐时期,一生共翻译了佛教大小乘经论75部1335卷,共计一千多万;玄奘的译著从数量和品质上都达到了中国佛经翻译史上的高峰;堪称:翻译家中的第一人;其成就主要在于是“新译”的创始人。他提出的著名的“五不翻”原则及“既须求真,又须喻俗”的标准,对我国翻译事业有很大影响。 ↓↓ (所谓“求真”就是指翻译必须忠实于原文内容并保持原文风貌;所谓“须喻俗”,就是指译文语言必须通顺易懂并符合其语言规范。玄奘将“须求真”和“须喻俗”有机地结合,使两者相辅相成,) (所谓“不翻”,不是不翻译,而是指“音译”。玄奘列举了5种应该音译的情况,即“五不翻”。其“五不翻”具体为:(1)秘密之,故不翻。佛经中有许多咒语,有其秘密的意思和作用,应该音译,如“陀罗尼”。(2)含多义,故不翻。即一词多义的梵文,在汉语中找不到合适的词汇来表达,因此保留原文,只作音译。如“薄伽梵”,在梵文里便有六层意思。(3)此方所无,故不翻。“此方”即“中国”,指在中国文化中没有的事物应该音译。如“阎浮”树,由于产于印度等地,而我国没有这种树,故保留原意。(4)顺于古例,故不翻。指有些约定俗成的词语应该遵循习惯采取音译。例如“阿耨多罗三藐三菩提”,本来意“指无上正等正觉”,但由于自东汉以来,历代译经家用“音译”翻译,因此保留前人翻译模式,不再翻译成“无上正等正觉”。(5)为生善,故不翻。指具有特殊意义或功能的词语也应当音译。如“般若”虽可意译为智慧,但却是佛教文化中蕴含着特殊意义的一种智慧,一旦把意思直接译出来,则会韵味尽失。“五不翻”原则对我国翻译事业影响极其巨大,直到现在,仍然具有深远的影响。) 1.2文学翻译阶段及其代表人物 文学翻译阶段大致在19世纪60年代到20世纪80年代


?汉译英长句翻译的基本方法 ?合并法 ?正译法反译法 ?倒置法 ?插入法 例句: 1.我们恢复和采取这些贸易方式的原因很简单:我们出口商品就是为了满足国外客户 消费方面的需要。 The reason why we have restored and adopted these trade practices is very simple. Our export commodities are to meet the need of the consumption of our foreign customers. 1.农民缺乏培训,许多农场生产效率低,是的绝大多数人=农村人口在国内处于不利的 地位。 Inadequate training for farmers and the low productivity of many farms place the vast majority of country dwellers in a disadvantageous position in their own country. 1.也许有些人很可恶,有些人很卑鄙。而当我设身为他想象的时候,我才知道:他比 我还可怜。所以请原谅所有你见过的人,好人或者坏人。 Some may be wicked some may be despicable. Only when I put myself in his position did I know he is more miserable than me. So forgive all that you have met no matter what kind of persons they are. 1.我们用自己动手的方法,达到了丰衣足食的目的。 By using our own hands we have attained the obxxxxjective of ample food and clothing.


福师2014春《英汉互译》课程练习题解析 一、句子翻译: (一)、英译汉 1. Vehicles steering in the conventional manner lacked the rapid response, short turning radius, and ease of handling. 解析:本题考点是车辆相关知识的翻译。 传统的车辆转向构件反应迟钝、转弯半径大,操作不便 2. Each patient is an individual with different needs, depending on his or her special illness or condition. 解析:本题考点是车辆相关知识的翻译。 根据他或她各自的不同疾病或情况,每个病人都是有不同需要的个体。 3. A sketch serves to express one’s idea graphically. 解析:本题考点是车辆相关知识的翻译。 草图的作用就是把人们的想法用图表示出来。.. 4.Distance learning is a formal educational process that breaks the traditional mode of classroom teaching. 解析:本题考点是下定义句子的翻译。 远程学习是一种突破了传统的教室教学模式的正规的教育方法..

5.If you confer a benefit, never remember it, if you receive one, remember it always. 解析:本题考点是if条件句的翻译。 施恩勿记,受恩勿忘。 6.Mr.Lin was and still is my teacher. 解析:本题考点是系动词+表语结构的翻译。 林先生过去是现在仍然是我的教师。 7.I had never thought I’d be happy to find myself considered unimportant. But this time I was. 解析:本题考点是宾语从句的翻译。 我从来没有认为自己被认为是无关紧要的是件很高兴的事情。但这一次我是。 8. It has been a long time since man began to make use of information. 解析:本题考点是现在完成时的翻译。 人开始利用信息已经很久了 9. There are two key differences between traditional education and distance learning. Distance learning adds flexibility and availability, regardless of time, place, or pace of learning. 解析:本题考点是there be句型的翻译。

郭著章《英汉互译实用教程》(第4版)教材配套题库-第5章 翻译常用的八种技巧【圣才出品】

第5章翻译常用的八种技巧 5.1 重译法 一、英译汉 1. It may seem strange to put into the same packet an industrial revolution and two political revolutions. But the fact is that they were all social revolutions. 【译文】把一场工业革命同两次政治革命归作一类似乎有点奇怪,但事实上这三次革命都是社会革命。 2. Two things are outstanding in the creation of the English system of canals, and they characterise all the Industrial Revolution. 【译文】在修建英国的运河网的过程中,有两点是非常突出的,而这两点也正是整个工业革命的特点。 3. The canals were arteries of communication: they were not made to carry pleasure boats, but barges. 【译文】运河是交通的动脉,开运河不是为了走游艇,而是为了通行驳船。 4. James Brindley was a pioneer in the art of building canals or, as it was then called, ‘navigation’. 【译文】布林德雷是开凿运河的先驱者,当时人们把开凿运河叫做navigation。

5. Several factors accounted for this extraordinary achievement. One was the expansion into the west. Another was the application of machinery to farming. 【译文】取得这一特殊成就有几方面的原因:第一个原因是向西部的扩展,第二个原因是机器在农业上的应用。 6. …for the establishment of agricultural and industrial colleges. These were to serve both as educational institutions and as centers for research in scientific farming. 【译文】……以便建立农业和工业学院。这些学校一方面是教育机关,另一方面,也是农业科学的研究中心。 7. …This is nothing li ke back home in Colorado. We have rains there, too. Thunderstorms in spring and summer... 【译文】……这跟家乡科罗拉多的情况迥然不同。科罗拉多也下雨。春夏两季雷雨交加……【解析】原文第二句用there代替in Colorado,而译文重复“科罗拉多”。 8. The world watches. The world listens. The world waits to see what we will do. 【译文】全世界在注视着。全世界在倾听着。全世界在等待着看我们将做些什么。 9. As you said in your toast, the Chinese people are a great people, the American people are a great people.


第十讲练习 将下列各句译成中文。 1.We have received your letter of June 9, enquiring about the best terms of the goods. 2.Your early reply to our specific inquiry will be highly. appreciated. 3.Pursuant to your request, we are airmailing you two copies of our latest price-list covering various minerals. 4.We could not deliver the total quantity by one shipment. Since this was unforeseen, we hereby request you to amend the L/C by deleting the special clause “partial shipment not allowed.” 5.All expenses and risks thereinafter shall be born by your side. 6.Upon first presentation the buyer shall pay against documentary draft drawn by the seller at sight. The shipping documents are to be delivered against payment only. 7.In the event the Buyer does not furnish the seller with shipping instructions on or be-fore August 17,2007,the Seller may at his option cancel this contract and demand the Buyer to pay any damages he has sustained on account of such failure of the Buyer to give such instructions. 8.Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Contract, or the breach ,termination or invalidity thereof, shall be settled through amicable negotiation, the case shall then be submitted for


英语和汉语的差异 Synthetic vs.Analytic 综合与分析 English is a synthetic language marked with inflections(曲折变化形式),while Chinese is an analytic language without any inflection,which is usually implied in the context or explicitly shown in such words as“着、了、过”etc. Thus encouraged, they made a still bolder plan for the next year. 由于受到这样的鼓励,他们为第二年制订了一个更大胆的计划。 Compact vs.Diffusive 紧凑与松散 English sentences are compact tightly combined with connectives or prepositions,while Chinese is diffused,that is,loose in structure. Now the integrated circuit has reduced by many times the size of the computer of which it forms a part,thus creating a new generation of portable minicomputer.现在集成电路成了计算机的组成部分,使计算机的体积大大缩小,从而产生了新一代的便携式微型计算机。 A notion has taken hold in the US to the effect that the only people who should be encouraged to bring children into the world are those who can afford them.在美国有一个根深蒂固的观点,说是只有对那些抚养得起子女的人,才应鼓励其生育。 Hypotactic vs.Paratactic 形合与意合 In English.clauses or phrases are coordinated with or subordinated to one another syntactically while in Chinese theY are placed one after another without coordinating connectives.The many colors of a rainbow range from red on the outside to violet on the inside.彩虹有多种颜色,外圈红,内圈紫。 He had a disconcerting habit of expressing contradictory ideas in rapid succession.他有一种令人难堪的习惯:一会儿一个看法,自相矛盾,变化无常。 Complex vs. Simplex 繁复与简单 English sentences are long and complex,while Chinese sentences are short and simple.For example: Many man-made substances are replacing certain natural materials because either the quality of the natural product cannot meet our ever-increasing requirement,or,more often,because the physical properties of the synthetic substance.which is the common name for man.made materials,have been chosen.and even emphasized,so that it would be Of the greatest use in the fields in which it is to be applied.人造材料通称为合成材料。许多人造材料正在代替某些天然材料,这或者是由于天然物产的数量不能满足日益增长的需要,或者是由于人们选择了合成材料的一些物理性质并加以突出而造成的。因此,合成材料在其应用领域将具有极大的用途。 Impersonal vs.Personal 物称与人称 There are more impersonal structures in English than in Chinese,as shown in the following examples: ·What has happened to you? 你出了什么事儿啦? ·An idea suddenly struck me.我突然想到一个主意。 ·A strange peace canle over her when she was alone 她独处时感到一种特别的安宁。 ·Not a sound reached our ears.我们没有听到任何声音。 ·A great elation overcame them.他们欣喜若狂。 ·The truth finally dawned on her.她最终明白了真相。 Passive vs.Active 被动与主动


汉英翻译技巧汇总 Title: 汉英翻译技巧:合并(Combination) Key words: combination, simple sentence, compound sentence, C-E translation Abstract: It discusses the technique of combination of simple and compound sentences. Compiler: 丁树德等 C-E (A) in terms of simple sentences (1)天气寒冷,河水都结冰了。It was so cold that the river froze. (丁树德,"英汉汉英翻译教学综合指导",大学出版社,1996) (2)理论必须密切联系实际,这是我们应当牢记的一条原则。That theory must go hand in hand with practice is a principle we should always keep in mind. (丁树德,"英汉汉英翻译教学综合指导",大学出版社,1996) (3)他在战斗中表现突出,受到连长的表扬。He was commended by the company commander for his distinguished performance in the battle. (丁树德,"英汉汉英翻译教学综合指导",大学出版社,1996) (4)年满十八岁的公民,都有选举权和被选举权。All citizens who have reached the age of eighteen have the right to vote and to stand for election. (丁树德,"英汉汉英翻译教学综合指导",大学出版社,1996) (5)当时,友谊商店只对外宾开放,不对中宾开放。At the time the friendship store was exclusively open to foreign visitors.(王大伟,"现代汉英翻译技巧",世界图书出版公司,1999)(本科四年级以上) (B) in terms of compound sentences (6)她对自己所取得的成就充满了自豪,这也不是没有道理的。She is justifiably proud of her achievements. ("现代汉英翻译技巧" 王大伟世界图书出版公司1999) (7)这家小工厂经过技术改造,发展很快,使人感到惊讶不已。This small factory underwent a technological renovation, thus developing with


1.《傲慢与偏见》 现在,我看出来他不是在望着墙;因为当我细看他时,真像是他在凝视着两码之内的一个什么东西。不论那是什么吧,显然它给予了极端强烈的欢乐与痛苦;至少他脸上那悲痛的,而又狂喜的表情使人有这样的想法。那幻想的东西也不是固定的;他的眼睛不倦地追寻着,甚至在跟我说话的时候,也从来不舍得移去。我提醒他说他很久没吃东西了,可也没用,即使他听了我的劝告而动弹一下去摸摸什么,即使他伸手去拿一块面包,他的手指在还没有摸到的时候就握紧了,而且就摆在桌上,忘记了它的目的。 我坐着,像一个有耐心的典范,想把他那全神贯注的注意力从它那一心一意的冥想中牵引出来;到后来他变烦躁了,站起来,问我为什么不肯让他一个人吃饭?又说下一次我用不着侍候:我可以把东西放下就走。说了这些话,他就离开屋子,慢慢地顺着花园小径走去,出了大门不见了。

2. 《京华烟云》 这套狄更斯的作品是我收到的最好的礼物之一。有些书现在还很新,但是一些书像《荒凉山庄》《大卫-科波菲尔》,尤其是《远大前程》,由于多次的反复阅读书已几乎变成散页了。多年来书中的人物一直萦绕在我身边,L. R. 杰内森也以沉默而神秘的方式陪伴着我。 是否他也像我一样喜爱这些书籍?他是谁呢?有一次心血来潮,我上谷歌搜索关于他的信息。没有搜到多少结果,只在一个老兵网站上搜到了一个叫莱昂纳多-杰内森的二战时期的一个上尉。但是我找到了莱昂纳多-杰内森博士,他是一位新泽西周的口腔医生。由于杰内森不是一个常用的名字,于是我决定写信给他。 That Dickens set is one of the best presents anyone has ever given me. A couple of the books are still pristine, but others -Bleak House, David Copperfield, and especially and Great Expectations - have been read and re-read almost to pieces. Over the years, Pip and Estella and Magwitch have kept me company. So have Lady Dedlock, Steerforth and Peggotty, the Cratchits and the Pecksniffs and the Veneerings. And so, in his silent enigmatic way, has L.R. Generson. Did he love the books as much as I do? Who was he? On a whim, I Googled him. There wasn’t much - a single mention on a veterans’website of a World War II captain named Leonard Generson. But I did find a Dr. Richard Generson, an oral surgeon living in New Jersey. Since Generson is not a common name, I decided to write to him.
